HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3231104_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240730 (2) SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY • TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH 537 NC-16 BUSINESS DENVER, NORTH CAROLINA SUMMIT PROJECT NO. 3944.G0579 Prepared For: Mr. Joseph Pace Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte 1123 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28203 Email: JAPace@rcdoc.com Prepared By: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, Inc. (SUMMIT) 3575 Centre Circle Drive Fort Mill, South Carolina 29715 May 3, 2023 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com May 3, 2023 Mr. Joseph Pace Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte St-i � � �� 1123 South Church Street Charlotte, NC 28203 ENGINEERING•LABORATORY•TESTING Email: JAPace@rcdoc.com A Universal Engineering Sciences Company Subject: Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration Holy Spirit Catholic Church 537 NC-16 Business Denver, North Carolina SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Dear Mr. Pace: SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory & Testing, Inc. (SUMMIT) has completed a geotechnical subsurface exploration for the Holy Spirit Catholic Church site located at 537 NC-16 Business in Denver, North Carolina. This subsurface exploration was performed in general accordance with our Proposal No. 3944.G0579.R1 dated April 7, 2023. This report contains a brief description of the project information provided to us, general site and subsurface conditions revealed during our geotechnical subsurface exploration and our general recommendations regarding foundation design and construction. SUMMIT appreciates the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the information presented herein or if we can be of further assistance, please feel free to call us at (704) 504-1717. Sincerely yours, SUMMIT Engineering, Laboratory &Testing, Inc. \%`•\N CAROB''" 4)%°E. S/p . 9 • SEAL 052284 • ' /GINEF 011111111/1/, • Christian Payne SUMMIT a L. Brian Cantrell, P.E. Assistant Project Manager m ; Engineering,Laboratory : g_ Geotechnical Dept. Manager &Testing,Inc. ; • No.F-1454 .•tiQ ' 9TF •OF A -cx` . 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Site and Project Description 1 1.2. Purpose of Subsurface Exploration 1 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 3 2.1. Field Exploration 3 3.0 AREA GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 4 3.1. Physiography and Area Geology 4 3.2. Generalized Subsurface Stratigraphy 5 3.2.1. Surface Materials 5 3.2.2. Alluvial Soils 6 3.2.3. Existing Fill Soils 6 3.2.4. Residual Soils 7 3.2.5. Partially Weathered Rock and Auger Refusal 7 3.2.6. Groundwater Level Measurements 7 4.0 EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 9 4.1. General 9 4.2. Deep Foundation Recommendations 9 4.3. Retaining Wall Recommendations (if used) 11 4.4. Seismic Site Class 12 4.5. Low to Moderate Plasticity Moisture Sensitive Soils (MH) 12 4.6. Wet Weather Conditions 13 4.7. Floor Slabs 14 4.8. Pavements Subgrade Preparation 14 4.9. Cut and Fill Slopes 15 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 17 5.1. Abandoned Utilities/Structures 17 5.2. Site Preparation 17 5.3. Temporary Excavation Stability 18 5.4. Structural Fill 19 5.5. Suitability of Excavated Soils for Re-Use 20 5.6. Engineering Services During Construction 20 6.0 RELIANCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT 22 APPENDIX 1 - Figures Site Vicinity Map (Figure 1) Boring Location Plan (Figure 2) APPENDIX 2 - Boring Logs ii 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUMMIT has completed a geotechnical subsurface exploration for the Holy Spirit Catholic Church project. The purpose of this exploration was to obtain general information regarding the subsurface conditions and to provide geotechnical recommendations regarding foundation support of the proposed construction. This exploration consisted of eleven (11) soil test borings (identified as B-1 through B-9, SW-10, and SW-11). The approximate test locations are shown on Figure 2 provided in Appendix 1. The following geotechnical engineering information was obtained as a result of the soil test borings: • Surface Materials — Surficial organic (topsoil) soils were observed at the existing ground surface of the borings with estimated thicknesses ranging from approximately 3 to 5 inches. Asphalt was observed at Boring B-4 with an estimated thickness of approximately 3 inches. Gravel was observed below the asphalt and at the surface of Boring B-7 with thicknesses of approximately 3 and 5 inches, respectively. • Existing Fill Soils - Existing fill (disturbed) soils were encountered beneath the surface materials in nine (9) of the borings to an approximate depth of from 1 foot below the existing ground surface. When sampled, the existing fill soils generally consisted of elastic silts (MH) and sandy silts (ML). • Residual Soils - Residual (undisturbed) soils were encountered below the surface materials and/or existing fill soils and extended to the maximum boring termination depth. These residual soils generally consisted of elastic silts (MH) and sandy silts (ML). The Standard Penetration Resistances (SPT N-values) in the residual soils ranged from 1 to 24 bpf. • Partially Weathered Rock (PWR) and Auger Refusal Conditions — Partially weathered rock (PWR) and auger refusal conditions were not encountered in the borings performed for this exploration. • Groundwater Levels - At the time of drilling, groundwater was observed in eight of the borings at approximate depths ranging from 12 to 27 feet below the existing ground surface. • Shallow Foundation Support - Based on the results of our borings, the proposed structures cannot be adequately supported on shallow foundation systems per the required building loads. • Deep Foundation Support - Based on the results of our borings and the estimated maximum building load of 100 kips, we recommend the structure be supported by strip and spread footings supported on existing soils reinforced by driven timber piles (we recommend the tip of timber piles be extended through the soft existing residual soils and into the firm residual soils encountered at a minimum of 30 feet below the existing ground surface. 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 • Seismic Site Class—We have determined the Seismic Site Classification for this project site in accordance with Chapter 20 of ASCE 7 "Minimum Design Loads Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures, Site Class Definitions using SPT N-Values. We recommend this project be designed using a Seismic Site Class of "E" (Soft Clay soil profile) as defined in Table 20.3-1. • Special Construction Considerations: Special considerations are warranted concerning existing fill soils and soils with SPT N-values less than 6 bpf. Dependent on final grades, the contractor can anticipate that some undercutting for the floor slab may be necessary through unsuitable soils if encountered during grading and construction. Should unsuitable soils be encountered during the grading and construction activities, these soils should be inspected in the field by a Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record and/or their designee prior to remediation. Additional testing such as test pit excavations and/or hand auger borings may be required in order to further explore these soil conditions, depths and locations. o Existing Fill Soils: At the time of this report, no relevant information (documentations) regarding previous grading activities, prior materials testing, and/or geotechnical engineering services was provided for our review. Nine (9) of the borings encountered undocumented fill soils (fill soils not monitored and tested during placement). Undocumented fill poses risks associated with undetected deleterious materials within the fill soils and/or deleterious material at the interface between the fill soils and residual soils. o Soils with SPT N-values less than 6 bpf: Soils that exhibited SPT N-values less than 6 bpf are considered not suitable for the direct support of the proposed construction. These soil conditions were encountered in all of the borings performed for this exploration at various depths. Depending on the final design grades, if the lower consistency soils are present in the near-surface (i.e., upper 1.5 to 3 feet),some undercutting, re-working