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NCC242497_Site Plan or Location Map_20240816
PROPERTY LINES CENTERLINE EXISTING IS'ACCESS EASEMENT READ THE PLAN DEVELOPMENT DATA Site Soils Classification: III III LINE BEARING DISTANCE CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE Per Alamance County Planning: LI 540°I5'50"E 46,61' CI 50.00' 5.61' 5.61' 5 26.27'23'W 6.39'4I" Unclassified. Classification of near surface soils shall IT 15 THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE Front Setback-40'Side Setback- 0' 4 N 60°2440'E 46.43' C2 50.00' 27.74' 27.39' 5 07°13'57 W 3I°47'3s° be made per owner's geotechnical engineering FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE PARTY TO COMPLY WITH ALL TERMS OF TOE S __ 4/8 L2 N 67°19' r" \ 56'E 15.25 C3 50.00' 18.00' 17.90' 5 0I°47'17'E 20°37'3I" ) C4 50.00' 57,88' 54,70' 540°15'45•W 66°I 9'22" recommendations based the evaluation of exposed APPROVED SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN AND PERMIT -\- Rear Setback-20' Ls 566°43'28"E 70.99' C5 50,00' 28.95' 28.55' N 89.59.30"W 33.10'39" subgrade soils. I!! READ THE PERMIT III L6 N 80.24'29'E 21,06' C6 50.00' 29.23' 28.82' 5 89.50'52'W 33.30'02" _ SCENIC DR. L7 N 51.04'37'E 48,73' C7 50.00' 18.86' 18.75' 5 62°17'45'W 21°36'50" I I ' 1 ' PARCEL DATA La N 23.31'25'E 60.21' /,, / // se 1 1'61 11 1 t sONTneRN i�N L9 N 86°33'20'E 40.70' CENTERLINE EXISTING I5'ACCESS EASEMENT / .../ ,/, I \ \ SCHOOL D 6-14-24 Alamance County Tax Information(Per Alamance County GIS) LIO 576°12'39"E 62.83' L48 N 29.47.10"E 45.67' / /// / \\ \ M�? I \ o �� Parcels Included in this Project:4 LI I N 67.07'25'E 30,01' L49 508°39'42'.E 343.31. / ( \ tG, Parcel I: L12 578°34'01"E 29,18' L50 507°0013°W 176.90' / / I V A V AVAA' A \V A-- /' q SITE/ 1" = 100' LI 3 5 54°20'7"E 28.02' L51 S 73°25'16"W 2.34' E I PARCEL# 30Q72-/ \ \ \\�� /// -// '/ � y swt Parcel Address: Southern High School Road,Graham,NC(Unaddressed) L14 525°52'27'E 19.82' L52 N 73°24.17"W 52.7r ( I/V --IA.STONE I v A v v e / / P �r + O6'E 46.63 L53 573°06'00"W 112.15' \ D,-2-.CL ORES 2 _ �`•` \ '� `�\ ��/O/ L� N"NWooD OR, BSB/CDH Township: Albright LIs 548°05'12'E 92.27 I , \ - - 1 \ v v� Y/ sz " xrne USA, es GPIN: 8872527467 u6 576°00' / 1 SQPCRES O arv� oa �� LI7 5 17°58' W 16.49' \ \ / / c�y Parcel ID: 30070 , a 4f v 2.9 /' LIb 560.16'13" --5@2- / '$� IncludingParcel Area: 9.1 2 sb Right-of-Way) 8 E 36.35 �� e s .L --5�80--J`�/`--,4, Lot�l: \ •��~`` qd// �/ ~ ?, ryc.. Parcel 2 d Address: Book 35 h SchoolRoad,Graham,fNCa(Unaddressed) L22 5490oasW 20.a r• ' -- ` / F vi` ''A' . . ' Reference: Page 279 L20 5 51°59'46" O _ Parcel 9p16 '\� X 2.