HomeMy WebLinkAboutRobersonCreekTMDLFinal Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) For Total Phosphorus Final Report August 2003 (Approved January 2004) Roberson (Robeson) Creek Subbasin 03-06-04 Cape Fear River Basin North Carolina Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report ii INDEX OF TMDL SUBMITTAL 1. 303(d) List Information State North Carolina County Chatham Basin Cape Fear River Basin 303(d) Listed Waters Name of Stream Description Class Index # Subbasin Miles Roberson Creek From a point 0.3 miles upstream of mouth to B. Everett Jordan Lake, Haw River WS-IV, NSW, C 16-38-(5) 30604 0.6 14 digit HUC or Cataloging Unit(s) 03030002060030 Area of Impairment 0.6 miles WQS Violated Chlorophyll a Pollutant of Concern Total Phosphorus Sources of Impairment Point and nonpoint sources from entire watershed 2. Public Notice Information A draft of the Roberson Creek TMDL was publicly noticed through various means, including notification in the local newspaper, The Chatham Record, on June 19, 2003. DWQ electronically distributed the draft TMDL and public comment information to known interested parties. The TMDL was also available from the Division of Water Quality’s website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/draft_TMDLs.htm during the comment period beginning June 19 and ending July 21. A public meeting was held on July 15 at the Chatham County Agricultural Center Auditorium in Pittsboro. At this meeting, staff presented the TMDL and answered questions. In addition to DWQ staff, 14 people attended the meeting. Did notification contain specific mention of TMDL proposal? Yes Were comments received from the public? Yes Was a responsiveness summary prepared? Yes. A responsiveness summary is found in Chapter 10 of the TMDL report. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report iii 3. TMDL Information Critical condition: Dry hydrologic conditions; summer algal growing season Seasonality: TMDL is based on meeting the target standard during the critical summer growing season. The TMDL is applied to the period, April through October. Weather related variability during the model period is incorporated. Basing the TMDL on this warm weather period will also protect Roberson Creek during the cold weather period (November – March). Development tools: FLUX, BATHTUB, SWAT Supporting documents: Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) For Total Phosphorus, NC Division of Water Quality (2003) TMDL Total mass daily load allocation of total phosphorus in kilograms (kg). Source Types TMDL for Summer (April-October) % Reduction 1. Non-point source Urban Forest Pasture/Hay lands 2. Point source WWTP Total 44 -- -- 146 190 71 0 0 71 71 Load allocation at critical condition: 190 kg TP/ summer (0.89 kg TP/day/summer) Waste load allocation (WLA): 146 kg TP/summer (0.68 kg TP/day/summer) Load allocation (LA): 44 kg TP/summer (0.21 kg TP/day/summer) Margin of Safety (applied to the water quality criteria): An explicit margin of safety of 7.9 µg/L chlorophyll a based on meeting the lower 80% confidence interval of receiving water model predictions. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Watershed Description....................................................................................................3 1.2 Water Quality Target......................................................................................................6 1.3 Water Quality Assessment..............................................................................................9 2 Source Assessment................................................................................................................14 2.1 Point Source Assessment..............................................................................................15 2.2 Non-Point Source Assessment......................................................................................17 2.2.1 Agricultural Lands....................................................................................................17 2.2.2 Urban lands ..............................................................................................................18 3 Modeling Approach...............................................................................................................19 3.1 Receiving Water Model................................................................................................19 3.1.1 Model Framework....................................................................................................19 3.1.2 Model Setup .............................................................................................................20 Segment Morphometry....................................................................................20 Climate Input and Atmospheric Loads............................................................21 In-Lake Concentrations ...................................................................................22 Tributary Loading Estimates ...........................................................................22 3.1.3 BATHTUB Calibration............................................................................................30 3.1.4 BATHTUB Verification...........................................................................................33 3.2 Watershed Loading Model ...........................................................................................37 3.2.1 Model Setup .............................................................................................................38 Model Inputs....................................................................................................38 3.2.2 Model Calibration.....................................................................................................39 Flow.................................................................................................................39 Total Phosphorus.............................................................................................41 3.2.3 Model Output ...........................................................................................................43 4 Allocation..............................................................................................................................45 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)..........................................................................45 4.2 Critical Conditions........................................................................................................47 4.3 Seasonal Variation........................................................................................................47 4.4 Model Uncertainty and Margin of Safety.....................................................................48 4.5 Waste Load Allocation .................................................................................................49 4.6 Load Allocation............................................................................................................49 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report v 5 Implementation Plan..............................................................................................................50 6 Stream Monitoring ................................................................................................................51 7 Future Efforts ........................................................................................................................51 8 Public Participation ...............................................................................................................51 9 Further Information...............................................................................................................52 10 Responsiveness Summary.....................................................................................................53 11 References.............................................................................................................................62 Appendix I. Water quality data collected during the Roberson Creek TMDL Study (2000-2002). Appendix II. DWQ ambient data collected at RC10. Appendix III. Water column profile data for the Roberson Creek Cove. Appendix IV. Stream flow inputs for FLUX. Appendix V. FLUX water quality sample input files. Appendix VI. FLUX output files – 2001. Appendix VII . FLUX output files – 2002 Appendix VIII. BATHTUB calibration input files and output. Appendix IX. BATHTUB verification files. Appendix X. BATHTUB phosphorus loading scenarios. Appendix XI. Monthly average depth of irrigated water on the wastewater spray fields of Townsend Foods Inc. Appendix XII. Daily average temperature and precipitation recorded in the Siler City Airport. Appendix XIII. Daily average flow and concentration of total Phosphorus discharged from the Pittsboro WWTP to Roberson Creek during 2001. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report vi TABLES Table 1.1. Summary statistics (mean, median, standard error, and number of samples N) for nutrients and chlorophyll a samples collected at the Roberson Creek ambient station year round......................................................................................................................................10 Table 1.2. Summary statistics for physicochemical properties of the Roberson Creek Cove (2001-2002) based on pooled surface samples from RC10 and RC11 collected during the period, April - October. N = # of samples.............................................................................11 Table 2.1. Average concentration of total phosphorus (mg/l) in Townsend irrigation wastewater in 2001...................................................................................................................................18 Table 3.1 FLUX equations used for calculation of tributary loads to Roberson Creek (from Walker 1996).........................................................................................................................26 Table 3.2. Estimated summer flow-weighted concentrations for the Roberson Creek Cove using adjusted FLUX results (April through October)....................................................................30 Table 3.3. Chlorophyll a models within BATHTUB described according to limiting factors. ....32 Table 3.4. Adjusted parameters for the model calibration............................................................41 Table 3.5. Estimation of mean and standard error for the flow rates............................................41 Table 3.6. Estimation of mean and standard error for TP (kg/day) at the station RC 8................42 Table 3.7. Total phosphorus loads (kg) delivered to station RC 8 during 2001............................44 Table 4.1. Total mass daily load allocation of total phosphorus in kilograms (kg). .....................49 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report vii FIGURES Figure 1.1. Map of Roberson Creek watershed (DWQ subbasin 030604; 14 digit HUC 03030002060030)....................................................................................................................5 Figure 1.2. Land use map of the Roberson Creek watershed (2002; provided by Angela Moreland of the NCSU Water Quality Group). Landuse digitized by orthoquad and field verification of landuse using orthophotos. Categories are based on Anderson landuse classifications.....6 Figure 1.3. Color infrared photography (1998 DOQQ) of the Roberson Creek cove......................7 Figure 1.4. Total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratios (TN:TP) by mass for the ambient station (RC10) on Roberson Creek. For reference, the Redfield ratio is 7.2 (by mass)......................9 Figure 1.5. Location of sampling stations and subwatersheds in the Roberson Creek watershed during the TMDL study.........................................................................................................12 Figure 1.6. Boxplots of nutrient concentrations (total phosphorus-top; total nitrogen-bottom) for stations RC8 and RC10 during the April - October periods of 2001 and 2002. The boxes represent the median (dashed line), quartiles and outliers. One TP value (0.84 mg/L) from 5/30/2001 at RC8 is not shown on the graph.........................................................................13 Figure 1.7. Chlorophyll a concentrations at RC10 and RC11 for the period 2001 through 2002.14 Figure 2.1. Box plot showing total phosphorus concentration at the stations in Roberson Creek Watershed. The stations are arranged from upstream to downstream. The prefix S stands for station; RC for Roberson Creek; CC for Camp Creek; and TC for Turkey Creek. The line connects the means at each station. ................................................................................16 Figure 3.1. Comparison of estimated Roberson Creek stream flow at RC8 using Tick Creek and Rocky River gages (adjusted for wastewater treatment plant flow) with instantaneous flow data collected at RC8.............................................................................................................23 Figure 3.2. Plot of daily flow record (April – October 2001) and dates of sample collection (red squares) for RC8 on Roberson Creek. The symbols indicate the daily flows on the dates of sample collection. Flow units are hm3/yr (= cfs * 0.893).....................................................27 Figure 3.3. Plot of sample flow (hm3/yr) versus total phosphorus concentration (mg/m3) during the period April through October, 2001 at RC8....................................................................28 Figure 3.4. Plot of daily flow record (April – October 2002) and dates of sample collection (red squares). The symbols indicate the daily flows on the dates of sample collection. Flow units are hm3/yr......................................................................................................................29 Figure 3.5. BATHTUB calibration for Roberson Creek Cove (April – October 2001). Values plotted are observed and estimated means +/- one standard error.........................................33 Figure 3.6. BATHTUB verification for Roberson Creek Cove using data inputs from April – October 2002. Values plotted are observed and estimated means +/- one standard error....35 Figure 3.7. BATHTUB verification for Roberson Creek Cove using data inputs from April – September 2002. Values plotted are observed and estimated means +/- one standard error. ...............................................................................................................................................36 Figure 3.8. Comparison of observed flow and simulated flow at the ambient station RC 8 for 2001.......................................................................................................................................40 Figure 3.9. Total load of total phosphorus as estimated by the load regression method and the SWAT model for the study year 2001...................................................................................43 Figure 4.1. Load reduction scenarios for total phosphorus (TP) in the Roberson Creek Cove. TMDL target standard is to have less than or equal to 10% of the samples above the chlorophyll a standard of 40 µg/L. The margin of safety (MOS) is based on an 80% confidence limit of model predictions...................................................................................46 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 1 1 Introduction Roberson (Robeson) Creek 1 is currently on North Carolina’s 303(d) list of impaired waters for chlorophyll a (chl a) violations in 0.6 miles of the lower reach near its confluence with the Haw River arm of Jordan Lake. The main stem of Roberson Creek is also on the 303(d) list for biological impairment from a point 0.7 miles downstream of SR 2159 to upstream of the mouth. In addition, Pittsboro Lake, located on the upper portion of Roberson Creek in the Town of Pittsboro, is on the 303(d) list due to aquatic weeds. This report focuses on impairment related to chl a in the most downstream portion of Roberson Creek, referred to hereafter as the Roberson Creek Cove. The report determines sources and allowable loads of total phosphorus, which has been identified as the factor most limiting the growth of algae as measured by chl a. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, referred to as the 303(d) list, is submitted biennially to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Part I of the 303(d) list. The objective of a TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and allocate to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end-point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. 1 There are several spellings of this waterbody. A 1930’s USDA SCS soil map refers to the creek as Robeson Creek as do the NC Department of Transportation road signs marking access points to the creek. However, USGS and DWQ have spelled the creek as Roberson Creek. The spelling used by USGS will be used in the main body of the report. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 2 Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Reduction target. Estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The wasteload allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non-point sources, stormwater, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). Critical Conditions. Critical conditions indicate the combination of environmental factors that result in just meeting the water quality criterion and have an acceptably low frequency of occurrence. Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the waterbody may be moved to Category 4a of the Integrated Report. Waterbodies remain in Category 4a until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may still result in the restoration of water quality. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 3 The goal of the TMDL program is to restore designated uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of nutrient controls throughout the watershed will be necessary to restore uses in the Roberson Creek Cove. Although an implementation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies for point and nonpoint sources will be needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. Development of an implementation plan will begin during public review of the TMDL. The NCSU Water Quality Group will be developing general and site-specific implementation plans. 1.1 Watershed Description Roberson Creek flows in an easterly direction 10.9 miles from its origins southwest of the Town of Pittsboro to its mouth at the Haw River arm of Jordan Lake (Figure 1.1). Located entirely within the Pittsboro town limits and its extra-territorial jurisdiction, the 28.6-mi 2, piedmont watershed is approximately 73% forested, 9% agricultural, and 16% urban (NCSU Water Quality Group 2002; Figure 1.2). Part of the upper watershed consists of residential, commercial, and industrial development surrounding the Town of Pittsboro. The area outside of the corporate limits of Pittsboro consists primarily of low density residential development, agriculture, and forestland. The Pittsboro wastewater treatment plant (WWTP; NPDES permit #NC0020354) discharges into Roberson Creek 7.0 miles upstream from Jordan Lake. The lower watershed, from the Pittsboro WWTP to Jordan Lake consists mostly of undeveloped forestland, low density residential development, pasture and hayfields. The Roberson Creek watershed is located within the Carolina Slate Belt, which consists of predominately metavolcanic and metigneous rocks. This geology typically yields low base flows compared to other hydrologic areas (Giese and Mason 1993). Roberson Creek descends approximately 230 feet from its headwaters to Jordan Lake (10.9 miles), with approximately 100 feet of descent in the last three miles. This gradient is typical of streams in the Haw River basin. Surface water classifications are designations applied to surface water bodies that define the best uses to be protected within these waters (for example swimming, fishing, drinking water supply) and carry with them an associated set of water quality standards to protect those uses. Roberson Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 4 Creek is classified as a water supply watershed (WS-IV), nutrient sensitive (NSW), and a class C waterbody. The waters are protected for drinking water supply, secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture and other uses suitable for Class C. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner. 5 Figure 1.1. Map of Roberson Creek watershed (DWQ subbasin 030604; 14 digit HUC 03030002060030). Roberson Creek TMDL Final Report 6 Figure 1.2. Land use map of the Roberson Creek watershed (2002; provided by Angela Moreland of the NCSU Water Quality Group). Landuse digitized by orthoquad and field verification of landuse using orthophotos. Categories are based on Anderson landuse classifications. 1.2 Water Quality Target Roberson Creek appears on North Carolina’s 303 (d) list for chl a. This downstream portion of Roberson Creek is partially lentic in nature and can be considered a small cove on the Haw River arm of Jordan Lake (Figure 1.3). Chlorophyll a, the dominant pigment in algal cells, is a useful surrogate for algal biomass. Roberson Creek TMDL Final Report 7 Figure 1.3. Color infrared photography (1998 DOQQ) of the Roberson Creek cove. The following North Carolina standard (15A NCAC 02B.0211) applies to all freshwater surface waters: Chlorophyll a (corrected): not greater than 40 µg/l for lakes, reservoirs, and other waters subject to growths of macroscopic or microscopic vegetation not designated as trout waters, and not greater than 15 µg/l for lakes, reservoirs, and other waters subject to growths of macroscopic or microscopic vegetation designated as trout waters (not applicable to lakes and reservoirs less than 10 acres in surface area); the Commission or its designee may prohibit or limit any discharge of waste into surface waters if, in the opinion of the Director, the surface waters experience or the discharge would result in growths of microscopic or macroscopic vegetation such that the standards established Outlet Haw River Arm of Jordan Lake Roberson Creek Cove Roberson Creek TMDL Final Report 8 pursuant to this Rule would be violated or the intended best usage of the waters would be impaired. The TMDL target is based on the frequency of algal blooms: no more than 10% of samples collected in a specified area and time should be above 40 µg/L chl a. This target, based on USEPA guidance for use support determination, was also selected for NC’s Neuse River Estuary TMDL for Total Nitrogen approved by EPA in 2002 (Office of Water 1997). Algal growth is affected by numerous biotic and abiotic factors including light availability, flow and water velocity, nutrients (particularly nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P)), grazing, and other influences. Nutrient controls are the most common focus of management schemes for reducing excessive algal growth. While the chemical factors that determine algal biomass can vary by waterbody and season, P is often cited as a limiting factor in many lakes and reservoirs (Wetzel 2001). When P is limiting, reductions in P will decrease algal productivity because the species is the nutrient in greatest demand in relation to supply. Phytoplankton communities exhibit varying nutrient requirements but on a whole require N and P in amounts approximately equal to Redfield’s (1958) molar ratio of 16N:1P (7.2N:1P by mass). Deviations from this ratio have been used to infer nutrient limitation without the benefit of nutrient bioassay experiments or algal growth potential tests. Ratios less than the Redfield ratio generally suggest P limitation. In Roberson Creek, N:P ratios suggest a stronger P limitation than N. During the period 1997 - 2002, most values (interquartile range) of the TN:TP ratio by mass fell between 7 and 14 (Figure 1.4). This ratio was higher during the latter part of that period. This TMDL will assess the amount of total P (TP) reduction necessary to comply with the chl a target. The focus on P is based on the assumption that P will ultimately control growth. In addition, P is typically more cost-effective to remove from point sources and reductions will drive the cove to an increasingly P limited state (Thomann and Mueller 1987, Wetzel 2001). Roberson Creek TMDL Final Report 9 Figure 1.4. Total nitrogen to total phosphorus ratios (TN:TP) by mass for the ambient station (RC10) on Roberson Creek. For reference, the Redfield ratio is 7.2 (by mass). 1.3 Water Quality Assessment Historical data from the DWQ ambient monitoring station (B2450000), located in the Roberson Creek Cove (Figure 1.5), indicates elevated nutrient levels, high algal productivity and frequent nuisance algal blooms. From 1997 to 2002, mean total phosphorus concentrations ranged from 0.11 to 0.16 mg/L (Table 1.1). The cove can be considered eutrophic for TP and eutrophic/mesotrophic for TN, based on its ranking among findings of the OECD eutrophication program (USEPA 2000). Likewise, trophic state indices (Carlson 1977) calculated for 2001 and 2002 suggest the waterbody is also in a eutrophic state with Trophic State Index (TSI) values between 50 and 70. 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 Ja n - 9 7 Ap r - 9 7 Ju l - 9 7 Oc t - 9 7 Ja n - 9 8 Ap r - 9 8 Ju l - 9 8 Oc t - 9 8 Ja n - 9 9 Ap r - 9 9 Ju l - 9 9 Oc t - 9 9 Ja n - 0 0 Ap r - 0 0 Ju l - 0 0 Oc t - 0 0 Ja n - 0 1 Ap r - 0 1 Ju l - 0 1 Oc t - 0 1 Ja n - 0 2 Ap r - 0 2 Ju l - 0 2 TN : T P Roberson Creek TMDL Final Report Table 1.1. Summary statistics (mean, median, standard error, and number of samples N) for nutrients and chlorophyll a samples collected at the Roberson Creek ambient station year round. 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 1 Mean .163 .121 .133 .116 .126 .105 Median .150 .115 .140 .09 .100 .100 SE .02 .019 .009 .015 .024 .014 TP (mg/L) N 10 12 12 9 18 15 Mean 1.18 .928 1.00 .867 1.50 1.50 Median 1.14 .755 1.08 .880 1.29 1.24 SE .12 .145 .074 .072 .127 .263 TN (mg/L) N 10 12 12 9 18 15 Mean -- 29.7 48.8 61.8 38.7 31.7 Median -- 26.0 45.0 44.0 31.0 30.0 SE -- 7.6 18.9 28.0 5.9 6.8 Chl a (µg/L) 2 N -- 7 4 4 13 15 Hydrologic Condition Average Dry Wet Dry Dry Dry Flow (% of Long Term Mean) 3 82% 140% 83% 48% 26% 26% 1 Summary statistics for 2002 are for Jan – Oct. 2 Chlorophyll a data for 1998-2000 are reported as uncorrected for pheophytin, which may overestimate the actual corrected value. 3 Based on 43 year record at the Tick Creek gage. When indicators of dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH at the ambient station suggest potential blooms conditions, phytoplankton samples are collected by DWQ for biovolume and community analysis. Of the 31 phytoplankton samples collected between 1987 and 2002, 97% were considered blooms (NCDWQ 2002). The magnitude ranged from mild (10,000-20,000 units/ml) to severe (>30,000 units/ml). Algal densities ranged from 12,000 to 244,400 units/ml. A special study was conducted from December 2000 through August 2002 in support of TMDL development (NCDWQ 2002). There were two stations located in the cove (RC10 and RC11) and 12 stations located upstream throughout the watershed (Figure 1.5). Sample parameters for the study consisted of nutrients (except for orthophosphate), biochemical oxygen demand, DO, pH, temperature, and conductivity. Flow measurements were taken where possible during each sampling event and a stage-flow relationship was developed at RC8 in the lower study area. At two of the sites (RC10 and RC11) located in the cove, additional parameters or analyses included algal community analysis and depth integrated physical profiles. Roberson Creek TMDL Final Report Warm weather period data did not reveal strong vertical temperature stratification or frequent anoxic bottom waters in the cove. Average pH and DO concentrations reveal elevated algal productivity levels (Table 1.2). Secchi depth, a measure of water column transparency, ranged from 0.35 to 0.53 m, averaging 0.40 m and 0.37 m, respectively during 2001 and 2002. Table 1.2. Summary statistics for physicochemical properties of the Roberson Creek Cove (2001-2002) based on pooled surface samples from RC10 and RC11 collected during the period, April - October. N = # of samples. Temp. (oC) DO (mg/L) pH (std. units) Conductivity (umhos) Secchi Depth (m) Mean 24.5 10.8 8.78 221.7 0.40 Median 26.0 11.0 8.80 220.0 -- SE 1.5 0.74 0.35 6.96 0.05 2001 N 15 15 15 11 2 Mean 26.3 9.78 8.42 289.3 0.37 Median 27.6 10.6 8.80 305.5 0.34 SE 1.41 0.86 1.41 50.7 0.04 2002 N 12 12 14 8 6 Nutrient concentrations (TP and TN) for RC8, the most downstream tributary station, and RC10, the ambient station in the cove are shown in Figure 1.6. Concentrations in the cove were generally lower than the those at RC8. This may be attributable to factors such as sedimentation, algal uptake and dilution. Time series data for chl a (modified non-acidification method) in Figure 1.7 indicates frequent exceedences of 40 µg/L during both years, primarily during summer and fall. Most values exceed 20 µg/L. Chlorophyll a concentrations in the cove averaged 32.9 µg/L and 39.1 µg/L (medians were 25.8 µg/L and 33.8 µg/L ) during the period April through October of 2001 and 2002, respectively. Data collected during 2001 and 2002 (primarily 2001) are used for modeling and establishing the TMDL. RC4 Roberson Creek at 15/501 Pittsboro RC5ups Roberson Creek WWTP upstream monitoring site RC5eff Roberson Creek WWTP effluent outfall site (#NC0020354) RC5dns Roberson Creek WWTP downstream monitoring site TC1 TC2 Turkey Creek at SR1012 (downstream from Townsend Foods) TC3 Turkey Creek 100 feet upstream Roberson/Turkey confluence CC2lft Camp Creek upstream of tributary draining Townsend Foods CC2rt Un-named tributary draining Townsend Foods property CC bdg Camp Creek at SR1012 (downstream from Townsend Foods) CC3 RC8 Roberson Creek at flow rating site near Lucian Bland Rd. RC10 Roberson Creek arm at boat ramp (ambient site #B2450000) RC11 Roberson Creek arm at 0.5 mi downstream from RC10 Figure 1.5. Location of sampling stations and subwatersheds in the Roberson Creek watershed during the TMDL study. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 1.6. Boxplots of nutrient concentrations (total phosphorus-top; total nitrogen-bottom) for stations RC8 and RC10 during the April - October periods of 2001 and 2002. The boxes represent the median (dashed line), quartiles and outliers. One TP value (0.84 mg/L) from 5/30/2001 at RC8 is not shown on the graph. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 1.7. Chlorophyll a concentrations at RC10 and RC11 for the period 2001 through 2002. 