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310226_Application - Digester System_20240628
w ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CCNSTRUCTCRS June 28, 2024 Christine Lawson NCDEQ Division of Water Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1601 Subject: Rhett Enterprises, LLC Facility # AWS310226 State Digester General Permit Dear Ms. Lawson, AFO Permit Application Roeslein & Associates, on behalf of the farm owner, hereby submits the following application to NCDEQ Division of Water Resources for review of the State Digester General Permit application package for Rhett Enterprises, LLC. The subject project is located in Duplin County, North Carolina. The digester constructed on this property will meet setback parameters as required per the Swine Farm Siting Act. The digester is beyond 1500 ft from any occupied residence, 2500 ft. from any public building, beyond 500 ft. from property lines, and beyond 500 ft. from any public water source. Digester influent and effluent will be sampled from wet wells on site per the Sampling Protocol and Schedule document in this package. The digester water level will be monitored by a level gauge installed in the digester -lagoon transfer wet well. The digester will generate approximately 34,000 SCF of gas per day. This biogas is intended to be used within 6 months of beginning to collect gas. A portable flare unit will be provided as needed. See plans for location. Spares for the gas upgrading systems will be kept on the shelf so readily available as needed. The digester cover will be provided with emergency vents which are strategically located away from barns/public but still provide access for operators. Safety procedures for venting covers are called out in the 0&M document. Off -spec product gas from the upgrading skid is recycled to the digester for reprocessing. See narrative for more information. Per the Air Permit Applicability Request for Register 1 cluster of farms, submitted to NCDEQ Division of Air Quality, the annual emission rates from the gas upgrading system associated with this farm are below the thresholds indicated in 15A NCAC 02Q.0102(d) and therefore does not require an air permit. To facilitate your review of the enclosed documentation, the following is an itemized breakdown: 1. One (1) original "State Digester General Permit Application" application form. 2. One (1) copy of the engineering calculations. 3. One (1) copy of a detailed narrative of the Swine Digester Animal Waste Management System 4. One (1) copy of Digester 0&M Procedures, Sampling Protocol, and Emergency Action Plan. 5. One (1) copy of the FEMA FIRM map labeled with the "proposed Digester Site". 6. One (1) copy of the revised WUP. 7. One (1) copy of the permit form Section 3.6 components. 8. One (1) full-size set of the engineering plans, as well as one (1) 11x17" set. Page 1 of 2 ENGINEERS MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Please note that the Surface Water Classification (Section 7 of the application) has been submitted to the appropriate regional DWR office (or will be in the near future), and we expect to forward that approval to you in the next few weeks. Please do not hesitate to contact me or my office if you have any questions, comments or require any additional information. Thank you, G . i� Christopher Fey Manager, Building Design & Construction Roeslein & Associates Attachments Cc: Farm Owner Page 2 of 2 State of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Animal Feeding Operations Permit Application Form (THIS FORM MAYBE PHOTOCOPIED FOR USE AS AN ORIGINAL) State Digester General Permit — Farm Digester System 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 Facility name: Rhett Enterprises, LLC 1.2 Print Owner's name: Rhett Enterprises, LLC 1.3 Mailing address: 1282 Jordan Rd City, State: Clarkton, NC Zip: 28433 Telephone (include area code): ( 910 ) 918 - 2210 Fax: (_) - Email: RBGFARMS l @GMAIL.COM 1.4 Physical address: 713 Pasture Branch Rd City, State: Rose Hill, NC Zip: 28458 Telephone number (include area code): ( 910 ) 918 - 2210 Latitude 34.83° Longitude-77.9110 (Decimal Degrees from Google Earth) 1.5 County where facility is located: DUPLIN 1.6 Facility location (directions from nearest major highway, using SR numbers for state roads): From Exit 380 on I-40, Head east on W Charity Rd for 3.9 miles, turn left onto Pasture Branch Rd. for 1.1 miles, turn left and follow gravel road 0.5 miles to farm. 1.7 Farm Manager's name (if different from Landowner): 1.8 Lessee's / Integrator's name (if applicable; circle which type is listed): Murphy -Brown LLC 1.9 Facility's original start-up date: Date(s) of facility expansion(s) (if applicable): 1.10 Design Contact name: MIKE KOTOVSKY Phone (314) 270- 8836 Email: mkotovsky@roeslein.com 2. OPERATION INFORMATION: 2.1 Facility number: AWS310226 2.2 Operation Description: Please enter the Design Capacity of the system. The "No. of Animals" should be the maximum number for which the current swine waste management system is permitted. Tyne of Swine No. of Animals Type of Poultry No. of Animals Type of Cattle No. of Animals ❑ Wean to Feeder ❑ Layer ❑ Beef Brood Cow ® Feeder to Finish 7,200 ❑ Non -Layer ❑ Farrow to Wean (# sow) ❑ Farrow to Feeder (# sow) ❑ Farrow to Finish (# sow) ❑ Wean to Finish (# sow) ❑ Gilts ❑ Boar/Stud ❑ Other Type of Livestock on the farm: ❑ Turkey ❑ Turkey Poults ❑ Beef Feeder ❑ Beef Stocker Calf ❑ Dairy Calf ❑ Dairy Heifer ❑ Dry Cow ❑ Milk Cow No. of Animals: FORM: AWO-STATE-G-DIGESTER-7/15/2022 Page 1 of 6 2.3 Acreage cleared and available for application (excluding all required buffers and areas not covered by the application system): See attached Waste Utilization Plan Required Acreage (as listed in the CAWMP): See attached Waste Utilization Plan Existing Application Area (pre -construction): See attached Waste Utilization Plan Proposed Application Area (post -construction): Same as existing (see attached Waste Utilization Plan) Is there a change to the existing WUP? YES or NO (circle one) Is the Existing WUP attached? YES or NO (circle one) Is the New (if applicable) WUP attached? YES or NO (circle one) 2.4 List and Describe all Storage/Treatment Structures Below: a. DIGESTER or other PRIMARY TREATMENT: (double click on "Select" for drop -down menu box) Treatment Existing? Name of Treatment Type of Liner Surface Type of Cover Ttl Capacity Req'd Capacity Unit Type (Y/N) Unit Material Area Material (cu. Ft.) (cu.ft.) Digester N Lagoon 27018 Synthetic 58,650 Synthetic (80 mil) 502,056 393,228 Select Select Select Select Select Select a.l Are engineering designs, drawings, specifications, and details attached? YES or NO (circle one) b. SECONDARY TREATMENT/STORAGE: (double click on "Select" for drop -down menu box) Name of Storage Unit Existing? (Y/N) Type of Liner Material Surface Area Ttl Capacity cu. Ft.) Req'd Capacity (cu.ft.) Lagoon 27518A Y Select 112,850 827,167 808,232 Lagoon 27518B Y Select 72,900 628,992 625,585 Select Select 2.5 Are KNOWN subsurface drains present within 100' of any application fields? 2.6 Are KNOWN subsurface drains in the vicinity or under the waste management system? YES or NO (circle one) YES or NO (circle one) 2.7 Does this facility meet all applicable siting requirements? YES or NO (circle one) 2.8 Describe Water Movement between Barns, Digesters, and Storage Ponds (double click on "Select" for drop -down menu box) Location Pump Station or Gravity Pipe Size Minimum Pump Ca acit Plan Sheet Reference GPM TDH Barns to Digester Pump Station 8" 761.8 10.90 RA270-00-27018-5 Barns to Digester Pump Station 8" 799.3 15.02 RA270-00-27018-5 Digester to Secondary Gravity RA270-00-27018-5 Secondary to Tertiary Pump Station 6" 561.1 23.15 RA270-00-27018-5 Select Select Select Select FORM: AWO-STATE-G-DIGESTER-7/15/2022 Page 2 of 6 3. REQUIRED ITEMS CHECKLIST: Please indicate that you have included the following required items by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. 3.1 One completed and signed original of the application for Digester Animal Waste Management System Application Form. 3.2 A general location map indicating the location of the animal waste facilities and field locations where animal waste is land applied and a county road map with the location of the facility indicated. Applicant's Initials CF CF 3.3 Documentation that new digester structure(s) meets the Swine Farm Siting Act, for swine operations. CF 3.3.1 Site Map. The scale of this map shall not exceed 1 inch = 400 feet. 3.3.2 All proposed digesters to occupied residences > 1500 feet OR no closer than existing setback. Existing setback = 1,500 feet 3.3.3 All proposed digesters to schools, hospitals, churches, outdoor recreational facilities, national parks, state parks, historic properties, or childcare centers > 2500 feet OR no closer than existing setback. Existing setback = 2,500 feet 3.3.4 All proposed digesters to property boundaries > 500 feet OR no closer than existing setback. Existing setback = 144 feet 3.3.5 All proposed digesters to Public Water supply wells > 500 feet. 3.3.6 The map shall show the location of any property boundaries and perennial streams, or rivers located within 75 feet of waste application areas. 3.4 One copy of all engineering documents, including, but not limited to, calculations, CF equipment specifications, plan and profile drawings to scale, construction materials, supporting equations or justifications. 3.5 A detailed narrative of the Farm Digester Animal Waste Management System. CF 3.6 A copy of the CAWMP which must include the following components. Some of these components may not have been required at the time the facility was initially certified but must be added to the CAWMP for permitting purposes: CF 3.6.1 The Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) must include the amount of Plant Available Nitrogen (PAN) produced and utilized by the facility 3.6.2 The method by which waste is applied to the disposal fields (e.g., irrigation, injection, etc.) 3.6.3 A map of every field used for land application 3.6.4 The soil series present on every land application field 3.6.5 The crops grown on every land application field 3.6.6 The Realistic Yield Expectation (RYE) for every crop shown in the WUP 3.6.7 The PAN applied to every application field 3.6.8 The waste application windows for every crop utilized in the WUP 3.6.9 The required NRCS Standard Specifications 3.6.10 A site schematic 3.6.11 Emergency Action Plan 3.6.12 Insect Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 3.6.13 Odor Control Checklist with chosen best management practices noted 3.6.14 Mortality Control Checklist with the selected method noted 3.6.15 Lagoon/storage pond capacity documentation (design, calculations, etc.); please be sure to include any site evaluations, wetland determinations, or hazard classifications that may be applicable to your facility 3.6.16 Site Specific Operation and Maintenance Plan If your CAWMP includes any components not shown on this list, please include the additional components with your submittal. (Composting, waste transfers, etc.) FORM: AWO-STATE-G-DIGESTER-7/15/2022 Page 3 of 6 4. ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATION: I, Patrick L. Kullberg .. .................... (P.E, representing Owner's name listed in question 1.2), attest that this application for Rhett Enterprises LLC (Facility name listed in question--1.1)--has boon reviewed- byme and is -accurate and complete -to -the --best of my -knowledge. -I-understand-that if -all -required parts of this application are not completed and that if aII required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package wilt e returned to me a5 incomplete. Signature Datc 6/28/2024 Engineer's Seat "1/2024 5. FARM OWNER/PERII�ITTEE CERTIFICATION: I, Rhett Freedman (Rhett Enterprises LLC) (Owner/Permittee name listed in questions 1.2), attest that this application for Rhett Enterprises LLC (Facility name listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate: and complete to the hest of my knowledge. I understand that if all required parts of this application are not completed mid that if all required supporting information and attachments are not included, this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature �d 111 - pate 5/29/2024 6. MANAGER'S CERTIFICATION: (complete only if different from the Farce Owner) 1, (Manager's name listed in question 1,7), attest that this application for (Facility name; listed in question 1.1) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I widerstand that if all required parts of this application are not completed and that if all required supporting informations and attachments are not included. this application package will be returned as incomplete. Signature Date 'ME COMPLETED APPLICATION PACKAGE, INCLUDING ALL SUPPORTING INFORMA11ON AND MATERIALS, SHOULD BE SER r TO THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS; NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES WATER QUALITY PERMITTING SECTION ANIMAL FEEDING OPERATIONS PROGRAM 1636 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27699-1636 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (91.9) 707-9129 F.LECI'RONIC SUBMISSION IS ENCOURAGED. EMAIL TO: RAMESH.RA'VELLA@DNCDENR.G0V FORM: AWO-STATE-G-DIGESTER-7/I5/2022 Page 4 of 6 7. SURFACE WATER CLASSIFICATION: This form must be completed by the appropriate DWR regional office and included as a part of the project submittal information. INSTRUCTIONS TO NC PROFESSIONALS: The classification of the downslope surface waters (the surface waters that any overflow from the facility would flow toward) in which this animal waste management system will be operated must be determined by the appropriate DWR regional office. Therefore, you are required, prior to submittal of the application package, to submit this form, with items 1 through 6 completed, to the appropriate Division of Water Resources Regional Operations Supervisor (see page 6 of 6). At a minimum, you must include an 8.5" by 11" copy of the portion of a 7.5-minute USGS Topographic Map which shows the location of this animal waste application system and the downslope surface waters in which they will be located. Identify the closest downslope surface waters on the attached map copy. Once the regional office has completed the classification, reincorporate this completed page and the topographic map into the complete application form and submit the application package. 7.1 Facility Name & Number: 7.2 Name & complete address of engineering firm: Telephone: ( ) Email: 7.3 Name of closest downslope surface waters: Fax: ( ) 7.4 County(ies) where the animal waste management system and surface waters are 7.5 Map name and date: 7.6 NC Professional's Seal (If appropriate), Signature, and Date: TO: REGIONAL OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR Please provide me with the classification of the watershed where this animal waste management facility will be or has been constructed or field located, as identified on the attached map segment(s): Name of surface waters: Classification (as established by the Environmental Management Commission): Proposed classification, if applicable: Signature of regional office personnel: (All attachments must be signed) Date: FORM: AWO-STATE-G-DIGESTER-7/15/2022 Page 5 of 6 DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES REGIONAL OFFICES (4/2020) Asheville Regional WQROS Supervisor Washington Regional WQROS Supervisor Raleigh Regional WQROS Supervisor 2090 U.S. Highway 70 943 Washington Square Mall 1628 Mail Service Center Swannanoa, NC 28778 Washington, NC 27889 Raleigh, NC 27699-1628 (828)296-4500 (252)946-6481 (919)791-4200 Fax (828) 299-7043 Fax (252) 946-9215 Fax (919) 571-4718 Avery Macon Beaufort Jones Chatham Nash Buncombe Madison Bertie Lenoir Durham Northampton Burke McDowell Camden Martin Edgecombe Orange Caldwell Mitchell Chowan Pamlico Franklin Person Cherokee Polk Craven Pasquotank Granville Vance Clay Rutherford Currituck Perquimans Halifax Wake Graham Swain Dare Pitt Johnston Warren Haywood Transylvania Gates Tyrell Lee Wilson Henderson Yancey Greene Washington Jackson Hertford Wayne Hyde Fayetteville Regional WQROS SupervisorMooresville Regional WQROS Supervisor Wilmington Region WQROS Supervisor 225 Green Street, Suite 714 610 East Center Avenue 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Fayetteville, NC 28301-5094 Mooresville, NC 28115 Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 (910)433-4300 (704)663-1699 (910)796-7215 Fax (910) 486-0707 Fax (704) 663-6040 Fax (910) 350-2004 Anson Moore Alexander Lincoln Brunswick New Hanover Bladen Richmond Cabarrus Mecklenburg Carteret Onslow Cumberland Robeson Catawba Rowan Columbus Pender Harnett Sampson Cleveland Stanly Duplin Hoke Scotland Gaston Union Montgomery Iredell Winston-Salem Regional WQROS Supervisor 450 Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Phone (336) 776-9800 Fax (336) 776-9797 Alamance Rockingham Alleghany Randolph Ashe Stokes Caswell Surry Davidson Watauga Davie Wilkes Forsyth Yadkin Guilford FORM: AWO-STATE-G-DIGESTER-7/15/2022 Page 6 of 6 R�ESLEIN OYOW-M • kAAN CAC%VM • COhBTFLCTORS 27018 - RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM Puma Calc Monarch Bioenergy LLC — Register, NC Swine RNG Project A1000 Pump Calc R&A Project RA270-23 Issued 240626 RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM A Pit/Pull Lift Station Digester V&E l: 9.334 prig PTotak 1L.17 psig ii —C) A ape 429 a gin sk rHig6 Pred .PJv i5HP-21 g8in wi �3DD aware &undery56 4 ft C): PotalQ0 Psi 9 L: 1 ft 6p: Fared Speed ® 18t17 .pn L: aft L: 15 ft a 8 n Fbva 761.8 gp. LN: 5.46 ftjs FL: 9ALL49 ft FGw: 7618 gpm 1Ek 5.46 ftis TH: 2691n 1 Vi5.46 ft,s L: 85U ft 045.46 ftjs P �tk: -0. 20M gl NPSHB: 395 L FL:0. r42ft H: 0.7653 ft FL: 9.766 ft P4�ric: 0. ZOaS P' P mc[To6! 303ps19 P dc[! Twa Ya92 Ogg Power In: — Er: — NPSHf: — RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM B Pit/Pull W tl W H$a8x-01 Lift Station Digester E! 77 L PSM— ap4g LEY d:7 n PTotA: 8.507 prig PTotak 9.877 pslg aware Buidary66 PIP. 43L 0 8 in T HgH h—, P,,nu ]SHP -22 ppe 432 Qy 8 in Fpe 329 9 8 in RP-330 9: 94 ft op: PTotal @0 peig L Lft op: Fuel Speed JP iem F. L 3ft L: 3ft L: LSk 08 n �. •39Pm 1� 5,728 ftjs FL: 0.01253ft Fl-7993 9Wd TH�25Aan 28 ftjs 5.728 1N 5ft kjs L U00ft W: S. 728M PRaa:-0. 221 prig NPSHa: 39.49 n FL:5.284ft 1i: ft FL: 13.78 ft PDy—k: 0.221 psi P mct T.U- 3@9 Ogg P dmh T.UR 8.N1 p4 g P—. In. — Er: — NPSH, — RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM A to RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM B Water Transfer hwAa _ Lagoon D\r ►4rarw 0 N ■ ••o •+ •:ws 0`16W 11-n pug "M pT;ty R 4 r. r Esa+wF+w !w� u Ot 4 as 0. 4v r1i►8Si qc 4 J Am P 1-iR Ya 4411E" 00 rat Fawn/?pi�V+ A — Mal o^ L ]M f1t 481E S4 rA 449E Rs UU49t /E' Eltuc d.li# Es0 t40.42ai4S ■mwsw WAat-0-E14 /1 14 L7ptS K 7LZ It E'AIrR: Bai}1 it "lay. 1=4 N; ■ 40P toy. 70 a x f N - ROESLEIN Digester - Volume Calculations Project: ENTERPRISES FARM Project No: 270 Date: 2024-04-29 Rev: 0 Existing Configuration (For Reference) Farm Information: Farm Population: RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM Total: 7200 Storm and Rainfall: Storm (25-yr, 24-hr): 7.5 in. "Heavy Rain": 7.5 in. Proposed Configuration (Proposed Digester) Flow Path: Barns -> Digester (Proposed) -> Existing Lagoon Location: Design By: Checked By: *Note: Roeslein Digesters are designed regarding Hydraulic Retention Time, not Minimum Treatment Volume for hog farms *Note: New digester lagoon is not providing additional evaporative treatment storage capacity, but instead serves as a steady-state reservoir, diverting additional water volume to existing evaporative treatment lagoons *Note: Existing RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM lagoons designed by Jimmy Vinson 11-14-1994, Sonya Johnson 8-15-1996 Volumes: Total Capacity 7200 Capacity cf/head J=Total Treatment Volume=1 72001 501 360000 cf Capacity I Retention Time (days) = Total Volume for Retention Time=1 72001 40.001 cf Volume Required (cf) Volume Provided (cf) Lagoon Calculations Lagoon Volumes Desired Digester Treatment Volume 360000 390840 Sludge Storage 33893 58056 Storm Storage 0 0 "Heavy Rain" 0 0 Total 393893 448896 Note: "Heavy Rain" and "Storm Storage" are shown as 0 cf for the digester because the HDPE cover prevents rain from entering the wastewater system and therefore doesn't need to be accounted for in these volume calculations. The rain water that falls on the cover is pumped off the cover with rain water pumps. Total Temorary Storage Proposed Configuration (Proposed Digester) Vol. (cf) High Pump Elev. 404086 Low Pump Elev. 377778 Temorary Storage 26307 Digester (Proposed) Volume Digester (Proposed) Berm Length (FT): Digester (Proposed) Berm Width (FT): Digester (Proposed) Berm Slope: Digester(Proposed)Stage-Storage Elevation (ft) Area (sf) Incr. Vol. (cf) Cumul. Vol. (cf) 158 26754 - 0 159 29016 27879 27879 160 31350 30177 58056 161 33756 32547 90603 162 36234 34989 125592 163 38784 37503 163095 164 41406 40089 203184 165 44100 42747 245931 166 46866 45477 291408 167 49704 48279 339687 168 52614 51153 390840 169 55596 54099 444939 58650 57117 502056 Digester Treatment Volume: at High Pump Elevation of: at Operating Elevation of: at Low Pump Elevation of: Elevation (ft) CUM-1. Vol. (cf) 168.25 404086 168 390840 167.75 377778 Elevation Vol. (cf) Top of Dike Elev. = 170 502056 Top of Storm Elev. = 168.92 440742 High Pump Elev. = 168.25 404086 Operating Elev. = 168 390840 Low Pump Elev. = 167.75 377778 Planned Sludge Elev. = 160 58056 Finished Bottom Elev. = 158 0 Historic Rainfall Event Lagoon Req'd Capacity* Lagoon 27518A 808232 Lagoon 27518B 625585 Total 1433817 Lagoon Rainfall Volume (cuft) Lagoon 27018 1 36656.25 Lagoon Total Capacity* Lagoon 27018 444939 Lagoon27518A 827163 Lagoon 27518E 628992 Total 1901094 Volume (cult) Required 1433817 Rainfall 36656.25 Total Capacity 1901094 Remaining 430620.75 Usage 77% *Existing lagoon capacities gathered from previous farm permit documentation - designed and signed by Jimmy Vinson 11-14-1994, Sonya Johnson 8-15-1996 *Req'd Capacity from previous farm permit docs already includes volume from historic rainfall events *Note: A 25-year storm creates 36656.25 cuft of water. Added to the High Pump Elevation, this raises the water elevation to 168.92 ft. This provides 12.91 in. of freeboard, meeting the standard 12 in. required per the NRCS Anaerobic Digester standard. ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS 27018 - RHETT ENTERPRISES FARM Digester Narrative Monarch Bioenergy LLC — Register, NC Swine RNG Project A1000 Digester Narrative R&A Project RA270-23 Issued 240501 Farm will utilize existing barns with slotted floors over flushing pits to collect manure. The farm operators use pull plug system and recycle water for flushing to manage the animal manure. As part of this current project, a new anaerobic lagoon digester will be installed, and the animal manure will be redirected to the new digester. After treatment in the in anaerobic digester, the effluent will flow into the existing lagoon. There is no change to the existing farm operations, nor the volume of wastes generated. The effluent water will be recycled back to the barn for pit recharge or irrigated in accordance with the existing Waste Utilization Plan (WUP). Upon flushing, the wastewater from the barns will be directed into a properly designed lift station through a 12-inch diameter gravity pipe header. There will be two pumps in the lift station wet well and each pump is designed for 100% of the design flow. The lift station pump at RHETT ENTERPRISES Barns 1-5 will be 15 HP GEA pump, designed for a flow of 761 gallons/minute, through 8-inch diameter, HDPE SDR 17 force -main into the new anaerobic lagoon digester. The lift station pump at RHETT ENTERPRISES Barns 6-9 will be 15 HP GEA pump, designed for a flow of 799 gallons/minute, through 8-inch diameter, HDPE SDR 17 force -main into the new anaerobic lagoon digester. The approximate dimensions of the new anaerobic lagoon digester are 345 feet by 170 feet with a total volume of 502,056 cubic feet and a treatment capacity of 390,840 cubic feet at operating level. Before the excavation, the project area is stripped approximately 6 inches of topsoil and will be stockpiled. Embankment material will be free of sod, roots, and other objectionable material. The maximum thickness of each compacted layer will be 6-inches and compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor at -1 to +3 percent of optimum moisture content per ASTM D698. Each lift shall be tested for moisture and density. The stockpiled topsoil will be spread on the outside bank. After the construction the lagoon, and all required pipe penetrations, the inside walls of the lagoon will be smooth rolled prior to the installation of the baseliner. The baseliner will be 60-mil think HDPE synthetic liner. After the liner is installed, it will be tested for leaks prior to filling the lagoon with wastewater. There will be an outlet structure with a weir (level control) that keeps the water level inside the digester at a constant level. The effluent will gravity flow through a 12-inch diameter digester outlet pipe to the level control wet well and gravity feed into the existing lagoon through a 12-inch diameter pipe. Water will be transferred back to the existing lagoon at RHETT ENTERPRISES Barns 6-9 by floating transfer pump in existing lagoon at RHETT ENTERPRISES Barns 1-5. The transfer pump at RHETT ENTERPRISES Barns 1-5 will be 10 HP Flygt pump, designed for a flow of 561 gallons/minute, through 6- inch diameter, HDPE SDR 17 force -main into the existing lagoon at RHETT ENTERPRISES Barns 6-9. ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Monarch Bioenergy LLC — Register, NC Swine RNG Project A1000 Digester Narrative R&A Project RA270-23 Issued 240501 Once the lagoon is within in 2 feet of the normal operating level, a floating cover will be installed to capture the biogas produced by the anaerobic digestion of the organic wastes in the wastewater. The captured biogas will be treated to produce renewable natural gas (RNG) by a micro -gas cleaning skid (micro-GUS). Tail gas from micro-GUS will be vented to atmosphere, with levels documented in PAD letter. ROESLEIN. ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Anaerobic Digester System O&M Table of Contents Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 Definitions............................................................................................................................................. Introduction........................................................................................................................................... Description of the Operational Components......................................................................................... GravityCollection Pipe..................................................................................................................... Lift Pump Station (where necessary)................................................................................................ AnaerobicDigester........................................................................................................................... MixingPump.................................................................................................................................... SecondaryLagoon............................................................................................................................ TransferPump................................................................................................................................... RainwaterCover Pump..................................................................................................................... OxygenInjection System.................................................................................................................. Description of Anticipated Maintenance............................................................................................... Routine System Maintenance Instructions........................................................................................ Troubleshooting................................................................................................................................ Emergency Protocols, Repair, and Replacement.............................................................................. Safety.................................................................................................................................................... BiogasHazards................................................................................................................................. EquipmentSupplies.......................................................................................................................... Proper Protective Equipment (PPE).................................................................................................. Provisions for Safety Measures......................................................................................................... Restrictionof Access..................................................................................................................... EmergencyContacts..................................................................................................................... Equipment Safety Guards, Warning Labels, & Alarms................................................................. Clearances..................................................................................................................................... Open Flames & Combustion Sources........................................................................................... Spill Prevention & Control Provisions.................................................................................................. Response to Upsets and Bypasses Including Control Containment and Remediation ...................... Contact Information for Emergency Responders and Regulatory Agencies ..................................... FacilityControl Valves...................................................................................................................... Warranty............................................................................................................................................... . Appendix A: Inflation Rating Guide..................................................................................................... Appendix B: Digester Operation SOP.................................................................................................. .2 .2 .2 .2 .3 .3 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .6 .6 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 .8 10 12 Page 1 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 Definitions Anerobic Digestion — The process of decomposing organic waste material through the use of bacteria in the absence of oxygen to produce Biogas and Digestate. Anerobic Digester- A sealed basin or tank designed contain the waste and capture the Biogas during anerobic digestion. Biogas- A product of Anerobic Digestion, produced by fermentation of organic materials. It typically has a composition of mainly methane and carbon dioxide, with traces of nitrogen, oxygen, hydrogen sulfide, and water. Digestate — liquid/solid digester effluent. Introduction The Project uses anerobic digestion of swine waste to produce biogas. The biogas is captured, upgraded to RNG, and combined with other swine site RNG before being ultimately injected into a utility's natural gas pipeline. The Project includes manure influent piping from the swine barns, an anerobic digester, biogas take -off pipe going to the Micro Gas Cleaning System (µGCS), and digestate transfer system to open storage lagoon. The barn waste stream contains two types of solids: organic and inorganic. A portion of the organic solids are broken down (digested) to produce biogas. The digestion of organic solids occurs as a result of several "types" of microbes, which exist in a symbiotic relationship. The naturally occurring microbes are one of nature's ways of breaking down organic material. The digester provides an ideal environment for the microbes to thrive. The inorganic solids either settle at the bottom of the digester or exit in the digestate stream as a dissolved solids or suspended solids. In addition to the information provided in the document, the operator should familiarize themselves with the local, state, and federal laws that may apply to operation of this site. Description of the Operational Components Below are listed the major component operations. Gravity Collection Pipe The gravity collection pipe receives waste from the hog barns and directs that waste to either an influent lift station or directly to the earthen lagoon digester. Typically, the diameter of the pipe is 8" (min) to 12 inches (max). The gravity collection pipe includes several clean -outs that provide access to the gravity collection pipe for removal of a clogs or blockage via use of a sewer snake or similar apparatus as needed. Typically, there will be at least one cleanout every 200 feet. During normal operation, the pipe should be free flowing, without obstructions, to transport waste to the lift pump station or directly to the anaerobic digester. Page 2 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 The barn operator is responsible for sending barn waste to the gravity collection pipe. The digester/biogas operator should check weekly, each hog barn waste outlet to ensure that there are no overflows, clogs, etc. Lift Pump Station (where necessary) The lift pump station receives wastewater from the gravity collection pipe and pumps that wastewater to the anaerobic digester via buried forced main. The waste enters the digester at the opposite end of the digester outlet. During normal operation, the pump station will automatically cycle on and off based on the liquid level in the wet well, which is triggered by float switches. The pipe from each of the two pumps goes through a check valve (which only allows the liquid to travel in one direction) and a plug valve (normally open, but can be closed when needed, such as when servicing the upstream pump). The two pipes join via a tee, and the downstream pipe leads to the inlet of the digester. During normal operation, the pumps may run several times an hour to pump waste to the anaerobic digester. Only one pump will run at any given time, normally, where the pumps will alternate between cycles (Pump 1 will run while Pump 2 is off, and in the next cycle Pump 2 will run while Pump 1 is off, and so on). It is not uncommon, for both pumps to operate during higher inlet flows. The pumps can also be controlled manually, if desired, or in times of troubleshooting, etc. The control panel next to the pump station includes toggle switches for each pump, which can be set to either (1) Auto (for normal float -based operation), (2) Off, or (3) "Hand" (i.e., manual operation). In the event of a pipe clog or lift pump failure, the waste will flow through the gravity "digester bypass" pipe connecting the interior of the pump station to the existing lagoon at an elevation below the top of the wet well, which will avoid overflow of the pump station. Note: Some farms do not have Influent Pump Stations; rather than using a Lift Pump Station, the waste flows from the barns directly to the anaerobic digesters. Anaerobic Di eg ster The anaerobic lagoon is constructed outside of the 100-year flood plain and any wetlands. The treatment volume is designed utilizing a minimum volume of 50 cubic feet/head and with a minimum HRT of 40 days. The construction approach will be a cut and fill balance. The excavated material will be utilized to build the embankments. The berm fill material for the lagoon will be placed in 6-inch-thick lifts to a minimum of 95% of standard proctor at -1% to +3% of optimum moisture. Each lift fill be tested for moisture and density. The excavated material used for the lagoon berm construction will be free of sod, roots, and other objectionable materials. The minimum top width of the lagoon digester will be 15 feet with a minimum inside and outside slope of 3:1. After the construction of the embankment and after the installation of all pipes penetrating the berms, the inside of the lagoon will be smooth rolled and a 60-mil thick HDPE liner will be installed as the baseliner. Edges of the baseliner will be secured in an anchor trench at the top of the berm. Page 3 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 The anaerobic digester receives all raw waste from the hog barns. The complex organic wastes are broken down to simpler compounds by the anaerobic digestion process. As a part of the anaerobic process, biogases (including methane, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen sulfide) are produced. These gases are captured under an impermeable cover (80-mil thick HDPE liner) and then directed to the biogas cleaning system. biogas blower or biogas dehydration system. Biogas captured and stored under the cover supplies the biogas draw off piping. All berm penetrations (gravity sewer, forced main, effluent to wet well, sludge removal piping must always remain submerged to create a liquid seal to prevent biogas from escaping. Perforated piping underneath the cover connects all sections of the lagoon to the draw off connection. The liquid waste is digested for a minimum of 40 days. The digester liquid effluent is either pumped or gravity fed to an existing storage lagoon. The lagoon digester cover should be supported by the lagoon liquid when not inflated. Dropping the lagoon liquid level too low may lead to an unsupported cover and possible cover stretching and cover damage. Recommended operation level is 3-4 ft below top of berm to ensure adequate digester biomethane production and ensure that the level does not exceed 2 ft below top of berm at any time during operational deviances. The digester liquid level should be monitored daily. Any settleable solids and microbes (i.e. "Sludge") build up slowly over months/years at the bottom of the digester. These solids can be periodically removed by connecting portable pipes and pumps to the sludge removal pipes in the digester and disposed of through permitted means on the farm or by a contract sludge hauler. There will be a total of eight 6-inch diameter sludge removal pipes installed near the bottom elevation the lagoon and terminated near the top of the berm. Four installed on each side of the central ballast pipe, staggered every other lateral. These pipes will be utilized for the periodic removal from the lagoon. Ballast piping on top of the cover control the cover inflation and direct rainwater to center rainwater trenches to be pumped to natural water shed (if uncontaminated). The cover should be free of excessive accumulation of rainwater and should not show signs of any damage or leaks. The effluent of the anaerobic digester flows from the anaerobic digester through an outlet structure and flows by gravity into the secondary lagoon. The outlet structure is equipped with a level gauge with 1-foot markings. The outlet structure has an overflow weir to keep a constant freeboard of 2' inside the lagoon digester. The effluent overflowing the weir will be directed to the secondary lagoon by gravity. During normal operation, the digester cover will inflate like a balloon from the biogas trapped beneath, an inflation guide can be found in Appendix A. Proper inflation of the digesters is critical to the reliable operation of the plant. A low level of inflation ensures that ingress of air doesn't occur into the biogas which would contaminate the gas with nitrogen and oxygen. 100% full inflation ensures that the covers are in an optimal state for 24-hour net heat gain by the digester and prepared for normal atmospheric wind conditions. The pressure under the cover will typically range from 0-0.3" w.c., a pressure of 0.4" w.c. can be dangerous. Page 4 of 17 y� Register, NC RA270-22 RO E S L E I N Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Typical digester operation can be found in Appendix B. Mixing Pump A dry well will house a mixing pump which draws the water from the lagoon near the bottom elevation and discharges the water near the influent side of the digester. This pump will be operated on a regular interval. This pump is typically operated for approximately 4 hours a day, five days a week. Secondary Lagoon The effluent of the anaerobic digester flows from the anaerobic digester outlet pipe to the secondary lagoon. The secondary lagoon is used to store the treated effluent after anaerobic digestion until it can be land applied. There is an ammonia reduction unit installed on these secondary lagoons. The farm operator is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the secondary lagoons. Digestate liquid stored in the secondary lagoon is used for pit pre -charge and flush tank recharge. The secondary lagoon is a critical part of the integrated system, the Digester/Biogas Operator should note any abnormal operation of the storage basin, such as leaks or excessive liquid level, and communicate such observations to the farm owner. During normal operation, the storage basin will most often appear to be inactive. Waste will periodically flow from the anaerobic digester outlet pipe into the storage basin via gravity or pump. The outlet pipe from the anaerobic digester into the storage lagoon must remain submerged in the digester to provide a liquid seal and prevent biogas from escaping from beneath the digester cover. As such, it is not uncommon for the pipe to turn down and follow the direction of the inner slope of the lagoon to ensure submergence during times when the lagoon liquid level may be low due to normal pumping and irrigation activities. Transfer Pump The transfer pump transfers accumulated effluent among available secondary lagoons as the farm owner desires to optimize effluent storage. The transfer pumps are manually operated through the local disconnect. Under normal circumstances, the transfer pump will only be used periodically by the farm owner. Typically, the transfer pump is used to draw down the digester liquid level in the fall to make room in the digester to store lagoon liquid during the colder winter months. Rainwater Cover Pump Two rainwater cover pumps are installed on end of the digester to remove accumulated rainwater from the digester cover. There will be a 3-inch suction line to each of these stormwater removal pumps. Erosion control measures, such as rip rap will be placed at the discharge point. Oxygen Injection System An oxygen injection system will be installed to limit the amount of hydrogen sulfide in the biogas. The oxygen injection system consists of an oxygen generation unit which produces 95% purity oxygen from air, and it will be injected under the cover at two locations. Calibrated Oxygen Page 5 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 monitoring instrument continuously monitors the concentration of oxygen in the head space under the cover. The maximum allowable oxygen concentration in the biogas will be 0.5%. Description of Anticipated Maintenance The system is designed to require as little maintenance as possible once it has been started up and is in operation. Sample tests should be performed periodically and to permitting requirements, to allow evaluation of the composition of the wastewater. System components should be visually inspected regularly and as recommended by the equipment manufacturer. If the system is well operated, it will display the following signs of being maintained properly: • All pipes should be intact and watertight. • The pumps should operate with little to no vibration and without excessive noise. • The anaerobic digester should be free of excessive accumulation of rainwater on the cover. The accumulated rainwater will be pumped off the cover via the Rainwater Pumps. The rainwater must be tested to determine the discharge location for the pumps. If contaminated the rainwater must be discharged back into the digester, otherwise it may be discharged safely on nearby vegetated areas. • The anaerobic digester cover should be free of any tears, punctures, or failures. • There should be no strong odors coming from the digester. • The secondary lagoon should be clean and free of floating debris. The liquid should be clean an clear. Routine System Maintenance Instructions For optimum operation and maximum efficiency maintenance should be performed daily. mechanical equipment should be cleaned weekly and lubricated as required. Equipment cleaning and lubrication should be done as specified in the O&M manuals provided by each equipment's manufacturer. Periodically, the sludge accumulated at the bottom of the digester will need to be removed, this will be done by following the existing Waste Utilization Plan (WUP). The sludge may be removed through the use of the sludge removal pipes utilizing a temporary pump. All application of the removed sludge should be done in accordance with the farms approved WUP & Nutrient Management Plan. Typically, a portion of sludge will be removed from the digester every other year. Sludge accumulation can be monitored by the site's operator through the use of inspections ports installed on the top of the digester cover and should be assessed annually. When assessing the sludge accumulation, the operator should aim to have as much biogas removed as possible prior to opening the inspection port to limit release of biogas into the atmosphere. Due to biogas production declining in cold weather, it is recommended to take sludge measurements during winter. To get a measurement of the sludge depth, the site operator will use the inspection ports and insert a pipe or gauge with graduated markings will be used to assess the depth of the sludge in the digester. When inserting the pipe or gauge caution should be used to avoid applying excessive pressure or even puncturing the liner of the digester. After sludge removal has been concluded, the operator should reconnect all fittings from the sludge removal pipes and piping as it was prior to the sludge removal. Page 6 of 17 y� Register, NC RA270-22 RO E S L E I N Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Safe Troubleshooting Refer to equipment O&M manuals as necessary, summarized below: Emergency Protocols, Repair, and Replacement The O&M Manuals provided by the equipment manufacturers should be kept onsite in a centralized location, known to all who work around the equipment. The O&M manuals should provide instructions for possible field repairs or how to secure a piece of equipment until qualified repair personnel are able to arrive. Biogas Hazards Biogas and oxygen in air can potentially form a flammable mixture. Methane (CH4) is an odorless, flammable gas. CH4 is lighter than air and tends to rise and dissipate quickly outdoors. In addition to being primarily comprised of methane (55 — 60%), biogas is also comprised of carbon dioxide (35 — 40%), and trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrogen (< 2%), oxygen (< 1%), and water vapor (<8%) which are hazardous. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) has a distinct "rotten egg" odor at low concentrations. However, at higher concentrations, it overwhelms the sense of smell and cannot be detected. At concentrations > 1000 ppm, it can cause immediate unconsciousness and death through respiratory paralysis. Hydrogen Sulfide compositions in the biogas feed supply can be at 1500 to 2500 ppm/vol. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non -irritating, non -toxic gas. However, it can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen present in air to levels below that required to support life. In environments with low concentrations of oxygen, confusion and reduced mental capacities can lead to poor judgement and increase the risk of safety events. Nitrogen (N2) gas is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non -irritating, non -toxic, inert gas. However, it can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen present in air to levels below that required to support life. In environments with low concentrations of oxygen, confusion and reduced mental capacities can lead to poor judgement and increase the risk of safety events. Equipment Supplies All equipment used around the digesters should be qualified to be used in Class Div2 areas. Proper Protective Equipment (PPE) All personel working around anerobic digesters should refer to local HSE officer for job specific PPE requirements and need. At a minimum, the following PPE should be used whenever in the vicinity of biogas. 0 4-gas personal monitor should be worn when in the vicinity of biogas o Safety glasses, safety shoes, gloves. o Personal Floatation Devices — when working on the cover. Page 7 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Provisions for Safety Measures Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 Restriction of Access No one should enter any section of the wastewater treatment system unless accompanied by another person who is able to perform live -saving techniques and should only be done to perform routine maintenance or a required repair. Before entering a waste collection pit, lift station well, or any section of the anaerobic digester, all biogas should be removed and sufficient airflow has been directed into the workplace. Proper airflow can be directed into the workspace through fans, blowers, or other means. The responsibility of personal safety is on the person or organization performing the work, and not on the farm owner, associated equipment providers, or construction contractors. Emergency Contacts Emergency contact information is required to be posted at any gates and in the operation control room. Equipment Safety Guards, Warning Labels, & Alarms All safety guards, warning labels, safeties, and alarms for all the equipment shall always be operational and maintain their location. Clearances Keep and maintain all clearances as required by law and as recommended by the equipment's manufacturers. Open Flames & Combustion Sources Ensure that all open flames and combustion sources are kept away from any location where gas can accumulate. A minimum separation distance of 50 ft is recommended to keep between any ignition point and the cover of the anaerobic digester. There will be no smoking near any of the gas treatment systems. Spill Prevention & Control Provisions Response to Upsets and Bypasses Including Control Containment and Remediation All control stations will be equipped with audible alarms. Remote alarms will be provided by a control system to alert the operator of any problems should they occur. Contact Information for Emergency Responders and RegulatoryAgencies All phone numbers for Emergency Responders and Remediation Agencies will be located in an unobstructed centralized location in the control room. Facility Control Valves Control valves installed will allow for operators to isolate sections of the system if a problem were to occur. Waffanjy All Roeslein and its subcontractor/vendor-supplied equipment or parts are warranted to be free from defective material and workmanship, under normal use and service. Roeslein is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the treatment system. In the event of any defects developing during the Page 8 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 normal operation of the system, Roeslein will notify the supplier/vendor in writing, and upon receipt of their written consent, the parts will be returned promptly to vendor's factory. Page 9 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 Appendix A: Inflation Rating Guide Inflation Rating - Lagoon cover inflation should be rated on a scale from 0 to 10. The purpose of this guide is to provide advice when grading inflation level. Levels that fall in between these defined ratings should be interpolated. 0: Cover is completely flat, resting on the water. 1: Cover is mostly flat, with pillows around the outside or in some areas. 3: Cover is inflated but center rain trench and laterals are still on water. Page 10 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 5: Center rain trench is on water but laterals on one side are off the water. w 7: Center rain trench is on water but all laterals are off the water. 9: All laterals and some parts of the center rain trench are off the water. r r Page 11 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Appendix B: Digester Operation SOP 1. Overview: Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is a set of written instructions that document a routine or repetitive activity followed by an organization. The development and use of SOPS are an integral part of a successful quality system as it provides individuals with the information to perform a job properly and facilitates consistency in the quality and integrity of a product or end -result. The Operations Team should follow the Digester Operation Procedure when operating equipment at the digester and managing liquid level. For additional information refer to Cover Installer's Operations and Maintenance Manual. 2. Purpose The Digester Operation Procedure provides guidance on how to manage digester water level seasonally, manage cover inflation, and perform surveillance of cover integrity. 3. Scope and Applicability This procedure is applicable to the Digester Transfer pumps, Mixing Pumps, and digester covers installed by Roeslein and Associates. 4. Procedure Summary Transfer Pump Operation Digester Cover Operation Daily Checks Weekly Checks 5. Guidelines/Authority The Procedure does not strictly fall under any regulated authority. 6. Health/Safety Refer to Site owners' safety requirements regarding PPE assessment for additional details. OOF Biogas and oxygen in air can potentially form a flammable mixture. Methane (CH4) is an odorless, flammable gas. CH4 is lighter than air and tends to rise and dissipate quickly outdoors. <+epw'+ Biogas contains primarily methane (55 — 60%), and carbon dioxide (35 — 40%). However, biogas also contains hazardous trace amounts of hydrogen sulfide (H2S), nitrogen (< 2%), oxygen (< 1%), and water vapor (<8%). Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) has a distinct "rotten egg" odor at low concentrations. However, at higher concentrations, it overwhelms the sense of smell and cannot be detected. At concentrations > 1000 ppm, it can cause immediate 8A> e unconsciousness and death through respiratory paralysis. . Page 12 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 Hydrogen Sulfide compositions in the biogas feed supply can be at 1500 to 2500 ppm/vol, however the tail gas/permeate from the membrane routing to the thermal oxidizer can be in the 10,000 ppm/vol range. Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non -irritating, non- 4 toxic gas. However, it can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen present in air to levels below that required to support life. In environments with low concentrations of oxygen, confusion and reduced mental capacities can lead to poor judgement and increase the risk of safety events. Nitrogen (N2) gas is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non -irritating, non -toxic, MBHBMHKW inert gas. However, it can act as a simple asphyxiant by displacing oxygen present in air to levels below that required to support life. In environments with low concentrations of oxygen, confusion and reduced mental capacities can lead to poor judgement and increase the risk of safety events. 7. Equipment/Supplies • Adjustable wrench (standard metal okay to use in Class 1 Div2 areas) • (PPE) proper protective equipment 0 4-2as personal monitor should be worn when in the vicinity of biogas o Safety glasses, safety shoes, gloves. o Personal Floatation Devices — when working on the cover. • Refer to local HSE officer for job specific PPE requirements and needs. 8. Procedure No. Procedural Step Description Transfer Pump Operation 8.0.1 Transfer pumps transfer water from the covered lagoon digester to evaporative lagoons to maintain the desired liquid level in the digester. Lagoon digesters high level is limited to two (2) feet below top of berm (or freeboard). Lagoon digester low pump level is limited to one (1) foot above the sewer inlet pipe exit to maintain gas seal. All pipe -berm penetrations must remain sealed with liquid to avoid allowing biogas escaping through unsealed headers. The low pump level is — 9 ft below top of berm. The lagoon digester cover should be supported by the lagoon liquid when not inflated. Dropping the lagoon liquid level too low may lead to an unsupported cover and possible cover stretching and cover damage. Recommended operation level is 3-4 ft below top of berm to ensure adequate digester biomethane production and ensure that the level does not exceed 2 ft below top of berm at any time during operational deviances. The digester liquid level should be monitored daily. Transfer pumps can be operated manually or in timer mode. Normally, timer mode should be used as the pumps will not normally run continuously. During the biogas production season, the liquid level should be maintained at a higher level. As the production season slows down in the fall, Page 13 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 the digester liquid level should be pumped down slowly to low pump level. This will allow the maximum amount of manure to be stored during the off season and should be allowed to fill back up to high level, before starting the transfer pump and discharging liquid to evaporative lagoons. Digester Cover Operation 8.1.1 The digester covers are a fully welded system that is integral with the lagoon liners. Because of soil permeability, the 60-mil liner is utilized and fully welded to the 80-mil lagoon cover at the perimeter. All cover, liner, and anchor trench sheet material is HDPE which provides material toughness, flexibility, UV resistance, and water/gas impermeability. The cover uses 6" grout filled HDPE piping at both the laterals and center anchor trench. The Laterals are spaced on the order of 42-44 ft apart along the entire length of the cover and are used to restrain gas movement from one side of the cover to the other and avoid fast movement of the cover. Laterals are only effective when they are substantially laying on the digester water operating level. The center trench is comprised of two parallel pipes that run the center axis along the length. The center trench is used to both restrain the cover upward movement and to provide an area in which incident rainwater collects for easier pumping. An 8" corrugated perimeter biogas collection header is installed around the entire circumference of the digester cover to ensure generally equal gas inflation around the perimeter during low gas production and low cover inflation. The digester cover is a volumetric storage vessel, not a pressure vessel. The cover is designed to contain the biogas emanating from the digester surface for collection into the perimeter biogas header. The pressure under the cover operates at 0.0" w.c. (Water column) to approximately 0.3" w.c. Pressure is not measured as it is immaterial to operations. In the event of power outage or emergency, there are two (2) 6" flanged emergency vent ports directly on the cover, opposite of the swine barns. These ports have lug butterfly valves and should be used with proper venting apparatus to ensure that the biogas is vented at an elevation high enough to support safe operator opening and closure of the valves. Proper inflation of the digesters is critical to the reliable operation of the plant. A low level of inflation ensures that ingress of air doesn't occur into the biogas which would contaminate the gas with nitrogen and oxygen. 100% full inflation ensures that the covers are in an optimal state for 24-hour net heat gain by the digester and prepared for normal atmospheric wind conditions. This site has an annual hurricane season which will involve strong storms and large amounts of rain. The direction below, addresses normal, winter season, and hurricane season that are predicted. It is ultimately important to continually monitor weather forecasts at least 5 days out and make any adjustments in cover inflation in advance. Page 14 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 The operations group should keep in mind the following items that affect the performance of the cover. • Laterals and center anchor trench piping is designed to control the movement of the cover in all wind conditions. The grid of piping reinforces the cover in both directions and also acts as a labyrinth in which gas has to pass when moving during wind conditions, thus slowing the gas velocity and cover movement. • More cover contact with the water allows the cover to survive high wind conditions due to the fact that water surface tension anchors the cover and there is less volume of gas to move around the cover. Taut cover material also allows the cover to withstand higher wind conditions. • Less cover rise above the top of berm reduces the area of cover that wind exerts force on. Less cover rise around the perimeter also reduces the cover profile which in turn reduces the Bernoulli lifting mechanism on the cover in high wind conditions (similar to a plane wing profile) • HDPE has a relatively large coefficient of thermal expansion. The cover will be much hotter during the day with sunlight exposure than at nighttime. Also, radiant heat loss at night will condense water in the biogas space under the cover, also reducing the total volume of gas under the cover. Methane, Carbon Dioxide, and Hydrogen Sulfide do not condense but do decrease in volume as an ideal gas. The volumetric difference in gas over a 24-hour period day to night is due to the molar water volume in the biogas and biogas temperature under the cover. The cover and laterals are designed for expansion and contraction over all biogas ambient dry bulb temperatures between high and low pump digester levels. • As the perimeter of the digester is inflated less, less water will run off the cover around the perimeter. This is beneficial to reduce the possibility of erosion of the digester berms. Covers are easily pumped off with the Mixing Pumps to a location several hundred feet from the berm. The following digester cover operating guidance should be followed by plant operations group: 1. In all operating conditions, the center rain trench piping shall be fully, 100%, laying on the digester water surface. 