HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCS000393_MS4 Annual Report (2023-24 FY)_20240724 (2) Town of Dallas NCS000393 cinece‘CkIC D44 (1, Ski464101r , CP,. . 1 '? :.. . , __4,--._ 1 8 .:; • -0, , it • ,. : 8 6 . i!, 5i.v •, •:1 ei •- 5 1 11: . 4 ,.:....t.,.. , , - 4-. , / ,WIN, 6 . ..5, :. _ ,..._-.,.. ,..,. ./...-,:„. •• • - ,;.....-. 3 ., , .. 4. • - 4.: ,,,C,' . T't361 0110 rr - 44 tH Annual SWMP Self-Assessment Part 1 —Program Administration & Responsibilities Previously, the SWMP and Stormwater program was administered by the Public Works Director. These responsibilities were updated in January 2024 and are reflected in the figure below. The SWMP and Stormwater program are now administered by the Stormwater Administrator. Town of Dallas Stormwater City Manager Jonathan Newton employee organization Public Works Director Board of Bill Trudnak Aldermen Asst. Public Works Director City Manager Zack Foreman Stormwater Administrator Public Works Garrison Batchelor Director 704-774-9711 gbatchelor@dallasnc.net Assistant Public Works Stormwater/ Water/ Sewer Streets Director Water/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor Engineering Supervisor Maintenance JJ Robbins Stormwater Supervisor Administrator Streets Supervisor Crew Leader David Mathis Engineering Equipment Johnny Denton Operator Diamond Engineering Figure 1. The organization of employees related to the Town of Dallas Stormwater Program. Part 2 —Program Administration BMPs Annual Self-Assessment is completed by the Stormwater Administrator and submitted via the online submission form provided by NC DEQ. 2.1.2 and Part 4: Annual Self-Assessment Measures to evaluate the performance and effectiveness of the SWMP program components at least annually. Results shall be used by the permittee to modify the program components as necessary to accomplish the intent of the Stormwater Program. The self-assessment reporting period is the fiscal year(July 1 —June 30). BMP A B C D No. Description of Schedule for Implementation Measurable Goal(s) BMP Implementation Status 1. Annual Self-Assessment • Perform an 1.Prepare, certify and submit the Annual 1.Annually Years 1 -4 annual Self-Assessment to NCDEQ prior to evaluation of August 31 each year. SWMP implementation, suitability of SWMP commitments and any YES proposed changes to the SWMP utilizing the NCDEQ Annual Self- Assessment Template. 2. 1.6: Permit Renewal Application Measures to submit a permit renewal application no later than 180 days prior Not Applicable to the expiration date of the NPDES MS4 permit. Part 3 —Public Education and Outreach BMPs Permit 3.2.2 and 3.2.4: Outreach to Targeted Audiences Ref. Measures to identify the specific elements and implementation of a Public Education and Outreach Program to share educational materials to the community or conduct equivalent outreach activities about the impacts of stormwater discharges on water bodies and how the public can reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff. The permittee shall provide educational information to identified target audiences on pollutants/sources identified in table 12 of the SWMP, and shall document the extent of exposure of each media, event or activity, including those elements implemented locally or through a cooperative agreement. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 3. Public Education Materials Stormwater 1. Prepare and distribute general 1.Annually-Permit educational stormwater educational materials Years 1-5 YES materials will be through such means as utility bill Event(s) developed and inserts,documents/brochures information distributed to available at community events/sites, provided in Table appropriate target and direct delivery/mailing to specific below. groups. The Town target groups. may rely on Public 2. Utilize services of Gaston County . 2.Annually-Permit YES Education and and the Regional Stormwater Years 1-5 Outreach materials Partnership to provide supplemental Event(s) provided by Gaston educational materials. information County and the provided in Table Regional below. Stormwater 3. Use Town staff to operate an 3.Annually-Permit YES Partnership of the informational booth at a community Years 1-5 Carolinas to event to distribute materials on general Event(s) supplement self- information stormwater issues such as improper provided in Table generated material. disposal of waste and illicit discharges. below. 4. Maintain records of counts of all 4.Continuously— educational materials on site for future Permit Years 1-5 YES compliance audits. 4. Describe Target Pollutants The Town shall 1.The Town will maintain and update 1.Continuously- maintain a as needed the list of target Permit Years 1-5 YES description of the pollutants/stressors and their likely target pollutants sources as listed in Table 12.This list and/or stressors shall be posted on the Town's website Provided in SWMP. and likely sources. and Facebook page. 5. Describe Target Audiences The Town shall 1.The Town will maintain and update 1.Continuously- maintain a as needed a list of the target audiences Permit Years 1-5 description of the (as listed in Table 12)likely to target audiences experience stormwater impacts. This YES likely to have list shall describe the reasons for each significant storm target audience being selected and water impacts and shall be posted to the Town's website why they were and Facebook page. selected. 2. Information on Dallas'stormwater 2.Annually-Permit program will be shared with several Years 1-5 YES specific target audiences such as scouts,schools,civic groups,and Event(s) minority/disadvantaged communities, information specifically addressing identified target provided in Table pollutants/sources(as listed in Table below. 12). 