HomeMy WebLinkAboutNortheast_Creek_TMDL_Final Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for the Northeast Creek Watershed, Durham County, Chatham County and Wake County Final Report                               ! "  #$ % &'&() !       #%*('++,&'&( -+&+.(,/0  Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL i INDEX OF TMDL SUBMITTAL 303(d) List Information State North Carolina Basin Cape Fear River Basin 303(d) Listed Waters Name of Stream Description Class Assessment unit 8 Digit CU Miles Northeast Creek From NC HWY 55 to Durham Co. WWTP Durham Co. WWTP to a point 0.5 mile downstream of Panther Creek WS1V NSW WS1V NSW 16-41-1-17- (07)a 16-41-1-17- (0.7)b 03030002 03030002 2.6 5.8 8 Digit Cataloging Unit(s) 03030002 Area of Impairment 7.4 miles WQS Violated Fecal Coliform Pollutant of Concern Fecal Coliform Sources of Impairment Point source and non-point source from upstream of SR1100 near Nelson Public Notice Information Form of Public Notification: A draft of the Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL was publicly noticed though local newspapers, The Herald-Sun and The Chatham Record, in the Cape Fear River Basin. The notice was also posted in the DQW web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl) for the interested parties. A public meeting was held in Durham County Agricultural Building on May 27, 2003. A public comment period was through June 5, 2003. Did notification contain specific mention of TMDL proposal? Yes Were comments received from the public? No Was a responsiveness summary prepared? No Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL ii TMDL Information Critical condition Wet weather throughout the year. Seasonality Modeled from 1997-2001 to include fluctuations in seasonal fecal coliform loading. Development tools Fecal Coliform Routing and Allocation Program (CRAP). Supporting documents Draft Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform, Northeast Creek (Sub-basin 030605) TMDL(s) Loading allowed at critical condition: Waste Load Allocation (WLA) 1.12E+11 Colonies per day. Load Allocation (LA): 2.40E+11 Colonies per day. Margin of Safety (MOS): 5.06E+10 Colonies per day. TMDL (WLA+LA+MOS): 4.03E+11 Colonies per day. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Sources Fecal Coliform Loading Reductions Wasteload Allocation (WLA) WWTP MS4 0% 92% Load Allocation (LA) Low Intensity Development High Intensity Development Herbaceous Land Wildlife 94% 92% 90% 0% Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL iii TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX OF TMDL SUBMITTAL............................................................................................i TABLE OF CONTENTS.............................................................................................................. iii 1.0 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................1 1.1 Watershed Description..................................................................................................2 1.2 Water Quality Target: North Carolina Water Quality Standard. .................................5 1.3 Water Quality Assessment............................................................................................5 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT ...........................................................................................8 2.1 Point Source Assessment. .............................................................................................9 2.2. Non-point Source Assessment ...................................................................................10 3.0. MODELING APPROACH.............................................................................................16 3.1 Modeling Framework...................................................................................................16 3.2 Model Setup. ...............................................................................................................17 3.3 Model Calibration. ......................................................................................................19 3.4 Model Uncertainty.......................................................................................................23 3.5 Model Output ...............................................................................................................23 4.0 ALLOCATION..........................................................................................................26 4.1. Total Maximum Daily Load.......................................................................................26 4.2 Seasonal Variation.......................................................................................................28 4.3 Margin of Safety (MOS).............................................................................................29 4.4. Waste Load Allocation...............................................................................................29 4.5 Load Allocation (Non-point Source)...........................................................................30 5.0 SUMMARY AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS .................................................31 5.1 Monitoring...................................................................................................................32 5.2 Implementation............................................................................................................32 6.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ......................................................................................33 7.0 REFERENCES................................................................................................................34 Appendix 1. Fecal Coliform in the Ambient Station (B3660000).........................................36 Appendix 2. Flow Recorded by USGS at the ambient Station (B3660000).........................39 Appendix 3. Relationship between Flow and Velocity at the Ambient Station (3660000)..47 Appendix 4. Fecal coliform at Durham West Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)..................48 Appendix 5. Fecal Coliform Sampling in Durham County, NC...........................................63 Appendix 6. Partial List of General NPDES Permits in Northeast Creek Watershed. .........64 Appendix 7. Estimated high fecal coliform (≥ 400) occurrence...........................................65 Appendix 8. Public notice of draft Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL ......................67 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has identified an 8.4 mile segment of Northeast Creek in the Cape Fear River Basin as impaired by fecal coliform bacteria (NCDENR 2003). The impaired segments due to fecal coliform bacteria are located from 2.6 miles upstream of N.C. Hwy 55 to Durham County WWTP and 5.8 miles from Durham County WWTP to a point 0.5 mile downstream of Panther Creek. About 4.7 miles of upper Northeast Creek is designated as class C1 water and the remaining length is designated as a class WS-IV water2. These sections of the stream are located in sub-basin 030605. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing in category 5 of the 2002 Integrated Report. The objective of a TMDL is to allocate allowable pollutant loads to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by USEPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end-point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Assimilative capacity estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the water body, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The waste load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non- point sources, storm water, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of 1 Class C waters are freshwaters that are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival of wildlife. 2 Class WS-IV waters are freshwaters that are protected for water supply, secondary recreation, fishing, and aquatic life, including propagation and survival of wildlife. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2 safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) requires EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the water body may be moved to category 4a of the Integrated Report. Water bodies remain on category 4a of the list until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may be implemented in an effort to restore water quality. The goal of the TMDL program is to restore designated uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of bacteria controls will be necessary to restore uses in Northeast Creek. Although an implementation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies are needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. DWQ will begin contacting local governments and agencies about implementation strategies during public review of this TMDL. 1.1 Watershed Description. Northeast Creek flows from Durham to Chatham counties in the piedmont region of North Carolina (Figures1and 2). It is a tributary to the New Hope River arm of B. Everett Jordan Reservoir (Sub-basin 030605) in the Cape Fear River Basin. Northeast Creek joins New Hope Creek in the northeast corner of Chatham County, NC. The hydraulic length of Northeast Creek is approximately 16 miles and the creek has a drainage area of approximately 47 square miles. Land cover based on 1993-95 satellite data in the watershed is primarily forest (86%), high intensity development land (6.5%), low intensity development land (1.5%), managed herbaceous land (4.5%), unmanaged herbaceous land (0.3%), cultivated land (0.2%) and water body 1% (Figure 3). The dense coverage of the developed Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3 Northeast Creek Kit Creek Panther Creek B3670000 B3300000 B3660000 WS 1 WS 2 WS 3 WS 4 WS 5 WS 6 Ambient Station Coalition Station Durham-RTP WWTP Index: Vicinity Map Figure 1. Northeast Creek watershed showing monitoring stations and Durham Triangle WWTP Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4 The City of Durham MS4 location Durham Co. Chatham Co. Wake Co. Figure 2. Location of the City of Durham MS4 within the city boundary in Northeast Creek Watershed Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 5 lands is often considered forestland. The annual average flow of the creek at the ambient station near Nelson in Durham, is approximately 31.5 cubic feet per second (cfs), with a 7Q10 of 1.8 cfs (Weaver and Benjamin, 2001). The Creek is prone to become dry during drought conditions (From DWQ staff’s observation in 2002). It could be because the creek drains Triassic Basin soils, which have high clay content and are slowly permeable sub-soils with moderate to very high shrink-swell potentials. The watershed includes drainage from the City of Durham, Research Triangle Park, Town of Cary, and the northeast portion of Chatham County. Therefore, the watershed encompasses three counties – Durham County, Wake County, and Chatham County. 1.2 Water Quality Target: North Carolina Water Quality Standard. The North Carolina fresh water quality standard for Class WS-IV and C waters for fecal coliform (T15A: 02B.0211) states: Organisms of the coliform group: Fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100mL (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30-day period, nor exceed 400/100mL in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable nonpoint source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; in case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique will be used as the reference method. The in-stream numeric target, or endpoint, is the restoration objective that is expected to be reached by implementing the specified load reductions in the TMDL. The target allows for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards for the impaired stream by comparing the in-stream data to the target. In the Northeast Creek watershed, the water quality target is the 30-day geometric mean concentration of 200 colonies /100ml with no more than 20% of the samples in the same period exceeding 400 colonies / 100 ml. 1.3 Water Quality Assessment. The DWQ monitors a suite of water quality parameters, including fecal coliform bacteria, at ambient stations throughout the state on a monthly basis. There is one DWQ ambient station Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 6 (B3660000) in this watershed located at SR 1100 near Nelson (Figure 1). Fecal coliform levels at SR1100 are responsible for the 303(d) listing of a portion of Northeast Creek. Figure 3. Distribution of land use in the Northeast Creek watershed. C = Cultivated land, F = Forested land, HID = High intensity developed land, LID = Low intensity developed land, MH = Managed herbaceous land, UMH = Unmanaged herbaceous land, and W = Water body. The Upper Cape Fear River Basin Association monitored the water quality at two additional coalition stations - B3300000 and B3670000 near SR1102 (Sedwick Rd) and SR1731 (O kelly Church Rd) respectively during the years 2000 through 2002 (Figure 1). The DWQ staff also monitored the water quality at the stations during 2002. The monthly fecal coliform data is available for the years 2000 through 2002. The fecal coliform data collected at these two stations offers the unique opportunity to compare the longitudinal distribution of the bacterial concentration along the Northeast Creek. Figure 4 indicates that the average bacterial concentration (598 counts/100ml) at the ambient station (B3660000) was nearly double the concentration (259 counts/ 100ml) at its receiving station (B3300000) in the year 2000. Furthermore, the bacterial concentration in the effluent discharged from HID 6.55% LID 1.59% MH 4.50% W 1.04% UMH 0.29%C 0.26% F 85.77% C F HID LID MH UMH W Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 7 the Durham Triangle WWTP to the ambient station was comparatively low, averaging 60 counts per 100 ml, which is below the DWQ standards. A similar pattern of bacterial concentration is also observed in the year 2001 and 2002. The substantial spike of fecal concentrations at the ambient station (B3660000) could be due to a sewer pipe leaking or some other source between the coalition station (B3300000) and the ambient station (B3660000). The influence of this unknown source, however, gradually decreased moving downstream, as evident at the down stream coalition station (B3670000). Figure 4. Geometric mean of fecal colifrom concentrations in the ambient and coalition stations and in the Durham Triangle WWTP for the years 2000 through 2002, from upstream to downstream. DWQ staff also conducted an additional study at the ambient station (B3660000) to determine compliance with the fecal coliform standard. Weekly samples were collected during November 1999 and during May, June, August, and September 2000. These Fecal Coliform Distribution Along the Northeast Creek 259 56 598 232 138 62 272 90 154 52 454 200 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 B3300000 WWTP B3660000 B3670000 Monitoring Stations Ge o m e t r i c m e a n ( 1 0 0 / m l ) year 2000 year 2001 year 2002 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 8 additional samples also provided opportunity to calculate a 30-day geometric mean using 5 or more samples during that period. In most of the periods, the 30-day geometric mean of the fecal coliform concentration at the ambient station remained considerably higher than 200 colonies / 100 ml. The 30-day geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations for 1997 through 2001 are shown in Figures 6-8. In general, the fecal bacterial levels at the ambient station (B3660000) are typical of fecal coliform levels in many urban areas, with frequent concentration spikes. Out of 59 samples collected during the study period at this station (1997 through 2001), 24 were exceeding 400 colonies / 100 ml (41%). The monthly fecal coliform concentrations for 1997 through 2001 are shown in Appendix I. The USGS flow station monitored stream discharges (cfs) every 15 minutes at the ambient station (B3660000). These monitored discharge data were used to evaluate potential compliance with the standard and to aid modeling studies. The discharge data is presented in Appendix 2. 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT The source assessment characterizes the known and suspected sources of a pollutant to the impaired water body. These sources will be represented within the water quality model for the water body, whether explicitly or implicitly. Generally, sources of fecal coliform bacteria may be point or non-point in nature. Point sources are typically those regulated under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) program. Wastewater facilities have permitted discharges for which the DWQ has significant information. Continuous discharge and/or wastewater NPDES facilities measure fecal coliform levels in the effluent at a frequency based on facility class and waste type. Non-point sources are diffuse sources that typically cannot be identified as entering a water body at a single location. These sources may involve land activities that contribute fecal coliform bacteria to surface waters as a result of runoff producing storm events. The following sections describe point and non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria in the Northeast Creek watershed. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 9 2.1 Point Source Assessment. There are currently about 31 NPDES permits within the Northeast Creek watershed. Twenty-eight of them are individual and general permits. Monitoring of water quality under these permits is carried out once a year and measurement of fecal coliform is not mandatory. So, the data from these permits are not considered for this study. The partial list of these permits is presented in Appendix 6. Three out of the 31 permits are under regular NPDES permit, where measurement of fecal coliform is mandatory (Table 1). One of them is regulated under storm water program, which is commonly known as Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4). In 1990, EPA promulgated rules establishing Phase 1 of the NPDES storm water program. The Phase I program for MS4 requires operators of medium and large MS4s, that is, those that generally serve populations of 100,000 or greater, to implement a storm water management program as a means to control polluted discharges from these MS4s. The Storm Water Phase II Rule extends coverage of the NPDES storm water program to certain “small” MS4s, which is not already covered by the Phase I program as a medium or large MS4. The Phase II takes a slightly different approach to how the storm water management program is developed and implemented (US EPA 2000). EPA guidance mandates that all the urban areas that are documented as MS4 must be categorized as point source (US EPA 2000). The two entities that are permitted through Phase I of NPDES storm water program to discharge in the Northeast Creek watershed are the City of Durham (NCS000249) and the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCS000250). As part of Phase II of the NPDES storm water program, Durham County, which has jurisdiction over some land and storm pipes in the watershed, will be added. In the Northeast Creek watershed, all the MS4 areas were located in Durham County. Out of the 940 hectares of the developed lands in WS1 and WS2 (Table 5), about 223 hectares (24%) of the lands were estimated to be draining to the MS4 areas. Of the 223 hectares, the City of Durham MS4 represented 197 hectares and NC DOT MS4 represented 26 hectares (a best estimation from Mr. John Cox, City of Durham). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 10 Detailed information regarding the discharge rates and fecal concentration is not readily available for storm water in the MS4 areas. The load from the MS4 areas is therefore estimated by multiplying the total load discharged through the developed lands from the percentage (24%) occupied by the MS4 areas. McCarthy and Associates and the Durham Triangle WWTP are regulated under the NPDES system. However, the McCarthy and Associates is not discharging and hence, it is not considered in this study. The Durham Triangle WWTP discharges domestic and industrial wastewater. The discharge is monitored for fecal coliform on a daily basis. The daily average fecal coliform load from the facility is presented in Appendix 4. Table 1. NPDES Permits in the Northeast Creek Watershed Facility Permit number Permitted flow (MGD) Actual flow (a) (MGD) Waste type McCarthy and Associates NC0085260 N/A N/A Industrial Durham Triangle WWTP MS4 City of Durham NC DOT NC0026051 NCS000249 NCS000250 6 NA NA 3.24 NA NA Domestic + Industrial Domestic + Industrial (a) Average annual flow for calendar year 2000. 2.2. Non-point Source Assessment Fecal coliform bacteria non-point sources include those sources that cannot be identified as entering the water body at a specific location. Non-point source pollution can include both urban and agricultural sources, and human and non-human sources (Table 2). The non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria in Northeast Creek include wildlife, livestock (land application of agricultural manure and grazing), urban development (stormwater runoff, including sources from domestic animals), failing septic systems, and sewer line systems (illicit connections, leaky sewer lines and sewer system overflows). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 11 Table 2. Potential Source of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Urban and Rural Watersheds. (Source: Center for Watershed Protection, 1999) Source Origin Type Source Human Sources Sewered watershed Combined sewer overflows Sanitary sewer overflows Illegal sanitary connections to storm drains Illegal disposal to storm drains Non-sewered watershed Failing septic systems Poorly operated package plant Landfills Marinas Non-human Sources Domestic animals and urban wildlife Dogs, cats Rats, raccoons Pigeons, gulls, ducks, geese Livestock and rural wildlife Cattle, horse, poultry Beaver, muskrats, deer, waterfowl Hobby farms 2.2.1 Livestock. In order to incorporate the actual amount of fecal coliform deposited from livestock, a survey was conducted with the help of County Agents, Mr. Henry Outg (Chatham Co.), Mr. Steve Woodruff (Wake Co.), and Ms. Karen McAdams (Durham Co), to enumerate the approximate head count of livestock in the Northeast Creek watershed. The estimated head count from this survey is presented in Table 3. Table 3. Estimated Livestock in the Northeast Creek Watershed. Livestock Durham Co. Wake Co. Chathem Co Beef Cows 80 0 10 Horses 175 35 20 All of the beef cows are managed under the NC Agriculture Cost Share Program. The program prohibits the grazing of the cattle near the stream. As the result, during a field survey on January 15, 2000, DWQ staff and County agent, Ms. Karen McAdams, observed Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 12 no cattle grazing along Northeast Creek. They observed mainly horses grazing in the managed herbaceous land near the creek. Furthermore, DWQ staff observed that more than half of the herbaceous land (mostly grass lands and crop lands), as identified by the 1996 land use data used for this study, have been converted to low intensity development. It is, therefore, assumed that the impact of fecal coliform due to the animal operations in the watershed should have been reduced by one fourth of the actual load rates. The actual loading rates for livestock in the Northeast Creek watershed were estimated to be 3000 to 7000 colonies per 100 ml. Fecal coliform concentrations from grazed pasture runoff have been measured in the range of 120-1.3E+6 colonies/100 ml (Doran et al. (1981). The presence of cattle on rangelands increased fecal coliform in stream concentrations from 0 to 2500 colonies per 100 ml (Khaleel et al.1980). 2.2.2. Domestic Animals Dogs and cats are the major domestic animals in the watershed. As per the Durham County Animal Control database, the population of dogs and cats in the county is estimated to be 37,396 and 19,230 respectively. In a study conducted by Hyer et. al, 2001, the bacterial loads due to dog waste accounted for nearly 10 percent of the total bacterial load in three creeks of Virginia, Accotink Creek, Blacks Run, and Christians Creek. In Melbourne, Australia, dogs produced about 90 metric tons of feces each day - equivalent to the amount of feces produced daily by 90,000 people (http://www.esb.utexas.edu/nrm2001/dogdoo/WaterQuality(JJ)/Default.htm). Therefore a separate study of the fecal loads due to dogs and cats is essential for cities like Durham. During a survey, DWQ staff observed a considerable amount of dog waste along the creek near residential areas. During a rainfall runoff event, a portion of the fecal material, which contains coliform bacteria, is transported to the creek. Open lots used heavily by animals have the greatest potential for bacteria loads to surface water. In addition, when animals have direct access to streams, feces may be deposited directly into a stream. It is, therefore, assumed that out of the total fecal coliform load estimated for urban development, 10% of the load would have come from domestic animals. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 13 Once the bacteria reach a water body, environmental factors influence the extent of their growth and decay. Physical factors such as photo-oxidation, adsorption, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation, and temperature will have a great influence on the bacteria populations (USEPA, 1985). Some studies have suggested a significant positive correlation between bacteria, stream flow, and stream temperature along with a negative correlation with pH, specific conductance, and disolved oxygen (Wilhelm and Maluk, 1998; and Clark and Norris, 1999). 2.2.2. Failed Septic Systems Failing septic systems have been cited as a potential source of fecal coliform bacteria to water bodies (DEH, 2000). About 18 percent of the residents in the Northeast Creek watershed utilized septic systems (Table 4) and there were about 2.3 people per household per septic system. A GIS map developed by the Soil Science Department, North Carolina State University showing the spatial distribution of houses with septic and sewer systems in the three counties (Durham, Chatham, and Wake) was utilized to estimate the number of septic and sewer systems in the watershed. The number of houses with septic and sewer systems in the counties were first divided by the respective areas of the counties. The houses per area were then multiplied by the area of the watershed within each county to estimate the total houses with sewer and septic systems in the watershed. Table 4. Summary of Septic Usage in Northeast Creek Watershed for 2000 Percent of Housing Units Utilizing: Watershed/County Housing units Sewer Septic Other NE Creek Watershed 43,910* 81 18 1 Durham 89,015 88 11 1 Chatham 19,741 26 73 1 Wake 242,040 84 15 1 *Estimated based on the housing distribution in the three counties. Frequent failures of the septic systems are common in the Durham County. This argument is clearly made public by the daily NC newspaper, The News & Observer, on January 3, and January 10, 2002. The City of Durham conducted field sampling of septic and sand filter effluent during 1999 and 2000. The concentration of effluent fecal coliform bacteria due to Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 14 septic and sand filter effluent failure ranges from 11 to 490,000 counts/100ml based on study conducted by City of Durham (Appendix 5). These data were used as a basis for fecal coliform loads from failing septic systems for this study. 2.2.3 Urban Development/Sanitary Sewer Overflows/WWTP Residual Land Application. Fecal coliform bacteria can originate from various urban sources. These sources include pet waste (discussed above), runoff through stormwater, sewers, illicit discharges/connections of sanitary waste, leaky sewer systems, and sewer system overflows (Table 2). The sewage pipelines to the WWTP run along Northeast Creek. In a record maintained by City of Durham, the sewer pipe leaked four times in the year beginning May 2001 from the residential and commercial properties and one time from the City Sanitary Sewer System. Failures of connections between the sewer pipelines, or any leak from the pipe, could result in profound fecal coliform loads to the creek. Storm water runoff is the main carrier of solids, chemicals, and bacteria from urban sources, including cross-connections with sanitary sewers. Various studies suggest that fecal coliform counts in urban storm water typically range from 20 to 240,000 units per 100 ml (Farrell- Poe et al., 1997, Khaleel et al., 1980, and Canale et al., 1993). The magnitude of the bacterial concentration substantially increases with density of urbanization. Further concentrations increase substantially during wet weather conditions. For example, dry weather fecal coliform concentrations in Onondaga Lake and its seven tributaries in metropolitan Syracuse, NY, ranged from 108 to 25, 525 colonies per 100 ml throughout the summer of 1987 (Canale et al., 1993). Whereas, wet weather concentrations in the tributaries ranged from more than 8,000 to 240,000 colonies per 100 ml. In general, significantly higher colonies (≥ 100,000 colonies / 100 ml) suggest the presence of cross connections with sanitary sewers, which should be identified and corrected (Marsalek, 2002). Because of the huge variation of fecal coliform concentration in urban storm water due to interactions between the seasonal weather pattern and different urban characteristics, a specific quantification of the fecal concentration in urban storm water for modeling purposes is difficult. Due to lack of data on site specific fecal coliform loading from urban Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 15 development in the Northeast Creek watershed, the estimation of fecal coliform loading is limited to best professional judgement based on the above studies. Marsalek (2002) suggests that fecal coliform concentrations in urban storm water, where sewer cross connection leaking is a problem, will exceed 100,000 colonies per 100 ml. Therefore, it is assumed that the fecal concentrations in wet weather and dry weather storm water will be 50,000 and 30,000 colonies per 100 ml respectively, where frequent occurrences of sewer overflows were observed. The wet weather period for this study was defined as the four consecutive days following a storm event that produced surface runoff. Remaining days were labeled as dry weather conditions. These values were used to estimate total fecal coliform load from low intensity development and high intensity development. These values were, however, adjusted during the model calibration. 2.2.4 Wildlife (Background Source). Wildlife deposit fecal material in forested, wetland, and herbaceous areas, which can be transported to a stream in a storm event. Deposition of fecal coliform from wildlife populations is natural. Therefore, wildlife is considered as a background source of fecal coliform bacteria for this study. Wildlife in the Northeast Creek watershed includes deer, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and waterfowl. As population estimates of raccoons, squirrels, birds, waterfowl and other animals are not readily available, the wildlife fecal coliform contribution was accounted for in the deer population. The deer population was estimated to be 15 to 30 animals per square mile in the watershed (source: http://www.ncwildlife.org/pg07_WildlifeSpeciesCon). The upper limit of 30 deer per square mile was chosen to account for deer and other wildlife in the watershed. The fecal coliform loading rate assigned to deer was estimated to be 50 to 100 colonies per 100 ml. The Center for Watershed Protection (1999) has cited a fecal coliform concentration range of 10-100 colonies per 100 ml for forest runoff. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 16 3.0. MODELING APPROACH 3.1 Modeling Framework. The watershed model named “The Coliform Routing and Allocation Program (CRAP)” was selected for fecal coliform TMDL development for the Northeast Creek watershed. The watershed model is designed to support the USEPA’s protocol for estimating TMDL calculation, allocation, and implementation. The model is a simple, flexible, steady-state modeling tool. The model can be applied in a variety of watersheds for which there is a limited available data. CRAP is a customized ArcView project, written in Avenue, ArcView’s scripting language. Output from the model is intended to represent ‘typical’ instream fecal coliform concentrations within a given time step, for predefined design (critical) conditions. The CRAP model estimates fecal loads for each source in each watershed using the concentration based method with the equation 1: L=C*Qlc*f --------------------------------------------------(1) Where, L = fecal load (cfu/day) C = ‘typical’ fecal concentration specified by the user(cfu/100mL). The user might choose to think of this value as the fecal concentration measured in a stream draining a watershed containing just the single source-associated land cover type. Qlc = flow contributed by the source associated land cover within a given subwatershed (cfs) f = factor to convert units of concentration and flow to cfu/day = 24,465,755. The model estimates instream fecal coliform concentration by routing the total loads from each sub-watershed downstream taking into account any variation in fecal decay rate between sub-watersheds. The model utilizes the first order decay equation to estimate the decay rate: Ct = C0e –kt ------------------------------------------------------(2) Where, Ct is the coliform concentration (colonies/100 ml) at time t. C0 is the initial coliform concentration (colonies/100 ml). k is the decay rate constant (per day). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 17 t is the exposure time (days). Generally, the decay rate (k) varies from 0 to 1.0 per day (Herr et al., 2000). In this study, the decay rate was used as 0.1 per day. The exposure time is estimated by dividing the travel distance by stream velocity. The model estimates the stream velocity using the power function equation: V = a Q b ----------------------------------------------------------(3) Where, V is the stream velocity (ft per sec). Q is the stream flow (cft per sec). a is the flow coefficient (unitless constant). b is the exponent coefficient for flow (unitless constant). The constant coefficients, a and b, were estimated to be 0.32 and 0.24 respectively. The estimation was done using the instream velocity measured by USGS at the ambient station (B3660000). The measured velocity is presented in the Appendix (3). 