2. In all operating conditions, the laterals shall be at minimum, substantially laying on the digester water surface. Per operating modes below, maximum 15' of lateral at either end shall be suspended above the surface of the cover. 3. Digesters will produce gas at different rates. The blowers and A2000 piping is designed to transfer gas between covers to maintain cover inflations within the cover operating modes below while conserving biogas. 4. Anemometers are installed on the plant and accessible through Ignition. Each Anemometer indicates wind speed up to 90mph and wind direction. Data is recorded in the historian. Operators will monitor wind speed and use as Page 15 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 necessary to refine operations compared with predicted winds at remote towns based on the actual farm surrounding geography. 5. With A3000 fully operational, there is no reason to inventory biogas under the covers beyond the operating modes detailed below. Operating Modes: 1. Normal Operation: a. Cover inflation around the perimeter is no higher than 6' above top of berm. Inflation will generally vary between 3' to 6' based on wind speed and direction. b. Laterals are substantially on the digester water surface with end 10-15' suspended and end cap at —2' off of liquid surface. c. Gas cover between laterals is pillowed at nominal 2-4' above water surface at peaks between the laterals. d. Cover is tensioned but not tight. The cover will incrementally move in the wind but with gentle local rolling effect. e. This mode is applicable for winds sustained and gusts up to 50 mph from all directions. 2. Winter Season Operation: a. Cover inflation around the perimeter is no higher than 6' above top of berm. Inflation will be generally 3' to 5' based on wind speed and direction. b. Laterals are fully on the digester water surface, including end cap. c. Gas cover between laterals is not pillowed and flat on the water with the exception of naturally occurring and sporadic cover rolls/channels. d. Cover is tensioned but not tight. The cover will incrementally move in the wind but with gentle local rolling effect. e. This mode is applicable for winds sustained and gusts up to 65 mph from all directions. 3. Hurricane / High Wind / Intense Storm Predicted: a. Cover inflation around the perimeter is no higher than 3' above top of berm. Nominal inflation above top of berm is 1.5' to 2'. b. Laterals are fully on the digester water surface, including end cap. c. Gas cover between laterals is not pillowed and flat on the water with the exception of naturally occurring and sporadic cover rolls/channels. d. Cover is tensioned but not tight. The cover will incrementally move in the wind but with local rolling effect. e. Cover will be flat extending from the ends of the laterals towards the anchor trench for at least 20'. f. This mode is applicable for winds sustained and gusts above 65 mph from all directions. If winds are expected to exceed 75 mph, the blowers (preferentially) and or emergency vents (if required) should be used to evacuate substantially all gas. Page 16 of 17 s1 ROESLEIN ENGINEERS • MANUFACTURERS • CONSTRUCTORS Register, NC RA270-22 Anaerobic Digester O&M Revision: 0 Effective Date: 4/15/2024 Daily Checks 8.2.1 • Visually inspect the digester water operation level to ensure 3-4 ft of freeboard. Work with the farm to adjust timers if required to bring the level back into target range. • Visually inspect the digester cover and quantify inflation level and laterals position. • Visually inspect and quantify area of digester cover occupied by water. Utilize pumping systems to remove surface water from the center anchor trench. Weekly Checks 8.3.1 Walk perimeter of digester checking for: • Leaks via a gas monitor or methane detection device around the base of the cover and the anchor trench. Use of soapy water from an orchard sprayer may also be used to detect leaks during cool cover conditions and still wind. • Torn ballast straps or laterals that are not aligned straight. • Settling or erosion around berm • Any running equipment for an uncharacteristic operating state (noise/vibration) • Sample cover rainwater to determine if it is "hot" aka contains dissolved ammonia because contaminated cover water is an indication of a possible digester cover leak and will need to be pumped under the cover. • Trash and foreign matter on the cover can cause problems with normal operation. If debris becomes wedged between the ballast weight and cover it is possible for punctures to occur. Additionally, foreign matter can cause the rain collection channels to become blocked and disrupt flow of the rainwater. All operators and contractors working on top of the digester should be cognizant of the perimeter rock and make sure not to kick the rock into the digester. Furthermore, a yearly pre -season inspection should occur to inspect for and remove any debris along the entire length of ballasts. Page 17 of 17 Sampling protocol and schedule for Monarch sites Date: 04/09/2024 Sample collection at all sites should be done using the sampling protocol outlined below. A submittal sheet will be sent to the person in charge of sampling prior to sampling. The respective person is responsible for print submittal forms, conducting sampling, label samples as per submittal form, safely storing (refrigerated containers during storage) and shipping samples to the respective lab (instructions on submittal form) Required accessories: 1. Telescopic sampler extendable to 18 feet and the pendulum beaker 2. Gloves and sampling containers 3. Ice packs. 4. Sampling submittal forms 5. Safety supplies During sampling event two people should be responsible while supporting tasks (shipping etc.) can be conducted by the person in charge alone. Sampling protocol for digester samples 1. Effluent samples are intended to be collected for all sites from shortlisted digesters on a quarterly basis. Sampling to be conducted by two persons at the site. 2. Label all sampling containers with respective sampling ids. (Refer sample list for Sample IDs) 3. The sample must be collected from the crossover pipe/wet well using the telescopic sampler and 5-gallon bucket while following all site - specific safety policies, including Lagoon Access Safety Procedure 4. Sampling from a Cross over pipe a. On opening the valve on cross over pipe it is recommended to allow enough time to pass such that the standing debris in the pipe is flushed out and a good representative sample can be collected. b. Collect 3 x 500 mL samples using the sampler into a clean 5-gallon bucket. c. Repeat this procedure 2 more times, while collecting all the samples into the same 5-gallon bucket. d. Allow sufficient time between two collection events such that pipe contents are flushed. e. At the end of the sampling event, you may have — 1.3-1.5-gallon sample, homogenize the contents of the bucket gently mixing using the sampler and the pendulum beaker on the sampler. 5. Sampling from a wet well a. Using the telescopic sampler (beaker attached to the rod) gently homogenize contents of the wet well. b. Collect 6-8 beakers of sample into a 5-gallon bucket from different areas of the wet well to get a representative sample. c. Gently homogenize the contents of the bucket. 6. Grab a sample from the homogenized mixture to fill the labeled sampling container and put the container cap tightly ensuring a watertight seal. 7. If the samples are to be stored for more than 2 hours before shipping, store them in a refrigerator preferably 4C or lower. 8. If refrigeration is not available use frozen icepacks to cool the samples and replace icepacks at regular intervals., store the samples in a well -ventilated space. 9. DO NOT STORE SAMPLES IN REFRIGERATORS MEANT FOR FOOD STORAGE 10. Ship samples to the lab (details in the submittal form) to deliver overnight. Include ice packs in the shipping box to keep samples cool during transit. Sampling protocol for lagoon liquid samples (EVAPI 1. Lagoon liquid samples are intended to be collected from all the open lagoons at every site on a quarterly basis. 2. Label all sampling containers with respective sampling ids. (Refer sample list for Sample IDs) 3. The sample must be collected from the multiple spots (6-8) in the open lagoon using the telescopic sampler and 5-gallon bucket while following all site -specific safety policies, including Lagoon Access Safety Procedure 4. Use the 18 feet telescopic sampler to reach lagoon water surface from the berm, it is needed that the sampling in charge is accompanied by another operator onsite for this sampling for ease of equipment handling and safety. 5. Collect 2 x 500 mL samples at each spot, using the sampler into a clean 5-gallon bucket. 6. Repeat this procedure at all 6-8 randomly chosen spots along with periphery of the lagoon, collect all the samples into the same 5-gallon bucket. 7. At the end of the sampling event, you may have — 1.3-1.5-gallon sample, homogenize the contents of the bucket gently mixing using the sampler and the pendulum beaker on the sampler. 8. Grab a sample from the homogenized mixture to fill the labeled sampling container and put the container cap tightly ensuring a water/airtight seal. 9. If the samples are to be stored for more than 2 hours before shipping, store them in a refrigerator preferably 4C or lower or use frozen icepacks to cool the samples in a small container and replace icepacks at regular intervals, store the samples is a well -ventilated space. 10. DO NOT STORE SAMPLES IN REFRIGERATORS MEANT FOR FOOD STORAGE 11. Ship samples to the lab (details in the submittal form) to deliver overnight. Include ice packs in the shipping box to keep samples cool during transit. Sludge survey and sampling from secondary lagoon 1. The secondary lagoon, source of sludge, will be sampled for sludge levels once every year. 2. The sludge sampling will be conducted once every four years to determine sludge composition especially Nitrogen, Phosphorus, potassium, and other micronutrients. 3. This sampling protocol is intended to help evaluate progression of sludge level in the secondary lagoon and its composition for its agronomic management. 4. Sludge sampling will be conducted using a sludge judge, while sludge surveys will be conducted using sonar devices that can be remotely controlled from the berm following all site -specific safety policies, including Lagoon Access Safety Procedure Recommended analysis Table 1 Recommended tests for lagoon/digester effluent sampling Digester effluent, secondary lagoon effluent and sludge testing Manure package Eff-MMDDYY Inff-MMDDYY Nitrogen, Ammonium Nitrogen, Organic Nitrogen, Phosphate, Potash, Calcium, Copper, Iron, Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium, Sulfur, Zinc, Moisture/Total Solids, Total Salts, pH VS Alkalinity Volatile organic acids COD BOD5 Total testing cost Amongst the manure package TS, Ammonium nitrogen, pH are mandatory tests and if done separately cost more than the package. Table 2 Optional tests for lagoon/digester effluent sampling ate Sulfate Sulfide EC Carbon DOCUMENT WILL BE FILLED OUT AS PART OF AS -BUILT SUBMISSION ROES E N Location — Monarch Bioenergy — Farm Name, City, State In the event of an environmental release, there are four critical steps to follow: 1. Stop the flow— attempt to stop the source of the release. Policy Spill Response —Policy Revision: 1 Effective Date: 11/21/2023 • Try to keep the spill from becoming worse. If there is a way to stop the spill or minimize it becoming worse, take those actions. These may be actions such as closing valves or shutting down a system, depending on the source. 2. Contain the release. 3. 4 • Take steps to keep the spill from spreading to other areas or entering ditches or freshwater. • Depending on the situation, this may mean using equipment to create a barrier/berm; putting down some type of absorbent material or neutralizer; or other materials to create a perimeter. Report the release immediately to the following: Name Title Phone Number - Owner Operator —Farm Name - Seth Renfro Director of Operations 660-654-1656 TBD On -site Operations Manager TBD Jerri Ann Garrett EHS Manager 660-425-4861 Be prepared to provide the following information when you call: • Where is the release located (be specific)? • What kind of release is it (be specific)? • Approximately how much was released. • Has the release left the property? • Has the release encountered surface water, ground water, a drainage tile or intake, or other potentially freshwater areas? • Has the source of the release been stopped? • Is the release contained? An environmental spill is a discharge of one or more hazardous substances that adversely impact, or threaten to adversely impact human health, welfare, or the environment and requires and immediate response. Ensure all discovered environmental releases are reported immediately to Roeslein and Conine Farms. Hazardous substance releases in which will reach waters of the state must be reported to the state within 8 hours, therefore, it's important to ensure Roeslein and Conine Farms are notified immediately. Clean up the spill — If the spill was not caused by Roeslein, Conine Farms will be responsible forcleanup. *Note: There is a passive overflow line from the water management wet well to the evaporation lagoon at 1.5' freeboard. If the water management pumps are not working, the lagoon effluent will overflow into the evaporation lagoon. S. ALL ON -SITE EMPLOYEES SHALL FOLLOW APPLICABLE SECTIONS OF 'COMMON SITE PRACTICES FOR ON FARM ANAEROBIC DIGESTION SYSTEM'— SEE ATTACHED Page 1 of 1 https://prideconveymcesys.sharepoint.com/sites/RAESafetyGroup/Shaved Documents/Envim cntal/Milford SFLocations Spill Response Procedures 091423.docx Printed: 9/15/20237:23 AM Common Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems December 2011 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................... I 2.0 SAFETY HAZARDS FOR ANAEROBIC DIGESTION...........................................................1 2.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS............................................................................. 2 2.1.1 Drowning............................................................................................................... 2 2.1.2 Fall protection........................................................................................................ 2 2.1.3 Burns...................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.4 Entanglement hazard.............................................................................................. 3 2.1.5 Feedstock and digestate spills................................................................................ 4 2.1.6 Mechanical failures................................................................................................ 4 2.1.7 Lockout/Tagout......................................................................................................5 2.1.8 Ignition sources...................................................................................................... 5 2.1.9 Noise levels............................................................................................................6 2.2 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY............................................................................................. 7 2.2.1 Definition............................................................................................................... 8 2.2.2 Confined space training, certification, and rescue plan ......................................... 8 2.2.3 Inspect atmosphere prior to entry........................................................................... 9 2.2.4 Safety equipment.................................................................................................... 9 2.3 HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH BIOGAS...................................................................10 2.3.1 Asphyxiants ........................................... 10 2.3.2 Immediately dangerous to life and health............................................................11 2.3.3 Explosion potential.............................................................................................. 11 2.4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HAZARDS..............................................................................12 2.4.1 High voltage.........................................................................................................12 2.4.2 Low voltage.........................................................................................................12 2.4.3 Electrical fires...................................................................................................... 13 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 3.0 MAINTAINING A SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT.......................................................13 3.1 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN......................................................................................13 3.1.1 Directions to AD facility......................................................................................14 3.1.2 Contact information.............................................................................................14 3.1.3 Site map...............................................................................................................15 3.1.4 State and local health and safety requirements....................................................15 3.1.5 Equipment vendor manuals..................................................................................15 3.2 SAFETY AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT................................................................15 3.2.1 Anaerobic digester facility(onsite)......................................................................15 3.2.2 Locally (able to be onsite within a few hours) ..................................................... 16 3.2.3 Baseline environmental conditions......................................................................16 3.3 ELECTRICAL.................................................................................................................. 17 3.3.1 Daily inspections.................................................................................................. 17 3.3.2 Switches, controllers, fuses, and breaker panels..................................................17 3.3.3 Roles of operators................................................................................................18 3.3.4 Visitors on site..................................................................................................... 18 3.4 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT.....................................................................18 3.5 ACCIDENT PREVENTION SIGNS AND TAGS...........................................................18 3.6 PERSONNEL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS...............................................................19 4.0 CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................19 5.0 REFERENCES.............................................................................................................................20 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 1.0 INTRODUCTION Several safety hazards exist when converting manure and organic residuals (non -farm feedstock) into energy using anaerobic digestion (AD) technology. These hazards can cause serious bodily harm and in some circumstances, can be fatal. Common hazards I Figure 1: Safety signage on AD feed system associated with AD systems include drowning, electric shock, and noise exposure. However, biogas and its constituents, many of which are colorless and odorless, can unknowingly expose operators and visitors to hazards such as asphyxiation and burns due the flammable nature of methane. Workers must take proper precautions when handling and storing organic material and managing the production of electricity and combustible gases. The purpose of this document is to identify the major hazards associated with an AD facility and outline basic practices that will help maintain a safe and successful working environment. The intended audience for this guide is owners and operators, and the guide is not intended to replace safety training or instruction, but rather enhance it. 2.0 SAFETY HAZARDS FOR ANAEROBIC DIGESTION The following sections identify major hazards that can exist with an AD facility. These include: • General safety precautions • Hazards associated with biogas • Confined space entry • Electrical system hazards Figure 1 shows a feed hopper for an anaerobic digester with a dozen warning signs, including fall, entanglement, and explosion potential. 1 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 2.1 GENERAL SAFETY PRECAUTIONS The following sections describe general safety concerns associated with AD facilities. 2.1.1 Drowning Liquid tanks and ponds for storage pose a drowning threat. Whenever a drowning potential exists, ring buoys, ropes, or ladders should be readily available for rescue purposes (Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA], 2002). The drowning risk is highest when employees are servicing equipment located in digester or storage tanks. Accidental drowning can occur when people unfamiliar with the farm and manure handling system mistakenly enter storage structures. Slipping on a synthetic liner or walking on crusted manure storage are examples of situations that can lead to accidental drowning. OSHA suggests posting signs similar to the one shown in Figure 2 and erecting fences around manure storage structures to reduce the potential of an individual or animal unknowingly entering one. Figure 2: Manure storage warning sign in English and Spanish LIQUID MANURE STORAGE ALMACEMAJ E DE ETIt-ROL 00U.111120 Jrs_ If an individual is drowning, the first step should be to call 911, followed by a rescue attempt using a life preserver, rope, or ladder. The presence of biogas—an asphyxiant that can cause a person to pass out —can increase the potential of manure storage drowning. (Biogas hazards are discussed in greater detail in Section 2.3.) Individuals attempting to rescue a drowning individual should never enter a manure storage structure because they could also be overcome by the poor air quality. 2.1.2 Fall protection Serious injuries can result from falls of any distance. When possible, employees should perform maintenance work from the ground. At most AD facilities, however, multiple elevated locations are present. For example, equipment on the top of aboveground AD tanks are 10 to 25 feet off the ground. According to the OSHA general industry standard any "time a worker is at a height of four feet or more, the worker is at risk and needs to be protected" (OSHA, 2008A). Fall protection, such as guardrails, a safety harness (also discussed in Section 2.2.4), and self - retracting lifelines, should be used when an employee is above the 4-foot threshold (API, 2006). The enclosed fixed ladder and guardrail system on the feedstock storage tank shown in Figure 3 complies with OSHA fall protection standards. Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems Another common example of a fall risk is shown in Figure 4, where a ladder is leaned against a feedstock storage tank. The two concerns with the situation presented in Figure 4 are: (1) the tank height is approximately 10 feet and (2) there are no securing devices or slip resistant feet on the ladder, nor is there a rope to secure the top. When ladders are used to access elevated equipment, they should be secured and supervised at all times. Once the ladder is no longer needed, it should be removed. 2.1.3 Burns Throughout an AD facility, pipes containing hot fluids or exhaust gas can pose potential burn hazards. Other potential sources of burns are heat exchangers, boilers, pumps, or engine generators, where temperatures can exceed 160°F. Simply rubbing up against a heat exchanger or accidently placing a hand on a hot pipe can result in serious burns. All Figure 3: Permanent ladder and guardrail on feedstock storage tank employees and visitors to the AD facility should be cautioned not to touch any equipment or pipelines. When possible, hot surfaces should be identified as burn hazards, and all pipes should be clearly labeled to indicate the contents, Figure 4: Ladder leaning on feedstock storage tank flow direction, temperature, and pressure. Insulation should be used to encase the pipe and reduce the potential for accidental burns. Figures 5 and 6 provide examples of pipeline insulation and labeling. 2.1.4 Entanglement hazard Pumps, augers, impeller mixers, chains, drive shafts, and other machinery pose entanglement hazards due to pinch points and other moving parts. In most AD systems, the primary exposure to entanglement is the unguarded driveshaft 3 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems of a pump. To reduce the entanglement risk, all equipment safety guards should be in place and individuals should tie back long hair and avoid wearing loose -fitting clothing and jewelry. 2.1.5 Feedstock and digestate spills Figure 5: Insulated and labeled hot water pipes Feedstock (any organic material entering the eYi URN digester) and digestate (any material exiting E the digester) should be carefully transferred and contained. In the event of a major ` I feedstock or digestate spill, workers should exercise caution when containing the f -- material. The first step should be to control pp�� the source causing the spill. Once this is'55'°`U° achieved, workers should contain the spill by V constructing temporary containment structures around the affected area. Excavation equipment such as bulldozers and backhoes should be readily available for this purpose. Isolating the spill reduces potential damage to nearby buildings and contamination of surface Figure 6: Biogas pipeline indicating waters and sensitive areas. After containing the temperature and flow direction spill, the facility should notify the proper authorities (as defined by state -specific permits), to comply with all applicable local, state, and federal regulations. For non -farm feedstocks, such as food waste, the spill -reporting agency should be clearly identified on all records related to the material, including material safety data sheets (MSDS) and manifest logs indicating the date, quantity, and material (feedstock) brought onto the farm. The final step in spill response is site cleanup and restoration. 2.1.6 Mechanical failures In the event of a mechanical failure, workers should reference the vendor manuals to troubleshoot the issue. Vendor manuals for mechanical machinery should be organized and included in the emergency action plan, which is discussed in Section 3.1. Only trained staff 4 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems should be permitted to repair digester equipment. Operators should use lockout/tagout procedures (see Section 2.1.7) during all mechanical equipment repairs. To avoid mechanical failures, the system operator, with support from the technology provider, should develop a preventative maintenance manual for the site. 2.1.7 Lockout/ragout According to OSHA standard 29 CFR 1910.147, lockout/tagout refers to the specific "practices and procedures to safeguard employees from the unexpected energization or startup of machinery and equipment, or the release of hazardous energy during service or maintenance activities" (OSHA, 2007A). Simply stated, before an employee services a piece of electrical equipment, the power supply should be turned off and the employee should place a padlock on the power supply. The padlock serves to prevent someone else from accidently re -energizing the equipment being serviced. The lock should have a tag on it identifying the individual who locked out the Figure 7: Electrical panel turned off and locked out equipment. In Figure 7, one of the four electrical breakers shown is turned off (disengaged) and locked out. Once a piece of equipment has been locked out, the only individual with the authority to unlock that piece of equipment is the person who initially locked it out. Employees should follow this practice every time they service any electrical or electrically powered equipment. OSHA estimates that compliance with lockout/tagout procedures prevents an estimated 120 fatalities and 50,000 injuries each year in the United States (2007A). 2.1.8 Ignition sources Biogas generated during anaerobic digestion is flammable. Over the past couple of years, several AD systems have been damaged or destroyed by fires fueled with biogas. While no specific setbacks or standards have been established for biogas, facilities should observe standards for similar systems. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has established a range of setback distances for liquid propane (LP) fuel based on storage capacity (2009). For LP gas, the setback ranges from 10 feet for small storage devices (<500 gal water capacity) to 100 feet for large storage systems (>70,000 gal water capacity). Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems Smoking and open flames should be prohibited in the general vicinity of the digester and a setback distance of 25 to 50 feet is suggested for all possible ignition sources to reduce the potential for fire or explosion. Ignition sources can include (but are not limited to) light switches, electric motors, pilot flames, and cell phones. Facilities should designate smoking areas at least 50 feet from the digester system to ensure that visitors and employees do not inadvertently create an ignition source. Signs, like the one shown in Figure 8, should also be used to warn all individuals of the explosion or fire risk associated with AD systems. The National Electric Code (NEC, 2005) dictates that electrical wiring near combustible gas must conform with the Class 1, Division 1 hazardous location standard. Biogas is combustible, so the Figure 8: Explosion potential sign hazardous location standard should be applied to AD systems' electrical wiring. For repairs requiring open flames or electric spark, ventilation should be provided such that methane levels are maintained below a safe level, as discussed in Section 2.3.3. Figure 9: Gen set enclosure with hearing protection warning sign 2.1.9 Noise levels Exposure to high levels of noise can result in discomfort or short-term hearing loss. In extreme cases, or if the noise exposure occurs over a long period of time, permanent hearing loss can occur. The main source of high noise levels is the engine generator set (gen set). Actual decibel (dB) levels produced at an AD facility will differ due to varying acoustical settings, but a gen set can produce between 100 —140 dB (Fenton, 2011). The facility is required to supply noise protection devices, such N. Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems as earplugs, to employees and visitors who are exposed to high noise levels (OSHA, 200813) (See Table 1). Handheld decibel meters are widely available and provide an inexpensive method to quickly determine the noise level. Also, OSHA encourages posting signs indicating "hearing protection is required in this area." (See Figure 9). Table 1: Safe maximum allowable decibel level (OSHA, 2008B) Duration per day (hours) Sound level (dB) (as measured with a sound level meter set on slow response 8 90 6 92 4 95 3 97 2 100 1.5 102 1 105 0.5 110 0.25 115 2.2 CONFINED SPACE ENTRY Constituents of biogas, including carbon dioxide, methane, and hydrogen sulfide, present the potential for both asphyxiation and fire or explosion in confined spaces. It is important to remember that even a few gallons of manure or other organic material in a tank or confined space can pose a serious health risk under Figure 10: Basic confined space warning sign the right conditions. A recent example of confined space entry fatality occurred in July of 2010 when two farm employees died while cleaning a storage tank similar to the one shown in Figure 4 (Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth [MEDLEG]). Signs should be used to alert employees and visitors when confined space entry risks exist. Figure 10 shows an example of a standard confined space warning sign. The following background PELIGR "Elm: CONFINED SPACE ESPACIO LIMATADO information and guidelines are intended to promote a safe working environment when confined space is involved. 7 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 2.2.1 Definition "Confined space" is defined by OSHA as "having a limited or restricted means of entry or exit; large enough to bodily enter and perform tasks; and lastly, not designed for continuous occupancy." Currently, state -by -state standards vary for permit -required confined spaces training for agriculture; however, confined spaces are widely recognized as a common hazard. Confined spaces include, but are not limited to, tanks, pits, silos, underground vaults, storage bins, and manholes (MDELEG, 2010). 2.2.2 Confined space training, certification, and rescue plan Employees associated with AD systems or who manage organic residuals MUST be trained in confined space entry to maintain a safe working environment (Gould, 2010). Several cases have resulted in fatalities due to a lack of understanding of the hazards associated with confined spaces. As discussed earlier, two farm employees died when they were overcome by a lack of oxygen while cleaning a feedstock storage tank (MDELEG, 2010). The employees were power washing a tank that contained only 6 to 8 inches of molasses residue, which had sat unused for five to six months. By conducting basic employee education and strictly adhering to OSHA confined space entry guidelines, facilities can provide a safe working environment for farm employees. Currently, OSHA does not require farms to offer specific training for confined space entry; however, it is the employer's responsibility to educate employees in order to maintain a safe working environment. When entering a confined space, the "buddy system" should be used, in which any person entering a confined space is monitored from a safe distance by a second person. The employee entering the confined space must wear a harness attached to a retraction device that the second employee can activate to pull the individual to safety in an emergency. The facility should develop a rescue plan for emergency confined space entry situations. This plan should describe the use of the safety Figure 11: Handheld multi -gas detectors a pq Images fro m Goo gle images equipment in emergency situations, the actions to be taken, and the personnel responsible for each action. The plan may also include training and certification information. RI Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 2.2.3 Inspect atmosphere prior to entry Before entering a confined space, a worker must test the atmosphere inside the space, as required by OSHA general industry standard 1910.146 (1998). The person can perform this testing using a handheld multi -gas detector capable of detecting oxygen, carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide, and lower explosive limits (LEL) levels. Several models of multi -gas detectors are shown in Figure 11. When testing the atmosphere within a confined space, the employee should remain outside in a safe location. Many multi -gas detectors are equipped with an extension hose for this purpose. In compliance with standards (OSHA, 1998), the employee should test for the following: Oxygen level: above 19.5 percent by volume air 2. Methane: below 5 percent by volume of air 3. Hydrogen sulfide level: below 20 parts per million (ppm) If any of the above conditions are not met, the atmosphere is deemed hazardous and should not be entered by any personnel until forced ventilation has eliminated the hazardous conditions. During entry, continuous ventilation with an explosion -proof blower will ensure that fresh air is displacing any hazardous air that may be trapped in the confined space. Workers must maintain and calibrate this equipment according to the manufacturer's recommendation in order to effectively monitor atmospheric conditions. 2.2.4 Safety equipment When entering a confined space, an employee should wear a safety harness attached to a winch or pulley outside of the pit. Examples of safety harnesses and a winch are shown in Figure 12. This safety precaution, allows a coworker to assist a trapped employee without having to enter the space in the event of an emergency. A self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) should be used only in emergency situations. Figure 12: Safety harnesses, ropes, and a chain fall at an AD facility Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems Figure 13 shows a basic backpack -style SCBA with fitted facemask. Any employee using a SCBA must be properly trained and fitted for using the equipment. For an individual to become certified in confined space entry, they should consult the State approved OSHA administration. 2.3 HAZARDS ASSOCIATED WITH BIOGAS AD biogas is composed of three main constituents: methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide. Each of these gases can be dangerous under certain circumstances. Common hazards associated with biogas include asphyxiation and fire or explosion potential. Overall, it is always a good idea to test the atmosphere when biogas may be present as well as maintain proper ventilation. Workers can use a handheld multi -gas detector, similar to one of those shown in Figure 11, to determine if hazardous levels of biogas are present. Low-cost detectors will simply identify dangerous level of biogas, while higher end detectors can report specific concentrations of the primary biogas components. 2.3.1 Asphyxiants Gases that prevent the uptake of oxygen into human cells Figure 13: Self-contained breathing apparatus Irnage fro rnhttlX;' ,-r::::.enriSUPPI .corn/ are referred to as asphyxiants. There are two categories of asphyxiants: simple and chemical. A simple asphyxiant displaces oxygen, and chemical asphyxiants "reduce the body's ability to absorb, transport, or utilize inhaled oxygen. Asphyxiants are often active at very low concentrations (a few ppm)" (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2008). Asphyxiant gases are present wherever there is storage of an organic material; therefore, manure pits or any other areas for organic material storage become potentially dangerous. Following are the various asphyxiants that are typical constituents of biogas. • Simple asphyxiants —carbon dioxide and methane • Chemical asphyxiants — ammonia and hydrogen sulfide 10 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 2.3.2 Immediately dangerous to life and health Within confined spaces and other covered areas, the potential exists for atmospheric concentrations to develop that become immediately dangerous to life and health (IDLH). An IDLH condition can be defined as an atmospheric concentration of any toxic, corrosive, or asphyxiant substance (simple or chemical) that "poses an immediate threat to life or would cause irreversible or delayed adverse health effects or would interfere with an individual's ability to escape from a dangerous atmosphere" (OSHA, 2008C). Following are the main IDLH concerns when handling the production of biogas (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 1995). • Oxygen deficiency — less than 19.5 percent by volume air • Hydrogen sulfide — more than 100 ppm • Ammonia — more than 300 ppm • Carbon dioxide — more than 40,000 ppm Signs similar to the one shown in Figure 14 should be used to alert employees and visitors of the potential for IDLH conditions. Areas prone to these conditions include structures housing the gen set or boiler, below grade pump chambers, and biogas storage devices. Figure 14: Sign indicating IDLH potential DEADLY MANURE GASES POSSIBLE DEATH MAY BE IMMEDIATE! ENTER PITONLY WITH: • SELF-CONTAINED AIR SUPPLY • VENTILATION • RESCUE HARNESS, MECHANICAL LIFT, STAND-BY PERSON A simple and convenient way to ensure the safety of an area's atmosphere is by installing a wall -mounted sensor that can detect hazardous gases (e.g., methane, LEL, hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide). In the event that a hazardous gas sensor is triggered, the emergency action plan (see Section 3) should be implemented. 2.3.3 Explosion potential Methane, the main component of biogas, is flammable when it mixes with air. Upper and lower explosive limits (LEL) are established to provide an identifiable range of concentrations that will produce a flash fire when an ignition source is presented. The LEL is often referred to as a flammable limit. For methane, the lower and upper explosive limit is 5 percent and 15 percent by volume of air, respectively (Linde Gas LLC, 1995). Figure 1S: Safety signs posted at AD facility 11 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 2.4 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM HAZARDS The generation of large quantities of electricity at an AD facility creates electrical hazards, most of which can be found near the gen set, transformer, and electrical panels. The only personnel with the authority to service and repair electrical systems are licensed electricians. In addition, the facility should post signs identifying general electrical hazards near the electrical generation system (see Figure 15 for an example of basic signage). 2.4.1 High voltage Any electrical source above 600 volts is considered high voltage (NEC, 2005). Typically, transmission lines from the transformer are the source of the highest voltage on a farm. A transformer is a piece of machinery used to increase the voltage, allowing for more efficient transport of the electricity. When dealing with such high voltage, the main hazard is contact with exposed leads, which could be fatal. Figure 16 shows exposed lead transformers commonly used on utility poles. Ground -mounted transformers used on farms and at AD facilities are typically enclosed like the one shown in Figure 16: Standard electrical transformer with exposed leads Figure 17. Enclosed transformers should remain sealed Figure 17: Enclosed electrical and locked at all times, and only a licensed electrician transformer should perform transformer maintenance. V; 2.4.2 Low voltage All electrical sources less than 600 volts are considered -----E n low voltage (NEC, 2005). Typically, switches, - controllers, fuses, breakers, wall outlets, and electrical panels are considered low -voltage devices. One major hazard associated with electrical panels is arcing, which " occurs when electricity from an energized source jumps a gap of air and discharges into an adjacent conductive surface, typically metal. If an individual happens to be in the pathway of the arc, they can be seriously burned or killed. Cover plates are used to contain arcing by shielding the employee from any potential harm. Therefore, the facility should ensure that the proper cover plates are intact and correctly in place on the panel or outlet. 12 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 2.4.3 Electrical fires In the event of an electrical fire, the person fighting the fire should use an ABC classified multi- purpose fire extinguisher rather than a water -based fire extinguisher, which could result in electrocution. If possible, the electricity should be shut off to the facility before fighting the fire. The facility should train operators to identify the difference between electrical fires and ordinary combustible fires (Wallenwine, 2011). 3.0 MAINTAINING A SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT AD facilities can provide a safe working environment, as long as proper safety measures are taken. The following sections present recommended steps for maintaining a safe working environment at AD facilities, adapted from the self -assessment guide prepared by Nellie Brown (2007), titled "Conducting a Safety Walk-through on a Farm: Hazards of the Manure Handling System, Anaerobic Digester, and Biogas Handling System" and the emergency action plan requirements of the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. 3.1 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN In most states, AD facilities are required to have emergency action plans (EAP) as part of their NPDES permits. A major objective of an EAP is to develop response protocols to specific emergencies so that if an accident occurs the facility will conduct the appropriate actions in the correct sequence. As a general recommendation, each situation should be broken down into the following components. Assess the extent of damage in the following order: a. Human health b. Environmental health C. Mechanical integrity 2. Correct the problem immediately if possible. 3. Contact the appropriate agencies and personnel to resolve the problem. The contents of an EAP should be well organized in a binder or an electronic file and distributed to all employees so that they are informed of the proper safety protocols. The facility should provide local emergency departments with a copy of the EAP and invite them for a tour of the operation so they can become familiar with the facility. Also, the facility should post a copy in a highly visible area where visitors enter the facility. 13 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems To maintain an effective EAP, the facility should perform an annual review of the document to keep it up to date. Conducting annual training sessions will ensure that employees have a basic understanding of the EAP. The following sections present the recommended content to be included in an EAP. 3.1.1 Directions to AD facility Often, the AD facility is not clearly visible from the main road, especially if it is located in an agricultural setting. Therefore, detailed driving directions from the closest major road, intersection, or town to the physical location of the AD facility should be included in the EAP. 3.1.2 Contact information The EAP should provide a list of emergency and non -emergency contacts, including the job title and cell phone number of each person. Recommended contacts are: • Farm or AD owner • AD operators • Emergency and nonemergency responders o Fire department o Poison control o Law enforcement o Hospital • Electric and gas utilities • Contractors o Electrical o Excavation o Mechanical • State health and safety officials Contact information should identify the appropriate after-hours emergency contact information as well. The contact list should be posted in multiple locations throughout the AD facility and farm so that in the event of an emergency, there is quick and easy access to this information. It is important that the contact list be updated routinely to make sure all information is current. 14 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems In many rural locations, calling 911 may not be the best method for reaching emergency responders. On an annual basis, the AD operator or owner should host a site tour with the local fire, ambulance, and sheriff departments. The purpose of this tour would be to familiarize emergency responders with the site and system, as well as identify the most direct contact method in the event of an emergency. 3.1.3 Site map The EAP should include a detailed site map that identifies and labels relevant structures and major equipment (e.g., flare, gen set, boiler) at the AD facility, as well as the location of emergency equipment. It should also clearly identify the locations of biogas supply shutoff valves and the primary electrical disconnect and control panel. 3.1.4 State and local health and safety requirements The EAP should include the federal and state health and safety regulations for the facility, as well as all OSHA documents, guidelines, and certifications, including confined space entry training documents. In addition, MSDS for non -farm feedstock and any chemical or biological additives should be included in the EAP and posted at the facility so that employees can have quick access to the information. 3.1.5 Equipment vendor manuals The EAP should include the vendor manuals for all equipment at the AD facility. These materials should be well organized so that in the case of a mechanical failure, an operator can locate and reference a specific vendor manual quickly and easily. 3.2 SAFETY AND EMERGENCY EQUIPMENT The following sections list recommended supplies and equipment an AD facility should have available for normal daily operation or in the event of an emergency. The list is divided into supplies and equipment to be maintained on site, so employees can access it within minutes, and equipment that should be locally available and could be delivered to the site within a few hours. A logbook of equipment inspections and expiration dates and the equipment manuals should be located with the safety equipment. 3.2.1 Anaerobic digester facility (onsite) • Personal protective equipment o Gloves o Safety glasses 15 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems o Hearing protection o SCBA (provided employees are properly trained and fitted for using the equipment). • First aid kit • Fire extinguishers (ABC) • Explosion -proof instruments (e.g., flashlight, ventilation blower, hand tools) • Rigging equipment for rescue of a person o Hoist, winch, or pulley o Safety harness • Multi -gas detector with extension hose • Ring buoy • Shovel 3.2.2 Locally (able to be onsite within a few hours) • Excavation equipment (e.g., bull dozer, backhoe, excavator) • SCBA and trained individual 3.2.3 Baseline environmental conditions During startup and for the first 6 to 12 months of use, operators should collect operational parameters and air quality measurements around the AD facility on a weekly basis to establish baseline/normal operating conditions. Basic operational parameters should include pressure and temperature readings on pipelines where gauges are installed. Using a handheld multi -gas meter, employees should check the air quality inside all structures or rooms, along with the conditions in below -grade pump chambers, near the base of digester tanks, and along biogas pipelines. At a minimum, the concentration levels of hydrogen sulfide, carbon monoxide, and methane should be measured and recorded. By establishing baseline operating conditions, the AD operator has a point of reference for troubleshooting operational problems and determining when hazardous conditions are developing or already exist. 16 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 3.3 ELECTRICAL The following section provides common practices to help maintain safety by reducing the potential for electrical hazards that may occur at an AD facility. 3.3.1 Daily inspections The AD facility should instruct operators to perform daily inspections of the electrical system. This inspection should include, but not be limited to, the following: • Conduit connections to panels • Panel cover integrity • Conduit integrity • Exposed and damaged wires • Corrosion of wires • Signs of electrical overheating If there is any sign of the aforementioned problems, operators should contact the site manager or a licensed electrician to resolve the issue. Figure 18 shows a corroded electrical control panel that an Figure 18: Corrosion on an electrical control panel operator should identify for repair during daily inspections. The operator should not attempt to fix the problem unless he or she is the appointed licensed electrician for the facility. 3.3.2 Switches, controllers, fuses, and breaker panels Electrical panels should not be obstructed by any object that would impede the accessibility of the panel itself. For example, temporarily placing a 55-gallon drum below a circuit breaker or installing a pump below a control panel would impede accessibility. Moreover, electrical panels should always be visible so that emergency responders can locate them easily. This becomes imperative when an electrician unfamiliar with the facility needs to turn off the power quickly in an emergency situation. All electrical panels should be well labeled and include an accurate, up-to-date copy of the wiring diagram (Wallenwine, 2011). Additional copies of the wiring diagram should be maintained off site and digitally in the event that a copy is lost, damaged, or destroyed. The facility should check the local electrical code to determine the clearance required around the electrical panel. 17 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 3.3.3 Roles of operators An operator inspects and observes any defective electrical problems but does not perform any electrical maintenance. A licensed electrical engineer appointed by the AD facility is responsible for maintenance and repair of electrical problems. 3.3.4 Visitors on site Unattended facilities associated with the AD system should be locked to limit risk to individuals unfamiliar with the surroundings and to ensure that the system continues to operate efficiently. Employees familiar with the AD system should escort visitors at all times. Visitors to an AD facility are not to operate any switches, controllers, or other electrical functions, including light switches. 3.4 PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Personnel at an AD facility should be provided with proper -fitting personal protective equipment (PPE). The employer is responsible for communicating and educating the employees on the proper use of PPE (OSHA, 20076). At a minimum, OSHA recommends protective gloves, splash -proof goggles, hearing protection, and steel toe shoes for employees associated with the digester system. For visitors to the facility, safety glasses and hearing protection should be available and worn while on site. 3.5 ACCIDENT PREVENTION SIGNS AND TAGS Accident prevention signs and tags should be visible at all times when work is being performed where a hazard may be present and should be removed or covered promptly when the hazards no longer exist. Also, caution signs should be designed to be understood by non-English speakers. The EAP should include resources documenting where proper signs or tags can be obtained for potential facility hazards. A variety of OSHA -approved accident prevention signs are shown in Figure 19. Figure 19: OSHA accident prevention signs i i R AUTHORIZED Mrice aarrr KEEP HANDS NO SMOKING EYE PROTECTION REQUIRED D0HHaoE CLEAR OP N FLAMES NONO PERSONNEL ONLY PERSONNEL ONLY SPARKS 18 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 3.6 PERSONNEL TRAINING REQUIREMENTS Annually, the facility should review the EAP with all employees associated with the AD system and new hires should go through safety and system operation training before being permitted to work at the AD facility. In addition, owners of systems should be aware of OSHA requirements and comply with employee training requirements. 4.0 CONCLUSION Anaerobic digestion provides a real opportunity to address farm -related environmental concerns, generate renewable energy, and diversify farm products. It is important to realize, however, that AD systems pose unique challenges and safety risks not experienced on typical farms. These risks can be mitigated by practical measures, including educating employees about the risks associated with the system, implementing strict safety procedures, and having a detailed and up to date EAP that employees are familiar with. Ensuring a safe environment around the AD facility will protect employees and visitors while enhancing the overall performance of the digester. 19 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 5.0 REFERENCES American Petroleum Institute (API). 2008. "Fall Protection for Above Ground Storage Tanks". http://www.api.org/ehs/health/safetank/Ioader.cfm?urI=/commonspot/security/getfile.cf m&Pagel D=31330. Date accessed: May 19, 2011. 2. Brown, Nellie. 2007. Conducting a Safety Walk-through on a Farm: Hazards of the Manure Handling System, Anaerobic Digester, and Biogas Handling System (A Self -Assessment Guideline for Farmers). Cornell University. Manuals and Users Guides. Paper 13. http://digitalcommons.ilr.cornell.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1012&context=manuals . Date accessed: May 10th, 2011. 3. Center for Disease Control and Prevention. 1995. "Documentation for Immediately Dangerous To Life or Health Concentrations (IDLHs), Chemical Listing and Documentation of Revised IDLH Values." http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/idIh/intrid14.htm1. Date accessed: May 16, 2011. 4. Fenton, Mike. Email correspondence. Michigan Caterpillar Power Systems. May 18, 2011. 5. Gould, C. and M. Crook. 2010. "Michigan On -farm Anaerobic Digester Operator Handbook." Michigan State University Extension. Pages 75-77. 6. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 2008. "Chemical Toxicology Overview." http://www.lbl.gov/ehs/chsp/html/toxicology.shtml. Date accessed: May 16, 2011. 7. Linde Gas LLC. "Methane, Compressed Material Safety Data Sheet." Date accessed: May 12, 2011. http://www.orcbs.msu.edu/msds/linde_msds/pdf/040.pdf 8. Michigan Department of Energy, Labor and Economic Growth (MEDLEG). 2010. MIOSHA Inspection #308878636: General Industry Safety and Health Division Yankee Springs Dairy Inc. (Double Fatalities 7/12/10). 9. Michigan State University Extension. Emergency Action Planning for Michigan For -Hire Manure Applicators. 10. National Electric Code (NEC). 2005. National Electric Code Handbook. 11. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). 2009. Fire Safety Analysis Manual for LP -Gas Storage Facilities. Based on the 2008 Edition of NFPA 58 Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code 12. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2008A. "Fall Protection." http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/fallprotection/index.html. 13. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2008B. "Occupational Noise Exposure." Standard 1910.95. http://www.osha.gov/pIs/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_table=STANDARDS&p_id =9735. 20 Safety Practices for On -Farm Anaerobic Digestion Systems 14. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2008C. "Respiratory Protection". Standard 1910.134. http://www.osha.gov/pIs/oshaweb/owadisp.show document?p table=STANDARDS&p id =12716. 15. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2007A. "Control of Hazardous Energy." Standard 1910.147. http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/controlhazardousenergy/index.html. 16. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2007B. "Personal Protective Equipment." Standard 1910.132. http://www.osha.gov/pIs/oshaweb/owadisp.show document?p table=STANDARDS&p id =9777. 17. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2002. "Accident Prevention Signs and Tags." Standard 1926.200. http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/owadisp.show_document?p_id=10681&p_table=STA N DARDS. 18. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 1998. "Permit -Required Confined Spaces." Standard 1910.146. http://www.osha.gov/pIs/oshaweb/owadisp.show document?p table=STANDARDS&p id =9797. 19. Wallenwine, Steve. Personal correspondence. Consumers Energy. May 20, 2011. 21 EPA United States Bf Environmental Protection Agency Office of Air and Radiation, Mail Code 6207J www.epa.gov EPA-xxx-x-xx-xxx December 2011 2320000 FEET :00000 FEET 77'550MI 34'60'30'N 34'5rf0'N 34'49'30'N 34 49`0'N 34'48'30'N 77°55'30"W 77' 55t0''N 77" 54'30'W 77" 547W 77'53'30'W 77'53'0^N 77'52'30'W • • t ST•. ti • , �+ �•• 'fl , • �.T lA • � •� � -1 • a A : � ►• f 000RO 1Es rt Toac"oy t Or it4,1 ' r✓ lain .F r t;oopor'LFnR r;. @dal; T t ,'lit ♦ - .�-� - El x -.�•.F_ , Ll'J t'IL M 34 450'. 3a'47'30'N 38C000 FEET 77' 560'W 232000D FEET / 1 � r.` • >t °re rat,,,, dock qM•. C� • . i 1 trir .rr�l C;-? f',T2? �t4� �' !► +fir - :ti;�...:�r.;• -;� fir+: 4.7 It It V h A Rd .17065 `•r3 1 - 2340000 FEET 4C0000 FEET 1 - � a,n[j • ZONE AE: W , 4141 r 7'55'30'4V . 