HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242599_Site Plan or Location Map_20240826 Municipality Approval Stamp:
SITE 1l ,r C1�S0l LLA,k ,
me 1.�1/� File Number:PE24-90000001
,..,...L.....„,„ Full House S to ra e Approve Hate 06,27/24
‘04 Ida, Ira
tsa Construction Documents
� 4 N
570 Richlands Highway, Jacksonville, North Carolina 28540 Plane Prepared By.
Not to Scale
Site Data Table: 601 S.Cedar Street,Suite 101
Charlotte,NC 28202
Sheet List Table 980-224-8518
Project Address: 570 Richlands Highway,Jacksonville,North Carolina 28540 Sheet Number Sheet Title OriginalDate Current Issue Date acroAacro-ds.com
PID: 071169
Tax Map Number 332-41.1 C1.0 Cover Sheet 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 Professional Seal:
PIN: 436606489674
Total Site Acreage: 2.37 Ac. C1.1 General Notes and Legends 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 `p.,;NtC A R p
Number of Lots Existing: 1Lol C2.0 Existing Conditions and Demolition 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 �,O OF E 55/p;�;-'I'q
Number of Lots Proposed: 1 Lot(No New Lots Created) C3.0 Site Plan 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 ;'Q� le'•• -
Minimum Lot Size: 2,37 As(No New Lots Created) \ / C3.1 Are Apparatus Plan 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 SEAL -
Average Lot Size: 2.37 Acres(No New Lots Created) // \ C4.0 Grading and Utility Plan 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 U5337
C4.1 Post Developed Area Map 5/23/2024 5/23/2024
Map Book and Page: 64-036 // '/�//� F'•••••'NAPS �``
C5.0 Site Details 5/23/2024 5/23/2024
Deed Bookend Page: 5521.97 AcreN / \ C5.1 Site Details 5/23/2024 5/23/2026 /Jz////�i11111Pt11v\\
Disturbed Area: 1.9]Acres / - by
Site Zoning: CC-Commercial(City of Jacksonville) C5.2 Site Details 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 J,Ppu'a.ee
Existing Land Use: Commercial \ / \\ C5.3 Site Details 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 NC Firm Na.P-2329
Proposed Land Use: Commercial C6.0 Landscape Plan 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 Plans Prepared For
Number of Units: 1 Commercial Building(549 Storage Units) -
Ownership Status: Building(Single Owner),Storage Units(Rented) C6.1 Landscape Details 5/23/2024 5/23/2024 Full House Storage,LLC
Density: .42 Buildings per Acre 2619 Western Blvd.
Existing BLDG SF: 0 SF / \
Proposed BLDG SF: 78,681 SF Total I \ Raleigh,NC 27606
1 st Floor=28,1785E I General Notes and Legends: Sherrie Chaffin
2nd Floor=26,178 SF
3rd Floor=28,325 SF \\ 1. See Sheet C1.1 for all general notes and legends related to this plan set.
Setbacks: Front=35'
Side=4' / I FEMA Note: ACRO Project Number.2023-135
Rear=4' According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency's flood Insurance rate map no.
Buffers: None Required PID 02]8fi7 3720436600J dated November 3,2005 identifies that a portion of the site lies within zone X
Active Open Space Acreage: None Required "+..,. Zoning:CC (areas determined to be outside of the annual 0.2%chance floodplaln). Revisions:
Use:Utility Distribution
Open Space Acreage' None Required
/ Soils Note: No. Date Description
Fire District Jacksonville
ISO Rating' Class 21SO Rating - - A map provided by the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Services,November 27,2023
Military Training: None Known =� _-- identifies the soils on site as:
Hydrological Features: None 6 -
Wetlands: None � Baymeade floe sand;Bab,0 to 6 percent slopes
x Baymeade Urban lend complex;BmB,0 to 6 percent slopes
Stormwater Plan: Treat the 1.5"Rainfall Event per NCDEO MDC I TITKEN
errSpecial Flood Hazard: ZoneX1 Ir _:,_ 'I FIRM Map/Panel Number: 3720436600J/4366 I "' Can BeacM1am Estate I I IPanel Effective Date: 17/03/2005 PID 001441
Flood Zona: ZoneX 6, � B:a/cr:CC '_"•- ""• ^----fsoils HSG' q Use:Commercieh-- 1Prop.Building illNumber of Stories: 3 •, �m��/>T/m'mmI _liLEN HET EN B MCNAMARA? it
Sprinkled Building: Building will be Sprinkled 'r�,' I IRequired Parking Spaces: 0i;:;..„
� Zonng:CC it IlI PID 071169 t Stencil Builders,INC.