6. Litter Management The Town will 1. Develop a litter management plan 1.Once—Permit develop and that includes staff responsibilities and Year 1 YES implement a plan public involvement events. for ongoing litter management, 2. Perform regular inspections of public 2.Continuously— PARTIALLY addressing public properties in accordance with plan and Permit Years 2-5 IMPLEMENTED properties and remove litter. street rights-of-way. 3.Conduct biannual public litter sweep 3.Twice—Permit PARTIALLY events. Years 2-5 IMPLEMENTED (Only 1 event for 23-24) Permit 2.1.7,3.2.3 and 3.6.5(c): Web Site Ref. Measures to provide a web site designed to convey the program's message(s) and provide online materials including ordinances, or other regulatory mechanisms, or a list identifying the ordinances or other regulatory mechanisms, providing the legal authority necessary to implement and enforce the requirements of the permit and SWMP. The web page shall also provide developers with all relevant post-construction requirements, design standards, checklists and/or other materials. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 7. Informational Web Site The web site will 1. Maintain and update the web site, 1.Continuously- provide information uploading new educational materials, Permit Years 1-5 on the Town's the most recent SWMP,and other stormwater pertinent documents. program, including the permit,SWMP, applicable ordinances,and annual reports. The web site will include educational materials developed by the YES Town and links to additional stormwater educational resources.The web site will also be used to advertise the stormwater hotline and opportunities for public involvement. 8. Stormwater Issue Reporting Mechanism A stormwater issue 1. Develop a reporting mechanism for 1.Once-Permit YES reporting stormwater issues. Year 1 mechanism will be 2. Monitor and maintain the reporting 2.Continuously- developed for the mechanism,adding new features as Permit Years 2-5 web site whereby needed. YES citizens can report Event(s) observed information stormwater provided in Table problems such as below. illicit discharges or runoff. Permit 3.2.5: Stormwater Hotline Ref. Measures for a stormwater hotline/helpline for the purpose of public education and outreach. A B C D BMP _ No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 9. Hotline/Helpline The Town shall 1.The Town shall establish a 1.Once-Permit promote and stormwater hotline phone number and Years 1 YES maintain a responsible party. stormwater hotline/helpline for 2.The Town shall maintain a 2.Continuously- the purpose of stormwater hotline phone number and Permit Years 1-5 YES public education responsible party. and outreach and to 3.Train additional staff to take 3.Annually-Permit Z. Foreman take questions and stormwater calls and answer questions Years 2-5 as complaints on as needed. needed. B.Trudnak stormwater issues. G. Batchelor 4. .Publicize the hotline number 4.Continuously- YES. through the web site and other Permit Years 1-5 selected mechanisms. Posted on website Event details for Public Education & Outreach BMP No. 3 Event Date Event Name Individuals Material Distributed Focus Pollutant(s) Reached 04/20/2024 Dallas Spring 19 Verbal awareness, Business card, Floatables, Litter, Clean Stormwater Website Sediment 05/11/2024 Dallas Library 5 Coloring sheets, 'Spot-the-Difference' Litter, Pet Waste, Yard Presentation BMP sheet Waste, Sediment Enviroscape demo, 'Spot-the- DallasLitter,Yard Waste, Pet 05/11/2024 Concert 32 Difference' BMP sheet, Coloring Waste, Household Series #1 Sheets Chemicals, Petroleum Products, Sediment Litter,Yard Waste, Pet 06/08/2024 Dallas Concert 44 Enviroscape demo, Water cycle Waste, Household Series #2 bracelets, Coloring Sheets Chemicals, Petroleum, 1 Sediment 06/11/2024 Dallas Library 12 Enviroscape demo, `Spot-the- Litter, Pet Waste, Yard Presentation Difference' BMP sheet, Coloring Waste, Sediment sheets Total Reached 112 Event details for Public Education & Outreach BMP No. 5 Event Date Event Name Individuals Activity/Material Distributed Focus Topic(s)/ Reached Pollutant(s) Carr Elementary Litter, Sediment, 01/26/2024 5th Grade 100 Floodplain Model, verbal presentation Land-Use, Pervious v. Impervious surfaces 02/02/2024 Carr Elementary 40 Be a Raindrop, Water cycle flow Water use, Litter 2nd Grade chart, Water cycle bracelet 02/09/2024 Carr Elementary 40 Be a Raindrop, Water cycle flow Water use, Litter 2nd Grade chart, Water cycle bracelet Litter, Pet Waste, Yard 02/15/2024 Carr Elementary 80 Enviroscape demo, verbal presentation Waste, Sediment, 5th Grade and PowerPoint Fertilizer, Household Chemicals. Petroleum Litter, Pet Waste, Yard 02/16/2024 Carr Elementary 20 Enviroscape demo, verbal presentation Waste, Sediment, 5th Grade and PowerPoint Fertilizer, Household Chemicals. Petroleum 02/16/2024 Carr Elementary 35 Be a Raindrop, Water cycle flow Water use, Litter 2nd Grade chart, Water cycle bracelet 02/20/2024 Carr Elementary 55 Be a Raindrop, Water cycle flow Water use Litter 1st Grade chart, Water cycle bracelet ' 02/22/2024 Carr Elementary 40 Be a Raindrop, Water cycle flow Water use Litter 1st Grade chart, Water cycle bracelet ' 03/05/2024 Carr Elementary 80 Career talk, Careers in science word General Awareness 5th Grade search 03/06/2024 Carr Elementary 20 Career talk, Careers in science word General Awareness 5th Grade search 03/14/2024 Carr Elementary 45 Share our Water activity, Stormwater Water Use, general 4th Grade word search, verbal instruction pollution Groundwater N. Gaston HS Grave Mistake activity, Career contamination, 03/21/2024 AP Earth Science 15 presentation Household chemicals, flow gradient, general awareness 04/12/2024 Carr Elementary 40 Share our Water activity, Stormwater Water Use, general 5th Grade word search, verbal instruction pollution 04/15/2024 Carr Elementary 60 Share our Water activity, Stormwater Water Use, general 5th Grade word search, verbal instruction pollution Total Interactions 670 Total Unique Interactions* 370 *Total Unique Interactions accounts for visiting the same classroom more than once. Event details for Public Education & Outreach BMP No. 6 Event Date Event Name Individuals Litter Removed Focus Pollutant(s) Reached 200 lbs of litter removed - 1 rubber tire 04/20/2024 Dallas Spring 19 - 20ft of plastic hose Floatables, Litter, Clean - 15 