HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242541_Site Plan or Location Map_20240822 �\ �\ MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION ® �� tr R \ \ \� _ General-All measureswill be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls, rat least once per week minimum. The builder will insure that the construction activities on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control / g E%.' a al-All slf lot construction dictates,measures will be relocated on the lot to insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible,oSilt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control �- N. - manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. o��~ o __ _ /i _=-= = ". __ \ Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it IIIPW 5n /_ out as necessary. Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. &� c � - - STEEP SLOPES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION .- .' c•s-.Oml•. 1I\/ Silt Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Any repairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replaced promptly.Any sediment deposits that build up against the fence should be sA`-`v�6 _ MUST BE SECURED WITH APPROVED MATTING. _ _I _ rued and disposed of properly to insure that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. NO SUBSTITUTES!SEE DETAIL PAGE2ib- -"`` w R�F cD_ 'r7 e° - �- _� - / - '� �;� Sotltling-The sod should be properly maintained to insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sod should be watered as necessary to maintain adequate moisture in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod.The sod should not be mowed to bQ etl' �- / / \1 �' slwnleT close,since this could inhibit adequate growth and stabilization of the root bed.The sod should be limed and fertilized as per soil type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when and if possible. -- t�•^e w Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are / / i z �sscr50 germinating properly. Any bare areas should be repaired, and reseeded as soon as possible. If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a = ii- 1 slLt Fpecpermanent grass. ': •"`; Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies u slo a of the wattle and an undercuttin• �- --_._.,, ..,•T ` p gni g p p y g is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the :..., ____ --a. _ - - �� .. _ CONS rim-no. - wattles functional freeboard height.Removed sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. �\ I l .TRu nn` Nc Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout Remove and replace stone as necessary as it ®$ _ \\ \ 2 becomes clogged with sediment Remove all fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. MONTR038ROAa SR-1215 - S crp \� < Tr) - -STEEP SLOPES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION ^6 T \ I /// MUST BE SECURED WITH APPROVED MATTING. �OR"Avgo� i NO SUBSTITUTES!SEE DETAIL PAGE 2 � 1 ) /// 7 VI th TLET STEEP SLOPES EXPOSED DURING CONSTRUCTION \...,„.," 11111111„,....E.08ry \ _ / ///// CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE MUST BE SECURED WITH APPROVED MATTING. -- �.ENTRAN I I.Obtain all necessary permits and plan approvals.Erosion and Sediment Cont oyabSC)permit and a Cemficate of Coverage DATE PAGE: S NO SUBSTITUTES!SEE DETAIL PAGE 2 _ : •� (/ / / (CO.most be obtained before my Imes drsnubing activities occur.A copy of Me MSC permit,the COC and a hard copy of the �G�� \ \ 1 CE I I I \ /// / plan must be kept - preferably i P box,and accessible during inspection. A ° Y' 9 J 2.Install gavel fv thenI fences,reinforced silt knee ° C , 1 I h I So n / 1 nd 1 .A. .B. .C. .D. .E. F. .G, .H. U 29 m I / 3 F' M1clearing d grubbing Y the lots az they are Marled. _ 'n �y ■ E T TkuCTION / / 4.B 8 I rind d a con vibes 11 W. •STRUr 10 1 N HANCE 5 B 6 M1 h a 1f ¶ Il ti % J T �/ ✓L �` THIS PROJECT HASS��SLOPES I/ LI / g ANY DISTURBEDSTEEP rSLO S(MOPES ES 8%OR GREATER)MUST BE MATTED.NO DISTURBED SLOPES TO o THAT ARE 8%OR QREATER II .10i / / ' •, I / / ].REMAI UNCOVEREno z 9 I / // REMAIN UNCOVERED ¶ ll R 5 �/' 1i' 'l '� -Rjrx TEEP SLOPES EXPO ED DURING qQ// /� / grading d b All disturbed for]days needs to have temporary` ' ,VD / /,1T ///// 8 1 11 dri walk a n=prat ¶ ¶ ll ll .