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C2-. .../..-).----' ....------'') ..i'.. /z../----- --- --____ _______ SMl SITE SR /ran -- — \ / /�\ \/ /\ \ / QO�a Q:1d'd�Sit 4. 0.;MOH&L RO SR 223a 1� / \ /4.-- / -'.-..\ /00 Smith Road SR2237IT :: - - - — - Construction: Maintenance: —)— \— 1.Clear the enhance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCGin inspect at least once a week and after each 1 inch or _ _ _ _ — material and properly grade it. greater rainfall;make any required repairs immediately. �7 - 2.Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans,and 2.Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment VICINITY MAP 87 111 %� - _ _ _ — — _ _ smooth P. from leasing me constructionc tne site. his may require periodic L� /--- 3.Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other suitable outlet toptlressing with 2 inch atone. \ \ \� ���/ / 4.Use geotextile fabrics In oNer to ion ayImmediately ono lac one p N T.S. \ , J prove Stability of the foundation in locations 3. remove all objectionable ble materials spilled,washed or / ROADSIDE subject to seepage or high water table. tacked onto public roadways. \ T / DITCH \�'p \ _ \ 8 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT /^ z Z ed LEI ILI ;� / 36 \ 1 \ 3 / DATE: fft Max.Standard Strength fabric wth wire fen. PI was Fence r—FiNer Fabric PAGE: CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE \ \ \ 4 C w w) �+ I.Obtain oil t b necessary permits a 1 vain.E d Sediment of the perm and a Certificate a ha of Coverage \ • / J Q Q /) ,�.e 7 Biel 6 max Ems strength rash a ran (COCn must be obtainedpernefote yl ri disturbing i nt ofthe EMSCpermittthe and a Candaae of py ofCover the \ WW i}_.11 —�, Wire Fence lyAr Backfll trench Man must be kept on site,preferably' perm b d accessible during inspect, ray 6 2 Install gravel construction entrances f hth siltfreinforced siltfence ]-Y t stool Post / thoreu M outlets and wanles M.I a Compact 3 Finish clearing and 8mbbmgan dry oche lots as they are staged. �O / FF I..! / 82q __ 9 Y 4 Beginlot g dig d f 7 ) (S_ 1 Upe ope 5. r mMinue with house �I U%. \ / Plastic or J' - 1• —� 6.Finish oall rough grading and house construction.All areas not disturbed for 7 days needs to have temporary or pemmment I / wire eves new nee.of lot areas // 1 \�� l (d1 trench a•�in. 2 Install drat ys walks dpe . 8. fine 1 Z Z • f 9 Fingal gra Ong,mulch rig and mbilmng of lot In cases this will involve the installation of sod on the l°[.The silt fence will I CONSTRUCTION / / W w t elo g mane remain in Mace until the 1 added grassing is stabilized d takeshold LIMITS ICI m n j 10 The contractorhall d If' p of Me d d' ration control measures and complete the following N N 1 combined Ira'pe f f ri theb / I Filter Fabric n rite / http/ deq. g /b d- - s/ rgy I d d sl water/etormwarer progaMnpdes-construction program 1. standard strength or extra strength symhetkfia aGkx CROSS SECTION VIEW Twelve months of trample.inspection tom.shall be kept on site and available for inspection at all times.It is recommended I ■ above Me ground(Higher lencea Con copy be kept iv a permits box.Ref G.S.113A-54.1 through GS.113A-57 Sections 15A NCAC 04,0101 though 15A 2 in ches NCAC 04E.0504 General Permit NCO 010000 NED.for Construction Activites. \ I/ H f P 3.nCoyswc lane falter fabric battler awnl�nu"�sroll°cN to Mllmneclengtnarn°e 11.Self-inspections for erosion and sedimentation controlmeasures arerobe.dom.at least once every seven calendar days and I 7 ?8 cessarv,securely rasien the fillercmh onN eta su Pon w'M 4fee�t�m n,mum olvMa When Mints within 24 hours of every rain event ofgreata thmlinch.Any needed repairs shall be made immediately to maintain measures as ° U Suppan atantlartl atrergth filterlabrle b'hwlre mesh kmeneptl securelyro Ne upalapa aide Mihe peels.Ltd. mamma,. designed.All ESC hall be maintained as specified in the consmmetion details on this plan A gauge shall be installed _ 2 7 / .— 8 \ the sit m e b of on a ups lope rear, 24 inches. 