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NC State Ports Authority #47-87 Refinement NH
ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary TANCRED MILLER Director NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Quality August 15, 2024 North Carolina State Ports Authority c/o Todd Walton - Sent via email to todd.walton@ncports.com Permit Refinement State Permit No. 47.87 2202 Burnett Blvd., Wilmington, NC 28401 Dear Mr. Walton: This correspondence is with reference to the request you submitted to refine State Permit No. 47-87 which was received by DCM on August 5, 2024. State Permit # 47-87 was originally issued on February 17,1987 for the hydraulic dredging of the NCSPA shipping berths and was modified through a variance granted by the Coastal Resource Commission (CRC) on September 6, 2000 for the use of a barge mounted agitation dredge to sweep accumulating fines from the berth area to avoid the creation of shoaled areas. The NCSPA received a Major Modification to State Permit # 47-87 through a CRC -Final Order granted on January 7, 2016, and issued on January 13, 2016, to allow for the relocation of an existing bulk pier, the expansion of the turning basin dredge footprint from 1,200' to 1,400' in diameter, and dredging depth limit of -44' mean lower low water (MLLW) to accommodate Past-Panamax ships. A Major Modification to State Permit # 47-87 was issued on May 26, 2016 for a one-time emergency maintenance dredging of the western portion of the turning basin. State Permit # 47-87 was modified on June 21, 2018 authorizing the change in methodology to allow for water injection dredging to maintain water depths at the berths. State Permit # 47-87 was modified through a Major Modification issued by CRC Variance on May 6, 2019 to construct a toe wall on the eastern side of the basin and expand the turning basin dredging footprint from 1,400' to 1,524' in diameter, and dredging depth of -45 MLLW. A Minor Modification of State Permit # 47-87 was authorized on June 19, 2019 for expansion of existing finger piers and boatlift installation. Additionally, dredging during the In -Water Work Moratorium was authorized by a Minor Modification of State Permit # 47-87 on January 24, 2020. This permit has been continually renewed and modified. State Permit # 47-87 is due to expire on December 31, 2027. The action proposed in your request consists of upgrades made to crane berths 3 and 4 within the existing berths footprint to support new cranes for the State Port. The upgrades consist of removing the existing pre- cast concrete, wharf deck at crane berths 3 and 4, installing 260 new piling along the berths to support new cranes, and reinstalling the pre -cast concrete wharf deck in the existing footprint. No dredging or filling of estuarine waters or public trust area would take place. All removed structures shall be appropriately removed from public trust area taken offsite and recycled. If turbidity increases during any phase of proposed construction, DCM requests a turbidity curtain be used. Upon review of the information provided, the Division of Coastal Management has determined that the proposed action continues to be consistent with existing State rules and regulations and is in keeping with the original purpose and intent of the permit. I hereby submit this Letter of Refinement authorizing the modification of State Permit No. #47-87, as described in your request and proposed drawings dated received by DCM August 5, 2024. Also attached is correspondence with the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding o.PXm.a or r:wa.e..bi North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Dlvlsion of Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 the modification. By copy of this letter we are notifying the US Army Corps of Engineers and the Division of Water Resources of our action. Please note this refinement does not alleviate the need to obtain any other local, state or federal permits. Sincerely, Tara MacPherson District Manager Enclosures Cc: Cameron Luck, NC DCM Greg Currey, USACE Michael Meilinger, NC DWR North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Roan, C+waiNn. � 910.796,7215 NORTH CAROLINA PORTS August S, 2024 Bryan Hall NC Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext Wilmington, NC 28405 Subject: North Carolina State Ports Authority Berths 3 & 4 Structural Improvement Port of Wilmington New Hanover County Dear