or stabilization may be required. Stabilization measures could potentially consist of using a geogrid and subsequent layers of stone or using soil bridge lifts (in non-structural areas). Specific stabilization recommendations can typically be developed at the time of construction through routine field engineering decisions. Please note that the information provided in this executive summary is intended to be a brief overview of project information and recommendations from the geotechnical report. The information in the executive summary should not be used without first reading the geotechnical report in its entirety and the recommendations described therein. iv 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1. Site and Project Description The Holy Spirit Catholic Church site is located at 537 NC-16 Business in Denver, North Carolina. A vicinity map showing the project's general location is provided as Figure 1. The subject property is approximately 7.64 acres comprised of Lincoln County Tax Parcel ID Numbers 51306, 58758, 58765, and 58766. At the time of our field exploration, the subject site is currently an existing church building with roadways and parking areas and an open field at the northern end of the site. The Client (Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte) provided SUMMIT a plan sheet titled "Phase I Site Plan", prepared by William Heyer Architect, dated March 9, 2023 that indicated the configurations of the proposed construction planned for this project. Based on the provided information, we understand the project is planned to include a planned church building, parking lot, and two (2) stormwater BMP ponds. At the time of report preparation, SUMMIT had not been provided structural details of the planned construction indicating proposed loads, foundation bearing elevations, or finished floor elevations. For this report, SUMMIT assumed the proposed structures will be supported on a shallow foundation system consisting of spread, strip, and/or combined footings and that wall loads will be on the order of 1 to 3 kips per foot and column loads on the order of 50 to 100 kips. Also, grading plans were not available at the time of this report and we have assumed that maximum cut/fill depths will be on the order of 1 to 3 feet over the existing ground surface. 1.2. Purpose of Subsurface Exploration The purpose of this exploration was to obtain general geotechnical information regarding the subsurface conditions and to provide general preliminary recommendations regarding the geotechnical aspects of site preparation and foundation design. This report contains the following items: 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 • General subsurface conditions, • Boring logs and an approximate "Boring Location Plan", • Suitable foundation types, • Allowable bearing pressures for design of shallow foundations, • Anticipated excavation difficulties during site grading and/or utility installation, • Remedial measures to correct unsatisfactory soil conditions during site development, as needed, • Drainage requirements around structures and under floor slabs, as needed, • Construction considerations, • Pavement subgrade support guidelines, • Seismic Site Classification based on SPT N-values. 2 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 2.0 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES 2.1. Field Exploration SUMMIT visited the site on April 24th through 26th of 2023 and performed a subsurface exploration that consisted of eleven (11) soil test borings (identified as B-1 through B-9, SW-10, and SW-11). The approximate locations of the borings are shown on the Figure 2 - "Boring Location Plan" provided in Appendix 1. The borings were located by professionals from our office using the provided plan, recreation-grade handheld GPS, existing topography, and aerial maps as reference. Since the boring locations were not surveyed, the location of the borings should be considered approximate. The soil test borings were performed using an ATV-mounted CME 550X drill rig and extended to approximate depths of 10 to 30 feet below the existing ground surface. Hollow-stem, continuous flight auger drilling techniques were used to advance the borings into the ground. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) were performed within the mechanical borings at designated intervals in general accordance with ASTM D 1586. The SPT "N" value represents the number of blows required to drive a split-barrel sampler 12 inches with a 140-pound hammer falling from a height of 30 inches. When properly evaluated, the SPT results can be used as an index for estimating soil strength and density. In conjunction with the penetration testing, representative soil samples were obtained from each test location and returned to our laboratory for visual classification in general accordance with ASTM D 2488 Water level measurements were attempted at the termination of drilling. The results of these tests are presented on the individual boring logs provided in Appendix 2 at the respective test depth. 3 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 3.0 AREA GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 3.1. Physiography and Area Geology The subject property is located in Denver, North Carolina, which is located in the south central Piedmont Physiographic Province.The Piedmont Province generally consists of well-rounded hills and ridges which are dissected by a well-developed system of draws and streams. The Piedmont Province is predominantly underlain by metamorphic rock (formed by heat, pressure and/or chemical action) and igneous rock (formed directly from molten material) which were initially formed during the Precambrian and Paleozoic eras. The volcanic and sedimentary rocks deposited in the Piedmont Province during the Precambrian era were the host of the metamorphism and were generally changed to gneiss and schist. The more recent Paleozoic era had periods of igneous emplacement, with episodes of regional metamorphism resulting in the majority of the rock types seen today. The topographic relief found throughout the Piedmont Province has developed from differential weathering of theses igneous and metamorphic rock formations. Ridges developed along the more easily weathered and erodible rock. Because of the continued chemical and physical weathering, the rocks in the Piedmont Province are generally covered with a mantle of soil that has weathered in-place from the parent bedrock below. These soils have variable thicknesses and are referred to as residual soils, as they are the result of in-place weathering. Residual soils are typically fine-grained and have a higher clay content near the ground surface because of the advanced weathering. Similarly, residual soils typically become more coarse-grained with increasing depth because of decreased weathering. As weathering decreases with depth, residual soils generally retain the overall appearance, texture, gradation and foliations of their parent rock. 4 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 3.2. Generalized Subsurface Stratigraphy General subsurface conditions observed during our geotechnical exploration are described herein. For more detailed soil descriptions and stratifications at a particular field test location, the respective "Boring Logs", provided in Appendix 2 should be reviewed. The horizontal stratification lines designating the interface between various strata represents approximate boundaries. Transitions between different strata in the field may be gradual in both the horizontal and vertical directions.Therefore, subsurface stratigraphy between test locations may vary. 3.2.1. Surface Materials Surficial organic (topsoil) soils were observed at the existing ground surface with estimated thicknesses ranging from approximately 3 to 5 inches.Asphalt was observed at Boring B-4 with an estimated thickness of approximately 3 inches. Gravel was observed below the asphalt and at the surface of Boring B-7 with thicknesses of approximately 3 and 5 inches, respectively. The surficial organic soil depths provided in this report and on the individual "Boring Logs" are based on observations of field personnel and should be considered approximate. Please note that the thickness of surface materials at the site should be expected to vary, and measurements necessary for detailed quantity estimation were not performed for this report. For planning purposes, we suggest considering a topsoil thickness of about 12 inches to account for existing vegetation and shallow roots. Surficial Organic Soil is typically a dark-colored soil material containing roots, fibrous matter, and/or other organic components, and is generally unsuitable for engineering purposes. SUMMIT has not performed any laboratory testing to determine the organic content or other horticultural properties of the observed surficial organic soils.Therefore, the phrase "surficial organic soil" is not intended to indicate suitability for landscaping and/or other purposes. 