HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW4240401_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240801 01101K ET ENGINEERING, P.A. GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS ee�rw -- j P.O. Box 24487.Winston-Salem. NC 271 14-4487 (336)414-7011 July 30, 2024 CPT Engineering & Surveying Attention: Mr. Chuck Truby Att: chuckt@cptengineering.com RE: Subsurface Exploration Report Whitehall Village Walkertown, NC Dear Mr. Truby, As per your authorization, ET Engineering, P.A. (ETE) has completed the Subsurface Exploration Report at the Whitehall Village site located in Walkertown, NC. The results of the soil borings, along with a Boring Location Diagram, are enclosed with this report. The purpose of this report is to describe the soil and groundwater conditions which were encountered in the test borings, to analyze and evaluate the subsurface data obtained, and to submit recommendations needed for stormwater SHWT. A brief description of the field phase of this investigation, general subsurface conditions encountered and design recommendations are presented herein. Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION Description of Subsurface Exploration The soil test borings were drilled at the site as indicated on the Boring Location Diagram. Two (2) soil test boring was drilled at the subject site. The Borings were drilled to a depth of 25.0 feet below the existing ground surface. The boring was drilled using a truck Mounted Mobile B-47 drilling rig. The boring were located in the field by representatives of RDL Drilling. A description of the methods and procedures used to perform soil sampling and classification are presented below. Soil Sampling/Classification A six-inch hollow stem auger was used to Walkertown the borehole. Representative soil samples were obtained by means of the split-barrel sampling procedure in general accordance with ASTM Specification D- 1586. In this procedure, a 2 inch OD, 1 3/8 inch ID, split-barrel sampler is driven into the soil a distance of 18 inches by means of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The Standard Penetration Resistance (SPT) Value is the number of blows per foot of penetration for the final 12 inches of driving. This value can be used to provide a qualitative indication of the in-place relative density of cohesionless soils. This indication is qualitative since many factors can significantly affect the Standard Penetration Resistance Value and prevent direct correlation between drill crews, drill rigs, drilling procedures, and hammer-rod-spoon assemblies. The drill crew prepared a field log of the soils encountered in the borings. All soil samples obtained from the drilling operations were sealed immediately in the field and brought to our laboratory for further examination and testing. D:.V. EKSiaQ:ERONS, F.A. Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 3 Soil Classification An experienced geotechnical engineer classified each soil sample on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in the parentheses following the soil descriptions on the boring logs. A brief explanation of the Unified Soil Classification System is included with this report. The geotechnical engineer grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the boring logs and profiles are approximate; in-situ, the contact between material types may be transitional. The soil samples will be retained in our laboratory for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of this report, after which they will be discarded unless instructions as to their disposition are received. SOIL CONDITIONS Location of Borings The locations of borings relative to the proposed property are as shown on the attached Boring Location Diagram. Soil Conditions Beneath a 6"-12" surface layer of topsoil our boring encountered man- made fill and residual soils. A thin layer of man-made fill containing topsoil was encountered in Boring B-2. Residual soils were encountered immediately below the man-made fill and the surface in this Boring B-1. The residual soil, when disturbed by sampling, appears as red and tan; firm; clayey silt transitioning to a brown, tan and gray; sandy silt. The blow count values within these materials ranged between 8 blows per foot and 40 blows per foot. E.T. Lt SDNILE ONS, P.A. Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 4 For soil descriptions and general stratification at a particular boring location, the respective Test Boring Record should be reviewed. Logs of the exploratory borings are appended to this report. Subsurface conditions between boring locations and elsewhere on site may vary, and subsurface anomalies may exist which were not detected. WATER TABLE CONDITIONS Water level observations were made after completion of drilling operations and at 24 hours. In power auguring operations, water is not introduced into the boreholes during drilling. Groundwater elevations can often be ascertained by observing water seepage into the boreholes after drilling and the moisture content of recovered samples. The seasonal high groundwater elevation is below El 973.5 ft in Boring B-2 and El 957 in B-1 . The water level observations are noted on the respective boring logs. Groundwater or a caved in condition indicating groundwater was not encountered in the Borings. It should be noted that dependent on the permeability of the in-place soils, it could take several days for the groundwater level to stabilize within the borehole. Fluctuations in the location of the long-term groundwater table may occur seasonally and are also dependent upon variations in precipitation, evaporation, and surface run-off. This report has been prepared for the purpose of evaluating the existing subsurface conditions and determining design criteria for the stormwater SHWT at the proposed Whitehall Village in Walkertown, North Carolina. The information and recommendations reported herein are presented to assist in the design of this project. In the event there are any significant changes in the size, design, or location of the project structures, changes in the planned construction from the concepts previously outlined, or changes of the design parameters stated in this report, the conclusions E.V. ENGiN EI:P8ONG, P.A. r — — Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 5 and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless these changes have been reviewed and our conclusions and recommendations reaffirmed or appropriately modified in writing. If there are any questions with regards to the information and recommendations contained in this report, or if we may be of further service to you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, E.T. Engineering, P.A. °�2,. John M. Riley, =ct "9z-7" P.E. 7 .�" _ 2024.07.30 oe..4. �4.-ks 10:07:23 -04'00' winsimoi- John M. Riley, P.E. President E.V. GrCYiSCaC:C:CBCU"G, C .A. GENERAL NOTES GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS = SPLIT SPOON (1 3/8" ID, 2" OD) OS= OSTERBERG SAMPLER ST = SHELBY TUBE HSA=HOLLOW STEM AUGER PA = POWER AUGER FT = FISH TAIL DB = DIAMOND BIT- NX, NQ RB= ROCK BIT AS = AUGER SAMPLE BS = BULK SAMPLE JS = JAR SAMPLE PM= PRESSUREMETER VS = VANE SHEAR GS= GIDDINGS SAMPLER Standard "N" Penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30" on a 2 inch O.D. split spoon samples, except where otherwise noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL= WATER LEVEL WC1= WET CAVE IN WS= WHILE SAMPLING DC1= DRY CAVE IN WD= WHILE DRILLING BCR=BEFORE CASING REMOVAL AB= AFTER BORING ACR=AFTER CASING REMOVAL Water levels indicated on the Boring Logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated. In pervious soils, the indicated elevations are considered reliable groundwater levels. In impervious soils, the accurate determination of groundwater elevations may not be possible, even after several days of observations. GRADATON DESCRIPTION & TERMINOLOGY: Coarse Grained or Granular soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: clays or clayey silts if they are cohesive and silts if they are non- cohesive. In addition to gradation, granular soils are defined on the basis of their relative