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GW1--04683_Well Construction - GW1_20240809
WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-I) For Internal Use Only; _ 1, ell Contractor Information;C4rre y I fG dJki _ _ - - 0 ore) / '%Bu urarei r7, n Well Contractor Name ca st D I N • ft' re. L19� 5A , NC1Well Contractor Certification Number ;+! iQjjj�l;((i )jy c]({'{)Ati" f it MOWti ..;..4,�i °�I�A'S�" 1+ ff//1''��� ��nn� {I d 1��1 Co, I T3 E' ��+r��u/�c���it ;41V l.(t)1� S Vi e�� CUl1 I v � l� �O� T� lim... ri./ In, �l�■Ti7>� IIIIII CompanyNamo ?, .'iZillilLG7 1?ArL4Kai.u?ji illFMlltinit)IiNtOM�1' �y /�j G � MATERIAL 1INIMIlla 7'1 v0 (] ifOu TO M• E; LlWelConaeu!c Permiot bt ft, ft, In, List all applicable well construction permits(he,UlC,County,Stale,Variance,rrc� It, R In, 3,Well Use(check well use); I1r•.t•'<J•..•J°J1,ieliSrAkii 7aa£.k.,7' A IIIMMIMEN Water Supply Well; ;t;0u 0 DI, 81.0 8 Z THICKNESS 0Agrloultural e.. Munlolpal/Publlo rt. ft, In, �--1IY — In Deothormal(Heating/Cooling Supply) DRosidentlal Water Supply(single) ft, ft,Industrial/CommercialQRosldontial Water Supply(shared) -fl"jcom£ `S''.'' mosgE"gianwatignigi , FROM TO . ERTAL EMPLACEMEN�'TNOD&AMOUNT ""�Irrigatlon R, �����. b i Non-Water Supply Well: ft, tt, Monitoring [ Reoovory — Infection Well: ft, ft. Aquifer Recharge ©t3roundwaterRemedlatlon 9h ;�y y1ie h ip" ':• ` y}`',„t; +'r2'• `:' r•: ; Aquifer Storage and Reoovory. Salinity Barrier 0 0 a• :RI L EMPLACEMENT ETHOD ft„ ft, Aquifer Test ) �StormwatorDrainage ft, ft,gy `&• OSubsldonoo Control • JExperimentalTechnolo v l to !rf ;; ';:% r,;( .,.c,. Tracer f�Ag T a ?� s isD i - Geothermal(Closed Loop) � PROM TO Dv:BCRIPTION color herdnen colt/rock r rein size ric. Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Rotum) �Othor(explain under#21 Remarks) O ft, 0 ft, a 4,Date Well(s)CothEiletediV i 7 0�y Well ID# 7 illariniA 5a,Well Location; • ft, ft. ft. •• -- Pnolllty/Owner Name Facility lDN(If applicable) ._--- ----r-4 l L ft, fL 1 rot vi i ht. g I , ,ft ft, — 3r C .� it- 1e.vela�►d P alcal Addro,e,City,end Zip y ,)�Lft y+ Watd r.IF `) _ County Parcel identification No,(PIN) _'s 5b,Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degreesi; 22 Certification: (If well Ileld,ono lot/long Is auf(lolent) C.jA2620 N :-IL63RGO W ' - b — D Dale 2 Ignatureof:Qertitled W II Convoy! � 6.Is(are the well(a) Permanent dr Temporary By signing this join+, /hereby cerl(ly that the wells)was(were)constructed In accordance Weil CaislJ'u.b.'•"'endards and that n with 11A NCAC 02C A/00 a'1JA NCAC Gi C,D2 O 7.Is this a repair to an existing well: �,'Yes or �No co y ofdds record has been provided to the well owner, (jlhfs Is a repair,fill our knotm well oojtsrructlon ht/brmatlon and explain the nature ojthe 23 Site diagram or additional well details: repair under h21 remai'ks;tctlan or on the back gf/lls joint, You may use the bank of This pogo to provide additional well site details or well c8 For Geoprobe/DPT O or Is needed, Didlo to TOT Wells NUMBER of same construction details. You may also attach additional pages If necessary, consiruotlon,only l OW-1 needed, lhdloafe TOTAL NUMBER of walla °TJBMITTAL INSTRUt;,T'ION3 drliicd; 9,Total well depth below land Arent el r 6 J r A(ft,) 24a, Foll Wellat Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells Pot all depths((di/Arent(example.3@200'and 2@IOO' eonstruotlo following: (�O (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, 1 (f ferle waterabove level below top of casing: 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 Uwnter level Is casing,use"+" ad (in.) 24b.For IniecHon We1l;Stln addition to endin 30 days f cope atdlon elf n 24a withi 12,Well construction method' well 11,Borehole diameter; above, also submit ono 0op y of this form -10v construction construction to the following: (I.o,auger,rotary,cable,direct push,oto.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, • 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1636 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY; 24c, �„ , ,nnN&Inlectlon Welis1 In addition to sanding the form to r p 13a,Yield(gpm) �O Method of test: —' the address(es) above, also submit ono copy of this form within 30 days of G/1 I UY i Amount; L v -- completion of wall construction to the county health department of the county 1b,Disinfection typo: whero constructed, Revised 2.22.20I( North Carolina Department of 9nvlronmentai Quality•Division of Water Resources FormOWI