5 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 3.2.2. Alluvial Soils Alluvial (water-deposited) soils were not encountered in any of the borings performed during this exploration. Alluvial soils are typically encountered in or near drainage features, pond bottoms, creeks and in low-lying areas. Alluvial soils are generally loose and/or under-compacted and, as such, are typically unsuitable for supporting the proposed construction. Therefore, remediation may be required wherever alluvial soils are encountered during grading activities. If these soils are encountered during site grading activities, the extent of the alluvial soils should be inspected in the field by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record or and/or their designee.Additional testing such as test pit excavations and/or hand auger borings may be required in order to further explored the alluvial soils. 3.2.3. Existing Fill Soils Existing fill (disturbed) soils were encountered beneath the surface materials in nine (9) of the borings to an approximate depth of 1 foot below the existing ground surface. When sampled,the existing fill soils generally consisted of elastic silts (MH) and sandy silts (ML). The following table summarizes the locations and approximate depths that existing fill soils were encountered in the borings performed for this exploration. Summary Table of Existing Fill Soils Depths Existing Fill Soil Approx. Existing Fill Soil Approx. Boring No. Depth,(feet)1 Boring No. Depth,(feet)1 B-2 1 B-8 1 B-4 1 B-9 1 B-5 1 SW-10 1 B-6 1 SW-11 1 B-7 1 'Depths were measured from the existing ground surface at the time drilling was performed. 6 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 If fill soils are encountered at other locations in the field during construction, the fill soils should be inspected by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record and/or their designee, with respect to the criteria outlined in Section 5.0 of this report. 3.2.4. Residual Soils Residual (undisturbed) soils were encountered below the surface materials or existing fill soils and extended to the maximum termination depth. These residual soils generally consisted of stiff to very stiff elastic silts (MH) and very soft to very stiff sandy silts (ML). The Standard Penetration Resistances (SPT N-values) in the residual soils ranged from 1 to 24 bpf. 3.2.5. Partially Weathered Rock and Auger Refusal Partially weathered rock(PWR) and auger refusal conditions were not encountered in the borings performed for this exploration. PWR is defined as soil-like material exhibiting SPT N-values in excess of 100 bpf. Auger refusal is defined as material that could not be penetrated by the drilling equipment used during our field exploration. 3.2.6. Groundwater Level Measurements At the time of drilling, groundwater was observed in eight (8) of the borings at approximate depths ranging from 12 to 27 feet. After waiting more than 24-hours, groundwater was not observed in Borings SW-10 and SW-11. Please note moisture conditions of the soil samples were noted within some of the borings and moisture conditions within the soils may be an indication of the presence of groundwater. Also, moist to wet soil conditions can be an indication that some manipulation (scarifying and drying) of the soil may be required in order to obtain the specified compaction during grading operations. 7 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 The following table summarizes the approximate depths that groundwater at time of drilling (ATD) and after waiting more than 24 hours were observed in the borings performed for this exploration. Summary Table of Groundwater Depths Boring No. Groundwater ATD Approx. Depth,(feet)]. B-1 23 B-2 22 B-3 27 B-4 18.4 B-5 12 B-6 21 B-7 26 B-8 14 'Depths were measured from the existing ground surface at the time drilling was performed. It should also be noted that groundwater levels tend to fluctuate with seasonal and climatic variations, as well as with some types of construction operations. Therefore, water may be encountered during construction at depths not indicated in the borings performed for this exploration. 8 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 4.0 EVALUATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 4.1. General Our preliminary evaluation and recommendations are based on the project information outlined previously and on the data obtained from the field and laboratory testing program. If the structural loading, geometry, or proposed building locations are changed or significantly differ from those outlined, or if conditions are encountered during construction that differ from those encountered by the borings, SUMMIT requests the opportunity to review our recommendations based on the new information and make the necessary changes. Grading plan information with proposed foundation bearing elevations was not available for our review at the time of this report. Finish grade elevations of proposed construction in conjunction with the proposed foundation bearing elevation can have a significant effect on design and construction considerations. SUMMIT should be provided the opportunity to review the project grading plans prior to their finalization with respect to the recommendations contained in this report. 4.2. Deep Foundation Recommendations Based on the results of the soil test borings we recommend the installation of timber piles for foundation support. Based on our experience, structural pads requiring undercutting of unsuitable soils (shallow soils with N-values less than 6 bpf) and replacement with structural fills to depths of eight (8) feet or more, it may be more economical to support the structure on a deep foundation system rather than undercut and replacement. Due to the depths of soft existing residual, the proposed structures could be supported on Timber Piles. Timber piles have the advantages of being easy to handle, easy to cut off, relatively inexpensive, readily available and naturally tapered. They have disadvantages of having low capacities, being prone to damage by hard driving and being difficult to splice. Pile Driving should terminate when adequate bearing material is reached to prevent damage to the pile. Due to irregularities in the soil conditions, variations in the pile tip elevations, even between adjacent piles, should be expected and piles 9 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 should be ordered longer than the anticipated pile tip elevation. Based on the results of the field testing program adequate deep foundation bearing soils should be encountered at minimum depth of approximately 25 feet below existing ground surfaces into stiffer soils. We estimate tip elevations for piles should be on the order of 30 feet below the existing ground surfaces. We recommend that all pile load tests using Pile Driving Analyzer(PDA) and driving be monitored by a geotechnical engineer or his qualified representative. This should be done to keep driving records and determine that the piles have been driven to adequate resistance in the appropriate strata.We also recommend that the piles be monitored for heave due to driving of adjacent piles. Should heave occur, the pile should be re-driven to its original depth. Based on the general stratigraphy in the project area, past experience with similar projects and the anticipated magnitude of the loads, it is our opinion that the total and differential settlement potentials for the proposed structures should be less than one-quarter inch (1/4) and one-eight (1/8) inch, respectively. We recommend that the pile driving be observed by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record and/or his designee, prior to and during foundation installation. This is to assess their suitability for foundation support and confirm their consistency with the conditions upon which our recommendations are based. Care must be taken to reduce vibrations that may affect the nearby existing building structures. We recommend that the pile driving begin away from the existing buildings to determine if the vibrations will affect the existing structures. If vibrations are excessive, additional pre-drilling, or modifications to the driving techniques and/or foundation system may be required, particularly adjacent to the existing buildings. Vibrations monitoring, pile installation and pre-drilling operations should be monitored by an engineer experienced in pile installation procedures. 