total trash bags Sediment 10 storm drains cleared of vegetative debris Event details for Public Education & Outreach BMP No. 8 Report Report Description Responding Underlying Issue Solution Date Party Homeowner claims drainage Drainage ditch needs Customer refused our ditch has filled in on S side Garrison to be dredged and offer to regrade ditch and 04/05/2024 of her driveway, requested Batchelor regraded to allow we denied help placing a putting in a grate over her adequate storm flow. grate over her culvert. culvert to flatten her yard. Homeowner claims drainage Drainage ditch was ditch is not graded properly, Garrison not graded properly Pipe was removed, ditch 05/23/2024 leaving standing water in Batchelor due to an old regraded and reseeded easement between road and walkway and pipe. with grass. sidewalk of her front yard. Clogged septic and After confirming there grease trap, exposed were no detrimental Restaurant owner has fill dirt sediment with no silt effects to Town of Dallas in his parking lot w/out silt Zack fence. water intake, this was 06/08/2024 fence. Overflowing grease Foreman, passed to Gaston County and septic trap is running off Garrison Stormwater as this in South Fork River near Batchelor property is not within Town of Dallas water intake. town limits. All pictures and complaints were provided. The homeowner has placed Town ordinance is Public Works Director plastic pipe in storm drainage too vague. Nothing spoke with homeowner explicitly stating the and warned about not ditch. The pipe is connecting homeowner isn't doing similar work again. 06/18/2024 his driveway culvert to his Bill Trudnak neighbor's culvert. No prior allowed to do this. Town ordinances need to authorization or engineering be rewritten to be more plans submitted to Town. encompassing than currently are. Part 4 — Public Involvement & Participation BMPs Permit 3.3.1: Public Input Ref. Mechanisms for public involvement that provide for input on stormwater issues and the stormwater program. BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 10. Public Involvement and Participation The Town shall provide and 1.The Town will 1.Continuously- promote mechanisms for public maintain a telephone Permit Years 1-5 involvement that provide for input hotline for citizens to YES on stormwater issues and the ask stormwater overall stormwater program. questions and report stormwater issues. 2.A public meeting will 2.Annually-Permit be conducted annually Years 1-5 before the Town's Board of Aldermen to report on the stormwater Not Implemented in program and issues of current concern. FY 23-24 Recognitions will also be made of groups/individuals for volunteer efforts. 11. Stormwater Web Site The web site will provide 1. Maintain and update 1.Continuously- information on the Town's the web site, uploading Permit Years 1-5 stormwater program, including the new educational permit,SWMP,applicable materials,the most ordinances, and annual reports. recent SWMP, and The web site will include other pertinent educational materials developed documents. by the Town and links to additional stormwater educational resources. YES The web site will also be used to advertise the stormwater hotline and opportunities for public involvement. Permit 3.3.2: Volunteer Opportunities Ref. Measures to provide volunteer opportunities designed to promote ongoing citizen participation. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status • 12. Volunteer Community Involvement Program The Town shall include and 1.The Town will 1.Annually-Permit PARTIALLY promote volunteer opportunities sponsor biannual Years 1-5 IMPLEMENTED(Only 1 designed to promote ongoing clean-up events, event for 23-24) citizen participation. organizing volunteers to pick up trash or clean- up litter from streams or public rights-of-way Details in table above that have the potential for Public Education& to pollute stormwater. Outreach BMP No.6 2.The Town will create 2.Once-Permit Years 1 a drain stenciling program in which volunteers can stencil YES drains with a message aimed at preventing illegal dumping into storm drains. 3.The Town will 3.Annually—Permit continue its drain Years 2-5 Not Implemented stenciling program until No events hosted in all drains have been FY 23-24 addressed. Part 5—Illicit Discharge Detection & Elimination BMPs Permit 3.4.1: MS4 Map Ref. Measures to develop, update and maintain a municipal storm sewer system map including stormwater conveyances,flow direction, major outfalls and waters of the United States receiving stormwater discharges. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 13. Storm Sewer System Base Map The Town shall maintain a current 1.The MS4 map will be 1.Once-Permit Year 1 map showing major outfalls and completed,to include receiving streams. all major outfalls,flow YES directions,and receiving waters. 2.Conduct second 2.Annually-Permit Partially Implemented phase of MS4 map to Year 2-5 add all stormwater control infrastructure such as catch basins, Currently undergoing ditches, storm drainage an infrastructure pipes, etc. inventory project. 3.Add pertinent state 3.Annually-Permit Partially Implemented infrastructure to MS4 Years 2-5 map. Currently undergoing an infrastructure inventory project. 4. MS4 map will be 4.Continuously- monitored and updated Permit Years 2-5 as YES on an ongoing basis. needed Permit 3.4.2: Regulatory Mechanism Ref. Measures to provide an IDDE ordinance or other regulatory mechanism that provides legal authority to prohibit, detect, and eliminate illicit connections and discharges, illegal dumping and spills into the MS4, including enforcement procedures and actions. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 14. Legal Authorities The Town shall annually review its 1. Develop and adopt 1.Once-Permit Year 1 IDDE ordinances or other an Illegal Discharge regulatory mechanisms or adopt Detection and any new ones that provide Elimination(IDDE) adequate legal authority to prohibit Ordinance establishing YES illicit connections and discharges the Town's legal and enforce the IDDE program. authority to prohibit illicit connections and discharges. 