HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG190003_Inspection 2nd Qtr 2024 (Bock Marine)_20240601 SwSGStormwater Services Group, LLC
8916 Oregon Inlet Court
Raleigh, North Carolina 27603
Phone: (919) 661-9954
Fax: (919) 661-8108
June 6,2024
Kenny Bock
Bock Marine Builders,Inc.
233 Core Creek Rd.
Beaufort NC 28516-7525
RE: NPDES General Permit NCG190003
2°d Quarter 2024 Site Inspection
Dear Mr. Bock:
Please find attached the 2nd Quarter 2024 Site Inspection Report based on our observations during the site
visit on 06 JUNE 2024. This site presents only a few potential sources of stormwater pollution. The site
appears to be cleaner today than observed during previous inspections The several items of concern are
described on the checklists and in photographs.
Overall, this facility's employees are taking a proactive approach to pollution prevention and Permit
compliance. It is evident that effort is made to practice good housekeeping and spill prevention. The
boatyard has a lot of activity today and its understandable that some SWPPP items will not get frequent
attention. Some items continue to be a potential source of pollution:
• Wood blocks may be a source of Copper. Cover if feasible when not in use.
• Remind new tenants doing self-repairs to secure all of their hazmats and protect from
• Remind all sub-contractors of their duty to secure all hazmat containers and to reduce pollutant
sources from their work. Develop a Pollution & Spill Prevention Policy for subs and vendors.
Insert copy into Appendix F and email a copy to this Consultant.
• Hull work such as grinding, sanding, and painting will be performed over a ground tarp or filter
fabric. Source for ground tarps include htips://www.mutualindustries.net/product/nw80-non-
woven-geotextile-polypropylene-fabric-roll-300-ft-length-x-l5-ft-width or similar. Ground tarps
will be swept immediately after any hull work that produces residue or particles with debris
disposed daily into plastic bags then placed into a dumpster.
• Totes that are used to temporarily hold fuel (contaminated or otherwise) should be marked with
type of fuel, date contents were first accumulated, and name of vessel if assigned to a single
vessel. Markings can be made with chalk or grease pencil.
• Provide flam cabinets in repair shop and storage sheds to store shop-level containers of hazmats.
• Continue to sweep off the wash pad daily to remove hull and bottom paint residue. This residue
will be placed into plastic bags then disposed into the dumpster.
• Abandoned boats are present in the "bone yard". Ensure these boats are not leaking fuel or oily
• Conduct weekly litter patrol along ditches from Core Creek Rd to ICW. A litter patrol will be
most efficient during low tide.
The majority of boat owners are doing a satisfactory effort to secure their paints, cleaners, oils, batteries
and other hazardous materials in weather-proof containments or under tarps. The use of ground tarps
(e.g., filter fabric) under boats that are undergoing hull scraping, sanding, cleaning, and/ or painting is
recommended. Where ground tarps are used,the edges must be secured against wind and the tarps swept
Bock Marine Builders, Inc. wS(�
2nd Quarter 2024 Site Inspection S S VI
Page 2
at least weekly and prior to storms to remove residue. Sweep the hull work residue into plastic bags then
dispose into the dumpster at the end of each work day.
Other areas of the site (e.g., storage buildings, paint shed) should be cleaned out of old, broken,
abandoned, and/ or unneeded items every six months. Improved good housekeeping will increase
employee efficiency and reduce the potential for spills and accidents. A clean site also encourages boat
owners to keep their work areas clean. Overall,the site was mostly clean and mostly debris-free today.
Continue to implement the BMPs indicated on Tables 4, 5, 5.1, and 5.2 — mark with • and date of
implementation'. For all additional, new, and improved BMPs implemented since January 2024, indicate
on Table 5.2.
Review Compliance Task Schedule (Year 2024) on Page vii in the SWPPP binder to ensure that all tasks
with a target date thru 06/30/24 are completed this month. Mark completed tasks with •and date.
The SWPP Team must meet within the next several days to discuss this report. After reviewing,
sign below, and then insert this entire report into Appendix F of the SWPPP notebook.
A second 3-ring binder may be used to hold reports and documents dated prior to 2023. Label
the binder"Appendix F - SWPPP Reports thru 12/2022".