3.2 Model Setup. The Northeast Creek watershed was delineated using the watershed delineation tool built in the model. A total of six sub-watersheds (WS1 to WS6) were delineated based on the Reach file 3 (RF3) stream coverage for the Northeast Creek watershed (Figure1). The total drainage area of the watershed was estimated to be 12206 hectares (47 square miles) with hydraulic length of 16 miles (Table 5). The dominant land cover in the watershed was forested lands. The second dominant land use was developed lands. The two watersheds, WS1 and WS2, were within Durham County, including City of Durham and Research Triangle Park and therefore, were dominated by developed lands. Industrial and commercial developments were located primarily in the Research Triangle Park. The rest of the watershed was dominated by herbaceous land. The water quality data and flow data respectively collected by DWQ and USGS at the ambient monitoring station (B3660000) were utilized to calibrate the model. The station was located in WS2 at about 3 miles below the WS1 (Figure 1). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 18 Table 5. Land cover characteristics of each sub-watershed in the Northeast Creek watershed. Parameters WS1 WS2 WS3 WS4 WS5 WS6 Total A. Land use (ha) Cultivated Forest Development • High Intensity • Low Intensity Herbaceous • Managed • Unmanaged Water body Total Stream Length (Hydraulic mile) 5.52 3506.32 704.74 190.90 179.18 30.49 44.67 4661.82 7.30 0.00 1369.39 45.47 0.00 26.43 0.00 34.20 1475.45 4.35 5.77 2415.58 24.47 3.76 89.70 4.87 25.67 2569.81 6.37 5.18 580.37 00 0.00 6.93 0.00 3.09 598.57 2.96 14.99 2.55.58 23.98 0.00 203.84 0.00 9.91 2308.29 5.29 0.01 541.81 0.63 0.00 42.67 0.00 9.74 594.85 1.34 31.47 10469.04 799.29 194.65 548.75 35.36 127.27 12205.83 28.00 3.2.1 Wet Weather Versus Dry Weather Fecal Coliform Loading In this study, it is assumed that surface runoff would be generated in excess of infiltration capacity of soil surface (maximum rate at which the soil can absorb water through the soil surface at the time of entry) after each rainfall event. The infiltration capacity is determined by soil type and moisture content. The soil type in the Northeast Creek watershed is Triassic soil, which has comparatively low infiltration capacity due to heavy clay layers in the soils. Owing to presence of clay, soil moisture holding capacity of the soil is reasonably high. Therefore, wet weather conditions for the watershed were defined as three consecutive days since the first flow rate increased at the USGS gauge station located at SR1100. The increment was examined after subtracting the total flow from the flow from the WWTP to account seepage from the watershed lands. Dry weather accounted for all the remaining days. There were 59 observed data at SR1100, of which 36 were estimated to be dry weather and the remaining 23 were to be wet weather period. Similarly, out of the 1826 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 19 simulation days, 846 days were estimated to be wet weather and the remaining 980 were dry weather during the study periods. A partial correlation between flow and fecal coliform concentration during the wet weather and dry weather period was estimated. The correlations were 0.47 and 0.17. The result suggests that the correlation was significantly higher during wet weather periods, signifying that the assumption of the weather period was acceptable. 3.3 Model Calibration. The watershed model was calibrated with fecal coliform concentrations observed at the ambient station (B3660000). Since the station was located above the outlet of WS2, the concentration of fecal coliform at the station was estimated using a proportional decrease in concentration between the inlet and the outlet of WS2. The formula used for the estimation of the concentration at the ambient station is as follows: ((Ci – Co)/Dio)*Doa) + Co ------------------------------------(4) Where, Ci = Concentration at the inlet of WS2. Co = Concentration at the outlet of WS2. Dio = Hydraulic distance of Northeast Creek in WS2 = 4.35 mile. Doa = Hydraulic distance of ambient station from the outlet = 1.43 mile. In the calibration process, the decay rate of the fecal coliform bacteria in the stream was set to 0.1. The input parameters estimated in § 2.2.3 for urban development were also further adjusted to associate the estimated fecal coliform concentration with the observed concentration. The adjusted concentrations were 40,000 colonies and 55,000 colonies per 100 ml of water during dry weather and wet weather periods respectively. Except for the first simulation year, 1997, an acceptable association between the simulated fecal coliform bacterial concentration and observed bacterial concentration was observed when the estimated parameters were adjusted for wet weather and dry weather periods (Figure 5). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 20 0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Date Fe c a l c o l i f o r m ( c o u n t s / 1 0 0 m l ) Observed Simulated Figure 5. Observed vs Simulated fecal coliform concentration at the ambient station, B3660000. The association was further comprehensible when the observed and simulated values were examined by estimating 30-day geometric mean (Figures 6, 7, and 8). This association could not be examined for the simulated five-year period since minimum of 5 samples a month is required for the comparison. The DWQ ambient monitoring station only has fecal coliform samples on a monthly basis. Therefore, the DWQ staff conducted a special study program to collect five samples in 30 days at the DWQ ambient monitoring site (SR 1100) during the summer periods of 1999 and 2000. These data were merged with the regular ambient data to have comparable geometric mean. The resulting 30-day geometric mean of the fecal coliform concentration is presented in Figures 6-8. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 21 Figure 6. Rolling 30-day geometric mean of observed and predicted fecal coliform concentration at the ambient station (B3660000) for 1999. The association between the 30-day geometric mean of observed and predicted fecal coliform concentrations was somewhat weak for 1999 (Figure 6). The model estimated considerably higher fecal coliform concentration than the observed concentration. It could be either due to the estimation of higher initial fecal coliform concentration for the model input in order to be consistent with the following years’ developments in the watershed, or could be due to model uncertainty (discussed below). However, the association was significantly improved in the following years 2000 (Figures 7 and 8). 1 10 100 1000 11/06/99 11/11/99 11/16/99 11/21/99 11/26/99 12/01/99 12/06/99 12/11/99 12/16/99 Dates Fe c a l c o l i f o r m c o n c e n t r a t i o n ( # / 1 0 0 m l ) Observed Simulated Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 22 Figure 7. Rolling 30-day geometric mean of observed and predicted fecal coliform concentration at the ambient station (B3660000) for the early summer, 2000. Figure 8. Rolling 30-day geometric mean of observed and predicted fecal coliform concentration at the ambient station (B3660000) for the late summer, 2000. 1 10 100 1000 06/03/00 06/08/00 06/13/00 06/18/00 06/23/00 06/28/00 07/03/00 07/08/00 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m ( c o u n t s / 1 0 0 m l ) Observed Simulated 1 10 100 1000 09/01/00 09/06/00 09/11/00 09/16/00 09/21/00 09/26/00 10/01/00 Date Fe c a l c o i l f o r m ( c o u n t s / 1 0 0 m l ) Observed Simulated Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 23 3.4 Model Uncertainty The weak agreement between modeled and observed fecal coliform concentrations as described in Section 3.3 could be due in part to the high degree of uncertainty associated with predicting fecal coliform bacteria. The inability to accurately predict specific observed fecal coliform concentrations can be attributed to model error, lack of sufficient information in source assessment, gaps in our scientific knowledge, natural variability in instream fecal coliform concentrations, field and laboratory measurement error, and lack of current site- specific model input parameters including decay rate, flow, and land use information. The model, CRAP, selected to guide initial decision making, is not able to characterize prediction uncertainty. The model estimates daily average fecal coliform concentrations based on land use information and stream flow. The model does not consider the contribution of stream temperature to the fecal decay rate. Also, because of lack of a site- specific information, professional judgement and literature values were used to calculate the fecal coliform loading from the various land uses. Therefore, the model results should be interpreted in light of the model limitations and prediction uncertainty. 3.5 Model Output 3.5.1 Existing Loading The model outputs indicate that the primary source of fecal coliform bacteria loads to Northeast Creek is the direct input from both the non-point and point sources (Table 6). The load due to non-point sources was almost three times (76%) higher than that of point sources (24%). Among the point sources, the load due to the Durham Triangle WWTP discharge was 1.95E+10 colonies per day (0.53%), whereas the load due to the MS4 areas was 8.59E+11 colonies per day (23%). Among the non-point sources, areas of high intensity development appeared to contribute high loads to Northeast Creek (60%). High intensity development includes lands where more than 80% of lands are covered by synthetic coverage. Any coverage between 50% and 80% is considered as low intensity development. The loads due to low intensity development were comparatively low (12%). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 24 Urban development, animal grazing, and septic system contribute relatively higher fecal coliform loads. In urban areas, fecal coliform can be contributed to all creeks by dogs, cats, raccoons, stormwater runoff, and human waste during storm events. The DWQ staff hypothesizes that the bacterial load due to the domestic pets accounts for about 10 percent in the watershed. However, a study to track bacterial sources is required to quantify the actual sources. The relative contribution due to wildlife, livestock, and other sources (e.g., wetland and water pond) was relatively low (≤1%). Table 6. Total load of fecal coliform (colonies per day) in the Northeast Creek watershed at SR1100 during the study period, 1997 through 2001. Source Category Simulated total Load Percent of fecal coliform load A. Non-point Sources (LA): Forest Water body Herbaceous Lands Urban Development (without MS4) • High intensity development • Low intensity development B. Point Source (WLA) MS4 area (Storm water runoff) Durham Triangle WWTP C. Total for non-point sources D. Total for point source E. Grand Total 2.04E+10 5.53E+07 1.26E+11 2.20E+12 4.53E+11 8.59E+11 1.95E+10 2.80E+12 8.78E+11 3.68E+12 0.56 0.002 3 60 12 23 0.53 76 24 100 3.5.2 Critical Period The critical period is the period when the geometric mean of fecal coliform concentration reaches peak levels, exceeding the water quality standard of 200 colonies / 100 ml. Fecal coliform pollution in Northeast Creek watershed originated from both point and non-point Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 25 sources. Usually, excessive concentrations during the dry weather periods are due to point sources, while excessive concentration during the wet weather periods are due to non-point sources. Extreme flows might carry excessive amount of fecal colifrom from both point and non- point sources to the Northeast Creek. In this study, the extreme flows were defined as the flows that were exceeded less than 10 percent of the time (90th percentile) during the five years simulation period. These flows were considered anomalous and were excluded to estimate the critical period. Extreme flows were determined by plotting flow duration curve (Figure 9). The duration curve represents the flow data from October 1982 through September 2002. The duration curve suggests that the flow that was equal to or above 56 cfs occurred less than 10 percent of time in the Northeast Creek. The flows below 56 cfs were hence considered for estimating critical period. Figure 9. Flow duration curve for Northeast Creek watershed at the ambient station SR 1100 (B3660000). 1 10 100 1000 10000 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent flow exceeded Fl o w ( c f s ) High Flows Transi- tional Flows Typical Flows Low Flows Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 26 The highest 30-day geometric mean of the predicted daily fecal coliform concentration occurred during wet weather on January 27, 2000 and May 24, 2000 (Appendix 7). The respective fecal coliform concentration was 503 colonies per 100 ml and 491 colonies per 100 ml. The difference between the two concentrations was only 12 colonies per 100 ml, which is indeed very close. The result suggests that wet weather is the critical period for all the seasons in the Northeast Creek watershed. 4.0 ALLOCATION 4.1. Total Maximum Daily Load. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) can be defined as the total amount of pollutant that can be assimilated by the receiving water body while achieving water quality standards. A TMDL can be expressed as the sum of all point source loads (WLAs), non-point source loads (LAs), and an appropriate margin of safety (MOS), which takes into account any uncertainty concerning the relationship between effluent limitations and water quality. This definition can be expressed by equation 5: TMDL = ∑WLAs + ∑LAs + MOS ---------------(5) The objective of the TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and to allocate to the known pollutant sources in the watershed so the appropriate control measures can be implemented and the water quality standard can be achieved. The Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR § 130.2 (1)) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time, toxicity, or other appropriate measures. For fecal coliform bacteria, TMDLs are expressed as colonies per 30 days. Therefore, the TMDL represents the maximum fecal coliform load that can be assimilated by the stream during the critical 30-day period while maintaining the fecal coliform water quality standard of the geometric mean of 200 colonies /100 ml over 30 days. The TMDL was allocated for the ambient station at SR1100 in order to facilitate monitoring of water quality after the TMDL implementation in future. There was a strong relationship between the ambient station and the watershed outlet (Figure 10) based on the modeling Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 27 results. The predicted fecal coliform concentration at the outlet of the watershed can be determined by using the following linear equation 6: Figure 10. Relationship between the watershed outlet and the ambient station (B3660000) with regards to the simulated fecal coliform concentrations. Concentration at outlet = 0.5031 * Concentration at ambient station – 1.555 ------------(6) The coefficient of determination (R-Square) was found to be 0.99 for Equation 6. The result suggests that the variation of the fecal coliform concentration in the watershed outlet is significantly affected by the variation of the ambient station. The result also suggests that the variation due to the fecal coliform concentration from the sub-watersheds (WS3 through WS6) below the station was significantly low. The TMDL was determined by systematically reducing the watershed loads until all 30-day geometrical mean concentrations were below the TMDL target of 175 colonies / 100 ml (marginal of safety = 25 colonies / 100ml). The resulting reduction is presented in Figure 11 for the study period, 1997 through 2001. During the entire study period, the reduction y = 0.5031x - 1.555 R2 = 0.9919 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Geometric mean concentration at Ambient Station Go e m e t r i c m e a n c o n c e n t r a t i o n a t W a t e r s h e d 6 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 28 remained below or equal to TMDL target of 175 colonies / 100 ml. None of the fecal coliform concentration in the same study period exceeded 400 colonies / 100 ml. Figure 11. 30-day rolling geometric mean of the simulated fecal colifrom concentration before and after TMDL allocation at the ambient station (B3660000). The TMDL for both point source and non-point source was estimated by multiplying the 30- day geometric mean simulated by the model after reduction by the respective flow values. The TMDL was then proportionally distributed to each of the sources. The estimation was done for the period when the maximum 30-day geometric mean was simulated. The existing average daily load of fecal coliform bacteria at the ambient station is 3.67E+12 colonies / day (Table 8). The TMDL load at the same location is 3.52E+11 colonies/day. 4.2 Seasonal Variation. Seasonal variation was incorporated in the continuous simulation of the CRAP model by using varying loading rates for wet and dry weather periods under varying daily flow conditions for 5 years, 1997 through 2001. The variation of the predicted and observed fecal 1.00 10.00 100.00 1000.00 03 / 1 1 / 9 7 09 / 2 7 / 9 7 04 / 1 5 / 9 8 11 / 0 1 / 9 8 05 / 2 0 / 9 9 12 / 0 6 / 9 9 06 / 2 3 / 0 0 01 / 0 9 / 0 1 07 / 2 8 / 0 1 02 / 1 3 / 0 2 09 / 0 1 / 0 2 Date Fe c a l c o l i f o r m ( # / 1 0 0 m l ) Existing Allocation standard MOS Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 29 coliform bacteria was remained high during both wet and dry weather periods. The concentration level remained greater than the water quality standard (200 colonies / 100 ml) for about 70% of the simulation period (Figure 11). 