2. Review and update 2.Annually-Permit IDDE ordinance if it is Years 2-5 determined that revisions or additions YES are necessary to maintain or enhance legal authority. Permit 3.4.3: IDDE Plan Ref. Measures to maintain and implement a written IDDE Plan to detect and address illicit discharges, illegal dumping and any non-stormwater discharges identified as significant contributors of pollutants to the MS4. The plan shall provide standard procedures and documentation to: a) Locate priority areas likely to have illicit discharges, b) Conduct routine dry weather outfall inspections, c) Identify illicit discharges and trace sources, d) Eliminate the source(s)of an illicit discharge, and e) Evaluate and assess the IDDE Program. BMP A B C D No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 15. Investigation of Illicit Discharges The Town shall develop and 1. Develop a written 1.Once-Permit Year 1 maintain a Standard Operating IDDE plan, including Procedure(SOP)for the SOPs and YES investigation of potential illicit documentation for discharges, illicit connections,and Permit Reference 3.4.3 illegal dumping. 2.Submit written IDDE 2.Once—Permit Year 1 Partially Implemented plan to NCDEQ for review and approval. Plan is drafted but not reviewed yet by DEQ. 3. Implement approved 3.Continuously- Partially Implemented IDDE plan,addressing Permit Years 2-5 issues identified under Plan is drafted but not Permit Reference 3.4.3. reviewed yet by DEQ. 16. Dry Weather Flows In accordance with the approved 1. In conformance with 1.Continuously-Permit IDDE plan,the Town shall conduct the written SOP,staff Years 2-5 Partially a program for dry weather flow field shall conduct annual Implemented. observations for the purpose of inspections of all major detecting and removing the outfalls during dry sources of illicit discharges. weather flow Staffing not previously conditions(no rain in available to conduct previous 72 hours)to formal dry weather proactively identify and inspections. Informal eliminate illicit inspections done discharges and illicit each week. connections. Permit 3.4.4: IDDE Tracking Ref. Measures for tracking and documenting the date(s)an illicit discharge, illicit connection or illegal dumping was observed,the results of the investigation, any follow-up of the investigation,the date the investigation was closed,the issuance of enforcement actions, and the ability to identify chronic violators. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 17. Track and Document Investigations In accordance with the approved 1. Develop an Illicit 1.Once-Permit Year 1 IDDE plan,the Town shall track all Discharge Report form YES. investigations and document the to include observed date(s)an illegal discharge was illicit discharge observed,the results of the indicators, date, No Illicit Discharges investigation, any follow-up of the location,and follow-up reported for FY 23-24. investigation, and the date the contacts. investigation was closed. 2. Develop a 2.Once-Permit Year 1 spreadsheet to consolidate and monitor the data collected from the Illicit Discharge Report forms. The spreadsheet should YES also include the results of each investigation, any follow-up actions, enforcement actions taken, and date of closure. 3. Utilize Illicit 3.Continuously- Discharge Report form Permit Years 2-5 and spreadsheet for all YES ongoing investigations of illicit discharges and/or connections. Permit 3.4.5: Staff IDDE Training Ref. Measures to provide training for municipal staff and contractors who, as part of their normal job responsibilities, may observe an illicit discharge, illicit connection, illegal dumping or spills. Training shall include how to identify and report illicit discharges, illicit connections, illegal dumping and spills. Each staff training event shall be documented, including the agenda/materials, date, and number of staff participating. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 18. Employee Training The Town shall implement and 1. Identify and provide 1.Annually-Permit document a training program for training for Public Years 1-5 appropriate staff who,as part of Works Department staff their normal job responsibilities, who,as part of their may come into contact with or normal job otherwise observe an illegal responsibilities, may discharge or illicit connection to come into contact with YES the storm sewer system. or otherwise observe an illicit discharge or illicit connection. Details in table below Training will be provided in-house or through the Regional Stormwater Partnership or the National Stormwater Center. 2. Provide training to 2.Annually-Permit staff in other Town Years 2-5 departments, YES particularly drivers of Town vehicles or those whose duties require visits to various Details in table below locations within the Town. 3. Utilize the Town's 3.Annually-Permit partially Implemented Safety Committee as a Years 1-5 means of educating all Town departments about the impacts of Staffing not previously illicit available. Metting for discharges/connection FY 24-25 has been s scheduled already. 19. Fact Sheets Post illicit discharge fact sheets in 1. Develop illicit 1.Once-Permit Year 1 the staff common areas of all discharge fact sheet for YES department facilities as a reminder display. of the basics of identifying and reporting illicit discharges, 2. Post illicit discharge 2.Annually-Permit 1 in Town Hall connections,and dumping. fact sheets in each Years 2-5 departmental facility. 1 in Public Works Warehouse Permit 3.4.6: IDDE Reporting Ref. Measures for the public and staff to report illicit discharges, illegal dumping and spills.The mechanism shall be publicized to facilitate reporting and shall be managed to provide rapid response by appropriately trained personnel. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 20. Public Education The Town shall inform staff, 1.The Town will use 1.Continuously- businesses,and the general public various means of Permit Years 1-5 of hazards associated with illegal communication(utility discharges and improper disposal bill flyers, newsletter, of waste. website, Facebook, electronic message YES board, etc.)to provide general information on the hazards associated with illegal discharges and the improper disposal of waste. 21. Reporting Mechanism The Town shall promote, publicize, 1.The Town maintain a 1.Continuously- and facilitate a reporting stormwater hotline Permit Years 1-5 mechanism for the public and staff phone number and to report illicit discharges and responsible party to YES establish and implement citizen which the public can request response procedures. report illicit discharge issues or ask questions. 2.Additional staff will 2.Annually-Permit be trained to take Year 2-5 YES stormwater calls and answer questions. 3. Publicize the hotline 3.Continuously-Permit number through the Years 1-5 YES website and other selected mechanisms. 4.The Town's website 4.Continuously- will also include a Permit Year 2-5 reporting mechanism whereby the public can YES report illicit discharge issues or ask questions. 22. Enforcement The Town shall implement a 1. Utilize a spreadsheet 1.Continuously- mechanism to track the issuance to consolidate and Permit Years 2-5 of NOVs and enforcement actions. monitor the data This mechanism shall include the collected from the Illicit Partially ability to identify chronic violators Discharge Report Implemented. for initiation of actions to reduce forms. The non-compliance. spreadsheet should also include the results of each investigation, Historical data for any follow-up actions, past FY needs to be enforcement actions added. taken (including the issuance of NOVs),and date of closure. Details for Staff IDDE Training BMP No. 18 Training Date Training Topic Training Facilitator # of Participants 04/02/2024 Pollutants and Reporting Garrison Batchelor - Town of Dallas 12 Part 6 - Construction Site Runoff Control Permit 3.5.6: Public Input Ref. Measures to provide and promote a means for the public to notify the appropriate authorities of observed erosion and sedimentation problems. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status Implementation 23. Municipal Staff Training Train municipal staff who receive 1.Annually—Permit 1.Train municipal staff YES calls from the public on the Years 1-5 protocols for referral and tracking on proper handling of construction site runoff B.Trudnak,Z. of construction site runoff control control complaints. Foreman,G. Batchelor. complaints. 24. Stormwater Hotline The Town shall provide and 1.The Town will 1.Continuously- promote mechanisms for public maintain a telephone Permit Years 1-5 involvement that provide for input hotline for citizens to YES on stormwater issues and the ask stormwater overall stormwater program. questions and report stormwater issues. Permit 3.5.5: Waste Management Ref. Measures to require construction site operators to control waste such as discarded building materials, concrete truck washout, chemicals, litter, and sanitary waste at the construction site that may cause adverse impact to water quality. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status Implementation 25. Control of Construction Waste Whereas Section 11 of the Gaston 1. Train Town staff on 1.Annually-Permit YES County Sedimentation and Erosion improper handling or Year 1.Additional Control Ordinance designates control of construction annual training to new waste from construction sites as waste and on reporting personnel in permit part of the land-disturbing activity of such activities. years 2-5 as needed. subject to the provisions of the ordinance,Town staff will be 2. Report suspected 2.Continuously- Partially Implemented provided training to report violations to Gaston Permit Years 1-5 County. following completion No documented record violations of this provision to of incidents. Incidents Gaston County officials. of training. are typically reported without documentation. Part 7-Post-Construction Site Runoff Control BMPs Permit 3.6.5(a), 3.6.5(b), and 4.1.3: Minimum Post-Construction Reporting Requirements Ref. Measures to document activities over the course of the fiscal year(July 1 —June 30) including appropriate information to accurately describe progress, status, and results. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 26. Standard Reporting Implement standardized tracking, 1.Track number of low 1.Continuously— Partially Implemented documentation, inspections and density and high Permit Years 1-5 reporting mechanisms to compile density plan reviews Records kept by appropriate data for the annual performed. Gaston County, not self-assessment process. Town of Dallas.This will be fixed for next FY(24-25) 2.Track number of low 2.Continuously— Partially Implemented density and high Permit Years 1-5 density plans approved. Records kept by Gaston County, not Town of Dallas.This will be fixed for next FY(24-25) 4.Track number of SCM 4.Continuously— YES inspections performed. Permit Years 1-5 5.Track number of low 5.Continuously— Partially Implemented density inspections Permit Years 1-5 performed. Records kept by Gaston County, not Town of Dallas.This will be fixed for next FY(24-25) 6.Track number and 6.Continuously— Partially Implemented type of enforcement Permit Years 1-5 actions taken. Records kept by Gaston County, not Town of Dallas.This will be fixed for next FY(24-25) Permit 3.6.2: Legal Authority Ref. Measures to maintain adequate legal authorities through ordinance or other regulatory mechanism to: (a) review designs and proposals for new development and redevelopment to determine whether adequate stormwater control measures will be installed, implemented, and maintained, (b) request information such as stormwater plans, inspection reports, monitoring results, and other information deemed necessary to evaluate compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program, and (c)enter private property for the purpose of inspecting at reasonable times any facilities, equipment, practices, or operations related