We will perform the next site inspection in the 3rd Quarter 2024. In the meantime, if you have
any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
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SWPPT Reviewers sign below:
1 BMPs and task items must be marked when implemented or completed.
Good Housekeeping Program
BMP Checklist #1
Building/ Area: Facility-wide Date: 06/06/24
SWPPT Member: Jim Frei/ SwSG Time: 1215 hrs
Yes No N/A
A. Operation and Maintenance
1. Are trash and waste materials picked up and disposed weekly? 0 ❑ ❑
2. Is equipment kept in good working condition? No signs of POL drippage 0 ❑ ❑
3. Is there a routine inspection for leaks or conditions that could lead to 0 ❑ ❑
pollutant contact with stormwater or the ground?
4. Are drip pans and secondary containment structures emptied and 0 ❑ ❑
maintained on a regular basis?
5. Are dumpsters kept closed to minimize contact with precipitation? 0 ❑ ❑
6. Are scrap parts and empty hazmat containers disposed weekly? ❑ 0 ❑
7. Are used pallets under cover or removed from site weekly? ❑ 0 ❑
B. Material Storage Practices
1. Is adequate space provided for material handling, storage, and easy 0 ❑ ❑
access for inspection of hazmat containers?
2. Are containers, drums, and cans in good condition, properly sealed, and 0 ❑ ❑
stored away from direct traffic routes to prevent accidental spills?
3. Are containers stacked according to manufacturer's instructions on spill- 0 ❑ ❑
containment pallets and off the ground to avoid corrosion due to moisture?
4. Are material storage areas and loading/ unloading areas protected from 0 ❑ ❑
precipitation, surface flow, and runoff?
C. Material Inventory Procedures
1. Are all chemical substances identified on a material usage/ inventory list? Permittee to Verify
2. Are excessive chemical inventories minimized? ❑ 0 ❑
3. Is SIDS binder readily available to all employees? 2 ❑ ❑
4. Are all containers >55 gallons labeled to show Contents, container ❑ 0 ❑
capacity, Tank ID number, and 4-color diamond placard?
5. Are hazardous waste accumulation points operated and maintained ❑ ❑ 0
according to regulations? None generated this Quarter
Comments: A.3: Continue to clean the washpad weekly of all bottom paint residue and staining. Pad
cleaning water must be treated on-site or pumped & hauled off-site for proper disposal.
B.2: Some containers in paint shed and storage shed may hold expired or aged product — check and
discard product that is no longer usable. Segregate flammables away from corrosives.
C.1/C.2: Remove unneeded and duplicate chemicals and old paints from site.
CA: Label all ASTs and fixed containers >55 gals with Contents, Capacity, Tank ID#, and O placard.
Yes: In compliance No: Implement BMP N/A:Not Applicable
Bock Marine—Beaufort, NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist 91
Personnel Training and Record Keeping
BMP Checklist #2
Building/ Area: Facility-wide Date: 06/06/24
SWPPT Member: Jim Frei/ SwSG Time: 1215 hrs
Yes No N/A
A. Employee Training Program
1. Is a training program in place to instruct employees on the 2 ❑ ❑
components and goals of the SWPPP?
2. Have employees received training within 12 months regarding:
a. Spill prevention and response? ❑ ❑ ❑
b. Good housekeeping? ❑ ❑ ❑
C. Proper material management practices? ❑ ❑ ❑
d. Pollution Prevention ❑ ❑ ❑
3. Are employees trained on proper spill prevention and response for the 0 ❑ ❑
materials which they handle?
4. Are contractors and vendors informed of proper spill prevention and Permittee to Verify
response for the materials which they handle or bring onto the site?
B. Record Keeping
1. Are site inspection records kept up to date and according to SWPPP Q ❑ ❑
2. Are outfall monitoring records kept up to date and according to 0 ❑ ❑
SWPPP guidelines?
3. Are employee training records kept up to date and according to ❑ ❑ ❑
SWPPP guidelines? Insert any documentation relating to in-house
pollution/spill prevention training since March 2024 into Appx. F.
4. Are significant spill incidents documented and do these records ❑ ❑ Q
include all circumstances regarding the incident?