in-place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their strength or consistency and their plasticity. BLOWS PER FT FINE GRAINED COARSE GRAINED 0-3 VERY SOFT VERY LOOSE 49 SOFT LOOSE 10-25 FIRM MEDIUM DENSE 25-49 STIFF DENSE 50-80 VERY STIFF VERY DENSE BORING LOGS Page 1 of 1 OWNER BORING NUMBER KEYSTONE B-1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER WHITEHALL VILLAGE CPT ENGINEERING SITE LOCATION JOB NO. 0 Unconfined compressive strength Tons/F-2. WALKERTOWN, NORTH CAROLINA 24-516 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I I W E. Plastic Water Liquid a w O ET ENGINEERING, P. A. Limit°� Contents% Limit% X '® X DEPTH UJW Lu w O GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 10 20 30 40 50 IN FEET 2 CC Q W DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL � Penetration Standard Blows/ft. (n Surface Elevation 972.0 10 20 30 40 50 6" TOPSOIL / 1 _ s-i ss 1.0 TAN TO BROWN SILTY CLAY, FIRM (CL) 2.s _X RED AND TAN MICACEOUS CLAYEY _ S-2 SS 3.5 X— SILT, FIRM (ML) 5.0 X x 5— R x _ — 1: S-3 SS 6.0 7.5 -X- x x x X .J _ S-4 SS 8.5 x x 10.0 x x 1 0— x X X 7L ' x x GRAY TO TAN MICACEOUS SANDY x .x SILT, FIRM (ML) 1 _ S-5 SS 13.5 x 15.0 x x• 15— x . x . x• x. x X • S-6 SS 18.5 x 20.0 x .x 20— x - x x x • x x x. . x. x •0 _ S-7 SS 23.5 x 25.0 X ,x 25 BORING TERMINATED AT 25.0 FT The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil types: In-situ,the transition may be gradual WATER TABLE DATA-DEPTH BELOW SURFACE BORING STARTED 7/29/24 BORING COMPLETED 7/24/24 18.0 @ 0 HRS. RIG FOREMAN APPROVED BY AUGER 16.0 @ 24 HRS. B-47 DCB JMR 3.25"HSA Page 1 of 1 OWNER BORING NUMBER KEYSTONE B-2 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER WHITEHALL VILLAGE CPT ENGINEERING SITE LOCATION JOB NO. 0 Unconfined compressive strength Tons/Fl? WALKERTOWN, NORTH CAROLINA 24-516 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I I w = I— Plastic Water Liquid O d a Limit% Contents% Limit z w iipET ENGINEERING, P. A. DEPTH a J Lij 0 O GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 1r 20 30 40 50 x IN FEET d DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Standard Penetration Blows/ft. cn Surface Elevation 983.0 10 20 30 40 50 ""': 12" TOPSOIL 16 S-1 SS 1.0 GRAY CLAYEY SILT,W/TOPSOIL — 2.5 T. RED AND TAN MICACEOUS CLAYEY 5 — S-2 SS 3.5 x— SILT, FIRM (ML) 5.0 X x 1)11' 5_ R" x S-3 SS 6.0 Y — 7.5 x x x— x — S-4 SS 8.5 x x 10.0 K X 1 0— x X x _. T( R x x BROWN TO RED MICACEOUS SANDY — x .x• SILT, FIRM (ML) 1 — S-5 SS 13.5 x x 15.0 " x' 15�- x • x• x _ x x . x. $ x .x BROWN TO TAN MICACEOUS SANDY — x .x' SILT, FIRM (ML) 1 — S-6 SS 18.5 x x 20.0 •x x 20— x• x • x. — x . x. — x _ x x — x x • — S-7 SS 23.5 x x 25.0 x .x 25 Y BORING TERMINATED AT 25.0 FT The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil types: In-situ,the transition may be gradual WATER TABLE DATA-DEPTH BELOW SURFACE BORING STARTED 7/29/24 BORING COMPLETED 7/24/24 14.5 @ 0 HRS. RIG FOREMAN APPROVED BY AUGER 15.0 @ 24 HRS. B-47 DCB JMR 3.25"HSA BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM f l rI ){ _ sP L ,. 1,- '. �► # asp. ! ...... 'ftsc......6- -.- _ .. . ' -.711. IN .. "'-47: '''..Z .,..417-4.-"-v==1.-.7--,-; lai 171 i Z....'N...., , ,.... r rat 7 .10'''.---1 -a' ,1:0 iii-IWIIIMMINIII. . .,1;- 4. ---....:"*...,---....,1 -----4-,, 111v..titillar a ., *VT PIS 111,f ,. .,11, I ,4 !V.. , 111;,,f4,2 ,.„„4,,,.. --,...iita...1 11,11,r.......,.. t'ff. 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Ns. 1 .-:i, 1 ig.....fiv r raj 17 cLc._o' 't{� "� f;1 t• ! y .;3M u;. y pI. 0,1_N4'-'-.-0.b,'i 1P0.,•--l t'1.,I:l-F ly/Ao.-. 4i__kk1,:f?_cj r.__,-'I_,i,,-,7 f. /..•.I 1'.i tr".1;i -1-: I i1:)• �,� _ * �e c :. -jam P p. , I J r. 1- ' \' \ '.`1 % - --y' t�� 1 ,,' — ['i / [ rn' �4} .