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HomeMy WebLinkAbout20241043 Ver 1_Sandy Hollow Townhomes Sheet 11_20240731 6
Existing \ NC
North Ri
;BA j Subdivison - I tt_. l \ r�6A; \ a III I Ex.Design
Boundary \ '� rx.Desigl Sandy Ifol l
Line I Subdi vision
npeea, Berm ` Y SHFS_J Amid, Boa
+,• smWASL 1 -
Wetlands b
Lire(TYp.) /` `J . . .\ I .I. i Site akam V34 °
Impact Area /. �y/ `r�'S \•v� _ _ � �I / 5wa4 I $��. �vi� k iT II u \�i€€F'/ 'S.
/ If ' I ,E •j 'R n$ I ex.xwage pump yFb i
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silt ffaaim tm•t
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bw'n 41 Irw ® ® 3'�. Germ ♦1 I I / €
Install Swale 448
ui„ing on Property
ne m 7. �, . ` .I Vicinity Sketch
..� t o ` .. .W
irW 44 Irw,Finwll silt € Not to Sink
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as 40 /` Iss- A .. O �' 3 1 �\ /y- Disturbanm
Irw.In /` .' r SHFS Limit SPS Oriwn �
O39 41.40 J H/C \k�e, 0 Legend.
• /:ARA ASL-Apply Swale Liner ®-Brm
YZ#]w/1P Wetlands Impart AllBO-Blowoff
Top 48.5o Area#2-0.04 At. ` }Iy}I ¢,_Gentling -Concrete
�•-r ...,.. .� / traani \ Ins.44.70\ Headwall W Cone.-Concrete
5'Cars. �, ,...' C M eb.-Existing libeoff Existing Lot Numbers
\ Inv.Out 43.00
Sidewalk � .. /.•• � .. J1 :� \ 1254 .-...-...�...��...-n �e -Existing Fire Hydrant
•� / \ EFW-Excelsior Fiber Wattle�. ®A \\ 8"SSF z L47.3J-Existing Spot Elevation
EF i� \ \ ®sgv-Existing bate Valve
F3 \ < v 0 emh-Existing Manhole
..`•.:: F2 \ ^t•y •� EOP-Edge of Pavement -Flow Arrow
s'a• ex.-Existing
' 44.00n m. in MH r ask
49.91 r -brovel Emergency Fire Access
Mai box K;sk •® •\.. ao Si 9°a /'1 r�ry
�.•.-•- v. n 42.60n 429 #! \\ \ -�. nv.39.54 NI emh ® 6v-GoteVVyadlrant
44 l ' Inv.In \ N ex.W. �.� top 49.91 Pipe Label
Fl o /.. a5.4o Inv--In e O
E Exut MH-Unear Feet
orsi Miva • MH-Manhole
® O 49.6 � �� 20 °g O-Proposed Lot Number's
20' ' ins,out
Rend 'I 0 42.40 .. -e- - - Min.-Minimum Proposed Spot Elevation
at. ro
C0-Rock Check Dam
E of _-- at 1 7r` �6� .. �.. RCP-Reinforced Concrete Pipe ®_Sediment Basin
V• If z®
/... .ve i ...� .. �� .... ®RRA-Rip pop Apron
sf -
nd9 K If r/ Remove Ex.BO Ex Deign a SHFS-Scour Hole Flow Spreader ®•Sediment Trap
...��• o11oN' H wan -- of bk - �
$a RI W Inn.In I / / I Extend B•Water op..spsm
' Y' ---- SPS-Sewn PumpStation - �-Wetlands Hatch
Irma watt - -- - 55-Sonit ry Sewer
' In Front of Pi -___ _ Sta.-SU.. -Existing Fence
rwwr Comm«Area
n ace#1 _,.._
I" •7 kllnsmdIn 43.70 Wetlands Impact Area#2 YXw/IP-Yard Inlet With Inlet Protection .ProposedDltch/Swale
Remove Ex.RCP rt --Silt Fence
sod 3:1 side St Scala:1"-20' .......................Top of Bank
Wetlands Impact Area#1 0 10 20 40 _.._.._.._-Wetlands Line
0 10 20 30 60 FEET
Building J I Building
#12 I #l0 W% WNW Wetlands Impact Notes:
9, Lias(Tl'p•) L Wetlands crossing:initial disturbance of this area shall be limited to only that arm minimally
xrata I s r Frre m / lit"
` :'/ Pa sage of construction t to for the installation of the cross;n
`/ I N19 � needed xecute 3 equipmen prepare g
ckatng/Disrwbarn ® I .: sXFs „t,� �, `i ` �, �, �, // ® and toexecute upland construction on the oppo£rg side of tha crossing.Ckriuwn / Lurol sun nr<ar R3+�1 ng,grr,arwer
� / •'� 5ih Faxx . . . . .Irota S era . •v �` land and a once of the subject arm shall not be r d.,,nad until all t to equipment,water,sewer•storm
at Dlaturbones Um;w�
�,•�• L;mir, I atck°ri LIMis w �� drain and erosion and sediment control materklsor devirs sufficient to substaMiall late the
construction and stabilization of the crossing stockpiled at the lomtion.Due
Building a:/ W h� ��l `��'• ® o� ng are Smgaa ory m�
consideration shall be giwn to impending inclement weather conditions that my adveroely
affect the completion of the crossing in the shortest time proctimble.
