HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8081025_Historical File_20231114 ay ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABEI'H S.BISERw� Secretary "se + ° ' EVIL LIAM E.TOBY VINSON,JR NORTH CAROLINA fleerimDlrec 2r Environmental Quality November 10,2023 Town of Morehead City Attn:Christopher Turner,City Manager 1100 Bridges Street Morehead City,NC 28557 Subject: Stormwater Permit Renewal Request Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit No.SW8081025 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit No.SW8070933 Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit No.SW8090223 Carteret County Dear Mr.Turner: Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permits SW8081025, SW8070933,and SW8090223 for the projects listed below have expired on the dates listed below. This is a reminder that permit renewal applications are due 180 days prior to their expiration per 15A NCAC 2H.1045(3).North Carolina General Statutes and the Coastal Stormwater rules require that this property be covered under a stormwater permit.Failure to maintain a permit subjects the owner to assessment of civil penalties. More information about the Post-Construction State Stormwater Program can be found on the following website: deq.nc.gov/SW Permit No. Pi;oject Name Last Issued Expiration Date SW8081025 Morehead City Police Department Renovations 11/13/2009 5/18/2021 and Additions SW8070933 Morehead City Baseball Park 12!20/2007 12/21/2021 SW8090223 Newport River Boat Ramp Contract 49 7;22/2010 12/3112021 Please submit a complete permit renewal form for each individual permit along with a$750.00 fee and other submittal requirements within 30 days. The permit renewal form can be found under the Post-Construction section of this website or at https-//deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/energy-mineral-and-land- resources/stormwater/stormwater-program/post-construction-2. Also, it was noted in the file review of SW8070933 and SW8090223 that a designer's certification that the project was constructed in accordance with the approved plans as required by the permit has not been submitted.Please include this with your application. If you have any questions regarding this matter,please contact Logan Inman in the Wilmington Regional Office either via email(logan.i nnanndeq.nc.gov)or phone at(910)796-7215. Sincerely, RTilliam E. Toby Vinson, Jr. PE,CPM,Interim Director Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources DES/lwi: 1\1Stormwater\Permits&Projects\2008\081025 111312023 11 req_ren 081025 \\\Stormwater\Permits.&Projects\2007t070933 HD\2023 11 req_ren 070933 \\\Storniwater\Perrmits&Projecm120091090223 HD\2023 11 req_rc 090223 cc: Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File 4 North Carolina Department of Envkanmental Quality I Division or Energy Mineral andtandltesaurees Wilmington Regional Office G 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 "' "'�•r 910.796.7215 Christopher Turner L p('n cL 0 4i- 1(! (4�a3 F bilA ,140(r IA-UAL C:'tet.G, o ry Administration Title: City Manager Phone: 252-726-6848, Ext. 110 Email 4401 I Return to Staff Directory North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality SCOPING MEETING REQUEST Please complete all the information below. Call and email the appropriate coordinator with the completed form. • Asheville and Mooresville Regions-Alison Davidson 828-296-4698; aiison.davldsontncdenr.00✓ • Winston-Salem,Fayetteville and Raleigh Regions-David Lee 919-791-4204;david.leeemcdenr g • Washington Region-Lyn Hardison 252-948-3842; ivn.hardisoMancdenr oov • Wilmington Region-Cameron Weaver 910-796-7265; meron weayl ncde ov Project Name:Town of Morehead City Municipal Center County: Carteret Applicant:Town of Morehead City Company: Address:706 Arendell Street City: Morehead City State: NC Zip: 28557 Phone:252-726-6848 Fax: Email: Physical