10 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 4.3. Retaining Wall Recommendations (if used) Design Parameters for backfill properties (i.e., friction angle, earth pressure coefficients) should use the values in the table below. These parameters are based on suitable soils with a minimum moist unit weight of 120 pcf. SUMMIT should be retained to test the actual soils used for construction to verify these design assumptions. To reduce long term creep or deflections to the wall system, desirable wall backfill soils should be used. These include non-plastic, granular soils (sands and gravels). However, these soils may not be available on site. Soil Parameters for Wall Backfill Passive Allowable Modulus of Active Earth Earth Coefficient of Bearing Friction Subgrade Pressure Pressure Earth Capacity Angle Reaction Coefficient Coefficient Pressure at Slide Backfill Type (psf) (deg) (pci) Ka Kp Rest Ko Friction Residuum 2,000 28° 200 0.361 2.77 0.531 0.4 Fill 2,000 24° 150 0.421 2.37 0.593 0.4 Additional Testing is Required to verify these estimated designed parameters. Soils classified as elastic silts (MH) and/or fat clays (CH) shall not be used for wall backfill or in the retained zone as shown in Table 1610.1 of the 2018 IBC. If on-site soils are used as backfill within the reinforced zone, the wall designer should address the need for wall drainage and the possibility of long-term, time-dependent movement or creep in their design. At the time of report preparation, we were not provided retaining wall plans or specifications. Therefore, we request the opportunity to review the wall plans and specifications once they are finalized and make any necessary changes to our recommendations. Also, we recommend an external stability analysis (including global stability) of the proposed wall(s) be conducted once the site layout and wall geometry is complete. 11 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 4.4. Seismic Site Class SUMMIT has determined the Seismic Site Classification for this project site in accordance with Chapter 16, Section 1613.5.2 of the 2018 North Carolina Building Code, Site Class Definitions using SPT N-Values. We recommend this project be designed using a Seismic Site Class of "E" (Soft Clay soil profile) as defined in Table 1613.5.4 Site Class Definitions. 4.5. Low to Moderate Plasticity Moisture Sensitive Soils (MH) Low to moderate plasticity and moisture sensitive elastic silt (MH) soils were encountered in five (5) of the borings performed during this exploration. These fine-grained soils are susceptible to moisture intrusion and can become soft when exposed to weather and/or water infiltration. Consequently, some undercutting and/or reworking (drying) of the near-surface soils may be required depending upon the site management practices and weather conditions present during construction. Should these materials be left in-place, special consideration should be given to providing positive drainage away from the structure and discharging roof drains a minimum of 5 feet from the foundations to reduce infiltration of surface water to the subgrade materials. Note: Since Low to Moderate Plasticity and Moisture Sensitive Soils can become remolded (i.e., softened) under the weight of repeated construction traffic and changes in moisture conditions, these soils should be evaluated and closely monitored by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record or and/or their designee prior to and during fill placement. Additional testing and inspections of moisture sensitive soils may be warranted such as laboratory testing, field density (compaction) testing, hand auger borings with dynamic cone penetrometer (DCP) testing and/or test pit excavations. 12 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 4.6. Wet Weather Conditions Contractors should be made aware of the moisture sensitivity of the near soils and potential compaction difficulties. If construction is undertaken during wet weather conditions,the surficial soils may become saturated, soft, and unworkable. The contractor can anticipate reworking and/or recompacting soils may be needed when excessive moisture conditions occur. Additionally, subgrade stabilization techniques,such as chemical (lime or lime-fly ash)treatment, may be needed to provide a more weather-resistant working surface during construction. Therefore, we recommend that consideration be given to construction during the dryer months. Surface runoff should be drained away from excavations and not allowed to pond. Concrete for foundations should be placed as soon as practical after the excavation is made. That is, the exposed foundation soils should not be allowed to become excessively dry or wet before placement of concrete. Bearing soils exposed to moisture variations may become highly disturbed resulting in the need for undercutting prior to placement of concrete. If excavations must remain open overnight, or if rainfall becomes imminent while the bearing soils are exposed, we recommend that a 2-to 4-inch-thick "mud-mat" of lean (2000 psi) concrete be placed on the bearing soils before work stops for the night. SUMMIT recommends that special care be given to providing adequate drainage away from the building areas to reduce infiltration of surface water to the base course and subgrade materials. If these materials are allowed to become saturated during the life of the slab section, a strength reduction of the materials may result causing a reduced life of the section. 13 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 4.7. Floor Slabs Slab-on-grade floor systems may be supported on approved residual soils, or newly compacted fill, provided the site preparation and fill placement procedures outlined in this report are implemented. Depending upon the amount of cuts and/or fills, unsuitable soils such as existing fill soils and areas which deflect, rut or pump excessively during proof-rolling may require remediation as described in Section 5.2. The proposed slab-on-grade floor slab should be designed to withstand the planned dead and live loads. Based on the use of granular fill material, soils encountered in our borings and our experience, a modulus of subgrade reaction (k) of 125 pci can be used to design the floor slab supported on the subgrade soils. A higher modules value may be available once the structural soils and/or supporting soils has been identified. We recommend a minimum of 4-inch thickness of crushed stone (NCDOT ABC stone gradation or equivalent) compacted to a minimum of 98 percent of the material's Standard Proctor maximum dry density(ASTM D 698) be placed as floor slab base course. Immediately prior to constructing a floor slab, the areas should be proof-rolled to detect any softened, loosened or disturbed areas that may have been exposed to wet weather or construction traffic. Areas that are found to be disturbed or indicate pumping action during the proof-rolling should be undercut and replaced with adequately compacted structural fill. This proof-rolling should be observed by a SUMMIT staff professional or a senior soils technician under his/her direction. Proof-rolling procedures are outlined in the "Site Preparation" section of this report. 