to stormwater discharges to determine whether there is compliance with the Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 27. Adequate Legal Authorities The Town shall annually review its 1.Town staff will 1.Annually-Permit or other mechanisms to ensure conduct an annual Years 1-5 YES there are adequate legal review of its authorities to meet the objectives compliance with the of the Post-Construction Site objectives of the Post- New ordinances are Runoff Control Stormwater Construction Site being drafted to Management Program. Runoff Controls restructure and program to determine broaden stormwater the adequacy of its protections legal authorities. Permit 3.6.3: Plan Review and Approval Ref. Measures to maintain plan review and approval authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Require Federal, State, and local government projects to comply with Post-Construction Program requirements throughout the entire MS4 permitted area, unless the entity is subject to its own NPDES MS4 permit or a qualifying alternative program, (b) Conduct site plan reviews of all new development and redeveloped sites that disturb greater than or equal to one acre, and sites that disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale for compliance with 15A NCAC 02H.1017 and the qualifying alternative programs that apply within your jurisdiction, (c)Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Agreement that complies with 15A NCAC 02H.1050(12), (d)Ensure that each project has an Operation and Maintenance Plan that complies with 15A NCAC 02H.1050(13), (e) Ensure that each project has recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants, that require the project to be maintained consistent with approved plans, and(f)Ensure that each SCM and associated maintenance accesses be protected in a permanent recorded easement per 15A NCAC 02H 1050(9) and(10). A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 28. Plan Reviews The Town shall conduct site plan 1.All new development 1.Continuously- reviews of all new development and redevelopment Permit Years 1-5 and redevelopment to determine activity will be reviewed whether adequate stormwater by Town staff for YES control measures will be installed, compliance with the implemented,and maintained to appropriate stormwater meet established standards. management design standards. 2.Staff 2.Continuously- recommendations on Permit Years 1-5 new development and redevelopment activities will be presented to the Dallas YES Planning Board for formal recommendations to the Board of Aldermen on plan approval. 3. Planning Board 3.Continuously- recommendations on Permit Years 1-5 new development and redevelopment activities will be YES presented to the Dallas Board of Aldermen for final action on plan approval. 29. Deed Restrictions/Covenants The Town shall provide 1.Town staff will 1.Continuously- mechanisms such as recorded maintain copies of and Permit Years 1-5 deed restrictions and protective aid in ensuring covenants that ensure compliance with all development activities will be covenants as required YES consistent with approved plans. by the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance to guarantee continued maintenance. 30. Operations&Maintenance Plan The Town shall require an 1.Town staff will obtain 1.Continuously partially Implemented Operations and Maintenance and maintain copies of Permit Years 1-5 (O&M)plan for the long-term all O&M plans as operations of structural BMPs required by the Gaston required by the program. Owners County Stormwater Town Engineer has of structural BMPs must have Ordinance to guarantee copies of most O&M annual inspections conducted by continued agreements but not a qualified professional. maintenance. all. 2.Town staff will obtain 2.Continuously- and maintain copies of Permit Years 1-5 Partially Implemented all annual inspection reports as required by the Gaston County Town Engineer has Stormwater Ordinance records of most to verify proper annual reports,but operation and not all. maintenance. Permit 3.6.4: Inspections and Enforcement Ref. Measures to maintain inspection and enforcement authority, standards and procedures to:(a)Conduct post-construction inspections prior to issuing a Certificate of Occupancy or a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy.Alternatively, the project owner may provide a surety bond to guarantee compliance with the approved plan(s), (b)Ensure that the project has been constructed in accordance with the approved plan(s), (c)Ensure annual inspection of each permitted SCM to ensure compliance with the approved Operation and Maintenance Agreement, (d)Ensure inspection of low density projects at least once during the permit term, and(e)Require that inspections be conducted by a qualified professional A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 31. Inspections The Town shall have the authority 1. Utilizing the access 1.Annually-Permit to enter private property for the authority provided by Years 1-5 Partially Implemented purpose of inspecting any the Gaston County facilities,equipment, practices or Stormwater Ordinance, operations related to stormwater Town staff will conduct Responsibility for discharges to determine annual inspections to inspections moving compliance with Post- ensure compliance from Town Engineer to Construction Stormwater with Post-Construction Stormwater Management Program. requirements by each Administrator. SCM. 2. Based on inspection 2.Annually-Permit findings, report any Years 1-5 issues of non- compliance to the Gaston County Natural YES Resources Department for formal follow-up action. 