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SW3240802_Property Deed_20240820 (2)
BK 8879 PG 0098 FILED UNION COUNTY, NC CRYSTAL D. GILLIARD REGISTER OF DEEDS FILED Apr 01, 2024 AT 04:27 pm BOOK 08879 START PAGE 0098 END PAGE 0102 INSTRUMENT # 07129 EXCISE TAX $3,433.00 SH NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL WARRANTY DEED Excise Tax: 34 33 C7 Parcel ID: 06-123-012C Mai/Box to: Grantee Prepared by: Hugo A.Pearce III,Attorney(without title examination) Brief 16.156+/-acres,6100 Weddington Matthews Road,Matthews, NC 28104 description for the Index: .I.h THIS GENERAL WARRANTY DEED("Deed")is made on the day of March, 2024,by and between: GRANTOR GRANTEE JOHN WAYNE ORR a/k/a J.Wayne Orr(unmarried) TOLL SOUTHEAST LP COMPANY,INC., (a 2/3 undivided interest) a Delaware corporation Whose mailing address is: Whose mailing address is: 6100 Weddington-Matthews Road 9130 Kings Parade Blvd. Matthews,NC 28104 Charlotte,NC 28203 And Property address is: 6100 Weddington Matthews Road Cindy Carol Orr(unmarried) Matthews,NC 28104 (a 1/3 undivided interest) Whose mailing address is: 7322 Morgan Mill Road Monroe,NC 28110 FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION paid by Grantee, the receipt and legal sufficiency of which is acknowledged, Grantor by this Deed does hereby grant,bargain, sell and convey to Grantee,in fee simple, all that certain lot,parcel of land or condominium unit in Union County,North Carolina and more particularly described as follows(the"Property"): SEE EXHIBIT"A"ATTACHED Page 1 of 3 NC Bar Association Real Property Section Form No. 3 CO Revised 02/2021 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association BK 8879 PG 0099 or aportion of the Property was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Book 4812 page 879. All P Y 9 All or a portion of the Property ❑ includes or Z does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. A map showing the Property is recorded in Plat Book page TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the Property and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to Grantee in fee simple. Grantor covenants with Grantee that Grantor is seized of the Property in fee simple, Grantor has the right to convey the Property in fee simple,title to the Property is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances,and Grantor shall warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever,other than the following exceptions: Any and all presently valid and enforceable easements,conditions,reservations and restrictions as may appear of the public records, but this reference is not intended to reimpose any of the same; and the lien of ad valorem taxes,which the Grantee hereby assume and agree to pay. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has duly executed this North Carolina General Warranty Deed,if an entity by its duly aut s orized r resentative. .4 (SEAL) J! N WAYNE 0' a/k/a J. ayne Orr ‘344-- (SEAL) CTICi:IY*0 ORR STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CABARRUS I, NATALIE McKNIGHT, a Notary of the above state and county, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me on the 28th day of March, 2024,each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document,in the capacity represented and identified therein(if any):John Wayne Orr a/k/a J.Wayne Orr. .1\Affix Notary SeallStamp ,,,,,,,, ►,►►►►,,,,,, Nota Public(Official Signature) ,,,, �Al I E A,, My com expires:2/4/2028 ,'" N O M Tq t KA '''C►O�U a►1►"``'```?` Page 2 of 3 NC Bar Association Real Property Section Form No. 3©Revised 02/2021 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association BK 8879 PG 0100 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, COUNTY OF CABARRUS I, NATALIE McKNIGHT, a Notary of the above state and county, certify that the following person(s) personally appeared before me on the 28th day of March,2024,each acknowledging to me that he or she signed the foregoing document,in the capacity represented and identified therein(if any): CINDY CAROL ORR Affix Notary Seal/Stamp •llllllllll lll ` PLlE MC, ���. Nota ub ' (Official Signature) My commission expires:2/4/2028 \A0TA c, Z� MY Co m C7 ' 