HomeMy WebLinkAboutRichForkCreekandHambyCreekFecalColiformTMDLsApprovedFinalReport Total Maximum Daily Loads for Fecal Coliform for Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek, North Carolina [Waterbody ID 12-119-7 and Waterbody ID 12-119-7-4] Final Report April 2004 (Approved April 2004) Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report ii TABLE OF CONTENTS TMDL Summary Sheet ………………………………………………………..……...…. iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION ..…………………………………………………...…………... 1 1.1 Watershed Description……………………………………………………….... 3 1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Program………………………………………….... 6 1.3 Water Quality Target…………………………………………………………..11 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT……………………………………………………………..12 2.1 Point Source Assessment……………………………………………………... 12 2.2 Non-point Source Assessment………………………………………………....14 3.0 ANALYTICAL APPROACH…………………………………………………………18 3.1 Flow Duration Curves…………………………………………………….……18 3.2 Load Duration Curves………………………………………………………….20 4.0 UNCERTAINTY………………………………………………………………………24 5.0 TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOAD…………………………………………………24 5.1 Reduction Target…………………………..…………………………………..25 5.1.1 Critical Conditions …………………………………………………….. 25 5.1.2 Existing Condition ……………………………………………………. 25 5.1.3 Reduction Target calculations …………………………………………27 5.2 Margin of Safety …………………..………………………………………. 30 5.3 TMDL Allocation……………………..……………………………………… 30 5.3.1 Wasteload Allocation ………..……………………………………. 30 5.3.2 Load Allocation ……………………………………………………….32 5.4 Seasonal Variation……………………..…………………………….……… 32 6.0 TMDL IMPLEMENTATION ………………………………………..……………… 32 6.1 Urban Sources of pollutant Loading ………………………………………. 32 5.2 Stream Monitoring…………………………………………………………….. 33 7.0 FUTURE EFFORTS …………………………………………………………………. 34 8.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION………………………………….……………………… 34 9.0 FURTHER INFORMATION ….…………………………………………………. 35 APPENDIX A Water Quality Data …….…….………………………………...….…. A-1 APPENDIX B Load Duration Calculations .…………………………………………..…B-1 APPENDIX C High Point and Thomasville WWTP Upstream/ Downstream Monitoring Data ……………………………………………….….…..…C-1 APPENDIX D TMDL Questionaire – Davidson County (Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Watersheds)…………………………………..………….. D-1 APPENDIX E Public Notification of Public Review Draft of Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs………………………………….. E-1 APPENDIX F Public Comment on the Public Review Draft of the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs and DWQ Response …...…. F-1 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report iii SUMMARY SHEET Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 1. 303(d) Listed Waterbody Information State: North Carolina County: Davidson Basin: Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Watershed: Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks Watershed – HUC 03040103 303(d) Listed Waters Name of Stream Description Class Index # 8 Digit HU Miles Rich Fork Creek From source to Abbotts Creek C 12-119-7 03040103 20.7 Hamby Creek From source to Rich Fork Creek C 12-119-7-4 03040103 12.5 Constituent(s) of Concern: Fecal Coliform Designated Use: Biological Integrity, Propagation of aquatic life, and Recreation. Applicable Water Quality Standards for C Waters: Fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. 2. TMDL Development: Analysis/Modeling: Load duration curves based on cumulative frequency distribution of flow conditions in the watershed. Allowable load are average loads over the recurrence interval between 90th and 10th percentile of flow. Percent reductions expressed as the average value between existing loads (calculated using an equation to fit a curve through actual water quality violations) and the allowable load at each recurrence interval. Critical Conditions: Critical conditions are accounted for in the load duration curve analysis by using an extended period of stream flow and water quality data. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report iv Seasonal Variation: Seasonal variation in hydrology, climatic conditions, and watershed activities are represented through the use of a continuous flow gage and the use of all readily available water quality data collected in the watersheds. 3. Allocation Watershed/Stream Reaches: WLA1 Stream Monitoring Locations and Watershed_ID Continuous (counts/day) MS4 LA (counts/day) MOS2 TMDL3 Percent Reduction4 RF02 -Rich Fork (DWQ Station - Q5780000 - SR#1800) 9.39 x 1010 72.0% reduction 3.21 x 1010 Implicit Explicit 1.26 x 1011 72.0% HA02 - Hamby (DWQ Station Q59060000- SR# 2790) 6.06 x 1010 71.6% reduction 5.70 x 109 Implicit Explicit 6.63 x 1010 71.6% Notes: 1 WLA component separated into load from continuous NPDES facilities (WWTP) and load from MS4. WWTPs have loads in units of counts/day based on permit limits and design flow. MS4 load is represented as percent reduction. 2 Explicit (10%) and implicit Margins of Safety are considered 3 TMDL represents the average allowable load between the 90th and 10th percent recurrence interval. 4 Overall reduction is based on the instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/100ml and is assumed to be more stringent than the geometric mean standard. 4 Public Notice Date: 02/25/04 5 Submittal Date: 6 Establishment date: 7 Endangered Species (yes or blank): 8 EPA Lead on TMDL (EPA or Blank): 9 TMDL Considers Point Source, Nonpoint Sources, or both: both Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has identified a 20.7 mile segment (12- 119-7) of Rich Fork Creek and 12.5 mile segment (12-119-7-4) of Hamby Creek in the Yadkin River Basin as impaired by fecal coliform bacteria as reported in the 2002 Integrated Report. Rich Fork Creek is impaired from its source near the city of High Point to its confluence with Abbotts Creek and Hamby Creek is impaired from its source to its confluence with Rich Fork Creek. These sections of the streams are located in subbasin 03-07-07 and are designated as class C waters.1 Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, contained within Categories 4 through 7 of the Integrated Report, is submitted biennially to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Part 5 of the Integrated Report. The objective of a TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and allocate to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end-point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Reduction target. Estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goals. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. 1 Class C waters are freshwaters that are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival of wildlife. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 2 Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The wasteload allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non-point sources, stormwater, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). Critical Conditions. Critical conditions indicate the combination of environmental factors that result in just meeting the water quality criterion and have an acceptably low frequency of occurrence. Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the waterbody may be moved to Part 4a of the Integrated Report. Waterbodies remain on Part 4a of the list until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may still result in the restoration of water quality. The goal of the TMDL program is to restore designated uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of bacteria controls will be necessary to restore uses in Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks. Although an implementation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies are needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. DWQ will begin developing the implementation plan during public review of the TMDL. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 3 1.1 Watershed Description Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks are located in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. From its origin in High Point to its mouth near Lexington, Rich Fork Creek flows about 20 miles and drains into Abbots Creek. Hamby Creek originates in Davidson County. The headwaters of Hamby Creek flow through Thomasville, NC. The creek flows south approximately 12.5 miles and drains into Rich Fork Creek. Figure 1 depicts the location of Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks in North Carolina. The Rich Fork Creek watershed (including the Hamby Creek watershed) in the TMDLs includes the drainage area above the confluence of Rich Fork Creek and Abbotts Creek. The creeks’ watersheds lie entirely within the Abbotts Creek Watersheds (Subbasin # 03-07-07) in Davidson County. The USGS 14-digit hydraulic unit code (HUC) for Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks is 03040103010030. The Rich Fork Creek (48.7 sq. miles (31167.9 acres)) and Hamby Creek (29.6 sq. miles (18943.9 acres)) watersheds comprise a total area of approximately 78.4 square miles. DWQ has an ambient water quality monitoring station (Storet number Q5780000) on Rich Fork Creek at SR# 1800 near Thomasville. The Rich Fork Creek watershed at this point is 27.4 square miles. The ambient monitoring site on Hamby Creek (Storet # Q5906000) is located at SR 2790 near Holly Grove. The Hamby Creek watershed at this point is 20.9 square miles. The ambient monitoring sites will be the evaluation points for both TMDLs since fecal coliform data has been and will continue to be collected at these locations. The land use/ land cover characteristics of the watershed were determined using 1996 land cover data. The North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis (NCCGIA), in cooperation with the NC Department of Transportation and USEPA Region IV Wetlands Division, contracted Earth Satellite Corporation (EarthSat) of Rockville, Maryland to generate comprehensive land cover data for the entire state of North Carolina. The majority of the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds are in mixed upland hardwoods. Managed herbaceous cover comprises the second largest land use group. High intensity development comprises the third largest land use. Developed areas are split into high and low intensity groups. The difference between these developed groups depends upon the concentration of impervious surfaces in a mapped area. Land cover/land use coverage for the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds are shown in Table 1 and Table 2, respectively. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 4 Table 1. Estimated Land Use/Land Cover in the Rich Fork Creek Watershed Land Use/Land Cover Description % Of Watershed Acres Forested Mostly Upland Hardwoods 63.50 19801.33 Managed Herbaceous Cover Pasture/Uncultivated Fields 21.52 6712.29 Cultivated Lands Crop lands 0.87 270.77 High Intensity Development Over 80% Impervious Material 7.85 2448.39 Low Intensity Development 50-80% Impervious 5.61 1749.77 Unmanaged Herbaceous Cover Pasture/Uncultivated Fields 0.40 125.66 Water Bodies Water 0.25 76.471 Total: 100 31184.68 Table 2. Estimated Land Use/Land Cover in the Hamby Creek Watershed Land Use/Land Cover Description % Of Watershed Acres Forested Mostly Upland Hardwoods 59.49 11276.60 Managed Herbaceous Cover Pasture/Uncultivated Fields 24.9 4720.63 Cultivated Lands Crop lands 1.29 243.73 High Intensity Development Over 80% Impervious Material 6.72 1273.14 Low Intensity Development 50-80% Impervious 5.42 1027.62 Unmanaged Herbaceous Cover Pasture/Uncultivated Fields 1.87 355.27 Water Bodies Water 0.31 58.21 Total: 100 18955.2                                                                                                                    !      "               #                          $  %                                                                                                                   Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 6 1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Program Water quality data available from Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek monitoring stations show high levels of fecal coliform bacteria in the creeks. Water quality data from fecal coliform monitoring of Rich Fork Creek comes from five primary sources. These include, (1) DWQ’s ambient monitoring, (2) Yadkin River Basin Association monitoring, (3) High Point and Thomasville WWTPs upstream/downstream monitoring, (4) DWQ’s Special Study monitoring, and (5) Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) monitoring. Figure 2 shows the locations of the monitoring stations in the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. Data from DWQ’s ambient monitoring stations (Q5780000 - Rich Fork Creek at SR# 1800 and (Q5906000 - Hamby Creek at SR 2790 Near Holly Grove) were used to determine the impaired status of the creeks. The fecal coliform samples were collected on a monthly interval beginning in April 1995 to the present. The fecal coliform concentrations of the samples collected at the Rich Fork station (Q5780000), and the Hamby Creek Station (Q5906000) ranged from 10 colony-forming-units (cfu)/100ml to 10,000 cfu/100ml (Figure 3), and 10 colony-forming-units (cfu)/100ml to 16,000 cfu/100ml (Figure 4), respectively. The fecal coliform concentrations of the samples collected by the discharger coalition at stations Q5750000, Q5785000, and Q5790000 ranged from 13 cfu/100ml to 4,800 cfu/100ml, 61 cfu/100ml to 3300 cfu/100ml, and 34 cfu/100ml to 2500 cfu/100ml, respectively, between June 1998 and November 2002 (Appendix A). Samples are collected at the DWQ ambient monitoring station and at the discharger coalition stations on a monthly basis. As a result, the 30-day geometric mean of the samples could not be calculated using the minimum required 5 samples in 30 days. Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Association discharger coalition (YPDRBA) has been monitoring fecal coliform levels in Rich Fork Creek at SR #1755 (Q5750000), at SR #1787 (Q5785000), and at SR #2123 (Q5790000) near High Point since 1998. Data collected at discharger coalition stations are shown in Appendix A. Since these data are also collected on a monthly basis, the 30- day geometric mean of the samples could not be calculated. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 7 The High Point Westside WWTP monitored instream fecal coliform concentrations at upstream and downstream locations in years prior to the discharger coalition monitoring. The 30-day rolling geometric mean calculated using the upstream/downstream fecal coliform concentration data are shown in Figure 5 and the data is given in Appendix A. The city of Thomasville’s WWTP also monitors instream fecal coliform concentration at upstream and downstream locations. The 30-day rolling geometric mean calculated using upstream/downstream fecal coliform concentration data collected by Thomasville are shown in Figure 6 and the data is provided in Appendix A. DWQ’s Environmental Sciences Branch (ESB) conducted fecal coliform monitoring in Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks in the spring of 2001 to support the TMDL development. In this study, 60 samples were collected from four sites in Rich Fork Creek over a six and one-half week period. The samples in Rich Fork Creek were collected at the ambient monitoring site (SR 1800) and at the YPDRBA coalition sites (SR 1755, SR 1787, and SR 2123). In Hamby Creek, 45 samples were collected from three sites over a six and one-half week period. The Hamby Creek samples were collected at the ambient monitoring site (SR 2790) and at SR 2025 and SR 2080. The purposes of this study were to evaluate whether the creeks were complying with state fecal coliform standard, and to provide information on potential bacteria sources in the watersheds. The data summaries from this study for Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks are given in Table 3 and Table 4, respectively. Finally, the most recent fecal coliform monitoring data comes from a special study being conducted by the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG). The PTCOG is monitoring fecal coliform levels at several locations in Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks. The objective of this project is to identify and reduce fecal coliform bacteria sources in the watersheds by identifying point and non-point sources contributing to elevated fecal coliform bacteria levels. The project is funded by the Section 205(j) Grant. The data collected in June and July 2003 is included in Appendix A.                    ! "                   # !  $%&'!(  $ ' !       ) *                !  " #$" $" !  " %   $    " &     $ " '  $ " '          ()* + * ()*, , (-)-.  ( - * / 0 ( - 0 - , (-0+0       $             ()+0 0 ( ) * , * + Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 9 Figure 4. Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform Bacteria Levels at SR 2790, near Holly Grove, DWQ’s ambient Data 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 5/2/1995 5/2/1996 5/2/1997 5/2/1998 5/2/1999 5/2/2000 5/2/2001 5/2/2002 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( # / 1 0 0 m L ) 400 cfu/100ml) Figure 3. Rich Fork Creek Fecal Coliform Creek at SR# 1800 ne Thmoasville (DWQ’s Ambient Monitoring Station) 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1/1/95 2/5/96 3/11/97 4/15/98 5/20/99 6/23/00 7/28/01 9/1/02 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o m C o n c e n t r a t i o n s ( C F U / 1 0 0 m L ) 400 cfu/100ml Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 10 *Upstream - Approximately 100 ft upstream of outfall; Downstream-I - Southern Railroad Bridge above Hamby Creek; Downstream-II - NCSR#2005 (Turner Road) below Hamby Ck. * Upstream - Culvert on Baptist Children home road; Downstream-I Bridge on SR 2012; Downstream-II - Bridge on SR 2010. Figure 5. High Point Westside WWTP Upstream/Dow nstream Monitoring 30-days Rolling Geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Bacteria (NC0024228) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/95 7/1/95 1/1/96 7/1/96 1/1/97 7/1/97 1/1/98 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m L e v e l s ( # / 1 0 0 m L ) upstream dow nstream-I dow nstream-II Standard Figure 6. Thomasville WWTP Upstream/Downstream Monitoring 30-day Rolling Geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Bacteria (NC0024112) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/96 10/1/96 7/1/97 4/1/98 1/1/99 10/1/99 7/1/00 4/1/01 1/1/02 10/1/02 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e t r a t i o n ( # / 1 0 0 m L ) SR 2017 bridge SR# 2010 Bridge Upstream Standard Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 11 Table 3. Summary of Rich Fork Creek Fecal Coliform Data from DWQ Special Study2 Fecal Coliform Levels (Geometric Mean) Dates Number of days Observations Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 1755 Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 1800 Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 1787 Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 2123 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 260 229 139 71 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 355 227 179 80 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 418 287 228 98 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 482 369 322 142 2 Complete data from the study is given in Appendix A. Table 4. Summary of Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform Data from DWQ Special Study3 Fecal Coliform Levels (Geometric Mean) Dates Number of days Observations Hamby Creek in Davidson Co. at SR 2790 Hamby Creek in Davidson Co. at SR 2025 Hamby Creek in Davidson Co. at SR 2080 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 142 59 134 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 155 65 109 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 161 88 189 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 175 118 255 3 Complete data from the study is given in Appendix A. 1.3 Water Quality Target The North Carolina fresh water quality standard for Class C waters for fecal coliform (T15A: 02B.0211) states: Organisms of the coliform group: fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable non-point source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; in case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique will be used as the reference method. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 12 The instream numeric target, or endpoint, is the restoration objective expected to be reached by implementing the specified load reductions in the TMDL. The target allows for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards for the impaired stream by comparing the instream data to the target. For Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek fecal coliform TMDLs, the water quality target is the instantaneous concentration of 400cfu/100ml. It is assumed that compliance with the instantaneous part of the fecal coliform criterion will lead to compliance with the geometric mean portion of the criterion. In order to evaluate the fecal coliform model, monitor water quality conditions and assess progress of the TMDL, evaluation locations were established for the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. The evaluation location of Rich Fork Creek watershed is located in Rich Fork Creek at SR 1800 and that of Hamby Creek watershed is located in Hamby Creek at SR 2790. The evaluation points in both TMDLs are the ambient monitoring stations. 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT A source assessment is used to identify and characterize the known and suspected sources of fecal coliform bacteria in the watershed. The source assessment of Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks will be used in the water quality modeling tool and in the development of the TMDL. 2.1 Point Source Assessment General sources of fecal coliform bacteria are divided between point and non-point sources. Facilities that treat domestic waste which are permitted through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) contribute to fecal coliform bacteria loading of streams. 2.1.1 Individually Permitted NPDES Dischargers There are six NPDES permitted dischargers in the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. Table 5 shows individually permitted NPDES wastewater treatment facilities in the watershed. The city of High Point Westside WWTP (NC0024228) and the Thomasville WWTP (NC0024112) are the two major discharges in these watersheds. The other four facilities are minor discharges and their contribution to the fecal coliform loading is not significant. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 13 The city of High Point Westside WWTP discharges into Rich Fork Creek, and the city of Thomasville WWTP discharges into Hamby Creek. The Westside WWTP primarily serves approximately one third of High Point’s population. The Thomasville WWTP serves the city of Thomasville and is located approximately 6.0 stream miles upstream of its confluence with Rich Fork Creek. The High Point Westside WWTP operates at 6.2 MGD, and has a maximum permitted effluent fecal coliform concentration of a 30-day geometric mean of 200 cfu/100ml, and a weekly geometric mean of 400 cfu/100ml. The Thomasville WWTP has the same effluent concentration limits and is permitted to discharge 4.0 MGD. Thomasville WWTP applies a percentage of the residuals generated during the wastewater treatment process within Davidson and Randolph counties (Morgan Huffman, December 2003). High Point Westside WWTP incinerates the residuals (Tim Fitzgerald, December 2003). Discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) submitted by NPDES facilities were reviewed to identify facilities discharging fecal coliform bacteria in excess of permit limits. A review of DMRs from 1998 -2002 indicate High Point Westside WWTP was in noncompliance in some cases (12% of samples exceeded the 200cfu/100ml value and 8% of the samples exceeded 400cfu/100ml). Thomasville WWTP was in compliance with its fecal coliform permit limits and fecal coliform bacteria levels were below permit limits. (Only 3% of samples exceeded 200 cfu/100ml and 2% of the samples exceeded 400 cfu/100ml from 1998 to 2002). The discharge monitoring data for High Point -Westside WWTP and Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP are included in Appendix C. The NPDES Phase I rule requires large and medium municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) greater than 100,000 people to obtain an NPDES storm water permit. The NPDES Phase II addressed small municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s) serving a population of less than 100,000 people in urbanized areas. This rule applies to a unit of government such as a city or county, which owns or operates an MS4. Each permitted entity is required to develop a Storm Management Program (SWMP). Per 2000 Census data, the estimated population of the City of Thomasville is approximately 19,800, and that of High Point is 85,839. Therefore, both cities are automatically designated into the Phase II program. Both cities applied for permit coverage in March 2003. For Thomasville, the jurisdiction area in Davidson County is approximately 16.4 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 14 square miles and for High Point the area in Guilford, Randolph, Forsyth, and Davidson counties is 51.45 square miles. These four counties also fall under the Phase II rule and therefore maintain a storm management program. A recent EPA mandate (Wayland, 2002) requires NPDES permitted stormwater to be placed in the wastload allocation (WLA), which had previously been reserved for continuous point source wastewater loads. Since Hamby Creek and Rich Fork Creek watersheds are subject to MS4 permits, the WLA in Rich Fork and Hamby TMDLs will include loads from both continuous discharge facilities and wet weather discharges. Table 5. Permitted NPDES wastewater treatment facilities in Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Watersheds. Facility Name Flow (MGD) Address Site Receiving Stream Permit # Ownership Thomasville City - Hamy Creek WWTP 4.000 Rd. Thomasville, Thomasville Hamby Creek Municipal High Point City - Westside WWTP 6.200 1044 West Burton Road, Thomasville Thomasville Rich Fork Ck. Municipal Davidson Co - WWTP 0.007 P.O.Box 2057 Lexington, Davidson Co. Hamby Creek 100% Domestic Minor Davidson Co - Pilot Elementary School WWTP 0.010 P.O.Box 2057 Lexington, Davidson Co. Jimmys Ck. 100% Domestic Minor High Point Care Center 0.010 3830 North Main Street, H High Point Rich Fork Ck. 100% Domestic Minor Auman’s Mobile Home Park 0.016 3910 North Main High Point Rich Fork Ck. 100% Domestic Minor 2.2 Non-point Source Assessment Non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria include those sources that can