4.8. Pavements Subgrade Preparation The pavement sections can be adequately supported on approved non-high plasticity residual soils, or newly compacted fill, provided the site preparation and fill placement procedures outlined in this report are implemented. Immediately prior to constructing the pavement section, we recommend that the areas be proofrolled to detect any softened, loosened or disturbed areas 14 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 that may have been exposed to wet weather or construction traffic. Areas that are found to be disturbed or indicate instability during the proofrolling should be undercut and replaced with adequately compacted structural fill or repaired as recommended by the Geotechnical Engineer- of-Record. This proofrolling should be observed by a SUMMIT professional or a senior soils technician under his/her direction. Proofrolling procedures are outlined in the "Site Preparation" section of this report. Due to the presence of near surface low to moderate plasticity elastic silts (MH), remediation of pavement subgrade soils may be recommended (as determined by the Geotechnical Engineer- of-Record during construction) including undercutting and replacement with additional NCDOT ABC stone. Alternatively, lime stabilization of pavement subgrade may be a more economical option and SUMMIT can provide lime stabilization mix design services if requested. This may be more pronounced depending on the time of the year and seasonal conditions at the time of pavement construction. We recommend contingency for some remediation efforts for the subgrade soils be considered during the planning stage. 4.9. Cut and Fill Slopes Permanent project slopes should be designed with geometry of 3 horizontal to 1 vertical (3H:1V) or flatter.The tops and bases of all slopes should be located 10 feet or more from structural limits and 5 feet or more from parking limits. Fill slopes should be constructed utilizing properly compacted, structural fill according to the recommendations provided in this report. In addition, fill slopes should be overbuilt and cut to finished grade during construction to achieve proper compaction on the slope face. All slopes should be seeded, stabilized and maintained after construction and adhere to local, state and federal municipal standards, if applicable. Immediately prior to constructing the project slopes, the areas should be proof-rolled to detect any softened, loosened or disturbed areas that may have been exposed to wet weather or construction traffic. Areas that are found to be disturbed or indicate pumping action during the proof-rolling should be undercut and replaced with adequately compacted structural fill. This 15 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 proof-rolling should be observed by a SUMMIT staff professional or a senior soils technician under his/her direction. Proof-rolling procedures are outlined in the "Site Preparation" section of this report. Structural fill should not be placed on a subgrade with a slope steeper than 5 horizontal to 1 vertical (5H:1V), unless the fill is confined by an opposing slope, such as in a ravine. Otherwise, where steeper slopes exist, the subgrade should be benched to allow for fill placement on a horizontal surface. 16 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5.1. Abandoned Utilities/Structures SUMMIT recommends that any existing utility lines and foundations be removed from within proposed building and pavement areas. The utility backfill and foundation material should be removed and the subgrade in the excavations should be inspected by a geotechnical professional prior to fill placement. The subgrade inspection should consist of visual observations, probing with a steel rod and/or performing hand auger borings with Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests to explore their suitability of receiving structural fill. Once the excavations are inspected and approved,they should be backfilled with adequately compacted structural fill. Excavation backfill under proposed new foundations should consist of properly compacted structural fill, crushed stone, flowable fill or lean concrete as approved by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record. 5.2. Site Preparation Based on the results of our borings, and dependent on final grades, the contractor can anticipate that some undercutting and/or foundation extension through existing fill soils and soils with N- values less than 6 bpf may be required prior to building construction and/or fill placement. If these soils are encountered during the grading activities, the extent of the undercut required should be determined in the field by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record and/or their designee. Additional testing such as test pit excavations and/or hand auger borings may be required to further explore these soil conditions, depths and locations. Topsoil, organic laden/stained soils, construction debris and other unsuitable materials should be stripped/removed from the proposed construction limits. Stripping and clearing should extend 10 feet or more beyond the planned construction limits. Upon completion of the stripping operations, we recommend areas planned for support of foundations, floor slabs, parking areas, slope areas and structural fill be proof-rolled with a loaded dump truck or similar pneumatic tired vehicle (minimum loaded weight of 20 tons) under the observations of a staff professional. After excavation of the site has been completed, the exposed subgrade in cut areas should also be 17 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 proof-rolled.The proof-rolling procedures should consist of four complete passes of the exposed areas, with two of the passes being in a direction perpendicular to the proceeding ones. Any areas which deflect, rut or pump excessively during proof-rolling or fail to "tighten up" after successive passes should be undercut to suitable soils and replaced with compacted fill. The extent of any undercut required should be determined in the field by a SUMMIT staff professional or engineer while monitoring construction activity. After the proof-rolling operation has been completed and approved,final site grading should proceed immediately. If construction progresses during wet weather, the proof-rolling operation should be repeated after any inclement weather event with at least one pass in each direction immediately prior to placing fill material or aggregate base course stone. If unstable conditions are experienced during this operation, then undercutting or reworking of the unstable soils may be required. 5.3. Temporary Excavation Stability Localized areas of soft or unsuitable soils not detected by our borings, or in unexplored areas, may be encountered once grading operations begin. Vertical cuts in these soils may be unstable and may present a significant hazard because they can fail without warning. Therefore, temporary construction slopes greater than 5 feet in height should not be steeper than two horizontal to one vertical (2H:1V), and excavated material should not be placed within 10 feet of the crest of any excavated slope. In addition, runoff water should be diverted away from the crest of the excavated slopes to prevent erosion and sloughing. Should excavations extend below final grades, shoring and bracing or flattening (laying back) of the slopes may be required to obtain a safe working environment. Excavation should be sloped or shored in accordance with local, state and federal regulations, including OSHA (29 CFR Part 1926) excavation trench safety standards. 18 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 5.4. Structural Fill Soil to be used as structural fill should be free of organic matter, roots or other deleterious materials. Structural fill should have a plasticity index (PI) less than 25 and a liquid limit (LL) less than 50 or as approved by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record.The structural fill should exhibit a maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot, as determined by a Standard Proctor compaction test (ASTM-D 698). Compacted structural fill should consist of materials classified as either CL, ML, SC, SM, SP, SW, GC, GM, GP, or GW per ASTM D-2487 or as approved by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record. Off-site borrow soil should also meet these same classification requirements. Non-organic, low-plasticity on-site soils are expected to meet this criterion. However, successful reuse of the excavated, on-site soils as compacted structural fill will depend on the moisture content of the soils encountered during excavation.We anticipate that scarifying and drying of portions of the on-site soils will be required before the recommended compaction can be achieved. Drying of these soils will likely result in some delay. All structural fill soils should be placed within the proposed structural pad and extending at least 5 feet beyond the perimeter of the pad and foundation limits. All structural fill soils should be placed in thin (not greater than 8 inches) loose lifts and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the soil's Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) at/or near optimum moisture content (±2 percent). The upper 2 feet of structural fill should be compacted to a minimum of 100 percent of the soil's Standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698) at/or near optimum moisture content (±2 percent). Some manipulation of the moisture content (such as wetting, drying) may be required during the filling operation to obtain the required degree of compaction. The manipulation of the moisture content is highly dependent on weather conditions and site drainage conditions.Therefore,the grading contractor should be prepared to both dry and wet the fill materials to obtain the specified compaction during grading. Sufficient density tests should be performed to confirm the required compaction of the fill material. 