\ --- t„'y , , vs co s $,\ \\\ \ 6 r-,. so,. Township: Albright L24 5 38°22'34'W 16.94' f0^' --5,zp- d \ I /new GRIN: 8872518842 L25 N82°ssoa•w 6s.zs ` -o---- A *1-1-0-_ � ��� CONTROL \ \ \ \1 y `x SCALE:1"=2000' Vicinity Map L26 546°23'22"W 57.97' `- e4 -'CPI' �5-]0. L•� \� \�� ��\\N820266352 RNER \\ 4 \\ / ea-v 1,, I Parcel ID: 130069 L27 sso°z3'37"w 52_57' :' _ - �� `_ Lot 41EI8764s1 •' \ \MxouoFx �`I 1 Parcel 39.91 Acres_g(Not Including Right-of-Way) L32� N66sz's3'w a644' '� t. ��- .v �\ /�\ I 0.70 Acres ,,•, `� ,\��\ TEMP.cuc7loN\ \\ + L28 N 63°1 I'20'W 29.31' : L3 Deed Reference: Book 4447,Page 156 o so w 26.52' __ Lot 38 / / e - gL35 559'29 _ // // ��/ GPIN: 88right 37 L34 589°5053' O�Acrea �� \ P s9� o aL1 W 30.77 *6 9 ParcelAddress: Southern 1 School Road,Graham, (Unaddressed) za•w az.63', •.`0 �s / /L _ / -�. \ W 51.61 ,.ou Lot 39 wE A• / a • A\ N V A \ \ \ Township: Albright Parcel Area: 1.59 Acres_(Not IncludingRight-of-Way) 38 ��Q L36 Nb1°35 _ 0.99 Acres 716ovDER 4/,//0g 0�/ ,o,'FO• -y RSESHOE INLET \ I \ '26'W 41,07 / �� h / �,�{p.- , ROTECTION,TIT. \ \ I \ Parcel 4: + L40 sal°4z�2a'w 38.22 /tee suet/ / R r//'-' /�/ -- yl T� \V ryS V A 1 I \ \ \ ParcelL36 N 70"00 9 Y Deed Reference: Book 4447,Page 1 56 L39 N 56°5627'W 3b 42 b� 37 / / / //YO r / �H �� / °4 \ Q'• V 1 I 1 I \ \ z6'W 41 89' / // ` 1 75 Acres/// -- ///// 4at�l o ,,--1 , A A\ \ 1 \ \ I \ \ L41 N 52°42 I'W 28 64' / - / / �k:31 Acres // b .p \ Parcel Address: Rogers Road,Graham,NC(Unaddressed) / / / / // // // // / `• / Q,� / ><, A A \ \ \ \ \ Township: Albright 1 .,// - - /// / ,y V A L42 N 84°3807'W 35 75' 0 / / / // / / q \ • \ \ \ \ g 43 576°4705'W 405' y • j / 50R x p� / PH \ \ \ \ g y L47 5 60°0725'W 22.53 4 - tOSQ / 4 \o , GPIN: 8872619895 L44 Nat°aoar, o T 1 �_ �� �/ / f // 1.z;t Acres g \\VA / A ��� v-/ W 31 56 \ Parcel ID: 1 302 0 L45 N5 71°2223 W 34 54' n0 - . `,I/// -R \ Q�� \ �` \ L4 N71°2223'W 3493' /\ /// �/� - �.j \ \ I \ \ \ \ Parcel Area: 0.98 Acres (Not IncludingRight-of-Way) /^o +` as° , ql �' \ Deed Reference: Book 4447,Page 156 R� s p`L EvT513 �/ 9e` " fq�, lam_ A 1 a v A A vv -/ O 1- o ,p- s,�d(\ Lot 38 �arr . / / I 1 �A A A\ \v / _0 C et A V A�� 0.82 Acres ' / '''" it,„ � - � �� Na„,, EROSION CONTROL LEGEND -- ,\SSP'� ie 1 �°e'st A 'N ��LI.QS•41� �R-ao '<4 / x / - \ vA V v, / N 9 ROCK CHECK DAM �O a,F ,. ` ,f I �O @g �,- Zoxw / N \\ \ i LLL1��`\\`�!/ 7 AP' Lot 5 \ / 8 �. �p�YL' _� `b����/ �1> �� 1.09'Acres L3otA11 �8 ��'t" _ v v / �,o LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE �r�q0////J v :•.; / 1 j` T� ��......\ O.7 cres ^ `'.7 Lot iqi 8 \\\• \\\J// / SILT FENCE \�///� T58-2 ,� - / '� c '4 _-- I� A / 0.89 Acres g �/ A v / L ,: _ gyp§¢� \ �i / CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 41 q1 /'(/ % -� \r7• �/�. �y.a F r yy A 19,-' C7f� \\ \\\\ / PARCEL#1 30020 _-' �� - , • / ;a:P Y a \ , \ J -<- DIVERSION DITCH r.BERM EROSION CONTROL NOTES: TOWARD LOY TRUST / Lot a 5:'- � I CS. � // Z Lot 16 Lot 15 - 12 �' i ° � 6 a O �e s Proposed Disturbed Area 39.13 Acres D 8.4441 PG.94 <o`z° C / -v I -as / d_ Q p ' 0.90 Acres 0.92 Acres A8 / 0.70 Acres j` `� I. 4. \ `,{S}� I O Z VT BAFFLES J 46.4 ACRES ___ Lot 9 \ I. Limits of Disturbance shall be property lines,silt f/ s - 1, Acres 0B" / \ 3RF ~ < -' SILT FENCE OUTLET(SFO) fencing,temporary diversion ditches,or as shown on -�i �/ - """_ - II . �/� - �y8d� / x°.a - \\\ \ Z Ian. - -- 2- °... `,- ,.'