12 l�spe project df for l monitoring. When the project is complete the permiuees small contact DEMLR toaclou out the MSC 23 Lot Plant d repairs immediately. CsIde ae mrn� ll n°'ptl oleo°>u minimum f"spa a oreraat span.supenaslrand be ativen inch or greater rainfall.Make any cecora a pit Plan.After DEMLR info.the permmttee of the project close out,via inspection report Me pennivec shall vista / 24 rat BN I \ securely finer..with 6 Mo promptly.or become ineffective,replace It ry to provide adequate "deq ncee-NOT 01'tombmnan electronic Nonce oftermmwtion(o-NNOT).A$120 annual general permitfee will be charged G 25 \ I I O / I nvehe Me trench appra m py names wide ntlemchashou PM1a as minimum otl linear tltp one until Oee•NCOO to submit een Hued out strength. ric directly tO°at Wire or plastic zip, um 50 tin keme for rn text demmmng.n and troe nce pressure Y. I s.Plam12lope icns°w.abn theho.mandseteofthetrmdh. drainage Ilrmeingmaari.amema'aba»eimantepala oo••o I \ soil pia.over the Marfa.and compact Thorough comma of,rim gM rreeaat grade a.staaiizelt Wer me contributing g pacam of the backfill,a and I 0��• 7 I 10.Do not attach filkrknrkbaeualinl{trees. MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION / °nasal M slit Once / 26I ANC—En entel.jpeg Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site. /� CONSTRUCTION /Lot PI n ) 9 ( I w 9nm SILT FENCE This may require periodic toparesshng with 2-inch stone.Aftereach rainfall,inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. / LIMITS Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. ,,.yg M Brat )I it I SilI Fenee-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week ma atter each rainfall event Any repairs should be made immediately. REMlUTILI SEMENT / / Damages mdecomposed fabric should be rcplaudpromptly.Any sediment deposits that buildup against the fence should be removed and disposed 10'UTILI7�y DATE PAGE: of properly to insure that the removed sediment does not wash beck against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence P,A$EM T �— / W silt sock/wotue Silt Sock/Wattle at tall times.Take care to nor undermine thefce during clemmut operatons. /`// I(7 �� �I EL �I Arm.. 1. Met materials providing equimleM against area.velsoltrea may.subs.. Soddng Thed should be properly maintained to insure that theg rusk holds indine areas being secured The sod should be watered as necessary J \ If _ �111fLL_ motor with coma. to maintain deq sture m the mot zone and prevent dormancy f M1 d.The sod Mould not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate , andevi11a'Way �.I I ) Mimi ea -i� ..° N growth d stabilization of the root bad.The sod should be limed and fenilized as per soil type recommendations and type of grass recommendations when / I Q Stakes 11 - ems do not diem and if possible. SECTION beYo eofe SECTION m Gloated below Grassing vnd Mulehivg-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed aznecessaryazan initial step in wilpreparation. 10'UTILITY EA,S'EMENT ? ono-nsaati>"KKI`warea alit>aage of Once the gassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be repaired, \ / I 1D'SREMC UTILITY �— landkMdisturbance. nlN isit ua ends eazNn and reseeded az soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent gr.s,then a temporary grassing should be used until the / �— E�ASEMENT� ` �I / RO weobmlP°m growing season permits the use ofepermanent grass. \ \� / 1 O I / gMo"' e,prier- I q. Oak or other e■tlurable trolm go ga tine era e Diversion Berms-Diversion bends shall be inspected weekly m after each runoff producing rainfall to insure that they are operating as designed and that there Mould be dd. ith have been no breaches in the berm.Reronshall no exceed 18"in height,and shall be placed in toe its that will no interfere with home irvetion activities. / N vertically mu.,through the wren Once the house construction is completed and the lot is ready to receive sod,then the bum shall be removed and the material incorporated into the graded lot areaMaxlinumintervalfeet n placed me and covered immediate) n sod.All proper shall be taken to insure that the brans are installed according to the applicable detail with the bran mate al / I Tr°nch n n or a maximum compacted mfliciently - that the her - in place dui rig the course of the construction activities. //$ / / o wit Mulch or an rid 4 Mn "c le ie.when General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once pa week minimum.The builder will insure that the `� / �� / 2� // / M� uNaRENCREo INSTALLATION t of ENTRENCHED logs 9 banal heavy interval any panhcular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If hot construction dictates,measures will be relocated / I W ftx°uwiunoxw.w.asuamm..wneo<.ew:cue�.