HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0024201_2012_historical halifax countyXPDES Permit Limils Effluent Parameter Weekly Monthly 2011 Actual TSS ROANOKE RIVER WW TP FUN FACTS Illegal Grease Discharge An easier wav to pav vour bill. A detailed Wastewater and Collection System Report is a\ailable upon request b\ calling (252) 537-9137. Wastewater System Report2011 www.rrsd.org NPDES Permit Effective Period 2007 2012 Number of Employees 16 (including nine I icensed Operators) Departments: Operations, Certified Laboratory, and Maintenance Year Clean Water Act passed 1970 (EPA established) 45 mg/1 37.5mg/l 400 colonies 30 mg/l 25 mg/l 200 colonies PERMITS: NPDES-NC0024201 LAND APPLICATION - H'<JOOOI989 LAB-NC70 COLLECTION SYSTEM - W{fCS00027 Administrative Officers!^ Dan Brown, P.E.. CEO Calvin Potter. Finance Officer Gregg Camp, ORC. WWTP Charles Turner. ORC, Collection System Board of Commissioners: P. W. Heaton, Chairman J. D. Bailey, Secretary E. J. St. Clair, MemberCBOD Fecal Coliform Avoid unnecessary penalties! Save the cost of a printed check! No more forgetting to pay your bill! Save postage! Save gas and time! It’s FREE!! Call us TODAY!! 16 9 mg/l 8 2 mg/l 25 colonies Wastewater Treatment Plant 536-4884 Collection System 537-9747 Administrative Office 537-9137 Pay-By-Phone (888) 626-9056 Location: 135 Aqueduct Road; Weldon, NC 27890 DWQ Plant Classification IV (Largest State Classification) Hours of Operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year (Note: DWQ requires a licensed operator onsite at all Innes) Year Constructed: 1963. Treatment & Flow Capacity Expansion 1983 Original Design Capacity: 5.5 Million Gallons per Day (MGD) Cunent Design Capacity: 8 34 MGD Design Peak Flow 12.5 MGD Treatment Type: Secondary Biological 2011 Average Daily Flow (ADF). 3.4 MGD 2011 ADF Range 2 3 MGD to 15 0 MGD 2010 ADF: 4.1 MGD EN ESPANOL El informe contiene informacion importante sobre la calidad del agua residual en su comunidad. Traduz- calo o hable con alguien que Io entienda bien. . HYDRO-PAY -537-9137 . ONLINE BILL PAY - www.rrsd.org . PAY-BY-PHONE - (888) 626-9056 ROANOKE RAPIDS SANITARY DISTRICT 1000 Juckson St, Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 MISSION STATEMENT To affordably provide the highest quality water services; safely collect wastewater and re­ turn clean water to the environment while promoting public trust and partnerships to the benefit of our associates and satisfaction of our customers. The Roanoke River Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) operated by the Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District (RRSD) treats wastewater from Roanoke Rapids, Gaston, Halifax County and Northampton County. Wastewater from indus­ try, businesses, and homes enters collection sys­ tem pipes and flows to the WWTP Harmful pollutants, as determined by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ), are removed by the treatment process The public health and environment is protected through the discharge of high quality wastewater to the Roanoke River. Cost effective treatment is performed to maintain reasonable rates for customers of the RRSD. DWQ has determined wastewater includes conventional and non-conventional pollutants. Conventional pollutants contain suspended sol­ ids from fecal matter or food Non-conventional pollutants contain dissolved metals like copper and zinc Pollutants can come from organic sources such as plant or animal origin or inor­ ganic sources such as mineral origin All pollut­ ants combined and entering the treatment facility are called plant loading. Plant loading comes from two sources; controllable (industrial) and non-controllable (residential) Residential wastewater must meet RRSD’s general use ordi­ nance. It prohibits such items as petroleum products, toxic substances and cooking grease Permit Violations - In January 2011. (here were two NPDES permit limit violations. One was weekly TSS, 47 7 mg/l. This was lhe first parameter limited violation since 2002 The other was monthly TSS % removal, 82.8 %. Bypasses - All bypasses no matter the volume must be reported, by phone, to DWQ within 24 hours of first knowledge. A written report must follow within 5 days with corrections If the vol­ ume is less than 1000 gallons no further action is required Over 1000 requires a press release & over 15,000 requires the same plus a public no­ tice In 2011 the WWTP had no bypasses. Bypass Control - Wastewater that comes into the plant from storms faster than can be treated is stored in two tanks capable of holding approxi­ mately seven hundred fifty thousand (750,000) gallons. These two tanks are also used when maintenance on plant equipment requires drain­ ing or holding wastewater. In 2011 approxi­ mately 3,300,000 gallons were stored and re­ turned to the plant from various high flow events and maintenance projects. At an ADF Of 3,400,000 gallons in 2011 this is nearly one whole days worth of flow prevented from by­ passing To prevent bypasses during a power out­ age, there is an emergency diesel generator In 2011 there were two power outages which lasted over 68 hours. Hurricane Irene caused 65 of these hours. Using the generator prevented nearly 30,000,000 gallons from bypassing Since use of these tanks began in 2000 over 75,000,000 gal­ lons of wastewater has been prevented from by­ passing. At the 2011 ADF of 3,400,000 gallons this is over 22 days of flow. ph = continuous monitoring must be between 6 0 and 9,0 units Residual Chlorine = continuous monitoring must be less than 50 ppb WET = quarterly testing must be Pass Note - Pennit requirements for TSS & CBOD removal arc 85% - Also test only/no limit parameters include nitrogen phosphorus, dissolved oxygen & metals such as copper & zinc. DEI'INII IONS WASTEWATER PROGRAMS AND SERVICES 1/1 -TSS- WET- PPA - n>g/l - ppb- • Analogies arc used to help people understand tlie magnitude of a concentration not Io minimize the risk of a conccnlration-ils effect on human health or the environment Trickling FilterPrimary Clarifier Gnt/Rag Removal Influent Pump Effluent Pump Roanoke River.1 DisinfectionFilter Pump Aeration Basin Secondary Clarifier Primary Biosolids Pump Biosolids Digester J RRSD Wastewater Treatment Plant Profile See the “Getting Started" instructions @ WWW rrsd.org Ul Total Suspended Solids include all particles suspended in water which will not pass through a filter Suspended solids are present in residential wastewater and many types of industrial wastewater Effluent is tested for TSS daily and the results reported to DWQ monthly Over 91% of the TSS in the wastewater is removed The Grease Goblin says “ don’t pour grease down the drain or toilet. Let it cool, place in a container and throw it in the trash." PAY YOUR WATER BILL ONLINE Biosolids Drying Beds (from digesters, if needed) Effluent - Treated wastewater discharge into a receiving stream which is the Roanoke River. Biosolids Holding Tank |—. Thickener^ Truck Fill Slation (to Land Application) Collection System - The collection system consists of six pump stations and 130 miles of sewer pipes connecting homes and businesses to the WWTP Main sizes are 8 inches tn subdivisions and 12 to 30 inches along the river and creeks The oldest pipes have been in the ground and in use since beforel930. During 2011 over 30 miles of sewer lines were TV in­ spected and cleaned In 2011 we had 11 reportable Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO) at ten locations: seven overflows oc­ curred during Hurricane Irene, a new Jet-Vac sewer machine, costing $43,200, was purchased during the budget cycle to fa­ cilitate sewer line TV inspections and cleaning Progress on the Bell’s Creek Rehab project continued during the period Pietieatinent Program - The pretreatment program monitors local industries that discharge a controllable load Over^ loading may interfere with the WWTP or cause pass through of the plant of a pollutant The plant capacity to treat pollutant loading from controllable and uncontrollable sources is known from plant design capacity; verified by the results of certified lab testing Available pollutant loading ma)' be allocated to industry or left in reserve for future growth Just as DWQ issues RRSD a permit to limit our discharge to the Roanoke River; RRSD issues industry pennits to limit discharge to the WWTP. FOG Program - Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) are a controllable load discharged by restaurants or homeowners The pro­ gram is regulated by Ordinance as a condition of the Collection System Permit issued under a DWQ administrative order to reduce SSOs ( Sanitary System Overflows) One full time employee is responsible for public education, enforcement and inspection of grease traps Placing ads in newspapers and distributing brochures to restaurants help educate the public about both the monetary and environmental benefit that the elimination of FOG has on the District In addition to homeowner plumbing bills and collection system costs. FOG loading interferes with WWTP processes. Bio-Solids Program - Removal of TSS and CBOD by the wastewater treatment process produces solids, which must be treated using anaerobic digestion and lime stabilization to reduce harmful pathogens The anaerobic digestion process heats primary solids to 95” F with mixing in the absence of oxygen Lime stabilization raises the pH of secondary solids to 12.0 for a specified period of time. Thousands of tests are performed annually on residual solids to ensure regulated levels of treatment are met. In 2011 approximately 3,600,000 gallons of solids were stabilized. Once stabilized, solids can be land applied for its nutrient value, moisture content, and soil amendment properties. DWQ issued RRSD a 5-year l and Applica- ijon permit in 2007 that authorizes the District to safely manage the application of bio-solids. The District has over 3,000 acres permitted with local area farmers for this program There are periods when crop rotations or weather conditions pre­ vent laud applying bio-solids. In 2004, the District purchased 150 acres of pasture land for bio-solids application No bio­ solids were applied to RRSD land in 2011 During 2009 an agreement with the Soil Conservation Service was entered The plan was to develop a model site and enhance wildlife attraction frees were cut, areas fenced off and buffer zones created Bypass- Incomplete treatment of wastewater into the Roanoke River Considered as a spill Whole Effluent Toxicity refers to the total toxic effect to aquatic organisms from all pollutants contained in a facility's wastewater (efiluent) RRSD uses the Pass or Fail" Chronic Toxicity test procedure and it is one way EPA implements the Clean Water Act's prohibition of the discharge of toxic pollutants in toxic amounts Quarterly WET tests measure our wastewater's effect on the water flea's (Cerioiianhnia Diibiai ability to survive, grow and reproduce. A milligram per liter of water is equivalent to I ppm (part-per-milhon) because a liter of water weighs 1,000 grams and a milligram is I one thousandth of a gram 1 ppm = I drop of gas in an auto gas tank or one minute in two years • A part-per-bilhon is equivalent to 1 microgram (ug/l) per liter of waler. I ppb one second of time in 32 years or about one drop of water in a swimming pool * Inflow of ram water or water from swollen creeks Infil­ tration of ground water into old deteriorated collection system pipes Excess 1/1 is expensive to treat at the WWTP and uses valuable capacity reserved for future eco­ nomic development It is a violation of the Sewer Use Ordinance to connect roof drains or basement water pumps to the wastewater collection system NPDES - DWQ issues RRSD a National Pollutant Discharge Elimi­ nation System permit, which is reviewed and approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) During the next five years DWQ will do extensive testing not only on the waters of the Roanoke River but also its aquatic life to validate the limits that must be met in the NPDES permit Priority Pollutant Analysis tests for dozens of wastewater contaminants Conventional (oil & grease). Metals (lead) Volatile organic (benzene) Acid-extractible (phenol) & Base neutral (fluorene) EPA has determined these to be harmful to the WWTP Elevated levels of lhe constituents can cause permit violations They must be removed CBOD - Carbonaceous Biochemical Oxygen Demand represents the Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD) from organic com­ pounds and oxidation of inorganic compounds like ferrous iron and sulfide Any BOD from nitrifying organisms, which consume oxygen in the nitrification process of con­ verting ammonia to nitrate, is removed by adding a nitrifi­ cation inhibitor Efiluent is tested for CBOD daily and the results are reported to DWQ monthly Over 96% of CBOD in the wastewater is removed S LAR r TODAY PERFORMANCE ANNUAL REPORT 2011 ROANOKE RAPIDS SANITARY DISTRICT I.GENERAL INFORMATION B.Responsible entity: Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District, Dan Brown, CEO C. Person in charge/contact 1. 2. 3. i1. 2. E. Description of C.S.: WWTP: NPDESNC0024201 Land Application (L.A.): WQ0001989 Stormwater (General): NCG1 10000 The Chockoyotte Creek Interceptor handles the south side of Roanoke Rapids and three sub­ divisions, Lake View Park, Greenbriar Terrace and Lincoln Heights, outside the Roanoke Rapids city limits. The Interceptor begins east of Zoo Road. There is one primary basin pump station along the route. Pipe size ranges from 12” to 30”. The system has six sewer lift stations. Three stations are located in the Gaston, NC system. One of these serves a Northampton County School, one serves the Chowan Housing Projects and the other station pumps all flows from Northampton County across the NC 48 Bridge crossing the Roanoke River to the Roanoke River Interceptor. The remaining three pump C.S.: Charles Turner, Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) 1/1/2011 - 8/31/2011 Wayne Hunter, Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) 8/31/2011 - 12/31/2011 The Roanoke River Interceptor collects wastewater from basins located on the north side of Roanoke Rapids. The Gaston and Northampton basins are included in this service area. The Interceptor begins just west ofNC 48 in Roanoke Rapids. There are 3 primary basin pump stations and 2 secondary pump stations along the route. Pipe sizes for the Interceptor ranges froml8”to30”. WWTP: Gregg Camp, Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC) Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District, WWTP 135 Aqueduct Road Weldon, NC 27890 Phone: 252-536-4884 Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District PO Box 308 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 Phone: 252-537-9747 A. Regulated entity: Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District, Collection Systems (C.S.) and Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) The collection system consists of approximately 130 miles of sewer lines. The sewer lines within Roanoke Rapids, Gaston and all sub-divisions, which connect to the two main Interceptors, range in size from 8” to 12”. There are two main Interceptors transporting wastewater to the WWTP. - | I D. Applicable Permit(s) f I *“ 1 2012 i l iC.S.: North Carolina Environmental Management Commission System-wide Wastewater Collection System Permit No. WQCS00027 ; —■ F.Description of WWTP: II.PERFORMANCE A. Description of overall 12 month performance, noting highlights and deficiencies: The performance of the system in 2011 was good. -2- During these processes solids are removed from two locations. Primary clarification removes settleable solids from incoming wastewater to an anaerobic digestion unit. Here the solids, in the absence of oxygen, receive pH adjustment, mixing, and heating to produce a stabilized material. Once the solids are stable, excess water is decanted and returned to the plant for further treatment. The stabilized, thickened solids are treated with lime for odor control then removed to a holding tank to await land application. Treatment processes at the wastewater plant include grit and rag removal. This is followed by primary clarification, trickling filter biological secondary treatment, activated solids treatment, secondary clarification, final effluent chlorination/dechlorination processes, and final pH adjustment. Secondary clarification removes solids from the activated solids process. Here, solids in the presence of oxygen, ph control, and mixing, accumulate in excess. They are removed, chemically stabilized, and added to a holding facility. All stabilized solids are analyzed and land applied according to their nutrient value, ceiling and accumulative requirements. stations are located within the Roanoke Rapids system. Two of the stations, Belmont and Poplar Springs, discharge to the Roanoke River Interceptor while the Greenbriar Pump Station discharges to the Chockyotte Creek Outfall. The Fat, Oil and Grease (FOG) program initiated in 1995 has been a good tool in preventing Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSO’s). We also have a fulltime employee for the FOG Program who specifies type and capacity of grease traps on an individual basis for all developments, maintains all records and inspects all greased traps. He also educates all restaurants and high density residential housing about grease and how it affects our sewer lines. The uses of local newspaper for FOG program, educational ads and the distribution of brochures to restaurants and fast food businesses have also been effective. Maintenance of records and inspection of grease traps is an ongoing measure to prevent SSO’s. The wastewater treatment plant is rated at 8.34 million gallons per day (MGD). Peak flow is rated at 12.5 MGD. There are two pumping stations in the wastewater plant distributing wastewater into and through the plant. Of these two pump stations, one has the capacity to pump 20 MGD and the other 27 MGD respectively. Also, to aid these two pump stations; a storm water pump station has been installed. This station intercepts rainwater, an unnecessary load to the treatment plant, and removes it before entry to the plant. It has the capacity to pump 11.5 MGD. In conjunction to these two pump stations there is one pump station with capacity of 21 MGD to remove treated flows from the plant in the event of high river levels preventing normal gravity flow discharge. Various others pumps and mixers are located throughout the plant for process control. 1. C.S.: The Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District’s collection system received its inaugural permit in 2001 under the North Carolina Environmental Management Commission Department of Environment and Natural Resources system wide wastewater collection system­ permitting program. -3- The permit also contains daily maximum residual chlorine of 50 ug/1 (micrograms per liter or parts per billion). Also permitted is pH. It must be maintained between 6 and 9 units. These two samples are grab or instantaneously collected. In 2011, the District continued to be very active in maintenance issues and concerns. The WWTP spent approximately $750,000 on maintenance and repairs to equipment, supplies In response the District has maintained staff, critical parts inventory, equipment inventory, made plans to better address extreme conditions, upgraded critical equipment, planned back up or alternative operations, and requested better responsiveness from sub­ contractors. Responses are continuous and increasing. Current plant capacity is 8.34 million gallons per day (MGD) with a peak flow of 12.5 MOD. For 2011 the yearly average low flow was 2.6MGD with minimum of 2.3MGD. The yearly average high flow was 6.0 MGD with a maximum of 15.0 MGD. The yearly average total flow was 3.4 MGD or 40.8% of the plant capacity. This is a decrease of 700,000 gallons from the previous year. The decrease in flow may be attributed to the District’s efforts to minimize and prevent inflow and infiltration. Rain can affect flows by inflow and infiltration. In 2011, 46.8” of rain was recorded at the wastewater plant. The previous year 42.0' was recorded. This 4.8” increase from the previous year is further evidence the District’s efforts to minimize and prevent inflow and infiltration is working. On August 27, 2011 Roanoke Rapids was subject to extremely heavy wind and rain as a result of Hurricane Irene. District Forces prepared for the storm by insuring that all of the on site generators were in good running order and completely fueled, as well as having emergency bypass pumps on site. The District fared well throughout the storm; however, there were seven sanitary sewer overflows, which could not have been avoided due to volume of rain during the event. The District is keenly aware of and has been very responsive to increasing environmental awareness. House Bill 1160, Clean Water Act of 1999, ratified by the North Carolina General Assembly on July 20111 and signed into law July 21s1 by the governor, has heightened this awareness. This bill codified as Chapter 329 session laws became effective October 1999. Under the current permit, the District has a weekly effluent total suspended solids (TSS) limit of 45 mg/1 (milligrams per liter or parts per million) and a monthly limit of 30 mg/1. Also a weekly carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand (CBOD) limit of 37.5 mg/1 and a monthly limit of 25 mg/1. These two samples are composite collected. They are collected over a twenty four hour period and on a flow proportional basis. The higher the flow, the more sample collected and conversely, the lower the flow, less sample is collected. The yearly average for TSS was 16.9 mg/1 and CBOD was 8.2 mg/1. Using yearly average influent values for the same parameters this calculates to a 91.6% and 96.3% removal rate respectively. The permit requirement is 85%. 2. WWTP: Overall performance for 2011 was good. There were two NPDES permit limits violations. (See below) There were no monitoring or reporting violations. Preventive Maintenance of at least four hours a week cleaning sewer mains has also been a good tool in reducing sewer backups and overflows. In 2011, District Forces began proactively cleaning the mains of high density residential housing prior to major Holidays to prevent any grease related spills. The use of degreasers in pump stations on a regular schedule has proven to be very effective in preventing lift station down time. Also all pumping stations are checked and cleaned a minimum of twice weekly. The SCADA system that monitors all lift station 24 hours a day, 365 days a year has helped to prevent lift station overflows. Some of the repairs and upgrades in 2011 include the following. -4- Influent diversion box. The influent diversion box is the first area of the wastewater process. The open air collection pit is where the two main interceptors bring all the wastewater in the District’s system to the wastewater plant. A 30” line, Roanoke River, and a 36’ line Chockyotte, meet and blend at this location. From this point they are piped to the first treatment process or preliminary station. The diversion box has two rarely used emergency influent flow control valves. Both are original plant equipment and have been in use since 1963 or 48 years and are in need of replacement. In 2011, the first of two valves was replaced. The original gate valve was replaced with a plug valve to ensure a reliable seal. and materials necessary to operate equipment and capitalized monies to replace and upgrade equipment. Rotomat. The Rotomat is the first piece of equipment in the waste water treatment process. It removes rags, plastics, paper, or other non-organic material before they can enter other downstream processes. This is important to keep this material from clogging pipes, binding up pumps and mixers, and causing damage to other equipment. Flow enters a basket area. As materials build up in the basket area, a sweeper arm comes on to remove the built up items. The sweeper passes through a comb which causes the material too be dropped into a screw auger for removal from the wastewater flow. Hunicane Irene caused flows to increase significantly which flushed a lot of hard, granular material into the Rotomat. During this event, the comb was damaged. It was removed and repaired and the unit was returned to service. Also, during this event, the screw auger was bent. The screw auger would still function but at less efficiency. The auger was returned to normal shape to return efficiency. Grit collector. The grit collector removes grit from the influent flow. Grit is removed at this location to prevent excessive wear on downstream equipment. There are two grit collectors. One is the primary collector and the other is a back-up. The primary unit, installed in the mid 90’s, uses a vortex motion to settle grit out of incoming wastewater. A pump removes the settled grit from a hopper to a screw conveyor for removal to a dumpster. The back-up collector, original equipment installed in the early 60’s, uses gravity to settle out grit. A sweeper arm moves the grit to a hopper where a pump removes the settled grit to a screw conveyor for removal to a dumpster. Although much older and less efficient than the newer vortex technology, the gravity system is maintained for use during times when the vortex unit may be down for repairs. The screw conveyor of the primary unit required some repairs. First, the pump that lifts grit to be removed by the screw conveyor failed and had to be replaced. Second, the bearing on the screw conveyor failed. This allowed the shaft to drop and damage the weld of screw conveyor housing, causing a leak. The unit was removed from service so the weld could be repaired. At this same time, the bearing was replaced. Once both repairs were completed, the unit was returned to service. Influent pump station. The influent pump station transfers all incoming flow into the plant. The station is equipped with four pumps. Their pumping capacities are 2, 4, 7, and 7 million gallons per day (MGD). The 2 and 4 MGD pumps are the “work horses” of this pump station. They handle the majority of the work on normal flow days. This limits wear and tear on the larger 7 MGD pumps which are needed in cases of higher flows. They alternate based on run time hours until flows increase to a level where both are needed together. Several ancillary equipment pieces of the 4 MGD pump system were repaired. The 40 horsepower motor that runs the pump failed and had to be repaired. Also, the computerized drive unit which controls the on/off of the motor and sets its speed to match flows also failed and had to be replaced. Each of these pumps has three valves associated with them; suction, discharge, and check valve. The suction and discharge valves are used to isolate a pump so that it may be removed for repairs. The check valve keeps water from running backwards through the pump when it is in the off mode. The same 4 -5- Rotary Distributor (Trickling Filter). Biological wastewater treatment begins at this phase of the wastewater process. Wastewater from the primary clarifier enters the center column of the circular rotary distributor. The center column splits the water equally to four distribution arms. The arms have holes (orifices) in the top which the water passes through then down the front of the arm. This causes the distributor to rotate. Underneath the arms is a 5’ thick bed of rock. Microorganisms grow on the rock surface and as the wastewater trickles through (trickling filter) the bed of rock the microorganisms start cleaning up the wastewater. The four arms are supported by 1” diameter stainless steel support truss rods connected to the center column. There are 5 per arm for a total of 20 on the distributor. One of these support rods came loose and was bent beyond repair. A new one was ordered and installed. All other rods (19) were inspected and tightened as necessary. MGD pump check valve began leaking and could not be stopped by replacement of the shaft packing. The valve was dismantled and it was found to have a bent shaft. The shaft was replaced which stopped the leaking valve. Primary Clarifier. Primary clarifier (primary) is a circular tank with a cone shaped bottom. Without the cone, the tank is 12’ deep. At the bottom of the cone is a hopper attached to pipe work that leads to a pump station called the Primary Solids Pump Station. Wastewater which contains organic solids enters the primary. A baffle slows the velocity of the wastewater entering the primary allowing the solids to settle to the bottom of the tank. A motorized sweeper located on the tank bottom sweeps the settled solids into the hopper. Using the pumps in the Primary Solids Pump Station, solids are removed from the primary at regular scheduled intervals. The solids are transferred to another process where they are treated and stabilized. The surface of the primary is skimmed by a motorized skimmer. Its purpose is to remove floatables, mainly grease from the incoming flow. These floatables are deposited in a trough connected to a collection box which is also piped to the Primary Solids Pump Station. The floatables are transferred to the same treatment and stabilization process as the settled solids. A walkway extends to the center of the primary enabling access to the motor and gear drive mechanism of the unit. The walkway crosses over a grated grease pit. The pit, at times, can get clogged and during periods of high wastewater flows spills have occurred. A temporary wooden box was constructed over the grating with piping added to deflect the spillage back in to the clarifier. This box prevented spills but created a walkway hazard. To eliminate this, the wooden boxes were replaced with a stainless steel box with steps added to go up and over the spill control box. Filter Effluent Pump Station. The filter Effluent Pump Station (FEPS) collects all incoming flow that has traveled through the primary clarifiers and trickling filters. It then transfers this water on to the secondary system for further treatment. This station is equipped with four pumps. Their pumping capacities are 2.1, 7.9, 7.9, and 9.2 million gallons per day (MGD). Here as with the influent pump station, the smaller pump is the “workhorse”. At this station the two 7.9 MGD pumps alternate after equal run times to aid the 2.1 MGD pump during normal flows. The 9.2 MGD pump is the high flow pump at this station. One of the 7.9 MGD pumps developed excessive vibration. It was removed from service and sent off for repair. It has been reinstalled and appears to be working well. This station has a high water level alarm to alert staff in the event of a pump failure or electrical problem. The alarm acknowledgement button was located on the inside of an electrical panel. This was not a safe location so the button was relocated to the outside of the electrical panel. All electrical circuitry components at this station are Solids Pump Station. Several repairs occurred with the accompanying solids pump station. The station contains two pumps. One of the motors for these pumps failed and had to be replaced. The pumps are subject to pumping abrasive heavy material. Over time it wears out the internal pump parts. Both pumps at separate times were removed and rebuilt. A spare pump is on hand to use when one or the other on-line pumps is out for repair. Moving heavy equipment around, in and out of buildings, is difficult and dangerous. To eliminate hazards, a rail and hoist system was in stalled in this station. protected by a transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS). The TVSS failed and had to be replaced to return the electrical components to protected status. Secondary System. The Secondary System is a biological treatment system consisting of three aeration basins and two secondary clarifiers. The system is operated by the use of various valves and piping, control panels, traveling siphon bridges with valves and skimmer arms, gear boxes, motors, pumps, and blowers. Various repairs and upgrades were done. Blowers are used to supply air to the aeration basins for the treatment process. There are four blowers, two 75 horsepower (#1&#3) and two 100 horsepower (#2 &#4). Blowers and motor shafts are connected with couplings. Over time wear and tear will cause failure of the coupling. Blower four had this failure. The coupling was replaced and returned to service. Blower number three had a couple of repairs. All blowers have an inlet and outlet bearing that supports and aligns the shaft. As the bearings wear, vibration ot the blower increases. Once a preset level of vibration is reached, the blower