HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242605_FRO Submitted_20240826 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND OWNERSHIP FORM HAYWOOD COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES,CHAPTER 154 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL;and, CHAPTER 158,SLOPE ORDINANCE Q N.C. 1<sM f ti . No person may initiate a land-disturbing activity on one-half or more acres as covered by Chapter 154 before this form and an acceptable erosion and sedimentation control plan have been completed and approved by the Haywood County Erosion Control Program. (Please type or print,and if question is not applicable, place N/A in the blank.). This form also addresses artificial (i.e. cut or fill)slope construction and repair as covered by Chapter 158. No Certificate of Occupancy will be issued and no final subdivision plat approved until the Erosion Control Office has received a completed affidavit from the person financially responsible that the project site is in compliance with the Haywood County Slope Ordinance. SECTION A. 1. Project Name: Valleyview 2. Property Identification Number or Deed Book/Page: 8608-79-5334 3.Address of land-disturbing activity: Jonathan Creek Road 4.Starting date for land-disturbing activity: April 1,2024 5. Purpose of this activity: ❑Residential requiring a Certificate of Occupancy, ❑Minor Subdivision,Alajor Subdivision, OCommercial or Industrial requiring a Certificate of Occupancy, ❑Other: 6.Total acreage disturbed or uncovered (including off-site borrow or waste areas): 35.22 7.Fee enclosed: $ 12,600 ,Bond amount: $ ,Type of Security: 8.Has an erosion and sedimentation control plan been filed? No 9.I will notify Haywood County Erosion Control within days of when grading equipment is moved off the site. 10.Person to contact should sediment control or slope construction issues arise during land-disturbing activity: Name: Telephone Numbers: 11.Landowner of Record(List all owners): Name(s): J Creek Development,LLC Mailing Address: 1335 Cane Creek Road,Fletcher,NC 28732 Telephone Numbers: 847-323-7638 Fax Number: _ , E-mail: 12. Person or firm financially responsible for this land-disturbing activity and compliance with the Slope Ordinance: Name: J Creek Development,LLC Mailing Address: 1335 Cane Creek Road,Fletcher,NC 28732 Telephone Numbers:_ 847-323-7638 Fax Number: , E-mail: 13. My land-disturbing operator/contractor information is: Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Numbers: Rev.8-24-12 Financial Responsibility and Ownership Form (Land-Disturbing Activities) Page2of3 Initials of Financially Responsible Person 14.My Building Contractor information is: Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Numbers: 15. If the Financially Responsible Person is not a resident of North Carolina,give name and street address of a North Carolina Agent: Name: N/A Mailing Address: Street Address: Telephone Numbers: Fax Number: , E-mail: 16. If the Financially Responsible Person is a partnership or other person engaging in business under an assumed name, attach a copy of the certificate of assumed name. If the Financially Responsible Person is a corporation,give name and street address of the Registered Agent. Name: David Luck Mailing Address: 1335 Cane Creek Road,Fletcher,NC 28732 Street Address: Telephone Numbers: 847-323-7638 Fax Number: , E-mail: SECTION B. ARTIFICIAL SLOPE REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL PROJECTS: 1-IMCes, ❑No-) I understand that my project must comply with Chapter 158:Slope Ordinance of the Haywood County Code of Ordinances before a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. 2- Aes, ❑No 41 understand that all fill slopes must be compacted in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedure for compaction. (You may request a copy of the Standard Operating Procedures or view them on the Erosion Control's webpage) 3-❑Yes, "(No+Does this project have any cut slopes steeper than 1:1 (horizontal:vertical)or fill slopes steeper than 1.5:1 (h:v) and greater than fifteen feet(15')in vertical height? (Slope Plan is required, contact Erosion Control Office) 4-I'es,DNo+Do all proposed artificial slopes meet the setback requirements in accordance with the Standard Operating Procedures? **(The toe of a constructed fill slope and the top of a constructed cut slope cannot be within five feet �/ (5')of a property line. 5-DYes, IrNo+Will any artificial slope be taller than 40 feet(vertical)and steeper than 1:1 (cut)or 1.5:1 (fill)? (Variance is required,contact the Erosion Control Office) 6-'es, ❑No+I will provide stabilized ditches or other methods to prevent uncontrolled stormwater runoff from going over artificially constructed or repaired slopes. 7-DYes, I to-*Will an offsite borrow source be used for fill slope construction or repair? If yes, provide the location(s)of the source(PIN, DB/PG,or address) Rev.8-24-12 Financial Responsibility and Ownership F. I (Land-Disturbing Activities) I �r Page 3 of 3 Initials of Financially Responsible Person L. SECTION C. ARTIFICIAL SLOPE REQUIREMENTS FOR MINOR AND MAJOR SUBDIVISIONS ONLY: 1-IeYes, ❑No 4 My development activity is a MINOR SUBDIVISION or a MAJOR SUBDIVISION. I understand that subdivision plats will not be approved or recorded until all subdivision roads are completed and field verified for compliance J/ with the Slope Ordinance. 2-Aes,❑No 4. I understand that I must provide the Erosion Control Office with Standard Proctor test data in accordance with §158.10(A)of the Slope Ordinance on all proposed fill soils forming artificial slopes. 3- DYes, ❑No 4I understand I must provide the Erosion Control Office with copies of the final engineering certifications that are provided to the State regarding the construction and testing of public WATER and SEWER lines anytime said utility lines are located in a fill slope. I further understand that the person financially responsible for the slope work shall provide copies of the final engineering certifications within 30 calendar days of completion of the work. THE FOLLOWING NOTARIZED STATEMENT MUST BE COMPLETED FOR ANY AND ALL SECTIONS OF THIS DOCUMENT. (This form must be signed by the Financially Responsible Person, if an individual, or by his or her attorney-in-fact. If the Financially Responsible Person is not an individual, this form must be signed by an officer, director, partner or registered agent with the authority to execute instruments for the Financially Responsible Person.) I agree to conduct all land-disturbing activity on the subject property in accordance with the information provided herein and the Haywood County Code of Ordinances. I understand and acknowledge that Haywood County assumes no liability for the design or adequacy of this plan or the work resultant from the approval of this plan, and I now and hereafter hold harmless and indemnify Haywood County for all grading activities for which I am responsible. I have received, if requested,a copy of the applicable Haywood County ordinances. I agree to provide corrected information should there be any change in the information provided herein. All information I have provided in this form of Financial Responsibility and Ownership is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that failure t comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance or the Slope Ordinance may r in as civ' enalties. Person Financially Responsible: (Signature) A- 'lame Land Owner: (Signature) (Print N me) I, 4s c,~c.�r tom`\ .n q� ,a Notary Public of the County of In the State of N C v , do hereby certify that '!101 LUC personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and Official SWittliS 26 day of Q4-►-OS1/4.) , 20 24 Nota Notary Public Cr�t 2 Buncombe = My commission expires: County Rev.8-24-12 %°9 \\ • �iillrnnnnk"s