32. Monitoring The Town shall request information 1..Town staff will 1.Continuously- such as stormwater plans, obtain and maintain Permit Years 1-5 inspections reports, monitoring copies of all results, and other information stormwater plans, necessary to evaluate compliance inspection reports,and with Post-Construction other related Stormwater Management documents as required YES Program. by the Gaston County Stormwater Ordinance to guarantee continued compliance with the Post-Construction program. Permit 3.6.6: Fecal Coliform Reduction Ref. Measures to control,to the maximum extent practicable, sources of fecal coliform per 15A NCAC 02H .1017(7). At a minimum,the program shall include: (a)A pet waste management component,which may be achieved by revising an existing litter ordinance, and (b)An on-site domestic wastewater treatment system component, if applicable,which may be coordinated with local county health department,to ensure proper operation and maintenance of such systems. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status This permit requirement is fully met by the existing post-construction program as YES referenced in Table 19. Part 8—Pollution Prevention & Good Housekeeping Permit 3.7.1: Municipal Facilities Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to manage facilities that are owned and operated by the permittee and have the potential for generating polluted stormwater runoff. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of municipal facilities; perform facility inspections and routine maintenance;establish specific frequencies,schedules,and standard documentation; provide staff training on general stormwater awareness and implementing pollution prevention and good housekeeping practices. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 33. Inventory of Facilities The Town shall maintain a current 1.Compile list of 1.Once-Permit Year 1 inventory of facilities and current Town-owned YES operations owned and operated by facilities. the permittee with the potential for generating polluted stormwater 2. Perform initial 2.Once-Permit Year 1 runoff. inspection of facilities for current facilities. for potential to Annually-Permit Years generate polluted 1-5 for facilities added YES stormwater runoff and to the list. classify each facility as high or low potential. 3. Perform annual 3.Annually-Permit inspection of facilities Years 2-5 classified as having high potential for YES generating polluted stormwater runoff. 4. Update list as 4.Annually-Permit facilities are added or Years 1-57 YES closed. 34. O&M for Municipal Facilities The Town shall maintain, 1. Develop and 1.Once-Permit Year 2 implement,assess annually,and implement an O&M update as necessary an Operations plan for each high and Maintenance(O&M)program potential facility that for municipally owned and includes proactive YES operated facilities. schedules,standard documentation,staff responsibilities,and proper maintenance training. 2. Perform regular 2.Annually-Permit inspections on each Years 2-5 high potential facility in YES accordance with the O&M program. 3.Verify,document, 3.Annually-Permit and prioritize Years 2-5 stormwater YES maintenance activities identified by inspections. Permit 3.7.2: Spill Response Program Ref. Measures for facilities and operations that store and/or use materials that have the potential to contaminate stormwater runoff if spilled. The permittee shall maintain written spill response procedures and train staff on spill response procedures. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 35. Spill Response Procedures The Town shall have written spill 1. Review written spill 1.Once-Permit Year 1 response procedures for response procedures YES municipally owned and operated for thoroughness. facilities. 2. Review specific spill 2.Once-Permit Year 1 response procedures for facilities identified YES as having potential for high hazard spills. 3. Update written spill 3.Annually-Permit response procedures Years 2-5 due to changes in YES facilities or operations. 4.Train Public Works 4.Annually-Permit and Fire Department Years 1-5 staff on spill response YES procedures. 5.Train staff at facilities 5.Annually—Permit designated high hazard Years 1-5 potential on spill YES response procedures. 1 Permit 3.7.3: MS4 Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to minimize pollutants in the stormwater collection system. The permittee shall provide operation and maintenance staff training on stormwater awareness and pollution prevention, perform MS4 inspections, maintain the collection system including catch basins and conveyances;and establish specific frequencies,schedules,and standard documentation. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 36. Staff Training The Town shall implement a 1. Develop and 1.Once-Permit Year 1 . training program for employees implement a training involved in implementing pollution program on stormwater prevention and good housekeeping awareness and YES practices. pollution prevention for all Town employees involved in these activities. 2. Provide initial training 2.Once-Permit Year 2 for all employees involved in these YES activities. 3. Provide ongoing 3.Annually-Permit training for all Years 3-5 appropriate employees, YES including new employees. 37. MS4 Collection System Inspections and Maintenance The Town will develop and 1. Develop a plan that 1.Once—Permit Year 1 implement a plan for ongoing MS4 includes inspection system maintenance, requiring schedules,staff YES regular inspections and responsibilities,and maintenance. proper maintenance activities. 2. Perform regular 2.Continuously— inspections of MS4 Permit Years 2-5 as YES collection system in called for in plan. accordance with plan. 3. Perform regular 3.Continuously— maintenance of MS4 Permit Years 2-5 as YES collection system in called for in plan. accordance with plan. Permit 3.7.4: Municipal SCM Operation and Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to manage municipally-owned, operated,and/or maintained structural stromwater control measures (SCMs)that are installed for compliance with the permittee's post-construction program. The permittee shall maintain a current inventory of SCMs, perform SCM inspections and maintenance,and shall establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 38. Stormwater Controls Inventory The Town shall maintain an 1. Develop an inventory 1.Once-Permit Year 1 . inventory of municipally owned or of existing Town-owned operated structural stormwater SCMs with information controls installed for compliance including type,year YES with the Town's post-construction built,date of last ordinance. inspection,and maintenance actions. 