5'C' 77'54'3VY,' 77'54'01N 77' 53'30'M' 77'5310'W 77'52' 30'W FLOOD HAZARD INFORMATION NOTES TO USERS SCALE SEE FIS REPORT FOR ZONE DESCRIPTIONS AND INDEX MAP Fo' intwwotion and ;,.,estions about tries n•ap, a•:ailsole products associated %%Wi this FIRM including Map Projection: THE INFORMATION DEPICTED ON THIS MAP AND SUPPORTING please vat IhIr,c of*,Mir,FIRM, how ioa order productange at - 77 NabonEKIA- l flood Insurance7-336-2 Program in the FE 1. please cat the FEf\1A 1/tap Information eXchange at 1-B77-FERIA-MAP 1;1-877-336.2627 j or visit the FEAfA iltsp North Carolina Slate Plane Projection Feet (Zone 3200) DOCUMENTATION ARE ALSO AVAILABLE IN DIGITAL FORMAT AT Service Center v+ebsite at htlp-;rmsc.fema.gov. An accompanying Flood Insurance Study report. Letter of i,tap Datum: NAD 1983 (Horizontal), NAVD 1968 (Vertical) HTTP://FRIS.iVC.GOV/FRIS Revision (LOMR) or Letter of Map Amendment (LOAiA) re•.,sng portions of this panel, and digital versions of this FIRM may be available. Vtsr, the North Carolina FtocdptainMapping Program webatteat http:l!vnnv.ncnoodnhapa.00 — 1 inch — 1000feet or contact the FEMA Map Service Center. r Without Base Flood Elevation (BFE) Camminrims annexing land on adjacent FIRM panels must obtain a cvrent cop} of the adjacent panel as well as ��() 1 �00 2.000 Zone A,V. A99 the current FIRM Index These may be ordered directly from the hlap Service Center a: the number ts•ed above. Feet With BFE or Depth zone AE. AO. M i, VL, AR Fa com".,nry and countywide map dales refer ;o the Flood Insurance Study report for this jurisdiction A'leterS SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREAS Regulatory Floodway To tf flood insurance is to the community, contact your Insuranceagent or call the National 0 150 300 600 Flood Insurance -63"lc Flood Insurance Program at 1-800-638fi620. 0.2°'o Annual Chance Flood Hazard, Areas Flood Insurance Study (FIS) means an examinabon, eval.tation and determination of flood hazards, corresponding water surface elevations. flood hazard rrsk zones. and other flood data rt a community issued by the North Carolina PANEL LOCATOR of 1°'d Annual Chance Flood with Average Flcodprain Mapping Program (NCFMP). The Flood Insurance Stud} (FIS) is compnsed of the following products Depth Less Than One Foot or With Drainage used together -the Digital Flood Hazard Database. the Vlrater Surface Elevation Rasters, the digitally derived. autogenerated Flood Insurance Rate Map and the Flood Insurance Survey Report A Flood Insurance Sur,'my is a Areas of Less Than One Square Mile ?nne X compilation and presentation of!lood risk data for specific watercou rses. lakes. and coastal !rood hazard areas within a community. This report contains detailed flood elevation data, data tab+es and FIRM indices When a flood study is Future Conditions 1 +o+ b Annual completed for the NFIP, the digital information, reports and maps are assembled into an FIS. Information shown on this FIRM is provided in digital format by the NCF1,1P. Base map information shown on this FIRM was provided in Chance Flood Hazard Zo,, t::', digital format by the `1CFMR The source of this information can be determined from the meladata available to the OTHER AREAS OF Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to Levee digital FLOOD database and in the Technical Support Data Notebook (TSDN). FLOOD HAZARD See Notes ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS If an accred:;ed levee note appears an this panel check with your local Community to obtain more information. such as the estimated level of protection provided (which may exceed the OTHER Areas Determined to be Outside the 1-percen1-2nnu2l-ch2nce level) and Emergent: Action Plan, an the levee systeml.$) shown as providing protection. To mitigate 1100d risk to residual risk areas, property owners and resdents are encouraged to consider flood AREAS 0.2o,r Annual Chance Floodplain lnnPX V insurance and floodprooling or other pro:carve measures For more information on flood mturance, interested parties should vivtthe FEMAWebsiteathC.p!-\�•xv.fema.gov:busness-nfip!index.shtm ------------- Channel. Culvert, or StorrTI Sevier PROVISIONALLY ACCREDITED LEVEE NOTES TO USERS: If Provision aty Accredited Levee (PAL) note Accredited or Provisionally Accredited appears on this panel, check wtih your lont comnvrndy to obtain more information. such as the estimated level of protection provided (which may exceed the t-percent-annual-chance le -mil and Emergency Action Plan, on the GENERAL Levee, Dike, or Floodwall levee systems) shown as providing protection. To maritain accreditation. the le•eee owner or community is requ►•ed to submit the data and documentabon necessary to compty with Section 65.10 of the NFIP re'gulatans. STRUCTURES " """""' Non -accredited Levee. Dike, or Floodwall If the community or owner does not provide the necessary data and documentation or if the data and documentation provided Indicates ;he levee system does not conply wrh Section 65.10 requirements, FEMA wilt revise the flood 13P1,15510 North Carolina Geodetic Survey bench mark hazard and risk information for this area to reflect de -accreditation of the levee system To mitigate flood risk in residual risk areas, property owners and residents are encouraged to consider flood insurance and floodproofng BP,15510 ,� National Geodetic Survey bench mark or other protective measures For more infomlabon on flood insurance, interested parties should visa the FERIA Website at httplrw•hvv.fema.gov1b.,siness nfiplindex.shtnh BN15510,., Contractor Est. NCFMP Survey bench mark LIMIT OF MODERATE WAVE ACTION NOTES TO USERS For some coastal flooding zones the AE Zane 012 �a-2— Cross Sections with 1°'o Annual Chance category has been divided tYy a Limit o' hicderate Wave Acton (L,AIWA.. The LihiWArepresents the approximate land.+iard lime of the 1 5-foot breaking wave. The effects of wave hazards between the VE Zone and the WAWA Water Surface Elevation (BFE) (or between the shoreline and the LiMWA for areas wthere VE Zones are not identifiedl will be similar to. but less severe than th✓,e in ,he VE Zone. - - - - - Coastal Transect Limit of Moderate Wave Action (LiMWA) --- --- Coastal Transect Baseline Profile BaselineCOASTAL BARRIER RESOURCES SYSTEM (CBRS) NOTE This reap nvy include approximate boundanes of the CBRS for inforrtntional purposes only Flood insurance is not Hydrograph is Feature available within CBRS areas for structures that are newly built or substantially improved on or alter the date(s) indicated on the map For more information see http:r;www f %%s govi'Mra. the FIS Report, or cal the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service O,stcmer Service Center at 1.8D0-344-WILD. OTHER Limit of Study CBRS Area : ; Otherwise Protected Area FEATURES Jurisdiction Boundary 1:12.000 3502 _• 35t2 , 356: 2542 55?•2562 2572 2582 2592 3501 3511 3521 3531 25i 0 2560 2580 3 - :0 Lenoir + 1 3500 3510 3520 3530 _ I : 2ca5 a �, 1a •; 34r:, 3428 3•1 . ash 4 6 ;a;. art 3426 14-1: ;as:; t , �g 1Ntr; 1 24441 4:;4 _a�a ,ells _.a 34a4 :14i.: a a a4o4 4a03 :42 :•152 24S Sap; :'2: 3a:^ 3,162 3462 ad 2 map 7•t,� ;a:) ;ai;) ?r s•1:0 3•t';:0 3.1�a •1;;10 lash i; 59 stilt r. ...: ,. A:164 3:1;: ti r :,36; 2397 .3307 3317 2346 _:silt 3326 :.0 333 33b5 2366 2396 3306 3316 2365 23IS 23b� 7395 33Q5 3315 3325 3335 — - 234.1 33t•t 338't 34 "50'30'N 34 '50'0'N 34"49'30'N 34''49'0'N 34"48'30'N 47'30'N 380000 FEET 2340000 FEET ' �unuerntine Techni This digital Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) was produced through a un,au.: cooperab•.e partnership between the State of North Carolina and the Federa Emergency Management Agency (FEi,tA) The State of North Carolina has; in)plemented a long term approach to flocdptain management to decrease the costs assoctated with flooding. This is demonstrated tri the Slate's com ntment to map flood hazard areas at the local level As a part of ;his effort, the State of North Carolna has joined to a Cooperating Technical State ag•eemenl „•r.h FEMAto produce and maintain this digital FIRM NORTH CAROLINA FLOODPLAIN MAPPING PROGRAM NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM 0 FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP o NORTH CAROLINA 0 • PANEL 332813L., +� 4ND S6GJ FEMA Panel Contains: COMMUNITY CID PANEL SUFFIX OUPLIN COUNTY 370083 3328 K. v I GREENEVERS, TOWN OF 370655 3328 I< 0 0 cc 0 CIO VERSION NIINIBER MAP NUN16FR 3720332800K MAP RFVISFD June 20. 2018 Nutrient Management Plan For Animal Waste Utilization 06-18-2024 This plan has been prepared for: Rheu Enterprises, LLC (31-226) Rheit Freedman 1282 Jordan Road Clarklon, NC 28433 (910) 918-2210 This plan has been developed by: Ronnie G. Kennedy Jr. Agrimeni Services, Inc. PO Box 1096 Beulaville, NC 252.568,�& r Signature Type of Plan: Nitrogen Only with Manure Only Owner/Manager/Producer Agreement I (we) understand and agree to the specifications and the operation and maintenance Procedures established in this nutrient management plan which includes an animal waste utilization plan for the farm named above. I have read and understand the Required Specifications concerning animal waste management that are included with this plan. Signature (owner) Signature (manager or producer) / ,t 9 -Ry- Date Date This plan meets the minimum standards and specifications of the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Natural Resources Conservation Service or the standard of practices adopted by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission. Plan Approved By: ethnical S 16 iali ignature Date 587144 Database' Version 4.1 Date Printed: 06-18-2024 Cover Page 1 Nutrients applied in accordance with this plan will be supplied from the following sources): Commercial Fertilizer is not included in this plan. S7 Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Liquid waste generated 6,674,400 gals/year by a 7,200 animal Swine Finishing Lagoon Liquid operation. This production facility has waste store a ca acities of a roximately 180 days. Estimated Pounds of Plant Available Nitrogen Generated per Year Broadcast 12031 Incorporated 14437 Injected 14437 Irrigated 12031 Max Avail. Actual PAN PAN Surplusl Actual Volume Volume Surplus/ PAN (lbs)* Applied (lbs) Deficit (lbs) Applied (Gallons) Deficit (Gallons) Year 1 12,031 16087 -4,056 8,924,926 -2,250,526 Note: 1n source ID, S means standard source, U means user defined source. Max. Available PAN is calculated on the basis of the actual application method(s) identified in the plan for this source. 5871" Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 06-18-2024 Source Page I of I Narrative 6/17/2023 - This plan has been updated to remove the area that will be used for the digester. With the removal of this location (pull A&B) from the farm Nutrient Management Plan this farm still has sufficient remaining pumping wettable acres. No crop changes. This plan will replace last plan dated 11612022 when the new digester permit has been received. Removed pull A&B for digester location. 1 i612422 This plan is to update new owner. No crap changes have been made. Historical rates used from waste plan completed by Jimmy R. Vinson on 5/26/1998. Irrigation acres are from irrigation system designers M.Floyd Adams, P.E. 516f1998 Plan revised to reflect the acres on irrigation design. Un-numbered field is presently being cleared. All excess grass not used for gazing is to be cut for hay. 587144 Database Version 4.1 date Printed: 46-1 S-2024 Narrative Page l of l The table shown below provides a summary of the crops or rotations included in this plan for each field. Realistic Yield estimates are also provided for each crap in the plan. In addition, the Leaching Index for each field is shown, where avai lable. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Aries Useable Acres leaching Index (lt) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 4303 Old 1 2.7 2.70 NIA l.ctm Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tins tlybrid M mudagms Pasture 3.0 Tans 4303 Old 2a 2.05 2d15 NIA € ion Small Grain Overseed 1 _© Tons 4303 Old 2b 2.70 2.70 NIA t.ean Hybrid Herrnudagrass Pasture Small Grain Ovcrsced 3.0 Tons 1.0 Tans € € ^arid Bee nudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tans 4303 4303 Old 3 Old 4 2.70 1.l 2.70 1,10 NIA NIA lion Leon Small Grain Overseed I lybrid liennudagrass Pasture Small Grain Ovcrsced 1 lybrid Bcrmudagrass Pasture 1.0 Tons 3.0 Tons 1.0 T*m 3.0 Tans 4303 Old 5 2.35 2.35 NIA ton Small brain Overseed LO flees I lybrid 13enmrdagrass Pasture 3.0 Tans 4303 4303 4303 Old is Old 7 Old 8 1.43 1.80 2.34 1.43 1.80 2.34 NIA N/A NIA Leon 1.con Lcon Small Grain Overseed 11)trid Bermudagrass Pasture Small Grain Overseed l lybrid Bermudagrass Pasture Small Grain Overseed 1.0'funs 3.0 Tons 1.0 Tons 3.0 •fens 1.0 'Eons 11 ybM Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons 4303 plOa 119 2.1 NIA lxw Small Grain Oversced 1.0 Tons l lybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons 4303 p lOb 2.19 2.1 NIA lixon Small Grain Overseed 1.0 T(M I ybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tions 4307 pla 3.15 3.15 NIA Foreston Small Grain Overseed 1 lybrid 13crmudagrass Hay 1.0 Tons 6.0 Tans 4307 plb 0.32 0.32 NIA Foreston Small Grain Overseed 1.0'fnns l lybrid Bermudagrass f lay 6.0 ions 4307 p2a 3.71 3.71 NIA Forestort Small Grain Overseed ] lybrid 13ermudagrass tiny 1.o Tons &0 Tons 4307 p2b 0.64 0.64 N/A Foreston Small Grain Ovcrsced l.0 Tons € lybrid 13crmudagrass Hay 6.0 Tans 4307 pia 0.671 0.67 N/A 11,0testan Small Grain Oversccd I.O Tons 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed 6/1 WON PC"5 Page 1 of 2 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. Planned Crops Summary Tract Field Total Acres Useable Acres leaching Index (Ll) Soil Series Crop Sequence RYE 4307 1 p3b 0,711 0.71 NIA Foreston l lybrid Bermudagrass 1 lay Small Grain Oversced &0 Tons 1.0 Tuns l lybrid Bermudagrass l lay 6.0 Tuns 4307 p4a 2.81 2.87 NIA Foreston Small Grain Overseed I iybrid Hermudagrass F lay 1.0'rons 6.0'rons 4307 p4b 0.741 0.74 NIA Poresion Small Grain Oversecd 1.0 Tons ( lybrid l3ermudagrass l Fay 6.0'rens 4307 25 4.16 4.16 NIA Worestun Small Grain Ovcrseed 1.0 Tons - I lybrid 13canudagrass 1 lay 6.0 Tons 4307 4307 p6a p6b 3.54 0.37 3.54 0.37 NIA NIA Pomston Foresmon Small Grain Overseed I lybrid 13erinudagms Flay Small Grain Oversccci 1.0 Tans 6.0'rons 1.0'rons Hybrid Bermuda s 1 lay 6.0 'rons 4307 p7a 2.74 2.74 NIA Foreston Small Grain Orerse d 1.0 Toro 4307 p7b 1,21 1.21 NIA Foreston 11)brid liermudagrass f lay Small Grain Overseed l tybrid F3c=!u s 1 lay 6.0 Tuns 1.0 Tans 6.0 Tons 4307 P8 0.56 0.56 NIA Foreston Small Grain Ovcrsecd 1.0 Tons 1 tybrid I3crmudagzass l lay 6.0 Tons 8214 p9 1.4 1.46 NIA Autryville small Grain O>: mecd 1.0 Tons IT-, 1 lybrid 131crntudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tuns PLAN TOTALS: 50A0 50.40 LI Potential Leaching Technical Guidance [ Low potential to contribute to soluble None nutrient leaching below the root zone. >= 2 & Moderate potential to contribute to Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. 14 soluble nutrient leaching below the root zone. High potential to contribute to soluble Nutrient Management (590) should be planned. Other conservation practices that improve nutrient leaching below the root zone. the sails available water holding capacaty and improve nutrient use efficiency should be > 10 considered. Examples are Cover Crops (340) to scavenge nutrients, Sod -Based Rotations (328), Long -Term No -Till (778), and edge -of -field practices such as Filter Strips (393) and Riparian Forest Buffers (391). 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed 611 W2024 i'CS Page 2 of 2 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. The Waste Utilization table shown below summarizes the waste utilization plan for this operation. This plan provides an estimate of the number of acres of cropland needed to use the nutrients being produced. The plan requires consideration of the realistic yields ofthe crops to be grown, their nutrient requirements, and proper timing of applications to maximize nutrient uptake. This table provides an estimate of the amount of nitrogen required by the crop being grown and an estimate of the nitrogen amount being supplied by manure or other by-products, commercial fertilizer and residual from previous crops. An estimate of the quantity of solid and liquid waste that will be applied on each field in order to supply the indicated quantity of nitrogen from each source is also included. A balance of the total manure produced and the total Manure applied is included in the table to ensure that the plan adequately provides for the utilization of the manure generated by the operation. Waste Utilization Table Year 1 Tract field Source ID Soil Series Total Acres use. Acres Crop RYI: ApptiC Fl icd Nitogen PA Nutrient Reqd (lbs1A) Comm Fem Nutrient Applied (lbs/A) Res. (IWAj, Apptic. Metlnd Manure PA NutrientA pplied (lbs1A) Liquid MarlurO pplied (acre) Sand Manure Applied (acre) I.igaid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Marns Applied (Field) IN N IN N 1000 ga11A Tons 1000 gals tons 4303 Old t S7 Leon 2.70 2.70 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011.3/31 50 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 74.90 0.0 4303 Old I S7 Leon 2.70 2.70 llybrid 13ermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *311.10131 *235 0 0 brig. 235 130.37 0.00 352.01 0.00 4303 Old 2a S7 Leon 2.051 2.05 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-313 t so 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0,00 56.97 0.00 4303 1 Old 2a S7 Icon 2.05 2.05 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *311-1013 t *235 0 0 brig. 235 130.37 0.00 267.27 0.00 4303 Old 2b S7 €.eon 2.70 2.70 Small Grain Oversced 1.0'rons Bill-3131 50 0 0 brig. 9 27,74 0.00 74.90 0.00 4303 Old 2b S7 Leon 2.70 2.701lybrid Berrnudagrass Pasture 3.0'Fons *311.10131 •235 0 0 Irrig. 235 130,37 0.00 332.01 0.00 4303 Old 3 57 lean 2.70 2.70 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-313 t 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 74.90 0.00 4303 old 3 S7 Leon 2.70 2.70 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Torts 13/1.10/31 0235 0 0 brig. 235 130.37 0.00 352.01 0.00 4303 Old 4 S7 Iran 1.10 1.10 Small Grain Ovtrseed I.0 Tons 1011-3131 5Q 0 0 lrri& 50 27.74 0.00 30.51 0.00 4303 Old 4 S7 Leon 1.10 1.10 1lybrid Berm odagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons 03/1.10i31 *235 0 Q Irrig. 235 130.37 0A0 143.41 0.00 4303 Old 5 S7 Iton 2.35 2.35 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011.3131 50 0 0 Irrig, 50 27.74 0.00 65.19 0.00 4303 Old 5 S7 Loan 2.33 135 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *31t-10131 0235 0 0 brig. 235 130.37 0.00 306.38 0.00 4303 Old 6 S7 Icon 1.43 1.43 Small Grain Ovcrsscd 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 50 0 0 lnig. 50 27.74 0.00 39.67 0.00 4303 Old 6 S7 b.eon L431 1.43 llybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3V Tons *311-10131 0235 0 0 brig. 235 130.37 0.00 186A3 0.00 4303 Old 7 S7 I tort 1.90 1.80 Small Grain Overseed I.0 Tons 10/1-3131 s0 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 49.93 0.00 4303 Old 7 S7 .con 1.80 110 Hybrid Bcrmudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *311-1013 T1.7 0 0 brig. 235 130.37 0.00.234,67 0.00 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 6/18/2024 WUT fate l of 3 Waste Utilization Table vpOr- t Tract Find Source Total Use. ID I Soil Series Acres Acres Crop RYE Appbc• Period Nitrogen Comm. PA Fem Nutrical Nutrient Read Applied (IbVA) (lbs1A) Res. (lbs1A) Appiic. Melhod Manure Liquid FA ManumA NuIricnIA pplied ppbed (acre) (Ibs1A) Solid €squid Solid ManLff Manure Manure AppOed Applied Applied (Ficid) (am) (Field) N N �x 1000 N ga11A Tom 1000 gods tans 4303 Old 8 S7 Ixon 2.34 2.34 Seta€1 Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 64.91 0.00 4303 Old 8 S7 Lcon 2.34 2.34 Hybrid Bermadagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *3i1-10i31 *235 0 0 Irrig. 235 130.37 0.00 305.07 0.00 4303 plOa S7-Leon 2.19 2.19 Small Grain Qvcrsced 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 5o 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 60.75 0.00 4303 plOa S7 Lm 2.19 2.19 F1ybr'td Dcrmudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *311-10131 *235 0 0 Irrig. 235 130.37 0.00 285.52 0.00 4303 pl ob S7 Leon 2.19 2.19 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3/31 5o 0 0 lrrig. 50 27.74 0.00 60.75 0.00 4303 p10b S7 Leon 2.19 2.19 Hybrid Bermudagrass Pasture 3.0 Tons *311-10131 *235 0 0 brig. 235 i30.37 0.0 285.52 0.00 4307 pla S7 Forwon 3.15 3.15 Small Grain Oversced 1,0 Tons 1011-3/31 50 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 97.39 0.00 4307 pla S7 •oreston 3.15 3.15 Hybrid Bermudagrass Flay 6.0'rons *311-10131 *300 0 0 brig. 300 166.43 0.00 S24.27 0.00 4307 p €h S7 Foreston 0.32 0.32 Small Crain ©versecd 1.0 Tons € 011-381 50 0 0 Irrig, 50 27.74 0.00 8.88 0.00 4307 plb S7 Foreston 0.32 0.32 }lybrid Berrrtudagrass Flay &.0 Tons *311-I0131 *300 0 0 brig. 300 166.43 0.00 53.26 0.00 4307 p2a S7 Forestan 3.71 3.71 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tans 1011-3/31 5o 0 0 Irrig, 50 27.74 0.00 102.91 0.00 4307 p2a S7 Foreston 3.71 3.71 1lybrid Bermudagrass Flay 6.0 Tons *3/1-10131 *300 0 0 Irrig, 300 166.43 0.00 617.47 0.00 4307 p2b S7 Foreston 0.64 0.64 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 50 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 17.75 0.00 4307 p2b S7 Foreston 0.64 0.64 Hybrid Bermudagrass Flay 6.0 Tans *3i1-10131 *300 0 0 Irrig. 300 166.43 0.00 106.52 0.00 4307 pia S7 Forenop 0.67 0.67 Small Grain Overseed 1.O Tons 1011-3131 5o 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 18.59 0.00 4307 pia S7 Foreston 0.67 0.67 Hybrid Bermudagrass Hay 6.0 Tons *3i1-1013I *300 0 0 Irng. 300 166A3 000 111.51 0.00 4307 p3b S7 Foreston 0.71 0.71 Small Grain OversLcd 1.0'rons 1011-3131 50 0 0 Irrig. 50 27.74 0.00 19.70 0.00 4307 p3b S7 Foreston 0.71 0.71 Hybrid Bermudagrass Hay 6.0 Tons *311-10/31 *300 0 0 Irrig. 30D 166,43 0.00 118.17 0.00 4307 p4a S7 Foreston 2.87 2.87 Small Grain Oversced I.O Tons 1011-3131 50 0 0 irrig, 50 27.74 0.00 79.61 0.00 4307 p4a S7 urmton 2.87 2.97 Hybrid Bermudagrass I -lay 6.0 Tons *311-10131 *300 0 0 ]Trig. 300 166A3 0.(10 477.67 0.00 4307 p4b S7 Foreston 0.74 0.74 Small Grain Ovcrseed 1.0 Tuns I011-3131 50 0 0 brig. 5 27.74 0,00 20.53 0.00 4307 p46 S7 Foreston 0.74 0.74 lly6rid Bermudagrass Hay 6.0'1'ans *311-10131 *300 0 0 Irrig. 30 166.431 0.00 I23.16 0.00 597144 Database Version 4.1 ©ate Printed: 6i18/2024 WUT Page 2 of 3 Waste Utilization Table Vnur t Tract Field Source 11) Soil Series Tort1 Acres Use. Acres Crop RYA Applic• Penal Nitrogen PA Nutrieni Rgil (lbs1A) Ccmm Res. 1:ert. (Ibs1A) Nutrient Applied (lbs1A) Applis, Method Manure PA Nutrieno pplied (€bs1A) Liquid Manura pplied (acre) Solid Manure Applied (acre) Ligaid Manure Applied (Field) Solid Man Applied (Field) 1 N N N 1000 gd11A 'fans 1000 gals tons 4307 p5 S7 Foreston 4.16 4.16 Small Grain Oversced 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 5o 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 115.39 0.00 4307 p5 S7 Foreston 4.16 4.16 hybrid Bermudagrass Clay 6.0 Tons *311-10131 *300 0 0 Irrig. 300 166.43 0,00 692.36 0.00 4307 p6a S7 Foreston 3.54 3.54 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3/31 S0 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 99.20 0.00 4307 p6a S7 I-oreston 3.54 3.54 l lybrid Berrnudagrass 11ay 6.0 Tons *311-10/31 *300 0 0 brig. 300 166A3 0.00 $89.19 0.00 4307 p6b S7 Foreston 0.37 0.37 Small Grain Oversexed 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 5o 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 10.26 0.00 4307 p6b S7 Foreston 0.37 0.37 Hybrid Bermudagrass tiny 6.0 Tons *311-10131 *300 0 0 brig. 300 166A3 0.00 61.5S 0.00 4307 p7a S7 Foreman 2.74 2.74 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3/31 50 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 76.01 0.00 4307 p7a S7 orsston 2.74 2.74 hybrid Bermudagrass clay 6A Tons *311-10131 *300 0 0 brig. 300 166.43 0.00 456.03 0.00 4307 p7b S7 Foresiork 1.21 1.21 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3/31 50 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 33.56 0.00 4307 p7b S7 Eoreston 1.21 1.211lylsridRcmtudagmuflay 6.0*tons *311-10l3) *300 0 0 brig. 300 166A3 0.00 201.39 0.00 4307 ps S7 Foreston 0.56 0.56 Small Grain Overseed 1.0 Tons 1011-3131 50 0 0 brig. 50 2T74 0.00 15.53 0.00 4307 p8 S7 roresion 0.56 0.56 Hybrid 8crmudagrass Hay 6.0 Tans *311-10131 *300 0 0 brig. 300 166,43 0,00 93.20 0.00 8214 p9 S7 utryville 1.46 1.46 Small Grain Oversced I.0 Tons 10/1-3131 50 1 0 0 brig. 50 27.74 0.00 4030 0.00 9214 p9 S7 utryville 1,46 1.46 hybrid Berraudagrass Pasture 5.5 Tons *311-10131 *285 4 0 brig. 285 158.111 0.00 230.84 0.0€7 Total Applied, 1000 gallons 8,924.93 Torsi Produced. lo00 gallons 6,674AO Balance, 1000 gallons -2,250.53 'fatal Applied, tons 0.00 "Total Produced, Eons 0.00 Balance, tons 0.00 Notes: 1. In the tract column, - symbol means leased, otherwise, owned. 2. Symbol * means user entered data. 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed. 6/18/2024 WUT Page 3 of 3 The Irrigation Application Factors for each field in this plan are shown in the following table. Infiltration rate varies with soils. If applying waste nutrients through an irrigation system, you must apply at a rate that will not result in runoff. This table provides the maximum application rate per hour that may be applied to each field selected to receive wastewater. It also lists the maximum application amount that each field may receive in any one application event. Irrigation Application Factors Tract Field Soil Series Application state (inches/hour) Application Amount (inches) 4303 4303 Old 1 Old 2a Leon Leon U5 0.65 1.0 1.0 4303 Old 2b Leon 0.65 1.0 4303 4303 Old 3 Old 4 Leon Leon 0.65 0.65 1.0 1.0 4303 4303 4303 Old 5 Old 6 Old 7 Leon Leon Leon 0.65 0.65 0.65 1.0 1.0 1.0 4303 Old 8 Leon 0.65 1.0 4303 pl0a Leon 0.65 1.0 4303 p 1 Ob Leon 0.65 1.0 4307 p l a Foreston 0.5t1 1.0 4307 p 1 b Foreston 0.50 1.0 4307 p2a Foreston 0.50 1.0 4307 4307 p2b pia Foreston Foreston 0.50 0.50 1.0 Lo 4307 p3b Foreston 0.50 1.0 4307 4307 p4a p4b Foreston Foreston 0.50 0.50 1.0 1.0 4307 4307 p5 p6a Foreston Foreston 0.50 0.50 1.0 1.0 4307 p6b Foreston 0.50 1.0 4307 p7a Foreston 0.50 1.0 4307 p7b Foreston 0.50 1.0 4307 ps Foreston 0.50 1.0 8214 p9 Autryville 0.60 1.0 587144 database Version 4.1 Date Printed 6/18/2024 1AF Page 1 of 1 NOTE: Symbol * means user entered data. The following Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization table provides an estimate ofthe number ofacres needed for sludge utilization for the indicated accumulation period. These estimates are based on average nitrogen concentrations for each source, the number of animals in the facility and the plant available nitrogen application rates shown in the second column. Lagoon sludge contains nutrients and organic matter remaining after treatment and application ofthe effluent. At clean out, this material must be utilized for crop production and applied at agronomic rates. In most cases, the priority nutrient is nitrogen but other nutrients including phosphorous, copper and zinc can also be limiting. Since nutrient levels are generally very high, application of sludge must be carefully applied. Sites must first be evaluated for theirsuitability for sludge application. Ideally, effluent spray fields should not be used for sludge application. If this is not possible, care should be takers not to load effluent application fields with high amounts ofcopperand zinc so that additional effluent cannot be applied. On sites vulnerable to surface water moving to streams and lakes, phosphorous is a concern. Soils containing very high phosphorous levels may also be a concern. Lagoon Sludge Nitrogen Utilization Table Maximum Maximum Sludge Crop PA-N Rate Application Rate Minimum Acres Minimum Acres Minimum Acres Iblac 1000 gallac S Years Accumulation 10 Years Accumulation 15 Years Accumulation Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Sludge - Standard Corn 120 bu ISO 14.69 80.88 161,76 242.64 Clay 6 ton R.Y.E 300 29.38 40,44 8t N 121.32 Soybean 40 bu 160 15.67 75.82 151.65 227.47 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 06-18-2024 Sludge Page 1 of t The Available Waste Storage Capacity table provides an estimate of the number ofdays of storage capacity available at the end of each month of the plan. Available storage capacity is calculated as the design storage capacity in days minus the number of days of net storage volume accumulated. The start date is a value entered by the user and is defined as the date prior to applying nutrients to the first crap in the plan at which storage volume in the lagoon or holding pond is equal to zero. Available storage capacityshould be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the design storage capacity of the facility. If the available storage capacity is greater than the design storage capacity, this indicates that the plan calls for the application of nutrients that have not yet accumulated. lfavailable storage capacity is negative, the estimated volume of accumulated waste exceeds the design storage volume of the structure. Either of these situations indicates that the planned application interval in the waste utilisation plain is inconsistent with the structure's temporary storage capacity. Available Waste Stnraoe Canacity Source Name I Swine Feeder -Finish Lagoon Liquid Des 1 Stora a Capacity (Days) Start Date 9/ 1 ISO Plant Year l Month 1 Available Storage Capacity (Days) • 77 1 1 1 l 2 3 4 5 64 86 118 149 l 6 180 i 1 7 8 180 180 1 9 180 1 10 160 1 11 145 1 12 125 * Available Storage Capacity is calculated as of the end of each month. 5871" Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 06-18-2024 Capacity Page 1 of 1 Rewired Specifications For Animal Waste Mannement 1. Animal waste shall not reach surface waters of the state by runoff, drift, manmade conveyances, di rect applica tion, or d irect discha rge du ring operation or land application. Any discharge of waste that reaches surface water is prohibited. 2. There must be documentation in the design folder that the producer either owns or has an agreement for use of adequate land on which to properly apply the waste. if the producer does not own adequate land to properly dispose of the waste, he/she shall provide evidence of an agreement with a landowner, who is within a reasonable proximity, allowing him/her the use of the land for waste application. It is the responsibility of the owner of the waste production facility to secure an update of the Nutrient Management Plan when there is a change in the operation, increase in the number of animals, method of application, receiving crop type, or available land. 3. Animal waste shall be applied to meet, but not exceed, the nitrogen needs for realistic crop yields based upon soil type, available moisture, historical data, climatic conditions, and level of management, unless there are regulations that restrict the rate of applications for other nutrients. 