{ , ��g i fW' --.,tom y i N i 1.l,. d•r i •P rt/ J 1 ,,, y [r P 4 7 qapRN 1- �r _ 4 Lill kkkk hi 0111N ET ENGINEERING, P.A. GEOTECHNICAL & ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERS 'g+ 1 P.O. Box 24487,Winston-Salem.NC 271 14-4487 (336)414-7011 woo July 30, 2024 CPT Engineering & Surveying Attention: Mr. Chuck Truby Att: chuckt@cptengineering.com RE: Subsurface Exploration Report Whitehall Village Walkertown, NC Dear Mr. Truby, As per your authorization, ET Engineering, P.A. (ETE) has completed the Subsurface Exploration Report at the Whitehall Village site located in Walkertown, NC. The results of the soil borings, along with a Boring Location Diagram, are enclosed with this report. The purpose of this report is to describe the soil and groundwater conditions which were encountered in the test borings, to analyze and evaluate the subsurface data obtained, and to submit recommendations needed for stormwater SHWT. A brief description of the field phase of this investigation, general subsurface conditions encountered and design recommendations are presented herein. Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 2 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND SOIL CLASSIFICATION Description of Subsurface Exploration The soil test borings were drilled at the site as indicated on the Boring Location Diagram. Two (2) soil test boring was drilled at the subject site. The Borings were drilled to a depth of 25.0 feet below the existing ground surface. The boring was drilled using a truck Mounted Mobile B-47 drilling rig. The boring were located in the field by representatives of RDL Drilling. A description of the methods and procedures used to perform soil sampling and classification are presented below. Soil Sampling/Classification A six-inch hollow stem auger was used to Walkertown the borehole. Representative soil samples were obtained by means of the split-barrel sampling procedure in general accordance with ASTM Specification D- 1586. In this procedure, a 2 inch OD, 1 3/8 inch ID, split-barrel sampler is driven into the soil a distance of 18 inches by means of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The Standard Penetration Resistance (SPT) Value is the number of blows per foot of penetration for the final 12 inches of driving. This value can be used to provide a qualitative indication of the in-place relative density of cohesionless soils. This indication is qualitative since many factors can significantly affect the Standard Penetration Resistance Value and prevent direct correlation between drill crews, drill rigs, drilling procedures, and hammer-rod-spoon assemblies. The drill crew prepared a field log of the soils encountered in the borings. All soil samples obtained from the drilling operations were sealed immediately in the field and brought to our laboratory for further examination and testing. ELe Y a ENSWGEWONG, F.A. Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 3 Soil Classification An experienced geotechnical engineer classified each soil sample on the basis of texture and plasticity in accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System. The group symbols for each soil type are indicated in the parentheses following the soil descriptions on the boring logs. A brief explanation of the Unified Soil Classification System is included with this report. The geotechnical engineer grouped the various soil types into the major zones noted on the boring logs. The stratification lines designating the interfaces between earth materials on the boring logs and profiles are approximate; in-situ, the contact between material types may be transitional. The soil samples will be retained in our laboratory for a period of sixty (60) days after the date of this report, after which they will be discarded unless instructions as to their disposition are received. SOIL CONDITIONS Location of Borings The locations of borings relative to the proposed property are as shown on the attached Boring Location Diagram. Soil Conditions Beneath a 6"-12" surface layer of topsoil our boring encountered man- made fill and residual soils. A thin layer of man-made fill containing topsoil was encountered in Boring B-2. Residual soils were encountered immediately below the man-made fill and the surface in this Boring B-1. The residual soil, when disturbed by sampling, appears as red and tan; firm; clayey silt transitioning to a brown, tan and gray; sandy silt. The blow count values within these materials ranged between 8 blows per foot and 40 blows per foot. L.