«".: a silt on the lot to retthat the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained az suggested ^ti/ / / / q.Z ISOMETRIC VIEW soolNuattleold nmplaree during on events. m the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. i / ♦ 11 / N I 2 KK a ° oM SOCK Nlti.t ROW PATES a cosines rum replaced Ir°I trucia.seq..and °°after The °d L / / 1. .../ \I I 0 J D tr n e5am '',!i " ;° Design b.m e n < °ml hso m,ls�a m, 'm° gg tier GROUND STABILIZATION I „ / m u ry Sheet trNa� paiot$eek/"t.il;t- „earn;,z,a'm; i'sos ) i 000 e (50.ot, excessive, i the V sane. s. °' ,,,,laq SITE AREA STABILIZATION •mom.—• / / // / I . sat° ,'in q'tia mmin ,'min q'�ib s. DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME EXCEPTIONS _ °oa s" / \'9S I ice ran<, naa i2am idT4 measd.iufe"h„p a,mi.and ntry stabilized.a / /mime Ikmiml limiml /mime limiml PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE _ 19 \T SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET°PROTECTION SWALES, DITCHES w — / / _ // / ' &SLOPES _ °^ ^°` / �'� / 12 v HIGH QUALITY 7 DAYS NONE "Tull'=i _ / A1'e� � 4 <4�b' / WATER ZONES �II .°•°ro.�...�. / / 'kN��\pS�� tf"� / ( ) ,,,,,,"..e°�,,,,N" .ate / 1 8 G' �y / / A SELF—INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY HQW ➢ / G NCGS 113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE Ili II • •m�..... ram'.vim° a� /� �0 ^Q COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. THAN 3:1 10'OR LESS IN Ll w,ma.w pare b °^"" 1°a l'' / / I AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED LENGTH AND ARE �,"2_,°.��,... ,,. ,yo •(/ / EROSION AND NOT STEEPER SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A / Z a.> F��' 13 t NCAC 04B.0131 STATES THAT 2..DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY THAN 2:1, 14 ///(((,sad .� ( INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE DAYS ARE "'""°� 'TM / / / /`1' p5 j APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROLLISTS PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, I/ALLOWED .a.. ` 'a",..b. XX.N �' I - DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR F ��-/' --�� ,Xp JJ•(XN'X ` PS� PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION FLATTER SLOPES GREATER I� G CONTROL PLAN." ab THAN 50•IN _1� RI IID l / /��•� 14 \ �QG / I % / LENGTH .....k; la-- IIII / 1 WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS ,wna�l II I , 1 // \ `// =t of_I p ►,,,. _ c ,m .. / \ PAGE 1 of 2 FLATTER THAN 4:1 AND HOW ZONES) 7. ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT / 2g SODDING y 15 R. LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN N / FOR LOS 26 & 27 �\ \ _ _ \N. TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 0.92 ACRES �� "TOOL''''paammNe'"".OFCMCKINGDOWN 16 ' — — MORNING GLORY imi in mom.,caftaway. N I TWO Pursuant to G.S.113A(3),provisions for permanent ground cover /\ 12,a _- \ PHASE - r sufficient to restrain erosion must be accomplished for all �� - disturbed areas within 14 working days or 90 calendar days °�� - \ I ' FOR (whichever is shorter)following completion of construction. 1 , N O LA N CUSTOM HOMES, L L C. I OBI \ GRAYS CREEK TOWNSHIP CUMBERLAND COUNTY wmm,HEant rgirEor: "`TTp o .TM SOD" MOW XGeHEN InIE SOD IS SSETTEMOWER General Erosion Control Notes \• I I \ NORTH CAROLINA SCALE: 1"— 60' JUNE 2024 APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD 1.Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. 2.All disturbed areas shall be grassed and mulched as soon as _— _-- / GRAPHIC SCALE UI \ eft 0 30 80 20 240 possible and maintained until permanent cover is established. II IU PI'11 Vlll�ll hQIV II� ,n,."xnw. z nnr,a / / / I \ ENGINEERS ■PLANNERS ( IN FEET) x e.. / \ J 1 inch= 60 ft. � .% °mn`a°°r""r / I / / / SURVEYORS 16. MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. 115 BROADFOOT AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC. PHONE (910) 484-5191 FAX (910) 484-0388 License#: F-0106