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GW1--04319_Well Construction - GW1_20240722
WELL .yr�y1� Y�iCy��tttpYYY V1 a■N-�y'o 7py ry]�p pWp', �a�wgopuy l Qj�y y� Prim Fame 'a 'ELL CYDi\�$a\�/1I319®ld IND�GMWbHII , Far_linter:al Use Only - - Il.Weil Contactor lialbrntatioo: David Belcher IL WATER EMS . Well Contactor N.7— MICW2 Ye °Ca pf,_e 4594-A IV)' im Jo r(N9�� �,k�.arlus ft. ft. N m:C Walt Contra*?Certification Mini 1 ''O ER CASINOMrmaultieatedwet e� f ilp gkith Aqua Drill,inc. E.. To 5IAR4ETER I MA TERIAL Company Name ir:a. °n` ' 1!at rr�V( L��aima�llerak#:!i2 ; `13'e. Idt {i Q4IIlBIIN�fN Ltssolfqui%vecoeatraattanpermits(to,WC;tabetrty,Stales faelaem:n stca _3__,=. i i D. LWillika adlU8): — 1 a, in. ._ .- 111111C--- ■ 11ae1�1m1 amain Aggargia raw ' eWicillaMbiia . a b. ■ ` (IlQatiogdiog Supply) BiResideatial Water t twit OW a, a aN. a , • eroial `'ResidentialW terOmi'friargin i Well: VIataoatdlL aesateafaatal■ Iff ■ 0 ` (elnNiI_ cat>crEh �(nlc1�i in ilaiegNset>aedtetlan I II. -- I lamp anonym v: -i_, I Borders sass a fir,,, [`, _ ,I, I MowMon a IL "-` nL ■ , . - --- mill iii--tea_ So,Wall Lang= 1-L5 5d°� 1g,j'Elite ��a a, 'l. ` ���m Parcel rdontilic aden Hl®.PROInto:.�.4. I -I '3"olt g Usit Phil LK uslathiginglisa es _3, .5fl__N.5` ._ X �7'9' 44. J Z 6.. - as - '7 IL `tM ar ligature frmtified gm DO `la'.�y 11: iufila 'A�irraa � d'tanatnepee alIF ifiek manna hall preelkto the%Pam04Q@l. L liar ILNo awn orsitaraa/Mils i py. ar011/4 lam fRaarr�itt��mama Ybammo itletsillppartea additional all iliada*araafl drilled:_ ZOTALIR>♦��rnRe oraheeuimdYlalie.YrttaitRi�stta8dsal anal le��>istoimm 4. L,�11i AIL ANt87P&tI1nC'1'HM itoadobiddietimigh -- aim.N m b bin*big ilia tea mills 30 alp et aaayillaa et ma 1I111.rwlsriaolben Imp atanalar 4l1 ea Mama atwlela>Awana,iiealln p11� Il6IIT161166iaCnigii�e>1D 7 1L11i11araa■al rs_a l 1t.111.1 .Edits male AAnrt i as adna.dm ass sew ge. >a.e~Ile.`�as Lan Os slim is Msat a•''�"�' �/■tino mertkosbeoldlo II*!om walk IS dip et 1r divot tlOtWA�Rt!!lLYNJ11,L w y1 IDIaRNa MIS tiYfiantae Ulihrraillibir. /36 1kYYi� 1fl +i Mail!ograatt N. &ck i+rw ilia tb 0 l(eletlintad lis le million to sonde loam to sfrt.>elsieietie0 pm �� adroit cm copy ft di bee sails g0 days of LYoor&__..A ocu__ completion of well suestttrmlma apt iti: suetym keen departing at tin®ouaay - where yugsrrrected, GUILFORD COUNTY DEPARTIMMFNT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Division of Environmental Health, Water Quality Unit 400 W. Market St., Suite 300, Greensboro, NC 27401 ecford of Construction, Aapaoro or Abandonment gent of a Address of Well: ,2616 Ca kiln/)en 9x), ?lea 5r:14 C r 4en; LATITUDE 3, 5 _o_ Well Permit Number: ,;?u ©3• LividA• rx'o) LOtGlTUDS 7q 44 t�, tc . Well Contractor Company: Alta �rl�> ?��. Completion Date: 1..10•.24 Total Well Depth: v7v?5 ft. Weil Yield: in gpm Static Water Level: WC ft. giant it Cais71 g Material: ?vc Foration Log Casing Diameter: G.2.1i in. Casing Depth: 45 ft. Depth Description . From: n ft. To• p 1l�rme>r°CasingMaterial: � ft. From: 5 ft. To:.15ft. 'iA Csnnr' Casing Diameter: in. Casing Depth: ft. From: 3-15 ft. To:_,22,1ft• la1 uP �-rrrn,,4e From: ft.To: ft. Grout From: ft. To: ft. Depth Material Method From: ft. To: ft. From: O ft. To: .01 ft. (rmer1- '9rr i; L&tfi jruckFrom: ft. To: ft. From: _ ft. To: ft. From: ft.To: ft. From: ft. To: ft. —__ From: ft. To: ft. Water Production Zones Depth: 130 ft. ft. ft. ft. ft. Yield: 1 U gpm — � _..o.� ft. _____ ft. gpm .--gpm gpm gpm gpm BPtn Method of i;epair: Method of Abandonment: I hereby certify that this well was constructed, repaired, or abandoned according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Weil Contractor: Da.. oQLer, _ Certification#: L S(1 LA Date: ' ;. -94 namisinsmummummeminis accord oT Pump) a98attro Pump Installation Company: n' c — Completion Completion Date: U 7�/7 Pump Depth: ii?) ft. Static Water Level: yQ ft. / Pump Brand: % 3�� Pump Size and Rating:—1.L__hp ft) gpm I hereby certify that 's pump was installed and well ad completed according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on ate• that a co y this r ,ord has been provided to the rvell owner. Well Contractor: • ar Certification #:� t Date: C71 L7,/ t Revised:January 1,2009