�. EGIGON ELE080NG, O�. o Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 5 and recommendations contained in this report shall not be considered valid unless these changes have been reviewed and our conclusions and recommendations reaffirmed or appropriately modified in writing. If there are any questions with regards to the information and recommendations contained in this report, or if we may be of further service to you in any way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, E.T. Engineering, P.A. `,,e'q:\F s o°�/'-- John M. Riley, ii, -cusp tiTV7"__ P.E. 9. 2024.07.30 `'A"m," ,, • 10:07:23 -04'00' John M. Riley, P.E. President E.T. fEbG0NEe1:R0NG, P.A. Whitehall Village July 30,2024 Page 4 For soil descriptions and general stratification at a particular boring location, the respective Test Boring Record should be reviewed. Logs of the exploratory borings are appended to this report. Subsurface conditions between boring locations and elsewhere on site may vary, and subsurface anomalies may exist which were not detected. WATER TABLE CONDITIONS Water level observations were made after completion of drilling operations and at 24 hours. In power auguring operations, water is not introduced into the boreholes during drilling. Groundwater elevations can often be ascertained by observing water seepage into the boreholes after drilling and the moisture content of recovered samples. The seasonal high groundwater elevation is below El 973.5 ft in Boring B-2 and El 957 in B-1 . The water level observations are noted on the respective boring logs. Groundwater or a caved in condition indicating groundwater was not encountered in the Borings. It should be noted that dependent on the permeability of the in-place soils, it could take several days for the groundwater level to stabilize within the borehole. Fluctuations in the location of the long-term groundwater table may occur seasonally and are also dependent upon variations in precipitation, evaporation, and surface run-off. This report has been prepared for the purpose of evaluating the existing subsurface conditions and determining design criteria for the stormwater SHWT at the proposed Whitehall Village in Walkertown, North Carolina. The information and recommendations reported herein are presented to assist in the design of this project. In the event there are any significant changes in the size, design, or location of the project structures, changes in the planned construction from the concepts previously outlined, or changes of the design parameters stated in this report, the conclusions 0:.4. O NGON E0e08ONG, P.A. GENERAL NOTES r GENERAL NOTES DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS = SPLIT SPOON (1 3/8" ID, 2" OD) OS= OSTERBERG SAMPLER ST = SHELBY TUBE HSA=HOLLOW STEM AUGER PA = POWER AUGER FT = FISH TAIL DB= DIAMOND BIT- NX, NO RB= ROCK BIT AS = AUGER SAMPLE BS = BULK SAMPLE JS = JAR SAMPLE PM= PRESSUREMETER VS = VANE SHEAR GS = GIDDINGS SAMPLER Standard "N" Penetration: Blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30" on a 2 inch O.D. split spoon samples, except where otherwise noted. WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT SYMBOLS: WL= WATER LEVEL WCI= WET CAVE IN WS= WHILE SAMPLING DCI= DRY CAVE IN WD= WHILE DRILLING BCR=BEFORE CASING REMOVAL AB= AFTER BORING ACR=AFTER CASING REMOVAL Water levels indicated on the Boring Logs are the levels measured in the boring at the times indicated. In pervious soils, the indicated elevations are considered reliable groundwater levels. In impervious soils, the accurate determination of groundwater elevations may not be possible, even after several days of observations. GRADATON DESCRIPTION & TERMINOLOGY: Coarse Grained or Granular soils have more than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: boulders, cobbles, gravel or sand. Fine Grained soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a #200 sieve; they are described as: clays or clayey silts if they are cohesive and silts if they are non- cohesive. In