4.3 Margin of Safety (MOS). The MOS was explicitly included in the TMDL analysis by setting the TMDL target at 175 colonies / 100 ml, which is 25 colonies / 100 ml lower than the water quality target of 200 colonies / 100 ml. Conceptually, the MOS was included in the TMDL estimation to account for the uncertainty in the simulated relationship between the fecal coliform load and the water quality standard. The explicit MOS for this study is, therefore, set to 25 colonies / 100 ml. The daily MOS load is estimated to be 5.06E+10 colonies. The estimation was performed by calculating the differences between TMDL with MOS and TMDL without MOS using the equation 2. 4.4. Waste Load Allocation. The fecal coliform loads in the Northeast Creek watershed due to point sources were about 24% of the total load (Table 6). This percentage of fecal coliform bacteria was attributed to the two main sources, the Durham Triangle WWTP and the MS4 areas. Both sources respectively contributed daily fecal coliform load about 1.95E+10 colonies and 8.59E+11 colonies in the ambient site. The Durham Triangle WWTP was permitted to discharge a monthly geometric mean fecal coliform concentration of 200 colonies / 100 ml with a maximum permitted discharge of 6 MGD. The total permitted load of fecal coliform bacteria is thus estimated to be 4.54E+10 colonies per day, which is indeed substantially higher than the actual discharge load, 1.95E+10 colonies per day (Table 6). Therefore, a waste load allocation (WLA) reduction was not recommended for the Durham Triangle WWTP. However, about 92% of the existing load (8.59E+11 colonies per day) from the MS4 areas should be reduced. The estimated TMDL for the MS4 areas are about 6.68E+10 (Table 8). Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 30 4.5 Load Allocation (Non-point Source). The fecal coliform load in Northeast Creek watershed due to non-point sources was about 76% of the total load (Table 6). The model estimation suggests that the TMDL for the non- point sources be 2.40E+11 colonies per day. On average, the total reduction required to meet the water quality standard, 175 colonies per 100 ml, is thus estimated to be 91% (Table 8). Table 8. Proposed in-stream fecal coliform load reductions for the Northeast Creek watershed at SR1008. Source Category Simulated total Load (Colonies per day) TMDL (Colonies per day) Reduction (%) A. Non-point Sources (LA): Forest Water body Herbaceous Lands Urban Development (without MS4) • High intensity development • Low intensity development B. Point Source (WLA) MS4 area Durham Triangle WWTP B. Total for non-point sources C. Total for point source E. Margin of safety (MOS) 2.04E+10 5.53E+07 1.26E+11 2.20E+12 4.53E+11 8.59E+11 1.95E+10 2.80E+12 8.78E+11 _ 2.04E+10 5.53E+07 1.20E+10 1.80E+11 2.79E+10 6.68E+10 4.54E+10 2.40E+11 1.12E+11 5.06E+10 0 0 90 92 94 92 0 92 86 _ The load allocation distribution for the non-point source was mainly targeted to urban developed areas, because developed areas contributed substantial fecal coliform bacteria to Northeast Creek. Fecal coliform bacteria from developed areas can originate from various sources including leaking sanitary sewers, illicit sanitary sewer connections, and storm water runoff. Storm water runoff can include waste from domestic animals and urban wildlife. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 31 Furthermore, the model results suggest that a substantial amount of fecal coliform bacteria were transported to Northeast Creek from the developed areas in the City of Durham (outside of the MS4 area) and Research Triangle Park. The total contribution of fecal coliform bacteria is estimated to be 2.65E+12 colonies per day. About 92-94% of the load needs to be reduced to meet the water quality standard (Table 8). Similarly, about 90% of the loads (1.26E+11 colonies) from the herbaceous lands need to be reduced to meet the water quality standard. Domestic animals and wildlife were seen to be the main sources of fecal coliform from these lands. Fecal coliform loads from the forested lands are considered as background sources in this study and hence, the reduction is not recommended. Overall, the total fecal coliform load observed in the ambient station, B3660000, was 3.68E+12 colonies per day during the study periods, 1997 through 2001. The estimated TMDL required to meet the water quality standard, 175 colonies per 100ml of water, at the station was 4.03E+11 colonies per day. The detailed estimated proportional reductions required for the various sources in the Northeast Creek watershed are presented in Table 8. 5.0 SUMMARY AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS The CRAP model estimated that the non-point sources contributed 76% of the total load (3.68E+12 colonies per day) in the Northeast Creek. The contribution was primarily due to urban development. In order for the water quality target to be met, the final allocation of the fecal coliform bacteria requires a reduction of 2.40E+11 colonies per day for the various non-point sources. The pipelines connecting between the Durham Triangle WWTP and the sewage collection system in the watershed run along the main Northeast Creek. Failure of connection between the sewer pipelines or any leak from the pipe could result in profound fecal coliform loads in Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 32 the creek. The city of Durham and the respected line agencies are therefore suggested to check any leak from the connecting pipe. The model estimated that the point sources contributed about 24% of the total loading in the watershed. A majority of that load was contributed by storm water runoff from the City of Durham MS4 area. About 92% of the load (8.59E+11 colonies per day) was estimated to be reduced to meet the water quality. In contrast, the reduction is not recommended for fecal coliform loading from the WWTP. The waste load allocation for the WWTP, in accordance with the NPDES permit, was estimated to be 4.54E+10 colonies per day. The permitted load appeared to be marginally higher than the actual discharged load, 1.95E+10 colonies per day. 5.1 Monitoring Fecal coliform monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the existing ambient monitoring site. The continued monitoring of fecal coliform concentrations will allow for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards by comparing the instream data to the TMDL target. To comply with EPA guidance, North Carolina may adopt new bacteria standards utilizing Escherichia coli (E. coli) or enterococci in the near future. Thus, in future, monitoring efforts to measure compliance with this TMDL should include using E. coli or enterococci. Per EPA recommendations (EPA, 2000b), if future monitoring for E. coli/enterococci indicates the standard has not been exceeded, these monitoring data may be used to support delisting the water body from the 303(d) list. If a continuing problem is identified using E. coli/enterococci, the TMDL may be revised. 5.2 Implementation Implementation plans are not included in this TMDL. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be needed in order to develop implementation plans. The DWQ will initiate the development of an implementation plan. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 33 6.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Many local government officials have been notified of DWQ’s intention to develop the Northeast Creek fecal coliform TMDL. The extension services in Durham County, Chatham County, Wake County and local associations have supplied septic data, sewer data, agricultural information, and stormwater runoff in MS4 areas to aid in the source assessment portion of the TMDL. The Northeast Creek Fecal Colifom TMDL was public noticed through local newspapers, The Herald-Sun and The Chatham Record, on May 6 and May 8, 2003 respectively (Appendix 8). The TMDL was also public noticed through DWQ web site at http://h20.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/. A public meeting was held in Durham County Agricultural Building and Curb Market, NC, on May 27, 2003 as a part of the comment period. A group of eight (8) individuals participated the meeting from the following organizations: City of Durham, Stormwater Services – 5 representatives Cooperative Extension Service – 1 representative Raleigh Regional Office – 2 representatives A public comment period was through June 5, 2003. No written comments were received. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 34 7.0 REFERENCES Center for Watershed Protection. 1999. Microbes and Urban Watershed: Concentrations, Sources, and Pathways. Watershed Protection Techniques 3(1): 554:565. Clark, Melanie L. Clark and Jodi R. Norris. 2000. Occurance of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Selected Streams in Wyoming, 1990-99. Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4198. USGS, Science for a Changing World. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Canale, R. P., M.T. Auer, E.M. Owens, T.M. Heidtke, S.W. Effler. 1993. Modeling Fecal Coliform Bacteria –II. Model Development and Application. Water Research, 27(4):703- 714. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 2000. Report on the Proper Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems in Accordance with Section 13.5 of HB 1160 (Clean Water Act of 1999). http://www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/Maintenance.PDF. March 15, 2000. Doran, J.W., J.S. Schepers, and N.P. Swanson. 1981. Chemical and Biological Quality of Pasture Runoff. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. May-June: 166-171. Farrell-Poe, K.L., Ranjha, A.Y. and S. Ramalingam. 1997. Bacterial Contribution by Rural Municipalities in Agricultural Watersheds. Trans of ASAE, 40(1) 97-101. Hyer, Kenneth, Doughlas Moyer, and Trisha Baldwin. 2001. Bacteria Source Tracking to Improve TMDL Development in Bacteria. U.S. Geological Survey, WRD, 1730 East Parham Rd., Richmond, VA 23228. In va.water.usgs.gov/GLOBAL/posters/BST.pdf. Khaleel, R., K.R. Reddy, and M.R. Overcash. 1980. Transport of Potential Pollutants in Runoff Water from Land Areas Receiving Animal Wastes: A Review. Water Research 14:421-436. Marsalek, J. 2002. Urban Wet-Weather Flows: Sources of Fecal Coliform Loads Impacting on Recreational Waters and Threatening Drinking Water Resources. http://www.neram.ca/Pages/events/abstracts/marsalek.pdf North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality. 2002. North Carolina’s 2003 § 303(d) List. http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/General_303d.htm U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1991. Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Advisory Committee (FACA). Draft final TMDL Federal Advisory Committee Report. 4/28/98. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 35 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000a. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000b. Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. DRAFT. Office of Water. EPA-823- D-00-001. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). January 2000. Storm Water Phase II Final Rule. Small MS4 Storm Water Program Overview. EPA 833-F-00-002. Fact Sheet 2.0. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). January 2001. Protocal for Developing Pathogen TMDLs: First Edition. http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/techsupp.html. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). February 2002. TMDLs for Fecal Coliform in 303(d) Listed Streams in Altamaha River Basin. http://epa.gov/region4/water/tmdl/georgia. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2002. Establishing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Watershed Allocations (WLAs) for Storm Water Sources and NPDES Permit Requirements Based on this WLAs. Guidance memrandum from Robert Wayland,III and James Hanlon. November 22, 2002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetics formulations in surface water quality modeling (II ed.). Athens, GA: EPA-600-3-85-040. Weaver, J. Curtis and Benjamin F. Pope. 2001. Low-Flow Characteristics and Discharge Profiles for Selected Streams in the Cape Fear River Basin, North Carolina, through 1998. U.S.G.S. Water-Resources Investigations Report 01-4094. Wilhelm, Lance J. and Terry L. Maluk. October 1998. Fecal-Indicator Bacteria in Surface Waters of the Santee River Basin and Coastal Drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995- 98. Fact Sheet FS-085-98. U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia, SC 29210-7651. Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 36 Appendix 1. Fecal Coliform in the Ambient Station (B3660000) Appendix 1.1 Table of fecal coliform responses during 1997 through 2001. Date Weather Fecal Flow Date Weather Fecal Flow Status (col/100 ml) (cfs) Status (col/100 ml) (cfs) 1/15/97 dry 63 18 1/13/00 wet 490 32 2/3/97 dry 1000 19 2/22/00 dry 4500 27 3/21/97 wet 3 67 3/28/00 wet 1400 27 4/11/97 dry 2 6.9 4/18/00 wet 2700 154 5/13/97 dry 2000 7.2 6/1/00 dry 136 9.2 7/2/97 dry 100 8.9 6/28/00 wet 650 9.9 8/25/97 dry 0.2 5.8 7/31/00 wet 3200 14 9/10/97 wet 18 14 8/30/00 wet 540 29 10/20/97 wet 7.9 35 9/25/00 wet 230 14 11/17/97 dry 12 10 10/10/00 dry 210 5.2 12/11/97 wet 95 28 11/29/00 dry 200 5.5 1/12/98 dry 73 12 12/27/00 dry 170 19 2/10/98 dry 210 15 2/1/01 wet 67 20 3/3/98 dry 11000 10 4/19/01 dry 360 6.7 4/15/98 wet 91 16 5/9/01 dry 200 5 5/26/98 wet 540 7.4 6/28/01 dry 130 8.5 6/11/98 dry 560 7.4 7/26/01 wet 6000 18 7/29/98 wet 770 7.7 8/15/01 dry 260 18 8/31/98 wet 1200 6.3 10/4/01 dry 280 6.5 9/28/98 dry 260 4 11/5/01 dry 72 7.2 10/27/98 dry 470 6.8 11/29/01 dry 420 4.2 11/29/98 dry 62 4.3 12/29/98 dry 110 5 1/27/99 dry 100 23 2/17/99 dry 2200 7.8 3/18/99 dry 170 17 4/29/99 wet 2000 23 5/24/99 dry 270 4.3 6/24/99 dry 290 3.9 7/28/99 dry 760 3.5 8/18/99 dry 350 4 9/28/99 wet 4200 528 11/1/99 wet 410 11 11/3/99 wet 330 18 11/6/99 wet 71 10 11/15/99 dry 100 8.7 11/29/99 wet 410 5.2 12/1/99 dry 580 3.7 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 37 Appendix 1.2. Graphical responses of fecal coliform Concentration of Fecal Coliform at B3660000 (1997) 0 1000 2000 3000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Months Fe c a l Co l i f o r m (c o l / 1 0 0 m l ) 0 20 40 60 80 Fl o w ( c f s ) Flow (cfs)Observed Standard Concentration of Fecal Coliform at B3660000 (1998) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Months Fe c a l Co l i f o r m (c o l / 1 0 0 m l ) 0 5 10 15 20 Fl o w ( c f s ) Flow (cfs)Observed Standard Concentration of Fecal Coliform at B3660000 (1999) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 11 11 11 11 11 12 Months Fe c a l Co l i f o r m (c o l / 1 0 0 m l ) 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Fl o w ( c f s ) Flow (cfs)Observed Standard Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 38 Appendix 1.2 continued. Concentration of Fecal Coliform at B3660000 (2000) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 01 02 03 04 06 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 Months Fe c a l Co l i f o r m (c o l / 1 0 0 m l ) 0 50 100 150 200 Fl o w ( c f s ) Flow (cfs)Observed Standard Concentration of Fecal Coliform at B3660000 (2001) 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 02 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 11 Months Fe c a l Co l i f o r m (c o l / 1 0 0 m l ) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Fl o w ( c f s ) Flow (cfs)Observed Standard Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 39 Appendix 2. Flow Recorded by USGS at the ambient Station (B3660000). Date Flow Date Flow Date Flow Date Flow Date Flow (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) 01/01/97 20.00 01/01/98 11.00 01/01/99 3.90 01/01/00 28.00 01/01/01 18.00 01/02/97 25.00 01/02/98 9.00 01/02/99 3.60 01/02/00 27.00 01/02/01 18.00 01/03/97 21.00 01/03/98 8.10 01/03/99 518.00 01/03/00 28.00 01/03/01 18.00 01/04/97 18.00 01/04/98 7.20 01/04/99 303.00 01/04/00 31.00 01/04/01 19.00 01/05/97 17.00 01/05/98 7.40 01/05/99 36.00 01/05/00 57.00 01/05/01 19.00 01/06/97 18.00 01/06/98 7.50 01/06/99 18.00 01/06/00 32.00 01/06/01 18.00 01/07/97 15.00 01/07/98 10.00 01/07/99 14.00 01/07/00 29.00 01/07/01 19.00 01/08/97 14.00 01/08/98 197.00 01/08/99 12.00 01/08/00 28.00 01/08/01 21.00 01/09/97 165.00 01/09/98 312.00 01/09/99 11.00 01/09/00 32.00 01/09/01 22.00 01/10/97 334.00 01/10/98 43.00 01/10/99 10.00 01/10/00 207.00 01/10/01 22.00 01/11/97 82.00 01/11/98 17.00 01/11/99 9.60 01/11/00 278.00 01/11/01 21.00 01/12/97 30.00 01/12/98 12.00 01/12/99 9.20 01/12/00 48.00 01/12/01 22.00 01/13/97 23.00 01/13/98 11.00 01/13/99 9.10 01/13/00 32.00 01/13/01 21.00 01/14/97 19.00 01/14/98 11.00 01/14/99 8.30 01/14/00 28.00 01/14/01 22.00 01/15/97 18.00 01/15/98 40.00 01/15/99 25.00 01/15/00 25.00 01/15/01 23.00 01/16/97 139.00 01/16/98 362.00 