2. Update inventory as 2.Continuously- required by new Permit Year 1-5 as development activity required following YES and related facilities. completion of initial inventory. 39. O&M for Stormwater Controls Within 12 months the Town shall 1. Develop and 1.Once-Permit Year 2 develop and implement an O&M implement an O&M plan for municipally owned or plan for each Town operated structural controls, owned or controlled specifying the frequency of SCM that includes inspections and routine proactive schedules, YES maintenance. All inspections and standard maintenance shall be documentation,staff documented. responsibilities,and proper maintenance training. 2. Perform regular 2.Continuously- inspections on each Permit Years 2-5 as YES SCM in accordance called for in O&M plan. with the O&M plan. 3.Verify,document, 3.Continuously- and prioritize SCM Permit Years 2-5 as maintenance activities called for in O&M plan. YES identified by inspections. 4.Obtain inventory of 4.Once-Permit Year 3 NCDOT-owned or controlled SCMs for YES addition to Town's inventory. Permit 3.7.5: Pesticide, Herbicide and Fertilizer Management Program Ref. Measures to minimize water quality impacts from the use of landscape chemicals. The permittee shall provide routine pollution prevention and chemical use,storage and handling training,and shall ensure compliance with permits and applicator certifications. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 40. Pesticide,Herbicide,and Fertilizer Application Management The Town shall ensure that 1. Ensure that current 1.Annually-Permit municipal employees and Public Works and Parks Year 1-5 contractors are properly trained &Recreation and that all permits,certifications, employees holding and other measures for applicators certifications for are followed. pesticide, herbicide, YES and fertilizer application attend the training required to maintain those certifications. 2. Provide training 2.Annually-Permit opportunities for Years 2-5 as necessary. additional employees YES to obtain application certification as determined necessary. 3. Develop or identify 3.Once-Permit Year 2 pollution prevention and chemical use, YES storage, and handling training program. 4. Provide staff training 4.Annually-Permit in pollution prevention Years 3-5 YES and chemical use, storage, and handling. Permit 3.7.6: Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Program Ref. Measures to prevent and minimize contamination of stormwater runoff from areas used for municipal vehicles and equipment maintenance and/or cleaning. The permittee shall ensure that municipal industrial facilities subject to NPDES industrial permitting comply with those permit requirements, provide routine pollution prevention training to staff, perform routine inspections,and establish specific frequencies,schedules,and documentation. A B C D BMP No. Schedule for Implementation Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Implementation Status 41. Prevent/Minimize Stormwater Runoff from Vehicle/Equipment Cleaning Areas The Town shall describe and 1. Develop an 1.Once-Permit Year 2 implement measures to prevent or inspection checklist to minimize stormwater runoff ensure that vehicle and contamination from all areas used equipment facilities are for vehicle and equipment following proper YES cleaning. procedures to minimize water quality impacts from vehicle and equipment cleaning and maintenance. 2. Perform inspections 2. Bi-annually-Permit . of appropriate facilities Years 2-5 using inspection checklist and follow-up YES on any corrective actions needed. 3. Perform re- 3. Bi-annually-Permit inspection of any Years 2-5 as necessary. YES facility that required corrective action. 42. Staff Training The Town shall provide general 1. Develop a training 1.Once-Permit Year 1 stormwater awareness and program on stormwater pollution prevention training to awareness and employees working in pollution prevention for YES vehicle/equipment cleaning and all Town employees maintenance areas. involved in these activities. 2.Conduct training on 2.Annually—Permit stormwater awareness Years 2-5 and pollution YES prevention for all Town employees involved in these activities. Permit 3.7.7: Pavement Management Program Ref. Measures to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from municipally-owned streets, roads,and parking lots within the permittee's corporate limits. The permittee shall implement measures to control litter, leaves,debris, particulate and fluid pollutants associated with vehicles,and establish specific frequencies,schedules, and documentation. A B C D BMP No. Description of BMP Measurable Goal(s) Schedule for Implementation Implementation Status 43. Streets, Roads,and Public Parking Lots Maintenance The Town shall evaluate BMPs to 1.The Town will 1.Continuously- reduce polluted stormwater runoff maintain its program of Permit Years 1-5 from municipally owned streets, regular trash and roads,and public parking lots leaf/yard waste within the Town limits. Within 12 collection to reduce the YES months,the Town must update its amount of potential Stormwater Plan to include the debris washed into BMPs selected. storm drains following rain events. 2. Implement a 2.Continuously- program of regular Permit Years 1-5 YES storm drain/catch basin cleaning 3. Publicize the 3.Annually—Permit schedule for trash and Years 1-5 leaf collection and YES record the volumes collected. 44. Vehicle Spill Cleanup The Town shall establish an 1. Develop specific 1.Once-Permit Year 1 organized vehicle spill cleanup vehicle spill response YES response to prevent or minimize procedures for dealing pollutants from vehicle accidents with vehicle accidents. from entering the storm drain system. 2.Train Public Works 2.Annually-Permit and Fire Department Years 2-5 staff in vehicle spill YES response procedures.