HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242318_FRO Submitted_20240730 Orange County Planning & Inspections Department ORANGE COUNTY 131 W. Margaret Lane, Suite 200, Hillsborough, NC 27278 NORTH CAROLINA 919-245-2575 or planninqappsoranqecountync.qov Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) Application Please refer to instructions and checklist in completing the following application. If completing by hand, please use black or blue ink. * Please fill out all required fields Date: 7// 2Y Case Number: Check all th t apply: N/ Erosion Control Plan Stormwater Permit n Stormwater Management Plan General Submittal Information* Name of Project: Hunt Residence Parcel ID Number (PIN): 9767892017, 9767880334 Planning Jurisdiction: Orange County Size of Tract: 21.74 + 0.66 R/W acres Area Disturbed 3.5 acres Fees — Section Completed by Staff Fee Amount Erosion Control Plan Review Required with Application $ Land Disturbing Permit Optional with Initial Application $ Stormwater Management Plan Review Orange County Planning Jurisdiction Only Required with Application $ Total $ Approximate date land disturbance will begin: Contact Information* Landowner(s) of Record (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application): Name: Christian L. Hunt and Joan E. Hunt Name: Street Address: 1607 Claymore Rd. Street Address: Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address: 1607 Claymore Rd. City: Chapel Hill City: State: NC Zip: 27516 State: Zip: Phone: 919 460 1983 Phone: Email: eric@bosthomes.com Email: Page 1 of 4 Contract Purchaser (if applicable) (Use additional pages if necessary and attach to application): Company/Organization: N/A Company/Organization: Contact Person: Contact Person: Street Address: Street Address: Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: Person(s) or Finn(s) Financially Responsible for this Land Disturbing Company/Organization: N/A Corn pany/Organization: Contact Person: Christian L. Hunt and Joan E. Hunt Contact Person: Street Address: 1607 Claymore Rd. Street Address: Chapel Hill, NC 27516 Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address: 1607 Claymore Rd. City: Chapel Hill City: State: NC Zip: 27516 State: Zip: Phone: 919-460-1983 Phone: Email: eric@bosthomes.com Email: Registered Agent(if any)for the Person(s) or Financially Responsible Party:;;;.: .43::`Y; (NOTE:a North Carolina agent is required lithe applicant is not a resident of North>Carolina) Name: NIA Name: Street Address: Street Address: Current Mailing Address: Current Mailing Address: City: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Phone: Phone: Email: Email: Page 2 of 4 Additional Project Information* Project Description (detail the scope of the project and nature of land disturbance): Project will include the construction of a single family residence and a private access driveway. Scope of work will also include a swimming pool, private well and onsite wastewater system. Plans Prepared by: Name of Person/Firm: Civil Consultants, Inc Contact Person: Tony Whitaker License Number: NCPE #014999 Mailing Address: 3708 Lyckan Parkway, Suite 201 City: Durham State: NC Zip: 27707 Phone: 919-943-8418 Email: tony.whitaker@civil-consultants.com Page 3 of 4 Certification and Signatures* Signature and Witness: The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and was provided by me while under oath. ./..._.z.,t,gi_ ,<(.,..LA Signature of Financially Resp able Party Type or Print Na tme Legibly Pr __e._,k..‘ E\,v,N..,.rs T 1+ 1 t a Li Title or Authority Date ,� I, vim. h 6. a Notary Public of the County of J ,/ hereby certify that i4 --5+i a vj L- � �+" personally before me this day and under oath acknowledged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Plan Approval, and Land Disturbing Permit/ Statement of Ownership and Financial Responsibility was executed by him or her. ��Witness my harp �J end notarial seal, this I Day of � 20 7-4(7-4( I `\��\\P� tf\ O 7 /l /I 2-,/ -04---_--1 Notary Signature of Notary My Commission Expires County = = My Comm. Exp. �. 04-12-2027 - SEAL ,2 Q o9r �\\\\,,. PropertyI9, ►bwledgement* filI hereby acknowledge the above information and parties referenced herein have been granted permission to conduct development activity on referenced property of which I own. AMR Signature of Property Ow Type or.Pri t Name Legibly - -/ i t) ti Date ao lV �'> Notary Public of the County of L • �'' • hereby certify that G\r���rai' I �� Au✓�r personally before me this day and under oath acknowledged that this Application for Erosion Control Plan Approval, Stormwater Management Plan Approval, and Land Disturbing Permit/ Statement of Ownership and Financial Responsibility was executed by him or her. 1 j Dayof 1 I Witness my hand and notarial seal, this '� � � / ��-`'�'. ,,,. �uuurrrr�, � `7 //2/2-°Zi i. Si na '% My Commission Expires Notary Public , Wake SEAS M County Y Comm. Exp_ 20 04-12-2027 ,,//ii "7, CAR 01„\\ Page 4 of 4