01/16/99 20.00 01/16/00 24.00 01/16/01 23.00 01/17/97 182.00 01/17/98 616.00 01/17/99 11.00 01/17/00 25.00 01/17/01 22.00 01/18/97 36.00 01/18/98 135.00 01/18/99 178.00 01/18/00 25.00 01/18/01 23.00 01/19/97 22.00 01/19/98 107.00 01/19/99 194.00 01/19/00 28.00 01/19/01 23.00 01/20/97 21.00 01/20/98 259.00 01/20/99 29.00 01/20/00 43.00 01/20/01 50.00 01/21/97 19.00 01/21/98 69.00 01/21/99 17.00 01/21/00 57.00 01/21/01 34.00 01/22/97 17.00 01/22/98 24.00 01/22/99 13.00 01/22/00 32.00 01/22/01 23.00 01/23/97 18.00 01/23/98 192.00 01/23/99 14.00 01/23/00 36.00 01/23/01 20.00 01/24/97 19.00 01/24/98 374.00 01/24/99 548.00 01/24/00 53.00 01/24/01 19.00 01/25/97 75.00 01/25/98 116.00 01/25/99 394.00 01/25/00 65.00 01/25/01 18.00 01/26/97 74.00 01/26/98 28.00 01/26/99 66.00 01/26/00 53.00 01/26/01 17.00 01/27/97 28.00 01/27/98 95.00 01/27/99 23.00 01/27/00 39.00 01/27/01 16.00 01/28/97 49.00 01/28/98 767.00 01/28/99 17.00 01/28/00 33.00 01/28/01 16.00 01/29/97 90.00 01/29/98 239.00 01/29/99 14.00 01/29/00 20.00 01/29/01 18.00 01/30/97 35.00 01/30/98 52.00 01/30/99 11.00 01/30/00 108.00 01/30/01 21.00 01/31/97 39.00 01/31/98 22.00 01/31/99 9.40 01/31/00 579.00 01/31/01 22.00 02/01/97 29.00 02/01/98 16.00 02/01/99 12.00 02/01/00 224.00 02/01/01 20.00 02/02/97 22.00 02/02/98 14.00 02/02/99 102.00 02/02/00 101.00 02/02/01 19.00 02/03/97 19.00 02/03/98 15.00 02/03/99 66.00 02/03/00 67.00 02/03/01 17.00 02/04/97 18.00 02/04/98 623.00 02/04/99 23.00 02/04/00 99.00 02/04/01 17.00 02/05/97 17.00 02/05/98 449.00 02/05/99 19.00 02/05/00 101.00 02/05/01 21.00 02/06/97 17.00 02/06/98 170.00 02/06/99 13.00 02/06/00 57.00 02/06/01 21.00 02/07/97 15.00 02/07/98 41.00 02/07/99 12.00 02/07/00 44.00 02/07/01 19.00 02/08/97 35.00 02/08/98 26.00 02/08/99 11.00 02/08/00 39.00 02/08/01 18.00 02/09/97 55.00 02/09/98 19.00 02/09/99 9.90 02/09/00 35.00 02/09/01 17.00 02/10/97 27.00 02/10/98 15.00 02/10/99 9.10 02/10/00 32.00 02/10/01 16.00 02/11/97 23.00 02/11/98 13.00 02/11/99 8.70 02/11/00 31.00 02/11/01 16.00 02/12/97 19.00 02/12/98 15.00 02/12/99 8.50 02/12/00 68.00 02/12/01 15.00 02/13/97 17.00 02/13/98 13.00 02/13/99 8.10 02/13/00 181.00 02/13/01 25.00 02/14/97 328.00 02/14/98 10.00 02/14/99 7.40 02/14/00 110.00 02/14/01 40.00 02/15/97 438.00 02/15/98 9.30 02/15/99 7.60 02/15/00 100.00 02/15/01 36.00 02/16/97 245.00 02/16/98 18.00 02/16/99 7.80 02/16/00 37.00 02/16/01 30.00 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 40 Appendix 2 continued 02/17/97 52.00 02/17/98 841.00 02/17/99 7.80 02/17/00 31.00 02/17/01 400.00 02/18/97 29.00 02/18/98 427.00 02/18/99 29.00 02/18/00 86.00 02/18/01 120.00 02/19/97 25.00 02/19/98 74.00 02/19/99 28.00 02/19/00 79.00 02/19/01 60.00 02/20/97 21.00 02/20/98 28.00 02/20/99 100.00 02/20/00 38.00 02/20/01 35.00 02/21/97 19.00 02/21/98 19.00 02/21/99 31.00 02/21/00 30.00 02/21/01 21.00 02/22/97 22.00 02/22/98 13.00 02/22/99 16.00 02/22/00 27.00 02/22/01 19.00 02/23/97 17.00 02/23/98 73.00 02/23/99 12.00 02/23/00 25.00 02/23/01 17.00 02/24/97 17.00 02/24/98 106.00 02/24/99 10.00 02/24/00 25.00 02/24/01 18.00 02/25/97 14.00 02/25/98 25.00 02/25/99 9.60 02/25/00 24.00 02/25/01 19.00 02/26/97 13.00 02/26/98 16.00 02/26/99 9.10 02/26/00 23.00 02/26/01 20.00 02/27/97 14.00 02/27/98 13.00 02/27/99 8.20 02/27/00 27.00 02/27/01 17.00 02/28/97 16.00 02/28/98 12.00 02/28/99 8.20 02/28/00 215.00 02/28/01 15.00 03/01/97 25.00 03/01/98 11.00 03/01/99 10.00 02/29/00 50.00 03/01/01 14.00 03/02/97 18.00 03/02/98 11.00 03/02/99 9.30 03/01/00 16.00 03/02/01 13.00 03/03/97 20.00 03/03/98 10.00 03/03/99 8.50 03/02/00 13.00 03/03/01 20.00 03/04/97 30.00 03/04/98 9.50 03/04/99 8.90 03/03/00 12.00 03/04/01 200.00 03/05/97 20.00 03/05/98 8.90 03/05/99 8.30 03/04/00 11.00 03/05/01 130.00 03/06/97 38.00 03/06/98 8.30 03/06/99 7.10 03/05/00 10.00 03/06/01 80.00 03/07/97 21.00 03/07/98 7.30 03/07/99 6.50 03/06/00 10.00 03/07/01 48.00 03/08/97 14.00 03/08/98 99.00 03/08/99 7.40 03/07/00 9.60 03/08/01 30.00 03/09/97 12.00 03/09/98 545.00 03/09/99 7.80 03/08/00 9.50 03/09/01 25.00 03/10/97 13.00 03/10/98 242.00 03/10/99 9.70 03/09/00 9.40 03/10/01 20.00 03/11/97 12.00 03/11/98 36.00 03/11/99 9.40 03/10/00 9.30 03/11/01 16.00 03/12/97 11.00 03/12/98 20.00 03/12/99 8.60 03/11/00 8.40 03/12/01 14.00 03/13/97 12.00 03/13/98 14.00 03/13/99 7.60 03/12/00 8.50 03/13/01 14.00 03/14/97 37.00 03/14/98 11.00 03/14/99 20.00 03/13/00 8.70 03/14/01 13.00 03/15/97 61.00 03/15/98 10.00 03/15/99 400.00 03/14/00 8.80 03/15/01 15.00 03/16/97 19.00 03/16/98 9.80 03/16/99 144.00 03/15/00 8.60 03/16/01 16.00 03/17/97 14.00 03/17/98 10.00 03/17/99 27.00 03/16/00 8.80 03/17/01 13.00 03/18/97 13.00 03/18/98 288.00 03/18/99 17.00 03/17/00 12.00 03/18/01 8.00 03/19/97 153.00 03/19/98 1720.00 03/19/99 13.00 03/18/00 8.90 03/19/01 6.00 03/20/97 315.00 03/20/98 319.00 03/20/99 10.00 03/19/00 8.10 03/20/01 9.00 03/21/97 67.00 03/21/98 238.00 03/21/99 123.00 03/20/00 14.00 03/21/01 459.00 03/22/97 23.00 03/22/98 146.00 03/22/99 349.00 03/21/00 57.00 03/22/01 280.00 03/23/97 15.00 03/23/98 44.00 03/23/99 61.00 03/22/00 16.00 03/23/01 37.00 03/24/97 13.00 03/24/98 34.00 03/24/99 21.00 03/23/00 12.00 03/24/01 15.00 03/25/97 11.00 03/25/98 21.00 03/25/99 16.00 03/24/00 10.00 03/25/01 11.00 03/26/97 14.00 03/26/98 18.00 03/26/99 20.00 03/25/00 9.50 03/26/01 9.70 03/27/97 12.00 03/27/98 15.00 03/27/99 14.00 03/26/00 9.00 03/27/01 8.80 03/28/97 9.80 03/28/98 13.00 03/28/99 11.00 03/27/00 9.90 03/28/01 8.30 03/29/97 9.90 03/29/98 13.00 03/29/99 10.00 03/28/00 27.00 03/29/01 125.00 03/30/97 9.90 03/30/98 13.00 03/30/99 9.90 03/29/00 13.00 03/30/01 722.00 03/31/97 9.60 03/31/98 12.00 03/31/99 9.00 03/30/00 11.00 03/31/01 224.00 04/01/97 9.30 04/01/98 54.00 04/01/99 53.00 03/31/00 9.90 04/01/01 345.00 04/02/97 8.10 04/02/98 41.00 04/02/99 174.00 04/01/00 8.60 04/02/01 402.00 04/03/97 7.80 04/03/98 17.00 04/03/99 30.00 04/02/00 9.30 04/03/01 76.00 04/04/97 8.10 04/04/98 34.00 04/04/99 16.00 04/03/00 11.00 04/04/01 30.00 04/05/97 7.20 04/05/98 22.00 04/05/99 14.00 04/04/00 13.00 04/05/01 16.00 04/06/97 7.40 04/06/98 15.00 04/06/99 11.00 04/05/00 12.00 04/06/01 11.00 04/07/97 16.00 04/07/98 13.00 04/07/99 10.00 04/06/00 12.00 04/07/01 10.00 04/08/97 11.00 04/08/98 11.00 04/08/99 9.50 04/07/00 12.00 04/08/01 9.10 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 41 Appendix 2 continued. 04/09/97 8.00 04/09/98 116.00 04/09/99 9.30 04/08/00 18.00 04/09/01 9.00 04/10/97 7.20 04/10/98 119.00 04/10/99 7.90 04/09/00 51.00 04/10/01 8.40 04/11/97 6.90 04/11/98 24.00 04/11/99 37.00 04/10/00 13.00 04/11/01 8.10 04/12/97 12.00 04/12/98 15.00 04/12/99 69.00 04/11/00 12.00 04/12/01 7.60 04/13/97 19.00 04/13/98 12.00 04/13/99 15.00 04/12/00 9.90 04/13/01 7.30 04/14/97 9.80 04/14/98 13.00 04/14/99 10.00 04/13/00 11.00 04/14/01 6.40 04/15/97 7.90 04/15/98 16.00 04/15/99 9.00 04/14/00 16.00 04/15/01 6.20 04/16/97 7.60 04/16/98 12.00 04/16/99 8.70 04/15/00 36.00 04/16/01 6.50 04/17/97 10.00 04/17/98 25.00 04/17/99 7.50 04/16/00 31.00 04/17/01 6.80 04/18/97 7.30 04/18/98 23.00 04/18/99 7.00 04/17/00 14.00 04/18/01 6.80 04/19/97 6.20 04/19/98 16.00 04/19/99 7.60 04/18/00 154.00 04/19/01 6.70 04/20/97 5.80 04/20/98 18.00 04/20/99 7.90 04/19/00 70.00 04/20/01 6.40 04/21/97 6.60 04/21/98 12.00 04/21/99 7.80 04/20/00 22.00 04/21/01 5.90 04/22/97 40.00 04/22/98 10.00 04/22/99 7.70 04/21/00 19.00 04/22/01 6.00 04/23/97 112.00 04/23/98 9.40 04/23/99 7.80 04/22/00 16.00 04/23/01 6.00 04/24/97 82.00 04/24/98 8.70 04/24/99 6.90 04/23/00 15.00 04/24/01 6.00 04/25/97 19.00 04/25/98 7.30 04/25/99 6.40 04/24/00 15.00 04/25/01 9.00 04/26/97 11.00 04/26/98 6.90 04/26/99 7.10 04/25/00 17.00 04/26/01 7.50 04/27/97 7.70 04/27/98 7.40 04/27/99 7.70 04/26/00 19.00 04/27/01 6.00 04/28/97 280.00 04/28/98 8.10 04/28/99 10.00 04/27/00 37.00 04/28/01 5.00 04/29/97 875.00 04/29/98 7.40 04/29/99 23.00 04/28/00 34.00 04/29/01 5.40 04/30/97 249.00 04/30/98 7.00 04/30/99 185.00 04/29/00 58.00 04/30/01 5.60 05/01/97 57.00 05/01/98 7.60 05/01/99 92.00 04/30/00 31.00 05/01/01 6.00 05/02/97 118.00 05/02/98 9.50 05/02/99 7.50 05/01/00 18.00 05/02/01 5.90 05/03/97 38.00 05/03/98 6.90 05/03/99 5.10 05/02/00 15.00 05/03/01 5.80 05/04/97 38.00 05/04/98 8.80 05/04/99 4.00 05/03/00 14.00 05/04/01 5.70 05/05/97 16.00 05/05/98 7.50 05/05/99 3.70 05/04/00 14.00 05/05/01 5.50 05/06/97 12.00 05/06/98 6.50 05/06/99 3.80 05/05/00 14.00 05/06/01 5.40 05/07/97 9.80 05/07/98 6.40 05/07/99 4.10 05/06/00 14.00 05/07/01 5.30 05/08/97 8.50 05/08/98 16.00 05/08/99 3.80 05/07/00 15.00 05/08/01 5.00 05/09/97 8.20 05/09/98 9.10 05/09/99 3.40 05/08/00 15.00 05/09/01 5.00 05/10/97 7.00 05/10/98 6.90 05/10/99 3.80 05/09/00 16.00 05/10/01 4.90 05/11/97 6.30 05/11/98 79.00 05/11/99 3.70 05/10/00 16.00 05/11/01 4.80 05/12/97 6.80 05/12/98 34.00 05/12/99 4.00 05/11/00 16.00 05/12/01 4.80 05/13/97 7.20 05/13/98 11.00 05/13/99 4.00 05/12/00 16.00 05/13/01 5.00 05/14/97 7.60 05/14/98 8.00 05/14/99 4.20 05/13/00 16.00 05/14/01 4.60 05/15/97 7.00 05/15/98 6.90 05/15/99 5.30 05/14/00 16.00 05/15/01 4.00 05/16/97 6.40 05/16/98 6.00 05/16/99 4.00 05/15/00 16.00 05/16/01 20.00 05/17/97 5.70 05/17/98 5.70 05/17/99 4.00 05/16/00 17.00 05/17/01 10.00 05/18/97 5.50 05/18/98 6.00 05/18/99 4.30 05/17/00 17.00 05/18/01 5.20 05/19/97 6.30 05/19/98 6.10 05/19/99 4.30 05/18/00 17.00 05/19/01 5.10 05/20/97 6.40 05/20/98 5.90 05/20/99 4.40 05/19/00 16.00 05/20/01 5.00 05/21/97 6.30 05/21/98 6.10 05/21/99 4.30 05/20/00 16.00 05/21/01 5.00 05/22/97 6.20 05/22/98 5.80 05/22/99 4.70 05/21/00 16.00 05/22/01 5.50 05/23/97 5.80 05/23/98 16.00 05/23/99 5.90 05/22/00 30.00 05/23/01 6.00 05/24/97 5.30 05/24/98 19.00 05/24/99 4.30 05/23/00 17.00 05/24/01 5.60 05/25/97 6.20 05/25/98 9.80 05/25/99 4.00 05/24/00 12.00 05/25/01 5.30 05/26/97 21.00 05/26/98 7.40 05/26/99 3.90 05/25/00 10.00 05/26/01 42.00 05/27/97 13.00 05/27/98 9.80 05/27/99 3.80 05/26/00 9.60 05/27/01 17.00 05/28/97 7.20 05/28/98 7.60 05/28/99 3.50 05/27/00 8.30 05/28/01 7.00 05/29/97 6.20 05/29/98 7.00 05/29/99 3.00 05/28/00 8.00 05/29/01 6.10 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 42 Appendix 2 continued 05/30/97 6.20 05/30/98 6.10 05/30/99 2.60 05/29/00 11.00 05/30/01 5.60 05/31/97 5.70 05/31/98 5.70 05/31/99 3.00 05/30/00 12.00 05/31/01 5.00 06/01/97 8.80 06/01/98 6.00 06/01/99 3.50 05/31/00 10.00 06/01/01 80.00 06/02/97 21.00 06/02/98 6.00 06/02/99 3.90 06/01/00 9.20 06/02/01 50.00 06/03/97 26.00 06/03/98 5.70 06/03/99 3.90 06/02/00 9.00 06/03/01 30.00 06/04/97 16.00 06/04/98 28.00 06/04/99 3.80 06/03/00 7.90 06/04/01 18.00 06/05/97 8.80 06/05/98 19.00 06/05/99 3.20 06/04/00 9.40 06/05/01 12.00 06/06/97 8.30 06/06/98 9.40 06/06/99 3.00 06/05/00 9.60 06/06/01 8.50 06/07/97 13.00 06/07/98 10.00 06/07/99 3.70 06/06/00 9.60 06/07/01 6.00 06/08/97 7.30 06/08/98 7.50 06/08/99 3.90 06/07/00 8.60 06/08/01 5.50 06/09/97 6.40 06/09/98 6.40 06/09/99 4.20 06/08/00 8.30 06/09/01 5.00 06/10/97 6.00 06/10/98 7.40 06/10/99 4.50 06/09/00 8.00 06/10/01 4.40 06/11/97 5.80 06/11/98 7.40 06/11/99 4.80 06/10/00 7.10 06/11/01 4.00 06/12/97 6.00 06/12/98 6.60 06/12/99 4.10 06/11/00 7.40 06/12/01 3.50 06/13/97 12.00 06/13/98 5.80 06/13/99 4.30 06/12/00 8.40 06/13/01 6.00 06/14/97 8.30 06/14/98 5.10 06/14/99 5.70 06/13/00 8.40 06/14/01 30.00 06/15/97 5.80 06/15/98 12.00 06/15/99 9.10 06/14/00 8.40 06/15/01 15.00 06/16/97 5.70 06/16/98 13.00 06/16/99 9.30 06/15/00 8.60 06/16/01 6.00 06/17/97 5.90 06/17/98 7.50 06/17/99 32.00 06/16/00 8.50 06/17/01 4.50 06/18/97 5.90 06/18/98 6.20 06/18/99 5.80 06/17/00 7.50 06/18/01 3.30 06/19/97 5.90 06/19/98 5.80 06/19/99 3.80 06/18/00 6.80 06/19/01 2.90 06/20/97 5.60 06/20/98 5.10 06/20/99 3.20 06/19/00 8.10 06/20/01 2.40 06/21/97 4.90 06/21/98 4.80 06/21/99 3.40 06/20/00 8.80 06/21/01 2.20 06/22/97 4.60 06/22/98 5.50 06/22/99 3.80 06/21/00 8.50 06/22/01 3.80 06/23/97 5.30 06/23/98 5.70 06/23/99 3.90 06/22/00 8.90 06/23/01 6.00 06/24/97 5.50 06/24/98 6.10 06/24/99 3.90 06/23/00 8.30 06/24/01 5.20 06/25/97 5.70 06/25/98 5.90 06/25/99 4.10 06/24/00 7.40 06/25/01 40.00 06/26/97 5.80 06/26/98 5.80 06/26/99 4.00 06/25/00 6.80 06/26/01 19.00 06/27/97 7.80 06/27/98 5.10 06/27/99 4.50 06/26/00 7.70 06/27/01 10.00 06/28/97 6.30 06/28/98 4.80 06/28/99 4.70 06/27/00 8.50 06/28/01 8.50 06/29/97 5.10 06/29/98 5.30 06/29/99 4.90 06/28/00 9.90 06/29/01 7.00 06/30/97 5.60 06/30/98 6.00 06/30/99 4.60 06/29/00 15.00 06/30/01 6.00 07/01/97 6.20 07/01/98 8.10 07/01/99 4.70 06/30/00 9.70 07/01/01 5.00 07/02/97 8.90 07/02/98 5.90 07/02/99 5.00 07/01/00 6.70 07/02/01 4.90 07/03/97 6.50 07/03/98 4.80 07/03/99 4.30 07/02/00 5.80 07/03/01 4.80 07/04/97 5.20 07/04/98 4.60 07/04/99 3.70 07/03/00 5.70 07/04/01 5.00 07/05/97 7.50 07/05/98 19.00 07/05/99 3.50 07/04/00 6.40 07/05/01 5.00 07/06/97 5.70 07/06/98 8.30 07/06/99 4.00 07/05/00 8.10 07/06/01 4.90 07/07/97 5.60 07/07/98 6.20 07/07/99 4.10 07/06/00 10.00 07/07/01 4.80 07/08/97 5.40 07/08/98 5.60 07/08/99 4.10 07/07/00 12.00 07/08/01 7.00 07/09/97 5.50 07/09/98 9.00 07/09/99 4.10 07/08/00 11.00 07/09/01 7.80 07/10/97 5.60 07/10/98 6.90 07/10/99 4.20 07/09/00 12.00 07/10/01 8.00 07/11/97 5.40 07/11/98 5.50 07/11/99 4.70 07/10/00 14.00 07/11/01 6.20 07/12/97 4.50 07/12/98 4.70 07/12/99 5.30 07/11/00 15.00 07/12/01 5.00 07/13/97 4.40 07/13/98 5.10 07/13/99 8.00 07/12/00 15.00 07/13/01 5.00 07/14/97 5.20 07/14/98 5.40 07/14/99 25.00 07/13/00 16.00 07/14/01 4.90 07/15/97 5.50 07/15/98 5.60 07/15/99 9.10 07/14/00 15.00 07/15/01 4.80 07/16/97 6.10 07/16/98 14.00 07/16/99 5.40 07/15/00 20.00 07/16/01 4.70 07/17/97 11.00 07/17/98 31.00 07/17/99 3.70 07/16/00 16.00 07/17/01 4.50 07/18/97 6.90 07/18/98 19.00 07/18/99 3.20 07/17/00 13.00 07/18/01 4.40 07/19/97 5.30 07/19/98 6.80 07/19/99 3.60 07/18/00 13.00 07/19/01 4.30 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 43 Appendix 2 Continued 07/20/97 4.80 07/20/98 6.50 07/20/99 3.80 07/19/00 13.00 07/20/01 4.10 07/21/97 5.50 07/21/98 6.60 07/21/99 3.80 07/20/00 13.00 07/21/01 4.00 07/22/97 6.50 07/22/98 6.70 07/22/99 3.90 07/21/00 13.00 07/22/01 4.00 07/23/97 37.00 07/23/98 7.10 07/23/99 3.70 07/22/00 13.00 07/23/01 4.00 07/24/97 290.00 07/24/98 6.90 07/24/99 3.20 07/23/00 12.00 07/24/01 8.00 07/25/97 261.00 07/25/98 25.00 07/25/99 3.20 07/24/00 80.00 07/25/01 16.00 07/26/97 19.00 07/26/98 15.00 07/26/99 3.30 07/25/00 36.00 07/26/01 18.00 07/27/97 9.00 07/27/98 8.20 07/27/99 3.40 07/26/00 18.00 07/27/01 90.00 07/28/97 9.50 07/28/98 12.00 07/28/99 3.50 07/27/00 12.00 07/28/01 18.00 07/29/97 8.50 07/29/98 7.70 07/29/99 3.60 07/28/00 12.00 07/29/01 4.00 07/30/97 8.30 07/30/98 9.90 07/30/99 3.60 07/29/00 11.00 07/30/01 5.00 07/31/97 8.50 07/31/98 12.00 07/31/99 3.10 07/30/00 21.00 07/31/01 3.80 08/01/97 7.60 08/01/98 7.90 08/01/99 3.00 07/31/00 14.00 08/01/01 3.00 08/02/97 6.30 08/02/98 6.30 08/02/99 3.20 08/01/00 21.00 08/02/01 2.60 08/03/97 5.80 08/03/98 6.30 08/03/99 3.40 08/02/00 107.00 08/03/01 3.10 08/04/97 6.70 08/04/98 6.10 08/04/99 3.40 08/03/00 28.00 08/04/01 3.60 08/05/97 8.10 08/05/98 5.90 08/05/99 3.90 08/04/00 20.00 08/05/01 3.80 08/06/97 8.80 08/06/98 5.90 08/06/99 3.20 08/05/00 198.00 08/06/01 4.20 08/07/97 6.80 08/07/98 6.00 08/07/99 2.60 08/06/00 71.00 08/07/01 4.20 08/08/97 6.50 08/08/98 6.00 08/08/99 3.10 08/07/00 13.00 08/08/01 4.20 08/09/97 5.60 08/09/98 6.10 08/09/99 3.60 08/08/00 10.00 08/09/01 3.80 08/10/97 5.50 08/10/98 14.00 08/10/99 3.50 08/09/00 9.50 08/10/01 3.80 08/11/97 6.40 08/11/98 16.00 08/11/99 3.60 08/10/00 14.00 08/11/01 7.70 08/12/97 6.50 08/12/98 8.30 08/12/99 3.40 08/11/00 11.00 08/12/01 87.00 08/13/97 6.50 08/13/98 7.20 08/13/99 3.60 08/12/00 8.80 08/13/01 34.00 08/14/97 6.60 08/14/98 6.50 08/14/99 8.50 08/13/00 7.70 08/14/01 32.00 08/15/97 6.60 08/15/98 5.50 08/15/99 15.00 08/14/00 8.10 08/15/01 18.00 08/16/97 5.70 08/16/98 5.80 08/16/99 5.00 08/15/00 9.30 08/16/01 11.00 08/17/97 5.60 08/17/98 32.00 08/17/99 4.00 08/16/00 11.00 08/17/01 11.00 08/18/97 6.20 08/18/98 9.50 08/18/99 4.00 08/17/00 9.70 08/18/01 11.00 08/19/97 6.10 08/19/98 7.40 08/19/99 3.40 08/18/00 9.60 08/19/01 12.00 08/20/97 6.30 08/20/98 6.40 08/20/99 3.20 08/19/00 8.70 08/20/01 13.00 08/21/97 7.40 08/21/98 6.10 08/21/99 2.80 08/20/00 8.20 08/21/01 14.00 08/22/97 6.60 08/22/98 5.50 08/22/99 2.40 08/21/00 8.80 08/22/01 11.00 08/23/97 5.60 08/23/98 5.40 08/23/99 2.70 08/22/00 9.30 08/23/01 10.00 08/24/97 5.10 08/24/98 5.90 08/24/99 3.00 08/23/00 9.30 08/24/01 23.00 08/25/97 5.80 08/25/98 6.30 08/25/99 4.70 08/24/00 9.80 08/25/01 12.00 08/26/97 6.00 08/26/98 9.00 08/26/99 41.00 08/25/00 9.80 08/26/01 9.80 08/27/97 6.00 08/27/98 6.70 08/27/99 33.00 08/26/00 9.00 08/27/01 9.90 08/28/97 6.00 08/28/98 6.60 08/28/99 6.00 08/27/00 28.00 08/28/01 14.00 08/29/97 5.80 08/29/98 5.90 08/29/99 3.30 08/28/00 17.00 08/29/01 12.00 08/30/97 5.30 08/30/98 8.70 08/30/99 3.00 08/29/00 11.00 08/30/01 38.00 08/31/97 5.10 08/31/98 6.30 08/31/99 3.00 08/30/00 29.00 08/31/01 188.00 09/01/97 6.10 09/01/98 6.20 09/01/99 2.80 08/31/00 26.00 09/01/01 18.00 09/02/97 7.70 09/02/98 6.00 09/02/99 2.70 09/01/00 16.00 09/02/01 16.00 09/03/97 6.30 09/03/98 8.50 09/03/99 2.70 09/02/00 11.00 09/03/01 11.00 09/04/97 5.90 09/04/98 106.00 09/04/99 3.10 09/03/00 11.00 09/04/01 10.00 09/05/97 5.70 09/05/98 45.00 09/05/99 627.00 09/04/00 21.00 09/05/01 10.00 09/06/97 5.20 09/06/98 7.20 09/06/99 1270.00 09/05/00 26.00 09/06/01 9.10 09/07/97 5.00 09/07/98 5.10 09/07/99 685.00 09/06/00 12.00 09/07/01 8.50 09/08/97 5.80 09/08/98 10.00 09/08/99 147.00 09/07/00 9.20 09/08/01 8.20 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 44 Appendix 2 continued 