not be identified as entering the waterbody at a specific location (e.g., a pipe). Non-point source pollution can include both urban and agricultural sources. Fecal coliform bacteria may originate from human Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 15 and non-human sources. Table 6 lists the potential human and animal non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria (Center for Watershed Protection, 1999). The non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria in Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds include wildlife, livestock (land application of agricultural manure and grazing), concentrated animal feed-lots, urban development (stormwater), failing septic systems, and sewer line systems (illicit connections, leaky sewer lines and sewer system overflows). Table 6. Potential sources of fecal coliform bacteria in urban and rural watersheds (Center for Watershed Protection, 1999). Source Type Source Human Sources Sewered watershed Combined sewer overflows Sanitary sewer overflows Illegal sanitary connections to storm drains Illegal disposal to storm drains Non-sewered watershed Failing septic systems Poorly operated package plant Landfills Marinas Non-human Sources Domestic animals and urban wildlife Dogs, cats Rats, raccoons Pigeons, gulls, ducks, geese Livestock and rural wildlife Cattle, horse, poultry Beaver, muskrats, deer, waterfowl Hobby farms 2.2.1 Livestock Davidson County, with a total area of 353,278 acres is a limited producer of cattle, beef and milk cows, chickens, and hogs and pigs. According to the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, there were 19,000 cattle and calves, 1200 hogs and pigs, 4,600,000 broilers, and 1600 equines in Davidson County (NCDACS, 2003). There is one poultry operation that houses approximately 45,000 broilers in the Rich Fork Creek watershed. There are no confined animal operations in the Hamby Creek watershed. There are no permitted concentrated animal feedlot operations (CAFOs) in the watershed. There are several small livestock farms scattered throughout the watersheds. These are small operations with herd sizes varying from 1 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 16 cow to as many as 30-40 cows. The number of horses in these watersheds is estimated to be less than 100. (Miller communications, 2003). Livestock Grazing/Horse and Pony Grazing Cattle, including both dairy and beef cows, and horses graze on pasture land and deposit feces onto the land. During a rainfall runoff event, a portion of the fecal material that contains coliform bacteria is transported to the streams. In addition, when cattle have direct access to streams, feces may be deposited directly into a stream. There are small, scattered animal operations which may have access to streams for their animals in the Rich fork creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. (Miller communication, 2003). Agricultural Manure and Residual Application/Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations There is a poultry operation housing approximately 45,000 broilers in the Rich Fork Creek watershed. The litter from this operation is land applied following a waste management plan that was developed by Davidson SWCD personnel. Poultry litter produced by chickens is routinely collected and applied as an alternative to fertilizer and applied predominately to pasture/hayland (Davidson County communications, 2003). There are scattered beef cattle operations in Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. These are small operations with herd sizes varying from 1 cow to as many as 30-40 cows. The total number of beef cattle is estimated to be 300-400 cows. These operations are pasture operations. Cattle are on pastures year round and generally have access to the streams. There are a few operations that prohibit livestock accessing the creek (Miller communications, 2003). The city of Thomasville is permitted to land apply residuals from its wastewater treatment process. The applications fields are located in Davidson and Randolph Counties (Morgan Huffman, December 2003). 2.2.2 Failed Septic Systems Failing septic systems have been cited as a potential source of fecal coliform bacteria to water bodies (USEPA, 2000). There is a considerable amount of residential development scattered throughout Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. The Department of Environmental Health has estimated that Davidson County has approximately 35,612 housing units on septic systems (DEH, 1999). Septic system failure rate data in North Carolina are very limited. A study Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 17 conducted in 1981 by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management suggested that approximately 11% of systems that were surveyed experienced malfunctions or failures over a year (DEH, 2000). 2.2.3 Urban Development/Sanitary Sewer Overflows Fecal coliform bacteria can originate from various urban sources. These sources include pet waste, runoff through stormwater sewers, illicit discharges/connections of sanitary waste, leaky sewer systems and sewer systems overflows. Leaky sewer pipes upstream of the Westside WWTP were reported by local resident to be one of the major causes of fecal coliform loading to Rich Fork Creek. The majority of Highpoint’s sanitary collection system include pipelines that generally follow the terrain and are often located in close proximity to streams and tributaries. These pipelines transport wastewater to the Westside WWTP. This situation presents an opportunity for raw sewage to reach the streams through broken pipelines and cracked joints. Rich Fork, Little/ Payne, and Ensley Creeks come together just upstream of the Westside WWTP and High Point’s sewer collection system follows the drainage systems of these creeks. Sewer System Overflows (SSOs) are often caused by excessive volumes of rainwater entering the collection system which exceeds the systems capacity to transport all the flow to the WWTP. Sewer System Overflows can also be caused when sewer pipes are clogged by debris, grease, tree roots, and other obstructions. High Point owns and operates the Westside WWTP and the sewage collection system. From February 2002 to September 2003, High Point reported at least 16 sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) ranging from 140 gallons to 36,000 gallons within the Rich Fork Creek watershed (High Point, 2003). The City of Thomasville operates the Hamby Creek WWTP and the sewage collection system. In the last three years (March 2001 - August 2003), Thomasville reported at least 23 sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) ranging from 150 gallons to 2,100,000 gallons within the Hamby Creek watershed (Thomasville, 2003). 2.2.4 Wildlife Wildlife can be a source of fecal coliform bacteria in forested, wetland, pasture and cropland areas. Wildlife deposit fecal material in these areas which can be transported to a stream in a rain event. Wildlife in the Davidson county area include deer, raccoons, squirrels, and birds (including waterfowl). The deer population is estimated to be 10-30 per square mile (WRC, 2001). Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 18 3.0 ANALYTICAL APPROACH Establishing the relationship between instream water quality and sources of fecal coliform bacteria is an important component of the TMDL. Load duration curves were developed as a method to relate TMDLs to all hydrologic conditions. Load duration curves provide a method that is entirely based on observed data to estimate the reductions required to meet water quality standards. Load duration curves are based on a cumulative frequency distribution of stream flow. The method used to develop both the flow and load duration curves are described in this section and is based on work by Stiles in Kansas (2002), Cleland (2002), and Sheely (2002). 3.1 Flow Duration Curves In order to develop a load duration curve, the first step is to create flow duration curves. A flow duration curve displays the cumulative frequency distribution of daily flow data over the period of record. The duration curve relates flow values measured at a monitoring station to the percent of time the flow values were equaled or exceeded. Flows are ranked from low, which are exceeded nearly 100 percent of the time, to high, which are exceeded less than 1 percent of the time. Flow duration curves are limited to the period of record available at a monitoring station. The confidence in the duration curve approach in predicting realistic percent load reductions increases when longer periods of record are used to generate the graphs. One of the shortcomings of using this method to develop TMDLs is that most ambient monitoring stations do not monitor flow at the time of water quality sampling. However, a nearby gage in the same watershed or in a watershed of similar topography and landuse in the same eco-region as the ungaged watershed can be used to estimate flow. Flows on an ungaged stream can be extrapolated using a drainage area ratio. DWQ developed a flow duration curve using daily streamflow data collected at USGS continuous gage on Abbots Creek near Lexington (USGS 02121500) between October 1988 and September, 2002. This USGS gage is located in the Abbots Creek watershed (HUC 03040103 - (Subbasin # 03-07-07)). Both Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks drain into Abbots Creek and are Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 19 located in Abbots Creek Watershed. The flow duration curves developed for Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek using the flow data collected at this gage (USGS 02121500) on Abbotts Creek are shown in Figures 7, and 8, respectively. Creek at USGS 02121500 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 1 10 100 Percent Time Flow Exceeded Fl o w ( c f s ) Figure 8. Flow Duration Curve for Hamby Creek Based on Abbotts Creek at USGS 02121500 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 1 10 100 Percent Time Flow Exceeded Fl o w ( c f s ) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 20 3.2 Load Duration Curves Flow duration curves are transformed into load duration curves by multiplying the flow values along the flow duration curves by the pollutant concentrations and the appropriate conversion factors. On the load duration curve, allowable and existing loads are plotted against the flow recurrence interval. The allowable load is based on the water quality numerical criteria for fecal coliform, less the margin of safety, and on flow values from the flow duration curves. The line fit through the allowable load is called the target line. The instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/100 ml is considered as an end point (or allowable load) for the determination of the fecal coliform TMDL for Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek TMDLs. In addition to the instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/100 ml, the geometric mean standard of 200 cfu/100ml was considered at the WWTPs downstream monitoring locations as these stations collected enough samples to calculate the geometric mean. Load duration curves were developed using the 200 cfu/100 ml geometric mean (at least 5 samples within 30 days) and the average flow during this period to ascertain the geometric mean standard has not been exceeded and to determine the most stringent limit. The positioning of monitoring data on the load duration curve provides an indication of the potential sources and delivery mechanisms of the pollutant. In general, violations occurring on the right side of the curve typically occur during low flow events and are indicative of continuous pollutant sources, such as NPDES permitted discharges, leaking collection lines, or leaking septic systems, and livestock having access to streams. Violations that occur on the left side of the curve occur during high flow events and mainly indicate sources responding to rainfall events. As shown in Figure 9, from 1995 to 2002, water quality violations in Rich Fork Creek occur during high, transitional, typical, and low flow events. In Hamby Creek (Figure 10), violations occur during typical (i.e., flows exceeded between 25 and 75 percent of the time) and low flow (i.e., flows exceeded between 75 and 90 percent of the time) events. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 21 Figure 9. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q5780000 - SR#1800) 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Figure 10. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q59060000- SR# 2790) 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 1.00E+15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations High Flow Trans itio n Flo w Typical Flow Low Flow Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 22 The existing load is based on measured fecal coliform concentration and an estimate of the flow during sampling days. The positioning of the existing load on the plot is based on the recurrence interval of the estimated flow. Existing loads that plot above the target line indicate a violation of water quality criterion, while loads plotting below the line represent compliance. The Rich Fork Creek watershed was delineated into 6 subwatersheds and the Hamby Creek watershed was delineated into 4 subwatersheds. Figure 7 illustrates the subwatershed delineations for the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. The subwatershed delineations were based, on the location of the ambient and discharger coalition monitoring sites, and the location of WWTPs upstream/downstream monitoring locations. Load duration curves were developed for each subwatershed from the extrapolated flow and the water quality data collected at the monitoring locations. The fecal coliform load calculated at each monitoring station takes into account the load coming from the watershed area upstream of the monitoring station. A list of the monitoring stations used to develop the load duration curves for the impaired streams are provided in Table 7. Table 7. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Subwatersheds Subwatershed Stream Monitoring Station Area (sq. mile) RF01 Rich Fork DWQ ambient Monitoring (Q5780000 - SR#1800) 27.4 RF02 Rich Fork YPDRBA Station (Q5750000 - SR#1755) 9.83 RF03 Rich Fork YPDRBA Station (Q5785000 - SR#1787) 31.6 RF04 Rich Fork YPDRBA Station Q5790000 - SR#2123) 48.7 HA01 Hamby DWQ ambient Monitoring (Q59060000- SR# 2790) 20.9 HA02 Hamby WWTP Upstream Station (Baptist Children’ Home Road) 3.9 HA03 Hamby Thomasville’s WWTP downstream Station (SR#2017) 19.2                                                                !  Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 24 4.0 Uncertainty The lack of agreement between modeled and observed fecal coliform concentrations is due in part to the high degree of uncertainty associated with predicting any water quality variable, especially fecal coliform. The inability to accurately predict specific observed fecal coliform concentrations can be attributed to approximations in the analytical method, lack of sufficient information in source assessment, gaps in our scientific knowledge, natural variability in instream fecal coliform concentrations, field and laboratory measurement error, and lack of current site specific model input parameters (where model is used) including decay rate, flow, rainfall data and landuse information. The available models used to predict fecal coliform concentrations are not adept at characterizing prediction uncertainty. Because uncertainty associated with generalized approach is expected to be large, the results should be interpreted in light of the limitations of the methodology used and prediction uncertainty. Simple methods like Load Duration Curve can be used to guide initial decision making but continued observation of the watershed and stream, as fecal coliform controls are implemented (e.g., exclusion fencing, leaky sanitary sewer repairs), is expected to be our best approach for determining the appropriate level of management. 5.0 Total Maximum Daily Load A total maximum daily load is the total amount of pollutant that can be assimilated by the receiving water body while achieving water quality standards. A TMDL is comprised of the sum of wasteload allocations (WLA) for point sources, load allocations (LA) for non-point sources and a margin of safety (MOS). This definition is expressed by the equation: TMDL = WLAs + LAs + MOS The objective of the TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and to allocate to the known pollutant sources in the watershed so the appropriate control measures can be implemented and the water quality standard can be achieved. The Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR §130.2(1)) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time, toxicity, or other appropriate measures. In the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek fecal coliform TMDLs, loads are expressed in terms of counts per day, and represent the maximum one-day load the streams can assimilate and maintain the water quality criterion. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 25 5.1 Reduction target To determine the amount of fecal coliform load reduction necessary to comply with the water quality criteria, the period of critical conditions and the existing loading must be established. 5.1.1 Critical Conditions The critical condition for non-point source fecal coliform bacteria loading is an extended dry period followed by a rainfall event. During the dry weather period, fecal coliform bacteria builds up on the land surface, and is washed off by rainfall. The critical condition for point source loading occurs during periods of low stream flow when dilution is minimized. Water quality data has been collected during both time periods. Water quality violations in Rich Fork Creek occur during all flow condition. In Hamby Creek, violations occur during typical and low flow events. The load duration curve approach addresses the load reductions required during all flow regimes. Critical conditions are accounted for in the load duration analysis by using an extended period of stream flow records and water quality data available for the streams. Water quality data used in the Rich Fork Creek include data collected from January 1993 to September 2002, and the water quality data uses for Hamby Creek TMDLs include data collected from May 1995 to September 2002, and the streamflow data bigan in 1988. 5.1.2 Existing Conditions The load duration curves for Rich Fork Creek, and Hamby Creek at their respective DWQ ambient monitoring stations are shown in Figures 9 and 10, respectively. Load duration curves for the streams at the other monitoring stations are provided in Appendix B. Existing conditions are based on the instream water quality violations. The violations in Rich Fork occur at all flow condition, and Hamby Creek violations occur during typical and low flow conditions. The violations indicate that impairment occurs during wet and dry weather conditions in both streams. Superimposed on the graphs is a trend line through the data points violating the water quality criterion. In the load curve approach, the trend line equation is used to calculate the existing load at each duration interval. As shown in Figures 12 and 13. A power curve provided the best fit for the Rich Fork data, and an exponential curve provided the best fit for Hamby Creek data, as determined by the correlation coefficient. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 26 To represent the TMDL as a single value, the existing load was calculated from the trend as the average of the load violations between the 10th and 90th duration interval. Flows occurring less than 10 percent of the time were considered extreme flood conditions while flows occurring greater than 90 percent of the time were considered extreme drought conditions. Extreme flow conditions were not considered in the TMDL analysis. Using the trend line equation for fecal coliform in Rich Fork Creek, the calculated existing load between the 10th and 90th percentile ranges between 2.71 x1010 and 1.78 x 1012 counts/day. The average of these values, or 4.49 x 1011 counts/day, represents the total existing load in Rich Fork Creek. For Hamby Creek, the calculated existing load between the 25th and 90th percentile ranges between 3.14 x 1010 and 1.04 x 1012 counts/day. The average of these values, or 2.33 x 1011 counts/day, represents the total existing load in Hamby Creek. For Hamby Creek TMDL most violations occur between the 25th and 90th percentile ranges. Therefore, the average load was calculated from the existing load between the 25th and 90th percentile ranges. Calculations of the existing loads for other monitoring stations within these watersheds are provided in Appendix B. Figure 12. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q5780000 - SR#1800) y = 3E+12e-0.0523x R2 = 0.7864 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 27 5.1.3 Reduction Target Calculations The TMDL values represent the maximum daily load the stream can assimilate and maintain water quality standards. The load duration curve methodology can be used to show that water quality standards can be achieved under a range of flow conditions. The target load is based on the instantaneous fecal coliform standard of 400 cfu/100ml less the MOS. The existing load is calculated from the trend curve through all violations. Once the existing load and the target load are calculated, the percent reductions required to achieve the numerical water quality criterion are determined. The percent reduction is calculated as the difference between the average trend curve load estimates and the average of the allowable load estimates. At each recurrence interval between 10 and 95 (at each 5th percentile) the existing loads were calculated from the trend equation, and the allowable loads were calculated from the TMDL target value, which includes the MOS. The allowable load was exceeded in Rich Fork Creek during all flow conditions. Therefore, loads between the 10th and 90th percentile ranges were used to calculate average load and the percent reduction. For Hamby Creek TMDL most violations occur between the 25th and 90th percentile ranges. Therefore, loads between the 25th and 90th percentile ranges were used to calculate the Figure 13. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q59060000- SR# 2790) y = 7E+15x-2.7369 R2 = 0.8918 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 1.00E+15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Power (Exising load Violations) High Flow Trans it io n Flo w Typical Flow Low Flow Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 28 average load and the percent reduction. The average of the existing and target loads for Rich Fork Creek were 4.49 x 1011 counts/day and 1.26 x 1011 counts/day, respectively. This equates to a 72% load reduction. The average of the existing and target loads for Hamby Creek were 2.33 x 1011 counts/day and 6.63 x 1010 counts/day, respectively. This equates to a 71.6% load reduction. Calculations of the existing loads, target load, and percent reduction for Rich Fork and Hamby Creek at the DWQ monitoring stations are given in Table 8 and 9, respectively. Calculations of the existing loads, target load, and percent reduction for other monitoring stations within these watersheds are provided in Appendix B. Table 8. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek Interval Existing Load Target load Reduction (cnts/day) (counts/day) (percent) 90 2.7095E+10 1.44E+10 46.9 85 3.5194E+10 1.91E+10 45.8 80 4.5712E+10 2.54E+10 44.4 75 5.9375E+10 3.32E+10 44.1 70 7.7120E+10 4.24E+10 45.0 65 1.0017E+11 5.19E+10 48.2 60 1.3011E+11 6.31E+10 51.5 55 1.6899E+11 7.54E+10 55.4 50 2.1950E+11 8.84E+10 59.7 45 2.8511E+11 1.05E+11 63.2 40 3.7032E+11 1.21E+11 67.4 35 4.8100E+11 1.39E+11 71.1 30 6.2476E+11 1.62E+11 74.1 25 8.1149E+11 1.94E+11 76.1 20 1.0540E+12 2.46E+11 76.6 15 1.3690E+12 3.12E+11 77.2 10 1.7782E+12 4.48E+11 74.8 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 4.4925E+11 Allowable Load: 1.26E+11 Percent reduction: 71.97% Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 29 Table 9. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek Interval Existing Target Load Reduction Load (cnts/day) (counts/day) (percent) 90 3.1371E+10 1.4768E+10 52.9 85 3.6684E+10 1.8987E+10 48.2 80 4.3304E+10 2.3206E+10 46.4 75 5.1671E+10 2.9535E+10 42.8 70 6.2409E+10 3.6919E+10 40.8 65 7.6443E+10 4.4303E+10 42.0 60 9.5165E+10 5.2742E+10 44.6 55 1.2075E+11 6.2235E+10 48.5 50 1.5674E+11 7.2784E+10 53.6 45 2.0913E+11 8.4387E+10 59.6 40 2.8868E+11 9.5990E+10 66.7 35 4.1604E+11 1.1076E+11 73.4 30 6.3440E+11 1.2869E+11 79.7 25 1.0449E+12 1.5295E+11 85.4 20 1.9245E+12 1.9240E+11 90.0 15 4.2292E+12 2.4261E+11 94.3 10 1.2829E+13 3.4725E+11 97.3 Average Values between the 90th and 25th percentile Existing load: 2.3341E+11 Allowable Load: 6.6304E+10 Percent reduction: 71.59% The percent reductions based on the geometric mean standard of 200 cfu/100ml less the MOS were calculated at the WWTPs downstream monitoring stations (Old Hwy 29 for Rich Fork Creek (Figure RF5a) and SR 2017 for Hamby Creek (Figure H3a)). Percent reductions were also calculated at the same locations based on the instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/100ml less the MOS to determine the most stringent limit (Figure RF5 and Figure H3). The results indicate that reductions based on the instantaneous standard are higher than the reductions based on the geometric mean standard at both sites. For Rich Fork Creek, the reductions were 69% and 61% for the instantaneous and the geometric mean standards, respectively. For Hamby Creek, the reductions were 82% and 64% for the instantaneous and the geometric mean standards, respectively. Based on these results, the instantaneous standard was more stringent than the geometric mean standard and was used to calculate the TMDLs for both streams. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 30 5.2 Margin of Safety There are two methods for incorporating a MOS in the analysis: a) implicitly incorporate the MOS using conservative model assumptions to develop allocations; or b) explicitly specify a portion of the TMDL as the MOS and use the remainder for allocations. In the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek TMDLs both implicit and explicit MOS were used. For TMDLs developed using load curves, the assumption that reductions are needed at all flows between the 10th and 90th duration interval results in percent reductions higher than what is required based on observed data violations. To provide an explicit margin of safety, the allowable load curve used 360 cfu/100ml instead of the instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/100ml. This provides a 10% margin of safety. 