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SW8110227_Historical File_20111031
I ill. , ,f li d j . , .167 . --3044,0 lik•.,---/- 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Engineering Services • 1720 Mail Service Center • Raleigh,NC 27699-1720 October 26,2011 Ms.Kelly Johnson NCDENR,Division of Water Quality, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Permit Modification Request, Sunset Beach Proposed Boating Access Area Permit Number: SW8 110227 Dear Ms.Johnson: Thank you for the expedient initial review of the project noted above. I have responded to your request for information below your items,in italics. 1.Drawdown Time:Please provide a stamped calculation for the timeframe to drawdown the l0yr volume, 19,966ft3 at half the reported infiltration rate(at 10 in/hr)in the basin. Please find enclosed revised calculations that give the actual drawdown for the basin at half the infiltration rate. 2. Seasonal High Water Table:Please clarify how the SHWT elevation was determined.It appears that either boring 1 or 4 (B 1 or B4)or perhaps an average of the two was used.Please provide the"existing grade"elevation when the soils report was completed on 12/3/08,the depth to the SHWT as outlined in that report and the resulting SHWT for this design so that we can keep that information on file.The bottom of the cell must be at least 2ft above SHWT. The seasonal high water table elevation of 10.0 was determined by taking the B-1 depth of 64"and applying it to the original ground elevation of approximately 15.3. Please refer to sheet 3 on the plans for original grade contours. This SHWT is coincides with the SHWT at boring location B-4, where the original ground elevation is approximately 16.6 according to sheet 3, and the SHWT was located at a depth of 80". The bottom of the cell is proposed to be elevation 14, which gives 4 feet of vertical separation. 3.Basin Depth:The supplement shows that the bottom of the cell is at elevation 14.0ms1 and the top is at 15.0msl.But,the calculations show that the depth is 3ft.Please make any necessary adjustments to the calculations. The errors on the calculations pages have been fixed and a revised calculation page has been included. If you have any questions or comments regarding this project,or you fmd any other errors,omissions,or other areas that need correction,please feel free to contact me at(919)707-0154 or tom.covington@ncwildlife.org. Thank you again for the quick turn around,and I appreciate the cooperation. Sincerely, MD o L ii t-) GET Tom Covington,PE 1 MI Facilities Construction and Capital Projects Engineer Bit': enclosure SUNSET BEACH BOATING ACCESS AREA BRUNSWICK COUNTY STORMWATER CALCULATIONS FOR 10 YEAR STORM,BASIN CAPACITY AND DRAWDOWN TIME REVISED Revised: October 26,2011 0\\111 11.///,., _iv= tio" Calculations By: Tom. Covington, PE N.C.Wildlife Resources Commission 1720 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699 10 Year 24 hour Storm-Post Development Only TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA= 5705D SF 1.310 AC. POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS IMPERVIOUS I I WOODED I GRASS I 34915 SF SF 34915 SF 0 SF 22135 SF 0.802 AC 0.000 AC 0.508 AC 61.20%Total Impervious I POST-DEVELOPMENT:RUNOFF VOLUME R„= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.9(%Imp.) %Impervious= 61.20% Percentage of Impervious surface aver the site V=3630 x RDx R„xA NOTE:10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM RD= 6.99 in. Inches of Rain-High Density rules for Sc waters R"= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.009(%Imp.) A= 1.310 acres Drainage area V= 19965.77 cf Volume of runoff from design storm Drawdown Calculations Per the NCDENR handbook"Stormwater Best Management Practices"(April 1999),drawdown of the storm water runoff shall occur within 5 days using a minimum infiltration rate of 0.52 inches per hour. Input Data WQv= 19,966 cf. Bottom Area= 7604 sf Infiltration Rate Minimum= 0.52 In/hr Infiltration Rate Measured= 20 in/hr Calculated Values top elevation SF of basin proposed 9068 sf Proposed depth of basin(to top of berm,not overflow weir) 1 ft Basin Drawdown Capacity A=V/[2'(k`T)] V= 19966.0 volume of water requiring infiltration(cf) K= 20 hydraulic conductivity of soil(In/fir) T= 5 dewatering time(days) A= 99.83 effective infiltrating area(sf) I • OK Have 76045F,so checks 11�) OC1 31 %o11 Bottom Elevation 14 Change in Incremental Cumulative Cumulative Elevation Area elevation volume volume Depth Ft R'ESL ft ft3 14.0 7604 0 0 0 0 15.0 9068 1 8336 8336 1 0 0 8336 1 0 0 8336 1 All areas obtained through measurement in AutoCAD TOTAL CF OF BASIN 8336 cf @ 1'deep For no secondary treatment devices,system must treat 10 year 24 hour storm at half the infiltration rate Drawdown Time at 1/2 the measured Infiltration rate= 4.9 hours 0.2 days Basin Drawdown Capacity A=V/[2*(k*T)] V= 19966.0 volume of water requiring infiltration(cf) 1/2 the measured rate K= 10 hydraulic conductivity of soil(in/hr) 3.36 hours so no overtopping T= 0.14 dewatering time(days) A= 7130.71 effective infiltrating area(sf) OK Have 7604SF,so checks Actual Basin Drawdown Time A=V/[2*(k*T)] therefore T=V/[2*(k*A11 V= 19966 volume of water requiring infiltration(cf) K= 10 hydraulic conductivity of soil(in/hr) A= 7604 effective area at bottom of basin IT= 0.13 dewatering time(days) 3.12 hours ECEi V i5 OCT 312011 BY: ---- SUNSET BEACH BOATING ACCESS AREA BRUNSWICK COUNTY NARRATIVE STORMWATER CALCULATIONS INFILTRATION BASIN SUPPLEMENT INFILTRATION BASIN OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT SOILS TEST MAP `��\‘‘��AROzi"i,, •*,����. s ` = Jk 4. tSe.