automatically shuts down to protect it from further damage. This occurred with blower three and the bearings were replaced. The motors that turn the shafts of the blowers went bad on blower three. A new motor has been installed and blower three was returned to service. Removing and installing motors on all blowers is difficult. The area around them is small and the power/motor leads are connected in a manner that is difficult to undo the redo and is in a small electrical box. To make this work easier, larger connection boxes were installed on all four blowers and the power/motor leads were fitted with quick disconnects. Each aeration basin is equipped with a mixing pump. They are piped into the basin so that they blend basin content with blower air causing a mixing action. Each mixing pumps is controlled with a variable frequency drive (VFD). The VFD can speed up or slow down the mix pump motor. This helps control the mixing action in the basin as needed. The drive on number one and number two mix pump failed. Number two mix motor also failed and was repaired as well as the pump itself. The secondary system also has two recirculation pumps that are used alternately. They are used to re-circulate solids between the clarifiers and the aeration basins. Their motors are also VFD controlled. Recirculation pump number two had to have a drive replaced. It also had to have a motor repaired. The secondary system is also equipped with two solids control pumps that are used alternately. They are used to control floatables in an area where they area eventually removed. Solids control pump number two had to have the motor and pump repaired on separate occasions. Both secondary clarifiers have a traveling siphon-bridge driven by a motor and gearbox with chain and sprocket and a pulley cable system. It delivers solids to the recirculation pumps. The motor on number one had to be replaced. The secondary system has its own motor supply station with all electrical circuitry components. They are protected by a transient voltage surge suppressor (TVSS). The TVSS failed and had to be replaced to return the electrical components to protected status. Digesters and Stabilization. Digesters receive solids removed from primary clarifiers. With heat and mixing and occasional chemical addition for pH control, solids are stabilized. There are two digestion tanks. Each is heated with its own heat exchanger. Each heat exchanger is a two chamber piece of equipment. One side is a heat -6- Disinfection. The final phase of the treatment process is disinfection (pathogen kill) and disinfection removal. The former was done with the use of gaseous chlorine. The latter was done to remove residual chlorine because of its negative effect on stream aquatic life. The chemical used to remove chlorine was gaseous sulfur dioxide. Technology advancements have produced safer chemical alternatives for disinfection and disinfection removal. RRSD decided to replace chlorine with liquid sodium hypochlorite and sulfur dioxide with liquid sodium bisulfite to eliminate the risk management associated with gaseous chemicals. Construction began in early 2010. In March, 2011 employees received training on the new chemical feed process. The first deliveries of sodium hypochlorite and sodium bisulfite were ordered. The system was started up with no major problems. Disinfection and disinfection removal is now being achieved with these new safer chemicals. compartment and the other a water bath. Solids are re-circulated between the two chambers where the heat is transferred or exchanged. A byproduct of the stabilization process is methane. It is captured and used for fuel to heat the exchanger. The heat exchangers are also equipped to run off natural gas during times when methane production may be low or temperatures are colder requiring the use of supplemental fuel. For this operation gas valves are required for both types of fuels. Biosol ids Thickening. Excess solids from the secondary treatment process are thickened by gravity settling tank and a drum concentrator with the use of polymers. Polymers when mixed with solids create a reaction which causes solids to concentrate (floc) and water separate. The purpose is to minimize the solids removed from the treatment plant because removal charges are based on the amount of gallons removed. Excessive solids from the secondary system enter a pump station by gravity flow. From here the solids are pumped to a gravity settling tank to begin the thickening process. There are two gravity settling tanks and one drum concentrator. Current flow necessitates the use of only one gravity settling tank. This provides back up for the tank on line. The gravity settling tank and drum concentrator can be used separately or in series. Wastewater operations dictate which is used but normally the series option is used with the solids first entering the tank. The gravity setting tanks are switched regularly to ensure proper operation and even wear and tear on equipment. The pump station used to send solids to the gravity settling tank has been in use for approximately twenty-five years. During this time several pumps have had to be replaced over the years. However, it still had the original electrical control panel. This panel was in a state of disrepair and was badly corroded. The panel was replaced and built better to withstand outside elements. The new cabinet is stainless steel rather than carbon steel. The electrical components were upgraded to better fit the use of the station and all operational switches and buttons are located on the -7- All functions of the heat exchanger are controlled by one piece of equipment called the "fire eye”. It is a safety component. If it senses improper operation of any electrical part, it will not let the heat exchanger fire. If the fire eye itself fails, the heat exchanger will not start either. Heat exchanger number two had this type of failure and had to have a new fire eye installed. Also, on number two heat exchanger, the gas regulation valve failed. This part opens up as demand for gas, either methane or natural, increases or closes down as demand decreases. This is all dependent on temperature settings. The gas regulator had to be replaced to restore temperature control. The water bath of the heat exchangers is re-circulated with a water pump to keep the warmest water in contact with re-circulated solids. With out recirculation, proper solids heating will not occur. Heat exchanger number one water pump failed and had to be replaced. Heat exchanger number one had some additional improvements. The control panel instruments were upgraded to improve the operation and control of the heater. The improvements were also SC ADA compatible allowing for remote monitoring. The heat compartment side of the heat exchanger is a series of tubes. These tubes exchange the heat of the heat compartment side to the water bath side of the heat exchanger. Over time these tubes become clogged with scale. This reduces the ability to transfer heat from the heat compartment to the water bath. To keep the efficiency of the heat transfer at maximum these tubes have to be cleaned regularly. The exchanger is partially dismantled to expose the tubes and a rodding device is inserted to clean them out. Both heat exchangers tubes were cleaned. There are two styles of solids movement pumps in digestion process. Recirculation pumps are centrifugal. A transfer pump is positive displacement. Recirculation pumps move more gallons of solids per minute while the transfer pump moves solids more consistently. The seal of the transfer pump failed. This created spillage within the digester building. It was replaced to stop the spillage. Pearth units located on top of each digestion tank are part of the methane system. As methane is produced from solids stabilization, some becomes available for use while some becomes entrained in the solids. Pearths use the available methane and compress and mix it into the solids. This action causes the release of entrained methane making more of it available for use by the heat exchangers. Both pearths were installed in 2010; however, one of the two had a defective compressor. The compressor was replaced and the second pearth unit went on-line in 2011. -8- Million Gallons Stabilization Solids Storage Tank (MGT). The MGT holds all stabilized solids from the digester stabilization process and the lime stabilization process. It contains five mixers that are used to keep the two different stabilized solids blended, to help keep lime in suspension with the stabilized solids, and for odor control. Tanker Lime Stabilization. Waste activated thickened solids are stabilized through the use of lime. Time and pH’s dictate the stabilization requirement. Lime is received in dry form and transferred to a storage/feed silo. The dry lime is then fed to a preparation tank where water is added creating slurry which is then added to a mixing tank containing solids to be treated. The dry lime is delivered by a pumper truck. It uses hoses to transfer the lime from the truck by vacuum to the lime silo. The silo has a “dust house” mounted on top of it. It contains a blower and dust bag. The bag is to minimize lime dust during the pump to silo transfer. The blower helps keep the bag cleaned off. The bag is changed out every few years to maximize dust capture. It was replaced this year. The dust house door also needed some repair. The door had been bent over the years. It was straightened out. Also, new seals were added to the door. These repairs helped with dust capture. The blower starts automatically by a switch that is activated when pumper truck hooks up the transfer hose. The blower stopped operating. The switch which activates it went bad and was replaced returning blower operation. The silo is equipped with level light indicators. These indicators are also on the SCADA system for level tracking. The indicators went bad. Without them there is no way to track the amount of lime left in the silo. Without a way to track the silo it could empty without notice which would necessitate the shut down of other processes. This could be problematic. To eliminate this, the level indicators were replaced. Now the silo and SCADA level indicators are operational. There are two lime mix tanks where lime can be added and mixed. There are three hold tanks where limed mix tanks can be held to complete the stabilization process. Each one of these five tanks has an influent valve for filling the tank and an effluent valve for emptying the tank. Both mixing tanks and one holding tank influent valve began leaking and getting extremely difficult to turn. These three valves were replaced restoring easier operation. The lime mix tank effluent valves are submerged in the lime slurry solids mixture. Lime is notorious for building up scale. The two valves were scaled so badly their operation was difficult and they could not be opened fully. This created issues with mix tank draining. Instead of replacing, the valves were removed and cleaned of lime scale. The valves operate more easily now and open up all the way allowing for proper lime mix tank drainage. outside of the panel so normal use of the panel will prevent opening. Polymer used in this process is received in concentrated form. It is diluted and blended and then pumped to the gravity tanks or the drum concentrator for use. The bulk polymer has to be mixed to keep the ingredients from separating. This is accomplished with the use of a recirculation pump on a timer to run approximately one hour per day. The motor for the pump seized up which also broke the motor shaft to pump shaft coupling. The coupling and motor were replaced and the mixing process restored. Another problem was addressed at this time. Although the mixing had failed, the SCADA signal still was showing proper operation. This was because the signal was coming from the timer which was still working. To correct this misinformation, the signal location was changed. Now a sensor eye is in place where it can detect actual flow of the polymer as it mixes. If a failure occurs in the future, a true fail signal will be shown. The blender/pump that dilutes concentrated polymer before pumping to the day use tank has several safety features located on it to prevent the unit from operating in the event of problems and causing damage to it should it try to run. One of these safety features malfunctioned and the unit would not operate at all. The safety feature was identified and replaced allowing it to run properly. The separated water from the use of polymer is collected and returned to the plant for further treatment. The separated water from the gravity tank flows over the weirs of the tank and into a process manhole. The separated water from the drum concentrator flows through a porous fabric and into a process manhole. Even though this fabric is regularly washed, over time the porosity of the fabric is lost. At this time it must be replaced. Each fabric lasts around two years. This year the fabric had to be replaced to allow proper water/solids separation. 12” equalization pump. The 12 inch pump installed at the head-works of the plant in 2000 remains a valuable tool in preventing spills. In the event of high flows or maintenance repairs, water can be removed to two abandoned secondary clarifiers. These clarifiers were taken off-line in the early eighties after plant upgrades. They were originally used for stabilized biosolids storage. The capacity was increased by extending a wall up from where the weir overflows were when used as secondary clarifiers. This increased the storage capacity of the two tanks to 750,000 gallons. After a dedicated biosolids tank was constructed, the two abandoned tanks were dedicated to spill containment. Once stored, wastewater can be returned to the plant with an existing pump station. Some pipe work has been added to this station and depending on conditions, water could be returned as the tanks are filled. This further increases holding capacity or downtime, during high flows or maintenance and repairs. In 2011, 3,333,452 gallons of wastewater were stored. Since setup in 2000, 45,376,879 gallons of wastewater have been prevented from spilling. At the average flow of 3.4 MGD in 2011, this would be 13.3 days of flow. Generator. The plant generator is used to supply the entire plant with power in the event utility power is interrupted. Several repairs were done to keep it dependable for availability when needed. The generator is on a quarterly preventative maintenance program with a contractor. During a quarterly preventative maintenance inspection, the power output of the 2 batteries used for generator start up, were diagnosed as weakening. Although still working, the operation of the generator is too critical for the batteries not to be replaced. The batteries were replaced to assure reliability. However, if the transfer switch which transfers power from utility to generator does not function properly the generator can not be used. The transfer switch is now also on a regular scheduled maintenance program with an outside contractor. SCADA (Supervisor Control and Data Acquisition). SCADA is a computer-based program. It brings site information into the central operations center. SCADA is a useful tool by providing monitoring information to be used for more efficient plant operation. It also brings remote site alarms into the operations center, which provides better control over plant problems. Additional SCADA work was done in the thickening/stabilization area of the plant. Some additional pumps and mixers were added to the computer alarm and trend identification and tracking system. Also, to keep the SCADA computer working reliably and efficiently, the data from years of collection on the hard drive was unloaded on to an external hard drive. Another means of spill control is with a back-up generator. The wastewater plant must continue to run in the event of power interruptions from the power-supply company. Power interruption can occur from equipment failure, road accidents, and weather events, such as ice storms, electrical storms, tornadoes, and hurricanes. A 750 kilo-watt generator is on site for events and can supply enough generated power to run the entire plant. In 2011, there were two power interruptions resulting in the use of the backup generator for