19 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 5.5. Suitability of Excavated Soils for Re-Use The soils encountered in the borings should be suitable to be used as structural fill material provided the recommendations in this report are implemented. These soils may be utilized as non-structural fill and backfill at landscaped or non-pavement areas of the project. We recommend non-structural fill to be compacted to at least 92 percent of the soil's Standard Proctor Maximum Dry Density to reduce settlement of the fill soils particularly over utility trenches. However, if approved by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record, high plasticity soils encountered during general site grading can be mixed/blended and/or mixed with lower plasticity soils and used as structural fill. We recommend that mixed soils be used below the top five (5) feet at deeper fill locations and adequate drainage be provided away from structural and pavement areas. The top five (5) feet should consist of materials classified as either CL, ML, SC, SM, SP, SW, GC, GM, GP or GW per ASTM D-2487 or as approved by the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record. All fill soils should be placed in thin (not greater than 8 inches) loose lifts and compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the soil's Standard Proctor maximum dry density(ASTM D 698) at near optimum moisture content (±2 percent). We assumed that the limits of the excavation will be stripped of existing pavements, above and below ground obstructions, stumps, root systems, and organic surface soils (topsoil) and discarded.The thickness of organic surface soils (topsoil) encountered at soil test boring locations are indicated on the soil test boring logs included in the Appendix of this report. 5.6. Engineering Services During Construction As previously stated, the engineering recommendations provided in this report are based on the project information outlined above and the data obtained from field and laboratory tests. However, unlike other engineering materials like steel and concrete, the extent and properties of geologic materials (soil) vary significantly. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical engineering exploration, there is always a possibility that conditions between borings will be 20 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 different from those at the boring locations, that conditions are not as anticipated by the designers, or that the construction process has altered the subsurface conditions. This report does not reflect variations that may occur between the boring locations. Therefore, conditions on the site may vary between the discrete locations observed at the time of our subsurface exploration. The nature and extent of variations between the borings may not become evident until construction is underway. To account for this variability, professional observation, testing and monitoring of subsurface conditions during construction should be provided as an extension of our engineering services. These services will help in evaluating the Contractor's conformance with the plans and specifications. Because of our unique position to understand the intent of the geotechnical engineering recommendations, retaining us for these services will also allow us to provide consistent service through the project construction. Geotechnical engineering construction observations should be performed under the supervision of the Geotechnical Engineer-of-Record from our office who is familiar with the intent of the recommendations presented herein. This observation is recommended to evaluate whether the conditions anticipated in the design actually exist or whether the recommendations presented herein should be modified where necessary. Observation and testing of compacted structural fill and backfill should also be provided by our firm. 21 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 6.0 RELIANCE AND QUALIFICATIONS OF REPORT This geotechnical subsurface exploration has been provided for the sole use of Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte.This geotechnical subsurface exploration should not be relied upon by other parties without the express written consent of SUMMIT and Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte. The analyses and recommendations submitted in this report were based, in part, on data obtained from this exploration. If the above-described project conditions are incorrect or changed after the issuing of this report, or subsurface conditions encountered during construction are different from those reported, SUMMIT should be notified and these recommendations should be re-evaluated based on the changed conditions to make appropriate revisions. We have prepared this report according to generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranty, express or implied, is made as to the professional advice included in this report. 22 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 // SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY • TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company APPENDIX 1 — Figures 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com icoat Company ai Lake Norman I Professional... Puppy Planet 0 16 cL 0tj NaG Water Oaks Or Water Oaks Or Miller Pipeline 9 0 45 Townsend M Townsend wnsend Dr Dr Carolina Boat and railer Boa dealer Eagle Wood 4? SITE IPHoly S.irit Cathol c Church 9 West Harbor Insurance Services One Church Minis ies 9 9westLak 9 Loftis Mini Storage Holy Spirit Catholic Churchijah Figure 1 537 NC-16 Business Site Location Plan Denver, North Carolina SUMMIT A UN. W rny'VnYp Woven 4owpnn/ 3575 Centre Circle SUMMIT Project No.: 3944.G0579 Fort Mill,South Carolina 29715 SCALE: NTS (803)504-1717 1I. / I 1'' / • / 1 r 1, . I at- ----' i '' APPROXIMATE PROPERTY LINE . , ,-..,l 4oi t .0.4pill...iKiti i*goo . ito • 46 okl00000loosioo400k‘ootifi:6,1_,-,:‘ ‘ ---- ,,------ , i 0_27 EXIST #-.,0*-=_•..1 BLDG / / I . 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I B-4° A •7„ , , __„.,__ _ - - „ . r , I \ PROPOSED , ' A .• CHURCH — i .././ ------11 _ ---t - , 19 , ../ * ilk B 6 / 11111,Il I MIN . 807 .•• V fr / IN=MINI ----- ------------- .''''.--::---4,i, 1 1 . .6 4 2 o * 1 10 4 ip B-7 ,00: -8 -- / 24 MINII • / El Oi 10 10 MIMI. I — / I III. Illi 4 ok - ----- . . r.111 clim . _ ''' r 1413 — 0 (CO \ e3 11111MIIII MEMMMI 5 / . * ea e) 1 IL \ 0 cl 2 Ea ,, ///////////26/////////// * ea • \ II 1 li II V II EXIST STORM PIPE SHOWN ,:1' • \ t TE PROPERTY_L1NE ____ .4._ c• ' IN:a-% '------------- ____ 7._ 4_, ___--i.--5-----P" ! _,k t / ---r—.A----------r % -------- A- ---`.---r-'-j--- % ----- - PHASE I SITE PLAN II SCALE:1"-20.