5.3 TMDL Allocations The TMDLs determined above must be allocated to a wasteload allocation (WLA) and a load allocation (LA). The TMDL value is reduced by the WLA, if any, to obtain the LA component. TMDL components for Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds and the percent reductions needed to comply with the water quality criteria are provided in Table 10. 5.3.1 Waste Load Allocations (WLA) There are two major NPDES permitted facilities in the Rich Fork Creek watershed. The City of High Point’s Westside WWTP discharges into Rich Fork Creek, and the city of Thomasville’s WWTP discharges into Hamby Creek. The WLAs are expressed separately to continuous facilities and MS4 areas. Waste Water Treatment Plants discharge fecal coliform bacteria at all weather conditions while MS4 areas discharge in response to storm events. Both WWTPs discharging in the streams have permit limits that meet instream water quality standards. Both facilities are required to meet their permit limits and no load reductions are needed. The WLAs assigned to the WWTPs are based on the weekly average permit criterion of 400 cfu/100ml. These facilities cannot exceed a monthly geometric mean concentration of 200 cfu/100ml. Any future facility permitted to discharge fecal coliform bacteria in the watersheds will be required to meet permit limits. The city of High Point and the city of Thomasville are automatically Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 31 designated into the Phase II program. Both cities have applied for permit coverage in March 2003. Guilford, Randolph, Forsyth, and Davidson Counties are also designated into the Phase II program. The WLA assigned to the MS4 areas is expressed in terms of percent reduction of coliform concentration required to attain standards. Any future MS4 located within the watershed boundaries of the impaired streams will be prescribed a WLA based on the percent reduction required in the TMDL. Table 10. Fecal Coliform TMDL Components for Rich Fork and and Hamby Creeks (Evaluation Locations shown in bold) WLA1 Stream Monitoring Locations and Watershed_ID Continuous (counts/day) MS4 LA (counts/day) MOS2 TMDL3 Percent Reduction4 RF01 - Rich Fork (YPDRBA Station (Q5750000 - SR#1755) 0 74.7% reduction 8.83 x 1011 Implicit Explicit 8.83 x 1011 74.7% RF02 -Rich Fork (DWQ Station - Q5780000 - SR#1800) 9.39 x 1010 72.0% reduction 3.21 x 1010 Implicit Explicit 1.26 x 1011 72.0% RF03 Rich Fork (YPDRBA Station (Q5785000 - SR#1787) 9.39 x 1010 76.1% reduction 3.09 x 1012 Implicit Explicit 3.18 x 1012 76.1% RF04 - Rich Fork (YPDRBA Station Q5790000 - SR#2123) 9.39 x 1010 55.6% reduction 4.74 x 1012 Implicit Explicit 4.84 x 1012 55.6% RF05 -- Rich Fork (WWTP Upstream) 0 88.2% reduction 8.83 x 1011 Implicit Explicit 8.83 x 1011 88.2% RF06 -- Rich Fork (WWTP Downstream - Old Hwy 29) 9.39 x 1010 69.0% reduction 1.64 x 1011 Implicit Explicit 2.57 x 1011 69.0% HA01 -Hamby (WWTP Upstream - Baptist Children Home Rd.) 0 86.4% reduction 3.23 x 1011 Implicit Explicit 3.23 x 1011 86.4% HA02 - Hamby (DWQ Station Q59060000- SR# 2790) 6.06 x 1010 71.6% reduction 5.70 x 109 Implicit Explicit 6.63 x 1010 71.6% HA03 Hamby (WWTP downstream Station -SR#2017) 6.06 x 1010 82.6% reduction 1.51 x 1012 Implicit Explicit 1.57 x 1012 82.6% Notes: 1 WLA component separated into load from continuous NPDES facilities (WWTP) and load from MS4. WWTPs have loads in units of counts/day based on permit limits and design flow. MS4 load is represented as percent reduction. 2 Explicit (10%) and implicit Margins of Safety are considered 3 TMDL represents the average allowable load between the 90th and 10th percent recurrence interval. 4 Overall reduction is based on the instantaneous standard of 400 cfu/100ml and is assumed to be more stringent than the geometric mean standard. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 32 5.3.2 Load Allocation There are two modes of transport for non-point source fecal coliform bacteria loading into the stream. Loading from failing septic systems and animals in the stream are considered direct sources to the stream and are independent of precipitation. The second mode involves loading resulting from fecal coliform accumulation on land surfaces and is transported to the stream during storm events. Runoff from agricultural areas, urban stormwater washoff, and SSO events contribute to the loading during storm events. The positioning of monitoring data on the load duration curve provides an indication of the potential sources and delivery mechanisms of the pollutant. Violations in Rich Fork Creek occur during all weather conditions. In Hamby Creek, violations occur during typical and low flow events. The LA allocation components provided in Table 10 are calculated as the difference between the TMDLs and the WLA components. Calculations of the TMDL, existing, and percent reduction for other monitoring stations within these watersheds are provided in Appendix B. 5.4 Seasonal Variation Seasonal variation was incorporated in the load duration curves by using the entire period of record flow recorded at the gages. Seasonality was also addresses by using all water quality data between 1995 and 2002 associated with the impaired streams, which was collected during multiple seasons. 6.0 TMDL Implementation The TMDL analysis was performed using the best data available to specify the percent reductions necessary to achieve water quality criteria to support the designated use classifications in the watersheds. 6.1 Urban Sources of pollutant Loading The city of High Point and the city Thomasville applied for MS4 permit coverage in March 2003. Each permittee is required to develop a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP). The SWMP covers the duration of the permit (5-year renewable) and comprises a comprehensive Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 33 planning process which involves public participation and intergovernmental coordination to reduce the discharge of pollutants to the maximum extent practicable using management practices, control techniques, public education, and other appropriate methods and provisions. With respect to fecal coliform reduction, additional activities and programs conducted by the city, county, and state agencies are recommended to support the SWMP: • Field screening and monitoring program to identify the types and extent of fecal coliform water quality problems, relative degradation or improvement over time, areas of concern, and source identification. • Requirements that all new and replacement sanitary sewage systems are designed to minimize discharges from the system into the storm sewer system. • Mechanisms for reporting and correcting illicit connections, breaks, surcharges, and general sanitary sewer system problems with potential to release to the municipal separate storm sewer system. 6.2 Stream Monitoring The continued monitoring of fecal coliform concentrations at multiple water quality sampling points in the watersheds will allow for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards by comparing the instream data to the TMDL target. It is also critical in characterizing sources of fecal coliform contamination and documenting future reduction of loading. Fecal coliform monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the ambient monitoring sites (Q5780000 - at SR#1800 for Rich Fork, and Q59060000- at SR# 2790 for Hamby Creek) and at the three discharger coalition monitoring sites in Rich Fork Creek watershed (Q5785000 - at SR#1787, Q5750000 - at SR#1755, and Q5790000 - at SR#2123). In addition to this data collection, further fecal coliform monitoring may be considered. Additional monitoring beyond the ambient and discharger stations’ monitoring could aid in a fecal coliform source assessment in the watershed and further aid in the evaluation of the progress towards meeting the water quality target and the water quality standard. Future monitoring efforts should be refined and enhanced in order to characterize dry and wet season base flow conditions and storm responses. The Storm Water Management Program (SWMP) required in the MS4 permit is a good means of achieving the continued and enhanced monitoring. The Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) is also conducting fecal coliform bacteria monitoring at several locations within the Rich Fork Creek watershed to assess fecal coliform impairment and to identify potential sources. The PTCOG working in conjunction with the City of High Point, City of Thomasville, and Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 34 Davidson County have received a 205(j) grant to help identify and cleanup fecal coliform bacteria sources in the Rich Fork and Hamby Creek watersheds. The overall goal of the project is to improve water quality in the Rich Fork and Hamby Creek watersheds of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. This will be accomplished through sampling efforts throughout the watershed to identify and clean up fecal coliform bacteria sources. Upstream and downstream samples will be taken at potential problem areas until the source or source areas are identified. Also, this project will help increase public awareness about fecal coliform bacteria water quality issues as the results of the study will be shared with area media, environmental groups and educational institutions (PTCOG, 2003). This project would provide the first step in an implementation plan of identifying contributing sources in the watershed. The study will also provide significant insight into specific areas within the watersheds for further investigations. 7.0 Future Efforts This TMDL represents an early phase of a long-term restoration project to reduce fecal coliform loading to acceptable levels in Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek watersheds. DWQ in cooperation with the City of High Point, City of Thomasville, and the counties involved (Davidson, Forsyth, Guilford, and Randolph Counties) should evaluate the progress of implementation strategies and refine the TMDL as necessary, in the next phase (five-year cycle). This will include recommending specific implementation plans for identified problem areas. Potential mechanisms of reduction of fecal coliform loading should be explored. These include, BMP implementation, local regulations or ordinances related to zoning, landuse, or storm water runoff controls. 319 nonpoint source grants may be a good source of funding for BMP implementation. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be needed in order to develop implementation plans. 8.0 Public participation The counties, extension service and soil and water conservation districts have supplied septic data and agricultural information to aid in the source assessment portion of the TMDL. The City of High Point and the City of Thomasville have supplied information on WWTPs. A draft of the TMDL was publicly noticed through various means, including notification in the local Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 35 newspapers, High Point Enterprise and Thomasville Times on February 26, 2004. DWQ electronically distributed the draft TMDL and public comment information to known interested parties. The TMDL was also available from the Division of Water Quality’s website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/ during the comment period. A public meeting was held on March 18, 2004 as a part of the public comment period. The public comment period ended on March 25, 2004. Two written comments were received from the public and responses are provided in this document. 9.0 Further Information Further information concerning North Carolina's TMDL program can be found on the Internet at the Division of Water Quality website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/ Technical questions regarding this TMDL should be directed to the following members of the DWQ Modeling/TMDL Development Unit: Adugna Kebede, Modeler e-mail: Adugna.Kebede@ncmail.net Michelle Woolfolk, Supervisor e-mail: Michelle.Woolfolk@ncmail.net Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 36 REFERENCES Center for Watershed Protection. 1999. Microbes and Urban Watersheds: Concentrations, Sources and Pathways. Watershed Protection Techniques 3(1): 554:565. City of Thomasville. 2003. Personal communication with Morgan Huffman. November 2003. City of High Point. 2003. City of Salisbury Collection System Overflows (July 1999- June 2000). City of Salisbury Utility Management Department. City of High Point. 2003. Personal communication with Tim Fitzgerald, December 2003. Cleland, B.R. 2002. TMDL Development from the “Bottom Up” – Part II: Using load duration curves to connect the pieces. Proceedings from the WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Conference. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 1999. North Carolina On-Site Wastewater Non-Point Source (NPS) Pollution Program. www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/non- pointsource/NPS.htm June 24, 1999. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 2000. Report on the Proper Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems in Accordance with Section 13.5 of HB 1160 (Clean Water Act of 1999). March 15, 2000. Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection. 2001. Public Review Draft Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar and Sugar Creek Watersheds. North Carolina Department of Agriculture. 2001. Agricultural Statistics Division-County Statistics. www.ncagr.com/stats/cntysumm/ and http://govinfo.library.orst.edu/cgi-bin/ag- state?North+Carolina. North Carolina Wildlife Resource Commission (NCWRC), 2003. 2000- Whilte –Tail Dear Population Distribution in North Carolina. www.ncwildlife.com Miller, A. 2003. Davidson County Soil & Water Conservation District. Personal communication with Andy Miller. 2003. Sheely, L.H. July 2002. Load Duration Curve: Development and Application to Data Analysis for Streams in the Yazoo River Basin, MS. Special Report – Summer 2002. Jackson Engineering Gradutae Program. Stiles, T.C. 2002. Incorporating hydrology in determining TMDL endpoints and allocations. Proceedings from the WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Conference. Tad, H. S. 2002. Davidson County Health Department. 2002. Personal communication with Tad H. Stetler. February 2002. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report 37 Davidson County Extension Service. 2001. Personal communication with Jim Cowden. January 2002. Schueler, Thomas R. 1994. The importance of imperviousness. Watershed Protection Techniques, Vol. 1, no. 3. Center for Watershed Protection, Silver Spring, MD. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1991. Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Advisory Committee (FACA). Draft final TMDL Federal Advisory Committee Report. 4/28/98. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000a. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000c. Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. DRAFT. Office of Water. EPA-823-D-00-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetics formulations in surface water quality modeling (II ed.). Athens, GA: EPA-600-3-85-040. Wayland, R. 2002. November 22, 2003 Memo from Robert Wayland of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to Water Division Directors. Subject: Establishing TMDL Waste Load Allocations for stormwater sources and NPDES permit requirements based on those allocations. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-1 APPENDIX A WATER QUALITY DATA Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-2 List of Tables Table A- 1. Rich Fork Creek Ambient Monitoring Station at SR 1800 (Q5780000) Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data ………………………………...…….. 3 Table A- 2. Hamby Creek Ambient Monitoring Station at SR 2790 (Q5906000) Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data ………………………………………..4 Table A- 3. Rich Fork Creek DWQ Special Study Monitoring Data …………………………6 Table A -4. Hamby Creek DWQ Special Study Monitoring Data …………………………….7 Table A- 5. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharger Coalition Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data (SR 1755 near High Point (Q5750000))…….…. 8 Table A- 6. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharger Coalition Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data (SR 1787 near High Point (Q57850000))…....… 9 Table A- 7. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharger Coalition Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data (SR 2123 near High Point (Q5790000))….……10 Table A- 8. High Point Westside WWTP Upstream/ Downstream Fecal Coliform Bacteria Monitoring Data (NC0024228) ………………………………………………….11 Table A- 9. Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP Upstream/ Downstream Fecal Coliform Bacteria Monitoring Data (NC0024112) ………………………………………..15 Table A- 10. Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) 303(d) Rich Fork Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Project Monitoring Data Summary …………………….20 Table A- 11. Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) 303(d) Rich Fork Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Project Monitoring Data Summary …………………….20 List of Figures Figure A- 1. Flow at USGS gage on Abbots Creek near Lexington (USGS2121500) ……… 21 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-3 Table A-1. Rich Fork Creek Ambient Monitoring Station at SR 1800 (Q5780000) Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 01/04/95 40 12/30/98 73 02/07/95 170 01/14/99 180 03/15/95 60 02/11/99 10 05/02/95 7000 03/11/99 36 06/05/95 1000 05/06/99 250 07/11/95 710 06/01/99 160 10/11/95 710 07/06/99 780 11/02/95 270 08/03/99 100 01/16/96 1000 09/01/99 380 02/14/96 27 10/13/99 560 03/07/96 870 11/02/99 1800 04/03/96 150 12/13/99 710 05/01/96 2100 01/04/00 260 06/04/96 720 02/02/00 560 07/01/96 290 03/06/00 110 08/08/96 1600 04/10/00 280 09/03/96 1500 05/15/00 680 10/01/96 10000 06/19/00 280 11/06/96 10 07/15/00 230 12/03/96 180 08/21/00 270 01/06/97 250 09/05/00 420 02/04/97 27 10/19/00 120 03/03/97 590 11/27/00 500 05/01/97 1400 12/13/00 920 06/02/97 390 01/04/01 140 07/01/97 190 04/24/01 160 08/13/97 600 06/11/01 420 09/03/97 07/23/01 240 10/02/97 360 08/13/01 2000 11/04/97 220 09/12/01 540 12/02/97 150 10/16/01 330 01/13/98 18 11/14/01 62 02/04/98 240 01/08/02 650 03/11/98 570 02/12/02 130 04/01/98 100 03/21/02 250 05/05/98 470 04/30/02 120 06/03/98 170 05/30/02 87 08/06/98 160 06/25/02 240 09/03/98 350 07/18/02 270 10/01/98 300 08/14/02 230 11/03/98 390 09/23/02 930 *L= Actual value is known to be greater than value given. J= Estimated value. A= Value reported is the mean of two or more determination Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-4 Table A- 2. Hamby Creek Ambient Monitoring Station at SR 2790 (Q5906000) Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 05/02/95 6000 03/11/99 54 06/05/95 140 05/06/99 140 07/11/95 260 06/01/99 64 08/01/95 170 06/07/99 910 09/07/95 100 08/03/99 70 10/11/95 200 09/01/99 570 11/02/95 1200 10/13/99 920 01/16/96 310 11/02/99 490 07/01/96 1100 12/13/99 210 08/08/96 3000 01/04/00 200 09/03/96 1200 02/02/00 110 10/01/96 16000 03/06/00 64 11/07/96 100 04/15/00 310 12/03/96 130 05/13/00 320 01/06/97 220 06/19/00 150 02/04/97 73 07/18/00 160 03/03/97 54 08/21/00 590 05/01/97 82 09/05/00 310 06/02/97 100 10/19/00 110 07/01/97 320 11/27/00 240 08/13/97 440 12/13/00 82 09/03/97 01/04/01 54 10/02/97 140 04/24/01 190 11/04/97 27 06/11/01 260 12/02/97 10 07/23/01 160 01/13/98 10 08/13/01 210 02/04/98 110 09/12/01 220 03/11/98 36 10/16/01 68 04/01/98 600 11/14/01 340 05/05/98 360 01/08/02 320 06/03/98 150 02/12/02 100 08/06/98 140 03/21/02 99 09/03/98 110 04/30/02 110 10/01/98 290 05/30/02 220 11/03/98 140 06/25/02 150 12/30/98 82 07/18/02 220 01/14/99 10 08/14/02 290 02/11/99 36 09/23/02 480 *L= Actual value is known to be greater than value given. J= Estimated value. A= Value reported is the mean of two or more determination. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-5 Table A- 3. Rich Fork Creek DWQ Special Study Monitoring Data Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 1755 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 260 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 355 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 418 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 482 Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 1800 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 229 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 227 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 287 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 369 Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 1787 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 139 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 179 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 228 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 322 Rich Fork in Davidson Co. at SR 2123 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 71 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 80 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 98 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 142 All Stations Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 60 156 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 60 184 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 60 228 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 60 300 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-6 Table A -4. Hamby Creek DWQ Special Study Monitoring Data Hamby Creek in Davidson Co. at SR 2790 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 142 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 155 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 161 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 175 Hamby Creek in Davidson Co. at SR 2025 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 59 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 65 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 88 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 118 Hamby Creek in Davidson Co. at SR 2080 Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 15 134 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 15 109 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 15 189 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 15 255 All Stations Dates Number of days Observations Geometric Mean 4/10/2001 to 5/8/2001 29 45 104 4/17/2001 to 5/15/2001 29 45 103 4/24/2001 to 5/22/2001 29 45 139 5/1/2001 to 5/29/2001 29 45 174 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-7 Table A- 5. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharger Coalition Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Rich Fork Creek at SR 1755 near High Point (Q5750000) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 6/18/1998 290 3/6/2001 57 7/28/1998 170 4/4/2001 230 8/19/1998 100 5/1/2001 36 10/8/1998 640 5/7/2001 140 12/1/1998 300 5/24/2001 260 1/5/1999 125 6/21/2001 360 2/2/1999 120 7/30/2001 490 3/12/1999 760 8/21/2001 640 4/9/1999 2100 9/25/2001 620 5/5/1999 13 12/4/2001 130 5/14/1999 100 1/15/2002 140 5/18/1999 280 2/12/2002 80 6/21/1999 1300 3/5/2002 73 7/26/1999 4800 4/9/2002 130 8/16/1999 630 5/7/2002 110 9/29/1999 750 5/7/2002 110 12/3/1999 740 5/14/2002 280 1/14/2000 160 5/21/2002 730 2/16/2000 1000 6/27/2002 370 3/21/2000 2400 07/09/02 430 4/18/2000 26 8/6/2002 270 5/5/2000 2200 9/24/2002 230 5/12/2000 310 10/8/2002 1100 5/18/2000 110 11/5/2002 280 6/22/2000 3600 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-8 Table A- 6. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharger Coalition Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Rich Fork Creek at SR 1787 near High Point (Q57850000) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 6/3/1998 66 6/9/2000 350 7/14/1998 210 1/4/2001 140 8/6/1998 200 2/13/2001 290 9/8/1998 1300 3/6/2001 120 10/16/1998 200 4/4/2001 190 11/18/1998 215 5/7/2001 200 12/1/1998 275 6/4/2001 150 1/5/1999 800 7/17/2001 120 2/2/1999 3300 8/7/2001 170 3/12/1999 61 9/11/2001 220 4/9/1999 120 10/9/2001 310 5/5/1999 90 11/13/2001 68 6/10/1999 180 12/4/2001 63 7/13/1999 1100 1/15/2002 63 8/5/1999 180 2/12/2002 190 9/14/1999 200 3/5/2002 63 10/15/1999 410 4/9/2002 73 11/5/1999 290 5/7/2002 250 12/3/1999 1100 6/11/2002 140 1/14/2000 250 07/09/02 140 2/16/2000 100 8/6/2002 182 3/21/2000 2700 9/24/2002 125 4/18/2000 160 10/8/2002 67 5/5/2000 240 11/5/2002 64 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-9 Table A- 7. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharger Coalition Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Rich Fork Creek at SR 2123 near High Point (Q5790000) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 6/3/1998 66 6/9/2000 100 7/14/1998 40 1/4/2001 44 8/6/1998 300 2/13/2001 600 9/8/1998 300 3/6/2001 91 10/16/1998 125 4/4/2001 240 11/18/1998 130 5/7/2001 130 12/1/1998 71 6/4/2001 200 1/5/1999 560 7/17/2001 520 2/2/1999 2000 8/7/2001 53 3/12/1999 68 9/11/2001 42 4/9/1999 65 10/9/2001 63 5/5/1999 130 11/13/2001 52 6/10/1999 68 12/4/2001 90 7/13/1999 450 1/15/2002 110 8/5/1999 71 2/12/2002 120 9/14/1999 220 3/5/2002 230 10/15/1999 280 4/9/2002 80 11/5/1999 430 5/7/2002 130 12/3/1999 370 6/11/2002 46 1/14/2000 220 07/09/02 53 2/16/2000 160 8/6/2002 145 3/21/2000 2500 9/24/2002 210 4/18/2000 240 10/8/2002 164 5/5/2000 100 11/5/2002 34 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-10 Table A- 8. High Point Westside WWTP Upstream/ Downstream Fecal Coliform Bacteria Monitoring Data (NC0024228) 1995 Date UC-111 DC-9C1 DC-9D1 Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D 1/4/1995 400 200 260 7/21/1995 380 140 150 1/10/1995 7/26/1995 60000 60000 60000 1/11/1995 600 680 1100 7/27/1995 4500 3600 4500 1/18/1995 400 500 1400 7/28/1995 550 1400 7400 1/25/1995 800 100 100 8/2/1995 440 250 400 2/1/1995 450 760 900 8/3/1995 240 150 240 2/8/1995 20 100 8/4/1995 300 650 2/15/1995 200 300 400 8/9/1995 310 170 330 2/22/1995 220 540 480 8/10/1995 300 1800 350 3/1/1995 6000 6000 6000 8/11/1995 270 130 310 3/8/1995 100 200 200 8/16/1995 340 160 360 3/15/1995 150 350 100 8/17/1995 430 330 500 3/22/1995 1200 1200 1000 8/18/1995 390 130 430 3/29/1995 400 800 1600 8/23/1995 2300 2000 2300 4/5/1995 150 200 8/24/1995 580 57 580 4/12/1995 280 340 8/25/1995 57 50 280 4/19/1995 620 240 8/30/1995 1400 730 450 4/26/1995 440 160 8/31/1995 770 600 3400 5/3/1995 4000 4900 6900 9/1/1995 440 330 5/10/1995 1400 600 1300 9/6/1995 400 460 5/17/1995 460 40 180 9/7/1995 240 270 5/24/1995 400 250 530 9/8/1995 310 230 5/31/1995 1300 1400 2600 9/13/1995 440 480 6/7/1995 9000 17000 16000 9/14/1995 170 620 6/8/1995 1800 1200 1300 9/15/1995 210 150 6/9/1995 6400 900 600 9/20/1995 420 260 6/14/1995 780 1600 800 9/21/1995 130 230 6/15/1995 440 300 240 9/22/1995 220 1400 6/16/1995 180 480 120 9/27/1995 420 2300 6/21/1995 2000 1600 360 9/28/1995 130 1100 6/22/1995 550 1200 840 10/4/1995 480 1200 570 6/23/1995 16000 2300 35000 10/11/1995 220 440 520 6/28/1995 2000 550 5200 10/18/1995 75 200 230 6/29/1995 2400 2000 5500 10/25/1995 590 300 200 6/30/1995 2100 14000 3000 11/1/1995 1300 550 7/5/1995 1400 600 1300 11/8/1995 6000 6000 7/6/1995 500 250 550 11/15/1995 270 480 7/7/1995 60000 13000 4800 11/30/1995 2200 2300 7/12/1995 1100 540 580 12/6/1995 300 83 250 7/13/1995 460 300 370 12/13/1995 400 380 340 7/14/1995 320 280 310 12/20/1995 2000 920 1000 7/19/1995 3000 2600 3000 12/27/1995 170 230 150 7/20/1995 1200 400 560 12/27/1995 170 230 150 1Upstream - Approximately 100 ft upstream of outfall; Downstream-I - Southern Railroad Bridge above Hamby Creek; Downstream-II - NCSR#2005 (Turner Road) below Hamby Ck. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-11 Table A- 8 (continued) - 1996 Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D 1/3/1996 3400 1100 680 7/25/1996 1180 300 510 1/10/1996 2000 7/26/1996 600 600 600 1/17/1996 3000 7/31/1996 414 360 1040 1/24/1996 580 180 100 8/1/1996 2860 1200 1200 1/31/1996 6000 1500 330 8/2/1996 1850 7600 9500 2/8/1996 2200 330 330 8/7/1996 6500 1360 3500 2/14/1996 33 33 33 8/8/1996 2800 6420 9550 2/21/1996 500 900 480 8/9/1996 940 867 1550 2/28/1996 120 67 120 8/14/1996 2500 1400 2400 3/6/1996 220 180 520 8/15/1996 1100 1800 4150 3/13/1996 200 36 64 8/16/1996 350 317 933 3/27/1996 130 100 57 8/21/1996 208 133 450 4/3/1996 183 167 100 8/22/1996 340 560 1500 4/10/1996 420 475 350 8/23/1996 220 220 5100 4/17/1996 390 840 200 8/28/1996 1200 1200 12800 4/24/1996 370 147 240 8/29/1996 2000 1200 1000 5/1/1996 700 100 1950 8/30/1996 300 600 390 5/15/1996 500 210 240 9/11/1996 8600 1800 467 6/5/1996 560 288 580 9/12/1996 5000 18400 17000 6/6/1996 300 200 420 9/13/1996 600 667 833 6/7/1996 383 70 310 9/18/1996 415 400 450 6/12/1996 860 280 670 9/19/1996 410 215 250 6/13/1996 2360 203 570 9/20/1996 185 240 132 6/14/1996 1180 243 230 9/25/1996 208 263 220 6/19/1996 660 205 410 9/26/1996 223 510 500 6/20/1996 7820 600 1980 9/27/1996 193 360 210 6/21/1996 1580 580 300 10/2/1996 1200 3000 1200 6/26/1996 230 310 210 10/9/1996 1900 6000 2600 6/27/1996 520 80 554 10/16/1996 186 294 971 7/1/1996 430 200 435 10/23/1996 54 120 250 7/2/1996 270 130 100 10/30/1996 109 49 310 7/3/1996 1200 600 460 11/6/1996 86 120 120 7/10/1996 560 187 765 11/13/1996 295 275 200 7/11/1996 1000 77 200 11/20/1996 216 390 590 7/12/1996 530 200 310 11/27/1996 350 168 286 7/17/1996 220 258 1540 12/4/1996 210 97 460 7/18/1996 470 140 487 12/11/1996 136 91 164 7/19/1996 530 590 1420 12/18/1996 88 224 218 7/24/1996 1200 175 880 12/27/1996 27 321 136 1Upstream - Approximately 100 ft upstream of outfall; Downstream-I - Southern Railroad Bridge above Hamby Creek; Downstream-II - NCSR#2005 (Turner Road) below Hamby Ck. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-12 Table A- 8 (continued) -1997 Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D 1/2/1997 82 140 132 7/23/1997 21800 12600 16800 1/8/1997 88 128 188 7/28/1997 550 200 1000 1/15/1997 180 410 180 7/29/1997 430 580 440 1/22/1997 185 84 78 7/30/1997 490 600 500 1/29/1997 237 780 640 8/4/1997 400 280 390 2/5/1997 182 290 220 8/5/1997 7250 6000 2450 2/12/1997 340 63 490 8/6/1997 3350 1000 2200 2/19/1997 112 206 112 8/11/1997 200 238 371 2/26/1997 204 58 73 8/12/1997 1000 288 114 3/5/1997 600 330 360 8/13/1997 380 370 560 3/12/1997 97 150 180 8/18/1997 1000 200 188 3/19/1997 600 340 226 8/19/1997 420 159 250 3/26/1997 2840 455 3300 8/20/1997 600 820 480 4/2/1997 136 108 194 8/25/1997 505 270 300 4/9/1997 470 370 280 8/26/1997 280 395 1040 4/16/1997 194 136 164 8/27/1997 475 270 250 4/23/1997 25600 1200 1200 9/2/1997 5500 188 980 4/30/1997 1550 6000 3700 9/3/1997 1150 360 440 5/7/1997 760 450 680 9/4/1997 1540 200 340 5/14/1997 560 163 144 9/8/1997 540 84 246 5/21/1997 1200 480 620 9/9/1997 620 80 530 5/28/1997 960 280 580 9/10/1997 9400 555 3300 6/3/1997 9550 4200 8600 9/15/1997 350 250 686 6/4/1997 2400 5400 4550 9/16/1997 410 400 780 6/5/1997 900 1040 520 9/17/1997 605 340 740 6/9/1997 375 180 1100 9/22/1997 450 280 360 6/10/1997 620 440 640 9/23/1997 279 560 640 6/11/1997 557 80 320 9/24/1997 1350 430 1110 6/16/1997 950 370 880 9/29/1997 1150 338 3800 6/17/1997 280 520 855 9/30/1997 400 300 629 6/18/1997 405 760 880 10/1/1997 560 164 1100 6/23/1997 430 330 735 10/8/1997 330 460 760 6/24/1997 380 210 343 10/15/1997 280 12500 1133 6/25/1997 300 600 605 10/22/1997 555 143 229 6/30/1997 176 180 320 10/29/1997 450 380 410 7/1/1997 100 80 980 11/5/1997 220 225 271 7/2/1997 3310 2520 1210 11/12/1997 62 144 78 7/7/1997 167 38 63 11/19/1997 148 120 172 7/8/1997 176 99 255 11/26/1997 290 148 88 7/9/1997 164 152 435 12/3/1997 390 120 224 7/14/1997 184 148 340 12/10/1997 170 168 287 7/15/1997 565 260 230 12/17/1997 155 120 168 7/16/1997 285 157 430 12/23/1997 1290 1400 500 7/21/1997 2670 1200 1200 12/31/1997 673 310 270 7/22/1997 5000 10900 6000 1Upstream - Approximately 100 ft upstream of outfall; Downstream-I - Southern Railroad Bridge above Hamby Creek; Downstream-II - NCSR#2005 (Turner Road) below Hamby Ck. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-13 Table A- 8 (continued) - 1998 Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D Date UC-11 DC-9C DC-9D 1/7/1998 2850 3400 4650 3/25/1998 800 65 88 1/14/1998 153 135 100 4/1/1998 400 50 192 1/21/1998 330 153 153 4/8/1998 189 88 250 1/28/1998 2600 3650 2900 4/15/1998 152 132 420 2/4/1998 2267 950 2350 4/22/1998 260 460 530 2/11/1998 189 65 88 4/29/1998 153 141 176 2/18/1998 2550 2425 2100 5/6/1998 475 365 300 2/25/1998 840 113 100 5/13/1998 465 206 222 3/4/1998 360 141 171 5/20/1998 121 136 152 3/11/1998 470 260 135 5/27/1998 22000 1370 940 3/18/1998 2083 238 238 7/21/1997 2670 1200 1200 7/22/1997 5000 10900 6000 1Upstream - Approximately 100 ft upstream of outfall; Downstream-I - Southern Railroad Bridge above Hamby Creek; Downstream-II - NCSR#2005 (Turner Road) below Hamby Ck. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-14 Table A- 9. Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP Upstream/ Downstream Fecal Coliform Bacteria Monitoring Data (NC0024112) Date Upstream DS-I1 DS-II1 Date upstream DS-I DS-II Date upstream DS-I DS-II 01/03/96 4100 290 227 07/31/96 383 117 100 05/20/97 340 10 01/18/96 1066 100 333 09/04/96 6300 6000 5800 05/28/97 320 250 01/24/96 416 20 383 09/05/96 7200 4300 3600 06/02/97 500 800 01/29/96 682 20 200 09/09/96 500 267 217 06/03/97 6000 450 02/08/96 1800 164 170 09/10/96 583 883 233 06/04/97 2100 200 02/12/96 160 10 60 09/12/96 6300 1266 1333 06/09/97 880 110 02/19/96 254 10 60 09/16/96 683 233 233 06/10/97 587 167 02/26/96 636 20 27 09/17/96 6500 4300 517 06/11/97 1220 240 03/05/96 430 30 50 09/18/96 1017 283 500 06/16/97 350 210 03/12/96 300 191 91 09/23/96 750 400 283 06/17/97 440 120 03/20/96 4500 2500 3300 09/24/96 567 400 250 06/18/97 900 175 03/25/96 291 40 90 09/26/96 533 216 417 06/23/97 600 180 04/03/96 654 110 409 10/03/96 8000 783 617 06/24/97 380 170 04/11/96 534 80 173 10/09/96 7200 6500 6300 06/25/97 400 260 04/15/96 245 109 110 10/16/96 250 60 50 06/30/97 620 160 04/23/96 210 10 4 10/22/96 80 40 40 07/01/97 100 6000 04/28/96 55 20 20 10/28/96 300 36 80 07/02/97 6500 6200 05/08/96 1600 138 162 11/06/96 76 40 07/07/97 210 240 05/13/96 645 209 272 11/12/96 104 4 07/08/97 600 180 05/20/96 464 155 118 11/19/96 5800 44 07/09/97 2700 150 05/28/96 6500 6000 336 11/25/96 184 208 07/14/97 370 160 06/03/96 4700 155 127 12/02/96 5000 1900 07/15/97 450 340 06/04/96 616 55 163 12/10/96 328 300 07/16/97 400 150 06/05/96 2500 91 191 12/18/96 4 4 07/21/97 5900 6000 06/10/96 3600 327 645 12/23/96 140 16 07/22/97 6000 3400 06/11/96 5000 491 634 12/30/96 44 44 07/23/97 6000 6000 06/12/96 733 110 236 01/06/97 4500 77 07/28/97 680 200 370 06/17/96 4000 518 327 01/14/97 6000 4 07/29/97 3400 120 200 06/18/96 683 236 245 01/22/97 208 4 07/30/97 6000 160 160 06/24/96 4400 218 100 01/28/97 120 4 08/04/97 340 340 170 06/25/96 4500 273 127 02/04/97 80 68 08/05/97 2700 400 550 06/26/96 1083 190 200 02/12/97 132 240 08/06/97 10 10 10 07/01/96 933 255 155 02/18/97 800 350 08/11/97 160 160 1500 07/02/96 700 200 218 02/24/97 600 675 08/12/97 250 180 140 07/03/96 617 327 100 03/03/97 288 60 08/13/97 260 150 150 07/08/96 517 182 100 03/12/97 108 28 08/18/97 130 120 170 07/09/96 800 191 100 03/18/97 160 24 52 08/19/97 2000 80 270 07/10/96 5000 2100 70 03/24/97 92 36 1700 08/20/97 430 160 60 07/15/96 200 382 145 03/31/97 2000 28 48 08/25/97 490 200 140 07/16/96 2000 2200 3000 04/07/97 2500 20 84 08/26/97 600 170 260 07/17/96 4700 445 118 04/14/97 450 130 6000 08/27/97 600 220 270 07/22/96 516 218 73 04/21/97 50 140 50 09/02/97 2500 3800 200 07/23/96 6000 682 591 04/28/97 6000 4800 168 09/03/97 200 210 240 07/24/96 1267 1433 433 05/01/97 600 09/04/97 230 270 200 07/29/96 2000 2000 216 05/06/97 320 90 09/08/97 320 130 230 07/30/96 583 583 500 05/12/97 260 110 09/09/97 430 300 220 1 Upstream = Baptist Children’s Home Road; DS-I = SR 2017 bridge; DS-II = SR 2010 bridge Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-15 Table A- 9 (continued) Date Upstream DS-I1 DS-II1 Date upstream DS-I DS-II Date upstream DS-I DS-II 09/11/97 200 210 120 06/09/98 220 210 200 09/23/98 160 220 200 09/15/97 480 370 180 06/10/98 300 250 210 09/28/98 300 140 50 09/16/97 170 250 100 06/15/98 6000 5000 650 09/29/98 600 320 40 09/18/97 300 160 30 06/16/98 6000 4900 3700 09/30/98 340 400 240 09/22/97 230 530 200 06/17/98 760 560 300 10/05/98 590 270 140 09/23/97 60 260 120 06/22/98 360 200 170 10/12/98 200 130 70 09/24/97 180 150 90 06/23/98 250 180 200 10/19/98 80 150 200 10/01/97 90 270 150 06/24/98 480 190 250 10/26/98 190 100 80 10/06/97 500 240 60 06/29/98 280 180 260 11/02/98 1 1 1 10/14/97 200 320 120 06/30/98 230 150 180 11/09/98 1 1 1 10/21/97 460 490 440 07/01/98 900 600 3800 11/16/98 200 176 104 10/27/97 4700 4000 220 07/07/98 170 70 80 11/23/98 20 130 80 11/01/97 6000 160 70 07/08/98 400 120 120 11/30/98 60 420 60 11/10/97 240 80 70 07/09/98 320 136 232 12/01/98 250 350 11/19/97 140 240 140 07/13/98 220 130 150 12/07/98 223 205 80 11/24/97 510 110 120 07/14/98 320 230 90 12/15/98 600 108 2000 12/01/97 3400 600 800 07/15/98 220 150 290 12/22/98 375 190 220 12/08/97 40 30 60 07/20/98 590 360 430 12/28/98 390 380 260 12/15/97 150 5 90 07/21/98 600 320 2100 02/01/99 115 125 100 12/22/97 150 110 140 07/22/98 250 200 210 02/08/99 173 187 90 12/29/97 210 110 200 07/27/98 320 190 400 02/15/99 280 320 55 01/05/98 140 160 70 07/28/98 210 260 410 02/22/99 118 105 75 01/12/98 2700 60 70 07/29/98 450 220 210 03/01/99 105 323 110 01/20/98 6000 2300 500 08/03/98 300 150 160 03/09/99 25 95 60 01/26/98 260 80 110 08/04/98 510 130 150 03/16/99 3800 220 166 02/01/98 100 250 70 08/05/98 200 190 180 03/23/99 550 120 210 02/09/98 60 130 60 08/10/98 7100 5400 6200 03/30/99 70 55 154 02/16/98 450 210 60 08/11/98 2000 490 5500 04/05/99 300 15 20 02/24/98 6000 590 73 08/12/98 620 260 500 04/12/99 120 130 50 03/02/98 400 40 10 08/17/98 6300 610 260 04/20/99 45 210 60 03/10/98 4500 2000 600 08/18/98 390 330 220 04/26/99 115 273 100 03/16/98 140 40 200 08/19/98 500 240 210 05/04/99 210 200 110 03/24/98 410 50 60 08/24/98 150 300 170 05/11/99 100 140 250 03/30/98 90 90 154 08/25/98 2600 230 200 05/18/99 316 193 135 04/06/98 490 150 210 08/26/98 100 110 30 05/24/99 185 193 100 04/13/98 160 60 100 08/31/98 200 190 180 06/01/99 260 140 150 04/21/98 3100 600 200 09/01/98 70 60 80 06/02/99 247 183 100 04/27/98 230 40 50 09/02/98 40 170 100 06/03/99 300 180 100 05/05/98 610 200 400 09/08/98 100 150 120 06/07/99 217 110 40 05/12/98 3100 500 400 09/09/98 4800 410 2000 06/08/99 323 145 100 05/19/98 610 110 170 09/10/98 170 420 130 06/09/99 237 105 71 05/26/98 1300 130 140 09/14/98 100 150 100 06/14/99 333 280 125 06/01/98 2900 200 230 09/15/98 30 170 180 06/15/99 400 193 100 06/02/98 1800 80 150 09/16/98 105 125 50 06/16/99 1217 100 87 06/03/98 2200 190 90 09/21/98 400 240 110 06/21/99 6000 6000 1700 06/08/98 600 200 300 09/22/98 550 160 150 06/22/99 3200 500 2233 1 Upstream = Baptist Children’s Home Road; DS-I = SR 2017 bridge; DS-II = SR 2010 bridge Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-16 Table A- 9 (continued) Date Upstream DS-I1 DS-II1 Date upstream DS-I DS-II Date upstream DS-I DS-II 06/23/99 950 453 160 10/25/99 100 510 100 07/06/00 830 400 210 06/28/99 4600 900 200 11/01/99 110 150 100 07/10/00 360 400 125 06/29/99 450 190 110 11/08/99 40 206 100 07/11/00 300 340 290 06/30/99 280 305 55 11/15/99 47 125 140 07/12/00 600 240 100 07/06/99 297 175 105 11/23/99 223 100 203 07/17/00 500 320 165 07/07/99 307 213 300 12/01/99 200 250 350 07/18/00 420 200 110 07/08/99 310 230 6000 12/06/99 115 306 135 07/19/00 320 400 100 07/12/99 340 350 100 12/13/99 340 150 203 07/24/00 3700 250 320 07/13/99 5000 433 203 12/20/99 300 100 210 07/25/00 5200 2100 3200 07/14/99 3400 390 320 12/29/99 203 206 160 07/26/00 2400 223 203 07/19/99 320 200 100 01/04/00 180 200 205 07/31/00 125 320 100 07/20/99 300 35 75 01/11/00 6000 4800 3500 08/01/00 >6000 500 110 07/21/99 200 52 42 01/21/00 727 500 600 08/02/00 4000 2000 2700 07/26/99 380 300 207 01/28/00 50 140 08/07/00 360 500 150 07/27/99 600 600 203 02/03/00 3800 100 220 08/08/00 290 400 145 07/28/99 300 720 400 02/07/00 450 100 210 08/09/00 200 190 320 08/02/99 120 283 100 02/15/00 303 116 226 08/14/00 200 350 223 08/03/99 653 330 35 02/21/00 183 150 105 08/15/00 2400 590 226 08/04/99 300 400 62 03/01/00 100 450 3000 08/16/00 300 500 180 08/09/99 480 210 300 03/07/00 206 110 100 08/21/00 360 220 200 08/10/99 180 280 70 03/15/00 6000 100 50 08/22/00 300 330 100 08/11/99 200 280 100 03/20/00 400 210 2000 08/23/00 450 400 100 08/16/99 6000 1100 2600 03/28/00 2000 340 110 08/28/00 200 200 100 08/17/99 2000 780 400 04/03/00 590 145 100 08/29/00 590 500 300 08/18/99 300 600 210 04/12/00 200 105 110 08/30/00 250 370 100 08/23/99 440 430 192 04/17/00 450 150 125 09/05/00 520 400 350 08/24/99 590 343 204 04/26/00 600 225 220 09/06/00 500 450 170 08/25/99 390 420 263 05/01/00 440 260 250 09/07/00 590 330 550 08/30/99 600 300 149 05/09/00 200 193 100 09/11/00 130 213 266 08/31/99 350 290 163 05/15/00 175 320 200 09/12/00 210 410 140 09/02/99 300 125 217 05/23/00 2700 609 636 09/13/00 200 350 100 09/07/99 350 400 250 05/31/00 720 420 330 09/18/00 233 203 100 09/08/99 360 330 300 06/05/00 2300 490 450 09/20/00 4000 300 3300 09/09/99 340 750 610 06/06/00 4200 226 250 09/21/00 560 400 110 09/13/99 207 247 150 06/07/00 563 290 260 09/25/00 360 350 100 09/14/99 250 380 210 06/12/00 400 100 100 09/26/00 5900 6000 5800 09/15/99 610 320 115 06/13/00 580 300 100 09/27/00 3300 200 400 09/20/99 227 257 227 06/14/00 400 360 240 10/02/00 217 257 183 09/21/99 60000 310 1250 06/19/00 500 100 110 10/12/00 60 170 65 09/22/99 430 400 135 06/20/00 500 250 100 10/16/00 100 105 95 09/27/99 135 470 203 06/21/00 230 110 100 10/23/00 125 100 105 09/28/99 60000 5900 600 06/26/00 400 300 100 10/30/00 105 140 100 09/29/99 4100 4900 3300 06/27/00 150 135 145 11/08/00 140 100 105 10/04/99 253 650 105 06/29/00 >60000 >60000 280 11/13/00 110 100 203 10/11/99 4700 700 400 07/03/00 490 480 180 11/21/00 420 400 105 10/18/99 590 125 150 07/05/00 370 330 55 11/27/00 2800 420 2800 1 Upstream = Baptist Children’s Home Road; DS-I = SR 2017 bridge; DS-II = SR 2010 bridge Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-17 Table A- 9 (continued) Date Upstream DS-I1 DS-II1 Date upstream DS-I DS-II Date upstream DS-I DS-II 12/05/00 100 125 110 07/18/01 140 150 72 01/15/02 60 24 59 12/11/00 125 100 173 07/23/01 150 100 105 01/24/02 58 24 84 12/18/00 420 100 190 07/24/01 300 115 215 02/07/02 12 9 11 12/27/00 110 100 145 07/25/01 200 100 125 02/15/02 10 19 59 01/04/01 430 400 50 07/30/01 6000 160 170 02/20/02 100 22 20 01/08/01 125 100 105 07/31/01 330 210 200 03/01/02 200 145 70 01/16/01 100 100 100 08/01/01 440 273 240 03/06/02 7 26 103 01/24/01 200 60 110 08/06/01 100 100 105 03/14/02 666 1750 1550 01/29/01 88 80 96 08/07/01 2500 200 216 03/19/02 108 80 132 02/05/01 25 45 160 08/08/01 135 270 100 03/27/02 6000 3250 900 02/13/01 6300 36 340 08/13/01 1433 680 400 04/03/02 1000 750 500 02/20/01 2500 50 140 08/14/01 12000 6000 880 04/10/02 840 60 150 02/26/01 3000 105 450 08/15/01 440 480 3000 04/17/02 120 90 46 03/07/01 400 100 95 08/20/01 447 380 100 04/25/02 20 296 40 03/13/01 300 25 100 08/21/01 260 500 100 05/01/02 16 130 30 03/19/01 400 21 56 08/22/01 800 240 110 05/08/02 50 120 40 03/27/01 46 7 25 08/27/01 6000 173 175 05/15/02 650 570 420 04/02/01 3100 300 410 08/28/01 2800 500 100 05/22/02 175 50 130 04/09/01 200 27 60 08/29/01 440 572 185 05/28/02 138 115 245 04/16/01 203 73 150 09/05/01 340 300 290 06/03/02 900 370 130 04/24/01 100 300 28 09/06/01 160 540 480 06/05/02 480 205 30 04/30/01 230 40 22 09/07/01 110 410 100 06/07/02 800 600 175 05/08/01 22 250 80 09/10/01 30 210 50 06/10/02 220 100 60 05/14/01 20 80 31 09/11/01 140 175 110 06/12/02 110 150 80 05/22/01 727 250 23 09/12/01 110 160 85 06/14/02 155 135 100 05/30/01 250 110 120 09/17/01 100 200 75 06/17/02 105 90 170 06/04/01 213 100 67 09/18/01 135 180 195 06/19/02 25 120 150 06/05/01 500 95 100 09/19/01 130 165 100 06/21/02 50 135 75 06/06/01 135 100 110 09/24/01 280 240 220 06/24/02 185 250 140 06/11/01 390 304 60 09/25/01 6000 5500 2700 06/26/02 185 90 155 06/12/01 320 185 92 09/26/01 2300 260 200 07/01/02 295 230 225 06/13/01 370 110 60 10/01/01 350 110 80 07/05/02 320 200 100 06/18/01 350 158 50 10/09/01 50 100 55 07/08/02 70 75 60 06/19/01 213 125 125 10/16/01 330 180 30 07/10/02 95 90 60 06/20/01 170 110 64 10/23/01 75 220 100 07/12/02 2440 680 760 06/25/01 5900 6000 4900 10/29/01 50 240 100 07/15/02 2060 140 40 06/26/01 6200 4200 2500 11/06/01 42 60 44 07/17/02 960 180 40 06/27/01 220 200 210 11/12/01 50 60 58 07/19/02 980 200 160 07/02/01 4500 600 3000 11/19/01 2790 80 32 07/22/02 540 380 340 07/03/01 1100 300 500 11/27/01 155 75 60 07/24/02 4000 600 4120 07/05/01 5800 6100 4500 12/04/01 57 48 42 07/26/02 tntc tntc tntc 07/09/01 280 167 100 12/12/01 3800 2000 3400 07/29/02 280 220 240 07/10/01 100 95 90 12/19/01 2200 240 200 08/02/02 296 100 240 07/11/01 20 24 6 12/27/01 112 24 276 08/05/02 25 200 106 07/16/01 1 1 1 01/02/02 25 33 38 08/07/02 200 160 60 07/17/01 1 1 1 01/09/02 60 15 58 08/08/02 60 300 160 1 Upstream = Baptist Children’s Home Road; DS-I = SR 2017 bridge; DS-II = SR 2010 bridge Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-18 Table A- 9 (continued) Date Upstream DS-I1 DS-II1 Date upstream DS-I DS-II Date upstream DS-I DS-II 08/12/02 180 240 40 09/09/02 1850 1100 700 10/16/02 14600 9850 10550 08/14/02 760 280 80 09/11/02 450 700 200 10/23/02 2200 300 250 08/15/02 800 340 140 09/13/02 100 200 150 10/30/02 10450 8700 5350 08/19/02 420 160 120 09/16/02 11500 10150 13900 11/06/02 9300 430 5700 08/21/02 540 140 60 09/18/02 4250 750 1600 11/15/02 600 33 433 08/22/02 440 220 180 09/20/02 4700 12600 11100 11/21/02 233 1 367 08/26/02 160 440 640 09/23/02 3800 5600 2950 11/27/02 85 50 77 08/27/02 22000 3560 2580 09/25/02 2200 500 150 12/04/02 62 85 100 08/28/02 3250 1900 1450 09/27/02 11900 1450 800 12/13/02 2000 300 270 09/03/02 100 350 450 10/02/02 1200 1000 300 12/18/02 69 54 110 09/04/02 10150 10000 3750 10/09/02 550 250 150 12/23/02 62 23 50 09/06/02 3950 1750 1400 1 Upstream = Baptist Children’s Home Road; DS-I = SR 2017 bridge; DS-II = SR 2010 bridge Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-19 Table A- 10. Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) 303(d) Rich Fork Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Project Monitoring Data Summary Date Previous Rainfall Lexington Ave (RF1) Midway School (RF2) (RF2a) Kanoy Rd RF3 Old Hwy 29 (RF4) 6/5/2003 <48 2670 5900 6200 6/23/2003 48 940 5700 665 386 6/24/2003 72 1060 860 520 410 7/1/2003 72+ 520 540 860 162 7/9/2003 48 476 670 530 370 7/16/2003 48+ 1014 negative 5900 positive negative 420 negative 7/17/2003 72+ 300 negative 900 positive 540 positive 345 positive 7/25/2003 48 493 negative 1160 negative 1090 650 positive 680 negative Geometric Means: 1st 5/30 518 1174 730 358 2nd 5/30 Total 749 1683 820 1090 888 525 Note: All data reported in cfu/100ml. State Limit 200cfu/100mL Shading designates 5/30 sampling Appendix VIII-a. Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) 303(d) Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Project Monitoring Data Summary Previous Lake Rd Squire Bowers Rd Date Rainfall Lake Rd H1 Baptist Rd H1a Squire Bowers Rd H2 Hilltop Rd H2a DNA Human 6/5/2003 <48 19200 4300 5800 6/23/2003 48 1538 585 7 6/24/2003 72 2200 420 600 7/1/2003 72+ 553 300 500 7/9/2003 48 903 220 390 7/16/2003 48+ 1242 positive 570 positive 330 negative 7/17/2003 72+ 980 negative 230 positive 335 negative 7/25/2003 48 455 positive 430 440 360 negative 31 320 negative Geometric Means: 1st 5/30 773 315 370 2nd 5/30 Total 1435 430 440 489 31 337 Note: All data reported in cfu/100ml. State Limit 200cfu/100mL Shading designates 5/30 sampling Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report A-20 Figure A- 1. Flow at USGS gage on Abbots Creek near Lexington (USGS2121500) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 Oct-88 Jul-90 Apr-92 Jan-94 Oct-95 Jul-97 Apr-99 Jan-01 Date Fl o w ( c f s ) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-1 APPENDIX B LOAD DURATION CALCULATIONS FOR RICH FORK AND HAMBY CREEKS Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-2 List of Tables Table RF1. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, upstream of Westside WWTP……………………….……...… 3 Table RF2. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, YPDRBA data at SR 1755 near High Point YPDRBA Monitoring ……………………………………………………………………… 4 Table RF2a. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q5780000 - SR#1800) …………………………………………………………. 5 Table RF3. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, YPDRBA data at SR 1787 near High Point ….…………….. 6 Table RF4. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, YPDRBA data at SR 2123 near High Pooint ..……………….. 7 Table RF5. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, Westside WWTP monitoring data at Old Hwy 29 …………… 8 Table RF5a. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, Westside WWTP Geometric mean data at Old Hwy 29 …...… 9 Table H1. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, @ Baptist Children Home Road WWTP Upstream Monitoring Site ……………………………………………………………….…10 Table H2. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q59060000- SR# 2790) ..11 Table H3. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, WWTP Monitoring @ SR2017 Bridge …………………………12 Table H3a. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, @ SR2017 Bridge WWTP Monitoring site (Geometric Mean)…13 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-3 List of Figures Figure RF1. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek upstream of Westside WWTP ……...…3 Figure RF2. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek at SR 1755 near High Point )YPDRBA Monitoring) ……...……………………………………………………………..…4 Figure RF2a. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek at DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q5780000 - SR#1800)……………………………………………....…5 Figure RF3. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek YPDRBA data at SR 1787 near High Point ……………………..………………………..….……...…………….. 6 Figure RF4. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek YPDRBA data at SR 2123 near High Pooint ………………………..…….………………………………………. 7 Figure RF5. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek at Old Hwy 29 (Westside WWTP monitoring) ……………………………………………………………………… 8 Figure RF5a. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek at Old hwy 29 (Westside WWTP Down stream monitoring Geometric mean data) ….……………….……..…...… 9 Figure H1. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek, @ Baptist Children Home Road WWTP Upstream Monitoring Site …………………….………………………………... 10 Figure H2. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek, DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q59060000- SR# 2790) ………………………………………………………...11 Figure H3. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek at SR2017 Bridge WWTP Monitoring site ..…………………………………………………………………………...…12 Figure H3a. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek at SR2017 Bridge WWTP Monitoring site (geometric mean)…………………..……………………………………...…13 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-4 Table RF1. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, upstream of Westside WWTP Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 7.99E+09 3.67E+09 54.1 90 1.09E+10 6.39E+09 41.5 85 1.49E+10 9.40E+09 37.0 80 2.04E+10 1.24E+10 39.3 75 2.78E+10 1.57E+10 43.4 70 3.80E+10 1.92E+10 49.4 65 5.20E+10 2.34E+10 54.9 60 7.10E+10 2.79E+10 60.6 55 9.70E+10 3.22E+10 66.7 50 1.32E+11 3.80E+10 71.3 45 1.81E+11 4.33E+10 76.1 40 2.47E+11 4.94E+10 80.0 35 3.38E+11 5.67E+10 83.2 30 4.61E+11 6.69E+10 85.5 25 6.30E+11 7.93E+10 87.4 20 8.61E+11 9.78E+10 88.6 15 1.18E+12 1.25E+11 89.4 10 1.61E+12 1.81E+11 88.8 5 2.20E+12 3.38E+11 84.6 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 3.18E+12 Allowable load: 5.78E+11 Percent reduction: 81.84% Figure RF1. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek upstream of Westside WWTP y = 3E+12e-0.0624x R2 = 0.7518 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 1.00E+15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Exising load Violations existing Load Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-5 Table RF2. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, YPDRBA data at SR 1755 near High Point YPDRBA Monitoring Interval Existing Load (cnts/day) Target load (cnts/day) Reduction (%) (percent) 95 2.07E+10 3.67E+09 82.3 90 2.54E+10 6.39E+09 74.9 85 3.12E+10 9.40E+09 69.9 80 3.82E+10 1.24E+10 67.6 75 4.69E+10 1.57E+10 66.4 70 5.75E+10 1.92E+10 66.5 65 7.05E+10 2.34E+10 66.8 60 8.65E+10 2.79E+10 67.7 55 1.06E+11 3.22E+10 69.6 50 1.30E+11 3.80E+10 70.8 45 1.59E+11 4.33E+10 72.9 40 1.96E+11 4.94E+10 74.7 35 2.40E+11 5.67E+10 76.4 30 2.94E+11 6.69E+10 77.3 25 3.61E+11 7.93E+10 78.0 20 4.42E+11 9.78E+10 77.9 15 5.42E+11 1.25E+11 77.0 10 6.65E+11 1.81E+11 72.8 5 8.15E+11 3.38E+11 58.5 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 3.49E+12 Allowable load: 8.83E+11 Percent reduction: 74.70% Figure RF2. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Ck YRBA data at SR 1755 near High Point YRBA Monitoring y = 1E+12e-0.0468x R2 = 0.7223 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Exising load Violations Existing Load Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-6 Table RF2a. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q5780000 - SR#1800) Interval Existing Load (cnts/day) Target load (counts/day) Reduction (Percent) 95 2.0861E+10 8.07E+09 61.3 90 2.7095E+10 1.44E+10 46.9 85 3.5194E+10 1.91E+10 45.8 80 4.5712E+10 2.54E+10 44.4 75 5.9375E+10 3.32E+10 44.1 70 7.7120E+10 4.24E+10 45.0 65 1.0017E+11 5.19E+10 48.2 60 1.3011E+11 6.31E+10 51.5 55 1.6899E+11 7.54E+10 55.4 50 2.1950E+11 8.84E+10 59.7 45 2.8511E+11 1.05E+11 63.2 40 3.7032E+11 1.21E+11 67.4 35 4.8100E+11 1.39E+11 71.1 30 6.2476E+11 1.62E+11 74.1 25 8.1149E+11 1.94E+11 76.1 20 1.0540E+12 2.46E+11 76.6 15 1.3690E+12 3.12E+11 77.2 10 1.7782E+12 4.48E+11 74.8 5 2.3097E+12 8.50E+11 63.2 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 4.4925E+11 Allowable load: 1.26E+11 Percent reduction: 71.97% Figure RF2a. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q5780000 - SR#1800) y = 3E+12e-0.0523x R2 = 0.7864 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-7 Table RF3. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, YPDRBA data at SR 1787 near High Point Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target load (counts/day) Reduction (perecent) 95 1.1186E+11 1.6232E+10 85.5 90 1.2226E+11 2.7705E+10 77.3 85 1.3431E+11 3.7222E+10 72.3 80 1.4839E+11 4.9713E+10 66.5 75 1.6500E+11 6.0783E+10 63.2 70 1.8483E+11 7.5258E+10 59.3 65 2.0878E+11 9.0661E+10 56.6 60 2.3816E+11 1.0457E+11 56.1 55 2.7479E+11 1.2253E+11 55.4 50 3.2142E+11 1.3749E+11 57.2 45 3.8223E+11 1.5589E+11 59.2 40 4.6392E+11 1.7576E+11 62.1 35 5.7784E+11 2.0304E+11 64.9 30 7.4457E+11 2.3648E+11 68.2 25 1.0049E+12 2.8915E+11 71.2 20 1.4504E+12 3.4125E+11 76.5 15 2.3278E+12 4.4106E+11 81.1 10 4.5345E+12 6.3250E+11 86.1 5 1.4177E+13 1.1980E+12 91.5 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 1.3284E+13 Allowable load: 3.1811E+12 Percent reduction: 76.05% Figure RF3. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Ck YRBA data at SR 1787 near High Point y = 2E+14x-1.6445 R2 = 0.9155 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Exising load ViolationsExisting Load Power (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-8 Table RF4. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, YPDRBA data at SR 2123 near High Point Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 6.5816E+10 2.47E+10 62.5 90 7.2740E+10 4.21E+10 42.1 85 8.0853E+10 5.66E+10 30.0 80 9.0449E+10 7.56E+10 16.4 75 1.0192E+11 9.24E+10 9.3 70 1.1580E+11 1.14E+11 1.2 65 1.3281E+11 1.38E+11 60 1.5401E+11 1.59E+11 55 1.8090E+11 1.86E+11 50 2.1579E+11 2.09E+11 3.1 45 2.6223E+11 2.37E+11 9.6 40 3.2607E+11 2.67E+11 18.0 35 4.1744E+11 3.09E+11 26.0 30 5.5520E+11 3.60E+11 35.2 25 7.7792E+11 4.40E+11 43.5 20 1.1755E+12 5.19E+11 55.9 15 2.0015E+12 6.71E+11 66.5 10 4.2376E+12 9.62E+11 77.3 5 1.5277E+13 1.82E+12 88.1 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 6.4110E+11 Allowable load: 2.85E+11 Percent reduction: 55.62% Figure RF4. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Ck YRBA data at SR 2123 near High Point y = 3E+14x-1.85 R2 = 0.9571 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Exising load Violations Existing Load Power (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-9 Table RF5. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, Westside WWTP monitoring data at Old Hwy 29 Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 1.74E+11 1.82E+10 89.5 90 1.87E+11 3.17E+10 83.1 85 2.03E+11 4.66E+10 77.0 80 2.21E+11 6.13E+10 72.2 75 2.42E+11 7.80E+10 67.7 70 2.66E+11 9.53E+10 64.2 65 2.95E+11 1.16E+11 60.7 60 3.30E+11 1.38E+11 58.0 55 3.73E+11 1.60E+11 57.1 50 4.26E+11 1.88E+11 55.8 45 4.93E+11 2.15E+11 56.5 40 5.81E+11 2.45E+11 57.9 35 7.00E+11 2.81E+11 59.9 30 8.68E+11 3.32E+11 61.8 25 1.12E+12 3.93E+11 64.9 20 1.53E+12 4.85E+11 68.3 15 2.28E+12 6.17E+11 73.0 10 4.02E+12 8.96E+11 77.7 5 1.06E+13 1.68E+12 84.2 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 8.32E+11 Allowable load: 2.57E+11 Percent reduction: 69.04% Figure RF5. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek WWTP monitoring data at Old Hwy 29 y = 1E+14x-1.3956 R2 = 0.5459 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 1.00E+15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Exising load Violations existing Load Power (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-10 Table RF5a. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Rich Fork Creek, Westside WWTP Geometric mean data at Old Hwy 29 Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 4.60E+10 1.56E+10 66.2 90 5.61E+10 2.24E+10 60.0 85 6.85E+10 2.81E+10 59.0 80 8.35E+10 3.77E+10 54.9 75 1.02E+11 4.77E+10 53.1 70 1.24E+11 6.10E+10 50.9 65 1.51E+11 7.12E+10 53.0 60 1.85E+11 8.43E+10 54.4 55 2.25E+11 9.93E+10 55.9 50 2.75E+11 1.13E+11 58.8 45 3.35E+11 1.30E+11 61.1 40 4.09E+11 1.60E+11 60.9 35 4.98E+11 1.97E+11 60.5 30 6.08E+11 2.31E+11 62.0 25 7.41E+11 2.79E+11 62.4 20 9.04E+11 3.42E+11 62.2 15 1.10E+12 4.15E+11 62.4 10 1.34E+12 5.05E+11 62.5 5 1.64E+12 6.60E+11 59.8 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 7.21E+12 Allowable load: 2.82E+12 Percent reduction: 60.86% Figure RF5a. Load Duration Curve - Rich Fork Creek WWTP monitoring data at Old Hwy 29, Geometric Mean y = 2E+12e-0.0397x R2 = 0.694 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Exising load Violations existing Load Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-11 Table H1. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, @ Baptist Children Home Rd. WWTP Upstream Monitoring Site Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target Load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 5.2791E+09 1.9497E+09 63.1 90 6.9570E+09 2.7853E+09 60.0 85 9.1683E+09 3.5811E+09 60.9 80 1.2082E+10 4.3769E+09 63.8 75 1.5923E+10 5.5706E+09 65.0 70 2.0984E+10 6.9632E+09 66.8 65 2.7654E+10 8.3559E+09 69.8 60 3.6443E+10 9.9475E+09 72.7 55 4.8027E+10 1.1738E+10 75.6 50 6.3292E+10 1.3728E+10 78.3 45 8.3409E+10 1.5916E+10 80.9 40 1.0992E+11 1.8104E+10 83.5 35 1.4486E+11 2.0890E+10 85.6 30 1.9090E+11 2.4272E+10 87.3 25 2.5158E+11 2.8848E+10 88.5 20 3.3154E+11 3.6288E+10 89.1 15 4.3692E+11 4.5758E+10 89.5 10 5.7580E+11 6.5494E+10 88.6 5 7.5881E+11 1.2313E+11 83.8 Average Values between the 90th and 25th percentile Existing load: 2.3655E+12 Allowable load: 3.2262E+11 Percent reduction: 86.4% Figure H1. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek Load Duration Curve @ Baptist Chidren Home Rd. WWTP Upstream Monitoring Site y = 1E+12e-0.0552x R2 = 0.6775 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-12 Table H2. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q59060000- SR# 2790) Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target Load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 2.7056E+10 1.0337E+10 61.8 90 3.1371E+10 1.4768E+10 52.9 85 3.6684E+10 1.8987E+10 48.2 80 4.3304E+10 2.3206E+10 46.4 75 5.1671E+10 2.9535E+10 42.8 70 6.2409E+10 3.6919E+10 40.8 65 7.6443E+10 4.4303E+10 42.0 60 9.5165E+10 5.2742E+10 44.6 55 1.2075E+11 6.2235E+10 48.5 50 1.5674E+11 7.2784E+10 53.6 45 2.0913E+11 8.4387E+10 59.6 40 2.8868E+11 9.5990E+10 66.7 35 4.1604E+11 1.1076E+11 73.4 30 6.3440E+11 1.2869E+11 79.7 25 1.0449E+12 1.5295E+11 85.4 20 1.9245E+12 1.9240E+11 90.0 15 4.2292E+12 2.4261E+11 94.3 10 1.2829E+13 3.4725E+11 97.3 5 8.5524E+13 6.5284E+11 99.2 Average Values between the 90th and 25th percentile Existing load: 2.3341E+11 Allowable load: 6.6304E+10 Percent reduction: 71.59% Figure H-2. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek DWQ Ambient Monitoring Location (Q59060000- SR# 2790) y = 7E+15x-2.7369 R2 = 0.8918 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 1.00E+15 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Power (Exising load Violations) High Flow Trans itio n Flo w Typical Flow Low Flow Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-13 Table H3. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, WWTP Monitoring @ SR2017 Bridge Interval Existing Load (counts/day) Target Load (counts/day) Reduction (percent) 95 1.7797E+10 9.5011E+09 46.6 90 2.3666E+10 1.3573E+10 42.6 85 3.1470E+10 1.7451E+10 44.5 80 4.1848E+10 2.1329E+10 49.0 75 5.5648E+10 2.7146E+10 51.2 70 7.3999E+10 3.3933E+10 54.1 65 9.8401E+10 4.0719E+10 58.6 60 1.3085E+11 4.8475E+10 63.0 55 1.7400E+11 5.7201E+10 67.1 50 2.3138E+11 6.6896E+10 71.1 45 3.0768E+11 7.7560E+10 74.8 40 4.0914E+11 8.8225E+10 78.4 35 5.4405E+11 1.0180E+11 81.3 30 7.2346E+11 1.1828E+11 83.7 25 9.6203E+11 1.4058E+11 85.4 20 1.2793E+12 1.7684E+11 86.2 15 1.7011E+12 2.2299E+11 86.9 10 2.2621E+12 3.1916E+11 85.9 5 3.0081E+12 6.0003E+11 80.1 Average values between the 90th and 25th percentile Existing load: 9.0501E+12 Allowable load: 1.5721E+12 Percent reduction: 82.63% Figure H3. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek @ SR2017 Bridge WWTP Monitoring Site y = 4E+12e-0.057x R2 = 0.7223 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing Load Exising load Violations Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report B-14 Table H3a. Calculations of Percent Reduction using Load Duration Curve Approach in Hamby Creek, @ SR2017 Bridge WWTP Monitoring site (Geometric Mean) Interval Existing Load Target Load (counts/day) (counts/day) Reduction (%) (percent) 95 1.9383E+10 8.0141E+09 58.7 90 2.3722E+10 1.0809E+10 54.4 85 2.9032E+10 1.3007E+10 55.2 80 3.5531E+10 1.6937E+10 52.3 75 4.3484E+10 2.0731E+10 52.3 70 5.3218E+10 2.5979E+10 51.2 65 6.5131E+10 2.9974E+10 54.0 60 7.9710E+10 3.5416E+10 55.6 55 9.7553E+10 4.1222E+10 57.7 50 1.1939E+11 4.6682E+10 60.9 45 1.4612E+11 5.3465E+10 63.4 40 1.7882E+11 6.5079E+10 63.6 35 2.1885E+11 7.9845E+10 63.5 30 2.6784E+11 9.3509E+10 65.1 25 3.2780E+11 1.1222E+11 65.8 20 4.0117E+11 1.3702E+11 65.8 15 4.9098E+11 1.6598E+11 66.2 10 6.0088E+11 2.0162E+11 66.4 5 7.3539E+11 2.6218E+11 64.3 Average Values between the 90th and 10th percentile Existing load: 1.8701E+11 Allowable load: 6.7618E+10 Percent reduction: 63.84% Figure H3a. Load Duration Curve - Hamby Creek @ SR2017 Bridge WWTP Monitoring site (Geometric Mean) y = 9E+11e-0.0404x R2 = 0.7258 1.00E+07 1.00E+08 1.00E+09 1.00E+10 1.00E+11 1.00E+12 1.00E+13 1.00E+14 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Percent Flow Exceeded Lo a d ( c o u n t s / d a y ) Allowable Load Existing LoadExising load Violations Expon. (Exising load Violations) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-1 APPENDIX C WWTP EFFLUENT FLOW AND FECAL COLIFORM BACTERIA CONCENTRATION Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-2 Tables Table C- 1. High Point Westside (Rich Fork Creek) WWTP Effluent Flow and Fecal Coliform Bacteria Concentration ………………………………………………....3 Table C- 2. Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP Effluent Flow and Fecal Coliform Bacteria Concentration …………………………………………………………..20 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-3 Table C- 1. High Point Westside (Rich Fork Creek) WWTP Effluent Flow and Fecal Coliform Bacteria Concentration Date Flow (cfs)FC Conc.Date Flow (cfs)FC Conc.Date Flow (cfs)FC Conc. 1/1/1996 5.15 2/21/1996 6.66 7000.4/12/1996 5.2 3. 1/2/1996 5.96 160.2/22/1996 5.78 54.4/13/1996 4.78 1/3/1996 5.45 2.2/23/1996 5.49 230.4/14/1996 4.79 1/4/1996 4.95 2.2/24/1996 5.19 4/15/1996 6.38 18. 1/5/1996 4.85 36.2/25/1996 5.4/16/1996 6.23 15. 1/6/1996 4.55 2/26/1996 5.49 20.4/17/1996 5.79 2140. 1/7/1996 4.6 2/27/1996 5.33 16.4/18/1996 5.74 600. 1/8/1996 4.7 10.2/28/1996 5.78 11.4/19/1996 5.7 1500. 1/9/1996 5.15 5.2/29/1996 5.04 7.4/20/1996 5.54 1/10/1996 5.36 2200.3/1/1996 5.24 1900.4/21/1996 5.16 1/11/1996 5.2 1600.3/2/1996 5.4/22/1996 5.5 120. 1/12/1996 5.2 3/3/1996 4.61 4/23/1996 5.31 1280. 1/13/1996 5.6 3/4/1996 4.9 25.4/24/1996 4.93 940. 1/14/1996 6.2 3/5/1996 4.95 1000.4/25/1996 4.93 68. 1/15/1996 7.3/6/1996 6.6 1200.4/26/1996 5.56 60. 1/16/1996 7.33 7.3/7/1996 9.5 820.4/27/1996 4.38 1/17/1996 7.72 10.3/8/1996 7.7 100.4/28/1996 4.16 1/18/1996 9.31 60.3/9/1996 6.1 4/29/1996 6.14 23. 1/19/1996 9.21 18.3/10/1996 5.6 4/30/1996 7.87 6000. 1/20/1996 7.23 3/11/1996 6.2.5/1/1996 5.26 1/21/1996 6.5 3/12/1996 6.04 5/2/1996 5.1 3. 1/22/1996 6.2 7.3/13/1996 5.74 2.5/3/1996 4.89 3. 1/23/1996 5.96 5.3/14/1996 5.74 3.5/4/1996 4.57 1/24/1996 7.37 4000.3/15/1996 5.74 5/5/1996 4.37 1/25/1996 6.5 140.3/16/1996 5.45 5/6/1996 5.31 3. 1/26/1996 6.7 49000.3/17/1996 5.3 5/7/1996 5.28 2. 1/27/1996 10.7 3/18/1996 5.79 2.5/8/1996 4.94 2040. 1/28/1996 7.4 3/19/1996 9.58 25.5/9/1996 4.77 2060. 1/29/1996 7.2 15.3/20/1996 6.89 18.5/10/1996 4.81 8. 1/30/1996 7.32 3.3/21/1996 6.59 3.5/11/1996 4.9 1/31/1996 7.52 10.3/22/1996 6.39 13.5/12/1996 4.21 2/1/1996 6.34 11.3/23/1996 5.99 5/13/1996 4.98 4. 2/2/1996 9.5 3/24/1996 5.59 5/14/1996 4.92 2. 2/3/1996 7.52 3/25/1996 5.38 5.5/15/1996 5.31 10. 2/4/1996 6.83 3/26/1996 5.19 16.5/16/1996 5.18 13. 2/5/1996 5.98 94.3/27/1996 5.67 470.5/17/1996 4.92 25. 2/6/1996 6.27 7.3/28/1996 7.07 600.5/18/1996 4.41 2/7/1996 7.35 18.3/29/1996 5.81 27.5/19/1996 4.25 2/8/1996 8.04 170.3/30/1996 5.24 5/20/1996 4.19 23. 2/9/1996 7.06 120.3/31/1996 5.53 5/21/1996 4.11 5. 2/10/1996 6.17 4/1/1996 7.43 20.5/22/1996 4.04 20. 2/11/1996 5.68 4/2/1996 6.29 15.5/23/1996 4.19 8. 2/12/1996 5.51 26.4/3/1996 6.19.5/24/1996 4.19 5. 2/13/1996 5.53 34.4/4/1996 5.75 5/25/1996 3.8 2/14/1996 5.61 19.4/5/1996 5.19 5/26/1996 3.77 2/15/1996 5.61 5700.4/6/1996 4.78 5/27/1996 5.43 13. 2/16/1996 5.6 710.4/7/1996 4.78 5/28/1996 4.34 47. 2/17/1996 5.13 4/8/1996 5.66 8.5/29/1996 4.17 39. 2/18/1996 4.85 4/9/1996 6.04 5.5/30/1996 3.89 7. 2/19/1996 5.78 2000.4/10/1996 5.27 9.5/31/1996 4.1 2/20/1996 7.35 2100.4/11/1996 5.2 8.6/1/1996 3.66 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-4 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 6/2/1996 3.66 7/23/1996 4.7 210.9/12/1996 5.71 135. 6/3/1996 4.4 6.7/24/1996 4.29 48.9/13/1996 5.19 80. 6/4/1996 4.3 7/25/1996 5.97 42.9/14/1996 3.23 6/5/1996 4.2 7/26/1996 4.25 220.9/15/1996 2.94 6/6/1996 4.58 7/27/1996 3.47 9/16/1996 3.49 55. 6/7/1996 4.25 33.7/28/1996 5.66 9/17/1996 3.49 1080. 6/8/1996 4.4 7/29/1996 4.54 21.9/18/1996 4.02 230. 6/9/1996 4.43 7/30/1996 4.61 24.9/19/1996 4.07 39. 6/10/1996 4.52 3.7/31/1996 5.09 51.9/20/1996 4.69. 6/11/1996 4.25 3.8/1/1996 5.42 16.9/21/1996 3.66 6/12/1996 4.56 10.8/2/1996 4.5 2.9/22/1996 3.47 6/13/1996 4.32 3.8/3/1996 4.05 9/23/1996 3.84 7. 6/14/1996 4.26 8/4/1996 3.9 9/24/1996 3.5 6. 6/15/1996 3.86 8/5/1996 4.63 10.9/25/1996 3.33 6. 6/16/1996 3.72 8/6/1996 4.66 23.9/26/1996 3.43 2. 6/17/1996 4.57 15.8/7/1996 5.57 90.9/27/1996 3.2 16. 6/18/1996 4.37 170.8/8/1996 4.78 27.9/28/1996 3.06 6/19/1996 5.62 480.8/9/1996 4.71 7.9/29/1996 2.93 6/20/1996 4.42 60.8/10/1996 3.95 9/30/1996 3.11 5. 6/21/1996 4.38 130.8/11/1996 4.01 10/1/1996 5.58 900. 6/22/1996 3.91 8/12/1996 6.34 23.10/2/1996 4.48. 6/23/1996 3.77 8/13/1996 5.20.10/3/1996 3.86 92. 6/24/1996 4.35 2.8/14/1996 4.22 5.10/4/1996 4.55 26. 6/25/1996 4.18 5.8/15/1996 3.76 9.10/5/1996 3.92 6/26/1996 4.16 9.8/16/1996 3.72 8.10/6/1996 2.93 6/27/1996 4.16 24.8/17/1996 3.15 10/7/1996 3.79 6. 6/28/1996 4.14 23.8/18/1996 3.18 10/8/1996 5.2 6/29/1996 3.75 8/19/1996 3.36 10/9/1996 4.87 21. 6/30/1996 3.41 8/20/1996 3.35 1.10/10/1996 4.08 5. 7/1/1996 3.64 1.8/21/1996 3.55 5.10/11/1996 3.78 5. 7/2/1996 3.82 8/22/1996 3.47 40.10/12/1996 3.57 7/3/1996 3.59 4.8/23/1996 3.55 260.10/13/1996 3.58 7/4/1996 3.2 8/24/1996 7.44 10/14/1996 3.75 4. 7/5/1996 3.17 3.8/25/1996 4.02 10/15/1996 3.95 21. 7/6/1996 3.03 8/26/1996 4.09 5.10/16/1996 3.63 1. 7/7/1996 3.06 8/27/1996 4.64 6.10/17/1996 3.66 1. 7/8/1996 3.68 8/28/1996 4.41 56.10/18/1996 3.79 3. 7/9/1996 4.18 25.8/29/1996 4.52 5910.10/19/1996 3.11 7/10/1996 3.89 1440.8/30/1996 4.45 1020.10/20/1996 3.08 7/11/1996 3.94 7.8/31/1996 4.53 10/21/1996 3.43 7/12/1996 4.41 6.9/1/1996 3.23 10/22/1996 3.44 2. 7/13/1996 3.22 9/2/1996 2.64 10/23/1996 3.44 7/14/1996 3.41 9/3/1996 11.8 20.10/24/1996 3.42 82. 7/15/1996 5.04 9/4/1996 10/25/1996 3.23 36. 7/16/1996 4.7 2.9/5/1996 10/26/1996 2.91 7/17/1996 3.89 55.9/6/1996 8.55 10/27/1996 2.86 7/18/1996 3.93 35.9/7/1996 9.07 10/28/1996 3.26 250. 7/19/1996 4.31 1.9/8/1996 7.61 10/29/1996 3.28 102. 7/20/1996 3.99 9/9/1996 5.41 25.10/30/1996 3.19 21. 7/21/1996 3.67 9/10/1996 7.62 140.10/31/1996 3.1 600. 7/22/1996 4.44 55.9/11/1996 6.79 210.11/1/1996 3.5 4. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-5 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 11/2/1996 3.22 12/23/1996 3.7 1.2/12/1997 3.93 46. 11/3/1996 2.66 12/24/1996 4.16 2/13/1997 5.06 53. 11/4/1996 3.23 7.12/25/1996 3.49 2/14/1997 7.27 450. 11/5/1996 3.18 4.12/26/1996 3.8 2/15/1997 7.25 11/6/1996 3.35 33.12/27/1996 3.82 2/16/1997 5.83 11/7/1996 3.52 8.12/28/1996 3.6 2/17/1997 5.57 4. 11/8/1996 4.77 4.12/29/1996 3.53 2/18/1997 5.06 48. 11/9/1996 3.32 12/30/1996 4.85 2/19/1997 4.89 42. 11/10/1996 3.12/31/1996 4.06 2/20/1997 4.49 30. 11/11/1996 3.37 3.1/1/1997 3.34 1.2/21/1997 4.84 30. 11/12/1996 3.55 11.1/2/1997 3.74 9.2/22/1997 4.18 11/13/1996 3.36 12.1/3/1997 3.62 2/23/1997 3.85 11/14/1996 3.49 13.1/4/1997 3.52 2/24/1997 5.01 4. 11/15/1996 3.31 5.1/5/1997 3.96 2/25/1997 3.01 5. 11/16/1996 2.99 1/6/1997 3.99 1.2/26/1997 4.39 20. 11/17/1996 3.1/7/1997 4.06 1.2/27/1997 5.3 22. 11/18/1996 3.46 14.1/8/1997 4.06 1.2/28/1997 6.97 1190. 11/19/1996 3.72 22.1/9/1997 7.11 5.3/1/1997 6.12 11/20/1996 3.12 430.1/10/1997 5.76 47.3/2/1997 5.36 11/21/1996 3.66 1060.1/11/1997 4.91 3/3/1997 5.93 9. 11/22/1996 2.98 4450.1/12/1997 4.38 3/4/1997 5.06 600. 11/23/1996 2.76 1/13/1997 4.01 1480.3/5/1997 5.63 14. 11/24/1996 2.7 1/14/1997 4.04 2060.3/6/1997 5.64 10. 11/25/1996 3.54 85.1/15/1997 4.37 1890.3/7/1997 4.95 8. 11/26/1996 3.49 54.1/16/1997 6.06 2860.3/8/1997 4.34 11/27/1996 2.8 7.1/17/1997 4.52 31.3/9/1997 4.31 11/28/1996 3.84 1/18/1997 3.89 3/10/1997 4.5 280. 11/29/1996 3.1/19/1997 3.75 3/11/1997 4.3 750. 11/30/1996 3.96 1/20/1997 4.06 3/12/1997 4.21 760. 12/1/1996 6.38 1/21/1997 4.06 30.3/13/1997 4.43 18. 12/2/1996 4.98 16.1/22/1997 4.19 440.3/14/1997 5.71 55. 12/3/1996 4.23 42.1/23/1997 3.98 1090.3/15/1997 4.31 12/4/1996 3.88 2.1/24/1997 4.48 170.3/16/1997 3.85 12/5/1996 5.52 9.1/25/1997 4.6 3/17/1997 4.06 6. 12/6/1996 4.63 220.1/26/1997 3.8 3/18/1997 4.26 20. 12/7/1996 5.58 1/27/1997 4.12 54.3/19/1997 6.27 1030. 12/8/1996 4.69 1/28/1997 5.07 94.3/20/1997 5.43 56. 12/9/1996 4.1 1/29/1997 4.46 310.3/21/1997 4.69 11. 12/10/1996 3.93 5.1/30/1997 4.2 54.3/22/1997 3.74 12/11/1996 3.92 2.1/31/1997 5.13 96.3/23/1997 3.27 12/12/1996 5.44 1.2/1/1997 3.99 3/24/1997 3.62 17. 12/13/1996 6.41 42.2/2/1997 3.6 3/25/1997 4.47 33. 12/14/1996 4.64 2/3/1997 3.79 48.3/26/1997 5.05 100. 12/15/1996 4.42 2/4/1997 3.96 1.3/27/1997 3.99 10. 12/16/1996 4.27 2.2/5/1997 4.1 13.3/28/1997 3.86 12/17/1996 5.11 1.2/6/1997 3.99 22.3/29/1997 3.4 12/18/1996 4.58 78.2/7/1997 4.02 5.3/30/1997 3.72 12/19/1996 4.51 3.2/8/1997 4.46 3/31/1997 3.65 5. 12/20/1996 3.94 2.2/9/1997 3.74 4/1/1997 3.45 5. 12/21/1996 3.94 2/10/1997 4.93 14.4/2/1997 3.36 55. 12/22/1996 3.49 2/11/1997 3.98 9.4/3/1997 3.31 3. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-6 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 4/4/1997 3.23 3.5/25/1997 2.93 7/15/1997 2.41 3. 4/5/1997 3.05 5/26/1997 3.2 7.7/16/1997 2.62 60. 4/6/1997 4.79 5/27/1997 3.2 30.7/17/1997 2.37 6. 4/7/1997 5.7.5/28/1997 2.24 13.7/18/1997 2.44 9. 4/8/1997 3.67 24.5/29/1997 2.28 1.7/19/1997 2.15 4/9/1997 3.57 20.5/30/1997 3.04 16.7/20/1997 2.39 4/10/1997 3.39 13.5/31/1997 2.94 7/21/1997 2.45 74. 4/11/1997 3.46 6.6/1/1997 2.92 7/22/1997 4.13 21. 4/12/1997 4.9 6/2/1997 3.51 72.7/23/1997 3.94 3720. 4/13/1997 3.57 6/3/1997 3.19 9.7/24/1997 4.35 12. 4/14/1997 3.61 5.6/4/1997 3.05 10.7/25/1997 3.36 56. 4/15/1997 3.47 4.6/5/1997 2.94 6.7/26/1997 2.86 4/16/1997 3.39 8.6/6/1997 3.45 1.7/27/1997 2.73 4/17/1997 3.31 4.6/7/1997 3.8 7/28/1997 3.18 26. 4/18/1997 3.06 11.6/8/1997 3.29 7/29/1997 3.15 17. 4/19/1997 2.85 6/9/1997 2.81 1.7/30/1997 3.62 37. 4/20/1997 2.78 6/10/1997 2.86 1.7/31/1997 3.53 25. 4/21/1997 3.89 3.6/11/1997 2.94 2.8/1/1997 3.45 38. 4/22/1997 4.98 210.6/12/1997 3.82 3.8/2/1997 2.75 4/23/1997 6.3 4060.6/13/1997 3.32 600.8/3/1997 2.89 4/24/1997 4.93 21.6/14/1997 2.75 8/4/1997 3.54 68. 4/25/1997 4.42 15.6/15/1997 2.65 8/5/1997 4.6 110. 4/26/1997 4.8 6/16/1997 2.95 3.8/6/1997 3.94 48. 4/27/1997 5.14 6/17/1997 3.12 4.8/7/1997 4.21 75. 4/28/1997 4.63 13.6/18/1997 2.99 8/8/1997 4.6 17. 4/29/1997 5.88 1282.6/19/1997 2.96 8/9/1997 3.41 4/30/1997 5.67 320.6/20/1997 3.05 150.8/10/1997 3.2 5/1/1997 4.73 2250.6/21/1997 2.69 8/11/1997 3.87 4. 5/2/1997 4.32 120.6/22/1997 2.66 8/12/1997 3.88 170. 5/3/1997 5.33 6/23/1997 3.11 12.8/13/1997 3.94 130. 5/4/1997 4.36 6/24/1997 3.09 8/14/1997 3.78 300. 5/5/1997 4.8 92.6/25/1997 3.13 2.8/15/1997 2.73 66. 5/6/1997 4.56 11.6/26/1997 3.18 8/16/1997 2.47 5/7/1997 3.79 44.6/27/1997 3.03 1.8/17/1997 3. 5/8/1997 3.87 12.6/28/1997 2.74 8/18/1997 3.4 140. 5/9/1997 3.72 22.6/29/1997 2.5 8/19/1997 4.22 45. 5/10/1997 2.93 6/30/1997 2.86 4.8/20/1997 3.03 35. 5/11/1997 2.9 7/1/1997 3.32 8.8/21/1997 2.52 29. 5/12/1997 3.4 15.7/2/1997 2.98 11.8/22/1997 2.36 30. 5/13/1997 3.35 35.7/3/1997 2.81 12.8/23/1997 1.96 5/14/1997 3.32 58.7/4/1997 2.75 8/24/1997 2.05 5/15/1997 3.16 27.7/5/1997 2.5 8/25/1997 2.29 7. 5/16/1997 3.05 52.7/6/1997 2.53 8/26/1997 2.36 66. 5/17/1997 2.89 7/7/1997 2.98 8/27/1997 2.32 84. 5/18/1997 2.82 7/8/1997 2.94 56.8/28/1997 2.38 59. 5/19/1997 3.03 600.7/9/1997 3.23 2.8/29/1997 2.5 29. 5/20/1997 3.21 21.7/10/1997 2.89 3.8/30/1997 2.11 5/21/1997 2.92 55.7/11/1997 2.72 8/31/1997 2.09 5/22/1997 3.1 21.7/12/1997 2.34 9/1/1997 2.63 5/23/1997 2.81 20.7/13/1997 2.27 9/2/1997 2.8 82. 5/24/1997 2.54 7/14/1997 2.53 1.9/3/1997 2.57 34. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-7 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 9/4/1997 2.58 2490.10/25/1997 2.34 12/15/1997 2.68 21. 9/5/1997 2.4 770.10/26/1997 3.84 12/16/1997 2.77 10. 9/6/1997 2.11 10/27/1997 2.31 48.12/17/1997 2.62 32. 9/7/1997 2.07 10/28/1997 2.42 11.12/18/1997 2.7 27. 9/8/1997 2.33 380.10/29/1997 2.61 100.12/19/1997 2.56 52. 9/9/1997 3.13 1080.10/30/1997 2.67 33.12/20/1997 2.35 9/10/1997 3.02 650.10/31/1997 2.53 6.12/21/1997 2.45 9/11/1997 2.64 60.11/1/1997 2.31 12/22/1997 3.92 31. 9/12/1997 2.64 40.11/2/1997 3.11 12/23/1997 3.05 62. 9/13/1997 1.86 11/3/1997 3.11 11.12/24/1997 4.29 9/14/1997 2.21 11/4/1997 3.14 23.12/25/1997 2.85 9/15/1997 2.48 440.11/5/1997 2.56 38.12/26/1997 2.92 9/16/1997 2.59 110.11/6/1997 2.68 102.12/27/1997 4.41 9/17/1997 2.57 51.11/7/1997 2.52 102.12/28/1997 3.12 9/18/1997 2.38 66.11/8/1997 2.24 12/29/1997 3.29 24. 9/19/1997 2.34 42.11/9/1997 2.14 12/30/1997 3.65 60. 9/20/1997 2.05 11/10/1997 2.7 82.12/31/1997 3.11 39. 9/21/1997 1.98 11/11/1997 2.78 34.1/1/1998 2.74 14. 9/22/1997 2.5 53.11/12/1997 3.240.1/2/1998 3.03 9/23/1997 2.56 900.11/13/1997 4.12 250.1/3/1998 2.92 9/24/1997 3.93 340.11/14/1997 3.1 500.1/4/1998 2.78 9/25/1997 2.78 84.11/15/1997 2.28 1/5/1998 2.99 290. 9/26/1997 2.57 42.11/16/1997 2.21 1/6/1998 5.12 700. 9/27/1997 2.23 11/17/1997 2.48 114.1/7/1998 7.59 5720. 9/28/1997 2.5 11/18/1997 2.62 1050.1/8/1998 7.85 2560. 9/29/1997 2.68 76.11/19/1997 2.63 900.1/9/1998 5.23 78. 9/30/1997 2.61 42.11/20/1997 2.65 1430.1/10/1998 3.82 10/1/1997 2.6 21.11/21/1997 4.15 3750.1/11/1998 3.47 10/2/1997 2.56 34.11/22/1997 2.85 1/12/1998 3.62 37. 10/3/1997 2.58 15.11/23/1997 2.48 1/13/1998 5.28 65. 10/4/1997 2.23 11/24/1997 2.78 125.1/14/1998 3.6 20. 10/5/1997 2.62 11/25/1997 2.77 200.1/15/1998 7.59 1630. 10/6/1997 2.53 18.11/26/1997 2.86 42.1/16/1998 7.54 57. 10/7/1997 2.67 10.11/27/1997 2.27 1/17/1998 5.11 10/8/1997 2.68 1700.11/28/1997 2.57 1/18/1998 4.17 10/9/1997 2.56 68.11/29/1997 2.52 1/19/1998 5.7 10/10/1997 2.62 180.11/30/1997 3.89 1/20/1998 4.44 24. 10/11/1997 2.27 12/1/1997 3.16 20.1/21/1998 4.30. 10/12/1997 2.21 12/2/1997 2.85 33.1/22/1998 4.97 19. 10/13/1997 2.56 24.12/3/1997 3.05 25.1/23/1998 6.42 48. 10/14/1997 2.75 44.12/4/1997 2.96 29.1/24/1998 5.61 10/15/1997 2.78 60.12/5/1997 2.64 13.1/25/1998 4.29 10/16/1997 2.82 63.12/6/1997 2.31 1/26/1998 4.3 24. 10/17/1997 2.77 17.12/7/1997 2.29 1/27/1998 7.22 23. 10/18/1997 2.48 12/8/1997 2.8 1.1/28/1998 6.43 37. 10/19/1997 3.16 12/9/1997 2.89 9.1/29/1998 5.86 50. 10/20/1997 3.6 11.12/10/1997 2.98 11.1/30/1998 4.96 8. 10/21/1997 2.72 4.12/11/1997 2.68 4.1/31/1998 4.12 10/22/1997 2.82 20.12/12/1997 2.57 7.2/1/1998 3.86 10/23/1997 2.75 88.12/13/1997 2.34 2/2/1998 4.16 1. 10/24/1997 2.76 55.12/14/1997 2.32 2/3/1998 6.43 1. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-8 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 2/4/1998 8.1 1220.3/27/1998 3.86 24.5/17/1998 2.93 2/5/1998 7.45 340.3/28/1998 3.46 5/18/1998 3.03 1. 2/6/1998 5.54 1.3/29/1998 3.42 5/19/1998 2.87 1. 2/7/1998 4.53 3/30/1998 3.73 18.5/20/1998 3.17 2/8/1998 4.07 3/31/1998 3.59 14.5/21/1998 2.83 7. 2/9/1998 4.04 4/1/1998 3.94 78.5/22/1998 2.79 76. 2/10/1998 4.02 1.4/2/1998 3.41 110.5/23/1998 3.21 2/11/1998 4.82 1.4/3/1998 4.51 30.5/24/1998 2.51 2/12/1998 4.26 4/4/1998 3.36 5/25/1998 2.84 78. 2/13/1998 3.93 1.4/5/1998 2.38 5/26/1998 4.03 1. 2/14/1998 3.4 4/6/1998 3.41 13.5/27/1998 3.13 8. 2/15/1998 3.33 4/7/1998 3.28 66.5/28/1998 3.08 6. 2/16/1998 6.84 3.4/8/1998 3.36 33.5/29/1998 2.84 3. 2/17/1998 6.6 1.4/9/1998 5.52 40.5/30/1998 3.19 2/18/1998 6.64 1470.4/10/1998 3.71 5/31/1998 2.53 2/19/1998 5.59 1.4/11/1998 3.1 6/1/1998 2.93 2/20/1998 4.89 3.4/12/1998 2.86 6/2/1998 2.98 1. 2/21/1998 4.01 4/13/1998 3.48 6.6/3/1998 3.48 3. 2/22/1998 4.19 4/14/1998 3.74 1.6/4/1998 3.12 5. 2/23/1998 6.79 31.4/15/1998 3.78 2.6/5/1998 2.95 4. 2/24/1998 4.64 2.4/16/1998 5.3 6.6/6/1998 3.98 2/25/1998 4.37 3.4/17/1998 8.11 1080.6/7/1998 2.79 2/26/1998 4.19 4.4/18/1998 8.11 6/8/1998 2.29 2/27/1998 4.48 4.4/19/1998 8.16 6/9/1998 2.93 3. 2/28/1998 3.7 4/20/1998 7.49 6.6/10/1998 3.79 14. 3/1/1998 3.46 4/21/1998 5.95 3.6/11/1998 3.06 3. 3/2/1998 3.86 1.4/22/1998 5.02 1.6/12/1998 3.87 2. 3/3/1998 3.66 1.4/23/1998 4.7 6/13/1998 2.48 3/4/1998 3.55 2.4/24/1998 4.21 4.6/14/1998 3.88 3/5/1998 3.47 1.4/25/1998 3.69 6/15/1998 5.41 17. 3/6/1998 3.38 12.4/26/1998 3.47 6/16/1998 3.5 1. 3/7/1998 3.46 4/27/1998 3.73 4.6/17/1998 3.08 13. 3/8/1998 7.18 4/28/1998 3.41 6.6/18/1998 2.38 50. 3/9/1998 7.43 1220.4/29/1998 3.36 11.6/19/1998 2.94 3/10/1998 5.82 56.4/30/1998 3.47 42.6/20/1998 2.58 3/11/1998 4.83 5700.5/1/1998 3.95 66.6/21/1998 2.52 3/12/1998 4.47 700.5/2/1998 2.96 6/22/1998 2.89 3/13/1998 4.34 5/3/1998 3.3 6/23/1998 2.88 10. 3/14/1998 3.94 5/4/1998 3.63 47.6/24/1998 2.88 1. 3/15/1998 3.92 5/5/1998 3.26 46.6/25/1998 2.74 37. 3/16/1998 3.97 3040.5/6/1998 3.03 60.6/26/1998 2.63 9. 3/17/1998 3.95 1880.5/7/1998 5.23 7.6/27/1998 2.38 3/18/1998 5.37 190.5/8/1998 6.9 29.6/28/1998 2.3 3/19/1998 6.77 165.5/9/1998 4.5 6/29/1998 3.2 5. 3/20/1998 6.42 96.5/10/1998 5.72 6/30/1998 3.64 1. 3/21/1998 5.68 5/11/1998 5.32 4.7/1/1998 2.87 5. 3/22/1998 4.72 5/12/1998 4.19 4.7/2/1998 2.68 11. 3/23/1998 4.53 4.5/13/1998 3.81 1480.7/3/1998 2.41 3/24/1998 4.2 6.5/14/1998 3.52 31.7/4/1998 2.26 3/25/1998 4.15 19.5/15/1998 3.25 33.7/5/1998 2.26 3/26/1998 4.08 13.5/16/1998 3.09 7/6/1998 2.64 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-9 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 7/7/1998 2.7 1.8/27/1998 2.47 5.10/17/1998 1.53 7/8/1998 2.79 1.8/28/1998 2.38 2.10/18/1998 2.29 7/9/1998 2.7 1.8/29/1998 2.48 10/19/1998 2.87 2. 7/10/1998 2.63 3.8/30/1998 2.39 10/20/1998 2.46 21. 7/11/1998 2.33 8/31/1998 2.62 31.10/21/1998 2.31 1. 7/12/1998 2.29 9/1/1998 2.51 58.10/22/1998 2.49 1. 7/13/1998 2.72 34.9/2/1998 2.51 1600.10/23/1998 2.28 6. 7/14/1998 2.58 25.9/3/1998 4.31 4.10/24/1998 2.36 7/15/1998 2.64 40.9/4/1998 2.96 16.10/25/1998 2.43 7/16/1998 3.02 15.9/5/1998 2.1 10/26/1998 2.74 11. 7/17/1998 2.64 52.9/6/1998 2.02 10/27/1998 2.13 12. 