5. Is a list of names and telephone numbers of appropriate personnel Q ❑ ❑
and agencies kept with procedures for notification in case of a
reportable spill or leak?
A.2: All SWPP Team members need training which can be provided by the SWPPT Leader or this
Consultant. A workshop can be held in 3rd Quarter 2024—call 919.661.9954 to schedule a date.
Check appropriate box for any in-house P2 training provided since January 2024.
B.4: All significant spills must be documented; if no spills, provide statement in SWPPP during annual
review. There have been no significant spills since the March 2024 site inspection. Reminder: Use
Form 8 if a significant spill occurs on-site or into adjacent marina waters.
Yes:Tn compliance No:Tmplement BMP N/A:Not Applicable
Bock Marine—Beaufort, NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist 92
Liquid Storage in Aboveground Containers
BMP Checklist #3
Building/ Area: Facility-wide Date: 06/06/24
SWPPT Member: Jim Frei/ SwSG Time: 1215 hrs
Yes No N/A
A. Spill Control
1. Are automatic fuel shut-off devices installed, maintained and operating ❑ ❑ ❑
properly at fuel and chemical delivery areas? Verify at Diesel Tank
2. Are fuel/ oil/ lubricant storage containers equipped with 0 ❑ ❑
a secondary containment system or otherwise contained to prevent spills
from directly entering the storm or sanitary sewer system?
3. Are all drums containing chemicals provided with secondary containment? ❑ ❑ Rl
4. Are valves on containment systems closed and locked? Screw plug is OK 0 ❑ ❑
5. Are oil/ water separators or oil/ grease traps installed in storm drains or ❑ ❑ Rl
sewer system operating and maintained properly?
6. Are pollution &spill prevention awareness signs posted at facility? ❑ Rl ❑
7. Are spill kits readily accessible where hazmats are stored or used? ❑ Rl ❑
8. Are spills controlled using sorbents/drip pans/ pads? 0 ❑ ❑
9. Are there protective guards around aboveground tanks and pipes? ❑ 0 ❑
10. Are storage tank systems visually observed at least once per year? 0 ❑ ❑
B. Dispensing from Drums
1. Are all dispensing drums placed on spill containment pallets? 0 ❑ ❑
2. Are drip pans, pads, or absorbents used to control minor leaks and drips? Rl ❑ ❑
C. Stormwater Exposure
1. Are hazmat delivery and drum storage areas protected from rainfall? Rl ❑ ❑
2. Are hazmats stored in a pre-fab hazmat building with integral spill ❑ 0 ❑
containment? Not required, but recommended.
D. Cleanup Methods
1. Are dry cleanup methods used for spills? Rl ❑ ❑
2. Is cleaning of hazmat storage areas with water avoided? Q ❑ ❑
Comments: A.1: Protect all hazmat containers from precipitation. Remove empties from site asap.
A.7: Maintain several 6' long x 3" diameter oleophilic booms for oil spill blockage at lift basin. Allow
gasoline spills onto water to dissipate, but oil and diesel fuel must be boomed and absorbed. Maintain
spill kits similar to www.grainger.com Part No. 35ZR74 in each repair/ maintenance building.
Spills onto "waters of the State"that create a sheen must be reported to the NRC @ 1-800-424-8802.
Yes:In compliance No:Implement BMP N/A:Not Applicable
Bock Marine—Beaufort, NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist 93
Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance and Washing
BMP Checklist #4
Building/ Area: Facility-wide Date: 06/06/24
SWPPT Member: Jim Frei/ SwSG Time: 1215 hrs
Yes No N/A
A. Leaking Fluids
1. Are company-owned vehicles, boats, and equipment checked for 2 ❑ ❑
leaking fluids on a daily basis?
B. Nontoxic or Low Toxicity Materials
1. Are non-toxic or low toxicity materials used where feasible? 0 ❑ ❑
C. Filter Disposal
1. Are wet filters completely drained before recycling/disposal? ❑ ❑ Rl
2. Are used filters stored in a covered container prior to disposal? ❑ ❑ 0
D. Liquid Waste Disposal
1. Is pouring of liquid wastes or dumping of solid waste on the ground, 2 ❑ ❑
into ditches, or into storm drains avoided?