4. Animal waste shall be applied to land eroding less than 5 tons per acre peryea r. Waste may be applied to land eroding at more than 5 tons per acre per year but less than 10 tons per acre per year provided grass filter strips are Installed where runoff' leaves the field (see USDA, MRCS Field Office Technical Guide Standard 393 - Filter Strips). 5. Odors can be reduced by injecting the waste or by disking after waste application. Waste should not be applied when there is danger of drift from the land application field. 6. When animal waste is to be applied on acres subject to flooding, waste will be soil incorporated on conventionally tilled cropland. When waste is applied to conservation tilled crops or grassland, the waste may be broadcast provided the application does not occur during a season prone to flooding (see "Weather and Climate in North Carolina" for guidance). 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 6/18/2024 Svecification Page 1 7. Liquid waste shall be applied at rates not to exceed the soil infiltration rate such that runoffdoes not occur offsite or to surface waters and in a method which does not cause drift from the site during application No ponding should occur in order to control odor and flies. 8. Animal waste shall not be applied to saturated soils, during rainfall events, or when the soil surface is frozen. 9. Animal waste shall be applied on actively growing crops in such a manner that the crop is not covered with waste to a depth that would inhibit growth. The potential for salt damage from animal waste should also be considered. 10. Nutrients from waste sha11 not be applied in fa11 or winter for spring planted crops on soils with a high potential for teaching. Waste/nutrient loading rates on these soils should be held to a minimum and a suitable winter cover crop planted to take up released n utrients. Waste shall not be applied more than 30 days prior to planting of the crop or forages breaking dormancy. 11. Any new swine facility sited on or after October 1,1995 shall comply with the following: The outer perimeter of the land area onto which waste is applied from a lagoon that is a component of a swine farm shall be at least 50 feet from any residential property boundary and canal. Animal waste, other than swine waste from facilities sited on or after October 1,1995, shall not be applied closer that 25 feet to perennial waters. 12. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 100 feet to wells. 13. Animal waste shall not be applied closer than 200 feet of dwellings other than those owned by the landowner. 14. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 6118/2024 Specification Page 2 15. Animal waste shall not be discharged into surface waters, drainageways, or wetlands by a discharge or by over -spraying. Animal waste may be applied to prior converted cropland provided the fields have been approved as a land application site by a "technical specialist". Animal waste shall not be applied on grassed waterways that discharge directly into water courses, and on other grassed waterways, waste shall be applied at agronomic rates in a manner that causes no runoff or drift from the site. 16. Domestic and industrial waste from washdown facilities, showers, toilets, sinks, etc., shall not be discharged into the animal waste management system. 17. A protective cover of appropriate vegetation will be established on all disturbed areas (lagoon embankments, berms, pipe runs, etc.). Areas shall be fenced, as necessary, to protect the vegetation. Vegetation such as trees, shrubs, and tither woody species, etc., are limited to areas where considered appropriate. Lagoon areas should be kept mowed and accessible. Berms and structures should be inspected regularly for evidence of erosion, leakage, or discharge. 18. 1f animal production at the facility is to be suspended or terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a "closure plan" which will eliminate the possibility of an illegal discharge, pollution, and erosion. 19. 'Waste handling structures, piping, pumps, reels, etc., should be inspected on a regular basis to prevent breakdowns, leaks, and spills. A regular maintenance checklist should be kept on site. 24. Animal waste can be used in a rotation that includes vegetables and other crops for direct human consumption. However, if animal waste is used on crops for direct human consumption, it should only be applied pre -plant with no further applications of animal waste during the crop season. 21. Highly visible markers shall be installed to mark the top and bottom elevations of the temporary storage (pumping volume) of all waste treatment lagoons. Pumping shall be managed to maintain the liquid level between the markers. A marker will be required to mark the maximum storage volume for waste storage ponds. 587144 Database Version 4.1 ©ate Printed: 611812024 Specification Page 3 22. 'Waste shall be tested within 60 days of utilization and soil shall be tested at least annually at crop sites where waste products are applied. Nitrogen shall be the rate -determining nutrient, unless other restrictions require waste to be applied based on other nutrients, resulting in a lower application gate than a nitrogen based rate. Zinc and copper levels in the soils shall be monitored and alternative crop sites shall be used when these metals approach excessive levels. pH shall be adjusted and maintained for optimum drop production. Soil and waste analysis records shall be kept for a minimum of five years. Poultry dry waste application records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years. Waste application records for all other waste shall be maintained for five (5) years. 23. Dead animals will be disposed of in a manner that meets North Carolina regulations. ........................ 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: Sf i W024 Specification Page 4 Crop Notes The following crap note applies to field(s): p 1 a, p I b, p2a, p2b, p3a, p3b, p4a, p4b, p5, p6a, p6b, p7a, p7b, p8 Bermudagrass Coastal Plain, Mineral Soil, Poorly Drained to Somewhat Poorly Drained. Adaptation: Effective artificial drainage MUST be in place to achieve Realistic Yield Expectations provided for these soils. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid bermudagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. I to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs l" to 3" sleep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not allowed to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bulac in 3' rows, spaced 2' to 3' in the raw. Generally a rate of 30 bulac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bulac in l .S' to 2' rows spaced 1' to l .5' in row. For broadcast/disked-in sprigs use about 60 bulac. Soil test for the amounts of time, phosphorus, potassium and micronuirients to apply preplant and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lblac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 244 lblac N annually in split applications, usually in April and following the first and second stay cuts. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Production and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. The following crop note applies to field(s): Old 1, Old 2a, Old 2b, Old 3, Old 4, Old 5, Old 6, Old 7, Old 8, ploa, plob Small Grain; CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October 15-November 20. For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no-tiIL Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at ]-1 1/2 bushelslacre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 1/2" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 lbslacre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. 597144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 06-18-2024 Crop Note Page 1 of 3 The following crop note applies to field(s): p 1 a, p 1 b, p2a, p2b, pia, p3b, p4a, p4b, p5, p6a, p6b, p7a, p7b, p8 Small Grain: CP, Mineral Soil, low -leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October l 5-November 20. For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at 1-1 1/2 bushels/acre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 lit" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 lbslacre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test can also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of 1:ebruary-March. The following crop note applies to field(s): p9 Small Grain: CP, Mineral Soil, medium leachable In the Coastal Plain, oats and barley should be planted from October 15-October 30; and rye from October 15-November 20, For barley, plant 22 seed/drill row foot and increase the seeding rate by 5% for each week seeding is delayed beyond the optimum time. See the seeding rates table for applicable seeding rate modifications in the current NCSU "Small Grain Production Guide". Also, increase the initial seeding rate by at least 10% when planting no -till. Oats should be planted at 2 bushels/acre and rye at 1-1 112 bushelslacre. Plant all these small grains at 1-1 112" deep. Adequate depth control is essential. Review the NCSU Official Variety "green book" and information from private companies to select a high yielding variety with the characteristics needed for your area and conditions. Apply no more than 30 lbslacre N at planting. Phosphorus and potash recommended by a soil test call also be applied at this time. The remaining N should be applied during the months of February -March. $97144 Database Version 4.1 Hate Printed: 06-18.2024 Crop Notc Page 2 of 3 The following crop note applies to field(s): Old 1, Old 2a, Old 2b, Old 3, Old 4, Old 5, Old 6, Old 7, Old 8, p l 0a, p l 0b Bermudagrass CP, Mineral Soil, Poorly Drained to Somewhat Poorly Drained. Adaptation: Effective artificial drainage MUST be in place to achieve Realistic Yield Expectations provided for these soils. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid berm€rdagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. I to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs l" to 3" deep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not al lowed to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bulac in 3' rotes, spaced 2' to 3' in the row. Generally a rate of 30 bulac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bulac in 1.5' to 2' rows spaced 1' to 1.5' in row. For broadcast/disked-in sprigs use about 60 bulac. Soil test for the amounts of lime, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients to apply prepla t and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lblac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 240 lblac N annually in split applications, usually in April and following, the first and second hay cuts. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Producdon and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult your regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. The following; crop note applies to field(s): p9 Beriudagrass: CP, Mineral Soil, Moderately Well Drained. Adaptation: Well -adapted. In the Coastal Plain, hybrid bennudagrass sprigs can be planted Mar. 1 to Mar. 31. Cover sprigs I" to 3" deep (1.5" optimal). Sprigs should be planted quickly after digging and not aIlowed to dry in sun and wind. For Coastal and Tifton 78 plant at least 10 bulac in 3' roles, spaced 2' to 3' in tl€c row. Generally a rate of 30 bulac is satisfactory to produce full groundcover in one or two years under good growing conditions. Tifton 44 spreads slowly, so use at least 40 bulac in 1.5' to 2' rows spaced I' to 1.5' in row. For broadcast/disked-in sprigs use about 60 bulac. Soil test for the amounts of lime, phosphorus, potassium and micronutrients to apply preplant and for annual maintenance. Apply 60 to 100 lblac N in the establishment year in split applications in April and July. For established stands apply 180 to 240 lblac N annually in split applications, usually in April and following the first and second flay cuts. Reduce N rates by 25% for grazing. Refer to NCSU Technical Bulletin 305 Product itm and Utilization of Pastures and Forages in North Carolina for more information or consult ► our regional agronomist or extension agent for assistance. 587144 Database Version 4.1 Date Printed: 06-18-2024 Crop Note 11age 3 of 3 Docu&gn Envesope i0-]9O26AEO-SF03-4496-9C07-F9ASD46o933A ROY COOPER Gow"w ELIZABETH S. BISER secrefury S. DANIEL SMITH 0irr:-r,x Rhctt Enterprises, LLC Rhctt Enterprises, LLC 1282 Jordan Road Clarkton, NC 28433 Dear Rhctt Enterprises, LLC: NORTH CAROLI+tA Environmenral Qualify March 15, 2022 subject: Certificate of Coverage No. AWS310226 Rhett Enterprises, LLC Swine Waste Collection, Treatment, Storage and Application System Duplin County In accordance with your change of ownership request, we are hereby fonvarding to you this Ccnificate of Coverage (COC) issued to Rhea Enterprises, LLC, authorizing the operation of the subject animal waste management system in accordance with General Permit AWG100000. Please read this COC and the enclosed State General Permit Carefully. This approval shall consist of the operation of this system including. but not limited to. the management and land application ofanunal wastc as specified in the facility's Certified Animal Waste Man4cmc»t Plan (CA WMP) for Rhett Enterprises, LLC, located in Duplin County, with a swine animal capacity of no greater than the following annual averages: Wean to Finish: Fccdcr to Finish: 7200 Boar/Stud: Wean to Feeder. Farrow to Wean: Gilts: Farrow to Finish: Farrow to Feeder: Other: If this is a Farrow to Wean or Farrow to Feeder operation, there may be one boar for each 15 sows. Where boars an unnecessary, they may be replaced by an equivalent number of sows. Any of the sows may be replaced by gilts at a rate of4 gilts for every 3 sows. This COC shall be effcctivc from the date of issue until September 30. 2024 and shall hereby void Certificate of Coverage Number AWS310226 that was previously issued to this facility. Pursuant to this COC, you are authorized and required to operate the system in conformity with the conditions and limitations as specified in the General Permit, the facility's CAWMP, and this COC. An adequate system foroollccting and maintaining the required monitoring data and operational information must be established for this facility. Any increase in waste production greater than the certified design capacity or increase in number of animals authorized by this COC (as provided above) will require a modification to the CAWMP and this COC and must be completed prior to actual increase in either wastewater flow or number of animals. You are encouraged •d to update your Swine (Mor Control Checklist using the enclosed forin. if you do s;o, l must - scnd aeoU ofthe upditcd f nn to theAnim l Feeding ins m h• S I w North Carolina Department of Emb vo mmtal Quity l tAriWon of Water Rcxurm 512 North Sntesbury Street 1 1636 MW SerWe Cerae•r I Rakt t North Carolina 2I699.1636 ••••••� - 919. i1D74V9 Docu$ign Envelope 10: 1902$AEO-$F00-04Q6-9CA7-F"60480833A Maw pay careful attention to the record keeping and monitoring conditions in this permit. Stocking and I4tortality Form (STOCK-]) h:ts been undated: all other record keeping forms arc unchanged ►►•itll this general Pennit. ]'lease USC the most current reco&k_ceping fortis, There is also all unpaid annual Witnit fee with invoice included. If your Waste Utilization Plan (WUP) has been developed based on sitc-specific information, careful evaluation of future samples is necessary. Should your records show that the current WUP is inaccurate you will need to have a new WUP developed. The isstuancc of this COC does not excuse the Permittcc from the obligation to comply with all applicable laws, rules, standards, and ordinances (local. state, and federal), nor does issuance of a COC to operate under this permit Convey any property rights in either real or personal property. Per 15A NCAC 02T .1304 and MRCS standards a I00 foot separation shall be maintained between water supply wells and any lagoon, storage pond, or any land application of waste. Please be advised that any violation of the terms and conditions specified in this COC, the General Permit or the CAWhiP may result in die revocation of this COC, or penalties hi accordance with NCGS 143- 215.6A through 143-215.6C including civil penalties, criminal penalties, and injunctive relief. If any parts, requirements, or limitations contained in this COC are unacceptable, you have the right to apply for an individual permit by contacting the Animal Feeding Operations Program for information on this process. Unless such a request is made within 30 days, this COC shall he final and binding. In accordance with Condition 11.23 of the General Permit, waste application shall cease within twelve (12) hours of the: time that the National ]Weather Service: issues a Hurricane Warning, Tropical Stonn Warning, or a Flood Watch(Flash Flood Watch associated with a tropical system for the county in which the facility is located. You may find detailed watch/Varning information for your county by calling the Ncwpon/Niorchcad City, NC National Weather Service office at (252) 223-5737. or by visiting their website at: www.weather.aov,,mh.v' This facility is located in a county covered by our Wilmington Regional Office.11c Regional Office staff may be reached at 910-7%-7215. If you need additional information concerning this COC or the General Permit, please contact the Animal Feeding Operations Program staff at (919) 707-9129. Sincerely, �ti.":"" � �19; �Otw�ltalrLzwsaa�cv for S. Daniel Smith Director. Division of Water Resources Enclosures (General Permit AWG 100DO l) cc: (Certificate of Coverage only for all ccs) Duplin County Health Department Duplin County Soil and Water Conservation District Laserfiche File No: 310226 Murphy -Brown, LLC North Carolina Department of Enrrranmmlal Quity I DvriWon of Water Xrxurcee 512 North Sniesbury Street 1 1636 MW ser tke Ceraer I Rakb t NoMh Carolina 276999636 G TRIENT LIANA( Grower(s): Farm Name: County: Faint Type: Farm Capacity: Storage Structure: Storage Period: Application Method: Bud Riv.9nbark Bud Rlvenbark Duplin Feed -Fin 7200 Anaerobic Lagoon 180 days irrigation The waste from your animal facility must be land applied at a specified rate to prevent pollution of surface water andlor groundwater. The plant nutrients in the animal waste should be used to reduce the amount of commercial fertilizer required for the crops in the fields where the waste is to be applied. Fs waste utilization plan uses nitrogen as the limiting nutrient. Waste should be analyzed ore each application cycle. Annual soil tests are strongly encourlAge'd so that all plant nutrients can be balanced for realistic yields of the crop `to be grown! Several factors are important in implementing your waste utilization plan in order to maximize the fertilizer value of the waste and to ensure that it is applied in an environmentally safe mariner. 1. Always apply waste based on the needs of the crop to be grown and the nutrient content of the waste. Do not apply more nitrogen than the crop can utilize, 2. Soli types are important as they have different Infiltration rates, leaching potentials, cation exchange capacities, and available water holding capacities. 3, Normally waste shall be applied to land eroding at less than 5 tons per acre per year. Waste may be applied to land eroding at 6 or more tons per acre annually, but less than 10 tons per acre per year providing that adequate filter strips are established. 4. Do not apply waste on saturated soils, when it is raining, or when the surface is frozen. Either of these conditions may result in runoff to surface waters which is not allowed under DWQ regulations. Page: 1 5, Wind conditions should also be considered to avoid drift and downwind odor problems. 6. To maximize the value of the nutrients for crop production an;L to reduce the potential for pollution, the waste should be applied to a growing crop or applied not more than 30 days prior to planting a crop or forages breaking dormancy. Injecting the waste or disking will conserve nutrients and reduce odor problems, This plan Is based on the waste tapplication pelvisf revise this method plan. Nutrient levels for d"�er�e� application oose to Change methods in the future, you need P methods are not the same. The estimated acres needed to apply the animal waste is based on typical nutrient content for this type of facility. In some cases you mays nt to have shall be mad plant �or the analysis arva receiving waste to allow additional waste to be applied. Provision be flexible so as to accommodate changing waste analysis content and crop type. time must be applied to maintain pH in the optimum range for specific crop production. This waste utilization plan, if canied out, meets the requirements for compliance with 1 5A NCAC 2H .0217 adopted by the Environmental Management Commission. + AMOUNT OF WASTE PRODUCED PER YEAR (gallons, ft3, tons, etc.): 7200 animals X 986 gallanimallyear = 7,095,600 gallons AMOUNT OF PLANT AVAILABLE NITROGEN PRODUCED PER YEAR (Ibs): 7200 animals X 2.30 lbslanimallyear 15,560.00 ibs Applying the above amount of waste is a big job. You should plan time and have appropriate equipment to apply the waste in a timely manner. Page: 2 t i e following acreage will be needed for waste application based on the crop to be grown, I type, and surface application. Crop Yield lbs N Acres Cods I /Ae I lunli 4307 1 FoA B 5.1 50.00 7.8 4307 -1 FoA K 1.0 50.00 7.8 4307 2 FoA B 5.1 50.00 9.2 4307 w2 FoA K 1.0 50.00 9.2 4307 3 FoA C 8.0 50.00 8.8 4307 -3 FoA K 1.0 50.00 8.8 8214 3 AuB B 5.7 50.00 1.5 8214 --3 AuB K 1.0 50.00 1.5 4303 un Ln B 4.7 50.00 4.4 4303 -urn Ln K 1.0 50.00 4A. 6214 1 AuB B 5.7 50.00 4.7 $214 -1 AuB K 1.0 60-00 4.7 4303 1 Ln B 4.7 50.00 18_0 4303 -1 Ln K 1.0 50.00 18.0 Total 49.6 Available N 'Difference Lbs NIAc Residual Las N /Ac 255.0 lbs N Required Time to Apply 1989.00 Mar -Oct 50.0 390.00 S April 255.0 2333.25 Mar -Oct 50.0 457.60 S April 300.0 2631.00 Mar-OCt 50.0 438.50 S-April 285,0 418.10 Mar -Oct 50.0 73.00 S April 235.0 1029.30 Mar -Oct E 50.0 219.00 S April 285.0 1339.50 Mar -Oct 50.0 235.00 S-April 235.0 14230.00 Mar -Oct 50.0 900.00 a S-April 16581.15 16560.00 -121.15 --Indicates that this field Is being overseeded (i.e..interplanted) or winter annuals follow summer annuals, 'A negative number reflects the total lbs of additional nitrogen needed to achieve yields on acreage listed In chart. A positive number means additional acreage is required to utilize the nitrogen produced by the farm. NOTE: This plan does not Include commercial fertilizer. The farm should produce adequate plant available nitrogen to satisfy the requirements of the crops listed above. The applicator is cautioned that P and K may be over applied while meeting the N requirements. In the future, regulations may require farmers In some parts of North Carolina to have a nutrient -management plan that addresses all nutrients. This plan only addresses nitrogen. Page: 3 5 rughpgrazing, fields ( Le. small grain, etc, interseeded in bermuda), forage must be removed hay, and/or silage. Where grazing, plants should be grazed when they h a height of six to nine inches. Cattle should be removed when plants are grazed to a height of four Inches, In fields where small grain, etc, Is to be removed for hay or silage, care should be exercised not to let small grain reach maturity, especially late in the season (i.e. April or May). Shading may result if small grain gets too high and this will definately interfere with stand of bermudagrass. This loss of stand will result in reduced yields and less nitrogen Wing utilized. Rather than cutting small grain for hay or silage just before heading as is the normal situation, you are encouraged to cut the small grain earlier. You may want to consider harvesting hay or silage two to three times during the season, depending on the time small grain Is planted in the fall. The Ideal time to interplant small grain, etc, is late September or early October. Drilling Is recommended over broadcasting. Bermudagrass should be grazed or cut to a height of about two inches before drilling for best results. The following legend explains the crop codes fisted In the table above: Crop CodaC.-r-02 MUM a AM • A Badly 1,5 lbs N 1 bushel B Hybrid Bermudagrass - Grazed 50 lbs N 1 ton C Hybrid Bermudagrass - Hay ' % 50 lbs N 1 ton ❑ Cam - Grain 1.25 lbs N 1 bushel E Corm - Silage 12 lbs N 1 ton F Cotton 0.12 lbs N 1 ibs lint G Fescue - Grazed 50 lbs N 1 ton H Fescue- Hay 50 lbs N 1 ton i Oats 1.3 lbs N I bushel .f Rye 2.4 lbs N I bushel K Small Grain - Grazed 100 lbs N 1 acre t. Small Grain - Hay 133 lbs N 1 acre M Grain Sorghum 2.5 lbs N I cwt N Wheat 2.4 lbs N 1 bushel 4 Soybean 4.0 lbs N 1 bushel Acres shown in the preceding table are considered to be the usable acres excluding required buffers, filter strips along ditches, odd areas unable to be Irrigated, and perimeter areas Pot receiving full application rates due to equipment limitations. Actual total acres in the fields listed may, and most likely will be, more than the acres shown in the table& attached map slowing the fields to be used for the utilization of animal waste. Page: 4 t SLUDGE APPLICATION: The waste utilization plan must contain provisions for periodic land appjjge ion of sludge at agronomic rates. The sludge will be nutrientwill i con facility will produce utionary measures to prevent over application of nutrients or other elements. Your Prod approximately 0.36 pounds of plant available nitrogen per animal per year in the In sludge based on the application method listed earlier, • . If you remove the sludge every 5 years, you will have approximately 12960.00 pounds of PAN to utilize. Assuming you apply this PAN to hybrid bermudagrass hayland at the rate of 300 pounds of nitrogen per acre, you will need 43.20 acres of land. If you apply the sludge to corn at a rate of 125 pounds per acre, you will need 903.88 acres of land. Please be aware that these are only estimates of the PAN and land needed. Actual requirements could vary by 25% depending on your sludge waste analysis, sail types, realistic yields, and applications. APPLICATION OF WASTE BY IRRIGATION: e irrigation application rate should not exceed the Intake rate of the soil at the time of irrigation ch that runoff or ponding occurs. This rate is limited by initial soil►molsture content, soil structure, soil texture, water droplet size, and organic solids. The application amount should not exceed the available water holding capacity of the sail at the time of irrigation nor should the plant available nitrogen applied exceed the nitrogen needs of the crop. If surface Irrigation is the method of land application for this plan, It Is the responsibility of the producer and In1gation designer to ensure that an irrigation system is installed to properly irrigate the acres shown in the preceding table. Failure to apply the recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown In the tables may make this plan invalid. The following is provided as a guide for establishing application rates and amounts. Tract Field Soli T e Cro Application Rate in/hr 4307 1 FoA B,K 0.50 4307 2 FoA 8,K 0.50 4307 3 FoA C,K 0.50 bN 214 3 AuB B,K 0.50 214 1 Au8 B,K 0.50 T 'Applicatlon Amount 3 * inches 0.95 ❑.95 0.95 1.00 1.00 Page: 6 07/27/1998 14:39 9103V '65 COASTLINE REAL PAGE 02 4303 un Ln BX 0,50 't 3� t•oa gee! 7��' �' L l eta t,.ri 8.K 0,so .. ._ *This Is the malt tm appllOtM amount allowed IOF trla soil assuming the amount Of nttr'Ogan Aft"d four" ft atop is MOW applied. In many Stt Adons, the application amcwt shown What be applied because Of the nitrogen limltaWm The maximum application amount shown can be GPPI d under optimum sail conditions. Yolk fe0111iy }a daelgned for 180 days of temporary storage anal the temporary Storage must be r$maysd 4n ft 4vOra28 Of once Ovary B months. In no instance shoWd the volume of the waste stared to your structure be within the 25 year 24 hour storm storage or one foot of [reabvard OxCsPt in the event of the 26 year 24 hour storm. It It the reapflnSIbUlty of the producer and waste applicator to ensure that the spreader equipment It eperatad properly to apply the corrOct rates to the acres shown In the tattles. Failure to apply IN recommended rates and amounts of nitrogen shown In tots tattles may make this Platt invalid. Cell your teohnical spOciag6t after you receive the waste analysis report for assistance in deterrn109 the ar OW)t Of wa$lO par We and the proper application prior to applying the waste. "Additional Comments•, revised to reflect the acres on ,_,�,•„_,,Ai[ excess grass not used for azIn is to be out for hay. YAM 11.E .�►� ww- 7►• X 7. X' Page: 6 ..................... 85/06/1999 31! d3 91�2; 702$5 COASTLINE an NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PLAN CERTIFICATION Name of I"arm: 'Bud Ftivenbark Owner/Mannse Agmemar►tt 'Bud Rivenbark fte undet4twid and will follow ani lrnptemsnt the apecificatbns sncl thq. operation and maintenance procedures established in the approved animal waste Nutrient management plan for the farm named above. *a know that any expansion t0 the existing design capacity of the waste trestrnent Anwar storke system, or construction of now foollities, will require a new nulrlent management plan anO a new codification to be xubfttted to DWC teefore the new Animals ere Mocked, flue urideret0nd that I must own o have am$s to equipment, primaNy.Lr6gation equipment, to land apply the animal waste de cribed In this nutrient management plan. This equipment must be available at the appropri:Orm. a pumping time, such that no discharge occurs from the lagoon In ills event of a 20 year 24 hoar I also certify that the waste will be applied ion the land according to this plan at the appropriate times and at rates which produce no runott. This plant will be tiled on site at the farm office and at tho office of the local Soli and Water Conservation District and will be 6aifabte for review by NCDWD upon request. Name of FaCiltty Cwnsr: Bud Rivenbark x l F Date Name of Manager (If different from owner): Bud Rivenb8rk Please Print signature: � Name of Technical Specipust: Affillatt n: Add Ss: Telophone: $ignature: Jimmy R, Vinson lltrowWs of Carolina, Inc. P.B. Box 427 Warsaw, ND 28399 (110) 293.2984 Data Date Page: 7 4 woow ■ �y IRRIGATION DESIGN BUD RIVENBARK 200' SCALE:. wa" - 1 }S .V000s WCCGS r: �• a L 9 p 54, f(i � �f A r 1� .rr p ^ J v ::: Prepared by: Mark A.R'o'e ---- �. Certified by: ISMa d darns] P I3 Dade:tx ! S f .•�= OWN 11. 01 LAY f Ml I BE PROVIDE? AT ALL Rf4US.'FEES. DE.