2 Source Assessment Nutrients are transported from throughout the watershed to Roberson Creek in two primary ways: runoff and direct point source. Runoff from various land uses contributes nutrients to the impaired waterbody primarily during storm events. The other major source of nutrients is the Town of Pittsboro Wastewater Treatment Plant. The DWQ monitors a suite of water quality parameters, including nutrients, at an ambient station on Roberson Creek Cove on a monthly basis (RC10). During the special TMDL study for the Roberson Creek watershed, there were five stations on the creek and seven stations on the tributaries of the creek (Figure 1.5). The station, RC8, was responsible for delivering the majority TP from the Roberson Creek watershed down to the cove. The longitudinal distribution Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report of TP from near downtown Pittsboro to the watershed outlet (RC8) is given in Figure 2.1. The data collected for the study is presented in Appendix 1. 2.1 Point Source Assessment Point sources are typically those regulated under National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) programs. Permitted discharge facilities measure nutrient levels in their effluent at a frequency based on facility class and waste type. Currently, there is one NPDES permitted point source, the Pittsboro Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP), in the Roberson Creek watershed. The plant discharges domestic waste in the watershed, five miles upstream from RC8. The plant is permitted to discharge 0.75 MGD (monthly average) of effluent water with TP concentration of 2.0 mg/liter (quarterly average). There are no regulated MS4 areas within the watershed. In 2001, the annual average concentration of TP before reaching the WWTP site (S2_RC5eff) was 0.07 mg/l (Figure 2.1) RC5_eff is the site at the outlet of the effluent plant. TP measured at the site is the concentration of the effluent, not the concentration of the water of the creek. The average concentration peaked to 2.5 mg/l at the WWTP site, which was higher than the permitted concentration 2 mg/l. As the water routed to downstream, the concentration gradually reduced to 0.92 mg/l at the station S3_RC 5dns. The concentration of TP at the WWTP site ranged from 0.2 mg/l to 9.0 mg/l. Out of 16 samples collected in 2001, 8 samples indicated TP concentration below 1.9 mg/l and four indicated above 3.2 mg/l. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report TP ( m g / l ) 0.001 0.01 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.02 1 0.6 0.4 0.2 10 6 4 2 1 S1_RC5up S2_RC5eff S3_RC5dns S4_TC3 S5_CC3 S6_RC8out Ambient Stations Figure 2.1. Box plot showing total phosphorus concentration at the stations in Roberson Creek Watershed. The stations are arranged from upstream to downstream. The prefix S stands for station; RC for Roberson Creek; CC for Camp Creek; and TC for Turkey Creek. The line connects the means at each station. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 2.2 Non-Point Source Assessment Non-point sources are diffuse sources that typically cannot be identified as entering a water body at a single location. Agriculture and urban lands were the two major non-point sources of TP in the watershed (Figure 1.2). Agriculture land sources included cropland, pasture/hay land, and forested land. Urban land sources were streets, lawns, roofs, driveways, parking lots, and sewer. 2.2.1 Agricultural Lands Sources of TP in agriculture lands are chemical fertilizer, wastewater, and litter fall. In the watershed, a majority of farmers practiced animal grazing and hay cultivation during 2001. They applied nitrogen fertilizer, 33-0-0, twice in a year at a rate of 168 kg/ha (source: Mr. Henry Outz, Chatham Soil and Water Conservation District). The first application began in the second week of March and the second application in the second week of September. Hay was harvested in May. Townsend Foods, Inc. owns about 600 acres of land and manages a 16-acre lagoon. Most of the land is used to graze a modest herd of cattle except in the waste lagoon spray fields The company has acquired a DWQ permit (WQ0001755) and is allowed to operate the spray fields (130 acres) with no discharge to surface waters. Townsend Foods irrigated the spray fields three to four times a month during 2001 (Source: DWQ Permit #WQ0001755). The amount of irrigation was estimated to be 2.6 mm per month. The concentration of TP in the irrigated lagoon wastewater was estimated to be 11 mg/l (3 kg/ha) (Table 2.1). Phosphorus from the irrigated wastewater, transported via surface and sub-surface runoff, appears to have moved into Turkey Creek and Camp Creek (Figure 2.1). These results suggest that the spray fields owned by Townsend Foods Inc. may have delivered considerable amounts of P to Roberson Creek during storm events in 2001. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Table 2.1. Average concentration of total phosphorus (mg/l) in Townsend irrigation wastewater in 2001. Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec NA NA NA 9 NA NA NA 9.5 13.7 12.9 8 15.1 Litter fall accumulation in forested lands seems to have also delivered organic P in Roberson Creek. Osborne and Kovacic (1993) reported that during the winter dormant season, due to continuous deposition of leaves, the level of P reaches saturation stage in forested land and eventually leaks P. A separate field measurement of P concentration with regard to litter fall accumulation in Roberson Creek watershed was not conducted in this study. However, an assessment of P in this regard was undertaken by using a watershed model, Soil and Water Assessment Tool, Version 2000. The results of the model are explained in the following sections. 2.2.2 Urban lands Human activities in urban areas seem to be a major source of TP to Roberson Creek. Frequent dish and car washing soaps and detergents that contain P could be a source of TP to the creek, possibly via runoff and/or sewer leakage. The statewide phosphate detergent ban in 1988 may have minimized some (but not all) of these sources. In North America and Europe, domestic sewage produced by 1 person each year contains about 0.8 kg of P (http://www.glencoe.com/sec/science/biology/ bacc / teacher_resources/pdfs/ext-inq.pdf). Fertilizer applications to lawns are also a major source of TP in Roberson Creek. In 2001, fertilizers used for lawns were 18-24-10 (N-P-K) and 10-10-10. The fertilizers were applied four times in a year - two applications in March/April and remaining two in September/October. The fertilizers were applied to lawns at the rate of 50 lbs. per 12,000 square feet. In a study conducted in Lake Wingra and Lake Mendota, Madison, Wisconsin, the combined contribution of P within the basins from lawns and streets was estimated to be 80%, with lawns contributing more than the street (Waschbusch et al. 1995). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Overall, the combined effects of above point sources and non-point sources are estimated to be 0.26 mg/l of TP in a year-round average at the ambient station, RC8 (Figure 2.1). The station is located about 1.8 mile upstream from the cove. 3 Modeling Approach 3.1 Receiving Water Model 3.1.1 Model Framework The empirical eutrophication modeling package, BATHTUB v. 5.4, was employed to model the effect of nutrient loading on water quality in the Roberson Creek Cove. An estimation of tributary loadings for input into BATHTUB was determined using an associated model, FLUX v. 5.1. BATHTUB applies nutrient balance and eutrophication response models to lakes and reservoirs (including partial reservoirs and embayments) (Walker 1996). The program performs steady- state water and nutrient balance calculations accounting for advective and diffusive transport and nutrient sedimentation. Eutrophication related state variables are predicted from empirical relationships developed and tested from assessment of US Army Corps of Engineers’ reservoir data (Walker 1983). Inputs and outputs are expressed in probabilistic terms (mean and CV or coefficient of variation) to account for limitations in data and model errors. Output CVs are based on first-order error analysis. Mass balances are computed at steady state over an appropriate averaging period. The averaging period is typically 1 year for reservoirs with long residence times or seasonal (e.g. May- September) for reservoirs with relatively short residence times. Day-to-day changes in load or eutrophication parameters cannot be represented in the model. Therefore, short-term responses and effects cannot be explicitly evaluated. Several options are available within BATHTUB for modeling nutrient sedimentation, chl a, and transparency. They include first and second order models of N and P sedimentation. Also, there are 5 chl a models to choose from with variables including N, P, turbidity and flushing rate. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report The model has been successfully applied in several management efforts in N.C. (Butcher et al. 1995, NCDEHNR 1992; Research Triangle Institute 1998) and throughout the U.S. (Kennedy 1995, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency 2002). BATHTUB has been cited as an effective tool for water quality assessment, particularly where data are limited (Ernst et al. 1994). FLUX is used to estimate tributary nutrient loading for input into BATHTUB from grab sample concentrations and continuous flow data. The program derives flow weighted nutrient concentrations from tributary sample data and continuous flow data over a specified averaging period. Flow-weighted concentration is a ratio of the constituent load to the mean discharge. Available loading calculations methods include direct load averaging, ratio estimates, and regression methods. Data for the period April 1 to October 31, 2001, an extended algal growing season, was used to calibrate the BATHTUB model. A verification exercise was carried out using data from 2002 to evaluate model performance. 3.1.2 Model Setup Segment Morphometry The Roberson Creek Cove was modeled in BATHTUB as a single reservoir embayment (spatially averaged). Based on a comparison of data from RC10 and RC11, the two cove sites, this configuration is appropriate because spatial variations in nutrients and chl a are relatively unimportant. Longitudinal dispersion is not considered with this configuration. The cove length (~1.75 km) and surface area (~0.13 km2) were approximated using georeferenced color infrared photography (DOQQ; Figure 1.3) and standard GIS spatial measurement tools (ArcView 3.3). The mean depth was 4.5 m and 3.2 m during 2001 and 2002, respectively. Mean depth of the mixed layer was estimated using a multivariate regression equation provided by Walker (1996). The major external inflow to the cove is Roberson Creek. Smaller inflows downstream of RC8 on Roberson Creek are not monitored (or gaged) and must be accounted for indirectly by adjusting Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report loads and flows at RC8 upwards. The drainage divide at RC8 was manually delineated using Arcview Spatial Analyst with the aid of a USGS topographic map. The confluence of the Roberson Creek and the Haw River Arm of Jordan Lake is modeled as a simple outflow boundary with no diffusive exchange. Outflow is predicted using water balance calculations. The outflow assumption is based primarily on two factors: (1) the lack of hydraulic flow data for diffusive exchange with the Haw River and (2) the lake elevations (and therefore volume) at the Jordan Dam during 2001 decreased steadily between April and October supporting the notion that flows did not back up into the cove. During 2002, the elevation at the Jordan Dam decreased until September when it increased by about 2 meters from September through the end of October. However, a hydrodynamic model of Jordan Lake indicated that net water movement in the Haw River arm occurs overwhelmingly in the southward direction (Tetra Tech 2002). Therefore, if any exchange does occur, it is likely limited to infrequent, isolated occurrences and considered insignificant to the overall eutrophication response of the Roberson Creek Cove. Climate Input and Atmospheric Loads Precipitation data (2001 – 2002) from the Siler City Airport in Chatham County was supplied by the State Climate Office of North Carolina. Located to the west of the cove, the Siler City station was chosen due to its proximity to the Tick Creek stream over a station at Chapel Hill to the north. Pan evaporation data from Chapel Hill (Chapel Hill 2W) was provided by the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC. A pan coefficient of 0.71 was applied to calculate evaporation in the cove (Yonts et. al 1973). BATHTUB also requires atmospheric loading of nutrients. Data for wet and dry deposition of TN was taken from U.S. EPA (2001; Candor station-CND125). Since data for 2002 was not available, values from 2001 were also used in the 2002 verification exercise. Deposition of TP was taken from Dodds et al. (1992). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report In-Lake Concentrations Monitoring data from the ambient station in the Roberson Creek Cove and data collected during the TMDL study were summarized for input into BATHTUB. The model requires inputs of growing season mean and CVmean for TN, TP, organic N, secchi depth, and chl a. Orthophosphorus data were not available. For summary purposes, data below detection limit was converted to one half of the limit value. Data from RC10 and RC11 were pooled (averaged across stations on a given date). All values are based on surface grab samples since water column profile data were not available for nutrients and chl a. Tributary Loading Estimates Daily Flow Estimates FLUX requires daily mean flows for the selected period of interest. Roberson Creek is not gaged, therefore flow data from a nearby station with a continuous flow record was adapted for use. In selecting an appropriate gage, factors of proximity, drainage area characteristics, and location within the same hydrologic area are important. Daily mean flow for Roberson Creek is estimated based on constant runoff per square mile of the selected gage, adjusted for water withdrawals and discharges. Two candidate gages were considered: Rocky River at SR1300 (USGS 0210166029) and Tick Creek (USGS 02101800). The drainage areas for the Rocky River and Tick Creek gages are 7.4 and 15.5 square miles, respectively. Both Chatham County sites are located in the same low flow hydrologic area (HA7) as the Roberson Creek watershed (Giese and Mason 1993). Low flow hydrologic areas are regions with relatively uniform low-flow characteristics. In the Piedmont, underlying rock type is the most important factor influencing the delineations. The watersheds of the Rocky River and Tick Creek gages are similar to Roberson Creek: heavily forested with relatively small percentages of urban development. Daily flows for Roberson Creek were estimated by multiplying flow at the candidate gage by the ratio of the drainage areas (e.g., RC8 drainage area divided by Tick Creek drainage area). The resulting flow was further adjusted for Pittsboro’s wastewater treatment plant discharge by adding Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report the flow to the estimated Roberson Creek flow (at RC8). A comparison of 2001 flow (April – October) for the two gages with instantaneous flow from Roberson Creek site RC8 is shown in Figure 3.1. The daily flows estimated from the Tick Creek gage were chosen for further use in modeling. It captured the storm flows better than the Rocky River gage and tracks the pattern of instantaneous flow measurements reasonably well. Note that flow is underestimated in part of late summer and fall. However, most of these flows are below 5 cfs so the difference is not expected to have a large effect on loading estimates. Figure 3.1. Comparison of estimated Roberson Creek stream flow at RC8 using Tick Creek and Rocky River gages (adjusted for wastewater treatment plant flow) with instantaneous flow data collected at RC8. 2001 Estimated Roberson Creek Daily Mean Flows (RC8) 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 04 / 0 1 / 0 1 04 / 1 5 / 0 1 04 / 2 9 / 0 1 05 / 1 3 / 0 1 05 / 2 7 / 0 1 06 / 1 0 / 0 1 06 / 2 4 / 0 1 07 / 0 8 / 0 1 07 / 2 2 / 0 1 08 / 0 5 / 0 1 08 / 1 9 / 0 1 09 / 0 2 / 0 1 09 / 1 6 / 0 1 09 / 3 0 / 0 1 10 / 1 4 / 0 1 10 / 2 8 / 0 1 cu b i c m / s Roberson Instantaneous Sample Flow Tick Crk DA Ratio + wwtp flow Rocky River DA Ratio plus wwtp Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Selection of Loading Calculation Method There are many different approaches that can be used to estimate nutrient loads from observed concentration and flow data. The true value of load can only be determined with continuous flow and concentration records. Several choices are available within FLUX for load calculations including direct load averaging (Method 1), ratio estimates (Methods 2 and 3), and regression methods (Methods 4-6). Loading estimates are generally chosen based upon minimum bias and minimum variance. Unrepresentative sampling or use of an inappropriate calculation method contributes to bias, representing the difference between the estimate and the true value. Method selection is often based primarily upon minimum variance given representative sampling and reasonably independent residuals (flow, date, and autocorrelation). Optional stratification of the data into subgroups based on flow, date, and/or season may increase accuracy and precision of loading estimates in some cases. Load Determination for 2001 In smaller, flashy streams like Roberson Creek, variance and extremes of instantaneous sample flows will be higher than those of daily mean flows. In order to reduce bias, daily mean flows were substituted for instantaneous sample flows (Walker 1996). The data were stratified into two subgroups based on flow. Although the averaging period was generally dry, there were a small number of samples collected following storms (Figure 3.2). Data limitations allowed only 3 samples (model minimum) in the highest flow strata. Following data stratification, loading estimates using methods 1 through 4 tended to converge and the CV values were reduced. This limited variation among calculation methods is desirable and indicates robustness. Estimated mass loading to this site among all six calculation methods ranged from 489 to 618 kg of P. Selection was based on the lowest CV value and the lack of slope significance for residuals graphed versus date and flow. Method 3 was chosen in all cases. Method 3 in the FLUX model is a modified ratio estimator based on Beale (1962), which calculates load as the flow-weighted average concentration times the mean flow over the average period with a statistical correction for bias (Table 3.1). This ratio method performs best when flow and concentration are weakly related, although it adjusts for potential bias when there is a stronger relationship. A plot of TP concentrations with flow generally confirms this type of Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report relationship (Figure 3.3). At the highest flows, concentration decreased during the period of interest. The pattern was similar for TN and inorganic N. Ratio methods, in general, tend to be more robust than other approaches with respect to bias from constituent characteristics (Preston et al. 1989). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Table 3.1 FLUX equations used for calculation of tributary loads to Roberson Creek (from Walker 1996). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.2. Plot of daily flow record (April – October 2001) and dates of sample collection (red squares) for RC8 on Roberson Creek. The symbols indicate the daily flows on the dates of sample collection. Flow units are hm3/yr (= cfs * 0.893). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.3. Plot of sample flow (hm3/yr) versus total phosphorus concentration (mg/m3) during the period April through October, 2001 at RC8. Load Determination for 2002 For summer 2002, the data were limited (8 sampling dates, April – August) and storm flows, primarily during October, were not sampled (Figure 3.4). Therefore, a low percentage of the flow volume was sampled. Walker (1996) recommends using calculation method 2 or 3 when load estimates must be generated from limited data and weakly representative sampling. The data were not stratified into subgroups and flow substitution was not used. The choice between method 2 or 3 was decided based upon the lowest CV value. Method 2 was chosen in all cases. This method is similar to method 3 used for 2001 and can be considered a ratio estimate (Table 3.1). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.4. Plot of daily flow record (April – October 2002) and dates of sample collection (red squares). The symbols indicate the daily flows on the dates of sample collection. Flow units are hm3/yr. Loading Results Data collected at the most downstream tributary station, RC8, was used to calculate loads and flow-weighted concentrations using FLUX. The watershed area above RC8 is approximately 24.6 square miles (~86% of the Roberson Creek watershed). Loading estimates generated with FLUX were adjusted upward slightly to account for the additional drainage area downstream of RC8 assuming a constant load per unit area. Accordingly, the summer loading estimate to the cove for TP loading in 2001 was 597 kg with a standard error of 101 kg. This load is computed by multiplying the adjusted flow volume during the period (6.9 hm3/yr*0.586) by the flow- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report weighted concentration derived using method 3. Table 3.2 presents flow-weighted concentrations for TP, TN and inorganic N required for input into BATHTUB. Since orthophosphorus data were not available, input for BATHTUB was assumed to be 70% of TP. Although higher than the proportion used for the Jordan Lake Nutrient Response Model (55%; Tetra Tech 2002), this conservative approach is supported by the dominant role of the Pittsboro wastewater treatment plant. Phosphorus in wastewater (raw to treated) is 60 to 70% inorganic on average (Thomann and Mueller 1987). Table 3.2. Estimated summer flow-weighted concentrations for the Roberson Creek Cove using adjusted FLUX results (April through October). 2001 Concentration (mg/L) CVmean* Total Phosphorus 0.148 0.170 Total Nitrogen 1.950 0.153 Inorganic Nitrogen 1.426 0.226 2002 Concentration (mg/L) CVmean Total Phosphorus 0.166 0.165 Total Nitrogen 2.369 0.147 Inorganic Nitrogen 1.915 0.182 * CVmean = standard error of the mean divided by the mean. 3.1.3 BATHTUB Calibration Data for the period April 1 to October 31, 2001 (a dry year) was used to calibrate the BATHTUB model. Following specification of data inputs, water balances were checked for conservation of mass. Calculated nutrient turnover ratios (length of averaging period/mass residence time) that exceed 2.0 support the use of a seasonal averaging period, the period over which water and mass Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report balance calculations are performed. For 2001, turnover ratios for the uncalibrated model were 11.0 and 10.3 for TP and TN, respectively. Hydraulic residence time was approximately 31 days during 2001. Application of BATHTUB proceeds with selection and calibration of submodels for nutrient sedimentation (N and P) and empirical eutrophication response for chl a. Selection of a submodel for diffusion was not necessary for this application since the cove is considered as a single segment. Several t-statistics calculated from observed and estimated data are used to select and calibrate submodels. Two statistics supplied by the model, T2 and T3, aid in testing model applicability. T2 is based on error typical of model development data set. T3 is based on observed and predicted error, taking into consideration model inputs and inherent model error. The statistics indicate whether the means differ significantly at the 95% confidence level. If their absolute values exceed 2, the model may not be appropriate. The T1 statistic can be used to determine whether additional calibration is desirable. In cases where predicted and observed values differ significantly, calibration coefficients can be applied to account for the site-specific application of the model. Calibration to account for model error is often appropriate. However, Walker (1996) recommends a conservative approach to calibration since differences can result from factors such as measurement error and random data input errors. For P and N sedimentation, the initial test of model applicability excluded first order models. In the case of P, a second order decay rate function (model 2) was chosen for its superior fit using T2 and T3 error statistics. The Bachman (1980) model based on volumetric load was selected for N sedimentation. T1 values for both models indicated that additional calibration was not necessary. Chlorophyll model selection and calibration proceeds similar to nutrients described above. The available chl a models in generalized form are shown in Table 3.3. Following exclusion of models 1, 2 and 5 based on T2 and T3 error statistics, model 3 and 4 were evaluated further. Secchi depth in the cove indicates that irradiance (light) is not an insignificant control on algal productivity. Since a term for light is not included in the two candidate models, predicted chl a may be overestimated. Model 4 underestimated chl a concentrations, which appeared counterintuitive. Therefore, Model 3 was selected (Equation 3.1). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report chl a = CB*0.2*(Xpn 1.25)----------------------------(3.1) Xpn = [P-2 + ((N-1 50)/12) -2] -0.5 Chlorophyll a concentration is in units of mg/m3 (or µg/L) and the composite nutrient (P and N) concentration in mg/m3 (Xpn) is based on TN and TP (see Walker 1996). A calibration factor (CB) of 0.83 was applied to the model to account for a minor overestimation. The empirical models available within BATHTUB are generalizations about reservoir response. Unique features of a particular reservoir often requires calibration in this fashion to match observed reservoir conditions. Such an adjustment is necessary and appropriate if done in a conservative manner as recommended by Walker (1996). To some extent, the calibration factor incorporates the depressive effects of light limitation on algal growth. The utility of this factor is limited, however, because the model is not linear. Finally, since organic N is calculated using chl a, a calibration factor of 0.83 was applied to this constituent as well. Final results of the calibrated model are presented in Figure 3.5. Table 3.3. Chlorophyll a models within BATHTUB described according to limiting factors. Model Limiting Factors 1 P, N. light, flushing 2 P, light, flushing 3 P, N 4 P (linear) 5 P (exponential) Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.5. BATHTUB calibration for Roberson Creek Cove (April – October 2001). Values plotted are observed and estimated means +/- one standard error. 3.1.4 BATHTUB Verification Data from 2002 were used to test the accuracy and predictive capability of the calibrated model. The model was run using 2002 input (climate, lake concentrations, and tributary loading) with the same submodels and calibration coefficients derived during the calibration process. Results for the period April through October indicate over-prediction of nutrients, particularly nitrogen (Figure 3.6). Since nutrient samples were not collected during October 2002, a potential for bias in the loading estimate was suspected. The area experienced a drought during the summer of 2002 and the majority of precipitation occurred during October. The calculated mean flow for 2001 and 2002 (April – October) was 0.17 cms (CVmean =.20) and 0.18 cms (CVmean =.56), respectively. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Since nutrient samples to calculate loads were not collected during October, a potential for bias in the loading estimate was suspected so the model was run without October input. Results indicate improved performance for nutrients (Figure 3.7). The growing season average for chl a predicted by the model is underestimated but within reasonable performance ranges (using t statistics; Figure 3.7). A reduction in abiotic turbidity during the low flow drought period could have contributed to an underestimation of chl a. Although a factor was applied to the calibrated model to partially account for the effects of light limitation, the model is limited when there are large deviations from the non-algal turbidity conditions experienced during the calibration period. Based on these results, the verification indicates the model adequately describes the observed behavior and demonstrates acceptable predictive capacity for below average hydrologic conditions. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.6. BATHTUB verification for Roberson Creek Cove using data inputs from April – October 2002. Values plotted are observed and estimated means +/- one standard error. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.7. BATHTUB verification for Roberson Creek Cove using data inputs from April – September 2002. Values plotted are observed and estimated means +/- one standard error. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 3.2 Watershed Loading Model A physically-based watershed model, the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), Version 2000, was used to assess the impact of point source and non-point source on TP in Roberson Creek watershed with varying land use and management conditions for 2001. The model was developed by Dr. Jeff Arnold for the USDA Agriculture Research Service. It is a continuous time model and enables the user to study long term impacts of nutrients. The model has been interfaced with ArcView GIS in a software package known as AVSWAT-2000 (Luzio, et al. 2002). In this study, the software was used for watershed delineation, hydrological and agriculture management inputs, and model calibration. The watershed model computes surface runoff volume using a modification of the SCS curve number method and peak runoff rate predictions using a modification of the rational method. The model routes flow through the channel using a variable storage coefficient method. The watershed model monitors six different pools of P in soils. Three pools are inorganic forms of P while the other three pools are organic forms of P. Fresh organic P is associated with crop residue and microbial bio-mass while the active and stable organic P pools are associated with soil humus. Soil inorganic P is divided into solution, active, and stable pools. Total phosphorus (TP) is the sum of organic P and inorganic P. The model allows nutrient levels to be input as concentrations. However, it performs all calculations on a mass basis. To convert a concentration to a mass, the concentration is multiplied by a bulk density and the depth of the layer and divided by 100. Nutrient transformations in the stream are controlled by the in-stream water quality component of the model. The in-stream kinetics used in SWAT for nutrient routing are adapted from the QUAL2E model. The model tracks nutrients dissolved in the stream and nutrients adsorbed to the sediment. Dissolved nutrients are transported with the water while those sorbed to sediments are allowed to be deposited with the sediment on the bed of the channel. A detailed process of P is posted at http://ftp.brc.tamus.edu/pubs/swat/doc/ swat2000theory.pdf. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 3.2.1 Model Setup Roberson Creek watershed was delineated by using the ArcView interface SWAT model, AVSWAT. The model utilizes the Reach file 3(RF3) stream coverage and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to delineate the watershed. The model assigns a hydrologic unit code to each land use type in each sub-watershed to estimate hydrologic responses and nutrient pools. The estimated hydrologic responses and nutrients pools are then routed towards watershed outlets. A total of six sub-watersheds were delineated for this study (Figure 1.5). Sub-watershed 1 consisted of the urban area of Pittsboro and the Pittsboro WWTP. Sub-watersheds 2 and 4, respectively, represented Turkey Creek and Camp Creek. Both creeks collected nutrients from wastewater spray fields. The nutrient loads collected from the sub-watersheds 1, 2 and 4 were routed through the sub-watersheds 3, 5, and 6. Sub-watershed 6 contains the Roberson Creek cove off Jordan Lake. Since the watershed model is not designed for cove conditions, the application of the model was limited up to the sub-watershed 5. The ambient station, RC8, was located at the mouth of sub- watershed 5 and therefore, is considered for the model calibration as well as for TMDL allocation. Model Inputs The model, SWAT-2000, was set up with major input parameters: weather, agriculture management, and point source discharge. The weather data collected by the nearby weather station located at the Siler City Airport was acquired through the State Climate Office of North Carolina. Rainfall and temperature data for the study year 2001 are presented in the Appendix. The total rainfall during 2001 was 754 mm. The amount of rainfall was considerably less than the long term mean annual rainfall, 1205 mm (Source: The State Climate Office of North Carolina). Therefore, the study year 2001 was a dry year. Soil parameters including bulk density, soil layer, available water, hydraulic conductivity, and texture type were acquired by the U.S. STATSGO database for this study. There were three types of soils in the watershed: Herndon (NC061), Goldston (NC064), and Wedowee (NC068). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Cultivation of hay was the major agricultural practice in the watershed. The common cultural practices that were input into the model are explained in 2.2 above. Pittsboro WWTP was the only point source that discharged effluent water to Roberson Creek. The discharge rate and the concentration of TP are presented in Appendix XIII. The summarization of the data is explained in 2.1 above. 3.2.2 Model Calibration Flow and nutrient data measured at station RC 8 during 2001 was utilized to calibrate the model. Because ground cover and infiltrability of land changes with season, the model was calibrated for summer season (April-October) and winter season (November-March). The adjusted parameters to calibrate the model with regards to the two seasons are presented in Table 3.4. The model calibration results follow. Flow Calibration of the model with regards to flow is essential, because the flow is the main carrier of TP. Time series of the simulated and observed flow for the year 2001 are presented in Figure 3.8. On average, the model predicted a flow rate slightly less than the observed flow rate (Table 3.5). However the difference between the estimated and observed flow rate was not significantly different (P > 0.05). Also, the correlation coefficient between the observed and the simulated flow rate was 0.92. The strong correlation suggests that the model simulated the flow rates closely with the observed rates. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 3.8. Comparison of observed flow and simulated flow at the ambient station RC 8 for 2001. 0.00100 0.01000 0.10000 1.00000 10.00000 100.00000 01 0 1 2 0 0 1 01 1 9 2 0 0 1 02 0 6 2 0 0 1 02 2 4 2 0 0 1 03 1 4 2 0 0 1 04 0 1 2 0 0 1 04 1 9 2 0 0 1 05 0 7 2 0 0 1 05 2 5 2 0 0 1 06 1 2 2 0 0 1 06 3 0 2 0 0 1 07 1 8 2 0 0 1 08 0 5 2 0 0 1 08 2 3 2 0 0 1 09 1 0 2 0 0 1 09 2 8 2 0 0 1 10 1 6 2 0 0 1 11 0 3 2 0 0 1 11 2 1 2 0 0 1 12 0 9 2 0 0 1 12 2 7 2 0 0 1 Date Fl o w ( c u m / s ) Estimated Observed Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Table 3.4. Adjusted parameters for the model calibration. Season/Land Types Channel Hydraulic Conductivity (k in mm/hr) Manning’s n Curve Number (CN) Support Practice Factor (USLE-P) 1. Summer Urban Forest Pasture/Hay Land (WS 1,3,5,6) Pasture/Hay Land (WS 2,4) 20.00 0.014 82 55 61 74 1.00 0.60 0.60 0.80 2. Winter Urban Forest Pasture/Hay Land (WS 1,3,5,6) Pasture/Hay Land (WS 2,4) 0.00 0.10 82 60 69 79 0.10 0.35 0.15 0.15 Table 3.5. Estimation of mean and standard error for the flow rates. Seasons Observed (cum/s) Estimated (cum/s) Summer 0.40± 0.30 0.34 ± 0.23 Winter 1.40 ± 0.80 1.10 ± 0.42 Total Phosphorus Flow measurement at the ambient station, RC8, was not continuous; the measurement was taken only 2-4 times in a month. The gap between the measurements can potentially result in high variance when estimating daily average TP loads (Preston et al. 1989; Hodgkins 2001). Daily load was estimated by multiplying TP concentration with respective flow and conversion factor (Equation 3.2) in this study. Load (kg/day) = flow (cum/s) * concentration (mg/l) * 86.4 --------------------(3.2) In order to reduce the variance, daily mean flow and daily TP measurement are required. There are many different approaches that can be used to estimate daily TP loads from non- continuous flow data. Some of the approaches are explained above ( For the watershed Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report model, a regression method based on load and flow was used. The procedure adopted is as follows: The measured TP concentration was first converted to TP load by using the above equation 3.2. The estimated load was then correlated with measured flow. The correlation is expressed by the following regression equations 3.3 and 3.4 Summer: TP (kg) = 1.79 + 7.45 * Flow (cum/s) -------------------------(3.3) R-Square = 0.96 Winter: TP (kg) = 0.28 + 20.83 * Flow (cum/s)--------------------------(3.4) R-Square = 0.90 Because the daily mean flow as estimated by the watershed model closely followed with the measured flows (Table 3.3 and Figure 3.8), the estimated daily mean flow was utilized to estimate daily mean TP load by using the above equations 3.2 and 3.3 for summer and winter seasons respectively. The estimated TP loads using the regressing equations were then compared with the estimated load using the watershed model. The difference between the two estimations was not significant when they were compared with respect to estimated mean load and total load for the both seasons (Table 3.6 and Figure 3.9). Also the daily summer load of TP as estimated by the SWAT model was within 1 standard error of the estimation by the FLUX model (Table 3.6). Table 3.6. Estimation of mean and standard error for TP (kg/day) at the station RC 8. Seasons Load Regression Method SWAT Model FLUX Ratio Method Summer 3.19 ± 0.31 3.05 ± 0.4 2.40 ± 0.41 Winter 12.3 ± 1.97 11.97 ± 3.15 -- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 3.2.3 Model Output The watershed model indicated that the discharge rate of water at the ambient station, RC8, was substantially higher during winter than summer (Figure 3.9). In total, winter TP load was 63% more than the summer TP load. Figure 3.9. Total load of total phosphorus as estimated by the load regression method and the SWAT model for the study year 2001. Non-point sources were greater contributors of TP during the winter season (Table 3.7). Urban areas contributed an estimated 814 kg (45%) of TP in 2001. Also, it appears that litter fall in the forested land contributed about 344 kg of TP (19%) and pasture/hay lands contributed about 253 kg (14%). Twenty one percent (21%) of the pasture/hay lands contribution was derived from subwatersheds 2 and 4, where the wastewater spray fields were located. 683.07 1857.13 652.6 1808.34 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Summer Winter Seasons TP ( k g ) Regression TP Model TP Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Contributions from forested lands and pasture lands were almost negligible during summer 2001 (Table 3.7). It could be due to low flow, less litter fall, and high infiltration rates. During summer, infiltrability of lands remains high due to low soil moisture condition. The soluble P would then most likely to be leached down to ground water. Recharge of P from ground water to the creek is assumed to be negligible in this study. Pittsboro WWTP and wet-weather load from urban lands were the two major sources of TP during summer, with the WWTP being the largest source of TP (77%). The WWTP contributed about 503 kg and 398 kg of TP during summer and winter respectively. The plant contribution was about 26% more during summer. In a contrast, the urban contribution was about 80% less during summer. Urban sources may include stormwater runoff and leaking sewer lines. Table 3.7. Total phosphorus loads (kg) delivered to station RC 8 during 2001. Source Types Summer % Winter % 1. Non-point source Urban Forest Pasture/Hay Land 2. Point source WWTP Total 150 _ _ 503 653 23 77 100 814 344 253 398 1808 45 19 14 22 100 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 4 Allocation 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) A Total Maximum Daily Load is the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards, partitioned among point and nonpoint sources. A TMDL is comprised of the sum of wasteload allocations (WLA) for point sources, load allocations (LA) for nonpoint sources, and a margin of safety, expressed by the equation:     The objectives of the TMDL are to estimate allowable pollutant loads, and to allocate them among the general pollutant sources in the watershed. 40 CFR §130.2 (i) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time (e.g. pounds per day), toxicity, or other appropriate measures. This TMDL will be expressed in terms of % TP load reduction and allowable load in kilograms, representing the maximum load the water body can assimilate and maintain the water quality criterion for chl a. The calibrated model was applied to predict the impacts of alternative P loading scenarios. The target is to have no more than 10% of the samples exceed a chl a concentration of 40 µg/L. Model results indicate that a 50% reduction in TP load based on 2001 conditions is needed to meet the chl a standard without an added margin of safety (Figure 14). However, due to uncertainty in data and the model, a margin of safety based in probabilities was incorporated into the TMDL. The model predicts a mean growing season chl a of 21.9 µg/L when the frequency of concentrations above 40 µg/L is 10% (Figure 4.1). The associated 80% confidence interval around the mean, 14.0 µg/L to 34.3 µg/L, was calculated according to Walker (1996) using the calibrated model’s value of CVmean (0.33) for chl a. Critical values of the t distribution were obtained from statistical tables in Zar (1999). The measure of model uncertainty, CVmean, incorporates model error based on seasonal variability and inherent model error. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report The margin of safety for this TMDL is based on meeting the lower 80% confidence limit (14 µg/L). Accordingly, a reduction in TP load of 71% would be needed to provide “certainty” at the 80% confidence level, that the water quality standard will be met. This reduction scenario would allow less than 3% exceedence of the 40 µg/L chl a standard based on model results. Figure 4.1. Load reduction scenarios for total phosphorus (TP) in the Roberson Creek Cove. TMDL target standard is to have less than or equal to 10% of the samples above the chlorophyll a standard of 40 µg/L. The margin of safety (MOS) is based on an 80% confidence limit of model predictions. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 4.2 Critical Conditions The allowable TP load to the Roberson Creek Cove is based on an identified critical condition: a dry hydrologic period during the algal growing season. During the averaging period of 2001 (April – October), the average mean daily flow was 41% of the historical 43-year average based on flow at the Tick Creek USGS gage. This dry year is considered to be the critical hydrologic condition for nutrient enrichment since residence time and nutrient retention is maximized. With particularly severe drought conditions during April through September, 2002 was also a dry year. However, sufficient data was not available to use 2002 for the reduction target. In addition, a drought of such severity represents an extreme condition. Nutrient loading will vary year-to-year based on changes in flow regime. Nutrient loading data from wet years was not available for this modeling effort. However, nutrient loads associated with higher flow years will be flushed through the cove more rapidly resulting in a shorter residence time. The higher flows will also be accompanied by an increase in algal light limitation due to abiotic turbidity (Reynolds 1984). 4.3 Seasonal Variation Chlorophyll a concentrations in the Roberson Creek cove tend to be highest during the summer growing season. Blooms can occur during other times of the year to a much lesser extent (Figure 1.6). Conditions of lower water temperature, lower irradiance, and higher flow generally suppress algal growth during winter and early spring. Higher nutrient loads during the colder weather months tend to be flushed through the system rapidly, making nutrients unavailable for algal uptake. Moreover, lower solar radiation and a more turbid water column during these periods will also suppress algal productivity. Thus, this TMDL focuses on nutrient loading and algal response during an extended growing season of April through October only. Basing the TMDL on this warm weather period will protect Roberson Creek during the cold weather period (November – March). Seasonal variation during the averaging period in nutrient load and response is captured within the models used for this TMDL. In BATHTUB, it is incorporated in terms of seasonal averages Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report for summer and associated error terms. For SWAT, summer and winter conditions during 2001 are modeled to understand nutrient loading over an annual period. 4.4 Model Uncertainty and Margin of Safety The margin of safety is an additional factor of the TMDL that accounts for uncertainty in the relationship between pollutant loads and receiving water quality. This margin of safety can be provided implicitly through conservative analytical assumptions and/or explicitly by reserving a portion of the load capacity. For Roberson Creek, an explicit margin of safety has been applied to the water quality criterion. It is based on meeting the lower 80% confidence limit of the predicted mean chl a concentration at the 10% exceedence level. The BATHTUB model calculates a measure of error based on seasonal variability and inherent model error (CVmean). The confidence intervals were calculated using values of CVmean for chl a according to Walker (1996; p.1-9) using statistical tables in Zar (1999). In the receiving water model, uncertainty in loads is incorporated into the analyses by including a CV in the model input. The loading values and error are calculated within FLUX. The lack of agreement between modeled, both FLUX and SWAT, and estimated P concentrations could be due in part to the uncertainty associated with calculating loads from non-continuous data (Preston et al. 1989). In addition, FLUX uses statistical techniques to estimate loadings rather than process-based formulations used in SWAT. The inability to accurately predict specific observed P loading within SWAT can be attributed to model error, lack of sufficient information in source assessment, gaps in our scientific knowledge, natural variability in P concentrations, field and laboratory measurement error, and lack of current site specific model input parameters. The watershed model, SWAT, selected to guide initial decision making, is not adept at characterizing prediction uncertainty. Because of the lack of certain site specific information, professional best judgment and literature values were used to calculate the P loading from the various land uses. Therefore, the model results should be interpreted in light of the model limitations and prediction uncertainty. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 4.5 Waste Load Allocation Pittsboro WWTP was the only point source in Roberson Creek watershed during the study period. The plant contributed about 503 kg of TP during summer (Table 3.6). As per the discussion in  4.1 above, reduction of TP required to meet the chl a standard at the Roberson Creek Cove with a margin of safety is 71%. Therefore, reductions of TP required from the WWTP were estimated to be 357 kg for summer. 4.6 Load Allocation Non-point sources that contributed TP in the Roberson Creek watershed were urban lands, forested lands, and pasture/hay lands on an annual basis. There are no permitted stormwater sources (MS4) in this watershed. Urban lands were the only non-point sources that contributed 153 kg of TP during summer season (Table 3.7). Reduction required from the urban lands to meet the chl a in the cove was, therefore, 106 kg. Overall, the reduction of TP required to meet the chl a standard at the Roberson Creek cove was 464 kg during the summer season (April – October). Table 4.1. Total mass daily load allocation of total phosphorus in kilograms (kg). Source Types TMDL for Summer (April - October) % Reduction 1. Non-point source Urban Forest Pasture/Hay lands 2. Point source WWTP Total 44 -- -- 146 190 71 0 0 71 71 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 5 Implementation Plan The TMDL analysis was performed using the best data available to specify the nutrient reductions necessary to achieve water quality criteria: the chl a target in this lower portion of Roberson Creek. The intent of meeting the criteria is to support the designated use classifications in the watershed. The decision to focus on P was based on the assumption that P will ultimately control growth in the cove and reductions in P will drive the cove to an increasingly P limited state (by increasing the N:P ratio). As a practical matter, some reductions of N will likely accompany P reductions. This is desirable because although N is not the primary limiting nutrient during most of time, loading of N does contribute to algal growth in the cove. Furthermore, downstream waters such as Jordan Lake may be affected by N contribution from this watershed. Therefore, an increase in N loading is not be recommended. The TMDL requires reductions from urban sources of P and Pittsboro’s wastewater treatment plant. In addition to reductions form existing urban sources, future growth in urban land uses within the watershed should be accompanied by nutrient control measures. This TMDL targets an algal growing season due to timing of algal blooms and residence time in the cove. The reductions will protect Roberson Creek and its intended uses during all times of the year. Nonetheless, nutrient controls during winter are suggested for two reasons. First, downstream waters (Jordan Lake) are affected by nutrients transported from this watershed. Second, there may be some stored P within the watershed derived from the winter that may be transported to the cove during summer. A detailed implementation plan is not included in this TMDL. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be needed in order to develop the implementation plan. During 2002, the NCSU Water Quality Group received a EPA Section 319 grant to perform a watershed assessment of the Roberson Creek watershed. Part of the project will involve identification of areas for targeting of best management practices (BMP) within the watershed. The Water Quality Group will be developing general and site-specific implementation plans for Roberson Creek. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 6 Stream Monitoring Monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the ambient monitoring site in the Roberson Creek Cove. The continued monitoring of nutrient and chl a concentrations will allow for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of achieving water quality standards and intended best uses. 7 Future Efforts Overall, the reduction of TP required to meet the chl a standard at the Roberson Creek cove was 464 kg during the summer season. Nutrient loading will vary year-to-year based on changes in flow regime. The allowable TP load to the Roberson Creek Cove is based on an identified critical condition for nutrient enrichment: a dry algal growing season. Dry hydrologic conditions in Roberson Creek Cove would be expected to maximize residence time and nutrient retention, thereby promoting algal growth (Wetzel 2001). Further monitoring and modeling may be desirable in the future to confirm these assumptions. Future work may include an enhanced characterization of the relationship between flow and nutrient concentrations across a range of hydrologic conditions. Likewise, an analysis of eutrophication response during wetter years may be useful. 8 Public Participation A draft of the Roberson Creek TMDL was publicly noticed through various means, including notification in the local newspaper, The Chatham Record, on June 19, 2003. DWQ electronically distributed the draft TMDL and public comment information to known interested parties. The TMDL was also available from the Division of Water Quality’s website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/draft_TMDLs.htm during the comment period beginning June 19 and ending July 21. A public meeting was held on July 15 at the Chatham County Agricultural Center Auditorium in Pittsboro. At this meeting, staff presented the TMDL and answered questions. In addition to Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report DWQ staff, 14 people attended the meeting. Person attending represented environmental advocacy groups (3), local government agencies (6), research univeristies (3), and private landowners (2). 9 Further Information Further information concerning North Carolina’s TMDL program can be found on the Internet at the Division of Water Quality website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/. Technical questions regarding this TMDL should be directed to the following members of the DWQ Modeling/TMDL Unit: J. Todd Kennedy, Modeler (todd.kennedy@ncmail.net), Narayan Rajbhandari, Modeler (narayan.rajbhandari@ncmail.net), and Michelle Woolfolk, Supervisor (michelle.woolfolk@ncmail.net). Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 10 Responsiveness Summary A draft of the Roberson Creek TMDL was publicly noticed through various means, including notification in the local newspaper, The Chatham Record, on June 19, 2003. DWQ electronically distributed the draft TMDL and public comment information to known interested parties. The TMDL was also available from the Division of Water Quality’s website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/draft_TMDLs.htm during the comment period beginning June 19 and ending July 21. A public meeting was held on July 15 at the Chatham County Agricultural Center Auditorium in Pittsboro. At this meeting, staff presented the TMDL and answered questions. Four people submitted written comments concerning the proposed TMDL: 1. Keith Megginson Chatham County Planning Director June 12, 2003 2. Elaine Chiosso and Catherine Deininger Haw River Assembly July 21, 2003 3. David B. Hughes Town Manager, Town of Pittsboro July 23, 2003 4. Robert W. Slocum, Jr. Executive Vice President, NC Forestry Association July 25, 2003 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Although comments from Mr. Hughes and Mr. Slocum were received after the official comment period ended, responses have been provided. 1. Comments from Keith Megginson Comment: My comment is about page 18, section 2.2.2. In said section it gives P loadings for domestic sewage and addresses dish washing as possibly increasing the level of P. I did not find that the document addresses how this relates to P loadings in Roberson Creek, whether by failing septic systems in the rural areas or increased loadings to Pittsboro WWTP. Response: The commenter is correct: this is an indirect load of P to the system. As a result of dish washing, the P in some detergents may be transported to septic systems and/or the wastewater treatment plant. Despite the intermediate fate (septic tank or WWTP), the P may ultimately be transported from the watershed to the Roberson Creek Cove. 2. Comments from Haw River Assembly Comment: Any TMDL for Robeson Creek needs to account for additional future sources of non-point source pollution due to growth. Pittsboro is on the brink of a significant amount of growth. If this TMDL doesn’t include an allocation for growth, any development in Pittsboro could quickly overwhelm the pollutant cap and prevent achievement for water quality standards for Robeson Creek. Failure to meet water quality standards, technically, could cause a prohibition of all future pollutant loads. Therefore, it is in the best interest of the state and local government to account for anticipated growth. Response: The margin of safety within the TMDL acts to preserve a portion of the assimilative capacity. In addition, the TMDL contains an implicit factor for growth as it pertains to the wasteload allocation. Any future growth in waste flows to the plant will be limited by the summer Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report wasteload allocation. Nonpoint source controls should be implemented concomitant with future growth of the town to prevent net increases in urban sources of P. Monitoring will continue in the Roberson Creek Cove as this TMDL is implemented. If necessary, the TMDL will be revisited if the waterbody does not attain its intended uses in the future as expected. Comment: On the current cover page for the draft public review “Now Available upon Request,” the short summary needs to include a statement of how phosphorus is related to chlorophyll-a. For instance, you could add to the last sentence of the summary so that it reads, “The study identifies the sources of pollution, determines allowable loads to the surface waters, and suggest allocations for total phosphorus which is limiting factor in the growth of algae as measured by chlorophyll- a.” Otherwise, someone who is not as familiar with the background of the Robeson Creek TMDL study might not make the connection between chlorophyll-a and phosphorus, since the connection is not explained until page 7 of the report. Response: The referenced cover page is not included in the final TMDL. However, the document has been revised to reflect this recommendation by adding language to the introduction chapter. Comment: We are concerned that extreme conditions for drought period (April – October) of 2002 were not used in calculating the allowable Total Phosphorus load for the Robeson Creek cove. Streams are most vulnerable to pollution problems during worst-case flows due to high or low water flows during wet or dry weather conditions. Stream flow is an important part of this TMDL and to protect Robeson Creek, it is critical that the worst-case flow is used. Response: Data was not available for September and October of 2002. Therefore while some of the data from 2002 was used to test the model, the data were insufficient to calibrate the model and accordingly derive the TMDL. In addition, the allowable TP load to Roberson Creek Cove is based on critical conditions of a dry summer. During 2001 (Apr – Oct), the average mean daily flow was 41% of the historical 43- year average based on flow measured at the Tick Creek gage. During the same period of 2002, Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report flow was 44% of the historical average. However, based on the months April through September, the percent of historic averages was 46% (2001) and 14% (2002). Clearly this period of 2002 was extremely dry. Most of the flow occurred during October of that year. In fact during the period of June – July, flow during 2002 was 3% of the historical average. DWQ believes that the Roberson Creek TMDL should not be based on such extreme hydrologic conditions. Comment: We believe it will be necessary to continue to monitor Turkey Creek and Camp Creek during storm events due to run-off from Townsend Foods spray fields. Page 17 of the draft reports states "Phosphorus from the irrigated wastewater transported via surface and subsurface runoff, appears to have moved into Turkey Creek and Camp Creek. The results suggest that the pasturelands owned by Townsend Food Inc. may have discharged considerable amount of P to Roberson Creek during storm events in 2001." Although much of the runoff may occur normally in the winter months, an unusually wet summer such as we are experiencing in 2003 could result in more phosphorus loading from this source than anticipated. Response: The allowable TP load to Roberson Creek Cove is based on critical conditions of a dry summer period. Dry hydrologic conditions in Roberson Creek Cove would tend to maximize residence time and nutrient retention, thereby promoting algal growth. The average residence time during 2001 was 31 days. During wetter years, DWQ expects the residence time to decrease and flushing to increase in the cove, lessening the potential for algal blooms. The TMDL established during the critical condition will also protect water quality during other periods in terms of season and hydrologic years. Comment: To insure timeliness in the implementation of this TMDL, a schedule of milestones for meeting the TMDL needs to be included in the final draft. Even if the development of milestones for non- point source pollution is part of the implementation plan that NCSU Water Quality Group is working on, a schedule of milestones for the point source pollution should be included in the TMDL report. Response: Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Comment refers to implementation. An implementation plan is not included in the TMDL submittal for EPA approval. Monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the ambient monitoring site in the Roberson Creek Cove. The continued monitoring of nutrient and chl a concentrations will allow for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of achieving water quality standards and intended best uses. 3. Comments from David B. Hughes Comment: If the criteria for P is based on 10% exceedences for a typical year and the model is based on a dry year (non-typical), it would seem that the criteria would be overly conservative. It would also seem that an added margin of safety is even more conservative. Response: The TMDL target is based on the chlorophyll a criteria combined with current use assessment methodology. Combining the two, no more than 10% of samples collected in a specified area and time should be above 40 µg/L chl a. The TMDL is established for P because DWQ believes it is the primary limiting nutrient in the cove. The allowable TP load to Roberson Creek Cove is based on critical conditions of a dry summer period. Sufficient data for use as a basis for this TMDL was only available for 2001. The chl a standard and intended uses in the cove should be met during dry years and wet years. A margin of safety is a required component of TMDLs that accounts for uncertainty. Comment: If flow data was underestimated, how would that affect the results? Response: The daily flows from the Tick Creek gage were adapted for use in the modeling of loads to the Roberson Creek cove. Based on comparison with instantaneous flow data collected on Roberson Creek, the adapted Tick Creek flow underestimated flow in Roberson Creek in part of late summer and fall. However, most of these flows were below 5 cfs and the difference is not expected to have a significant effect on loading estimates. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Comment: The last paragraph on page 31 states that “since a term for light is not included in the candidate models, predicted chl a may be overestimated.” What is the overestimation and how did the calibration factor accurately account for this? Response: The chl a model is based on an empirical relationship between chl a and nutrients. An adjustment is made to the model to account for site-specific conditions in Roberson Creek: the calibration factor. The calibration factor (0.83) reduces the apparent chl a predicted by the model to more closely match observed conditions: a typical calibration procedure in the modeling process. The need for the calibration could have been due to the inhibitory influence of a diminished light field within the water column. Comment: What does paragraph 3 and 4 of section 4.4, page 48, mean and what is the lack of agreement between the models? Response: Models are merely tools used for system description and prediction. Uncertainty is always present in model results. Decisions made based on model results should be made in light of model limitations and uncertainty. The SWAT model and the FLUX model produced different estimates of P load, however, the estimates were within one standard error of each other. The SWAT model is a process model that describes P transport in a mechanistic fashion. The model was calibrated to a P load derived from regression using P load and flow. The FLUX model uses a statistical approach (modified ratio estimator) to calculate load from daily flow values and biweekly P concentrations. Comment: The footnote below the chart on page 9 mentioned data is uncorrected for pheophytin, which may overestimate the actual corrected value. What are the ramification for this? Response: Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Pheophytin is a component of algae representing dead cells. Due to problems with lab data, the data from 1998-2000 are uncorrected for this component. There are no ramifications for the TMDL because only data from 2001, which were corrected chl a concentrations, were used. Comment: Why was the BATHTUB model used in this study versus the WASP/EUTRO5 model used for the Jordan Lake Nutrient Response study done by Tetra Tech, Inc.? Response: The Jordan Lake Nutrient Response model did contain sufficient spatial resolution to model the Roberson Creek Cove. Further, the Jordan model development was not complete when development of the Roberson Creek TMDL began. Comment: What other WWTP’s have had TMDL’s for either P or N applied to them? What limits were applied to them? Were any of the plants comparable in size to Pittsboro’s plant? What were the phase-in periods for compliance to the new limits? Response: Comments refer to implementation. An implementation plan is not included in the TMDL submittal for EPA approval. DWQ’s NPDES permitting unit will provide the Town of Pittsboro will information relating to these issues during the implementation phase. Comment: The implementation schedule must recognize the Town’s limited financial capabilities, and must allow sufficient time for the Town to obtain funding necessary to upgrade the plant to achieve the proposed P limitations. The town should be given an implementation time period that is at least as long as the one provided to the dischargers in the Neuse Basin when the TN limit was imposed there. Response: Comment refers to implementation. An implementation plan is not included in the TMDL submittal for EPA approval. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Comment: In the public meeting it was discussed that the Division is proposing the mass-based TP standards from the TMDL model be implemented form April 1 – October 31, and that the existing 2.0 mg/L quarterly average remain in place for the remaining months. The Town supports this proposal. Response: Comment refers to implementation. An implementation plan is not included in the TMDL submittal for EPA approval. 4. Comments from Robert W. Slocum, Jr. Comment: We have reviewed the proposed TMDL for Roberson Creek in Chatham County and are pleased that any contributions of phosphorus form forestry activities are considered as part of background discharges. This is consistent with numerous scientific studies and recognizes that land disturbing forestry activities in NC are regulated under the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act. As you finalized this TMDL and develop others, we urge the agency to continue this approach to forestry activities. Response: The TMDL identified forest lands as part of the background source of P in the watershed and did not refer to any forestry activities specifically. The watershed model did not predict loading of P to the cove from forest lands during the summer period of 2001. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Final Report 11 References Bachman, R.W. 1980. Prediction of total nitrogen in lakes and reservoirs. In Restoration of lakes and inland waters; Proceedings of an international symposium on inland waters and lake restoration. Portland, Maine. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water Regulations and Standards, EPA-440-581-010, Washington, D.C. Beale, E.M.L. 1962. Some uses of computers in operational research. Industrielle Organisation 31:51-52. Butcher, J., T. Clements, A. Beach, K. Brewer, D. Korn, N. Archambault, and P. Kellar. 1995. Falls Lake Watershed Study-Final Report. 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Limnology: Lake and River Ecosystems, 3rd Edition. Academic Press, San Diego. Yonts, W.L., Giese, G.L., and Hubbard, E.F. 1973. Evaporation from Lake Michie, North Carolina, 1961-1971. U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Investigations Report 38-73. 27 p. Zar, J.H. 1999. Biostatistical Analysis. Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix I. Water quality data collected during the Roberson Creek TMDL Study (2000-2002). Roberson Creek Physical/Chemical and Flow See accompanying Qualifier Codes list Station # & Location Sample Date Time TKN TP TN BOD5 DO pH Temp Cond Stage feet Flow fecal MF Chl a mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/l mg/L mg/L mg/L units C umhos (RC8 only) cfs /100 ml ug/L RC4 Hwy 15/501 00/12/14 1040 ns ns ns ns ns ns 10.3 7.2 5.6 127 ns ns Roberson Cr 00/12/21 0915 0.12 0.4 0.24 0.04 0.64 2.2 6.4 11.8 6.9 3.3 109 ns 160 Lat 35o 42’ 57" Long 79o 10’ 44" RC5 ups 00/12/14 1050 0.02 0.4 0.13 0.04 0.53 ns ns 9.3 7.4 5.8 131 ns ns Roberson Cr 00/12/21 1120 ns ns ns ns ns 6.4 10.8 7.2 3.2 129 ns 160 upstream WWTP 01/01/08 1045 0.02 0.4 0.37 0.04 0.77 1.1 7 11.5 6.8 2.4 141 0.71 27 Lat 35o 42’ 52" 01/01/18 1030 0.06 0.6 0.34 0.03 0.94 1.7 7.5 10.0 7.9 6.4 146 0.42 45 Long 79o 10’ 18" 01/01/25 1200 0.05 0.5 0.14 0.01 0.64 0.9 5.8 12.0 7.3 5.9 117 1.66 260 01/02/08 1115 Lab Lab <1.0 Lab 7.1 7.2 10.3 7.3 7.5 137 1.49 <10 01/02/13 1100 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 2.3 5.8 10.9 7.0 5.1 80 3.85 380 01/02/20 1150 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 3.5 6.6 10.7 7.2 8.6 110 3.68 2500 01/03/01 1100 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2 7.1 7.7 7.4 10.3 121 1.21 73 01/03/07 1045 0.55 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 2.6 5.5 10.9 7.1 7.5 91 6.03 310 01/03/28 1240 <0.20 <0.6 0.3 <0.10 <2 5.5 10.7 7.9 10.8 94 2.78 22 01/04/18 1120 <0.20 0.8 0.29 <0.10 1.09 <2 6.2 9.3 8.1 11.9 109 1.69 220 01/05/02 1115 <0.20 <0.6 0.28 <0.10 1.2 7.1 6.3 7.4 19.9 122 0.89 110 01/05/09 1110 <0.20 <0.6 0.36 <0.10 1.3 8.6 11.5 8.1 19.1 270 0.62 57Q 01/05/30 1030 <0.20 <0.6 0.15 <0.10 3.0 6.9 4.2 7.1 19.4 106 0.91 520 01/06/21 1050 0.11 0.5 0.29 0.03 0.76 1.6 6 5.6 7.1 24.3 100 0.16 470 01/08/07 1115 0.09 0.5 0.38 0.04 0.85 7.2 6.5 3.8 7.0 23.8 115 0.45 520 01/08/30 1040 0.04 0.7 0.16 0.06 0.86 2.1 5.2 5.0 7.2 25.3 104 1.98 430 01/10/04 1050 0.04 0.4 0.33 0.04 0.72 ns 6.1 9.0 6.8 16.6 125 0.49 250 01/11/07 1130 0.02 0.2 0.21 0.02 0.45 1.0 6.7 7.8 7.3 10.3 138 0.35 54 B1 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 01/11/14 1120 0.05 0.3 0.26 0.02 0.57 1.3 6.5 8.9 6.8 4.4 137 0.90 73 Q 01/12/11 1100 0.18 0.4 0.1 0.05 0.51 2.6 ns 12.3 7.2 6.3 103 1.10 2200 02/01/10 1125 0.06 0.4 0.37 0.05 0.76 1.3 G5 ns 14.7 6.9 1.9 177 2.78 1800 B1 02/02/05 1135 0.05 0.3 0.38 0.04 0.72 1.9 G5G1 ns 9.6 7.2 6.1 108 2.75 46 Q1 02/03/08 1215 0.14 0.4 0.25 0.04 0.63 1.6 ns 11.2 7.0 6.7 114 0.62 49 02/04/15 1110 0.08 0.4 0.28 0.05 0.67 1.5 ns 8.4 7.0 20.3 61 0.52 190 02/05/01 1040 0.08 0.5 0.35 0.04 0.80 1.6 ns 5.3 7.1 17.4 164 no flow120 02/06/26 1010 0.09 0.5 0.38 0.04 0.86 1.6 ns 3.4 7.1 23.8 355 no flow340 B4 RC5 eff 00/12/21 1110 0.22 1.1 16 0.67 17.10 ns 55 10.0 6.8 11.0 487 <10 WWTP effluent 01/01/08 1000 0.48 5.5 16 1.80 21.50 1.2 58 9.4 7.2 11.1 480 <10 Lat 35o 42’ 49" 01/01/18 1020 0.04 1.6 31 3.20 32.60 1.8 64 9.9 7.8 12.4 543 <10 Long 79o 10’ 14" 01/01/25 1145 ns ns ns ns ns ns 8.5 7.2 11.4 460 01/02/08 1145 Lab 1.1 Lab 3.20 6.3 50 7.2 6.4 13.0 491 10k 01/02/13 1130 Lab Lab Lab Lab 3.8 48 10.2 7.1 12.0 306 10k 01/02/20 1130 Lab Lab Lab Lab 4.2 56 9.7 7.0 12.5 389 160 01/03/01 1040 ns ns ns ns ns ns 9.2 ns 13.6 694 01/03/07 1100 0.80 3.0 26 1.00 29.00 6.6 55 9.8 7.1 11.8 507 100 01/03/28 1250 0.28 3.2 42 3.60 45.20 6.6 110 9.9 7.3 14.0 643 250 01/04/18 1100 0.79 8.9 53 9.00 61.90 2.1 190 8.8 6.4 16.3 995 2700 01/05/02 1100 0.37 4.5 48 2.80 52.50 10.4 180 9.2 7.0 17.8 990 430 01/05/09 1100 <0.20 3.3 43 3.10 46.30 3.6 210 8.3 7.1 19.9 1122 Lab 01/05/30 1000 <0.20 1.7 41 3.00 42.70 ns 160 5.8 7.0 21.5 927 4 01/06/21 1025 0.12 1.2 23 1.90 24.20 1.0 120 7.2 7.6 23.6 676 12 01/08/07 1045 0.05 2.0 19 2.60 21.00 2 U 81 7.3 7.6 25.6 440 17 01/08/30 1015 0.02 0.2 15 0.80 15.20 1.0 52 7.5 7.0 24.0 442 4 01/10/04 1025 0.01 U 0.20 U 22 1.80 ns 77 8.0 7.2 21.2 599 22 01/11/07 1045 0.03 0.20 U 24 1.60 0 J2 10.3 6.8 17.7 661 1 01/11/14 1055 0.01 0.20 U 18 1.40 1 170 12.2 6.6 16.2 728 02/02/05 1115 0.06 0.3 32 3.20 32.28 3.7J2G1G 5 ns 7.9 ns 12.9 886 5Q1 02/01/10 1100 0.04 6.6 25 1.60 31.60 0.4 G5 ns 11.0 7.1 7.6 737 2 02/03/08 1100 0.12 0.4 2.4 0.20 2.79 1.6 ns 8.7 7.2 13.6 718 44 02/04/15 1050 0.07 0.4 2.3 0.30 2.73 1.2 ns 10.1 7.1 17.9 666 3 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 02/05/01 1010 0.42 .20 U 20 1.90 1,7 ns 8.3 7.1 19.4 784 1 B2 02/06/26 1000 0.03 0.4 26 3.90 26.41 1.3 ns 4.3 6.6 25.2 838 9 02/08/15 1000 0.02 0.8 30 4.20 30.84 ns ns RC5 dns 00/12/14 1100 0.02 0.9 8.8 0.66 9.70 1.5 ns 8.0 7.1 5.6 256 ns Roberson Cr 00/12/21 1055 0.05 0.6 4 0.18 4.60 ns 15 10.7 7.1 4.6 210 1.69 200 downstream WWTP 01/01/08 1015 0.80 1.1 7 0.67 8.10 1.3 30 10.1 7.0 5.6 280 1.00 82 Lat 35o 42’ 50" 01/01/18 1015 0.31 1.0 9 1.00 10.00 1.7 31 9.5 7.6 8.7 318 1.07 64 Long 79o 10’ 08" 01/01/25 1125 0.05 0.6 3.6 0.31 4.20 0.8 12 12.0 7.0 6.1 178 2.66 140 01/01/30 1300 <0.01 0.8 7.1 0.76 7.90 0.7 19 10.6 7.1 9.9 252 2.27 27 01/02/08 1135 Lab <1.0 Lab Lab 6.9 21 10.1 7.0 9.0 277 1.37 27 01/02/13 1115 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 2.5 13 12.3 7.4 6.5 115 4.89 340 01/02/20 1115 ns ns ns ns ns ns 10.4 7.6 8.9 177 4.63 ns 01/03/01 1030 0.95 2.3 8.8 0.90 11.10 2.3 25 10.2 7.5 9.0 237 2.22 73 01/03/07 1100 <0.5 <1.0 3.2 <0.5 3.0 14 10.3 7.4 8.8 132 7.55 480 01/03/28 1350 <0.20 1.0 9.1 0.69 10.10 2.1 25 10.3 7.8 11.5 232 3.92 40 01/04/18 1110 0.36 3.4 11 2.20 14.40 6.7 44 8.4 7.0 12.4 321 2.23 3000 01/05/02 1040 0.20 2.0 20 1.10 22.00 5.2 83 7.4 7.8 18.0 604 1.56 250 01/05/09 1045 <0.20 2.3 24 1.60 26.30 2.2 120 6.9 7.3 18.1 448 0.90 48Q 01/05/30 1020 <0.20 1.3 17 1.10 18.30 2.3 56 4.4 7.0 19.6 376 1.46 360 01/06/21 1015 0.08 0.7 9.6Q 0.78 1.2 52 5.3 7.3 21.0 343 0.33 420 01/08/07 1035 0.15 0.6 8.9 1.10 9.52 2 U 28 3.3 7.2 23.8 272 0.74 320 01/08/30 1020 0.03 0.6 3.2 0.19 3.82 1.0 15 5.3 7.0 25.0 171 2.49 460 01/10/04 1030 0.03 0.22 U 9 0.66 ns 34 7.7 6.7 18.1 320 0.77 250 01/11/07 1100 0.04 0.20 U 13 0.83 0.7 63 8.2 7.1 13.5 409 0.63 28 01/11/14 1105 ns ns ns ns ns ns 9.3 6.5 7.6 417 2.21 ns 01/12/11 1045 0.08 0.5 1.8 0.16 2.25 2.2 ns 10.3 7.0 6.5 165 2.40 3100 02/01/10 1105 0.34 1.5 4.1 0.29 5.60 1.9 G5 ns 14.8 7.0 2.1 272 3.92 730 02/02/05 1120 0.05 0.4 6.7 0.63 7.11 2.1 ns 6.4 7.2 7.1 262 3.78 68 B4Q1 02/03/08 1120 0.08 .20 U 18 1.50 1.2 ns 11.4 7.1 9.2 198 2.20 16 02/04/15 1030 0.05 .20 U 14 1.70 1.4 ns 7.3 7.0 20.0 214 1.92 65 B4 Q1 02/05/01 1000 0.06 0.4 7.3 0.59 7.70 ns ns 6.1 7.0 18.2 306 0.98 97 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 02/06/26 0950 0.06 .20 U 14 2.00 1.6 ns 5.2 7.0 23.0 586 0.42 310 B4 02/08/15 1015 0.03 0.8 20 2.70 20.75 ns ns TC1 00/12/14 1010 0.04 0.3 0.05 0.04 0.35 1.2 ns 10.0 7.3 5.0 118 ns ns Turkey Cr at 00/12/21 0930 0.04 0.6 0.01 0.03 0.61 ns 5.4 12.9 7.0 0.9 ns 0.56 210 Hwy 15/501 00/12/28 1040 0.10 0.5 0.21 0.04 0.71 1.2 ns 12.0 7.2 2.2 102 ns 38 Lat 35o 42’ 06" 01/01/08 0900 0.02 0.3 0.2 0.03 0.50 1.0 6.8 11.9 7.3 1.7 111 0.06 130 Long 79o 10’ 48" 01/01/18 0910 0.05 0.4 0.11 0.02 0.51 1.1 6.2 11.1 7.6 5.7 96 0.05 27 01/01/25 1015 0.05 0.4 0.15 0.01 0.55 0.5 6.9 13.2 7.1 2.2 97 0.20 71 01/01/30 1015 0.01 0.5 0.17 0.04 0.67 0.7 6.7 10.6 7.2 8.0 103 0.18 64 01/02/08 1000 0.00 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 6.9 7.7 11.5 6.8 5.2 107 0.15 14 01/02/13 1030 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 2.8 7.8 11.8 7.0 5.2 61 4.15 380 01/02/20 0830 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 1.2 6.5 11.9 7.0 5.2 83 0.52 160 01/03/01 0830 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2 8.2 10.2 7.1 8.0 97 0.42 260 01/03/07 0930 0.80 1.3 <0.5 <0.5 <2.0 6 12.3 7.9 4.4 77 1.56 220 01/03/28 0830 <0.20 <0.6 0.15 <0.10 <2.0 6.5 12.4 7.2 6.0 89 0.55 74 01/04/18 0845 0.20 U 0.60 U 0.15 0.10 U 2.1 7.4 10.2 7.5 9.0 100 0.19 150 01/05/02 0830 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 <0.10 1.0 8.2 6.8 7.1 15.7 110 0.16 150 01/05/09 0845 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 <0.10 1.1 8.5 6.7 7.5 15.3 114 0.04 200Q 01/05/30 0840 <0.20 <0.6 0.17 <0.10 ns 7.7 5.4 7.5 17.6 106 0.09 1900 B1 01/06/21 0830 0.06 0.4 0.19 0.03 0.59 1.0 6.5 5.0 7.0 21.7 105 0.09 240 01/08/07 0857 0.32 0.6 0.11 0.06 0.69 0.7 6.5 4.2 6.9 23.0 45 0.05 57 J2 01/08/30 0900 0.03 0.3 0.19 0.05 0.51 0.4 5.6 5.3 7.1 22.8 87 0.31 240 01/10/04 0900 0.01 U 0.3 0.14 0.03 0.42 ns 5.9 6.9 7.3 14.7 180 0.11 240 Q 01/11/07 0915 0.14 J3 0.3 0.02 0.02 0.32 0.9 J2 7.2 8.5 7.1 7.2 123 0.05 9 Q 01/12/11 0900 ns ns ns ns ns ns 10.9 7.2 4.3 115 no flow 02/01/10 0910 0.07 0.8 0.24 0.05 1.05 1.1 G5 ns 16.6 7.1 2.3 98 0.45 770 B4 02/02/05 0940 0.03 0.2 0.29 0.03 0.49 1.1J2G1 ns 12.6 7.1 3.0 93 0.51 33Q1 02/03/08 0910 0.20 0.4 0.12 0.03 0.47 1.1 ns 13.2 7.1 6.0 102 no flow 110 Q2 B4 02/04/15 0840 0.26 0.3 0.12 0.04 0.41 1.4 ns 8.5 7.4 17.0 106 no flow67 Q2 02/05/01 0830 0.06 0.3 0.22 0.03 0.54 ns ns 7.2 7.2 16.4 120 0.06 120 TC2 00/12/14 0945 6.90 7.9 1.9 1.40 9.80 34.4 ns 6.8 7.1 5.2 1425 ns ns Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Turkey Cr at 00/12/21 1015 1.20 3.2 1.1 0.47 4.30 ns 22 12.9 7.2 1.2 ns 0.62 620 SR 1012 00/12/28 1010 10.00 14.0 2.3 4.20 16.30 59.0 87 11.2 7.2 2.0 761 ns 5300 Lat 35o 42’ 15" 01/01/08 0945 0.97 1.2 1.3 0.42 2.50 6.6 38 10.8 7.2 2.8 370 0.16 410 Long 79o 10’ 30" 01/01/18 0920 0.80 1.3 1.2 0.33 2.50 4.2 49 9.4 7.9 6.1 397 0.14 82 01/01/25 1030 1.00 2.0 1.6 0.47 3.60 6.6 38 13.2 7.2 3.2 348 0.31 140 01/01/30 1030 11.00 13.0 2.9 3.90 15.90 25.0 85 8.3 7.6 8.5 860 1.44 140 01/01/30 1250 8.50 11.0 3 2.80 14.00 24.0 81 10.4 7.3 10.1 760 ns 2400 01/02/08 1020 <0.5 Lab <0.5 <0.5 7.3 30 11.9 7.2 6.1 317 0.22 64 01/02/13 0930 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 3.7 14 12.7 7.6 5.7 164 3.67 740 01/02/20 0900 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 0.9 12 12.3 7.3 5.2 142 0.87 320 01/03/01 1000 1.50 2.0 0.95 <0.5 2.95 4.6 15 9.6 7.8 9.2 187 0.50 590 01/03/07 1215 Lab 1.8 0.66 <0.5 2.46 2.6 9.9 11.6 8.1 7.1 126 1.58 270 01/03/28 1100 0.29 <0.6 0.76 <0.1 2.4 9.6 10.8 7.6 9.4 129 0.56 360 01/04/18 1030 3.50 3.9 1.8 <0.10 5.70 5.8 14 9.8 7.9 10.5 197 0.54 230 01/05/02 1010 3.50 3.9 3.6 <0.10 7.50 4.3 14 5.4 7.9 16.3 209 0.09 210 01/05/09 1030 4.70 5.7 2.4 0.23 8.10 9.6 22 4.0 7.0 15.6 271 0.10 Lab 01/05/30 0945 6.00 6.5 1.6 0.29 8.10 22.0 17 3.7 7.0 17.0 242 0.14 360 01/06/21 0950 12.00 Lab 3.2 0.26 12.0 17 3.3 7.1 22.2 267 0.14 3000 01/08/07 1020 0.09 0.5 1.1 0.12 1.55 2.4 18 5.4 7.3 23.4 209 0.14 120 B1 01/08/30 1000 0.14 1.3 1 0.30 2.30 1.1 17 5.7 7.1 23.3 175 0.28 190 B1 01/10/04 1000 0.21 1.0 0.77 0.16 1.77 ns 13 6.8 6.8 15.2 193 0.14 190 QB4 01/11/07 1040 0.11 0.3 0.43 0.08 0.76 0.8 36 7.1 7.1 8.6 315 0.08 34 01/11/14 1040 2.80 6.1 0.95 0.49 7.05 3.1 79 8.0 6.9 4.2 485 0.09 460 Q 01/12/11 1020 0.42 2.1 1.8 1.00 3.90 8.4 ns 11.2 6.9 4.8 440 0.54 10000 B3 02/01/10 1040 1.40 1.8 0.42 0.08 2.22 1.2 G5 ns 15.8 7.2 1.5 154 0.56 420 02/02/05 1055 0.66J3 0.8 0.52 0.05 1.36 1.2 ns 12.7 7.2 3.7 136 0.54 130 B4G1 02/03/08 1045 0.62 1.0 0.34 0.06 1.34 1.6 ns 11.6 7.0 8.9 167 no flow80 B4 02/04/15 1015 0.17 0.7 0.67 0.08 1.32 2.2 ns 10.1 7.0 19.1 165 no flow630 B4 02/05/01 0935 ns 5.2 7.2 16.6 315 no flow170 02/06/26 0930 0.02 0.4 0.85 0.09 1.23 0.8 no flow13 TC3 01/02/20 1000 Lab Lab 0.56 <0.5 2.0 11 12.3 7.0 6.6 127 1.10 1200 Turkey Cr at mouth 01/03/01 0945 Lab Lab Lab Lab 2.7 13 9.8 8.0 8.4 188 0.58 6300 Lat 35o 42’ 25" 01/03/07 1015 0.64 1.1 0.83 <0.5 1.93 2.5 9.2 12.4 7.3 5.8 116 2.22 180 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Long 79o 09’ 49" 01/03/28 1010 4.30 4.5 2.7 <0.10 7.20 <2 9.8 11.2 7.4 8.3 160 0.72 58 01/04/18 1000 0.55 1.3 2.2 0.10 U 3.50 <2 9.9 11.5 7.3 10.6 139 0.58 52 01/05/02 0945 <0.2 <0.6 1.6 <0.10 1.1 11 9.6 7.2 15.3 140 0.25 43 01/05/09 1000 <0.2 <0.6 0.67 <0.10 0.8 13 8.2 7.2 15.4 162 0.15 240 Q 01/05/30 0930 0.43 1.1 2.9 <0.10 4.00 2.2 17 6.6 7.5 16.8 212 0.26 140B1 01/06/21 0930 0.14 0.6 0.59 0.12 1.16 0.7 10 7.9 7.2 21.2 139 0.25 2600 01/08/07 0847 0.04 0.3 0.39 0.09 0.70 2 U 11 5.2 7.2 22.1 109 0.13 310 01/08/30 0940 0.03 0.4 0.5 0.08 0.87 1.0 8.4 6.8 6.9 22.5 117 0.45 360 01/10/04 0945 0.01 U 0.6 1 0.21 1.59 2.3 24 7.3 7.2 14.2 260 0.17 980 B4 01/11/07 1010 0.02 0.4 0.15 0.08 0.51 1.0 16 12.5 7.1 7.0 203 0.13 ns 01/11/14 1020 0.01 UJ3 0.20 U 0.16 0.04 0.7 17 11.9 7.1 7.2 211 0.59 34 Q 01/12/11 1000 0.25 J3 0.9 0.76 J3 0.20 3.3 ns 10.9 7.2 4.7 200 0.60 4100 02/01/10 1015 11.00 12.0 0.48 0.17 12.48 0.2 G5 ns 15.3 7.2 1.2 475 0.72 5 02/02/05 1035 18.00 56.0 0.6 0.14 56.60 2.2 G5G1 ns 11.6 7.2 4.3 637 0.59 660 B4 Q1 02/03/08 1045 0.20 0.6 0.63 0.05 1.23 1.5 ns 11.6 7.0 8.9 157 0.12 230 02/04/15 1000 1.2 ns 11.6 7.0 18.9 130 no flow56 02/05/01 0920 ns ns 8.3 7.5 16.9 160 0.17 60 02/06/26 0910 2.10 2.7 1.2 0.12 3.90 6.6 ns no flow51 CC2 left 00/12/28 1035 0.18 0.4 0.56 0.07 0.96 ns ns 14.0 7.6 1.5 230 ns ns Camp Cr. upstream 01/01/08 0915 0.02 0.3 0.06 0.04 0.36 0.6 20 12.9 7.3 1.4 187 0.07 36 from UT that drains01/01/18 0940 0.13 0.4 0.05 0.02 0.45 0.5 15 9.4 7.9 5.6 152 0.10 27 Townsend property 01/01/25 1100 <0.01 0.5 0.19 0.02 0.69 0.2 19 14.4 7.1 3.0 197 0.11 100 Lat 35o 41’ 42" 01/01/30 1115 0.06 0.6 1.1 0.06 1.70 0.1 22 11.8 7.1 8.8 200 0.17 73 Long 79o 09’ 32" 01/01/30 1230 0.01 0.9 1 0.04 1.90 0.3 22 13.0 7.2 10.0 213 ns 500 01/02/08 1040 <0.5 <1.0 0.74 <0.5 7.4 18 13.4 7.4 5.5 195 0.13 10k 01/02/13 1000 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 2.2 14 13.0 7.1 5.1 140 3.89 850 01/02/20 0915 Lab Lab <0.5 <0.5 0.5 10 12.4 7.5 5.3 114 0.63 180 01/03/01 0900 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2 13 11.5 8.0 7.4 136 0.32 45 01/03/07 0900 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2.0 8.6 12.8 7.2 4.5 97 1.32 120 01/03/28 0900 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 <0.10 <2.0 7.3 12.8 7.3 5.0 91 0.43 10 01/04/18 0900 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 <0.10 <2 7.2 11.0 6.6 8.0 92 0.14 86 01/05/02 0900 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 <0.10 0.7 8.2 8.8 7.3 14.2 99 0.07 95 01/05/09 0910 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 <0.10 0.4 8.7 7.6 6.9 14.0 101 0.04 260Q 01/05/30 0840 <0.20 <0.6 0.27 <0.10 ns 8.7 8.4 7.5 15.9 101 0.20 91 B4 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 01/06/21 0900 0.04 0.4 0.22 0.04 0.58 0.5 7.7 7.9 7.3 20.5 95 0.13 39 01/11/07 0940 0.04 0.6 0.09 0.66 0.68 0.8 70 12.2 7.0 7.0 170 0.06 370 01/11/14 0930 0.04 0.6 0.15 0.09 0.78 3.8 ns 14.0 7.2 2.4 145 0.08 10000 B3 01/12/11 0915 ns 13.4 7.2 4.3 115 0.11 ns 02/01/10 0940 0.02 0.3 0.7 0.04 1.03 0.8 G5 ns 16.5 7.0 1.4 129 0.43 560 02/02/05 1000 ns 12.6 7.2 12.6 95 0.43 ns 02/03/08 0955 0.01 .20 U .01 U 0.02 1.1 ns 11.8 7.0 15.3 100 0.10 49 Q2 02/04/15 0855 0.08 0.5 0.06 0.03 0.52 0.7 ns 9.8 7.1 17.4 106 no flow15 Q2 02/05/01 0900 0.03 0.3 0.28 0.03 0.56 ns ns 8.1 7.0 15.6 107 0.08 8 CC2right 00/12/28 1030 15.00 31.0 4.1 5.40 35.10 ns ns 11.8 7.3 1.7 956 ns ns Ut that drains 01/01/08 0915 2.70 4.5 4.2 1.30 8.70 1.6 65 9.7 7.4 1.6 763 0.06 130 Townsend property 01/01/30 1100 11.00 13.0 4.7 3.50 17.70 23.0 90 10.2 7.4 9.2 880 1.19 1000 Lat 35o 41’ 47" 01/01/30 1215 9.70 12.0 5.2 3.50 17.20 16.0 93 9.3 7.3 10.4 860 ns 730 Long 79o 09’ 39" 01/02/08 1045 <0.5 1.0 1.2 1.30 2.20 7.5 69 10.9 7.5 5.4 771 ns 18 01/02/13 1000 Lab Lab Lab 0.90 4.3 56 13.1 7.4 5.1 550 0.50 260 01/02/20 0915 Lab Lab 1.6 0.65 0.5 49 11.9 7.2 4.5 548 0.11 290 01/03/01 0915 <0.5 Lab 0.63 0.87 <2 57 11.1 8.2 6.6 607 0.07 590 01/03/07 0905 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2.0 9.1 12.4 7.7 3.8 442 0.10 10K 01/03/28 0915 ns ns ns ns ns ns 12.6 7.4 3.6 432 0.02 ns 01/04/18 0910 <0.20 0.8 <0.15 0.81 <2 32 10.3 7.4 8.0 357 ns 51 01/11/07 0925 0.04 0.3 0.01 U 0.02 0.4 12 9.0 7.3 7.4 600 ns 150 01/11/14 0945 0.05 2.3 2.3 1.4 J3 4.60 6.3 ns 8.2 6.8 2.9 621 ns 6800 3 01/12/11 0920 0.05 2.3 2.3 1.4 J3 4.60 6.3 ns 12.1 6.8 4.6 665 ns 6800 B3 02/01/10 0930 0.02 1.1 1 0.44 2.10 0.9G5 ns 15.5 6.9 1.2 480 0.37 350 02/02/05 1010 0.02 0.20 U 0.02 0.22 0.7 G5G1 ns 12.8 7.2 2.1 403 0.30 140 B4 Q1 02/03/08 0930 .01 U 0.2 .01 U 0.15 0.7 ns 12.6 7.0 5.3 560 ns 920 B4 Q2 02/04/15 0905 0.04 0.4 0.18 0.31 0.58 0.1 ns 8.5 7.3 17.0 419 ns 250 B4 CC2 bridge 00/12/14 1000 0.83 1.9 3.5 1.00 5.40 6.50 ns 10.1 7.4 4.8 559 ns ns Camp Cr at SR 1012 00/12/21 1000 1.60 3.6 1.9 0.80 5.50 ns 40 13.2 7.0 0.6 ns 0.43 590 00/12/28 0950 ns ns ns ns ns ns 11.8 7.3 1.7 956 ns ns Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL that drains Townsend 01/01/18 0950 1.40 4.3 6 1.60 10.30 10.0 68 10.7 8.1 5.8 584 0.23 780 property 01/01/25 1115 0.87 1.5 2 0.47 3.50 0.1 40 13.1 7.2 2.7 440 ns 130 Lat 35o 41’ 49" 01/01/30 1130 8.70 11.0 4.3 2.90 15.30 15.0 80 10.4 7.2 9.6 740 1.36 780 Long 79o 09’ 33" 01/02/08 1100 Lab <1.0 Lab <0.5 7.5 34 12.5 7.5 5.8 346 0.14 10k 01/02/13 1015 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 1.9 19 12.0 7.3 5.9 340 ns 790 01/02/20 0930 Lab Lab <0.5 <0.5 0.6 14 12.9 7.2 5.4 178 ns 250 01/03/01 0920 <0.5 Lab <0.5 <0.5 <2 18 11.4 8.1 7.3 209 ns 350 01/03/07 0925 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2.0 11 11.2 7.7 7.5 240 ns 170 01/03/28 0925 0.20 1.4 <0.15 <0.10 <2 8.9 12.5 7.4 5.0 119 ns 80 01/04/18 0920 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 0.10 <2 9 ns ns ns ns ns ns CC3 01/02/20 1010 Lab Lab 0.25 <0.5 0.7 14 12.9 7.6 6.4 166 0.92 280 Camp Cr at mouth 01/03/01 1000 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 0.14 <2 9.4 12.2 7.4 7.7 198 0.46 500 Lat 35o 42’ 16" 01/03/07 1000 <0.5 <1.0 <0.5 <0.5 <2.0 11 12.3 7.1 4.9 140 1.81 220 Long 79o 09’ 32" 01/03/28 1000 ns ns ns ns ns ns 13.1 7.7 6.1 121 0.59 ns 01/04/18 0930 <0.20 <0.6 <0.15 0.21 <2 9.4 12.0 7.5 8.2 109 0.30 50 01/05/02 0930 <0.20 0.6 <0.15 0.30 1.1 9 8.6 7.5 15.0 122 0.15 200 01/05/09 0940 <0.20 <0.6 0.24 0.42 0.9 8.6 7.2 6.9 15.0 126 0.08 99 B4,Q 01/05/30 0915 <0.20 <0.6 0.29 0.38 ns 12 8.2 7.3 16.5 143 0.22 680 B4 01/06/21 0910 0.03 0.4 0.23 0.35 0.60 0.5 9.6 7.3 7.3 20.8 96 0.20 320 01/08/07 0920 0.08 0.4 0.23 0.35 0.65 2 U 9 6.0 7.1 21.8 121 0.03 91 B4 01/08/30 0925 0.02 0.4 0.18 0.20 0.55 0.2 9.3 7.3 7.0 22.0 119 0.30 580 01/10/04 0930 0.03 0.3 0.31 0.29 0.61 2.8 12 6.7 7.1 14.0 156 0.06 5700 01/11/07 1005 0.30 0.8 0.04 0.18 0.82 0.6 18 10.4 7.2 8.0 200 0.11 1400 B1 01/11/14 1000 0.01 1.0 0.05 0.16 1.05 2.0 24 13.1 6.9 2.7 253 0.15 4900 Q 01/12/11 0940 0.03 0.8 0.47 J3 0.37 2.9 ns 12.4 7.2 4.6 212 0.51 7600 B3 02/01/10 1000 0.04 1.0 0.75 0.10 1.75 1.1 G5 ns 16.4 7.1 1.4 189 0.53 450 02/02/05 1020 0.12 0.3 0.09 0.04 0.34 0.8 G5G1 ns 12.8 7.2 2.8 120 0.55 440 Q1 02/03/08 1000 0.02 .20 U 0.01 0.03 0.9 ns 13.3 7.0 6.1 125 no flow 79 B4 Q2 02/04/15 0930 0.03 0.3 0.1 0.07 0.42 1.2 ns 17.5 10.8 7.1 121 no flow2600 B3 02/05/01 0910 0.04 0.3 0.28 0.14 0.55 ns ns 7.8 7.1 15.9 132 no flow870 RC8 staff 00/12/14 1130 0.39 1.0 5.1 0.33 6.10 ns ns 12.9 7.5 5.4 344 ns ns ns Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Roberson Cr near 00/12/21 0850 0.72 1.4 1.6 0.29 3.00 ns 21 12.8 7.2 1.0 ns ns ns 530 Lucian Bland Rd 00/12/28 0915 ns ns ns ns ns ns 13.8 7.4 1.4 ns 1.58 3.41 ns Lat 35o 42’ 05" 01/01/08 0830 0.52 1.0 4.3 0.42 5.30 1.2 24 11.1 7.1 2.0 302 1.46 1.62 45 Long 79o 07’ 49" 01/01/11 1030 ns ns ns ns ns ns 10.9 7.2 3.4 384 1.44 1.36 ns 01/01/18 0935 0.02 0.9 4.3 0.45 5.20 1.2 27 10.8 7.9 5.4 288 1.47 1.23 18 01/01/25 0940 0.16 0.8 2.2 0.26 3.00 0.5 16 13.5 6.8 3.1 170 1.71 5.65 100 01/01/26 1000 ns ns ns ns ns ns 14.3 7.2 1.7 264 1.51 2.43 ns 01/01/30 0930 1.40 5.3 3.6 0.66 8.90 4.0 27 12.0 7.1 6.9 318 1.58 3.42 82 01/02/08 0930 Lab <1.0 Lab <0.5 7.5 16 13.0 7.2 4.9 220 2.34 2.34 10k 01/02/13 0840 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 9.2 20 11.2 7.3 5.5 231 2.04 18.17 420 01/02/15 0930 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 1.86 10.68 ns 01/02/20 1230 Lab Lab Lab <0.5 1.2 11 11.6 7.3 9.5 136 1.82 9.00 390 01/03/01 1300 <0.5 <1.0 2.5 <0.5 <2 15 10.8 7.7 11.5 195 1.64 3.83 100 01/03/05 1330 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 2.64 49.75 ns 01/03/07 1315 <0.5 <1.0 1.3 <0.5 <2 9 11.8 7.0 9.2 128 1.98 13.75 360 01/03/21 0800 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5.2 448.17 ns 01/03/21 0940 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 4.45 297.49 ns 01/03/21 1145 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 3.75 203.46 ns 01/03/28 1330 <0.20 0.6 4 0.21 4.60 <2 14 12.1 7.2 11.9 136 1.75 6.58 28 01/03/30 0845 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5.95 547.31 ns 01/03/30 1005 ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns 5.31 474.36 ns 01/04/18 1245 <0.20 <0.6 5.8 0.35 <2 16 12.6 8.1 12.9 185 1.62 3.65 ns 01/05/02 1300 <0.20 0.8 7.7 0.38 8.50 1.5 40 12.6 8.1 19.3 314 1.58 3.42 15 01/05/09 1300 <0.20 0.7 4.6 0.28 5.30 1.3 40 11.5 8.1 19.1 270 1.52 2.34 58 01/05/30 1130 <0.20 1.0 11 0.84 12.00 ns 44 7.1 7.1 20.2 305 1.54 2.88 ns 01/06/21 1230 0.33 0.9 1.7 0.20 2.59 <2.0 18 8.1 7.3 25.2 160 1.52 2.34 140B1 01/07/04 1530 0.03 0.7 0.4 0.09 1.06 ns ns 9.5 7.1 25.8 230 3.7 187.00 ns 01/07/23 1730 0.06 0.6 2.5 0.16 3.05 ns ns 8.9 7.0 26.2 281 1.56 3.00 ns 01/07/12 1830 0.29 0.5 1.3 0.11 1.78 ns ns 10.2 7.4 26.0 260 1.56 3.00 ns 01/07/31 1830 0.13 0.5 2.2 0.22 2.74 ns ns 9.1 7.2 26.2 234 1.60 3.56 ns 01/08/05 1415 0.04 0.6 2.3 0.22 2.87 ns ns 8.0 7.1 28.0 209 1.56 3.00 ns 01/08/07 1235 0.06 0.4 1.9 0.23 2.34 2 U 16 8.2 7.0 28.5 345 1.54 2.88 80 B4 01/08/30 1115 0.02 0.4 0.7 0.12 1.09 1.0 8.4 7.8 7.0 24.4 116 3 106.00 110 01/09/09 1330 0.01 U 0.3 2.7 0.13 3.04 ns ns 8.1 7.1 24.8 213 1.52 2.34 ns 01/09/15 1845 0.01 0.2 2.6 0.13 2.83 ns ns 7.6 7.2 24.0 242 1.54 2.88 ns 01/09/28 1730 0.22 0.8 2.6 0.44 3.37 ns ns 7.7 7.0 18.0 211 1.68 4.60 ns 01/10/04 1310 0.01 U 0.3 2.6 0.28 2.93 27 G4 17 8.3 7.0 16.2 189 1.56 3.00 49 01/10/19 1900 0.20 1.6 2.3 0.15 3.90 ns ns 7.7 7.3 13.3 197 1.58 3.41 ns Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 01/10/29 1230 0.09 0.7 3.1 0.18 3.84 ns ns 10.1 7.2 10.1 277 1.58 3.42 ns 01/11/07 1230 0.01 0.6 3.8 0.16 4.35 0.8 ns 12.3 7.1 5.5 285 1.7 5.60 33 01/11/14 1145 0.07 0.4 3.2 0.12 3.63 0.2 57 9.4 7.0 5.3 289 1.72 5.90 46 Q 01/12/11 1235 0.02 0.5 4.2 0.26 4.71 2 ns 11.5 7.2 5.8 340 2.14 20.00 2800 02/01/24 1630 0.33 0.8 1.7 0.14 2.49 ns ns 12.4 7.1 5.9 267 1.63 3.81 ns 02/01/31 0930 0.06 0.3 1.4 0.09 1.70 ns ns 12.2 7.0 5.9 199 1.76 6.90 ns 02/02/05 1245 1.0 J3 1.1 2.2 0.14 3.30 1.7G5G1 ns 10.4 7.2 6.4 193 1.76 6.90 60 Q1 02/01/10 1240 0.32 0.7 1.6 0.13 2.26 1.4 G5 ns 16.0 7.0 2.0 201 1.74 6.58 420 02/03/08 1320 .01 U .2 U 0.76 0.08 1 U ns 12.5 7.1 10.8 137 1.78 7.20 34 02/04/15 1140 0.04 0.4 1.2 0.09 1.62 1 ns 12.6 7.6 19.1 162 1.72 5.90 30 02/05/01 1030 0.04 0.6 2 0.14 2.56 ns ns 7.7 7.2 18.0 208 1.64 3.83 240 B4 02/05/02 1830 0.06 0.5 3.2 0.23 3.65 ns ns 7.8 7.2 17.9 217 1.64 3.83 ns 02/05/08 1430 0.04 0.4 1.6 0.17 1.98 ns ns 6.4 7.1 18.2 229 1.58 3.42 ns 02/05/14 0700 0.05 0.3 2.1 0.17 2.36 ns ns ns ns ns ns 1.46 1.62 ns 02/05/29 1830 0.03 0.6 3 0.17 3.58 ns ns ns ns ns ns 1.46 1.62 ns 02/06/26 1045 .01 U 0.7 1.2 0.29 1.85 4 ns 6.9 7.7 24.4 408 1.36 0.32 19 02/07/22 1330 0.02 0.9 2.5 0.34 3.42 ns ns 12.2 8.2 26.5 282 1.36 0.32 ns 02/08/15 1040 .02 U 0.7 1.1 0.22 1.80 ns ns ns ns ns ns 1.60 3.54 ns RC10 01/05/10 1105 <0.20 <0.6 0.92 0.10 ns Lab 13.7 10.4 27.0 235 ns Roberson Cr near 01/06/13 1045 0.05 1.0 0.09 0.12 1.08 ns 48 15.2 11.8 30.0 263 1B1,Q ns Seaforth ramp 01/06/21 1255 0.03 0.7 <0.01 0.13 1.1 32 14.4 10.1 31.2 222 2 25 (#B2450000) 01/07/11 1330 0.76 1.5 0.02 0.05 1.52 ns ns 6.0 7.0 26.0 210 73 51 Lat 35o 42’ 10" 01/08/07 1110 0.02 1.1 0.01 U 0.12 4.0 43 11.1 9.3 30.5 198 6 ns Long 79o 06’ 05" 01/08/30 1155 0.02 1.0 0.01 U 0.09 0.5 J2 33 11.1 9.3 30.5 198 1 25 01/09/19 1135 0.01 U 1.0 0.01 U 0.10 5.5 J2 46 12.9 9.2 25.5 211 3 Q 24 01/10/05 0920 0.26 1.1 0.12 0.10 1.22 ns ns 10.1 8.9 21.3 228 27 52 01/10/04 1120 0.01 U 1.0 0.07 0.07 1.07 ns 64 10.3 8.7 22.0 230 6 29 01/10/29 1310 0.06 1.3 0.65 0.10 1.95 ns 39 11.0 8.8 21.4 271 na 62 01/10/31 0950 0.22 1.5 0.31 0.10 1.81 ns ns 12.7 8.8 15.8 258 1 B2 Q 65 01/11/08 1120 0.01 1.3 0.06 0.13 1.36 7.7 99 12.8 8.6 15.1 255 1 B2 Q 58 01/12/17 1320 0.20 1.5 0.92 0.21 2.42 ns ns 11.7 8.0 7.1 280 ns 66 02/04/08 1325 0.01 0.7 0.49 0.12 1.16 ns ns 10.7 8.3 16.9 150 41 37 02/04/15 1210 ns ns 9.3 8.8 22.9 107 ns ns 02/04/22 1425 0.03 0.9 0.43 0.08 1.28 ns ns 6.1 9.0 25.0 193 4 Q1 44 02/05/07 1755 0.08 0.6 0.55 0.06 1.10 ns ns 12.8 8.8 22.8 246 ns 32 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 02/05/08 1410 .01 U 0.6 0.43 0.05 1.01 4.8 ns 11.7 9.2 28.0 258 ns 26 02/06/19 1605 0.02 0.4 0.18 0.10 0.54 ns ns 10.9 8.8 27.6 216 ns 27 02/06/26 1225 0.04 1.4 .01 U 0.06 4.9 ns 5.5 7.6 29.8 360 2 32 02/07/09 1430 0.04 0.6 1.2 0.25 1.75 ns ns 13.1 9.1 30.1 260 ns 69 02/07/29 1415 0.03 0.8 0.02 0.10 0.83 8.7 ns 14.2 9.5 32.4 468 4 78 02/08/15 1215 .02 U 1.5 .02 U 0.11 ns ns 8.1 8.0 31.2 411 ns 78 02/08/28 0950 ns 2.2 7.0 25.8 433 RC11 01/06/13 1035 0.12 1.0 0.16 0.11 1.11 ns 23 15.3 11.7 30.4 243 ns B1,Q 23 Roberson Cr o.5 mi 01/06/21 1245 0.06 1.3 Q 0.01 U 0.08 1.3 32 14.9 10.1 31.6 230 1 24 from Seaforth ramp 01/08/07 1100 0.03 1.2 0.01 U 0.10 2.1 21 13.1 9.5 30.7 202 1 Lat 35o 42’ 12" 01/08/30 1145 0.03 1.0 0.01 U 0.12 1.1 26 13.1 9.5 30.7 202 2 Long 79o 05’ 35" 01/09/19 1145 0.01 U 1.0 0.01 U 0.09 5.6 23 11.3 8.8 25.2 197 9 Q 01/10/04 1110 0.01 U 0.8 0.15 0.06 0.99 ns 64 10.3 8.7 22.0 230 1 24 01/10/29 1320 0.05 1.4 0.72 0.11 2.12 ns 36 A 11.0 8.8 21.4 270 na 01/11/08 1115 0.07 1.4 0.01 0.12 1.41 7.4 91 12.2 8.5 16.0 232 1 Q 02/04/15 1220 ns 9.5 8.7 22.9 107 02/04/22 1415 0.01 0.8 0.41 0.04 1.18 ns ns 5.9 9.3 25.3 208 2 Q1 58 02/05/08 1400 .01 U 0.5 0.53 0.06 1.05 6.6 ns 13.7 9.4 27.0 286 ns 41 02/06/26 1235 .01 U 1.1 .01 U 0.05 4.1 ns 7.4 8.6 29.9 318 3 36 02/07/29 1400 .02 U 0.9 0.5 0.15 1.39 6.0 ns 13.0 9.1 32.3 497 10 62 02/08/15 1200 .02 U 1.6 .02 U 0.14 ns ns 8.1 8.0 32.0 410 ns 66 02/08/28 1000 ns 0.2 6.8 26.9 437 Qualifier Codes: SYMBOL DEFINITION A Value reported is the mean (average) of two or more determinations. This code is to be used if the results of two or more discrete and separate samples are averaged. These samples shall have been processed and analyzed independently (e.g. field duplicates, different dilutions of the same sample). B Results based upon colony counts outside the acceptable range and should be used with caution. This code applies to microbiological tests and specifically to membrane filter (MF) colony counts. It is to be used if less than 100% sample was analyzed and the colony count is generated from a plate in which the number of coliform colonies exceeds the ideal ranges indicated by the method. These ideal ranges are defined in the method as: Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Fecal coliform bacteria: 20-60 colonies Total coliform bacteria: 20-80 colonies 1.Countable membranes with less than 20 colonies. Reported value is estimated or is a total of the counts on all filters reported per 100 ml. 2.Counts from all filters were zero. The value reported is based on the number of colonies per 100 ml that would have been reported if there had been one colony on the filter representing the largest filtration volume (reported as a less than "<" value). 