�.! , R p h� ' .� d 9 4,„es., 1 /; z- v II / ?-TF - TREEFENCE 2. In areas where the property boundary,disturbance / i c�-/i -- _ '+ Lot 13fU / �;a.A w.,, limits,and/or silt fencing are parallel and overlap,lines 2 -/ / " + `_. - - --- q -_ ' .a,-0.70 Acres {- _ 2"m• / / \ -----' \ I■■■N SLOPE DRAIN 'L �i �Lo-- - ',A / - - O a / / are offset to provide clarity. \3' / -1p}rf8- -Lo_t-17-- / Lot 14 `' _ - :11:_-_-1: / / ,' / I \ \ \ 3. Any material imported to the site or exported from 1 1.08-Ao3•es }•3-7-�oree 0.78 Acres 4 - / -�o�P �2,, / / 1 - \ O 0 /1 p/. INLET PROTECTION Lot 19 - -- -�� /� 4 / I /?„$ t//`I/ WW the site shall originate or be disposed of at a �ey, ZIe civet Z _ __ �R„ 1.03 Acres - _ O. - properly permitted site. D ' ---- M 8 - v o' 4 / y�o,-s / ���' �'',, STRAW WATTLE ti GJ .CIO n'/W awe aA.7217. N` - X/ / /_ __ / / / // �, 4,1 O ;ZO QFSS//f 'G- s A 4 1Ct 13A� / / G 0 (n •\� G Jply` E s /� / / PH 1 / ?up Lot 20 :. / / 7,-LSl / // ,;,eon I l L 'u / // / Lot N W Lot 1LA. 24924 CONTRACTORS NOTES: // 0.78 Acres 1,ot 18A / ki 19t"M� / / 6.96/Acres/ �)I 1 K': I. The contractor shall verify the location of all existing utilities prior to //j • I i - - ff,}Y C ! �/ 5P 08AIf I / / / / -__ O pC INE based on the best available GIS information,but can only be considered //T/ > •�," / / A A L i 'iJ$L�C ROAD e A L° ' 2$3,7Q� --- Trj < '^••• JF,o°� beginning construction.Locations of existing utilities shown on the plan are //�Y �-o \ I\ I 1y�y` _,,.1 �P}(~(yfYOS'�'p' •�a �� �,�/ 08RA- ---WO _ _ 20n sla_ _ _ _--4 i I i` ''�.,F,, D.N approximate. /s _-- •- o•Xis-�' ■ V 1 T / N 89'03'22" W ` I.o,`�W\y✓/w. Pp p. - ' Lot 28 , _ ■ I V _- 1 f- I I 2. NCDENR shall review and approve construction drawings prior to s pa-. ,(S / ---- - -��`-?.7 --�,72 Acrea U: aJ,, - - A A \ I I> C-1939 construction. Anyconflicts should be reported to the project engineer °��4a•1�"1. 5 0.70 Aer�a. - d„�4 - j 08RIf r V V 1320.72'(TOTAL) \ p pr J gin Lot 21 ,/ c, , 3 s� - - 'hrs 4 - v A \ _ . / immediately for review prior to beginning construction.It shall be the °``� 0.70 Acrea x: +d -- <� - Lot lA - A V A v-- s- & 011 \ 3-`�ii,r.> °,�` o n5 0. Lot 28 +• $�_--_ _}'__ \ - , owner's responsibility to obtain all required approvals,permits,and / ,p8en ` - �-- i. ia•° 50 -sss� _ 1 \ .�6 _ - . I `� �i /r- I £ ' ' 0.70 Acres - _ _ - ,gyp o0 certifications from agencies governing this work prior to or upon completion " _ soc 1. ae R.�: --s�.a �� x°ten 1r� - _ _ __ - \ \ - - - - "% \ I ! �jG PARCELS 130349 0 CD i of any construction. // e = Z rr _--- _-- a .,♦ _ Lot.-34 _ 1 -_- _ 202•'2]' 'I� i i \ I W 4� 't 3. It shall be the responsibility of the owner to obtain all applicablepermits, 'O SG,% \ \ / --0.80 Acrea - / - - ----- -- ` -- 2- - - t0 M.A.A.GUTIE�REZ- `\ p p Y pp �„V\ �1� --- ss ---_ \. r ,/ \\ -____-, / ___ - 5 '75•82_ _ \ 1 1 \/ D.8.4326 PG.444 \ a complete testing,and inspections,and proper certification that the 3tjy Lot 25 '+ /i ```-- ,s `1 /,` LP .N82r 4'0 - d `,, I1 /t ? P.9.54 EG.39,LOT I B \�'u1 operations here are in accordance with the approvedplans andL 22 0.80 Acres / / -- ���ACTGa \ - /! -� _ t ! 