-0" HOLY SPIRIT CATHOLIC CHURCH 37 N HIGHWAY 16.DENVER,NC 28037 N(IT Figure 2 Holy Spirit Catholic Church Boring Location Plan 537 NC-16 Business 0- Approx. Soil Test Boring Location Denver, North Carolina SUMMIT A 9444,1oIL4,044.N14•9 waftric4op•ny 3575 Centre Circle SCALE: NTS SUMMIT Project No.: 3944.G0579 Fort Mill,South Carolina 29715 (803)504-1717 Report of Geotechnical Subsurface Exploration SUMMIT Project No. 3944.G0579 Holy Spirit Catholic Church May 3, 2023 // SUMMIT ENGINEERING • LABORATORY • TESTING A Universal Engineering Sciences Company APPENDIX 2 — Boring Logs 3575 Centre Circle Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29715 summit-companies.com SUMMIT ENGINEERING KEY TO SYMBOLS /MIK 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,SC 29715 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 .,.maiEti...E,soon..,Company CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina LITHOLOGIC SYMBOLS SAMPLER SYMBOLS (Unified Soil Classification System) Standard Penetration Test ■ ASPHALT: Asphalt BLANK I FILL: Fill (made ground) tin GW: USCS Well-graded Gravel liffi MH: USCS Elastic Silt MLS: USCS Sandy Silt TOPSOIL: Topsoil WELL CONSTRUCTION SYMBOLS ABBREVIATIONS LL -LIQUID LIMIT(%) TV -TORVANE PI -PLASTIC INDEX(%) PID -PHOTOIONIZATION DETECTOR W -MOISTURE CONTENT(%) UC -UNCONFINED COMPRESSION DD -DRY DENSITY(PCF) ppm -PARTS PER MILLION NP -NON PLASTIC v, Water Level at Time -200 -PERCENT PASSING NO. 200 SIEVE Drilling, or as Shown PP -POCKET PENETROMETER(TSF) Water Level at End of 1 Drilling, or as Shown w Water Level After 24 Hours, or as Shown r//,±MM SUMMIT ENGINEERING '• Topsoil EllUSCS Sandy Silt ® USCS Elastic Silt 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE SUBSURFACE DIAGRAM ' FORT MILL,Sc 29715 -Asphalt lillUSCS Well-graded Gravel SUMMIT 704-504-1 7 1 7 > -«E - m CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 B-9 SW-10 SW-11 O ft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. Oft. N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth N-Value Depth 0 a r,•. a r,•. �. 0 0.33 0.33 0.42 7 0.33 >C 042 0.42 0.33 42'• •.• 1 - •.• 1 •• 1 1 1 il 10 : 42 9 16•• 3 8 7 6 17 4 4 -5 8 24 -5 5.5 5.5 1 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 T 5.5 5.5 5.5 6 T 6 8 4 3 5 3 5 6 4 8 • 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 3 2 3 _- . 2 . 5 3 3 . 5 5 5 -10 .1 10 10 •10 10 c . 0 • 12 T12 . 12 •.•72 12 12 -10ft. -10 ft. -10 ft. U) . . W 10 4 3 • 3 • 2 4 4 2 -15 -15 17 17 17 • � 17 r17 T17 . . . • • • • • 6 1 . . 1 . 2 3 2 2 3 -20 -20 . .� • 22 22 22 22 ' 2 . . 2 5 . • 1 . .• 3 2 . . 4 -25 2'S 25 25 25 -25 25 ft. -25 ft. -25 ft. 27 -25 ft. 3 • 4 2 3 • -30 '130 30 • •30 • 30 -30 A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-1 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �•E^-w^ �� CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/26/23 COMPLETED 4/26/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 23.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 26'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a IY >-�^ o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 _ l-w �� EL O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 Q I I J`� J o z O . 110> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w O Q w ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 . :` Approx.4"of Topsoil 7 (ML)RESIDUUM: Stiff Brown Micaceous Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 2-4-6 A — — £, (10) ❑ SPT 2-5-5 2 (10) 5.0 _ (ML)Firm Reddish Brown,Tan,and White Micaceous Sandy SILT SPT 3-3-5 3 (8) SPT 2-2-3 ` 10.0 (5) (ML)Stiff Reddish Brown and Brown Micaceous Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 2-3-7 15.0 (10) (ML)Firm Moist Reddish Brown and Brown Micaceous Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 2-3-3 A 6 (6) 23ft V — i SPT 2-2-3 25.0 7 (5) Bottom of Boring at 25 feet bgs, Boring Terminated `26ft - A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-2 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �• CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/24/23 COMPLETED 4/24/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 22.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 24.5'bga LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a IY >- o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 ~ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 D Q I I w W J Cl-z 0 O . m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w < ILI ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 _''�•`•‘'\ Approx.4"of Topsoil 7 - . (ML)FILL: Stiff Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT /I SPT 4-4-6 — —. • (ML)RESIDUUM: 1 (10) Stiff Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT (ML)Stiff Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 3-3-4 2 5.0 (7) — (ML)Soft Light Brown Sandy SILT SPT 1-2-2 3 (4) — (ML)Soft Moist Light Brown, Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-2 A ro.o 4 (3) SPT 1-2-2 (ML)Very Soft Moist Light Brown,Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-0-1 (1) (ML)Soft Moist Light Brown, Reddish Brown,and White Sand92f SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-1 i 25.0 24.5ftg 7 (2) Bottom of Boring at 25 feet bgs, Boring Terminated A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-3 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �• CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/25/23 COMPLETED 4/25/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 27.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 28.4'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a o_ >- o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 ~ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 O D Q I I w W J Cl-z 0 O . 110> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 "" •`"'\ Approx.5"of Topsoil (MH)FILL: — — \ Brown Sandy Elastic SILT /I SPT 3-4-4 • (ML)RESIDUUM: 1 (8) Firm Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains — 1 SPT 2-3-2 5.0 2 (5) , (ML)Soft Moist Brown and White Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains 1 SPT 2-1 3 (3) SPT 1-1-1 • 10.0 4 (2) — T (ML)Soft Moist Brown,White,and Reddish Brown Sandy SILT — — 1 SPT 2-1-2 .l 15.0 5 (3) (ML)Very Soft Very Moist Brown,White,and Reddish Brown Sandy SILT SPT 0-0-1 1 20.0 6 (1) (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown,White,and Reddish Brown Sandy — —• SILT SPT 0-0-2 I 25.0 7 (2) 27ft V —. 28.4ftlal - 1 — SPT 0-1-2 1 so.o 8 (3) Bottom of Boring at 30 feet bgs,Boring Terminated SUMMIT ENGINEERING 3575 BORING NUMBER B-4 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT FORT MILL,SC 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 TEsntac <�M,.olEr,E,..Hnq ScioneasCompany CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/25/23 COMPLETED 4/25/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING 18.40 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 25'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U >- cn w 0 20 40 60 80 100 _ I-w �^ H� PL Q 110 MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J 2 >0 9O n Q > J o D O. m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 (3 2z C) oz w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)co ❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 . Approx.3"of Asphalt Approx.3"of Gravel • (ML)FILL: I1 SPT 2-3-2 — —. • Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Asphalt Fragments 1 (5) (ML)RESIDUUM: — Firm Brown and White Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT J (ML)Soft Moist Brown, Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganes Stains SPT 2-1-2 2 (3) 5.0 _ (ML)Firm Moist Brown, Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganes Stains SPT 1-2-3 — — • • 3 (5) (ML)Soft Moist Brown, Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganes Stains I SPT 1-1-2 o.o 4 (3) — (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown,Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganes Stains I SPT 1-1-2 s.o 5 (3) 18.4ft — • SPT 2-1-1 6 (2) 20.0 (ML)Firm Moist Brown, Reddish Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganes Stains • SPT 2-3-2 25.0 7 (5) Bottom of Boring at 25 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 2btt A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-5 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �• CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/24/23 COMPLETED 4/24/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 12.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 29'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a o >- o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 ~ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 O D Q I I w W J Cl-z 0 O . 110> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 _'' \ Approx.5"of Topsoil (ML)FILL: Reddish Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT /I SPT 2-3-3 (ML)RESIDUUM: 1 (6) Firm Brown and Light Brown Micaceous Sandy SILT — 1 SPT 3-3-4 5.0 2 (7) , — (ML)Soft Reddish Brown and White Micaceous Sandy SILT -, ISPT 3-2-1 3 (3) (ML)Soft Brown and Light Brown Sandy SILT with Manganese — — Stains SPT 1-1-1 4 (2) ro.o �� (ML)Soft Moist Brown Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains 'f2tt V — — 1 SPT 1-1-1 A r 5.0 5 (2) (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-2 20.0 6 (3) — (ML)Very Soft Very Moist Brown,Reddish Brown,and White — — Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 0-0-1 25.0 7 (1) — (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown,Reddish Brown,and White Sandy — — SILT with Manganese Stains 29ft 1 SPT 2-2-2 so.o 8 (4) Bottom of Boring at 30 feet bgs,Boring Terminated A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-6 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �• CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/24/23 COMPLETED 4/24/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 21.