3.Countable membranes with more than 60 or 80 colonies. The value reported is calculated using the count from the smallest volume filtered and reported as a greater than ">" value. 4.Filters have counts of both >60 or 80 and <20. Reported value is a total of the counts from all countable filters reported per 100 ml. 5.Too many colonies were present; too numerous to count (TNTC), the numeric value represents the maximum number of counts typically accepted on a filter membrane (60 for fecal and 80 for total), multiplied by 100 and then divided by the smallest filtration volume analyzed. This number is reported as a greater than value. 6.Estimated Value. Blank contamination evident. Note: A "B" value shall be accompanied by justification for its use denoted by the numbers listed above (ex. B1, B2, etc.) C Total residual chlorine was present in sample upon receipt in the laboratory; value not accurate (cyanide, phenol, NH3, TKN, coliform, organics) G A single quality control failure occurred during biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) analysis. The sample results should be used with caution. 1.The dissolved oxygen (DO) depletion of the dilution water blank exceeded 0.2 mg/L. 2.The bacterial seed controls did not meet the requirement of a DO depletion of at least 2.0 mg/L and/or a DO residual of at least 1.0 mg/L. 3.No sample dilution met the requirement of a DO depletion of at least 2.0 mg/L and/or a DO residual of at least 1.0 mg/L. 4.Evidence of toxicity was present. This is generally characterized by a significant increase in the BOD value as the sample concentration decreases. 5.The glucose/glutamic acid standard exceeded the range of 198 ± 30.5 mg/L. 6.The calculated seed correction exceeded the range of 0.6 to 1.0 mg/L. 7.Less than 1 mg/L DO remained for all dilutions set. The reported value is an estimated greater than value and is calculated for the dilution using the least amount of sample. 8.Oxygen usage is less than 2 mg/L for all dilutions set. The reported value is an estimated less than value and is calculated Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL for the dilution using the most amount of sample. 9.The DO depletion of the dilution water blank produced a negative value. Note: A "G" value shall be accompanied by justification for its use denoted by the numbers listed above (ex. G1, G2, etc.) J Estimated value; value may not be accurate. This code is to be used in the following instances: 1.surrogate recovery limits have been exceeded; 2.the reported value failed to meet the established quality control criteria for either precision or accuracy; 3.the sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; or 4.the data is questionable because of improper laboratory or field protocols (e.g. composite sample was collected instead of grab, plastic instead of glass container, etc.). 5.temperature limits exceeded (samples frozen or >6° C) during transport, non-reportable for NPDES compliance monitoring. 6.the laboratory analysis was from an unpreserved or improperly chemically preserved sample. The data may not be accurate. 7.This qualifier is used to identify analyte concentration exceeding the upper calibration range of the analytical instrument/method. The reported value should be considered estimated. Note: A "J" value shall be accompanied by justification for its use denoted by the numbers listed above (ex. J1, J2, etc.). A "J" value shall not be used if another code applies (ex. N, V, M). M Sample and duplicate results are "out of control". The sample is non-homogenous (e.g. VOA soil). The reported value is the lower value of duplicate analyses of a sample. N Presumptive evidence of presence of material; estimated value. This code is to be used if: 1.The component has been tentatively identified based on mass spectral library search; 2.There is an indication that the analyte is present, but quality control requirements for confirmation were not met (i.e., presence of analyte was not confirmed by alternate procedures). 3.This code shall be used if the level is too low to permit accurate quantification, but the estimated concentration is less than the laboratory practical quantitation limit and greater than the laboratory method detection limit. This code is not routinely used for most analyses. Q Holding time exceeded. These codes shall be used if the value is derived from a sample that was received, prepared and/or analyzed after the approved holding time restrictions for sample preparation and analysis. 1.Holding time exceeded prior to receipt by lab Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 2.Holding time exceeded following receipt by lab S Not enough sample provided to prepare and/or analyze a method-required matrix spike (MS) and/or duplicate (MSD). U Indicates that the analyte was analyzed for but not detected above the reported practical quantitation limit*. The number value reported with the "U" qualifier is equal to the laboratory’s practical quantitation limit*. X Sample not analyzed for this constituent 1.Sample not screened for this compound. 2.Sampled, but analysis lost or not performed-field error 3.Sampled, but analysis lost or not performed-lab error Note: an "X" value shall be accompanied by justification for its use by the numbers listed. V Indicates the analyte was detected in both the sample and the associated method blank. Note: The value in the blank shall not be subtracted from the associated samples. Z The sample results are rejected due to serious deficiencies in the ability to analyze the sample and meet quality control criteria. The presence or absence of the analyte cannot be verified. P Elevated PQL* due to matrix interference and/or sample dilution. Y Elevated PQL* due to insufficient sample size *PQL The Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL) is defined and proposed as "the lowest level achievable among laboratories within specified limits during routine laboratory operation". The PQL is about three to five times the calculated Method Detection Limit (MDL) and represents a practical and routinely achievable detection limit with a relatively good certainty that any reported value is reliable" Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix II. DWQ ambient data collected at RC10. TKN (mg/L) NOx (mg/L) TP (mg/L) Chl a (ug/L)TN (mg/L) 1/30/97 0.400 0.740 0.130 1.140 2/27/97 0.400 1.100 0.110 1.500 3/31/97 0.200 0.560 0.100 0.760 5/22/97 0.400 0.580 0.160 0.980 6/30/97 1.000 0.130 0.140 1.130 9/8/97 0.500 0.160 0.080 0.660 9/29/97 0.600 0.770 0.210 1.370 10/15/97 0.600 0.310 0.230 0.910 11/17/97 0.300 1.100 0.200 1.400 12/11/97 0.400 1.500 0.270 1.900 1/14/98 0.500 0.580 0.130 1.080 2/11/98 0.600 0.730 0.160 1.330 3/3/98 0.300 0.580 0.100 0.880 4/15/98 0.400 0.490 0.130 0.890 5/27/98 0.200 0.420 0.020 40 0.620 6/11/98 0.300 0.260 0.080 18 0.560 7/29/98 0.500 0.010 0.080 26 0.510 8/31/98 0.600 0.030 0.110 58 0.630 9/28/98 0.400 0.010 0.120 0.410 10/28/98 0.500 0.120 0.090 50 0.620 11/29/98 0.600 0.910 0.140 11 1.510 12/28/98 1.000 1.100 0.290 5 2.100 1/28/99 0.600 0.530 0.120 1.130 2/17/99 0.400 1.000 0.090 7 1.400 3/23/99 0.400 0.670 0.150 1.070 4/29/99 0.400 0.620 0.090 1.020 5/24/99 0.400 0.310 0.100 51 0.710 6/24/99 0.900 0.300 0.170 1.200 7/27/99 1.100 0.170 0.140 98 1.270 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 8/17/99 0.600 0.010 0.110 39 0.610 9/29/99 0.400 0.270 0.160 0.670 10/18/99 0.600 0.500 0.180 1.100 11/2/99 0.500 0.240 0.140 0.740 12/2/99 0.400 0.680 0.140 1.080 2/14/00 0.400 0.440 0.180 0.840 3/15/00 0.400 0.480 0.070 0.880 4/26/00 0.500 0.500 0.070 1.000 5/22/00 0.400 0.090 0.080 19 0.490 6/14/00 0.700 0.030 0.090 0.730 8/30/00 0.700 0.550 0.170 64 1.250 9/13/00 0.600 0.110 0.140 140 0.710 10/9/00 0.600 0.300 0.080 24 0.900 11/29/00 0.700 0.300 0.160 1.000 1/3/01 0.500 1.300 0.140 1.800 2/1/01 1.000 1.400 0.500 2.400 5/21/01 0.600 1.300 0.100 31 1.900 6/25/01 0.980 0.010 0.070 10 0.990 7/11/01 1.500 0.020 0.050 51 1.520 10/5/01 1.100 0.120 0.100 52 1.220 10/31/01 1.500 0.310 0.100 65 1.810 11/29/01 0.550 1.800 0.040 5 2.350 12/17/01 1.500 0.920 0.210 66 2.420 1/14/02 3.600 1.200 0.170 3 4.800 2/19/02 0.940 1.500 0.090 3 2.440 3/7/02 0.290 0.570 0.060 2 0.860 4/8/02 0.670 0.490 0.120 37 1.160 5/7/02 0.550 0.550 0.060 32 1.100 6/19/02 0.360 0.180 0.100 27 0.540 7/10/02 0.640 0.990 0.150 3 1.630 9/10/02 0.660 0.350 0.060 30 1.010 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix III. Water column profile data for the Roberson Creek Cove. Station # & Location Sample Date Time Depth (meters)DO pH Temp Cond Secchi a yy/mm/dd mg/L units C umhos meters ug/L Roberson Cr near 01/06/13 1045 0.1 15.2 11.8 30.0 263 ns Seaforth ramp 01/06/21 1255 0.1 14.4 10.1 31.2 222 25 (#B2450000) 01/07/11 1330 0.1 6.0 7.0 26.0 210 51 Lat 35o 42’ 10" 01/08/07 1110 0.1 11.1 9.3 30.5 198 ns Long 79o 06’ 05" 01/08/30 1155 0.1 11.1 9.3 30.5 198 25 01/09/19 1135 0.1 12.9 9.2 25.5 211 0.35 24 01/09/19 1135 1 12.6 9.1 24.8 212 01/09/19 1135 2 10.7 7.7 24.2 217 01/09/19 1135 3 8.7 8.0 22.6 210 01/09/19 1135 3.5 8.7 8.0 22.6 210 01/10/05 0920 0.1 10.1 8.9 21.3 228 52 01/10/04 1120 0.1 10.3 8.7 22.0 230 29 01/10/29 1310 0.1 11.0 8.8 21.4 271 62 01/10/31 0950 0.1 12.7 8.8 15.8 258 65 01/11/08 1120 0.1 12.8 8.6 15.1 255 0.50 58 01/11/08 1120 1 11.3 8.3 13.3 253 01/11/08 1120 2 9.7 7.5 12.2 255 01/11/08 1120 2.5 9.7 7.4 11.1 265 01/12/17 1320 0.1 11.7 8.0 7.1 280 66 01/04/08 1325 0.1 10.7 8.3 16.9 150 0.35 37 02/04/15 1210 0.1 9.3 8.8 22.9 107 ns 02/04/15 1210 1 9.1 8.6 22.8 106 02/04/15 1210 2 8.8 8.0 22.0 106 02/04/15 1210 3 7.6 7.9 21.2 107 02/04/15 1210 3.3 7.1 7.8 18.6 111 02/04/22 1425 0.1 6.1 9.0 25.0 193 0.30 44 02/04/22 1425 1 6.0 8.2 24.5 194 02/04/22 1425 2 5.6 7.8 24.0 193 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 02/04/22 1425 3 5.5 7.7 22.8 193 02/04/22 1425 3.5 5.2 7.4 21.3 196 02/05/07 1755 0.1 12.8 8.8 22.8 246 32 02/05/08 1410 0.1 11.7 9.2 28.0 258 0.30 26 02/05/08 1410 1 12.0 9.0 24.5 255 02/05/08 1410 2 11.4 8.8 23.5 256 02/05/08 1410 2.5 8.4 7.5 22.6 255 02/06/19 1605 0.1 10.9 8.8 27.6 216 27 02/06/26 1225 0.1 5.5 7.6 29.8 360 32 02/07/09 1430 0.1 13.1 9.1 30.1 260 69 02/07/29 1415 0.1 14.2 9.5 32.4 468 0.30 78 02/07/29 1415 1 6.5 8.6 29.3 470 02/07/29 1415 2 6.1 8.7 28.4 474 02/08/15 1215 0.1 8.1 8.0 31.2 411 78 02/08/28 0950 0.1 2.2 7.0 25.8 433 0.45 02/08/28 0950 1 2.2 6.8 25.6 426 02/08/28 0950 1.4 1.6 6.8 25.1 417 RC11 01/06/13 1035 0.1 15.3 11.7 30.4 243 23 Roberson Cr o.5 mi 01/06/21 1245 0.1 14.9 10.1 31.6 230 24 from Seaforth ramp 01/08/07 1100 0.1 13.1 9.5 30.7 202 Lat 35o 42’ 12" 01/08/30 1145 0.1 13.1 9.5 30.7 202 Long 79o 05’ 35" 01/09/19 1145 0.1 11.3 8.8 25.2 197 0.45 01/09/19 1145 1 10.1 8.7 24.9 198 01/09/19 1145 2 9.1 8.4 24.5 197 01/09/19 1145 3 8.9 8.3 24.5 198 01/09/19 1145 4 8.5 7.9 24.2 212 01/09/19 1145 5 6.8 7.4 23.8 218 01/09/19 1145 6 3.8 7.0 23.0 226 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 01/10/04 1110 0.1 10.3 8.7 22.0 230 24 01/10/29 1320 0.1 11.0 8.8 21.4 270 01/11/08 1115 0.1 12.2 8.5 16.0 232 0.50 01/11/08 1115 1 11.4 8.4 15.1 237 01/11/08 1115 2 10.8 8.2 14.9 236 01/11/08 1115 3 10.1 7.8 14.6 251 01/11/08 1115 4 9.7 7.6 14.2 254 01/11/08 1115 5 9.1 7.3 13.5 255 01/11/08 1115 6 7.3 7.0 13.2 322 02/04/15 1220 0.1 9.5 8.7 22.9 107 0.40 02/04/15 1220 1 9.1 8.6 22.6 107 02/04/15 1220 2 8.7 8.0 22.1 107 02/04/15 1220 3 8.2 8.0 21.3 106 02/04/15 1220 5 6.5 7.2 19.9 107 02/04/15 1220 5 6.5 7.2 19.8 110 02/04/22 1415 0.1 5.9 9.3 25.3 208 0.30 58 02/04/22 1415 1 5.7 8.8 25.2 207 02/04/22 1415 2 5.3 8.6 24.9 208 02/04/22 1415 3 5.3 8.0 24.0 207 02/04/22 1415 4 5.0 7.5 23.5 207 02/04/22 1415 4.6 5.0 7.5 23.5 209 02/05/08 1400 0.1 13.7 9.4 27.0 286 0.30 41 02/05/08 1400 1 13.3 9.2 23.9 259 02/05/08 1400 2 10.1 8.0 22.5 262 02/05/08 1400 3 7.3 7.3 21.3 265 02/06/26 1235 0.1 7.4 8.6 29.9 318 36 02/07/29 1400 0.1 13.0 9.1 32.3 497 0.35 62 02/07/29 1400 1 6.7 8.5 30.2 549 02/07/29 1400 2 5.0 8.3 29.0 594 02/08/15 1200 0.1 8.1 8.0 32.0 410 66 02/08/28 1000 0.1 0.2 6.8 26.9 437 02/08/28 1000 1 0.2 6.8 26.9 436 0.60 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 02/08/28 1000 2 0.15 6.8 26.9 436 02/08/28 1000 3 0.14 6.8 26.6 530 02/08/28 1000 4 1.14 7 26.2 641 02/08/28 1000 4.5 2.73 6.9 26.1 674 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix IV. Stream flow inputs for FLUX. Flows in cfs Estimated Roberson Creek Flow at RC8 using DA ratio Estimated Roberson Ck. (RC8) plus WWTP Flow DATE Rocky River Flow Tick Creek F --using Tick Creek --using Rocky River Pittsboro wwtp flow --using Tick Creek --using Rocky River 04/01/01 62 133 211.47 205.84 2.0336 213.5036 207.8736 04/02/01 31 45 71.55 102.92 1.2927 72.8427 104.2127 04/03/01 12 23 36.57 39.84 1.10515 37.67515 40.94515 04/04/01 8.5 18 28.62 28.22 0.9641 29.5841 29.1841 04/05/01 6.6 13 20.67 21.912 0.9734 21.6434 22.8854 04/06/01 5.8 10 15.9 19.256 0.97495 16.87495 20.23095 04/07/01 5.3 8.9 14.151 17.596 0.95635 15.10735 18.55235 04/08/01 5 7.6 12.084 16.6 0.96565 13.04965 17.56565 04/09/01 4.5 6.6 10.494 14.94 0.94395 11.43795 15.88395 04/10/01 3.9 5.8 9.222 12.948 0.9083 10.1303 13.8563 04/11/01 3.4 5.1 8.109 11.288 0.92845 9.03745 12.21645 04/12/01 3.1 5 7.95 10.292 0.93 8.88 11.222 04/13/01 3 4.6 7.314 9.96 0.775 8.089 10.735 04/14/01 2.9 4.3 6.837 9.628 0.7564 7.5934 10.3844 04/15/01 2.7 4.1 6.519 8.964 0.7099 7.2289 9.6739 04/16/01 2.7 4 6.36 8.964 0.7037 7.0637 9.6677 04/17/01 2.4 3.1 4.929 7.968 0.4867 5.4157 8.4547 04/18/01 2.5 2.9 4.611 8.3 0.73005 5.34105 9.03005 04/19/01 2.3 2.8 4.452 7.636 0.73315 5.18515 8.36915 04/20/01 2.3 3 4.77 7.636 0.71455 5.48455 8.35055 04/21/01 2.3 3 4.77 7.636 0.73935 5.50935 8.37535 04/22/01 2.3 3.2 5.088 7.636 0.7657 5.8537 8.4017 04/23/01 2.2 3.4 5.406 7.304 0.78895 6.19495 8.09295 04/24/01 2.1 3.7 5.883 6.972 0.84785 6.73085 7.81985 04/25/01 7.7 5.2 8.268 25.564 0.7967 9.0647 26.3607 04/26/01 3.9 5.6 8.904 12.948 0.76415 9.66815 13.71215 04/27/01 2.8 3.7 5.883 9.296 0.7285 6.6115 10.0245 04/28/01 2.4 2.7 4.293 7.968 0.7595 5.0525 8.7275 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 04/29/01 2 2.5 3.975 6.64 0.62 4.595 7.26 04/30/01 1.9 2 3.18 6.308 0.69595 3.87595 7.00395 05/01/01 1.8 1.3 2.067 5.976 0.7688 2.8358 6.7448 05/02/01 1.8 1.3 2.067 5.976 0.51925 2.58625 6.49525 05/03/01 1.7 1.2 1.908 5.644 0.43555 2.34355 6.07955 05/04/01 1.5 1.1 1.749 4.98 0.42935 2.17835 5.40935 05/05/01 1.4 0.94 1.4946 4.648 0.4154 1.91 5.0634 05/06/01 1.3 0.78 1.2402 4.316 0.4557 1.6959 4.7717 05/07/01 1.3 0.64 1.0176 4.316 0.73315 1.75075 5.04915 05/08/01 1.3 0.59 0.9381 4.316 0.72695 1.66505 5.04295 05/09/01 1.2 0.58 0.9222 3.984 0.72695 1.64915 4.71095 05/10/01 1.3 0.48 0.7632 4.316 0.6758 1.439 4.9918 05/11/01 1.2 0.43 0.6837 3.984 0.69285 1.37655 4.67685 05/12/01 1.3 0.43 0.6837 4.316 0.6944 1.3781 5.0104 05/13/01 1.2 0.6 0.954 3.984 0.6758 1.6298 4.6598 05/14/01 1.1 0.42 0.6678 3.652 0.7285 1.3963 4.3805 05/15/01 1 0.31 0.4929 3.32 0.93 1.4229 4.25 05/16/01 1.7 0.34 0.5406 5.644 0.94395 1.48455 6.58795 05/17/01 2 0.48 0.7632 6.64 0.8153 1.5785 7.4553 05/18/01 1.6 0.54 0.8586 5.312 0.80135 1.65995 6.11335 05/19/01 1.4 0.63 1.0017 4.648 0.7595 1.7612 5.4075 05/20/01 1.3 0.7 1.113 4.316 0.77965 1.89265 5.09565 05/21/01 3 0.7 1.113 9.96 0.82925 1.94225 10.78925 05/22/01 1.5 0.86 1.3674 4.98 0.87265 2.24005 5.85265 05/23/01 1.6 1.5 2.385 5.312 0.72385 3.10885 6.03585 05/24/01 1.1 1.1 1.749 3.652 0.837 2.586 4.489 05/25/01 0.98 0.62 0.9858 3.2536 0.7905 1.7763 4.0441 05/26/01 3.3 1.9 3.021 10.956 0.73315 3.75415 11.68915 05/27/01 2.3 1.9 3.021 7.636 0.7006 3.7216 8.3366 05/28/01 1.5 1.6 2.544 4.98 0.81685 3.36085 5.79685 05/29/01 1.8 1.7 2.703 5.976 0.81995 3.52295 6.79595 05/30/01 1.3 1.5 2.385 4.316 0.7688 3.1538 5.0848 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 05/31/01 1.2 1.3 2.067 3.984 0.7533 2.8203 4.7373 06/01/01 9.2 39 62.01 30.544 1.47095 63.48095 32.01495 06/02/01 5.2 24 38.16 17.264 1.10515 39.26515 18.36915 06/03/01 2.6 6.5 10.335 8.632 0.61845 10.95345 9.25045 06/04/01 2.4 3.5 5.565 7.968 0.5983 6.1633 8.5663 06/05/01 1.5 2.4 3.816 4.98 0.5425 4.3585 5.5225 06/06/01 1.1 1.6 2.544 3.652 0.7316 3.2756 4.3836 06/07/01 0.93 1.2 1.908 3.0876 0.4898 2.3978 3.5774 06/08/01 2.3 1.4 2.226 7.636 0.50685 2.73285 8.14285 06/09/01 2.1 2.2 3.498 6.972 0.44795 3.94595 7.41995 06/10/01 1 1.7 2.703 3.32 0.46345 3.16645 3.78345 06/11/01 0.89 1.2 1.908 2.9548 0.45415 2.36215 3.40895 06/12/01 0.84 0.97 1.5423 2.7888 0.51305 2.05535 3.30185 06/13/01 4.3 0.91 1.4469 14.276 0.8525 2.2994 15.1285 06/14/01 13 1.6 2.544 43.16 0.88195 3.42595 44.04195 06/15/01 5.1 2.1 3.339 16.932 0.59985 3.93885 17.53185 06/16/01 2.5 2.6 4.134 8.3 0.5859 4.7199 8.8859 06/17/01 2.1 2.5 3.975 6.972 0.527 4.502 7.499 06/18/01 1.4 1.9 3.021 4.648 0.52545 3.54645 5.17345 06/19/01 0.89 1.5 2.385 2.9548 0.42315 2.80815 3.37795 06/20/01 0.78 1.3 2.067 2.5896 0.55335 2.62035 3.14295 06/21/01 0.66 1.3 2.067 2.1912 0.50065 2.56765 2.69185 06/22/01 2.7 4.9 7.791 8.964 1.3485 9.1395 10.3125 06/23/01 13 22 34.98 43.16 0.75175 35.73175 43.91175 06/24/01 2.4 4.7 7.473 7.968 0.8866 8.3596 8.8546 06/25/01 1.6 2.5 3.975 5.312 0.86335 4.83835 6.17535 06/26/01 1.4 3.5 5.565 4.648 0.73315 6.29815 5.38115 06/27/01 1 1.7 2.703 3.32 0.65875 3.36175 3.97875 06/28/01 0.9 1.2 1.908 2.988 0.6231 2.5311 3.6111 06/29/01 0.8 0.94 1.4946 2.656 0.6014 2.096 3.2574 06/30/01 0.81 0.75 1.1925 2.6892 0.5642 1.7567 3.2534 07/01/01 0.65 0.62 0.9858 2.158 0.6169 1.6027 2.7749 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 07/02/01 0.83 0.48 0.7632 2.7556 0.5487 1.3119 3.3043 07/03/01 0.72 0.38 0.6042 2.3904 0.5115 1.1157 2.9019 07/04/01 1 26 41.34 3.32 2.1173 43.4573 5.4373 07/05/01 5.4 65 103.35 17.928 1.085 104.435 19.013 07/06/01 1.2 4.8 7.632 3.984 0.7657 8.3977 4.7497 07/07/01 0.81 2 3.18 2.6892 0.66495 3.84495 3.35415 07/08/01 2 6.6 10.494 6.64 0.74555 11.23955 7.38555 07/09/01 2.3 4.3 6.837 7.636 0.89745 7.73445 8.53345 07/10/01 1.5 2.3 3.657 4.98 0.7161 4.3731 5.6961 07/11/01 0.99 1.7 2.703 3.2868 0.63395 3.33695 3.92075 07/12/01 0.77 1.8 2.862 2.5564 0.60295 3.46495 3.15935 07/13/01 0.59 1.3 2.067 1.9588 0.5425 2.6095 2.5013 07/14/01 0.55 0.98 1.5582 1.826 0.50685 2.06505 2.33285 07/15/01 0.51 0.7 1.113 1.6932 0.4991 1.6121 2.1923 07/16/01 0.46 0.5 0.795 1.5272 0.48205 1.27705 2.00925 07/17/01 0.42 0.37 0.5883 1.3944 0.48515 1.07345 1.87955 07/18/01 0.5 0.29 0.4611 1.66 0.4712 0.9323 2.1312 07/19/01 0.61 0.28 0.4452 2.0252 0.46965 0.91485 2.49485 07/20/01 0.5 0.25 0.3975 1.66 0.42315 0.82065 2.08315 07/21/01 0.41 0.2 0.318 1.3612 0.3937 0.7117 1.7549 07/22/01 0.38 0.15 0.2385 1.2616 0.41385 0.65235 1.67545 07/23/01 0.31 0.13 0.2067 1.0292 0.49445 0.70115 1.52365 07/24/01 0.34 0.12 0.1908 1.1288 0.59365 0.78445 1.72245 07/25/01 0.48 0.12 0.1908 1.5936 0.75175 0.94255 2.34535 07/26/01 0.82 0.15 0.2385 2.7224 0.496 0.7345 3.2184 07/27/01 2.3 0.21 0.3339 7.636 0.7781 1.112 8.4141 07/28/01 1.6 0.32 0.5088 5.312 0.527 1.0358 5.839 07/29/01 0.78 0.27 0.4293 2.5896 0.50685 0.93615 3.09645 07/30/01 1.7 0.43 0.6837 5.644 0.50375 1.18745 6.14775 07/31/01 1.1 0.27 0.4293 3.652 0.4898 0.9191 4.1418 08/01/01 0.62 0.16 0.2544 2.0584 0.465 0.7194 2.5234 08/02/01 0.55 0.11 0.1749 1.826 0.46035 0.63525 2.28635 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 08/03/01 0.5 0.09 0.1431 1.66 0.45105 0.59415 2.11105 08/04/01 0.43 0.08 0.1272 1.4276 0.42005 0.54725 1.84765 08/05/01 0.36 0.06 0.0954 1.1952 0.43555 0.53095 1.63075 08/06/01 0.32 0.05 0.0795 1.0624 0.4681 0.5476 1.5305 08/07/01 0.27 0.05 0.0795 0.8964 0.4619 0.5414 1.3583 08/08/01 0.27 0.04 0.0636 0.8964 0.4588 0.5224 1.3552 08/09/01 0.23 0.04 0.0636 0.7636 0.3782 0.4418 1.1418 08/10/01 0.22 0.21 0.3339 0.7304 0.37975 0.71365 1.11015 08/11/01 0.84 7.6 12.084 2.7888 1.4353 13.5193 4.2241 08/12/01 7.5 2.2 3.498 24.9 1.91425 5.41225 26.81425 08/13/01 1.3 0.91 1.4469 4.316 0.9114 2.3583 5.2274 08/14/01 1.1 0.5 0.795 3.652 0.50685 1.30185 4.15885 08/15/01 0.87 0.34 0.5406 2.8884 0.39525 0.93585 3.28365 08/16/01 0.47 0.36 0.5724 1.5604 0.3937 0.9661 1.9541 08/17/01 0.33 0.25 0.3975 1.0956 0.3565 0.754 1.4521 08/18/01 1.1 3.6 5.724 3.652 0.3441 6.0681 3.9961 08/19/01 4.8 6.6 10.494 15.936 0.36115 10.85515 16.29715 08/20/01 1.1 2.1 3.339 3.652 0.33325 3.67225 3.98525 08/21/01 0.58 0.99 1.5741 1.9256 0.30845 1.88255 2.23405 08/22/01 0.4 0.52 0.8268 1.328 0.31 1.1368 1.638 08/23/01 0.35 0.31 0.4929 1.162 0.3193 0.8122 1.4813 08/24/01 2 3.9 6.201 6.64 0.3255 6.5265 6.9655 08/25/01 0.89 2.2 3.498 2.9548 0.32395 3.82195 3.27875 08/26/01 0.42 0.97 1.5423 1.3944 0.3317 1.874 1.7261 08/27/01 0.28 0.55 0.8745 0.9296 0.3689 1.2434 1.2985 08/28/01 0.24 0.39 0.6201 0.7968 0.4309 1.051 1.2277 08/29/01 0.22 0.27 0.4293 0.7304 0.39525 0.82455 1.12565 08/30/01 0.25 22 34.98 0.83 0.3596 35.3396 1.1896 08/31/01 0.48 67 106.53 1.5936 1.39655 107.92655 2.99015 09/01/01 0.3 7.3 11.607 0.996 0.93 12.537 1.926 09/02/01 0.35 4.4 6.996 1.162 0.7471 7.7431 1.9091 09/03/01 0.28 2.7 4.293 0.9296 0.35805 4.65105 1.28765 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 09/04/01 0.33 2.3 3.657 1.0956 0.34565 4.00265 1.44125 09/05/01 0.35 2 3.18 1.162 0.39835 3.57835 1.56035 09/06/01 0.25 1.5 2.385 0.83 0.4154 2.8004 1.2454 09/07/01 0.22 1.1 1.749 0.7304 0.42005 2.16905 1.15045 09/08/01 0.19 0.85 1.3515 0.6308 0.3472 1.6987 0.978 09/09/01 0.16 0.67 1.0653 0.5312 0.3596 1.4249 0.8908 09/10/01 0.16 0.57 0.9063 0.5312 0.41075 1.31705 0.94195 09/11/01 0.16 0.47 0.7473 0.5312 0.33015 1.07745 0.86135 09/12/01 0.13 0.36 0.5724 0.4316 0.35495 0.92735 0.78655 09/13/01 0.11 0.36 0.5724 0.3652 0.3007 0.8731 0.6659 09/14/01 0.12 0.29 0.4611 0.3984 0.41385 0.87495 0.81225 09/15/01 0.13 0.21 0.3339 0.4316 0.2232 0.5571 0.6548 09/16/01 0.12 0.19 0.3021 0.3984 0.21235 0.51445 0.61075 09/17/01 0.12 0.18 0.2862 0.3984 0.22475 0.51095 0.62315 09/18/01 0.11 0.16 0.2544 0.3652 0.37975 0.63415 0.74495 09/19/01 0.1 0.14 0.2226 0.332 0.3317 0.5543 0.6637 09/20/01 0.11 0.18 0.2862 0.3652 0.33325 0.61945 0.69845 09/21/01 1.2 0.37 0.5883 3.984 0.32395 0.91225 4.30795 09/22/01 0.3 0.46 0.7314 0.996 0.20615 0.93755 1.20215 09/23/01 0.14 0.13 0.2067 0.4648 0.2604 0.4671 0.7252 09/24/01 0.17 1.8 2.862 0.5644 0.60295 3.46495 1.16735 09/25/01 1.3 1.2 1.908 4.316 0.3565 2.2645 4.6725 09/26/01 0.26 0.63 1.0017 0.8632 0.24955 1.25125 1.11275 09/27/01 0.13 0.38 0.6042 0.4316 0.248 0.8522 0.6796 09/28/01 0.13 0.29 0.4611 0.4316 0.2263 0.6874 0.6579 09/29/01 0.12 0.21 0.3339 0.3984 0.2449 0.5788 0.6433 09/30/01 0.1 0.16 0.2544 0.332 0.2666 0.521 0.5986 10/01/01 0.1 0.14 0.2226 0.332 0.3348 0.5574 0.6668 10/02/01 0.11 0.12 0.1908 0.3652 0.2418 0.4326 0.607 10/03/01 0.13 0.11 0.1749 0.4316 0.341 0.5159 0.7726 10/04/01 0.17 0.1 0.159 0.5644 0.2232 0.3822 0.7876 10/05/01 0.18 0.08 0.1272 0.5976 0.2821 0.4093 0.8797 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 10/06/01 0.26 0.1 0.159 0.8632 0.2573 0.4163 1.1205 10/07/01 0.33 0.14 0.2226 1.0956 0.3193 0.5419 1.4149 10/08/01 0.22 0.13 0.2067 0.7304 0.26505 0.47175 0.99545 10/09/01 0.22 0.09 0.1431 0.7304 0.2542 0.3973 0.9846 10/10/01 0.23 0.05 0.0795 0.7636 0.2883 0.3678 1.0519 10/11/01 0.22 0.05 0.0795 0.7304 0.1984 0.2779 0.9288 10/12/01 0.1 0.06 0.0954 0.332 0.4774 0.5728 0.8094 10/13/01 0.12 0.17 0.2703 0.3984 0.35185 0.62215 0.75025 10/14/01 0.22 1.1 1.749 0.7304 0.29605 2.04505 1.02645 10/15/01 1.7 2.2 3.498 5.644 0.279 3.777 5.923 10/16/01 0.33 0.7 1.113 1.0956 0.30225 1.41525 1.39785 10/17/01 0.22 0.83 1.3197 0.7304 0.30845 1.62815 1.03885 10/18/01 0.13 0.67 1.0653 0.4316 0.3286 1.3939 0.7602 10/19/01 0.11 0.59 0.9381 0.3652 0.3007 1.2388 0.6659 10/20/01 0.12 0.67 1.0653 0.3984 0.26505 1.33035 0.66345 10/21/01 0.12 0.63 1.0017 0.3984 0.2418 1.2435 0.6402 10/22/01 0.12 0.53 0.8427 0.3984 0.26505 1.10775 0.66345 10/23/01 0.12 0.61 0.9699 0.3984 0.34255 1.31245 0.74095 10/24/01 0.12 1.2 1.908 0.3984 0.37665 2.28465 0.77505 10/25/01 0.13 1.1 1.749 0.4316 0.3627 2.1117 0.7943 10/26/01 0.12 0.7 1.113 0.3984 0.3348 1.4478 0.7332 10/27/01 0.13 0.42 0.6678 0.4316 0.248 0.9158 0.6796 10/28/01 0.13 0.2 0.318 0.4316 0.186 0.504 0.6176 10/29/01 0.12 0.17 0.2703 0.3984 0.28675 0.55705 0.68515 10/30/01 0.11 0.16 0.2544 0.3652 0.29605 0.55045 0.66125 10/31/01 0.11 0.14 0.2226 0.3652 0.3317 0.5543 0.6969 04/01/02 11 73 116.07 36.52 0.9951 117.0651 37.5151 04/02/02 4.7 18 28.62 15.604 0.682 29.302 16.286 04/03/02 3.1 11 17.49 10.292 0.6107 18.1007 10.9027 04/04/02 2.5 7.2 11.448 8.3 0.55025 11.99825 8.85025 04/05/02 2 5.6 8.904 6.64 0.52855 9.43255 7.16855 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 04/06/02 1.9 4.8 7.632 6.308 0.5115 8.1435 6.8195 04/07/02 1.8 4.1 6.519 5.976 0.48515 7.00415 6.46115 04/08/02 1.9 3.6 5.724 6.308 0.50685 6.23085 6.81485 04/09/02 1.9 3.7 5.883 6.308 0.54405 6.42705 6.85205 04/10/02 3.9 4.4 6.996 12.948 0.58435 7.58035 13.53235 04/11/02 1.8 3.9 6.201 5.976 0.51305 6.71405 6.48905 04/12/02 1.5 3.4 5.406 4.98 0.5115 5.9175 5.4915 04/13/02 1.7 4.1 6.519 5.644 0.65255 7.17155 6.29655 04/14/02 1.4 3.1 4.929 4.648 0.62775 5.55675 5.27575 04/15/02 1.3 2.8 4.452 4.316 0.5394 4.9914 4.8554 04/16/02 1.2 2.3 3.657 3.984 0.6758 4.3328 4.6598 04/17/02 1.1 2.1 3.339 3.652 0.4557 3.7947 4.1077 04/18/02 0.99 1.9 3.021 3.2868 0.38905 3.41005 3.67585 04/19/02 0.92 1.7 2.703 3.0544 0.54405 3.24705 3.59845 04/20/02 0.9 1.6 2.544 2.988 0.4216 2.9656 3.4096 04/21/02 0.86 1.5 2.385 2.8552 0.43865 2.82365 3.29385 04/22/02 0.85 1.3 2.067 2.822 0.47585 2.54285 3.29785 04/23/02 0.66 1.1 1.749 2.1912 0.46345 2.21245 2.65465 04/24/02 0.6 1 1.59 1.992 0.45725 2.04725 2.44925 04/25/02 0.7 0.94 1.4946 2.324 0.465 1.9596 2.789 04/26/02 0.64 1 1.59 2.1248 0.46035 2.05035 2.58515 04/27/02 0.55 0.9 1.431 1.826 0.51305 1.94405 2.33905 04/28/02 0.6 0.84 1.3356 1.992 0.31 1.6456 2.302 04/29/02 0.57 1.2 1.908 1.8924 0.44795 2.35595 2.34035 04/30/02 0.53 1.2 1.908 1.7596 0.4371 2.3451 2.1967 05/01/02 0.53 1.1 1.749 1.7596 0.4371 2.1861 2.1967 05/02/02 0.66 0.72 1.1448 2.1912 0.45105 1.59585 2.64225 05/03/02 0.67 0.92 1.4628 2.2244 0.4123 1.8751 2.6367 05/04/02 1 1.1 1.749 3.32 0.43555 2.18455 3.75555 05/05/02 1.4 1.2 1.908 4.648 0.4216 2.3296 5.0696 05/06/02 0.81 1.2 1.908 2.6892 0.4278 2.3358 3.117 05/07/02 0.66 0.74 1.1766 2.1912 0.4278 1.6044 2.619 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 05/08/02 0.53 0.51 0.8109 1.7596 0.45725 1.26815 2.21685 05/09/02 0.54 0.38 0.6042 1.7928 0.3968 1.001 2.1896 05/10/02 0.46 0.28 0.4452 1.5272 0.3906 0.8358 1.9178 05/11/02 0.41 0.19 0.3021 1.3612 0.3689 0.671 1.7301 05/12/02 0.37 0.17 0.2703 1.2284 0.3286 0.5989 1.557 05/13/02 0.42 0.18 0.2862 1.3944 0.3286 0.6148 1.723 05/14/02 0.64 0.24 0.3816 2.1248 0.40455 0.78615 2.52935 05/15/02 0.67 0.22 0.3498 2.2244 0.30535 0.65515 2.52975 05/16/02 0.53 0.27 0.4293 1.7596 0.31155 0.74085 2.07115 05/17/02 0.44 0.3 0.477 1.4608 0.30845 0.78545 1.76925 05/18/02 0.83 0.17 0.2703 2.7556 0.2387 0.509 2.9943 05/19/02 1.1 0.16 0.2544 3.652 0.51305 0.76745 4.16505 05/20/02 0.57 0.16 0.2544 1.8924 0.32705 0.58145 2.21945 05/21/02 0.41 0.14 0.2226 1.3612 0.3937 0.6163 1.7549 05/22/02 0.33 0.06 0.0954 1.0956 0.3937 0.4891 1.4893 05/23/02 0.36 0.05 0.0795 1.1952 0.37045 0.44995 1.56565 05/24/02 0.27 0.05 0.0795 0.8964 0.35805 0.43755 1.25445 05/25/02 0.22 0.05 0.0795 0.7304 0.34565 0.42515 1.07605 05/26/02 0.21 0.04 0.0636 0.6972 0.2976 0.3612 0.9948 05/27/02 0.17 0.03 0.0477 0.5644 0.27745 0.32515 0.84185 05/28/02 0.2 0.03 0.0477 0.664 0.30535 0.35305 0.96935 05/29/02 0.14 0.04 0.0636 0.4648 0.3348 