2. Are hazardous materials disposed according to manufacturer's 0 ❑ ❑
recommendations and local regulations?
E. Recycling
1. Are fluids and other used materials recycled when practical? Rl ❑ ❑
1. Are recycled products used when practical? 2 ❑ ❑
F. Waste Segregation
1. Are wastes properly segregated, labeled, and discarded? ❑ Rl ❑
H. Maintenance Activities Areas
1. Are all maintenance activities performed in covered areas? ❑ 0 ❑
2. Are discarded equipment and parts protected from precipitation? ❑ 2 ❑
J. Wash Area
1. If detergents are used, are they phosphate-free and bio-degradable? ❑ ❑ ❑
2. Is washwater contained or otherwise kept out of the storm drainage Rl ❑ ❑
system or marina basin? None seen today
3. Are outside wash areas in compliance with the Permit? 0 ❑ ❑
Comments: F.1: Label totes containing contaminated fuel or fuel to be polished.
H.2: Continue to promptly remove scrap debris, scrap metal, and litter from site grounds.
J.2: Continue to use washwater collection/ treatment system at boat haul-out dock. Clean blue stains
off concrete wash pad; discharge all pavement cleaning waters into treatment system or pump & haul.
The infiltration of boat rinse water is not prohibited by the Permit.
J.3: Continue to prevent the discharge of boat washwater into the marina basin.
Yes:In compliance No:Implement BMP N/A:Not Applicable
Bock Marine—Beaufort, NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist 94
Site Specific Practices
BMP Checklist #5
Building/ Area: Facility-wide Date: 06/06/24
SWPPT Member: Jim Frei/ SwSG Time: 1215 hrs
Yes No N/A
A. Exposure Minimization Practices
1. Are containment dikes/curbing in place and functioning properly? ❑ ❑ 0
2. Are swales used to divert stormwater runoff away 0 ❑ ❑
from hazmat storage areas?
3. Are drip pans used to contain leaks from equipment? ❑ ❑ 0
4. Are structural collection systems to contain spills in place maintained ❑ ❑ 0
and functioning properly?
5. Are scrap bins/dumpsters provided with a cover or closed? 0 ❑ ❑
6. Are all hazmat drums provided with secondary containment? 0 ❑ ❑
7. Are vehicles positioned during loading/ unloading to minimize 0 ❑ ❑
exposure of materials to precipitation?
8. Are hazardous materials stored in a flammables cabinet with integral ❑ 0 ❑
secondary containment? Secure all hazmats at end of work shift
9. Are storm inlets down-gradient from hazmat storage areas provided ❑ 0 ❑
with spill blocker mats? Obtain booms for blocking ditches &swales
B. Other Preventative Practices
1. Is all hull sanding/grinding residue collected onto tarps and disposed 0 ❑ ❑
properly? Continue to use ground tarps
2. Are active dispensing drums placed on spill catchment pallets? 0 ❑ ❑
3. Are P2 informational signs posted in the repair shop? ❑ 0 ❑
4. Are appropriate site security measures in place? 0 ❑ ❑
5. Are spill kits provided near hazardous materials storage and usage ❑ ❑ ❑
areas? Permittee to check box when kits are provided
6. Are eroded areas repaired on a timely basis? None seen today ❑ ❑ 0
Comments: A.3: Use drip pans as appropriate to contain leaks and drips from boat bilges and motors.
A.6: No non-empty hazmat drums seen on-site today.
A.8: Store small (shop-level) hazmat containers in a flammables cabinet when not being used.
B.1: Contain residue from hull cleaning/ sanding processes with tarps and filter cloths or vacuum
system; dispose into plastic bags then into the dumpster.
B.3: Post spill prevention & response signage for awareness and education. Source:
B.6: Maintain vegetated/ grass buffer minimum 8 ft wide along bulkhead, shoreline, and along ditches.
Maintain grass height 3" to 6". If possible, add soil along bulkheads so as to slope away from water's
edge. Watch for and repair any sloughing behind bulkheads.
Yes:In compliance No: Implement BMP N/A: Not Applicable
Bock Marine—Beaufort, NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist 95
BMP Checklist#6
NPDES PERMIT No. NCG190003 FACILITY: Bock Marine Builders, Inc.