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 28.5'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a o_ >- o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 ~ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 O D Q I I w W J Cl-z 0 O . 110> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 _'' \ Approx.5"of Topsoil (ML)FILL: Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT /I SPT 3-3-4 A (ML)RESIDUUM: 1 (7) Firm Brown Slightly Clayey Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT — 1 SPT 3-4-4 5.0 2 (8) , (ML)Firm Brown,Light Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains 1 SPT 2-2-3 3 (5) (ML)Firm Moist Brown, Light Brown,and White Sandy SILT with — — Manganese Stains SPT 1-2-3 (5) ro.o • (ML)Soft Moist Brown,Light Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains • — — • 1 SPT 2-2-2 A r 5.0 5 (4) (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown,Light Brown,and White Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-1 A 20.0 6 (2) 21ftV SPT 1-1-2 A 25.0 7 (3) t 28.5ft - SPT 1-1-1 A 8 (2) Bottom of Boring at 30 feet bgs,Boring Terminated A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-7 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �• CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/25/23 COMPLETED 4/25/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 26.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 29'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a o_ >- o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 �w �^ �� ~^ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 O D Q I I w W J Cl-z 0 O . 110> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 4 Approx.5"of Gravel 7 Q • (MH1 FILL: \ Reddish Brown Sandy Elastic SILT /1 SPT 6-5-7 (MH)RESIDUUM: 1 (12) Stiff Brown Sandy Elastic SILT (ML)Firm Moist Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 3-3-4 5.0 2 (7) (ML)Firm Moist Brown, Light Brown,and Reddish Brown Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-2-4 3 (6) — (ML)Soft Moist Brown,Light Brown,and Reddish Brown Sandy — — SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-2 10.0 : (3) SPT 1-2-2 15.0 (4) (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown,Light Brown,and Reddish Brown Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-1 6 20.0 (2) (ML)Soft Very Moist Light Brown and White Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-1-1 & 25.0 • 7 (2) 26ft V — 29ft Z SPT 1-1-2 R so.o (3) -- Bottom of Boring at 30 feet bgs,Boring Terminated A SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-8 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,Sc 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 ^ �• CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/26/23 COMPLETED 4/26/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger V AT TIME OF DRILLING 14.00 ft GW ATD/Caved in Depth @ 24'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w a A SPT N VALUE A 0 U a IY >- o w 0 20 40 60 80 100 �w �^ Z� ~ a O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION w m >0 O Q 1 I w w J o z 0 O . 110> 0 20 40 60 80 100 w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 _''�s'.`\ Approx.4"of Topsoil 7 - . (ML)FILL: Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT /I SPT 4-3-6 — —. (ML)Stiff Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT 1 (9) A (ML)Firm Moist Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 2-2-4 L 2 (6) 5.0 _ (ML)Soft Moist Brown and Light Brown Sandy SILT with — Manganese Stains • SPT 2-1-3 3 (4) SPT 2-1-2 10.0 (3) (ML)Soft Very Moist Brown and Light Brown Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains 14ft� SPT 1-1-1 15.0 A 5 (2) lA 1 SPT 1-1-2 A 20.0 6 (3) 24ft SPT 1-2-2 A 25.0 .:::A (4) Bottom of Boring at 25 feet bgs, Boring Terminated SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER B-9 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT FORT MILL,SC 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 <�M,.olEr,E,..Hnq ScioneasCompany CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/25/23 COMPLETED 4/25/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING ---GW NE ATD/Caved in Depth @ 7'bgs LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING --- NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w o ASPTNVALUEA 0 U } ci w 0 20 40 60 80 100 I-w �^ H� PL L"O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J 2 >0 9O n Q o D O. m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 (3 2z (.) oz w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 Approx.5"of Topsoil < xi (MH)FILL: \ Reddish Brown Sandy Elastic SILT (MH)RESIDUUM: SPT 4-7-9 Very Stiff Brown Sandy Elastic SILT 1 (16) (ML)Very Stiff Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 9-7-10 2 (17) 5.0 (ML)Firm Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 4-3-5 7ft� 3 (8) (ML)Firm Moist Brown Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 1-2-3 4 (5) Bottom of Boring at 10 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 15.0 20.0 // SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER SW-10 lik 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,SC 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504,1 7 1 7 <�M,.olEr,E,..Hnq �Co m CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/26/23 COMPLETED 4/26/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING ---GW NE ATD LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING ---GW NE>24 hrs NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U >-ct } cow 0 20 40 60 80 100 _ I—w EC^ Hn It Q ,..,1- O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J 2 >of �O n Q I M " J o O. m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 (3 2z () oz w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ co 0 20 40 60 80 100 :.: (MH)FILL: -$5 Firm Red(10R,4/6)Sandy Elastic SILT _ - �_�♦_ SPT 4-2-3-5 I I 1 (5) Firm Red(10R,4/6)Sandy Elastic SILT (ML)Stiff Moist Red(10R,5/8)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 2-4-8-11 2 (12) (ML)Firm Red(10R,5/8)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT s.o SPT 2-3-5-5 3 (8) (ML)Firm Red(10R,5/8)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 3-4-4-5 4 (8) (ML)Firm Red(10R,5/8)and white(7.5YR,9.5/1)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT with Manganese Stains SPT 2-2-3-4 5 (5) 10.0 Bottom of Boring at 10 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 15.0 20.0 // SUMMIT ENGINEERING BORING NUMBER SW-11 lik 3575 CENTRE CIRCLE FORT MILL,SC 29715 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUMMIT 704-504-1717 <�M,.olEr,E,..Hnq ScioneasCompany CPAYNE@SUMMIT-COMPANIES.COM CLIENT Roman Catholic Diocese of Charlotte PROJECT NAME Holy Spirit Catholic Church PROJECT NUMBER 3944.G0579 PROJECT LOCATION Denver, North Carolina DATE STARTED 4/26/23 COMPLETED 4/26/23 GROUND ELEVATION HOLE SIZE 6 inches DRILLING CONTRACTOR SUMMIT GROUND WATER/CAVE-IN: DRILLING METHOD Hollow Stem Auger AT TIME OF DRILLING ---GW NE ATD LOGGED BY J Parrish CHECKED BY C.Payne AT END OF DRILLING ---GW NE>24 hrs NOTES See Figure 2"Boring Location Plan"for Approx. Boring Location AFTER DRILLING --- w o A SPT N VALUE A 0 U } ci w 0 20 40 60 80 100 I-w �^ H� L"O MATERIAL DESCRIPTION J 2 >of �O n Q J a O. m O> 0 20 40 60 80 100 (3 2z () oz w < ❑FINES CONTENT(%)❑ 0 20 40 60 80 100 �;\ Approx.3"of Topsoil 7 - (MH)�i�i�i �.�.�. FILL: SPT 2-2-2-2 Soft Red(10R,4/6)Sandy Elastic SILT / 1 (4) (MH)RESIDUUM:: Soft Red(10R,4/6)Sandy Elastic SILT (MH)FILL: Stiff Red(10R,4/6)Sandy Elastic SILT SPT 2-4-5-6 2 (9) (MH)FILL: s.o Very Stiff Red(10R,4/6)Sandy Elastic SILT with Rock SPT 2-12-12-14 Fragments 3 (24) (ML)RESIDUUM: Soft Moist Red(10r,5/8)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 2-2-2-3 4 (4) • (ML)Firm Moist Red(10r,5/8)and White(7.5Y,9.5/1)Slightly Clayey Sandy SILT SPT 1-2-3-3 5 (5) 1 0.0 Bottom of Boring at 10 feet bgs, Boring Terminated 15.0 20.0