0.3984 0.7996 05/30/02 0.22 0.03 0.0477 0.7304 0.372 0.4197 1.1024 05/31/02 0.34 0.03 0.0477 1.1288 0.40455 0.45225 1.53335 06/01/02 0.32 0.03 0.0477 1.0624 0.3348 0.3825 1.3972 06/02/02 0.2 0.03 0.0477 0.664 0.31465 0.36235 0.97865 06/03/02 0.21 0.04 0.0636 0.6972 0.3317 0.3953 1.0289 06/04/02 0.12 0.03 0.0477 0.3984 0.33945 0.38715 0.73785 06/05/02 0.13 0.02 0.0318 0.4316 0.34565 0.37745 0.77725 06/06/02 0.12 0.02 0.0318 0.3984 0.5177 0.5495 0.9161 06/07/02 0.1 0.04 0.0636 0.332 0.50065 0.56425 0.83265 06/08/02 0.16 0.03 0.0477 0.5312 0.35185 0.39955 0.88305 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 06/09/02 0.12 0.02 0.0318 0.3984 0.2976 0.3294 0.696 06/10/02 0.13 0.02 0.0318 0.4316 0.33325 0.36505 0.76485 06/11/02 0.08 0.01 0.0159 0.2656 0.32705 0.34295 0.59265 06/12/02 0.08 0.01 0.0159 0.2656 0.32705 0.34295 0.59265 06/13/02 0.08 0.01 0.0159 0.2656 0.32705 0.34295 0.59265 06/14/02 0.06 0.01 0.0159 0.1992 0.34255 0.35845 0.54175 06/15/02 0.1 0 0 0.332 0.31155 0.31155 0.64355 06/16/02 0.07 0 0 0.2324 0.28675 0.28675 0.51915 06/17/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.32705 0.32705 0.45985 06/18/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.3379 0.3379 0.4375 06/19/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.3286 0.3286 0.4614 06/20/02 0.06 0 0 0.1992 0.3565 0.3565 0.5557 06/21/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.32705 0.32705 0.42665 06/22/02 0.02 0 0 0.0664 0.2976 0.2976 0.364 06/23/02 0.02 0 0 0.0664 0.2728 0.2728 0.3392 06/24/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.3255 0.3255 0.4251 06/25/02 0 0 0 0.30845 0.30845 0.30845 06/26/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.372 0.372 0.5048 06/27/02 1.7 0.01 0.0159 5.644 0.37665 0.39255 6.02065 06/28/02 6.3 0.02 0.0318 20.916 0 0.0318 20.916 06/29/02 0.4 0.02 0.0318 1.328 0 0.0318 1.328 06/30/02 0.13 0.02 0.0318 0.4316 0 0.0318 0.4316 07/01/02 0.11 0.01 0.0159 0.3652 0.31465 0.33055 0.67985 07/02/02 0.09 0.01 0.0159 0.2988 0.32085 0.33675 0.61965 07/03/02 0.05 0 0 0.166 0.35185 0.35185 0.51785 07/04/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.31775 0.31775 0.45055 07/05/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.3131 0.3131 0.4459 07/06/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.30225 0.30225 0.40185 07/07/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.2821 0.2821 0.4149 07/08/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.32395 0.32395 0.42355 07/09/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.3224 0.3224 0.422 07/10/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.36115 0.36115 0.46075 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 07/11/02 0.05 0 0 0.166 0.4092 0.4092 0.5752 07/12/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.34875 0.34875 0.44835 07/13/02 0.04 0 0 0.1328 0.30535 0.30535 0.43815 07/14/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.31775 0.31775 0.41735 07/15/02 0.02 0 0 0.0664 0.33635 0.33635 0.40275 07/16/02 0.01 0 0 0.0332 0.31465 0.31465 0.34785 07/17/02 0 0 0 0 0.31775 0.31775 0.31775 07/18/02 0 0 0 0 0.3069 0.3069 0.3069 07/19/02 0 0 0 0 0.3069 0.3069 0.3069 07/20/02 0 0 0 0 0.31155 0.31155 0.31155 07/21/02 0 0 0 0 0.2759 0.2759 0.2759 07/22/02 0 0 0 0 0.3999 0.3999 0.3999 07/23/02 0 0 0 0 0.403 0.403 0.403 07/24/02 1.3 0.23 0.3657 4.316 0.33015 0.69585 4.64615 07/25/02 0.72 0.07 0.1113 2.3904 0.3348 0.4461 2.7252 07/26/02 0.13 0.04 0.0636 0.4316 0.4185 0.4821 0.8501 07/27/02 0.08 0.02 0.0318 0.2656 0.49135 0.52315 0.75695 07/28/02 0.05 0.02 0.0318 0.166 0.33945 0.37125 0.50545 07/29/02 0.03 0.01 0.0159 0.0996 0.33325 0.34915 0.43285 07/30/02 0 0 0 0 0.33015 0.33015 0.33015 07/31/02 0 0 0 0 0.32395 0.32395 0.32395 08/01/02 0 0 0 0 0.3317 0.3317 0.3317 08/02/02 0 0 0 0 0.33325 0.33325 0.33325 08/03/02 0 0 0 0 0.3038 0.3038 0.3038 08/04/02 0 0 0 0 0.28675 0.28675 0.28675 08/05/02 0 0 0 0 0.2976 0.2976 0.2976 08/06/02 0 0 0 0 0.3286 0.3286 0.3286 08/07/02 0 0 0 0 0.3224 0.3224 0.3224 08/08/02 0 0 0 0 0.3472 0.3472 0.3472 08/09/02 0 0 0 0 0.3689 0.3689 0.3689 08/10/02 0 0 0 0 0.27745 0.27745 0.27745 08/11/02 0 0 0 0 0.27125 0.27125 0.27125 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 08/12/02 0 0 0 0.3379 0.3379 0.3379 08/13/02 0 0 0 0 0.3193 0.3193 0.3193 08/14/02 0.01 0 0 0.0332 0.3348 0.3348 0.368 08/15/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.3906 0.3906 0.4902 08/16/02 0.09 0 0 0.2988 0.35805 0.35805 0.65685 08/17/02 0.22 0 0 0.7304 0.3348 0.3348 1.0652 08/18/02 0.14 0 0 0.4648 0.2976 0.2976 0.7624 08/19/02 0.28 0 0 0.9296 0.3534 0.3534 1.283 08/20/02 0.45 0 0 1.494 0.341 0.341 1.835 08/21/02 0.26 0 0 0.8632 0.33635 0.33635 1.19955 08/22/02 0 0 0 0.3317 0.3317 0.3317 08/23/02 0.07 0 0 0.2324 0.3348 0.3348 0.5672 08/24/02 0.03 0 0 0.0996 0.3379 0.3379 0.4375 08/25/02 0.37 0 0 1.2284 0.2821 0.2821 1.5105 08/26/02 0.61 0 0 2.0252 0.36115 0.36115 2.38635 08/27/02 1.6 0 0 5.312 0.3968 0.3968 5.7088 08/28/02 2.7 0 0 8.964 0.37665 0.37665 9.34065 08/29/02 1.7 0 0 5.644 0.372 0.372 6.016 08/30/02 3.5 0 0 11.62 0.589 0.589 12.209 08/31/02 80 20 31.8 265.6 1.5655 33.3655 267.1655 09/01/02 62 32 50.88 205.84 0.94705 51.82705 206.78705 09/02/02 5.9 2.4 3.816 19.588 0.47895 4.29495 20.06695 09/03/02 3.2 0.83 1.3197 10.624 0.43555 1.75525 11.05955 09/04/02 1.6 0.33 0.5247 5.312 0.4123 0.937 5.7243 09/05/02 0.15 0.2385 0 0.3937 0.6322 0.3937 09/06/02 0.34 0.07 0.1113 1.1288 0.37355 0.48485 1.50235 09/07/02 0.22 0.03 0.0477 0.7304 0.3348 0.3825 1.0652 09/08/02 0.19 0.02 0.0318 0.6308 0.3131 0.3449 0.9439 09/09/02 0.17 0.01 0.0159 0.5644 0.3534 0.3693 0.9178 09/10/02 0.14 0 0 0.4648 0.341 0.341 0.8058 09/11/02 0.13 0 0 0.4316 0.33325 0.33325 0.76485 09/12/02 0.1 0 0 0.332 0.33325 0.33325 0.66525 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 09/13/02 0.09 0 0 0.2988 0.341 0.341 0.6398 09/14/02 0.1 0 0 0.332 0.5022 0.5022 0.8342 09/15/02 0.69 0 0 2.2908 0.7874 0.7874 3.0782 09/16/02 0.76 0.02 0.0318 2.5232 0.99045 1.02225 3.51365 09/17/02 0.34 0.03 0.0477 1.1288 0.52855 0.57625 1.65735 09/18/02 0.6 0.03 0.0477 1.992 0.4805 0.5282 2.4725 09/19/02 1.2 0.06 0.0954 3.984 0.4619 0.5573 4.4459 09/20/02 0.41 0.09 0.1431 1.3612 0.4712 0.6143 1.8324 09/21/02 0.26 0.05 0.0795 0.8632 0.38905 0.46855 1.25225 09/22/02 0.18 0.03 0.0477 0.5976 0.3627 0.4104 0.9603 09/23/02 0.17 0.02 0.0318 0.5644 0.4185 0.4503 0.9829 09/24/02 0.14 0.01 0.0159 0.4648 0.40765 0.42355 0.87245 09/25/02 0.12 0 0 0.3984 0.41075 0.41075 0.80915 09/26/02 0.13 0 0 0.4316 0.4309 0.4309 0.8625 09/27/02 0.9 0 0 2.988 0.41385 0.41385 3.40185 09/28/02 0.97 0 0 3.2204 0.37665 0.37665 3.59705 09/29/02 0.29 0 0 0.9628 0.33015 0.33015 1.29295 09/30/02 0.18 0 0 0.5976 0.38285 0.38285 0.98045 10/1/02 0 0 0 0.3875 0.3875 0.3875 10/2/02 0 0 0 0.37355 0.37355 0.37355 10/3/02 0 0 0 0.37975 0.37975 0.37975 10/4/02 0 0 0 0.38905 0.38905 0.38905 10/5/02 0 0 0 0.3472 0.3472 0.3472 10/6/02 0 0 0 0.3348 0.3348 0.3348 10/7/02 0 0 0 0.3906 0.3906 0.3906 10/8/02 0 0 0 0.39525 0.39525 0.39525 10/9/02 0 0 0 0.38905 0.38905 0.38905 10/10/02 0 0 0 0.58125 0.58125 0.58125 10/11/02 512 814.08 0 2.1948 816.2748 2.1948 10/12/02 29 46.11 0 0.9424 47.0524 0.9424 10/13/02 6 9.54 0 0.62775 10.16775 0.62775 10/14/02 3.2 5.088 0 0.56575 5.65375 0.56575 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 10/15/02 1.9 3.021 0 0.62 3.641 0.62 10/16/02 18 28.62 0 1.21985 29.83985 1.21985 10/17/02 7.8 12.402 0 0.7378 13.1398 0.7378 10/18/02 3.6 5.724 0 0.59675 6.32075 0.59675 10/19/02 2.4 3.816 0 0.52235 4.33835 0.52235 10/20/02 1.8 2.862 0 0.48205 3.34405 0.48205 10/21/02 1.5 2.385 0 0.52545 2.91045 0.52545 10/22/02 4.5 7.155 0 0.6293 7.7843 0.6293 10/23/02 3.5 5.565 0 0.5425 6.1075 0.5425 10/24/02 2.3 3.657 0 0.5332 4.1902 0.5332 10/25/02 1.9 3.021 0 0.5394 3.5604 0.5394 10/26/02 1.6 2.544 0 0.4898 3.0338 0.4898 10/27/02 1.6 2.544 0 0.465 3.009 0.465 10/28/02 1.9 3.021 0 0.64015 3.66115 0.64015 10/29/02 11 17.49 0 0.8463 18.3363 0.8463 10/30/02 14 22.26 0 1.0168 23.2768 1.0168 10/31/02 6.9 10.971 0 0.74555 11.71655 0.74555 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix V. FLUX water quality sample input files. RC 8 inflow, flows in cfs, samples in ug/L DATE flow ammon tkn nox total p total n inorg n org n 04/18/01 3.65 0.10 0.3 5.8 0.35 6.10 5.90 0.20 05/02/01 3.42 0.10 0.8 7.7 0.38 8.50 7.80 0.70 05/09/01 2.34 0.10 0.7 4.6 0.28 5.30 4.70 0.60 05/30/01 2.88 0.10 1.0 11 0.84 12.00 11.10 0.90 06/21/01 2.34 0.33 0.9 1.7 0.20 2.59 2.03 0.56 07/04/01 187.00 0.03 0.7 0.4 0.09 1.06 0.43 0.63 07/23/01 3.00 0.06 0.6 2.5 0.16 3.05 2.56 0.49 07/12/01 3.00 0.29 0.5 1.3 0.11 1.78 1.59 0.19 07/31/01 3.56 0.13 0.5 2.2 0.22 2.74 2.33 0.41 08/05/01 3.00 0.04 0.6 2.3 0.22 2.87 2.34 0.53 08/07/01 2.88 0.06 0.4 1.9 0.23 2.34 1.96 0.38 08/30/01 106.00 0.02 0.4 0.7 0.12 1.09 0.72 0.37 09/09/01 2.34 0.01 0.3 2.7 0.13 3.04 2.71 0.34 09/15/01 2.88 0.01 0.2 2.6 0.13 2.83 2.61 0.22 09/28/01 4.60 0.22 0.8 2.6 0.44 3.37 2.82 0.55 10/04/01 3.00 0.01 0.3 2.6 0.28 2.93 2.61 0.33 10/19/01 3.41 0.20 1.6 2.3 0.15 3.90 2.50 1.40 10/29/01 3.42 0.09 0.7 3.1 0.18 3.84 3.19 0.65 RC 8 inflow, flows in cfs, samples in ug/L DATE flow ammon tkn nox total p total n inorg n org n 04/15/02 5.90 0.04 0.4 1.2 0.09 1.62 1.24 0.38 05/01/02 3.83 0.04 0.6 2 0.14 2.56 2.04 0.52 05/02/02 3.83 0.06 0.5 3.2 0.23 3.65 3.26 0.39 05/08/02 3.42 0.04 0.4 1.6 0.17 1.98 1.64 0.34 05/14/02 1.62 0.05 0.3 2.1 0.17 2.36 2.15 0.21 05/29/02 1.62 0.03 0.6 3 0.17 3.58 3.03 0.55 06/26/02 0.32 0.01 0.7 1.2 0.29 1.85 1.21 0.65 07/22/02 0.32 0.02 0.9 2.5 0.34 3.42 2.52 0.90 08/15/02 3.54 0.01 0.7 1.1 0.22 1.80 1.11 0.69 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix VI. FLUX output files – 2001. Total P Load with stratification and flow substitution: Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=total p METHOD= 3 IJC STRATIFICATION SCHEME: ---- DATE ---- -- SEASON -- -------- FLOW -------- STR >=MIN < MAX >=MIN < MAX >=MIN < MAX 1 0 0 .00 4.00 2 0 0 4.00 209.89 STR SAMPLES EVENTS FLOWS VOLUME % 1 15 15 159 18.60 2 3 3 55 81.40 EXCLUDED 0 0 0 .00 TOTAL 18 18 214 100.00 Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=total p METHOD= 3 IJC COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 159 15 15 18.6 1.477 1.249 .124 .547 2 55 3 3 81.4 18.682 25.065 -.616 .073 *** 214 18 18 100.0 5.899 5.218 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 214.0 DAYS = .586 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 5.899 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 3.46 HM3 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20010401 TO 20011031 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20010418 TO 20011029 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV 1 AV LOAD 618.1 1054.9 .4175E+05 178.84 .194 2 Q WTD C 534.3 911.9 .2998E+05 154.60 .190 3 IJC 512.8 875.2 .2222E+05 148.38 .170 4 REG-1 604.9 1032.5 .1453E+06 175.04 .369 5 REG-2 489.0 834.7 .1116E+07 141.51 1.265 6 REG-3 613.2 1046.6 .4681E+06 177.43 .654 Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=total p METHOD= 3 IJC X =S FLOW , Y =CONC BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 2.3472 SLOPE = -.1070 R-SQUARED = .0675 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0591 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .0994 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -1.0765 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .2980 Y MEAN = 2.3262 Y STD DEVIATION = .2443 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -2.4794 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0066 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .3340 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0782 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .4764 Total N Load with stratification and flow substitution: Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC STRATIFICATION SCHEME: ---- DATE ---- -- SEASON -- -------- FLOW -------- STR >=MIN < MAX >=MIN < MAX >=MIN < MAX 1 0 0 .00 4.00 2 0 0 4.00 209.89 STR SAMPLES EVENTS FLOWS VOLUME % 1 15 15 159 18.60 2 3 3 55 81.40 EXCLUDED 0 0 0 .00 TOTAL 18 18 214 100.00 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC X =S FLOW , Y =CONC BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 3.5353 SLOPE = -.1518 R-SQUARED = .1146 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0666 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1055 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -1.4393 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .1665 Y MEAN = 3.5055 Y STD DEVIATION = .2660 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.0304 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0012 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .5274 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0126 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .4562 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 159 15 15 18.6 1.477 1.249 .261 .148 2 55 3 3 81.4 18.682 25.065 -.865 .047 *** 214 18 18 100.0 5.899 5.218 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 214.0 DAYS = .586 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 5.899 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 3.46 HM3 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20010401 TO 20011031 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20010418 TO 20011029 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV 1 AV LOAD 7983.0 13625.2 .3759E+07 2309.91 .142 2 Q WTD C 7141.8 12189.5 .6553E+07 2066.51 .210 3 IJC 6738.2 11500.7 .3106E+07 1949.73 .153 4 REG-1 8420.1 14371.2 .8199E+07 2436.38 .199 5 REG-2 7667.3 13086.3 .7740E+07 2218.55 .213 6 REG-3 8707.0 14861.0 .1061E+08 2519.41 .219 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC X =S FLOW , Y =CONC BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 3.5353 SLOPE = -.1518 R-SQUARED = .1146 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0666 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1055 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -1.4393 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .1665 Y MEAN = 3.5055 Y STD DEVIATION = .2660 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.0304 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0012 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .5274 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0126 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .4562 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -.1322 SLOPE = .1743 R-SQUARED = .1372 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0715 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1093 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = 1.5950 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .1271 Y MEAN = -.0979 Y STD DEVIATION = .2792 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.0304 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0012 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .3787 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0540 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 8 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .3297 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 2046.2870 SLOPE = -1.0224 R-SQUARED = .3511 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0537 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .3475 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -2.9422 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0093 Y MEAN = -.0979 Y STD DEVIATION = .2792 X MEAN = 2001.5778 X STD DEVIATION = .1618 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -1.1762 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .1197 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .1124 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .3166 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 14 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0224 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 1 AV LOAD X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -.3080 SLOPE = .4521 R-SQUARED = .4054 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .1122 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1369 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = 3.3025 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0047 Y MEAN = -.2191 Y STD DEVIATION = .4214 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -.5413 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2941 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .3605 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0631 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 8 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0685 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 1 AV LOAD X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 3381.4190 SLOPE = -1.6895 R-SQUARED = .4209 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .1093 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .4955 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -3.4099 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0038 Y MEAN = -.2191 Y STD DEVIATION = .4214 X MEAN = 2001.5778 X STD DEVIATION = .1618 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -.1915 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .4240 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.0079 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .4867 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 18 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0038 Roberson Creek 2001 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 1 AV LOAD X =S FLOW , Y =CONC BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 3.5353 SLOPE = -.1518 R-SQUARED = .1146 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0666 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1055 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -1.4393 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .1665 Y MEAN = 3.5055 Y STD DEVIATION = .2660 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.0304 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0012 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .5274 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0126 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .4562 Inorganic N Load with stratification and with flow substitution: Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=inorg n METHOD= 3 IJC STRATIFICATION SCHEME: ---- DATE ---- -- SEASON -- -------- FLOW -------- STR >=MIN < MAX >=MIN < MAX >=MIN < MAX 1 0 0 .00 4.00 2 0 0 4.00 209.89 STR SAMPLES EVENTS FLOWS VOLUME % 1 15 15 159 18.60 2 3 3 55 81.40 EXCLUDED 0 0 0 .00 TOTAL 18 18 214 100.00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=inorg n METHOD= 3 IJC COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 159 15 15 18.6 1.477 1.249 .275 .149 2 55 3 3 81.4 18.682 25.065 -1.195 .062 *** 214 18 18 100.0 5.899 5.218 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 214.0 DAYS = .586 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 5.899 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 3.46 HM3 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20010401 TO 20011031 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20010418 TO 20011029 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV 1 AV LOAD 5805.5 9908.8 .3282E+07 1679.85 .183 2 Q WTD C 5381.2 9184.6 .7814E+07 1557.08 .304 3 IJC 4929.7 8414.0 .3629E+07 1426.44 .226 4 REG-1 6579.9 11230.4 .2452E+08 1903.91 .441 5 REG-2 7408.4 12644.4 .2191E+10 2143.63 3.702 6 REG-3 6916.4 11804.7 .9750E+09 2001.27 2.645 Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=inorg n METHOD= 1 AV LOAD X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -.4624 SLOPE = .7581 R-SQUARED = .6998 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0922 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1241 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = 6.1072 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0001 Y MEAN = -.3133 Y STD DEVIATION = .5377 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.4156 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0003 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .5228 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0133 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0251 Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=inorg n METHOD= 1 AV LOAD X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 4464.9610 SLOPE = -2.2309 R-SQUARED = .4506 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .1688 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .6158 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -3.6229 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0026 Y MEAN = -.3133 Y STD DEVIATION = .5377 X MEAN = 2001.5778 X STD DEVIATION = .1618 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -.1915 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .4240 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.0546 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .4084 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 18 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0026 Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=inorg n METHOD= 3 IJC X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = .3236 SLOPE = -.2419 R-SQUARED = .1918 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0922 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1241 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -1.9489 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0663 Y MEAN = .2760 Y STD DEVIATION = .3277 X MEAN = .1966 X STD DEVIATION = .5933 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.4156 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0003 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .5228 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0133 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .3243 Roberson Creek 2001 VAR=inorg n METHOD= 3 IJC X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 1468.6420 SLOPE = -.7336 R-SQUARED = .1312 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0991 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .4720 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 16 T STATISTIC = -1.5543 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .1366 Y MEAN = .2760 Y STD DEVIATION = .3277 X MEAN = 2001.5778 X STD DEVIATION = .1618 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -3.1457 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0008 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .3192 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0878 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .3088 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix VII . FLUX output files – 2002 Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 1 AV LOAD Comparison of Sampled & Total Flow Distributions ------ SAMPLED ----- ------- TOTAL ------ STRAT N MEAN STD DEV N MEAN STD DEV DIFF T PROB(>T) 1 9 2.42 1.66 214 6.21 50.50 -3.79 1.08 .280 *** 9 2.42 1.66 214 6.21 50.50 -3.79 1.08 .280 Average Sample Interval = 13.6 Days, Date Range = 20020415 to 20020815 Maximum Sample Interval = 27 Days, Date Range = 20020529 to 20020626 Percent of Total Flow Volume Occuring In This Interval = .7% Total Flow Volume on Sampled Days = 11.1 hm3 Total Flow Volume on All Days = 1328.9 hm3 Percent of Total Flow Volume Sampled = .8% Maximum Sampled Flow Rate = 5.27 hm3/yr Maximum Total Flow Rate = 729.50 hm3/yr Number of Days when Flow Exceeded Maximum Sampled Flow = 26 out of 214 Percent of Total Flow Volume Occurring at Flow Rates Exceeding the Maximum Sampled Flow Rate = 88.5% Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 1 AV LOAD Comparison of Sampled & Total Flow Distributions ------ SAMPLED ----- ------- TOTAL ------ STRAT N MEAN STD DEV N MEAN STD DEV DIFF T PROB(>T) 1 9 1.23 1.34 214 6.21 50.50 -4.98 1.43 .150 *** 9 1.23 1.34 214 6.21 50.50 -4.98 1.43 .150 Average Sample Interval = 13.6 Days, Date Range = 20020415 to 20020815 Maximum Sample Interval = 27 Days, Date Range = 20020529 to 20020626 Percent of Total Flow Volume Occuring In This Interval = .7% Total Flow Volume on Sampled Days = 11.1 hm3 Total Flow Volume on All Days = 1328.9 hm3 Percent of Total Flow Volume Sampled = .8% Maximum Sampled Flow Rate = 4.46 hm3/yr Maximum Total Flow Rate = 729.50 hm3/yr Number of Days when Flow Exceeded Maximum Sampled Flow = 28 out of 214 Percent of Total Flow Volume Occurring at Flow Rates Exceeding the Maximum Sampled Flow Rate = 89.3% Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 1 AV LOAD COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 214 9 9 100.0 6.210 2.423 -.283 .015 *** 214 9 9 100.0 6.210 2.423 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 214.0 DAYS = .586 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 6.210 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 3.64 HM3 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 10 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20020401 TO 20021031 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20020415 TO 20020815 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV 1 AV LOAD 236.3 403.2 .6989E+04 64.94 .207 2 Q WTD C 605.5 1033.4 .2908E+05 166.42 .165 3 IJC 596.6 1018.3 .3363E+05 163.99 .180 4 REG-1 486.0 829.5 .3077E+05 133.58 .211 6 REG-3 546.7 933.0 .2169E+05 150.25 .158 Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = .1186 SLOPE = -.2827 R-SQUARED = .5941 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0138 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .0883 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -3.2009 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0148 Y MEAN = .0554 Y STD DEVIATION = .1726 X MEAN = .2234 X STD DEVIATION = .4706 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -1.4056 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0799 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .1422 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .3348 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0592 Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -2182.1680 SLOPE = 1.0898 R-SQUARED = .5174 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0164 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .3978 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = 2.7392 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0281 Y MEAN = .0554 Y STD DEVIATION = .1726 X MEAN = 2002.4145 X STD DEVIATION = .1139 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -.6827 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2474 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.0397 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .4526 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0281 Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 3 IJC X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = .1250 SLOPE = -.2827 R-SQUARED = .5941 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0138 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .0883 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -3.2009 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0148 Y MEAN = .0618 Y STD DEVIATION = .1726 X MEAN = .2234 X STD DEVIATION = .4706 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -1.4056 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0799 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .1422 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .3348 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0592 Roberson Creek 2002 Total P VAR=total p METHOD= 3 IJC Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -2182.1620 SLOPE = 1.0898 R-SQUARED = .5174 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0164 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .3978 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = 2.7392 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0281 Y MEAN = .0618 Y STD DEVIATION = .1726 X MEAN = 2002.4145 X STD DEVIATION = .1139 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -.6827 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2474 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.0396 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .4527 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0281 Roberson Creek 2002 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 3 IJC COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 214 9 9 100.0 6.210 2.423 -.067 .562 *** 214 9 9 100.0 6.210 2.423 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 214.0 DAYS = .586 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 6.210 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 3.64 HM3 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20020401 TO 20021031 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20020415 TO 20020815 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV 1 AV LOAD 3362.5 5739.1 .1642E+07 924.21 .223 2 Q WTD C 8617.8 14708.6 .4664E+07 2368.65 .147 3 IJC 8533.4 14564.5 .5051E+07 2345.45 .154 4 REG-1 8183.1 13966.7 .9254E+07 2249.17 .218 6 REG-3 8721.9 14886.4 .6654E+07 2397.29 .173 Roberson Creek 2002 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = .0248 SLOPE = -.0666 R-SQUARED = .0516 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0206 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1079 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -.6171 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .5616 Y MEAN = .0099 Y STD DEVIATION = .1379 X MEAN = .2234 X STD DEVIATION = .4706 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = .7631 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2227 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.4729 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0780 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .5616 Roberson Creek 2002 Total N VAR=total n METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 54.6564 SLOPE = -.0273 R-SQUARED = .0005 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0217 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .4574 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -.0597 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .9529 Y MEAN = .0099 Y STD DEVIATION = .1379 X MEAN = 2002.4145 X STD DEVIATION = .1139 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = .7631 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2227 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.4800 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0749 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .9529 Roberson Creek 2002 Inorganic N VAR=inorg n METHOD= 2 Q WTD C COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 214 9 9 100.0 6.210 2.423 -.028 .841 *** 214 9 9 100.0 6.210 2.423 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 214.0 DAYS = .586 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 6.210 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 3.64 HM3 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20020401 TO 20021031 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20020415 TO 20020815 