78 � N �' I 1 / 1,9 I ORES 1 pp , 0 0.82tAcres / / �� Iot-29 / e'/ �, // / >-Lot 4 N 31 09'(T�Tq�)-- - - O: Rs 4' I / m O specifications. / ��- d '� N O ! I / / \ Ib0 I a+ '/// `4� 60 C 1.08 Acrar l f O �1 �--+ 1. All coneral struction methods and materials shall conform to NCDENR Erosion tes: �i D x 94- /. �- -- ��° R= J -Lot 33 / PH \ t EH T w Lot � 6 O aN I ;92.404:349(/ \ \ \_ -252.88'' _ I �ICO Control,NCDOT Streets and Roadways,and Alamance CountyStandard ti� � , P� I s� °j �� ___III w V, S ecific Detnd app shall the ocon s res ons1b111t to obtain the /�• O.B2 A29 '„ /-- v I T I I I '" Lot 32 - _ 1 r �N �g• 0 �e / \ I N 1 '- I I vp N. 89'01'13" W ' \p p y Lot 23 1.28 Acrys y necessarypermits and approvals prior to construction. \ "C \ 2. Boundary,preliminary subdivision,horizontal street alignments,and existing SR% o _ L1t 05 1 0.97 Acres ^ SI 8rpO 3 JJ p�l �- L features obtained from owner and from a survey prepared by Allred Land x\ '�,2, s ms - 5 h /' \ Acres �,`�,- "DER I / / / / \ / / / / / / I s I m Surveying,PLLC,Snow Camp,North Carolina,Topographic information \ Se /� _� ---rot 30 --_ Cg I l I // - I / / I / / / / ;ti I obtained from Alamance County GIS. ? � 9li - �' e Ib7 029.17 I I \ / / / / / / 2 / /a 3. Existingconditions are shown based on field surveys and best available S SST �\ %., 1.3 Aer\ ' � \ \ \1 & I / ARC�L#130190 - / / / /( // / // PARCEL#130T209 // Y •O 3. ice/ I ae I A V ��� I J J.N ESE HEIRS record. Any discrepancies shall be reported to the engineer immediately. 6.�` _ = •. I \ „ �,� A,A\ v,`L' I , I I D.8.3 I8 PG.279 / // / /2141AROGERSZRD. / L 4. Exact size and location of all applicable utilities and easements to be field � � I�� �"" _ �.� PART OF P.B.S�PG.1 15,ACT / �1 so'STREAM FER ��� / 25 I \ V / PARCEL# 30I 90 / D B. 81 9 PG.649 verified prior to construction. PARCEL#130019 � e o w\� ��e e��� /� e. I 11 \ 21.21 ACRES _ 1J.J.NEESE HEIRS / // / P.6/53 PG.88,LO, 2 5, Projects with a disturbed area greaterp than 1 acre will require an Erosion D.SIGMON _ �� L44 L42 CQ e 6 �tij C e �,C0 '1 - D 35I 5 PG.279 / / /2.73ACRES' Control Permit.This project proposes to disturb greater than I acre. D. .41 74 PG.1 93 �4 L46 L - 43 /L40, 4J 3 v' A \ RT 7F F�B. 4 PG. 16,ITRf)CT/ / 6. Contact the project engineer immediately with any conflicts regarding the / 1 5.1 ACRES- • X V pt�., _ -P-#,DEL#i 30©5Z L / ,fig :_s____ --- - - --- _o I I /2 F2 ACRES 1I1 design or construction of the project. All field adjustments shall be /� ---6.€ IGM _ L / -�"L30 `I \ ' A --CELtT�WRIEASa4VI / / i , '� 0,-'.verified by the project engineer prior to construction. KW�B / ,--- ?B / v v A - 7ER5589-�.