HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242422_ESC Approval Submitted_20240808 CA RY Cary Stormwater
316 N.Academy St. I Cary, NC
311 or(919)469-4000
GSS Raleigh, LLC
ATTN: Shahn Chhabra
5640 Dillard Drive Suite 300
Cary, NC 27518
Project Name: Residence Inn-Walnut Place II Development Plan#:23-DP-9127
Address: 1119 Ledsome Lane
Acres Approved: 1.42 River Basin: Neuse
Submitted By:William Daniel Submittal Date:07/26/2024
Dear Shahn Chhabra,
This office has reviewed the subject erosion and sedimentation control plan. We find the plan to be acceptable and hereby issue this
Letter of Approval.This plan shall expire three(3)years following the date of approval, if no land disturbing activity has been
undertaken,as is required by Title 15A NCAC 4B .0129.This letter also gives the notice required by G.S. 113A-61.1(a)of our right of
periodic inspection to ensure compliance with the approved plan.
Acceptance and approval of this plan is conditioned upon your compliance with Federal and State water quality laws, regulations,and
rules. In addition, local city or county ordinances or rules may also apply to this land-disturbing activity. This approval does not
supersede any other permit or approval.
At this time,you may contact Cary 311 (or 919-469-4000 outside Cary limits)to schedule the required pre-construction meeting in
accordance with the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan.This letter is not a substitute for the required Grading Permit
that will be issued separately following the pre-construction meeting and all other pre-requisite requirements.
Per Cary LDO section 3.13.7,following issuance of the grading permit and commencement of land-disturbing activity, if the Town
determines that the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan is inadequate,then the Town may require revisions to the
approved plan.The applicant may apply at anytime to amend the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan. Until such time as
the Town approves a revised erosion and sedimentation control plan,the land-disturbing activity shall not proceed except in
accordance with the originally approved plan.
Please Note:as of April 1,2019,all new construction activities are required to complete and submit an electronic Notice of Intent
(eNOI)form requesting a Certificate of Coverage(COC)under the NCG010000 Construction General Permit.After the form is
reviewed and found to be complete,you will receive a link with payment instructions for the applicable annual permit fee.After the fee is
processed,you will receive the COC via email.
As the Financially Responsible Party shown on the FRO form submitted for this project,you MUST obtain the COC prior to
commencement of any land disturbing activity.The eNOI form and fee details maybe accessed at deq.nc.gov/NCG01. Please direct
questions about the eNOI form to the Stormwater Program staff in the Raleigh central office. If the owner/operator of this project
changes in the future,the new responsible party must obtain a new COC. Please refer to NCG01/NPDES requirements at
https://d eq.nc.gov/a bout/d i vi si o ns/e nergy-mi neral-la nd-resources/energy-m i ne ra I-la nd-permits/stormwate r-permits/construction-sw.
Lisa Booze, CFM
Stormwater Development& Floodplain Administrator
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