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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20240999 Ver 1_More Info Requested_20240807Homewood, Sue
From: Homewood, Sue
Sent: Wednesday, August 7, 2024 10:26 AM
To: 'Gerald Pottern'; Moose, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA); Mickey Sugg; Wooten,
Subject: RE: [External] BrunswicK H2GO Wells and WTP Operations Complex
After internal discussion, Samantha Wooten will be the lead DWR 401 reviewer for this project, please include
both of us in all future communications.
Gerald, DWR will place the current 401 application on hold until receipt of the updated information. Please submit
the new information/application using our online submittal form as a "More Information Response" using the
existing ID that we have assigned to the project 20240999 version 1 so that another file isn't created.
Sue Homewood (she/her/hers)
401 & Buffer Permitting Branch
Division of Water Resources please note my new email address
336 813 1863 mobile
919-707-3679 office
Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the
North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties.
From: Gerald Pottern <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 6, 2024 6:14 PM
To: Moose, David E CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <>; Mickey Sugg
<>; Homewood, Sue <>
Subject: [External] BrunswicK 1-12GO Wells and WTP Operations Complex
CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message
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Hello David, Mickey, and Sue,
Thank you for your time yesterday (Aug 5) to discuss the 404-401 permitting for the Brunswick 1-12GO Wells
project. As you suggested, we are revising and will re -submit the permit application based on the tentative
assumption that all of the mapped wetlands and drainage ditches affected by the project are potentially
jurisdictional, including those that we labelled as non -jurisdictional in our July 19 (version 1) permit
application. Our understanding from that discussion is that ACE will review the wetlands and ditches during
the permit review process and re -assess which features are jurisdictional and which are not, and then adjust
the "impacts" requiring permit authorization. MMI staff will assist with any field verification visits.
The permit re -submittal (version 2) will also include other items that you requested during our meeting. Some
of these items were addressed in a SEPA Environmental Assessment we prepared in 2014-2015:
• Water demand and service area growth projections
• Well site selection process
• Groundwater impact assessment -- evidence that wells will not drain wetlands or private wells
• Cross-section figures for the stream impacts
• Stream stability analysis at the arch -culvert outlet NE of Well-6
• Impact minimization discussion re: construction and maintenance
• Long-term vegetation maintenance in the "temporary impact" areas around wells.
• NC-WAM analysis for use in assigning mitigation ratios
On a related issue, H2GO is also planning to construct new offices and operational facilities on the land
adjacent to the WTP at 146 Gregory Road, 2.6 miles east of the proposed new wells. We examined this 28
acre site for wetlands in 2014 prior to the WTP construction, and again last fall. In 2014 ACE agent Emily
Hughes confirmed that there were no wetlands on the site, and the only jurisdictional features were two RPW
ditches (one along the southern property line and one along the north edge of Gregory Rd). Our Nov 2023
visit found similar results, except for a 0.67 acre slight depression near the middle of the site (NW of the
existing WTP) that might still have wetland hydrology but clearly has no surface flow connection to any ditch
(map attached).
H2GO has requested that we obtain ACE concurrence for their use in designing the new facilities. The WTP
Operations Complex is needed regardless of the new wells. Would an AJD request be the best way to submit
this? I realize that PJD's are low -priority for processing.
Gerald Pottern
Mogensen Mitigation Inc. - Raleigh
MMI Environmental Consultants
104 East Chestnut Avenue
Wake Forest, NC 27587
Office / Home: 919-556-8845
Mobile / Text: 919-649-6506
Gerald MogMit. com