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV 1 AV LOAD 2719.1 4641.0 .1239E+07 747.38 .240 2 Q WTD C 6968.9 11894.3 .4694E+07 1915.44 .182 3 IJC 6892.1 11763.3 .4990E+07 1894.35 .190 4 REG-1 6818.5 11637.7 .1032E+08 1874.12 .276 6 REG-3 7310.4 12477.1 .7851E+07 2009.30 .225 Roberson Creek 2002 Inorganic N VAR=inorg n METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -.0013 SLOPE = -.0280 R-SQUARED = .0056 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0351 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1407 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -.1994 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .8412 Y MEAN = -.0075 Y STD DEVIATION = .1756 X MEAN = .2234 X STD DEVIATION = .4706 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = .7631 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2227 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.3710 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .1329 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .8412 Roberson Creek 2002 Inorganic N VAR=inorg n METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 820.1454 SLOPE = -.4096 R-SQUARED = .0706 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0328 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .5618 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -.7291 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .4947 Y MEAN = -.0075 Y STD DEVIATION = .1756 X MEAN = 2002.4145 X STD DEVIATION = .1139 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = .7631 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2227 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.4542 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .0865 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .4947 Roberson Creek 2002 Inorganic N VAR=inorg n METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =S FLOW , Y =CONC BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = 3.2810 SLOPE = -.0280 R-SQUARED = .0056 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0351 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .1407 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -.1994 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .8412 Y MEAN = 3.2747 Y STD DEVIATION = .1756 X MEAN = .2234 X STD DEVIATION = .4706 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = .7631 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2227 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.3710 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .1329 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .8412 Verification Loads: Apr-Sep 2002 Roberson Verification VAR=total p METHOD= 2 Q WTD C Comparison of Sampled & Total Flow Distributions ------ SAMPLED ----- ------- TOTAL ------ STRAT N MEAN STD DEV N MEAN STD DEV DIFF T PROB(>T) 1 9 2.42 1.66 183 2.23 8.99 .20 -.23 .815 *** 9 2.42 1.66 183 2.23 8.99 .20 -.23 .815 Average Sample Interval = 13.6 Days, Date Range = 20020415 to 20020815 Maximum Sample Interval = 27 Days, Date Range = 20020529 to 20020626 Percent of Total Flow Volume Occuring In This Interval = 2.2% Total Flow Volume on Sampled Days = 11.1 hm3 Total Flow Volume on All Days = 407.2 hm3 Percent of Total Flow Volume Sampled = 2.7% Maximum Sampled Flow Rate = 5.27 hm3/yr Maximum Total Flow Rate = 104.62 hm3/yr Number of Days when Flow Exceeded Maximum Sampled Flow = 15 out of 183 Percent of Total Flow Volume Occurring at Flow Rates Exceeding the Maximum Sampled Flow Rate = 71.6% Roberson Verification VAR=total p METHOD= 2 Q WTD C COMPARISON OF SAMPLED AND TOTAL FLOW DISTRIBUTIONS STR NQ NC NE VOL% TOTAL FLOW SAMPLED FLOW C/Q SLOPE SIGNIF 1 183 9 9 100.0 2.225 2.423 -.283 .015 *** 183 9 9 100.0 2.225 2.423 FLOW STATISTICS FLOW DURATION = 183.0 DAYS = .501 YEARS MEAN FLOW RATE = 2.225 HM3/YR TOTAL FLOW VOLUME = 1.11 HM3 FLOW DATE RANGE = 20020401 TO 20020930 SAMPLE DATE RANGE = 20020415 TO 20020815 METHOD MASS (KG) FLUX (KG/YR) FLUX VARIANCE CONC (PPB) CV Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 1 AV LOAD 202.0 403.2 .6989E+04 181.23 .207 2 Q WTD C 185.5 370.3 .3733E+04 166.42 .165 3 IJC 182.8 364.9 .4318E+04 163.99 .180 4 REG-1 190.0 379.3 .2914E+04 170.48 .142 6 REG-3 185.6 370.5 .2136E+04 166.51 .125 Roberson Verification VAR=total p METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =S FLOW , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = .1186 SLOPE = -.2827 R-SQUARED = .5941 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0138 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .0883 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = -3.2009 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0148 Y MEAN = .0554 Y STD DEVIATION = .1726 X MEAN = .2234 X STD DEVIATION = .4706 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -1.4056 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .0799 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = .1422 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .3348 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 6 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0592 Roberson Verification VAR=total p METHOD= 2 Q WTD C X =DATE , Y =RESIDUAL BIVARIATE REGRESSION: Y VS. X INTERCEPT = -2182.1680 SLOPE = 1.0898 R-SQUARED = .5174 MEAN SQUARED ERROR = .0164 STD ERROR OF SLOPE = .3978 DEGREES OF FREEDOM = 7 T STATISTIC = 2.7392 PROBABILITY(>|T|) = .0281 Y MEAN = .0554 Y STD DEVIATION = .1726 X MEAN = 2002.4145 X STD DEVIATION = .1139 RESIDUALS ANALYSIS: RUNS TEST Z = -.6827 PROBABILITY (>|Z|) = .2474 LAG-1 AUTOCORREL. = -.0397 PROBABILITY (>|R|) = .4526 EFFECTIVE SAMPLES = 9 SLOPE SIGNIFICANCE = .0281 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix VIII. BATHTUB calibration input files and output. Uncalibrated Model: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 MODEL OPTIONS: 1 CONSERVATIVE SUBSTANCE 0 NOT COMPUTED 2 PHOSPHORUS BALANCE 2 2ND ORDER, DECAY 3 NITROGEN BALANCE 4 BACHMAN VOL. LOAD 4 CHLOROPHYLL-A 3 P, N, LOW-TURBIDITY 5 SECCHI DEPTH 1 VS. CHLA & TURBIDITY 6 DISPERSION 1 FISCHER-NUMERIC 7 PHOSPHORUS CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 8 NITROGEN CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 9 ERROR ANALYSIS 1 MODEL & DATA 10 AVAILABILITY FACTORS 1 USE FOR MODEL 1 ONLY 11 MASS-BALANCE TABLES 1 USE ESTIMATED CONCS ATMOSPHERIC LOADS & AVAILABILITY FACTORS: ATMOSPHERIC-LOADS AVAILABILITY VARIABLE KG/KM2-YR CV FACTOR 1 CONSERV .00 .00 .00 2 TOTAL P 65.00 .50 1.33 3 TOTAL N 536.00 .50 .59 4 ORTHO P 32.50 .50 .33 5 INORG N 359.00 .50 .79 GLOBAL INPUT VALUES: PARAMETER MEAN CV PERIOD LENGTH YRS .586 .000 PRECIPITATION M .532 .200 EVAPORATION M .690 .300 INCREASE IN STORAGE M .000 .000 TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREAS AND FLOWS: ID TYPE SEG NAME DRAINAGE AREA MEAN FLOW CV OF MEAN FLOW KM2 HM3/YR 1 1 1 Roberson RC8 74.240 6.860 .201 TRIBUTARY CONCENTRATIONS (PPB): MEAN/CV ID CONSERV TOTAL P TOTAL N ORTHO P INORG N 1 .0/ .00 148.4/ .17 1949.7/ .15 103.9/ .17 1426.4/ .23 MODEL SEGMENTS & CALIBRATION FACTORS: ----------- CALIBRATION FACTORS ----------- SEG OUTFLOW GROUP SEGMENT NAME P SED N SED CHL-A SECCHI HOD DISP 1 0 1 Roberson 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 SEGMENT MORPHOMETRY: MEAN/CV LENGTH AREA ZMEAN ZMIX ZHYP ID LABEL KM KM2 M M M 1 Roberson 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.24/ .00 .00/ .00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL SEGMENT OBSERVED WATER QUALITY: SEG TURBID CONSER TOTALP TOTALN CHL-A SECCHI ORG-N TP-OP HODV MODV 1/M --- MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3 M MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3-D MG/M3-D 1 MN: .00 .0 93.8 1308.1 32.9 .4 876.2 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .06 .08 .17 .13 .10 .00 .00 .00 MODEL COEFFICIENTS: COEFFICIENT MEAN CV DISPERSION FACTO 1.000 .70 P DECAY RATE 1.000 .45 N DECAY RATE 1.000 .55 CHL-A MODEL 1.000 .26 SECCHI MODEL 1.000 .10 ORGANIC N MODEL 1.000 .12 TP-OP MODEL 1.000 .15 HODV MODEL 1.000 .15 MODV MODEL 1.000 .22 BETA M2/MG .025 .00 MINIMUM QS 4.000 .00 FLUSHING EFFECT 1.000 .00 CHLOROPHYLL-A CV .620 .00 CASE NOTES: single reservoir spatially averaged Water Balance: CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 HYDRAULIC AND DISPERSION PARAMETERS: NET RESIDENCE OVERFLOW MEAN ----DISPERSION----- EXCHANGE INFLOW TIME RATE VELOCITY ESTIMATED NUMERIC RATE SEG OUT HM3/YR YRS M/YR KM/YR KM2/YR KM2/YR HM3/YR 1 0 6.82 .08571 52.5 20.4 3. 18. 0. CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 GROSS WATER BALANCE: DRAINAGE AREA ---- FLOW (HM3/YR) ---- RUNOFF ID T LOCATION KM2 MEAN VARIANCE CV M/YR ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Roberson RC8 74.240 6.860 .190E+01 .201 .092 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRECIPITATION .130 .118 .557E-03 .200 .908 TRIBUTARY INFLOW 74.240 6.860 .190E+01 .201 .092 ***TOTAL INFLOW 74.370 6.978 .190E+01 .198 .094 ADVECTIVE OUTFLOW 74.370 6.825 .190E+01 .202 .092 ***TOTAL OUTFLOW 74.370 6.825 .190E+01 .202 .092 ***EVAPORATION .000 .153 .211E-02 .300 .000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GROSS MASS BALANCE BASED UPON ESTIMATED CONCENTRATIONS COMPONENT: TOTAL P ----- LOADING ---- --- VARIANCE --- CONC EXPORT Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL ID T LOCATION KG/YR %(I) KG/YR**2 %(I) CV MG/M3 KG/KM2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Roberson RC8 1017.9 99.2 .718E+05 100.0 .263 148.4 13.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRECIPITATION 8.4 .8 .179E+02 .0 .500 71.6 65.0 TRIBUTARY INFLOW 1017.9 99.2 .718E+05 100.0 .263 148.4 13.7 ***TOTAL INFLOW 1026.3 100.0 .718E+05 100.0 .261 147.1 13.8 ADVECTIVE OUTFLOW 668.4 65.1 .407E+05 56.7 .302 97.9 9.0 ***TOTAL OUTFLOW 668.4 65.1 .407E+05 56.7 .302 97.9 9.0 ***RETENTION 358.0 34.9 .175E+05 24.3 .369 .0 .0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYDRAULIC -------------- TOTAL P -------------- OVERFLOW RESIDENCE POOL RESIDENCE TURNOVER RETENTION RATE TIME CONC TIME RATIO COEF M/YR YRS MG/M3 YRS - - 52.50 .0857 93.8 .0535 10.9605 .3488 GROSS MASS BALANCE BASED UPON ESTIMATED CONCENTRATIONS COMPONENT: TOTAL N ----- LOADING ---- --- VARIANCE --- CONC EXPORT ID T LOCATION KG/YR %(I) KG/YR**2 %(I) CV MG/M3 KG/KM2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 Roberson RC8 13375.1 99.5 .114E+08 100.0 .253 1949.7 180.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRECIPITATION 69.7 .5 .121E+04 .0 .500 590.4 536.0 TRIBUTARY INFLOW 13375.1 99.5 .114E+08 100.0 .253 1949.7 180.2 ***TOTAL INFLOW 13444.8 100.0 .114E+08 100.0 .251 1926.7 180.8 ADVECTIVE OUTFLOW 8903.1 66.2 .800E+07 70.0 .318 1304.5 119.7 ***TOTAL OUTFLOW 8903.1 66.2 .800E+07 70.0 .318 1304.5 119.7 ***RETENTION 4541.7 33.8 .404E+07 35.4 .443 .0 .0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HYDRAULIC -------------- TOTAL N -------------- OVERFLOW RESIDENCE POOL RESIDENCE TURNOVER RETENTION RATE TIME CONC TIME RATIO COEF M/YR YRS MG/M3 YRS - - 52.50 .0857 1308.1 .0569 10.2957 .3378 CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 WATER BALANCE TERMS (HM3/YR): -------- INFLOWS -------- STORAGE --- OUTFLOWS --- DOWNSTR SEG EXTERNAL PRECIP ADVECT INCREASE ADVECT DISCH EXCHANGE EVAP --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 .686E+01 .118E+00 .000E+00 .000E+00 .682E+01 .000E+00 .000E+00 .153E+00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET .686E+01 .118E+00 .000E+00 .000E+00 .682E+01 .000E+00 .000E+00 .153E+00 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASS BALANCE TERMS (KG/YR) FOR: TOTAL P BASED UPON ESTIMATED CONCS: --------- INFLOWS -------- STORAGE ---- OUTFLOWS---- NET NET SEG EXTERNAL ATMOSP ADVECT INCREASE ADVECT DISCH EXCHANGE RETENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 1 .102E+04 .845E+01 .000E+00 .000E+00 .668E+03 .000E+00 .000E+00 .358E+03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET .102E+04 .845E+01 .000E+00 .000E+00 .668E+03 .000E+00 .000E+00 .358E+03 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASS BALANCE TERMS (KG/YR) FOR: TOTAL N BASED UPON ESTIMATED CONCS: --------- INFLOWS -------- STORAGE ---- OUTFLOWS---- NET NET SEG EXTERNAL ATMOSP ADVECT INCREASE ADVECT DISCH EXCHANGE RETENT --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 .134E+05 .697E+02 .000E+00 .000E+00 .890E+04 .000E+00 .000E+00 .454E+04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- NET .134E+05 .697E+02 .000E+00 .000E+00 .890E+04 .000E+00 .000E+00 .454E+04 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nutrient Balance Model Selection: CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 105.4 .20 .89 -1.95 -.43 -.56 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1518.4 .20 .86 -1.86 -.68 -.69 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 77.4 .15 .87 -2.01 -.70 -.84 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 45.9 .32 .72 -1.96 -.96 -.91 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 1.13 .98 .44 .51 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1330.4 .28 .66 -4.26 -1.67 -1.40 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 117.4 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1421.6 .17 .92 -1.04 -.38 -.43 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 71.9 .14 .94 -.96 -.33 -.44 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 41.9 .31 .79 -1.42 -.70 -.68 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 1.09 .69 .31 .37 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1238.3 .27 .71 -3.53 -1.38 -1.21 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 110.2 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 86.4 .19 1.09 1.37 .31 .42 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1423.1 .17 .92 -1.05 -.38 -.44 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 67.0 .14 1.00 .06 .02 .03 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 38.3 .31 .86 -.90 -.44 -.43 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 1.05 .42 .19 .23 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1157.3 .27 .76 -2.84 -1.11 -.98 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 103.9 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 84.8 .23 1.11 1.68 .38 .42 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 63.6 .17 1.06 .80 .28 .30 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 35.9 .34 .92 -.51 -.25 -.23 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 1.03 .24 .11 .12 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1102.5 .28 .79 -2.34 -.92 -.78 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 99.6 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 116.3 .20 .81 -3.59 -.80 -1.04 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1602.4 .18 .82 -2.54 -.92 -1.01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 83.9 .14 .80 -3.16 -1.10 -1.41 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 50.8 .31 .65 -2.55 -1.25 -1.21 SECCHI M .4 .13 .3 .20 1.18 1.31 .59 .69 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1440.6 .28 .61 -5.07 -1.99 -1.68 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 126.0 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 138.5 .17 .68 -6.50 -1.45 -2.13 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1814.4 .16 .72 -4.09 -1.49 -1.84 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 98.0 .12 .69 -5.39 -1.87 -2.71 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 61.7 .30 .53 -3.69 -1.81 -1.82 SECCHI M .4 .13 .3 .20 1.29 2.02 .90 1.06 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1689.5 .28 .52 -6.70 -2.63 -2.23 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 145.4 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 147.6 .17 .64 -7.55 -1.68 -2.53 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1933.1 .15 .68 -4.88 -1.78 -2.26 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 104.7 .12 .64 -6.34 -2.20 -3.27 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 67.0 .30 .49 -4.18 -2.05 -2.07 SECCHI M .4 .13 .3 .20 1.34 2.35 1.05 1.22 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1810.6 .28 .48 -7.41 -2.90 -2.46 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 154.9 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chlorophyll a Model Selection: CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 68.6 .16 .98 -.29 -.10 -.12 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 12.3 .30 2.69 5.81 2.86 2.86 SECCHI M .4 .13 .5 .19 .79 -1.85 -.83 -1.03 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 562.7 .18 1.56 4.52 1.77 2.13 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 57.5 .21 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 68.6 .16 .98 -.29 -.10 -.12 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 10.8 .30 3.06 6.58 3.23 3.25 SECCHI M .4 .13 .5 .19 .78 -2.00 -.89 -1.11 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 528.5 .17 1.66 5.16 2.02 2.53 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 54.8 .21 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 68.6 .16 .98 -.29 -.10 -.12 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 39.5 .33 .83 -1.07 -.53 -.50 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 1.07 .51 .23 .27 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1184.0 .28 .74 -3.07 -1.20 -1.03 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 106.0 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 68.6 .16 .98 -.29 -.10 -.12 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 27.4 .32 1.20 1.08 .53 .51 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 .95 -.45 -.20 -.24 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 908.5 .25 .96 -.37 -.14 -.13 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 84.5 .26 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 68.6 .16 .98 -.29 -.10 -.12 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 65.3 .37 .50 -4.03 -1.98 -1.67 SECCHI M .4 .13 .3 .23 1.32 2.25 1.00 1.07 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 1773.1 .34 .49 -7.19 -2.82 -2.01 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 152.0 .33 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Calibrated Model: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 MODEL OPTIONS: 1 CONSERVATIVE SUBSTANCE 0 NOT COMPUTED 2 PHOSPHORUS BALANCE 2 2ND ORDER, DECAY 3 NITROGEN BALANCE 4 BACHMAN VOL. LOAD 4 CHLOROPHYLL-A 3 P, N, LOW-TURBIDITY 5 SECCHI DEPTH 1 VS. CHLA & TURBIDITY 6 DISPERSION 1 FISCHER-NUMERIC 7 PHOSPHORUS CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 8 NITROGEN CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 9 ERROR ANALYSIS 1 MODEL & DATA 10 AVAILABILITY FACTORS 1 USE FOR MODEL 1 ONLY 11 MASS-BALANCE TABLES 1 USE ESTIMATED CONCS ATMOSPHERIC LOADS & AVAILABILITY FACTORS: ATMOSPHERIC-LOADS AVAILABILITY VARIABLE KG/KM2-YR CV FACTOR 1 CONSERV .00 .00 .00 2 TOTAL P 65.00 .50 1.33 3 TOTAL N 536.00 .50 .59 4 ORTHO P 32.50 .50 .33 5 INORG N 359.00 .50 .79 GLOBAL INPUT VALUES: PARAMETER MEAN CV PERIOD LENGTH YRS .586 .000 PRECIPITATION M .532 .200 EVAPORATION M .690 .300 INCREASE IN STORAGE M .000 .000 TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREAS AND FLOWS: ID TYPE SEG NAME DRAINAGE AREA MEAN FLOW CV OF MEAN FLOW KM2 HM3/YR 1 1 1 Roberson RC8 74.240 6.860 .201 TRIBUTARY CONCENTRATIONS (PPB): MEAN/CV ID CONSERV TOTAL P TOTAL N ORTHO P INORG N 1 .0/ .00 148.4/ .17 1949.7/ .15 103.9/ .17 1426.4/ .23 MODEL SEGMENTS & CALIBRATION FACTORS: ----------- CALIBRATION FACTORS ----------- SEG OUTFLOW GROUP SEGMENT NAME P SED N SED CHL-A SECCHI HOD DISP 1 0 1 Roberson 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 SEGMENT MORPHOMETRY: MEAN/CV LENGTH AREA ZMEAN ZMIX ZHYP ID LABEL KM KM2 M M M 1 Roberson 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.24/ .00 .00/ .00 SEGMENT OBSERVED WATER QUALITY: SEG TURBID CONSER TOTALP TOTALN CHL-A SECCHI ORG-N TP-OP HODV MODV 1/M --- MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3 M MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3-D MG/M3-D 1 MN: .00 .0 93.8 1308.1 32.9 .4 876.2 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .06 .08 .17 .13 .10 .00 .00 .00 MODEL COEFFICIENTS: COEFFICIENT MEAN CV DISPERSION FACTO 1.000 .70 P DECAY RATE 1.000 .45 N DECAY RATE 1.000 .55 CHL-A MODEL .830 .26 SECCHI MODEL 1.000 .10 ORGANIC N MODEL .830 .12 TP-OP MODEL 1.000 .15 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL HODV MODEL 1.000 .15 MODV MODEL 1.000 .22 BETA M2/MG .025 .00 MINIMUM QS 4.000 .00 FLUSHING EFFECT 1.000 .00 CHLOROPHYLL-A CV .620 .00 CASE NOTES: single reservoir spatially averaged Calibrated Model Results: CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.8 .06 97.9 .18 .96 -.72 -.16 -.22 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.1 .08 1304.5 .22 1.00 .03 .01 .01 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.3 .07 68.6 .16 .98 -.29 -.10 -.12 CHL-A MG/M3 32.9 .17 32.8 .33 1.00 .02 .01 .01 SECCHI M .4 .13 .4 .20 1.00 -.01 .00 -.01 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.2 .10 855.6 .27 1.02 .24 .09 .08 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 94.0 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 OBSERVED AND PREDICTED DIAGNOSTIC VARIABLES RANKED AGAINST CE MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET SEGMENT: 1 Roberson ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 93.80 97.93 77.2 78.7 TOTAL N MG/M3 1308.10 1304.49 66.2 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.26 68.63 78.6 79.3 CHL-A MG/M3 32.92 32.79 94.8 94.8 SECCHI M .40 .40 9.6 9.6 ORGANIC N MG/M3 876.20 855.65 88.6 87.7 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .00 94.01 .0 88.5 ANTILOG PC-1 1416.73 1417.30 91.0 91.0 ANTILOG PC-2 7.56 7.49 62.1 61.4 (N - 150) / P 12.35 11.79 31.9 29.5 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL INORGANIC N / P .00 114.59 .0 91.3 TURBIDITY 1/M 1.68 1.68 87.5 87.5 ZMIX * TURBIDITY 7.11 7.11 85.3 85.3 ZMIX / SECCHI 10.59 10.58 91.5 91.4 CHL-A * SECCHI 13.17 13.13 64.1 63.9 CHL-A / TOTAL P .35 .33 82.0 80.0 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % 94.65 94.58 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % 68.93 68.71 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % 43.63 43.38 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % 26.62 26.41 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % 16.25 16.09 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % 10.06 9.95 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P 69.63 70.25 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA 64.88 64.84 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-SEC 73.20 73.19 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix IX. BATHTUB verification files. Verification - Apr-Oct Roberson Creek Cove 2002 MODEL OPTIONS: 1 CONSERVATIVE SUBSTANCE 0 NOT COMPUTED 2 PHOSPHORUS BALANCE 2 2ND ORDER, DECAY 3 NITROGEN BALANCE 4 BACHMAN VOL. LOAD 4 CHLOROPHYLL-A 3 P, N, LOW-TURBIDITY 5 SECCHI DEPTH 1 VS. CHLA & TURBIDITY 6 DISPERSION 1 FISCHER-NUMERIC 7 PHOSPHORUS CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 8 NITROGEN CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 9 ERROR ANALYSIS 1 MODEL & DATA 10 AVAILABILITY FACTORS 1 USE FOR MODEL 1 ONLY 11 MASS-BALANCE TABLES 1 USE ESTIMATED CONCS ATMOSPHERIC LOADS & AVAILABILITY FACTORS: ATMOSPHERIC-LOADS AVAILABILITY VARIABLE KG/KM2-YR CV FACTOR 1 CONSERV .00 .00 .00 2 TOTAL P 65.00 .50 1.33 3 TOTAL N 536.00 .50 .59 4 ORTHO P 32.50 .50 .33 5 INORG N 359.00 .50 .79 GLOBAL INPUT VALUES: PARAMETER MEAN CV PERIOD LENGTH YRS .586 .000 PRECIPITATION M .607 .200 EVAPORATION M .683 .300 INCREASE IN STORAGE M .000 .000 TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREAS AND FLOWS: ID TYPE SEG NAME DRAINAGE AREA MEAN FLOW CV OF MEAN FLOW KM2 HM3/YR 1 1 1 Roberson 74.240 7.220 .560 TRIBUTARY CONCENTRATIONS (PPB): MEAN/CV ID CONSERV TOTAL P TOTAL N ORTHO P INORG N 1 .0/ .00 166.4/ .17 2368.6/ .15 116.5/ .17 1915.4/ .18 MODEL SEGMENTS & CALIBRATION FACTORS: ----------- CALIBRATION FACTORS ----------- SEG OUTFLOW GROUP SEGMENT NAME P SED N SED CHL-A SECCHI HOD DISP 1 0 1 Roberson 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 SEGMENT MORPHOMETRY: MEAN/CV LENGTH AREA ZMEAN ZMIX ZHYP ID LABEL KM KM2 M M M 1 Roberson 1.75 .1300 3.20 3.20/ .00 .00/ .00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL SEGMENT OBSERVED WATER QUALITY: SEG TURBID CONSER TOTALP TOTALN CHL-A SECCHI ORG-N TP-OP HODV MODV 1/M --- MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3 M MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3-D MG/M3-D 1 MN: .00 .0 106.7 1217.9 39.1 .4 720.2 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .06 .08 .17 .10 .14 .00 .00 .00 MODEL COEFFICIENTS: COEFFICIENT MEAN CV DISPERSION FACTO 1.000 .70 P DECAY RATE 1.000 .45 N DECAY RATE 1.000 .55 CHL-A MODEL .830 .26 SECCHI MODEL 1.000 .10 ORGANIC N MODEL .830 .12 TP-OP MODEL 1.000 .15 HODV MODEL 1.000 .15 MODV MODEL 1.000 .22 BETA M2/MG .025 .00 MINIMUM QS 4.000 .00 FLUSHING EFFECT 1.000 .00 CHLOROPHYLL-A CV .620 .00 CASE NOTES: single reservoir spatially averaged CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2002 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 106.7 .06 117.0 .20 .91 -1.62 -.34 -.45 TOTAL N MG/M3 1217.9 .08 1604.7 .22 .76 -3.63 -1.25 -1.16 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 68.3 .07 84.2 .17 .81 -3.09 -1.04 -1.14 CHL-A MG/M3 39.1 .17 42.3 .34 .92 -.46 -.23 -.21 SECCHI M .4 .10 .4 .20 1.03 .29 .10 .13 ORGANIC N MG/M3 720.2 .14 1040.5 .29 .69 -2.67 -1.47 -1.16 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 112.6 .28 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Verification - Apr-Sept Roberson Creek Cove 2002 MODEL OPTIONS: 1 CONSERVATIVE SUBSTANCE 0 NOT COMPUTED 2 PHOSPHORUS BALANCE 2 2ND ORDER, DECAY 3 NITROGEN BALANCE 4 BACHMAN VOL. LOAD 4 CHLOROPHYLL-A 3 P, N, LOW-TURBIDITY 5 SECCHI DEPTH 1 VS. CHLA & TURBIDITY 6 DISPERSION 1 FISCHER-NUMERIC 7 PHOSPHORUS CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 8 NITROGEN CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 9 ERROR ANALYSIS 1 MODEL & DATA 10 AVAILABILITY FACTORS 1 USE FOR MODEL 1 ONLY 11 MASS-BALANCE TABLES 1 USE ESTIMATED CONCS ATMOSPHERIC LOADS & AVAILABILITY FACTORS: ATMOSPHERIC-LOADS AVAILABILITY VARIABLE KG/KM2-YR CV FACTOR 1 CONSERV .00 .00 .00 2 TOTAL P 65.00 .50 1.33 3 TOTAL N 536.00 .50 .59 4 ORTHO P 32.50 .50 .33 5 INORG N 359.00 .50 .79 GLOBAL INPUT VALUES: PARAMETER MEAN CV PERIOD LENGTH YRS .501 .000 PRECIPITATION M .480 .200 EVAPORATION M .501 .300 INCREASE IN STORAGE M .000 .000 TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREAS AND FLOWS: ID TYPE SEG NAME DRAINAGE AREA MEAN FLOW CV OF MEAN FLOW KM2 HM3/YR 1 1 1 Roberson 74.240 2.225 .300 TRIBUTARY CONCENTRATIONS (PPB): MEAN/CV ID CONSERV TOTAL P TOTAL N ORTHO P INORG N 1 .0/ .00 166.4/ .17 2368.6/ .15 116.5/ .17 1915.4/ .18 MODEL SEGMENTS & CALIBRATION FACTORS: ----------- CALIBRATION FACTORS ----------- SEG OUTFLOW GROUP SEGMENT NAME P SED N SED CHL-A SECCHI HOD DISP 1 0 1 Roberson 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 SEGMENT MORPHOMETRY: MEAN/CV LENGTH AREA ZMEAN ZMIX ZHYP ID LABEL KM KM2 M M M 1 Roberson 1.75 .1300 3.20 3.20/ .00 .00/ .00 SEGMENT OBSERVED WATER QUALITY: Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL SEG TURBID CONSER TOTALP TOTALN CHL-A SECCHI ORG-N TP-OP HODV MODV 1/M --- MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3 M MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3-D MG/M3-D 1 MN: .00 .0 105.5 1215.9 41.7 .4 743.0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .17 .08 .16 .10 .14 .00 .00 .00 MODEL COEFFICIENTS: COEFFICIENT MEAN CV DISPERSION FACTO 1.000 .70 P DECAY RATE 1.000 .45 N DECAY RATE 1.000 .55 CHL-A MODEL .830 .26 SECCHI MODEL 1.000 .10 ORGANIC N MODEL .830 .12 TP-OP MODEL 1.000 .15 HODV MODEL 1.000 .15 MODV MODEL 1.000 .22 BETA M2/MG .025 .00 MINIMUM QS 4.000 .00 FLUSHING EFFECT 1.000 .00 CHLOROPHYLL-A CV .620 .00 CASE NOTES: single reservoir spatially averaged CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2002 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 Roberson OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 105.5 .17 94.8 .20 1.11 .63 .40 .41 TOTAL N MG/M3 1215.9 .08 1343.3 .27 .91 -1.25 -.45 -.36 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.9 .12 68.6 .18 .99 -.08 -.05 -.05 CHL-A MG/M3 41.7 .16 32.8 .34 1.27 1.54 .69 .63 SECCHI M .4 .10 .4 .20 .92 -.86 -.31 -.39 ORGANIC N MG/M3 743.0 .14 854.6 .28 .87 -1.00 -.56 -.45 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .0 .00 93.6 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2002 OBSERVED AND PREDICTED DIAGNOSTIC VARIABLES RANKED AGAINST CE MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET SEGMENT: 1 Roberson ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 105.50 94.84 81.0 77.6 TOTAL N MG/M3 1215.90 1343.26 61.9 67.7 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 67.95 68.63 78.9 79.3 CHL-A MG/M3 41.68 32.79 97.4 94.8 SECCHI M .37 .40 7.9 9.7 ORGANIC N MG/M3 743.00 854.62 81.1 87.6 TP-ORTHO-P MG/M3 .00 93.62 .0 88.5 ANTILOG PC-1 1588.40 1412.26 92.3 90.9 ANTILOG PC-2 8.20 7.52 67.8 61.7 (N - 150) / P 10.10 12.58 22.2 32.9 INORGANIC N / P .00 403.43 .0 99.6 TURBIDITY 1/M 1.66 1.66 87.3 87.3 ZMIX * TURBIDITY 5.31 5.31 75.0 75.0 ZMIX / SECCHI 8.65 7.94 84.7 80.9 CHL-A * SECCHI 15.42 13.22 72.0 64.3 CHL-A / TOTAL P .40 .35 86.5 81.4 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % 97.68 94.58 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % 80.91 68.71 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % 58.73 43.38 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % 40.37 26.41 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % 27.30 16.09 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % 18.47 9.94 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P 71.33 69.79 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA 67.19 64.84 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-SEC 74.33 73.09 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix X. BATHTUB phosphorus loading scenarios. Roberson Creek Cove 2001 MODEL OPTIONS: 1 CONSERVATIVE SUBSTANCE 0 NOT COMPUTED 2 PHOSPHORUS BALANCE 2 2ND ORDER, DECAY 3 NITROGEN BALANCE 4 BACHMAN VOL. LOAD 4 CHLOROPHYLL-A 3 P, N, LOW-TURBIDITY 5 SECCHI DEPTH 1 VS. CHLA & TURBIDITY 6 DISPERSION 1 FISCHER-NUMERIC 7 PHOSPHORUS CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 8 NITROGEN CALIBRATION 1 DECAY RATES 9 ERROR ANALYSIS 0 NOT COMPUTED 10 AVAILABILITY FACTORS 1 USE FOR MODEL 1 ONLY 11 MASS-BALANCE TABLES 1 USE ESTIMATED CONCS ATMOSPHERIC LOADS & AVAILABILITY FACTORS: ATMOSPHERIC-LOADS AVAILABILITY VARIABLE KG/KM2-YR CV FACTOR 1 CONSERV .00 .00 .00 2 TOTAL P 65.00 .50 1.33 3 TOTAL N 536.00 .50 .59 4 ORTHO P 32.50 .50 .33 5 INORG N 359.00 .50 .79 GLOBAL INPUT VALUES: PARAMETER MEAN CV PERIOD LENGTH YRS .586 .000 PRECIPITATION M .532 .200 EVAPORATION M .690 .300 INCREASE IN STORAGE M .000 .000 TRIBUTARY DRAINAGE AREAS AND FLOWS: ID TYPE SEG NAME DRAINAGE AREA MEAN FLOW CV OF MEAN FLOW KM2 HM3/YR 1 1 1 -70.7% 74.240 6.860 .201 2 1 2 -49.6% 74.240 6.860 .201 3 1 3 -87.5% 74.240 6.860 .201 4 1 4 -25% 74.240 6.860 .201 5 1 5 -39% 74.240 6.860 .201 6 1 6 -0% 74.240 6.860 .201 TRIBUTARY CONCENTRATIONS (PPB): MEAN/CV ID CONSERV TOTAL P TOTAL N ORTHO P INORG N 1 .0/ .00 43.5/ .00 1949.7/ .00 30.4/ .00 1426.4/ .00 2 .0/ .00 74.8/ .00 1949.7/ .00 52.4/ .00 1426.4/ .00 3 .0/ .00 18.6/ .00 1949.7/ .00 13.0/ .00 1426.4/ .00 4 .0/ .00 111.3/ .00 1949.7/ .00 77.9/ .00 1426.4/ .00 5 .0/ .00 90.5/ .00 1949.7/ .00 63.4/ .00 1426.4/ .00 6 .0/ .00 148.4/ .00 1949.7/ .00 103.9/ .00 1426.4/ .00 MODEL SEGMENTS & CALIBRATION FACTORS: ----------- CALIBRATION FACTORS ----------- SEG OUTFLOW GROUP SEGMENT NAME P SED N SED CHL-A SECCHI HOD DISP Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 1 0 1 TP -70.7% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 2 0 1 TP -49.6% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 3 0 1 TP -87.5% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 4 0 1 TP -25% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 5 0 1 TP -39% 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 6 0 1 2001 Condition 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.000 CV: .