►D F'V`JS 7'(.3S WHICH REQUIRE RESTRAINING. .1i 4' PVC ISDR :SS AND SHALL ESE BURIED TO H.S:-a: AT 'REPARED BASED ON TIIE ASCS MAP PROVIDED M THE UREMENTS TAKEN IN TICE FIELD. rT IS CORRECT.?O EDGE AND B UEF. ARE IN THE SPRAY AREA, TICE OWNER SIIALL CGaTACr DR CURRWr REnMCi'IONS AND APPROVAL,.. J. DITCHES EXCEPT MAIN DITCH RUNNING 3RO(UGH )3. NUM PIPE OR AN EXIIENDED SUPMY HOSE M ORDER. TO G HS ON 70NES ZA AND S. 1 a i i S:—nNG�4' UNE LEGS 0 HYDFcAN i TIC, { O PL-i"P r G% ; r 'I v---o 4" PVC 11: . I N THRUST EI_ L KNG 2=2 B�R Prepared by: Certified by: Date: WOODS rk A Nt 'Floyd., teams. -LK tom±_ I3. 1998 IRRIGATION DE'St'IGN4 Ja is �, 4 +� BtJ.Q.-' R-T."'vrE , NBAI�X. SCALE: V - 200'0-010 WOODS r in' � ua. � PSG1 ZONE 1 A b m . i ZONE 2Ak wo OaS m a %41,11 I` } 1) TIIRL'! f 41 -� ya AND OTHE3 Z) MAISUC 2 WELL LEAST 3.i"F.ET 3) Tfirim.w F s a - - OWNER f E m 3 T THE POWER C ZONE 78", 51 OWNE$t TO TRACT 1,307 1 6y OWNER TO ACN[LVF Err L f L IRRIGATION - DESIGN - CERTIFICATION FOR -� BUD RIVENBARK May 14, 1998 (date) Revised July 13, 1998 i certify that this Plan has been prepared under my direct supervision and meets the applicable regulations of NRCS, DEM, and all other State and Local Regulations to the best of . Narrative of Irrigation System QPeration 9 3-.lul-gg According to the data furnished by the Owner(s) and the affiliated companies the following is an overall description of the the system include procedures of operation such as start-up, shut -down, ►vn, winterization, and regular maintenance of the equipment. This operation contains 9 The annual plant available buildings nitrogen with capacity of 7,200 animals. (PAN) produced by this operation This system is designed to effectively wet 31,2 acres o will be 16,560 Pounds_ as total "wetted acres,. f land. As usual, mare land will be receiving water but is not c This system contains 3,310 1_F o€ 4 inch PVC (SQR 26) with 10 h dra canted There are 17 separate zones from these hydrants. Y nts. Care should be taken when starting the pump unit to allow all fines to the lines. After this process, the motor till slowly sv as #o allow the air #o escape +pmr should a slowly Increased to obtain the desired system pressure. from allow the entrapped air to escape before increasing the motor speed ma Shut down Procedures should be the reverse of start Y cause damage to the system. Failure to and then shut it off. p The operator should slowly decrease the motor speed to idle e regular and seasonal maintenance should be performed according to man Pumps and travelers should be drained Prior to freezing temperature uiacturer's recommendations. GROWER #269 4 (800) FINISHING HOUSES STATE ROAD #1953 - DUPLIN COUNTY L4ai = � v LTU esU'r u • r °� . � �vJcn�rk �r-•v1 1.41 o,,,,.. t Operator:Bud Rivenbark County: Duplin Distance to nearest residence (other than owner): 1. AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT (ALW) Date: 11/14/94 2000.0 feet 0 sows (farrow to finish) x 1417 lbs. _ 0 lbs 0 sows (farrow to feeder) x 522 lbs. -- 0 lbs 3200 head (finishing only) x 135 lbs. T- 432000 lbs 0 sows (farrow to wean) x 433 lbs. -- 0 lbs 0 head (wean to feeder) x 30 lbs. - 0 lbs Describe other : 0 Total Average Live Weight = 432000 lbs 2. MINIMUM REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME OF LAGOON Volume = 432000 lbs. ALW x Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW W 1 CF/lb. ALW Volume = 432000 cubic feet 3. STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION Volume = 0.0 cubic feet Ala $rZ,,4J 71-Awco f d1#aA TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length (feet) ----------------------- 270.0 Inside top width (feet) ----------------------------- 270.0 Top of dike elevation (feet) ------------------ 47.0 r Bottom of lagoon elevation (feet)------------- 34.0 Freeboard ( feet) ----------------------------- 1.0 � Side slopes (inside lagoon)------------------ 3.0 _ 1 Total design volume using prismoidal formula SS/END1 SS/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 264.0 264.0 12.0 AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH = 264.0 264.0 AREA OF BOTTOM LENGTH * WIDTH = 192.0 192.0 69696 (AREA OF TOP) 36864 (AREA OF BOTTOM) AREA OF MIDSECTION LENGTH * WIDTH * 4 228.0 228.0 207936 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) CU. FT. = (AREA TOP + (4*AREA MIDSECTION) `+ AREA BOTTOM] * DEPTH/6 69696.0 207936.0 36864.0 2.0 5. TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 270.0 270.0 72900.0 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 72900.0 square feet Design temporary storage period to be 180 days. 5A. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 135 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume 432000 lbs. ALW/135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days Volume - 789120 gals. or 105497.3 cubic feet 5B. Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for a flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. Volume W 0.0 gallons/day * 180 days storage/7.48 gallons per CF Volume : 0.0 cubic feet 5C. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amount. 180 days excess rainfall -- 7.0 inches Volume w in -* DA -j 12 inches per Obt Volume = 42525.0 cubic feet 5D. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.5 inches j 1.2 inches per foot * DA Volume = 45562.5 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 105497 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 42525 cubic feet 5D. 45563 cubic feet TOTAL 1.93585 cubic feet Temporary storage period== => Rainfall in excess of evaporation==-•---> 25 year - 24 hour rainfall=-----_----__�� Freeboard==—== Side slopes=-=-_ __.... Inside top_length- Inside top width---- ---------------------- > Top of dike elevation----=--------==�-- =-=� Bottom of lagoon elevation------ > Total required volume- -- -> Actual design volume--=-==== ------ - -a Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)=-=> Stop pumping elev.=--===--------- > Must be > or = to the SHWT -elev. > Must be a or = to min. req. treatment el.=> Required minimum treatment volume-- -> Volume at stop pumping elevation=-- > 180 days 7.0 inches 7.5 inches 1.0 feet 3.0 : 1 270.0 feet 270.0 feet 47.0 feet 34.0 feet 625585 cu. ft. 628992 cu. ft. 41.0 feet 43.0 feet 41.0 feet 40.0 feet 432000 cu. ft. 433836 cu. ft. * Start pumping ._....._.._.._ -> 45_3 test Must be, at beam -of freeboard 25 yr. *nfall Actual volume iess 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall--> 583430'cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation > 580977 zu. ft. Required volume to be pumped--~'---=---- == 148022 cu. ft. Actual volume planned to be pumped > 147141 cu. ft. Min. t 'ckness of soil liner when required 1.9 t 7. DESIGNED BY: APPROVED BY: DATE: 1 /f / Y DATE: NOTE: SEE ATTACHED WASTE UTILIZATION PLAN COMMENTS: SHEET 1 OF 2 QPEtATICN AND MAINTENANCE PLAN This Lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for: (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the 25 year - 24 hour storm for the location. The volume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed at the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: I. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 1/2 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors. solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When precharging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see attachment) before land application. 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 45.3 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level reaches elevation 43.0 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 148022 cubic feet or 1107207 gallons. SHEET 2 OF 2 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 inch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. 5. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is to be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. 8. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization fields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 1.00 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right-of-ways. 9. The Clean Water Act of 1977 prohibits the discharge of ` pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. 0 0 "SHEET I OF 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WASTE TREATMENT LAGOONS ---------------------------------------------------------- FOUNDATION PREPARATION: ----------------------- The foundation area of the lagoon embankment and building pad shall be cleared of trees, logs, stumps, roots, brush, boulders,sod and rubbish. satisfactory disposition will be made of all debris. The topsoil from the lagoon and pad area should be stripped and stockpiled for use on the dike and pad areas. After stripping, the foundation area of the lagoon embankment and building pad shall be thoroughly loosened prior to placing the first lift ❑f fill material to get a good bond. EXCAVATION AND EARTHFILL PLACEMENT: ----------------------------------- The completed excavation and earthfill shall conform to the lines, grades, and elevations shown on the plans. Earthfill material shall be free of material such as sod, roots, frozen soil, stones over 5 inches in diameter, and other objectionable material. To the extent they are suitable, excavated materials can be used as fill. The fill shall be brought up in approximately horizontal layers not to exceed 9 inches in thickness when loose and prior to compaction. Each layer will be compacted by complete coverage with the hauling and spreading equipment or standard tamping roller or other equivalent method. Compaction will be considered adequate when fill material is observed to consolidate to the point that settlement is not readily detectible. NOTE THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PLACEMENT ❑F LINERS IN THE LINER SECTION OF THIS SPECIFICATION. The embankment of the lagoon shall be installed using the more impervious materials from the required excavations. Construction of fill heights shall include 5 percent for settlement. Dikes over 15 feet in height and with an impoundment capacity of 10 acre-feet or more fall under the jurisdiction of the NC Dam Safety Law. The height is defined as the difference in elevation from the constructed height to the downstream toe of the dike. Precautions shall be taken during construction to prevent excessive erosion and sedimentation. LINER: THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS SHALL BE 1.9 ft. NOTE: LINERS (PARTIAL OR FULL) ARE REQUIRED WHEN THE ATTACHED SOILS INVESTIGATION REPORT SO INDICATES OR WHEN UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF THE LINER IS INCLUDE❑ IN THE DESIGN WHEN LINERS ARE REQUIRED BY THE SOILS REPORT. When areas of unsuitable material are encountered, they will be over -- excavated below finish grade to the specified depth as measured perpendicular to the finish grade. The foundation shall be backfilled as specified to grade with a SCS approved material (ie - CL,SC,CH). REFER TO THE SOILS INVESTIGATION INFORMATION IN THE PLANS FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS. 0 0 SHEET 2 OF 2 Soil liner material shall come from an approved borrow area. The minimum water content of the liner material shall be optimum moisture content which relates to that moisture content when the soil is kneaded in the hand it will form a ball which does not readily separate. Water shall be added to borrow as necessary to insure proper moisture content during placement of the liner. The moisture content of the liner material shall not be less than optimum water content during placement. The maximum water content relates to the soil material being too wet for efficient use of hauling equipment and proper compaction. Proper compaction of the liner includes placement in 9 inch lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum ASTM D698 Dry Unit Weight of the liner material. When smooth or hard, the previous lift shall be scarified and moistened as needed before placement of the next lift. The single most important factor affecting the overall compacted perme- ability of a clay liner, other than the type of clay used for the liner, is the efficient construction processing of the compacted liner. The sequence of equipment use and the routing of equipment in an estab- lished pattern helps assure uniformity in the whole placement and compaction process. For most clay soils, a tamping or sheepsfoot roller is the preferable type of compaction equipment. The soil liner shall be protected from the discharge of waste outlet pipes. This can be done by using some type of energy dissipator(rocks) or using flexible outlets on waste pipes. 4 Alternatives to soil liners are synthetic liners and bentonite sealant. When these are specified, additional construction specifications are included with this Construction Specification. 1609 14] iw40:404.F A cutoff trench shall be constructed under the embankment area when shown on a typical cross section in the plans. The final depth of the cutoff trench shall be determined by observation of the foundation materials. VEGETATION: All exposed embankment and other bare constructed areas shall be seeded to the planned type of vegetation as soon as possible after construc- tion according to the seeding specifications. Topsoil should be placed on areas of the dike and pad to be seeded. Temporary seeding or mulch shall, be used if the recommended permanent vegetation is out of season dates for seeding. Permanent vegetation should be established as soon as possible during the next period of approved seeding dates. REMOVAL OF EXISTING TILE DRAINS When tile drains are encountered, the tile will be removed to a minimum ❑f 10 feet beyond the outside toe of slope of the dike. The the trench shall be backfilled and compacted with good material such as 5C, CL, or CH. U, S. 0"ARTMENT OF 11,0111CULTUF SCS-friG-53B SOIL CONSERVATION SERVICE k Rev. 5-n nononem Pnwn SITE SOIL INVESTIGATION To DETERMINE )UHADILf" VF i' ri►1{uGi1J ltflAkFAw V Q G rl •••—•—_ DATE M- COUNTY D W I i A S. C. S. PHOTO SIIEET NO. WORK UNIT WATER UM AREA MEASUREMENTS r CROPLAND ACRES PASTURE ACRES rr� ,a., f S F +c, x 1J2 5 _ WOODLAND ACRES 'lO A.L ACRES POND "CLASS WORK UNIT CONSERVATIONIST SKETCH OF PROPOSED 'POND SHOWING WHERE BORINGS WERE MADE (AP.Prox- scale I`r feet) Locate refcrmce paint on center tine of dam and Identify on skeir.A. e N■■■NOMIN ■®®��■� 2,.5 -)t- 0 BORING NUMBER AND PROFILE SHOW Sliow Mahe and list dam -ate and satitway borings first - then ponded area and borrow pit bor[nas - swarvte with uertical red Ilne. DEPTH fC ontinrred on book when+ neceswryl Show water table Clew "S ON dam-slle borings, BORINGS MADE BY Exam�__ __ SIGNATURE & TTTLE . vls SCS-ENG-538 ll. S. E]Ep IL, CtEHT Ci' TION SERVICE k 3tty. 5-70 SBEf COI�SERVA7EOty SERVICE SOIL INVESTIGATION TO DETERMINE SUITABILITY DE PROPOSED POND SITE t'ltlli4i. FL M itihtlA.tr i.1 R i ka^ Q ... .. T .. .. BATE 1 `" COUNTY S. C. S. PHOTO SHEET NO. WORK UNIT WATERSHED AREA MEASUREMENTS CROPLAND ACRES PASTURE ACRES WOODLAND ACRES TOTAL ACRES POND tLASS WORK UNIT CONSERVATIONIST SKETCH OF PROPOSED'POND SHOWING WHERE BORINGS WERE MADE- [AP.pr= scale 1r1'= feel] Gocale ,der nce point " [enter line o/ darn and ldenft ea sketch. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ SHOW BORING NUMBER AND PROFILE SHOWEPTHI Make and list dam -site and spltluraw borings lust- then ponded area and bammu pit baring, - separate urleh wrrieal rod line. al on bw* uthav nftwsary) Show waler table eletwtlons v" dam,stte borhws. 1.0 * F ®R� BORINGS MADE. BY..1- — 1-1-__ — SIGNATURE & NOTES: t) ALL WEAK MATERIAL TO BE OVERCUT AND BACKFILLED AND COMPACTED. THICKNESS OF LINER DEPENDS ON OVERAL_ DEPTH. LINER FOR TI•IIS LAGOON TO BE z ' 2) DIKE BEHIND BLDGS TO BE MIN. 0.5' HIGHER .TI IAN OTHER . PLANNED ..ELEV. 3) WALK AND LOADING AREA TO BE BUILT t .5' ABOVE LOW END PADS. BUILD 6' WIDE CONTIN., 7` FROM REAR OF BLDGS; FILL TO DI.OG5 BEFORE EQUIP I.10VES OUT (L,,ORK '10 BE COORDINATED W/ 13LDG CONTRACTORS). . .,: -, 0 " CORE TRENCH SEE SOIL SHEETO FOR DEPTH SI'CE CONDITION NOTES BUD RIVENBARK GROWER #269 5 (800) FINISHLNG HOUSES STATE ROAD #1953 - DUPLIN COUNTY i t 3rryla!w 4(�....f DIRECTIONS : FROM KENANSVILLE , TAKE xWY : ZD 20WARD CHINQUAPIN. AFTER APPROXIMATELY 7 MILES, TAXE X9ht ' ONTO STATE ROUTE ;-'r*1-953. FFRM WILL BE APPROXIM-ATELY ONE MILE ON RIGHT. ...MAILING ADDRESS: SIIPPTNG ADDRESS: BUD RIVENBARK BUD RIVENBARK RT. 2 BOX 345A STATE ROUTE #1953 ROSEHILL, NC 28458 ROSEHILL, NC 28458 PAGER: (9.1Q.)..34.6 -02.63 Operator:Bud Rivenbark II County: Duplin Date: 08/14/96 Distance to nearest residence (other than owner): >1500 feet 1. AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHT (ALW) 0 sows (farrow to finish) x 1417 lbs. 0 lbs 0 sows (farrow to feeder) x 522 lbs. 0 lbs 4000 head (finishing only) x 1.35 lbs. - 540000 lbs 0 sows (farrow to wean) x 433 lbs. -- 0 lbs 0 head (wean to feeder) x 30 lbs. -- 0 lbs Describe other : 0 Total Average Live Weight = 540000 lbs 2. MINIMUM REQUIRED TREATMENT VOLUME OF LAGOON Volume = 540000 lbs. ALW x Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW Treatment Volume(CF)/lb. ALW 1 CF/lb. ALW Volume = 540000 cubic feet 3. STORAGE VOLUME FOR SLUDGE ACCUMULATION Volume = 0.0 cubic feet A1v TOTAL DESIGNED VOLUME Inside top length (feet) --------------------- 370.0 Inside top width (feet) ------------------------ 305.0 Top of dike elevation (feet)----------------- 50.0 Bottom of lagoon elevation (feet) ----------------- 40.0 Freeboard (feet)------------------------------ 1.0 Side slopes (inside lagoon)------------------ 3.0 : 1 Total design volume using prismoidal'formula SS/END1 SS/END2 SS/SIDE1 SS/SIDE2 LENGTH WIDTH DEPTH 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 364.0 299.0 9.0 AREA OF TOP LENGTH * WIDTH 364.0 299.0 AREA OF BOTTOM LENGTH * WIDTH 310.0 245.0 108836 (AREA OF TOP) 75950 (AREA OF BOTTOM) AREA OF MIDSECTION LENGTH * WIDTH * 4 337.0 272.0 366656 (AREA OF MIDSECTION * 4) CU. FT. = [AREA TOP + (4*AREA MIDSECTION) + AREA BOTTOM] 108836.0 366656.0 75950.0 DEPTH/6 1.5 0 0 5. TEMPORARY STORAGE REQUIRED DRAINAGE AREA: Lagoon (top of dike) Length * Width = 370.0 305.0 112850.0 square feet Buildings (roof and lot water) 0.0 square feet Describe this area. TOTAL DA 112850.0 square feet Design temporary storage period to be 180 days. 5A. Volume of waste produced Feces & urine production in gal./day per 1.35 lb. ALW 1.37 Volume = 540000 lbs. ALWJ135 lbs. ALW * 1.37 gal/day 180 days Volume = 985400 gals. or 131871.7 cubic feet 5B. Volume of wash water This is the amount of fresh water used for washing floors or volume of fresh water used for a flush system. Flush systems that recirculate the lagoon water are accounted for in 5A. Volume = 0.0 gallons/day Volume = 0.0 cubic feet 180 days storage/7.48 gallons per CF 5C. Volume of rainfall in excess of evaporation Use period of time when rainfall exceeds evaporation by largest amount. 18❑ days excess rainfall. 7.0 inches Volume = 7.0 40 * DA / 12 inches per food Volume = 65829.2 cubic feet 5D. Volume of 25 year - 24 hour storm Volume = 7.5 inches / 12 inches per foot * ❑A Volume = 70531.3 cubic feet TOTAL REQUIRED TEMPORARY STORAGE 5A. 131872 cubic feet 5B. 0 cubic feet 5C. 65829 cubic feet 5D. 70531 cubic feet TOTAL 268232 cubic feet 6. SUMMARY Temporary storage period=====____=__________> 180 days Rainfall in excess of evaporation=====______> 7.0 inches 25 year - 24 hour rainfall=====___________=_? 7.5 inches Freeboard == -- 1.0 feet Side slopes=—=-- 3.0 : 1 Inside top length----s:= 370.0 feet Inside top width===--- = == -----=________= 305.0 feet Top of dike elevation 50.0 feet Bottom of lagoon elevation===== 40.0 feet Total required volume 808232 cu. ft. Actual design volume---===_m_________= ____> 827163 cu. ft. Seasonal high watertable elevation (SHWT)= > 45.0 feet Stop pumping elev. - 46.3 feet Must be > or = to the SHWT elev.=----___ => 45.0 feet Must be > or = to min. req. treatment el.=> 46.0 feet Required minimum treatment volume=====______} 540000 cu. ft. volume at stop pumping elevation== =________> 547569 cu. ft. Start pumping 48.3 feet Must be at bott of freeboard & 25 yr. raiWkll Actual volume less 25 yr.- 24 hr. rainfall==> 756632 cu. ft. Volume at start pumping elevation=---=======> 751948 cu. ft. Required volume to be pumped==-==========-=-> 197701 cu. ft. Actual volume planned to be pumped======__=-> 204379 cu. ft. Min. thickne s of oil liner when required=-> 1.5 feet 7. DESIGNED BY: ""� APPROVED BY : ••I�-w�--�i+!'+'i�=��r''+►►,� �`�•`` COMMENTS: :.� .►w+ *Note: Engineering approval is for minimum design standards and is based on pre -construction site and soils investigations. Technical specialist shall verify soils during construction, consult with Engineer on any required modifications, and perform final as -built certification. Technical specialist is responsible for excavation calculations and nutrient management plan. Technical specialist to verify with owner/operator (1) all applicable setback distances, and (2) excavation of known 10,C-S the drains in construction area before sitework begins. oPERATL AND MAINTENANCE PLAN 9 SHEET 1 OF 2 0011, This lagoon is designed for waste treatment (permanent storage) and 180 days of temporary storage. The time required for the planned fluid level (permanent and temporary storage) to be reached may vary due to site conditions, weather, flushing operations, and the amount of fresh water added to the system. The designed temporary storage consists of 180 days storage for: (1) waste from animals and (2) excess rainfall after evaporation. Also included is storage for the. 25 year - 24 hour storm for the location. The volume of waste generated from a given number of animals will be fairly constant throughout the year and from year to year, but excess rainfall will vary from year to year. The 25 year rainfall will not be a factor to consider in an annual pumping cycle, but this storage volume must always be available. A maximum elevation is determined in each design to begin pumping and this is usually the outlet invert of pipe(s) from building(s). If the outlet pipe is not installed at the elevation to begin pumping, a permanent marker must be installed at this elevation to indicate when pumping should begin. An elevation must be established to stop pumping to maintain lagoon treatment depth. Pumping can be started or stopped at any time between these two elevations for operating convenience as site conditions permit, such as weather, soils, crop, and equipment in order to apply waste without runoff or leaching. Land application of waste water is recognized as an acceptable method of disposal.. Methods of application include solid set, center pivot, guns, and traveling gun irrigation. Care should be taken when applying waste to prevent damage to crops. The following items are to be carried out: 1. It is strongly recommended that the treatment lagoon be pre - charged to 112 its capacity to prevent excessive odors during start-up. Pre -charging reduces the concentration of the initial waste entering the lagoon thereby reducing odors., Solids should be covered with effluent at all times. When precharging is complete, flush buildings with recycled lagoon liquid. Fresh water should not be used for flushing after initial. filling. 2. The attached waste utilization plan shall be followed. This plan recommends sampling and testing of waste (see attachment) before land application. 3. Begin temporary storage pump -out of the lagoon when fluid level reaches the elevation 48.3 as marked by permanent marker. Stop pump - out when the fluid level, reaches elevation 46.3 . This temporary storage, less 25 yr- 24 hr storm, contains 197701 cubic feet or 1478802 gallons. 0 9 SHEET 2 OF 2 4. The recommended maximum amount to apply per irrigation is one (1) inch and the recommended maximum application rate is 0.3 inch per hour. Refer to the waste utilization plan for further details. 5. Keep vegetation on the embankment and areas adjacent to the lagoon mowed annually. Vegetation should be fertilized as needed to maintain a vigorous stand. B. Repair any eroded areas or areas damaged by rodents and establish in vegetation. 7. All surface runoff is t❑ be diverted from the lagoon to stable outlets. S. Keep a minimum of 25 feet of grass vegetated buffer around waste utilization fields adjacent to perennial streams. Waste will not be applied in open ditches. Do not pump within 200 feet of a residence or within 100 feet of a well. Waste shall be applied in a manner not to reach other property and public right--of-ways. 9. The Clean Water Act ❑f 1977 prohibits the discharge of toloo" pollutants into waters of the United States. The Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Environ- mental Management, has the responsibility for enforcing this law. Lagoon Marker i" PVC Pipe ?" PVC Pipe W Paint top 20" Re :� 1]' � d � , � '.� fir• .ar � �,�* � ,,_ • `.�. �J� _ .'I 1 r xsxa � ° �951 ■ �• `ter .' � -�1� r 1 � ��•�}� �$ d /� ■ •�r� � � 1 ! C-. ir 7-'� -• . �,, �� � ��� . '� roc � �'� „ , �•� +�` r �� ': I .��• ` � � ■/�.:.._:.. �� �...--• .� ---ter � • ' Charity• •t : �or� j • . e L ... ®, r 1 ! reenevers ` ` 1 ` + I!�� ■ I Murp -�,r,y,,, ■ . •, ( � t % `cif. fSS'■r r +3 `...�-....�.. SI � �• 0 SHEET 1 OF 2 SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WASTE TREATMENT LAGOONS ---------------------------------------------------------- FOUNDATION PREPARATION: The foundation area of the lagoon embankment and building pad shall be cleared of trees, logs, stumps, roots, brush, boulders,sod and rubbish. Satisfactory disposition will be made ❑f all debris. The topsoil from the lagoon and pad area should be stripped and stockpiled for use on the dike and pad areas. After stripping, the foundation area of the lagoon embankment and building pad shall be thoroughly loosened prior to placing the first lift of fill material t❑ get a good bond. EXCAVATION AND EARTHFILL PLACEMENT: The completed excavation and earthfill shall conform t❑ the lines, grades, and elevations shown on the plans. Earthfill material shall be free of material such as sod, roots, frozen soil, stones over G inches in diameter, and other objectionable material. To the extent they are suitable, excavated materials can be used as fill. The fill shall be brought up in approximately horizontal layers not to exceed 9 inches in thickness when Loose and prior to compaction. Each layer will be compacted by complete coverage -with the hauling and spreading equipment or standard tamping roller or other equivalent method. Compaction will be considered adequate when fill material is observed to consolidate to the point that settlement is not readily detectible. NOTE THE SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR PLACEMENT OF LINERS IN THE LINER SECTION OF THIS SPECIFICATION. The embankment ❑f the lagoon shall be installed using the more impervious materials from the required excavations. Construction of fill heights shall include 5 percent for settlement. Dikes over 15 feet in height and with an impoundment capacity of 10 acre-feet or more fall under the jurisdiction of the NC Dam Safety Law. The height is defined as the difference in elevation from the constructed height to the downstream toe of the dike. Precautions shall be taken during construction to prevent excessive erosion and sedimentation. LINER: THE MINIMUM REQUIRED THICKNESS SHALL BE 1.5 ft. NOTE: LINERS (PARTIAL OR FULL) ARE REQUIRED WHEN THE ATTACHED SOILS INVESTIGATION REPORT SO INDICATES OR WHEN UNSUITABLE MATERIAL IS ENCOUNTERED DURING CONSTRUCTION. A TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OF THE LINER IS INCLUDED IN THE DESIGN WHEN LINERS ARE REQUIRED BY THE SOILS REPORT. When areas of unsuitable material are encountered, they will be over - excavated below finish grade to the specified depth as measured perpendicular to the finish grade. The foundation shall be backfilled as specified to grade with a SCS approved material (ie -- CL,SC,CH). REFER TO THE SOILS INVESTIGATION INFORMATION IN THE PLANS FOR SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS. 0 0 SHEET 2 OF Z Soil liner material, shall come from an approved borrow area. The minimum water content of the liner material shall be optimum moisture content which relates t❑ that moisture content when the soil is kneaded in the hand it will form a ball which does not readily separate. Water shall be added to borrow as necessary to insure proper moisture content during placement of the liner. The moisture content of the liner material shall not be less than optimum water content during placement. The maximum water content relates to the soil material being too wet for efficient use ❑f hauling equipment and proper compaction. Proper compaction of the liner includes placement in 9 inch lifts and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum ASTM D698 Dry Unit Weight of the liner material. When smooth or hard, the previous lift shall be scarified and moistened as needed before placement of the next lift. The single most important factor affecting the overall compacted perme- ability of a clay liner, other than the type of clay used for the liner, is the efficient construction processing of the compacted liner. The sequence of equipment use and the routing of equipment in an estab- lished pattern helps assure uniformity in the whole placement and compaction process. For most clay soils, a tamping or sheepsfoot roller is the preferable type of compaction equipment. The soil liner shall be protected from the discharge ❑f waste outlet pipes. This can be done by using some type of energy dissipator{rocks} or using flexible outlets on waste pipes. Alternatives to soil liners are synthetic liners and bentonite sealant. When these are specified, additional construction specifications are included with this Construction Specification. CUTOFF TRENCH; -------------- A cutoff trench shall be constructed under the embankment area when shown on a typical cross section in the plans. The final depth of the cutoff trench shall be determined by observation of the foundation materials. VEGETATION: All exposed embankment and other bare constructed areas shall be seeded to the planned type of vegetation as soon as possible after construc- tion according to the seeding specifications. Topsoil should be placed on areas of the dike and pad to be seeded. Temporary seeding or mulch shall be used if the recommended permanent vegetation is out of season dates for seeding. Permanent vegetation should be established as soon as possible during the next period of approved seeding dates. REMOVAL OF EXISTING TILE DRAINS ___ ____ f When the drains are encountered, the the will be removed t❑ a minimum of 10 feet beyond the outside toe of slope of the dike. The the trench shall be backfilled and compacted with good material such as SC, CL, or CH. 0 SEEDING SPECIFICATIONS ---------------------- AREA TO BE SEEDED: 3.0 ACRES USE THE SEED MIXTURE INDICATED AS FOLLOWS: 0.0 LBS. FESCUE GRASS AT 60 LBS./ACRE (BEST SUITED ON CLAYEY OR WET SOIL CONDITIONS) SEEDING DATES: SEPTEMBER 1 TO NOVEMBER 30 FEBRUARY I TO MARCH 30 0.0 LBS. RYE GRAIN AT 30 LBS./ACRE (NURSERY FOR FESCUE) 180.0 LBS. 