HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242447_Site Plan or Location Map_20240813 1 l \ �� \ \ ��/ CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE 1 .., M1• II\ I.Obtain all necessaryand Ira approvals.Erosion and Sediment Conw EBSe a a Certificate or Coverage }Y 4 ® / / \` �I 1 \ permits D PPmv 1( )Pemilt an g I \ � \ // (COC)muxt be obtait beforeary laud dislwbiugect fia'socew.Acopy i„the E&SC Permit.the CUCaoda hard copy of the A SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY AS REQUIRED BY 14.1..be kept an site,preferably in epemmkbox,and accessible during'".Pceeon. .......\ \\� / 2.Install Pavel...auction entrances 5m,men am tented,remfom.sdt fenre NCGS 113A-54.1°IS AVAILABLE FOR USE IT CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR taoutlets duct wades. COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET. To 3,Finish clearing and grubbing any necessary areas on the lots as they are started. AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE APPROVED _ o�� o I 1 \\\ 4 Begin lot grading and excavation activities EROSION AND .� \ / ...nor continue with house wnswcrion activrles. SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECT SITE.RULE 15A �ro'� 4n 10 /" `-- 7 6.Finish all rough grading and house construction All areas not dishubea Mr 7 days needs to have temporary or permanent NCAC 04B,0131 STATES THAT--DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY 2' ,,,„,b / N 1 Lot Plan 7--- ` '\\\ 7.101011 over installed. INITIALING AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY OF THE �b �' • 4• P9 "C"&"F" 9 \ \\\\� 8.Begin)lrnte grading of lot areas walks and patios. APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN OR BY COMPLETING, � 8 DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE, Q ¢� CONSTRU6TION // 9.Final grassing,mutobing and stabilizing of lot.In most cases Mis will involve the installation of sod on the lot.The silt fence will PRACTICE OR DEVICE SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION aS' _ ----- \ LIIMMITS \ \\- / remmvrn place writ the lot uso..mgassingtastabilized and rakes hold. CONTROL PLAN.° \ 10.The contractor shall conduct self-inspections of the erosion and sedimentation conwl measures and complete me following ,� combined self-inspection form found on me DEM LR web. baps://www.deqnc gov/abouUdinsionVenergy-mineralana-land-resources/sto mwat<r/stowwater-progmm/npdes-construction-program. 9 'A y 11 / ,\_____ \ - Twelve monms ofcomplek insppection forms shall be kept on site and available for inspetion a,ell times.le is recommendeda • Lot Plan - copy be keg p 'btx. f 113A54.1 th -575 IS CAC M1 gh ISA NCAC04E0504Ge 1 PermitCG00000NPDES -ConstructionAc SODDING :: - --'-...... '------N. '''...-__ elfe p ,j .• ®: \\\ 11 Self naPtt f and d' control beperformed st on elendar days and \ within 2Ah f ry c i g than inch,Any are to d immediately to '� I \-,.. I `_ _ designed.All ESC measures shall be maintained as specified in the construction details on mis plan.A rain gauge shall be measures dled CONSTRUCTIO at the for monitoring. ®�70.in o LIMITS \ project g. SR 1i15 Oq1 12.Inspection and final acceptance letter Missal.project is complete,mepermiaeea shall wnmc[DEMLRroclose out the E&SC Wqy 'fj I I 1 Z j//, Appir Plan.After DENLR informs me permiaee of the project close out,via wspe.on report,the Permittee shall visit I ROD +2/J I 1 I dgncgov/VCG01 to submit electronic Notice of termination tie-NO A5120 annual general permit t will be charged ����I�I����I� axosu oTnu Mms me/) \ „ ' wW me e-NOT has...led out. UTTi.