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 SEGMENT MORPHOMETRY: MEAN/CV LENGTH AREA ZMEAN ZMIX ZHYP ID LABEL KM KM2 M M M 1 TP -70.7% 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.20/ .00 .00/ .00 2 TP -49.6% 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.20/ .00 .00/ .00 3 TP -87.5% 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.20/ .00 .00/ .00 4 TP -25% 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.20/ .00 .00/ .00 5 TP -39% 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.20/ .00 .00/ .00 6 2001 Condition 1.75 .1300 4.50 4.20/ .00 .00/ .00 SEGMENT OBSERVED WATER QUALITY: SEG TURBID CONSER TOTALP TOTALN CHL-A SECCHI ORG-N TP-OP HODV MODV 1/M --- MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3 M MG/M3 MG/M3 MG/M3-D MG/M3-D 1 MN: .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 2 MN: .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 3 MN: .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 4 MN: .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 5 MN: .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 6 MN: .00 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 CV: .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 MODEL COEFFICIENTS: COEFFICIENT MEAN CV DISPERSION FACTO 1.000 .70 P DECAY RATE 1.000 .45 N DECAY RATE 1.000 .55 CHL-A MODEL .830 .26 SECCHI MODEL 1.000 .10 ORGANIC N MODEL .830 .12 TP-OP MODEL 1.000 .15 HODV MODEL 1.000 .15 MODV MODEL 1.000 .22 BETA M2/MG .025 .00 MINIMUM QS 4.000 .00 FLUSHING EFFECT 1.000 .00 CHLOROPHYLL-A CV .620 .00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 T STATISTICS COMPARE OBSERVED AND PREDICTED MEANS USING THE FOLLOWING ERROR TERMS: 1 = OBSERVED WATER QUALITY ERROR ONLY 2 = ERROR TYPICAL OF MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET 3 = OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ERROR SEGMENT: 1 TP -70.7% OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 37.3 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 34.8 .07 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 14.0 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 2 TP -49.6% OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 58.0 .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 49.7 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 21.9 .29 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 3 TP -87.5% OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 18.1 .05 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 17.8 .05 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 6.1 .27 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 4 TP -25% OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 79.0 .11 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 61.0 .12 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 28.3 .30 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 5 TP -39% OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 67.4 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 55.2 .11 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 25.0 .29 .00 .00 .00 .00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 6 2001 Condition OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 97.9 .12 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .19 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 68.6 .13 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 32.8 .31 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 7 AREA-WTD MEAN OBSERVED ESTIMATED T STATISTICS VARIABLE MEAN CV MEAN CV RATIO 1 2 3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .0 .00 59.6 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 TOTAL N MG/M3 .0 .00 1304.5 .18 .00 .00 .00 .00 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .0 .00 47.9 .09 .00 .00 .00 .00 CHL-A MG/M3 .0 .00 21.3 .29 .00 .00 .00 .00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CASE: Roberson Creek Cove 2001 OBSERVED AND PREDICTED DIAGNOSTIC VARIABLES RANKED AGAINST CE MODEL DEVELOPMENT DATA SET SEGMENT: 1 TP -70.7% ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .00 37.34 .0 39.1 TOTAL N MG/M3 .00 1304.50 .0 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .00 34.81 .0 48.7 CHL-A MG/M3 .00 14.03 .0 69.9 (N - 150) / P .00 30.92 .0 81.0 CHL-A / TOTAL P .00 .38 .0 84.7 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % .00 59.36 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % .00 18.90 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % .00 6.23 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % .00 2.28 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % .00 .92 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % .00 .40 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P .00 56.35 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA .00 56.51 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 2 TP -49.6% ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .00 58.01 .0 58.4 TOTAL N MG/M3 .00 1304.48 .0 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .00 49.68 .0 66.0 CHL-A MG/M3 .00 21.89 .0 86.4 (N - 150) / P .00 19.90 .0 59.2 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL CHL-A / TOTAL P .00 .38 .0 84.9 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % .00 83.00 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % .00 43.48 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % .00 20.66 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % .00 9.99 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % .00 5.03 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % .00 2.64 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P .00 62.70 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA .00 60.88 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 3 TP -87.5% ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .00 18.13 .0 14.0 TOTAL N MG/M3 .00 1304.48 .0 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .00 17.82 .0 19.3 CHL-A MG/M3 .00 6.08 .0 28.6 (N - 150) / P .00 63.66 .0 97.4 CHL-A / TOTAL P .00 .34 .0 80.1 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % .00 13.28 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % .00 1.28 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % .00 .20 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % .00 .04 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % .00 .01 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % .00 .00 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P .00 45.94 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA .00 48.30 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 4 TP -25% ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .00 78.98 .0 71.1 TOTAL N MG/M3 .00 1304.48 .0 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .00 61.05 .0 74.9 CHL-A MG/M3 .00 28.33 .0 92.4 (N - 150) / P .00 14.62 .0 41.2 CHL-A / TOTAL P .00 .36 .0 82.9 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % .00 91.46 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % .00 59.93 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % .00 34.36 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % .00 19.30 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % .00 11.00 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % .00 6.42 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P .00 67.15 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA .00 63.40 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 5 TP -39% ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .00 67.37 .0 64.8 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL TOTAL N MG/M3 .00 1304.48 .0 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .00 55.19 .0 70.7 CHL-A MG/M3 .00 24.97 .0 89.8 (N - 150) / P .00 17.14 .0 50.5 CHL-A / TOTAL P .00 .37 .0 84.2 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % .00 87.82 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % .00 51.92 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % .00 27.22 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % .00 14.23 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % .00 7.63 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % .00 4.23 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P .00 64.86 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA .00 62.16 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- SEGMENT: 6 2001 Condition ----- VALUES ----- --- RANKS (%) ---- VARIABLE OBSERVED ESTIMATED OBSERVED ESTIMATED -------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL P MG/M3 .00 97.93 .0 78.7 TOTAL N MG/M3 .00 1304.48 .0 66.0 C.NUTRIENT MG/M3 .00 68.63 .0 79.3 CHL-A MG/M3 .00 32.79 .0 94.8 (N - 150) / P .00 11.79 .0 29.5 CHL-A / TOTAL P .00 .33 .0 80.0 FREQ(CHL-a>10) % .00 94.58 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>20) % .00 68.71 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>30) % .00 43.38 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>40) % .00 26.41 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>50) % .00 16.09 .0 .0 FREQ(CHL-a>60) % .00 9.95 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-P .00 70.26 .0 .0 CARLSON TSI-CHLA .00 64.84 .0 .0 -------------------------------------------------------- Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix XI. Monthly average depth of irrigated water on the wastewater spray fields of Townsend Foods Inc. Month B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) (in) Jan 0.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.80 0.67 0.86 0.82 0.82 Feb 0.59 0.59 0.56 0.32 0.55 0.62 0.64 0.73 0.62 0.49 Mar 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.59 0.56 0.52 0.77 0.77 0.53 0.90 Apr 1.36 1.29 1.35 1.14 1.12 1.50 1.60 1.84 1.59 1.76 May 1.02 1.10 1.22 1.07 1.11 0.79 0.76 0.85 0.78 0.73 Jun 1.47 1.36 1.44 1.64 1.72 1.24 1.31 1.41 1.19 1.50 Jul 1.43 1.40 1.45 1.16 1.05 1.47 1.70 1.75 1.87 1.68 Aug 1.08 1.10 1.02 1.16 1.30 1.19 1.18 1.14 1.18 1.36 Sep 1.65 1.64 2.05 1.39 1.55 1.62 1.72 1.66 1.59 1.85 Oct 0.90 0.98 0.79 0.99 0.95 0.82 0.66 0.94 0.86 0.85 Nov 0.78 0.89 0.87 0.94 0.93 1.00 1.09 1.22 0.90 1.08 Dec 0.51 0.62 0.42 0.43 0.61 0.72 0.42 0.72 0.75 0.67 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix XII. Daily average temperature and precipitation recorded in the Siler City Airport. SilerCity SilerCity SilerCity SilerCity Date-Time AirTempMax C AirTempMin C DailyPrecip in DailyPrecip mm 1/1/01 23:59 5.03 -7.80 0.00 0.00 1/2/01 23:59 3.42 -7.26 0.00 0.00 1/3/01 23:59 4.15 -13.62 0.00 0.00 1/4/01 23:59 6.92 -11.80 0.00 0.00 1/5/01 23:59 10.98 -9.02 0.00 0.00 1/6/01 23:59 10.03 -5.64 0.00 0.00 1/7/01 23:59 13.61 -4.22 0.00 0.00 1/8/01 23:59 7.54 0.98 0.11 2.79 1/9/01 23:59 4.22 -3.54 0.00 0.00 1/10/01 23:59 12.73 -6.38 0.00 0.00 1/11/01 23:59 16.64 -5.84 0.00 0.00 1/12/01 23:59 8.55 1.72 0.19 4.83 1/13/01 23:59 12.93 0.11 0.00 0.00 1/14/01 23:59 9.63 4.83 0.00 0.00 1/15/01 23:59 17.79 3.01 0.04 1.02 1/16/01 23:59 14.56 0.85 0.00 0.00 1/17/01 23:59 9.76 -2.20 0.00 0.00 1/18/01 23:59 6.72 4.22 0.06 1.52 1/19/01 23:59 21.50 5.64 0.31 7.87 1/20/01 23:59 16.30 -0.30 0.31 7.87 1/21/01 23:59 6.65 -6.18 0.00 0.00 1/22/01 23:59 8.41 -6.99 0.00 0.00 1/23/01 23:59 10.64 -4.83 0.00 0.00 1/24/01 23:59 13.95 -3.41 0.00 0.00 1/25/01 23:59 5.98 -2.66 0.00 0.00 1/26/01 23:59 8.61 -8.95 0.00 0.00 1/27/01 23:59 15.16 -0.98 0.00 0.00 1/28/01 23:59 13.13 -6.25 0.00 0.00 1/29/01 23:59 16.71 -2.66 0.00 0.00 1/30/01 23:59 18.67 10.84 0.30 7.62 1/31/01 23:59 19.54 7.40 0.00 0.00 2/1/01 23:59 10.37 1.25 0.00 0.00 2/2/01 23:59 11.99 0.45 0.00 0.00 2/3/01 23:59 8.81 -4.69 0.00 0.00 2/4/01 23:59 6.86 -2.32 0.04 1.02 2/5/01 23:59 14.35 -1.78 0.01 0.25 2/6/01 23:59 14.62 -5.43 0.00 0.00 2/7/01 23:59 20.88 -3.07 0.00 0.00 2/8/01 23:59 20.62 -0.37 0.00 0.00 2/9/01 23:59 21.70 6.80 0.00 0.00 2/10/01 23:59 17.79 2.34 0.10 2.54 2/11/01 23:59 10.03 -0.70 0.00 0.00 2/12/01 23:59 4.36 -1.11 0.14 3.56 2/13/01 23:59 13.87 0.31 0.14 3.56 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 2/14/01 23:59 15.29 8.75 0.07 1.78 2/15/01 23:59 21.16 15.08 0.00 0.00 2/16/01 23:59 24.47 11.23 0.34 8.64 2/17/01 23:59 11.78 -0.10 0.56 14.22 2/18/01 23:59 6.12 -4.96 0.00 0.00 2/19/01 23:59 12.73 -5.30 0.00 0.00 2/20/01 23:59 20.41 0.72 0.00 0.00 2/21/01 23:59 17.52 5.03 0.00 0.00 2/22/01 23:59 7.74 -3.95 0.00 0.00 2/23/01 23:59 11.38 -6.98 0.25 6.35 2/24/01 23:59 15.57 -2.19 0.00 0.00 2/25/01 23:59 19.61 8.68 0.17 4.32 2/26/01 23:59 20.82 6.25 0.00 0.00 2/27/01 23:59 18.20 -0.50 0.00 0.00 2/28/01 23:59 13.67 6.04 0.00 0.00 3/1/01 23:59 16.10 0.64 0.00 0.00 3/2/01 23:59 22.23 2.14 0.00 0.00 3/3/01 23:59 12.06 8.14 0.42 10.67 3/4/01 23:59 9.29 7.74 0.62 15.75 3/5/01 23:59 11.79 0.71 0.11 2.79 3/6/01 23:59 4.49 -2.66 0.00 0.00 3/7/01 23:59 8.82 -1.85 0.00 0.00 3/8/01 23:59 14.48 -5.70 0.00 0.00 3/9/01 23:59 14.68 -0.30 0.00 0.00 3/10/01 23:59 13.00 -6.85 0.00 0.00 3/11/01 23:59 18.87 -2.05 0.00 0.00 3/12/01 23:59 19.61 2.54 0.10 2.54 3/13/01 23:59 23.31 13.14 0.00 0.00 3/14/01 23:59 20.88 5.72 0.00 0.00 3/15/01 23:59 12.01 7.19 0.46 11.68 3/16/01 23:59 10.64 5.70 0.00 0.00 3/17/01 23:59 17.65 3.61 0.01 0.25 3/18/01 23:59 13.67 0.44 0.00 0.00 3/19/01 23:59 13.74 -1.37 0.00 0.00 3/20/01 23:59 7.60 3.62 1.01 25.65 3/21/01 23:59 10.17 6.79 0.18 4.57 3/22/01 23:59 17.59 4.09 0.01 0.25 3/23/01 23:59 19.53 -2.33 0.00 0.00 3/24/01 23:59 23.38 -0.51 0.00 0.00 3/25/01 23:59 13.53 3.41 0.00 0.00 3/26/01 23:59 9.82 -0.57 0.00 0.00 3/27/01 23:59 9.28 -4.35 0.00 0.00 3/28/01 23:59 13.60 -6.25 0.00 0.00 3/29/01 23:59 8.69 3.34 1.80 45.72 3/30/01 23:59 21.02 5.84 0.21 5.33 3/31/01 23:59 20.62 5.78 0.49 12.45 4/1/01 23:59 14.08 4.30 0.17 4.32 4/2/01 23:59 17.58 -0.44 0.00 0.00 4/3/01 23:59 15.77 7.33 0.11 2.79 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 4/4/01 23:59 13.34 3.22 0.00 0.00 4/5/01 23:59 19.46 0.44 0.00 0.00 4/6/01 23:59 26.00 6.92 0.00 0.00 4/7/01 23:59 30.99 14.89 0.00 0.00 4/8/01 23:59 32.07 18.06 0.00 0.00 4/9/01 23:59 32.95 14.75 0.00 0.00 4/10/01 23:59 33.01 13.88 0.00 0.00 4/11/01 23:59 27.61 16.17 0.00 0.00 4/12/01 23:59 30.24 17.72 0.00 0.00 4/13/01 23:59 25.80 12.60 0.02 0.51 4/14/01 23:59 25.94 8.28 0.00 0.00 4/15/01 23:59 23.65 9.16 0.01 0.25 4/16/01 23:59 20.68 6.92 0.00 0.00 4/17/01 23:59 12.35 1.53 0.04 1.02 4/18/01 23:59 12.73 -2.59 0.00 0.00 4/19/01 23:59 18.32 -3.47 0.00 0.00 4/20/01 23:59 22.37 1.73 0.00 0.00 4/21/01 23:59 26.07 11.39 0.00 0.00 4/22/01 23:59 27.75 10.37 0.00 0.00 4/23/01 23:59 28.16 11.38 0.00 0.00 4/24/01 23:59 29.50 13.88 0.00 0.00 4/25/01 23:59 14.21 2.34 0.63 16.00 4/26/01 23:59 19.54 1.53 0.01 0.25 4/27/01 23:59 26.00 0.92 0.00 0.00 4/28/01 23:59 27.62 7.07 0.00 0.00 4/29/01 23:59 20.00 9.97 0.00 0.00 4/30/01 23:59 25.66 3.62 0.00 0.00 5/1/01 23:59 27.14 9.77 0.00 0.00 5/2/01 23:59 27.82 10.51 0.00 0.00 5/3/01 23:59 29.09 9.70 0.00 0.00 5/4/01 23:59 30.38 9.50 0.00 0.00 5/5/01 23:59 31.60 11.99 0.00 0.00 5/6/01 23:59 21.35 12.59 0.00 0.00 5/7/01 23:59 22.43 8.48 0.00 0.00 5/8/01 23:59 24.60 7.54 0.00 0.00 5/9/01 23:59 27.08 10.24 0.00 0.00 5/10/01 23:59 27.88 10.64 0.00 0.00 5/11/01 23:59 30.85 12.33 0.00 0.00 5/12/01 23:59 30.17 13.61 0.06 1.52 5/13/01 23:59 23.65 7.53 0.01 0.25 5/14/01 23:59 24.59 3.70 0.00 0.00 5/15/01 23:59 24.05 8.41 0.14 3.56 5/16/01 23:59 18.60 12.19 0.24 6.10 5/17/01 23:59 14.75 11.78 0.05 1.27 5/18/01 23:59 30.38 13.47 0.00 0.00 5/19/01 23:59 33.14 14.35 0.01 0.25 5/20/01 23:59 27.87 17.25 0.00 0.00 5/21/01 23:59 27.42 18.60 0.00 0.00 5/22/01 23:59 30.45 17.11 0.32 8.13 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 5/23/01 23:59 25.93 9.97 0.01 0.25 5/24/01 23:59 29.51 7.13 0.00 0.00 5/25/01 23:59 27.83 16.65 0.02 0.51 5/26/01 23:59 25.20 11.38 0.32 8.13 5/27/01 23:59 28.56 8.01 0.00 0.00 5/28/01 23:59 21.36 11.32 0.30 7.62 5/29/01 23:59 26.54 12.53 0.08 2.03 5/30/01 23:59 28.36 10.04 0.00 0.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 6/14/01 23:59 29.11 20.75 0.37 9.40 6/15/01 23:59 31.26 19.61 0.00 0.00 6/16/01 23:59 32.68 17.79 0.06 1.52 6/17/01 23:59 32.74 17.26 0.00 0.00 6/18/01 23:59 31.12 13.61 0.00 0.00 6/19/01 23:59 31.05 16.85 0.00 0.00 6/20/01 23:59 32.00 15.84 0.00 0.00 6/21/01 23:59 32.81 18.74 0.00 0.00 6/22/01 23:59 32.48 18.40 2.07 52.58 6/23/01 23:59 28.22 18.81 0.08 2.03 6/24/01 23:59 27.76 18.47 0.00 0.00 6/25/01 23:59 27.29 18.46 0.18 4.57 6/26/01 23:59 30.72 19.34 0.00 0.00 6/27/01 23:59 32.61 17.73 0.00 0.00 6/28/01 23:59 32.81 18.20 0.00 0.00 6/29/01 23:59 32.48 17.72 0.00 0.00 6/30/01 23:59 32.27 18.88 0.00 0.00 7/1/01 23:59 31.46 20.15 0.10 2.54 7/2/01 23:59 28.82 18.47 0.02 0.51 7/3/01 23:59 28.30 18.54 0.00 0.00 7/4/01 23:59 31.60 19.61 2.46 62.48 7/5/01 23:59 30.31 19.47 0.00 0.00 7/6/01 23:59 28.90 15.97 0.00 0.00 7/7/01 23:59 29.36 14.35 0.00 0.00 7/8/01 23:59 27.36 19.21 0.30 7.62 7/9/01 23:59 32.00 19.47 0.00 0.00 7/10/01 23:59 33.68 19.61 0.00 0.00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 7/11/01 23:59 33.48 19.68 0.60 15.24 7/12/01 23:59 30.85 18.20 0.00 0.00 7/13/01 23:59 25.93 15.16 0.00 0.00 7/14/01 23:59 29.10 12.26 0.00 0.00 7/15/01 23:59 30.51 11.93 0.00 0.00 7/16/01 23:59 31.66 13.27 0.00 0.00 7/17/01 23:59 31.32 16.38 0.00 0.00 7/18/01 23:59 31.26 19.35 0.11 2.79 7/19/01 23:59 29.23 20.08 0.01 0.25 7/20/01 23:59 28.10 16.04 0.00 0.00 7/21/01 23:59 28.96 13.75 0.00 0.00 7/22/01 23:59 30.11 13.28 0.00 0.00 7/23/01 23:59 31.66 17.59 0.00 0.00 7/24/01 23:59 29.65 22.84 0.63 16.00 7/25/01 23:59 31.05 20.76 0.12 3.05 7/26/01 23:59 29.52 20.69 0.25 6.35 7/27/01 23:59 25.01 19.47 0.37 9.40 7/28/01 23:59 23.04 17.99 0.00 0.00 7/29/01 23:59 26.15 17.93 0.03 0.76 7/30/01 23:59 25.94 16.58 0.10 2.54 7/31/01 23:59 29.03 14.89 0.00 0.00 8/1/01 23:59 26.54 15.16 0.00 0.00 8/2/01 23:59 29.10 12.47 0.00 0.00 8/3/01 23:59 31.19 13.08 0.00 0.00 8/4/01 23:59 31.19 18.94 0.00 0.00 8/5/01 23:59 32.14 15.97 0.00 0.00 8/6/01 23:59 33.29 16.85 0.00 0.00 8/7/01 23:59 35.77 21.23 0.00 0.00 8/8/01 23:59 36.04 22.04 0.00 0.00 8/9/01 23:59 37.25 19.75 0.20 5.08 8/10/01 23:59 35.44 20.76 0.03 0.76 8/11/01 23:59 34.57 20.83 0.73 18.54 8/12/01 23:59 33.08 20.83 0.00 0.00 8/13/01 23:59 29.52 22.18 0.04 1.02 8/14/01 23:59 30.92 19.28 0.00 0.00 8/15/01 23:59 31.60 18.27 0.00 0.00 8/16/01 23:59 32.00 17.46 0.00 0.00 8/17/01 23:59 32.95 23.99 0.02 0.51 8/18/01 23:59 29.32 20.29 1.09 27.69 8/19/01 23:59 30.24 21.36 0.02 0.51 8/20/01 23:59 31.48 20.42 0.00 0.00 8/21/01 23:59 29.85 15.17 0.00 0.00 8/22/01 23:59 31.05 13.41 0.00 0.00 8/23/01 23:59 32.34 14.29 0.47 11.94 8/24/01 23:59 28.37 18.13 0.88 22.35 8/25/01 23:59 29.85 15.44 0.00 0.00 8/26/01 23:59 30.38 14.29 0.00 0.00 8/27/01 23:59 33.35 18.20 0.34 8.64 8/28/01 23:59 31.66 18.27 0.01 0.25 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 8/29/01 23:59 32.75 21.50 0.00 0.00 8/30/01 23:59 29.33 20.02 0.53 13.46 8/31/01 23:59 30.05 21.24 0.12 3.05 9/1/01 23:59 25.14 20.15 0.10 2.54 9/2/01 23:59 27.56 18.81 0.00 0.00 9/3/01 23:59 23.59 19.35 0.00 0.00 9/4/01 23:59 25.14 17.67 0.19 4.83 9/5/01 23:59 30.12 16.31 0.00 0.00 9/6/01 23:59 29.11 15.84 0.00 0.00 9/7/01 23:59 28.98 13.41 0.00 0.00 9/8/01 23:59 29.71 12.94 0.00 0.00 9/9/01 23:59 29.99 14.76 0.00 0.00 9/10/01 23:59 31.05 21.23 0.01 0.25 9/11/01 23:59 28.03 13.62 0.00 0.00 9/12/01 23:59 28.71 10.79 0.00 0.00 9/13/01 23:59 27.63 10.72 0.00 0.00 9/14/01 23:59 26.36 10.85 0.00 0.00 9/15/01 23:59 22.11 9.91 0.00 0.00 9/16/01 23:59 24.33 7.61 0.00 0.00 9/17/01 23:59 26.56 4.51 0.00 0.00 9/18/01 23:59 28.78 6.94 0.00 0.00 9/19/01 23:59 28.78 9.50 0.00 0.00 9/20/01 23:59 27.44 16.78 0.39 9.91 9/21/01 23:59 29.25 14.90 0.01 0.25 9/22/01 23:59 30.80 13.28 0.00 0.00 9/23/01 23:59 31.60 16.45 0.00 0.00 9/24/01 23:59 23.73 18.40 1.07 27.18 9/25/01 23:59 20.96 6.73 0.01 0.25 9/26/01 23:59 20.96 2.68 0.00 0.00 9/27/01 23:59 25.08 4.31 0.00 0.00 9/28/01 23:59 21.64 6.87 0.00 0.00 9/29/01 23:59 20.69 5.04 0.00 0.00 9/30/01 23:59 19.61 3.49 0.00 0.00 10/1/01 23:59 23.46 0.25 0.00 0.00 10/2/01 23:59 26.95 4.17 0.00 0.00 10/3/01 23:59 28.98 7.07 0.00 0.00 10/4/01 23:59 28.98 8.08 0.00 0.00 10/5/01 23:59 28.57 9.57 0.00 0.00 10/6/01 23:59 20.90 4.03 0.33 8.38 10/7/01 23:59 18.67 -0.22 0.00 0.00 10/8/01 23:59 17.05 -0.29 0.00 0.00 10/9/01 23:59 18.40 -1.57 0.00 0.00 10/10/01 23:59 24.60 2.41 0.00 0.00 10/11/01 23:59 26.08 7.54 0.00 0.00 10/12/01 23:59 25.21 8.48 0.00 0.00 10/13/01 23:59 26.81 8.82 0.00 0.00 10/14/01 23:59 24.20 14.29 0.84 21.34 10/15/01 23:59 22.91 6.13 0.00 0.00 10/16/01 23:59 24.60 3.90 0.00 0.00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 10/17/01 23:59 17.73 -0.36 0.00 0.00 10/18/01 23:59 17.86 -1.91 0.00 0.00 10/19/01 23:59 23.18 -1.84 0.00 0.00 10/20/01 23:59 25.67 4.57 0.00 0.00 10/21/01 23:59 27.90 4.78 0.00 0.00 10/22/01 23:59 29.45 11.18 0.00 0.00 10/23/01 23:59 29.66 10.18 0.00 0.00 10/24/01 23:59 30.46 12.74 0.00 0.00 10/25/01 23:59 25.68 6.73 0.12 3.05 10/26/01 23:59 18.61 1.53 0.00 0.00 10/27/01 23:59 10.31 -3.13 0.00 0.00 10/28/01 23:59 13.20 -2.93 0.00 0.00 10/29/01 23:59 18.20 -5.09 0.00 0.00 10/30/01 23:59 23.59 -2.66 0.00 0.00 10/31/01 23:59 22.23 0.64 0.00 0.00 11/1/01 23:59 25.28 2.75 0.00 0.00 11/2/01 23:59 26.50 13.01 0.00 0.00 11/3/01 23:59 28.64 10.71 0.00 0.00 11/4/01 23:59 21.76 1.94 0.00 0.00 11/5/01 23:59 18.81 0.12 0.00 0.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 11/7/01 23:59 24.67 -2.72 0.00 0.00 11/8/01 23:59 25.96 -1.30 0.00 0.00 11/9/01 23:59 20.69 -1.10 0.00 0.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 -99.00 11/12/01 23:59 15.63 -2.66 0.00 0.00 11/13/01 23:59 16.51 -4.69 0.00 0.00 11/14/01 23:59 20.43 -1.44 0.00 0.00 11/15/01 23:59 21.71 1.13 0.00 0.00 11/16/01 23:59 24.74 -0.22 0.00 0.00 11/17/01 23:59 22.43 4.17 0.00 0.00 11/18/01 23:59 19.47 0.92 0.00 0.00 11/19/01 23:59 21.78 3.16 0.00 0.00 11/20/01 23:59 15.03 2.15 0.00 0.00 11/21/01 23:59 12.94 -4.82 0.00 0.00 11/22/01 23:59 18.07 -5.90 0.00 0.00 11/23/01 23:59 19.62 -2.93 0.01 0.25 11/24/01 23:59 20.83 10.64 0.35 8.89 11/25/01 23:59 22.86 17.06 0.01 0.25 11/26/01 23:59 24.06 9.30 0.00 0.00 11/27/01 23:59 25.62 8.35 0.00 0.00 11/28/01 23:59 26.69 10.38 0.00 0.00 11/29/01 23:59 24.33 11.40 0.01 0.25 11/30/01 23:59 20.56 14.35 0.00 0.00 12/1/01 23:59 22.31 4.98 0.01 0.25 12/2/01 23:59 17.53 3.16 0.00 0.00 12/3/01 23:59 17.19 -1.98 0.00 0.00 12/4/01 23:59 23.33 -3.40 0.00 0.00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 12/5/01 23:59 25.48 -1.03 0.00 0.00 12/6/01 23:59 24.33 4.24 0.00 0.00 12/7/01 23:59 24.94 8.62 0.00 0.00 12/8/01 23:59 23.72 9.09 0.00 0.00 12/9/01 23:59 16.38 7.06 0.00 0.00 12/10/01 23:59 7.35 5.18 1.05 26.67 12/11/01 23:59 9.43 4.77 0.39 9.91 12/12/01 23:59 11.12 8.62 0.01 0.25 12/13/01 23:59 14.15 9.91 0.04 1.02 12/14/01 23:59 20.90 12.94 0.01 0.25 12/15/01 23:59 16.78 0.66 0.00 0.00 12/16/01 23:59 14.90 -1.64 0.00 0.00 12/17/01 23:59 20.83 2.14 0.43 10.92 12/18/01 23:59 17.46 -0.90 0.01 0.25 12/19/01 23:59 17.67 -2.99 0.00 0.00 12/20/01 23:59 10.38 -4.28 0.00 0.00 12/21/01 23:59 11.99 -6.10 0.00 0.00 12/22/01 23:59 11.52 -7.66 0.00 0.00 12/23/01 23:59 15.98 -3.60 0.03 0.76 12/24/01 23:59 14.69 -3.06 0.10 2.54 12/25/01 23:59 8.14 -6.92 0.00 0.00 12/26/01 23:59 8.28 -5.90 0.00 0.00 12/27/01 23:59 7.20 -8.74 0.00 0.00 12/28/01 23:59 13.08 -6.85 0.00 0.00 12/29/01 23:59 16.25 -1.24 0.00 0.00 12/30/01 23:59 6.93 -5.22 0.00 0.00 12/31/01 23:59 5.11 -6.44 0.00 0.00 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL Appendix XIII. Daily average flow and concentration of total Phosphorus discharged from the Pittsboro WWTP to Roberson Creek during 2001. Date Flow P Date Flow P Date Flow P mgd mg/l mgd mg/l mgd mg/l 2001/01/01 0.239 1.4 2001/05/01 0.496 3.57 2001/09/01 0.6 2001/01/02 0.247 2001/05/02 0.335 2001/09/02 0.482 2001/01/03 0.223 2001/05/03 0.281 2001/09/03 0.231 0.59 2001/01/04 0.279 2001/05/04 0.277 2001/09/04 0.223 2001/01/05 0.227 1.4 2001/05/05 0.268 2001/09/05 0.257 0.59 2001/01/06 0.218 2001/05/06 0.294 2001/09/06 0.268 2001/01/07 0.244 2001/05/07 0.473 2001/09/07 0.271 2001/01/08 0.259 2001/05/08 0.469 2001/09/08 0.224 2001/01/09 0.249 2001/05/09 0.469 2.71 2001/09/09 0.232 2001/01/10 0.257 2.05 2001/05/10 0.436 2001/09/10 0.265 0.8 2001/01/11 0.254 2001/05/11 0.447 2001/09/11 0.213 2001/01/12 0.257 2001/05/12 0.448 2001/09/12 0.229 2001/01/13 0.251 2001/05/13 0.436 2001/09/13 0.194 2001/01/14 0.254 2001/05/14 0.47 2001/09/14 0.267 2001/01/15 0.246 2.54 2001/05/15 0.6 2001/09/15 0.144 2001/01/16 0.254 2001/05/16 0.609 2.96 2001/09/16 0.137 2001/01/17 0.261 2001/05/17 0.526 2001/09/17 0.145 2001/01/18 0.28 2.54 2001/05/18 0.517 2001/09/18 0.245 2001/01/19 0.41 2001/05/19 0.49 2001/09/19 0.214 1.28 2001/01/20 0.375 2001/05/20 0.503 2001/09/20 0.215 2001/01/21 0.282 2001/05/21 0.535 2001/09/21 0.209 2001/01/22 0.306 1.73 2001/05/22 0.563 2001/09/22 0.133 2001/01/23 0.293 2001/05/23 0.467 3.31 2001/09/23 0.168 2001/01/24 0.281 2001/05/24 0.54 2001/09/24 0.389 0.89 2001/01/25 0.256 2001/05/25 0.51 2001/09/25 0.23 2001/01/26 0.239 2001/05/26 0.473 2001/09/26 0.161 2001/01/27 0.241 2001/05/27 0.452 2001/09/27 0.16 2001/01/28 0.244 2001/05/28 0.527 1.06 2001/09/28 0.146 2001/01/29 0.29 2001/05/29 0.529 2001/09/29 0.158 2001/01/30 0.313 2001/05/30 0.496 2001/09/30 0.172 2001/01/31 0.261 1.43 2001/05/31 0.486 1.06 2001/10/01 0.216 2001/02/01 0.269 2001/06/01 0.949 2001/10/02 0.156 1.42 2001/02/02 0.258 2001/06/02 0.713 2001/10/03 0.22 2001/02/03 0.229 2001/06/03 0.399 2001/10/04 0.144 2001/02/04 0.288 2001/06/04 0.386 2001/10/05 0.182 2001/02/05 0.271 2001/06/05 0.35 2001/10/06 0.166 2001/02/06 0.284 2001/06/06 0.472 2001/10/07 0.206 2001/02/07 0.255 2.2 2001/06/07 0.316 0.72 2001/10/08 0.171 2001/02/08 0.255 2001/06/08 0.327 0.69 2001/10/09 0.164 1.12 2001/02/09 0.255 2001/06/09 0.289 2001/10/10 0.186 2001/02/10 0.249 2001/06/10 0.299 2001/10/11 0.128 2001/02/11 0.276 2001/06/11 0.293 2001/10/12 0.308 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 2001/02/12 0.432 2001/06/12 0.331 0.58 2001/10/13 0.227 2001/02/13 0.371 2001/06/13 0.55 0.8 2001/10/14 0.191 2001/02/14 0.34 2001/06/14 0.569 2001/10/15 0.18 2001/02/15 0.38 1.99 2001/06/15 0.387 2001/10/16 0.195 2001/02/16 0.674 2001/06/16 0.378 2001/10/17 0.199 0.7 2001/02/17 0.571 2001/06/17 0.34 2001/10/18 0.212 2001/02/18 0.44 2001/06/18 0.339 2001/10/19 0.194 2001/02/19 0.458 2001/06/19 0.273 2001/10/20 0.171 2001/02/20 0.425 2001/06/20 0.357 1.79 2001/10/21 0.156 2001/02/21 0.391 2001/06/21 0.323 2001/10/22 0.171 2001/02/22 0.446 1.97 2001/06/22 0.87 2001/10/23 0.221 2001/02/23 0.443 2001/06/23 0.485 2001/10/24 0.243 1.93 2001/02/24 0.406 2001/06/24 0.572 2001/10/25 0.234 2001/02/25 0.439 2001/06/25 0.557 2001/10/26 0.216 2001/02/26 0.427 2001/06/26 0.473 2001/10/27 0.16 2001/02/27 0.413 2001/06/27 0.425 2001/10/28 0.12 2001/02/28 0.423 1.63 2001/06/28 0.402 1.19 2001/10/29 0.185 2001/03/01 0.401 2001/06/29 0.388 2001/10/30 0.191 1.12 2001/03/02 0.417 2001/06/30 0.364 2001/10/31 0.214 2001/03/03 0.972 2001/07/01 0.398 2001/11/01 0.2 2001/03/04 0.718 2001/07/02 0.354 2001/11/02 0.2 2001/03/05 0.619 2001/07/03 0.33 2001/11/03 0.188 2001/03/06 0.538 1.34 2001/07/04 1.366 2001/11/04 0.16 2001/03/07 0.479 2001/07/05 0.7 2001/11/05 0.171 2001/03/08 0.452 2001/07/06 0.494 0.84 2001/11/06 0.387 1.52 2001/03/09 0.438 2001/07/07 0.429 2001/11/07 0.182 2001/03/10 0.415 2001/07/08 0.481 2001/11/08 0.189 2001/03/11 0.416 2001/07/09 0.579 0.81 2001/11/09 0.192 2001/03/12 0.451 1.62 2001/07/10 0.462 2001/11/10 0.16 2001/03/13 0.433 2001/07/11 0.409 2001/11/11 0.167 2001/03/14 0.45 2001/07/12 0.389 2001/11/12 0.187 2001/03/15 0.587 2001/07/13 0.35 2001/11/13 0.187 1.01 2001/03/16 0.497 2001/07/14 0.327 2001/11/14 0.256 2001/03/17 0.443 2001/07/15 0.322 2001/11/15 0.251 2001/03/18 0.443 2001/07/16 0.311 5.77 2001/11/16 0.233 2001/03/19 0.332 2001/07/17 0.313 2001/11/17 0.232 2001/03/20 1.136 2001/07/18 0.304 2001/11/18 0.249 2001/03/21 0.92 2001/07/19 0.303 2001/11/19 0.268 2001/03/22 0.672 2001/07/20 0.273 2001/11/20 0.262 0.87 2001/03/23 0.593 2.33 2001/07/21 0.254 2001/11/21 0.248 2001/03/24 0.517 2001/07/22 0.267 2001/11/22 0.212 2001/03/25 0.519 2001/07/23 0.319 2.04 2001/11/23 0.241 2001/03/26 0.499 2.74 2001/07/24 0.383 2001/11/24 0.234 2001/03/27 0.465 2001/07/25 0.485 2001/11/25 0.251 2001/03/28 0.571 2001/07/26 0.32 2001/11/26 0.267 2001/03/29 1.82 2001/07/27 0.502 2001/11/27 0.267 0.69 2001/03/30 1.062 2001/07/28 0.34 2001/11/28 0.256 2001/03/31 1.084 2001/07/29 0.327 2001/11/29 0.266 2001/04/01 1.312 2001/07/30 0.325 1.76 2001/11/30 0.255 Roberson (Robeson) Creek TMDL 2001/04/02 0.834 2001/07/31 0.316 2001/12/01 0.242 2001/04/03 0.713 2001/08/01 0.3 2001/12/02 0.254 2001/04/04 0.622 2001/08/02 0.297 2001/12/03 0.297 2001/04/05 0.628 2001/08/03 0.291 2001/12/04 0.3 1.09 2001/04/06 0.629 2.18 2001/08/04 0.271 2001/12/05 0.313 2001/04/07 0.617 2001/08/05 0.281 2001/12/06 0.311 2001/04/08 0.623 2001/08/06 0.302 2001/12/07 0.289 2001/04/09 0.609 2001/08/07 0.298 2.41 2001/12/08 0.287 2001/04/10 0.586 2001/08/08 0.296 2001/12/09 0.276 2001/04/11 0.599 3.4 2001/08/09 0.244 2001/12/10 0.29 2001/04/12 0.6 2001/08/10 0.245 2001/12/11 0.359 2001/04/13 0.5 2001/08/11 0.926 2001/12/12 0.385 2001/04/14 0.488 2001/08/12 1.235 2001/12/13 0.354 2001/04/15 0.458 2001/08/13 0.588 2001/12/14 0.352 2001/04/16 0.454 3.71 2001/08/14 0.327 2001/12/15 0.356 2001/04/17 0.314 2001/08/15 0.255 2001/12/16 0.319 2001/04/18 0.471 2001/08/16 0.254 1.24 2001/12/17 0.327 2001/04/19 0.473 2001/08/17 0.23 2001/12/18 0.405 1.63 2001/04/20 0.461 3.71 2001/08/18 0.222 2001/12/19 0.399 2001/04/21 0.477 2001/08/19 0.233 2001/12/20 0.348 2001/04/22 0.494 2001/08/20 0.215 2001/12/21 0.352 2001/04/23 0.509 2001/08/21 0.199 1.73 2001/12/22 0.34 2001/04/24 0.547 2001/08/22 0.2 2001/12/23 0.319 2001/04/25 0.514 2001/08/23 0.206 2001/12/24 0.477 1.63 2001/04/26 0.493 2.77 2001/08/24 0.21 2001/12/25 0.312 1.63 2001/04/27 0.47 2001/08/25 0.209 2001/12/26 0.341 2.47 2001/04/28 0.49 2001/08/26 0.214 2001/12/27 0.36 2.47 2001/04/29 0.4 2001/08/27 0.238 2001/12/28 0.345 2001/04/30 0.449 2001/08/28 0.278 1.08 2001/12/29 0.323 2001/08/29 0.255 2001/12/30 0.342 2001/08/30 0.232 2001/12/31 0.317 2001/08/31 0.901