addition to gradation, granular soils are defined on the basis of their relative in-place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their strength or consistency and their plasticity. BLOWS PER FT FINE GRAINED COARSE GRAINED 0-3 VERY SOFT VERY LOOSE 4-9 SOFT LOOSE 10-25 FIRM MEDIUM DENSE 25-49 STIFF DENSE 50-80 VERY STIFF VERY DENSE BORING LOGS Page 1 of 1 OWNER BORING NUMBER KEYSTONE B-1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER WHITEHALL VILLAGE CPT ENGINEERING SITE LOCATION JOB NO. 0 Unconfined compressive strength Tons/F-2. WALKERTOWN, NORTH CAROLINA 24516 1 2 3 4 5 I I I I I W H Plastic Water Liquid O a d Limit% Contents% Limit% Z L. O ET ENGINEERING, P. A. x ® •X DEPTH LiiJ W. Cl GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 10 20 30 40 50 IN FEET 0- O I 1 I 1 I U -. Q DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL w Penetration Standard Blows/ft. cn Surface Elevation 972.0 10 20 30 40 50 ''{`"".•; \6"TOPSOIL / I s-1 ss 1.0 = TAN TO BROWN SILTY CLAY, FIRM (CL) — 2.5 ' , RED AND TAN MICACEOUS CLAYEY — S-2 SS 3.5 x—x SILT, FIRM (ML) 5.0 x 5— x" _ -x- 1: S-3 SS 6.0 x — 7.5 x x x- - .i i S-4 SS 8.5 x x 10.0 x x 10— x— x x — X X x .x GRAY TO TAN MICACEOUS SANDY — x .x' SILT, FIRM (ML) 1 ' — S-5 SS 13.5 x x' 15.0 x x' 15 '` •• x. x -Y.- .. x. x . x. x x .� X X x' — S-6 SS 18.5 x x 20.0 x .x 20— x x • x. — x ' • x• x • — . x x . . x. x ,O x S-7 SS 23.5 x •x 25.0 x • .x 25 BORING TERMINATED AT 25.0 FT The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil types: In-situ,the transition may be gradual WATER TABLE DATA-DEPTH BELOW SURFACE BORING STARTED 7/29/24 BORING COMPLETED 7/24/24 18•0 @ 0 HRS. RIG FOREMAN APPROVED BY AUGER 16.0 @ 24 HRS, B-47 DCB JMR 3.25" HSA Page 1 of 1 OWNER BORING NUMBER KEYSTONE B-2 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT-ENGINEER WHITEHALL VILLAGE CPT ENGINEERING SITE LOCATION JOB NO. 0 Unconfined compressive strength Tons/Fl? WALKERTOWN, NORTH CAROLINA 24-516 1 2 3 4 5 = I I I I I W o Plastic Water Liquid 0- Limit% Contents% Limit z w 0 ET ENGINEERING, P. A. X •® X DEPTH d LLI L O GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 10 20 30 40 5+ IN FEET J W a CC Q 2 DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL Standard Blows/ft. (A < Q Penetration c0 Surface Elevation 983.0 10 20 30 40 50 i":• 12"TOPSOIL 16 S-1 SS 1.0 GRAY CLAYEY SILT, W/TOPSOIL — 2.5 'x RED AND TAN MICACEOUS CLAYEY 5 —S-2 SS 3.5 x x SILT, FIRM (ML) 5.0 x R 5— i 2 S-3 SS 6.0 Y-x- - 7.5 x x x- - x ' — S-4 SS 8.5 x x 10.0 x x 10— x x x — X R X .x. BROWN TO RED MICACEOUS SANDY — x .x• SILT, FIRM (ML) S-5 SS 13.5 x x 15.0 xx• 15—Y_ ' • • x. x x. x . x. x .x BROWN TO TAN MICACEOUS SANDY — x .x• SILT, FIRM (ML) — S-6 SS 18.5 x x' 20.0 x x• 20— ' • • x. x • _ x x . . x. — x . x X — x x • _ S-7 SS 23.5 x .x 25.0 x .x 25 v BORING TERMINATED AT 25.0 FT The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary lines between soil types: In-situ,the transition may be gradual WATER TABLE DATA-DEPTH BELOW SURFACE BORING STARTED 7/29/24 BORING COMPLETED 7/24/24 14.5 @ 0 HRS. RIG FOREMAN APPROVED BY AUGER 15.0 @ 24 HRS. B-47 DCB JMR 3.25"HSA BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM .:... •r.Z.1*•_„..__104*-7,--- 7.7- --rr--4,t-z__ ,7t.:01 iiet,-,,i„•- ---„ ,..,, ...... ..,,..,;,,,;.,4, r ( _...4.\ . ....,.....,,_,- ,.. , .,.,,5 .,. . .,,,,-,,.:„... .......u.,,,,,,„,,, ,, .. , i Mail "IP:101f ----r-- - x----d, - i irra:14:- !I:tail krInfigetil P.P1‘,.r... 1 / i .____ _____:,____,. __.w7iirtr.,.:22.-.•.,:n -_-v ii,, , ,y't I,W :•''' ihi..--- : ' • • •I II , 1:MTPli •iii. i..„..,"161411,V, L. -.JP' ,A I - it '. :Iii jur,-,! • -iiiik-ryt r•::' /II / i _; •;-:.„,,, -,,: I A ,/, '‘'lrelpii- , • i - ,.../ zi 4.3 / frit/ i 1 ;-. ' ..--.--_:,7- ,.• _sir 4.. /,, .• AI rffi giallf.rirz.- r t?iffigt,,(. 1 I I r(• // i ..:-...--- : ........-e' f t$ i?r1 VLF.gill . i i/ 41 _ __.....:17.4 to I i • ,1 I I .Mit '. :frail-lig ,rtiONAO 4 1 I 'C k . 414,*41 -:•!flit A I'' y A ALI,•..,1),: ,:-.4.4....,,ii,-.• •. •--- i'l.,' ' f ' I I 1 i .:6-.) 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