7/18/1998 2.18 9/7/1998 2.38 10/28/1998 2.42 10. 7/19/1998 2.24 9/8/1998 3.31 2850.10/29/1998 2.62 60. 7/20/1998 2.51 9/9/1998 2.67 6.10/30/1998 2.14 6. 7/21/1998 2.47 9/10/1998 2.46 45.10/31/1998 1.89 7/22/1998 2.63 42.9/11/1998 2.13 7.11/1/1998 1.92 7/23/1998 2.58 477.9/12/1998 2.11/2/1998 1.9 24. 7/24/1998 2.48 480.9/13/1998 2.03 11/3/1998 2.75 74. 7/25/1998 2.07 9/14/1998 2.48 1.11/4/1998 2.41 30. 7/26/1998 2.01 9/15/1998 2.47 6.11/5/1998 2.36 91. 7/27/1998 2.95 27.9/16/1998 2.52 9.11/6/1998 2.16 16. 7/28/1998 2.64 1.9/17/1998 2.52 3.11/7/1998 1.91 7/29/1998 2.51 16.9/18/1998 2.53 5.11/8/1998 2.01 7/30/1998 2.46 9/19/1998 2.22 11/9/1998 2.65 12. 7/31/1998 2.7 2.9/20/1998 2.24 11/10/1998 2.61 12. 8/1/1998 2.06 9/21/1998 2.99 11/11/1998 2.85 54. 8/2/1998 1.96 9/22/1998 2.94 4.11/12/1998 2.38 52. 8/3/1998 2.49 9/23/1998 2.53 11/13/1998 2.3 15. 8/4/1998 2.37 9/24/1998 2.43 1.11/14/1998 2.54 8/5/1998 2.34 1065.9/25/1998 2.47 6.11/15/1998 2.13 8/6/1998 2.47 5.9/26/1998 2.08 11/16/1998 3.05 186. 8/7/1998 3.26 9/27/1998 2.12 11/17/1998 2.46 9. 8/8/1998 3.16 9/28/1998 2.48 4.11/18/1998 2.32 176. 8/9/1998 4.36 9/29/1998 2.48 46.11/19/1998 2.46 7. 8/10/1998 4.84 9/30/1998 2.18 5.11/20/1998 2.32 44. 8/11/1998 3.7 17.10/1/1998 2.5 7.11/21/1998 1.94 8/12/1998 3.56 10/2/1998 2.28 11.11/22/1998 1.93 8/13/1998 3.44 3.10/3/1998 1.98 11/23/1998 2.5 8. 8/14/1998 2.53 1.10/4/1998 2.07 11/24/1998 2.38 31. 8/15/1998 2.29 10/5/1998 2.48 1.11/25/1998 2.63 6. 8/16/1998 2.62 10/6/1998 2.51 3.11/26/1998 1.96 8/17/1998 2.91 10.10/7/1998 2.69 13.11/27/1998 1.98 8/18/1998 2.66 8.10/8/1998 3.04 43.11/28/1998 1.86 8/19/1998 2.53 1.10/9/1998 2.49 7.11/29/1998 1.92 8/20/1998 2.41 1.10/10/1998 2.28 11/30/1998 2.45 88. 8/21/1998 2.39 5.10/11/1998 2.3 12/1/1998 2.46 258. 8/22/1998 2.07 10/12/1998 2.52 6.12/2/1998 2.51 245. 8/23/1998 2.11 10/13/1998 2.51 2.12/3/1998 2.49 99. 8/24/1998 2.45 10.10/14/1998 2.52 3.12/4/1998 2.28 47. 8/25/1998 2.37 3.10/15/1998 2.44 4.12/5/1998 2.06 8/26/1998 2.51 1.10/16/1998 2.37 41.12/6/1998 2.13 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-10 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 12/7/1998 2.47 115.1/27/1999 3.62 1.3/19/1999 2.88 3. 12/8/1998 3.35 13.1/28/1999 3.37 2.3/20/1999 2.56 12/9/1998 2.69 8.1/29/1999 3.1 11.3/21/1999 4.01 12/10/1998 2.36 9.1/30/1999 2.83 3/22/1999 3.1 39. 12/11/1998 2.25 700.1/31/1999 2.64 3/23/1999 3.1 3. 12/12/1998 2.79 2/1/1999 4.46 2.3/24/1999 3.31 11. 12/13/1998 3.69 2/2/1999 3.97 13.3/25/1999 3.05 1. 12/14/1998 2.64 5.2/3/1999 3.43 90.3/26/1999 2.81 12/15/1998 4.18 4.2/4/1999 3.22 3/27/1999 2.49 12/16/1998 3.31 39.2/5/1999 2.99 7.3/28/1999 2.5 12/17/1998 2.56 2.2/6/1999 2.77 3/29/1999 2.87 12/18/1998 2.4 9.2/7/1999 2.7 3/30/1999 2.93 12/19/1998 2.16 2/8/1999 2.94 3/31/1999 2.97 2. 12/20/1998 2.15 2/9/1999 3.01 3.4/1/1999 5.01 24. 12/21/1998 2.63 1.2/10/1999 2.98 82.4/2/1999 3.25 12/22/1998 2.49 3.2/11/1999 3.02 8.4/3/1999 3.25 12/23/1998 3.1 8.2/12/1999 2.74 4/4/1999 2.94 12/24/1998 4.96 2/13/1999 2.5 4/5/1999 2.66 3. 12/25/1998 2.66 2/14/1999 2.26 4/6/1999 3.03 12/26/1998 2.45 2/15/1999 2.72 1.4/7/1999 2.99 57. 12/27/1998 2.34 2/16/1999 2.65 4/8/1999 3.11. 12/28/1998 2.71 3.2/17/1999 3.2 34.4/9/1999 2.94 4. 12/29/1998 2.73 4.2/18/1999 3.32 62.4/10/1999 2.55 12/30/1998 2.48 11.2/19/1999 3.71 2100.4/11/1999 2.85 12/31/1998 2.48 12.2/20/1999 3.25 4/12/1999 2.98 1. 1/1/1999 2.27 2/21/1999 2.89 4/13/1999 2.83 2. 1/2/1999 4.45 2/22/1999 3.52 1.4/14/1999 2.69 1. 1/3/1999 5.72 2/23/1999 2.97 6.4/15/1999 3.14 12. 1/4/1999 3.45 18.2/24/1999 2.95 4.4/16/1999 2.6 5. 1/5/1999 4.57 2.2/25/1999 2.96 39.4/17/1999 2.24 1/6/1999 3.05 3.2/26/1999 2.84 6.4/18/1999 2.32 1/7/1999 2.86 118.2/27/1999 2.63 4/19/1999 2.91 1. 1/8/1999 2.86 2.2/28/1999 2.6 4/20/1999 5.03 2. 1/9/1999 2.48 3/1/1999 2.77 4/21/1999 3.82 113. 1/10/1999 2.33 3/2/1999 2.88 2.4/22/1999 4.08 135. 1/11/1999 2.77 3/3/1999 3.22 2150.4/23/1999 3.88 15. 1/12/1999 2.81 3/4/1999 2.84 18.4/24/1999 3.5 1/13/1999 2.81 10.3/5/1999 2.72 4.4/25/1999 3.42 1/14/1999 3.21 12.3/6/1999 2.53 4/26/1999 4.16 6. 1/15/1999 3.01 13.3/7/1999 2.31 4/27/1999 4.9 11. 1/16/1999 2.41 3/8/1999 2.95 53.4/28/1999 5.23 107. 1/17/1999 3.43 3/9/1999 3.09 3.4/29/1999 7.66 10. 1/18/1999 5.26 3/10/1999 2.87 6.4/30/1999 8.46 2650. 1/19/1999 3.59 1.3/11/1999 2.9 5/1/1999 5.57 1/20/1999 3.09 7.3/12/1999 2.74 2.5/2/1999 4.54 1/21/1999 3.05 3/13/1999 2.65 5/3/1999 4.93 1. 1/22/1999 2.86 10.3/14/1999 3.78 5/4/1999 4.51 4. 1/23/1999 6.15 3/15/1999 3.55 127.5/5/1999 4.49 10. 1/24/1999 11.11 3/16/1999 3.12 5/6/1999 4.36 1/25/1999 5.54 5.3/17/1999 3.11 17.5/7/1999 3.96 1/26/1999 4.02 2.3/18/1999 3.12 1.5/8/1999 3.67 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-11 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 5/9/1999 3.52 6/29/1999 2.86 62.8/19/1999 3.65 107. 5/10/1999 4.12 6/30/1999 4.5 8/20/1999 4.7 53. 5/11/1999 3.9 7/1/1999 5.57 95.8/21/1999 3.45 5/12/1999 3.89 7/2/1999 3.88 300.8/22/1999 3.34 5/13/1999 4.22 1.7/3/1999 2.85 8/23/1999 4.47 5/14/1999 10.19 4.7/4/1999 2.62 8/24/1999 4.78 9. 5/15/1999 5.39 7/5/1999 2.86 8/25/1999 5.71 46. 5/16/1999 4.48 7/6/1999 3.05 1.8/26/1999 6.3 118. 5/17/1999 4.69 7/7/1999 3.34 1.8/27/1999 5.48 88. 5/18/1999 4.85 7/8/1999 3.12 94.8/28/1999 3.97 5/19/1999 4.5 16.7/9/1999 3.96 9.8/29/1999 3.84 5/20/1999 4.29 8.7/10/1999 3.75 8/30/1999 3.89 47. 5/21/1999 4.67 7/11/1999 3.68 8/31/1999 3.86 5. 5/22/1999 4.47 7/12/1999 4.31 12.9/1/1999 3.9 17. 5/23/1999 4.11 7/13/1999 3.61 30.9/2/1999 3.84 30. 5/24/1999 4.46 2.7/14/1999 3.44 42.9/3/1999 3.71 2. 5/25/1999 4.41 7/15/1999 3.27 102.9/4/1999 3.71 5/26/1999 4.05 40.7/16/1999 3.36 38.9/5/1999 6.71 5/27/1999 4.23 1.7/17/1999 2.71 9/6/1999 4.36 5/28/1999 4.23 145.7/18/1999 2.79 9/7/1999 4.15 3. 5/29/1999 3.66 7/19/1999 3.19 5.9/8/1999 3.66 98. 5/30/1999 3.46 7/20/1999 3.34 9/9/1999 3.9 3. 5/31/1999 3.93 1.7/21/1999 3.79 14.9/10/1999 3.4 21. 6/1/1999 4.1 40.7/22/1999 3.56 25.9/11/1999 3.21 6/2/1999 4.18 1.7/23/1999 3.3 2.9/12/1999 3.04 6/3/1999 4.21 43.7/24/1999 2.89 9/13/1999 3.43 6/4/1999 3.71 39.7/25/1999 2.79 9/14/1999 3.43 6/5/1999 3.83 7/26/1999 3.29 5.9/15/1999 6.06 30. 6/6/1999 3.67 7/27/1999 3.22 10.9/16/1999 4.32 48. 6/7/1999 3.6 26.7/28/1999 3.17 1480.9/17/1999 3.44 5. 6/8/1999 3.45 7/29/1999 3.5 180.9/18/1999 3.18 6/9/1999 3.11 3.7/30/1999 3.15 52.9/19/1999 3.13 6/10/1999 2.5 225.7/31/1999 2.71 9/20/1999 3.49 116. 6/11/1999 3.09 8/1/1999 2.71 9/21/1999 3.39 29. 6/12/1999 2.62 8/2/1999 3.07 5.9/22/1999 3.21 5. 6/13/1999 2.74 8/3/1999 3.03 9/23/1999 3.2 185. 6/14/1999 3.08 1.8/4/1999 2.92 16.9/24/1999 3.02 27. 6/15/1999 3.33 8/5/1999 2.91 6.9/25/1999 2.84 6/16/1999 4.43 22.8/6/1999 2.74 38.9/26/1999 2.91 6/17/1999 3.31 23.8/7/1999 2.56 9/27/1999 5.28 3. 6/18/1999 2.95 3.8/8/1999 2.54 9/28/1999 4.61 96. 6/19/1999 2.87 8/9/1999 3.14 12.9/29/1999 6.98 117. 6/20/1999 3.85 8/10/1999 3.05 20.9/30/1999 4.6 1200. 6/21/1999 3.36 2.8/11/1999 3.08 97.10/1/1999 3.6 42. 6/22/1999 3.3 8/12/1999 3.06 4.10/2/1999 3.28 6/23/1999 3.41 18.8/13/1999 3.12 55.10/3/1999 3.25 6/24/1999 3.67 4.8/14/1999 5.23 10/4/1999 3.89 38. 6/25/1999 3.06 1.8/15/1999 3.95 10/5/1999 3.58 9. 6/26/1999 2.65 8/16/1999 3.81 39.10/6/1999 3.58 13. 6/27/1999 2.89 8/17/1999 3.05 12.10/7/1999 3.74 18. 6/28/1999 3.01 8/18/1999 3.53 100.10/8/1999 3.68 637. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-12 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 10/9/1999 3.14 11/29/1999 3.37 133.1/19/2000 3.82 1. 10/10/1999 4.2 11/30/1999 3.23 480.1/20/2000 4.78 174. 10/11/1999 5.1 220.12/1/1999 3.06 1120.1/21/2000 3.76 3. 10/12/1999 3.82 100.12/2/1999 3.33 440.1/22/2000 3.49 10/13/1999 4.96 114.12/3/1999 3.34 108.1/23/2000 4.05 10/14/1999 3.74 275.12/4/1999 3.12 1/24/2000 4.19 11. 10/15/1999 3.53 16.12/5/1999 3.33 1/25/2000 4.10. 10/16/1999 3.21 12/6/1999 3.65 200.1/26/2000 4.1 18. 10/17/1999 3.97 12/7/1999 3.28 78.1/27/2000 3.96 32. 10/18/1999 2.97 11.12/8/1999 3.28 34.1/28/2000 3.91 2. 10/19/1999 3.54 13.12/9/1999 3.38 40.1/29/2000 3.96 10/20/1999 4.63 143.12/10/1999 3.57 230.1/30/2000 6.71 10/21/1999 3.55 175.12/11/1999 2.96 1/31/2000 6.28 64. 10/22/1999 3.42 617.12/12/1999 3.01 2/1/2000 5.57 19. 10/23/1999 2.83 12/13/1999 4.39 238.2/2/2000 5.05 8. 10/24/1999 2.79 12/14/1999 5.17 4800.2/3/2000 5.34 24. 10/25/1999 3.15 14.12/15/1999 3.84 455.2/4/2000 5.13 2500. 10/26/1999 3.08 16.12/16/1999 3.72 115.2/5/2000 4.49 10/27/1999 3.19 198.12/17/1999 3.49 56.2/6/2000 4.34 10/28/1999 3.16 104.12/18/1999 3.23 2/7/2000 4.78 4. 10/29/1999 2.7 3.12/19/1999 3.19 2/8/2000 4.61 11. 10/30/1999 2.76 12/20/1999 3.64 52.2/9/2000 4.61 9. 10/31/1999 2.97 12/21/1999 4.71 44.2/10/2000 4.4 1. 11/1/1999 3.41 5.12/22/1999 3.86 265.2/11/2000 4.43 14. 11/2/1999 3.79 480.12/23/1999 3.57 600.2/12/2000 7.44 11/3/1999 2.99 500.12/24/1999 3.23 2/13/2000 6.12 11/4/1999 3.03 175.12/25/1999 2.99 2/14/2000 7.21 17. 11/5/1999 3.02 105.12/26/1999 3.19 2/15/2000 5.55 15. 11/6/1999 2.74 12/27/1999 3.52 210.2/16/2000 5.03 5. 11/7/1999 2.68 12/28/1999 3.4 1170.2/17/2000 4.81 3. 11/8/1999 3.11 14.12/29/1999 3.39 620.2/18/2000 5.44 11/9/1999 3.07 57.12/30/1999 3.41 367.2/19/2000 4.54 11/10/1999 3.06 44.12/31/1999 3.2 2/20/2000 4.17 11/11/1999 3.08 62.1/1/2000 2.91 2/21/2000 5.43 1. 11/12/1999 2.78 105.1/2/2000 3.13 2/22/2000 4.46 11/13/1999 2.53 1/3/2000 3.63 5.2/23/2000 4.39 11/14/1999 2.67 1/4/2000 3.63 3.2/24/2000 4.38 1. 11/15/1999 2.91 4.1/5/2000 3.47 2/25/2000 4.25 168. 11/16/1999 2.86 45.1/6/2000 3.44 2.2/26/2000 4. 11/17/1999 3.04 198.1/7/2000 3.2 12.2/27/2000 3.92 11/18/1999 3.24 258.1/8/2000 3.02 2/28/2000 4.09 59. 11/19/1999 3.21 20.1/9/2000 3.92 2/29/2000 3.95 460. 11/20/1999 2.98 1/10/2000 6.36 8.3/1/2000 4.02 126. 11/21/1999 3.22 1/11/2000 4.31 21.3/2/2000 3.99 37. 11/22/1999 3.57 23.1/12/2000 3.95 1.3/3/2000 3.85 7. 11/23/1999 3.49 19.1/13/2000 3.8 3/4/2000 3.49 11/24/1999 3.44 13.1/14/2000 3.45 4.3/5/2000 3.49 11/25/1999 3.05 1/15/2000 3.23 3/6/2000 3.84 308. 11/26/1999 4.99 1/16/2000 3.23 3/7/2000 3.84 4300. 11/27/1999 3.24 1/17/2000 3.54 3/8/2000 3.83 5300. 11/28/1999 3.12 1/18/2000 3.87 1.3/9/2000 3.85 5467. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-13 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 3/10/2000 3.73 3962.4/30/2000 4.08 6/20/2000 3.81 16. 3/11/2000 3.73 5/1/2000 4.4 5.6/21/2000 3.76 5. 3/12/2000 3.26 5/2/2000 4.17 7.6/22/2000 3.78 100. 3/13/2000 3.64 74.5/3/2000 4.12 4.6/23/2000 3.52 3. 3/14/2000 3.64 232.5/4/2000 4.05 820.6/24/2000 3.48 3/15/2000 3.64 60.5/5/2000 3.95 83.6/25/2000 3.48 3/16/2000 6.93 118.5/6/2000 3.6 6/26/2000 3.6 1. 3/17/2000 4.97 33.5/7/2000 3.62 6/27/2000 3.58 32. 3/18/2000 3.69 5/8/2000 4.24.6/28/2000 4.29 62. 3/19/2000 3.49 5/9/2000 3.93 14.6/29/2000 4.12 135. 3/20/2000 6.58 2.5/10/2000 3.96 142.6/30/2000 3.42 50. 3/21/2000 6.92 32.5/11/2000 3.96 700.7/1/2000 3.07 3/22/2000 5.61 2.5/12/2000 3.87 370.7/2/2000 3.05 3/23/2000 4.81 4.5/13/2000 3.36 7/3/2000 3.31 3/24/2000 4.37 1.5/14/2000 3.27 7/4/2000 3.44 43. 3/25/2000 4.07 5/15/2000 3.79 7/5/2000 3.65 130. 3/26/2000 3.69 5/16/2000 3.82 115.7/6/2000 3.53 5. 3/27/2000 3.69 1.5/17/2000 3.86 1.7/7/2000 4.03 6. 3/28/2000 4.62 5/18/2000 3.92 9.7/8/2000 3.13 28. 3/29/2000 4.25 4.5/19/2000 3.65 46.7/9/2000 3.15 280. 3/30/2000 4.12 1.5/20/2000 3.84 7/10/2000 3.61 110. 3/31/2000 4.12 5.5/21/2000 3.92 7/11/2000 3.62 172. 4/1/2000 3.89 5/22/2000 3.77 640.7/12/2000 3.77 4/2/2000 3.71 5/23/2000 3.68 224.7/13/2000 4.09 4/3/2000 6.32 21.5/24/2000 3.71 86.7/14/2000 3.43 4/4/2000 4.84 4.5/25/2000 3.93 300.7/15/2000 3.1 4/5/2000 4.49 5/26/2000 3.41 79.7/16/2000 3.12 4/6/2000 4.47 2.5/27/2000 3.41 7/17/2000 3.51 8. 4/7/2000 4.32 4.5/28/2000 3.46 7/18/2000 3.59 21. 4/8/2000 5.47 5/29/2000 3.54 7/19/2000 3.62 58. 4/9/2000 4.3 5/30/2000 3.57 7.7/20/2000 3.54 145. 4/10/2000 4.46 57.5/31/2000 3.67 2.7/21/2000 3.35 205. 4/11/2000 4.37 4.6/1/2000 3.74 36.7/22/2000 3.55 4/12/2000 4.32 17.6/2/2000 3.56 59.7/23/2000 6.86 4/13/2000 4.78 19.6/3/2000 4.57 7/24/2000 4.3 2081. 4/14/2000 4.53 6/4/2000 3.58 7/25/2000 4.11 245. 4/15/2000 4.79 6/5/2000 4.29 100.7/26/2000 3.85 70. 4/16/2000 4.32 6/6/2000 3.83 24.7/27/2000 3.75 550. 4/17/2000 4.74 3.6/7/2000 3.65 46.7/28/2000 3.54 290. 4/18/2000 4.49 2.6/8/2000 3.62 23.7/29/2000 3.24 4/19/2000 4.25 6/9/2000 3.58 2.7/30/2000 3.28 4/20/2000 4.19 21.6/10/2000 3.26 7/31/2000 4.6 440. 4/21/2000 3.78 6/11/2000 3.35 8/1/2000 4.38 9400. 4/22/2000 3.42 80.6/12/2000 3.62 250.8/2/2000 3.96 119. 4/23/2000 3.51 21.6/13/2000 3.69 450.8/3/2000 3.84 480. 4/24/2000 4.28 35.6/14/2000 3.65 98.8/4/2000 4.56 2400. 4/25/2000 4.2 13.6/15/2000 3.82 1070.8/5/2000 3.47 4/26/2000 4.23 6/16/2000 3.69 122.8/6/2000 3.42 4/27/2000 4.15 6/17/2000 3.32 8/7/2000 3.81 251. 4/28/2000 6.64 6/18/2000 3.34 8/8/2000 3.79 1410. 4/29/2000 4.53 6/19/2000 3.86 8/9/2000 4.61 5200. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-14 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 8/10/2000 4.52 26000.9/30/2000 3.16 11/20/2000 3.55 8/11/2000 3.59 100.10/1/2000 3.14 11/21/2000 3.33 19. 8/12/2000 3.33 10/2/2000 3.55 3.11/22/2000 3.3 2. 8/13/2000 3.32 10/3/2000 3.68 8.11/23/2000 2.78 8/14/2000 3.72 1404.10/4/2000 3.64 9.11/24/2000 2.86 8/15/2000 3.7 2884.10/5/2000 3.57 32.11/25/2000 3.89 8/16/2000 3.82 535.10/6/2000 3.35 8.11/26/2000 3.13 8/17/2000 3.82 79.10/7/2000 3.11/27/2000 3.51 1. 8/18/2000 4.93 12.10/8/2000 2.85 11/28/2000 3.43 8/19/2000 3.24 10/9/2000 3.31 11/29/2000 3.36 1. 8/20/2000 3.28 10/10/2000 3.37 1.11/30/2000 3.25 2. 8/21/2000 3.81 5.10/11/2000 3.4 25.12/1/2000 3.12 1. 8/22/2000 3.77 12.10/12/2000 3.13 3.12/2/2000 2.93 8/23/2000 3.66 190.10/13/2000 3.13 12/3/2000 2.92 8/24/2000 3.59 152.10/14/2000 2.97 12/4/2000 3.32 8/25/2000 3.44 9.10/15/2000 3.03 12/5/2000 3.35 8/26/2000 3.22 10/16/2000 3.53 12/6/2000 3.28 8/27/2000 3.32 10/17/2000 3.67 12/7/2000 3.34 8/28/2000 3.7 1.10/18/2000 3.64 31.12/8/2000 3.19 5. 8/29/2000 3.6 11.10/19/2000 3.54 12/9/2000 3. 8/30/2000 3.96 12.10/20/2000 3.5 12/10/2000 2.94 8/31/2000 4.02 17.10/21/2000 3.26 12/11/2000 3.34 9/1/2000 3.45 4500.10/22/2000 3.31 12/12/2000 3.3 1. 9/2/2000 4.24 10/23/2000 3.68 1.12/13/2000 3.37 24. 9/3/2000 4.71 10/24/2000 3.73 9.12/14/2000 3.43 20. 9/4/2000 3.95 10/25/2000 3.7 6.12/15/2000 3.38 3. 9/5/2000 3.73 32.10/26/2000 3.47 3.12/16/2000 4.19 9/6/2000 3.65 1.10/27/2000 3.41 12/17/2000 3.44 9/7/2000 3.57 7.10/28/2000 3.06 12/18/2000 3.41 7. 9/8/2000 3.57 4.10/29/2000 2.96 12/19/2000 3.69 5. 9/9/2000 3.23 10/30/2000 3.48 12/20/2000 3.49 4. 9/10/2000 3.28 10/31/2000 3.36 6.12/21/2000 3.53 1. 9/11/2000 3.69 11/1/2000 3.38 1.12/22/2000 3.29 9/12/2000 3.6 3.11/2/2000 3.33 12/23/2000 3.09 9/13/2000 3.73 1.11/3/2000 3.23 12/24/2000 2.99 9/14/2000 3.69 1.11/4/2000 3.03 12/25/2000 2.88 9/15/2000 3.48 8.11/5/2000 2.95 12/26/2000 3.26 9/16/2000 3.12 11/6/2000 3.6 12/27/2000 3.37 4. 9/17/2000 3.21 11/7/2000 3.66 12/28/2000 3.31 9/18/2000 4.92 2.11/8/2000 3.71 12/29/2000 3.31 9/19/2000 4.29 200.11/9/2000 3.91 31.12/30/2000 3.04 9/20/2000 3.75 9.11/10/2000 3.24 12/31/2000 2.87 9/21/2000 3.94 8.11/11/2000 2.96 1/1/2001 2.93 9/22/2000 4.09 3.11/12/2000 2.95 1/2/2001 3.3 4. 9/23/2000 4.16 11/13/2000 3.56 1/3/2001 3.2 1. 9/24/2000 3.43 11/14/2000 4.02 33.1/4/2001 3.26 1. 9/25/2000 4.91 11/15/2000 3.33 9.1/5/2001 3.23 3. 9/26/2000 4.03 17.11/16/2000 3.35 2.1/6/2001 3.05 9/27/2000 3.68 59.11/17/2000 3.39 1/7/2001 3.1 9/28/2000 3.65 11/18/2000 2.82 1/8/2001 3.86 5. 9/29/2000 3.43 7.11/19/2000 3.22 1/9/2001 3.35 4. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-15 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 1/10/2001 3.38 8.3/2/2001 3.71 29.4/22/2001 3.64 1/11/2001 3.38 36.3/3/2001 4.6 4/23/2001 4.12 1. 1/12/2001 3.38 11.3/4/2001 5.04 4/24/2001 4.62 1/13/2001 3.07 3/5/2001 4.7 360.4/25/2001 5.05 6. 1/14/2001 2.94 3/6/2001 4.12 31.4/26/2001 3.81 3. 1/15/2001 3.45 3/7/2001 3.89 840.4/27/2001 3.66 1/16/2001 3.37 1.3/8/2001 3.72 94.4/28/2001 3.37 1/17/2001 3.47 9.3/9/2001 3.56 72.4/29/2001 3.32 1/18/2001 4.31 3.3/10/2001 3.31 4/30/2001 3.73 1/19/2001 5.31 15.3/11/2001 3.21 5/1/2001 3.7 3. 1/20/2001 4.84 3/12/2001 4.05 740.5/2/2001 3.7 3. 1/21/2001 3.49 3/13/2001 3.87 358.5/3/2001 3.76 4. 1/22/2001 3.59 3/14/2001 3.82 1.5/4/2001 3.44 5. 1/23/2001 3.62 2.3/15/2001 5.81 19.5/5/2001 3.31 1/24/2001 3.54 5.3/16/2001 4.36 4.5/6/2001 3.24 1/25/2001 3.45 3/17/2001 3.62 5/7/2001 3.55 3. 1/26/2001 3.45 3.3/18/2001 3.71 5/8/2001 3.64 12. 1/27/2001 3.23 3/19/2001 4.06 2.5/9/2001 3.6 70. 1/28/2001 3.17 3/20/2001 5.84 59.5/10/2001 3.67 5. 1/29/2001 3.59 3/21/2001 7.01 16.5/11/2001 3.43 10. 1/30/2001 3.88 3/22/2001 5.11 8.5/12/2001 3.13 1/31/2001 3.54 72.3/23/2001 4.32 17.5/13/2001 2.95 2/1/2001 3.4 3/24/2001 3.93 5/14/2001 3.44 1. 2/2/2001 3.27 3/25/2001 3.64 5/15/2001 3.5 2/3/2001 3.14 3/26/2001 4.27 5/16/2001 4.5 2. 2/4/2001 3.16 3/27/2001 3.87 3.5/17/2001 3.88 2/5/2001 3.45 3/28/2001 4.24 5/18/2001 3.54 2. 2/6/2001 3.41 3/29/2001 7.77 45.5/19/2001 3.14 2/7/2001 3.44 345.3/30/2001 7.47 205.5/20/2001 3.23 2/8/2001 3.36 80.3/31/2001 7.47 5/21/2001 3.92 1. 2/9/2001 3.45 100.4/1/2001 7.15 5/22/2001 3.74 46. 2/10/2001 3.27 4/2/2001 5.7 10.5/23/2001 3.43 1. 2/11/2001 3.17 4/3/2001 5.69 5.5/24/2001 3.51 1. 2/12/2001 4.21 240.4/4/2001 4.92 16.5/25/2001 4.87 2/13/2001 3.1 820.4/5/2001 4.77 2.5/26/2001 4.44 2/14/2001 3.98 7.4/6/2001 4.53 13.5/27/2001 3.04 2/15/2001 4.23 18.4/7/2001 4.08 5/28/2001 3.64 2/16/2001 5.42 24.4/8/2001 4.04 5/29/2001 3.58 2. 2/17/2001 5.82 4/9/2001 4.36 5/30/2001 3.42 94. 2/18/2001 4.07 4/10/2001 4.3 70.5/31/2001 3.42 4. 2/19/2001 4.22 13.4/11/2001 4.25 6/1/2001 4.3 2/20/2001 4.07 32.4/12/2001 4.09 1.6/2/2001 3.23 2/21/2001 3.89 50.4/13/2001 4.01 6/3/2001 3.08 2/22/2001 4.09 615.4/14/2001 3.63 6/4/2001 3.55 1. 2/23/2001 4.01 185.4/15/2001 3.53 6/5/2001 3.54 8. 2/24/2001 3.7 4/16/2001 4.03 2.6/6/2001 3.59 7. 2/25/2001 4.8 4/17/2001 3.9 3.6/7/2001 3.52 56. 2/26/2001 4.25 77.4/18/2001 3.97 2.6/8/2001 3.6 40. 2/27/2001 4.01 117.4/19/2001 4.11 2.6/9/2001 3.05 2/28/2001 3.86 88.4/20/2001 3.98 3.6/10/2001 3.01 3/1/2001 3.77 60.4/21/2001 3.69 6/11/2001 3.5 3. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-16 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 6/12/2001 3.5 250.8/2/2001 3.33 2.9/22/2001 2.88 6/13/2001 4.28 8.8/3/2001 3.32 9/23/2001 2.86 6/14/2001 3.57 4.8/4/2001 3.02 9/24/2001 4.54 6/15/2001 3.55 1.8/5/2001 3.9/25/2001 3.54 3. 6/16/2001 3.09 8/6/2001 3.43 2.9/26/2001 2.74 3. 6/17/2001 2.89 8/7/2001 3.39 32.9/27/2001 3.22 6/18/2001 3.39 8/8/2001 3.74 78.9/28/2001 2.93 2. 6/19/2001 2.7 8/9/2001 3.39 8300.9/29/2001 2.77 6/20/2001 3.18 1.8/10/2001 3.58 14.9/30/2001 2.77 6/21/2001 3.21 8/11/2001 3.68 10/1/2001 3.26 6/22/2001 3.87 16.8/12/2001 3.23 10/2/2001 3.17 6/23/2001 2.89 8/13/2001 4.18 3.10/3/2001 3.26 6/24/2001 2.9 8/14/2001 3.52 245.10/4/2001 3.19 119. 6/25/2001 4.22 8/15/2001 3.4 148.10/5/2001 3.18 1. 6/26/2001 3.76 8/16/2001 3.4 10/6/2001 2.84 6/27/2001 3.5 1.8/17/2001 3.5 1.10/7/2001 2.72 6/28/2001 3.41 1.8/18/2001 3.42 10/8/2001 3.08 6/29/2001 3.26 8/19/2001 3.18 10/9/2001 3.04 6/30/2001 2.96 8/20/2001 3.43 23.10/10/2001 3.21 7/1/2001 3.91 8/21/2001 3.5 225.10/11/2001 3.13 62. 7/2/2001 3.33 4.8/22/2001 3.33 1.10/12/2001 3.04 6. 7/3/2001 3.3 2.8/23/2001 3.62 2.10/13/2001 2.97 7/4/2001 3.95 8/24/2001 3.43 62.10/14/2001 3.67 7/5/2001 3.31 3.8/25/2001 2.98 10/15/2001 3.45 112. 7/6/2001 3.09 8/26/2001 2.99 10/16/2001 3.3 7/7/2001 2.9 8/27/2001 3.35 10/17/2001 3.28 7. 7/8/2001 3.41 8/28/2001 3.42 2.10/18/2001 3.39 2. 7/9/2001 3.4 40.8/29/2001 3.32 23.10/19/2001 3.3 11. 7/10/2001 3.24 1.8/30/2001 3.44 1.10/20/2001 2.97 7/11/2001 3.39 5.8/31/2001 3.32 40.10/21/2001 3.01 7/12/2001 3.2 24.9/1/2001 3.10/22/2001 3.41 36. 7/13/2001 3.11 60.9/2/2001 2.87 10/23/2001 3.4 2. 7/14/2001 2.76 9/3/2001 3.15 10/24/2001 3.49 12. 7/15/2001 2.78 9/4/2001 3.73 10/25/2001 3.24 24. 7/16/2001 3.14 21.9/5/2001 3.38 165.10/26/2001 3.06 7/17/2001 3.26 58.9/6/2001 3.34 2.10/27/2001 2.67 7/18/2001 3.45 4.9/7/2001 3.24 8.10/28/2001 2.71 7/19/2001 3.36 12.9/8/2001 3.02 10/29/2001 3.24 1. 7/20/2001 3.16 3.9/9/2001 3.17 10/30/2001 3.14 1. 7/21/2001 2.9 9/10/2001 3.56 10/31/2001 3.09 7/22/2001 2.87 9/11/2001 3.33 1.11/1/2001 3.23 1. 7/23/2001 3.36 7.9/12/2001 3.29 3.11/2/2001 3.16 3. 7/24/2001 3.35 35.9/13/2001 3.22 49.11/3/2001 2.81 7/25/2001 4.23 35.9/14/2001 3.12 11/4/2001 2.7 7/26/2001 3.87 268.9/15/2001 2.76 11/5/2001 3.13 7/27/2001 3.78 15.9/16/2001 2.83 11/6/2001 3.09 1. 7/28/2001 2.94 9/17/2001 3.3 2.11/7/2001 3.11 7/29/2001 3.12 9/18/2001 3.2 2.11/8/2001 3.15 7/30/2001 3.67 52.9/19/2001 3.29 11/9/2001 3.01 7/31/2001 3.45 460.9/20/2001 3.85 8.11/10/2001 2.79 8/1/2001 3.53 7.9/21/2001 3.21 11/11/2001 2.8 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-17 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 11/12/2001 3.07 21.1/2/2002 3.11 2/22/2002 3.66 210. 11/13/2001 3.14 1/3/2002 3.11 2/23/2002 3.38 11/14/2001 3.16 1/4/2002 3.36 5.2/24/2002 3.32 11/15/2001 3.17 1/5/2002 3.24 2/25/2002 3.74 14. 11/16/2001 3.2 5.1/6/2002 4.46 2/26/2002 3.68 1500. 11/17/2001 2.91 1/7/2002 3.68 2/27/2002 3.6 16. 11/18/2001 2.91 1/8/2002 3.38 1.2/28/2002 3.66 4. 11/19/2001 3.28 2.1/9/2002 3.37 11.3/1/2002 3.66 5. 11/20/2001 3.16 6.1/10/2002 3.31 84.3/2/2002 5.26 11/21/2001 3.14 1/11/2002 3.21 190.3/3/2002 4.99 11/22/2001 2.73 1/12/2002 3.04 3/4/2002 4.28 1. 11/23/2001 3.1 1/13/2002 2.95 3/5/2002 4.04 10. 11/24/2001 3.38 1/14/2002 3.3 3/6/2002 4.08 11/25/2001 3.19 1/15/2002 3.31 3/7/2002 3.97 11/26/2001 3.36 1/16/2002 3.27 3/8/2002 3.9 1. 11/27/2001 3.35 22.1/17/2002 3.41 3/9/2002 3.77 11/28/2001 3.35 2.1/18/2002 3.25 3/10/2002 3.55 11/29/2001 3.4 1/19/2002 6.6 3/11/2002 3.97 3. 11/30/2001 3.35 13.1/20/2002 3.66 3/12/2002 4.83 12/1/2001 2.91 1/21/2002 3.97 3/13/2002 6.36 18. 12/2/2001 2.87 1/22/2002 3.69 3.3/14/2002 5.04 190. 12/3/2001 3.16 2.1/23/2002 8.27 7.3/15/2002 4.42 81. 12/4/2001 3.11 5.1/24/2002 6.39 320.3/16/2002 4.11 12/5/2001 3.18 1/25/2002 5.38 143.3/17/2002 4.71 12/6/2001 3.05 2.1/26/2002 4.15 3/18/2002 4.63 16. 12/7/2001 2.99 1/27/2002 3.88 3/19/2002 4.42 19. 12/8/2001 2.85 1/28/2002 4.02 150.3/20/2002 4.7 8. 12/9/2001 2.68 1/29/2002 4.14 2.3/21/2002 5.34 23. 12/10/2001 4.82 40.1/30/2002 3.96 1.3/22/2002 4.36 3600. 12/11/2001 3.3 1219.1/31/2002 3.96 1.3/23/2002 4.02 12/12/2001 3.06 1.2/1/2002 3.83 3/24/2002 3.82 12/13/2001 3.06 44.2/2/2002 3.41 3/25/2002 4.15 138. 12/14/2001 2.98 20.2/3/2002 3.41 3/26/2002 4.93 97. 12/15/2001 2.7 2/4/2002 3.64 3/27/2002 4.55 198. 12/16/2001 2.65 2/5/2002 3.61 3.3/28/2002 4.04 36. 12/17/2001 3.85 1.2/6/2002 4.9 14.3/29/2002 3.84 12/18/2001 3.3 3.2/7/2002 5.32 420.3/30/2002 3.77 12/19/2001 3.12 3.2/8/2002 4.45 76.3/31/2002 4.12 12/20/2001 3.08 5.2/9/2002 4.08 4/1/2002 4.12 32. 12/21/2001 3.03 1.2/10/2002 4.19 4/2/2002 4.04 7. 12/22/2001 2.85 2/11/2002 4.07 8.4/3/2002 3.83 2. 12/23/2001 3.12 2/12/2002 4.03 1.4/4/2002 3.7 1. 12/24/2001 2.89 2/13/2002 3.97 4/5/2002 3.65 12/25/2001 2.45 2/14/2002 3.79 21.4/6/2002 3.43 12/26/2001 2.8 1.2/15/2002 3.65 4.4/7/2002 3.52 12/27/2001 2.93 7.2/16/2002 3.49 4/8/2002 3.93 12/28/2001 2.9 2/17/2002 3.54 4/9/2002 4.17 2. 12/29/2001 2.72 2/18/2002 3.83 1.4/10/2002 4.17. 12/30/2001 2.52 2/19/2002 3.92 8.4/11/2002 3.93 18. 12/31/2001 2.91 4.2/20/2002 3.88 530.4/12/2002 3.91 8. 1/1/2002 2.73 2/21/2002 3.82 145.4/13/2002 3.67 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-18 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 4/14/2002 3.87 6/4/2002 3.23 302.7/25/2002 7.22 4/15/2002 4.1 370.6/5/2002 3.23 121.7/26/2002 4.74 4/16/2002 5.24 19.6/6/2002 3.49 10.7/27/2002 3.29 4/17/2002 3.39 510.6/7/2002 3.18 110.7/28/2002 3.15 4/18/2002 3.33 27.6/8/2002 2.7 7/29/2002 3.36 4/19/2002 3.29 42.6/9/2002 2.7 7/30/2002 3.32 4/20/2002 3.06 6/10/2002 3.06 8.7/31/2002 3.28 4/21/2002 3.06 6/11/2002 3.08 116.8/1/2002 3.2 4/22/2002 3.42 1.6/12/2002 3.11 12.8/2/2002 3.17 4/23/2002 3.27 12.6/13/2002 3.39 31.8/3/2002 2.84 4/24/2002 3.24 5.6/14/2002 3.14 110.8/4/2002 2.74 4/25/2002 3.15 3.6/15/2002 2.68 8/5/2002 3.13 4/26/2002 2.97 1.6/16/2002 2.59 8/6/2002 3. 4/27/2002 2.9 6/17/2002 2.4 2.8/7/2002 3.03 4/28/2002 2.96 6/18/2002 3.04 17.8/8/2002 2.91 4/29/2002 3.17 6/19/2002 3.05 5.8/9/2002 2.93 4/30/2002 3.27 39.6/20/2002 2.94 148.8/10/2002 2.6 5/1/2002 3.36 1.6/21/2002 2.81 52.8/11/2002 2.68 5/2/2002 3.5 6/22/2002 2.59 8/12/2002 3.03 5/3/2002 3.25 6/23/2002 2.62 8/13/2002 3.02 5/4/2002 3.59 6/24/2002 2.93 37.8/14/2002 3.71 5/5/2002 2.97 6/25/2002 2.97 262.8/15/2002 3.92 5/6/2002 3.44 1.6/26/2002 6.18 38.8/16/2002 3.17 5/7/2002 3.44 94.6/27/2002 5.2 102.8/17/2002 2.93 5/8/2002 3.53 2.6/28/2002 3.59 8500.8/18/2002 2.97 5/9/2002 3.51 6/29/2002 3.13 8/19/2002 3.17 5/10/2002 3.28 1.6/30/2002 2.93 8/20/2002 3.17 5/11/2002 3.09 7/1/2002 3.61 39.8/21/2002 3.27 5/12/2002 3.12 7/2/2002 3.41 82.8/22/2002 3.07 5/13/2002 4.23 7/3/2002 3.36 56.8/23/2002 3.02 5/14/2002 3.39 11.7/4/2002 2.91 8/24/2002 2.71 5/15/2002 3.28 2.7/5/2002 2.91 9.8/25/2002 2.82 5/16/2002 3.3 5.7/6/2002 2.69 8/26/2002 4.04 5/17/2002 3.32 49.7/7/2002 2.7 8/27/2002 3.75 5/18/2002 3.33 7/8/2002 3.11 12.8/28/2002 3.76 5/19/2002 2.71 7/9/2002 3.35 280.8/29/2002 3.51 5/20/2002 3.28 7/10/2002 4.82 54.8/30/2002 4.39 5/21/2002 3.13 7/11/2002 4.67 185.8/31/2002 6.57 5/22/2002 3.16 76.7/12/2002 3.38 5.9/1/2002 5.6 5/23/2002 3.17 162.7/13/2002 3.07 9/2/2002 3.82 5/24/2002 3.1 3.7/14/2002 3.46 9/3/2002 3.94 5/25/2002 2.76 7/15/2002 3.34 8.9/4/2002 3.63 5/26/2002 2.79 7/16/2002 3.31 8.9/5/2002 3.39 5/27/2002 3.08 7/17/2002 2.6 2.9/6/2002 3.29 5/28/2002 3.25 1.7/18/2002 3.19 6.9/7/2002 3.06 5/29/2002 3.19 7/19/2002 2.94 3.9/8/2002 3.01 5/30/2002 4.01 1.7/20/2002 2.75 9/9/2002 3.45 5/31/2002 3.23 3.7/21/2002 2.7 9/10/2002 3.39 6/1/2002 4.04 7/22/2002 3.35 8.9/11/2002 3.3 6/2/2002 3.43 7/23/2002 4.03 243.9/12/2002 3.22 6/3/2002 3.35 280.7/24/2002 6.06 440.9/13/2002 3.14 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-19 Table C- 1 (Continued…) 9/14/2002 4.47 10/21/2002 4.67 11/27/2002 3.82 9/15/2002 4.95 10/22/2002 4.6 11/28/2002 3.38 9/16/2002 4.05 10/23/2002 4.22 11/29/2002 3.51 9/17/2002 3.57 10/24/2002 3.87 11/30/2002 3.5 9/18/2002 7.36 10/25/2002 3.88 12/1/2002 3.36 9/19/2002 5.79 10/26/2002 3.55 12/2/2002 3.85 9/20/2002 4.48 10/27/2002 3.5 12/3/2002 3.81 9/21/2002 3.91 10/28/2002 6.16 12/4/2002 3.81 9/22/2002 3.82 10/29/2002 7.34 12/5/2002 3.81 9/23/2002 3.88 10/30/2002 5.79 12/6/2002 7.27 9/24/2002 3.82 10/31/2002 4.55 12/7/2002 5.97 9/25/2002 3.88 11/1/2002 4.06 12/8/2002 5.7 9/26/2002 4.82 11/2/2002 3.71 12/9/2002 5.57 9/27/2002 4.22 11/3/2002 3.52 12/10/2002 5.85 9/28/2002 3.52 11/4/2002 3.93 12/11/2002 7.67 9/29/2002 3.36 11/5/2002 6.19 12/12/2002 6.6 9/30/2002 3.63 11/6/2002 5.66 12/13/2002 8.13 10/1/2002 3.65 11/7/2002 4.41 12/14/2002 6.11 10/2/2002 3.67 11/8/2002 4.08 12/15/2002 5.32 10/3/2002 3.64 11/9/2002 3.8 12/16/2002 5.21 10/4/2002 3.46 11/10/2002 3.82 12/17/2002 4.95 10/5/2002 3.14 11/11/2002 5.02 12/18/2002 4.85 10/6/2002 3.07 11/12/2002 8.32 12/19/2002 5.19 10/7/2002 3.47 11/13/2002 6.17 12/20/2002 6.03 10/8/2002 3.44 11/14/2002 5.1 12/21/2002 4.6 10/9/2002 3.39 11/15/2002 4.64 12/22/2002 4.38 10/10/2002 4.27 11/16/2002 7.68 12/23/2002 4.48 10/11/2002 7.98 11/17/2002 7.3 12/24/2002 7.25 10/12/2002 5.28 11/18/2002 6.61 12/25/2002 7.28 10/13/2002 6.14 11/19/2002 5.56 12/26/2002 6.23 10/14/2002 5.45 11/20/2002 5.06 12/27/2002 5.34 10/15/2002 6.39 11/21/2002 4.78 12/28/2002 4.78 10/16/2002 7.78 11/22/2002 4.44 12/29/2002 4.52 10/17/2002 6.2 11/23/2002 4.02 12/30/2002 4.78 10/18/2002 5.07 11/24/2002 4.03 12/31/2002 5.5 10/19/2002 4.48 11/25/2002 4.15 10/20/2002 4.46 11/26/2002 4.04 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-20 Table C- 2. Thomasville Hamby Creek WWTP Effluent Flow and Fecal Coliform Bacteria Concentration Date Flow(cfs) FC conc. Date Flow(cfs) FC conc. Date Flow(cfs) FC conc. 1/1/1996 2.28 2/16/1996 2.97 6000.4/2/1996 3.7 4. 