Location of Project: 1108 Bridges Street;Morehead City, NC 28557 Engineer/Consultant:John J.Wade,P.E. Company:Arendell Engineers Address:1004 Arendell Street City: Morehead City State: NC Zip:28557 Igo NOV 1.3 101 Phone: 252-622-4338 Fax: Email:john at arendellengineers.com Please provide a DETAILED project narrative,pdf site plan and a vicinity map with road names along with this Request form, The project narrative should include the following when available: Existing Conditions- List of existing permits, previous project name(s)or owner name(s), existing compliance or pollution incidents, current conditions or development on site,size of tract,streams or wetlands on site*,stream name and classification,historical significance of property, seasonal high water table elevation, riparian buffers, areas of environmental concern,setbacks Proposed-Full scope of project with development phase plan, acreage to be disturbed,wetlands to be disturbed,waste treatment&water supply proposed,soils report availability,%impervious surface, stormwater treatment and number of bmps, public or private funding. Reldive ,,ands--Fecidi :and coastal wetlands must be deli,re^teed by a US Array Corps Regulatory Official, C astal Management i-eld 4,or a golf c.d ccsisrrlfant prior to unciertaking work such es iiriirtg. excavating oi•land clearing. The de/hieatims must be vl v yl by_the VS Army Corps of>-ncrineers (USA(E) and,c r the Division of CoastarManagement. Wetland deli=at;nr;s are valid fi r N<,iod not to exceed five years from date of USAGE rpprova`. Pisa:sa proOk est+(.fatted inves meant&expect employment numbers: " _Jobs For the scoping meeting,it is best to provide a list of questions and topics of concern. It is helpful to know what you hope to gain from the meeting. Please have thoughts and presentations organized as much as possible to make the best use of time. Agencies Involved: Check all agencies that may be involved with project: ❑ Marine Fisheries ❑National Marine Fisheries ❑U.S. Fish&Wildlife ❑ NC Wildlife Resources ❑ Coastal Management I Land Resources(® Stormwater Erosion Control)❑ U.S.Army Corps of Engineers ❑ Shellfish Sanitation OWater Resources: (❑401/buffer ❑ NPDES ❑ Non-discharge❑Public Water Supply) ❑Air Quality ❑ Solid Waste ❑ UST❑ Hazardous Waste ❑ Other ❑ Other ❑ Other ' ❑ Other ❑ Other NCDEQ Scoping Meeting August 2018 • L1�a i _ I K w . irk E14. "u s6 3 .I . I 1 I ._ —I w ¢ ' • X I bBx I Q RdS'" cl F y1 ni j —I EIs I I Igli lgY II $I 4 I. W , 1I/C 0: Y g ff, S to I a- `11m , ,Il I CI a:g 1 I e a 19 g 0 C E g 9 I I f I I I I I ! a I I I I I I I I kI 1C3 Li I 1 ! I a' I . 11 � II ' r. II �= W III U , . `= xtlHyo-flILUI B I fir/ q'/ _.._..—. 1331llS Hill / Ih\ • IIiL III LL — —===J a1 I 1i11 mil l 1 I ._ ,1 $ ' I it I JI s _. :I i Z 1 II �11ILLI1111iIIj11Lu_r` m` 1 j - diii11i11i111111lll1i , o i o aHHD. J m •--7 t• 11I 1 - 1 ii M I 1 il __ i n,_ 3 1 F Stl3lWIlOWiH 3o1102 I I Y AIG�QC31fjtlOW lO NUM —-. r I j 1 ^ /yV - J - _ .� �L.._.._. _.._ _. _.._.._.._ 1 . _ ._.. _j L... AYIMJo-111Srxm �r, 13M1I5 KM g I d " IlJ' 1 I I . I I 1F 1 I I I I I i I I AARENDELL i:.14.COASTAL E^...,.'.'.-'is ENT.L 1004 Arendell Street Morehead City, North Carolina 28557 (252)622-4338 N.C.Certification No.C-1509 November 13,2018 Mr. Cameron Weaver N.C.Department of Environmental Quality Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Phone:(910)796-7229 Wilmington,NC 28405 Email: c;jltteror.uc>.I r Etc il•.12,1v Re: Town of Morehead City Municipal Center Morehead City,Carteret County,North Carolina Dear Mr.Weaver: On behalf of the Town of Morehead City,we request a scoping meeting for the Town of Morehead City Municipal Center project at 1108 Bridges Street in Morehead City,Carteret County. The proposed municipal center will replace an existing school building on the site. An existing police station and parking lot will remain on the site. The following