COUNTY: Carteret PHONE: (252) 728-6855
INSPECTOR: Jim Frei/ SwSG DATE: 06 JUNE 2024 @ 1224 hrs
0 Dry weather observation ❑ Wet weather observation
0 No flow during dry weather ❑ Flow during dry weather ❑ Standing water during dry weather
Describe the industrial activities occurring within the outfall drainage area.
Boat Washpad, Boat Lift travelway
COLOR-Describe the discharge color(e.g. red, brown,green, blue)and tint(e.g., light, medium, dark).
No Flow Today
ODOR—Describe any distinct odors(e.g.gasoline, rotten eggs,chlorine)the discharge may have.
No Odor
CLARITY - Choose the number that best ranks the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 10 is very
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FLOATING SOLIDS - Choose the number that best ranks the amount of floating solids in the discharge,
where 1 is no solids and 10 is the surface covered with floating solids.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SUSPENDED SOLIDS -Choose the number that best ranks the amount of suspended solids in the discharge,
where 1 is no solids and 10 is extremely muddy.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is there any foam on or in the stormwater discharge? yes /NO
Is there oil sheen visible on the stormwater discharge or at the outfall? yes ✓NO
Is there erosion at or immediately below the outfall? yes ✓NO
Are there deposits of sludge or other material at the outfall? yes ✓NO
List and describe other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution:
No boat washing is occurring during inspection.
Clean/sweep residue off concrete pad and dispose into dumpster.
By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the bes f my know) dge:
Permittee's Signature Inspector's Signature
Bock Marine—Beaufort,NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist#6
BMP Checklist#6
NPDES PERMIT No. NCG190003 FACILITY: Bock Marine Builders, Inc.
COUNTY: Carteret PHONE: (252) 728-6855
INSPECTOR: Jim Frei/ SwSG DATE: 06 JUNE 2024 @ 1221 hrs
Q Dry weather observation ❑ Wet weather observation
❑ No flow during dry weather Flow during dry weather ❑ Standing water during dry weather
Describe the industrial activities occurring within the outfall drainage area.
Boat Repair Shop, POL & Paint Storage, Boat Yard, Septic Drain Field, Scrap Metal Pile
COLOR-Describe the discharge color(e.g. red, brown, green, blue)and tint(e.g., light, medium, dark).
Very Light Tannic—almost clear
ODOR—Describe any distinct odors(e.g. gasoline, rotten eggs,chlorine)the discharge may have.
No Odor.
CLARITY - Choose the number that best ranks the clarity of the discharge, where 1 is clear and 10 is very
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
FLOATING SOLIDS - Choose the number that best ranks the amount of floating solids in the discharge,
where 1 is no solids and 10 is the surface covered with floating solids.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
SUSPENDED SOLIDS -Choose the number that best ranks the amount of suspended solids in the discharge,
where 1 is no solids and 10 is extremely muddy.
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Is there any foam on or in the stormwater discharge? yes
Is there oil sheen visible on the stormwater discharge or at the outfall? yes /NO
Is there erosion at or immediately below the outfall? yes ✓NO
Are there deposits of sludge or other material at the outfall? yes ✓NO
List and describe other obvious indicators of stormwater pollution:
No improper discharges observed today.
Observation made at 3 hours before low tide— minimal tidal flow is present.
Oysters and crabs observed at outfall—good sign of good water quality.
By this signature, I certify that this report is accurate and complete to the bes f my knowI dge:
Permittee's Signature Inspector's Signature
Bock Marine—Beaufort, NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report BMP Checklist 96
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Figure 1—Downstream View @ SDO-001 Culvert Figure 2—ASTs containing POL
Figure 3—View toward SDO-002 Figure 4—Wood Blocks may be Source of Copper
Bock Marine-Beaufort,NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report Photos—Page I
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Figure 6—Label Totes containing Fuel or other HazMat
Figure 5—Remind Boat Owners to secure HazMats
Figure 7—BMP: This Area is cleaner Figure 8—BMP: Motors are protected from Rainfall
Bock Marine-Beaufort,NC Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
2nd Quarter 2024 Report Photos—Page 2