power supply. The first occurred on July 4th and was due to a lightning storm. The generator was used for 3 hours and 30 minutes until normal power was restored. Use of the generator prevented over 1,670,000 gallons of wastewater from spilling. The second interruption of power began on August 27th from the damages of -9- trucks load directly from the MGT with the use of a pump and pipe stand loading station. Over the course of the year, three of the five mixers had to be removed for repair at different times. A crane has to be used to remove the mixers from the nearly twenty foot walls. All have been repaired and returned to service. Fortunately, the wastewater treatment plant has some obsolete spare mixers that are still in working condition. They were used as the on-line mixers were removed for repairs. Even though the IMGT is mixed constantly, lime still precipitates out. Over time it builds up on the tank bottom. This reduces the effectiveness of the mixers. Approximately once a year, the tank is emptied and cleaned to remove the built up lime. During this time it provides an opportunity for the integrity of the MGT to be inspected. This time also allows for the mixers to be inspected for wear or damage. It also is a time for the oil level of the mixers to be checked as well. - 10- Biosolids land application program. This program, permitted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ran well in 2011. In the required annual report to North Carolina division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) and the (EPA), there were no deficiencies or spills. In 2011 there were 227 lime stabilization events at 11,250 gallons per event for a total of 2,711,615 gallons. This is 66 % of the days in a year. The anaerobic digestion process produced an additional 891,900 gallons of stabilized solids. Although these solids have met all requirements for stabilization, they are also limed. This is done solely for the purpose ot odor control. The wastewater plant has entered into agreement with area farmers for the use of their land for biosolids application. The farmers in turn receive the nutrient value, moisture content, soil remediation, and lime, which is a by­ product of pH control in the treatment process of the biosolids. If necessary, additional lime can be applied. There are 3100 acres, consisting of 128 fields, available in Halifax, Northampton, and Warren Counties. All acreage was inspected, approved, and permitted by the State of North Carolina. Using EPA approved treatment processes, 4,278,000 gallons of stabilized biosolids were safely applied to area lands, consisting of 23 fields and 476.5 acres, for beneficial reuse. Cost of this application process was approximately $136,482. Cost of treatment to stabilize solids is separate. Land that grew fescue, bermuda, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and sorghum was applied to. The amount applied in 2011 is up nearly 57.5 % from the previous year. Charges for application are based on gallons. In an attempt to save application costs, biosolids are thickened as much as can possibly be handled. The removed water is returned to the treatment plant. Also, once biosolids are placed in storage for land application, water is further separated. This water along with environmental water (rain, snow, etc) is decanted and returned to the treatment plant. In 2011, 476,982 gallons was decanted, at savings of $16,074. Although 3100 acres of land is permitted and storage of 1,000,000 gallons is available, at times application is difficult due to weather conditions, crop status, and crop rotation. Owning land would provide an outlet for these times. In 2004, the District purchased a suitable land application site. It is located in Northampton County where the District already has farmer owned land permitted. The land has been developed for livestock (cow) operation. The area has been split into two fields. One contains 41.8 acres of fescue and the other contains 67.2 acres of bermuda. The emergency generator is also used to curtail. The District is under contract with Dominion Power. From May 16lh through September SO01 (summer curtailment) and from December lsl through March 31st (winter curtailment). Dominion can request the wastewater plant to supply its own power for parts of the day during peak demand. These requests usually come on the hottest days of summer and the coldest days of winter. Dominion can then send power that the District would normally use to other places of need. Winter requests are usually from 6am to 1 lam (5 hours) but can be 5pm to 10pm (5 hours) also possibly on the same day. However, each requests counts as one run. Summer requests are from 2pm to 9pm (7 hours). The contract is limited. In the winter requests to curtail are limited to 13 or 65 hours and summer 19 or 133 hours. In 2011 the wastewater plant was called to run 13 times during the summer curtailment. There was 1 winter call. The District does incur the cost of diesel fuel. However, the rate structure the wastewater plant has because of the contract off sets this cost and provides electrical energy savings. An added benefit of this program is that it provides a means to exercise the generator. This keeps the generator in better running condition and exposes any potential problem. It would be better to find out a problem during a curtailment than an actual power outage. By having the generator under a contracted quarterly preventive maintenance program hopefully problems will be minimized or eliminated. Hurricane Irene. The generator was used for 65 hours (2days and 17 hours) before power was restored. This prevented over 28,000,000 gallons of wastewater from spilling. The cost of fuel to run the generator for this length of time was nearly $4,000.00. Fortunately, the District was able to apply for assistance with FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Administration) and received reimbursement for the fuel cost. -11 - The laboratory has two full-time and one part-time technician, a laboratory supervisor, and laboratory manager. After the laboratory obtains certification, it must complete an annual performance evaluation study and submit the results to the state certification section. This performance evaluation must be in the form of a “blind” study. Study samples are ordered from a state approved vendor. The study sample values are unknown to the laboratory. The samples are analyzed and the results are submitted back to the supplier for grading. If the laboratory fails to achieve an acceptable rating on a parameter for three consecutive samples, the laboratory could loose certification for that parameter. If certification is lost, the laboratory must go through a recertification process as if they had never achieved certification. The District’s Sewer Use Ordinance was revised in October of 2011. The District submitted the revised ordinance to the Pretreatment, Emergency Response, and Collections Systems Unit (PERCS) in draft form for pre-approval on October 12, 2011. The PERCS Unit reviewed the revisions and approved the Ordinance revisions on October 21, 2011. The revisions were adopted by the District’s Board members on November 10, 2011 at the monthly board meeting. Monitoring Laboratory. The District wastewater plant has an on-site monitoring laboratory certified by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality Laboratory Certification Section. Analysis for NPDES reporting to the Division of Water Quality must be performed by a certified laboratory. In order to become certified, the laboratory facility must meet space and equipment specifications as well as analysis performance evaluation. The laboratory is currently certified for twelve inorganic/organic parameters and four Vector Attraction Reduction options for the treatment of biosolids. The laboratory receives samples from approximately 39 sampling points that include plant monitoring, industrial monitoring, performance evaluation studies, septage hauling, and collection system samples. The pretreatment annual report (PAR) was submitted to the state pretreatment unit on February 11, 2011. A letter, dated June 28, 2011, was received stating review of the PAR indicates the report in good order and satisfied the requirements of the North Carolina Pretreatment Program. Industrial pretreatment program. In 2011, the industrial pretreatment program had oversight of three significant industrial users. One user has a categorical discharge pipe. Five non-significant industrial users are permitted to send flow to the wastewater plant. Significant and non-significant status is determined in part by the volume of flow discharged and the pollutants in the discharge. The pollutants, carried by certain industrial wastes, determine the categorical status of an industry. Each industry whether classified as a significant or non-significant user is issued a permit with limits and monitoring requirements. In 2011 there were no significant industrial users in significant non-compliance; a status based on the number and types of violations of a permit. There were three notices of violation sent for permit violations. Since purchasing the land, investment improvements continued in 2011. Improvements have been going on for nearly seven years. In 2011 the District over seeded the Bermuda with annual rye. The lessee did some fence work improvements. The District has strived to develop a model site. In 2011, in excess of $1,500.00 was spent to maintain and enhance the application site. The District also made some improvements to land applied on during the period, that is owned by an area farmer. Some of the fields were inaccessible that were needed for application. The District spent over $3,200.00 to improve the farm road making the field accessible. By choice, the District did not apply biosolids to its fields in 2011. All industrial pretreatment permits will expire in 2012. An industry must file an application for renewal within 180 days of the permit expiration date. All industries met the 180 day deadline for filing applications for renewal. - 12- There were no Notice of Violations or Notices to Correct sent out to anv restaurants in 2011. There were no sanitary sewer overflows or blockages reported in 2011 that were attributed to FOG as compared to two in 2010. The District has begun a more frequent cleaning schedule of collection system lines that service high density housing areas in an effort to further prevent sanitary sewer overflows. The District also cleans lines that service high FOG volume areas, such as restaurants, before seasonal high flows. Because of space constraints, two restaurants were assessed surcharges in lieu of installing grease traps in 2008. In 2009, one of the restaurants closed, leaving only one being surcharged in lieu of installing a trap in 2010. That restaurant relocated in 2011 to a new facility with a new grease trap, leaving no restaurants being surcharged in lieu of having a grease trap. Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Ordinance. The Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District adopted its first Fats, Oils and Grease (FOG) Ordinance in 2005. Since then operational issues under the ordinance arose. In 2008, the District addressed those in a revision and subsequent adoption of new ordinance language. Additional requirements of the program include state inspections, quarterly in-house blind studies, maintaining a quality control program and a chemical hygiene plan, a chemical inventory plan, equipment calibration and certifications, and certification fee. The laboratory also works in association with the pretreatment program and biosolids program in that analysis of samples taken by pretreatment technicians and plant operators are brought to the laboratory for analysis. A laboratory technician is also responsible for entry of the resulting data into a spreadsheet that is used by the Pretreatment program for its Long Term Monitoring Plan. Laboratory technicians are also responsible for data entry into the plant operations spreadsheet used for NPDES permit compliance monitoring and plant process control. In 2011, there were 56 restaurants in the District’s Database. There 4 restaurants that closed during 2011 and one that opened. There were two restaurants that relocated to new locations. Inspections of the restaurants and updates to the database continued in 2011. The laboratory works in coordination with the state certification branch to certify field testing equipment for the surrounding communities with small treatment facilities who work on limited funds. At this time, the laboratory assists five small facilities with equipment certification. FOG public education is a requirement of the wastewater collections system permit WQCS00027. Ongoing efforts from 2010 continued in 2011 with the revision of a FOG slide that airs on local television Channel 15 and the addition of a FOG pamphlet enclosure in one billing cycle. The District also took part in the Home Builders Association Home and Garden show that took place at Becker Village Mall. FOG pamphlets were given out at the District’s booth. There was also other information available for residents to view regarding FOG and the FOG Program. The administrative staff continues to distribute a FOG ordinance package to all new Food Preparation Facilities when opening a new account. The administrative staff also gives out industrial waste surveys to each person who opened a commercial account that asks questions regarding food preparation and grease traps. The laboratory submitted all required evaluation studies and received an acceptable rating on all in-house study parameters. The laboratory received e-mail notification March 17, 2011 that it had satisfied its performance evaluation requirement for 2011. an Another testing requirement of the NPDES permit is the annual priority pollutant analysis (APPA). As indicated, it is an annual test that checks the effluent for conventional and non-conventional compounds, total recoverable metals, volatile organic compounds, acid-extractable compounds, and base-neutral compounds. These substances, if found in sufficient quantity, could be harmful to the wastewater plant, receiving stream, and the public. To date, no substances have been found in significant quantity to cause harm. The test is done seasonally over the term of a five year NPDES permit. NCDWQ also requires an Annual Performance Report (APR). The report must contain at a minimum, general information, performance, deficiencies, violations, spills and bypasses, any known environmental impacts, and corrective measures to address deficiencies or violations. Also, from the APR a condensed Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) must be distributed to the customers of the District with information on where to obtain the APR. Safety program. The safety program within the District is very active and assertive in its approach to the protection of the employees and surrounding citizens. The program consists of a safety officer, safety committee, incident/accident committee and appeals committee. The safety officer sets up the monthly safety meetings, coordinates the activities of the safety committee, keeps up with safety regulations, and many other various safety activities. The safety committee prepares safety policy programs and updates current ones. They also do site inspections and produce potential hazard punch lists. The safety committee and safety officer also keeps up with and prepares for updating regulations and integrating new regulations of OSHA. The incident/accident committee reviews all potential accidents and accidents. The appeal committee follows up the safety committee recommendation at the request of an employee. The attempt is to - 13 - The wastewater plant now has a general storm water permit. It was received through an application process as required by the NCDWQ. A requirement of this permit is a written storm water management plan. The plan is used to evaluate potential pollution sources and to select and implement appropriate methods to prevent or control the discharge of pollutants to stormwater runoff. As a part of the plan, semiannual preventative maintenance evaluations and semiannual inspections of site runoff areas are required. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit. The wastewater treatment plant has an NPDES permit. It is issued by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) after final approval is granted by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The permit authorizes discharge of treated wastewater to the Roanoke River. The current permit is valid through March 2012. However, 180 days (6 months) prior to the current permit expiration an application for renewal must be submitted. The renewal application was submitted in September 2011. A requirement of the wastewater plant through its NPDES permit is quarterly chronic toxicity testing. The test involves using a predetermined amount of effluent along with a macroscopic organism. Ceriodaphnia are placed in the effluent and must survive and reproduce for a specific length of time. Results of the test are either pass or fail. A pass indicates the absence of substances in the effluent which may be harmful or threaten aquatic life. The wastewater plant has been required to test for chronic toxicity since April of 1993. To date only one test has received a fail result. This occurred in July 2001. Also, as required by permit, one year prior to permit renewal, a second species must be tested in this same manner. The District chose Fathead Minnows and began this testing in 2010. This testing continued into 2011. The Division of Water Quality (DWQ) did not conduct a general plant comprehensive site inspection in 2011. However, DWQ Aquifer Protection Section did do a Biosolids Management and Land Application inspection on July 28,h. As stated in the follow up report, the program was found to be well managed and all system components were operational. In addition, DWQ Toxicology section came on March 15th to do independent Whole Effluent Aquatic Toxicity test. Their test results were a Pass. Permit limit violation 1.C.S.: None b. Monitoring and Reporting Violations 201 I Sanitary Sewers Overflows (SSO) 1. 2. WWTP: N/A - 14- TSS weekly limit January 23rd - 27ty = 47.58 mg/1 (weekly limit = 45 mg/1). Cause: Cold weather while using a scum control wash system contributed to equipment malfunction. TSS monthly percent removal January = 82.8 (monthly limit 85%). Cause: Well below average influent TSS along with the problem in a. above. C.S.: There were 11 reportable SSO in 2011. 1. 2/14/201 1 - 700 Block of Virginia Ave. - 12,000 gallons 2. 2/18/2011 -4th St. and Marshall St. - 100 gallons 3. 2/23/2011 - Ashe St. - 500 gallons 4. 8/27/2011 - River Rd. South - 40,500 gallons 5. 8/27/2011 - 4th & Laurel St M/H 54 - 37,000 gallons 6. 8/27/2011 - Hall St. cul-de-sac - 100 gallons 7. 8/27/2011 - 3rd St. and Starke Dr. - 14,800 gallons 8. 8/27/2011 - Belmont Pump Station - 3,000 gallons 9. 8/27/2011 - Hwy 48 Pump Station - 46,000 gallons 10. 8/27/2011 - Greenbriar Pump Station - 500 gallons 11. 9/8/2011 - 4th St. and Harris St. - 15,600 gallons minimize the seriousness of an accident and ultimately prevent accidents. As a result of the awareness and training from the safety program, there were no loss work days in 2011 at the wastewater treatment plant. This makes the 6,h straight year the wastewater plant achieved this accomplishment. The Sanitary District was previously involved with the Department of Labor (DOL) OSHA SHARP Program. DOL works with and inspects companies by company’s request. After all DOL requirements are met, companies are awarded SHARP recognition. Participating in this program exempts companies from unannounced inspections with possible fines. The District remained in this program for several years before the DOL restructured the program and removed the District from this program. The correct program now is the STAR Program. The District began in 2011 plans for admission into the STAR Program. The Water Environment Association, which is a wastewater support organization, has an annual safety award recognition. It is the Burke Award, named after George W. Burke who was instrumental in the establishment of safety in wastewater treatment. Due to the District’s safety program, involvement in the SHARP Program, and preparation for the STAR Program, the wastewater treatment plant was nominated for the Burke award. The wastewater treatment plant won the Burke award in 2011. This was the second time the wastewater treatment plant has received this award. The wastewater treatment plant also received this same award in 2007. B. By month, list of the number and type of any violations of permit conditions, environmental regulations, or environmental laws, including (but not limited to): 2. WWTP: 2 a. 1. C.S.: None 2. WWTP: None Bypass of Treatment Facility D.Description of corrective measures taken to address violations or deficiencies. 1. 2. - 15 - WWTP: The WWTP is very aggressive in reacting to violations and identifying potential deficiencies. Once identified, plans are made to upgrade or replace potential deficiencies, which may result in violation. Modifying operations, training operators, laboratory training, improved equipment, maintenance inventory parts and equipment and raising awareness is also an on-going and continuous process. The head-works of the plant has an emergency incoming flow diversion valve. It can be used in extreme emergencies (Hurricane Floyd). The gate valve is old and does not seal RRSD secured a planning grant from The Rural Center in 2010 to further evaluate the Belmont area. The District employed W.K. Dickson to conduct a study including more smoke testing, manhole evaluations and storm water dye testing to locate sources if I&I, which has been the root cause of many reportable spills over the past few years. RRSD performed preventative maintenance by cleaning with Jet-Vac and a root cutter which is attached to the Jet-Vac hose for cutting roots, following with a CCTV camera to inspect the lines after cleaning. The District also procured a new jetter which cleans the line more effectively and proves to be more reliable than the old unit. . Along with in house work, the District contracted services from KRG Utility Inc for further line cleaning and CCTV. The District also contracted services from Duke’s Root Control to chemically treat sewer lines for roots. Some of the work done to prevent problems is the identification of potential spill areas. Once identified, arrangements are made to stop or minimize and contain. The District replaced 14 brick and mortar manholes with precast epoxy coated manholes and rehabilitated 116 vertical feet of brick and mortar manholes with a ‘/z inch coat of cementicious mortar followed by an epoxy overcoat to protect from corrosion. District employees also cleaned & TV’ed 31 miles of sewer lines. MJ Price Construction cut Chockoyotte Creek Outfall right of ways and Laterals twice, which was 16 miles. KRG cleaned & TV’ed 1/2 of a mile of various sized sewer line. C.S.: In 2009 RRSD began work installing pressure transducers in all pump station wet wells. The new transducers that replaced two original floats are less susceptible to failure and also include accurate level measurement of waste water in the well. The system was put online and began communicating with the SC ADA system in early 2010. RRSD secured a grant from North Carolina Rural Center to perform a number of pipe bursting projects to reduce I&I. Improved Technologies Group pipe bursted 3,331’ from 8” to 10” along Bell’s Creek, 660’ of 8” Sewer Line from 3rd St. to 2nd St. off of Franklin, 1000’ of 8” in Smith Park, 496’ of 8” on Starke Dr. and 350’ of 8” Sewer Line between 13th & 12th off of Marshall St.. Under the same grant, the District utilized Improved Technologies to rehabilitate 2,273’ of 15” using the Cure in Place method. The Pipe Bursting was completed in March of 2011 and the CIP was complete in June of 2011. C. Description of any known environmental impact of violations. 1. C.S.: N/A 2. WWTP: None 1. C.S.: None 2. WWTP: None - 16- Low influent suspended solids can occur after rains making the 85% removal difficult. Polymer can be fed into the secondary clarifiers aiding settlement of solids and help with the 85% removal rate. Influent pump station has 2” water lines under high pressure. The station is equipped with a sump-pump for small ground water leaks, small equipment leaks, and normal wash downs. In the event of a larger leak, the station could flood and short out all pumps which would lead to a spill. The influent station sump-pump station now has a high level alarm incorporated into the SCADA plant alarm system. Primary clarifier influent lines have grease collection pits located on them. As the pits collect grease and fill, the flow through the influent lines can be restricted, back up, and cause spills. To prevent this from occurring, a contracted vacuum truck company is scheduled regularly to remove the excess grease and keep the lines unrestricted. Secondary clarifiers can have solids washed out during periods of high flows. Operational strategies have been put into place to minimize this. Training and directives have been put in place to prevent icing problems and equipment failure that can result from the scum control spray system on the secondary clarifiers. During construction of the disinfection/disinfection removal, sodium bisulfite storage was set up in an existing room. The room was not previously constructed for containment. Block walls were added to the room to provide containment. well. To help a normal flow height a wall was installed in front of the gate to help with leaks. The gate valve was replaced with a plug valve which assures complete sealing. With the use of the low flow wall this valve can also be exercised to maintain operation without loss of untreated waste water. The grit remover auger base plate developed a crack and a leak began. Small leaks are handled with a flow channel back into the plant. The plate was repaired before a large leak developed which could not be controlled. During the construction of the disinfection/disinfection removal process, a truck unloading containment structure was installed. The structure is piped to a pumping station equipped with pH alarms that are tied to the SCADA system. This provides acknowledgement and control over a spill situation that may occur during chemical delivery. Until March 2011, the wastewater plant used chlorine for effluent disinfection. It used sulfur dioxide to remove the chlorine after disinfection has been accomplished. Both chemicals are very effective; however, both are also very hazardous. The District planned to replace these dangerous chemicals; sodium hypochlorite for chlorine and sodium bisulfite for sulfur dioxide. With drawings complete, the District approached the state of North Carolina for a loan. The state approved the drawings and provided a low interest loan for construction of a new chemical feed process for converting to a safer alternative disinfection process. Upon approval, the District sought bids from contractors to construct the new process. Bids were received and the contract awarded. The state also approved the contractor. Construction began in 2010, was at 90% at years end, and with completion the new chemical feed process went online in March 2011. A 500 gallon 25% liquid caustic tank is housed at the effluent. It is used on occasion to maintain pH levels above 6 as permit required. Liquid caustic is highly corrosive and the housing it is presently in is inadequate containment. As part of the disinfection conversion construction project, the liquid caustic has been housed in location with adequate containment. - 17- The plant generator is capable of powering the entire plant in the event of a power loss. Without it, spills would occur. It is on a contracted quarterly preventative maintenance program. Also, the transfer switch which transfers incoming power to generator power is under a preventative maintenance contract. Annually it is taken off line, disassembled, inspected, and cleaned. Without a properly operating transfer switch, generator use is not Three pumps, two solids and one wastewater failed at different times during the year. As they began to fail, leaks developed. The pumps were removed from service before leaks caused any issues. The pumps were repaired and returned to service. Acid is located at the headworks in the event pH adjustment is necessary. The container holding the acid ruptured and was contained. After dilution, the spill was pumped into the treatment process. The plant storm water drains are blocked and gated to help control spills that might otherwise be released from the plant site. Although painted bright yellow, they were struck and broken on occasion. A new design keeps the containment from being easily struck. Also flags on poles have been added further increasing visibility. Temporary pumps and hoses are used frequently. Hoses easily spring leaks. To prevent hose leaks while pumping wastewater or biosolids, lay flat hose was replaced with reinforced canoline hose. During high flows or some maintenance repairs, influent flow can be diverted to equalization storage tanks. Once flows lower or repairs are complete, the stored water is returned to the plant for treatment. Flow is diverted to these tanks with the use of a 12 inch (5 MGD) pump. Proper maintenance of the pump is critical. It has been rebuilt once and is on an annual preventative maintenance contract to ensure reliability. The pump is started monthly and quarterly pumping is done. Equalization pumping and biosolids truck loading pumping occurred from the same station using the same vault and pump. If the pump failed, it was lengthy process to remove the pump and install a spare. If a spare was not available and had to be ordered, this became extremely lengthy. Neither scenario is good due to the importance of either operation. To help with this, pipe valving and an additional pump was added to the vault. One pump is dedicated to equalization and one to biosolids. In the event either fails, with simple valve arrangement the other pump can be put on line for use. The lime silo, which provides pH control for the solids stabilization process, was installed in the late 80’s. It was emptied and taken off line and a full metal integrity inspection was performed. Some minor deficiencies were discovered but overall the silo was determined to be in good shape. A valve exercise program is now employed. It keeps valves in good working order. In the event of routine maintenance, equipment problems, or emergencies, valves used to address these issues are in a state of readiness. As valves are repaired or replaced, they are added to the exercise list. There are hundreds of valves located inside and outside of various areas. Each operator has a list of valves to exercise. The digester building contains caustic for pH control. In the event of a caustic leak, the containment is tied into the basement sump pump system used for keeping water leakage and equipment wash-down pumped out of the building. This water is pumped back into the plant treatment processes. The pump is activated with a float and is left in the automatic position. If a caustic leak occurred, it would be pumped into the plant uncontrolled. This could lead to a plant upset. To control this situation, a remote switch was installed and is left in the off position. The pump system is equipped with a local and remote (SCADA) high level alarm. When the alarm goes off, operations can manually start pump to remove water then return the switch back to the off position. A pH probe is located in the pump system to detect caustic. - 18- possible. It is also exercised monthly by plant staff. And, the curtailment program with the main power supply company assures fUrther testing and exercise of the generator. The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) is a valuable tool in identifying deficiencies. It incorporates annual awareness and training to all plant personnel. It also requires semi-annual inspections of all plant equipment and facilities, containment, and tanks and chemical storage. The plan also addresses chemical suppliers and contractors through training. The plan allows for scheduled correction of identified deficiencies before they become problems. Each year during the budget process, close scrutiny is paid to the potential of deficiencies which could lead to violations. Any identification of potential problems is addressed during this process so that they are remedied before problems arise. Identifying and eliminating inflow and infiltration (I&I) is an on-going and difficult task. It is important to control I&I to take excess flows off of the treatment plant. However, it is also important to address because excess I&I “dilutes” incoming waste. With diluted wastewater it is more difficult to meet the percent removal requirements (85%) of the plants permit. I&I also hydraulically overloads treatment processes making it harder to meet permit limits. In 2011, more areas were identified and addressed to help resolve this problem. (See II.D. I Paragraph 3, above) The Fat, Oil, and Grease (FOG) program continues to be a useful tool for the prevention of spills. A pretreatment technician oversees and implements the program. The technician inspects restaurants to ensure grease trap maintenance. Best Management Practices for the control of grease entrance into the collection system is also conveyed. Part of the FOG program is public education. The technician is required to incorporate all users of the collection system. This is accomplished through door hangers, bill inserts, poster distribution, advertisements, public service announcement and public displays. There are various pump station alarms throughout the plant. Some are equipped with local visual lights, some with local visual lights and audible horns or sirens, and some are even equipped with remote SCADA alarms. In an attempt to keep functioning alarms, they are tested on a monthly basis. As more alarms are installed, they are added to the testing list. III.NOTIFICATION IV. W/^ Date - 19- Reduce Recycle Satisfy Develop R. Danieley Broyrn, PE Chief Executive Officer A. A condensed, summarized version of this report will accompany the annual water report which will be distributed to the users and customers of the Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District via mail. The full report will be available at the main office upon request. CERTIFICATION A. I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users of the named system and that those users have been notified of its availability. Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Drying Beds Yes No NA NE ■ OOOIs the filtrate from sludge drying beds returned to the front of the plant? D ■ D D# Is the sludge disposed of through county landfill? ■ DOO# Is the sludge land applied? □■O(Vacuum filters) Is polymer mixing adequate? Comment: Yes No NA NE ■ O 0# Is composite sampling flow proportional? ■ ODDIs sample collected above side streams? ■ ODOIs proper volume collected? ■ ODOIs the tubing clean? ■ 000# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ ODDIs sampling performed according to the permit? Comment:Temp = -,5C Bar Screens Yes No NA NE Type of bar screen Da.Manual b.Mechanical ■ ODOAre the bars adequately screening debris? ■ ODDIs the screen free of excessive debris? ■ nonIs disposal of screening in compliance? ■ ODDIs the unit in good condition? Comment:Manual back up available/ Grit Removal Yes No NA NE Type of grit removal 0a.Manual b.Mechanical ■ DOOIs the grit free of excessive organic matter? ■ 0Is the grit free of excessive odor? ■ 0 # Is disposal of grit in compliance? Comment:manual backup available Page #5 Drying Beds are used in Emergency situations, (approximately once/year). Influent Sampling Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Primary Clarifier Yes No NA NE ■ OOOIs the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? ■ ODOIs the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier? ■ 000Are weirs level? ■ DOOIs the site free of weir blockage? ■ ODDIs the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? ■ 0 Is scum removal adequate? ■ 000Is the site free of excessive floating sludge? ■ 0 00Is the drive unit operational? ■ ODDIs the sludge blanket level acceptable? ■ OOOIs the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately % of the sidewall depth) Comment: Yes No NA NE ■ 000Is the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? ■ Is the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier? ■ o Are weirs level? ■ Is the site free of weir blockage? ■ Is the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? ■ Is scum removal adequate? ■ Is the site free of excessive floating sludge? ■ o Is the drive unit operational? ■ 0Is the return rate acceptable (low turbulence)? ■ o Is the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc? ■ 0Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately 74 of the sidewall depth) Comment: Yes No NA NE ■ ODDIs the filter free of ponding? ■ o Is the filter free of leaks at the center column of filter’s distribution arms? ■ Is the distribution of flow even from the distribution arms? ■ Is the filter free of uneven or discolored growth? Page #6 blanket = 4712' reported. Secondary Clarifier Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Rectangular. Blanket = 4715'reported. Trickling Filter Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE ■ □00 Judge, and other that are applicable? Comment: Permit Yes No NA NE (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new application?■ 000 Is the facility as described in the permit?■ DOO # Are there any special conditions for the permit? Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public?■ ODO Is the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection?■ 000 Comment: Yes No NA NE # Is flow meter used for reporting?■ 0 00 Is flow meter calibrated annually?■ 000 Is the flow meter operational?■ 000 (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter?■ 000 Comment: Flow Measurement - Effluent Yes No NA NE # Is flow meter used for reporting?■ 000 Is flow meter calibrated annually?■ 0 0 0 Is the flow meter operational?■ 000 (If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter?■ 000 Comment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit?■ 000 Is all required information readily available, complete and current?■ 000 Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg. required 5 years)?■ 000 Are analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs?■ 000 Is the chain-of-custody complete?■ 0 0 0 Dates, times and location of sampling Page #3 Permit has been applied for. Flow Measurement - Influent Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Is the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable Solids, pH, DO, Sludge ■ 0 0 0 Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Record Keeping Yes No NA NE Name of individual performing the sampling oResults of analysis and calibration Dates of analysis Name of person performing analyses Transported COCs ■ Are DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters? ■ oHas the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users and DWQ? ■ o o (If the facility is = or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24/7 with a certified operator on each shift? ■ o Is the ORC visitation log available and current? ■ o Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification? ■ 0Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification? ■ o o Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site? ■ Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? Comment: Laboratory Yes No NA NE ■ OAre field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory? ■ Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified lab? ■ # Is the facility using a contract lab? ■ o# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ oIncubator (Fecal Coliform) set to 44.5 degrees Celsius*/- 0.2 degrees? ■ ODDIncubator (BOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/-1.0 degrees? Drying Beds Yes No NA NE ■ O OIs there adequate drying bed space? ■ o Is the sludge distribution on drying beds appropriate? ■ □OOAre the drying beds free of vegetation? n n ■# Is the site free of dry sludge remaining in beds? o n ■Is the site free of stockpiled sludge? Page #4 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Comment: Fecal Coliform incubator temp: 44.5C BOD Incubator temp: 20.2C Storage Sample temp: 3.5C EPA NPDES NC0024201 Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date 07/07/0109:55 AM 12/06/04 Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date 12/03/3112:35 PM 12/06/04 Other Facility Data Alan Gregg Camp/ORC/919-536-4884/ Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Gregg Camp.PO Box 308 Roanoke Rapids NC 27870//252-536-4884/ Permit Sludge Handling Disposal Effluent/Receiving Waters Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s)Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date RRO WQ//919-791-4260/ r Page #1 Self-Monitoring Program Laboratory United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460 Contacted No Roanoke Rapids WWTP 135 Aqueduct Rd Weldon NC 27890 yr/mo/day 12/06/04 QA 72|±J Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31-98 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)/Titles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) /// Inspection Work Days 67] I 69 Date Facility Self-Monitoring Evaluation Rating 1°IJ J’1 Signature of Ma^agement^f A Reviewer / \ Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers EPA Fo|m 3560-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. J17 Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) m Flow Measurement Operations & Maintenance Records/Reports Facility Site Review David R Parnell 3l Fac Type 20U Inspection Type 18l£| Inspector 19^J,2l Water Compliance Inspection Report Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) —Reserved----------------------- 75| I I I I I I I8073LLI74 Bl 71 LI__ ______________________________________________Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include POTW name and NPDES permit Number) Transaction Code 1 [nJ 2 L^J Remarks 21| I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |66 NPDES yr/mo/day 1 J17NC002420112/06/04 Section D:Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) Page #2 12lr3i Inspection Type 18l llei A Anaerobic Digester Yes No NA NE Is the digester(s) free of tilting covers? o Is the gas burner operational?o o Is the digester heated? o o Is the temperature maintained constantly? Is tankage available for properly waste sludge? o Comment:Methane is produced and utilized. Page #9 Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Trickling Filter Yes No NA NE ■ OIs the filter free of sloughing of excessive growth? ■ Are the filter’s distribution arms orifices free of clogging? ■ 0 Is the filter free of excessive filter flies, worms or snails? Comment: Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE Mode of operation Plug flow Type of aeration system Diffused ■ o Is the basin free of dead spots? ■ Are surface aerators and mixers operational? ■ Are the diffusers operational? ■ ODOIs the foam the proper color for the treatment process? ■ ODODoes the foam cover less than 25% of the basin’s surface? ■ DOOIs the DO level acceptable? ■ oIs the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg/l) Comment: De-chlorination Yes No NA NE LiquidType of system ? ■ ODOIs the feed ratio proportional to chlorine amount (1 to 1)? ■ oIs storage appropriate for cylinders? ■ # Is de-chlorination substance stored away from chlorine containers? Comment: O ■ Are the tablets the proper size and type? 0 ■ oAre tablet de-chlorinators operational? Number of tubes in use? Comment: Yes No NA NE ■ O Is automatically activated standby power available? ■ ODOIs the generator tested by interrupting primary power source? ■ o Is the generator tested under load? ■ Was generator tested & operational during the inspection? Page #7 New hypo system appears to be functioning properly. Standby Power Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation I Standby Power Yes No NA NE ■ OOODo the generator(s) have adequate capacity to operate the entire wastewater site? ■ ODOIs there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up power? ■ 0 00Is the generator fuel level monitored? Disinfection-Liquid Yes No NA NE ■ 000Is there adequate reserve supply of disinfectant? ■ 0 00(Sodium Hypochlorite) Is pump feed system operational? ■ ODDIs bulk storage tank containment area adequate? (free of leaks/open drains) ■ ODDIs the level of chlorine residual acceptable? ■ 0 00Is the contact chamber free of growth, or sludge buildup? ■ ODOIs there chlorine residual prior to de-chlorination? Comment: Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE ■ 000Is composite sampling flow proportional? ■ 000Is sample collected below all treatment units? Is proper volume collected?■ 000 Is the tubing clean?■ non ■ 0 00# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ 0 00 Yes No NA NE ■ ODOIs right of way to the outfall properly maintained? ■ 000Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly?n o ■ Comment: Anaerobic Digester Yes No NA NE Type of operation:Floating cover Is the capacity adequate?noon # Is gas stored on site?0 o Page #8 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type representative)? Comment: Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 06/04/2012 Temperature = -1C Effluent Pipe Comment: Generator is tested under load and can be expected to run the entire plant when necessary. sI Regional Field Inspectors Check List for Field Parameters 5 Date Field certification # (if applicable): NPDES #: Region: A. 1.No 2.A Residual Chlorine meter No 3.DO meter No 4.A Cone for settleable solids No 5.A thermometer or meter that measures temperature.No 6.Conductivity meter Yes No III. Calibration/Analysis: Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No z Yes —-— ' ..Yes ’’ /XYes Yes^ < Yes 6. For Conductivity, is a calibration standard analyzed each day of use'? 4 For Settleable Solids, is 1 liter of sample settled for 1 hour? 3. Is the air calibration of the DO meter performed each day of use? 1. Is the pH meter calibrated with 2 buffers and checked with a third buffer each day of use? 5. Is the temperature measuring device calibrated annually against a certified thermometer? 2. For Total Residual Chlorine, is a check standard analyzed each day of use? . I Z. I. Circle the parameter or parameters performed at this site. ResidualjDhlorine.^ettleable Solids, pH.^DO, Conductivity, Temperature II. Instrumentation: Name of site to be Inspected: lnspector:_ Does the facility have the equipment necessary to analyze field parameters as circled above? A pH meter IV. Documentation: No Yes,No 3. Is the sample collector documented? Yes No Yes No Yes j No 6. Is record of calibration documented?Yes No Yes Yes No Comments: FIELD INSPECTOR CHECKLIST REV 04/23/2002 Please submit a 8. For Temperature, is the annual calibration of the measuring device documented? 7. For Settleable Solids, is sample volume and 1 hour time settling time documented? 4. Is the analysis date and time documented? 5. Did the analyst sign the documentation? 1 Is the date and time that the sample was collected documented^fves 2. Is the sample site documented? No a6A copy of this completed form to the Laboratory Certification Program. DWQ Lab Certification Chemistry Lab Courier # 52-01-01 Noes No B Yes No Yes No Yes No IX. No YesX. Additional comments:XI. Electronic copies may be emailed to linda.chavis@ncdenr.qov . Revision 04/20/2012 Q Yes r Please submit a copy of this completed form to the Laboratory Certification program at: DWQ Lab Certification, Chemistry Lab, Courier# 52-01-01 SYes E Yes B Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes_______ Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No B No No No No B No No No No No No B-Yes B Yes What instrument(s) is use~d to measure temperature? CheckBTtF^^apply: B pH meter B DO meter B Conductivity meter B Digital thermometer B Glass thermometer Is the instrument/thermometer calibration checked at least annually against a NIST traceable or NIST certified thermometer?_____________________________________ Are temperature corrections (even if zero) posted on the instrument/thermometer?_____ Are samples measured in situ or on-site? [REQUIRED - there is no holding time for temperature]_______________________ Are sample results reported in degrees C?____________________________________ VI. Dissolved Oxygen____________________ ____________________________ DO meter make and model: Is the air calibration of the DO meter performed each day of use?__________________ Are the following items documented: Meter calibration?______________________________________________________ Are samples analyzed within 15 minutes of collection?___________________________ Are results reported in mg/L?_______________________________________________ VII. Conductivity_____________________________________________________ Conductivity meter make and model:_________________________________________ Is the meter calibrated daily according to the manufacturer’s instructions? Note standard used (this is generally a one-point calibration):_________________________________ Is a daily check standard analyzed? Note value:________________________________ Are the following items documented:_________________________________________ Meter calibration?______________________________________________________ Are samples analyzed within 28 days of collection?_____________________________ Are results reported in pmhos/cm (some meters display equivalent pS/cm units)?_____ VIII. Settleable Residue_______________________________________________ Does the laboratory have an Imhoff Cone in good condition?______________________ Is the sample settled for 1 hour?____________________________________________ Is the sample agitated after 45 minutes?______________________________________ Are the following items documented:_________________________________________ Volume of sample analyzed? Note volume analyzed:__________________________ Date and time of sample analysis (settling start time)?_________________________ Time of agitation after 45 minutes of settling?________________________________ Sample analysis completion (settling end time)?______________________________ Are samples analyzed within 48 hours of collection?_____________________________ Are results reported in ml/L?_______________________________________________ Was a paper trail (comparing contract lab and on-site data to DMR) performed? If so, list months reviewed:_______________________________ Is follow-up by the Laboratory Certification program recommended? V. Temperature FAX TRANSMITXALSHEET -/7 - DATE: Mo/)/f)TO: / fatjgJL 4 cy C6>U U OF PAGES: SUBJECT/MESSAGE:^1/>1Z /e^rr--------------------— 27890 (252) 536-4885 '.tAqueduct Road Phone Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District ■ ■' '• ■'■ '■ - - ’ Weldon / Nc (2‘52) 536-4884 Fax z5*e *. ' —r IF ALL PAGES OF THE FAX ARE NOT RECEIVED OR IF THE FAX IS NOT LEGIBLE, PLEASE CALL (2^2> 536^4884. FROM: June?, 2012 Dear Mr. Brown: Below is a list of findings and recommendations developed from the inspections: I. NPDES Wastewater Inspection: 1. The current permit re-issuance is pending. The application timeframe was adhered to by the facility. a Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Surface Water Protection Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper 2. The 8.34 MGD wastewater treatment plant consists of the following units: bar screens and grit chamber, dual primary clarifiers, dual trickling filters, three aeration basins, dual final clarifiers, chlorination, de-chlorination, dual secondary sludge thickener, three anaerobic digesters, lime stabilization, sludge storage and sludge drying beds. The plant discharges into the Roanoke River, Class C waterbody within the Roanoke River Basin. Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspections Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Wastewater Permit NC0024201 Halifax County Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Phone (919) 791-4200 FAX (919)571-4718 Dee Freeman Secretary - 1 -North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District Mr. R. Danieley Brown, CEO PO Box 308 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 NCDENR 7 North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, PE Director OneNorthCarolina _____ Naturally Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 I, Dave Parnell of the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality conducted a compliance evaluation inspection (CEI) on June 4, 2012, consisting of the NPDES wastewater inspection. The assistance of Greg Camp, Operator in Responsible Charge (ORC); and Greta Glover, Backup Operator in Responsible Charge (BORC) and Laboratory Supervisor, was appreciated. Please review the attached Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS) inspection checklist summarizing the inspection. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.The three aeration basins are functioning properly. 9.The anaerobic digesters appear to have adequate capacity with no objectionable odor, and are functioning as expected. The primary and secondary clarifiers were observed and appeared to be functioning properly. They were free of weir blockages and showed no sign of short-circuiting. The sludge blanket was reported to be 4 feet in each one, which is within the acceptable range of sidewall depth. The trickling filter appeared to be functioning properly, with no sign of ponding. The distribution arms were observed and appeared to be distributing the flow evenly and were free of clogging. The media had healthy well distributed growth. Grit removal was free of organic matter and excessive odor. Debris is removed as needed and taken to the landfill. Overall maintenance was found to be excellent. The mechanical bar screen was in acceptable condition, and the backup manual bar screen was observed. Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Phone(919)791-4200 FAX (919)571-4718 - 2 -North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1628 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer-50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper 11. The effluent pipe is located adjacent to the treatment plant and discharges directly to the Roanoke River. The effluent appeared to be clear with no odor noted. The receiving water is free of foam and other debris. The inspection began in the treatment plant office. All paperwork was well organized and easily accessible. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) were reviewed for compliance with permit limits and monitoring requirements. Chain of custody records were available and found to be in order. ORC logs were available and were evidence that the facility does a good job of documenting all activities. The laboratory is state certified and performs the majority of permit required parameters. A contract lab, Meritech, performs the remainder of the parameters required by the permit. The ■'Regional Field Inspectors Check List for Field Parameters” was reviewed, discussed and completed by Ms. Glover and Mr. Parnell. The lab was well maintained and all temperature measurements were within acceptable limits. NorthCarolina _____ Naturally Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 10. Standby power is available and is tested as required. The generator has the capacity to run the entire wastewater treatment site. Roanoke Rapids San^^District Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Wast^^er CEI itewater CEI Sincerely, Attachment:June 4, 2012 NPDES Wastewater CEI BIMS inspection checklist cc: NorthCarolina Naturally An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper The Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant is considered to be in compliance with the NPDES wastewater permit, at the time of this inspection. Please continue your diligence in the proper operation and maintenance of this facility. If you have questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-791-4200. Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Sen ice Center Dave Parnell Environmental Specialist Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Raleigh. NC 27699-1628 Phone (919) 791-4200 FAX (919)571-4718 Central Files SWP/RRO files Customer Sen ice 1-877-623-6748 Roanoke Rapic^^nitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES^pl - 3 -North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Regional Inspe I Sk II. [TRC gel standard is exempt.] TRC TEMP DO SC SETT i/- No Noes E] Yes No &Yes No 3 . ’ V<r\ V cA- o' ,ft □TTemperature (TEMP) □'Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Are the following items documented where applicable): pH Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No No Item__________________________ Date of sample collection*_________ Time of sample collection*_________ Sample collector's initials or signature Date of sample analysis*__________ Time of sample analysis*__________ Analyst initials or signature________ Sample location______________ 'Date and time of sample collection and analysis may be the same for in situ or on-site measurements. '2-k-T 7 <^rs’ Checklist for Field Parai^ters Yes B Yes 13 Yes IA | i^[ Check the parameter(s) performed at this site for reporting purposes. Specific Conductivity (SC) Settleable Residue (SETT) ( A 79 I 4-2 C General Laboratory (note any exceptions in section XI)________________ Are instruments, meters, probes, photometric cells, etc, maintained in good condition? Are standards, reagents and consumables used within manufacturer expiration dates? el Vk'A.y, A a. Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) pH v . 4Facility Name:"p4 NPDES #: N (2-oox?H do \ Field Lab Certification #: Lab Contact: Yes No Yes No Si ^xl l— • J Yes No Regional Plant Inspector: Regional Inspector Contact #: Region: Date: III. Total Residual Chlorine___________________________________________ Total Residual Chlorine meter make and model: Is a check standard analyzed each day of use? (Circle one: gel or liquid standard) What is the assigned/observed value of the daily check standard?________________ Is a 5-point calibration verification performed? Note date of last verification:_________ Alternatively, does the lab construct a linear regression, using 5 standards, to calculate results? Note date of last calibration curve constructed: True values: pg/L mg/L a? t^.*r Obtained values: pg/L mg/L y What program are samples analyzed on? c Are results reported in proper units? Check one: □pg/L mg/L 3 Are results reported between the facility’s permit limit and the compliance limit of 50 pg/L? If value is less than the low standard, report as “<x”, where x=low standard cone. Are samples analyzed within 15 minutes of collection? T IV. pH______________________________________________________________ pH meter make and model: ,-Xn. \ Is the pH meter calibrated with at least 2 buffers per mfg’s instructions each day of use? Note buffers used: 4 9 _______________ _______________________ Is the pH meter calibration checked with an additional buffer each day of use? Note check buffer Used. 4 nyie, <oA.<ax_ vnoyi Tr-.',________ Does the check buffer read within ±0.1 S.U. of the known value? Are the following items documented:_________________ Meter calibration?_______________________ Check buffer reading?_______________________________ _ Are samples analyzed within 15 minutes of collection? Are sample results reported to 0.1 pH units? Roa Attachment:December 17, 2012 NPDES Wastewater & Stormwater CE1 BIMS inspection checklists. cc: An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper Sincerely. ■ 3 -North Carolina Division of Water Quality Internet www.ncwaterquality.org The Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant is considered to be in compliance with the NPDES wastewater pennit, as well as the NPDES stormwater permit, at the time of this inspection. I appreciate Ms. Glover making time to accompany me during the CEI, as Greg Camp, ORC. was on vacation. Please continue your diligence in the proper operation and maintenance of this facility. If you have questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact me at 919-791-4200. Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service Center Dave Parnell Environmental Specialist Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Raleigh. NC 27699-1628 Phone(919) 791-4200 FAX (919)571-4718 Central Files SWP/RRO files Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 q^^papids Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plai^^DES Wastewater CEI OneNofthCarolinaNaturally . I ■ ? nal Inspectors’ Checklist fd^ield ParametersRe II. TRC pH DO SC SETT iz No % Noes 0 Yes No &Yes No I. Q Total Residual Chlorine (TRC) pH 7 37 I ~ *Date and time of sample collection and analysis may be the same for in situ or on-site measurements. E Yes 13 Yes No No No No No No No No E Yes B'Yes D'Yes 3 Yes P Yes ____ P Yes S Yes az y , ' <Air uAP P TEMP a x p, <_ Pk7) Are the following items documented (Y where applicable): Item__________________________ Date of sample collection*_________ Time of sample collection*_________ Sample collector’s initials or signature Date of sample analysis*__________ Time of sample analysis*__________ Analyst initials or signature________ Sample location uo . • V o' vjl b-ey 'S. General Laboratory (note any exceptions in section XI)________________ Are instruments, meters, probes, photometric cells, etc, maintained in good condition? Are standards, reagents and consumables used within manufacturer expiration dates? [TRC gel standard is exempt] 1 Regional Plant Inspector: 4^ Regional Inspector Contact #: Region: Date: 2 a [in 1Sk Check the parameter(s) performed at this site for reporting purposes. Q Temperature (TEMP) Specific Conductivity (SC) Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Settleable Residue (SETT) Facility Namer^^^ye- NPDES #: aj CIO \ Field Lab Certification #: Lab Contact: \ 3 Yes No E Yes E No E Yes E No 19 I 4-2,0 O III. Total Residual Chlorine___________________________________________ Total Residual Chlorine meter make and model: v., ________________ Is a check standard analyzed each day of use? (Circle one: gel or liquid standard) What is the assigned/observed value of the daily check standard? Is a 5-point calibration verification performed? Note date of last verification:_________ Alternatively, does the lab construct a linear regression, using 5 standards, to calculate results? Note date of last calibration curve constructed:_____________ True values: E pg/L E mg/L Obtained values: E Pg/L E mg/L ‘ ? m f What program are samples analyzed on?______ Are results reported in proper units? Check one: Epg/*- E mg/L Are results reported between the facility’s permit limit and the compliance limit of 50 pg/L? If value is less than the low standard, report as “<x”, where x=low standard cone. Are samples analyzed within 15 minutes of collection? IV. pH________________________________________________________________ pH meter make and model: s Is the pH meter calibrated with at least 2 buffers per mfg’s instructions each day of use? Note buffers used: 4 _________________________________________________ Is the pH meter calibration checked with an additional buffer each day of use? Note check buffer used: n £ ________ Does the check buffer read within ±0.1 S.U. of the known value? __________________ Are the following items documented:___________________________________________ Meter calibration?________________________________________________________ Check buffer reading?_____________________________________________________ Are samples analyzed within 15 minutes of collection?_____________________________ Are sample results reported to 0.1 pH units? EPA NPDES NC0024201 671 Entry Time/Date Permit Effective Date 07/07/0101:00 PM 12/12/17 Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date 12/03/3103:45 PM 12/12/17 Other Facility Data Alan Gregg Camp/ORC/919-536-4884/ Name, Address of Responsible Official/Title/Phone and Fax Number Gregg Camp.PO Box 308 Roanoke Rapids NC 27870//252-536-4884/ Operations & Maintenance Pollution Prevention Laboratory Storm Water Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) (See attachment summary) Name(s) and Signature(s) of Inspector(s)Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date RRO WQ//919-791 -4260/ /Z . 1-7 Page #1 ’2|3| Inspection Work Days I 69 United States Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D.C. 20460 Contacted No d Records/Reports M Facility Site Review Roanoke Rapids WWTP 135 Aqueduct Rd Weldon NC 27890 yr/mo/day 12/12/17 Name(s) of Onsite Representative(s)fTitles(s)/Phone and Fax Number(s) /// Form Approved. OMB No. 2040-0057 Approval expires 8-31-98 Facility Self-Monitoring Evaluation Rating 70 LI Fac Type 20 u Section C: Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) S Flow Measurement Inspection Type 18|_cj Inspector 19[sJJ17 David R Parnell Signature of Management Q A F^/iewer st iAgency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date EPA Form 3f)60-3 (Rev 9-94) Previous editions are obsolete. QA 72|nJ —Reserved----------------------- 75| | | | | | | I 80 Water Compliance Inspection Report Section A: National Data System Coding (i.e., PCS) J” 73Lu74 Permit JU Self-Monitoring Program Sludge Handling Disposal ■ Effluent/Receiving Waters Bl71 u _____________________________________________________Section B: Facility Data Name and Location of Facility Inspected (For Industrial Users discharging to POTW, also include POTW name and NPDES permit Number) Transaction Code ’In] 2 Ls] Remarks 21l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I lM 1NPDESyr/mo/day NC0024201 12/12/17 Section D: Summary of Finding/Comments (Attach additional sheets of narrative and checklists as necessary) Page #2 ,2l3l Inspection Type 181 ILcJJ11J17 Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Laboratory Yes No NA NE ■ Are all other parameters(excluding field parameters) performed by a certified lab? ■ o# Is the facility using a contract lab? ■ 000# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ 000Incubator (Fecal Coliform) set to 44.5 degrees Celsius*/- 0.2 degrees? ■ 000Incubator (BOD) set to 20.0 degrees Celsius +/-1.0 degrees? Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE ■ ODDIs the plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? Comment: Pump Station - Influent Yes No NA NE ■ 0 00Is the pump wet well free of bypass lines or structures? ■ 000Is the wet well free of excessive grease? ■ oAre all pumps present? ■ □00Are ail pumps operable? ■ O 00Are float controls operable? ■ ODDIs SCADA telemetry available and operational? D D D ■Is audible and visual alarm available and operational? Comment:SCADA was demonstrated. Bar Screens Yes No NA NE Type of bar screen 0a.Manual b.Mechanical ■ 0 0 0Are the bars adequately screening debris? ■ 0 00Is the screen free of excessive debris? ■ 0 0 0Is disposal of screening in compliance? ■ Is the unit in good condition? Comment: Grit Removal Yes No NA NE Page #4 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Comment: Contract Lab = Meritech, Sample Storage = 4 degrees C, Fecal Incubator = 44.5C, BOD Incubator = 20.2C Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex: MLSS, MCRT, Settleable Solids, pH, DO, Sludge ■ O Judge, and other that are applicable? Permit Yes No NA NE ■ O (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less). Has the permittee submitted a new application? ■ ODOIs the facility as described in the permit? ■ □00# Are there any special conditions for the permit? ■ 000Is access to the plant site restricted to the general public? ■ ODDIs the inspector granted access to all areas for inspection? Comment: Record Keeping Yes No NA NE ■ 000Are records kept and maintained as required by the permit? ■ 0 O 0Is all required information readily available, complete and current? ■ 000Are all records maintained for 3 years (lab. reg. required 5 years)? ■ ODDAre analytical results consistent with data reported on DMRs? ■ ODDIs the chain-of-custody complete? Dates, times and location of sampling Name of individual performing the sampling Results of analysis and calibration Dates of analysis Name of person performing analyses Transported COCs ■ nonAre DMRs complete: do they include all permit parameters? ■ DOOHas the facility submitted its annual compliance report to users and DWQ? ■ ODO(If the facility is - or > 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate 24/7 with a certified operator on each shift? ■ 0Is the ORC visitation log available and current? ■ o Is the ORC certified at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification? ■ o Is the backup operator certified at one grade less or greater than the facility classification? ■ □00Is a copy of the current NPDES permit available on site? ■ Facility has copy of previous year's Annual Report on file for review? Laboratory Yes No NA NE ■ Are field parameters performed by certified personnel or laboratory? Page #3 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Comment: Greg Camp - Grade IV Greta Glover - Grade IV Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Secondary Clarifier Yes No NA NE ■ OOOAre weirs level? ■ ODDIs the site free of weir blockage? ■ ODDIs the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? ■ ODOIs scum removal adequate? ■ ODDIs the site free of excessive floating sludge? ■ ODDIs the drive unit operational? ■ DOOIs the return rate acceptable (low turbulence)? ■ ODDIs the overflow clear of excessive solids/pin floc? 0 o o ■Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately % of the sidewall depth) Comment:Rectanular, effluent weir will be replaced in Unit #2. Trickling Filter Yes No NA NE ■ ODDIs the filter free of ponding? ■ □□□Is the filter free of leaks at the center column of filter’s distribution arms? ■ 000Is the distribution of flow even from the distribution arms? ■ 000Is the filter free of uneven or discolored growth? ■ ODDIs the filter free of sloughing of excessive growth? ■ ODDAre the filter's distribution arms orifices free of clogging? ■ 0 0 0Is the filter free of excessive filter flies, worms or snails? Comment: Aeration Basins Yes No NA NE Plug flowMode of operation DiffusedType of aeration system ■ o Is the basin free of dead spots? ■ 0 Are surface aerators and mixers operational? ■ o o Are the diffusers operational? ■ o Is the foam the proper color for the treatment process? ■ □00Does the foam cover less than 25% of the basin’s surface? ■ 000Is the DO level acceptable? ■ 000Is the DO level acceptable?(1.0 to 3.0 mg/l) Page #6 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Grit Removal Yes No NA NE Type of grit removal oa.Manual b.Mechanical ■ □00Is the grit free of excessive organic matter? ■ DOOIs the grit free of excessive odor? ■ ODO# Is disposal of grit in compliance? Comment: Influent Sampling Yes No NA NE ■ 000# Is composite sampling flow proportional? ■ 000Is sample collected above side streams? ■ DOOIs proper volume collected? ■ ODOIs the tubing clean? ■ DOO# Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ ODDIs sampling performed according to the permit? Comment:Temp = 1.7C Primary Clarifier Yes No NA NE ■ ODDIs the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? ■ ODDIs the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier? ■ 0 00Are weirs level? ■ ODDIs the site free of weir blockage? ■ ODDIs the site free of evidence of short-circuiting? ■ 000Is scum removal adequate? ■ ODOIs the site free of excessive floating sludge? ■ DOOIs the drive unit operational? 0 0 o ■Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? 0 0 0 ■Is the sludge blanket level acceptable? (Approximately of the sidewall depth) Comment: Secondary Clarifier Yes No NA NE ■ ODDIs the clarifier free of black and odorous wastewater? ■ ODDIs the site free of excessive buildup of solids in center well of circular clarifier? Page #5 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE ■ O O # Is proper temperature set for sample storage (kept at less than or equal to 6.0 degrees Celsius)? ■ o Is the facility sampling performed as required by the permit (frequency, sampling type representative)? Comment:Sample Storage Temperature = 1.7 C Pump Station - Effluent Yes No NA NE ■ Is the pump wet well free of bypass lines or structures? ■ o Are all pumps present? ■ oAre all pumps operable? ■ oAre float controls operable? ■ o Is SCADA telemetry available and operational? 0 o o ■Is audible and visual alarm available and operational? Comment:SCADA system demonstrated. Effluent Pipe Yes No NA NE ■ O Is right of way to the outfall properly maintained? ■ Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? ■ If effluent (diffuser pipes are required) are they operating properly? Comment: Standby Power Yes No NA NE ■ O OIs automatically activated standby power available? ■ o Is the generator tested by interrupting primary power source? ■ o Is the generator tested under load? o ■Was generator tested & operational during the inspection? ■ ODODo the generator(s) have adequate capacity to operate the entire wastewater site? ■ ODOIs there an emergency agreement with a fuel vendor for extended run on back-up power? ■ 0 o Is the generator fuel level monitored? Comment: Anaerobic Digester Yes No NA NE Floating coverType of operation: ■ Is the capacity adequate? ■ # Is gas stored on site? ■ Is the digester(s) free of tilting covers? Page #8 Owner ■ Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Yes No NA NEAeration Basins Comment: Yes No NA NEDisinfection-Liquid ■ O Is there adequate reserve supply of disinfectant? ■ 000(Sodium Hypochlorite) Is pump feed system operational? ■ o Is bulk storage tank containment area adequate? (free of leaks/open drains) ■ Is the level of chlorine residual acceptable? ■ o o Is the contact chamber free of growth, or sludge buildup? ■ oIs there chlorine residual prior to de-chlorination? Comment: Yes No NA NE LiquidType of system ? ■ Is the feed ratio proportional to chlorine amount (1 to 1)? ■ o Is storage appropriate for cylinders? ■ o # Is de-chlorination substance stored away from chlorine containers? o ■ oAre the tablets the proper size and type? Comment:Sodium Bisulfite O ■ Are tablet de-chlorinators operational? Number of tubes in use? Comment: Flow Measurement - Effluent Yes No NA NE ■ O# Is flow meter used for reporting? ■ □00Is flow meter calibrated annually? ■ nonIs the flow meter operational? ■ ODO(If units are separated) Does the chart recorder match the flow meter? Comment:Dec 11,2012 Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE ■ ODDIs composite sampling flow proportional? ■ 000Is sample collected below all treatment units? ■ nonis proper volume collected? ■ nonIs the tubing clean? Page #7 New Hypo system is quite impressive. De-chlorination Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit: NC0024201 Inspection Date: 12/17/2012 Anaerobic Digester Yes No NA NE ■ Is the gas burner operational? ■ Is the digester heated? ■ o Is the temperature maintained constantly? ■ ODDIs tankage available for properly waste sludge? Comment: Solids Handling Equipment Yes No NA NE ■ Is the equipment operational? ■Is the chemical feed equipment operational? ■ o o Is storage adequate? ■Is the site free of high level of solids in filtrate from filter presses or vacuum filters? ■Is the site free of sludge buildup on belts and/or rollers of filter press? 0 ■Is the site free of excessive moisture in belt filter press sludge cake? ■ The facility has an approved sludge management plan? Comment: Drying Beds Yes No NA NE ■ Is there adequate drying bed space? 0 o ■ oIs the sludge distribution on drying beds appropriate? ■ Are the drying beds free of vegetation? o o ■# Is the site free of dry sludge remaining in beds? o o o ■Is the site free of stockpiled sludge? o ■Is the filtrate from sludge drying beds returned to the front of the plant? o o ■# Is the sludge disposed of through county landfill? ■ 0 # Is the sludge land applied? ■ □00(Vacuum filters) Is polymer mixing adequate? Comment: Page #9 Owner - Facility: Roanoke Rapids WWTP Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation December 20, 2012 Dear Mr. Brown: Below is a list of findings and recommendations developed from the inspections: I. NPDES Wastewater Inspection: 1. The current permit re-issuance is pending. The application timeframe was adhered to by the facility. Beverly Eaves Perdue Governor Subject: Compliance Evaluation Inspections Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District Wastewater Treatment Plant NPDES Wastewater Permit NC0024201 & NPDES Stormwater Permit NCG110091 Halifax County Raleigh Regional Office 1628 Mail Service C enter Phone (919) 791-4200 FAX (919)571-4718 Dee Freeman Secretary - I -North Carolina Division of Water Quality internet: www.ncwaterquality.org Surface Waler Protection Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper 2. The 8.34 MOD wastewater treatment plant consists of the following units: bar screens and grit chamber, dual primary clarifiers, dual trickling filters, three aeration basins, dual final clarifiers, chlorination, de-chlorination. dual secondary sludge thickener, three anaerobic digesters, lime stabilization, sludge storage and sludge drying beds. The plant discharges into the Roanoke River, a Class C waterbody within the Roanoke River Basin. The Hypochloride System Building was added to the facility during the last permit cycle. Roanoke Rapids Sanitary District Mr. R. Danieley Brown, CEO PO Box 308 Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870 • NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Charles Wakild, PE Director NprthCarolina _____ Jvaturally Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 I, Dave Parnell of the Raleigh Regional Office of the Division of Water Quality conducted two compliance evaluation inspections (CEI) on December 17, 2012, consisting of the NPDES wastewater inspection and the NPDES stormwater inspection. The assistance of Greta Glover, Back-up Operator in Responsible Charge (BORC), and Laboratory Supervisor, was appreciated. Please review the attached Basinwide Information Management System (BIMS) inspection checklists summarizing the inspections. 'astewater Treatment Plant NPDES Wastewater 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. II.NPDES Stormwater Inspection: Overall plant maintenance was found to be good. The mechanical bar screen was in acceptable condition and functioning properly. Debris goes to a dumpster and is removed to the landfill Phone (919) 791-4200 FAX (919) 571-47IX Grit removal was free of excessive organic matter and odor. Debris is contained in a dumpster, removed as needed and taken to the landfill. Roanoke Rapids Sanitary Di^^/V; 10. Standby power is available and is tested as required. The generator has the capacity to run the entire wastewater treatment site. One North Carolina _____ Naturally Customer Service 1-877-623-6748 The inspection began in the treatment plant office. All paperwork was well organized and easily accessible. Discharge Monitoring Reports (DMR) were reviewed for compliance with permit limits and monitoring requirements and found to be in order. Chain of custody records were also found to be in order. ORC logs were reviewed and were w'ell documented. The laboratory is state certified and performs the majority of permit required parameters. A contract lab, Meritech. performs the remainder of the parameters required by the permit. The revised "Regional Field Inspectors Check List for Field Parameters” was reviewed, discussed and completed by Ms. Glover and me. The lab was well maintained and all temperature measurements were within acceptable limits. The anaerobic digesters were inspected, as was the control room. They appear to have adequate capacity with no objectionable odor, and are functioning properly. 11. The effluent pipe is located adjacent to the treatment plant and discharges directly to the Roanoke River. The effluent appeared to be clear with no odor noted. The receiving water is free of foam and other debris. Trickling filter #2 appeared to be functioning properly, with no sign of ponding. #1 was in use but with very little flow. The distribution arms were observed and appeared to be distributing the flow evenly and were free of clogging. The media had healthy well distributed growlh. The three aeration basins are functioning properly. 1. The stormwater pollution prevention plan (SPPP) was reviewed and found to be compliant with the permit. All qualitative monitoring of the three outfalls and stormwater program duties; including annual staff training, listing of significant spills, annual review, knowledge and inspections of secondary containment, are being accomplished as required by the stormwater permit. - 2 -North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Internet: www ncwaterquality.org 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1628 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer - 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper The primary and secondary clarifiers were observed and appeared to be functioning properly. They were free of weir blockages and showed no sign of short-circuiting. The effluent weirs in secondary clarifier #2 are set to be replaced.