•anat.ENDS 1111 ME f rf SITE �' / I j I �� \1 // / / 1111 INTcxsu wUTFER OUST. CORRECTLY. fa s I �.i. 4- ( ( � _ _ _ c / oil h � a Z \ E )3 7 � SPAC\ 0 . L..t111" & , o er o •\\ - - 16 ACHIE NEEDED.WATER WELL Wien'ME saAS THE SOP IS FIpESTABLISHED-10 2-3 o wEa HIGH =s a z / CONSTRUCTION APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD 411%01111111'.. b � plYgtaoAO s \\\\\i -- g/ / �\ \// / LIMITS 17 / VICINITY MAP;' \ - ,9,,4yyy/i /- - vv/ Lot Plan GDNBTRDGTIQN � cunwsa e• N.T.S. an / \\ ` - /J ///� - --moo` \ / I 18MITs _ nnr,,n \ ( // i y9\ \ 24 23 ws a•,o,n TM<a DATE: 4 MIrv. FENCE PAGE: \ \ \/1 / / /� zs /�/"\¢��`\� / / 22 r I emw.x. owss Acmw. / JI / y�\\ / / bj�P /64 DATE: PAGE: ' I ___ 26 \ \ /Lon Plan Q B" iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII;1 t / / 330 ______2 I I / 20 I ' / //� / / CONS UCTION G MITS EwA5NED5 � - -49 �� Lo��s 19 ti u ll u S \\ // / -= a �fi 27 *ilk, / * ¶'HW ff 1t W 4 -I HODS M. lious% ,P MI j I NOUS �NDDSE imaNTVI W / f fog �, L_. .1 L �., J JRDwAREaLaWIRE H NeDRY HARDWARE \FILTER FABRIC. / �N J a FILTER 0.67WABNEDSTosn ,rF i misntENCH / ] \ �C>~ / ve as �DRBNLA/roaEDFaDRBAET Notes: AY -RaADwAY - AY -Ha. AY -Ha AY -HaA AY .•'•b•k•e a FILTER FABRIC INTO GROUND2'APART MIN.s �/ / / / 1.If nestled,Tree Protection fencing should be installed along the buffer zone,wetland .'••I NOTES: SOLID29 bounds and/or around protected trees,providing a radius of at least125 feet for each boundary Pot P 9:cB� 1 ON GROUND 1.Hardware cloth and gravel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 \ // / / \ / LEGEND inch of trunk tliameter. A:?Olt ;?1 inches. / ��� z.mstau sat Fence on me law elevation sdaa a ea rat mstan sin Fence oanets shown on .....::i::o°0:.::•'.d:•f l` 2.Stone outlets should be placed on low elevation areas of silt fence I / / • ,L17 / :N. schematiUdiagram and field adjusted,if necessary,for plarzment at low Points.if lots are BURY WIRE FENCE AND 1 URY and based on Feld conditions. �Q> 30 / _ _ contiguous antl have different)antl owners or builders,each lot shoultl have intlivitlual Silt MAINTENANCE: Y Fences. OF 1 Per NCG-01,Inspect outlet at lest once a week and after each 1 inch or 1 I / /ry ® 3Install required Silt Fence within 10 feet of property line to ensure there Is no conflict with HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER FABRIC IN TRENCH greater rainfall event Complete any required repairs immediately. �.lx / / ENTRAN septic system.It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure the installation of aetliment 2.Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6lnches. I / �f ,44 / „p'1/ CURB INLET = control measures does not impact the septic system and repair area(s), 3.Keep mesh free of debris to sediment accumulation adequate flow. // / T %� 4.At least one Construction EntrancelExtt is to be installetl per lot. 4.Remove sediment when half of stone outlet is covered. / Q J �� 5,Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at iiiie 5.Replace stone as needed to facilitate de-watering. // , / least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets or drainage ditches unless it can be shown that ANC-Envir en ul.Iyey anoNySILT FENCE OUTLET / / /j ,01 ��}G / / coamerabehindSilt exists.R this sepa,atlonaannotbeachieved,theaeareaamaatbe L. �p contained behind Silt Fence. \` nJ• /// / e F 6.Inlets downstream dtlisNNances should be protected;streets should be swept when sediment from the cenSWFenc activity is present. / ..\NC-Environmenlal.yeg ].Details for Silt Fence,Silt Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances and other measures are E rTi, n nr provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to scale. \ // /// / / / _� / % "'2'2'L' TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER - / �// ' / / DATE: PAGE: DATE PAGE: 1 / 55 40 �'4: +(. silt S k/Wattle Silt Sock/Wtt I �T} FLOW__ MI �I OM equvaentaoknun I / �-,� - .II... r- - ea may eesubmtm. , / / (� q/ use• sinso. I ' I ( /� / .a wattles. ro o +s n Id.. 3 Fill sin sock/wattle m gunfomgydonromron OPEN / G „teem, ti so el n�l 2 2 ' 2 x 2 logs do net aelam 356 s��N / Mbs of stoked st teed e) tma.parallelm SPACE ,rti QJ {ITTor.