� M. Housc'� o s= Hou HOUSE z° C NSTRUCTION MUS BE MATTED .. . _ /i 9e f I�_ z / g gadi g fI t� A IL....., a _R e 11 10 Finalgras &mulching dstabilizing flot I M' TI involve Me installation of sod on the lot The silt fence will remain in� gygROAD 5R-l2a ^ �/� II The place shall1 the nail grassingct self-inspections f 'stabilized and takes e erosion d sedimentation control measures and complete Me following IIr •r'AY/EOG O Y SRO L AY NO 1WAY O •'AY O AY �ROA AY com ned self-insp.tion form found on thc VICINITY MAP;' // p Twele9monbso completeinspection fomnshall b kptonsneandavailable fminspectionregelltimPs�lt ore«rain recommended URBNLEL EDGE a Notes I 1 a L If needed,Tree Protection fencing snows be installed along me buffer woe wetland Aliallaki \ / boundary and/or around protected trees,providing a adios o at least 1.25 feet or each N.T.S. / II II "-I.,. copy be kept in eP permits box.Ref O.S.113A-5a.l through G.S.113A-5]S«eons ISA NCACO A0101 through ISA LEGEND inch of trunk diameter. / / / NCAC 04E.0504 General Permit NCG 010000 NPDES for Construction Activities. N ___ _ ai�/ / 12.Serf-in f dsedimmrstian control mmsmes are to be Moaned at once every slender der d 2.Install Silt Fence on thelowelevation sides of each lot.Install Silt Fence outlets shown on \ I \\7� 1 ' / - I 24hounafeveryionan P erysevmc Yem a \\\\ I 1 H s,�/ / within 246oms of every rein event ofgeakr Man linch.Any needed repairs shell be made immediarely to memrern measures as schematic/diagram and field adjusted,if necessary,for placement at low points.If lots are / / designed.All MC measures shall be maintained as specified in Me consmrcfion dmils on this plan.A rain gauge shall be insmlled SILT FENCEmo contiguous and have different land owners or builders.each lot Should have individual Silt a31/ at Me project site for monitoring. Fences. x__ 8.yp�_ Inspection and foal accephncel k When Me project is complek,thee mi kea shell conk DBM Rto close out the E&SC SILT rrsor 020LnT 3.Inslell required Silt Fence within l0 feet of property line to ensurethere iS 00 Odic)who Plan.ARer DEMLR informs Me permrn«of the project close^tit,via inspection report,the pumim:e sbell visit IIIMseptic system.It is the responsibility of the builder...Sure the installation of sediment al\ I / .s�� 1 ` "deq.ne.govMCG01"W submitmelectronic Noticc of krminetion(e-NO1).AS120 avnualgrnerel permit fee wi116e cheBedCURB INLET � Centro!measures does not impact the septic system antl repair area.). P \ \ wtil Me a-NOT bps bean filled^tit. 4.Atleast one Construction EntrancelExil is to be installed per lot. GROUND STABILIZATION S.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waseshall be at 3 \ least 50 feet awe from storm drain inlets or drainage ditches unless it can be shown that SITE AREA STABILIZATION -NW _ no other alternative exists.If this separation cannot be achieved,these areas must be / e / \ contained behind Silt Fence. EXCEPTIONS A'SE54-1113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE LEFORTT CO BACTI BYYASD OR COMPLETED LENCGS DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME \ \ \ A'SELF-INS'SELF-INSPECTION FOR IT CAN DISTURBINGE COMPLETED BY HAND REQUIRED YNCGSSAN B.contained behind of tlience.nces should be protectetl;streets should be swept when PERIMETER DIKES, 7DAYS NONE \ EXCEL SPREADSHEET. sedimentl: lromtenc°nsitFencaOiviry i,present. 