•gyp • c T C \t‘ lIIl""‘� 30 sEtrrI I Revised: September 30,2011 <177 Calculations By: Tom Covington,PE N.C.Wildlife Resources Commission 1720 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699 SUNSET BEACH BOATING ACCESS AREA BRUNSWICK COUNTY We have previously been granted stormwater permit number SW8 110227,but are applying for a permit modification in order to reduce the footprint of the impervious area and save several large live oak trees that are very important to the town and its citizens. The below is the same narrative submitted for the original permit,with the numbers changed to reflect the changes shown on the plans, calculations, supplements, etc. STORMWATER ANALYSIS Project Description and Summary: The Sunset Beach Boating Access Area project is located at the terminus of Sunset Boulevard, in Sunset Beach,NC. The existing property currently consists of a vacant lot purchased by the Town, and Right of Way given to the town by the NCDOT once the old swing bridge over to the island was demolished. There are no current improvements to the lot owned by the town, and the DOT Right of Way consists of an asphalt roadway leading down to an area where a bridge abutment once stood. This project involves the construction of a new WRC boating access area. This BAA will include a single launch ramp and associated fixed docks, a floating fishing pier, an entry drive, a 28 space parking lot for boat trailers and a 10 space parking lot for standard vehicles. The project property is adjacent to SA;HQW waters. Methodology: The project consists of a drainage area that encompasses all of the parking lot, and all of the impervious surfaces that could be utilized with applicable grading designs. There is a small portion of ramp apron that was not able to be channeled to a proposed infiltration basin, due to the topography and design constraints. The drainage area will be treated by an infiltration basin designed to handle the 10 year 24 hour storm at half the measured infiltration rate,negating the need for a bypass, vegetated filter, or additional storage volume. The proposed impervious surface in each drainage area was determined from the plans created in AutoCAD. This impervious surface number was used to determine the water quality volume for each treatment device by using the calculation methods as shown in Chapter 3 of the NCDENR Stormwater BMP Manual. The Rational method and associated calculations were used to calculate storm runoff volume,peak rate of discharge,hydrographs and storage volumes. Drainage Area: The drainage area was defined by entering the amount of impervious surface and natural areas within that basin. Due to the sandy soils at the site, C-values corresponding to hydrologic soils group A were used. A time of concentration of 5 minutes was used for all drainage area to provide conservative estimates. Stormwater BMPs: The stormwater BMP (infiltration basin)was modeled by entering the surface area at different elevations,thus defining the stage-storage of the facility. Soils tests were performed at the site in the location of all BMPs and the permeability rates were used in the model. Once the drainage basins and BMPs were defined,the 10-year design storm(6.99 inches) was used to check the volume, and infiltration times were calculated Stormwater Calculations: Existing Conditions Currently the lot slopes away from the water and is composed of sandy soil,which does not pond. The DOT Right of way slopes down toward the AIWW and sheet flows into the water body. This project creates an increase in impervious surface,therefore stormwater treatment is required. Stormwater Treatment The proposed property will be treated by a single infiltration basin, accessed by sheet flow from all four sides. The basin is sized and the infiltration rates are such that no bypass, filter strip or additional volume is required. Infiltration Basin: The basin is located in the center of the boat trailer parking lot. Once excavated,this basin will remain as a natural infiltration basin. The construction plan dictates that the basin be constructed last during grading,but prior to paving, in order to keep any sediment from affecting the infiltration rate. This basin has been sized to capture and infiltrate in excess of the 10-year storm(6.99 inches). As the basin treats in excess of the 10-year storm, no secondary treatment is required for the bypassed stormwater. The total drainage area to the basin is 1.301 acres, with 0.80 acres being impervious (61.4% of drainage area). The post development water quality volume of the minimum 1.5-inch storm is 4,322 cf. The total storage volume of the basin(from bottom to the spillway)is 8,336 cf, which is a significant increase over the minimum required volume. Soils tests performed in the area found that the seasonable high water table is at approximately elevation 10. The bottom elevation of the infiltration basin is at elevation 14.0,providing a separation of 4',which is greater to the minimum required 2'. In addition, soils tests found that the infiltration rate in the area was approximately 26 in/hr. This infiltration rate was used in the calculations for the 10-year storm. It was found that the 10-year storm(6.99 inches) is completely captured and infiltrated without overtopping the basin. The top elevation of the basin is 15.0. Based on the ability of the basin to capture and treat the routed 10 year 24 hour storm,no other provisions have been made. STORMWATER CALCULATIONS: INFILTRATION BASIN #1 1 Year 24 Hour Storm-Pre and Post Development TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA- 57050 SP 1.310 AC. I PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 1 I IMPERVIOUS I I