�-"'g 1 I I I L'- z "--D5.TSGS PG.968 -_ ----- A/ V v� ----- �� �_ND_P-B.6_43GJ 16 ^I I I ooc 7. Construction and location of sidewalk,slopes,landings,approaches,ramps, E - -P-B.Z7 P6_37s,LOT 1 \ \ \ ---- - READ THE PERMIT- READ THE PLANS and accessible routes shall be in accordance with the ANSI 2009 handicap '-55�ACRES _ _--- I \� \ \ -- - ----- •\ r`� ill'''' Code or latest Accessibility Code revision. --- - 0 DIVERSION DITCH SCHEDULE 8. Contractor shall contact project engineer to observe formwork for site ��'�I a.,., curb,concrete sidewalks,and other items as well as string lines or other ` 0 controlsprior to theplacement of concrete,settingbase course stone,or PEENRSTRESE FLOW DEPTH SHEAR STRESS 'AIM CALL BEFORE YOU DIGI ITS THE LAW DUCH WIDTH(ft) DEPTH ON Cb,(4f0) SLOPE(%) VELOCITY(firs) LINER SHEAR STRESS (HI FACTOR Additional Borrow/Waste Note: FLOOD DATA (F=rl the placement of asphalt. WOULOCO North Carolina One Call Center Cn 9. Compaction of fill materials,approval of residual subgrade,soilproof rolls, TO-1A 2.00 1.50 9.2 5.11% 5.37 0.55 1,76 NAG-5150(or equivalent) 1.8 1.02 If the same person conducts the land-disturbing activity and any FEMA Map Information Zone X-No Flood o p pp g - - MapNumbers:3710887200K,effective I-800-632-4949 stone placement,and/or other materials testing functions shall be in TD-18 2.00 1.00 0.7 1.00% 1.22 0.23 0.14 NAG-S75(or equivalent) 1.6 11.07 related borrow or waste activity,the related borrow or waste t Q accordance with the project geotechnicalengineer'sguidance, TD-1c 2.00 1.00 4.8 8.28% 5.34 0.30 1.70 NAG-5150(or equivalent) 1.8 1.04 activity shall constitute part of the land-disturbing activity unless I I/1 7/20 1 7 �1 8 p J 9 To-2A 2.00 1.00 7.9 6.67% 5.80 0a7 1.94 NAG-SC150(or equivalent) 2.0 1.03 the borrow or waste activity 1s regulated by the Division of Solid I o specifications,recommendations,and testing standards. TD-28 2.00 _ 1.00 _ 1.4 3.97% 2.74 0.21 0.52 NAG-575(or equivalent) 1.6 3.07 Waste Maria ement. If the land-disturbing activityand anyrelated TD-2C 2.00 1.50 16.5 4.M% 5.85 0.79 1.99 NAG-SC150(or equivalent) 2.0 1.01 g g O' 200' 400' W 6q TO.3A 2.00 LSO -10.1 t.00% 2.96 0.90 0.56 NAG-S7s(or equivalent) 1.6 2.85 borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person, F--4 .5 Plan Prepared for: TD-4A 2.00 1.50 12.9 1.16% 3.40 0.96 0.70 NAG-575(or equivalent) 1.6 2.29 they shall be considered separate land disturbing activities and I I I I I -� t Backwoods Land,LLC T0.08 2.00 1.50 20.2 2.27% 5.24 0.98 1.38 NAG-s75(or equivalent) 1.6 1.16 must be permitted either through the Sedimentation and Pollution i 't 3095 Champs Way TO-5A 2.00 LSO 5.0 1.14% 2.52 0.61 0.44 NAG-575(or equivalent) 1.6 3.66 Control Act as a one-use-borrow site or through the Mining Act. a+' TD-SB 2.00 L50 24.5 3.59% 6.46 0.96 2.16 NAG-C125(or equivalent) 2.3 1.06 Graphic Scale $ Mebane,NC 27302 H S Contact:Tommy Dixon at 336-213-9663 PRELIMINARY PURPOSES ONLY, NOT APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION Scale: 1 " = 100' a