documents are attached: • Project Narrative. • Vicinity map. • Express permitting request form. • Existing Conditions • Site Plan There is an existing stonnwater permit for the site No. SW8 081025 which was issued on April 1,2009 revised on November 12,2009. The current permit divides the property into two(2)drainage areas. As part of our redevelopment project,we will likely combine the two(2)drainage areas into a single drainage area. An infiltration basin was installed as part of the original permit and the intention of the redevelopment project is to use the basin as is without modifications. A scoping meeting scheduled as soon as possible is requested. We would like to hold the meeting in Carteret County so that a site visit can be conducted as part of the meeting. Please call me if you have questions or need additional information on this matter. Sincerely, ARENDELL ENGINEERS ii/Z if t.e/.x.............. John J.Wade,P.E. Vice President Cc: Daniel Williams,Town of Morehead City Daniel Costello, Waller,Todd&Sadler Architects TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY MUNICIPAL CENTER MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA CARTERET COUNTY NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT November 13, 2018 GENERAL INFORMATION a. Name of Project: Town of Morehead City Municipal Center b. Street Address: 1108 Bridges Street, Morehead City, North Carolina c. Acres in Tract: 4.76 d. Acres being Disturbed: 2.47 e. Acres in Wetlands: 0 f. Ownership Information: Property is owned by the Town of Morehead City g. Description of Development Proposal: The Town of Morehead City is proposing to replace the existing school building on the site with a municipal center. An existing police station and parking facilities will remain on the site. • h. Discuss phasing of the Project: The police station, parking lot, and stormwater infiltration basin were permitted on April 1, 2009. Stormwater Permit No. SW8 080125. The next phase of the redevelopment project is the municipal center which will replace the existing school building. i. Discuss Waste Water Treatment & Water Supply: The municipal center will be connected to the Town of Morehead City's waste water and water infrastructure. j. identify Historic Sites &Projects Being Funded With Public Monies: No historic sites are known within this project. The project is being funded by the Town of Morehead City. k. Disclose Any/All Non-Compliance Issues with DEQ Agencies: None STORMWATER INFORMATION a. Provide River Basin, Stream Classification &Index Number for all water Bodies On or Adjacent to the Project of Closest to the Project Area: The project is located in the White Oak River Basin. The closest body of water is Newport River and is classified as SA;HQW waters with an index number of 21-(17). b. Identify Whether the Stormwater Design is High Density or Low Density, Commercial or Residential, State Stormwater or Coastal Stormwater, Address Vested Rights When Applicable; Identify Pockets of High Density: There is an existing state stormwater Town of Morehead City Municipal Center November 13,2018 Narrative Page 1 of 2 management permit for a high density commercial infiltration basin project with permit N ocV1/8 0 1025 c. Proposed Total % Impervious Surface: N/A. d. Number of Proposed Treatment Measures, Types of Collection System: There is one (1) existing stormwater SCM on the site. The goal of the project is to continue to use the existing infiltration basin without modifications. e. Will all built upon area be collected: All new impervious surfaces on the site will be collected and treated using the infiltration basin system. f. Identify Whether or Not the Project has Buffer Requirements & Whether or Not Development is Proposed within a Buffer. There are no known buffer requirements for redevelopment on the property. g. Discuss Coastal Management Areas of Environmental