WOODED I I GRASS I 7185 SF SF 7185 SF 0 SF 49865 SF 0.165 AC 0.000 AC 1.145 AC I 12.59%Total Impervious I I PRE-DEVELOPMENT:RUNOFF VOLUME I R,= 0.16334794 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.009(%Imp.) %Impervious= 12.59% Percentage of Impervious surface over the site V=3630x RDxR,xA Ro= 3.7 In. Inches of Rain-High Density rules for Sc waters R,= 0.16334794 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.009(%Imp.) A= 1.310 acres Drainage area I V= 2873.358333 of Volume of runoff from design storm I POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS I I__ IMPERVIOUS I I WOODED I I GRASS I 34915 SF SF 34915 SF 0 SF 22135 SF 0.802 AC 0.000 AC 0.508 AC I 91.20%Total Impervious I I POST-DEVELOPMENT:RUNOFF VOLUME I R,= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.9(%Imp.) %Impervious= 61.20% Percentage of Impervious surface over the site V=3630 x RD x It,x A RD= 3.7 in. Inches of Rain-High Density rules for Sc waters R,= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.009(%Imp.) A= 1.310 acres Drainage area I V= 10568.43333 cf Volume of runoff from design storm I I Runoff Volume Results-10-year,24-hour storm I Pre-Developmet 1-year,24-hour runoff= 2873.4 cf Post-Developmet 1-year,24-hour runoff= 10568.4 cf , Increase in runoff volume= 7695.1 of DISCHARGE RATES Pre-development 1-yr,24-hr discharge Drainage Area 57050 SF PRE-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS IMPERVIOUS WOODED GRASS 7185 SF SF 7185 SF 0 SF 49865 SF 0.165 AC 0.000 AC 1.145 AC 12.59%Total Impervious C Coefficients grass 0.1 asphalt 0.95 weighted C 0.2071 Q=CIA C= 0.2071 1= Intensity 5 minutes A= 1.31 acres Q= 1.36 ft^3/sec Post-development 1-yr,24-hr discharge Drainage Area 57050 SF POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS I IMPERVIOUS WOODED GRASS 34915 SF SF 34915 SF 0 SF 22135 SF 0.802 AC 0.000 AC 0.508 AC 61.20%Total Impervious C Coefficients grass 0.1 asphalt 0.95 weighted C 0.6202 Q=CIA 0.6202 Intensity 5 minutes A= 1.31 acres Q= 4.06 ft^3/sec 1.5"Rainfall Event-Post Development Only TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA= 57050 SF 1.310 AC. i I POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS 1 I IMPERVIOUS I I WOODED I I _ GRASS I 34915 SF SF 34915 SF 0 SF 22135 SF 0.802 AC 0.000 AC 0.508 AC I 61.20%Total Impervious I I POST-DEVELOPMENT:RUNOFF VOLUME R„= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.9(%Imp.) %Impervious= 61.20% Percentage of Impervious surface over the site V=3630x R0oR„uA Ro= 1.5 In. Inches of Rain-High Density rules for 5c waters R,= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.009(%Imp.) A= 1.310 acres Drainage area V= 4284.5 cf Volume of runoff from design storm 10 Year 24 hour Storm-Post Development Only TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA= 57050 SF 1.310 AC. POST-DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONS IMPERVIOUS I I WOODED I j GRASS 34915 SF SF 34915 SF 0 SF 22135 SF 0.802 AC 0.000 AC 0.508 AC I 61.20%Total Impervious POST-DEVELOPMENT:RUNOFF VOLUME R„= 0.60080631 unifiers Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.9(%Imp.) %Impervious= 61.20% Percentage of Impervious surface over the site V=3630 x!lox R„xA NOTE:10 YEAR 24 HOUR STORM RD= 6.99 in. Inches of Rain-High Density rules for Sc waters R„= 0.60080631 unitless Volumetric runoff coefficient=0.05+0.009(%Imp.) A= 1.310 acres Drainage area IV- 1! Volume of runoff from design storm Drawdown Calculations Per the NCDENR handbook"Stormwater Best Management Practices"(April 1999),drawdown of the stormwater runoff shall occur within 5 days using a minimum infiltration rate of 0.52 inches per hour. Input Data WQv= 19,966 cf. Bottom Area= 7604 sf Infiltration Rate Minimum= 0.52 in/hr Infiltration Rate Measured= 20 in/hr Calculated Values top elevation SF of basin proposed 8720 sf Proposed depth of basin(to top of berm,not overflow weir) 3 ft Basin Drawdown Capacity A=V/[2*(10T)] V= 19966.0 volume of water requiring infiltration(cf) K= 20 hydraulic conductivity of soil(in/hr) T= 5 dewatering time(days) A= 99.83 effective infiltrating area(sf) OK Have 7604SF,so checks Bottom Elevation= 14 Change in Incremental Cumulative Cumulative Elevation Area elevation volume volume Depth Ft MSL ft2 $`i ft3 d ft 14.0 7604 0 0 0 0 15.0 9068 1 8336 8336 1 0 0 8336 0 0 8336 All areas obtained through measurement In AutoCAD TOTAL CF OF BASIN 8336 cf @ 3'deep For no secondary treatment devices,system must treat 10 year 24 hour storm at half the infiltration rate Drawdown Time at 1/2 the measured infiltration rate= 4.9 hours 0.2 days Basin Drawdown Capacity A=V/[2*(k*T)] V= 19966.0 volume of water requiring infiltration(cf) 1/2 the measured rate K= 10 hydraulic conductivity of soli(In/hr) 3.36 hours so no overtopping T= 0.14 dewatering time(days) A= 7130.71 effective Infiltrating area(sf) OK Have 7604SF,so checks INFILTRATION BASIS SUPPLEMENT INFILTRATION BASIN #1 ATA NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H. Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary October 25,2011 Gary Parker, Town Administrator Town of Sunset Beach 700 Sunset Boulevard North Sunset Beach, NC 28468 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 110227 Sunset Beach Boating Access Area Brunswick County Dear Mr. Parker. The Wilmington Regional Office received a State Stormwater Management Permit Application for Sunset Beach Boating Access Area on October 14, 2011. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Drawdown Time: Please provide a stamped calculation for the timeframe to drawdown the 10yr volume, 19,966ft3 at half the reported infiltration rate(at 10 in/hr)in the basin. 2. Seasonal High Water Table: Please clarify how the SHWT elevation was determined. It appears that either boring 1 or 4(B1 or B4)or perhaps an average of the two was used. Please provide the "existing grade"elevation when the soils report was completed on 12/3/08,the depth to the SHWT as outlined in that report and the resulting SHWT for this design so that we can keep that information on file. The bottom of the cell must be at least 2ft above SHWT. 3. Basin Depth: The supplement shows that the bottom of the cell is at elevation 14.0msl and the top is at 15.0ms1. But,the calculations show that the depth is 3ft. Please make any necessary adjustments to the calculations. Please note that a revision to one number may have a domino effect on other numbers,which may require revision of the applications,calculations,supplements, plans, details,and associated documentation. Please verify all numbers are correct to ensure consistency in the application documents. Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information should be received in this Office prior to November 28, 2011,or the application will be returned as incomplete.The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items, including the application fee. If you need additional time to submit the information, please mail,email or fax your request for a time extension to the Division at the address and fax number at the bottom of this letter.The request must indicate the date by which you expect to submit the required information. The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 _One Phone:910-796-72151 FAX:910-350-20041 Customer Service:1-877-623-6748 rthCarolina Internet www.ncwaterquallly.orgaturalljt An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer SW8 110227 October 25, 2011 The construction of any impervious surfaces,other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143- 215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. Any original documents that need to be revised have been sent to the engineer or agent.All original documents must be returned or new originals must be provided. Copies are not acceptable. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at (910)796-7215 or email me at kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov. S'ncerely Ily IV son Environmental Engineer GDS/kpj: S:lwgslstormwaterlpermits&projects120111110227 HD12011 10 Addinfo 110227 CC: Tom Covington, P.E., NCWRC Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File Page 2 of 2 r ler WO _ s ; I lit • North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Division of Engineering Services • 1720 Mail Service Center • Raleigh,NC 27699-1720 October 7,2011 Ms.Kelly Johnson NCDENR,Division of Water Quality, 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Permit Modification Request,Sunset Beach Proposed Boating Access Area Permit Number: SW8 110227 Dear Ms.Johnson: Please fmd enclosed a State Stormwater Permit Plan Revision Application package for the proposed boating access area at the terminus of Sunset Boulevard,in Sunset Beach,Brunswick County. As per our emails,you already have the receipt for the funds transfer for the fee associated with the processing. Based on public outcry over the possible removal of several live oak trees,the WRC would like to revise the layout of the entrance drive and the infiltration basin. We propose changing the radius of the curve,and shifting the drive 5' landward. In turn,the infiltration basin has also been resized to handle the change in stormwater. There is an overall reduction in the amount of impervious area within the AEC,and the basin elevation has been changed to look more natural while still allowing infiltration from the 10 year 24 hour storm. A letter of permit refinement request has also been submitted to DCM as well. If you have any questions or comments regarding this project,please feel free to contact me at(919)707-0154 or tom.covington@ncwildlife.org. Thank you. Sincerely, Tom Covington,PE Facilities Construction and Capital Projects Engineer enclosure RECEIVED OCT 14 2011 BY. t„, Celebrating 35 Years 1973 . 2008 December 3, 2008 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 136 Aztec Circle Mooresville,North Carolina 28117 Attention: Mr. Tom Covington • Reference: Stormwater Testing Services 101 Sunset Boulevard Sunset Beach,North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1068-08-472 Dear Mr. Covington: S&ME, Inc. is pleased to provide this report for stormwater testing services at the above- referenced site. S&ME was requested by you to perform these services in preparation for the planned site improvements. S&ME has conducted these services in general accordance with S&ME Proposal No. 741-08 dated October 31,2008. Project Background The subject property is currently being used by bridge/roadway construction contractors as a materials and equipment assembly and lay-down area. Contractors were present on the property constructing a new bridge access to Sunset.Beach. A site plan showing the approximate test locations, existing site conditions, and proposed development activity was provided to Mr. Paul Masten of S&ME by you via e-mail on October 27, 2008. We understand that stonnwater infiltration basins are proposed for treatment of future stonnwater run-off from a parking lot to be constructed at the site. Findings Seasonal High Water Table Evaluations and In-Situ Soil Permeability Testing The seasonal high water table evaluations were performed on November 7, 2008 by advancing hand auger borings to a depth of approximately 96 inches below the existing ground surface at the approximate locations shown on the attached site plan (Figure 1). RE-frIv -t5T CCT142011 S&ME,INC./6409 Amsterdam Way,Building B3/Wilmington, NC 28405/p.910.799.9945 f 910.799.9958/www.smeinc.com Stormwater Testing Services S&ME Project No. 1068-08-472 101 Sunset Boulevard, Sunset Beach, North Carolina December 3,2008 The locations correspond to potential stormwater basin areas. Soils were evaluated under the guidance of a Licensed Soil Scientist for evidence of seasonal high water table influence. This evaluation involved looking at the actual moisture content in the soil and observing the matrix and mottle colors. Depending on the soil texture, the soil color will indicate.processes that are driven by seasonally high water table fluctuations, such as iron reduction and oxidation and organic matter staining. A hand auger boring profile sheet• which provides a description of the observed soil horizons and the determined seasonal high water tables has been included with this report. The soils at all of the test locations were fine sand to the depth evaluated with shell fragments observed in the surface horizon. Seasonal high water table depths ranged from 64 to 83 inches below the existing ground surface. See Table 1 for the seasonal high water table depths at each test location. These depths were verified at the site by Mr. Vincent Lewis, Division of Water Quality, on November 24, 2008. S&ME performed the in-situ soil permeability testing by using a compact constant head permeameter at the test locations. At the test locations, hand auger borings were advanced 42 to 59 inches below existing ground surface with a 2-inch diameter bucket. A planer auger was used to clean the bottom of the auger hole and give it a cylindrical . shape. The water dissipating unit was lowered to the bottom of the hole and water was dispensed from the'permeameter. The water was allowed to move through the unit until steady-state flow was achieved and then the flow rates were recorded. The last three measurements were averaged to achieve the most representative value to express the • saturated hydraulic conductivity. The depth interval of the test corresponded to a layer of material approximately 6 inches thick at the selected testing depth. The permeability rates were calculated as ranging from 23 to 47.4 inches per hour. See Table 1 for the calculated permeability rates at each test location. TABLE 1 • emnN4 TEST SEASONAL HIGH WATER SOIL •ELJPt(9i5 LOCATION TABLE (inches below surface) PERMEABILITY RATE t((.0 B-1 64 inches 31.9 inches/hour 6.5 B-2 83 inches 44.9 inches/hour l tr.0 B-3 83 inches • 47.4 inches/hour . (0,0 B-4 80 inches 23 inches/hour See Figure 1. (attached) for the approximate test locations. Please note that these seasonal high water table evaluations are based on secondary evidence and not on direct'groundwater level measurements. Groundwater levels fluctuate for numerous reasons,.and these findings do not indicate that groundwater levels have not or will not rise above the noted depths. 2 Stormwater Testing Services S&ME Project No. 1068-08-472 101 Sunset Boulevard, Sunset Beach, North Carolina December 3,2008 Closing S&ME appreciates the opportunity to provide these services to you. If you have any questions,please contact us. Sincerely, S&ME,Inc. VAL-L Zi44 Paul Masten Tom Schipporeit Natural Resources Project Manager Branch Manager Senior Reviewed by: Robert P. Willcox, Jr., L.S.S. 1S PAM:TMS/jns Attachments: Figure 1—Approximate Test Location Sketch Soil Boring Profiles 3 L • TABLE 1 Seasonal High Water Table Evaluations Soil Descriptions 101 Sunset Boulevard Sunset Beach,North Carolina S&ME Project No. 1068-08-472 Matrix Mottle_ • Depth Hue/Value Hue/Value Location Horizon (Inches) /Chroma /Chroma Texture/Structure B-1 A 0-11 10YR 2/1 Fine sand, granular, shell fragments • B1 11-59 10YR 5/6 Fine sand, granular B2 59-64 10YR 6/6 Fine sand, granular B3 64-96+ 10YR 7/2 Fine sand, granular Seasonal High Water Table= 64" below the existing ground surface. B-2 A 0-10 10YR 2/1 Fine sand,,granular, shell fragments B1 10-20 10YR 5/3 Fine sand, granular B2 20-31 10YR 5/6 Fine sand, granular B3 31-74 2.5Y 7/4 Fine sand, granular B4 74-83 2.5Y 7/3 Fine,sand, granular B5 83-96+ 2.5Y 7/2 Fine sand, granular Seasonal High Water Table= 83" below the existing ground surface. • B-3 A • 0-11 10YR 3/1 Fine sand, granular B1 11-31 2.5Y5/4 Fine sand, granular B2 31-57 2.5Y7/3 Fine sand, granular B3 57-83 2.5Y7/4 Fine sand, granular B4 83-96+ 10YR 2/2 2.5Y 7/4 Fine sand, granular Seasonal High Water Table= 83" below the existing ground surface. B-4 A 0-14 10YR 2/1 Fine sand,'granular B1 14-33 2.5Y 5/4 Fine sand, granular B2 33-80 2.5Y 7/4 Fine sand, granular B3 80-96+ 2.5Y 6/4 Fine sand, granular Seasonal High Water Table= 80" below the existing ground surface. Saturated soils encountered at 80 inches. DELORME Street Atlas USA®2008 \ 7 \ fCool.Run- `' (, \ iiI _ — ' ` i�J ; Vi , �ii -a I , „,, r/\ „\--. fj.7,-..„,_.„,. /1(//---- , \----'"- \ 4 r --.1— I \ 1 @ j"-: ci(r 1f��` , ,\ soa :� ,..\\.\--------?::NN--""\-- -\\) \\----'—`'N \ f q�., I illiamson I r -7- _.:--- --\1 �. \ I. m I In s E RD ( o�n ro OLD=GEORG_ am i Of SItE .8EA1H_DRS_W 1 7 {, . ---,,,,,, you .r J % \ Ocean Isle Beach1 ..d3. � 1 y Seaside F CM r yl-Rir r ' �� ...____.1 - Eastern � (ha= Q�S•s • Nam ::\\ �. 5R 11 1 n NE Op Sols Island Sols IslandASV �.n` Inlracna. n+•u�tar,l 6lrte tk SNORE.DI .A____1' • NOR177` East River Island 5R iZ O; ♦ • ♦ Sunset Beach \ • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ \ \ • \ \ ♦ \ ♦ • • • • \ Atlantic Ocntt • Data use subject to license. m Scale 1:62,500 " n x w ®2007 DeLorme.Street Atlas USA®2008. MN(8.6�n) , IS8 = ml www.delorme.com 1"=5,208.3 ft Data Zoom 11-6 • • g h l r o U w•- N T.; o_i:{• O ,1 Fg C] y ,t S 1.r+• pW •. 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Finance lsl betgf e : :: ' w condigd,x;Ms:,r.:^::.n65original se{et�peP.ni 7ti instrument Matoannoi ce remodaced°regaled. l lsew.R ill.rgrA ik',— GIFT DEED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK THIS DEED,made this,..(1 day of June,200B,by and between SUNSET BEACH&TWIN LAKES, INC.,a North Carolina corporation,hereinafter,whether one or more,referred to as"GRANTOR,"and the TOWN OF SUNSET BEACH,a North Carolina municipal corporation, whose mailing address is 700 Sunset Blvd.North,Sunset Beach,NC 28468,hereinafter,whether one or more,referred to as"GRANTEE": WI.TNESSETH: THAT the Grantor,as a gift and charitable contribution to the Grantee,has and by these presents does grant,release and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple,all of its interest in that certain lot or parcel of land situated in i Sunset Beach,Shallotte Township,Brunswick County,North Carolina,and more particularly described as follows: 11/Ejtj E j�lZOCT 2 4 2011 BEING that certain parcel of property bounded on the north by the southern line of the property Z7�� conveyed.to Sunset Bridge Partners,LLC in Book 2233 at Pages 699 and 702 of the Brunswick County Registry,on the south by the channel of the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway,and on the east and west by the eastern and western lines of the property conveyed to Sunset Bridge Partners above-described extended southerly to the channel of said waterway. This parcel is also part of tax parcel 256HB006. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land,and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging,to the Grantee in fee simple. • Prepared by: Michael R. Isenberg,Attorney at Law P.O. Box 11028,Southport, NC 28461 wit: .-,r rf^r,irian on Title IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Grantor has hereunto executed this deed,the day and year first above written. SUNSET BEACH&TWIN LAKES,INC. • By. 2rJ (SEAL) Its frosident m9-ia zmme a. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Iielllewicksiii I ounty, �IIIIegi Register RDbe eds page n2nofg 2002 BrunsCOUNTY OF BRUNSWICK ,,/�__�, I '0Ihrl iJ. 'Ivr. 1 ,a Notary Public in and for the state and county aforesaid,do hereby certify that Edw M.Gore ersonally came before me this day and acknowledged that he is the President of Sunset Beach&Twin Lakes,Inc.,a North Carolina corporation,and that by authority duly given and as the act of the corporation,he voluntarily signed the foregoing instrument in its name on its behalf as its act and deed. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 31.day of June,2008. i 4,er1� U. ,Notary Public My commission expires: f q;. F• ri '1 v_p '. U'~�� �'�9,l^1Cl( fSAt`` NCDEF I North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Coastal Management Beverly Eaves Perdue Dee Freeman Governor tij Secretary October 10,2011 Tom Covington, agent for the Town of Sunset Beach North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission 1720 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1720 Dear Mr. Covington, This is with reference to your request to refine State Permit#117-10 which was issued to the Town of Sunset Beach on behalf of the Wildlife Resources Commission by a Coastal Resources Commission variance on October 19, 2010 which authorized the construction of a public boating access area at 101 Sunset Boulevard adjacent to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, in Sunset Beach, Brunswick County. State Permit#117-10 is due to expire on March 14,2015. Upon reviewing the information provided,the Division of Coastal Management has determined that the proposed action is consistent with existing State rules and regulations and is in keeping with the original purpose and intent of the permit.This Letter of Refinement authorizes the Wildlife Resources Commission,on behalf of the Town of Sunset Beach,to modify the layout of the entrance drive and infiltration basin to preserve several existing Live Oak trees on the property. This letter authorizes the modifications depicted on the drawing titles"Proposed New Layout to Save Trees" (Sheet 1 of 1) submitted and received on September 19, 2001. Please note this refinement does not alleviate the need to obtain any other local,state or federal permits. If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance please contact me at(910)796-7215. Sincerely, Debra Wilson RECEIVED Wilmington District Manager OCT 1 2011 cc: Doug Huggett, DCM ,7. Georgette Scott,WiRO-DWQ Town of Sunset Beach permit file#117-10 a . $12 5f 76 le) R/to Loton'� GF(?) 10 Cam 127 Cardinal Drive Ext.,Wilmington,NC 28405 One Phone:91 0-796-721 5 1 FAX:910-395-3964 Internet:www.nccoastalmanagement.net Noi thCctro na An Equal Opportunity\Affirmative Action Employer Naturally 44 • North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission := Gordon S.Myers,Executive Director September 14,2011 Holley Snider Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Re: Sunset Beach Boating Access Area—Letter of Refinement Brunswick County Ms. Snider, Please fmd this as a request for a Letter of Refinement for the approved CAiviA Major Permit for the construction of the Sunset Beach Boating Access Area. The Wildlife Resources Commission would like to request the following revision to the permit: Based on public outcry over the possible removal of several live oak trees,the WRC would like to revise the layout of the entrance drive and the infiltration basin. We propose changing the radius of the curve, and shifting the drive 5' landward. In turn,the infiltration basin has also been resized to handle the change in stormwater. There is an overall reduction in the amount of impervious area within the AEC. A stormwater permit revision request has also been submitted to DWQ as well. If you have any questions or comments about this submittal package or the design,please do not hesitate to call me at(919)707-0154. Sincerely, SA CjOt•Jefro� Tom Covington,PE Facilities Construction and Capital Projects Engineer North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Mailing Address: N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission • 1720 Mail Service Center •Raleigh NC 27699-1720 Telephone: (919)707-0151 1 Q Limits of New Asphalt OQ 7\_ DOT 20' REQUIRED OFFSET •�� I i DOT ROW . i '� :•:• •:::f::-�' Limits of Disturbance 1VE ;;.. Q 2 cos„... ANP„' D�. • •• •. ::;,,I CURRENT PERMITTED IMPERVIOUS W/IN AEC — 6,247 SF 242 '.'.[ft PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS W/IN AEC — 1- \ ,--_ _.--- ' 4, 634 SF '144114114tItteNt4:61‘'144:44:44‘-- 4414444$. 114)bek‘ - •••• ,,,,, Limits of New Asphalt t \ V.-V.\ lir �� •••• • •• •••••••••••• • • •• 0'"�1 Proposed Stormwater Infiltration basin 0. ' •• ,•;1'� ��q PLANS SHOW CHANGES IN INFILTRATION BASIN Limits of New Asphalt .. p Cam • :::)..i...: _ �� SIZE AND LOCATION, AND MAIN ENTRANCE ROAD. • • • ' x14 t ROAD RADIUS HAS BEEN INCREASED, AND THE o ��� " ROAD HAS BEEN SHIFTED LANDWARD 5' IN �' o � - ORDER TO ALLEVIATE IMPACTS TO EXISTING LIVE ;; •••••• OAK TREES ON SITE. BASIN HAS BEEN MADE • x1A a ".• •52.1" . OP LARGER AND SHALLOWER. Proposed Asphalt Parking and Access D • - ` . ' x14 ' '....... , 11 LEGEND , ' : -'`- ,..-- . ... ..... . . .•. , . .•. :.` .` . ��, �d� 29:A Existing Bulkhead 111, 'M 1 -.y rw II -, ,1. • • _ l / I i\ I _ Mean High Water Line V.P'\* .` .Lu.� 1 I IL el 1 / - _--:::::te r Line51'CO p E.�wY—175' AEGLine �cVrk�.�; � �� 14.0 � — . . .++°` ' ` _ - ,.N 1= III + Limits of New Asphalt ��� ..� ,,.+� tl Cut r . ��� t1ncWoodBulkheadto �-` _ %. .'.'.R. v.`_ u ' ` ` ' _ C xis. - �� Fin 0.1/ ' NOTES: NO MARSH IMPACTS , Coastal Marsh `� _ - ` .• �•. ` " _ _ _ .•'• � ' , _ Irk i� v� ' CK Limits of Disturbance 2005 NCDOT — = I/� �, , a P Traffic Flow Delineation : . . _ • t I= p �� S �. ����my = I a er ADA Parking . . . ,' . - ° ` - ' , _ V Proposedwood _-_ . -, , - -`. -`_' . - . .' L `," - .-_ ' / li= I S� 111111 docklwalkway _'. '_ ', ' .`_`_`_'. ' . • .'_`_`_`. ` . . �'t_' . '.. 'J w4 — _ -- - �= II �. ��� Existing Tree �,. �J _ `)\`�\,\\• I ` %*�r = , 8' INTRAGOASTAL WATERWAY 50 0 50E v 111\1\\11\11\ �_ "_ w "1111 _ SA/HQW and PNA classification '� •a'4 ` 5 - .r- 475'to Opposite Shore I _ �— = - - - ! - " _ _.___ it _ - ..- - :r; 77,327 SF Lot size - I um . ' 1 -' _ ~` — High Density Development >, -•-~ i rA Yam- -'' 22725 Sr within AEC, 6,427 SF impervious within AEC Scale 1 = 50' �� -' -.-- ,: SIGN D ENGINEER:. To ,DATE: E• -LE - R { • '7U•Tli�i�t B.��11 `�:iC#��1'l1��r��. NGINE m�Covington: E•Aug 2011 � �-,�j ` + NORTH CAROLINA WILDLIFE- ES.UR E CO ISSION: ^,LE: 1:5o :proposed F726:fi1741L SERVICE CENTER ft4LEIGH,•NC7fiTM r, ;#.9tA ' ' fi9.7o7 159 OFFICE 919:iDt49'82'FAX NewLayout to Save Tre EVISION'.• .. - `Nt d! V 8 II cwI :.-J T C QASTAL A` -„•j'i.R 'CADD FILE ID: CA \C- t Beach.DWG ..1' Completeness Review Checklist as 11: €29P«6Pi Project Name: �„ .,r b /1� nig t 56 Received Date: l)1 xj it %Tato o / / i Project Location: i„. nebr_ACkt rBitUD nc4e._ Accepted Date: t Rule(s) 92008 Coas al 01995 Coastal ❑Phase II (WiRO) OUniversal 01988 Coastal Cain t Amu.) Type of Permit: New or Mo• or PR Existing Permit# Mod r PR): 1A pa.`� riPE Cert on File? Density: VCIID or LD Commercial or Residential ENCG: %: Go D(%OK?) EISA Map ®Offsite to SW8 Subdivided?: Subdivision or ingle Loll • • Exempt Paperwork [118applement(s) (1 original per BMP) BMP Type(s): N W (W ACtu Imo- i6A) OPftpii 44-L ®0&M with correct/original signatures (1 original per BMP except LS/VFS and swales) °1' tI ‘Oftliltkie, Iola.?L c pplication with correct/original signatures � 'm� A ®Corp or LLC: Sig.Auth. per SoS or letter Note to Reviewer: a505(within 6mo) E �y -r it;ta"5- -127 To S 9oiis Report with SHWT Calculations(signed/sealed) ®No obvious errors Density includes common areas, etc Deed Restrictions, if subdivided: : ®Signed& Notarized Correct Template (Comm/Res& HDiLD) or Dec. Covenants& Rest. Plans ®2 Sets ®Details(roads,cul-de-sacs, curbs,sidewalks, BMPs, Buildings, etc) Grading Wetlands: Delineated or No Wetlands Vicinity Map ®Layout(proposed BUA dimensions) ®Legend ODA Maps Project Boundaries Infiltration Wet Pond Offsite ▪Soils Report ®Soils Report OPE Cert for Master Lot#: SHWT: LISHWT: ®Deed Rest for Master ®Lot#Matches Master Bottom: PP: BUA Permitted (Master): sf Visited: BUA Proposed (Offsite): sf r•-- Additional information: Permitted Proposed: Proposed: Proposed: BUA(sf) DA(sf) PP(el) SHWT(el) Depth (ft) SA(sf) Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 9:00 AM To: 'tom.covington©ncwildlife.org' Subject: Sunset Beach Proposed Boating Access Tom, We received this application to modify this permit. The package contained a Plan Revision form, information about the payment transfer,calculations,and sheet 1 of the plans. However, a Plan Revision and a Permit Modification sound similar but are actually two different things.We will need the State Stormwater Permit Application Form (SPU-101), http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wQ/ws/su/statesw/forms docs for the modification. We will also need the whole application package (see Section VI of the application for a list). The infiltration basin supplement form and the Operation and Maintenance Agreement are also available online, htto://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wQ/ws/su/bmp-ch16. There is also a "design checklist"that shows the types of things that we will need on the plans to document the change to the infiltration basin design, httn://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wa/ws/su/statesw/forms docs#tab-3. (Basically we need all of the details about the basin,dimensions,cross section with elevations,etc). Do you want me to hold on to the package until I receive the updated information or return it to you? I would normally return the package, but since we already have the money transfer it is more complicated. Thanks, Kelly *** My email has changed to kellv.D.iohnsonc ncdenr.eov KeLL Johwsow Kelly Johnson Environmental Engineer Division of Water Quality Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405-3845 Office: 910.796.7331 Fax: 910.350.2004 E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 Johnson, Kelly From: Covington, Tom T. Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2011 9:00 AM To: Johnson, Kelly Subject: Automatic reply: Sunset Beach Proposed Boating Access I'll be out of the office until Thursday,28 Sept 2011.Starting Monday, I'll be available by phone and email,and will be working from home. I hope to return to the office Thursday. If any emergencies arise, please contact my supervisor, Mark Hamlett, at 919-707-0155. Thanks! Email correspondence to and from this sender is subject to the N.C.Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 r %...644) il - .., i 4 .... .....,........_ i _ .„...,,4,, • .... ...,. ,- gow_.•- - ,, ,...• . , 1,. _......., __. ..,, _ ..,-, , t _ , . . 0 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission _ Division of Engineering Services • 1720 Mail Service Center • Raleigh,NC 27699-1720 September 20,2011 Ms.Linda Lewis NCDENR,Division of Water Quality,401 Unit 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington,NC 28405 Re: Stormwater Permit Modification Request, Sunset Beach Proposed Boating Access Area Permit Number: SW8 110227 Dear Ms.Lewis: Please find enclosed a State Stormwater Permit Plan Revision Application package for the proposed boating access area at the terminus of Sunset Boulevard,in Sunset Beach,Brunswick County. Also included are the required two copies of the plan sheets that are changing,another copy of the application form,and a receipt for electronic transfer of the funds required by the permit. Based on public outcry over the possible removal of several live oak trees,the WRC would like to revise the layout of the entrance drive and the infiltration basin. We propose changing the radius of the curve,and shifting the drive 5' landward. In turn,the infiltration basin has also been resized to handle the change in stormwater. There is an overall reduction in the amount of impervious area within the AEC,and the basin elevation has been changed to look more natural while still allowing infiltration from the 10 year 24 hour storm,,A letter of permit refinement request has also been submitted to DCM as well. + L%KW ep'fiox) #y If you have any questions or comments regarding this project,please feel free to contact me at(919)707-0154 or tom.covington@ncwildlife.org. Sincerely, CAMJ1410-1 Tom Covington,PE Facilities Construction and Capital Projects Engineer enclosure . U r. A.a_t....a'�.:>.i'.�I. V Li) j � b 4!° a II p G SEP2 2011 02/4 i )�' tic �� \� Q4/ 1�, A �v' Q y 4 5 /� PP ilf) a �` oJ r ) 1 / ) Lewis,Linda ,r r From: Dennison, Laurie Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 9:20 AM To: Pickett, Laveta D Cc: Lewis,Linda; Scott, Georgette Subject: RE: NC E-Pay Remittance Advice Importance: High Laveta, I asked Bradley about this & by way of cc, I'm letting Georgette & Linda know about this transfer so one of them can get up with you. Laurie Original Message From: Pickett, Laveta D Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 9:02 AM To: Dennison, Laurie Subject: FW: NC E-Pay Remittance Advice Does this transfer belong to you? If so what account does it go in?Thanks Original Message From: OSC.nc.paymentnosc.nc.gov Jmailto:OSC.nc.paymentt osc.nc.govl Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 2:04 AM Subject: NC E-Pay Remittance Advice TO: DEPT OF ENVIRONMENT& NATURAL RESOURCES CONTROLLERS OFFICE 1606 MAIL SERVICE CENTER RALEIGH NC 27699-160 RE: Direct Deposit Notification A transfer has been created in CMCS for the amount of $505.00 for payment number 17PT0000052463. It is your office's responsibility to confirm that this transfer has been passed and submitted in CMCS. These funds were paid by the following agency: WILDLIFE RESOURCES COMMISSION CONTROLLER'S OFFICE TRADE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 1751 VARSITY DR RALEIGH, NC 27606-2576 Agency Contact Phone: 919-707-0090 Please direct all questions regarding this payment/transfer to the agency contact phone number listed directly above. This agency maintains information regarding your payment records. Any questions concerning payment amount and invoice information/documentation should be directed to the agency's Accounts Payable office and they will be happy to assist you with your inquiries PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. CONTACT THE PAYING AGENCY AT THE NUMBER LISTED ABOVE. Invoice Number Inv Date Invoice Amount Discount Amount Net Amount SUNSET091711 09/17/11 $505.00 $00.00 $505.00 NCWRC SUNSET BEACH BAA STORMWATER PERMIT FEE TOTAL: $505.00 This notification was sent from the North Carolina Office of the State Controller. If this notification has been sent in error, please contact the agency listed above to make corrections. E-mail correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. 2 L