2.Establish clearing limits - tearand
0 I ® . env.Our 56.90 . silt fence at the wetlands line.Dorotclearordisturbaayunpermthx10 a.
€ XF5 } f per appro pans. grub armsiweded.Immediately install
(` 3.No construction of the Grassing shill commence in the wetlands until all materials reided for the
ANA"Tea Q 3.5 y
Wetlands Impact I ar154.10 a"sv I I sa�wlk ® e"PVCWatr 5 Cana' crossingarestagedonsite.
�•.fi2 •, Area#2-0,04 Ae. 6 6V : e"x6"T 1'I 6'Off EOP Sidewalk I 4.When possible,work in the wetlands shall be done during periods of dry weather.
5.Work in the wetlands shall be completed in the minimum time necessary.
W.PVC Water : B"Tee ,F1H6V .T, S 6.Contractor shall install temporary rood bags and/or sheet pilings in the wetlands prior to construction
6'Off EOP .16V ' and bypass water as needed via a pump around.Pump around shall discharge into a rip cop lined basin or
b a sediment bag ro keep sediment out of wetlands.
4 ® - 4 _ _
Road - - - - 7.Doing excovation,stockpile the top 12"±of topsoil,and reuse topsoil as the top layer of soil when
.. a:.. .'. I f 24'Road ba kfillIng.
:.,..v :.
{ O ` _ '® m erne crown w----- ••• '� Install sewer and water under wetlands then storm drain pipe and Sea Plan and Profile for Additional
_ __ _ � '...7�'� Rod Inforrnation.B«kfill,compact and regmde arm To on iml contours,or to grades shown on plan. ,
[ aLs Aatall silt femeat topof ditch hankand at wetlands lire to prevent erosion.
[I -x...-...-...-... ...y...�..._...r�_...�• ,1 ,. MN 10.If wetland are sore disturbed,outside of the impact areas,they shall be regraded to original
e ' y m b J fi4 62 B contours using topsoil far the top layer,and shall be seeded,wii hPmm�l seed. 1 ll
Wetlands Impact zu L.F. Wetlands Ins cf lz see wetly permit for additional requirements. /,,ll``vjlp`I y _•.•y a _.-. j+ • i1.5m rest of design plans for additional acted suut p0 rr�•
file ® .._...-. sowak e•ss t':�, Pa wetlands wi'eme s. ,.2psip; y
® Areo#5-0.01 Ac.
% o ® 306 LF. Swala �� swak .� ._. .7 -.. ....��...��... 60a -, - `.'
{� Area#4-0.11 Ae.
(� tD Hmdm Swk SOk 8 55 '" " ��..-�'• s.ak ` t SEAL
� 74575 ?�9�2
Ins.In 56. . ..��•...��•" f-
FEFWI - of of If of of - Wetland Impact Areas Ma
E seek ...�.--64•..�•• Wetlands / .
'6�..V,_.. .. of
I" Line(TyPJ��•'• +v+ W W . W W Ex.15'Septic,Utility. / ,••, 's'nsnninn••e ••
If If of If of sf sf of sf of sf r .Boundory. Ivran sin Fenn 4 Acwas Eaxmmt per nsm Fen«
° / N T M•v In Frent of Neadwoll of Clean
p Line at Clmri Limi,s 3 .6 n9
I Instal tt 0S.25M,Pg.259 ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` ` '" '" ` 'r 'r '" / -�r Richlands Twp.,Onslew Co,North Carolina
€ �,(r `\ In Front of Heodmll tnnall Silt Fena M.B.4,1 Pg.I25 . W y f y y / Bryan Farms Section 2II
3 U.
/ + atmwri Limits R-207ax M.SZ,Pg..6
i .�" ` ` w xii i Low Wooded/Undeveloped pact A Offelte O.-IDewlopan
5 r To Pip.
With ex.fence
Wetlands Ins Area#4 SePti.Sy-
__C_ 5:°sid 5b Scale:I'. South State Development,LL
gW•` `�,� `;� - 121 Garnet Lane
,. Ex.Utility
Drainage 4 0 10 20 40 Jacksonville,North Carolina 28546 Utlllty Easement envan Frme xaran ry
Per M.B.53.Pg.53 Wetlands Impact Area#3 M.A.53,Pg.53 FEET
R Fore DATE: 07/09/24
Seale:l"e20' singln Family
� o
0 10 20 ao FEET SCALE:As Noted
jFiOdli-v Sandy Hollow,Pe.16,17,39,41,45 Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planner m
!!E Dirk N.-Au M3007 Jack:onville,North Carolina
888 Filmrme:Wdl.P.eprrry-Tewohmm�Gsn.d,.g BUD P.O.Box976 - 30614-Bddg.Stfeet-28E40
lab Nees 52306W-8386 Sheet 11 of 11 Phane(910)455-2414-www.TidawatwENC.aam Ia.19a1
' sa
Firm License Number:F-0108