Concern: This project is not located in an area of environmental concern. h. Identify Whether or not Off-Site Runoff is Coming Onto the Site or Into the Proposed BMP: No off-site runoff will be directed to the infiltration basin. i. Discuss Whether Road Construction Across Other property is Necessary to Access this Property: No road construction across other property is necessary as part of this project. j. If an On-Site Evaluation of the Soils has Been Done, Discuss Infiltration Rates, Seasonal High Water Table, etc., and Include Date of Site Evaluation (This is required For Infiltration Projects): The original stormwater permit geotechnical evaluation was conducted by ECS Carolinas LLP on September 9, 2008 near the current infiltration basin. The results of that evaluation were a surface elevation of 13.75', SHWL of 48" below the surface, and a groundwater depth of 70". A second geotechnical evaluation was conducted on August 28, 2018 by GET Solutions, Inc. This evaluation was conducted throughout the site including the existing infiltration basin. This evaluation provided a SHWT depth between 1.5—2.5' below the existing surface. Town of Morehead City Municipal Center November 13,2018 Narrative Page 2 of 2 ......„ *a,- ' '1,, 44 411 1,0 li ovaNORTH CAROLINA ii 4311- idig _ iftwameirAlk 11 Allilte#40 I* ., ........- voiy. ATLANTIC f OCEAN I • n-ij klir LENOIR CRAVEN %j r PAMLICO• / sil r JONES , �T;a DUPLIN ONSLOW ----r� AREA OF INTEREST A�- T , tea. 4 CARTERET COUNTY PENDER '�,r_ far r riii„JE LA --7-- 1 i= VAH 111 1 1 u1r11 :1 Ih� Mir' IM1E11 PI 11 T T 1 r-L-- EMI ill UMkt 1P111111 BEM 'I PROJECT L�1Lk� tZ_I I�- �-y LOCATION T BRIDGES�� _ a r I I II 1 ( J I -i�11 . STREET 1 J IEL!L� L11 1■ 1 LLLI ■ 1 I I I a S i ` '1 i ET kW licit: )1•0SI , 1ri ;-g 1111111 � i1 1 1111414]( �FETE. 11 �� ° �-- _ Ei.Ei TO BEAUFORT� I ., V.I.I r-1 11- ARENDELL STREET I �(I-1 M, `-'��{,_ x--a-_I - — �' r _.�Alibi 1 HIGHWAY ' P - L 1 I �L! 'III -�1111� _-0 b of ALL] M' Bill1' r 1 ��. " ill ���] �11'1 `I♦r 11, ,` I L���( - ?L1 J SUGARLOAF U I"J ���� ISLAND c�� UIhOa] �\ clip r. A R E tv a C L L PROJECT TITLE: PREPARED FOR: DRAWING 7/T E. ¢�� _ N.T.S. $ � It s. DATE: _ ( i "m04 ARENOELL STR LT TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY TOWN OF MOREHEAD CITY 1tn to MOREHEAD CITY,NC 285:? 706 ARENDELL STREET VICINITY MAP DRAWN sr J 1 JW PHONE:(252)522,4338 MUNICIPAL CENTER MOREHEAD CITY,NC 28557 PRD:-Ax:(2s_^)62vaes rcr x wkw¢,endeAn6Meem mm 18006 N.C.Ce:::Minn No.C-1505 3 g J IC Yg Q�Q I 1 q9E s z z e��� §Ie '; m j co I 12 a ! le III egg � 10 s1 U ��� `-II = III 1 Zi , E_ g s 1 :3� . e l 31 a e� I I I E J o f I z i 3.0 le NOINdtl ID. o l�l 1 I � § o �zra ° g 2 z !q;!li QyQI iilw QF}� §g1 J o .arse a ,' .. �` O 4 gg3 gg � J .s • . N - „pi fl M ' /'•'rr• w , r�.0 Yg p h • I rk /, m .,x \:.q g2=go a Bldg d a I 2-IPOo 1 1 p Q r.1r..iy Winn $ K± mli, /\i I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I ��i • • I t<• I 1 FI nE, &lg. c I lii I I I g ^I I il II III I •11 i I 3 I i s 17 — — I l j ,dull '-, -iii lik .• III I n 1 I i 1 s I r • I I I I I 1 ! ' •� III 1 I. • 11I E I� I I mg1 17- - -------T - --- ----T i'II 1 I 11 11 1I 1. i111 1, it a I I.I �6 II,o R Y.I I I 1 I I Li I li LL y— -- - JJ I\ 7 i , g I I i ' �l I ri irt�l`l\.krtr I I I I ],I dram'- - tV kill i ll 1 1 -- --.---Y ----.-..—.-r.. 11I 11 I M7 Y Y Y f ry I ) ^1 ,— II ' rl �1i1111IiI IJ-_IJ_IILir ^ f� J , H I I I I / i e-1:- ,i 1 s �!I I I I I I I I I . I, � 6 g w- 1 iII. Y I11111IIJIIII Ilil , a L rl o��i I i 1 L, }. ii —m� = i j . I I a it ANION — • - A:I iI i I it if -'�-71 n Irlu4�6----� 'a $ 11 i RN -1 wR i I I NI I Ri ig I I I - - i1I L - - - - - - — ° 1 - _ - ._ � .+- L - I L +I I i lig .2'y.I. „.,.,,,e ICI' ,r I 1 l- j � 1 11 � I � 11i 1 I. I j I. 1 II4 - I I I I I I I I i ` ,,,•„r.'R,w.i.K,..«...:�,'won ;�.