2/4/2028 xp I Q3 G c): S Page 3 of 3 NC Bar Association Real Property Section Form No. 3©Revised 02/2021 Printed by Agreement with the NC Bar Association BK 8879 PG 0101 EXHIBIT "A" BEING the same property allotted as Parcel 1 to J. Wayne Orr, a two-thirds (2/3) interest and Cindy Carol Orr, a one-third (1/3) interest, as tenants in common, under that Order of the Clerk of Superior Court for Union County in Partition Proceeding No. 06-SP-1263, a Certified copy of which is recorded in Book 4812, at Page 879, in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Union County, North Carolina. Tax Parcel: 06123012C BEGINNING at a magnetic nail found at the intersection of the centerlines of Cox Road and Weddington Matthews Road, thence eleven (11) calls with the centerline of Weddington Matthews Road as follows: 1st, South 41-15-02 West 35.05 feet to a point; 2nd, South 44- 02-11 West 42.60 feet to a point; 3rd, South 46-40-56 West 31.12 feet to a point; 4th , South 48-54-17 West 43.46 feet to a point; 5th , South 51-08-10 West 42.03 feet to a point; 6th, South 54-42-43 West 52.79 to a point; 7th South 59-40-39 West 53.82 feet to a point; 8th, South 64-1849 West 52.89 feet to a point; 9tn, South 67-2845 West 57.73 feet to a point; 10th, South 69-19-3t West 56.39 feet to a point; and 11tn, South 70-26-33 West 81.84 feet to a point in the centerline of said road, said point being the southeastern corner of the John Wayne Orr property (now or formerly) (Book 663, Page 678); thence with said Orr's line, North 15-33-49 West 424.79 feet total, passing through an iron found at 29.68 feet, to an iron found in the southern line of the PDH, LLC property (now or formerly) (Book 4247, Page 817); thence four(4) calls with said PDH property as follows: 1st, North 57-19-55 East 292.04 feet to an iron found; 2nd North 23-16-44 West 1296.47 feet to an iron found: 3rd South 86-23-36 West 197.98 feet to an iron found; 4th North 04-48-37 West 174.18 feet to an iron set in the center of the 68' Duke Power R/W; thence four (4) calls dividing the on property as follows: 1st, within said Duke Power R/W, South 77-05-59 East 489.35 feet to an iron set; 2nd, South 28-58-09 East 1012.30 feet to an iron set; 3rd South 34-12-08 West 208.66 feet to an iron set; 4th, South 55-47- 52 East 434.31 total feet, passing through an iron set at 404.31 feet, to a point in the centerline of Weddington- Matthews Road; thence two (2) calls with the centerline of said road as follows: 1st, South 34-12-48 West 210.03 feet to a point; 2nd, South 36-29-18 West 62.55 feet to the point and place of BEGINNING and containing 16.156 acres, more or less, and labeled as Parcel 1 on the Division Survey for Gerald D. Orr and J. Wayne Orr by F. Donald Lawrence, PLS, dated January 16, 2008 (the "Survey"). SUBJECT TO two (2)20' permanent sanitary sewer easements and two (2)40' construction easements across Parcel 1 for the benefit of Parcel 2 as shown on the Survey. Said permanent sanitary sewer easements being 20 feet wide, 10 feet on either side of the following described centerlines and said construction easements being 40 feet wide, 20 feet on each side of said centerlines. Centerlines of said sewer easements arc as follows: Easement#1 Beginning at a point located North 23-16-44 West 385.00 feet from the southeastern corner of the PDH, LLC property (now or formerly) (Book 4247, Page 817); thence from said point across Parcel 1, North 61-01-51 East 347.16 feet to a point in the western BK 8879 PG 0102 boundary line of Parcel 2, said line is the centerline of the 20' permanent sanitary sewer easement and the 40' construction easement as shown on the Survey. Easement#2 Beginning at a point located South 04-48-37 East 190.83 feet from the northeastern corner of the PDH, LLC property(now or formerly) (Book 4247, Page 817); thence said centerline follows two (2) calls within and across Parcel 1 as follows: 1st , North 86-23-36 East 328.61 feet to a point; 2nd, South 77-05-24 East 175.35 feet to a point in the western boundary line of Parcel 2, said lines being the centerline of a 20' permanent sanitary sewer easement and the centerline of a 40' construction easement as shown on the Survey.