1/2/1996 3.37 2/17/1996 2.42 4/3/1996 3.38 1/3/1996 3.21 2/18/1996 2.35 4/4/1996 3.11 1/4/1996 2.85 2/19/1996 3.27 4/5/1996 2.48 1/5/1996 2.65 2/20/1996 3.56 1.4/6/1996 2.34 1/6/1996 2.14 2/21/1996 3.63 1.4/7/1996 2.15 1/7/1996 2.35 2/22/1996 3.18 4/8/1996 3.04 1/8/1996 2.26 2/23/1996 2.9 4/9/1996 3.91 1/9/1996 2.84 2/24/1996 2.44 4/10/1996 3.14 1/10/1996 3.2/25/1996 2.22 4/11/1996 3.12 3. 1/11/1996 2.65 16.2/26/1996 2.91 4/12/1996 2.84 1/12/1996 2.77 2/27/1996 2.94 4/13/1996 2.48 1/13/1996 2.63 2/28/1996 2.86 4/14/1996 2.38 1/14/1996 3.05 2/29/1996 2.71 4/15/1996 3.21 1/15/1996 4.26 3/1/1996 2.58 4/16/1996 3.51 1/16/1996 4.4 3/2/1996 2.29 4/17/1996 3.06 1/17/1996 4.52 3/3/1996 2.12 4/18/1996 2.89 1/18/1996 4.67 3.3/4/1996 2.78 4/19/1996 2.84 1/19/1996 5.56 3/5/1996 2.8 32.4/20/1996 2.5 1/20/1996 3.68 3/6/1996 3.63 1.4/21/1996 2.32 1/21/1996 3.06 3/7/1996 4.82 23.4/22/1996 2.92 1/22/1996 3.48 3/8/1996 4.56 2000.4/23/1996 2.94 1/23/1996 3.44 3/9/1996 2.97 4/24/1996 3. 1/24/1996 4.07 3.3/10/1996 2.63 4/25/1996 2.82 1/25/1996 3.5 6000.3/11/1996 3.36 3550.4/26/1996 3.07 1/26/1996 3.02 9.3/12/1996 3.23 1600.4/27/1996 2.3 1/27/1996 5.16 3/13/1996 3.26 4/28/1996 2.14 1/28/1996 3.41 3/14/1996 3.14 4/29/1996 2.71 1/29/1996 3.76 3/15/1996 3.09 4/30/1996 2.64 1/30/1996 3.86 1.3/16/1996 2.55 5/1/1996 3.11 1/31/1996 4.06 3/17/1996 2.46 5/2/1996 2.76 2/1/1996 3.43 3/18/1996 3.02 5/3/1996 2.6 2/2/1996 4.88 3/19/1996 4.6 1.5/4/1996 1.99 2/3/1996 4.27 3/20/1996 4.01 2.5/5/1996 1.83 2/4/1996 3.36 3/21/1996 3.45 5.5/6/1996 2.62 2/5/1996 3.59 3/22/1996 3.06 5/7/1996 2.69 2/6/1996 4.2 3/23/1996 2.51 5/8/1996 2.84 2/7/1996 3.9 3/24/1996 2.34 5/9/1996 2.97 2/8/1996 4.47 1.3/25/1996 3.11 5/10/1996 2.76 2/9/1996 3.88 3/26/1996 3.18 5/11/1996 2.35 2/10/1996 3.11 3/27/1996 3.13 5/12/1996 2.13 2/11/1996 2.77 3/28/1996 4.42 1.5/13/1996 2.92 2/12/1996 3.32 1.3/29/1996 3.28 5/14/1996 3.19 1850. 2/13/1996 3.19 3/30/1996 2.53 5/15/1996 3.22 175. 2/14/1996 3.12 3/31/1996 2.62 5/16/1996 3.09 1. 2/15/1996 3.04 1.4/1/1996 4.14 1.5/17/1996 2.94 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-21 Table C- 2 (Continued) Date Flow(cfs) FC conc. Date Flow(cfs) FC conc. Date Flow(cfs) FC conc. 5/18/1996 2.3 7/4/1996 1.74 8/20/1996 3.03 22. 5/19/1996 2.09 7/5/1996 1.7 8/21/1996 3.04 4764. 5/20/1996 2.87 7/6/1996 1.78 8/22/1996 2.94 2300. 5/21/1996 3.03 7/7/1996 1.76 8/23/1996 2.93 133. 5/22/1996 2.99 7/8/1996 2.68 8/24/1996 3.11 5/23/1996 2.87 7/9/1996 2.77 7.8/25/1996 2.93 5/24/1996 2.84 7/10/1996 2.74 13.8/26/1996 3.32 5/25/1996 2.1 7/11/1996 2.98 8/27/1996 3.46 5/26/1996 1.92 7/12/1996 3.09 8/28/1996 3.39 5/27/1996 2.65 7/13/1996 1.97 8/29/1996 3.17 5/28/1996 3.62 7/14/1996 1.82 8/30/1996 2.88 3. 5/29/1996 3.02 7/15/1996 2.49 8/31/1996 2.39 5/30/1996 3.05 7/16/1996 2.92 9/1/1996 2.07 5/31/1996 2.74 7/17/1996 2.75 9/2/1996 2.27 6/1/1996 2.02 7/18/1996 3.03 9/3/1996 4.67 6/2/1996 1.98 7/19/1996 2.75 9/4/1996 5.75 2. 6/3/1996 2.73 7/20/1996 2.06 9/5/1996 5.07 6/4/1996 3.21 7/21/1996 1.74 9/6/1996 6.51 6/5/1996 2.62 1.7/22/1996 3.08 9/7/1996 4.38 6/6/1996 2.83 7/23/1996 2.83 9/8/1996 3.34 6/7/1996 2.59 7/24/1996 2.81 200.9/9/1996 3.78 6/8/1996 2.3 7/25/1996 3.37 9/10/1996 3.88 6/9/1996 2.84 7/26/1996 3.3 9/11/1996 4.83 6/10/1996 3.27 7/27/1996 2.11 9/12/1996 5.2 2. 6/11/1996 2.9 7/28/1996 2.43 9/13/1996 4. 6/12/1996 2.88 7/29/1996 2.98 1.9/14/1996 2.91 6/13/1996 2.9 7/30/1996 2.94 9/15/1996 2.59 6/14/1996 2.79 7/31/1996 2.91 9/16/1996 3.75 6/15/1996 2.58 8/1/1996 3.78 9/17/1996 3.8 6/16/1996 2.36 8/2/1996 3.65 9/18/1996 3.35 6/17/1996 2.98 8/3/1996 2.77 9/19/1996 3.36 10. 6/18/1996 3.08 8/4/1996 2.38 9/20/1996 2.89 6/19/1996 3.19 8/5/1996 2.06 9/21/1996 2.39 6/20/1996 2.94 8/6/1996 2.65 9/22/1996 2.32 6/21/1996 2.81 5.8/7/1996 3.52 28.9/23/1996 3.06 6/22/1996 2.24 8/8/1996 2.92 1.9/24/1996 3.09 6/23/1996 1.88 8/9/1996 2.66 9/25/1996 3.03 6/24/1996 2.84 1.8/10/1996 2.12 9/26/1996 2.95 12. 6/25/1996 3.03 8/11/1996 1.93 9/27/1996 2.88 6/26/1996 2.83 8/12/1996 4.12 1.9/28/1996 2.38 6/27/1996 2.81 8/13/1996 4.05 9/29/1996 2.35 6/28/1996 2.56 8/14/1996 3.24 9/30/1996 3.05 6/29/1996 1.9 8/15/1996 3.04 10/1/1996 4.52 6/30/1996 1.78 8/16/1996 2.76 10/2/1996 5.1. 7/1/1996 2.24 8/17/1996 2.25 10/3/1996 4.19 2. 7/2/1996 2.23 2.8/18/1996 2.04 10/4/1996 3.46 7/3/1996 2.07 10.8/19/1996 2.95 42.10/5/1996 2.79 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-22 Table C- 2 (Continued) 10/6/1996 2.69 11/23/1996 2.49 1/10/1997 4.99 10/7/1996 3.49 2.11/24/1996 2.35 1/11/1997 3.78 10/8/1996 5.39 11/25/1996 3.21 1/12/1997 3.26 10/9/1996 4.37 11/26/1996 3.66 33.1/13/1997 3.88 10/10/1996 3.95 5.11/27/1996 3.14 1/14/1997 3.82 2. 10/11/1996 3.38 11/28/1996 2.37 1/15/1997 3.7 10/12/1996 2.87 11/29/1996 2.26 1/16/1997 5.07 10/13/1996 2.68 11/30/1996 2.92 1/17/1997 4.05 10/14/1996 3.2 12/1/1996 4.72 1/18/1997 3.23 10/15/1996 3.2 1.12/2/1996 4.52 1.1/19/1997 2.94 10/16/1996 3.16 12/3/1996 3.6 1/20/1997 3.91 10/17/1996 3.06 12/4/1996 3.56 1/21/1997 3.88 10/18/1996 3.29 12/5/1996 4.03 1/22/1997 3.75 10/19/1996 2.53 12/6/1996 4.42 1/23/1997 3.69 10/20/1996 2.31 12/7/1996 3.94 1/24/1997 3.84 10/21/1996 3.16 12/8/1996 3.63 1/25/1997 3.73 10/22/1996 3.24 12/9/1996 3.89 1/26/1997 3.01 10/23/1996 3.13 12/10/1996 3.73 1/27/1997 3.72 10/24/1996 3.01 12/11/1996 3.54 1/28/1997 4.27 10/25/1996 2.79 12/12/1996 3.52 1/29/1997 3.98 10/26/1996 2.32 12/13/1996 4.97 1.1/30/1997 3.74 10/27/1996 2.21 12/14/1996 3.53 1/31/1997 3.5 10/28/1996 2.97 12/15/1996 3.06 2/1/1997 3. 10/29/1996 3.18 12/16/1996 3.5 2/2/1997 2.56 10/30/1996 3.06 12/17/1996 3.74 2/3/1997 3.44 10/31/1996 2.98 12/18/1996 3.94 2/4/1997 3.57 11/1/1996 2.83 12/19/1996 4.52 2/5/1997 3.73 11/2/1996 3.59 12/20/1996 3.59 2/6/1997 3.39 1. 11/3/1996 2.24 12/21/1996 2.81 2/7/1997 3.34 11/4/1996 2.98 12/22/1996 2.65 2/8/1997 3.49 11/5/1996 2.97 12/23/1996 2.8 1.2/9/1997 2.87 11/6/1996 3.12 12/24/1996 3.1 2/10/1997 3.57 11/7/1996 3.01 12/25/1996 2.73 2/11/1997 3.3 4000. 11/8/1996 3.65 12/26/1996 2.75 2/12/1997 3.13 3600. 11/9/1996 2.91 12/27/1996 3.04 2/13/1997 3.5 11/10/1996 2.38 12/28/1996 2.72 2/14/1997 5.35 3000. 11/11/1996 3.09 1.12/29/1996 2.69 2/15/1997 5.44 11/12/1996 3.08 12/30/1996 3.49 2/16/1997 3.87 11/13/1996 2.99 12/31/1996 3.58 2/17/1997 4.1. 11/14/1996 2.87 1/1/1997 2.55 2/18/1997 3.7 7. 11/15/1996 2.87 1/2/1997 3.42 2/19/1997 3.44 11/16/1996 2.32 1/3/1997 3.17 2/20/1997 3.29 11/17/1996 2.16 1/4/1997 2.72 2/21/1997 3.62 11/18/1996 3.39 1/5/1997 3.26 2/22/1997 3.1 11/19/1996 3.42 1/6/1997 3.76 2/23/1997 2.74 11/20/1996 3.14 1.1/7/1997 3.5 2/24/1997 3.37 11/21/1996 3.41 1/8/1997 3.47 2/25/1997 3.43 1. 11/22/1996 3.29 1/9/1997 5.31 2/26/1997 3.65 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-23 Table C- 2 (Continued) 2/27/1997 3.65 4/16/1997 3.37 1.6/3/1997 3.12 2/28/1997 5.22 4/17/1997 3.51 6/4/1997 2.78 3/1/1997 4.76 4/18/1997 3.27 6/5/1997 2.89 1. 3/2/1997 4.01 4/19/1997 2.54 6/6/1997 3.34 3/3/1997 4.46 4/20/1997 2.45 6/7/1997 2.35 3/4/1997 3.98 4/21/1997 3.24 1.6/8/1997 2.14 3/5/1997 4.04 2.4/22/1997 3.88 3.6/9/1997 2.78 3/6/1997 4.35 4/23/1997 5.53 6/10/1997 2.93 3/7/1997 3.62 4/24/1997 4.57 6/11/1997 2.6 3/8/1997 2.93 4/25/1997 3.74 6/12/1997 2.87 3/9/1997 2.69 4/26/1997 2.92 6/13/1997 4.123 3/10/1997 3.4 2.4/27/1997 3.55 6/14/1997 2.73 3/11/1997 3.43 4/28/1997 5.73 1.6/15/1997 2.28 3/12/1997 3.37 4/29/1997 6.04 6/16/1997 2.94 3/13/1997 3.2 4/30/1997 4.75 6/17/1997 3.74 3/14/1997 4.13 5/1/1997 4.51 6/18/1997 2.98 3/15/1997 4.36 5/2/1997 3.94 6/19/1997 3.03 3/16/1997 2.99 5/3/1997 4.26 6/20/1997 2.81 3/17/1997 3.35 5/4/1997 3.6 6/21/1997 2.15 3/18/1997 3.59 2.5/5/1997 4.2.6/22/1997 2.01 3/19/1997 5.17 5/6/1997 3.86 25.6/23/1997 2.89 3/20/1997 4.71 5/7/1997 3.68 6/24/1997 2.85 3/21/1997 3.97 5/8/1997 3.58 6/25/1997 2.8 3/22/1997 3.06 5/9/1997 3.6 6/26/1997 2.81 3/23/1997 2.7 5/10/1997 2.76 6/27/1997 2.5 3/24/1997 3.52 5/11/1997 2.54 6/28/1997 2.03 3/25/1997 3.39 5/12/1997 3.05 6/29/1997 1.95 3/26/1997 4.08 5/13/1997 3.29 1.6/30/1997 2.08 3/27/1997 3.6 5/14/1997 3.03 7/1/1997 2.43 1. 3/28/1997 3.22 5/15/1997 3.1 7/2/1997 2.24 3/29/1997 3.2 5/16/1997 2.9 7/3/1997 2.08 3/30/1997 2.8 5/17/1997 2.4 7/4/1997 1.91 3/31/1997 3.62 5/18/1997 2.28 7/5/1997 2.15 4/1/1997 3.25 5/19/1997 3.03 7/6/1997 1.89 4/2/1997 3.28 5/20/1997 2.98 7/7/1997 2.76 4/3/1997 3.24 5/21/1997 3.02 7/8/1997 2.84 1. 4/4/1997 3.15 5/22/1997 2.95 7/9/1997 2.73 4/5/1997 2.54 5/23/1997 2.87 7/10/1997 2.85 4/6/1997 3.08 5/24/1997 2.3 7/11/1997 2.65 4/7/1997 3.81 2.5/25/1997 2.54 7/12/1997 2.1 4/8/1997 3.49 5/26/1997 2.97 7/13/1997 1.98 4/9/1997 3.69 3.5/27/1997 3.13 7/14/1997 2.4 4/10/1997 3.55 5/28/1997 2.91 1.7/15/1997 2.8 22. 4/11/1997 3.14 5/29/1997 2.99 7/16/1997 2.44 3. 4/12/1997 3.77 5/30/1997 2.83 7/17/1997 2.63 45. 4/13/1997 3.17 5/31/1997 2.32 7/18/1997 2.2 10. 4/14/1997 3.61 6/1/1997 2.28 7/19/1997 1.9 4/15/1997 3.46 6/2/1997 3.27 7/20/1997 2.54 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-24 Table C- 2 (Continued) 7/21/1997 3.04 2.9/10/1997 3.1 10/31/1997 2.27 7/22/1997 3.45 9/11/1997 2.78 11/1/1997 2.54 7/23/1997 4.54 9/12/1997 2.3 11/2/1997 2.34 7/24/1997 4.36 9/13/1997 2.03 11/3/1997 2.77 7/25/1997 3.3 9/14/1997 1.93 11/4/1997 2.66 7/26/1997 2.29 9/15/1997 2.71 11/5/1997 2.71 7/27/1997 2.12 9/16/1997 2.78 11/6/1997 2.67 7/28/1997 3.08 1.9/17/1997 2.61 11/7/1997 2.54 7/29/1997 3.13 9/18/1997 2.58 11/8/1997 2.05 7/30/1997 3.25 9/19/1997 2.66 11/9/1997 1.9 7/31/1997 2.86 9/20/1997 2.13 11/10/1997 2.66 8/1/1997 2.58 9/21/1997 1.95 11/11/1997 2.64 8/2/1997 2.21 9/22/1997 2.65 11/12/1997 2.71 8/3/1997 2.05 9/23/1997 2.69 11/13/1997 3.64 8/4/1997 2.79 9/24/1997 3.9 11/14/1997 3.95 8/5/1997 2.79 1.9/25/1997 3.04 1.11/15/1997 2.2 8/6/1997 2.64 9/26/1997 2.71 11/16/1997 2.05 8/7/1997 2.55 9/27/1997 2.11 11/17/1997 2.62 2. 8/8/1997 2.43 9/28/1997 2.16 11/18/1997 2.68 46. 8/9/1997 2.08 9/29/1997 2.7 11/19/1997 2.65 80. 8/10/1997 1.97 9/30/1997 2.71 11/20/1997 2.58 36. 8/11/1997 2.87 10/1/1997 2.88 11/21/1997 3.42 4. 8/12/1997 2.79 2.10/2/1997 2.44 11/22/1997 3.4 8/13/1997 2.73 3.10/3/1997 2.49 11/23/1997 2.31 8/14/1997 2.54 4.10/4/1997 2.02 11/24/1997 2.7 8/15/1997 2.32 10/5/1997 1.97 11/25/1997 2.75 8/16/1997 2.18 10/6/1997 2.68 11/26/1997 2.6 8/17/1997 1.96 10/7/1997 2.65 11/27/1997 2.09 8/18/1997 2.25 10/8/1997 2.74 11/28/1997 2.01 8/19/1997 2.5 5.10/9/1997 2.65 11/29/1997 2.34 8/20/1997 2.79 1200.10/10/1997 2.71 11/30/1997 3.27 8/21/1997 2.5 100.10/11/1997 2.08 12/1/1997 3.36 8/22/1997 2.51 10/12/1997 1.94 12/2/1997 3.09 8/23/1997 2.04 10/13/1997 2.77 12/3/1997 2.99 1. 8/24/1997 1.93 10/14/1997 2.77 12/4/1997 3. 8/25/1997 2.59 10/15/1997 2.86 12/5/1997 2.78 8/26/1997 2.73 10/16/1997 2.72 12/6/1997 2.58 8/27/1997 2.81 10/17/1997 2.65 12/7/1997 2.1 8/28/1997 2.61 .1 10/18/1997 2.16 12/8/1997 2.89 15. 8/29/1997 2.46 10/19/1997 3.11 12/9/1997 2.85 8/30/1997 1.93 10/20/1997 2.88 1.12/10/1997 3.05 1. 8/31/1997 1.88 10/21/1997 2.68 12/11/1997 2.8 6. 9/1/1997 1.96 10/22/1997 2.73 12/12/1997 2.67 9/2/1997 2.63 3050.10/23/1997 2.83 12/13/1997 2.17 9/3/1997 2.21 10/24/1997 2.57 12/14/1997 2.05 9/4/1997 2.55 10/25/1997 2.02 12/15/1997 2.77 9/5/1997 2.49 10/26/1997 3.02 12/16/1997 2.91 9/6/1997 2.06 10/27/1997 3.26 1.12/17/1997 2.05 9/7/1997 1.89 10/28/1997 2.74 1.12/18/1997 4.3 1. 9/8/1997 2.61 10/29/1997 2.78 5.12/19/1997 2.68 9/9/1997 2.77 10/30/1997 2.64 12/20/1997 2.26 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-25 Table C- 2 (Continued) 12/21/1997 2.18 2/10/1998 3.39 600.4/2/1998 3.69 1. 12/22/1997 3.47 2/11/1998 3.47 15.4/3/1998 3.57 12/23/1997 2.62 2/12/1998 3.56 10.4/4/1998 3.97 12/24/1997 4.2 2/13/1998 3.14 5.4/5/1998 2.98 12/25/1997 3.2 2/14/1998 2.6 4/6/1998 3.35 1. 12/26/1997 2.74 2/15/1998 2.35 4/7/1998 3.59 1. 12/27/1997 3.71 2/16/1998 3.91 2.4/8/1998 3.5 12/28/1997 3.27 2/17/1998 5.97 4/9/1998 4.63 12/29/1997 2.97 2/18/1998 4.8 4.4/10/1998 3.37 12/30/1997 3.44 2/19/1998 4.06 20.4/11/1998 3. 12/31/1997 3.02 2/20/1998 3.61 4/12/1998 2.82 1/1/1998 2.55 2/21/1998 2.91 4/13/1998 3.25 1/2/1998 2.72 2/22/1998 2.69 4/14/1998 3.57 1. 1/3/1998 2.75 2/23/1998 4.31 1.4/15/1998 3.48 1/4/1998 2.64 2/24/1998 3.61 2.4/16/1998 3.82 1. 1/5/1998 3.3 2/25/1998 3.48 4/17/1998 6.19 7. 1/6/1998 3.93 2/26/1998 2.89 4/18/1998 4.84 1/7/1998 5.49 2/27/1998 2.7 4.4/19/1998 4.76 1/8/1998 5.98 2/28/1998 2.6 4/20/1998 5.58 6. 1/9/1998 4.38 3/1/1998 2.4 4/21/1998 4.55 1. 1/10/1998 3.06 3/2/1998 2.86 1.4/22/1998 4.37 2. 1/11/1998 2.67 3/3/1998 2.8 14.4/23/1998 4.18 2. 1/12/1998 3.08 3/4/1998 3.07 4/24/1998 3.8 1/13/1998 3.1 3/5/1998 3.3.4/25/1998 3.8 1/14/1998 2.95 3/6/1998 2.57 4/26/1998 2.92 1/15/1998 4.62 3/7/1998 2.19 4/27/1998 3.63 1. 1/16/1998 4.98 3.3/8/1998 4.06 4/28/1998 3.45 5. 1/17/1998 3.83 3/9/1998 5.62 23.4/29/1998 3.16 1/18/1998 3.04 3/10/1998 4.36 270.4/30/1998 3.31 1/19/1998 4.31 3/11/1998 4.07 5/1/1998 3.49 1/20/1998 3.65 1.3/12/1998 3.97 37.5/2/1998 2.87 1/21/1998 3.37 3/13/1998 3.62 5/3/1998 2.98 1/22/1998 3.6 3/14/1998 3.2 5/4/1998 3.41 1/23/1998 5.59 3/15/1998 2.9 5/5/1998 3.51 1/24/1998 4.21 3/16/1998 3.55 5/6/1998 3.28 1/25/1998 3.44 3/17/1998 3.6 5/7/1998 4.23 1. 1/26/1998 3.68 3/18/1998 3.87 5/8/1998 4.98 2. 1/27/1998 5.21 3/19/1998 5.55 5/9/1998 3.69 1/28/1998 5.58 3/20/1998 4.81 5/10/1998 3.46 1/29/1998 4.35 3/21/1998 4.2 5/11/1998 5.29 1/30/1998 3.62 3.3/22/1998 3.86 5/12/1998 4.36 1. 1/31/1998 3.04 3/23/1998 3.9 5/13/1998 3.78 2/1/1998 2.76 3/24/1998 3.8 5/14/1998 3.67 1. 2/2/1998 3.32 3/25/1998 3.6 5/15/1998 3.4 3. 2/3/1998 3.92 3/26/1998 3.55 5/16/1998 2.87 2/4/1998 5.26 3/27/1998 3.2 5/17/1998 2.7 2/5/1998 5.46 3/28/1998 2.8 5/18/1998 3.28 1. 2/6/1998 4.28 4.3/29/1998 5.5 5/19/1998 3.23 3. 2/7/1998 3.3 3/30/1998 3.34 5/20/1998 3.25 2/8/1998 2.97 3/31/1998 3.24 5/21/1998 3.33 3200. 2/9/1998 3.52 4/1/1998 3.74 5/22/1998 3.04 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-26 Table C- 2 (Continued) 5/23/1998 3.08 7/13/1998 2.62 9/2/1998 2.5 5/24/1998 2.47 7/14/1998 2.68 9/3/1998 3.16 5/25/1998 2.92 7/15/1998 2.65 9/4/1998 3.81 5/26/1998 3.27 7/16/1998 3.44 9/5/1998 2.27 5/27/1998 3.34 1.7/17/1998 3.02 9/6/1998 2.01 5/28/1998 3.09 7/18/1998 2.23 9/7/1998 2.24 5/29/1998 3.05 6.7/19/1998 2.17 9/8/1998 3.39 1. 5/30/1998 2.56 7/20/1998 2.84 1.9/9/1998 2.75 5/31/1998 2.39 7/21/1998 2.49 9/10/1998 2.75 6/1/1998 3.12 7/22/1998 2.75 9/11/1998 2.53 6/2/1998 3.04 1.7/23/1998 2.75 9/12/1998 2.24 6/3/1998 3.23 7/24/1998 2.67 9/13/1998 2.18 6/4/1998 3.27 7/25/1998 2.3 9/14/1998 2.51 6/5/1998 2.96 7/26/1998 2.01 9/15/1998 2.7 6/6/1998 3.37 7/27/1998 2.95 9/16/1998 2.68 6/7/1998 2.56 7/28/1998 2.79 9/17/1998 2.6 6/8/1998 3.16 7/29/1998 3.9/18/1998 2.42 6/9/1998 2.98 7/30/1998 2.75 9/19/1998 2.14 6/10/1998 3.43 7/31/1998 2.65 9/20/1998 2.12 6/11/1998 2.97 8/1/1998 2.18 9/21/1998 2.78 6/12/1998 2.91 8/2/1998 1.94 9/22/1998 2.8 6/13/1998 2.43 8/3/1998 2.4 10.9/23/1998 2.51 6/14/1998 2.31 8/4/1998 2.42 9/24/1998 2.5 6/15/1998 4.28 2.8/5/1998 2.46 9/25/1998 2.3 6/16/1998 3.18 20.8/6/1998 2.41 9/26/1998 2.1 6/17/1998 3.14 8/7/1998 2.45 9/27/1998 2.02 6/18/1998 2.98 8/8/1998 2.88 9/28/1998 2.44 6/19/1998 2.8 8/9/1998 2.83 9/29/1998 2.37 6/20/1998 2.34 8/10/1998 3.86 9/30/1998 2.55 6/21/1998 2.12 8/11/1998 3.09 10/1/1998 2.31 6/22/1998 3.01 8/12/1998 3.56 3.10/2/1998 2.39 6/23/1998 2.98 8/13/1998 3.55 1.10/3/1998 1.97 6/24/1998 2.8 4.8/14/1998 2.65 10/4/1998 2. 6/25/1998 2.78 8/15/1998 2.27 10/5/1998 2.69 6/26/1998 2.49 8/16/1998 2.14 10/6/1998 2.62 6/27/1998 2.25 8/17/1998 3.3 10/7/1998 2.62 1. 6/28/1998 2.07 8/18/1998 2.89 1.10/8/1998 3.26 6/29/1998 2.39 8/19/1998 2.89 10/9/1998 2.76 600. 6/30/1998 2.32 8/20/1998 2.62 10/10/1998 2.19 7/1/1998 2.08 3900.8/21/1998 2.55 10/11/1998 1.93 7/2/1998 2.13 8/22/1998 2.28 10/12/1998 2.6 7/3/1998 2.22 8/23/1998 2.09 10/13/1998 2.67 7/4/1998 2.01 8/24/1998 2.86 10/14/1998 2.73 7/5/1998 2.8/25/1998 2.69 10/15/1998 2.45 7/6/1998 2.87 8/26/1998 2.59 10/16/1998 2.58 16. 7/7/1998 2.5 1.8/27/1998 2.56 10/17/1998 1.93 7/8/1998 2.77 8/28/1998 2.51 10/18/1998 1.96 7/9/1998 2.67 8/29/1998 2.24 10/19/1998 2.67 1. 7/10/1998 2.42 10.8/30/1998 2.27 10/20/1998 2.56 7/11/1998 2.11 8/31/1998 2.65 10/21/1998 2.38 7/12/1998 1.98 9/1/1998 2.63 10/22/1998 2.36 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-27 Table C- 2 (Continued) 10/23/1998 2.27 12/13/1998 3.71 2/2/1999 4.55 1. 10/24/1998 1.9 12/14/1998 2.86 2/3/1999 3.64 1. 10/25/1998 2.12/15/1998 2.95 2/4/1999 3.29 10/26/1998 2.36 12/16/1998 4.4 5.2/5/1999 3.07 2. 10/27/1998 2.36 12/17/1998 2.7 4.2/6/1999 2.83 10/28/1998 2.4 1.12/18/1998 2.4 2/7/1999 2.55 10/29/1998 2.4 12/19/1998 2.21 2/8/1999 3.03 10/30/1998 2.98 8.12/20/1998 2.07 2/9/1999 2.83 10/31/1998 2.03 12/21/1998 2.27 2/10/1999 2.97 11/1/1998 1.8 12/22/1998 2.19 2/11/1999 2.9 4. 11/2/1998 2.49 12/23/1998 2.06 2/12/1999 2.87 11/3/1998 2.8 12/24/1998 4.6 2/13/1999 2.46 11/4/1998 2.4 12/25/1998 2.82 2/14/1999 2.33 11/5/1998 4.5 12/26/1998 2.24 2/15/1999 2.78 4. 11/6/1998 2.26 12/27/1998 1.78 2/16/1999 2.81 11/7/1998 1.98 12/28/1998 2.46 2/17/1999 2.84 11/8/1998 1.89 12/29/1998 2.55 4.2/18/1999 3.73 11/9/1998 2.57 12/30/1998 2.48 1.2/19/1999 3.05 11/10/1998 2.57 12/31/1998 2.34 2/20/1999 3.36 11/11/1998 3.02 1/1/1999 2.14 2/21/1999 2.53 11/12/1998 2.55 300.1/2/1999 2.63 2/22/1999 2.98 11/13/1998 2.46 1.1/3/1999 5.29 2/23/1999 2.92 10. 11/14/1998 2.48 1/4/1999 3.43 2.2/24/1999 2.9 56. 11/15/1998 2.42 1/5/1999 3.03 2/25/1999 2.87 11/16/1998 2.84 600.1/6/1999 2.9 1.2/26/1999 2.64 8. 11/17/1998 2.77 4600.1/7/1999 2.75 1.2/27/1999 2.44 11/18/1998 2.64 4900.1/8/1999 2.13 2.2/28/1999 2.47 11/19/1998 2.47 7.1/9/1999 1.87 3/1/1999 2.95 3. 11/20/1998 2.5 1/10/1999 1.6 3/2/1999 2.72 10. 11/21/1998 2.05 1/11/1999 1.78 2.3/3/1999 3.11 10. 11/22/1998 1.9 1/12/1999 2.37 3/4/1999 2.98 30. 11/23/1998 2.58 1/13/1999 2.47 1.3/5/1999 2.66 11/24/1998 2.45 1/14/1999 2.69 3/6/1999 2.37 11/25/1998 2.38 1/15/1999 3.61 3/7/1999 2.24 11/26/1998 2.29 1/16/1999 2.52 3/8/1999 2.75 1. 11/27/1998 2.02 1/17/1999 2.66 3/9/1999 2.83 2. 11/28/1998 2.04 1/18/1999 4.84 3/10/1999 2.82 1. 11/29/1998 1.93 1/19/1999 3.57 3/11/1999 2.74 11/30/1998 2.43 1/20/1999 3.19 3/12/1999 2.64 12/1/1998 2.43 22.1/21/1999 3.07 1.3/13/1999 1.82 12/2/1998 2.41 1/22/1999 2.89 3/14/1999 2.85 12/3/1998 2.5 1.1/23/1999 2.89 3/15/1999 3.5 12/4/1998 2.49 1/24/1999 3.65 3/16/1999 3.1 10. 12/5/1998 2.07 1/25/1999 4.64 1.3/17/1999 2.89 5. 12/6/1998 1.94 1/26/1999 3.44 1.3/18/1999 2.72 12/7/1998 2.6 8.1/27/1999 3.33 3/19/1999 2.4 12/8/1998 2.67 1/28/1999 3.32 3/20/1999 2.17 12/9/1998 3.32 1/29/1999 3.21 3/21/1999 3.01 12/10/1998 2.58 1.1/30/1999 2.8 3/22/1999 3.16 12/11/1998 2.54 1/31/1999 2.57 3/23/1999 2.97 12/12/1998 2.21 2/1/1999 3.84 7.3/24/1999 3.05 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-28 Table C- 2 (Continued) 3/25/1999 2.95 5/15/1999 2.29 7/5/1999 2.11 3/26/1999 2.59 5/16/1999 2.25 7/6/1999 2.32 3/27/1999 2.41 5/17/1999 2.73 7/7/1999 2.35 3/28/1999 2.29 5/18/1999 2.7 7/8/1999 2.36 3/29/1999 2.76 1.5/19/1999 2.89 7/9/1999 2.3 5. 3/30/1999 2.8 5/20/1999 2.77 7/10/1999 2.12 3/31/1999 2.78 1.5/21/1999 2.52 7/11/1999 1.97 4/1/1999 2.9 5/22/1999 2.15 7/12/1999 3.13 1. 4/2/1999 2.29 5/23/1999 2.07 7/13/1999 3.25 1. 4/3/1999 2.14 5/24/1999 2.87 7/14/1999 2.82 5. 4/4/1999 2.04 5/25/1999 2.68 20.7/15/1999 2.7 12. 4/5/1999 2.8 2.5/26/1999 2.72 12.7/16/1999 2.72 4/6/1999 2.79 5/27/1999 2.62 7/17/1999 2.48 4/7/1999 2.8 8.5/28/1999 2.64 7/18/1999 2.2 4/8/1999 2.72 2.5/29/1999 2.16 7/19/1999 2.63 4/9/1999 2.51 5/30/1999 1.98 7/20/1999 2.74 4/10/1999 2.45 5/31/1999 2.48 7/21/1999 2.85 4/11/1999 2.1 6/1/1999 2.56 6.7/22/1999 3.44. 4/12/1999 2.67 1.6/2/1999 2.65 2.7/23/1999 2.58 89. 4/13/1999 2.78 6/3/1999 2.54 67.7/24/1999 2.18 4/14/1999 2.6 1.6/4/1999 2.39 7/25/1999 2.01 4/15/1999 2.86 7.6/5/1999 2.06 7/26/1999 2.58 1. 4/16/1999 2.41 15.6/6/1999 1.98 7/27/1999 2.66 208. 4/17/1999 2.25 6/7/1999 2.65 7/28/1999 2.59 4/18/1999 2.11 6/8/1999 2.64 30.7/29/1999 2.62 4/19/1999 2.63 6/9/1999 2.63 1.7/30/1999 2.34 4/20/1999 2.6 6/10/1999 2.65 7/31/1999 2.19 4/21/1999 2.51 6/11/1999 2.59 8/1/1999 1.99 4/22/1999 2.44 6/12/1999 2.09 8/2/1999 2.52 1. 4/23/1999 2.2 6/13/1999 2.01 8/3/1999 2.38 2. 4/24/1999 1.9 6/14/1999 2.68 14.8/4/1999 2.12 4/25/1999 1.9 6/15/1999 2.64 3.8/5/1999 2.41 4. 4/26/1999 2.64 6/16/1999 3.21 8/6/1999 1.95 8. 4/27/1999 2.95 2.6/17/1999 2.8 1.8/7/1999 2. 4/28/1999 3.4 1.6/18/1999 2.57 8/8/1999 2.2 4/29/1999 3.6 164.6/19/1999 2.13 8/9/1999 2.44 1. 4/30/1999 4.92 260.6/20/1999 2.79 8/10/1999 2.42 23. 5/1/1999 3.01 6/21/1999 2.71 8/11/1999 2.5 2. 5/2/1999 2.52 6/22/1999 2.68 8/12/1999 2.5 5/3/1999 2.91 6/23/1999 2.68 8/13/1999 2.16 5/4/1999 2.83 1.6/24/1999 2.63 8/14/1999 2.24 5/5/1999 2.95 10.6/25/1999 2.57 8/15/1999 3.22 5/6/1999 2.21 12.6/26/1999 2.21 8/16/1999 2.57 5/7/1999 2.58 6/27/1999 2.21 8/17/1999 2.54 5/8/1999 2.19 6/28/1999 2.53 2.8/18/1999 2.49 5/9/1999 2.11 6/29/1999 2.57 1.8/19/1999 2.51 5/10/1999 2.89 6/30/1999 2.69 8/20/1999 2.52 1. 5/11/1999 2.84 7/1/1999 3.4 8/21/1999 2.59 5/12/1999 2.71 7/2/1999 3.2 8/22/1999 2.06 5/13/1999 2.6 7/3/1999 2.35 8/23/1999 2.82 5/14/1999 3.7/4/1999 1.98 8/24/1999 2.68 5. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-29 Table C- 2 (Continued) 8/25/1999 3.99 250.10/15/1999 3.02 12/5/1999 2.15 8/26/1999 3.02 10/16/1999 2.62 12/6/1999 3.03 3. 8/27/1999 4.15 10/17/1999 2.76 12/7/1999 2.71 9. 8/28/1999 2.53 10/18/1999 2.94 12/8/1999 2.34 15. 8/29/1999 2.34 10/19/1999 2.99 16.12/9/1999 2.57 12. 8/30/1999 2.68 10/20/1999 3.87 12/10/1999 3.06 7. 8/31/1999 2.63 10/21/1999 3.54 5000.12/11/1999 2.28 9/1/1999 2.67 10/22/1999 3.04 9600.12/12/1999 2.13 9/2/1999 2.6 3.10/23/1999 2.48 12/13/1999 2.74 1. 9/3/1999 2.51 10/24/1999 2.31 12/14/1999 4.27 9/4/1999 2.08 10/25/1999 2.85 5450.12/15/1999 3.21 7. 9/5/1999 3.82 10/26/1999 2.76 39.12/16/1999 2.87 20. 9/6/1999 3.01 10/27/1999 2.69 162.12/17/1999 2.67 3. 9/7/1999 2.97 10/28/1999 2.6 5.12/18/1999 2.45 9/8/1999 2.77 4.10/29/1999 2.56 1.12/19/1999 2.21 9/9/1999 3.02 10/30/1999 2.24 12/20/1999 2.87 9/10/1999 2.77 10/31/1999 2.17 12/21/1999 3.33 9/11/1999 2.23 11/1/1999 2.64 4.12/22/1999 3.14 9/12/1999 2.1 11/2/1999 3.35 67.12/23/1999 2.81 14. 9/13/1999 2.62 9.11/3/1999 2.7 7.12/24/1999 2.48 9/14/1999 2.67 9.11/4/1999 2.62 2.12/25/1999 2.19 9/15/1999 3.36 53.11/5/1999 2.36 6.12/26/1999 2.26 9/16/1999 4.4 11/6/1999 2.18 12/27/1999 3.99 9/17/1999 2.65 1.11/7/1999 2.08 12/28/1999 2.34 9/18/1999 2.35 11/8/1999 2.63 2.12/29/1999 2.45 9/19/1999 1.43 11/9/1999 2.61 12/30/1999 2.31 1. 9/20/1999 2.69 3.11/10/1999 2.58 1.12/31/1999 2.41 9/21/1999 2.66 11/11/1999 2.6 4.1/1/2000 2.05 9/22/1999 2.69 1.11/12/1999 2.54 38.1/2/2000 2.1 9/23/1999 2.49 11/13/1999 2.23 1/3/2000 2.68 9/24/1999 2.55 11/14/1999 2.15 1/4/2000 2.99 9/25/1999 2.03 11/15/1999 2.67 3.1/5/2000 2.96 2. 9/26/1999 2.04 11/16/1999 2.63 1/6/2000 2.39 22. 9/27/1999 3.42 11/17/1999 2.66 1/7/2000 2.62 4. 9/28/1999 4.45 8.11/18/1999 2.32 4.1/8/2000 2.24 9/29/1999 4.11 10.11/19/1999 2.41 2.1/9/2000 2.78 9/30/1999 3.87 10.11/20/1999 2.18 1/10/2000 4.38 3. 10/1/1999 3.11/21/1999 2.18 1/11/2000 3.12 7. 10/2/1999 2.49 11/22/1999 2.61 3.1/12/2000 3.13 10/3/1999 2.27 11/23/1999 2.43 1/13/2000 3.02 5. 10/4/1999 2.88 3.11/24/1999 2.48 1.1/14/2000 2.98 1. 10/5/1999 2.09 11/25/1999 2.08 1/15/2000 2.47 10/6/1999 2.85 1.11/26/1999 2.99 1/16/2000 2.27 10/7/1999 2.68 11/27/1999 2.36 1/17/2000 2.88 10/8/1999 2.52 11/28/1999 2.13 1/18/2000 3. 10/9/1999 2.22 11/29/1999 2.75 1/19/2000 3.04 2. 10/10/1999 2.62 11/30/1999 2.64 1.1/20/2000 3.72 10. 10/11/1999 4.4 12/1/1999 2.52 3.1/21/2000 3.01 10/12/1999 3.26 2.12/2/1999 2.66 7.1/22/2000 2.46 10/13/1999 3.98 12/3/1999 2.58 108.1/23/2000 2.81 10/14/1999 3.6 30.12/4/1999 2.24 1/24/2000 3.17 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-30 Table C- 2 (Continued) 1/25/2000 3.14 3/16/2000 3.7 6.5/6/2000 2.5 1/26/2000 3.14 3/17/2000 4.26 12.5/7/2000 2.4 1/27/2000 3.24 2.3/18/2000 2.78 5/8/2000 2.11 1/28/2000 3.1 1.3/19/2000 2.74 5/9/2000 2.99 1. 1/29/2000 2.7 3/20/2000 4.5/10/2000 2.99 1/30/2000 3.98 3/21/2000 3.25 4.5/11/2000 2.92 1/31/2000 4.66 3/22/2000 2.25 5/12/2000 2.3 1. 2/1/2000 4.32 3/23/2000 3.21 5/13/2000 2.43 2/2/2000 4.04 2.3/24/2000 3.2 5/14/2000 2.43 2/3/2000 4.05 2.3/25/2000 2.76 5/15/2000 2.89 2/4/2000 3.97 1.3/26/2000 2.76 5/16/2000 2.85 2/5/2000 3.36 3/27/2000 3.49 5/17/2000 2.94 2/6/2000 2.98 3/28/2000 3.33 5/18/2000 3.18 2/7/2000 3.47 3/29/2000 3.11 5/19/2000 2.88 2/8/2000 3.38 1.3/30/2000 3.03 1.5/20/2000 2.44 2/9/2000 3.42 20.3/31/2000 2.88 1.5/21/2000 2.46 2/10/2000 3.22 3.4/1/2000 2.53 5/22/2000 4.16 2. 2/11/2000 3.04 30.4/2/2000 2.32 5/23/2000 3.11 2/12/2000 3.98 4/3/2000 3.52 5/24/2000 2.86 2. 2/13/2000 3.58 4/4/2000 3.45 5/25/2000 3.3 1. 2/14/2000 4.87 4/5/2000 3.3 5/26/2000 2.81 2/15/2000 4.02 4/6/2000 3.24 2.5/27/2000 2.82 2/16/2000 3.61 4/7/2000 2.98 1.5/28/2000 2.43 2/17/2000 3.32 4/8/2000 3.34 5/29/2000 2.69 2/18/2000 3.99 4/9/2000 3.12 5/30/2000 2.62 2/19/2000 2.87 4/10/2000 3.37 5/31/2000 2.54 2/20/2000 2.59 4/11/2000 3.2 1.6/1/2000 2.5 2/21/2000 2.95 4/12/2000 3.15 6/2/2000 1.91 4. 2/22/2000 3.1 33.4/13/2000 3.5 6/3/2000 2.24 2/23/2000 3.16 2.4/14/2000 3.06 2.6/4/2000 2.2 2/24/2000 2.91 4/15/2000 3.69 6/5/2000 2.71 1. 2/25/2000 3.06 7.4/16/2000 3.17 6/6/2000 2.75 2/26/2000 2.69 4/17/2000 3.44 6/7/2000 2.54 3. 2/27/2000 2.54 4/18/2000 3.54 6/8/2000 2.51 4. 2/28/2000 3.2.4/19/2000 3.31 6/9/2000 2.21 2. 2/29/2000 3.09 4/20/2000 3.14 2.6/10/2000 1.91 3/1/2000 2.97 5.4/21/2000 2.62 6/11/2000 1.95 3/2/2000 2.97 4/22/2000 2.39 6/12/2000 2.42 3/3/2000 2.94 3.4/23/2000 2.34 6/13/2000 2.57 3/4/2000 2.44 4/24/2000 2.9 6/14/2000 2.5 2. 3/5/2000 2.42 4/25/2000 3.25 6/15/2000 2.8 3/6/2000 2.96 1.4/26/2000 2.9 6/16/2000 2.47 1. 3/7/2000 2.94 2.4/27/2000 3.06 6/17/2000 2.03 3/8/2000 2.97 3.4/28/2000 4.08 6/18/2000 1.97 3/9/2000 2.94 1.4/29/2000 3.58 6/19/2000 2.62 3/10/2000 2.73 22.4/30/2000 2.82 6/20/2000 2.5 3/11/2000 2.55 5/1/2000 3.13 6/21/2000 2.57 3/12/2000 2.29 5/2/2000 3.35 6/22/2000 2.45 3/13/2000 2.76 39.5/3/2000 3.14 6/23/2000 2.41 3/14/2000 2.8 8.5/4/2000 3.07 6/24/2000 2.03 3/15/2000 2.84 10.5/5/2000 2.91 3.6/25/2000 1.93 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-31 Table C- 2 (Continued) 6/26/2000 2.54 8/16/2000 2.72 21.10/6/2000 2.58 6/27/2000 2.46 8/17/2000 2.82 54.10/7/2000 2.21 6/28/2000 2.89 8/18/2000 2.9 7.10/8/2000 2.18 6/29/2000 2.74 2.8/19/2000 2.44 10/9/2000 2.71 6/30/2000 2.28 8/20/2000 2.29 10/10/2000 2.71 7/1/2000 1.9 8/21/2000 2.77 2.10/11/2000 2.68 7/2/2000 1.79 8/22/2000 2.88 10/12/2000 2.72 7/3/2000 1.97 8/23/2000 2.84 10/13/2000 2.46 7/4/2000 1.92 8/24/2000 2.8 10/14/2000 2.24 7/5/2000 2.18 8/25/2000 2.55 3.10/15/2000 2.12 7/6/2000 2.23 8/26/2000 2.28 10/16/2000 2.69 7/7/2000 2.9 8/27/2000 2.24 10/17/2000 2.76 7/8/2000 2.12 8/28/2000 3.11 10/18/2000 2.49 7/9/2000 2.04 8/29/2000 2.81 10/19/2000 2.68 9. 