Ex.Parking Spaces: 0 \ 1 L"J J� zdz/i'flTT :
• \\\' 3 D.8.2545,P9.524-528
dgTl T D.B.5526,Pg.555Jh1a111
1II II- L -------- I I
rt I
Total Vehicular Accommodation Area:10,119 SF " _ -
rvious Area
1,607 SF
1.42 Acres)
Imopervious Surface atio: 1.43 Acres(/2 37 Aces=59.92% Richlands Highway-US H Wl'pgg-NC HWy pq-100'NCDOT Maintained R� Roe- I
Landscape Data: See Sheet C6.0 for Landscape Data - - RAN --PAN I Municipality Reference Number
_Construction Type: Type IIB -
-T/w-'No of Storage Units: 549 -
Building Height 43'(To Top of Parapet) .i - ---t-
OffsiteImprovements' None `\ Project Location:
Hours of Operation: Monday-Friday=9:30 AM-5:30 PM
Saturday=9:00 AM-2:00 PM 570 Richlands Highway,
Refuse Collection Internal Roll off Bins(No External Enclosure) JACKSONVILLE LLC - Jacksonville,North Carolina 28540
Army Corp Permit Required: No PID 032173 \ //
Zoning:CC _
Use:Commercial - - 1,
Pre-Construction Notes: - I
1. All construction shall be completed in accordance with the City of Jacksonville's Manual of Specification Standards and / - Project Name:
Design(MSSD),A copy is available online atwviw.jadtsonvillenogov, / rae1 /
2. Prior to commencing construction the contractor shall schedule a preconstruction conference with the City of Jacksonville at rN‘9 Full House Storage
City Hall. / `l�tx9kO -
3. This development qualifies as a Tier 1 Project in accordance with the Sewer Allocation policy.A sewer allocation request /
Iform must be submitted to Michael Moore in the Public Services Engineering Department,A copy of the Sewer Allocation \ /
m Policy and the Sewer Allocation Request Form are available on the City of Jacksonville website at www.ci.jacksomille.nc.us / Project Phase'.
and are located in the Engineering and Construction Section under Govemment and City Services. /
U• 4. It shall be unlawful for any person to make any excavation or do any other work which may cause a dangerous condition in / \ Construction Documents
u or on any street,alley,sidewalk,public way or public place in the City unless a written permit therefor shall have been first
g- obtained from an office of the city vested with authority to grant the same.No permit shall be issued in any case where a / / t
.2 bond is required until a bond shall have been executed. / ///((( \ -- -_
5. For Erosion Control requirements,refer to the approved permit/plan(separate from this site plan). / / \ ' Date:
8 6. Slopes 3:1 can be seeded,slopes 2:1 shall be sodded,slopes 7:1 require an engineered dash, / \
3 7. The existing ditch banks are not to be disturbed and if existing ditch banks are disturbed,they shall be required to be I 5/23/2024
Sregraded to have 3:1 or flatter side slopes and the centerline graded to produce positive drainage. / --
8 8. The owner of the project be eligible for vial reduction in the month) tormwater fee that will be associated with / /proje y gi pa yes / \ \-/
this development.To qualify fora fee credit the owner will need to provide a completed credit application,copy of the city
or state issued stormwater permit,and a copy of the site plan.This should not be done prior to the project being completed. /
9. Areas noted for trails and greenways and/or required sidewalks shall be unobstructed from 6 inches below grade to 10 feet -/
// \ \ / Sheet Title:
om above grade(overhead clearance).Telephone pedestals,electric transformers,drop inlets,fences,or any other obstmction
j j shall be removed and or relocated in to create and or maintain this clearance.Sidewalks shall be free of cracks and Cover Sheet
Idamage prior to the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy.
10. All proposed curb and gutter within the right of way shall meet the MSSD's and match existing curb grade. Index Map
v 11. Signage Notes N
5 11.1. Slop Signs-R1-1 High Intensity prismatic,30"(36 inches shall be used when the sign face multi-lane approaches. I
S Where side roads intersect a multi-lane street or highway that has a speed limit of 45 mph or higher,the minimum size
S Z of the STOP signs facing the side road approaches,even if the side road only has one approach lane shall be 36 x 36
=U Inches).Mounting height is 7'to the bottom of the sign U-Channel posts should be used for mounting. Scale:1"=100'
11.2. All crosswalks shall meet the MUTCD,NCDOT Standard Highway Drawings,(Sheet 1205.07 for high visibility or
ry 3 standard crosswalk,
the 30"W11-2 and 245,12"W16-7P(these signs and placerds must be high intensity 0' 50' 100' 200' �l
7 m fluorescent yellow-green), - Sheet Number'.
1`�n 11.3. Stop/yeild bars shall be a minimum of 4'behind the crosswalk.When used on a multi-lane highways or mid-block
crosswalks the stop bar should be e minimum of 40 feet prior to the crosswalk. 0 .5 1" 2 .0
ny 11,4. Place the word STOP in advance of the atop bars al the end of aisles, (V•
W& Scale'.As Noted