1 AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND WC{nNronmen aljpeg Details or Silt Fence,Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances and other measures are SWALE L DITCHES 8 (( \ SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A SCAT 04B. provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to scale. SLOPES I 1 F`c��T'vI=""T^""2/2020 TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER 0131 STATES THAT"...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY INITIALING AND DATING HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONENO t /I EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND WATER ZONES SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING,DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION (HQW) // / REPORT AND LISTSEIEACH ION CONTROL PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 10' / EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN." THAN 3:1 OR LESS IN LENGTH /_ valriip IMO p AND ARE NOT STEEPER1DAYS ARE 2:1, / / /// 14 DAYS / .�§ ALLOWED / / / // / / rn.,ar"nnaaEn SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR / / SODDING FLATTER SLOPES GREATER / DATE: PAGE: THAN 50'IN LENGTH /J ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT FOR / 1 (( r IMM, // ISIIIIEI® DON,LEAVE SPACES.ID no WITH SLOPESTHAN PERIMETERSWZONES) M�a�'iil ®' �p FLATTER THAN 4:1 HQW ZONES \ w VAIVRIM ILTZE \ \ a uTwapc°ggacnv. ` RP?' -.1 DATE: an sow wenM PAGE: 1 Me aSe� I (///' �� QJ�\`O /I I_� 7 leilek 5p�. Tu re' FLOWy a•�I F a•�I sr a Area to be t. 1 \\� I I I 11 / _ �w rw II III sin gg`a , be suing..alor \ ) �\ \ \ I / �~ si tr �I ,5x"; .t II..„'Y aonnry with corr.� • / I \ 1 I l\ if: rirrtvN - _t a re • n .aM gam y.x gt emross..de 1 1\ \s 11 ebe ham ee Pare elm \ \ \ \ d ,, .1 7• sscr ory bevend tineI/`\J / 40 11 \ t�wl II t I e Min. . ) 3 ..SECT ON ,rststs.gat areas should Wnds IMuril he turn.a ou a am m / I 1 \ \ \ \\ \ It�{ryi MOW I / �7 °eD M... lend socidwaaelren 9 andemdwme 1 \ mEon .m gpla gwER 23e«neA.re•:::: !__-z:r: +°glga*. silt agldnoff:a°'°° I ap=ggN EN THE SOO'IS HrmHlael `�IIa. ceanmould�mm� / YAPPFl RANCE OF GOOD SODConstruction: Mce:WWW IuIJI / 1.Clear the entrance antl exitarea of all vher obledionable 1. -01 Inspect at least once a week antl after each 1 inch or sock/wattle.Stakes should winch x 2 inch cross section ee gecea erase material and properly grade it. ainfall:make anyrequiretl repairimmetlialely.Trench into Lre con soaawataeisDlaceain aar«h / •P / ea 2.Place the gravel to the specific grade antl tlimenaionS Shown on the plans,antl 2. the gavel pad in acontli[ionbprevent mud or sedment smooth IL ving the construction site.This may require periodic Wood Mulch or compost 9 ea rein. g. bra Orens / / I wrnxcantxr3.Provide drainage to carryrder too a sediment trap or other suitable outlet. ing with 2 inch stone. uNTaENCHEOINsruUnoN a"d1 heB / / � / J I I ycos o4.Use e t is sale fabdes In order to Improve slabllltY of the foundetlon In loratlons 3. tely remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed or „ ,,,w,�w.a..�.w.em,.rewwr:e w.....,w.�_ om Ise'pavement) h^n nm / MN° s / / I Y a Uv. vz.iac subject t°seepage or high water taNe. tracked onto public roadways. GDMERIGYIEW MAINTENANmD«seyso aneaer ekly:,sen / / in een,e tour ro� 1. mHm / //// III CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE I EXIT m DMulch or mre«trees° pens ruin re« a .e need.to allow °m;d sediment a.°Qae as -If clogged or -/ _� / . / / // ro r, General Erosion Control Notes shcetFIwoy /_waSa w^cht�* if.ml lawn 1'I. r'I M 'Iewmj s er diameter or a ,a"a0nt 5cearewitha /- -- / ,'n�/ //// / / / /J �2 1.Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. w saw p �- -/ / 2.Alltlisturbedareasshallbegrassedand THIS PROJECT HAS SLOPES n seer xmvrugn P. " as 'Reinstall Hits/`nmiaaaa:n shall ee l�m as until �n / // / Z mulched e(ea L., 1 i,ea rml laera 1 m• 1 disturbance compere , until pemaneni"ooveriissesbebrsteaelmalned THAT ARE8%OR GREATER meaeurehaskeenpermanentryambil.. / / SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION STEEP SLOPES EXPOSED DURING / " / / // // CONSTRUCTION MUST BE MATTED --_� / DATE: Wire Fence Filter Fabric PAGE: �^ 111"*: / //, / ///// s«I FaM� gMay.Extra strength ab^c wnMutwire fen Wire Fence WIC Backfillirench \ \ 'Or / / fence J and Comp. \ / • !..r: Steel Poor _ thoroughly i giflay /�/� FENCE } / DATE: PAGE: Plastic or 1g.�. � - ; ___,.../ �_ /ii/ - e MIN H PAGE 1 of 2 ' + aMrn D I I g �'3a'�_� /�/�� /� + l "• B TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE:1.23 ACRES • • 11' I / LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN l4 1 rerFabdt \� ,; / / �/ �j LOTS 20,21 &23 1.2.EConat helsht&theseamn„enceace; exceeed24inchesaboveth,un d(Higher f RDBBBE SECTION I \ ��/ WRTHEEF„ •E EDaT HIDDEN may im.und volumes nt mranMnmtmnanaele nrenfinearmmn a,� / VALLEY nese.ry filter..urely Min n font mous roll onyatat to the mppod Doe w.ofith areetmr m avoid joints.When joi.are c rc , 4.s standard Skenguniter Went by wire mesh rearmed securely m me upslop ale n m.post. mane• I I \ \m. i"// waowARE CLOTH FRon.vlEw �auavwlRE FErvcE, FOR the wire mesh support.the bottom of side of the fence post.Wire or plastic zip.should have a minimum SO mammm�rSre mndtensile tthm nmtha�tle�n inch«taraimantreall. akeaate«,awaeairsimm.i oil.. _� , \ I strength.8 When a wire mesh support fence is used,spa.pos.a miNalMakeanyre9nlrea I D HARDWAREHTREN°H DREAM FINDERS securely into the become ttee «il, aaI i �� 8 1 INTO SOLID GROUND fasten.e nil should the pressure onth u'a ---• \/ 8' Jo FILTER FABRIC N GaoUNDNOTES: 7.Ex.vare the e n6.E.a strength filter lapproxin,amry4inchea wise anaamchea asap along the Dro«pea linemthe Dom ana �ele1akeucere mavola undermining therence I iTr. 3,a/ 1 \ / \ ] ;y,tLl 1.Hardware cloth and gra�elTsh�uld overlay the silt fence at least l2 HOMES, LLC 8. slang the bottom and aide of the trench. r the crumb II \ \ 1[ d tit- 1 I / •��°a ,'Iupslope from "CM1eS QUEWHIFFLE TOWNSHIP HOKE COUNTY m.DeCnoeI the n n�h with of pieced over the Wier end compact.Thorough mmDallon of backfill Is drainage area has been propetiv stabilize .hanier. 4.Remove all fencing materials and I sediment I // \ .••o.•:01, I 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of silt fence to I and NTENAbased°"field conditions. SCALE:1"=120' JURY 2024 \ MAINTENANCE \ \ BURT WIRE FENCE AND B RV B.OF UPPER EDGE HARD H aLTEameacN-FRENCHF' Per NCG-01 inspect ootlet omai lest anyW .repaiirsimmediately. mweek and each 1 tely. or GRAPHIC SCALE \NGEnvi r.n a let lLm9 greeterstone tonrainfall event Complete any requiretl repairs mined as. 120 0 60 120 240 480 SILT FENCE 7 \ \ \ \ \ BE IDry YIso 2 Keshenshfewhensedimentprovide adequaulation te flow. inches. 3.Keep mesh free of debris to provide adequate flow. = \ 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. 1 \�\ , ) 5,Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. IN FEET ) 4°4'4 __ SILT FENCE OUTLET 1 inch = 120 ft MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC.115 BROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.C.28305 \ \ \ 1 \ I 1 \ I I I /// ./ i - ` PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE#F-0106 LAST SAVED:7/18/2024 7:39 AM LAST PLOTTED:7/18/2024 9:01 AM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert FILENAME:G\CURRENT JOBS\H Es H CONSTRUCTORS\24-156]-02HIDDENVALLEY-EC\PUNS\EC-LOT520.21,23.DWG