7/10/2000 2.49 8/30/2000 2.73 10/20/2000 2.59 3. 7/11/2000 2.51 8/31/2000 3.01 1.10/21/2000 2.25 7/12/2000 2.83 2.9/1/2000 2.56 9.5 10/22/2000 2.18 7/13/2000 3.3 9/2/2000 2.99 10/23/2000 2.77 7/14/2000 2.76 9/3/2000 2.95 10/24/2000 2.61 1. 7/15/2000 2.43 9/4/2000 2.84 10/25/2000 2.69 21. 7/16/2000 2.17 9/5/2000 2.75 10/26/2000 2.62 7/17/2000 2.79 9/6/2000 2.76 10/27/2000 2.45 7/18/2000 2.82 9/7/2000 2.72 10/28/2000 4.22 7/19/2000 2.67 9/8/2000 2.71 3.10/29/2000 2.24 7/20/2000 2.66 9/9/2000 2.37 10/30/2000 2.61 7/21/2000 2.78 3.9/10/2000 2.22 10/31/2000 2.53 7/22/2000 2.45 9/11/2000 2.8 11/1/2000 2.92 7/23/2000 2.55 9/12/2000 2.66 11/2/2000 2.59 7/24/2000 3.59 9/13/2000 2.34 11/3/2000 2.51 1.5 7/25/2000 3.1 9/14/2000 2.56 11/4/2000 2.25 7/26/2000 3.09 2.9/15/2000 2.97 11/5/2000 2.1 7/27/2000 2.79 1.9/16/2000 2.91 11/6/2000 2.68 7/28/2000 2.8 9/17/2000 2.16 11/7/2000 2.7 7/29/2000 2.36 9/18/2000 2.73 11/8/2000 2.76 3. 7/30/2000 2.21 9/19/2000 4.05 11/9/2000 2.91 29. 7/31/2000 3.04 1.9/20/2000 2.89 3.11/10/2000 2.62 8/1/2000 3.8 4.9/21/2000 2.77 11/11/2000 2.21 8/2/2000 3.02 9/22/2000 2.7 11/12/2000 2.16 8/3/2000 2.92 9/23/2000 3.3 11/13/2000 2.6 8/4/2000 3.14 9/24/2000 2.47 11/14/2000 3.29 8/5/2000 2.5 9/25/2000 3.57 11/15/2000 2.72 6.5 8/6/2000 2.38 9/26/2000 3.63 4.11/16/2000 2.77 5. 8/7/2000 2.82 9/27/2000 2.97 11/17/2000 2.61 2. 8/8/2000 2.82 9/28/2000 2.8 11/18/2000 2.26 8/9/2000 2.83 9/29/2000 2.81 11/19/2000 2.46 8/10/2000 3.82 9/30/2000 2.34 11/20/2000 2.92 8/11/2000 2.8 10/1/2000 2.39 11/21/2000 2.76 1. 8/12/2000 2.38 10/2/2000 2.68 11/22/2000 2.58 8/13/2000 2.2 10/3/2000 2.8 11/23/2000 2.18 8/14/2000 2.81 1.10/4/2000 2.65 11/24/2000 2.2 8/15/2000 2.81 6.10/5/2000 2.82 11/25/2000 2.91 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-32 Table C- 2 (Continued) 11/26/2000 2.58 1/16/2001 2.54 3/8/2001 2.98 11/27/2000 2.74 1/17/2001 2.51 3/9/2001 2.78 11/28/2000 2.74 1/18/2001 3.3 1.3/10/2001 2.55 11/29/2000 2.74 1.1/19/2001 3.72 3/11/2001 2.31 11/30/2000 2.65 1/20/2001 4.16 3/12/2001 2.87 12/1/2000 2.46 1/21/2001 2.88 3/13/2001 3.08 12/2/2000 2.29 1/22/2001 2.91 3/14/2001 2.81 12/3/2000 2.15 1/23/2001 2.88 3/15/2001 3.81 12/4/2000 2.4 1/24/2001 2.87 3/16/2001 3.33 12/5/2000 2.3 1.1/25/2001 2.7 3/17/2001 2.86 12/6/2000 2.71 1/26/2001 2.28 3/18/2001 2.66 12/7/2000 2.55 1/27/2001 2.25 3/19/2001 2.99 12/8/2000 2.54 1/28/2001 2.63 3/20/2001 3.34 12/9/2000 2.14 1/29/2001 2.41 3/21/2001 4.5 12/10/2000 2.09 1/30/2001 2.99 3/22/2001 3.91 12/11/2000 2.51 1/31/2001 2.72 3/23/2001 3.14 2. 12/12/2000 2.67 2/1/2001 2.32 3/24/2001 2.76 12/13/2000 2.82 2/2/2001 2.4 3/25/2001 2.55 12/14/2000 2.79 2/3/2001 2.15 3/26/2001 2.97 12/15/2000 2.45 1.2/4/2001 2.08 3/27/2001 2.84 12/16/2000 2.62 2/5/2001 2.42 3/28/2001 2.83 12/17/2000 3.12 2/6/2001 2.58 2.3/29/2001 4.08 12/18/2000 2.77 2/7/2001 2.6 3/30/2001 4.65 12/19/2000 2.95 2/8/2001 2.51 3/31/2001 3.83 12/20/2000 2.65 2/9/2001 2.32 4/1/2001 4.17 12/21/2000 2.65 2/10/2001 2.33 4/2/2001 3.99 12/22/2000 2.45 2/11/2001 2.06 4/3/2001 3.65 12/23/2000 2.2 2/12/2001 3.4/4/2001 3.7 12/24/2000 2.21 2/13/2001 2.8 4/5/2001 3.29 12/25/2000 2.03 2/14/2001 2.96 4/6/2001 3.27 12/26/2000 2.26 2/15/2001 2.95 1.4/7/2001 2.51 12/27/2000 2.55 2/16/2001 3.4/8/2001 2.67 12/28/2000 2.52 2/17/2001 4.6 4/9/2001 3.01 12/29/2000 2.37 2/18/2001 3.4/10/2001 2.89 12/30/2000 2.32 2/19/2001 3.08 4/11/2001 2.85 12/31/2000 2.27 2/20/2001 2.85 4/12/2001 2.65 1/1/2001 2.34 2/21/2001 2.8 4/13/2001 2.53 1/2/2001 2.68 2/22/2001 2.9 4/14/2001 2.33 1/3/2001 2.57 2/23/2001 2.55 4/15/2001 2.33 1/4/2001 2.68 2/24/2001 2.63 4/16/2001 2.78 1/5/2001 2.6 2/25/2001 3.13 4/17/2001 2.83 1/6/2001 2.32 2/26/2001 3.29 4/18/2001 2.95 1/7/2001 2.25 2/27/2001 2.98 4/19/2001 2.88 1/8/2001 2.81 2/28/2001 2.79 4/20/2001 2.79 1/9/2001 2.59 3/1/2001 2.69 4/21/2001 2.26 1/10/2001 2.63 3/2/2001 2.75 4/22/2001 2.12 1/11/2001 2.58 3/3/2001 2.6 4/23/2001 2.74 1/12/2001 2.56 3/4/2001 3.88 4/24/2001 2.92 1/13/2001 2.37 3/5/2001 3.85 4/25/2001 3.65 1/14/2001 2.08 3/6/2001 3.28 4/26/2001 2.92 1/15/2001 2.63 3/7/2001 3.06 4/27/2001 2.6 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-33 Table C- 2 (Continued) 4/28/2001 2.22 6/18/2001 2.64 8/8/2001 1.9 4/29/2001 2.16 6/19/2001 2.53 8/9/2001 1.83 4/30/2001 2.56 6/20/2001 2.48 8/10/2001 2.29 10. 5/1/2001 2.6 6/21/2001 2.56 8/11/2001 1.97 5/2/2001 2.55 6/22/2001 2.68 8/12/2001 2.12 5/3/2001 2.61 6/23/2001 2.33 8/13/2001 2.54 5/4/2001 2.3 6/24/2001 1.9 8/14/2001 2.54 5. 5/5/2001 2.12 6/25/2001 4.25 8/15/2001 2.34 5/6/2001 1.96 6/26/2001 2.63 8/16/2001 2.18 2. 5/7/2001 2.55 1.6/27/2001 2.61 8/17/2001 2.17 5/8/2001 2.55 6/28/2001 2.59 1.8/18/2001 2.59 5/9/2001 2.36 6/29/2001 2.89 8/19/2001 1.93 5/10/2001 1.62 6/30/2001 2.01 8/20/2001 2.29 5/11/2001 2.54 7/1/2001 1.95 8/21/2001 2.39 5/12/2001 2.13 7/2/2001 2.44 8/22/2001 4.49 5/13/2001 1.97 7/3/2001 1.97 8/23/2001 2.32 5/14/2001 2.6 7/4/2001 2.8 8/24/2001 2.5 5/15/2001 2.5 7/5/2001 2.99 8/25/2001 2.2 5/16/2001 3.03 7/6/2001 2.9 8/26/2001 2. 5/17/2001 2.99 7/7/2001 2.1 8/27/2001 2.4 5/18/2001 2.5 7/8/2001 2.43 8/28/2001 2.24 5/19/2001 2.22 7/9/2001 2.66 8/29/2001 2.24 5/20/2001 2.25 7/10/2001 2.51 8/30/2001 2.49 5/21/2001 2.82 1.7/11/2001 2.7 8/31/2001 3.17 5/22/2001 2.75 7/12/2001 2.5 9/1/2001 1.95 5/23/2001 2.6 7/13/2001 2.51 9/2/2001 1.78 5/24/2001 2.59 7/14/2001 2.13 9/3/2001 1.95 5/25/2001 2.49 7/15/2001 2.14 9/4/2001 2.6 5/26/2001 3.41 7/16/2001 2.48 9/5/2001 2.59 5/27/2001 2.04 7/17/2001 2.42 9/6/2001 2.29 5/28/2001 2.67 7/18/2001 2.52 9/7/2001 2.31 5/29/2001 2.69 7/19/2001 2.54 9/8/2001 1.97 5/30/2001 2.56 8.7/20/2001 2.43 9/9/2001 1.99 5/31/2001 2.52 7/21/2001 2.07 9/10/2001 2.39 6/1/2001 3.03 1.7/22/2001 1.95 9/11/2001 2.33 1. 6/2/2001 2.34 7/23/2001 2.29 9/12/2001 2.33 6/3/2001 2.03 7/24/2001 2.54 2.9/13/2001 2.86 1. 6/4/2001 2.57 7/25/2001 2.69 2.9/14/2001 2.03 6/5/2001 2.5 4.7/26/2001 3.21 1.9/15/2001 1.99 6/6/2001 2.62 2.7/27/2001 2.77 2.9/16/2001 1.93 6/7/2001 2.63 7/28/2001 2.13 9/17/2001 2.41 6/8/2001 2.54 7/29/2001 2.23 9/18/2001 2.37 6/9/2001 2.08 7/30/2001 2.61 9/19/2001 2.4 6/10/2001 1.93 7/31/2001 2.5 9/20/2001 2.78 5. 6/11/2001 2.6 8/1/2001 2.53 9/21/2001 2.34 4. 6/12/2001 2.59 8/2/2001 2.54 9/22/2001 1.98 6/13/2001 3.1.8/3/2001 2.47 9/23/2001 1.9 6/14/2001 2.92 1.8/4/2001 2.03 9/24/2001 3.03 6/15/2001 2.82 8/5/2001 1.91 9/25/2001 2.93 6/16/2001 2.26 8/6/2001 2.53 9/26/2001 2.46 6/17/2001 2.8/7/2001 2.24 9/27/2001 2.47 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-34 Table C- 2 (Continued) 9/28/2001 2.36 11/18/2001 1.9 1/8/2002 2.69 9/29/2001 2.07 11/19/2001 2.25 1/9/2002 2.53 9/30/2001 2.03 11/20/2001 2.24 3.1/10/2002 2.6 10/1/2001 2.28 11/21/2001 2.14 1/11/2002 2.31 3. 10/2/2001 2.46 11/22/2001 2.05 1/12/2002 2.3 10/3/2001 2.32 11/23/2001 1.82 1/13/2002 2.08 10/4/2001 2.32 11/24/2001 2.36 1/14/2002 2.47 10/5/2001 2.29 1.11/25/2001 1.89 1/15/2002 2.43 10/6/2001 2.04 11/26/2001 2.21 1/16/2002 2.34 10/7/2001 1.96 11/27/2001 2.27 1/17/2002 2.3 10/8/2001 2.46 11/28/2001 2.3 1.1/18/2002 2.39 7. 10/9/2001 2.34 11/29/2001 2.25 1/19/2002 2.59 10/10/2001 2.29 11/30/2001 2.32 1/20/2002 3.81 10/11/2001 2.35 12/1/2001 2.02 1/21/2002 3.45 10/12/2001 2.29 12/2/2001 1.87 1/22/2002 3.1 3. 10/13/2001 1.99 12/3/2001 2.33 1/23/2002 5.03 10/14/2001 2.28 12/4/2001 2.3 1/24/2002 4.26 10/15/2001 2.46 12/5/2001 2.26 1/25/2002 4.38 10/16/2001 2.45 12/6/2001 2.28 1/26/2002 3.26 10/17/2001 2.7 12/7/2001 2.09 1/27/2002 2.05 10/18/2001 2.43 12/8/2001 1.86 1/28/2002 3.01 10/19/2001 2.36 12/9/2001 1.77 1/29/2002 2.83 10/20/2001 2.2 12/10/2001 3.12 1/30/2002 2.66 10/21/2001 2.01 12/11/2001 3.1/31/2002 2.69 10/22/2001 2.26 13.12/12/2001 2.42 2/1/2002 2.62 9. 10/23/2001 1.84 12/13/2001 2.44 3.2/2/2002 2.36 10/24/2001 2.27 12/14/2001 2.5 3.2/3/2002 2.23 10/25/2001 2.31 12/15/2001 2.07 2/4/2002 2.5 10/26/2001 2.29 12/16/2001 1.94 2/5/2002 2.64 10/27/2001 1.99 12/17/2001 2.99 2/6/2002 2.72 10/28/2001 2.14 12/18/2001 2.55 29.2/7/2002 3.74 10/29/2001 2.42 12/19/2001 2.44 2/8/2002 3.06 10/30/2001 2.4 5.12/20/2001 2.24 2/9/2002 2.53 10/31/2001 2.36 12/21/2001 2.13 8.2/10/2002 2.66 11/1/2001 2.37 12/22/2001 1.99 2/11/2002 3. 11/2/2001 2.3 12/23/2001 1.94 2/12/2002 2.72 1. 11/3/2001 2.06 12/24/2001 2.48 2/13/2002 2.71 2. 11/4/2001 1.97 12/25/2001 1.86 2/14/2002 2.52 11/5/2001 2.45 1.12/26/2001 2.08 2/15/2002 2.49 1. 11/6/2001 2.25 12/27/2001 2.13 2/16/2002 2.41 11/7/2001 2.37 12/28/2001 2.03 2/17/2002 2.34 11/8/2001 2.39 12/29/2001 1.95 2/18/2002 2.53 4. 11/9/2001 2.25 12/30/2001 1.9 2/19/2002 2.99 4. 11/10/2001 2.04 12/31/2001 2.1 2/20/2002 2.12 1. 11/11/2001 1.99 1/1/2002 1.8 2/21/2002 2.49 1. 11/12/2001 2.37 1/2/2002 2.2 2/22/2002 2.46 3. 11/13/2001 2.27 1/3/2002 2.2 2/23/2002 2.43 11/14/2001 2.36 1/4/2002 2.6 2/24/2002 2.26 11/15/2001 2.34 7.1/5/2002 2.3 2/25/2002 2.21 11/16/2001 2.12 4.1/6/2002 3.07 2/26/2002 2.54 11/17/2001 1.96 1/7/2002 3.12 3.2/27/2002 2.52 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-35 Table C- 2 (Continued) 2/28/2002 2.52 4/21/2002 2.14 6/12/2002 2.06 5. 3/1/2002 2.4 4/22/2002 2.5 6/13/2002 2.11 3/2/2002 3.03 4/23/2002 2.76 3.6/14/2002 2.12 12. 3/3/2002 3.43 4/24/2002 2.64 10.6/15/2002 1.87 3/4/2002 2.96 4/25/2002 2.55 3.6/16/2002 1.7 3/5/2002 2.9 4/26/2002 2.75 18.6/17/2002 2.08 1. 3/6/2002 2.75 3.4/27/2002 2.11 6/18/2002 2.15 3/7/2002 2.73 8.4/28/2002 2.01 6/19/2002 2.05 1. 3/8/2002 2.9 4/29/2002 2.46 6/20/2002 2.07 52. 3/9/2002 2.22 4/30/2002 2.47 6/21/2002 2.05 14. 3/10/2002 2.32 5/1/2002 2.52 6/22/2002 1.79 3/11/2002 2.8 1.5/2/2002 2.33 6/23/2002 1.79 3/12/2002 3.17 1.5/3/2002 2.42 6/24/2002 2.19 3/13/2002 4.26 1.5/4/2002 2.27 6/25/2002 2.17 2. 3/14/2002 3.61 2.5/5/2002 2.52 6/26/2002 2.9 11. 3/15/2002 3.17 3.5/6/2002 2.45 6/27/2002 2.86 3/16/2002 2.7 5/7/2002 2.39 6/28/2002 2.37 3/17/2002 2.86 5/8/2002 2.24 6/29/2002 2.19 3/18/2002 3.31 5/9/2002 2.5 6/30/2002 1.66 3/19/2002 3.5/10/2002 2.32 7/1/2002 1.84 1. 3/20/2002 3.07 5/11/2002 2.03 7/2/2002 1.54 3/21/2002 3.95 3.5/12/2002 1.88 7/3/2002 2. 3/22/2002 3.32 5/13/2002 2.63 7/4/2002 2. 3/23/2002 2.92 5/14/2002 2.69 3.7/5/2002 2.1 3/24/2002 2.72 5/15/2002 2.26 7/6/2002 2.06 3/25/2002 3.09 5/16/2002 2.48 7/7/2002 1.98 3/26/2002 3.06 5/17/2002 2.11 7/8/2002 2.94 1. 3/27/2002 3.39 5/18/2002 2.32 7/9/2002 2.46 3/28/2002 2.96 5/19/2002 2.02 7/10/2002 1.96 1. 3/29/2002 2.75 5/20/2002 2.37 2.7/11/2002 2.5 3/30/2002 2.47 5/21/2002 2.45 7/12/2002 2.62 3/31/2002 2.63 5/22/2002 2.41 7/13/2002 2.05 4/1/2002 3.68 5.5/23/2002 2.36 2.7/14/2002 2.17 4/2/2002 2.48 3.5/24/2002 2.4 7/15/2002 1.96 4/3/2002 2.9 5/25/2002 1.96 7/16/2002 2.83 4/4/2002 2.75 5/26/2002 1.8 7/17/2002 1.8 2. 4/5/2002 2.63 5/27/2002 2.29 7/18/2002 2.71 4/6/2002 2.61 5/28/2002 2.28 3.7/19/2002 1.83 1. 4/7/2002 2.27 5/29/2002 2.37 2.7/20/2002 2.15 4/8/2002 2.74 10.5/30/2002 2.29 7/21/2002 1.9 4/9/2002 2.75 4.5/31/2002 2.23 7/22/2002 2.48 2. 4/10/2002 2.98 2.6/1/2002 2.27 7/23/2002 2.62 4/11/2002 2.62 5.6/2/2002 1.9 7/24/2002 2.84 4/12/2002 2.65 4.6/3/2002 2.19 7/25/2002 3.01 4/13/2002 2.46 6/4/2002 2.27 7/26/2002 3.38 4/14/2002 2.45 6/5/2002 2.21 7/27/2002 2.23 4/15/2002 2.8 6/6/2002 2.41 2.7/28/2002 2.05 4/16/2002 2.63 6/7/2002 2.67 3.7/29/2002 2.39 4/17/2002 1.95 2.6/8/2002 2.7/30/2002 2.39 7. 4/18/2002 2.63 2.6/9/2002 1.81 7/31/2002 2.35 1. 4/19/2002 2.57 3.6/10/2002 2.18 8/1/2002 1.95 4/20/2002 2.28 6/11/2002 2.16 8/2/2002 2.28 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report C-36 Table C- 2 (Continued) 8/3/2002 1.9 9/23/2002 2.63 11/13/2002 4.57 8/4/2002 2.9/24/2002 2.73 11/14/2002 3.85 8/5/2002 2.24 9/25/2002 2.61 11/15/2002 3.3 8/6/2002 2.48 9/26/2002 3.64 11/16/2002 4.26 8/7/2002 2.37 9/27/2002 3.42 11/17/2002 5.6 8/8/2002 2.21 9/28/2002 2.9 11/18/2002 4.91 8/9/2002 2.17 9/29/2002 2.55 11/19/2002 3.97 8/10/2002 2.01 9/30/2002 2.85 11/20/2002 4.65 8/11/2002 1.95 10/1/2002 2.81 11/21/2002 2.6 8/12/2002 2.49 10/2/2002 2.77 11/22/2002 3.36 8/13/2002 2.5 10/3/2002 2.7 11/23/2002 2.86 8/14/2002 2.59 10/4/2002 2.5 11/24/2002 2.76 8/15/2002 2.7 10/5/2002 2.24 11/25/2002 2.98 8/16/2002 2.59 10/6/2002 2.17 11/26/2002 2.99 8/17/2002 2.21 10/7/2002 2.58 11/27/2002 2.87 8/18/2002 2.1 10/8/2002 2.67 11/28/2002 2.62 8/19/2002 2.36 10/9/2002 2.41 11/29/2002 2.49 8/20/2002 2.54 10/10/2002 2.54 11/30/2002 2.54 8/21/2002 2.36 10/11/2002 3.86 12/1/2002 2.59 8/22/2002 2.3 10/12/2002 3.68 12/2/2002 2.82 8/23/2002 2.27 10/13/2002 3.8 12/3/2002 2.76 8/24/2002 2.05 10/14/2002 3.18 12/4/2002 3.02 8/25/2002 1.97 10/15/2002 3.45 12/5/2002 1.9 8/26/2002 3.35 10/16/2002 5.34 12/6/2002 1.47 8/27/2002 2.87 10/17/2002 4.06 12/7/2002 2.84 8/28/2002 2.99 10/18/2002 3.29 12/8/2002 2.64 8/29/2002 2.69 10/19/2002 2.87 12/9/2002 3.24 8/30/2002 3.63 10/20/2002 2.42 12/10/2002 2.86 8/31/2002 3.86 10/21/2002 3.1 12/11/2002 4.64 9/1/2002 4.69 10/22/2002 3.33 12/12/2002 3.97 9/2/2002 2.97 10/23/2002 2.87 12/13/2002 4.78 9/3/2002 2.9 10/24/2002 2.97 12/14/2002 4.42 9/4/2002 3.10/25/2002 2.88 12/15/2002 3.78 9/5/2002 2.74 10/26/2002 2.64 12/16/2002 3.64 9/6/2002 2.59 10/27/2002 2.6 12/17/2002 3.48 9/7/2002 2.3 10/28/2002 3.82 12/18/2002 3.3 9/8/2002 2.2 10/29/2002 4.61 12/19/2002 3.25 9/9/2002 2.62 10/30/2002 4.36 12/20/2002 4.05 9/10/2002 2.61 10/31/2002 3.51 12/21/2002 3.34 9/11/2002 2.6 11/1/2002 3.13 12/22/2002 2.97 9/12/2002 2.42 11/2/2002 2.76 12/23/2002 2.9 9/13/2002 2.36 11/3/2002 2.61 12/24/2002 4.06 9/14/2002 2.54 11/4/2002 2.92 12/25/2002 .45 9/15/2002 3.88 11/5/2002 3.38 12/26/2002 3.47 9/16/2002 3.87 11/6/2002 4.58 12/27/2002 3.06 9/17/2002 3.07 11/7/2002 3.62 12/28/2002 2.81 9/18/2002 3.37 11/8/2002 3.16 12/29/2002 2.67 9/19/2002 3.57 11/9/2002 3.06 12/30/2002 2.73 9/20/2002 2.46 11/10/2002 2.88 12/31/2002 2.7 9/21/2002 2.19 11/11/2002 3.26 9/22/2002 2.91 11/12/2002 5.01 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report D-1 APPENDIX D: TMDL QUESTIONAIRE – DAVIDSON COUNTY (RICH FORK CREEK AND HAMBY CREEK WATERSHEDS) Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report D-2 TMDL QUESTIONAIRE – Davidson County (Hamby Creek Watershed) Manure Application 1. Is manure from beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, poultry, sheep, or horses collected and applied to agricultural lands? Only extremely limited amounts around feeders – mostly beef cattle on pasture. Can you approximate the percentage of livestock that is collected and applied to agricultural land? Example: 30 percent swine, 100 percent dairy cattle, and 100 percent poultry are collected and applied. Animal Type Percent Collected and Applied Beef Cattle Less than 5% Dairy Cattle No commercial operations in watershed Swine No commercial operations in watershed Poultry No commercial operations in watershed Sheep No commercial operations in watershed Horses No commercial operations in watershed 2. Is manure imported (poultry litter) into the county? Yes or No (circle correct answer) 2a. Are there any confined poultry operations? How do they manage their poultry litter? Where (and how, and when) do they land apply? None in this watershed 3. If so, is data available to calculate the loading rates? Yes or No (circle correct answer) What are the rates if known? __________________ 4. Dairy cattle are assumed to be confined 40 percent of the time and grazing 60 percent. Dairy cattle are assumed not to have access to streams. No commercial dairy operations in this watershed How is the liquid residual from cleaning barns after milking disposed of? It could be assumed that the majority of the operation’s parlor waste is collected with the waste system. If this is a significant amount available for runoff, please indicate. ___ Stream Access 5. Do beef cattle have access to streams? Yes or No (circle correct answer) Could you approximate the percentage beef cattle having stream access within the watershed? 95%__ 6. Are hogs confined or do they have limited stream access? Confined _ Limited access __ No commercial swine operations in this watershed 7. Percent of beef cows with access to forested areas __100____% 8. Do you think the estimated number of 22-38 deer per square mile is accurate? Yes or No (circle correct answer) No estimate. Contact NC Wildlife Resources Commission 9. Do you have any other estimate on deer population? ___________ per square mile Septic System Contribution 10. What do you estimate the septic system failure rate in your county to be? _________% EPA assumes 20 percent. No estimate. Contact Davidson County Health Department Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report D-3 TMDL QUESTIONAIRE – Davidson County (Rich Fork Creek Watershed) Manure Application 1. Is manure from beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, poultry, sheep, or horses collected and applied to agricultural lands? Only in very limited amounts from beef cattle operations from around feeders. One poultry operation applies waste in this watershed. Can you approximate the percentage of livestock that is collected and applied to agricultural land? Example: 30 percent swine, 100 percent dairy cattle, and 100 percent poultry are collected and applied. Animal Type Percent Collected and Applied Beef Cattle Less than 5% Dairy Cattle No commercial operations in watershed Swine No commercial operations in watershed Poultry 100% only 1 operation Sheep No commercial operations in watershed Horses No commercial operations in watershed 2. Is manure imported (poultry litter) into the county? Yes or No (circle correct answer) 3. If so, is data available to calculate the loading rates? Yes or No (circle correct answer) What are the rates if known? _____ 4. Dairy cattle are assumed to be confined 40 percent of the time and grazing 60 percent. Dairy cattle are assumed not to have access to streams. No commercial dairies in this watershed How is the liquid residual from cleaning barns after milking disposed of? It could be assumed that the majority of the operation’s parlor waste is collected with the waste system. If this is a significant amount available for runoff, please indicate. _ __ Stream Access 5. Do beef cattle have access to streams? Yes or No (circle correct answer) Could you approximate the percentage beef cattle having stream access within the watershed? 95 _% 6. Are hogs confined or do they have limited stream access? Confined _ % Limited access __ No commercial swine operations in this watershed 7. Percent of beef cows with access to forested areas _100_____% 8. Do you think the estimated number of 15-30 deer per square mile is accurate? Yes or No (circle correct answer) No estimate. Contact NC Wildlife Resources Commission 9. Do you have any other estimate on deer population? ___________ per square mile Septic System Contribution 10. What do you estimate the septic system failure rate in your county to be? ___; EPA assumes 20 percent. No estimate. Contact Davidson County Health Department. Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report E-1 APPENDIX E PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT OF RICH FORK CREEK AND HAMBY CREEK FECAL COLIFORM TMDLS Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report E-2 Appendix E-1. Public Notice Michael F. Easley, Governor William G. Ross Jr., Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E. Director Division of Water Quality Division of Water Quality Now Available Upon Request Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Loads Rich Fork and Hamby Creeks Public Review Draft – February 2004 Is now available upon request from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. This TMDL study was prepared as a requirement of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Section 303(d). The study identifies the sources of the pollutants, determines allowable loads to surface waters, and suggests pollutant allocations. TO OBTAIN A FREE COPY OF THE TMDL REPORT: Please contact Ms. Robin Markham (919) 733-5083, extension 558 or write to: Adugna Kebede Water Quality Planning Branch NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 The draft TMDL is also located on the following website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl. Interested parties are invited to comment on the draft TMDL study by March 25, 2004. Comments concerning the report should be directed to the Division of Water Quality at the above address. Public Meeting Notice A public meeting to discuss the TMDL will be held on March 18 at 10:00 AM at the following address: Thomasville Public Library (Conference Room) 14 Randolph Street Thomasville, NC 27360 Phone: (336)- 474-2690 N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report E-3 Appendix E-2. Affidavit of Publication from High Point Enterprise Public Notification Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report E-4 Appendix E-3. Affidavit of Publication from Thomasville Times Public Notification Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-1 APPENDIX F. PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT OF THE RICH FORK CREEK AND HAMBY CREEK FECAL COLIFORM TMDLS AND DWQ RESPONSE Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-2 Appendix F-1. Public Comments on the Public Review Draft of the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-3 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-4 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-5 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-6 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-7 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-8 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-9 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-10 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-11 Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-12 Appendix F-2. DWQ Response to Public Comment on the Public Review Draft of the Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Comments were received from the Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League, and Ms. Mary C. Cridlebaugh, a resident of the City of High Point, North Carolina. As discussed in the TMDL, the Load Duration Curve (LDC) methodology is a simple method based on observed data to estimate the reductions required to meet water quality standards. Load duration curves are based on a cumulative frequency distribution of stream flow and water quality data from monitoring stations within the watersheds. As with all modeling approaches there is uncertainty associated with the methodology. The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League commented that the watersheds are undergoing rapid land use changes and the assumptions about land use and land cover should reflect the current conditions. DWQ recognizes that the age of land cover/land use data (1996) adds to uncertainty in the document. However, DWQ has used the best available information to develop this TMDL. The methodology employed to determine the TMDLs (the Load Duration Curve Methodology) is not dependent on direct land use inputs. The land use/land cover information is included in the document to illustrate the various sources that contribute to impairment and to aid in future implementation. As up-to-date land use/ land cover data becomes available the land use/ land cover information included in the TMDL can be updated. The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League and Ms. Mary C. Cridlebaugh pointed out that there is lack of adequate water quality monitoring in the watersheds especially upstream of the Westside WWTP. A number of water quality monitoring stations, sampled by various organizations, are located within the TMDL area. Monitoring data indicate that fecal coliform concentrations in streams reaches throughout the watershed are high by most measures. Both Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek are listed on the 303(d) list based on the fecal coliform data collected at DWQ’s monitoring stations located at SR# 1800 and SR#2790. Data collected at the other stations are used in the TMDL document to assess observed bacteriological conditions in watersheds. It is our recommendation that monitoring at the existing stations within the watersheds continue to help evaluate progress in achieving water quality goals. We support future monitoring efforts to characterize dry and wet season base flow conditions and storm responses. The Piedmont Triad Council of Governments is currently conducting an extensive Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek Fecal Coliform TMDLs Final Report F-13 monitoring study within the watersheds with a goal of identifying and reducing fecal coliform loads from various sources within the watersheds. Data for this study are being collected from a number of sites both upstream and downstream of the Westside WWTP. DWQ will forward the recommendation concerning monitoring upstream of the WWTP to the PTCOG so that further monitoring may be included in their study. Ms. Mary C. Cridlebaugh gave a detailed source assessment of fecal coliform loading to Rich Fork Creek and reported that broken and/or leaky sewer lines between the City of High Point and the Westside WWTP appear to be the major source of fecal coliform loading to the creek. An assessment of potential sources of fecal coliform loads within the watershed was performed as part of the TMDL development process. A more detailed source assessment is more costly in terms of time and effort, but in the long run a detailed assessment will better support future implementation decisions. We agree that a more detailed examination of leaky/ broken sewer lines between the City of Highpoint and the Westside WWTP and within the whole watershed will aid future implementation of the TMDL and will help achieve the recommended reduction target. DWQ will refer the issues raised concerning leaking sewer lines and related spills to DWQ’s Winston-Salem Regional Office for further follow up and assessment. The Blue Ridge Environmental Defense League commented on the Phase II stormwater program and the delay in permit issuance for High Point and Thomasville. The City of High Point and the City of Thomasville applied for MS4 permit coverage in March 2003. Each permittee is required to develop a Storm Water Management Program (SWMP), a means of achieving continued and enhanced monitoring. A field screening and monitoring program will be included in the SWMP to identify the types and extent of fecal coliform water quality problems, relative degradation or improvement over time, areas of concern, and source identification. More information on the Phase II Stormwater Program implementation can be obtained from the Stormwater and General Permits Unit of the DWQ (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/su/stormwater.html). Due to the level of uncertainty in the modeling assumptions and the input data, the DWQ supports an adaptive management approach to reducing the fecal coliform levels within Rich Fork Creek and Hamby Creek.