Mr. Hall, The North Carolina State Port Authority (NCSPA) operates a commercial port facility along the Cape Fear River in New Hanover County. The purpose of this correspondence deals with Berths 3 and 4 at the Port of Wilmington (see Figure 1). �. LU GrNmALcmro CC� 1 PROJECT LOCATION r« 5 Figure 1. Berths 3 and 4 RECEIVED AUG 0 5 2M DCM WILMINGTON, N� NORTH CAROLINA PORTS Berths 3 & 4 are the oldest of the existing berths at the port, having been constructed in 1952. The berths are used for the receipt and shipment of conventional general cargo, heavy -lift items, and various dry -bulk commodities, including scrap metal, steel products, salt, and lumber. Both berths are structurally identical, consisting of cast -in -place concrete one- way slabs spanning between cast -in -place bent caps on precast conventionally reinforced concrete piles. The substructure of Berths 3 & 4 consists of a combination of 163/4-inch and 191/z-inch octagonal precast reinforced concrete piles. The two berths are a total of 1,506 feet long and 221 feet wide. The design dredge elevation for Berths 3 & 4 is EL -42.0 (MLW). As the existing cranes at Berths 3 and 4 are near the end of their usable service life, the NCSPA has purchased new cranes for use at these berths. The new cranes will allow for continued loading and offloading of cargo. However, upgrades to these berths will be necessary to provide for allowable crane loadings. The NCSPA's engineering consultant, Moffatt and Nichol (M&N) has determined that the following work will be required to allow for the new cranes to be utilized at Berths 3 and 4. - Upgrades to the existing landside and waterside crane beams. - Installation of intermediate piles along the landside and waterside crane beams. - Repairs to damaged sections of craneway The proposed work will involve cutting through the existing wharf deck to allow for the installation of 260 24" diameter pilings. The existing piles at the berths will remain in place. The new piles will be installed through the use of either a vibratory hammer or an impact hammer. It is anticipated that the work will begin in May of 2025, and will be completed in early 2026, which should coincide with the delivery of the two new cranes. The proposed new work will all be within the footprint of the existing area encompassed by Berths 3 and 4. The proposed project will not involve any filling of wetlands or open water areas and will also not involve any RECEIVED dredging. As with all NCSPA projects, the contractor chosen for this work will be required to implement all reasonable and prudent measures to AUG 0 5 2024 protect the aquatic environment at and adjacent to the project site. DCM WILMINGTOI , NC NORTH CAROLINA PORTS/ With the above information in mind, the NCSPA would like to ask the N.C. Division of Coastal Management for a determination on the appropriate approval process for the proposed work. In the past, similar activities have been authorized under a Letter of Refinement to our existing Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit 47-87. Copies of these approvals from 2007 and 2018 are attached. Also attached are project drawings. A similar approval pathway on the proposed work would be greatly appreciated, as we have a tight schedule for carrying out the proposed work in advance of the delivery of the new cranes. If you have any questions on this request, or need any additional information to facilitate your review, please feel free to contact me 910-746-6460 or todd.walton@ncports.coM at your convenience. Sincerely, Todd C Walton Sr Environmental Analyst North Carolina State Ports Authority Cc: via email Cameron Luck DCM via email Doug Huggett M&N RECEIVED AUG 0 5 2M DCM WILMINGTON, NC 3. 5 ,L & [ Ca^K ',. -. 1, — 6 d ��Bp—On[!d£ptL JaSlaa�— ai.,ilav ppVJ OL Il—IB£01Z Vd ......... nnxsa CPa!!aJ .p 133HS tl3A0O N0II00tl1SN00H0iO3Sn 3S 01101 _ AHVN I W I 13U 11/ GAIELL L•O'ON-LOtltl1NOO VdSON d' C V LS-LLSLZ-WON OI OOS �, ox loyalu T uODow S1N3W3AOtldVJI WV3S 3NVUO V 19 SH1tl3S a x� Q w '� = L3 AlIHOHlnV Slaod 31VIS ON �xx a.3ex3x,o.,,.,aoJ. �1�1Iz 0 U-� Z W tm -j � �o �z o' Z H LLI� o od8 o 0 ❑ Z O Q= LLI T1 U O J N O o 0OO1i�883 Z wF it T _ Z @ H3AId ldVBA 3dVO Q a 0 a i a 0 Cco D cn p r O M LPL � r V O a a O a� V/ zz �o LLI W N � oNo o m Q < Z CMV Q UJ �bw; moo W Z (n Z O Z OC Z O a Ew a$511 H a=p Q Z O F o O ==s =o cc J O z v awo � U Q 0�ao= 114. 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