-,„,..E.::::::,,,:::j...::::11:,,..,.. w SECTION BEaDoNand a minimum of10 feat graded slope.Sin e;s�a�o GROUND STABILIZATION �a� / /flat areae should he lo.ted at the � SITE AREA STABILIZATION tp .geaMe Uslightlyland disturbance.TM enda Otte a"rt°°m EXCEPTIONS �"� A,Ma+• Ro ¢,tap.. n DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME / :::,,,, / silt 412: 1 PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE -T n 4 M a .out a 4 M1 PERM E T DITCHESU / / ,••• e Mn. ���3, TCV in.x2 inch cross section shouLi be driven yq &SLOPES -rn IHIGH DUALITY 7 DAYS NONE U� 4, � : v.,wood M h or fom at y7ocunan4 M n. WATER ZONES / d UNTRENCHED INSTALLATION oft B. socks/wattles are used on t)heap (HOW) e •.x•.�.,.wv,..w.",.o..ww.w�.wu�•.w SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE 60 • Construction: Maintenance: ISOMETRIC VIEW oa n p g m c0 evema. THAN 3:1 10'OR LESS IN 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other object unable 1.Per NCG 01 aspect at least once a week and after each 1 Inch or +. as attar LENGTH AND ARE ^ I I material andproPerlygrade it. greater rainfall;make any required repairs immediately. pe<tailt w aMearle"lei:Mrand J CO.eCi......CM,FLOW 50R5 eecn t M<n org,eekr reinloveNOT STEEPER 2.Place the gravel to the spetlfic grede and dimensions shown on the plans,and 2.Maintain the gravel patlinacontlitiontopreventmutloraetliment ewumuleka Seaimem and ynals __ smooth it. fromleevin the consWclion site.This ma 'odic smut ne.eamenxa,mr.e9aaTHAN 2:1, 14 - - 9 Yrequlre PenDAYS ARE3.Provide drainage to carry water to a sediment trap or other subable outlet. toptlreasing with 21nch stone. sn tFl P..ct. S.a"... nrn) (.1sdera)"steer(oera) rim) 2 ante must bo raaoea.w / 4.Use geoteztile fabrics in order to improve stability of the foundation In locations 3.Immedletely remove all objectionable materiels spilled,washed or Ssee ALLOWED subject to seepage or high water table. tracked onto public roadways. aim sock/x on t zzi i Fmi iuo'K r « 3 a SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR a54 Work Area f Wane (ao°e m) (se m) (5W m1 - FLATTER SLOPES GREATER I rare"t n a 'OPEN \ 1 CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT vdh R,e :n ;inamen tie ,7.,, 4: B• all n aamaian eeeia;,gzi.u.1,,,, THAN50ENGTHy(%m) ym'/m) %m/m) I'al 17m/m) mexsum is sr ace..the ere¢ sae a ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT \ \SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION wITH SLOPES OR PERIMETERS ��LFLATTER THAN 4:1AND HQW ZONES) DATE: Woe Fenc Filter Fabric PAGE: \�/ N.Pgat�; BM�E ae fib foMWI.re fence wire Fence Wire Bockfithoroughly i PAGE 1 of 2 Steel Post .... and r Compact General Erosion Control Notes ,y I .tbo -.. 1.Only the s show shall be disturbed, Plastic or S ' 11 } z All disturbed areas shell be grassed and use TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 1.99 ACRES Wire tea 'M20 •r,; mulched a5 Soon cover possible and maintained � / LOT EROSION CONTROL PLAN 'yl until pemanent cover s established. ` 1. ta,fi rand a / / LOTS 10, 11, 17 & 64 / / CAROLINA CROSSING 1. CWstruc Filter thsynt M PHASE TWO 12..Construct sediment harder a ex. inches strength aovediearorin Ra55a00DarvVIEW(HigherMn.a MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION may impound volumes of wMer sufficient to me length wore ba)merto avoid OM.When ioims are FOR securely fasten Me filtwer cloth only at t upport past w1M 4 Met minimum overlap to the next posh strength filter..by Hie me.fastened severely to me upalola aide of Me poste.Extend a.support standard spoon to me bottom of Pe trench.Fasten the wire reinforcement.then fabric 0..LIP.I. 1 General-All measures will be inspected and corrections made after runoff producing rainfalls,or at least once per week minimum.The builder will insure that the construction activities on any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the installed erosion control measures.If lot construction dictates,measures will be BENJAMIN STOUT side of nie fen. ties a minimum 50 at paini immediately, relocated on the lotto insure that