'PENSACOLA' BAHIA GRASS AT 60 LBS./ACRE (SEE FOOTNOTE NO. 1) SEEDING DATES: MARCH 15 TO JUNE 15 24.0 LBS. HULLED COMMON BERMUDA GRASS AT 8 LBS./ACRE (SUITED FOR MOST SOIL CONDITIONS) SEEDING DATES: APRIL 1 TO JULY 31 0.0 LBS. [3NHULLED COMMON BERMUDA GRASS AT 10 LBS./ACRE SEEDING DATES: JANUARY 1 TO MARCH 30 120.0 LBS. RYE GRASS AT 40 LBS./ACRE (TEMPORARY VEGETATION) SEEDING DATES: DECEMBER I TO MARCH 30 LBS. APPLY THE FOLLOWING: 3000.0 LBS. OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER (1000 LBS./ACRE) 6.0 TONS OF DOLOMITIC LIME (2 TONS/ACRE) 300.❑ BALES OF SMALL GRAIN STRAW (100 BALES/ACRE) ALL SURFACE DRAINS SHOULD BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO SEEDING. SHAPE ALL DISTURBED AREA IMMEDIATELY AFTER EARTH MOVING IS COMPLETED. APPLY LIME AND FERTILIZER THEN DISK TO PREPARE A 3 TO 4 INCH SMOOTH SEEDBED. APPLY SEED AND FIRM SEEDBED WITH A CULTIPACRER OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT. APPLY MULCH AND SECURE WITH A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL OR NETTING. I. PENSACOLA BAHIAGRASS IS SLOWER TO ESTABLISH THAN COMMON BERMUDA,GRASS. WHEN USING BAHIA, IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT 8 LBS./ACRE OF COMMON BERMUDA BE INCLUDED TO PROVIDE COVER UNTIL BAHIAGRASS IS ESTABLISHED. AnS& SITE EVALUAMOFT• 42mVBEOr- 42U2 operation: Date: -15400 rid �_ 96 Distance to nearest residence: Farm: �i7R State Road county: DVAIAI — Humber of homes within half -mile radius: Number of homes within one mile radius: Distance to closest swine producer: Distance to Feedmill: 4 Wetland Information: Io2� ('P)�l plc C•,�r�ca-�f,��,f.,� Comments: ZAAdd v LA r , C- L.•veZ)Aj1r Depth 1 2 3 4 5 7 (ft) 2-3 3-4 7� 6-7 7-8 •S&" 8-9 <rr_ 9-10'�-- 10--+ * SeasonalH1qh Water TaBle Borings made by: Signature & Title: EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN PROW N1 IMRFR DWQ 9/0 -- 395-- 3900 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ,q1 o - ,R 9b -,A/ b G SWCD 91o�,�g4 —o?1aa NRCS This plan will be implemented in the event that wastes from your operation are leaking, overflowing, or running off site. You should not wait until wastes reach surface waters or leave your property to consider that you have a problem. You should make every effort to ensure that this does not happen. This plan should be posted in an accessible location for all employees at the facility. The following are some action items you should take. 1. Stop the release of wastes. Depending on the situation, this may or may not be possible. Suggested responses to some possible problems are lined below. A. Lagoon overflow -possible solutions are: a Add soil to berm to increase elevation of dam. b. Pump wastes to fields at an acceptable rate. c. Stop all flows to the lagoon immediately. d. Call a pumping contractor. e. Make sure no surface water is entering lagoon. B. Runoff from waste application field -actions include: a Immediately stop waste application. b. Create a temporary diversion to contain waste. c. Incorporate waste to reduce runoff. d. Evaluate and eliminate the reason(s) that caused the runoff. e. Evaluate the application rates for the fields where runoff occurred. C. Leakage from the waste pipes and sprinklers action include: a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Close valves to eliminate further discharge. d. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. D. Leakage from flush systems, houses, solid separators -action include: December 18, 1996 a. Stop recycle pump. b. Stop irrigation pump. c. Make sure no siphon occurs. d. Stop all flows in the house, flush systems, or solid separators. e. Repair all leaks prior to restarting pumps. E. Leakage from base or sidewall of lagoon. Often this is seepage as opposed to flowi; a. Dig a small sump or ditch away from the embankment to catch all seepage, put in a submersible pump, and pump back to the lagoon. b. if holes are caused by burrowing animals, trap or remove animals and fill holes and compact with a clay type soil. c. Have a professional evaluate the condition ofthe side walls and lagoon bottom as soon as possible. 2. Assess the extent of the spill and note any obvious damages. a. Did the waste reach any surface waters? b. Approximately how much was released and for what duration? c. Any damage noted, such as employee injury, fish kills, or property damage? d. Did the spill leave the property? e. Does the spill have the potential to reach surface waters? f. Could a future rain event cause the spill to reach surface waters? g. Are potable water wells in danger (either on or off of the property)? h. How much reached surface waters? 3. Contact appropriate agencies. a. During normal business hours, call your DWQ (Division of Water Quality) regional office; Phone - - . After hours, emergency number. 919-733-3942. Your phone call should include: your name, facility, telephone number, the details of the incident from item 2 above, the exact location of the facility, the location or direction of movement of the spilt, weather and wind conditions. The corrective measures that have been under taken, and the seriousness of the situation. b. If spill leaves property or enters surface waters, call local EMS phone number - c. Instruct EMS to contact local Health Department. d. Contact CES, phone number - - ,local SWCD office phone number - - , and local NRCS office for advice/technical assistance phone number - - 4. If none of the above works rail 911 or the Sheriffs Department and explain your problem to them and ask that person to contact the proper agencies for you. 2 December 18, 199d S. Contact the contractor of your choice to begin repair of problem to minimize off -site damage. a. Contractors Name: 'r�` `'�n� S S �e . b. Contractors Address: (olg g t4c- X41 4'wq Rvk' A /4' c. Contractors Phone: Z-9- 2.- 5r6Sw 2,6`fF 6. Contact the technical specialist who certified the lagoon {MRCS, Consulting Engineer, etc. a. Name: $�...ltrs - me -Q"rc. y b. Phone: 7-4 8 7. Implement procedures as advised by DWQ and technical assistance agencies to rectify the damage, repair the system, and reassess the waste management plan to keep problems with release of wastes from happening again. December 18, 1996 Insect Control Checklist for Animal Operations Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Insects Site Specific Practices uid Flush Gutters • Accumulation of Solids Flush system is designed and operated sufficiently to /remove accumulated solids from gutters as designed; _ice Remove bridging of accumulated solids at discharge Lagoons and Pits • Crusted Solids 21"*�Maintain lagoons, settling basins and pits where pest breeding is apparent: to minimize the crusting of solids to a depth of no more than 6 - 8 inches over more than 30%of surface. Excessive Vegetative • Decaying vegetation (B" Maintain vegetative control along hanks of lagoons Growth and other impoundments to prevent accumulation of decaying vegetative matter along waters edge on impoundment's perimeter. Feeders • Feed Spillage © Design, operate and maintain feed systems (e.g., bunkers and troughs) to minimize the accumulation aeu e © Cenirn a routine basis (e.g., 7 - 10 day interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter). Feed Storage • . Accumulation of feed residues 0 Reduce moisture accumulation within and around immediate perimeter of feed storage areas by . insuring drainage away from site and/or providing adequate containment (e.g., covered bin for .......... brewer's in and similar high moisture grain © r and remove or break up accumulated solids in fflterscrips around feed storage asneeded. .................................................................................................................................................................................... . ............................................................................................................................................................. . ....................................................................................................................................................... ............ AMIC - November 11.1996, Page 1 Source Cause SMPs to Minimize Insects Site Suecifie Practices Animal Holding Areas • Accumulations of animal wastes 0 Eliminate low areas that trap moisture along fences and feed wastage and other locations where waste accumulates and disturbance by animals is minimal. 0 Maintain fence rows and filter strips around animal holding areas to minimize accumulations of wastes (i.e. inspect for and remove or break up accumulated solids as needed. Dry Manure Handling • Accumulations of animal wastes 0 Remove spillage on a routine basis (e.g., 7-10 day Systems interval during summer; 15-30 day interval during winter) where manure is loaded for land application . ©� adequate drainage around manure stockpiles. 0 Inspect for an remove or break up accumulated wastes in filter strips around stockpiles and manure 'handling areas as needed. For more information contact the Cooperative Extension Service, Department of Entomology, Sox 7613, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613 AMIC - November 11,1996, Pape 2 Swine Farm Waste Management Odor Control Checklist Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Farmstead Swine Production Vegetative or wooded buffers; ecommended best management practices; © Goad judgement and common sense Animal body surfaces • Dirty manure -covered animals 3*�Dry floors Floor Surfaces. • Wet manure-cnvcred floors 0"' Slotted floors; R�Waterers located over slotted floors; ❑ Feeders at high end of solid floors; [3"'Scrape manure buildup from floors; 01"Underfloor ventilation for drvinp- Manure collection pits ■ Urine: l' Frequent manure removal by dusts, pit recharge, or • Partial microbial decompositionscrape; l" Underfloor ventilation Ventilation exhaust fans • Volatile eases; 21"Fan maintenance; • Dust S"'Efftcient air movement Indoor surfaces • Dust Ck"'Washdown between groups of animals; ❑ Feed additives; ❑ Feed covers; ❑ Feed delivery downspout extenders to feeder covers Flush tanks ■ Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid ❑ Flush tank covers; while tanks are filling p Extend fill to near bottom of tanks with an6-siphon vents Flush alleys r Agitation during wastewater ❑ Underfloor flush with underfloor ventilation conveyance Pit recharge points • Agitation of recycled lagoon liquid ❑ Extend recharge lines to near bottom of pits with while pits are filling anti -siphon vents Lift stations • Agitation during sump tank Elting ❑ Sump tank covers and drawdown AMOC - November 11, 1996, Page 3 Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Outside drain collection or 0 Agitation during wastewater © Box covers junction boxes conveyance End of drainpipes at lagoon • Agitation during wastewater © Extend discharge point of pipes underneath conveyance lagoon liquid level Lagoon surfaces • Volatile gas emission; 3"" Prover lagoon liquid capacity-, • Biological mixing; lO Correct lagoon startuo vrocedures; • Agitation C� Minimum surface area -to -volume ratio; Minimum agitation when pumping: © Mechanical aeration: © Pr ven biologicgLadditives Irrigation sprinkler nozzles ■ High pressure agitation; G;1"Irriaate on dry days with little or no wind: • Wind drift 13'�-Minirnutn recommended operating pressure: Pump intake near lagoon liquid surface: Q PV= from seco d stage lagoon Storage tank or basin • Partial microbial decomposition; © Bottom or midlevel loading: surface • Mixing while filling; © Tank covers: • Agitation when emptying © Basin surface mats of solids: Settling basin surface 41 Partial microbial decomposition; © Extend drainpipe outlets underneath liquid level; 0 Mixing while filling; n Remove settled solids regularly • Agitation when emin Manure, slurry or sludge • Agitation when spreading; 0"'Soil injection of slurry/sludges; spreader outlets ■ Volatile gas emissions M""Wash residual manure from spreader after use; rI Proven biolo :cal additives or oxidants Uncovered manure, slurry • Volatile gas emissions while FT"' Soil injection of slurry/sludges; or sludge on field surfaces drying M" Soil incorporation within 48 hrs.; M" SDread in thin uniform lavers for rapid drvine: n Dead animals • Carcass decomposition n Proper disposition o€carcasses.......................................................................... AMOC - November 11, 1996, Page 4 Source Cause BMPs to Minimize Odor Site Specific Practices Dead animal disposal pits ■ Carcass decomposition rl Complete covering of carcasses in burial pits; r1 Pro er location/construction of disposal pits Incinerators ■ Incomplete combustion r•l Second stack burners Standing water around ■ Improper drainage; W Crade and landscape such that water drains away facilities ■ Microbial decomposition of from facilities organic matter .. ... . Mud tracked onto public ■ Poorly maintained access roads Farm access road maintenance roads from farm access Additional Information: Available From: Swine Manure Management; .0200 Rule/BMP Packet NCSU, County Extension. Center. Swine Production Farm Potential Odor Sources and Remedies; EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU - BAE Swine Production Facility Manure Management: Pit Recharge - Lagoon Treatment; EBAE 128-88 NCSU - BAE Swine Production Facility Manure Management: Underfloor Flush - Lagoon Treatment; EBAE 129-88 .... NCSU - BAE Lagoon Design and Management for Livestock Manure Treatment and Storage; EBAE 103-88 .... NCSU - BAE Calibration of Manure and Wastewater Application Equipment; EBAE Fact Sheet NCSU - BAE .. Controlling Odors from Swine Buildings; PIH-33 NCSU - Swine Extension Environmental Assurance Program: NPPC Manual NC Pork Producers Assoc. ....................... Options for Managing Odor; a report from the Swine Odor Task Force NCSU - Agri Communications Nuisance Concerns in Animal Manure Mane etnent:. Odors and Flies; PRO107, 1995 Conference Proceedings g. ....................................................................... . Florida Cooperative Extension ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................................................................................... ................................................................................................................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................... AMOC - November 11, 1996, Page 5 . . . Version--Novembe 26, 2028 Mortality Management Methods Indicate which nwfhod(s) will be implemented. When selecting multole methods indicate a primary versus secondary option. Methods other than those listed must be approved by the State Vetennadan. Primary Secondary Routine Mortality ❑ ❑ Burial three feet beneath the surface of the ground within 24 hours of knowledge of animal death. The burial trust be at least 300 feet from any flowing stream or public body of water (G.S.106 403). The bottom of the burial pit should beat least one foot above the seasonal high water table. Attach burial location map and plan. ❑ ❑ Landfill at municipal solid waste facility permitted by NC DEQ under GS 15A NCAC 13B .0200. �❑ Rendering at a rendering plant licensed under G.S. 106-168.7. ❑ ❑ Complete incineration according to 02 NCAC 62C _0102. ❑ ❑ A composting system: approved and permitted iij -the NC Department of Agriculture & Con- sumer Services Veterinary Division (attach copy of permit). if compost Is distributed off -farm, additional requirements must be met and a permit is required from NC DEQ. ❑ ❑ In the case of dead poultry only, placing in a disposal pit of a size and design approved by the NC Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (G.S. 106-549.70). ❑ ❑ Any method which, in the professional opinicruof the State Veterinarian, would matte possible the salvage of part of a dead animal's value without endangering human or animal health. (Written approval by the State Veterinarian must be attached). ❑ Mass Mortality Plant Mass mortality {Mans are required for farms covered by an NPDES permit. These plans are also recommended for all animal operations. This plan outlines farm -specific mortality man- agement methods to be used for mass mortality. The NCDA&CS Veterinary Division sup- ports a variety of emergency mortality disposal options; contact the Division for guidance. • A catastrophic mortality disposal plan is part of the facifity's CAWMP and is activated when numbers of dead animals exceed normal mortality rates as specified by the State Veterinarian. • Burial must be -done In accordance with NC General Statutes and NCDA&CS Veterinary Division regulations and guidance. • Mass burial sites are subject to additional permit conditions (refer to facility's animal waste management system permit). • In the event of imminent threat of a disease emergency, the State Veterinarian may enact additional temporary procedures or measures for disposal according to G.S. 106-399.4. Signature of Farm Owner/Manager ,0000'Signature of Tech 5peclalist 3_31D___f? Date -_:? a-r Date Proper lagoon liquid management should be a ear -round priority. It is especially important to manage levels so that you do not have problems during extended rainy and wet periods. Maximum storage capacity should be available in the lagoon for periods when the receiving crop is dormant (such as wintertime for bermudagrass) or when there are extended rainy sells such as the thunderstorm season in the summertime. This means that at the first signs of plant growth in the later winter/early spring, irrigation according to a farm waste management plan should be done whenever the land is dry enough to receive lagoon liquid. This will make storage space available in the lagoon for future wet periods. In the late summer/early fall the lagoon should be pumped down to the low marker (see Figure 2-1) to allow for winter storage. Every effort should be made to maintain the lagoon close to the minimum liquid level as long as the weather and waste utilization plan will allow it. Waiting until the lagoon has reached its maximum storage capacity before starting to irrigate does not leave room for storing excess water during extended wet periods. Overflow from the lagoon for any reason except a 25-year, 24-hour storm is a violation of state law and subject to penalty action. The routine maintenance of a lagoon involves the following: Maintenance of a vegetative cover for the dam. Fescue or common bermudagrass are the most common vegetative covers. The vegetation should be fertilized each year, if needed, to maintain a vigorous stand. The amount of fertilizer applied should be based on a soils test, but in the event that it is not practical to obtain a soils test each year, the lagoon embankment and surrounding areas should be fertilized with 800 pounds per acre of 10-10-10, or equivalent. Brush and trees on the embankment must be controlled. This may be done by mowing, spraying, grazing, chopping, or a combination of these practices. This should be done at least once a year and possibly twice in years that weather conditions are favorable for heavy vegetative growth. NOTE: If vegetation is controlled by spraying, the herbicide must not be allowed to enter the lagoon water. Such chemicals could harm the bacteria in the lagoon that are treating the waste. Maintenance inspections of the entire lagoon should be made during the initial filling of the Iagoon and at least monthly and after major rainfall and storm events. Items to be checked should include, as a minimum, the following: Waste Inlet Pipes, Recycling Pipes, and Overflow Pipes ---look for: I . separation of joints 2. cracks or breaks 3. accumulation of salts or minerals 4. overall condition of pipes Lagoon surface ---look for: 1. undesirable vegetative growth 2. floating or lodged debris Embankment ---look for: 1. settlement, cracking, or "jug" holes 2. side slope stability ---slumps or bulges 3. wet or damp areas on the back slope 4. erosion due to lack of vegetation or as a result of wave action 5. rodent damage Larger lagoons may be subject to liner damage due to wave action caused by strong winds. These waves can erode the lagoon sidewalls, thereby weakening the lagoon dam. A good stand of vegetation will reduce the potential damage caused by wave action. If wave action causes serious damage to a lagoon sidewall, baffles in the lagoon may be used to reduce the wave impacts. Any of these features could lead to erosion and weakening of the dam. If your lagoon has any of these features, you should call an appropriate expert familiar with design and construction of waste lagoons. You may need to provide a temporary fix if there is a threat of a waste discharge. However, a permanent solution should be reviewed by the technical expert. Any digging into a lagoon dam with heavy equipment is a serious unddrtaking with potentially serious consequences and: should not be conducted unless recommended by an appropriate technical expert. Transfer Pumps ---check for proper operation of: ` I. recycling pumps 2. irrigation pumps Check for leaks, loose fittings, and overall pump operation. An unusually loud or grinding noise, or a large amount of, vibration, may indicate that the pump is in need or repair or replacement. NOTE: Pumping systems should be inspected and operated frequently enough so that you are not completely "surprised" by equipment failure. You should perform your pumping system maintenance at a time when your lagoon is at its low level. This will allow some safety time should major repairs be required. Having a nearly full lagoon is not the time to think about switching, repairing , or borrowing pumps. Probably, if your lagoon is full, your neighbor's lagoon is full also. You should consider maintaining an inventory of spare parts or pumps. Surface water diversion features are designed to carry all surface drainage waters (such as rainfall runoff, roof drainage, gutter outlets, and parking lot runoff) away from your lagoon and other waste treatment or storage structures. The only water that should be coming from your lagoon is that which comes from your flushing (washing) system pipes and the rainfall that hits the lagoon directly. You should inspect your diversion system for the following: I . adequate vegetation 2. diversion capacity 3. ridge berm height Identified problems should be corrected promptly. It is advisable to inspect your system during or immediately following a heavy rain. If technical assistance is needed to determine proper solutions, consult with appropriate experts. You should record the level of the lagoon just prior to when rain is predicted, and then record the level again 4 to b hours after the rain (assumes there is no pumping). This will give you an idea of how much your lagoon level will rise with a certain rainfall amount (you must also be recording your rainfall for this to work). Knowing this should help in planning irrigation applications and storage. If your lagoon rises excessively, you may have an inflow problem from a surface water diversion or there may be seepage into the lagoon from the surrounding land. Lagoon Operation Startup: 1. immediately after construction establish a complete sod cover on bare soil surfaces to avoid erosion. 2. Fill new lagoon design treatment volume at least half full of water before waste loading begins, taking care not to erode lining or hank slopes. 3. Drainpipes into the lagoon should have a flexible pipe extender on the end of the pipe to discharge near the bottom of the lagoon during initial (filling or another means of slowing the incoming water to avoid erasion of the lining. 4. When possible, begin loading new lagoons in the spring to maximize bacterial establishment (due to warmer weather). S. It is recommended that a new lagoon be seeded with sludge from a healthy working swine lagoon in the amount of 0.25 percent of the full lagoon liquid volume. This seeding should occour at least two weeks prior to the addition of wastewater. 5. Maintain a periodic check on the lagoon liquid pH. If the pH falls below 7.0, add agricultural lime at the rate of 1 pound per 1000 cubic feet of lagoon liquid volume until the pH rises above 7.0. Optimum lagoon liquid PH is between 7.5 and 8.0. 7. A darn color, Iack of bubbling, and excessive odor signals inadequate CP biological activity. Consultation with a technical specialist is recommended if these conditions occur for prolonged periods, especially during the warm season. Loading: The more frequently and regularly that wastewater is added to a lagoon, the better the lagoon will function. Flush systems that wash waste into the lagoon several times daily are optimum for treatment. Pit recharge systems, in which one or more buildings are drained and recharged each day, also work well. CD Practice water conservation ---minimize building water usage and • spillage from leaking waterers, broken pipes and washdown through proper maintenance and water conservation. Management: Minimize feed wastage and spillage by keeping feeders adjusted. This will reduce the amount of solids entering the lagoon Maintain lagoon liquid level between the permanent storage level and the full temporary storage level. Place visible markers or stakes on the lagoon bank to show the minimum liquid level and the maximum liquid lever (Figure 2-1). Start irrigating at the earliest possible date in the spring based on nutrient requirements and soil moisture so that temporary storage will be maximized for the summer thunderstorm season. Similarly, irrigate in the late summer/early fall to provide maximum lagoon storage for the winter. The lagoon liquid level should never be closer than I foot to the lowest point of the dam or embankment. Do not pump the lagoon liquid level lower that the permanent storage level unless you are removing sludge. Locate float pump intakes approximately 18 inches underneath the liquid surface and as far away from the drainpipe inlets as possible. Prevent additions of bedding materials, long-stemmed forage or vegetation, molded feed, plastic syringes, or other foreign materials into the lagoon. Frequently remove solids from catch basins at end of confinement houses or wherever they are installed. Maintain strict vegetation, rodent, and varmint control near lagoon edges. Do not allow trees or large bushes to grow on lagoon dam or embankment. Remove sludge from the lagoon either when the sludge storage capacity is ,full or before it fills 50 percent of the permanent storage volume. If animal production is to be terminated, the owner is responsible for obtaining and implementing a closure plan to eliminate the possibility of a pollutant discharge. Sludge Removal: Rate of lagoon sludge buildup can be reduced by: '' proper lagoon sizing, . mechanical solids separation of flushed waste, gravity settling of flushed waste solids in an appropriately designed basin, or • minimizing feed wastage and spillage. Lagoon sludge that is removed annually rather than stored long term will: have more nutrients, have more odor, and require more land to properly use the nutrients. Removal techniques: Hire a custom applicator Mix the sludge and lagoon liquid with a chopper -agitator impeller pump through large -bore spunkier irrigation system onto nearby cropland; and soil incorporate. Dewater the upper part of lagoon by irrigation onto nearby cropland or forageland; mix remaining sludge; pump into liquid sludge applicator; haul and spread onto cropland or forageland; and soil incorporate. Dewater the upper part of lagoon by irrigation onto nearby cropland or forageland; dredge sludge from lagoon with dragline or sludge barge; berm an area beside lagoon to receive the sludge so that liquids can drain back into lagoon; allow sludge to dewater; haul and spread with manure spreader onto cropland or forageland; and soil incorporate. Regardless of the method, you must have the sludge material analyzed for waste constituents just as you would your lagoon water. The sludge will contain different nutrient and metal values from the liquid. The application of the sludge to fields will be limited by these nutrients as well as any previous waste applications to that field and crop requirement. Waste application rates will be discussed in detail in Chapter 3. When removing sludg-line operator will ensure that the lagoon liner ree, you must also pay attention to the liner to prevent damage. Close attention by the pumper or drag -line intact. if you see soil material or the synthetic liner material being disturbed, you should stop the activity immediately and not resume until you are sure that the sludge can be removed without liner injury. If the liner is damaged it must be repaired as soon as possible. Sludge removed from the lagoon has a much higher phosphorus and heavy metal content than liquid. Because of this it should probably be applied to land with tow phosphorus and metal levels, as indicated by a soil test, and incorporated to reduce the chance of erosion. Note that if the sludge is applied to fields with very high soil -test phosphores, it should be applied only at rates equal to the crop removal of phosphorus. As with other wastes, always have your lagoon sludge analyzed for its nutrient value. The application of sludge will increase the amount of odor at the waste application site. Extra precaution should be used to observe the wind direction and other conditions which ArN could increase the concern of neighbors. Possible Causes of Lagoon Failure Lagoon failures result in the unplanned discharge of wastewater from the structure. Types of failures include leakage through the bottom or sides, overtopping, and breach of the dam. Assuming proper design and construction, the owner has the responsibility for ensuring structure safety. Items which may lead to lagoon failures include: Modification of the lagoon structure ---an example is the placement of a pipe in the dam without proper design and construction. (Consult an expert in lagoon design before placing any pipes in dams.) Lagoon liquid levels ---high levels are a safety risk. Failure to inspect and maintain the dam. Excess surface water flowing into the Iagoon. Liner integrity ---protect from inlet pipe scouring, damage during sludge removal, or rupture from lowering lagoon liquid level below groundwater table. NOTE: If lagoon water is allowed to overtop the dam, the moving water will soon cause gullies to form in the dam. Once this damage starts, it can quickly cause a large discharge of wastewater and possible dam failure.