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NCS000527_Fact sheet binder_20240724
DEQ / DEMLR FACT SHEET FOR NPDES INDUSTRIAL INDIVIDUAL STORMWATER PERMIT DEVELOPMENT Basic Information for Permit Issuance and Renewals: Permit Writer/Date Brianna Young 7/12/2024 Permit Number NCS000527 Owner/Facility Name IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc./IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. SIC(NAICS)Code/Category 2891 (325520)/Adhesives and sealant manufacturing Adhesive manufacturing) Basin Name/Sub-basin number Cape Fear/03-06-05 Receiving Stream/HUC UT to Third Fork Creek/030300020602 Stream Classification/Stream Segment WS-V;NSW/ 16-41-1-12- 1 Is the stream impaired on 303 d list]? Yes Any TMDLs? No Any threatened and/or endangered species? No Any compliance concerns? See Section 2 below Any permit mods since lastpermit? See Section 1 below New expiration date 9/30/2029 Comments on Draft Permit? See Section 6 below Section 1. Facility Activities and Process: IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. manufactures structural adhesives by blending and mixing chemical constituents. Packaging, warehousing, and distribution of adhesive products and blended catalysts are also part of the facility's operations. All operations take place inside the building except for the outside storage of pallets, drums, totes, equipment, and an AST. Since the last permit issuance, the facility has added new product lines. Outfall SW001: Drainage area consists of metal racks, metal pipes and conduit, used containers (steel drums and plastic totes), stainless steel mix tanks, materials handling carts, parking areas, tanker unloading containment, storage sheds, one (1) 10,000 gallon methyl methacrylate AST, methyl methacrylate supply piping, transformer, miscellaneous material/equipment and pallet storage, trash and recycling dumpsters, and empty drum/tote storage area. Additional Outfalls: There is an outfall on the northwest corner of the property the permittee states contains runoff from areas with no industrial exposures. Activities in the drainage areas for this outfall include: loading docks, parking lot, trash dumpster, chiller, air compressors, air dryers, swamp cooler and heater, and the adhesives plant building. From the previous fact sheet: A storm drain located in Ellis Road collects water from beyond the borders of the facility and drains to SW001, but this water is not considered the responsibility of IPS Structural Adhesives. Why Industrial Sites with Stormwater are Subject to a Permit: Federal NPDES regulations define stormwater discharge associated with industrial activity in 40 CFR §122.26 (b)(14) as: "the discharge from any conveyance that is used for collecting and conveying storm water and that is directly related to Page 1 of 7 manufacturing,processing or raw materials storage areas at an industrial plant. The term does not include discharges from facilities or activities excluded from the NPDES program under this part 122. For the categories of industries identified in this section, the term includes, but is not limited to, storm water [sic] discharges from industrial plant yards; immediate access roads and rail lines used or traveled by carriers of raw materials, manufactured products, waste material, or byproducts used or created by the facility; material handling sites; refuse sites; sites used for the application or disposal of process waste waters (as defined at part 401 of this chapter); sites used for the storage and maintenance of material handling equipment; sites used for residual treatment, storage, or disposal; shipping and receiving areas; manufacturing buildings; storage areas (including tank farms) for raw materials, and intermediate and final products; and areas where industrial activity has taken place in the past and significant materials remain and are exposed to storm water. For the purposes of this paragraph, material handling activities include storage, loading and unloading, transportation, or conveyance of any raw material, intermediate product, final product, byproduct or waste product. The term excludes areas located on plant lands separate from the plant's industrial activities, such as office buildings and accompanying parking lots as long as the drainage from the excluded areas is not mixed with storm water [sic] drained from the above described areas." Section 2. Monitoring Information and Compliance History: • November 2019 to November 2023, benchmarks exceeded for: o TSS Ix • Per the April 2024 inspection report: o The walkthrough revealed spills, leaks, trash and open containers, dumpsters and barrels all through the outside staging and storing areas. o Not all spills have been documented. o Drums with chemical residue visible in the drums, open to the weather, some empty and some used as trash cans. Drum lids stacked on the concrete with chemical residue leaking onto the ground and chemical residue tracked all over the concrete. o Many wood pallets with obvious residuals are stacked in a number of different places. o The dumpster area has trash scattered around the dumpsters and there are barrels with chemical residue used as trash cans as well as buckets and other containers with chemical residue holding rainwater and trash. The concrete is covered with stains from different spills. 303(d) Listing: hird Fork Creek 1-12-( WS-V;NSW 1 5.2 FW Miles �006 From source to a point 2.0 miles upstream of NC Hwy.54 PARAMETER IRCATEGORY CRTfERIASTATUS REASON FOR RATING 303DYEAR Benthos(Nar,AL,FM I=Exceeding IFair,Poo ror severe Bioclassification Section 3. Proposed Monitoring for Stormwater Discharges: The Division considered potential pollutants from past and present industrial activities and data was submitted for November 2019 to November 2023. Quantitative sampling included pH, TSS, COD, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, MEK, methyl methacrylate, and methylene chloride. Page 2 of 7 Parameters are based on potential pollutants in the drainage area, sampling results, and in some cases, dependent upon future activities (e.g., ash removal through the drainage area). Below is a table of the proposed monitoring for each outfall at the IPS Structural Adhesives site. Outfall SWO01 Quarterly monitoring Total Suspended Solids BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area and BMP effectiveness (TSS) indicator. Quarterly monitoring pH BASIS: Pollutant indicator Quarterly monitoring Total Rainfall BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Quarterly monitoring Non-Polar Oil &Grease BASIS: Standard monitoring parameter; Potential pollutant from lubricants; Method 1664 SGT-HEM targets petroleum-based O&G Quarterly monitoring Monthly Oil Usage BASIS: Standard monitoring parameter Quarterly monitoring BOD BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring COD BASIS: Discharge potential indicator Methyl Ethyl Ketone Quarterly monitoring (MEK) BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring Methylene Chloride BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Methyl Methacrylate Quarterly monitoring (MMA) BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Quarterly monitoring Styrene BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Total Copper Quarterly monitoring BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Total Lead Quarterly monitoring BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Total Zinc Quarterly monitoring BASIS: Potential pollutant from drainage area Total Hardness Quarterly monitoring BASIS: Monitoring for hardness dependent metals is required Page 3 of 7 Stormwater Benchmarks and Tiered Response: Rather than limits,North Carolina NPDES Stormwater permits contain benchmark concentrations. Stormwater benchmarks are numerical action levels for stormwater monitoring. Benchmarks are not effluent limits, and benchmark exceedances are not permit violations. Benchmarks provide facilities a tool for assessing the significance of pollutants in stormwater discharges and the effectiveness of best management practices (BMPs). Benchmark concentrations are intended as guidelines for the facility's development and implementation of the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Benchmark exceedances require the permittee to increase monitoring, increase management actions, increase record keeping, and/or install stormwater BMPs in a tiered program. The permit establishes a tiered approach to specify actions the permittee must take in response to analytical results above benchmark concentrations. The tiered structure of the permit provides the permittee and DEMLR wide flexibility to address issues that may arise with one or more parameters and/or outfalls. Metals benchmarks are calculated to mimic acute water quality standards and with the guidance of DWR. NC DWR follows established federal procedures for calculating acute standards when developing the benchmarks. Just like the acute standards, metals benchmarks normally reflect one half of the calculated Final Acute Value (the "1/2 FAV"). In most cases, translation into total recoverable values is based on an assumed hardness of 25 mg/L and a total suspended solids (TSS) concentration of 10 mg/L. Acute standards protect aquatic life from negative impacts of short-term exposure to higher levels of chemicals where the discharge enters a waterbody. The Stormwater Permitting Program applies this approach because of the ephemeral nature of rainfall events. The Division may evaluate results to determine if a smaller suite of parameters for some outfalls is adequate to characterize potential pollution or BMP effectiveness. For example, one or more metals or other parameters may serve as an adequate tracer for the presence of ash pollution during disturbance or ash removal in specific drainage areas at this site. For parameters that do not have a stormwater benchmark, the Division may develop a benchmark value if appropriate toxicity data become available or if rising trends in concentrations suggest a persistent source. A summary of the benchmarks in the draft permit, and their basis, is below: Page 4 of 7 Parameter Benchmark Basis Total Suspended 100 mg/L National Urban Runoff Program(NURP) Study, 1983 Solids TSS H 6 s.u. —9 s.u. NC Water Quality Standard(Range) Non-Polar Oil & Review of other state's daily maximum benchmark Grease 15 mg/L concentration for this more targeted O&G;NC WQS that EPA Method 1664 does not allow oil sheen in waters SGT-HEM BOD 30 mg/L BPJ; Based on Secondary Treatment Regulation(40 CFR 133.03 COD 120 mg/L BPJ; Generally found at levels 4x BOD5 in domestic wastewaters MEK 1,600 m /L '/2 FAV Methylene Chloride 110 m /L '/2 FAV MMA 96 m /L '/2 FAV Styrene 1,500 /L N. Remington revised 2009 Copper Total 10 /L Acute Aquatic Criterion, '/2 FAV Lead Total 75 /L Acute Aquatic Criterion, '/2 FAV Zinc Total 126 /L Acute Aquatic Criterion, '/2 FAV Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan: The proposed permit conditions reflect the EPA and NC's pollution prevention approach to stormwater permitting. The Division's maintains that implementation of Best Management Practices (BMPs) and traditional stormwater management practices that control the source of pollutants meets the definition of Best Available Technology (BAT) and Best Conventional Pollutant Control Technology(BCT). The permit conditions are not numeric effluent limitations but are designed to be flexible requirements for implementing site-specific plans to minimize and control pollutants in stormwater discharges associated with the industrial activity. Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §122.44(k)(2) authorizes the use of BMPs in lieu of numeric effluent limitations in NPDES permits when the agency finds numeric effluent limitations to be infeasible. The agency may also impose BMP requirements which are "reasonably necessary" to carry out the purposes of the Act under the authority of 40 CFR 122.44(k)(3). The conditions proposed in this draft permit are included under the authority of both of these regulatory provisions. In essence, the pollution prevention and BMP requirements operate as limitations on effluent discharges that reflect the application of BAT/BCT. Flexibility in Tier Responses: Tier Two actions provide an opportunity for the permittee to propose an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Region: • Alternatively, in lieu of steps 2 and 3, the permittee may, after two consecutive exceedances, exercise the option of contacting the DEMLR Regional Engineer as provided below in Tier Three. The Regional Engineer may direct the response actions on the part of the permittee as provided in Tier Three, including reduced or additional sampling parameters or frequency. • If pursuing the alternative above after two consecutive exceedances, the permittee may propose an alternative monitoring plan for approval by the Regional Engineer. The permit therefore allows the permittee to petition the Regional Office for monitoring changes sooner than Tier Three (upon any four benchmark exceedances) and gives guidance on one option to take. For example, the permittee may request that mercury only be monitored semi-annually under the tiers, or that only parameters over the benchmark be monitored more frequently. In this way, changes to the monitoring scheme for any outfall could be handled outside of a permit modification. Page 5 of 7 Other Proposed Requirements: • It is standard for Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)requirements to include an annual certification that stormwater outfalls have been evaluated for the presence of non- stormwater discharges, and if any are identified, how those discharges are permitted or otherwise authorized. • Requirement to submit a request for permit modification if the facility identifies or creates any new outfalls, removes outfalls, or alters any drainage area that changes potential pollutants. • The Division expects the permittee to apply best professional judgment and consider the safety of its personnel in fulfilling sampling obligations under the permit. • Federal regulations require electronic submittal of all discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). If a state does not establish a system to receive such submittals, then permittees must submit DMRs electronically to the EPA. • Quarterly QualitativeNisual Monitoring to assure regular observation of outfalls throughout year. Section 4. Changes from previous permit to draft: • Regulatory citations added • Monitoring increased from semi-annually to quarterly for all parameters (qualitative and quantitative) • "No discharge" clarifications made • Feasibility study requirement removed per updated stormwater program requirements • Annual online SWPPP certification requirement removed per updated stormwater program requirements • eDMR requirement updated • Boilerplate language moved into body of the permit; boilerplate no longer attached • Outfall-specific monitoring implemented to reflect industrial activity and potential pollutants specific to each discharge area • Monitoring for total nitrogen and total phosphorus removed as it is not a potential pollutant from the facility o Included in previous permits as the discharge is to NSW waters • Monitoring for BOD added due to storage of wooden pallets outside (per April 2023 inspection report) • Monitoring for styrene added as it was identified as a potential pollutant on the renewal application • Monitoring for total copper, total lead, and total zinc added due to outdoor storage of metal • Monitoring for total hardness added for outfalls where monitoring for hardness dependent metals is required • Benchmarks updated per guidance from DWR Standards group Section 5. Changes from draft to flnal: • None Page 6 of 7 Section 6. Discussions with the Facility and Regional Office: • Initial contact with facility: 4/22/2024 • Initial contact with Regional Office: 4/22/2024 • Draft sent to CO peer review: 5/13/2024 • Draft sent to Regional Office: 5/22/2024 • Final permit sent for supervisor signature: 7/12/2024 Section 7. Comments received on draft permit: • Bruce Molinar (IPS Adhesives; via email6/10/2024): IPS Structural Adhesives has reviewed DRAFT SW Permit NCS000527 and only has comment concerning the long list of sampling parameters. If any analytical results are consistently below the benchmark concentration or range, there does not appear to be any means of relief, leaving the significant analytical and associated labor costs to continue for the length of the permit. IPS requests a permit stipulation that provides for reduced analytical parameters based on consistent analytical results below the benchmark concentration, or range (e.g. four quarters). To date, the IPS —Durham site has not had difficulty meeting permit parameter ranges/benchmarks. o DEMLR response: Monitoring for parameters was added due to the types of materials or chemicals stored onsite in each drainage area. As these materials have the potential to come into contact with stormwater, monitoring shall remain the same as in the draft permit. Page 7 of 7 The Beaufort Gazette Dttrham I The Herald-Sun The'Modesto Bee The Belleville News-Democrat Fort IVorttt Star-Telegram The Sun News-Myrtle Beach Bellingham Herald The Fresno Bee Raleigh News&Observer MCCICItChy Centre Daily Times The Island Packet Rock Hill The Herald un S Herald The FreshKlmas ee Star The Sacramento Bee rdalro Statesman Lexington Her..dd-Leader San Luis Obispo Tdlrtme Bradenton Herald The Telegraph-Macon Tacoma I The Dews Trim ne The charlotte otnen'er Merced Sun-Star Td-City Herald The State Miami Herald Tile Wichita Eagle Ledger-Engnirer El Nuevo Herald The olympial AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Account# Order Number Idelttifiaftn Order PO ABM Cols 0 M06 556469 Print Legal Aid-IPL01150030-IPL017S003 6 of 8 Stormwater Public $011MM 2 23 L Attention: Joyce Sanford Clark STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA NC DENR ENGERGY MINERAL&LAND RESOURCES COUNTY OF WAKE,COUNTY OF DURHAM 1612 MAIL SERVICE CENTER Before the undersigned,a Notary Public of Dallas RALEIGH,NC 276991612 County,Texas,duly commissioned and authorized to administer oaths,affirmations,etc.,personally joyce.sanford@deq.n(.gov appeared Tara Pennington,who being duly sworn or affirmed,according to law,cloth depose and say that he ----------------------------------------------------------- _ NORTH CAROLINA ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION or she is Accounts Receivable Specialist of the News& INTENT TO ISSUE NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMITS Observer Publishing Company,a corporation organized The North Carolina Environmental Management Commission proposes to issue NPDES stomlwater discharge permit(s) to the personas) listed below. Public and doing business under the Laws of the State of North comment or objection to the draft permits is Invited.Written comments regarding Carolina.and publishing a newspaper known as The the proposed permit will be accepted until 30 days after the publish date of this News&Observer,Wake and State aforesaid,the said notice and considered in the final determination regarding permit issuance and permit provisions.The Director of the NC Division of Energy,Mineral,and Land newspaper in which such notice,paper,document,or Resources(DEMUR)may hold a public hearing should there be a signititaM legal advertisement was degree of public Interest Please mail comments and/or information requests to published was,at the time of DEMLR at 1612 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1612, each and every such publication,a newspaper meeting • IPS Industrial Adhesives, Inc. 1600 Ellis Road,Durham,NC 27703]has all o#the requested renewal of permit NC 0527 for the IFS Industrial Adhesives, a requirements and qualifications of Section 1- Inc.facility in Durham County.This facility discharges to an unnamed trite 597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a utary to Third Fork Crook in the Cape Fear River Basin. Interested persons may visit DEMLR at 512 N.Salisbury Street,Raleigh,NC qualified newspaper within the meaningof Section 1-597 27604 to review information on file.Additional information on NPDES permits of the General Statutes of North Carolina,and that as and this notloe may be found an our website:httpsllcfeq.nc.gov/about/dM- such he or she makes this affidavit;and is familiar with slons/energy-mineral-and-land-resources/stormwater/stormwater-program/ stomdwater-public-notices,or by contacting Brianna Young at brianna.youngG the books,files and business of said corporation and by deq.nc.gov or 919-707-3647. IFL0175003 reference to the files of said publication the attached May 282024 advertisement for NC DEN ENGERGY MINERAL&LAND RESOURCES was inserted in the aforesaid newspaper on dates as follows: 1 insertions)published on: e`, 05/28/24 �`n t 0t? I r certi or declare)under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Notary Public i�nand forthe state of Te—x`as7ire—�—iFing in Dallas County STEPHAN€E HATCHER a My Notary 10#133534 0$ ''«'v► .T' Expires,anuary 14,202B Extra dwge for W or dupWft affi&ft Legal document please do notdesfroy[ Young, Brianna A From: Bruce Molinar <bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Sent: Monday,June 10, 2024 7:00 AM To: Young, Brianna A Cc: Tim Monroe; Michael Sanders; Alexander Holder Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] IPS Industrial Adhesives, Inc. draft stormwater permit NCS000527 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hello Ms.Young: IPS Structural Adhesives has reviewed DRAFT SW Permit NCS000527 and only has comment concerning the long List of sampling parameters. If any analytical results are consistently below the benchmark concentration or range, there does not appear to be any means of relief, leaving the significant analytical and associated labor costs to continue for the length of the permit. IPS requests a permit stipulation that provides for reduced analytical parameters based on consistent analytical results below the benchmark concentration, or range (e.g.four quarters). To date,the IPS—Durham site has not had difficulty meeting permit parameter ranges/benchmarks. IPS appreciates the opportunity to provide comment and NCDEMLR consideration of the requested permit stipulation. Sincerely, Bruce Molinar—Operations Director, NA Bruce Molinar IPS Adhesives Operation Director, North America 600 Ellis Road, Durham, NC 27703 Bruce.molina06-)1PSadhesives (919) 598-2422 Office (919) 397-1345 Cell From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov> Sent:Wednesday, May 22, 2024 8:29 AM To: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Cc:Tim Monroe<timm@leafenviro.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] IPS Industrial Adhesives, Inc. draft stormwater permit NCS000527 Good morning, Please find attached a copy of the draft NPDES stormwater permit for IPS Industrial Adhesives, Inc. (NCS000527). A hard copy of this draft permit will be placed in the mail to Bruce Molinar. Please provide any comments by June 22, 2024. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you believe the email to be suspicious, please report the email to IT by using the Phish Alert Report button. 2 Young, Brianna A From: Valentine, Thad Sent: Monday, April 22, 2024 5:16 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: NOI Inspection NCS000527 IPS Adhesives Attachments: NCS000527_Insp Rpt_20240418.pdf Brianna I inspected the IPS Adhesives facility last week and found that what they have lines up with their permit.They have done a very good job with training and documentation,theyjust need inspect their storage and disposal areas more often and document, clean up and repair any problems they see.We moved there sample point, but there is still just a single sample outfall.You may want them to update the coordinates Thad Valentine Environmental Senior Specialist— RRO Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources— Land Quality Section Department of Environmental Quality 919 791 4220 office thad.valentine(a)ncdenr.gov 1628 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699 Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. 1 Compliance Inspection Report Permit:NCS000527 Effective: 10/01/19 Expiration: 09/30/24 Owner: Ips Structural Adhesives Inc SOC: Effective: Expiration: Facility: IPS Structural Adhesives County: Durham 600 Ellis Rd Region: Raleigh Durham NC 27703 Contact Person:Diego Faria Title: Phone: 310-613-0507 Directions to Facility: System Classifications: SWNC, Primary ORC: Certification: Phone: Secondary ORC(s): On-Site Representative(s): Related Permits: Inspection Date: 04/18/2024 Entry Time 12:20PM Exit Time: 03:30PM Primary Inspector:Thaddeus W Valentine Phone: Secondary Inspector(s): Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Compliance Evaluation Permit Inspection Type: Stormwater Discharge, Individual Facility Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Question Areas: Storm Water (See attachment summary) Page 1 of 4 Permit: NCS000527 Owner-Facility:lps Structural Adhesives Inc Inspection Date: 04/18/2024 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Inspection Summary: Michael Sander the plant representative and the consultant Timothy Monroe were both present for the inspection and assisted with any questions I had. The SP3 as well maintained, but there are just a few additions and updates needed that are listed below. The site map needs some additional updates such as the oil water seperator location and the location of all the storage areas. Try to localize all the pallets, drums(empty, in use and unused)and miscellaneous material areas. The property boundaries and the latitude and logitude of the new sample area should be documented at the sample point on the map Provide a spill sheet that notes all spills for the year. An oil spill was noted during our walk through that had recently occurred at the oil water seperator. This spill was not documented in any way in the SP3 and should have been. Detail how the spill occurred, how it was cleaned up and disposed, how much spilled and what can be done to insure it doesn't happen again.Years that have no spills, list no spills on the spill sheet. The spill prevention and response plan section reads like a health and safety and proper operating procedure documents for equipment. There are some sections relevant to stormwater in the section on loading teh MMA tank, but this section should focus on areas that are possible stormwater issues. The outside storage area, dumpster area oil water seperator area and the secondary containment areas need to be the focus of the spill prevention and response plan for that facility There is no preventive maintenance and good housekeeping plan (PMGHP) in the SP3 plan. Provide a (PMGHP)for the facility that is site specific and that covers all the areas that have potential pollution sources The SP3 does cover employee training, but it doesn't appear that employees are following what they are trained to look for. The walkthrough revealed spills, leaks, trash and open containers, dumpsters and barrels all through the outside staging and storing areas. The facility does have an inspection program and checklist, but again, what is listed as okay on the checklist sheet, actually is not okay and has many problems. Site Walkthrough We started the site walkthrough at the oil water seperator and I noticed some staining on teh concrete. That's when I was told about the spill that wasn't documented. Document all spills and include how it happened, what was done to clean up the spill, how was the spilled materials stored and disposed and what was done to insure it doesn't happen again Walking through the storage area I found used drums missing caps and lids. Drums with chemical residue visible in the drums, open to the weather, some empty and some used as trash cans. Drum lids stacked on teh concrete with chemical residue leaking onto the ground and chemical residue tracked all over the concrete. Any containers left outside should be securely sealed with lids and pluggs and any parts that have chemical rsidue should be covered in an area that stormwater cannot flow through. There are many wood pallets with obvious residuals stacked in a number of different places. Wood pallets that are not brand new should be located in a covered area that can't be exposed to stormwater. The outside storage area should be kept in a more orginized fashion to help control pollutants The dumpster area has trash scattered around the dumpsters and there are barrels with chemical residue used as a trash cans as well as buckets and other containers with chemical resideue holding rain water and trash. The concrete is covered with stains from different spills. Keep all areas free of trash and materials for disposal. Never leave open drums or containers for trash collection or other uses unless they are brand new or have been professionally cleaned. Maintain by cleaning and disposing of any spills, leaks or tracking of materials when it happens. Page 2 of 4 Permit: NCS000527 Owner-Facility:lps Structural Adhesives Inc Inspection Date: 04/18/2024 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine The dumpsters have lids that have been ripped off or are not being used. The dumpsters were found to have large holes in the sides at the bottom and the pluggs have been broken out. Always keep the lids and doors closed on the dumpsters when not in use and inspect the dumpster for holes and missing or damaged pluggs. If dumpsters are damaged have them replaced immediately. The sample point should be moved from the point it's being sampled now to a point at the end of the grass swale. The area down by the intermittent stream that is the sample point now doesn't capture completely the runoff from the industrial areas. The new sample location should capture everthing. Be sure to update the site map now with the new sample point and its coordinates. Inspections are only required twice a year, but if you have issues like what we saw then inspections should occur as often as required to stay in compliance with your permit. A Notice of Violation will not be issued for this inspection, but surprise or drive by inspections will be performed when we are in the area to insure that the facility maintains compliance with their permit. If issues such as these are discovered in future inspections we will be forced to issue a Notice of Violation. Page 3 of 4 Permit: NCS000527 Owner-Facility:lps Structural Adhesives Inc Inspection Date: 04/18/2024 Inspection Type:Compliance Evaluation Reason for Visit: Routine Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Yes No NA NE Does the site have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a General Location (USGS) map? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a"Narrative Description of Practices"? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a detailed site map including outfall locations and drainage areas? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a list of significant spills occurring during the past 3 years? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Has the facility evaluated feasible alternatives to current practices? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the facility provide all necessary secondary containment? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a BMP summary? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a Spill Prevention and Response Plan (SPRP)? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a Preventative Maintenance and Good Housekeeping Plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the facility provide and document Employee Training? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a list of Responsible Party(s)? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ # Is the Plan reviewed and updated annually? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Does the Plan include a Stormwater Facility Inspection Program? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Has the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan been implemented? ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: The stormwater pollution prevention plan is well put together there are lust a few updates and additions to be made that are outlined in the summery Qualitative Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Qualitative Monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Qualitative samping has been completed Analytical Monitoring Yes No NA NE Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Has the facility conducted its Analytical monitoring from Vehicle Maintenance areas? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ Comment: Analytical samples have been take with lust the most recent results having a benchmark exceedance for TSS Permit and Outfalls Yes No NA NE # Is a copy of the Permit and the Certificate of Coverage available at the site? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ #Were all outfalls observed during the inspection? ❑ ❑ ❑ # If the facility has representative outfall status, is it properly documented by the Division? ❑ ❑ 0 ❑ #Has the facility evaluated all illicit(non stormwater)discharges? 0 ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: The outfall was observed and it was decided that there is a better area to take the sample to be sure to capture all teh runoff from the industrial areas. That new sample point is discussed in the summery Page 4 of 4 Young, Brianna A From: Bruce Molinar <bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Sent: Monday, May 13, 2024 6:51 AM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Brianna, Here you go. Advise if you need anything else. Degrees-Minutes-Seconds 350—58'—18.83" N 780—52'—6.44"W Decimal Degrees. Lat. 35.9718840 Long. -78.868456' Bruce Molinar IPS Adhesives Operation Director, North America 600 Ellis Road, Durham, NC 27703 Bruce.molinarPIPSadhesives (919) 598-2422 Office (919) 397-1345 Cell From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 7:59 AM To: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 Bruce, Thank you for the update. Please let me know if you have questions about the remaining item. Brianna Young, MS(she/her) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred) 1 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. From: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Sent: Friday, May 10, 2024 7:14 AM To:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Good morning, Brianna, See below. Checks have been cut and sent Fed Ex. I will work on your other request today. Bruce Molinar IPS Adhesives Operation Director, North America 600 Ellis Road, Durham, NC 27703 Bruce.molinar(a)lPSadhesives (919) 598-2422 Office (919) 397-1345 Cell From:Alex Banda <alex.banda@ipscorp.com> Sent:Thursday, May 9, 2024 10:56 PM To: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com>; Chris Pinkos<Chris.Pinkos@ipsadhesives.com> Cc:Tim Monroe<timm@leafenviro.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc.stormwater permit NCS000527 I've attached a copy of the checks issued. These were sent FeclEx,tracking#is on the fedex slip. Alex Banda I Accounts Payable Manager I IPS Corporation 455 W Victoria St. Compton,CA, USA 90220 1 ; Mobile:+1(310)251-3694 1 Y Office:+1 (310)898-3324 Was D-< alex.banda(a)ipscorp.com I :www.ipscorp.com (,�%f/J/,f WELOON TO Guv GwGv ti000sioc * 70 .. * YEARS un, IPS eUSINE�y 2 From:Alex Banda Sent:Thursday, May 9, 2024 12:34 PM To: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com>; Chris Pinkos<Chris.Pinkos@ipsadhesives.com> Cc:Tim Monroe<timm@leafenviro.com> Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 Bruce, The issue here is they're going to Durham and not shared services in Compton. Invoices have not been routed to AP for payment. This needs to get fixed asap. We will process payment tomorrow's run. @Chris Pinkos, charging 7100.6800.019. If that's incorrect, let me know. Alex Banda I Accounts Payable Manager I IPS Corporation 455 W Victoria St. Compton,CA, USA 90220 1 ;_ Mobile:+1(310)251-3694 W Office:+1(310)898-3324 E�l alex.bandaCcDipscorp.com 1 :www.ioscori).com I25 GW ORYY a000STOP BRA • * 70 * TOUGGH? f 1 YEARS IFMS, *AB.A eUSIN���array EH. AID N Etiv E5 C From: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Sent:Thursday, May 9, 2024 12:11 PM To:Alex Banda <alex.banda@ipscorp.com> Cc: Chris Pinkos<Chris.Pinkos@ipsadhesives.com>;Tim Monroe<timm@leafenviro.com> Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 Alex,These invoices are late. Can you please process these 3 ASAP and advise when you have paid or sent them. Thanks Bruce Molinar IPS Adhesives Operation Director, North America 600 Ellis Road, Durham, NC 27703 Bruce.molinar0blPSadhesives (919) 598-2422 Office (919) 397-1345 Cell From:Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Monday,April 22, 2024 11:21 AM 3 To: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 IYou don't often get email from brianna.young@deq.nc.gov.Learn why this is important Good morning, I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. (NCS000527). I need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct and 2)make sure the permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following: • Description of industrial activity occurring and chemicals stored onsite; • The signature/certification in Section 5.2 of EPA Form 2F is missing; • Please provide a statement of any changes (or lack thereof) since the last permit renewal; • Loading docks have been identified as a pollutant source in the application but are outside the drainage area on the site map provided. Please provide an explanation of how runoff from the loading docks are handled. • The site map has a circled#5 without a key to what's held in the area. What is the potential pollutant source in this area? • The annual permit fees for 2022 and 2023 are overdue and the annual permit fee for 2024 is currently open. These fees must be paid in order to proceed with review of the renewal application. The invoices for 2022, 2023, and 2024 are attached. Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s) for the facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links provided below, where applicable: • Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form • Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility address only: Email Bethany og ulias • Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Georgoulias • Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2 • Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePayment website Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, 4 Brianna Young, MS(she/her) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647(office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you believe the email to be suspicious, please report the email to IT by using the Phish Alert Report button. CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you believe the email to be suspicious, please report the email to IT by using the Phish Alert Report button. 5 Young, Brianna A From: Bruce Molinar <bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Sent: Monday,April 22, 2024 3:23 PM To: Young, Brianna A Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 Attachments: Annual Evaluation for Non Stormwater Discharges-IPSr.pdf.pdf, Form 2F Section 5R.pdf.pdf, IPS 2018 Tier 2 Report.pdf, IPS 2023 Tier 2 Report.pdf; IPS 2023 Tier 2 Site Map.pdf, IPS Industrial Activities.pdf CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless verified. Report suspicious emails with the Report Message button located on your Outlook menu bar on the Home tab. Hello Brianna: See responses below in red font along with referenced attachments. The IPS Durham site has had turnover within the last two months and will submit the necessary forms to update contacts. Let me know if you need any additional information. • Description of industrial activity occurring (see attached"IPS Industrial Activities") and chemicals stored onsite (see attached"IPS 2023 Tier 2 Report" and"Site Map"); • The signature/certification in Section 5.2 of EPA Form 2F is missing (see attached"Form 2F Section 5" • Please provide a statement of any changes (or lack thereof) since the last permit renewal; There have been no changes to industrial activities exposed to stormwater, new construction or additional impervious area since the last permit renewal. Some new product lines have been added inside the facility(see "IPS 2023 Tier 2 Report" for raw materials used in manufacturing and"IPS 2018 Tier 2 Report"to determine new chemicals introduced since last permit renewal). • Loading docks have been identified as a pollutant source in the application but are outside the drainage area on the site map provided. Please provide an explanation of how runoff from the loading docks are handled. Loading docks, as configured, do not provide an exposure of industrial activities to stormwater. Docks are equipped with seals for delivery trailers. Docks are included in the SWPPP since bulk chemicals are received and handled and thus there is a potential for a spill. Adding the receiving area to SWPPP training and inspections are a preventive measure. SWPPP update for 2024 will eliminate the dock area. • The site map has a circled#5 without a key to what's held in the area. What is the potential pollutant source in this area? See "Measures and Controls" attachment in the application; • The annual permit fees for 2022 and 2023 are overdue and the annual permit fee for 2024 is currently open. These fees must be paid in order to proceed with review of the renewal application. The invoices for 2022, 2023, and 2024 are attached. In process; Thanks, Bruce Bruce Molinar IPS Adhesives Operation Director, North America 600 Ellis Road, Durham, NC 27703 Bruce.molinar@IPSadhesives (919) 598-2422 Office (919) 397-1345 Cell From: Young, Brianna A<Brianna.Young@deq.nc.gov> Sent: Monday, April 22, 2024 11:21 AM To: Bruce Molinar<bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com> Subject: [EXTERNAL] IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. stormwater permit NCS000527 IYou don't often get email from brianna.young@deg.nc.gov.Learn why this is important Good morning, I am working on renewing the individual stormwater permit for IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. (NCS000527). I need additional information in order to 1) confirm that the information I have is correct and 2)make sure the permit adequately serves the needs of the facility. Please provide the following: • Description of industrial activity occurring and chemicals stored onsite; • The signature/certification in Section 5.2 of EPA Form 2F is missing; • Please provide a statement of any changes (or lack thereof) since the last permit renewal; • Loading docks have been identified as a pollutant source in the application but are outside the drainage area on the site map provided. Please provide an explanation of how runoff from the loading docks are handled. • The site map has a circled#5 without a key to what's held in the area. What is the potential pollutant source in this area? • The annual permit fees for 2022 and 2023 are overdue and the annual permit fee for 2024 is currently open. These fees must be paid in order to proceed with review of the renewal application. The invoices for 2022, 2023, and 2024 are attached. Enter your stormwater permit number into the Stormwater Permit Summary Report and you will see a form that includes the address of the facility, contact information for the permit, and the regulated stormwater outfall(s) for the facility. Please review the facility information to make sure it is correct. Information can be updated using the links provided below, where applicable: • Facility/Company name or ownership: Name/Ownership Change Form • Owner Affiliation (Legally responsible person; i.e., someone with the company who is designated to represent the company per signatory requirements or another authorized representative): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Delegation of Signature Authority (DOSA): Permit Contact Update Request Form • Billing contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Permit contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility contact: Permit Contact Update Request Form • Facility address only: Email Bethany og ulias • Stormwater outfall information: Email Bethany Georgoulias • Visit the eDMR Six Steps website and complete Steps 1 and 2 • Pay outstanding permit fees: Stormwater ePUment website Once I have the above listed information, I can continue my review. You will receive a draft permit for a 30-day comment period. During this time we will be able to address any comments or concerns you have. During the 2 same 30-day period, the draft will be sent to a Regional Office staff member for review as well as out to public notice. Once all comments and concerns are addressed, you may be issued a final permit. Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647 (office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, INC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties by an authorized state official. CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you believe the email to be suspicious, please report the email to IT by using the Phish Alert Report button. 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility area OM8 No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NC5000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07131/2026 51 Provide the following certification.(See instructions to determine the appropriate person to sign the application.) 1 certify under penalty of law that the oulfaff(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, I certify that the oultalls identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying WES Form 2C, 2D,or 2E application. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title BRUCE MOEINA OPERATIONS DIRECTOR,NA Signat Date signed I t 5_2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. o Dutfall - Onsite Drainage Points m Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s)of Testing Directly Observed I .:.During Test f 3 I € 1 o ' SECTIONOR I 1 ro, 6i 1 Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. NONE `o s : SECTIONDISCHARGE INFORMATION41 See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and,in turn,the fables you must g complete.Not all applicants need to complete each table. 7 1 I Is this a new source or new discharge? oYes 4 See instructions regarding submission of 0 No 4 See instructions regarding submission of estimated data. actual data. _ m Tables A,B,C,and D ' 7 2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? 0 Yes EPA Fenn 3510-2F Page 3 VII. RISK IDENTIFICATION VII. RISK IDENTIFICATION The following areas pose risk of stormwater pollution at the IPS—Durham facility. 1. Miscellaneous Equipment&Materials Storage Out of service equipment and materials (fabricated steel equipment,piping,racks and miscellaneous scrap metal) are temporarily stored outdoors on the south side of the plant. Potential pollutants include chemical residuals on used pipe and equipment, corrosion products from metal surfaces, oils and greases from lubricated parts, gear boxes, reservoirs, etc., and particulate from materials deteriorated by weather. Pollutant parameters of concern include TSS, oil and grease, oxidation bi- products and compounds from production chemical residuals (COD). 2. MMA Storage Tank&Supply Piping (No Direct Exposures to Stormwater) Methyl Methacrylate (MMA), a Section 313 Water Priority Pollutant, is stored in a 9,990-gallon aboveground storage tank on the south end of the property (see Figure 2). MMA is a Section 313 Water Priority Pollutant and the tank,pump,piping system and fill tanker transfer area are provided with secondary containment. Leaks occurring inside containment will contaminate stormwater accumulations and spills or leaks may occur from transfer hose failures during fill events. Damaged or deteriorated secondary containment, damaged hoses, failure to close fill containment drain valve(s) and leaking containment drain valve(s) provide potential for a spill should a leak occur. Contaminant of concern is MMA. 3. Trash&Recycle Containers (No Direct Exposures to Stormwater) Two trash containers and one cardboard recycle container have attached covers that protect contents from rainfall and reduce the potential for leaching from the containers. Maintaining the covers in the closed position when not in use will eliminate rainfall infiltration into the bins. Liquids improperly disposed in any waste bin provides for the potential for liquid wastes leaching out of damaged or corroded containers. Each trash container includes a drain plug that is exposed to damage during handling of the dumpster when emptied. Housekeeping in the vicinity of the trash bins and open top container area is also important to prevent pollutants from being carried into the stormwater drainage system. There are no direct exposures of industrial activity to stormwater if good housekeeping is maintained, covers closed when not in use and no liquids leaching from the bins. Contaminants of concern include TSS and COD. 4. Loading Docks(No Direct Exposures to Stormwater) The shipping/receiving loading docks are located on the east wall of the plant and used to receive raw materials and ship adhesive products to the customer. The docks are equipped with seal pads to minimize infiltration of rainfall during unloading operations. Automatic docking locks are installed on all but the platform dock and will help to prevent premature departure of loaded bucks. There are no industrial activities exposed to stornnvater associated with loading dock activities. Spills which occur during unloading have the potential to flow a nearby storm drain and through an underground storm drainage system that discharges just beyond the northwest corner of the plant (see Figure 2). Leaks from bucks, chemical spills during unloading of raw materials and adhesive spills during loading of trailers have the potential to be carried to the storm drain by stormwater runoff if not cleaned up immediately. Potential pollutants of concern include COD, oil and grease, and TSS. 6 5. Air Compressors Two air compressors are located outside and adjacent to the south wall of the plant. One unit is under a shelter and the second, newer unit is inside the manufacturer's enclosure. Both compressors have potential to leak oil that may be exposed to stormwater and runoff. Potential also exists for oil containers to be left outside with the compressor. Condensate blowdown from the compressors and adjacent receiver tanks is heated by an oil/water separator prior to discharge to the pavement. This waste stream should be periodically inspected for the presence of oil (sheen). Pollutants of concern include oil and grease. 6. Empty Drum/Tote Storage&Pallets Empty drums/totes and pallets are stored outside and adjacent to the south wall of the plant. Drums that are dirty, corroded or damaged, or stored upside-down and not sealed have to potential to leach product (chemical) residuals to stormwater. The potential also exists for residual chemical product deposits on the pallets. Potential pollutants of concern are COD,MMA,MEK,and TSS. 7 i A written report of inspection results is provided at the time of the inspection. Routine casual observations of facility stormwater systems and identified risk areas are also performed on a regular basis. Records of such observations are not regularly kept. Repairs or maintenance activities are documented and completed by various contractors or maintenance employees. G. Certification& Inspection for Non—Stormwater Discharges complete annually) During a plant visit on July 16, 2009, Elizabeth Newland and Ross Stitt of Bensinger & Garrison Environmental, Inc. conducted an inspection of storuwater drainage areas for the presence of non— stormwater discharges. No non—stormwater discharges were observed. Available drawings of the IPS — Durham Plant and property underground drainage system (storm and sanitary) have been reviewed by IPS and did not reveal any other sanitary type drains (domestic or industrial) connected to the stormwater system. On May 28, 2010, Mr. Wes Brummmer, El, and Mr. Greg Brickham, EI, conducted an inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesives—Durham Plant for the presence of non—stormwater discharges. The only non—stormwater discharge observed was condensate from closed coil air conditioning systems on the roof. On August 24, 20111 Mr. Wes Brummer, P.E, conducted an inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive -- Durham Plant for the presence of non- stw•mwater discharges. There was no evidence of non-stormwater discharge observed at the facility. On May 18, 2012, Mr. Tim Monroe, P.E, conducted an inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive Durham Plant for the presence of non- stormwater discharges. There was no evidence of non-stormwater discharge observed at the facility. j On November 8,2013, Mr. Steven Gerrald, El, conducted an inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive — Durham Plant for the presence of non- stormwater discharges. There was no evidence of non-stormwater discharge observed at the facility. Since CY 2009, there have been no significant additions or modifications to the plant that have the potential to route sanitary or industrial discharges to the stormwater collection system. On May 20, 2014, Mr. Tim Monroe, P.E., conducted au inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive — Durham Plant for the presence of non- k stormwater discharges. Other than air conditioning condensate, there was no evidence of non- stormwater discharge observed at the facility. i On September 18, 2015, Mr. Steven Gerrald, EI, conducted an inspection of the stonnwater 4 collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive—Durham Plant for the presence of non-stornavater discharges. There was no evidence of non-stormwater discharge observed at the facility, i On December 20, 2016, Mr. Steven Gerrald, EI, conducted an inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive—Durham Plant for the presence j of non-stormwater discharges. There was no evidence of non-stormwater discharge observed at the facility. i On August 18, 2017, Mr. Jack Garrison, Senior Envirormiental Consultant, conducted an inspection of the stormwater collection system and drainage areas at the IPS Structural Adhesive — Durham Plant for the presence of non-stornmwater discharges. There was no evidence of non-stormwater discharge observed at the facility. 12 On September 16, 2021, Tim Monroe, P.E. of Leaf Environmental & Engineering, P.C. (LEAP) conducted a review of the stormwater collection system and drainage area(s) at the IPS Structural Adhesives—Durham j Plant for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. No new non-stormwater discharges were observed. The blowdown oil/water separator was operating properly and other allowable (permitted by rule), non- stormwater discharges noted in prior inspections still have potential to discharge to the stormwater collection system. On October 6, 2022, Tim Monroe, P.E. of Leaf Enviromnental & Engineering, P.C. (LEAP) conducted a review of the stormwater collection system and drainage area(s) at the IPS Structural Adhesives — Durham Plant for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. No new non-stormwater discharges were observed. The blowdown oil/water separator was operating properly and other allowable (permitted by rule), non- stormwater discharges noted in prior inspections still have potential to discharge to the stormwater collection system. On November 2, 2023, Tim Monroe. P.E. of Leaf Environmental & Engineering. P.C. (LEAP) conducted a review of the stormwater collection system and drainage area(s) at the IPS Structural Adhesives Durham Plant for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. No new non-stormwater discharges were observed. The blowdown oil/water separator was operating properly and other allowable (permitted by rule). non- storruwater discharges noted in prior inspections still have potential to discharge to the stormwater collection system. Annual SWPPP and permit training was last completed on July 21,2022. The last two semi-annual stormwater sampling events have resulted in no exceedances of benchmark concentrations. There have been no significant spills at the site over the prior year. No spills have occurred that has exposed chemicals to stormwater other than minor spills that were incidental in nature and cleaned up immediately. i Inspection of the drainage area, stornwater controls and best management practices (BMP) and stormwater sampling results shows that if implemented, this S WPPP is adequate to minimize pollutant concentrations hn stormwater discharged from the site. i As is certified by signing below, there are no unallowable non— water discharges from the 1PS — Durham Plant. Any discharges associated with it sh' a runt s that are not allow ble (not "permitted by rule"),have been corrected. y� Z Bruce Molinar I Operations Director, North America IPS Structural Adhesives Inc.—Durham Plant H. Em loloyee Training Employee training must be conducted on an annual basis and documentation of such training is retained on file for a minimum of 5 years. Employees are trained in areas of good housekeeping practices, stornwater pollution prevention, and spill prevention, control, and response procedures described in the IPS Emergency Evacuation and Contingency Action Plan. Training may be documented using the form in Appendix 4. Annual Review: The last employee training was conducted on July 21, 2022. 14 E. PETNGREW STREET .IT NGT AAPX CG PICK Still a(a can0....I FlEerern = o. n, [.+v(...I cxEUIrAL oRBx °° FIT3lRPALE -X PARKING LOT ��xo. n�\,f YEN ttAVI IIpSN STMIM i X9t gPX u`" ,: -- 1 EA FtflE EXTINGJISXER T AREA L ian iT EYE WASH STATION Yet ry xe.to ..:ryl.S�. SAA ufN L env ar f I sau gAA ASPPALI vdvEYEM B FIRE BIAN%ET P i Ln8 EXIT I Oi L PELV.ryE➢ YE%8tlll SPILL KIT w v. V£N TOIE- Oantrait. Fx IT�l ® FIRST AID CABINET Exrt ® E FIRE BOOR Xp.6 tl-ILA rtli VEST. 0 EXIT pgBfl N..SO —.prink er 11, 4-M L9pov =... Mg BA FORETED BRllLA gTERIVIL IpEO) e�nl ey,. Frettara C^nn at9m m = ' J M..t O ❑ 1• tl i °� OF.. ® FIRE NMII PULL STYRCX x I PRIVANY EVACUATION ROUTE SM qa I U AID rTILJ:s ",I* SECONDARY EVACUATION ROUTE No. 1 (� —aW yvna ERIi Ii 6fAflNL I O VAIIREW.tiLE gFFtCF MEn FlI DIRE MBRNn tl,T [E MFA E%li FO FECE OFFI � ,aT 1 .i,:w re [xotl 9I Ex I GOC FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION li 11 Sm NO SATELLITE ACNIU[ATION AREA PRODUCTION AREA a� i - sTn iwl a b o�I+E 4-xR INTERIOR WALL W14 HOUR FIRE RATIW FIR CENTRAL ACCUMULATION x..g WAREHOUSE +gTEAO"E%vEK caI ARM r% ESII O C0 150 TO DUMP. W CYLINDERS FLIT Qu Vef (INERT) "IT O N xa N WTEJWIT ID FdCI FIAVVABLE d CONBUST- iICIA45 I vl ISldl 1 ° 1 LE LIOUIOC CABINET w o00 I„ �(ervea rav, artTKi�I I� �1 4 HP\ OOO PEATFMx P PWP RETURN PRE. ° COO EJ z B FML E�vta,v P FxR CARTRUDIF IABELIM d 1M.ETE ASPHALT r. PMKIM PAYEYEXT PAVEtlFM °�N, OI�A, r EucrglrAL • �yE3jp3E WxfAs F0.4 04� uN`� / p FIGURE 2: LIFE SAFETY EQUIPMENT AND EXIT Etfc. -fuhl fu}III CoxrgouNlEA O O imrllm ` OO TO E sracxrfc y PUN o DIflECTION LOCATION LAYOUT B9EAKfq l TSH TAGING SIR RY CRVrftMS Ya[u.a EXMBEq �. O O � gACXX ppLK3 qAA OcA1pgT E I.xlx IPPING & IDS Structural Adhesives Exn xwrePrAE Fnu a ARC 600 Ellie Road qM,O ASSEn r RECEIVING Durham, NO 27703 FILUND IT f%ItQ� A pflIVMY FI xe.6 4 �ITEN PK9. O 555 DATE: July, 2023 PROJECT an/ 166506 ICI /�`'� FILE: IPS/P6M Fina Tl/Cont �i )n ��g )ency�aPl�an/Fig♦u�re 1 GRTgIME. LJ ❑ \RECEIVING IIr®q EnOIREC FIRE r \ YEAWIIW ❑ LEtil` EN MONMENTAL iILLIM HACKS lu FIRE PROTECTION )(\�✓!/1) RATE & ENGINEERING, P.C. STATIdI W [Ervn PgOTECTfLLV FNASE/TEST L UNCLASSIFIED A FA Exrt u ® mvxfcnox AT" tea'n ,�y) ® � �r SAA[E}1�ISiPLYOSIT A '`9P1p1'T STE C DURHAM, NC 2771 3 DRYER dbiEP N �TMVSFM""T PAYEVER'T ® gaOWP PACK n To.8TRXAG V P O R COYPRE95MS d 9'%9' ROLL-up DOORO PEWCIM1tl 6TATIRY RECEIVER TNT Ron-. 00R m ACCESS EXIT FDO BY-PASS W Ex14L3T FAR RTO ❑ / IRPSN d RECYCLE L .M.E C GOITAIIIIII ON PAVEV&YT .CTION AREA 6VWI3T d ❑ MIiLRETE 3LP8 (PROG EYTSR,pY9 WHTgK) 7 (outdoors ) `� AS P T 0 PAYEYfllf N 0 000 AOLF k IJ .IC Y AFT 1 BREAK 0000 A0-OzsiT 1 SHELTER pB3ogeFlrt PMNIKa wT ona Pagel Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Facility Name IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID 6380455 Company Name IPS Structural Adhesives Facility Email Department Name Mail Address 600 Ellis Road , Durham,NC-27703 Physical Address 600 Ellis Road , Durham, Durham county ,NC-27703, USA Latitude/Longitude 35.9725/-78.8678 Max.No.of Occupants 30 [x]Manned [ ] Unmanned Facility Phone Number NAICS 325520-Adhesive Manufacturing Dun&Bradstreet 008391815- TRI Facility ID RMP Facility ID Subject to Emergency Planning under Section 302 of EPCRA(40 CFR part 355)? [x]Yes [ ]No Subject to Chemical Accident Prevention under Section 112(r)of CAA(40 CFR part 68,Risk Management Program)? [ ]Yes [x]No Facility Note Contact Information Name (Title) Phone Email Mail address Emergency Contact Kevin Connolly(Vice President of (919)402-6622(24-hour) kevin.connolly@ipscorp.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham Operations) (919)598-2429(Work) COUNTY, NC-27703, USA Fac.Emergency Coordinator James Crisp(Production Manager) 919-598-2424(Work) james.crisp@scigrip.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham COUNTY, NC-27703, USA Owner/Operator Kevin Connolly(Vice President of (919)598-2429(Work) kevin.connolly@ipscorp.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham Operations) (919)402-6622(24-hour) COUNTY, NC-27703, USA Tier II Information Contact Chris Miller(ProcessEngineer) 919-598-2423(Work) chris.miller@scigrip.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham COUNTY, NC-27703, USA Chemical Inventory Information Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS 79107 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 880 Max. Daily Amount 1) 1:Type Plastic or non- Chem. Name Acrylic Acid Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 440 Avg.Daily Amount metallic drum,Pressure Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 440 Max.Amount in largest Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 180 No.of Days On-site temperature Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin 2)2:Type Plastic or non- Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] metallic drum,Pressure Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ambient pressure, Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Paget Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Temperature Ambient Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[X] temperature Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits IN flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 7631869 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,800 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Aerosil(Silicon Dioxide) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,620 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 60 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 15,940 Max.Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Tote bin, Chem. Name Benzoflex 2088(Benzoate Esters) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 7,969 Avg.Daily Amount Name-proprietary Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 2,000 Max.Amount in largest benzoate esters Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container (CAS) temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page3 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[] Unit-Wt Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Self-heating[] sensitization[] Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) flammable gas[] [] Combustible Dust[] Aspiration hazard[] Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] CAS 94360 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 720 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name BPO 98 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 360 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Benzoyl Peroxide Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 94360) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-95.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[X] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page4 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS 21645512 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 750 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Chalco ATH Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 350 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Aluminum Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 55 Max.Amount in largest Trihydroxide Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 21645512) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-99.5 Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Wt Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code-03 Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 9010882 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,300 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Clearstrength E950 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,600 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Polymethylmethcr ArtdDient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[XI Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 50 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 9010882) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 180 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt 2)2:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page5 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Aspiration hazard[] flammable gas[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Combustible Dust[X] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Vinyl 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Derakane Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resin Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 750 Avg.Daily Amount Ester Resin Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 450 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 36425157) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-55.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Styrene Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] (CAS 100425) Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Percentage-40.0 Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[X] Unit-Wt Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Max Amount Code- (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 9010882 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 550 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Fiber Drum, Chem. Name Elvacite 2021 C Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 275 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Polymethylmethcr ftmsure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 275 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 9010882) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 180 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-03 Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page6 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 700 Max. Daily Amount 1) 1,2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Estane Resin 5703 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 350 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 180 No.of Days On-site Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] No Exemption information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,600 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name HYPRO 2000X168-VTB Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 800 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 400 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page7 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[X] Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Self-heating[] sensitization[X] Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) flammable gas[] [] Combustible Dust[] Aspiration hazard[] Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] CAS 67630 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,440 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-2- 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Isopropyl Alcohol Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 720 Avg.Daily Amount propanol Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 360 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 63670) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt 2) 1,2,3:Type Plastic bottles Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- or ivas, Pressure Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] pressure,Temperature Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ambient temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page8 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name K-Flex DP(oxydipropyl Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 500 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Oxydipropyl Pressure Ambient pressure, dibenzpoate) liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest Dibenzoate Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 27138314) temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Wt Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code-04 Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 9,490 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Kane Ace/MPA Impact Modifier Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 4,745 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Resin(Acrylic Copolymer) liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page9 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Aspiration hazard[] flammable gas[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Combustible Dust[X] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 5,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Kraton D Series Polymers Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 2,500 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Styrene- Ambient pressure, (Thermoplastic Elastomer) liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 50 Max.Amount in largest butadiene Latex(sbr- Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container latex) temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site (CAS 9003558) 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Percentage-99.0 Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Unit-Wt Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Max Amount Code- temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 142905 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Lauryl Methacrylate Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,000 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Dodecyl Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 375 Max.Amount in largest methacrylate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 142905) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Wt Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page10 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-sulfuric 1)Throughout plant:Type Chem. Name lead acid batteries Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 2,000 Avg.Daily Amount acid Battery, Pressure Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,000 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 7664939) pressure,Temperature EHS[X] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-30.0 Ambient temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[X] Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[X] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 25053092 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 9,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-2- 1)2:Type Ems, Pressure Chem. Name MBS Polymer Additive Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 4,000 Avg.Daily Amount Propenoic acid,2- Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Methyl,Methylester Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container Polymer temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Pagel Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site (CAS 25053092) 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[X] Percentage-100.0 Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Wt Temperature Ambient No Exemption information Self-heating[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code- temperature Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) flammable gas[] [] Combustible Dust[] Aspiration hazard[] Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] CAS 79414 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 5,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Plastic Chem. Name Methacrylic Acid Monomer- Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 2,500 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Methacrylic Acid or non-metallic drum, Stabilized liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 550 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 79414) Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 Temperature Ambient EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- 2)3:Type Plastic bottles Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] or ivas, Pressure Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] pressure,Temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Ambient temperature Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page12 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS 78933 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 7,000 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Methyl Ethyl Ketone Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 3,500 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,800 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2)3:Type Plastic bottles Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin or ivas, Pressure Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] pressure,Temperature Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ambient temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 3) 1:Type Tote bin, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Pressure Ambient pressure, Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Temperature Ambient (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) temperature In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 80626 Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 80,000 Max.Daily Amount 1)7:Type Above ground Chem. Name Methyl Methacrylate Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 40,000 Avg. Daily Amount tank, Pressure Ambient Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 66,000 Max.Amount in largest pressure,Temperature EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Ambient temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1,2:Type Tote bin, Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 3) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Pressure Ambient pressure, Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Temperature Ambient (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) temperature [X] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page13 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Aspiration hazard[] 4)3:Type Plastic bottles flammable gas[] Simple Asphyxiant[] or mugs, Pressure Ambient Combustible Dust[] Hazard Not Otherwise pressure,Temperature Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Ambient temperature Classified[] CAS 3077121 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,500 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name N-N Dihydroxyethyl P-Toluidine Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,250 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 871 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1,2:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 25034860 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 6,500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2,6:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name NAS Resin 30 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 3,250 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Copolymerized Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,600 Max.Amount in largest styrene and methyl Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container methacrylate temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site (CAS 25034860) Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Percentage-100.0 Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Unit-Weight Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Max Amount Code- Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page14 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 4,400 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Talc 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Neoprene Synthetic Rubber Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 2,200 Avg.Daily Amount (CAS 14807966) Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 2,200 Max.Amount in largest Percentage-1.0 Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Unit-Wt temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Max Amount Code- 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 4,408 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-AB 1)2,6:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name Nipol DN 4555 Synthetic Rubber Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 2,204 Avg.Daily Amount polymer Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 3,526 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 9003183) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container Percentage-99.0 temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page15 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Self-heating[] sensitization[] Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) flammable gas[] [] Combustible Dust[X] Aspiration hazard[] Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] CAS 25068386 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name NPEL 127 Epoxy Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 250 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Bisphenol-A Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest Epoxy Resin Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 25068386) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 180 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Wt Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code-03 Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page16 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 4,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-MBS 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Paraloid BTA 751 U Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 2,000 Avg.Daily Amount Polymer Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 45 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-97.