the potential for sedimentation runoff is eliminated as much as possible.Silt fences and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual.Sodding,seeding and mulching will be maintained to insure proper ground stabilizing cover. M1oamMrt fenceas umd.spa.poets a maximum or sleet apart Sulpports should be driven 2.Shaul,9 afame of a appimentfence cow,Mar.Oe<am se, pO Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic topdressing with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect any structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately remove all ssecuretrength filre ground wminimum in ar0000st spacing do.not require a Pre mesh support...uwrely objectionable materials spilled,washed,or tracked onto public roadways. REAL ESTATE SE RVICES3 LLC e.fasten Me alter fabric directly to posts.Were or plastic alp Iles should have a minimum of 50 poundleosue Remove volume sediment rthe next as or become ineffertiye,replace it pressure on Slit Fence-Sediment fences should be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event.Anyrepairs should be made immediately. Damaged or decomposed fabric should be replacedpromptly. sediment deposits that build u against the fence should be removed and disposed ofproperlyto insure Mx... a fence.Ta.care mavoidunderminhyMefemeduring p p y g P P Any P 9 P QUEWHIFFLE TOWNSHIP HOKE COUNTY 5. m y nabes wide and B inched v e proposed fine rate posts aaa that the removed sediment does not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence at tall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanout operations. _ sediment deposits Sodding-The sod should be properly maintained to insure that the grass take holds in the areas being secured.The sod should be watered as necessary to maintain adequate moisture in the root zone and prevent dormancy of the sod.The sod should not be mowed to close,since this could inhibit adequate growth SCALE:1".100' J ULY 2024 a.cla 122I nches errg. alongMebouomandsixofMeMenu,a onands all a.aatogadeandstabil eit rmawnMbming and stabilization of the root bed.The sod should be limed and fertilized as per recommendationsandt typegrass recommendationswhen and if possible. GRAPHIC (SCALE gated over Me finer tab.andcomp.Th g comp..of Me bedmu is drainage area naS neon properly sweatz.� P type yP PD too 0 50 100 200 400 oonm aaaeM1 acelter perforic mac s. Grassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly fertilized and limed as necessary as an initial step in soil preparation. Once the grassing has been placed,the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areas are germinating properly.Any bare areas should be repaired,and reseeded as soon as possible.If the time of year does not permit the establishment of a permanent grass,then a temporary grassing should be used until the growing season permits the use of a permanent grass. = M midi m silt ran performance. Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or gullies upslepe of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height Removed 10. .\NC-Envirg,rtren lal.Jpeg ( IN FEET ) J sediment shall be deposited within the project in such a way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. SILT FENCE Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessarytoprovide adequate storage volume for the nerd rain to reduce t inch = 100 ft post qua g pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout.Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment.Remove all MOORMAN,KIZER&REITZEL,INC.115 BROADFOOT AVE.FAYETTEVILLE,N.L.28305 fencing materials and unstable sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. PHONE(910)484-5191 FAX(910)484-0388 LICENSE SF-0106 LAST SAVED:7/23/2024 2:15 PM LAST PLOTTED:7/23/2024 2:46 PM PLOTTED BY.Dennis Gilbert FILENAME:G\CURRENT JOBS\BENJAMIN STOUT REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC\23-2510-12 CAROLINA CROSSING-EC\PLANS\vAROLINAXINGEC-LOT510.11.17&64.DWG