HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240304_Response To Comments_20240820 WAFFLE HOUSE ® "GOOD FOOD FAST"`R.' 5986 Financial Drive• Norcross. Georgia 30071 July 1, 2024 Attn: Brianna Holland 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 625Y Raleigh, NC 27604 RE: Comment Response Letter— SW3240304; Waffle House (Restaurant) (Lincoln) Please let this letter serve as the response to your plan review comments. 1. Per 15A NCAC 02H .1003 (3) (a): SCMs shall be designed, constructed, and maintained so that the project achieves either"runoff treatment" or "runoff volume match." Per 15A NCAC 02H .1002(43), in order for a project to meet Runoff Treatment, the net increase in BUA must be captured and treated in one or more primary SCMs. Currently, there is BUA associated with this project that is not being directed to an SCM. In order for a project to meet Runoff Volume Matching, the post-development annual runoff volume for the site may not exceed 110% of the pre-development annual runoff volume for the site. Calculations have not been provided indicating that this treatment method has been used. NOTE: The annual runoff volume from an area is the total amount of runoff generated by an area over the course of a typical year. In order to reduce the post-development annual runoff from the site to within the acceptable limit, SCMs that infiltrate most of their design volume (such as infiltration basins/trenches, bioretention cells without an underdrain, silva cells, etc..., are typically required. If it is not practicable to capture the net increase in BUA, we will need to discuss a variance for the project. In order to receive a variance, the applicant shall demonstrate that the project provides equal or better stormwater control and equal or better protection of waters of the State than the requirements of 15A NCAC 02H .1003. Response: The site's proposed SCMs captures 95% of the proposed impervious surfaces (building, sidewalk, and driveways). The area only proposed impervious surfaces not captured by the site's SCMs are the proposed ROW sidewalk and entrance/exit driveway connecting to existing roadway. The site's runoff volume decreases by 53% from pre to post development. 2. Confirm the drainage areas accounted for in the package and ensure consistency with the actual drainage areas. Note that drainage areas do not always correspond to property lines but are based on the existing and proposed grades. Please revise package as needed. Response: The site drainage areas have been updated in the pre and post development stages. WAFFLE HOUSE ® "GOOD FOOD FAST"`R.> 5986 Financial Drive• Norcross. Georgia 30071 - Unless otherwise diverted, it appears off-site areas may drain to the SCM. Please ensure that the off-site portions of the drainage areas to the SCMs are correctly accounted for at their full build-out potential (per 15A NCAC 02H .1003(3)(b)). Full build-out potential is determined by either having the property owner and permittee enter into a legal agreement limiting the amount of BUA and drainage area being directed from the off-site area to the SCM or by assuming that the off-site area is 100% BUA, its full build- out potential. It is recommended to bypass off-site drainage areas around proposed SCMs as the permittee has no control over how off-site areas are developed (which is why they are required to be accounted for at their full build-out potential). Please revise package as needed. Response: All the off-site runoff has been directed way from the proposed SCM with ditches to avoid accounting for site off potential build-out area. 2. Please correct the following issues with the Application: a. Section IV, 8— Revise the project percent impervious area per the provided equation: (Total Impervious Area / Total Project Area) X 100 = Project Percent Impervious Area Response: Please see attached revised application section IV,8 showing correct percent impervious area. b. Section IV, 9— Revise to match the number of SCMs provided. For high density, count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater SCM. Response: Only one SCM is proposed for this site, thus the drainage is 1. c. Section IV, 10— Only include the drainage area directed to the SCM. Response: Only one SCM is proposed for this site, thus only the drainage directed to the SCM is listed. 3. Supplement-EZ 1x hard copy of the complete, original Supplement-EZ Form, and 1x scanned copy with the following corrections made (This item is required per Sections V & VI, 3 of the Application): a. Cover Page: i. Line 6— Per the package, it does not appear that an off-site SCM was utilized. See 15A NCAC 02H .1003 (3) (C) for more information. Response: Line 6 was been updated to show not off-site SCM. ii. Line 7-8— Per 15A NCAC 02H .1017(10) the minimum required vegetated setback width is 30 ft and must remain vegetated. Response: Line 7-8 have been update to callout 30 ft minimum vegetative setback. WAFFLE HOUSE ® "GOOD FOOD FAST"`R.> 5986 Financial Drive• Norcross. Georgia 30071 iii. Click "Load Supplement Forms" to load the complete forms. Response Understood, "Load Supplement Forms" clicked to load complete form. b. Drainage Areas Page: i. Click "Click to Load Form." This will generate the rest of the Supplement-EZ, Drainage Areas Page. This page was not generated and submitted, so could not be reviewed for accuracy at this time. Correctly loading the form will also generate a Bioretention Page, which also could not be reviewed for accuracy at this time as it was not provided. Response: Understood. The form has been correctly loaded to show the Bioretention page. 4. Plans 2x hard copies of revised sheets of the plans with the following corrections made: (This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(a) and per Section VI, 1 of the Application) a. Per Section VI, 8 no of the Application, delineated drainage areas on the main set of plans are required so that off-site drainage area may be verified, and the total drainage area directed to the SCM may be confirmed. Response: Understood. Please see sheet CO3.2 for drainage area breakdown. b. Per 15A NCAC 02H .1042 (2)(g)(vi), maintenance access routes and easements must be shown on the main set of plans. This easement must have a minimum width of ten feet, not include any slopes steeper than 3:1, extend to the nearest public right- of-way, and include the entire SCM footprint (General MDCs 8 & 9) (see guidance under MDC 9 in Part C-0 of the Manual). Response: Understood. Please see sheet CO3.2 for drainage area breakdown. c. Provide the maximum ponding depth for the design volume elevation, peak attenuation volume depth, top of internal water storage, and seasonal high water table elevation on the detail sheet per 15A NCAC 02H .1042 (2) (h). Response: Understood. Please see sheet CO3.2 for Bioretention data. d. BIORETENTION MDC 3: The peak attenuation outlet shall be a maximum of 18 inches above the planting surface. Please revise. Response: Understood. Please see sheet CO3.2 for Bioretention data. The peak attenuation outlet has been set to a maximum of 18 inches above plating surface. WAFFLE HOUSE ® "GOOD FOOD FAST"`R.> 5986 Financial Drive• Norcross. Georgia 30071 e. Provide the depth of the media on the plans so that Bioretention MDC 5 may be confirmed. Response: Please see sheet CO3.2 for Bioretention media depth data. f. Specify the coarse washed sand per Bioretention MDC 6 (a). (ASTM C33, AASHTOM 6/M80, ASTM C330, AASHTO M195, or the equivalent). Response: Please see coarse washed sand specification on the Bioretention cross-section on sheet CO3.1. g. Provide a planting plan so that Bioretention MDC 10 can be confirmed. Response: Please see landscape plan on sheet LS-1. 5. USGS Map a. It appears that the site location is incorrectly identified on the provided USGS Map. Please revise to indicate the correct project location consistent with the package. Response: It appears that the site indicator arrow in on the wrong location on the pdf file you received. Please see attached individual USGS Map pdf file indicating the correct site location. 6. Calculations: 1x signed, sealed, and dated hard copy of calculations with the following corrections made: (This item is required per Section VI, 7 of the Application) a. General MDC 4: Provide engineering calculations demonstrating the inlets of the SCM are designed to protect the SCM from erosion resulting from stormwater discharges. The outlets of SCMs shall be designed so that they do not cause erosion downslope of the discharge point during the peak flow from the 10-year storm event. Rip-rap apron sizing calculations should be provided, and the class and dimensions of the rip-rap aprons should be specified on the plans. Response: Please see pond outfall pipe calculations on sheet CO3.1. b. 15A NCAC 02H .1003 (5): Stormwater outlets shall be designed so that they do not cause erosion downslope of the discharge point during the peak flow from the 10- year storm event as shown by engineering calculations. Provide these calculations for each outlet of the site. Response: Please see rip-rap calculations on sheet CO3.1. WAFFLE HOUSE ® "GOOD FOOD FAST"`R.> 5986 Financial Drive• Norcross. Georgia 30071 7. All items that are considered a part of the "complete" package are required to be uploaded to the electronic repository. Please verify that the latest copy of every item was uploaded upon the next submission. It was noted that the following was noted in the previous submission: ❑ Documentation from the NC Secretary of State or other official documentation, which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information, item la, 2a, and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(e). ❑ Documentation from the NC Secretary of State supporting that Waffle House, Inc. is listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State, otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx ❑ A geotechnical report was provided in the hard copy submission that was not uploaded. Response: Understood. Please find attached the Geotech report. 8. Ensure the accuracy of the file naming when uploading files to the electronic repository. A partnership agreement between the partners of STTR Limited Partnership was uploaded as "Vested Rights" documentation. This appears to be intended to be documentation supporting the title of Sonya M. Gales. Response: Understood. 9. Please provide a Response to Comments letter indicating, in a point-by-point manner, how each of the above comments has been addressed. This item is required per 15A NCAC 02H .1042(3)(b). Response: Understood. Please find attached comment response letter. 10. Provide PDFs of all revisions, 2 hardcopies of revised plan sheets, 1 hardcopy of other documents, and a response to comments letter briefly describing how the comments have been addressed. a. PDFs must be uploaded using the form at: https://edocs.deq.nc.gov/Forms/SW-Supplemental-Upload b. Hard copies must be mailed or delivered to the following address: i. For FedEx/UPS: Brianna Holland 512 N. Salisbury Street, Office 625Y Raleigh, NC 27604 ii. For USPS: Brianna Holland 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 iii. Hand Delivery: Please reach out to me prior to hand delivering a submission to make sure that I (or someone else in my group)will be able to receive the submission. Do not leave the package in the foyer with the security guard. WAFFLE HOUSE "GOOD FOOD FAST" F 5986 Financial Drive• Norcross. Georgia 30071 NOTE: Hard copies should not be sent to a Regional Office. Doing so will delay the review process and the submission package may be lost while being sent from the Regional Office to me in the Central Office. Response: Understood. Please reach out to me if you have any questions. Thank you! Sincerely, Brittany Prince Project Coordinator Brittanypcthecontineogroup.com Cell: 678.429.0760 755 Commerce Drive Suite 800 Decatur Georgia 30030