�., ,�a:�w en.:.'N""o Weaver, Cameron From: John Wade <john@arendellengineers.com> Sent: Tuesday, November 13, 2018 4:43 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Subject: [External] Morehead City Municipal Center- Scoping Meeting Request Attachments: Morehead City Municipal Center- Scoping Meeting Request.pdf External email. Do not click links or open attachme ve ifj .: end its i -ous email Re•drt 5.am. Cameron, Please find attached our scoping meeting request for the Morehead City Municipal Center redevelopment project. We would like to schedule this meeting in December in Morehead City if at all possible. Please let me know if you bAte any questions or if I can provide additional information. Thanks, John John J. Wade, P.E. Vice President Arendell Engineers 1004 Arendell Street* Morehead City.NC 28557 Office: (252)622-4338 Cell: (252) 723-2796 wwv,.Arenkl I Enc i ne,rs.con! N.C. Certification C-I 509 *Please l,.ase note new address! i Weaver, Cameron From: John Wade <john@arendellengineers.com> Sent: Friday,August 10, 2018 3:29 PM To: Weaver, Cameron Subject: RE: [External] Morehead City Police Department ernal email.Do not click links or open attachments unless verified.Send all suspicia' " . . ernt to „„art S•a Cameron, That is a close enough estimate for me. Please, at your convenience,will you have the print shop scan the files and send to me. If you could give me a heads up when you intend to do it, I will call the shop and give them my payment information. Thanks for your help with this. -John John J. Wade, P.E. V ice President Arendell Engineers 1004 Arendell Street* Morehead City.NC 28557 Office: (252)622-4338 Cell: (252)723-2796 www.Arendel lEnaineers.com N.C. Certification C-1509 *Please note new address! From: Weaver, Cameron [mailto:cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday,August 10, 2018 2:53 PM To:John Wade<john@arendellengineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] Morehead City Police Department File including folded plans is about an inch thick. Allways will do a count to let you know cost if you want me to take it over. Just let me know. Cameron Cameron Weaver Environmental Assistance Coordinator-Wilmington Regional Office NCDEQ-Division of Environmental Assistance and Customer Service 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 NOTE NEW PHONE: 910-796-7265 NCDEQ NEW WEBSITIE: http://deq.nc.gov/ 1 DEACS NEW WEBSITE: http://deq.nc.gov/about/divisions/environmental-assistance-customer-service E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From:John Wade [mailto:john@arendellengineers.com] Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 2:47 PM To:Weaver,Cameron <cameron.weaver@ncdenr.gov> Subject: FW: [External] Morehead City Police Department t. }.. -mal email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Ui Cameron, Thanks for the info about the copy shop. Would it be possible for you to estimate the number of pages in the stormwater permit the fer the Morehead City Police Department? It is Stormwater Project No. SW8 081025. I'm not in that much of a rush for this information but would like to have an idea of the cost before I decide if it's just easier for me to stop by your office tie next tima I'm down that way. Thanks, John John J. Wade, P.E. Vice President Arendell Engineers 1004 Arendeli Street* Morehead City.NC 28557 Office: (252) 622-4338 C11: (252)723-2796 wv,•w.ArendelIEnt ineers.co n N.C. Certification C-1509 Please note new address! From: Hall, Christine [mailto:Christine.Halncdenr.gov] Sent: Friday,August 10, 2018 2:30 PM To:John Wade<johnParendellengineers.com> Cc:Weaver, Cameron <cameron.weaverL ncdenro2v> Subject: RE: [External] Morehead City Police Department To schedule a file review,you can let any one of us know the file you want to look at and when you'd like to look at it. If you might want copies of the plans or scans of the plans to be made at your expense at the nearby copy shop,then it's best to schedule the file review with Cameron Weaver. Alternatively, if you don't wish to make the drive,you may work with Cameron to have the entire file scanned at your expense. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7335 direct 2 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 Email correspa. . 4. s address is subject to the North Carolina F'uc:.c rie,,o;cs Lao, and tray be disclosed to third parties. From:John Wade [mac;::iohnprrendellr ngineers_com] Sent: Friday, August 10, 2018 2:11 PM To: Hall, Christine<Christine.hall@nc_rlelir.gov> Subject: RE: [External] Morehead City Police Department CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Christine, What is the process to schedule a file review? I would like to review the file we discussed below. Is there a way to review the files without having to go to the Wilmington office? Thanks, John John J. Wade, P.E. Vice President Arendell Engineers 1004.Arendell Street* Morehead City,NC 28557 Office: (252)622-4338 Cell: (252)723-2796 wu.,_ rendellEnigine rs.com N.C. Certification C-.1509 *Please note new address! From: Hall,Christine [mailto:Christine.Halk ncdenr.gov_] Sent: Monday, May 7, 2018 1:16 PM To:John Wade<john@_arendellen;ineers.com> Subject: RE: [External] Morehead City Police Department No-we haven't quite caught up to the digital era yet. If you wish to schedule a file review, please let me know. Christine Hall Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources—State Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 3 910 796 7335 direct Al christine.hall @ncdenr.gov 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 . c1c'r;ss is subject to they ., . . , o t.1 be dssciosed to i,.,;G From:John Wade [mailto:john i,rendellengineers.com] Sent: Monday, May 07, 2018 1:11 PM To: Hall, Christine<Chr_istine.Hal ncdenr.gpv> Subject: [External] Morehead City Police Department CAUTION: External email.Do not click links or opens attachments unless verified.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Christine, I know I can find the permit numbers for active stormwater permits, but is there a way to find the actual permit information on the State's website? I'm looking for the permit information for the Morehead City Police Department Renovations and Additions SW8081025 in Carteret County. - Thanks, John John J. Wade, P.E. Vice President. Arendell Engineers 1 004 Arendet i. Street* Morehead City,NC 28557 Office: (252)622-4338 Cell: (2.52)723-2796 www.ArendellEmineers.com N.C. Certification C-:I 509 *Please note new address! 4 TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 11/13/2009 07:30 NAME : NCDENR FAX : 9103502018 TEL : 9107967215 DATE,TIME 11/13 07:30 FAX NO./NAME 912527262267 DURATION 00:00:37 PAGE(S) 02 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources • Wilmington Regional Office Beverly Eaves Perdue,Governor Dee Freeman,Secretary FAX COVER SHEET Dale: I to l -- No. Pages(excl.cover): 1 • Express Permitting To. Prom: Sandra Exum Co: ' 1 D y b,�. eaR c.•oso c Phone: (91(I)796-7265 Fax: IS �' ov a^ ( 7-7 Fax: (910)350-2004 Re: ig RAC _ Hard copy to follow 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405 to(910)796-7215•An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPORT TIME : 11/13/2669 67:32 NAME : NCDENR FAX : 9103502016 TEL : 9107967215 DATE,TIME 11/13 07:31 FAX NO./NAME912526336507 DURATIPAGON 000 2:00:36 RESULT OK MODE STANDARD ECM State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resoarcii s Wilmington Regional Office Beverly Eaves Perdue,Governor FAX COVER SHEET Dee Freeman,Secretary Date: 1 I No.Pages(excl.cover): I *� Express Pei:mitting •To: 17 —�� From: , ari.dra Exum Co: s 21jtakt=r! Phone(91p)796-7265 Fax: t ( � Fax: 01C135 -204 L 14=1—Z— Coy to follow 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,NC 28405 4(910)796-7215.An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer