HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW3240701_Soils/Geotechnical Report_20240724 DRAFT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING REPORT - i • 4 11 Cff '. _ - QUIKTRIP STORE No. 1069 (US 74) and Elm Street Marshville, Union County, North Carolina PREPARED FOR: QuikTrip Corporation 4705 South 129th Street Tulsa, OK 74314-7008 NOVA Project Number: 10705-2023048 August 17, 2023 N 0 VA PROFESSIONAL I PRACTICAL I PROVEN NOVA August 17, 2023 QUIKTRIP CORPORATION 4705 South 129th Street Tulsa, OK 74314-7008 Attention: Ms. Kyle Marlay P.E. Subject: Draft Geotechnical Engineering Report QUIKTRIP STORE NO. 1069 Marshville Boulevard (US 74) and Elm Street Marshville, North Carolina NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 Dear Ms. Marlay: NOVA Engineering and Environmental, Inc. (NOVA) has completed the authorized Geotechnical Engineering Study for QuikTrip Store Number 1069 planned for the intersection of Marshville Boulevard and Elm Street in Marshville, North Carolina. The work was performed in general accordance with NOVA's Geotechnical Consultant Professional Services Agreement with QuikTrip Corporation and our July 26, 2023, Scope of Services approved by QuikTrip Corporation. This Geotechnical Engineering Report discusses our understanding of the project at the time of the subsurface exploration, describes the geotechnical consulting services provided by NOVA, and presents our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. We appreciate your selection of NOVA and the opportunity to be of service on this project. If you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, NOVA Engineering and Environmental, Inc. Donald L. Anderson, P.E. James W. Niehoff, P.E. Geotechnical Engineer Senior Geotechnical Engineer NC P.E. License 047698 NC P.E. License 010204 Copies Submitted: Addressee (electronic) PROFESSIONAL I PRACTICAL I PROVEN 417 Minuet Lane, Suite D, Charlotte, North Carolina 28217 NOVA North Carolina License No: C-2807 t. 980.321.4100 / usanova.com TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 GENERAL 1 SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION 2 DEMOLITION: 2 SITE PREPARATION• 2 BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND SLABS 4 FUEL CANOPY STRUCTURES 4 TANK PITS 5 STORMWATER POND 6 PAVEMENTS 6 2.0 INTRODUCTION 8 2.1 PROJECT INFORMATION 8 2.2 SCOPE OF WORK 9 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 10 3.1 LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 10 3.2 SITE AND VICINITY GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS 10 4.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES 11 4.1 FIELD EXPLORATION 11 4.2 LABORATORY TESTING 12 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 14 5.1 GEOLOGY 14 5.2 SOIL AND ROCK CONDITIONS 15 5.3 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS 16 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 18 6.1 SITE PREPARATION 19 6.2 FILL PLACEMENT 20 6.3 GROUNDWATER CONTROL 21 6.4 DIFFICULT EXCAVATION 22 6.5 SLOPES/SHORING 22 6.6 BUILDING FOUNDATIONS 23 6.7 CANOPY STRUCTURE FOUNDATIONS 24 6.9 SLABS-ON-GRADE 25 6.11 PAVEMENT SECTIONS 26 6.12 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS 28 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS 29 7.1 FOUNDATIONS 29 7.2 SUBGRADE 29 APPENDICES Appendix A - Figures and Maps Appendix B - Subsurface Data Appendix C - Qualifications of Recommendations Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A brief summary of pertinent findings, conclusions, and recommendations is presented below. This information should not be utilized in design or construction without reading the report in its entirety and paying particular attention to the recommendations and data presented in the text and Appendix. GENERAL • The project consists of a new QuikTrip store planned for an approximately 3-acre developed site southeast of the intersection of Marshville Boulevard and Elm Street in Marshville, North Carolina. • Borings B-1, C-4, D-3, D-4, D-6, D-7, T-1, and T-2 initially encountered about 2 to 3 inches of topsoil. About 2 inches of crushed stone was initially encountered in Boring B-2 and about 2 inches of asphalt was initially encountered in Boring D-5. Neither topsoil nor other surficial materials were encountered in the other borings. The thicknesses of surficial materials may vary in other areas of the site, and we expect that site the site might contain asphalt, concrete or other surficial materials not encountered by the borings. • Below the surficial materials, about 3 to 5 1/2 feet of existing fill was encountered in 4 borings (Borings B-1, D-2, D-5 and D-6) of the 15 borings drilled at the site. The sampled fill generally consisted of elastic silt (MH), silt (ML) and fat clay (CH). Standard penetration test resistance values (N-values) recorded within the fill generally ranged from WOH (weight of hammer where the sampling apparatus penetrates the ground under its own weight)to 6 blows per foot(bpf)which generally suggests a low degree of compaction. In general, existing fills are not suitable for support of overlying construction due to their variable composition and uncertain level of compaction, and we recommend that the fill be further evaluated for suitability at the time of construction. Much of the fill was relatively soft and the need for undercutting and replacement or other remediation should be anticipated. • Native, residual soils were encountered beneath the surficial materials or the existing fill in most borings. The sampled residual soils were found to consist of silt (ML), elastic silt (MH), fat clay (CH), silt (ML), sandy silt (ML), silty sand (SM) and clayey sand (SC). N-values recorded in the native soils ranged from 6 to 98 bpf with more typical values ranging from 12 to 64 bpf. Many of the sampled residual soils were very hard/dense. • Partially weathered rock (PWR) was encountered at depths ranging from directly beneath the topsoil to about 131/2 feet in twelve of the borings. Materials hard enough to cause auger refusal were encountered in 14 borings at depths of about 2 to 14 feet. • Groundwater was not observed in the borings at the time of drilling. NOVA Page 1 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 SITE PREPARATION AND CONSTRUCTION The approximately 3-acre site is located southeast of the intersection of Marshville Boulevard (US 74) between Elm Street and South White Street in Marshville, North Carolina. Two existing residences are present in the eastern part of the site and two commercial buildings are present in the northern part of the site. Other parts of the site are covered by trees and other vegetation, grassed lawns, and pavements. An existing underground storage tank appears to be located in the central part of the site. Based on the furnished grading plan,the site varies from about 539 to 550 Feet-MSL, and the site generally slopes downwards towards an apparent 3-to 5- foot-deep drainage ditch that extends north to south though the central part of the site. It appears that excavations and fills for site grading will generally not exceed about 6 to 7 feet. Deeper excavation will likely be needed for underground storage tank installation, and construction of the underground stormwater system. Site development will include a QT store located in the central-northern part of the site with parking areas and drives to the north, south, east, and west. An automobile canopy and underground gasoline storage tanks are planned east of the store and a diesel canopy and underground storage tanks are planned south of the store. An underground stormwater detention system is planned in the southwestern part of the site and a stormwater pond is planned in the southeastern part. DEMOLITION: • The site is developed with several existing buildings and associated pavements, and an underground storage tank is apparently located in the central part of the site within the planned building area. The existing structures should be demolished and any surface or subsurface obstructions such as buried footings, slabs, septic systems, etc. should be removed from proposed construction areas. Existing pavements should be removed but underlying base course stone may remain in place. The underground storage tank should be removed in accordance with state and local rules and regulations and the resulting excavation should be backfilled with new structural fill. Debris and debris-laden materials should be transported and disposed of off-site in accordance with appropriate solid waste rules. SITE PREPARATION: • Based on the furnished grading plans the site generally slopes downwards towards a 3 to 5-foot drainage ditch that extends northwards from the central part of the site towards the site's southern boundary. Site elevations generally range from 550 feet- MSL near the southwestern corner of the development area to about 539 feet-MSL along the edge of the ditch. • It appears mass grading will generally include excavations and fills of less than about 6 to 7 feet, although deeper excavations might be needed for installation of the underground fuel storage tanks which might require excavations of 12 to 15 feet NOVA Page 2 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 below final surrounding grades. • Partially weathered rock (PWR) and auger refusal materials were present at shallow depths in many areas of the site. The shallowest PWR and auger refusal; was encountered in the borings performed east of the store when the site will generally be filled on is near planned graded, with the exception of the pond area. Shallow PWR and auger refusal was encountered in the area of the gasoline storage tanks. • While it appears that much of the site grading can generally be accomplished with conventional earth moving equipment, PWR and auger refusal which is generally indicative of mass rock, a large boulder or pinnacle of rock, was encountered in the borings drilled for our explorations. The shallowest PWR and potential rock was encountered in the borings performed east of the store and excavations in this area will likely encounter shallow PWR, and potentially. rock. The PWR and auger refusal was deeper in the western part of the site where most of the mass excavation is planned and, in general,the levels of PWR and potential rock at the boring locations are below planned final grade elevations in this area. However, excavations for underground stormwater storage could potentially encounter PWR and Rock, and shallower PWR and rock can be present in unexplored areas. • We recommend the use of large excavation equipment to facilitate excavation. The depth and occurrence of rock and PWR can vary significantly over short horizontal distance in the region of the site, and such materials may be encountered intermediate of the boring locations at shallower depths than implied by the boring data. • Existing fill was encountered in Borings B-1 D-2, D-5, and D-6 to depths of about 3 to 51/2 feet. The fill sampled by the borings was relatively soft and appeared to be poorly compacted and most consisted of highly plastic fat clay (CH) and elastic sit (MH) soils. The existing fill should be further evaluated during construction, but we expect the fill will generally need to be undercut and replaced with new structural fill. • Much of the existing fill was visually classified as highly elastic MH soil and CH soils. MH, and CH soils can be troublesome to work with because they are difficult to moisture condition and become and unstable when wet. Also, in the region of the site, MH and CH soils have at least a moderate potential to shrink or swell with variations in moisture content. If encountered, MH and CH soils should be further evaluated during construction. • The native residual soils at the site typically appear to be suitable for re-use as fill. The existing fill should be further evaluated for re-use as it is excavated, but MH and CH soils should generally not be used as new structural fill, especially within 3 feet NOVA Page 3 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 of finished subgrade elevations Some moisture conditioning (wetting or drying) of the soils may be needed depending upon weather conditions at the time of construction. • It is important that the site be graded to provide positive drainage and that exposed surfaces sealed at the end of each day with a smooth drum roller to help prevent water from ponding on the ground surface. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS AND SLABS • The store building will have a finished floor elevation of 545 feet-MSL and existing grades in the building area generally vary from about 540 to 541 feet-MSL. It appears the building area will be filled 4 to 5 feet. Thicker fill will be needed in the 3-to 4- foot-deep drainage ditch that crosses a part of the building area. • An existing underground storage tank is apparently located in the central part of the site and appears to be within the planned building area. The underground storage tank should be removed in accordance with state and local rules and regulations and the resulting excavation should be backfilled with new structural fill. • About 52 feet of soft to very soft existing fill material was encountered in Boring B-1 drilled within the planned building area. We expect this will need be to be undercut to depths of about 5 to 6 feet. • The proposed building can be supported by conventional shallow foundations bearing on properly placed and compacted structural fill, residual soil and/or evaluated and approved existing fill. Footings may be designed for the required allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot(psf). • A modulus of subgrade reaction of 125 psi is recommended for design of floor slabs underlain by at least 4 inches of crushed stone. FUEL CANOPY STRUCTURES • The planned diesel canopy area will have top of pavement elevations of about 543 to 544 feet-MSL and existing grades in the area range generally from 539 to 547 feet-MSL. It appears the northern part of the diesel canopy area is near planned grade while the southern part will be excavated as much as about 4 feet. • The planned automobile canopy area will have top of pavement elevations of about 542 to 544 feet-MSL and existing grades in the area range from about 540 to 542 feet-MSL. As such it appears the southern end of the automobile canopy area will be filled as much as about 4 feet and the northern part might need to be excavated about 1 foot. Borings C-3 and B-4 were drilled in the automobile canopy area and encountered PWR just beneath the topsoil, so PWR is expected to be encountered in shallow excavations in area. • The canopies can be supported by drilled "round foundation" piers or spread "square" footings bearing in residual soils, properly placed, and compacted structural fill or evaluated and approved existing fill. PWR and possibly rock will likely NOVA Page 4 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 be encountered in some foundation excavations in the area. • A design bearing pressure of at least 2,000 psf should be available for spread "square' canopy footings. • Based on review of QT standard canopy design details, we understand that "round" pier footings, if employed, will bear about 92 feet below the top of pavement elevation, or, if they are located within 15 feet of a tank pit, they will bear at least 4 feet below the bottoms of the tanks. • Partially weathered rock was encountered just beneath the at the ground surface in Boring C-3 and auger refusal, which generally indicates the presence of rock, was encountered at depths of 2 to 3 feet in the gasoline canopy area. Based on our boring data, it appears PWR, as well as rock will be encountered in pier foundation excavations in the gasoline canopy area. Depending on pier depth, PWR and possibly rock, could be encountered in pier foundations in the diesel canopy area as well. • Residual soils encountered to the upper surface of the PWR are suitable for support of deep foundations with an end bearing design pressure of 3,000 and piers embedded below the surface of the PWR can be designed for an end bearing pressure of 6,000 psf. Below a depth of two feet, a skin friction resistance of 500 psf can be applied to the pier shafts. • Groundwater was not observed in borings located in the canopy areas, but groundwater observation could not be made below the level of auger results. Therefore, groundwater could possibly be present below the level of auger refusal and seepage onto deep foundations could possibly occur if used for canopy support. • QT standard canopy design details indicate a passive earth soil pressure of 150 psf per foot of depth is assumed for canopy footing design. Based on the boring data, this value appears reasonable for the materials expected to provide lateral resistance for the canopy foundations. TANK PITS • It appears the area of the underground gasoline storage tanks and the southern part of the diesel tank area are near finished subgrade elevation. The northern part of the diesel canopy area will receive about 5 feet of fill, and more in the area in if the existing the 4-foot drainage ditch that crosses the area. We expect excavations as deep as 15 feet below finished grade elevation might be needed for installation of the tanks. • PWR was encountered at a depth just below the topsoil feet in Boring T-2 and auger refusal was encountered at a depth of about 3.7 feet below existing grade. Consequently, it appears that PWR and rock that require difficult excavation will likely be encountered in the gasoline tank pit excavation. • Auger refusal was encountered at a depth of about 131 feet below existing grade in the diesel tank area. Consequently, it appears that rock, and some PWR, that requires difficult excavation might be encountered in the diesel tank pit excavation, depending on the actual excavation depth. NOVA Page 5 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 • Groundwater was not observed in the Borings T-1 or T-2 drilled at the tank locations, but groundwater observation could not be made below the level of auger refusal. Therefore, groundwater couple possibly be present below the level of auger refusal and seepage onto the tank excavations could possibly occur. • Tank pit sidewalls will need to be braced,shored, or sloped in accordance with OSHA requirements. Trench safety is the sole responsibility of the contractor. STORMWATER POND • Excavations as deep as 3 feet below existing ground surface will be needed for construction of the stormwater pond planned in the southeastern part of the site. • Boring D-3 and D-7 were conducted within and very near the area of the pond and encountered PWR just beneath the topsoil in D-3 and auger refusal materials were encountered at depths of about 21/2 to 31/2 feet in D-3 and D-7. Consequently, it appears PWR will be encountered in the pond excavation and rock might be encountered near the bottom of the pond excavation. • Groundwater was not observed in Borings D-3 and D-7, and we do not expect groundwater will be encountered in the stormwater pond excavation. PAVEMENTS • Concrete pavements will likely be constructed in the canopy areas, underground tank areas, in parking areas around the building and may possibly be used throughout the site. However,the use of some asphalt pavements are possible. • Properly prepared subgrades are assessed to be rated "fair" in accordance with the furnished Pavement Section email. As such, in accordance with QT guidelines, the following pavement sections are recommended. Asphalt Pavement Pavement Section Standard Duty Heavy Duty Asphaltic Surface Course (9.5 mm SuperPave, NCDOT approved mix) 2 inches 2 inches Asphaltic Binder Course (19.5 mm SuperPave, NCDOT approved mix) 3 inches 5 inches Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) from an approved NCDOT source 6 inches 10 inches NOVA Page 6 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 Concrete Pavement Pavement Section Standard Duty Heavy Duty NCDOT approved air-entrained concrete mix (f'c=4,000 psi) 6 inches 7.5 inches Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) from an approved NCDOT source 6 inches 6 inches NOVA Page 7 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 2.0 INTRODUCTION 2.1 PROJECT INFORMATION Our understanding of the requirements of the project is based on email correspondence with QuikTrip Corporation personnel, review of the provided project plans and the QT geotechnical requirements, a site reconnaissance and NOVA's previous experience with QuikTrip projects and knowledge of the local geology. Site Plans and Documents We reviewed the following relevant documents during our study: • "Grading Plan (Prelim), Quick trip No.1069, Highway 74, Marshville, NC", Sheet 3 Prepared by Freeland and Kauffman Emailed July 7, 2023 In addition, we have reviewed QT "Standard" details for QT stores where NOVA has provided construction testing services, and a May 22, 2020 "Pavement Section" email from QT that provided guidance for pavement section thickness recommendations. Proposed Construction The project consists of a new 5,312 square foot QT store in the central-northern part of the site with parking areas and drives to the north,south, east, and west. An automobile canopy and underground gasoline storage tanks are planned east of the store and a diesel canopy and underground storage tanks are planned south of the store. An underground stormwater detention system is planned in the southwestern part of the site and a stormwater pond is planned in the southeastern part. We expect that concrete pavements will be used for pavement construction throughout the site, although the construction of some asphalt pavements is possible. Maximum Loads Structural loading information has not been provided; however, based on our experience with similar projects, we estimate maximum column loads will not exceed 80 kips and wall loads will not exceed about 3 kips per lineal foot (klf). NOVA Page 8 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 We assume soil-supported ground floor loads (live loads) in the new building will not exceed 100 pounds per square foot (psf). Floor Elevations/Site Grading Based on the furnished grading plan, the site varies from about 539 to 546 Feet-MSL in elevation, and the site generally slopes downwards towards an apparent 3- to 5-foot-deep drainage ditch that extends north to south though most of the central part of the site. Based on the furnished grading plan we expect mass grading will generally include excavations and fills of less than about 5 to 6 feet. However, thicker fill might be needed in the area of an existing drainage ditch located in the central and central-southern parts of the site. The installation of the underground fuel storage tanks might require excavations of 12 to 15 feet below final grades, and installation of the underground stormwater detention system might require excavations as deep as about 8 to 10 feet below planned grade. 2.2 SCOPE OF WORK QuikTrip Corporation engaged NOVA to provide geotechnical engineering consulting services for the QuikTrip Store No. 1069 project in Marshville, North Carolina. This report briefly discusses our understanding of the project, describes our exploratory procedures, and presents our findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The primary objective of this study was to perform a geotechnical exploration within the areas of the proposed construction and to assess these findings as they relate to geotechnical aspects of the planned site development. The authorized geotechnical engineering services included a site reconnaissance, a private utility locator to check the boring locations for underground utilities, a soil test boring and sampling program, laboratory testing, engineering evaluation of the field data, and the preparation of this report. The services were performed substantially as outlined in NOVA's Geotechnical Consultant Professional Services Agreement with QuikTrip Corporation and our July 26, 2023 Scope of Services approved by QuikTrip Corporation and in general accordance with industry standards. It should be noted that the assessment of the presence of wetlands,floodplains, or water classified as State Waters of North Carolina or Waters of the US was beyond the scope of this study. Additionally, the assessment of site environmental conditions, including the detection of pollutants in the soil, rock, or groundwater, at the site was also beyond the scope of this geotechnical study. NOVA Page 9 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION The store site is located southeast of the intersection of Marshville Boulevard (US 74) and Elm Street in Marshville, Union County, North Carolina. According to the Union County Geographic Information System (GIS) Database, the site is designated by Parcel Identification Numbers 02311001, 02311002, ,02311003, 0311003B and 02311004. A site Location Map and Topographic Map depicting the location of the store site are included in Appendix A(Figure 1). The approximate latitude and longitude coordinates of the site are 34.985427°North and 80.367484°West. 3.2 SITE AND VICINITY GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS The approximately 3-acre site is located southeast of the intersection of Marshville Boulevard (US 74) between Elm Street and South White Street in Marshville, North Carolina. Two existing residences are present in the eastern part of the site and two commercial buildings are present in the northern part. Other parts of the site are covered by trees and other vegetation, grassed lawns, and pavements. An existing underground storage tank appears to be located in the central part of the site. Based on the furnished grading plan,the site varies from about 539 to 546 Feet-MSL in elevation, and the site generally slopes downwards towards an apparent 3- to 5-foot- deep drainage ditch that extends north to south though of the central part of the site. The vicinity of the site is generally developed with commercial and residential land uses, and the site is bordered by the following: DIRECTION LAND USE DESCRIPTION/OBSERVATIONS SOUTH Single family homes and undeveloped partially wooded land NORTH US 74 then commercial businesses EAST South White Street then a convenience store WEST South Elm Street then a single-family home, and a commercial business N 0 VA Page 10 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 4.0 FIELD AND LABORATORY PROCEDURES 4.1 FIELD EXPLORATION The field exploration was conducted August 2 and 4, 2023, and included: • A site reconnaissance, • A private utility locator to check the boring locations of underground utilities, and, • Fifteen test borings (B-1, B-2, C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, D-1 through D-7,T-1, and T-2) drilled to depths of about 2 to 15 feet below the existing ground surface within the site. The boring locations were established in the field by NOVA personnel using the provided grading plan and a consumer grade GPS device and referencing site features. The approximate boring locations are shown on Figure 2 in Appendix A. Boring elevations shown on the boring logs are based on existing ground surface contours shown on the furnished grading plan. If increased accuracy is desired by the client, NOVA recommends that the boring locations and elevations be surveyed. Soil Test Borings: The soil test borings were performed using the specifications of ASTM Designation D-1586, "Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils". A hollow stem auger drilling process was used to advance the borings. At regular intervals,soil samples were obtained with a standard 1.4-inch I.D., 2.0-inch O.D., split-tube sampler. The sampler was first seated six inches and then driven an additional foot with blows of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches. The number of hammer blows required to drive the sampler the final foot is designated the "Penetration Resistance". The penetration resistance, when properly interpreted, is an index to the soil strength and density. Representative portions of the soil samples, obtained from the sampler, were placed in glass jars and transported to our laboratory for further evaluation and laboratory testing. Test Boring Records in Appendix B show the standard penetration test(SPT) resistances, or"N-values",and present the soil conditions encountered in the borings. These records represent our interpretation of the subsurface conditions based on the field exploration data,visual examination of the split-barrel samples and generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. The stratification lines and depth designations represent approximate boundaries between various subsurface strata. Actual transitions between materials may be gradual. Groundwater: Groundwater levels represent measurements at the time of or within several hours of drilling unless otherwise indicated on the Boring Records. After completion, the borings were backfilled with soil cuttings. N O VA Page 11 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 4.2 LABORATORY TESTING The laboratory testing program included visual classification of the recovered split-spoon soil samples, natural moisture content, organic content, grain size and Atterberg limits testing of select samples. The visual classifications are presented on the Boring Records attached in the Appendix. It should be noted that all soil samples will be properly disposed of 30 days following the submittal of this NOVA subsurface exploration report unless you request otherwise. Soil Classification Soil classification provides a general guide to the engineering properties of various soil types. In our explorations, samples obtained during drilling operations are observed in our laboratory and visually classified by an engineer. The soils are classified according to consistency (based on number of blows from standard penetration tests), color and texture. These classification descriptions are included on our "Test Boring Logs". The classification system discussed above is primarily qualitative; laboratory testing is generally performed for detailed soil classification. Using the test results, the soils are classified using the Unified Soil Classification Systems. This classification system and the in-place physical soil properties provide an index for estimating the soil's behavior. The soil classifications are presented in this report. Moisture Content The moisture content is the ratio expressed as a percentage of the weight of water in a given mass of soil to the weight of the solid particles. This test was conducted in general accordance with ASTM D 2216. A total of two moisture content tests were performed in this study. Sieve Analysis The sieve analysis consists of passing a soil sample through a series of standard sieve openings. The percentage of soil, by weight, passing the individual sieves is then recorded and generally presented in a graphical format. The percentage of fines passing through the No. 200 sieve is generally considered to represent the amount of silt and clay of the tested soil sample. The sieve analysis test was conducted in general accordance with ASTM Designation D 1140. Two sieve analysis tests were performed in this study. NOVA Page 12 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 Atterberg Limits The Atterberg Limits are measurements of the moisture content of fine-grained soils as they transition between a solid to a liquid-state. For classification purposes the two primary Atterberg Limits used are the plastic limit (PL) and the liquid limit(LL).The plastic index(PI) is also calculated for soil classification. The plastic limit (PL) is the moisture content at which a soil transitions from being in a semisolid state to a plastic state. The liquid limit (LL) is defined as the moisture content at which a soil transitions from a plastic state to a liquid state. Two tests were performed in this study in accordance with ASTM D4318 - Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasticity Index of Soils. A summary of the test results is presented below: Table 1: Summary of Laboratory Test Results Atterberg Limits Natural Boring Depth(ft.) %Fines Moisture LL PL PI (%) D-4 1-2.5 44 26 18 92.4 26.3 D-6 1-2.5 30 i 20 10 53.0 15.5 N 0 VA Page 13 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 5.1 GEOLOGY The site is located in the Piedmont Geologic Region, a broad northeasterly trending province underlain by crystalline rocks up to 600 million years old. The Piedmont region is bound on the northwest by the Blue Ridge Range of the Appalachian Mountains, and on the southeast by the leading edge of Coastal Plain sediments, commonly referred to as the "Fall Line". Numerous episodes of deformation have produced varying degrees of metamorphism, folding, and shearing in the underlying rock. According to the DEQ on-line geologic map of North Carolina,the site is located within the Carolina Terrane. The Carolina Terrane contains deformed volcanic and sedimentary rocks associated with a series of oceanic volcanic islands about 540-630 million years ago. Residual soils in the region are primarily the product of in-situ chemical decomposition of the parent rock. The extent of the weathering is influenced by the mineral composition of the rock and defects such as fissures, faults, and fractures. The residual profile can generally be divided into three zones: • An upper zone near the ground surface consisting of clays and clayey silts which have undergone the most advanced weathering, • An intermediate zone of less weathered micaceous sandy silts and silty sands, frequently described as "saprolite", whose mineralogy, texture and banded appearance reflects the structure of the original rock, and • A transitional zone between soil and rock termed partially weathered rock (PWR). Partially weathered rock is defined locally as material which can be penetrated by soil augers, and which exhibits standard penetration resistances exceeding 100 blows per foot. The boundaries between zones of soil, partially weathered rock, and bedrock are erratic and poorly defined. Weathering is often more advanced next to fractures and joints that transmit water, and in mineral bands that are more susceptible to decomposition. Boulders and rock lenses are sometimes encountered within the overlying PWR or soil matrix. Consequently, significant variations in the depths to materials requiring difficult excavation techniques may be present over short horizontal distances. N 0 VA Page 14 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 5.2 SOIL AND ROCK CONDITIONS The following paragraphs provide generalized descriptions of the subsurface profiles and soil conditions encountered by the borings conducted during this study. The Test Boring Records in Appendix B should be reviewed to provide more detailed descriptions of the subsurface conditions encountered at each boring location. These records represent our interpretation of the subsurface conditions based on the field logs and visual observations of samples by an engineer. The lines designating the interface between various strata on the Boring Logs represent the approximate interface locations and elevations. The actual transition between strata may be gradual. Groundwater levels represent the conditions in the boreholes just after or a few hours after drilling or as noted on the logs. It should be understood that soil conditions may vary between boring locations. Surface Materials Borings B-1, C-4, D-3, D-4, D-6, D-7, T-1 and T-2 initially encountered about 2 to 3 inches of topsoil. About 2 inches of crushed stone was initially encountered in Boring B-2 and about 2 inches of asphaltic concrete was initially encountered in Boring D-5. Neither topsoil nor other surficial materials were encountered in the other borings. The thicknesses of surficial materials may vary in other areas of the site, and we expect that site the site might contain asphaltic concrete, concrete or other surficial materials not encountered by the borings. Existing Fill Soils Below the topsoil, about 3 to 52 feet of existing fill was encountered in 4 borings (Borings B-1, D-2, D-5, and D-6) of the 15 borings drilled at the site. Much of the sampled fill was visually classified as elastic silt (MH), silt (ML) and fat clay (CH) and standard penetration test resistance values (N-values) recorded within the fill generally ranged from WOH (weight of hammer where the sampling apparatus penetrates the ground under its own weight) to 6 blows per foot (bpf) which generally suggests a low degree of compaction. In general, existing fills are not suitable for support of overlying construction due to their variable composition and uncertain level of compaction, and we recommend that the fill be further evaluated for suitability at the time of construction. Much of the fill was relatively soft and the need for undercutting and replacement or other remediation should be anticipated. Piedmont Residual Soils Native, residual soils were encountered beneath the surficial materials or the existing fill in most borings. The sampled residual soils were found to consist of NOVA Page 15 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 silt(ML),sandy silt(ML), silty sand (SM) and clayey sand (SC). N-values recorded in the native soils ranged from 6 to 98 bpf with more typical values ranging from 12 to 64 bpf. Auger Refusal and Partially Weathered Rock Partially weathered rock(PWR)was encountered at depths ranging from directly beneath the topsoil to 131/2 feet in 13 of the borings. Materials hard enough to cause auger refusal were encountered in 14 borings at depths of about 3 to 14 feet. Depth to PWR Approximate Depth to Auger Approximate below existing Elevation of Refusal below Elevation of Boring ground surface surface of PWR existing ground Auger Refusal (ft) (ft-MSL) surface (ft) (ft-MSL) B-1 6 534 8.6 531.4 B-2 NE NE NE NE C-1 8.5 535.5 10.5 533.5 C-2 5.5 541.5 8.8 538.2 C-3 0 542 2.1 539.9 C-4 NE NE 3 538 D-1 6 543 6.3 542.7 D-2 6 539 8.6 536.4 D-3 0.16 538.84 2.7 536.3 D-4 5.5 534.5 6.1 533.9 D-5 5.5 536.5 11 531 D-6 5.5 539.5 8.8 536.2 D-7 NE NE 3.5 535.5 T-1 13.5 525.5 13.7 525.3 T-2 0.16 541.84 3.7 538.3 5.3 GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS General Groundwater in the Piedmont region typically occurs as an unconfined or semi- confined aquifer. Recharge is provided by the infiltration of rainfall and surface water through the soil overburden. More permeable zones in the soil matrix, as well as fractures,joints and discontinuities in the underlying bedrock can affect groundwater conditions. The groundwater table in the Piedmont typically takes the form of a subdued replica of the ground surface. Groundwater levels vary with changes in season and rainfall, construction activity, surface water runoff, and other site-specific factors. Groundwater levels in the area are typically lowest in the late summer-early fall and highest in the NOVA Page 16 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 late winter-early spring, with annual groundwater fluctuations on the order of 4 to 8 feet. Consequently, the water table may be different at the time of construction. Soil Test Boring Groundwater Conditions Groundwater was not observed in the borings at the time of drilling. The borings encountered refusal materials above their planned termination depths and groundwater observations could not be made below the depths of refusal. NOVA Page 17 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following conclusions and recommendations are based on our understanding of the proposed construction, site observations, our evaluation and interpretation of the field and laboratory data obtained during this exploration, our experience with similar subsurface conditions, and generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices. In general, the site subsurface conditions appear to be suitable for support of the proposed store facilities on shallow footing foundations. Site grading may generally be accomplished with typical earth moving equipment; however, due to the likelihood of encountering shallow PWR, large, powerful excavation equipment should be used for mass grading and other excavations. More detailed recommendations for site preparation and foundation design are presented in the following subsections. Site Development Concerns: Difficult Excavation - PWR and auger refusal, which is generally indicative of mass rock, a large boulder or pinnacle of rock, was encountered in the borings drilled for our exploration. The shallowest PWR and potential rock was encountered in the borings performed east of the store and excavations in this area will likely encounter shallow PWR, and potentially rock. This includes the area of the gasoline storage tank. The PWR and auger refusal was deeper in the western part of the site where most of the mass excavation is planned and, in general, the levels of PWR and potential Rock in this area were encountered at the boring locations below the planned final grade elevations. However, excavations for the underground stormwater storage in this area could potentially encounter PWR and Rock. Existing Fill - Existing fill was encountered in Borings B-1, D-2, D-5, and D-6 to depths of about 3 to 51 feet. The fill sampled by the borings was generally relatively soft and appeared to be poorly compacted and most was visually classified as highly plastic fat clay (CH) and elastic sit (MH) soils. The existing fill should be further evaluated during construction, but we expect the fill will generally require undercutting and replacement with new structural fill. Based on the materials sampled in the borings, it appears that the existing fill generally consists of highly elastic or plastic ML and CH soils and generally may not be suitable for reuse as structural fill, unless specifically approved by the geotechnical engineer at the time of construction. Existing fill should be further evaluated for use as new fill as it is excavated. Elastic MH and plastic CH soils - Most of the existing fill, and although not identified in the borings possibly some residual soils, at the site consist of highly elastic or plastic MH or CH soil. MH and CH soils can be troublesome to work with because they are difficult to moisture N O VA Page 18 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 condition and become and unstable when wet. Also, in the region of the site, MH and CH soils have at least a moderate to potential to shrink or swell with variations in moisture content. If encountered, MH and CH soils should be further evaluated during construction. CH and MH soils are generally not an issue if present at least 2 to 3 feet below final subgrade elevation. The actual extent of needed subgrade remediation will not be known until the site is assessed by proofrolling and individual foundation excavation evaluations during construction. Remediation would likely include undercutting and replacement of near surface fill soils, or the placement of stone/geogrid stabilization and is best left as a field decision by the geotechnical engineer at the time of construction. Please see the Development Concerns Plan, Figure 3, in Appendix A. Please note the extents of the designated areas are approximate and the actual extents may not be known until the areas are further evaluated during construction. 6.1 SITE PREPARATION General General: Prior to proceeding with construction, any vegetation, root systems,and other deleterious non-soil materials should be removed from proposed construction areas. This should include demolition of the existing structures and removal of the demolition debris and any surface or buried remnants of the current or past construction such as slabs, foundations, septic systems, and utilities. Debris-laden materials should be excavated, transported, and disposed of off-site in accordance with appropriate solid waste rules and regulations. Existing pavements should be removed but underlying base course stone may remain in place. The underground storage tank should be removed in accordance with state and local rules and regulations and the resulting excavation should be backfilled with new structural fill. Debris and debris-laden materials should be transported and disposed of off-site in accordance with appropriate solid waste rules. Following site stripping, the exposed subgrades should be evaluated by a NOVA geotechnical engineer. The site subgrade soil should be proofrolled with multiple passes of a 20 to 30-ton loaded truck, a 10 to 12-ton vibratory roller, or other vehicle of similar size and weight. Vibratory compaction should be turned off and static rolling should be performed if yielding conditions occur. Deteriorated pavements near planned grade should evaluated by the geotechnical engineering to evaluate whether they should be removed. The purpose of the proofrolling is to locate soft, weak, or excessively wet soils present at the time of construction. If unstable, wet, or low consistency and/or N O VA Page 19 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 debris laden soils are encountered, such materials should be undercut and subsequently backfilled with structural fill or otherwise be remediated as recommended by the site geotechnical engineer at the time of construction. The borings drilled for the project encountered some soft near surface existing fills that will most likely require remediation. We expect the existing fill in the areas of Borings B-1, D-2, D-5 and D-6 will likely require undercutting to depths of about 3 to 5 1/2 feet and replacement with a new structural fill. Other areas might require undercutting and replacement or other remediation as well. The site should be graded during construction to maintain positive drainage away from the construction areas and to prevent ponding of storm water on the site during and shortly following significant rain events.The construction areas should also be sealed and crowned with a smooth roller to minimize ponding water from storm events at the end of each day of work. The types of soils encountered during this study have a tendency to lose strength when exposed to changes in moisture and construction traffic. A concerted effort should be made to control construction traffic and surface water while subgrade soils are exposed. 6.2 FILL PLACEMENT Fill Suitability Materials used to raise grades should consist of low plasticity soil (Plasticity Index less than 30), free of non-soil materials and rock fragments larger than 3 inches in any one dimension. The sampled residual soils existing fill should generally be suitable for re-use as new fill. However, the existing fill should be further evaluated for re-use during construction. The on-site MH silts and CH clays can be used as fill if approved by the field geotechnical engineer. These soils should generally be placed near the bottoms of deep fills and should not be placed within 3 feet of finished subgrade elevations in structural areas. The need for moisture conditioning will be dependent on prevailing weather conditions at the time of construction. Prior to construction, bulk samples of the proposed fill materials should be laboratory tested to confirm their suitability. Excessively organic and/or debris laden materials are not suitable for re-use as structural fill. Topsoil, mulch, and similar organic materials can be wasted in landscaped areas. Debris-laden materials should be excavated, transported, and disposed of off-site in accordance with appropriate solid waste rules and regulations. NOVA Page 20 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 Soil Compaction Structural fill should be placed in thin, horizontal loose lifts (maximum 8-inch) and compacted to at least 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 698). The upper 12 inches of soil beneath pavements and slabs-on-grade should be compacted to at least 98 percent. In confined areas, such as utility trenches or behind retaining walls, portable compaction equipment and thinner fill lifts (3 to 4 inches) may be necessary. Fill materials used in structural areas should have a target maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot(pcf). If lighter weight fill materials are used,the NOVA geotechnical engineer should be consulted to assess the impact on design recommendations. Also, the use of on-site MH silts should be evaluated by the geotechnical engineer at the time of construction to assess its used as new fill. Soil moisture content should be maintained within 3 percent of the optimum moisture content. We recommend that the grading contractor have equipment on site during earthwork for both drying and wetting fill soils. Moisture control may be difficult during rainy weather. Filling operations should be observed by a NOVA soils technician, who can confirm suitability of material used and uniformity and appropriateness of compaction efforts. He/she can also document compliance with the specifications by performing field density tests using thin-walled tube, nuclear, or sand cone testing methods(ASTM D 2937, D 2922, or D 1556, respectively). Testing should be performed in accordance with the current QuikTrip Specifications. 6.3 GROUNDWATER CONTROL Groundwater was not encountered above the anticipated levels of general mass grading excavation. However, groundwater observation could not be made below the levels of auger refusal. Based on the assumed/planned cuts necessary to reach design subgrades, we do not anticipate significant groundwater control problems during mass grading operations or stormwater pond and underground detention system construction. The levels of groundwater are unknown in the areas of the gasoline canopy and tanks because of shallow auger refusal. The groundwater appears to be below the planned building slab elevation; consequently, sub slab drainage systems should not be needed for the store slab-on-grade. As previously noted, groundwater levels are subject to seasonal, climatic, and other variations and may be different at other times and locations. The extent and nature of any dewatering required during construction will be dependent on the actual NOVA Page 21 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 groundwater conditions prevalent at the time of construction and the effectiveness of construction drainage to prevent run-off into open excavations. 6.4 DIFFICULT EXCAVATION PWR was encountered within about 6 feet of the existing ground surface in Borings B-1, C-2, C-3, D-1 though D-6, and T-2 and might be encountered in shallow excavations during mass grading in unexplored areas as well. Auger refusal materials, which can represent mass rock, large boulders, or a pinnacle of rock were encountered at depths of less than 3 feet in Borings C-3, C-4 and D-3 and at depths of between about 31/2 and 61/2 feet in D-1, D-4, D-7 and T-2 and at depth of about 81/2 to 15 feet in Borings B-1, C-1, C-2, D-2, D-5, D-6 and T-1. Consequently, it appears PWR and rock will be likely encountered in the gasoline tank pit excavation and, depending on excavations depth, PWR and possibly rock, might be encountered diesel tank pit excavation as well. PWR and possibly rock could also be encountered in deep pier foundations in the canopy areas. It is likely that PWR and possibly rock will be encountered in the pond and underground detention system areas as well. Because the excavation of PWR is likely, and extremely dense soil layers might exist in the overburden soils, we recommend that large excavation equipment be used for mass grading and other excavations on the site. If encountered, PWR can generally be excavated with large equipment, although excavation in confined excavations may be more difficult and resistant PWR layers might require rock excavations methods for removal. Rock excavation will likely require blasting or pneumatic equipment. Rock in the region of the site generally consists of siltstone and sandstone. While this material is still difficult to excavate, these types of rock are generally not as hard is the gneiss and granite found in the Piedmont regions to the west. 6.5 SLOPES/SHORING Based on our experience with similar subsurface conditions and construction, permanent slopes no steeper than 2.0(H): 1.0(V) should be stable long term, if limited in height to 20 feet, and are not inundated or subjected to groundwater seepage. Fill slopes should be constructed with structural fill unless otherwise recommended by the geotechnical engineer. Adjacent to buildings, a top of slope set-back of 10 feet is recommended. In pavement areas, a minimum top of slope setback of 5 feet is acceptable. Temporary slopes/shoring should be in accordance with OSHA guidelines. During construction, temporary slopes/shoring should be regularly inspected for signs of movement or unsafe conditions. Soil slopes should be covered for protection from NOVA Page 22 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 rain, and surface run-off should be diverted away from the slopes. For erosion protection, a protective cover of grass or other vegetation should be established on permanent soil slopes as soon as possible. 6.6 BUILDING FOUNDATIONS Design: Provided the recommended site and subgrade preparation and fill placement procedures are followed, we recommend that the proposed store be supported by conventional shallow foundations. Foundations bearing on evaluated and approved existing fill and/or compacted structural fill may be designed for a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2,500 per square foot (psf). The recommended bearing pressure is based on the foundation subgrade fill soils being compacted to 95% of the Standard Proctor maximum dry density. If low consistency soils or soft, unsuitable fill materials are exposed in foundation excavations, lowering the foundation to bear below this material, undercutting and backfilling with crushed stone or structural fill, or redesigning the footing for a reduced bearing pressure, may be required. We expect the existing fill encountered in Boring B-2 will require undercutting and replacement or other remediation. We recommend minimum widths for spread and continuous footings of 24 inches and 18 inches, respectively,for ease of construction and to reduce the possibility of localized shear failures. Exterior footing bottoms should be at least 18 inches below exterior grades for protection against frost damage. Settlement: Based on expected loading conditions and the soil bearing capacities, we expect primary total settlement beneath individual footings will be less than 1 inch provided the footings are bearing on properly prepared subgrade soils. The amount of differential settlement is difficult to predict because the subsurface and foundation loading conditions can vary considerably across the site. However, we anticipate differential settlement between adjacent footings will be less than 1/2 inch. The final deflected shape of the structure will be dependent on actual footing locations and loading. Construction: All footing excavations should be evaluated by the NOVA geotechnical engineer prior to reinforcing steel placement to observe foundation subgrade preparation and confirm bearing pressure capacity. Footing excavations should be level and free of debris, ponded water, mud, and loose, frozen, or water-softened soils. Concrete should be placed as soon as is practical after the footing is excavated, and the subgrade evaluated. Foundation concrete should not be placed on frozen or saturated soil. If a footing excavation remains open overnight, or if rain or snow is imminent, a 3 to 4-inch thick "mud mat" of lean concrete should N 0VA Page 23 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 be placed in the bottom of the footing to protect the bearing soils until reinforcing steel and concrete can be placed. 6.7 CANOPY STRUCTURE FOUNDATIONS The automobile canopy can be supported by drilled "round foundation" piers or spread "square" footings bearing in natural soils, properly placed, and compacted structural fill and evaluated and approved existing fill. Based on review of QT standard canopy design details, we understand that "round" pier footings, if employed, will bear about 91/2 feet below the top of pavement elevation, or, if they are located within 15 feet of a tank pit, they will bear at least 4 feet below the bottoms of the tanks. Auger refusal, which generally indicates the presence of rock,was encountered in the gasoline canopy borings at depths of about 2 to 3 feet and PWR was present at the ground surface at C-3. Partially weathered rock (PWR) was at encountered depths of about 51/2 in the diesel canopy borings and rock was encountered at depths of about 9 to 10 1/2 feet. Consequently, the pier installer should have equipment capable of penetrating PWR and rock during deep pier installation. It is possible that seepage could occur below the surface of rock in deep pier excavations. Based on our boring data, residual soils encountered to the surface of the PWR are suitable for support of deep foundations with an end bearing design pressure of 3,000 and piers embedded below the surface of the PWR or in rock can be designed for an end bearing pressure of 6,000 psf. Below a depth of two feet, a skin friction resistance of 500 psf can be applied to the pier shafts. Groundwater was not observed in borings located in the canopy areas; however, groundwater observations could not be made below borings refusal depths. Consequently, it is possible that seepage could occur below the surface of rock in deep pier excavations QT standard canopy design details indicate a passive earth soil pressure of 150 psf per foot of depth is assumed for canopy footing design. Based on the boring data,this value appears reasonable for the materials expected to provide lateral resistance for the canopy foundations. A design bearing pressure of 2,000 psf should be available for spread "square' canopy footings bearing in residual soils, new structural fill or evaluated and approved existing fill Existing fill or soft residual soils at footing locations should be further evaluated for suitability at the time of construction. N 0VA Page 24 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 6.9 SLABS-ON-GRADE General The materials exposed at the building subgrade level should typically consist of structural fill, residual soil, or existing fill. Provided subgrades are properly prepared and evaluated and approved, slabs-on-grade may be adequately supported on these subgrade soils subject to the recommendations in this report. Slabs-on-grade should be jointed around columns and along walls to reduce cracking due to differential movement. Based upon the estimated planned finished floor elevation, an underdrain system is not required. However, we recommend a minimum of 4 to 6 inches of graded aggregate base (GAB) beneath the slabs to: • Reduce non-uniform support conditions. • Provide a stable base to support construction traffic. • Provide base material that can be fine graded to design tolerances. GAB should be compacted to 95 percent of the maximum dry density as determined by the modified Proctor compaction test(ASTM D 1557, Method D). Once grading is completed, the subgrade is usually exposed to adverse construction activities and weather conditions during the period of sub-slab utility installation. The subgrade should be well-drained to prevent the accumulation of water, and construction traffic across prepared subgrades should be minimized to the extent practical. If the exposed subgrade becomes saturated or frozen, the Geotechnical Engineer should be consulted. After utilities have been installed and backfilled, a final subgrade evaluation should be performed by the Geotechnical Engineer immediately prior to slab- on-grade placement. If practical, proof-rolling may be used to re-densify the surface and to detect any soil that has become excessively wet or otherwise loosened. Subgrade Modulus A coefficient of subgrade reaction (k) of 125 pci (psi per inch) may be used for conventional slab design where slabs are underlain by at least 4 inches of crushed stone bearing upon subgrades prepared in accordance with previous NOVA Page 25 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 recommendations. Please note that this magnitude of kis intended to reflect the elastic response of soil beneath a typical floor slab under light loads with a small load contact area often measured in square inches, such as loads from forklifts, automobile/truck traffic or lightly loaded storage racks. The recommended coefficient of subgrade reaction (k) of 125 pci is not applicable for heavy slab loads caused by bulk storage or tall storage racks, or for mat foundation design. Several design methods are applicable for conventional slab design. We have assumed that the slab designer will utilize the methods discussed in the American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committee 360 report, "Guide to Design of Slabs-on-Ground, (ACI 360R-10). Specifically, the Portland Cement Association (PCA) or the Wire Reinforcement Institute (WRI) slab thickness design methods should be utilized. 6.11 PAVEMENT SECTIONS Concrete pavements will likely be constructed in planned in the canopy areas, underground tank areas, in parking areas around the building and may possibly be used throughout the site. However, it is possible some asphalt pavements may also be constructed. Properly prepared subgrades are assessed to be rated "fair" in accordance with furnished Pavement Section email. As such, in accordance with QT guidelines, the following pavement sections are recommended. Asphalt Pavement Pavement Section Standard Duty Heavy Duty Asphaltic Surface Course (9.5 mm SuperPave, NCDOT approved 2 inches 2 inches mix) Asphaltic Binder Course (19.5 mm SuperPave, NCDOT approved) 3 inches 5 inches Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) from an approved NCDOT source 6 inches 10 inches NOVA Page 26 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 Concrete Pavement Pavement Section Standard Duty Heavy Duty NCDOT approved air-entrained concrete mix (f'c=4,000 psi) 6 inches 7.5 inches Graded Aggregate Base (GAB) from an approved GCDOT source 6 inches 6 inches Graded aggregate base course should be compacted to 98 percent of the modified Proctor (ASTM D 1557) maximum dry density. All concrete materials and placement should conform to applicable NCDOT specifications.A non-woven geotextile (about 3 feet wide)can be placed beneath the construction joints to prevent upward "pumping" movement of soil fines through the joints. We recommend using concrete with a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 4000 psi and a minimum 28-day flexural strength (modulus of rupture)of at least 600 pounds per square inch, based on 3rd point loading of concrete beam test samples. Our rigid pavement section recommendation assumes positive stress transfer though the joints using dowels or similar systems and that the edges of the concrete pavements are supported (with curbs). Layout of the saw-cut control joints should form square panels, and the depth of saw-cut joint should be approximately 1/4 of the concrete slab thickness. The joints should be sawed within six (6) hours of concrete placement or as soon as the concrete has developed sufficient strength to support workers and equipment. Please note that the recommended pavement sections are based on assumed post-construction traffic loading. If the pavement is to be constructed and utilized by construction traffic, the above pavement sections (especially the standard duty sections) may likely prove insufficient for heavy construction traffic, such as lulls, concrete trucks or tractor-trailers used for construction delivery. Unexpected distress reduced pavement life and/or pre-mature failure of the pavement section could result if subjected to heavy construction traffic and the owner should be made aware of this risk. If the assumed traffic loading stated herein is not correct, NOVA should review actual pavement loading conditions to determine if revisions to these recommendations are warranted. NOVA Page 27 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 6.12 SEISMIC CONSIDERATIONS Seismic Site Class The International Building Code(IBC) provides six Site Class definitions that range from hard rock (A) to potentially unstable soil (F). Each site class is described by the average shear wave velocity, standard penetration resistance, or soil undrained shear strength in the top 100 feet of the site profile. The shear wave velocity is related to the site column shear modulus, whereas the standard penetration resistance and undrained shear strength can be empirically related to the shear wave velocity. Each site class is associated with amplification factors that represent the effects that site stiffness(shear modulus) has on the presumed earthquake bedrock motion. In accordance with Section 1613.3.2 of the 2018 North Carolina Building Code, the seismic Site Class was estimated using the available soil test boring data. Based upon this analysis, and our knowledge of general subsurface conditions in the area, we believe the soil profile associated with a Site Class "C" is generally appropriate for this site. Liaufaction Potential The on-site soils should not be prone liquefaction as a result of the IBC design seismic event due to their high fines content. Spectral Acceleration Coefficients Based on the ATC Hazards website for a Seismic Site Class C, the following spectral acceleration coefficients values (in accordance with ASCE 7-16) are recommended for the site: Period (second) Mapped MCER Site Amplification Site Modified Design Acceleration (g) Factor(Site Class C) Acceleration (g) Acceleration (g) 0.2(Short Period) 0.213 Fa = 1.30 SMs=0.277 Sos=0.185 1.0 0.086 Fv= 1.50 SM1=0.129 Sol=0.086 NOVA Page 28 Geotechnical Engineering Report August 17, 2023 QT 1069, Marshville Boulevard, Marshville, NC NOVA Project Number 10705-2023048 7.0 CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATIONS 7.1 FOUNDATIONS Foundation excavations should be level and free of debris, ponded water, mud, and loose, frozen, or water-softened soils. All foundation excavations should be evaluated by the NOVA geotechnical engineer prior to reinforcing steel placement to observe foundation subgrade preparation and confirm bearing pressure capacity. Due to variable site subsurface and construction conditions, some adjustments in isolated foundation bearing pressures, depth of foundations or undercutting and replacement with controlled structural fill may be necessary. 7.2 SUBGRADE Once site grading is completed, the subgrade may be exposed to adverse construction activities and weather conditions. The subgrade should be well-drained to prevent the accumulation of water. If the exposed subgrade becomes saturated or frozen, the NOVA geotechnical engineer should be consulted. A final subgrade evaluation should be performed by the NOVA geotechnical engineer immediately prior to pavements or slab-on-grade placement. If practical, proofrolling may be used to re-densify the surface and to detect any soil which has become excessively wet or otherwise loosened. N 0VA Page 29 APPENDIX A Figures and Maps ,4 - 0 0 r0 if Nil sagiNsioni v./-- _ it ` /� Ad ':_z;.,—_;.__....., ...-...-iii-K..„ . ry _or !7 '� _ i �•" • . Site Marsh �� vine w uo\o� _ ®0 f gain St gil '!' vd l�. rr rf t� A � 0. . t. , I l r9 as } rGtee°eS * mcA x!eA'Griffin Lan -+.� ' ', �f�p .y� •'` rf FIGURE 1 QT Store No. 1069 SITE LOCATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC Marshville Boulevard MAPS N O VA Marshville,SC SOURCES: Google Earth, Topozone NOVA Project No. 10705-2023048 etl‘ • fr: \ ' /'4 \D-, A , \ g r47mQ I i / �v NW•r. \I �\' �. \\ �\ yy 0° ' ` p Z / .�.w ISIl iII I }I�" N / a ■ v °`��/` L � IT2 — J 9z / l � VJ��- s D-3 / ,/'• I - -^� r3 J L I `� l''' .-TI�03 !. I : 1 :ff ' `/f- �# `�� ___„._1 7 / t;I:.4 7/i, ,.5(// w, ___ __ ' __•:;•:• tin , A,,_%11,i't, ._ // .:-(1 ;,,,,..,,, :L _ .i. 1 < - .. B-1' • II \ ` - lAia' \ co N• — T 6 .'I--° T-I -c,n • D-4 1 i,/,•,,1 Jj \ NN•: A ."( i.87, ,L,.:- :. c:r,, iyav ;;;;Nig; / °,,,://// 1 41i / " _rli ,,, ill , —7 : 11 1'1 B-2 11 I 9 ,/ .1 '� B felon •'®I - - •+I r �l '0' ��I rl II 4f H ' I�ail I,• 1 H,,, P � ' 1 - - -:4- , - i . L.2A4z. z -8. v P> . . epz /-, " • -- �I 1-‘-'- /�, '7a!'r9rosl \ ?,seA If i a� 1 I�-J lip I` moo I`=_.Man i.. n. I!, . lihir 1 .. Lk- v nh.4 '61- 'el .p I o- 9 b)00:4..::....-_-1:t.I.1.1-.... r'l, 1 6m4-1-r-tp7/7:7_,\_1\,,, , \ f. V.. . 1 j lini,d ) I. � / k.,-;tprg6r_ •ARI_1\riii".__.....rrcoiwl I iittl __,:i //v. ; :\\ 8:11*\ \\ \\ I\ MIN Fik / 1\ ivi r ' ' \ \. \\ P \ \\ \ MIIIMNIXL / Ict i \ \ 1} \ g --- • -Approximate Boring Location / �, �r - ,/ e�''"� FIGURE 2 QT Store No. 1069 BORING LOCATION PLAN -- Marshville Boulevard (NTS) N OVA Marshville,SC NOVA Project No. 10705-2023048 tt ., / / / �u3 mm n 6 .!Iy el'---- / //{[�;\ \ II -0 Fo b )0,\\ F 1 ,Thik 11 s \ 1 ,5 A i 1 1 \ z 1\�\ 4iii _ f fir' II tI so k Itfti w PiP / goon 1 11ppa-rent approxuna=1 c tion I Io I .f ex ring UST. Re ;o� Land I 1 � bac 1itYY011 straetu\;IA =;off s'�?F €X> os � _m � r,.. ri am I _ f" "^o I _ k�: '' 1 ��, 1 AA II( ,r1 �' I LC—.In * - ) \ erg; LIB_ IE _ \ dl - i\ 5iII p �1'�I � 55 C. ICI , \, -*7—J = o �I I p= - - - ' � m�I _ -4',■■■■■I:.i 11 ; ^ t I I■■■■■■■ io I1■■■■■�■ mg N ` I 0 1 1■■.■■A■ > 1 j ii c'",\ 1sg e 1 piA , 1 i l' ' ao 11 '' •• I ` w ,.1 1 a I (0 \ 1 - Approximate Area-Significant Potential for encountering PWR/rock in shallow excavations. PWR/rock might be encountered in other areas of the site as well Approximate Area -Areas potentially containing existing fill. Evaluate for stability by proofrolling,test pits and evaluation of open footing - excavations. Poor fill likely present and will require about 3 to 6 feet of undercutting/replacement or geogrid/stone stabilization as per a field decision by the geotechnical engineer. Some fill in southern part of site should be removed during mass grading. Much of the fill consisted of MH silt and CH clays,and although it should be evaluated at the time of construction,we expect that much of the fill will not be suitable for reuse as structural fill unless it is relatively dry, it is free from deleterious materials , and it is placed at least 3 feet below finished subgrade elevation. Approximate Area -PWR/Rock will likely be encountered in tank pit excavations and canopy pier foundation. Note:Near surface,residual MH silts and CH clays might be present in some areas. These soils are likely not an issue but should be further evaluated for structure support and for use as structural fill during construction. Please note the extents of the designated areas are approximate and the actual extents may not be known until the areas are further evaluated by construction evaluations and may exceeded the designated areas. Figure 3: DEVELOPEMENT QT Store No. 1069 CONCERNS PLAN ------- Marshville Boulevard Scale: N 0 VA Date Drawn: 8/15/2023 Marshville,SC Drawn By:DA Checked By:JN NOVA Project No. 10705-2023048 Source:Client Supplied Drawing APPENDIX B Subsurface Data KEY TO SYMBOLS AND CLASSIFICATIONS DRILLING SYMBOLS M Split Spoon Sample 0 Undisturbed Sample (UD) • Standard Penetration Resistance (ASTM D1586-67) Y Water Table at least 24 Hours after Drilling Water Table 1 Hour or less after Drilling 100/2" Number of Blows (100)to Drive the Spoon a Number of Inches (2) NX, NQ Core Barrel Sizes: 2Y$- and 2-Inch Diameter Rock Core, Respectively REC Percentage of Rock Core Recovered RQD Rock Quality Designation—Percentage of Recovered Core Segments 4 or more Inches Long Loss of Drilling Water MC Moisture Content Test Performed CORRELATION OF PENETRATION RESISTANCE WITH RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY Number of Blows, "N" Approximate Relative Density 0—4 Very Loose 5— 10 Loose SANDS 11—30 Medium Dense 31—50 Dense Over 50 Very Dense Number of Blows, "N" Approximate Consistency 0—2 Very Soft 3—4 Soft SILTS 5—8 Firm and 9— 15 Stiff CLAYS 16—30 Very Stiff 31—50 Hard Over 50 Very Hard DRILLING PROCEDURES Soil sampling and standard penetration testing performed in accordance with ASTM D1586-67. The standard penetration resistance is the number of blows of a 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches to drive a 2-inch O.D., 1%- inch I.D. split spoon sampler one foot. Core drilling performed in accordance with ASTM D2113-62T. The undisturbed sampling procedure is described by ASTM D1587-67. Soil and rock samples will be discarded 60 days after the date of the final report unless otherwise directed. N 0 VA SOIL CLASSIFICATION CHART COARSE GRAINED GRAVELS Clean Gravel GW Well graded gravel SOILS less than 5%fines GP Poorly graded gravel Gravels with Fines GM Silty gravel more than 12%fines GC Clayey gravel SANDS Clean Sand SW Well graded sand less than 5%fines SP Poorly graded sand Sands with Fines SM Silty sand more than 12%fines SC Clayey sand FINE GRAINED SILTS AND CLAYS CL Lean clay SOILS Liquid Limit Inorganic ML Silt less than 50 Organic OL Organic clay and silt SILTS AND CLAYS CH Fat clay Liquid Limit Inorganic MH Elastic silt 50 or more Organic OH Organic clay and silt HIGHLY ORGANIC Organic matter, dark SOILS color, organic odor PT Peat PARTICLE SIZE IDENTIFICATION GRAVELS _Coarse %inch to 3 inches _ Fine No.4 to%inch SANDS Coarse No. 10 to No.4 Medium No. 40 to No. 10 Fine No. 200 to No. 40 SILTS AND CLAYS Passing No. 200 NOVA PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: NW Building Corner ELEVATION: 540 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/4/23 B_1 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 5' m Graphic Depiction co a (15 Description ° E j • BLOW COUNT as w c7 2 z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 540 10 20 30 40 60 100 1 Topsoil (2")Fill: No Recovery, sampled from cuttings as moist, soft,tan/�� V 3 • brown ELASTIC SILT(MH) Wet, very soft,tan/grey FAT CLAY(CH) i!��i WOH,• 535 „ 1 c • PWR: Sampled as moist,tan sandy SILT(ML) ❑ 50/4" c Auger refusal at 8.6' 50/0.5" -0 10 —530 EL 4 c 7 O N 15 525 c m no 0 s N 0 Y ° 20 —520 c 0 a c 0 Y l0 O c N 25 515 F 30 510 35 505 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: SE Building Corner ELEVATION: 540 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 B-2 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 9.5' m Graphic Depiction co a (15 Description E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 0 ~ z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 540 10 20 30 40 60 100 Residuum: Moist,firm,tan/brown sandy SILT(ML) • 7 • 10 • 5 Moist, stiff,tan/grey SILT(ML) O 535 r • Moist, very dense,tan/red silty,fine to coarse, SAND (SM) 54 C C .0 • o C r 72 16 "0 10 —530 EL 4 o Moist, very dense, brown silty fine SAND (SM) 90 0 15 525 Boring terminated at 15' oa 0 N 0 Y 0• 20 —520 0 a c 0 Y l0 O C N 25 515 F 30 510 35 505 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Canopy ELEVATION: 544 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 C_1 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 6' m Graphic Depiction c a (15 Description m E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 0 z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Residuum: Moist, very stiff,tan and red, SILT(ML) • V2O ai a 27 • 540 0 5 Moist, very hard,tan,SILT(ML) r • 98 • on c 535 PWR: Moist,tan, SILT(ML)with clay seams o 50/4.5" 0 10 m 2 Auger Refusal at 10.5' 4 c 530 0 N 15 c m no 0 s N N 525 0 20 c 0 a c 0 Y l0 c —520 y 25 F 515 30 —510 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Canopy ELEVATION: 547 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 C-2 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 5.5' m Graphic Depiction c > Description m E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 0 ~ z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Residuum: Moist, very stiff,tan, sandy SILT(ML) V 28 • 545 ai N 31 • 0 5 • PWR: Sampled as moist,tan, silty fine SAND (SM) 50/4" U —540 • .PWR: Sampled as moist,tan, silty fine SAND(SM)with rock 50/2.5" 10 fragments Q Auger refusal at 8.8' N 535 .0 0 c 0 0 Co 15 m nn 0 -530 N L N Y., 0 20 N a) a 525 0 Y l0 O c 25 F —520 30 515 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Canopy ELEVATION: 542 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 C-3 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 2' m Graphic Depiction c a `>° Description E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 0 Z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 PWR: Sampled as moist,tan/brown, sandy SILT(ML) . 50/3" —540 PWR: Sampled as moist,tan/brown, sandy SILT(ML)with C 50/1" rock fragments Auger refusal at 2.1' 0 5 0 U on —535 c 0 aci 10 a 530 .0 0 c 0 0 Co 15 C C m no o —525 N L N Y., 0 20 C C a) a 520 0 Y lCC 0 C 25 F —515 30 510 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Canopy ELEVATION: 541 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 C-4 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C m Graphic Depiction c a `>° Description E j • BLOW COUNT S as w c7 2 z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (3") 540 Residuum: Moist, very dense,tan, silty(fine to coarse) r 73 SAND (SM) Auger Refusal at 3.0' 0 5 535 U on C 4 16 y 10 EL 530 0) 4 C 7 O Co 15 525 0 s Co 0 Y 0 20 N —520 0 a c 0 Y l0 O C 25 F —515 30 510 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 549 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/4/23 D_1 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 4' m Graphic Depiction co (15 Description E (i3 • BLOW COUNT a) ° 0 ~ z A NATURAL MOISTURE _ PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Residuum: Moist, very stiff,tan/brown, sandy SILT(ML) • V2' (Li N • 545 C r 12 0 5 • PWR: Sampled as moist, brown, silty fine SAND(SM) 50/4" Auger refusal at 6.3' c 540 "0 10 2- 4., 4 c 535 0 c 15 c m no 0 s U! N 530 0 20 c 0 a c 0 Y l0 c —525 y 25 F 520 30 —515 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 545 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/4/23 D-2 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 3' m Graphic Depiction co a (15 Description E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 2 ~ z A NATURAL MOISTURE PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 545 10 20 30 40 60 100 Crushed Stone(2")Fill: Moist, soft,brown, SILT(ML) V 4 • r Residuum: Moist, very hard,tan/brown, sandy SILT(ML) V 64 O 5 540 PWR: Sampled as dry,tan, silty fine SAND (SM) 50/2° c PWR:Sampled as dry, tan, silty fine SAND (SM) with rock 50/1" • 10 _535 fragments Q Auger Refusal at 8.6' 4 c 7 O N 15 530 c m nn 0 s N N 0 Y °• 20 —525 c 0 a c 0 Y l0 O • c N 25 520 F 30 515 35 510 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 539 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/4/23 D-3 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C c m Graphic Depiction (15 Description m E c • BLOW COUNT oa) ° 0 Z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (2") /;ono • PWR: Sampled as dry,tan, silty SAND(SM)with rock 0 50/3.5" fragments Auger Refusal at 2.7' 50/2° r 535 0 5 0 U on c 4 530 'c 10 EL 4 c 525 0 N 15 c m no 0 s Co 520 0 20 o c 0 a c 0 Y lCC c —515 'y 25 F 510 30 —505 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 540 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 D-4 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C m Graphic Depiction c (15 Description E j • BLOW COUNT w ° 0 z A NATURAL MOISTURE PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 540 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (2") I • Residuum: Moist,firm, yellow/brown, SILT(ML) V 6 Y 40 very stiff V 22 411 5 535 • PWR:Sampled as dry, tan, silty fine SAND (SM) with rock o 50,/1' fragments Auger Refusal at 6.1' -0 10 —530 EL N .0 c 7 O N 15 525 0 c m no 0 s N N Y., 0 20 —520 c 0 a c 0 Y l0 O c O1 25 515 F 30 510 35 505 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 542 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 D-5 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 7' m Graphic Depiction co a (15 Description E j • BLOW COUNT w ° 0 ~ z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Asphalt 2" • •Fill: No recovery, sampled from soil cuttings as moist, gray/ • V 2-2-2 • 540 tan, FAT CLAY(CH) • • ���� • • r • Residuum: Moist, very dense,tan/brown, clayey,fine to 14 29 5 coarse, SAND(SC) 29 • PWR:Sampled as dry, tan, silty fine SAND (SM) with rock 50/4.5° —535 fragments C • 0 0 50/1.5" 0 0 10 EL Auger refusal at 11.0' 530 .0 0 c 0 0 Co 15 m nn o —525 N L (7 Y 0 20 N a) a 520 0 Y l0 0 c 25 F —515 30 510 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 545 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 D-6 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 7' m Graphic Depiction c (15 Description m E j • BLOW COUNT a) ° 0 ~ z A NATURAL MOISTURE PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 545 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (2")Fill: Moist, brown, Clay with gravel (CL) V 2 • r • Fill: Moist, brown, FAT CLAY(CH)with sand i!=''i V 6 w 5 0i 540 • PWR: Sampled as dry, tan/brown, silty fine SAND (SM) with 20-50/ rock fragments C 5 c 50/4" • 10 Auger refusal at 8.8' —535 a N 4 c 7 O N 15 530 c m nn 0 s fn N 0 Y C 0 20 —525 c 0 a c 0 Y l0 O • c N 25 520 F 30 515 35 510 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Site ELEVATION: 539 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 D-7 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C 3.5' Graphic Depiction c (15 Description E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 0 Z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (2") PWR: Sampled as moist tan/white, silty SAND (SM)with o 50/1.5" • rock fragments c 535 Auger Refusal at 3.5' 50/0.5" 0 5 U on c 4 530 "0 10 2- 4., 4 c 525 0 N 15 c m no 0 s Co N 520 0 20 o c 0 a c 0 Y lCC c —515 y 25 F 510 30 —505 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Tank ELEVATION: 539 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 T-1 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C Graphic Depiction c a (15 Description m E j • BLOW COUNT w c7 2 z A NATURAL MOISTURE cD PLASTIC LIMIT I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (2")Residuum: Moist, medium dense,tan, silty, dine to coarse, V 21 SAND (SM) V 19 535 0 5 0 18 • on c V 81 530 very dense -0 10 EL 4 5 525 \ PWR: Dry,tan, silty fine SAND (SM)0 50/1° • N 15 Auger Resfual at 13.7' on 0 Co 520 0 20 o 0 a c 0 Y l0 —515 25 F 510 30 —505 35 Page 1 of 1 PROJECT: QT 1069 Marshville PROJECT NO.: 10705-2023048 N 0 VA CLIENT: QuikTrip PROJECT LOCATION: Marshville, NC TEST BORING LOCATION: Tank ELEVATION: 542 FT-MSL DRILLER: CVET LOGGED BY: V. Lee RECORD DRILLING METHOD: SPT Via HSA DATE: 8/3/23 T-2 DEPTH TO-WATER>INITIAL: Dry AFTER 24 HOURS: z N/R CAVING> C m Graphic Depiction c (15 Description E j • BLOW COUNT w ° 0 Z A NATURAL MOISTURE PLASTIC LIMIT I I LIQUID LIMIT 0 10 20 30 40 60 100 Topsoil (2") /;ono PWR: Dry,tan, silty SAND (SM) with rock fragments - 0 50/5" 540 • ai — — Auger refusal at 3.7' 0 50/2 0 5 0 U on —535 c Co "c 10 a 530 .0 0 c 0 0 Co 15 C C co nn 0 -525 .0 L N Y., 0 20 C C 0) a 520 0 Y lCC 0 C 25 F —515 30 510 35 Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX C Qualifications of Recommendations QUALIFICATIONS OF RECOMMENDATIONS The findings, conclusions and recommendations presented in this report represent our professional opinions concerning subsurface conditions at the site. The opinions presented are relative to the dates of our site work and should not be relied on to represent conditions at later dates or at locations not explored. The opinions included herein are based on information provided to us, the data obtained at specific locations during the study and our experience. If additional information becomes available that might impact our geotechnical opinions, it will be necessary for NOVA to review the information, reassess the potential concerns, and re-evaluate our conclusions and recommendations. Regardless of the thoroughness of a geotechnical exploration, there is the possibility that conditions between borings will differ from those encountered at specific boring locations, that conditions are not as anticipated by the designers and/or the contractors, or that either natural events or the construction process have altered the subsurface conditions. These variations are an inherent risk associated with subsurface conditions in this region and the approximate methods used to obtain the data. These variations may not be apparent until construction. The professional opinions presented in this geotechnical report are not final. Field observations and foundation installation monitoring by the geotechnical engineer, as well as soil density testing and other quality assurance functions associated with site earthwork and foundation construction, are an extension of this report. Therefore, NOVA should be retained by the owner to observe all earthwork and foundation construction to document that the conditions anticipated in this study actually exist, and to finalize or amend our conclusions and recommendations. NOVA is not responsible or liable for the conclusions and recommendations presented in this report if NOVA does not perform these observation and testing services. This report is intended for the sole use of CLIENT only. The scope of work performed during this study was developed for purposes specifically intended by CLIENT and may not satisfy other users' requirements. Use of this report or the findings, conclusions or recommendations by others will be at the sole risk of the user. NOVA is not responsible or liable for the interpretation by others of the data in this report, nor their conclusions, recommendations, or opinions. Our professional services have been performed, our findings obtained, our conclusions derived, and our recommendations prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering principles and practices in the State of North Carolina. This warranty is in lieu of all other statements or warranties, either expressed or implied.