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Acrylic Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Polymer(s) temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-2.0 Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-Wt (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- In contact with water emits [] Chemical flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Name-Individual Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Residual Monomers Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise (CAS) Classified[] Classified[] Percentage-0.1 Unit-Wt Max Amount Code- CAS 25852373 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,250 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Paraloid Ex1-2330 Modifier Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1 150 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure (compressed gas)[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page17 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Specific target organ toxicity flammable gas[] (single or repeated exposure) Combustible Dust[X] [] Hazard Not Otherwise Aspiration hazard[] Classified[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name Perkadox CH50 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,000 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Benzoyl Peroxide Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 66 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 94360) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-48.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Name-Dicyclohexyl temperature Organic peroxide[X] Carcinogenicity[] Phthalate Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 84617) Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Percentage-48.0 (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Unit-Wt In contact with water emits [] Max Amount Code- flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Chemical Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Name-Amorphous Silica Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise (CAS 7631869) Classified[] Classified[] Percentage-2.0 Unit-Wt Max Amount Code- CAS 8002742 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,200 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Paraffin 1)6:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name Petroleum Hydrocarbon Wax Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1 100 Avg.Daily Amount Wax Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 120 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 8002742) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page18 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-02 2) 1:Type Box, Pressure Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Ambient pressure, Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Temperature Ambient Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] temperature Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Styrene 1)2,4:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name PGAR 711-1530(Unsaturated Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,500 Avg.Daily Amount (CAS 100425) Pressure Ambient pressure, Polyester Resin) liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest Percentage-28.0 Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Unit-Wt temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Max Amount Code- 2) 1:Type Steel Drum, Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[X] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page19 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 992 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Styrene 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Polylite 31051 (Polyester Resin) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 496 Avg.Daily Amount Monomer, Inhibited Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 496 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 100425) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-25.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] No Exemption information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[X] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 2455245 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 6,400 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name SR-203 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 3,200 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Tetrahydrofurfuryl Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 450 Max.Amount in largest Methacrylate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 2455245) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 2)2:Type Steel Drum, Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Weight Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Temperature Ambient No Exemption information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page20 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 50,000 Max.Daily Amount Chemical Name-Methyl 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Structural Adhesive Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 40,000 Avg. Daily Amount Methacrylate Monomer Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 80626) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-60.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt 2) 1,2,4:Type Other, Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient No Exemption information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS 345269150 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1 100 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-TnBB 1)4:Type C Iy inder, Chem. Name TnBB MOPA Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 550 Avg.Daily Amount MOPA Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 161 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 345269) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-92.5 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page21 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,174 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Vector 2518 Styrenic Block Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,587 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Styrene, 1,3- Ambient pressure, Copolymer liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest butadiene coplymer Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 9003558) temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-97.0 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Weight Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Name-Talc temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 14807966) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-1.0 Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-Weight (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,306 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-EA/ 1) 1:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name VS-100 Acrylic Resin Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,653 Avg.Daily Amount MMA Polymer Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 550 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-99.2 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Wt 2)2:Type Box, Pressure Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Max Amount Code- Ambient pressure, Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page22 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Chemical Name-Methyl Temperature Ambient No Exemption information Self-heating[] sensitization[X] Methacrylate Monomer, temperature Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Inhibited Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 80626) Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-0.7 (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity Unit-Wt In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- flammable gas[] [] Chemical Name-Ethyl Combustible Dust[X] Aspiration hazard[] Acrylate, Inhibited Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] (CAS 140885) Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Percentage-0.1 Classified[] Unit-Wt Max Amount Code- CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,600 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Methyl 1)4:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Waste Solvent&Adhesive Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,800 Avg.Daily Amount Methacrlate Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,800 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 80626) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-55.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Weight 2) 1:Type Tote bin, Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Methyl Temperature Ambient No Exemption information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ethyl Ketone temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 78933) 3) 1:Type Steel Drum, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-30.0 Pressure Ambient pressure, Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-Weight Temperature Ambient (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- temperature In contact with water emits [X] Chemical flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Name-Methylene Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Chloride Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise (CAS 75092) Classified[] Classified[] Percentage-5.0 Unit-Weight Max Amount Code- Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page23 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 State Specific Information No State specific information Additional Information [ ] I have attached a document. [X] I have attached two or more documents. Certification I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in pages 1 through_23_,and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true,accurate and complete. Kevin Connolly 2019-02-23 19:16:08 UTC Name and official title of owner/operator OR owner/operator's authorized representative Signature Date signed Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:6380455 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Pagel Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Facility Name IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID 7418045 Company Name IPS Structural Adhesives Facility Email Department Name Mailing Address 600 Ellis Road , Durham,NC-27703 Physical Address 600 Ellis Road , Durham, Durham county ,NC-27703, USA Latitude/Longitude 35.9725/-78.8678 Max.No.of Occupants 72 [x]Manned [ ] Unmanned Emergency 24-Hour Phone Number NAICS 325520-Adhesive Manufacturing Dun&Bradstreet 008391815- TRI Facility ID RMP Facility ID Fire District Durham Fire Department,03203 North Carolina Facility ID: NCO2532-North Carolina SERC ID Subject to Emergency Planning under Section 302 of EPCRA(40 CFR part 355)? [x]Yes [ ]No Subject to Chemical Accident Prevention under Section 112(r)of CAA(40 CFR part 68,Risk Management Program)? [ ]Yes [x]No Facility Note Contact Information Name (Title) Phone Email Address Emergency Contact Bruce Molinar(Plant Manager) (919)397-1345(24-hour) bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham, , NC- (919)598-2422(Work) 27703, USA Fac.Emergency Coordinator Diego Faria(Quality&EHS Manager) 562-228-1338(Work) diego.faria@ipsadhesives.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham, , NC- 310-613-0507(24-hour) 27703, USA Owner/Operator Bruce Molinar(Plant Manager) (919)598-2422(Work) bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham, , NC- (919)397-1345(24-hour) 27703, USA Tier II Information Contact Diego Faria(Quality&EHS Manager) 562-228-1338(Work) diego.faria@ipsadhesives.com 600 Ellis Road, Durham, Durham, , NC- 310-613-0507(Home) 27703, USA Chemical Inventory Information Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) CAS 67641 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,777 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Acetone Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,389 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 362 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Paget Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 112945525 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 8,800 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Amorphous Fumed Silica Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 4,400 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 60 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page3 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1 &2:Type Bag, Chem. Name Benox C-50 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 250 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Dicyclohexyl Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Phthalate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 84617) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-50.0 Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Organic peroxide[X] Carcinogenicity[] Name-Dibenzoyl Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[X] peroxide State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (CAS 94360) Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Percentage-50.0 In contact with water emits [] Unit-weight Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Max Amount Code- Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 10,630 Max.Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Tote bin, Chem. Name Benzoflex 2088(Benzoate Esters) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 5,315 Avg.Daily Amount Name-proprietary Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 2,000 Max.Amount in largest benzoate esters Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 2)2:Type Tote bin, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code- Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page4 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Specific target organ toxicity Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] (single or repeated exposure) Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] [] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Aspiration hazard[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 882 Max. Daily Amount 1) 1 &2:Warehouse and Mix Chem. Name Bisomer PTE Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 441 Avg.Daily Amount Room:Type Steel Drum, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 441 Max.Amount in largest Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 128370 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 496 Max. Daily Amount 1)2&6:Type Bag, Chem. Name Butylated Hydroxytoluene Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 248 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 200 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page5 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin 2)2&6:Type Fiber Drum, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Temperature Ambient Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] temperature Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 1317653 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,000 Max. Daily Amount 1) 1 &2:Warehouse and Chem. Name Calcium Carbonate Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,500 Avg.Daily Amount Mix Room:Type Bag, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 50 Max.Amount in largest Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Annuallv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page6 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 9010882 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Clearstrength E950 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,250 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Polymethyl Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 50 Max.Amount in largest Methcrylate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 9010882) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 2)2:Type Bag, Pressure Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code-04 Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Annually (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 7,500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Styrene 1) 1 &2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Derakane Signia 411 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 3,750 Avg.Daily Amount (CAS 100425) Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 480 Max.Amount in largest Percentage-43.5825 Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Unit-weight temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Max Amount Code- Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page7 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Specific target organ toxicity Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] (single or repeated exposure) Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] [X] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Aspiration hazard[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,700 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Desmophen NH Series Resins Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 850 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Aspartic ester Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 450 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 152637100) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-95.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2) 1:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 25068386 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,222 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Epoxy 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Epoxy Resin 850 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,611 Avg.Daily Amount Resin Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 537 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 25068386) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page8 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Weekly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,116 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Epoxy 1)Warehouse and Mix Chem. Name Epoxy Resin AAA Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,058 Avg.Daily Amount Resin Room:Type Steel Drum, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 2,116 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 25068386) Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-99.9 Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page9 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 36425157 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 7,232 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Vinyl 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Epoxy Vinyl Ester Resin Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 3,616 Avg.Daily Amount Ester Resin Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 450 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 36425157) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-55.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Styrene Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] (CAS 100425) Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Percentage-40.0 Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[X] Unit-weight State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Max Amount Code- Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 882 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-2- 1)2&1:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name FIRSTCURE MHPT Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 441 Avg.Daily Amount (N-methyl-p- Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 441 Max.Amount in largest toluidino)ethanol Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 2842446) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 30 No.of Days On-site Percentage-98.0 Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Name-2,2'-[(4- Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] methylphenyl)imino]biset anol Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 3077121) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Percentage-2.0 Frequency of Shipments Annually (compressed gas)[] Unit-weight Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page10 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) In contact with water emits Specific target organ toxicity Max Amount Code- Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] (single or repeated exposure) Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] [] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Aspiration hazard[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Classified[] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,205 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Trizinc 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name HALOX Z-PLEX 111 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1 103 Avg.Daily Amount bis-Orthophosphate Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 50 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 7779900) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-25.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Chemical Name-Zinc Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Oxide Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 1314132) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-10.0 State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-weight Frequency of Shipments Annuallv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code-03 In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,255 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-MDI 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Isobond URN 5150 Isocyanate Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 759 Avg.Daily Amount Prepolymer Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 500 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-70.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Pagel Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 2)6:Type Steel Drum, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Name-Diphenylmethane ,emperature Ambient Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 4-diisocyanate temperature Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 101688) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Percentage-30.0 Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Unit-weight In contact with water emits [] Max Amount Code-03 Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,800 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Isobond URN 5150 Polyol Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,400 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Polyether diol Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 9003116) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-50.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2)6:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Chemical Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Name-Hydroxyterminatei temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] poly(oxyalkylated)polyol Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 102603) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Percentage-15.0 Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Unit-weight In contact with water emits [] Max Amount Code-02 Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page12 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 67630 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,440 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-2- 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Isopropyl Alcohol Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 750 Avg.Daily Amount propanol Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 360 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 67630) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2) 1,2,3:Type Plastic bottles Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- or ivas, Pressure Ambient Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] pressure,Temperature Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ambient temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,014 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name K-Flex DP(oxydipropyl Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 507 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Oxydipropyl Pressure Ambient pressure, dibenzpoate) liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 507 Max.Amount in largest Dibenzoate Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 27138314) temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code-04 Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page13 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Frequency of Shipments Monthlv In contact with water emits Specific target organ toxicity flammable gas[] (single or repeated exposure) Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[] [] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 25,000 Max.Daily Amount 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Kane Ace/MBS Impact Modifier Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 10,000 Avg. Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Resin(Acrylic Copolymer) liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1 100 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Below Reporting Thresholds[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Frequency of Shipments Monthlv In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Classified[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,640 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type lam, Pressure Chem. Name Kraton D Series Polymers Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,320 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Styrene- Ambient pressure, (Thermoplastic Elastomer) liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 500 Max.Amount in largest butadiene Latex(sbr- Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container latex) temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page14 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) EHS[] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site (CAS 9003558) 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[] Percentage-99.0 Ambient pressure, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- temperature Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) flammable gas[] [] Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[X] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 142905 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 4,500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Lauryl Methacrylate Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 2,250 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Dodecyl Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 2,000 Max.Amount in largest methacrylate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 142905) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-100.0 2) 1:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 3)2:Type Tote bin, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Pressure Ambient pressure, State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Temperature Ambient Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) temperature In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page15 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-sulfuric 1)Throughout plant:Type Chem. Name lead acid batteries Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 2,000 Avg.Daily Amount acid Battery, Pressure Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,000 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 7664939) pressure,Temperature EHS[X] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-30.0 Ambient temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[X] Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[X] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,200 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Lubfix UBF Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 600 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Naphtha: Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,200 Max.Amount in largest Stoddard Solvent Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 8052413) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-49.0 Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Name-Nitrogen Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 7727379) Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page16 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Percentage-1.0 Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Unit-weight In contact with water emits [] Max Amount Code- Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,536 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name Luperox Benzoyl Peroxide Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 768 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Benzoyl Peroxide Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 94360) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas) Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-95.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] IN irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Self-reactive[X] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-03 Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Self-heating[] Carcinogenicity[] Organic peroxide[X] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Corrosive to metal[] Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv Gas under pressure (single or repeated exposure) (compressed gas)[] [] Ships via Highway [X] In contact with water emits Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No flammable gas[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Combustible Dust[] Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 79414 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 5,160 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1,2:Type Plastic Chem. Name Methacrylic Acid Monomer- Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 2,550 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Methacrylic Acid or non-metallic drum, Stabilized liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 550 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 79414) Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container Percentage-100.0 Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page17 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) EHS[] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[X] Max Amount Code- temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin 2)3:Type Plastic bottles Self-heating[] sensitization[X] or iugs, Pressure Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] pressure,Temperature Corrosive to metal[X] Carcinogenicity[] Ambient temperature Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) flammable gas[] [] Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 78933 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 9,600 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Methyl Ethyl Ketone Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 4,800 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,800 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2)3:Type Plastic bottles Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin or iugs, Pressure Ambient Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] pressure,Temperature Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ambient temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 3) 1:Type Tote bin, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Pressure Ambient pressure, State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Temperature Ambient Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) temperature In contact with water emits [X] 4) 1:Type Steel Drum, Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Pressure Ambient pressure, Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Temperature Ambient Ships via Rail [] temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page18 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 80626 Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 80,000 Max.Daily Amount 1)7:Type Above ground Chem. Name Methyl Methacrylate Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 40,000 Avg. Daily Amount tank, Pressure Ambient Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 66,000 Max.Amount in largest pressure,Temperature EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Ambient temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1,2:Type Tote bin, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 3) 1,2:Type Steel Drum, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Pressure Ambient pressure, State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Temperature Ambient Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) temperature In contact with water emits [X] 4)3:Type Plastic bottles Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] or ivas, Pressure Ambient Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] pressure,Temperature Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ambient temperature Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 600 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Fibrous 1)Warehouse and Chem. Name Microglass Milled Fiber 9000 Series Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 300 Avg.Daily Amount Glass(ocf Fiberglass Mix Room:Type Bag, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Rm2027) Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 65997173) Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-99.2 temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page19 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Annually (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 25034860 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 8,900 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2,6:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name NAS Resin 30 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 4,450 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Copolymerized Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,600 Max.Amount in largest styrene and methyl Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container methacrylate temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site (CAS 25034860) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Percentage-100.0 Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Unit-Weight Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Max Amount Code- Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 6,612 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Talc 1)2:Type lam, Pressure Chem. Name Neoprene Synthetic Rubber Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 3,306 Avg.Daily Amount (CAS 14807966) Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 2,200 Max.Amount in largest Percentage-1.0 Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Container Unit-weight temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page20 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] Serious eye damage or eye 365 No.of Days On-site Max Amount Code- 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] irritation[] Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] Respiratory or skin Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] sensitization[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Carcinogenicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Reproductive toxicity[] Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] Specific target organ toxicity In contact with water emits (single or repeated exposure) Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] [] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Simple Asphyxiant[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 11,500 Max.Daily Amount Chemical Name-AB 1)2,6:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name Nipol DN Synthetic Rubber Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 5,750 Avg.Daily Amount polymer Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 2,204 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 9003183) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-99.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page21 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 25068386 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,620 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Epoxy 1) 1:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name NPEL 128 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1.310 Avg.Daily Amount Resin Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 655 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 25068386) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2)2:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,205 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-MBS 1) 1,2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Paraloid BTA-751 U Impact Modifier Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1 103 Avg.Daily Amount Polymer Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-98.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Chemical Name-Acrylic Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Polymer Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-2.0 State Specific Information Unit-weight Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page22 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Frequency of Shipments Infrequent Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Max Amount Code- (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Ships via Highway [X] In contact with water emits [] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Rail [] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 5,400 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Paraplex A-8200 LC Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 2,700 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Polyester Adipate Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 500 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2) 1:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Annuallv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 950 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1 &2:Type Box, Chem. Name Perkadox GB-50L Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 475 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Ethylene glycol Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 55 Max.Amount in largest dibenzoate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 94495) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-50.0 Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page23 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Organic peroxide[X] Carcinogenicity[] Name-Dibenzoyl Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] peroxide State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (CAS 94360) Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Percentage-50.0 In contact with water emits [] Unit-weight Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Max Amount Code- Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 8002742 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,200 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Paraffin 1)6:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name Petroleum Hydrocarbon Wax Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,600 Avg.Daily Amount Wax Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 120 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 8002742) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2) 1:Type Box, Pressure Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-04 Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] 3)2:Type Box, Pressure Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Ambient pressure, State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Temperature Ambient Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) temperature In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page24 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 6,000 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Styrene 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name PGAR 711-1530(Unsaturated Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,500 Avg.Daily Amount (CAS 100425) Pressure Ambient pressure, Polyester Resin) liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest Percentage-28.0 Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Unit-weight temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Max Amount Code- 2) 1:Type Steel Drum, Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pressure Ambient pressure, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[X] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Frequency of Shipments Monthlv In contact with water emits [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Classified[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 9011147 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 8,000 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name PMMA(Poly Methyl Methacrylate) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 4,000 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[XI Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page25 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Frequency of Shipments Infrequent Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Ships via Highway [X] In contact with water emits [] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Rail [] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 100425 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 2,445 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Styrene 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Polylite 31051 (Polyester Resin) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 744 Avg.Daily Amount Monomer, Inhibited Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 496 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 100425) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-25.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-02 Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[X] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [X] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 900 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Sodium 1) 1+2:Warehouse and Chem. Name Q-CEL 6014 Hollow Microspheres Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 450 Avg.Daily Amount Silicate Mix Room:Type Bag, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 900 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 1344098) Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-80.0 Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight temperature Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page26 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Boric Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Acid,sodium salt Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 7775191) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-15.0 State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-weight Frequency of Shipments Annually (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- In contact with water emits [] Chemical Name-Sodium Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] borate water Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] (CAS) Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Percentage-5.0 Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Unit-weight Ships via Ship or Barge [] Max Amount Code- Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 900 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name SR9053 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 450 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Propylidyne Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 450 Max.Amount in largest Trimethanol Ethoxylated Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Esters with Acrylic Acid temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site (CAS 28961435) 2)2:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Percentage-60.0 Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Unit-weight Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Max Amount Code-03 temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Chemical Name-Bis-2- Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[] acryloyloxyethyl State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity hydrogen phosphate Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) (CAS 40074348) In contact with water emits [] Percentage-20.0 Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Unit-weight Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Max Amount Code-02 Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Chemical Name-2- Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Phosphonooxy ethyl Ships via Ship or Barge [] acetate Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page27 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] (CAS 32120164) Percentage-10.0 Unit-weight Max Amount Code-01 CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 520 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Plastic bottles Chem. Name Stan Tone White Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 255 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Titanium Dioxide or ivas, Pressure Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 94 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 13463677) pressure,Temperature EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-80.0 Ambient temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2)5:Type Plastic bottles Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-03 or ivas, Pressure Ambient Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] pressure,Temperature Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ambient temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 80626 Trade Secret[] Explosive[X] Acute toxicity(any route of 12,500 Max.Daily Amount Chemical Name-Methyl 1) 1,2,5:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Structural Adhesive Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 6,250 Avg.Daily Amount Methacrylate Monomer Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 500 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 80626) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-60.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2) 1,2,4:Type Other, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-06 Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page28 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] 3)5:Type Plastic bottles State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity or lugs, Pressure Ambient Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) pressure,Temperature In contact with water emits [X] Ambient temperature Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,900 Max. Daily Amount 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Tinuvin 5050 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 950 Avg.Daily Amount Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 475 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[X] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 3290924 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 974 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name TMPTMA SR-350 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 487 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Trimethylolpropan ressure Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] trimethylacrylate Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page29 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye 487 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 3290924) Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2)2:Type Steel Drum, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code-03 Pressure Ambient pressure, Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Temperature Ambient Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] temperature Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 345269150 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 500 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-TnBB 1)2:Type Cylinder, Chem. Name TnBB MOPA Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 250 Avg.Daily Amount MOPA Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 161 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 345269150) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-92.5 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-03 Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-3- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Methoxypropylamine Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 5332730) Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-7.5 State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-weight Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code-01 In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page30 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1 100 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1 &2:Warehouse Chem. Name TOSO-CSM TS-340 Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 550 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Poly(ethylene) and mix room:Type Box, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1 100 Max.Amount in largest Chlorosulfonated Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 68037398) Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage- temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit- Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Name-Talc Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 14807966) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage- State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit- Frequency of Shipments Annuallv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 64028 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 600 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1 &2:Type Plastic Chem. Name Trilon B Liquid Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 300 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Tetrasodium or non-metallic drum, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 600 Max.Amount in largest ethylenediaminetetraace fissure Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 64028) Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-38.0 temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code-02 Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Name-Sodium Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] hydroxide Corrosive to metal[X] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 1310732) Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page31 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Percentage-2.0 Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Unit-weight In contact with water emits [X] Max Amount Code-01 Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Chemical Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Name-Trisodium Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise nitrilotriacetate Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] (CAS 5064313) Ships via Ship or Barge [] Percentage-1.0 Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Unit-weight Max Amount Code-01 CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,587 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Vector 2518 Styrenic Block Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 794 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Styrene, 1,3- Ambient pressure, Copolymer liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest butadiene coplymer Temperature Ambient Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 9003558) temperature EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-97.0 2) 1:Type Bag, Pressure Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-Weight Ambient pressure, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Max Amount Code- Temperature Ambient Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Name-Talc temperature Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 14807966) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-1.0 Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-Weight State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- Frequency of Shipments Infrequent In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Classified[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 4,410 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Mixture 1) 1,2:Type Plastic Chem. Name Velsiflex 332 Plasticizer exposure)[] 2,205 Avg.Daily Amount of Benzoate Esters or non-metallic drum, Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page32 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] Flammable(gases,aerosols, Skin corrosion or irritation[] 551 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Pressure Ambient pressure, EHS[] liquids,or solids)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage- Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit- temperature Stored in Batteries[] Self-reactive[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] sensitization[] Chemical Exemption Information Pyrophoric Gas[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Self-heating[] Carcinogenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Corrosive to metal[] Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Infrequent Gas under pressure (single or repeated exposure) (compressed gas)[] [] Ships via Highway [X] In contact with water emits Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No flammable gas[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Combustible Dust[] Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Hazard Not Otherwise Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Classified[] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 9003207 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 880 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Vinnapas B 100 SP Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 440 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Polyvinyl Acetate Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] 50 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 9003207) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-100.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code-03 Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthlv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page33 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS 2455245 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 882 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Visiomer THFMA Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 441 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Tetrahydrofurfuryl Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 441 Max.Amount in largest Methacrylate Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 2455245) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-98.0 2)2:Type Steel Drum, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code-03 Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[X] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Annuallv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 1,920 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-1,1,1- 1)2:Type Plastic or non- Chem. Name Visomer TMPTMA Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 882 Avg.Daily Amount trimethylolpropane metallic drum,Pressure Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,920 Max.Amount in largest trimethacrylate Ambient pressure, EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 3290924) Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-90.0 temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code- Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page34 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 9,918 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-EA/ 1) 1:Type Box, Pressure Chem. Name VS-100 Acrylic Resin Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 4,959 Avg.Daily Amount MMA Polymer Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 550 Max.Amount in largest (CAS) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-99.2 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-weight 2)2:Type Box, Pressure Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Methyl Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Methacrylate Monomer, temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Inhibited Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] (CAS 80626) State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Percentage-0.7 Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Unit-weight In contact with water emits [] Max Amount Code- Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Chemical Name-Ethyl Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Acrylate, Inhibited Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise (CAS 140885) Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Percentage-0.1 Ships via Ship or Barge [] Unit-weight Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Max Amount Code- CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,970 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1) 1 &2:Warehouse and Chem. Name Wacker HDK N20 Hydrophilic Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 1,985 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Pyrogenic Mix Room:Type Bag, Pyrogenic Silica liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[] micro dispersed Pressure Ambient pressure, Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page35 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye 22 Max.Amount in largest silica,synthetic X ray Temperature Ambient EHS[] Self-reactive[] irritation[] Container amorphous silicon temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin 365 No.of Days On-site dioxide(Si02) Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] (CAS) Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Percentage- Chemical Exemption Information Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Unit- Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Max Amount Code- Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity State Specific Information (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Frequency of Shipments Monthly In contact with water emits [] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Ships via Highway [X] Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Ships via Rail [] Classified[] Classified[] Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] CAS Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 3,600 Max. Daily Amount Chemical Name-Methyl 1)2:Type Steel Drum, Chem. Name Waste Solvent&Adhesive Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[X] 1,800 Avg.Daily Amount Methacrlate Pressure Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[]Liquid[X]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[X] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 1,800 Max.Amount in largest (CAS 80626) Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container Percentage-55.0 temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Unit-Weight 2) 1:Type Tote bin, Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Max Amount Code- Pressure Ambient pressure, Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Name-Methyl Temperature Ambient Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Ethyl Ketone temperature Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 78933) 3) 1:Type Steel Drum, Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-30.0 Pressure Ambient pressure, State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-Weight Temperature Ambient Frequency of Shipments Infrequent (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code- temperature In contact with water emits [X] Chemical Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Name-Methylene Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Chloride Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page36 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise (CAS 75092) Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Percentage-5.0 Ships via Ship or Barge [] Unit-Weight Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Max Amount Code- CAS 64754901 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 4,200 Max. Daily Amount Chemical 1)2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name Weipren 6500 CPE Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 2,200 Avg.Daily Amount Name-Chlorinated Ambient pressure, Pure[]Mixture[X]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] 50 Max.Amount in largest Polyethylene Temperature Ambient EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye Container (CAS 64754901) temperature Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] 365 No.of Days On-site Percentage-93.0 Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin Unit-weight Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[] Max Amount Code-04 Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Chemical Name-Talc Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] (CAS 14807966) Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] Percentage-3.0 State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Unit-weight Frequency of Shipments Annuallv (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) Max Amount Code-02 In contact with water emits [] Chemical Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Name-Calcium Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[X] Simple Asphyxiant[] Carbinate Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise (CAS 1317653) Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Percentage-3.0 Ships via Ship or Barge [] Unit-weight Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] Max Amount Code-02 Chemical Name-Calcium Stearate (CAS 1592230) Percentage-1.0 Unit-weight Max Amount Code-01 CAS 21645512 Trade Secret[] Explosive[] Acute toxicity(any route of 9,000 Max. Daily Amount 1) 1,2:Type Bag, Pressure Chem. Name White Aluminum Trihydrate(ATH) Flammable(gases,aerosols, exposure)[] 4,500 Avg.Daily Amount Ambient pressure, Pure[X]Mixture[]Solid[X]Liquid[]Gas[] liquids,or solids)[] Skin corrosion or irritation[X] Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page37 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Chemical Description Physical Hazards Health Hazards Inventory Mixture components Storage locations and codes (Non-Confidential) EHS[] Oxidizer(liquid,solid or gas)[] Serious eye damage or eye 50 Max.Amount in largest Temperature Ambient Below Reporting Thresholds[X] Self-reactive[] irritation[X] Container temperature Stored in Batteries[] Pyrophoric(liquid or solid)[] Respiratory or skin 365 No.of Days On-site Pyrophoric Gas[] sensitization[X] Chemical Exemption Information Self-heating[] Germ cell mutagenicity[] Organic peroxide[] Carcinogenicity[] Corrosive to metal[] Reproductive toxicity[] State Specific Information Gas under pressure Specific target organ toxicity Frequency of Shipments Monthly (compressed gas)[] (single or repeated exposure) In contact with water emits [] Ships via Highway [X] flammable gas[] Aspiration hazard[] Truck Trailers Kept for Over 48 hours No Combustible Dust[] Simple Asphyxiant[] Ships via Rail [] Hazard Not Otherwise Hazard Not Otherwise Rail Cars Kept for Over 48 hours Classified[] Classified[] Ships via Ship or Barge [] Ships via Other Shipment Mode [] State Specific Information Company Name IPS Structural Adhesives Facility Type Industrial/Other Private Business For EPCRA Section 302 Planners: Facility floor plans attached as a site plan [] Are you regulated under the Department of Homeland Security CFATS program? Are you regulated under the EPA Risk Management Program(RMP)? No Are you regulated under the OSHA Process Safety Management program? Yes Are you regulated under the EPA Toxics Release Inventory(TRI)program? Yes Are you regulated under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act(RCRA)as a generator of hazardous waste? Yes: Large Quantity Generator(LQG) RCRA hazardous waste contingency plan and/or quick guide attached [X] RCRA Site ID Number NCR000135509 Name of Nearest Hazardous Materials Response Team 24-Hour Phone Number for Team City Where Team is Located Is your facility deregistered? Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Page38 Tier 2 Online Submission Report E-Plan - University of Texas at Dallas Reporting period : From January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 Last Date All Hazardous Substances Were Onsite Additional Information [ ] I have attached a document. [X] I have attached two or more documents. Certification I certify under penalty of law that I have personally examined and am familiar with the information submitted in pages 1 through 38_,and that based on my inquiry of those individuals responsible for obtaining the information, I believe that the submitted information is true,accurate and complete. Bruce Molinar, Plant Manager 2024-02-27 16:22:33 UTC Name and official title of owner/operator OR owner/operator's authorized representative Signature Date signed Facility Name:IPS Structural Adhesives Facility ID:7418045 Managed by The University of Texas at Dallas Young, Brianna A From: Young, Brianna A Sent: Wednesday,April 3, 2024 11:41 AM To: bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com Cc: diego.faria@ipsadhesives.com Subject: Renewal application for NCS000527 Good morning, The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Stormwater Permitting Program acknowledges receipt of your renewal application for coverage under NPDES Permit Number NCS000527. Please continue to comply with all conditions and monitoring requirements in your current NPDES stormwater permit. As long as you have submitted a complete renewal request package and maintain compliance with those permit conditions, stormwater discharges from this facility are authorized by that permit until the Division issues a renewal permit or notifies you of an alternative action. Please let me know if you have any questions in the interim. Thank you, Brianna Young, MS(she/her) Industrial Individual Permits Coordinator Stormwater Permitting Program NC DEQ/Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources (DEMLR) Brianna.Young@deg.nc.gov(e-mail preferred) 919-707-3647(office) Mailing address: 1612 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1612 Physical address: 512 North Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 4/3/24,3:36 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results • File an Annual Report/Amend an Annual Report • Upload a PDF Filing • Order a Document Online - Add Entity to My Email Notification List • View Filings • Print a Pre-Populated Annual Report form • Print an Amended a Annual Report form Business Corporation Legal Name IPS Structural Adhesives, Inc. Information Sosld: 0862267 Status: Current-Active O Date Formed: 8/18/2006 Citizenship: Foreign State of Incorporation: DE Fiscal Month: December Annual Report Due Date: April 15th Currentgnnual Report Status: Registered Agent: Corporation Service Company Addresses Reg Office Reg Mailing Mailing 2626 Glenwood Ave, Ste 550 2626 Glenwood Ave, Ste 550 455 W. Victoria Street Raleigh, NC 27608 Raleigh, NC 27608 Compton, CA 90220-6064 Principal Office 455 W. Victoria Street Compton, CA 90220-6064 Off icers https://www.sosnc.gov/online services/search/Business_Registration_Results 1/2 4/3/24,3:36 PM North Carolina Secretary of State Search Results Treasurer Secretary Controller President Zhana Goldblatt Zhana Goldblatt Karen Levin Scott Mcdowell 455 W. Victoria Street 455 W. Victoria Street 455 W Victoria St 455 W Victoria St Compton CA 90220 Compton CA 90220 Compton CA 90220 Compton CA 90220 Stock https://www.sosnc.gov/onIine_services/search/Business_Registration_ResuIts 2/2 R' SMARTER ADHESIVE SOLUTIONS . JED March 25, 2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED 7021. 2720 000 2820 871.9 Ms. Brianna Young NCDEMLR Stormwater Program 1612 Mail Service Center Raleigh,NC 27699-1612 RE: Application for Individual Stormwater Discharge Permit Renewal IPS Structural Adhesives Inc.—Durham Plant Individual Stormwater Discharge Permit No. NCS000527 Dear Ms. Young: Enclosed is the above referenced renewal application. IPS Structural Adhesives Inc requests renewal of our individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000527. The renewal package includes the Renewal Application Forms 1 & 2F, Supplemental Information request form, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Certification and supporting attachments. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please.call me at (310) 613-0507 or Tim Monroe of Leaf Environmental &Engineering, P.C. at(919) 484-8536. Since URAL ADHESIVES INC. Bruce Molinar Operations Director,NA cc: Tim Monroe--Leaf Environmental&Engineering,P.C. SCIGRIP Americas SCIGRIP Europe WWW.scigrip.cOM 600 Ellis Road Unit 22,Bentali Business Park,Glover Road Durham,NC 27703-601S USA Washington,Tyne and Wear,NE 37 3JD UK [ins +1 919 598 2400 +44 0 191 419 6444 CORPORATION +1 919 598 2439 +44 0 191 419 6445 info@scigrip-americas.com info@scigrip-europe.com EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040.0004 NCRfl00135509 NC5000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07131/2026 Form US,Environmental Protection Agency 1 " EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES GENERA!_INFORMATION SECTION ! '1 r 1.1 Applicants Not Required to Submit Form 1 1.1.1 Is the facility a new or existing publicly owned 1.1.2 Is the facility a sludge-only facility(i.e.,a facility treatment works or has your permitting authority that does not discharge wastewater to surface directed you to submit Form 2A? waters)? If yes,STOP.Do NOT complete No If yes,STOP.Do NOT complete ❑✓ No Form 1.Complete Form 2A.If the Farm 1,Complete Form 2S, facility is also a treatment works treating domestic sewage,you must also com fete Fomt 2S. 1_2 Applicants Required to Submit Form 1 1.2.1 Is the facility a concentrated animal feeding 1.2.2 is the facility an existing manufacturing, U) operation or a concentrated aquatic animal commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that is o production facility? currently discharging process wastewater? z E] Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and 0 No Yes 4 Complete Form No ra Form 28. 1 and Form 2C. 1.2.3 Is the facility a new manufacturing,commercial, 1.2.4 Is the facility a new or existing manufacturing, mining,or silvicultural facility that has not yet commercial,mining,or silvicultural facility that commenced to discharge? discharges only nonprocess wastewater? 0 Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and 0 No 0 Yes 4 Complete Form 1 0 No Form 2D. and Form 2E. 1.2.5 Is the facility a new or existing facility whose 1.2.6 Is the facility a new or existing treatment works a discharge is composed entirely of stormwater treating domestic sewage that discharges associated with industrial activity or whose wastewater to surface waters? discharge is composed of both stormwater and non- stormwater? 0 Yes 4 Complete Form 1 and 0 No Yes 4 Complete Farm 1, 0 No Form 2F unless Form 2S,and exempted by 40 CFR any other 122.26(b)(14)(x)or applicable forms, (b)(15). as directed by your permitting authori . • ADDRESS,AND LOCATION 0 2_1 FacilityName 0 m IPS STRUCTURAL ADHESIVES,INC. U -j 2.2 EPA Identification Number NCRfl00135509 v; 23 Facility Contact a Name(first and last) Title Phone number BRUCE MOLINAR OPERATIONS DIRECTOR,NA (919)598-2422 Email address E z bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com EPA Form 3510-1 Pagel EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NC5000527 1P5 Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07/3112026 2`4 Facility Mailing Address Street or P.O. box 600 ELLIS ROAD City or town State ZIP code DURHAM NC 27703 y 2_5 Facility Location Lo Street,route number,or other specific identifier Q U 600 ELLIS ROAD r» o County name County code(if known) DURHAM b _j City or town State ZIP code z m DURHAM NC 27703 SECTION1 NAICS CODESI 3.1 SIC Code(s) Description(optional) 2891 ADHESIVES&SEALANT MANUFACTURING a 0 C..3 G7 U a 3_2 NAILS Code(s) Description(optional) v 325520 ADHESIVE MANUFACTURING n SECTIONOPERATOR INFORMATION(40 441 Name of Operator IPS STRUCTURAL ADHESIVES,INC. c 0 4_2 Is the name you listed in Item 4.1 also the owner? ca E 8Elyes ElNo C 4.3 Operator Status w ❑ Public—federal ❑ Public—state ❑ Other public(specify) o © Private ❑ Other(specify) 4_4 Phone Number of Operator (919)598-2400 EPA Form 3510-1 Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NC5000527 IP5 Structural Adhesives,inc. Expires 07/3112026 4.5 Operator Address b Street or P.O.Box m 600 ELLIS ROAD o c City or Town State ZIP code C v DURHAM NC �27703 4D oEmail address of operator bruce.molinar@ipsadhesives.com SECTIONr 1 a 5 1 Is the facility located on Indian Land? co ❑ Yes ❑✓ No SECTION - • 1 6.1 Existing Environmental hermits(check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each) © NPDES(discharges to © RCRA(hazardous wastes) ❑ UIC(underground injection of o surface water) fluids) :5; NC5000527 NCR000135509 w a ❑ PSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CAA) ❑ NESHAPs(CAA) m w ElOcean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section 404) © Other(specify) AP NO.09777R09 SECTI• i 77.1 Have you attached a topographic map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for C specific requirements.) ✓❑Yes ❑ CAFO--Nat Applfcable(See requirements in Form 26.) SECTION1 881 Describe the nature of your business. MANUFACTURER OF STRUCTURAL ADHESIVES cn Q) C O d 7 IC Z SECTION •• 1 9_1 Does your facility use cooling water? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 10.1. 9_2 Identify the source of cooling water.(Note that facilities that use a cooling water intake structure as described at a, 2 40 CFR 125,Subparts I and J may have additional application requirements at 40 CFR 122.21(r).Consult with your UNPDES permitting authority to determine what specific information needs to be submitted and when.) c EPA Form 3510-1 Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NC5000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 0713112026 SECTION1 VARIANCE REQUESTS # I 10.1 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(m)?(Check all that apply.Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) CLI ❑ Fundamentally different factors(CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitations(CWA Section Cr Section 301(n)) 302(b)(2)) ❑ Non-conventional pollutants(CWA ❑ Thermal discharges(CWA Section 316(a)) Za m Section 301(c)and(g)) > ]✓ Not applicable SECTION • CERUICATION STATEMENT(40 AND 11.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 1 that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority.Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 0 Section 1:Activities Requiring an NPDES ❑ wl attachments Permit ❑ Section 2:Name,Mailing Address,and [] wl attachments Location 0 Section 3: SIC Codes ❑ wl attachments 0 Section 4:Operator Information ❑ wl attachments 0 Section 5: Indian Land ❑ wl attachments u ✓❑ Section 6: Existing Environmental Permits ❑ wl attachments C E Section 7: Map ❑✓ wl topographic map 0 wl additional attachments 0 0 Section 8:Nature of Business ❑ wl attachments ❑ Section 9:Cooling Water Intake Structures ❑ wl attachments �' ❑ Section 10.:Variance Requests ❑ wl attachments Section 11:Checklist and Certification El wl attachments Statement 11.2 Provide the following certification.(See instructions to determine the appropriate person to sign the application.) L U Certification Statement I certify under penalty of taw that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate,and complete. l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title BRUCE MOLI OPERATIONS DIRECTOR,NA igna re Date signed EPA Form 3510-1 Page 4 EPA ldantiflcation Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07131/2026 Form U.S Environmental Protection Agency 2F `801 EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGES ASSOCIATED WITH INDUSTRIAL ACTIVITY LOCATION 1.1 Provide information on each of the facilit 's outfalls in the table below Outfall Receiving Water Name Latitude Longitude Number 001 Unnamed Tributary of Third 35°-58'-19" 78°-52'-07" Park Creek 0 m ca 0 ro O SECTION 'f 1 2_1 Are you presently required by any federal, state,or local authority to meet an implementation schedule for constructing,upgrading,or operating wastewater treatment equipment or practices or any other environmental programs that could affect the discharges described in this application? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Section 3, 222 Briefly identify each applicable project in the table below. Final Compliance Brief identification and Affected Outfalls Source(s)of Discharge Dates Description of Project (list cuff all numbers) Required Projected U) c a: E: 0 Q E 223 Have you attached sheets describing any additional water pollution control programs(or other environmental projects that may affect your discharges)that you now have underway or planned?(optional item) ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-21' Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07131/2026 SECTIONDRAINAGE 0 3-1 Have you attached a site drainage map containing all required information to this application?(See instructions for a) M CLspecific guidance.) n` 0 Yes SECTIONPOLLUTANT SOURCES4I 4.1 Provide information on the facility's pollutant sources in the table below. Outfall Impervious Surface Area Total Surface Area Drained Number (within a mile radius of the facility) (within a mile radius of the facility) specify units specify units 001 0.72 2.1 acres acres specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units specify units 4.2 Provide a narrative description of the facilitys significant material in the space below.(See instructions for content requirements.) OUTDOOR STORAGE OF MATERIALS&EQUIPMENTTHAT INCLUDES,BUT NOT NECESSARILY LIMITED TO,THE FOLLOWING(NOTE:PESTICIDES,HERBICIDES,SOIL CONDITIONERS&FERTILIZER ARE NOT APPLIED): o METAL RACKS USED CONTAINERS(STEEL DRUMS,PLASTIC TOTES) EXCESS STAINLESS STEEL MIX TANKS o MATERIALS HANDLING CARTS METAL PIPE&CONDUIT 443 Provide the location and a description of existing structural and non-structural control measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. See instructions forspecificguidance.) Starmwater Treatment Codes Outfall from Number Control Measures and Treatment Exhibit 2 F-1 list 001 DRAINAGE CHANNEL LINING FOR EROSION CONTROL(E.G.RIP RAP,GRASS) NA 001 SECONDARY CONTAINMENT(MMA AST) NA 001 SWPPP NA EPA Form 3510-2F Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040.0004 NCR000035509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07/3112026 SECTION •N STORMWATER DISCHARGES 51 Provide the following certification. (See instructions to determine the appropriate person to sign the application.) l certify under penalty of law that the outfall(s) covered by this application have been tested or evaluated for the presence of non-stormwater discharges. Moreover, l certify that the outfalls identified as having non-stormwater discharges are described in either an accompanying NPDES Form 2C, 2D, or 2E application. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title BRUCE MOLINAR OPERATIONS DIRECTOR,NA Signature Date signed r -2 Provide the testing information requested in the table below. o Ouffall Onsite Drainage Points m Number Description of Testing Method Used Date(s)of Testing Directly Observed m During Test E `o a Z SECTIONOR 1 y �� Describe any significant leaks or spills of toxic or hazardous pollutants in the last three years. `o NONE ca J C U O1 Cn SECTIONDISCHARGE INFORMATION1 See the instructions to determine the pollutants and parameters you are required to monitor and,in turn,the tables you must o com fete.Not all applicants need to com late each table. 7_1 Is his a new source or new discharge? E Yes 3 See instructions regarding submission of No 4 See instructions regarding submission of 5 estimated data. actual data. E, Tables A,B,C,and D L.2 Have you completed Table A for each outfall? 0 Yes EPA Form 3510-2F Page 3 EPA identification Number NPDES Permit Number FaciRy Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NC5000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07/31/2026 7_3 Is the facility subject to an effluent limitation guideline(ELG)or effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for its process wastewater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.5. 7_4 Have you completed Table t3 by providing quantitative data for those pollutants that are(1)limited either directly or indirectly in an ELG and/or(2)subject to effluent limitations in an NPDES permit for the facility's process wastewater? ❑ Yes 7_5 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 are present in the discharge? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.7. 7_6 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-2 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge and provided quantitative data or an explanation for those pollutants in Table C? ❑✓ Yes 7_7 Do you qualify for a small business exemption under the criteria specified in the Instructions? ❑ Yes 4SKIP to Item 7.18. ❑✓ No -0 7_8 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 are present in the discharge? d c 0Yes ElNo 4 SKIP to Item 7.10. 0 c7_9 Have you listed all pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you know or have reason to believe are present in the discharge in Table C? cc ❑✓ Yes El d 7.10 Do you expect any of the pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? a ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.12. 7.11 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for those pollutants in Exhibit 2F-3 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 10 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes 712 Do you expect acrolein,acrylonitrile,2,4-dinitrophenol,or 2-methyl4,6-dinitrophenol to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.14. 7.13 Have you provided quantitative data in Table C for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12 that you expect to be discharged in concentrations of 100 ppb or greater? ❑ Yes 7.14 Have you provided quantitative data or an explanation in Table C for pollutants you expect to be present in the discharge at concentrations less than 10 ppb(or less than 100 ppb for the pollutants identified in Item 7.12)? ❑✓ Yes 7.15 Do you know or have reason to believe any pollutants in Exhibit 217-4 are present in the discharge? 0 Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 7.17. EPA Fort 3510-2F Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07/31/2026 7.16 Have you listed pollutants in Exhibit 2F4 that you know or believe to be present in the discharge and provided an explanation in Table C? ❑✓ Yes 0 7.17 Have you provided information for the storm event(s)sampled in Table D? ❑✓ Yes 0 c� 0 Used or Manufactured Toxics 7.18 Is any pollutant listed on Exhibits 2F-2 through 217-4 a substance or a component of a substance used or o manufactured as an intermediate or final product or byproduct? E C 0Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 8. 7.19 List the pollutants below,including TCDD if applicable.Attach additional sheets,if necessary. N_ 1. M ETHYL M ETHACRYLATE 4. 7. 2. STYRENE 5. 8. 3. 6. 9. SECTION 8.BIOLOGICAL TOXICITY TESTING DATA(40 CFR 122.21(G)(11)) 81 Do you have any knowledge or reason to believe that any biological test for acute or chronic toxicity has been made ca on any of your discharges or on a receiving water in relation to your discharge within the last three years? 0 c ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Section 9. w 8_2 Identify the tests and their purposes below. Test(s) Purpose of Test(s) Submitted to NPDES Date Submitted X Permitting Authority? 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No tm 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No m ❑ Yes ❑ No 9_1 Were any of the analyses reported in Section 7(in Tables A through C)performed by a contract laboratory or consulting firm? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 10. c 9_2 Provide information for each contract laboratory or consulting firm below. Laboratory Number 1 Laboratory Number 2 Laboratory Number 3 0 Name of laboratory/firm � LEAF ENVIRONMENTAL& PACE ANALYTICAL SERVICES w ENGINEERING,P.C. cc Laboratory address 1426 EAST NC HWY 54,STE C 9800 KINLEY AVENUE, DURHAM,NC 27713 HUNTERSVILLE,NC 28078 c Phone number c.0) (919)484-8536 (704)977-0943 Pollutant(s)analyzed PH 8260 D EPA Form 3510-2F Page 5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. Expires 07/3112026 SECTIONI .I 10.1 In Column 1 below,mark the sections of Form 2F that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority.Note that not all applicants are required to complete all sections or provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 ❑✓ Section 1 ❑ w/attachments(e.g.,responses for additional outfalls) 0 Section 2 ❑ w/attachments Section 3 0 w/site drainage map ❑✓ Section 4 ❑ w/attachments ❑✓ Section 5 ❑ w/attachments 0 Section 6 ❑ wl attachments ❑✓ Section 7 ❑✓ Table A ❑ wl small business exemption request .2 y ❑ Table B ❑ wl analytical results as an attachment c ✓❑ Table C ❑ Table D ❑✓ Section 8 ❑ w/attachments U w ❑✓ Section 9 ❑ wl attachments(e.g.,responses for additional contact laboratories or firms) N ❑✓ Section 10 CID 0 10•2 Provide the following certification.(See instructions to determine the appropriate person to sign the application.) Certification Statement I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted.Based on my inquiry of the person orpersons who manage the system or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true, accurate,and complete.l am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information,including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title BRUCE MOLINAR OPERATIONS DIRECTOR,NA Sign re Date signed EPA Form 3510-2F Page 6 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number OMB No.2040-0004 NICR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 001 Expires 07131/2026 TABLE A.CONVENTIONAL AND NON CONVENTIONAL PARAMETERS(40 CFR 122.26(C)(1)(1)(E)(3)), You must provide the results of at least one anall sis for every pollutant in this table.Complete one table for each ouffall.See instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge Average'Daily Discharge ;Source of (specify units) (specify units) Numbecof:Storm Information Pollutant or Parameter Grab Sample Taken Grab Sample Taken (new sourcelnew During First Flow-Weighted During First Flow-Weighted Events:Sampled dischargers only;use 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite: codes in instructions) 1. Oil and grease <4.8 mg/L 1 2. Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD5) NA 3. Chemical oxygen demand(COD) 47 mg/L 1 4. Total suspended solids(TSS) 24 mg/L 1 5. Total phosphorus 0.27 mg/L 1 6. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen(TKN) 2.0 mg/L 1 7. Total nitrogen(as N) 2.6 mg/L 1 pH(minimum) 7.1 1 8. pH(maximum) 7.1 t Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I,Subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-217 Page 7 TWs:page uitentionally left-blank. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facfty Name OuHall Number OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 001 Expires 07/3112026 List each pollutant that is limited in an effluent limitation guideline(ELG)that the facility is subject to or any pollutant listed in the facility's NPDES permit for its process wastewater(if the facility is operating under an existing NPDES permit).Complete one table for each outfall.See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum Daily Discharge Average.Daily.Discharge Source of (spec units sec' units Information Pollutant and CAS Number Number of Storm led Samp Qtavailable) Grab,Sample Taken Flow-Weighted Grab Sample Taken Flow-Wei •(new sourceinew Flow-Weighted Events. During First During Flrst dischargers only;use 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite codes in instructions) NA Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I,Subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-21' Page 9 r This page intentionally left blank EPA IdentifcaBon Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 001 Expires 07/3112026 TABLE POLLUTANTS, a a a• SUBSTANCES,AND ' '( ' List each pollutant shown in Exhibits 217-2,2F-3,and 2174 that you know or have reason to believe is present.Complete one table for each outfall.See the instructions for additional details and requirements. Maximum,Daily Discharge Average_Daily-Discharge Source of s ec units s units Information Pollutant and:CAS Number Numbecof Storm (if available) FlowWe Grab Sample Taken Grab.SampleTaken entsSampled (newsourcelnew During First ighted Flow•WeightedEv During First dischargers:only;use 30 Minutes Composite 30 Minutes Composite. codes1n Instructions) NITRATE-NITRITE 0.57 mg/L PHOSPHORUS(TOTAL) 0.27 mg/L NITROGEN(TOTAL) 2.6 mg/L METHYLENE CHLORIDE(75-09-2) <0.005 mg/L METHYL METHACRYLATE(80-62-6) 0.002 mg/L STYRENE(100-42-5) <0.001 mg/L Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR Chapter I,Subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2F Page 11 sm m m d 77 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility name Outfall Number OMB No.2040-0004 NCR000135509 NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 001 Expires 07131/2026 TABLE D. STORM EVENT INFORMATION(40 CFR 122.26(C)(1)(1)(E)(6)) Provide data for the storm event(s)that resulted in the maximum daily discharges for the flow-weighted composite sample. Number of Hours Between Total Rainfall During Maxlmum Flow Rate Duration of Storm Event Beginning of.Storm"Measured and Total from,Rain Event Date of Storm Event St EVt orm, en During' (in gallons orspecif ven On hours) 'End:ofiPrevlousMeasumble Rain i `Riy units) (in inches) Event M 9pm or specify units) NA Provide a description of the method of flow measurement or estimate. EPA Form 3510-2F Page 13 SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION REQUIRED FOR RENEWAL OF INDIVIDUAL NPDES STORMWATER PERMIT Two copies of each of the following shall accompany this submittal in order for the application to be considered complete: (Do not submit the site Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan) Initials 1. A current Site Map from the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan. The location of industrial activities (including storage of materials, disposal areas,process areas and loading and unloading areas), drainage structures, drainage areas for each outfall, building locations and impervious surfaces should be clearly noted. 2. A summary of Analytical Monitoring results during the term of the existing permit (if your permit required analytical sampling). Do not submit individual lab reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters sampled, lab results, date sampled, and storm event data. 3. A summary of the Visual Monitoring results. Do not submit individual monitoring reports. The summary can consist of a table including such items as outfall number, parameters surveyed,observations,and date monitoring conducted. 4. A summary of the Best Management Practices utilized at the permitted facility. Summary should consist of a short narrative description of each BMP's in place at the facility. If the implementation of any BMP's is planned,please include information on these BMP's. 5. A short narrative describing any significant changes in industrial activities at the permitted facility. Significant changes could include the addition or deletion of work processes, changes in material handling practices, changes in material storage l practices, and/or changes in the raw materials used by the facility. 14. 6. Certification of the development and implementation of a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan for the permitted facility(Sign and return attached form). If the final year analytical monitoring of the existing permit term has not been completed prior to filing the renewal submittal,then the last years monitoring results should be submitted within 30 days of receipt of the laboratory reports. (i.e. do not withhold renewal submittal waiting on lab results) UL IV NMI North Carolina Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources—StoOmmater ProgramFacility Permit Number: --_'-- Location Address: mmcumROAD County ounxwa "I certify, under penalty of law, that the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (5PPP) document and all attachments were developed and implemented under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information required by the SPPP. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information gathered is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete." And ''| certify that the 5PPP has been developed, signed and retained at the named facility location, and the 5PPP has been fully implemented at this facility location in accordance with the terms and conditions of the stonnwaber discharge perm|L" And ''| am aware that there are significant penalties for falsifying information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing xio|ations.^ Third Fork Creek is impaired for benthic diversity. Third Fork Creek has a TMDL for turbidity and fecal coliform. Downstream Jordan Lake has a TMDL for nitrogen and phosphorus. There is a state-wide TMDL for Hg. v Third Fork Creek is located in the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-05. ry�ti R ,,;r:l�q�} .�{ �vww '�'� ��� f:� •L,'1� ,avvr� `, �!_ � .� !' � r��. [I7 •_ "� t 1---•, If I �C.1 L'�j r -� j ��l'� l 7 ,� _ f � �i�..� �'.(r � � r all nrAlw !: Q Z .3 cV J 0 ���'- '�� 1 f ;� �f; 'r'-� fir'(,( , w w �`71. , nY .,va �T: � ;{` J� r t i'.�� i �; 'j y3 f!' `f r, 4 Ld Z �' �r�r."� t� f � l.����[_ C I' � _r-it"i�v 1_`.1�� •�. I,+ a '�... +� ��_,..r• gti t��_�•�4�' r?lY � z w i l�1`-�4''+, J• rlFf:,r! 1.41' �-cti"� ,e`"'! �Jr '.� , s�18 ' 7' i fir1=r�r I r i. 4:_�._..•, -.. -3 1\�, ''' < ZC7 L0 Q Ld :Cq [Y f,f t; � e. •!� -� .... r i� r /.-� ef+� `'��I n `_ '�='•.lam.� ") � � f � -/ r�a a;. �,.�} �11� JJ f V7=.�-y�.` ! �-,! ? 4-. f��5jj��- �__"��-Z ,~'�ti_'"rJ"�•! t. r iai3)im `tiitir`"_ � ., rL.; ���: Y•��.:�•ti?J ��.:••�� f� �_.J{} 'I'r�. Site �' �•,{gf.J� f.� � +a� y ! . \C^ l..`f�\ ' , Project No.: I\ i � , �••. _� .;`�+. •i�l'• Lr. ., S �`•% ,. L •�� 185508 IY tl �I(•':ra-F" .`. '-�' r •\; -— - �( T. ri! f `' i 1 ?.' 'jr r ` `''��ir',l '/ ,.., ,y�~•`y\1\Y- • • /!,• .� -y it cif II Y_Jr�f" •�jr�.'....i �_�t Date: Dec., 2023 Drawn By: ,.s!� '' `'-...�f �' 3ti �i� ' erg f `,�- `,�, `k�. ! •: KJK 1 ; Outfall001 t , Approved By: An :t, 1 r _ TWM File: ;ti � � r-'r' r+q• �� '�, G?� f' " "'' 1PS/SPPP/Fig 1 Scale: :� ,.1 �. •`ti`J�` y�� ..} • '1 f r t` j1.:•r�..�V:�'� y. ili '�7�r �'�',� i As Shown t� .✓ .w,bi s J •{ tf I., !. ;� _ �`h p .. ,�r I Notes: j J ti i' ! . ' �`� .�,.. . Stormwater Flow Direction �.� + 4;• A{ '' �___,S .��\ f , ` •• '. , `�' 1. ell J' ���'-r'��,•!1 ^. A'`• _.'� _�`� ��� r ��l� � J�C:1 e � � �+• I't.�:�� [��,11 � f �"'.��t �- �� f.yam �. r• �• �. j St f II •J_`.- h ��i / �� �' .l •' I r. i r_ Ci r z r % i C' USGS Topo ��\�.'� � ', 3• '`t ,� >. • ► � J „ 1��,•� ri: ails:• � -,j i E '•' r �` y�\� i r �/ I J i - Durham, NC 1 -���,;,- ;�•��"`-f x r i �f-'{'"' ,i�'1•' j`1� k.l r !�a 1\\�...+' • � 1 .'_ Fr_� .:, .!/ � � � �' �j= f �' i�• • •• J ; t..�! f�'--.- �\.�-,,� �r� �y3rr3r 14�/S r� IfL r3 i� i rF'_*lI yr+A�,• '� '/�,:'1 'i k'•ti" ^Jl�- ` _� ,-r;� /.>t��.y �� r Outi`all O01: '1r 7 _ ` — t'!1 "+ �.;: "i S; f/J�11 „-_ 1,'• �M Latitude 1� \ ( - i\ �y �`' 1, 4+ +'I•+• ,4( h r ti \. _�4 •ais tzn::l.' }:? 35'58'19"N ..•J�-•','Y.`, l f v� .r 'i5�`+-_---7 �i r\.` :�ti/ 4 .,y.-sue.[�(fJ•i' /' y�+r• ,!f +`. q,�1 f 4;"`r-•-� rw.1 ' Longitude 78°52'07"W 1' �i +•- m7 �J off �� r 1i,�� h t •ry :'� .,,� t �:�• ��"' l� ,rr r��J� ��•.• _l N 0 0.5 Mi o z000 .5 Map provided by MyTopo.com Ft FIGURE 1:General LOCATION MAP 600 Ellis Road IPS Structural Adhesives Durham, Durham County, NC 27703 00) " Cl) -n C 0 -0 O H-r 7 O Cl) C 0 � � C w m cn C) :Do s F- r+ (D m F- -3 r. 0 z: N 0 Cl) C) W .. c r+ -p :u c cn O 7 H. a) r+ a m c� D o o fl c ( w � m r- r+ cn M <ty < r- W A 3 < aD roA V (D (D ro 3 z cn � 41t:j s W0-nty --4 _0 3-A 0 3 A -I 3 O W ru W(X ro EQS� 3 :3 r+ ANC I BPS � � � C OD(30 3- F£ -DAz (Q-ps- phPSS 0m o -t) ro 11� !+ rro (D 3 a rF O N 41'__'--1 3 (03 m� Ul N �F G / / 13 Q 3 rD (o D IF L1 C C f0� IF 0 3 o O Q C C ro rs .3+0 ;73 ,3TA A A rD n 25 o(D Y3 r m v 0 /� - -- - - - — ,�n / m � � � \ � o Q � D A- D m � o 3- u :5aD Z 3 � D MC oA C c4- CD 0 o 3 - - _. / o LA m Ul -0ICI J J.i ° r� p N N 3> d io Q I a mD ro n r � 3-0I G ]> z � Q� CDr rp `� I 0 \ CD D ^3 CD Gl (n °a 0 0 tj fo o o <Q- -5 'o UIr0N3 -I O3 r - �oD � o 0 pl° 0 �� rn � � m C- all '3 z p C� co (D O /� / I 0 0 .. .. rp 3 CD -0 (D Q NA h (� _ m bd -n V CrIF 3 co S I O • ❑ rD O£ A A O A p C N co N (ris I 3 I • S °Ul p 0 0O � Zo A3 C7"O D n t7 l o0 N 4 O`< 3 3 .+'33 _ SFA (n :{7D I C -5 03 Q z n 3-0 A O 3� 3_\Q-A ID"h3 n I CP -o fm-3 c+rOQ C \ Fo O � ?Q (D :3 `°oo` z � �I=o ° coo ,� I �0 A :- h n 3 A Q a-F t� I �1 `+A m 4 1+ M N S A C) . 3 3 � h L N 3 3 3 O n p < Ati- s c/1 3 •n+� ° cA+N I U• A �{: n K 3 3 N rD O N rD ut I v 0 O (0 f \ ` o C 3 Q U) 'U 3 ro A � >l r� _9 W m C) o I o (n rD C o -0 n Q h '�`0 o x —I z kn I ro No QX 9 n O M5CO� C > A 0 m� Ln I �-33 �+ �� d3 U1 tJ `0 N U1 r ro 3•Q V�.0 N 3 D a I o> I <+Q d (� OI � rno o N o Fri =�Q3 Zp l\// (O .-F f)(p 3 rDnII —{ I ctd d h r9 cn -o oo + IF c 3NQ p m LnW4 3 O O A U A N 3 .+3 3 D r ,3+ N f 3 LA U7 m I /Qmo Q A 4 A t7 C) rD •-rl r-i M 4..3 m D P N m p o 3 D rD p —� — x v C 'S 3 r<o Q_ S n 3 0 E - - -�' - - - -- - - O cn O r7 3 rD N (D Ul _ � 3 A S O `+• O ro F Z 3 Uf k oQ Pett grew Street n M U) Quantitative Monitoring Data Stormwater Permit NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 600 Ellis Road,Durham,Durham County, NC 27703 Parameter Total Total Total Total Methyl Methylene Total Flow Rainfall, COD Suspended pH MEK inches Solids Nitrogen Ahosphorus Methacrylate Chloride Benchmark 120 100 30 6-9 2 1600 96 110 Unit MG inches m /L m /L m /L Units m IL m /L m IL m 1L Date Sample 50050 00340 00530 00600 00400 00665 Collected 11/10/2009 4.58 37 34 1.01 4.43 0.11 0.021 0.0036 ND Sample 1#2 No Flaw NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 11/41201 D 0.74 25 19 0.43 6.57 0.09 0.029 0.01 N❑ 5/27/2011 1.64 62 100 1.5 6.33 0.22 0.004 <0.00051 <0.00014 12/7/2011 0.84 75 65 2.6 6.31 0.17 <0.001 <0.00051 <0.00014 5/9/2012 0.51 34 1 110 1.0 6.55 0.15 0,0048 <0.00051 <0.00023 11/13/2012 0.18 52 19 2.3 6.86 0.14 0.059 <0.00051 <0.00023 5/6/2013 1.41 80 450 1.4 6.1 0.37 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 10/7/2013 0.86 64 13 1.8 5.51 0.45 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 4/25/2014 0.47 160 230 3.5 5.62 0.60 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 11/17/2014 0.40 61 200 2.7 6.7 0.31 0.0038 <0.00051 <0.00023 12122/2014 0.4 48 67 1.2 6.72 0.31 0.0035 <0.00051 <0.00023 5/21/2015 0.24 86 19 4.D 7.08 0.72 <0.013 <0.0051 <0.0023 12/14/2015 0.19 33 52 1.7 7.6 0,86 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 5/17/2016 0.27 48 20 1.0 7.1 0.09 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 11/14/2016 0.27 49 74 0.77 8.6 0.16 0,018 <0.00051 <0.00023 2/15/2017 0.34 110 97 2.2 8.3 0.3 0.052 0.0084 <0.00023 12/20I2017 0.42 61 24 2.2 6.9 0.15 0.010 <0.00051 <0.00023 6/26/2018 0.74 70 49 2.7 6.6 0.18 <0.001 <0.00051 <0.00023 10/11/2018 3.05 28 56 1.2 7.2 0.42 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 6/7/2019 0.28 100 61 2.2 6.6 0.22 0.0036 <O.00051 <0.00023 11/12/2019 1.4 59 140 1.4 7.2 <0.025 0.031 0.0027 <0.00023 6/15/2020 1.2 37 46 1.3 6.79 1 0.092 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 12/7/2020 0.3 49 14 0.91 7.08 <0.200 2.9 <0.00051 <0.0046 5/3/2021 0.3 98 31 1.9 6.72 0.25 <0.0013 <0.00051 <0.00023 9/9/2021 1.5 49 42 1.3 7.61 0.033 0.016 <0.00051 <0.00023 3/31/2022 1.4 47 5A 1.8 6 0.41 0.28 <0,00051 <0.00023 9/3012D22 3.2 35 20 0.59 8.1 0.22 0.017 0A044 <0.005 6/19/2023 0.6 66 29 2.8 6.1 0.0586 <0.005 1112112D23 1.4 47 24 2.6 7.1 1 0.27 0.0062 0.002 <0.O05 Exceeds benchmark concentration. Tiered responses initiated. Qualitative Monitoring Data Stormwater permit NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 600 Ellis Road,Durham,Durham County,NC 27703 Qi�irfll��i Outfall Structure Rip-rap lined ditch(prior to pipe outlet) Information Receiving Stream Unnamed tributary of Third Fork Creek Industrial activities Empty drum storage,air compress r,pallet and miscellaneous materials storage Floating Suspended Erosion/ Other Indicators of bate Time Color Odor Clarity Solids Solids Foam Oil Sheen Qe osition ollution Inspector 11/1012009 7:30 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe None(some grass 11/4/2010 1:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 2 2 2 No No No clippings from recent Tim Monroe clearing of outfall area) 5/27/2011 12:10 PM L ightrown No Odor 3 2 3 No No No None Tim Monroe 1217/2011 2:30 PM rown No Odor 3 2 1 No No No None Elizabeth Newland 5/912012 4:30 PM rawn No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 11/1312012 11:00 AM rown No Odor 3 2 3 No No No None Tim Monroe None(Fence at outfall trapping pine needles and other natural debris to the 5/6/2013 2:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 4 3 3 No No No point of holding back Tim Monroe stormwater runoff.Ouffall 001 should be cleared of vecietative type debris 10/712013 11:00 AM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 1 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 412512014 2:30 PM Light Brownian 50% No Odor 3 2 3 No No No None Steven Gerrald opacity Sample appeared to be high in TSS.Observed earthworktgrading being 11/17/2014 2:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 4 2 4 No No No performed on upgradient Steven Gerrald property(offsite)and run- on from the area was also ve muddy. 5121/2015 1:30 PM Ug ht Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 12/1412015 2:00 PM Li ht Brown No Odor 2 3 1 2 No No No None Steven Gerrald 5117/2016 12:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 1 1 1 No No No None Steven Gerrald 2115/2017 9:15 AM Light Brown No Odor 3 1 3 No No No None Steven Gerrald 12/2012017 9:30 AM Light Brown No Odor 1 1 2 No No No None Steven Gerrald 6/26/2018 10:15 AM Light Brown No Odor 1 2 1 No No No None Steven Gerrald 10f1212o18 1:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No Floating solids,primarily Tim Monroe grass clippincis 617/2019 3:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 3 3 No No No None Steven Gerrald 11/12/2019 12:45 PM Light Brown No Odor 4 1 4 No No No None Keara Klin e 6/15/2020 3:50 PM Light Grey No Odor 3 1 1 No No No None Keara Kiln e 1217/2020 8:30 AM Li ht Yellow No Odor 2 2 2 No No No None Keara Klin e 8/3/2021 4:25 PM Light Yellow/Brown Weak 2 3 2 No No No Nene Patrick Fallen Organic; 9/9/2021 11:40 AM None No Odor 2 2 2 No No No None Patrick Fallon 3131/2022 3:15 PM Light Brawn No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 9130/2022 10:50 AM None No Odor 1 1 1 No No No None Patrick Fallon 6/1912023 3:45 PM Light Yellow No Odor i i 3 2 No No No Floating debrislpol€uticri Keara Klinge battles and trash 11/21/2023 3:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 2 1 3 2 No No No Note:Only floating solids Steven Gerrald were leaves VIH. MEASURES AND CONTROLS VIII. MEASURES AND CONTROLS All stormwater runoff from the facility that is associated with industrial activities flows through Outfall 001. The following procedures address source specific stormwater controls and best management practices: 1. Miscellaneous Equipment&Materials Storage • A planned course of action (e.g., recycling, disposal, other long-term indoor storage) should be developed prior to storing any materials or equipment outdoors. • Prior to storage outdoors, any gear boxes,reservoirs,hoses, pipes, etc. should be emptied of oils. • Old equipment stored outside, even temporarily, should be free of any chemical residuals, stored off ground or paved surfaces (e.g. on a pallet) and wrapped or covered, if reasonable to do so. • Initial project planning should include means to dispose, sell, or store equipment in a location protected from rainfall and stormwater runoff. • Outdoor storage should be reviewed periodically to determine if equipment or materials are surplus, have no potential use, and can be disposed, recycled as scrap, sold, transferred to another indoor location, etc. Feasibility Study Results: a. Piping, steel, equipment, parts, racks not used for shipping, etc. should be stored off the ground and under a shelter, or covered,until used,recycled, or disposed. b. There are three portable storage buildings on site for providing secure shelter for miscellaneous materials and equipment storage. Consideration (budgeting) should be given to the addition of a permanent materials storage/spare parts shelter or warehouse. G. Inspections should note the condition, amount and duration of materials and equipment stored outside and whether outdoor storage has been reduced since the last inspection. 2. Methyl Methacrylate Storage Tank and Supply Piping: • Secondary containment should have debris removed periodically. • Observe secondary containment for leaks prior to inspection and discharge of stormwater and anytime integrity is in question due to damage or deterioration. • Inspect accumulations of stormwater within the containment structure for contamination by visual and olfactory means prior to discharge. Document all drainage discharge events (see Appendix 9). • Provide supervision during tank fill events to ensure the containment drain valve is closed prior to product transfer. IPS employee(s) supervising MMA transfer events should be familiar with this Plan, Operating Procedure OP-107 (see SPRP) and spill response procedures(ref. Emergency Evacuation&Contingency Action Plan). Feasibility Study Results: a. Per telephone conversation with the NCDEQ, the secondary containment provided with the tank and piping configuration exempts this area from the need to further eliminate exposures to stormwater. 8 3. Trash&Recycle Containers: Open Top Waste Bin • Cleanup the container areas at the end of each day and after each trash removal event. • Periodically inspect for liquids leaching from the containers. • Periodically inspect for damaged drain plugs and replace them as necessary. • Periodically inspect for damage or corrosion that allows leaching for the containers. • Maintain covers on trash bins in closed position when not in use. Feasibility Study Results: a. If covered, not leaking, and effective housekeeping is provided, trash containers are not considered an industrial activity exposed to stormwater. b. Providing a shelter over the open top waste bin should be considered (budgeted) as a stormwater best management practice(BMP). c. Periodically inspect the open top, roll-off waste container to ensure that no liquids have been disposed and are leaching from the bin. 4. Loading Docks • Immediately clean up any spills of liquid or solid chemicals. • Periodically inspect the area for leaks from tractor trailers or spills not cleaned up properly. • Periodically inspect spill kits for response materials as listed in the Emergency Evacuation and Contingency Action Plan(see SPRP)in Appendix 2. Feasibility Study Results: a. As long as loading docks have an awning and seals, this industrial activity is not considered exposed to stormwater. 5. Air Compressors • Periodically inspect the area for oil leaks and lubricant containers. • Inspect the oil/water separator for proper operation (e.g. no leaks from connected tubing and oil sheen on water discharged from the oil/water separator). • Repair oil leaks from compressors,as soon as possible. Feasibility Study Results: a. The shelter and manufacturer's enclosure provide protection from stormwater. Discharge of condensate to a sanitary drain would eliminate exposure to stormwater. 6. Empty Drum/Tote&Pallet Storage • Minimize exposure of pallets to stormwater by removing (recycling/disposal) when a truck load has accumulated. • Periodically inspect drums stored outside to ensure they are clean, empty, sealed, and stored in an upright position. • Provide means to secure stacked drums (band together) so they will not be blown or knocked over. • Consider(budget) a shelter designed to protect pallets from stormwater. • Inspect stored pallets for chemical residuals on pallet surfaces. 9 Feasibility Study Results; a. `Empty" drum and tote outdoor storage will qualify for the conditional exclusion for "no exposure" of industrial activities and materials to stormwater under 40 CFR Part 122.26(g)2, if the following are true: • Drums and totes are tightly sealed; • Drums and totes are not deteriorated; • Drums and totes do not leak; • Drums and totes are secured; • Drums and totes do not have chemical reside on areas exposed to rainfall. b. Annual training briefings should include elimination of any chemical residuals on pallet surfaces prionto stacking outside. C. Annual review should include the feasibility of including a pallet storage shelter in the next operating budget. POTENTIAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP) SUMMARY BMP Project Project Project Status and/or Projected Required Requested Approved Listing Date Completion Date Store pallets Y N NA W019 None under shelter* Eliminate N NA NA 8/2019 None outdoor storage ofracks* Sanitary wash Y N NA 8/2019 None station/drain for blowdown discharge* Provide shelter N N NA 9/2021 None for the open top roll-off bin* *IPS-Durham Plant should submit a no exposure certification so that the permit is rescinded, Yall items are completed The following procedures address genera l stormwater controls and best management practices: A. Good Housekeepini Facility grounds are cleaned and maintained on a periodic basis either by, or under the supervision of, IPS personnel. Special attention is given to cleaning areas around the loading docks, trash and recycle containers, empty drum storage, pallet storage (e.g., identified potential pollution sources), and drainage appurtenances such as grassy swales, ditches, drains, culverts, which convey stormwater and Outfall 001. Any spills that occur at the facility are cleaned up promptly in accordance with plant procedures. Areas where erosion is occurring are noted and attempts made to establish and maintain grass cover or repair gravel surfaces. 10 B. Preventive Maintenance All plant areas and associated equipment exposed to stormwater(e.g. RTO, air compressors, MMA tank) are maintained and inspected on a periodic basis by either contract or IPS maintenance personnel. For prevention of stormwater pollution,preventive maintenance should be up—to—date on all outdoor equipment (air compressor, MMA tank and piping system, dock levelers/locks, etc.) and powered industrial vehicles that operate outdoors. Records of preventive maintenance are periodically reviewed by the Quality & EHS Manager. N5 A storage and handling equipment is part of an ongoing Process Safety Management(PSM)program per 29 CFR 1910.119. C. Sediment and Erosion Control Well maintained grass cover on all unpaved areas will minimize the potential for erosion. The drainage area is relatively flat, which minimizes the potential for erosion and assists with the establishment of vegetative cover. Paved areas should be periodically inspected for soil (sand) deposits and drop inlets inspected for accumulations of sediment. Gravel surfaces should be inspected for wash and repaired as necessary to control erosion. Excessive sediment deposits should be removed and applied to a flat grassy area for seeding. D. Management of Runoff The facility includes one drainage area with industrial activity that is exposed to rainfall. Outfall 001 is the location where underground drainage and surface drainage combine. The plant roof is clear of industrial activities exposed to stormwater. Quality of runoff from the IPS —Durham Plant roof may be controlled by periodic inspection (e.g., during maintenance activities) and housekeeping,if necessary. Refer to Section III.B and Figure 2 for a complete description. E. Spill Prevention and Response Plan The plant Emergency Evacuation and Contingency Action Plan and MMA tank filling procedures (Operating Procedure OP-107) are included in Appendix 2 as part of the Spill Prevention and Response Plan. These documents include site specific descriptions of materials and wastes at the plant and provide listings of those responsible for their control. Included are response procedures and post incident actions to be taken which are meant to prevent any repeat of the emergency. Combined with the Comprehensive Site Compliance Inspections (see Form in Appendix 6), potential pollution sources are identified, and measures put in place to minimize stormwater pollution from those sources and provide for appropriate response measures should an incident occur. F. Inspections The following persons conduct semi-annual inspections or ensure semi-annual inspections are completed using the Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation Form (see Appendix 6) and the Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report(see Appendix 7): Diego Faria Quality& EHS Manager,North America Bruce Molinar Operations Director,North America Nick Davis Mix Room Supervisor 11 COMPREHENSIVE SITE COMPLMNCE EVALUATION IPS STRUCTURAL ADHESIVES INC. —D URHAMPLANT I. VISUAL INSPECTION OF FACILITY DRAINAGE AREA Any evidence of non—stormwater discharges(dry weather flow, outfall staining,etc.) at Outfall 001? yes no Any evidence of leaks/spills in the area of the MMA tank/fill station or along the supply piping? _yes_no Any evidence of damage or deterioration of NMIA tank secondary containment and tank/piping supports? yes no Any evidence of leaks or spills in and around trash&recycle containers? _yes_no Any evidence of a leak from the pad mount transformer? yes no Has miscellaneous materials/equipment outdoor storage increased since the last inspection?If so, describe below. ^yes^no Any evidence of leaks or spills in the loading dock area? yes no Does the drainage area have any visible evidence of significant erosion? `yes no Any drop inlets that are not open,not draining properly, or filled with excessive sediment? yes_no Any evidence of chemical deposits or spills in the area of trash&recycle bins,pallets, and empty drum storage? _yes_no Any evidence of oil leaks or oily condensate in the area of the air compressors or any lubricant containers stored outdoors? _yes_no Any evidence of chemical residuals on empty drums/totes or pallets? yes_no Any empty drums/totes not properly sealed,not stored upright,not free of damage or corrosion and not properly stacked and secured(banded together)? _yes_no Do any sources or potential sources of stormwater pollution remain uncorrected from prior semi—annual inspections? yes_no Is the date of the last annual training(briefing)more than one year from this date? yes T no Describe if yes and note corrective actions that will be taken to reduce or eliminate the potential source of stormwater pollution: Verify that qualitative and analytical(quantitative)monitorinz as outlined in Partll,Section B of the permit is Mae completed, documented and that the annual summary is completed Inspector: Date: Third Fork Creek is impaired for benthic diversity. Third Fork Creek has a TMDL for turbidity and fecal coliform. Downstream Jordan Lake has a TMDL for nitrogen and phosphorus. There is a state-wide TMDL for Hg. Third Fork Creek is located in the Cape Fear River Subbasin 03-06-05. W wiz - r: :\ v4 �avr� i r-J f 1 :Ks 'ti f-'�1,: E J! r--,iAr ts: h`'f�1� �r a N �, 11�j ,:,z,i •}-. I,., •, t {9,s ; . `j '• ., ),�' Ij � ',.vti4•�,!iIS8E1 ''�M�Ih+t; i. �I iLj `ti. If-~ '% !_- -,`,'•� O Z �i N �y S�"7 F r fi II�; i. ! 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Date: }; Dec.,2023 }J•I i Drawn By: �;.Lt', i�'mlE i ,-..,' �' `'' ,�`';ti• ...� •' illy i �� ` �.....� _`,', ,; NY40 r_ KJK Outfall001 .� ~'` { ��• • Approved By: TWM t: r ♦ j) ' _ !/ `-w- r r i t •f�/ .l�l!. zl ✓•�_'• - File: ffi IIM IPS/SPPP/Fig 1 ; 1�,"� ' i J IS•1�I J j i - ` �r—�: s_i�,l ? r'P SCBIe: As Shown ?yr ��-{` /� 1 ;� =��~ /'�_/1•I t tt � '1� y � p+- =�, :`�"•I Notes: yl ¢[ ^ !�* i^i 'n✓ ;�_ �! l �/-�•.�; �;J.L`_ti ,i ' f. ' Stormwater Flow Direction l 4 c �•1 ti � s `fit � -j•i yet. � �.� f _ t' +• f � !�4.1 y i . /' fi f (�_ E 1'•- ` mL/ '" ! ) t !�' - dl / - �-• Source: tt4 ,] �t� f► -� �',�� �, s• r s',:' i �: ��T'. :, -i C USGSTopo s Durham, NC 5�� ,` 9"•.;,irru a� '. Y•a� :� �. '+ +rjl; �•Y— wry.^ r `J-• y' 'l'�'�"+Y, -�,, ;ti ��\r". , lri71�: � �� �� �-'..Jt J;;\, 'V �:�.',.}i �,, ,.,i-:+i,•' �..•-�..��� �'. ._�,. : Outfall 001: iJ - / .� E J „ + ! ti: }` I'' •�- .',-y�s:1 t Latitude 3 5'58'19" N r '" -! 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Tiered responses initiated. Qualitative Monitoring Data Stormwater Permit NCS000527 IPS Structural Adhesives,Inc. 600 Ellis Road,Durham,Durham County,NC 27703 Outfall Structure Rip-rap lined ditch prior to pipe cutlet) Information Receiving Stream Unnamed tributary of Third Fork Creek Industrial activities EmptX drum storage,air compressor,pallet and miscellaneous materials storage Floating Suspended Erasion! Other indicators of Date Time Color odor Clarity Solids Solids Foam OgSheen Deposition pollution Inspector 11/10/2009 7:30 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe None(same grass 71/412010 1:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 2 2 2 No No No clippings from recent Tim Monroe clearing of outfall area 512712011 12:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 1 3 2 1 3 No No I No None Tim Monroe 121712011 2:30 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 1 No No No None Elzabelh Newland 51912012 4:3o PM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 11/13/2012 11:00 AM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 3 No No No None Tim Monroe None(Pence at outfall trapping pine needles and other natural debris to the 5/612013 2:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 4 3 3 No Ne No point of holding back Tim Monroe stormwater runoff.Outfali 001 should be cleared of vegetative type debris 1017/2013 11:00 AM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 4125/2014 2:30 PM Light BrowrvTan 50% No Odor 3 2 3 No No No None Steven Gerrald opacity Sample appeared to be high in TSS.Observed eanhworklgrading being 11/17/2014 2:00 PM Light Brown No Odor 4 2 4 No No No performed on upgradient Steven Gerrald property(offsite)and run- on from the area was also ve mudd . 5121/2415 1:30 PM Light Brown Na Odor 3 2 2 No No No None Tim Monroe 12/1412015 2:00 PM L[ ht Brown No Odor 2 3 2 No No No None Steven Gerrald 5/17/2016 12:00 PM Li ht Brown No Odor 1 1 1 No No No None Steven Gerrald 2115/2017 9:15 AM Light Brown No Odor 3 1 3 No No No None Steven Gerrald 12/20/2017 9:30 AM Light Brown No Odor 1 1 2 No No No None Steven Gerrald 612612015 10:15 AM Li ht Brown No Odor 1 2 1 No No No None Steven Gerrald 10/12/2015 1:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 2 2 No No No Floating solids,primarily Tim Monroe grass cli m s W/2019 3:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 3 3 3 No No No None Steven Gerrald 11/12/2019 12:45 PM Light Brown No Odor 4 1 4 No No No None Keara Klin e 6/1512020 3:50 PM Light Grey No Odor 3 1 1 No No No None Keara Klln e 12f7/2020 6:30 AM light Yellow No Odor 2 2 2 No No No Norse Keara Klin e 5/312021 4:25 PM Light YeliowlBrown Weak 2 3 2 No No No None Patrick Fallon O an' . 9/9/2021 11:40 AM None No Odor 2 2 2 No No No None Patrick Fallon 3/31/2022 3:15 PM Light Brown No Odor 1 3 2 1 2 No No No Nona Tim Monroe 9/30/2022 10:50 AM None No Odor 1 1 1 No No No None Patrick Fallon 6119/2023 3;45 PM Light Yellow No Odor 1 3 2 No No No Floating debrislpoliution Keara Klinge bottles and trash 11/21/2023 3:10 PM Light Brown No Odor 2 3 2 No No No Note:Only floating solids were leaves Steven Gerrald VIIL MEASURES AND CONTROLS VIII. MEASURES AND CONTROLS All stormwater runoff from the facility that is associated with industrial activities flows through Outfall 001. The following procedures address source spe! i c stormwater controls and best management practices: 1. Miscellaneous Equipment&Materials Storage • A planned course of action (e.g., recycling, disposal, other long-term indoor storage) should be developed prior to storing any materials or equipment outdoors. • Prior to storage outdoors, any gear boxes,reservoirs,hoses,pipes, etc. should be emptied of oils. • Old equipment stored outside, even temporarily, should be free of any chemical residuals, stored off ground or paved surfaces (e.g. on a pallet) and wrapped or covered, if reasonable to do so. • Initial project planning should include means to dispose, sell, or store equipment in a location protected from rainfall and stormwater runoff. • Outdoor storage should be reviewed periodically to determine if equipment or materials are surplus, have no potential use, and can be disposed, recycled as scrap, sold, transferred to another indoor location,etc. Feasibility Study Results: a. Piping, steel, equipment, parts, racks not used for shipping, etc. should be stored off the ground and under a shelter,or covered,until used,recycled, or disposed. b. There are three portable storage buildings on site for providing secure shelter for miscellaneous materials and equipment storage. Consideration(budgeting) should be given to the addition of a permanent materials storage/spare parts shelter or warehouse. C. Inspections should note the condition, amount and duration of materials and equipment stored outside and whether outdoor storage has been reduced since the last inspection. 2. Methyl MethacKylate Storage Tank and Supply Piping: • Secondary containment should have debris removed periodically. • Observe secondary containment for leaks prior to inspection and discharge of stormwater and anytime integrity is in question due to damage or deterioration. • Inspect accumulations of stormwater within the containment structure for contamination by visual and olfactory means prior to discharge. Document all drainage discharge events(see Appendix 9). • Provide supervision during tank fill events to ensure the containment drain valve is closed prior to product transfer. IPS employee(s) supervising MMA transfer events should be familiar with this Plan, Operating Procedure OP-107 (see SPRP) and spill response procedures (ref. Emergency Evacuation&Contingency Action Plan). Feasibility Study Results: a. Per telephone conversation with the NCDEQ, the secondary containment provided with the tank and piping configuration exempts this area from the need to further eliminate exposures to stormwater. 8 3. Trash&Recycle Containers; Open Top Waste Bin • Cleanup the container areas at the end of each day and after each trash removal event. • Periodically inspect for liquids leaching from the containers. • Periodically inspect for damaged drain plugs and replace them as necessary. • Periodically inspect for damage or corrosion that allows leaching for the containers. • Maintain covers on trash bins in closed position when not in use. Feasibility Study Results: a. If covered, not leaking, and effective housekeeping is provided, trash containers are not considered an industrial activity exposed to stormwater. b. Providing a shelter over the open top waste bin should be considered (budgeted) as a stormwater best management practice (BMP). c. Periodically inspect the open top, roll-off waste container to ensure that no liquids have been disposed and are leaching from the bin. 4. Loading Docks • Immediately clean up any spills of liquid or solid chemicals. • Periodically inspect the area for leaks from tractor trailers or spills not cleaned up properly. • Periodically inspect spill kits for response materials as listed in the Emergency Evacuation and Contingency Action Plan(see SPRP)in Appendix 2. Feasibility Study Results: a. As long as loading docks have an awning and seals, this industrial activity is not considered exposed to stormwater. 5. Air Compressors • Periodically inspect the area for oil leaks and lubricant containers. • Inspect the oil/water separator for proper operation (e.g. no leaks from connected tubing and oil sheen on water discharged from the oil/water separator). • Repair oil leaks from compressors,as soon as possible. Feasibility Study Results: a. The shelter and manufacturer's enclosure provide protection from stormwater. Discharge of condensate to a sanitary drain would eliminate exposure to stormwater. 6. Empty Drum/Tote&Pallet Storage • Minimize exposure of pallets to stormwater by removing (recycling/disposal) when a truck load has accumulated. • Periodically inspect drums stored outside to ensure they are clean, empty, sealed, and stored in an upright position. • Provide means to secure stacked drums (band together) so they will not be blown or knocked over. • Consider(budget)a shelter designed to protect pallets from stormwater. • Inspect stored pallets for chemical residuals on pallet surfaces. 9 Feasibility Study Results: a. `Empty" drum and tote outdoor storage will qualify for the conditional exclusion for "no exposure" of industrial activities and materials to stormwater under 40 CFR Part 122.26(g)2,if the following are true: • Drums and totes are tightly sealed; • Drums and totes are not deteriorated; • Drums and totes do not leak; • Drums and totes are secured; • Drums and totes do not have chemical reside on areas exposed to rainfall. b. Annual training briefings should include elimination of any chemical residuals on pallet surfaces prionto stacking outside. C. Annual review should include the feasibility of including a pallet storage shelter in the next operating budget. POTENTIAL BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP) SUMMARY BMP Project Project Project Status and/or Projected Required Requested Approved Listing Date Completion Date Store pallets Y AI NA 8/2019 None under shelter* Eliminate N NA NA 8/2019 None outdoor storage of racks* Sanitary wash Y N NA 8/2019 None station/drain for blowdown discharge* Provide shelter N N NA 9/2021 None for the open top roll-off bin* *LIPS Durham Plant should submit a no exposure certification so that the permit is rescinded, Yall items are completed The following procedures address e� neral stormwater controls and best managementpractices: A. Good Housekeeping Facility grounds are cleaned and maintained on a periodic basis either by, or under the supervision of, IPS personnel. Special attention is given to cleaning areas around the loading docks, trash and recycle containers, empty drum storage, pallet storage (e.g., identified potential pollution sources), and drainage appurtenances such as grassy swales, ditches, drains, culverts, which convey stormwater and Outfall 001. Any spills that occur at the facility are cleaned up promptly in accordance with plant procedures. Areas where erosion is occurring are noted and attempts made to establish and maintain grass cover or repair gravel surfaces. 10 B. Preventive Maintenance All plant areas and associated equipment exposed to stormwater (e.g. RTO, air compressors, MMA tank) are maintained and inspected on a periodic basis by either contract or IPS maintenance personnel. For prevention of stormwater pollution,preventive maintenance should be up—to-date on all outdoor equipment(air compressor, MMA tank and piping system, dock levelers/locks, etc.) and powered industrial vehicles that operate outdoors. Records of preventive maintenance are periodically reviewed by the Quality & EHS Manager. MMA storage and handling equipment is part of an ongoing Process Safety Management(PSM)program per 29 CFR 1910.119. C. Sediment and Erosion Control Well maintained grass cover on all unpaved areas will minimize the potential for erosion. The drainage area is relatively flat, which minimizes the potential for erosion and assists with the establishment of vegetative cover. Paved areas should be periodically inspected for soil (sand) deposits and drop inlets inspected for accumulations of sediment. Gravel surfaces should be inspected for wash and repaired as necessary to control erosion. Excessive sediment deposits should be removed and applied to a flat grassy area for seeding. D. Management of Runoff The facility includes one drainage area with industrial activity that is exposed to rainfall. Outfall 001 is the location where underground drainage and surface drainage combine. The plant roof is clear of industrial activities exposed to stormwater. Quality of runoff from the IPS —Durham Plant roof may be controlled by periodic inspection (e.g., during maintenance activities) and housekeeping,if necessary. Refer to Section III. B and Figure 2 for a complete description. E. Spill Prevention and Response Plan The plant Emergency Evacuation and Contingency Action Plan and MMA tank filling procedures (Operating Procedure OP407) are included in Appendix 2 as part of the Spill Prevention and Response Plan. These documents include site specific descriptions of materials and wastes at the plant and provide listings of those responsible for their control. Included are response procedures and post incident actions to be taken which are meant to prevent any repeat of the emergency. Combined with the Comprehensive Site Compliance Inspections (see Form in Appendix 6), potential pollution sources are identified, and measures put in place to minimize stormwater pollution from those sources and provide for appropriate response measures should an incident occur. F. Inspections The following persons conduct semi-annual inspections or ensure semi-annual inspections are completed using the Comprehensive Site Compliance Evaluation Form (see Appendix 6) and the Stormwater Discharge Outfall (SDO) Qualitative Monitoring Report(see Appendix 7): Diego Faria Quality &EHS Manager,North America Bruce Molinar Operations Director,North America Nick Davis Mix Room Supervisor 11 COMPREHENSIVE SITE COMPLIANCE EVALUATION IPS STRUCTURAL ADHESIVES INC. —D URff"PLANT I. VISUAL INSPECTION OF FACILITY DRAINAGE AREA Any evidence of non—stormwater discharges(dry weather flow, outfall staining,etc.) at Outfall 001? _yes no Any evidence of leaks/spills in the area of the MBA.tank/fill station or along the supply piping? _yes no Any evidence of damage or deterioration of MMA tank secondary containment and tank/pipirig supports? ye s no Any evidence of leaks or spills in and around trash&recycle containers? —yes^no Any evidence of a leak from the pad mount transformer? _yes no Has miscellaneous materials/equipment outdoor storage increased since the last inspection?If so, describe below. _yes_no Any evidence of leaks or spills in the loading dock area? yes no Does the drainage area have any visible evidence of significant erosion? yes no Any drop inlets that are not open,not draining properly, or filled with excessive sediment? _yes no Any evidence of chemical deposits or spills in the area of trash&recycle bins,pallets, and empty drum storage? yes no Any evidence of oil leaks or oily condensate in the area of the air compressors or any lubricant containers stored outdoors? _yes no Any evidence of chemical residuals on empty drums/totes or pallets? ^yes _ _no Any empty drumshotes not properly sealed,not stored upright,not free of damage or corrosion and not properly stacked and secured(banded together)? _yes no Do any sources or potential sources of stormwater pollution remain uncorrected from prior semi—annual inspections? _yes no Is the date of the last annual training(briefing)more than one year from this date? yes no Describe if yes and note corrective actions that will be taken to reduce or eliminate the potential source of stormwater pollution: Verify that qualitative and analytical(quantitative) monitoring as outlined in Part II,Section B of the permit is beinz completed,documented and that the annual summary is completed. Inspector: Date: