HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242318_FRO Submitted_20240730 Orange County Planning & Inspections Department
ORANGE COUNTY 131 W. Margaret Lane, Suite 200, Hillsborough, NC 27278
NORTH CAROLINA 919-245-2575 or planninqappsoranqecountync.qov
Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) Application
Please refer to instructions and checklist in completing the following application.
If completing by hand, please use black or blue ink.
* Please fill out all required fields
Date: 7// 2Y Case Number:
Check all th t apply: N/ Erosion Control Plan
Stormwater Permit
n Stormwater Management Plan
General Submittal Information*
Name of Project: Hunt Residence
Parcel ID Number (PIN): 9767892017, 9767880334 Planning Jurisdiction: Orange County
Size of Tract: 21.74 + 0.66 R/W acres Area Disturbed 3.5 acres
Fees — Section Completed by Staff
Fee Amount
Erosion Control Plan Review
Required with Application $
Land Disturbing Permit
Optional with Initial Application $
Stormwater Management Plan Review
Orange County Planning Jurisdiction Only
Required with Application $
Total $
Approximate date land disturbance will begin:
Contact Information*
Landowner(s) of Record (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application):
Name: Christian L. Hunt and Joan E. Hunt Name:
Street Address: 1607 Claymore Rd. Street Address:
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address:
1607 Claymore Rd.
City: Chapel Hill City:
State: NC Zip: 27516 State: Zip:
Phone: 919 460 1983 Phone:
Email: eric@bosthomes.com Email:
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Contract Purchaser (if applicable) (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application):
Company/Organization: N/A Company/Organization:
Contact Person: Contact Person:
Street Address: Street Address:
Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address:
City: City:
State: Zip: State: Zip:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
Person(s) or Finn(s) Financially Responsible for this Land Disturbing
Company/Organization: N/A Corn pany/Organization:
Contact Person: Christian L. Hunt and Joan E. Hunt Contact Person:
Street Address: 1607 Claymore Rd. Street Address:
Chapel Hill, NC 27516
Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address:
1607 Claymore Rd.
City: Chapel Hill City:
State: NC Zip: 27516 State: Zip:
Phone: 919-460-1983 Phone:
Email: eric@bosthomes.com Email:
Registered Agent(if any)for the Person(s) or Financially Responsible Party:;;;.: .43::`Y;
(NOTE:a North Carolina agent is required lithe applicant is not a resident of North>Carolina)
Name: NIA Name:
Street Address: Street Address:
Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address:
City: City:
State: Zip: State: Zip:
Phone: Phone:
Email: Email:
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Additional Project Information*
Project Description (detail the scope of the project and nature of land disturbance):
Project will include the construction of a single family residence and a private access driveway. Scope of
work will also include a swimming pool, private well and onsite wastewater system.
Plans Prepared by:
Name of Person/Firm: Civil Consultants, Inc
Contact Person: Tony Whitaker
License Number: NCPE #014999
Mailing Address: 3708 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 201
City: Durham State: NC Zip: 27707
Phone: 919-943-8418 Email: tony.whitaker@civil-consultants.com
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Certification and Signatures*
Signature and Witness: The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and
belief and was provided by me while under oath.
Signature of Financially Resp able Party Type or Print Na tme Legibly
Pr __e._,k..‘ E\,v,N..,.rs T 1+ 1 t a Li
Title or Authority Date ,�
I, vim. h 6. a Notary Public of the County of J ,/
hereby certify that i4 --5+i a vj L- � �+" personally before me this day and
under oath acknowledged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater
Management Plan Approval, and Land Disturbing Permit/ Statement of Ownership and Financial
Responsibility was executed by him or her.
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PropertyI9, ►bwledgement*
filI hereby acknowledge the above information and parties referenced herein have been granted
permission to conduct development activity on referenced property of which I own.
Signature of Property Ow Type or.Pri t Name Legibly
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hereby certify that G\r���rai' I �� Au✓�r personally before me this day and
under oath acknowledged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater
Management Plan Approval, and Land Disturbing Permit/ Statement of Ownership and Financial
Responsibility was executed by him or her.
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