09/09/97 7.40 09/09/98 12.00 09/09/99 19.00 09/08/00 8.50 09/09/01 9.40 09/10/97 14.00 09/10/98 6.20 09/10/99 77.00 09/09/00 8.00 09/10/01 11.00 09/11/97 45.00 09/11/98 5.00 09/11/99 18.00 09/10/00 8.00 09/11/01 11.00 09/12/97 12.00 09/12/98 3.80 09/12/99 8.80 09/11/00 8.00 09/12/01 9.30 09/13/97 5.10 09/13/98 3.90 09/13/99 7.30 09/12/00 7.50 09/13/01 9.30 09/14/97 4.20 09/14/98 4.20 09/14/99 7.00 09/13/00 8.00 09/14/01 9.10 09/15/97 4.70 09/15/98 4.40 09/15/99 45.00 09/14/00 9.30 09/15/01 9.40 09/16/97 4.60 09/16/98 4.20 09/16/99 1940.00 09/15/00 12.00 09/16/01 8.60 09/17/97 4.30 09/17/98 4.40 09/17/99 337.00 09/16/00 7.80 09/17/01 8.90 09/18/97 4.30 09/18/98 4.20 09/18/99 35.00 09/17/00 7.80 09/18/01 8.80 09/19/97 4.20 09/19/98 3.60 09/19/99 15.00 09/18/00 8.90 09/19/01 8.70 09/20/97 3.70 09/20/98 3.50 09/20/99 11.00 09/19/00 11.00 09/20/01 8.60 09/21/97 3.30 09/21/98 4.10 09/21/99 10.00 09/20/00 10.00 09/21/01 9.50 09/22/97 3.80 09/22/98 4.30 09/22/99 124.00 09/21/00 9.60 09/22/01 8.50 09/23/97 3.90 09/23/98 4.10 09/23/99 37.00 09/22/00 9.40 09/23/01 8.30 09/24/97 10.00 09/24/98 4.00 09/24/99 12.00 09/23/00 17.00 09/24/01 19.00 09/25/97 20.00 09/25/98 4.00 09/25/99 8.60 09/24/00 17.00 09/25/01 34.00 09/26/97 7.60 09/26/98 3.60 09/26/99 7.30 09/25/00 14.00 09/26/01 8.20 09/27/97 4.70 09/27/98 3.40 09/27/99 83.00 09/26/00 74.00 09/27/01 6.20 09/28/97 4.10 09/28/98 4.00 09/28/99 528.00 09/27/00 11.00 09/28/01 5.50 09/29/97 4.90 09/29/98 4.20 09/29/99 734.00 09/28/00 6.90 09/29/01 5.20 09/30/97 4.50 09/30/98 6.60 09/30/99 619.00 09/29/00 6.10 09/30/01 5.40 10/01/97 4.40 10/01/98 5.00 10/01/99 161.00 09/30/00 6.00 10/01/01 5.90 10/02/97 4.10 10/02/98 4.40 10/02/99 21.00 10/01/00 5.80 10/02/01 6.20 10/03/97 4.10 10/03/98 3.60 10/03/99 12.00 10/02/00 6.40 10/03/01 6.40 10/04/97 3.50 10/04/98 3.70 10/04/99 10.00 10/03/00 6.10 10/04/01 6.50 10/05/97 3.30 10/05/98 4.60 10/05/99 9.30 10/04/00 5.80 10/05/01 6.60 10/06/97 3.70 10/06/98 4.50 10/06/99 8.80 10/05/00 5.90 10/06/01 8.20 10/07/97 4.00 10/07/98 4.40 10/07/99 8.10 10/06/00 5.70 10/07/01 9.30 10/08/97 4.30 10/08/98 42.00 10/08/99 7.60 10/07/00 5.00 10/08/01 7.30 10/09/97 4.20 10/09/98 116.00 10/09/99 6.80 10/08/00 4.70 10/09/01 7.10 10/10/97 4.40 10/10/98 15.00 10/10/99 7.20 10/09/00 5.20 10/10/01 7.30 10/11/97 3.80 10/11/98 7.00 10/11/99 16.00 10/10/00 5.20 10/11/01 7.50 10/12/97 3.50 10/12/98 5.80 10/12/99 11.00 10/11/00 5.00 10/12/01 7.40 10/13/97 4.00 10/13/98 5.40 10/13/99 8.90 10/12/00 4.70 10/13/01 7.20 10/14/97 4.50 10/14/98 5.20 10/14/99 9.20 10/13/00 4.40 10/14/01 10.00 10/15/97 6.10 10/15/98 5.10 10/15/99 8.90 10/14/00 4.10 10/15/01 63.00 10/16/97 5.10 10/16/98 5.00 10/16/99 7.50 10/15/00 3.90 10/16/01 11.00 10/17/97 4.80 10/17/98 4.30 10/17/99 25.00 10/16/00 4.70 10/17/01 8.10 10/18/97 4.00 10/18/98 4.30 10/18/99 204.00 10/17/00 4.80 10/18/01 7.20 10/19/97 40.00 10/19/98 5.30 10/19/99 47.00 10/18/00 4.90 10/19/01 6.80 10/20/97 35.00 10/20/98 6.10 10/20/99 19.00 10/19/00 4.80 10/20/01 6.50 10/21/97 9.30 10/21/98 5.80 10/21/99 46.00 10/20/00 4.50 10/21/01 6.30 10/22/97 7.40 10/22/98 6.00 10/22/99 23.00 10/21/00 4.50 10/22/01 7.20 10/23/97 6.80 10/23/98 6.40 10/23/99 14.00 10/22/00 4.50 10/23/01 7.60 10/24/97 6.30 10/24/98 6.10 10/24/99 11.00 10/23/00 5.00 10/24/01 7.70 10/25/97 5.50 10/25/98 6.00 10/25/99 10.00 10/24/00 4.80 10/25/01 8.00 10/26/97 6.20 10/26/98 6.60 10/26/99 10.00 10/25/00 4.70 10/26/01 7.90 10/27/97 12.00 10/27/98 6.80 10/27/99 10.00 10/26/00 4.40 10/27/01 7.20 10/28/97 8.10 10/28/98 6.80 10/28/99 10.00 10/27/00 4.10 10/28/01 7.10 10/29/97 6.60 10/29/98 7.00 10/29/99 10.00 10/28/00 3.60 10/29/01 7.50 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 45 Appendix 2 continued 10/30/97 6.20 10/30/98 7.00 10/30/99 9.30 10/29/00 3.30 10/30/01 7.80 10/31/97 5.90 10/31/98 6.20 10/31/99 9.70 10/30/00 3.40 10/31/01 7.70 11/01/97 11.00 11/01/98 6.10 11/01/99 11.00 10/31/00 3.50 11/01/01 7.30 11/02/97 12.00 11/02/98 6.90 11/02/99 15.00 11/01/00 3.50 11/02/01 7.30 11/03/97 9.80 11/03/98 37.00 11/03/99 18.00 11/02/00 3.70 11/03/01 6.50 11/04/97 8.20 11/04/98 22.00 11/04/99 12.00 11/03/00 3.90 11/04/01 6.50 11/05/97 7.20 11/05/98 10.00 11/05/99 11.00 11/04/00 3.90 11/05/01 7.20 11/06/97 7.00 11/06/98 7.30 11/06/99 10.00 11/05/00 4.50 11/06/01 7.00 11/07/97 7.00 11/07/98 5.90 11/07/99 10.00 11/06/00 5.20 11/07/01 7.10 11/08/97 6.30 11/08/98 5.70 11/08/99 11.00 11/07/00 5.50 11/08/01 7.00 11/09/97 5.90 11/09/98 6.20 11/09/99 11.00 11/08/00 5.90 11/09/01 6.80 11/10/97 6.40 11/10/98 6.50 11/10/99 11.00 11/09/00 6.20 11/10/01 6.80 11/11/97 6.60 11/11/98 6.80 11/11/99 10.00 11/10/00 6.50 11/11/01 5.90 11/12/97 6.90 11/12/98 7.30 11/12/99 10.00 11/11/00 6.50 11/12/01 6.70 11/13/97 25.00 11/13/98 7.00 11/13/99 8.90 11/12/00 6.90 11/13/01 7.10 11/14/97 108.00 11/14/98 6.70 11/14/99 8.50 11/13/00 7.70 11/14/01 7.20 11/15/97 43.00 11/15/98 12.00 11/15/99 8.70 11/14/00 9.90 11/15/01 7.50 11/16/97 13.00 11/16/98 9.90 11/16/99 8.80 11/15/00 7.50 11/16/01 7.40 11/17/97 10.00 11/17/98 19.00 11/17/99 9.50 11/16/00 7.30 11/17/01 6.70 11/18/97 9.10 11/18/98 12.00 11/18/99 10.00 11/17/00 7.30 11/18/01 5.60 11/19/97 8.30 11/19/98 6.70 11/19/99 10.00 11/18/00 7.10 11/19/01 6.10 11/20/97 7.50 11/20/98 5.60 11/20/99 10.00 11/19/00 7.60 11/20/01 6.30 11/21/97 8.20 11/21/98 4.80 11/21/99 10.00 11/20/00 9.80 11/21/01 6.10 11/22/97 259.00 11/22/98 4.30 11/22/99 10.00 11/21/00 8.70 11/22/01 5.30 11/23/97 155.00 11/23/98 4.70 11/23/99 10.00 11/22/00 8.20 11/23/01 4.80 11/24/97 18.00 11/24/98 4.90 11/24/99 10.00 11/23/00 7.40 11/24/01 4.90 11/25/97 12.00 11/25/98 4.70 11/25/99 9.60 11/24/00 7.20 11/25/01 4.80 11/26/97 10.00 11/26/98 4.90 11/26/99 37.00 11/25/00 16.00 11/26/01 4.60 11/27/97 8.60 11/27/98 4.50 11/27/99 146.00 11/26/00 42.00 11/27/01 4.30 11/28/97 7.20 11/28/98 4.00 11/28/99 13.00 11/27/00 6.80 11/28/01 4.20 11/29/97 6.60 11/29/98 4.30 11/29/99 5.20 11/28/00 5.70 11/29/01 4.20 11/30/97 11.00 11/30/98 5.00 11/30/99 4.10 11/29/00 5.50 11/30/01 4.20 12/01/97 18.00 12/01/98 5.10 12/01/99 3.70 11/30/00 5.20 12/01/01 3.90 12/02/97 12.00 12/02/98 4.90 12/02/99 3.20 12/01/00 5.10 12/02/01 3.70 12/03/97 9.50 12/03/98 5.00 12/03/99 3.10 12/02/00 5.10 12/03/01 4.00 12/04/97 8.90 12/04/98 4.60 12/04/99 3.20 12/03/00 5.10 12/04/01 4.00 12/05/97 8.00 12/05/98 4.20 12/05/99 4.10 12/04/00 5.10 12/05/01 4.00 12/06/97 6.80 12/06/98 4.00 12/06/99 6.10 12/05/00 5.20 12/06/01 4.00 12/07/97 5.90 12/07/98 4.50 12/07/99 6.90 12/06/00 5.20 12/07/01 3.90 12/08/97 6.20 12/08/98 5.00 12/08/99 6.40 12/07/00 5.20 12/08/01 3.60 12/09/97 6.80 12/09/98 5.10 12/09/99 6.10 12/08/00 5.40 12/09/01 3.50 12/10/97 21.00 12/10/98 4.90 12/10/99 6.30 12/09/00 5.40 12/10/01 3.90 12/11/97 28.00 12/11/98 4.70 12/11/99 7.30 12/10/00 5.40 12/11/01 17.00 12/12/97 13.00 12/12/98 4.10 12/12/99 5.70 12/11/00 5.60 12/12/01 4.90 12/13/97 9.50 12/13/98 41.00 12/13/99 5.90 12/12/00 5.60 12/13/01 3.10 12/14/97 7.60 12/14/98 62.00 12/14/99 146.00 12/13/00 5.40 12/14/01 2.80 12/15/97 7.40 12/15/98 9.50 12/15/99 183.00 12/14/00 5.70 12/15/01 2.80 12/16/97 7.20 12/16/98 65.00 12/16/99 41.00 12/15/00 5.60 12/16/01 2.80 12/17/97 7.00 12/17/98 25.00 12/17/99 33.00 12/16/00 6.70 12/17/01 3.10 12/18/97 6.80 12/18/98 7.50 12/18/99 29.00 12/17/00 153.00 12/18/01 6.90 12/19/97 6.60 12/19/98 5.00 12/19/99 29.00 12/18/00 170.00 12/19/01 4.60 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 46 Appendix 2 continued 12/20/97 5.60 12/20/98 3.90 12/20/99 31.00 12/19/00 29.00 12/20/01 3.80 12/21/97 5.00 12/21/98 3.70 12/21/99 30.00 12/20/00 29.00 12/21/01 3.70 12/22/97 37.00 12/22/98 3.50 12/22/99 33.00 12/21/00 25.00 12/22/01 3.60 12/23/97 73.00 12/23/98 4.70 12/23/99 30.00 12/22/00 23.00 12/23/01 3.50 12/24/97 31.00 12/24/98 87.00 12/24/99 28.00 12/23/00 21.00 12/24/01 3.80 12/25/97 80.00 12/25/98 229.00 12/25/99 27.00 12/24/00 20.00 12/25/01 3.90 12/26/97 24.00 12/26/98 30.00 12/26/99 26.00 12/25/00 19.00 12/26/01 3.90 12/27/97 57.00 12/27/98 8.20 12/27/99 26.00 12/26/00 19.00 12/27/01 4.10 12/28/97 118.00 12/28/98 6.00 12/28/99 27.00 12/27/00 19.00 12/28/01 4.10 12/29/97 31.00 12/29/98 5.00 12/29/99 27.00 12/28/00 19.00 12/29/01 4.10 12/30/97 26.00 12/30/98 4.70 12/30/99 27.00 12/29/00 18.00 12/30/01 4.10 12/31/97 16.00 12/31/98 4.40 12/31/99 28.00 12/30/00 19.00 12/31/01 4.30 12/31/00 18.00 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 47 Appendix 3. Relationship between Flow and Velocity at the Ambient Station (3660000) The relationship is expressed by V = 0.325 Q 0.24 where V is velocity in ft and Q is discharge rate in cfs. The coefficient of determination (R- Square) is 0.62. (Data Source: USGS). -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Log (Discharge) Lo g ( V e l o c i t y ) Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 48 Appendix 4. Fecal coliform at Durham West Water Treatment Plant (WWTP). Daily Fecal Coliform concentration and Flow data measured for the year 1997 through 2001. Date fecal Flow Date fecal Flow Date fecal Flow #/100ml cfs #/100ml cfs #/100ml cfs 01_01_1997 17.00 4.48 01_01_1999 30.00 3.57 01_01_2001 124.00 3.91 01_02_1997 7.00 5.46 01_02_1999 6.00 12.15 01_02_2001 22.00 4.02 01_03_1997 2.00 5.53 01_03_1999 30.00 26.84 01_03_2001 11.00 4.86 01_04_1997 17.00 4.70 01_04_1999 30.00 7.33 01_04_2001 2.00 4.90 01_05_1997 17.00 5.01 01_05_1999 4.00 5.82 01_05_2001 1.00 4.78 01_06_1997 2.00 5.72 01_06_1999 6.00 5.82 01_06_2001 181.00 4.12 01_07_1997 9.00 5.39 01_07_1999 13.00 5.52 01_07_2001 181.00 4.33 01_08_1997 21.00 5.87 01_08_1999 9.00 5.00 01_08_2001 18.00 5.07 01_09_1997 54.00 21.27 01_09_1999 11.00 4.43 01_09_2001 7.00 5.45 01_10_1997 78.00 7.24 01_10_1999 30.00 4.12 01_10_2001 410.00 5.15 01_11_1997 17.00 5.36 01_11_1999 30.00 5.04 01_11_2001 2600.00 5.15 01_12_1997 17.00 5.03 01_12_1999 30.00 5.07 01_12_2001 145.00 5.46 01_13_1997 15.00 6.25 01_13_1999 15.00 5.20 01_13_2001 181.00 5.04 01_14_1997 12.00 5.89 01_14_1999 8.00 5.40 01_14_2001 181.00 4.69 01_15_1997 27.00 7.12 01_15_1999 6.00 6.05 01_15_2001 181.00 3.71 01_16_1997 42.00 9.14 01_16_1999 22.00 3.50 01_16_2001 45.00 5.04 01_17_1997 29.00 6.59 01_17_1999 10.00 8.22 01_17_2001 38.00 5.01 01_18_1997 17.00 4.94 01_18_1999 30.00 24.23 01_18_2001 43.00 5.07 01_19_1997 17.00 5.03 01_19_1999 30.00 6.87 01_19_2001 4.00 5.26 01_20_1997 17.00 6.19 01_20_1999 26.00 6.56 01_20_2001 181.00 5.37 01_21_1997 6.00 5.82 01_21_1999 12.00 6.11 01_21_2001 181.00 6.50 01_22_1997 6.00 6.43 01_22_1999 190.00 5.69 01_22_2001 34.00 4.10 01_23_1997 6.00 5.98 01_23_1999 11.00 15.18 01_23_2001 11.00 5.45 01_24_1997 3.00 6.62 01_24_1999 30.00 28.67 01_24_2001 40.00 5.69 01_25_1997 17.00 8.18 01_25_1999 30.00 13.85 01_25_2001 9.00 6.03 01_26_1997 17.00 5.04 01_26_1999 4.00 6.51 01_26_2001 38.00 5.23 01_27_1997 8.00 6.34 01_27_1999 8.00 6.45 01_27_2001 181.00 5.77 01_28_1997 2.00 9.25 01_28_1999 29.00 5.77 01_28_2001 181.00 4.55 01_29_1997 17.00 6.78 01_29_1999 210.00 5.89 01_29_2001 27.00 4.66 01_30_1997 5.00 6.76 01_30_1999 2.00 4.70 01_30_2001 31.00 5.63 01_31_1997 6.00 6.42 01_31_1999 30.00 4.16 01_31_2001 278.00 6.11 02_01_1997 340.00 5.37 02_01_1999 4.00 8.34 02_01_2001 24.00 5.35 02_02_1997 340.00 5.38 02_02_1999 22.00 6.44 02_02_2001 23.00 5.45 02_03_1997 4.00 6.21 02_03_1999 8.00 6.13 02_03_2001 151.00 5.77 02_04_1997 3.00 5.87 02_04_1999 3.00 5.88 02_04_2001 151.00 4.61 02_05_1997 340.00 5.96 02_05_1999 62.00 4.95 02_05_2001 55.00 4.38 02_06_1997 8.00 6.02 02_06_1999 683.00 4.98 02_06_2001 31.00 5.76 02_07_1997 11.00 6.12 02_07_1999 683.00 5.57 02_07_2001 41.00 5.48 02_08_1997 340.00 6.41 02_08_1999 94.00 5.51 02_08_2001 60.00 5.40 02_09_1997 340.00 5.46 02_09_1999 6000.00 5.51 02_09_2001 300.00 5.35 02_10_1997 21.00 6.24 02_10_1999 1200.00 5.31 02_10_2001 151.00 5.34 02_11_1997 26.00 6.21 02_11_1999 1170.00 5.55 02_11_2001 151.00 4.35 02_12_1997 99.00 5.90 02_12_1999 305.00 5.55 02_12_2001 27.00 4.72 02_13_1997 37.00 9.66 02_13_1999 683.00 4.21 02_13_2001 37.00 6.03 02_14_1997 207.00 13.07 02_14_1999 683.00 3.88 02_14_2001 58.00 6.30 02_15_1997 340.00 9.93 02_15_1999 4.00 4.98 02_15_2001 41.00 6.64 02_16_1997 340.00 6.89 02_16_1999 1310.00 5.31 02_16_2001 24.00 6.39 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 49 Appendix 4 continued 02_17_1997 340.00 6.60 02_17_1999 1900.00 5.68 02_17_2001 151.00 10.78 02_18_1997 3.00 6.68 02_18_1999 40.00 6.47 02_18_2001 151.00 23.50 02_19_1997 24.00 6.29 02_19_1999 1060.00 8.42 02_19_2001 47.00 5.37 02_20_1997 17.00 6.54 02_20_1999 683.00 6.53 02_20_2001 46.00 6.28 02_21_1997 2150.00 6.67 02_21_1999 683.00 4.84 02_21_2001 21.00 6.16 02_22_1997 340.00 5.00 02_22_1999 14.00 5.66 02_22_2001 1900.00 5.79 02_23_1997 340.00 4.50 02_23_1999 72.00 5.55 02_23_2001 29.00 7.91 02_24_1997 7.00 5.86 02_24_1999 27.00 5.54 02_24_2001 151.00 6.19 02_25_1997 2640.00 5.78 02_25_1999 42.00 5.49 02_25_2001 151.00 5.55 02_26_1997 780.00 6.14 02_26_1999 320.00 5.32 02_26_2001 36.00 5.77 02_27_1997 78.00 6.22 02_27_1999 683.00 4.69 02_27_2001 173.00 6.25 02_28_1997 17.00 6.75 02_28_1999 568.00 4.83 02_28_2001 48.00 6.00 03_01_1997 218.00 5.73 03_01_1999 15.00 5.88 03_01_2001 31.00 5.96 03_02_1997 218.00 5.33 03_02_1999 136.00 5.74 03_02_2001 40.00 5.89 03_03_1997 46.00 6.85 03_03_1999 1200.00 5.59 03_03_2001 367.00 5.80 03_04_1997 400.00 6.13 03_04_1999 2100.00 5.21 03_04_2001 367.00 9.50 03_05_1997 380.00 6.87 03_05_1999 29.00 5.03 03_05_2001 13.00 18.58 03_06_1997 1070.00 6.63 03_06_1999 568.00 4.12 03_06_2001 33.00 7.36 03_07_1997 190.00 6.14 03_07_1999 568.00 3.76 03_07_2001 14.00 6.47 03_08_1997 218.00 4.96 03_08_1999 3200.00 5.09 03_08_2001 54.00 5.89 03_09_1997 218.00 4.88 03_09_1999 3600.00 5.18 03_09_2001 33.00 6.02 03_10_1997 380.00 6.26 03_10_1999 27.00 5.23 03_10_2001 367.00 5.48 03_11_1997 270.00 5.96 03_11_1999 220.00 5.60 03_11_2001 367.00 4.81 03_12_1997 250.00 6.02 03_12_1999 46.00 4.44 03_12_2001 480.00 4.78 03_13_1997 222.00 6.26 03_13_1999 568.00 4.02 03_13_2001 41.00 6.19 03_14_1997 600.00 7.63 03_14_1999 568.00 16.74 03_14_2001 210.00 7.41 03_15_1997 218.00 5.21 03_15_1999 92.00 21.04 03_15_2001 29.00 3.62 03_16_1997 218.00 4.82 03_16_1999 86.00 6.65 03_16_2001 45.00 6.19 03_17_1997 48.00 5.97 03_17_1999 35.00 6.28 03_17_2001 367.00 5.52 03_18_1997 27.00 6.57 03_18_1999 420.00 5.97 03_18_2001 367.00 4.47 03_19_1997 110.00 11.15 03_19_1999 69.00 5.34 03_19_2001 58.00 4.29 03_20_1997 80.00 8.01 03_20_1999 568.00 4.33 03_20_2001 136.00 5.32 03_21_1997 118.00 6.79 03_21_1999 568.00 26.29 03_21_2001 367.00 18.12 03_22_1997 218.00 5.30 03_22_1999 1040.00 13.57 03_22_2001 6200.00 28.14 03_23_1997 218.00 4.92 03_23_1999 74.00 6.56 03_23_2001 39.00 11.43 03_24_1997 20.00 5.83 03_24_1999 16.00 6.30 03_24_2001 54.00 7.27 03_25_1997 85.00 6.06 03_25_1999 20.00 6.19 03_25_2001 42.00 5.91 03_26_1997 23.00 6.13 03_26_1999 13.00 5.97 03_26_2001 55.00 5.60 03_27_1997 9.00 5.66 03_27_1999 568.00 4.66 03_27_2001 58.00 5.77 03_28_1997 218.00 5.92 03_28_1999 568.00 4.33 03_28_2001 56.00 5.82 03_29_1997 218.00 4.48 03_29_1999 6.00 6.17 03_29_2001 210.00 6.22 03_30_1997 218.00 4.10 03_30_1999 607.00 5.31 03_30_2001 510.00 27.45 03_31_1997 28.00 5.33 03_31_1999 9.00 5.57 03_31_2001 367.00 20.59 04_01_1997 104.00 5.74 04_01_1999 136.00 19.84 04_01_2001 135.00 4.21 04_02_1997 232.00 5.59 04_02_1999 423.00 7.98 04_02_2001 135.00 4.21 04_03_1997 52.00 5.38 04_03_1999 423.00 5.11 04_03_2001 25.00 7.44 04_04_1997 108.00 5.69 04_04_1999 423.00 4.81 04_04_2001 91.00 6.42 04_05_1997 43.00 4.64 04_05_1999 56.00 5.37 04_05_2001 600.00 5.72 04_06_1997 43.00 4.84 04_06_1999 36.00 5.42 04_06_2001 100.00 6.92 04_07_1997 4.00 5.46 04_07_1999 60.00 5.42 04_07_2001 54.00 6.11 04_08_1997 43.00 5.44 04_08_1999 230.00 5.26 04_08_2001 135.00 5.89 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 50 Appendix 4 continued 04_09_1997 7.00 5.30 04_09_1999 44.00 5.49 04_09_2001 91.00 6.68 04_10_1997 25.00 5.34 04_10_1999 423.00 4.21 04_10_2001 360.00 5.96 04_11_1997 20.00 5.24 04_11_1999 423.00 9.04 04_11_2001 40.00 5.68 04_12_1997 43.00 5.41 04_12_1999 38.00 5.68 04_12_2001 40.00 5.37 04_13_1997 43.00 4.59 04_13_1999 205.00 5.29 04_13_2001 57.00 4.60 04_14_1997 13.00 5.77 04_14_1999 29.00 5.21 04_14_2001 135.00 3.93 04_15_1997 4.00 5.48 04_15_1999 10.00 5.46 04_15_2001 135.00 4.02 04_16_1997 12.00 5.63 04_16_1999 8.00 5.18 04_16_2001 19.00 5.11 04_17_1997 12.00 5.65 04_17_1999 423.00 4.25 04_17_2001 84.00 5.43 04_18_1997 5.00 5.47 04_18_1999 423.00 4.19 04_18_2001 42.00 7.01 04_19_1997 43.00 4.17 04_19_1999 69.00 5.04 04_19_2001 21.00 5.94 04_20_1997 43.00 4.11 04_20_1999 380.00 4.92 04_20_2001 9.00 5.04 04_21_1997 7.00 6.00 04_21_1999 280.00 5.09 04_21_2001 135.00 4.60 04_22_1997 9.00 7.58 04_22_1999 2400.00 5.11 04_22_2001 135.00 4.50 04_23_1997 5.00 8.17 04_23_1999 1740.00 5.25 04_23_2001 91.00 5.37 04_24_1997 42.00 6.64 04_24_1999 423.00 3.84 04_24_2001 600.00 5.94 04_25_1997 22.00 6.08 04_25_1999 423.00 3.65 04_25_2001 73.00 5.86 04_26_1997 43.00 4.47 04_26_1999 160.00 5.42 04_26_2001 39.00 5.12 04_27_1997 43.00 7.32 04_27_1999 2600.00 5.18 04_27_2001 217.00 5.01 04_28_1997 165.00 12.93 04_28_1999 260.00 5.88 04_28_2001 135.00 4.33 04_29_1997 43.00 18.23 04_29_1999 120.00 14.71 04_29_2001 135.00 3.85 04_30_1997 9.00 6.97 04_30_1999 20.00 17.78 04_30_2001 185.00 5.26 05_01_1997 56.00 8.28 05_01_1999 129.00 4.90 05_01_2001 70.00 5.14 05_02_1997 5.00 6.70 05_02_1999 129.00 4.60 05_02_2001 220.00 5.14 05_03_1997 7.00 6.30 05_03_1999 7.00 5.43 05_03_2001 136.00 5.11 05_04_1997 39.00 5.25 05_04_1999 10.00 5.32 05_04_2001 110.00 5.09 05_05_1997 2.00 6.18 05_05_1999 20.00 5.46 05_05_2001 128.00 4.16 05_06_1997 8.00 6.22 05_06_1999 9.00 5.63 05_06_2001 128.00 3.98 05_07_1997 470.00 5.94 05_07_1999 20.00 5.72 05_07_2001 40.00 5.31 05_08_1997 6.00 5.83 05_08_1999 129.00 4.27 05_08_2001 9.00 4.77 05_09_1997 1.00 5.84 05_09_1999 129.00 4.08 05_09_2001 580.00 5.17 05_10_1997 39.00 4.37 05_10_1999 50.00 5.25 05_10_2001 118.00 6.25 05_11_1997 39.00 4.53 05_11_1999 23.00 5.06 05_11_2001 133.00 5.86 05_12_1997 6.00 5.64 05_12_1999 70.00 5.21 05_12_2001 128.00 5.42 05_13_1997 58.00 5.66 05_13_1999 53.00 5.28 05_13_2001 128.00 4.90 05_14_1997 17.00 6.04 05_14_1999 128.00 5.40 05_14_2001 44.00 5.38 05_15_1997 50.00 5.17 05_15_1999 129.00 3.70 05_15_2001 38.00 6.19 05_16_1997 13.00 5.08 05_16_1999 129.00 4.08 05_16_2001 410.00 6.70 05_17_1997 39.00 4.34 05_17_1999 64.00 5.09 05_17_2001 100.00 5.49 05_18_1997 39.00 4.09 05_18_1999 1200.00 5.34 05_18_2001 46.00 6.33 05_19_1997 9.00 5.66 05_19_1999 564.00 6.93 05_19_2001 128.00 5.18 05_20_1997 2.00 5.65 05_20_1999 5.00 5.48 05_20_2001 128.00 5.12 05_21_1997 9.00 5.18 05_21_1999 6.00 4.87 05_21_2001 33.00 6.24 05_22_1997 1.00 5.06 05_22_1999 129.00 4.56 05_22_2001 200.00 6.00 05_23_1997 3.00 4.86 05_23_1999 129.00 4.30 05_23_2001 72.00 5.32 05_24_1997 39.00 4.52 05_24_1999 72.00 5.09 05_24_2001 48.00 4.87 05_25_1997 39.00 4.91 05_25_1999 200.00 5.04 05_25_2001 220.00 5.34 05_26_1997 39.00 4.71 05_26_1999 11.00 5.14 05_26_2001 128.00 5.86 05_27_1997 110.00 5.48 05_27_1999 13.00 4.92 05_27_2001 128.00 4.39 05_28_1997 17.00 5.21 05_28_1999 52.00 4.36 05_28_2001 128.00 5.28 05_29_1997 4.00 5.34 05_29_1999 129.00 3.40 05_29_2001 80.00 5.79 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 51 Appendix 4 continued 05_30_1997 5.00 5.42 05_30_1999 129.00 3.30 05_30_2001 70.00 5.63 05_31_1997 39.00 4.51 05_31_1999 129.00 3.65 05_31_2001 34.00 5.43 06_01_1997 18.00 5.24 06_01_1999 36.00 4.83 06_01_2001 25.00 22.31 06_02_1997 3.00 6.71 06_02_1999 88.00 5.07 06_02_2001 102.00 11.56 06_03_1997 8.00 6.24 06_03_1999 4.00 5.12 06_03_2001 102.00 5.49 06_04_1997 18.00 6.00 06_04_1999 46.00 4.75 06_04_2001 28.00 6.10 06_05_1997 7.00 5.39 06_05_1999 113.00 4.47 06_05_2001 43.00 6.56 06_06_1997 23.00 5.82 06_06_1999 113.00 3.30 06_06_2001 136.00 6.45 06_07_1997 18.00 5.82 06_07_1999 4.00 5.18 06_07_2001 112.00 5.82 06_08_1997 18.00 4.34 06_08_1999 16.00 5.37 06_08_2001 500.00 6.30 06_09_1997 7.00 5.18 06_09_1999 23.00 6.07 06_09_2001 102.00 6.28 06_10_1997 71.00 5.46 06_10_1999 72.00 5.46 06_10_2001 102.00 3.93 06_11_1997 4.00 5.47 06_11_1999 5.00 5.26 06_11_2001 62.00 6.11 06_12_1997 9.00 6.12 06_12_1999 113.00 3.91 06_12_2001 8.00 5.96 06_13_1997 6.00 6.41 06_13_1999 113.00 3.98 06_13_2001 23.00 6.84 06_14_1997 18.00 4.32 06_14_1999 693.00 2.10 06_14_2001 23.00 19.77 06_15_1997 18.00 4.18 06_15_1999 19.00 4.69 06_15_2001 76.00 8.49 06_16_1997 1.00 4.18 06_16_1999 108.00 7.02 06_16_2001 102.00 6.10 06_17_1997 18.00 5.25 06_17_1999 81.00 5.35 06_17_2001 102.00 5.71 06_18_1997 4.00 5.82 06_18_1999 42.00 5.28 06_18_2001 25.00 6.08 06_19_1997 4.00 5.62 06_19_1999 113.00 4.50 06_19_2001 8.00 6.10 06_20_1997 13.00 5.62 06_20_1999 113.00 4.50 06_20_2001 23.00 5.77 06_21_1997 18.00 4.95 06_21_1999 13.00 5.37 06_21_2001 109.00 6.19 06_22_1997 18.00 4.67 06_22_1999 25.00 5.37 06_22_2001 31.00 6.67 06_23_1997 23.00 3.87 06_23_1999 111.00 5.23 06_23_2001 102.00 6.10 06_24_1997 4.00 5.80 06_24_1999 420.00 5.42 06_24_2001 102.00 6.10 06_25_1997 12.00 5.12 06_25_1999 98.00 5.62 06_25_2001 57.00 6.20 06_26_1997 56.00 6.00 06_26_1999 113.00 4.89 06_26_2001 210.00 6.03 06_27_1997 15.00 5.60 06_27_1999 113.00 9.73 06_27_2001 250.00 6.20 06_28_1997 18.00 4.17 06_28_1999 99.00 5.97 06_28_2001 220.00 6.03 06_29_1997 18.00 4.04 06_29_1999 174.00 5.97 06_29_2001 182.00 5.77 06_30_1997 64.00 5.50 06_30_1999 300.00 6.20 06_30_2001 102.00 5.77 07_01_1997 25.00 6.14 07_01_1999 213.00 6.36 07_01_2001 359.00 5.01 07_02_1997 7.00 5.90 07_02_1999 25.00 6.07 07_02_2001 360.00 5.38 07_03_1997 12.00 5.40 07_03_1999 113.00 4.29 07_03_2001 1700.00 5.52 07_04_1997 47.00 4.19 07_04_1999 113.00 4.36 07_04_2001 359.00 4.80 07_05_1997 47.00 4.02 07_05_1999 113.00 4.78 07_05_2001 530.00 6.03 07_06_1997 47.00 4.14 07_06_1999 18.00 5.82 07_06_2001 1000.00 4.83 07_07_1997 4.00 5.27 07_07_1999 6.00 5.69 07_07_2001 900.00 4.58 07_08_1997 3.00 5.27 07_08_1999 105.00 5.48 07_08_2001 359.00 5.32 07_09_1997 25.00 5.27 07_09_1999 56.00 5.93 07_09_2001 230.00 5.91 07_10_1997 45.00 5.54 07_10_1999 113.00 5.03 07_10_2001 280.00 5.62 07_11_1997 47.00 5.01 07_11_1999 113.00 4.94 07_11_2001 520.00 5.45 07_12_1997 47.00 3.74 07_12_1999 54.00 6.11 07_12_2001 249.00 4.90 07_13_1997 47.00 4.06 07_13_1999 83.00 6.78 07_13_2001 211.00 5.12 07_14_1997 134.00 5.38 07_14_1999 217.00 7.06 07_14_2001 263.00 4.08 07_15_1997 66.00 5.66 07_15_1999 105.00 6.33 07_15_2001 359.00 3.93 07_16_1997 14.00 6.51 07_16_1999 109.00 5.88 07_16_2001 176.00 5.34 07_17_1997 24.00 5.99 07_17_1999 113.00 4.70 07_17_2001 88.00 4.84 07_18_1997 9.00 5.99 07_18_1999 113.00 4.69 07_18_2001 97.00 5.99 07_19_1997 47.00 4.59 07_19_1999 266.00 5.99 07_19_2001 282.00 5.74 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 52 Appendix 4 continued 07_20_1997 47.00 4.48 07_20_1999 210.00 6.13 07_20_2001 4.00 5.01 07_21_1997 4.00 5.92 07_21_1999 195.00 6.07 07_21_2001 359.00 4.95 07_22_1997 27.00 7.09 07_22_1999 15.00 6.08 07_22_2001 359.00 4.12 07_23_1997 96.00 7.29 07_23_1999 292.00 5.57 07_23_2001 230.00 5.51 07_24_1997 47.00 14.25 07_24_1999 113.00 4.78 07_24_2001 95.00 5.79 07_25_1997 212.00 7.11 07_25_1999 113.00 4.53 07_25_2001 110.00 5.80 07_26_1997 84.00 5.49 07_26_1999 73.00 4.61 07_26_2001 200.00 7.61 07_27_1997 47.00 1.86 07_27_1999 204.00 5.48 07_27_2001 359.00 22.78 07_28_1997 47.00 7.34 07_28_1999 35.00 5.43 07_28_2001 359.00 4.47 07_29_1997 29.00 5.61 07_29_1999 40.00 5.71 07_29_2001 359.00 5.43 07_30_1997 115.00 5.98 07_30_1999 46.00 5.54 07_30_2001 359.00 5.89 07_31_1997 6.00 5.93 07_31_1999 113.00 4.60 07_31_2001 11.00 5.60 08_01_1997 28.00 5.53 08_01_1999 143.00 4.52 08_01_2001 151.00 5.94 08_02_1997 28.00 4.21 08_02_1999 73.00 5.03 08_02_2001 4.00 4.52 08_03_1997 28.00 4.25 08_03_1999 265.00 5.06 08_03_2001 73.00 5.20 08_04_1997 5.00 5.92 08_04_1999 1200.00 5.60 08_04_2001 151.00 4.94 08_05_1997 50.00 5.99 08_05_1999 73.00 5.32 08_05_2001 151.00 4.66 08_06_1997 28.00 5.26 08_06_1999 31.00 4.36 08_06_2001 11.00 5.80 08_07_1997 56.00 5.27 08_07_1999 143.00 4.19 08_07_2001 2.00 5.37 08_08_1997 2.00 5.19 08_08_1999 143.00 5.29 08_08_2001 320.00 5.72 08_09_1997 28.00 4.08 08_09_1999 40.00 5.29 08_09_2001 720.00 5.54 08_10_1997 28.00 4.13 08_10_1999 225.00 5.43 08_10_2001 28.00 5.37 08_11_1997 2.00 5.82 08_11_1999 80.00 5.32 08_11_2001 151.00 7.91 08_12_1997 21.00 5.89 08_12_1999 15.00 5.42 08_12_2001 151.00 6.70 08_13_1997 18.00 5.71 08_13_1999 14.00 5.49 08_13_2001 12.00 6.82 08_14_1997 25.00 5.95 08_14_1999 143.00 5.83 08_14_2001 28.00 6.00 08_15_1997 170.00 5.59 08_15_1999 143.00 4.69 08_15_2001 38.00 5.55 08_16_1997 28.00 4.95 08_16_1999 66.00 5.69 08_16_2001 43.00 5.85 08_17_1997 28.00 4.60 08_17_1999 29.00 6.03 08_17_2001 29.00 5.55 08_18_1997 9.00 5.73 08_18_1999 42.00 5.74 08_18_2001 151.00 5.32 08_19_1997 9.00 5.26 08_19_1999 23.00 5.69 08_19_2001 151.00 6.58 08_20_1997 23.00 5.85 08_20_1999 42.00 5.29 08_20_2001 100.00 3.78 08_21_1997 11.00 5.78 08_21_1999 143.00 4.44 08_21_2001 590.00 5.38 08_22_1997 4.00 5.27 08_22_1999 143.00 4.04 08_22_2001 510.00 5.42 08_23_1997 28.00 3.98 08_23_1999 45.00 5.59 08_23_2001 81.00 6.05 08_24_1997 28.00 3.93 08_24_1999 42.00 5.68 08_24_2001 151.00 4.97 08_25_1997 6.00 5.35 08_25_1999 91.00 6.93 08_25_2001 151.00 4.38 08_26_1997 30.00 5.25 08_26_1999 210.00 9.13 08_26_2001 151.00 4.97 08_27_1997 64.00 5.25 08_27_1999 310.00 6.16 08_27_2001 60.00 5.31 08_28_1997 14.00 5.61 08_28_1999 143.00 4.60 08_28_2001 140.00 6.08 08_29_1997 12.00 4.67 08_29_1999 143.00 4.60 08_29_2001 36.00 6.02 08_30_1997 28.00 3.91 08_30_1999 125.00 4.98 08_30_2001 43.00 19.74 08_31_1997 28.00 4.20 08_31_1999 106.00 4.98 08_31_2001 310.00 6.44 09_01_1997 69.00 4.31 09_01_1999 216.00 4.83 09_01_2001 181.00 5.57 09_02_1997 1.00 5.58 09_02_1999 142.00 5.01 09_02_2001 181.00 4.84 09_03_1997 4.00 5.47 09_03_1999 44.00 4.60 09_03_2001 181.00 4.87 09_04_1997 5.00 4.40 09_04_1999 423.00 12.55 09_04_2001 170.00 5.82 09_05_1997 5.00 4.73 09_05_1999 423.00 25.27 09_05_2001 385.00 5.93 09_06_1997 69.00 3.91 09_06_1999 423.00 29.23 09_06_2001 200.00 5.00 09_07_1997 69.00 3.87 09_07_1999 1200.00 21.74 09_07_2001 520.00 4.84 09_08_1997 8.00 5.23 09_08_1999 1200.00 8.97 09_08_2001 181.00 4.39 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 53 Appendix 4 continued 09_09_1997 42.00 6.14 09_09_1999 60.00 10.82 09_09_2001 181.00 4.83 09_10_1997 116.00 7.72 09_10_1999 78.00 6.62 09_10_2001 110.00 5.74 09_11_1997 112.00 6.25 09_11_1999 423.00 5.31 09_11_2001 340.00 4.69 09_12_1997 218.00 5.26 09_12_1999 423.00 4.87 09_12_2001 18.00 4.92 09_13_1997 69.00 3.99 09_13_1999 5.00 6.24 09_13_2001 49.00 4.66 09_14_1997 69.00 4.17 09_14_1999 102.00 7.23 09_14_2001 94.00 4.15 09_15_1997 3.00 5.44 09_15_1999 600.00 21.23 09_15_2001 181.00 4.15 09_16_1997 3.00 5.26 09_16_1999 423.00 27.66 09_16_2001 181.00 4.15 09_17_1997 6.00 5.23 09_17_1999 740.00 10.66 09_17_2001 181.00 4.94 09_18_1997 69.00 5.52 09_18_1999 447.00 9.05 09_18_2001 70.00 4.84 09_19_1997 3.00 5.50 09_19_1999 423.00 9.21 09_19_2001 12.00 4.75 09_20_1997 69.00 4.41 09_20_1999 171.00 7.50 09_20_2001 120.00 5.12 09_21_1997 69.00 3.61 09_21_1999 1200.00 9.41 09_21_2001 240.00 4.87 09_22_1997 69.00 4.81 09_22_1999 384.00 10.38 09_22_2001 181.00 4.39 09_23_1997 69.00 5.20 09_23_1999 52.00 6.20 09_23_2001 181.00 4.44 09_24_1997 68.00 6.50 09_24_1999 41.00 5.57 09_24_2001 10.00 7.26 09_25_1997 3.00 5.76 09_25_1999 423.00 4.75 09_25_2001 86.00 4.94 09_26_1997 6.00 5.32 09_26_1999 423.00 4.86 09_26_2001 390.00 4.66 09_27_1997 69.00 4.52 09_27_1999 112.00 26.60 09_27_2001 295.00 5.15 09_28_1997 69.00 4.52 09_28_1999 520.00 27.70 09_28_2001 155.00 4.90 09_29_1997 19.00 5.35 09_29_1999 1200.00 28.08 09_29_2001 181.00 4.55 09_30_1997 1100.00 4.97 09_30_1999 380.00 22.67 09_30_2001 181.00 4.50 10_01_1997 575.00 4.65 10_01_1999 188.00 7.71 10_01_2001 8.00 5.38 10_02_1997 870.00 5.11 10_02_1999 47.00 5.60 10_02_2001 42.00 5.38 10_03_1997 720.00 4.74 10_03_1999 47.00 5.21 10_03_2001 23.00 5.00 10_04_1997 211.00 3.73 10_04_1999 50.00 6.16 10_04_2001 17.00 5.00 10_05_1997 211.00 3.91 10_05_1999 42.00 5.63 10_05_2001 63.00 5.26 10_06_1997 4.00 4.87 10_06_1999 48.00 5.46 10_06_2001 30.00 4.43 10_07_1997 3.00 5.21 10_07_1999 86.00 5.46 10_07_2001 30.00 3.84 10_08_1997 10.00 5.29 10_08_1999 92.00 4.97 10_08_2001 3.00 4.47 10_09_1997 4.00 5.28 10_09_1999 47.00 5.29 10_09_2001 7.00 4.58 10_10_1997 211.00 5.34 10_10_1999 47.00 5.29 10_10_2001 64.00 4.89 10_11_1997 211.00 3.87 10_11_1999 36.00 6.33 10_11_2001 155.00 5.00 10_12_1997 211.00 3.98 10_12_1999 50.00 5.60 10_12_2001 2.00 4.32 10_13_1997 211.00 4.61 10_13_1999 84.00 5.54 10_13_2001 30.00 4.10 10_14_1997 22.00 5.62 10_14_1999 16.00 5.49 10_14_2001 30.00 6.75 10_15_1997 64.00 4.98 10_15_1999 46.00 5.20 10_15_2001 82.00 5.15 10_16_1997 102.00 5.04 10_16_1999 47.00 4.69 10_16_2001 12.00 4.92 10_17_1997 5.00 4.57 10_17_1999 47.00 16.69 10_17_2001 2.00 4.70 10_18_1997 211.00 3.80 10_18_1999 11.00 11.37 10_18_2001 15.00 4.50 10_19_1997 211.00 6.24 10_19_1999 6.00 7.04 10_19_2001 18.00 4.69 10_20_1997 5.00 5.14 10_20_1999 60.00 7.77 10_20_2001 30.00 4.15 10_21_1997 121.00 5.33 10_21_1999 33.00 7.41 10_21_2001 30.00 4.41 10_22_1997 126.00 5.05 10_22_1999 9.00 6.14 10_22_2001 15.00 4.92 10_23_1997 27.00 4.83 10_23_1999 47.00 5.23 10_23_2001 25.00 5.18 10_24_1997 100.00 5.00 10_24_1999 47.00 4.63 10_24_2001 64.00 5.18 10_25_1997 211.00 4.40 10_25_1999 27.00 5.68 10_25_2001 1.00 4.72 10_26_1997 211.00 4.88 10_26_1999 26.00 5.74 10_26_2001 5.00 4.38 10_27_1997 54.00 5.10 10_27_1999 34.00 5.79 10_27_2001 30.00 4.13 10_28_1997 5.00 4.78 10_28_1999 25.00 5.48 10_28_2001 30.00 4.32 10_29_1997 190.00 4.92 10_29_1999 23.00 5.40 10_29_2001 11.00 4.32 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 54 Appendix 4 continued 10_30_1997 820.00 5.01 10_30_1999 47.00 4.78 10_30_2001 40.00 5.06 10_31_1997 600.00 5.05 10_31_1999 47.00 4.56 10_31_2001 27.00 4.97 11_01_1997 94.00 4.63 11_01_1999 22.00 5.55 11_01_2001 29.00 5.57 11_02_1997 94.00 4.16 11_02_1999 600.00 5.97 11_02_2001 56.00 5.60 11_03_1997 170.00 4.90 11_03_1999 35.00 5.18 11_03_2001 1283.00 4.55 11_04_1997 7.00 4.68 11_04_1999 42.00 5.18 11_04_2001 1283.00 4.25 11_05_1997 8.00 4.99 11_05_1999 12.00 5.46 11_05_2001 2.00 4.81 11_06_1997 5.00 4.86 11_06_1999 47.00 4.25 11_06_2001 64.00 4.84 11_07_1997 15.00 4.92 11_07_1999 47.00 4.29 11_07_2001 1300.00 4.63 11_08_1997 94.00 3.81 11_08_1999 16.00 5.45 11_08_2001 6000.00 4.75 11_09_1997 94.00 3.78 11_09_1999 27.00 5.37 11_09_2001 600.00 5.09 11_10_1997 94.00 4.65 11_10_1999 83.00 4.67 11_10_2001 6000.00 4.92 11_11_1997 94.00 4.87 11_11_1999 14.00 5.34 11_11_2001 1283.00 3.87 11_12_1997 25.00 5.53 11_12_1999 18.00 4.95 11_12_2001 1283.00 5.23 11_13_1997 20.00 5.78 11_13_1999 4.00 4.29 11_13_2001 32.00 5.57 11_14_1997 109.00 4.33 11_14_1999 47.00 4.38 11_14_2001 42.00 5.45 11_15_1997 94.00 4.71 11_15_1999 31.00 5.25 11_15_2001 30.00 5.25 11_16_1997 94.00 3.83 11_16_1999 5.00 5.25 11_16_2001 40.00 4.90 11_17_1997 76.00 4.97 11_17_1999 7.00 5.23 11_17_2001 1283.00 4.18 11_18_1997 50.00 4.82 11_18_1999 3.00 5.28 11_18_2001 1283.00 4.33 11_19_1997 2.00 5.02 11_19_1999 15.00 5.45 11_19_2001 1.00 4.95 11_20_1997 156.00 5.02 11_20_1999 47.00 4.35 11_20_2001 3.00 5.18 11_21_1997 730.00 8.75 11_21_1999 47.00 4.38 11_21_2001 550.00 5.04 11_22_1997 94.00 6.85 11_22_1999 10.00 5.34 11_22_2001 1283.00 3.79 11_23_1997 94.00 5.08 11_23_1999 1.00 5.38 11_23_2001 1283.00 4.33 11_24_1997 70.00 5.54 11_24_1999 3.00 5.06 11_24_2001 1283.00 4.52 11_25_1997 52.00 5.50 11_25_1999 47.00 4.10 11_25_2001 1283.00 4.60 11_26_1997 13.00 5.59 11_26_1999 47.00 16.08 11_26_2001 41.00 6.24 11_27_1997 94.00 3.20 11_27_1999 47.00 6.30 11_27_2001 6000.00 5.09 11_28_1997 94.00 3.90 11_28_1999 47.00 4.47 11_28_2001 4700.00 5.40 11_29_1997 94.00 4.02 11_29_1999 1.00 5.60 11_29_2001 100.00 5.15 11_30_1997 54.00 4.94 11_30_1999 56.00 5.45 11_30_2001 72.00 4.92 12_01_1997 16.00 10.74 12_01_1999 17.00 5.46 12_01_2001 118.00 4.07 12_02_1997 16.00 5.22 12_02_1999 52.00 5.28 12_02_2001 118.00 4.04 12_03_1997 51.00 5.61 12_03_1999 580.00 5.11 12_03_2001 96.00 5.71 12_04_1997 92.00 5.24 12_04_1999 182.00 4.16 12_04_2001 300.00 5.38 12_05_1997 132.00 4.70 12_05_1999 182.00 4.47 12_05_2001 110.00 4.49 12_06_1997 54.00 3.92 12_06_1999 1200.00 4.47 12_06_2001 210.00 4.90 12_07_1997 54.00 3.77 12_07_1999 6.00 5.66 12_07_2001 94.00 4.50 12_08_1997 40.00 5.17 12_08_1999 10.00 5.35 12_08_2001 118.00 3.87 12_09_1997 88.00 5.38 12_09_1999 10.00 5.52 12_09_2001 118.00 3.95 12_10_1997 168.00 6.37 12_10_1999 203.00 5.49 12_10_2001 34.00 5.65 12_11_1997 54.00 5.42 12_11_1999 182.00 4.36 12_11_2001 76.00 5.26 12_12_1997 56.00 5.77 12_12_1999 182.00 4.33 12_12_2001 85.00 5.89 12_13_1997 54.00 4.36 12_13_1999 14.00 7.77 12_13_2001 580.00 4.56 12_14_1997 54.00 4.11 12_14_1999 300.00 24.83 12_14_2001 47.00 4.84 12_15_1997 126.00 5.02 12_15_1999 25.00 6.20 12_15_2001 118.00 3.82 12_16_1997 54.00 5.30 12_16_1999 20.00 5.76 12_16_2001 118.00 3.76 12_17_1997 21.00 5.20 12_17_1999 24.00 5.62 12_17_2001 16.00 5.06 12_18_1997 39.00 5.30 12_18_1999 182.00 4.97 12_18_2001 62.00 4.90 12_19_1997 18.00 4.80 12_19_1999 182.00 4.83 12_19_2001 3.00 5.04 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 55 Appendix 4 continued 12_20_1997 10.00 3.78 12_20_1999 7.00 5.49 12_20_2001 14.00 5.14 12_21_1997 54.00 3.88 12_21_1999 1.00 5.43 12_21_2001 380.00 4.92 12_22_1997 18.00 8.56 12_22_1999 1.00 5.09 12_22_2001 118.00 4.36 12_23_1997 21.00 5.65 12_23_1999 2.00 4.35 12_23_2001 118.00 4.36 12_24_1997 54.00 6.29 12_24_1999 182.00 3.76 12_24_2001 118.00 5.15 12_25_1997 54.00 4.97 12_25_1999 182.00 3.76 12_25_2001 118.00 3.71 12_26_1997 54.00 4.49 12_26_1999 182.00 3.70 12_26_2001 118.00 4.43 12_27_1997 54.00 10.19 12_27_1999 182.00 3.70 12_27_2001 8.00 4.55 12_28_1997 54.00 5.22 12_28_1999 840.00 4.24 12_28_2001 3.00 4.63 12_29_1997 3.00 6.02 12_29_1999 340.00 4.43 12_29_2001 118.00 4.36 12_30_1997 16.00 5.56 12_30_1999 1.00 4.10 12_30_2001 118.00 4.08 12_31_1997 100.00 4.92 12_31_1999 182.00 4.02 12_31_2001 1.00 4.77 01_01_1998 30.00 4.04 01_01_2000 91.00 3.65 01_02_1998 6.00 4.62 01_02_2000 91.00 3.81 01_03_1998 30.00 4.36 01_03_2000 5.00 5.07 01_04_1998 30.00 4.08 01_04_2000 5.00 6.22 01_05_1998 4.00 5.50 01_05_2000 15.00 5.11 01_06_1998 6.00 5.89 01_06_2000 3.00 5.32 01_07_1998 13.00 6.52 01_07_2000 0.90 5.34 01_08_1998 9.00 20.37 01_08_2000 91.00 4.46 01_09_1998 11.00 9.14 01_09_2000 91.00 5.83 01_10_1998 30.00 5.08 01_10_2000 7.30 5.48 01_11_1998 30.00 4.99 01_11_2000 17.30 5.46 01_12_1998 30.00 5.66 01_12_2000 5.50 6.20 01_13_1998 15.00 5.75 01_13_2000 7.30 5.89 01_14_1998 8.00 5.62 01_14_2000 1200.00 5.21 01_15_1998 6.00 13.33 01_15_2000 91.00 4.46 01_16_1998 22.00 26.97 01_16_2000 91.00 4.36 01_17_1998 10.00 8.55 01_17_2000 2.70 5.01 01_18_1998 30.00 5.92 01_18_2000 0.90 4.64 01_19_1998 30.00 18.47 01_19_2000 2.70 5.35 01_20_1998 26.00 9.16 01_20_2000 0.90 6.47 01_21_1998 12.00 7.09 01_21_2000 2.50 6.10 01_22_1998 190.00 8.47 01_22_2000 91.00 4.98 01_23_1998 11.00 22.00 01_23_2000 91.00 6.08 01_24_1998 30.00 8.38 01_24_2000 6.20 7.07 01_25_1998 30.00 5.83 01_25_2000 9.00 6.08 01_26_1998 4.00 6.51 01_26_2000 11.00 5.35 01_27_1998 8.00 22.57 01_27_2000 7.30 4.95 01_28_1998 29.00 15.81 01_28_2000 9.00 3.61 01_29_1998 210.00 8.44 01_29_2000 91.00 4.78 01_30_1998 2.00 7.15 01_30_2000 91.00 17.64 01_31_1998 30.00 5.61 01_31_2000 600.00 12.81 02_01_1998 92.00 5.20 02_01_2000 8.00 7.58 02_02_1998 46.00 6.32 02_02_2000 2.00 6.13 02_03_1998 10.00 16.17 02_03_2000 19.10 6.22 02_04_1998 570.00 19.72 02_04_2000 17.30 6.39 02_05_1998 29.00 10.68 02_05_2000 139.00 4.84 02_06_1998 10.00 7.44 02_06_2000 139.00 4.63 02_07_1998 92.00 6.21 02_07_2000 6.40 4.73 02_08_1998 92.00 5.30 02_08_2000 14.50 4.44 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 56 Appendix 4 continued 02_09_1998 13.00 6.13 02_09_2000 16.40 4.61 02_10_1998 12.00 6.08 02_10_2000 7.80 4.39 02_11_1998 42.00 6.59 02_11_2000 7.30 4.30 02_12_1998 4.00 6.41 02_12_2000 139.00 5.59 02_13_1998 6.00 5.87 02_13_2000 139.00 3.67 02_14_1998 92.00 4.87 02_14_2000 23.60 5.20 02_15_1998 92.00 4.73 02_15_2000 26.00 4.95 02_16_1998 5.00 15.80 02_16_2000 41.00 5.40 02_17_1998 44.00 27.23 02_17_2000 221.00 6.47 02_18_1998 4.00 12.00 02_18_2000 136.00 10.13 02_19_1998 4.00 7.28 02_19_2000 139.00 6.14 02_20_1998 4.00 6.29 02_20_2000 139.00 5.93 02_21_1998 92.00 5.16 02_21_2000 33.90 6.37 02_22_1998 92.00 5.22 02_22_2000 1040.00 6.53 02_23_1998 15.00 12.31 02_23_2000 240.00 5.68 02_24_1998 8.00 6.75 02_24_2000 757.00 5.60 02_25_1998 650.00 6.06 02_25_2000 228.00 5.38 02_26_1998 320.00 5.99 02_26_2000 139.00 5.52 02_27_1998 46.00 6.19 02_27_2000 139.00 15.86 02_28_1998 92.00 5.15 02_28_2000 34.00 13.24 03_01_1998 1249.00 4.83 02_29_2000 40.00 5.91 03_02_1998 2550.00 5.94 03_01_2000 26.00 5.94 03_03_1998 6000.00 5.57 03_02_2000 59.00 5.65 03_04_1998 6000.00 5.60 03_03_2000 44.00 5.29 03_05_1998 59.00 5.63 03_04_2000 75.00 4.73 03_06_1998 6000.00 5.49 03_05_2000 75.00 4.52 03_07_1998 1249.00 4.81 03_06_2000 340.00 5.35 03_08_1998 1249.00 19.34 03_07_2000 230.00 5.55 03_09_1998 132.00 16.56 03_08_2000 64.00 5.59 03_10_1998 15.00 6.81 03_09_2000 168.00 5.65 03_11_1998 48.00 6.45 03_10_2000 217.00 5.14 03_12_1998 164.00 4.70 03_11_2000 75.00 4.47 03_13_1998 740.00 5.82 03_12_2000 75.00 4.22 03_14_1998 1249.00 4.50 03_13_2000 38.00 5.11 03_15_1998 1249.00 5.38 03_14_2000 17.60 5.28 03_16_1998 4.00 12.13 03_15_2000 14.80 5.38 03_17_1998 52.00 11.88 03_16_2000 75.00 6.19 03_18_1998 174.00 26.71 03_17_2000 38.50 4.63 03_19_1998 1249.00 27.93 03_18_2000 28.00 3.70 03_20_1998 2120.00 27.05 03_19_2000 75.00 4.02 03_21_1998 183.00 27.25 03_20_2000 235.00 6.79 03_22_1998 1249.00 15.49 03_21_2000 21.00 7.54 03_23_1998 86.00 7.02 03_22_2000 24.00 6.08 03_24_1998 550.00 6.68 03_23_2000 15.00 5.49 03_25_1998 70.00 6.28 03_24_2000 45.00 6.17 03_26_1998 28.00 6.19 03_25_2000 75.00 3.76 03_27_1998 1249.00 5.76 03_26_2000 75.00 4.94 03_28_1998 1249.00 6.36 03_27_2000 12.00 6.89 03_29_1998 1249.00 3.33 03_28_2000 60.00 6.07 03_30_1998 1249.00 5.93 03_29_2000 25.00 5.32 03_31_1998 14.00 5.99 03_30_2000 14.50 5.11 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 57 Appendix 4 continued 04_01_1998 12.00 8.66 03_31_2000 1.60 5.00 04_02_1998 26.00 6.03 04_01_2000 28.00 4.10 04_03_1998 26.00 6.19 04_02_2000 28.00 4.10 04_04_1998 26.00 5.11 04_03_2000 16.60 4.05 04_05_1998 26.00 6.19 04_04_2000 19.60 5.71 04_06_1998 5.00 5.57 04_05_2000 6.00 5.11 04_07_1998 8.00 5.72 04_06_2000 4.90 4.36 04_08_1998 2.00 7.12 04_07_2000 7.60 4.97 04_09_1998 9.00 10.68 04_08_2000 28.00 4.83 04_10_1998 26.00 5.72 04_09_2000 28.00 5.03 04_11_1998 26.00 4.64 04_10_2000 7.00 5.62 04_12_1998 26.00 4.33 04_11_2000 91.00 5.86 04_13_1998 26.00 5.57 04_12_2000 28.00 5.60 04_14_1998 48.00 5.72 04_13_2000 42.00 4.81 04_15_1998 5.00 5.57 04_14_2000 33.00 5.18 04_16_1998 2.00 11.29 04_15_2000 28.00 5.25 04_17_1998 17.00 5.88 04_16_2000 28.00 5.80 04_18_1998 26.00 6.34 04_17_2000 12.00 4.70 04_19_1998 1.00 6.03 04_18_2000 91.00 9.31 04_20_1998 5.00 9.13 04_19_2000 43.00 13.69 04_21_1998 10.00 7.89 04_20_2000 12.20 5.51 04_22_1998 5.00 7.58 04_21_2000 28.00 5.25 04_23_1998 26.00 8.82 04_22_2000 28.00 4.75 04_24_1998 124.00 5.11 04_23_2000 28.00 3.93 04_25_1998 26.00 4.18 04_24_2000 16.30 3.82 04_26_1998 26.00 8.51 04_25_2000 10.70 5.15 04_27_1998 26.00 5.42 04_26_2000 4.00 5.04 04_28_1998 26.00 5.42 04_27_2000 30.00 5.48 04_29_1998 130.00 5.42 04_28_2000 56.00 5.71 04_30_1998 26.00 5.57 04_29_2000 28.00 6.39 05_01_1998 2.00 5.57 04_30_2000 28.00 5.26 05_02_1998 123.00 4.18 05_01_2000 101.00 4.58 05_03_1998 123.00 4.18 05_02_2000 9.00 5.25 05_04_1998 123.00 5.72 05_03_2000 18.00 5.21 05_05_1998 6.00 5.42 05_04_2000 50.00 5.12 05_06_1998 4.00 5.42 05_05_2000 11.00 4.95 05_07_1998 123.00 7.58 05_06_2000 125.00 4.94 05_08_1998 26.00 5.88 05_07_2000 125.00 4.38 05_09_1998 123.00 4.64 05_08_2000 25.00 4.29 05_10_1998 123.00 10.06 05_09_2000 73.00 5.29 05_11_1998 8.00 9.59 05_10_2000 336.00 5.20 05_12_1998 116.00 6.19 05_11_2000 460.00 5.42 05_13_1998 112.00 5.88 05_12_2000 147.00 4.87 05_14_1998 58.00 3.56 05_13_2000 125.00 5.38 05_15_1998 128.00 5.42 05_14_2000 125.00 4.16 05_16_1998 123.00 4.95 05_15_2000 187.00 5.11 05_17_1998 123.00 4.64 05_16_2000 566.00 3.87 05_18_1998 470.00 5.72 05_17_2000 62.00 5.01 05_19_1998 48.00 5.72 05_18_2000 92.00 5.17 05_20_1998 61.00 5.72 05_19_2000 166.00 5.06 05_21_1998 25.00 5.57 05_20_2000 125.00 4.50 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 58 Appendix 4 continued 05_22_1998 188.00 5.26 05_21_2000 125.00 3.98 05_23_1998 123.00 5.57 05_22_2000 22.00 4.55 05_24_1998 123.00 4.95 05_23_2000 136.00 5.37 05_25_1998 123.00 5.11 05_24_2000 21.00 5.51 05_26_1998 78.00 6.03 05_25_2000 152.00 5.23 05_27_1998 310.00 6.03 05_26_2000 84.00 5.18 05_28_1998 560.00 5.72 05_27_2000 125.00 4.61 05_29_1998 15.00 5.88 05_28_2000 125.00 4.44 05_30_1998 123.00 4.64 05_29_2000 125.00 4.08 05_31_1998 123.00 4.64 05_30_2000 16.00 3.91 06_01_1998 105.00 6.30 05_31_2000 22.00 5.07 06_02_1998 85.00 5.80 06_01_2000 141.00 5.18 06_03_1998 84.00 6.95 06_02_2000 87.00 5.31 06_04_1998 26.00 6.48 06_03_2000 198.00 5.15 06_05_1998 4.00 6.56 06_04_2000 198.00 4.55 06_06_1998 460.00 4.83 06_05_2000 38.00 4.32 06_07_1998 460.00 4.27 06_06_2000 132.00 5.45 06_08_1998 410.00 5.62 06_07_2000 143.00 5.11 06_09_1998 84.00 5.68 06_08_2000 247.00 4.83 06_10_1998 52.00 5.99 06_09_2000 24.00 4.73 06_11_1998 232.00 6.03 06_10_2000 198.00 4.69 06_12_1998 26.00 5.88 06_11_2000 198.00 4.07 06_13_1998 460.00 4.56 06_12_2000 214.00 4.12 06_14_1998 460.00 4.46 06_13_2000 59.00 5.04 06_15_1998 3420.00 6.47 06_14_2000 168.00 5.07 06_16_1998 27.00 6.00 06_15_2000 200.00 5.29 06_17_1998 2360.00 5.82 06_16_2000 218.00 5.31 06_18_1998 1216.00 5.79 06_17_2000 198.00 5.25 06_19_1998 14.00 5.69 06_18_2000 198.00 4.19 06_20_1998 460.00 4.60 06_19_2000 550.00 4.18 06_21_1998 460.00 4.50 06_20_2000 340.00 5.51 06_22_1998 96.00 5.99 06_21_2000 187.00 5.54 06_23_1998 427.00 6.19 06_22_2000 269.00 5.65 06_24_1998 950.00 5.86 06_23_2000 184.00 5.49 06_25_1998 460.00 5.89 06_24_2000 198.00 5.54 06_26_1998 2.00 5.97 06_25_2000 198.00 4.13 06_27_1998 460.00 4.80 06_26_2000 223.00 4.15 06_28_1998 460.00 4.41 06_27_2000 41.00 5.29 06_29_1998 42.00 5.77 06_28_2000 420.00 5.63 06_30_1998 7.00 5.69 06_29_2000 243.00 6.10 07_01_1998 350.00 5.55 06_30_2000 237.00 6.10 07_02_1998 7.00 4.84 07_01_2000 427.00 5.72 07_03_1998 50.00 3.91 07_02_2000 427.00 3.73 07_04_1998 50.00 4.83 07_03_2000 88.00 3.54 07_05_1998 50.00 4.24 07_04_2000 427.00 4.13 07_06_1998 16.00 5.42 07_05_2000 68.00 3.79 07_07_1998 216.00 5.42 07_06_2000 70.00 5.18 07_08_1998 21.00 6.13 07_07_2000 224.00 5.14 07_09_1998 46.00 6.24 07_08_2000 427.00 5.04 07_10_1998 19.00 5.71 07_09_2000 427.00 4.15 07_11_1998 50.00 4.32 07_10_2000 97.00 4.66 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 59 Appendix 4 continued 07_12_1998 50.00 4.33 07_11_2000 251.00 5.52 07_13_1998 50.00 5.48 07_12_2000 122.00 5.49 07_14_1998 50.00 5.68 07_13_2000 101.00 5.52 07_15_1998 4.00 5.88 07_14_2000 71.00 5.31 07_16_1998 4.00 8.18 07_15_2000 427.00 5.86 07_17_1998 50.00 6.24 07_16_2000 427.00 4.56 07_18_1998 50.00 4.66 07_17_2000 1200.00 3.98 07_19_1998 50.00 4.87 07_18_2000 960.00 5.06 07_20_1998 4.00 5.79 07_19_2000 4800.00 5.51 07_21_1998 10.00 6.03 07_20_2000 281.00 5.45 07_22_1998 6.00 6.31 07_21_2000 5.00 5.04 07_23_1998 4.00 6.37 07_22_2000 45.00 5.31 07_24_1998 2.00 6.16 07_23_2000 427.00 4.04 07_25_1998 50.00 6.19 07_24_2000 158.00 7.54 07_26_1998 50.00 5.14 07_25_2000 8.00 10.01 07_27_1998 89.00 6.54 07_26_2000 6.00 6.31 07_28_1998 42.00 6.31 07_27_2000 155.00 5.69 07_29_1998 97.00 6.17 07_28_2000 44.00 5.54 07_30_1998 4.00 6.59 07_29_2000 427.00 5.31 07_31_1998 10.00 5.88 07_30_2000 427.00 6.20 08_01_1998 141.00 4.27 07_31_2000 220.00 5.85 08_02_1998 141.00 4.30 08_01_2000 480.00 6.36 08_03_1998 35.00 5.46 08_02_2000 530.00 10.77 08_04_1998 58.00 5.31 08_03_2000 81.00 11.74 08_05_1998 64.00 5.29 08_04_2000 132.00 7.29 08_06_1998 188.00 5.65 08_05_2000 267.00 11.79 08_07_1998 16.00 5.66 08_06_2000 267.00 16.28 08_08_1998 141.00 4.89 08_07_2000 133.00 5.01 08_09_1998 141.00 5.03 08_08_2000 22.00 6.02 08_10_1998 33.00 6.96 08_09_2000 91.00 5.86 08_11_1998 13.00 6.10 08_10_2000 225.00 6.07 08_12_1998 210.00 5.72 08_11_2000 760.00 6.16 08_13_1998 82.00 5.80 08_12_2000 267.00 5.45 08_14_1998 155.00 5.29 08_13_2000 267.00 4.21 08_15_1998 141.00 4.55 08_14_2000 86.00 3.84 08_16_1998 141.00 5.71 08_15_2000 50.00 5.46 08_17_1998 101.00 6.02 08_16_2000 165.00 7.64 08_18_1998 123.00 5.76 08_17_2000 360.00 6.81 08_19_1998 208.00 5.28 08_18_2000 174.00 5.55 08_20_1998 72.00 5.20 08_19_2000 267.00 5.68 08_21_1998 30.00 5.06 08_20_2000 267.00 4.53 08_22_1998 141.00 4.39 08_21_2000 535.00 4.04 08_23_1998 141.00 4.43 08_22_2000 530.00 5.37 08_24_1998 103.00 5.69 08_23_2000 410.00 5.09 08_25_1998 68.00 5.89 08_24_2000 455.00 5.17 08_26_1998 198.00 5.91 08_25_2000 595.00 5.63 08_27_1998 78.00 5.99 08_26_2000 9.00 5.49 08_28_1998 12.00 5.66 08_27_2000 267.00 4.53 08_29_1998 141.00 7.36 08_28_2000 85.00 6.36 08_30_1998 141.00 2.20 08_29_2000 305.00 6.08 08_31_1998 1120.00 5.62 08_30_2000 77.00 6.27 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 60 Appendix 4 continued 09_01_1998 72.00 5.35 08_31_2000 109.00 7.18 09_02_1998 600.00 5.86 09_01_2000 690.00 6.90 09_03_1998 1940.00 18.10 09_02_2000 178.00 6.41 09_04_1998 37.00 3.90 09_03_2000 178.00 5.60 09_05_1998 327.00 4.81 09_04_2000 178.00 5.23 09_06_1998 327.00 4.75 09_05_2000 218.00 6.16 09_07_1998 327.00 4.75 09_06_2000 163.00 6.08 09_08_1998 44.00 6.05 09_07_2000 167.00 5.29 09_09_1998 116.00 5.49 09_08_2000 90.00 5.28 09_10_1998 36.00 5.26 09_09_2000 178.00 5.23 09_11_1998 18.00 5.26 09_10_2000 178.00 4.55 09_12_1998 327.00 4.29 09_11_2000 199.00 4.36 09_13_1998 327.00 4.43 09_12_2000 295.00 6.07 09_14_1998 92.00 5.72 09_13_2000 420.00 4.77 09_15_1998 42.00 5.89 09_14_2000 231.00 5.85 09_16_1998 45.00 5.80 09_15_2000 244.00 6.10 09_17_1998 25.00 5.88 09_16_2000 178.00 5.17 09_18_1998 640.00 5.57 09_17_2000 178.00 4.15 09_19_1998 327.00 4.27 09_18_2000 94.00 3.99 09_20_1998 327.00 4.35 09_19_2000 212.00 5.62 09_21_1998 80.00 5.69 09_20_2000 120.00 5.65 09_22_1998 56.00 5.77 09_21_2000 26.00 5.66 09_23_1998 22.00 5.11 09_22_2000 69.00 5.99 09_24_1998 420.00 5.38 09_23_2000 178.00 6.54 09_25_1998 1660.00 5.34 09_24_2000 178.00 4.08 09_26_1998 327.00 4.56 09_25_2000 28.00 5.09 09_27_1998 327.00 4.49 09_26_2000 59.00 7.95 09_28_1998 720.00 5.59 09_27_2000 53.00 6.54 09_29_1998 16.00 5.79 09_28_2000 69.00 5.59 09_30_1998 188.00 6.00 09_29_2000 73.00 5.29 10_01_1998 92.00 5.65 09_30_2000 175.00 5.12 10_02_1998 46.00 4.97 10_01_2000 158.00 4.27 10_03_1998 192.00 4.41 10_02_2000 230.00 4.29 10_04_1998 192.00 3.99 10_03_2000 335.00 4.98 10_05_1998 136.00 5.21 10_04_2000 230.00 5.09 10_06_1998 107.00 5.55 10_05_2000 960.00 5.48 10_07_1998 135.00 5.52 10_06_2000 270.00 5.35 10_08_1998 2700.00 15.89 10_07_2000 158.00 5.28 10_09_1998 71.00 6.39 10_08_2000 158.00 3.62 10_10_1998 192.00 4.56 10_09_2000 248.00 4.70 10_11_1998 192.00 4.12 10_10_2000 265.00 3.51 10_12_1998 48.00 4.94 10_11_2000 82.00 4.78 10_13_1998 56.00 5.12 10_12_2000 73.00 4.61 10_14_1998 48.00 5.14 10_13_2000 66.00 4.81 10_15_1998 170.00 4.87 10_14_2000 158.00 4.80 10_16_1998 62.00 4.90 10_15_2000 158.00 3.95 10_17_1998 192.00 3.88 10_16_2000 45.00 4.18 10_18_1998 192.00 3.93 10_17_2000 14.00 4.94 10_19_1998 75.00 5.48 10_18_2000 32.00 5.09 10_20_1998 132.00 5.09 10_19_2000 82.00 5.09 10_21_1998 89.00 4.78 10_20_2000 45.00 4.75 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 61 Appendix 4 continued 10_22_1998 113.00 4.78 10_21_2000 158.00 4.55 10_23_1998 23.00 4.92 10_22_2000 158.00 3.99 10_24_1998 192.00 4.30 10_23_2000 44.00 3.96 10_25_1998 192.00 4.02 10_24_2000 42.00 4.64 10_26_1998 70.00 5.07 10_25_2000 57.00 4.94 10_27_1998 14.00 5.00 10_26_2000 303.00 4.95 10_28_1998 25.00 5.15 10_27_2000 25.00 4.92 10_29_1998 10.00 4.95 10_28_2000 158.00 4.77 10_30_1998 11.00 5.07 10_29_2000 158.00 4.08 10_31_1998 192.00 3.95 10_30_2000 14.00 3.74 11_01_1998 212.00 4.02 10_31_2000 7.00 4.81 11_02_1998 40.00 5.71 11_01_2000 25.00 4.84 11_03_1998 66.00 6.36 11_02_2000 12.00 4.89 11_04_1998 171.00 5.40 11_03_2000 54.00 4.94 11_05_1998 790.00 5.20 11_04_2000 124.00 4.72 11_06_1998 144.00 4.89 11_05_2000 124.00 4.13 11_07_1998 212.00 4.10 11_06_2000 32.00 3.87 11_08_1998 212.00 4.13 11_07_2000 23.00 4.80 11_09_1998 126.00 5.42 11_08_2000 69.00 4.73 11_10_1998 260.00 5.23 11_09_2000 48.00 5.31 11_11_1998 26.00 4.89 11_10_2000 20.00 5.01 11_12_1998 1090.00 4.89 11_11_2000 124.00 4.75 11_13_1998 136.00 4.67 11_12_2000 124.00 4.10 11_14_1998 212.00 4.53 11_13_2000 39.00 3.98 11_15_1998 212.00 4.33 11_14_2000 52.00 4.98 11_16_1998 91.00 6.03 11_15_2000 63.00 5.06 11_17_1998 172.00 5.57 11_16_2000 550.00 4.94 11_18_1998 101.00 5.00 11_17_2000 236.00 4.89 11_19_1998 208.00 5.07 11_18_2000 124.00 4.89 11_20_1998 46.00 5.11 11_19_2000 124.00 4.12 11_21_1998 212.00 3.99 11_20_2000 128.00 4.35 11_22_1998 212.00 3.78 11_21_2000 600.00 4.92 11_23_1998 290.00 4.98 11_22_2000 94.00 4.84 11_24_1998 132.00 4.80 11_23_2000 124.00 4.46 11_25_1998 29.00 4.66 11_24_2000 124.00 3.42 11_26_1998 212.00 3.45 11_25_2000 124.00 3.93 11_27_1998 212.00 3.53 11_26_2000 124.00 5.82 11_28_1998 212.00 3.54 11_27_2000 124.00 4.64 11_29_1998 212.00 3.78 11_28_2000 97.00 5.43 11_30_1998 104.00 5.00 11_29_2000 99.00 4.80 12_01_1998 10.10 10.51 11_30_2000 111.00 4.94 12_02_1998 48.00 10.10 12_01_2000 57.00 5.15 12_03_1998 66.00 10.01 12_02_2000 124.00 5.32 12_04_1998 590.00 10.03 12_03_2000 124.00 4.39 12_05_1998 107.00 10.03 12_04_2000 38.00 3.99 12_06_1998 107.00 10.03 12_05_2000 45.00 5.37 12_07_1998 44.00 10.57 12_06_2000 34.00 5.31 12_08_1998 41.00 10.29 12_07_2000 53.00 5.28 12_09_1998 15.00 10.12 12_08_2000 57.00 5.38 12_10_1998 11.00 10.03 12_09_2000 124.00 5.04 12_11_1998 134.00 9.95 12_10_2000 124.00 4.29 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 62 Appendix 4 continued 12_12_1998 107.00 9.95 12_11_2000 14.00 4.30 12_13_1998 107.00 9.95 12_12_2000 21.00 5.17 12_14_1998 108.00 10.23 12_13_2000 36.00 4.73 12_15_1998 5.00 10.18 12_14_2000 21.00 5.15 12_16_1998 124.00 9.84 12_15_2000 21.00 5.42 12_17_1998 35.00 9.95 12_16_2000 124.00 5.04 12_18_1998 29.00 10.01 12_17_2000 124.00 8.45 12_19_1998 107.00 10.01 12_18_2000 43.00 6.76 12_20_1998 107.00 10.01 12_19_2000 14.00 6.76 12_21_1998 28.00 9.96 12_20_2000 43.00 6.11 12_22_1998 34.00 10.03 12_21_2000 14.00 5.40 12_23_1998 600.00 10.06 12_22_2000 20.00 5.32 12_24_1998 107.00 10.06 12_23_2000 124.00 4.94 12_25_1998 107.00 10.06 12_24_2000 124.00 4.13 12_26_1998 107.00 10.06 12_25_2000 124.00 3.99 12_27_1998 107.00 10.06 12_26_2000 124.00 3.42 12_28_1998 18.00 10.29 12_27_2000 13.00 4.04 12_29_1998 18.00 10.32 12_28_2000 11.00 4.60 12_30_1998 34.00 10.20 12_29_2000 3.00 4.55 12_31_1998 260.00 9.86 12_30_2000 124.00 4.55 12_31_2000 124.00 4.15 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 63 Appendix 5. Fecal Coliform Sampling in Durham County, NC. Concentration in Septic and Sand Filter Effluent Street Permit No. Sample Date FC (#/100ml) Bartlett Dr no permit 12/13/99 5,500 Barclay Rd NCG550571 12/14/99 discarded, beyond holding time Sandlewood Rd NCG550951 12/14/99 discarded, beyond holding time Sandlewood Road Not a septic system 12/14/99 discarded, beyond holding time Michael NCG550851 & NCG550852 12/15/99 490,0 Michael Dr NCG550818 12/15/99 5,800 Mineral Springs Rd NCG550771 12/15/99 1,622 Redwood Rd NCG550800 12/15/99 <100 Barclay Rd NCG550571 1/12/00 Bartlett Dr no permit 1/12/00 27,000 Sandlewood Rd NCG550951 1/12/00 56,000 Michael NCG550851 & NCG550852 2/17/00 Michael Dr NCG550818 2/17/00 Mineral Springs Rd NCG550771 2/17/00 Redwood Rd NCG550800 2/17/00 70 Barclay Rd NCG550571 2/23/00 Bartlett Dr no permit 2/23/00 Michael NCG550851 & NCG550852 2/23/00 Michael Dr NCG550818 2/23/00 Mineral Springs Rd NCG550771 2/23/00 Redwood Rd NCG550800 2/23/00 400 Sandlewood Rd NCG550951 2/23/00 >6,000 Biscayne Road no permit 6/1/00 Dresden Drive no permit 6/1/00 Edenton Lane NCG550609 6/1/00 Farrington NCG550785 6/1/00 Brecknock Street NCG550920 6/6/00 Welcome Circle no permit 6/6/00 Ed Cook Road NCG550574 6/7/00 Glover Road NCG551022 6/7/00 Statistics FC Average 32,668 median 1,733 min 11 max 490,000 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 64 Appendix 6. Partial List of General NPDES Permits in Northeast Creek Watershed. PERMIT FACILITY COUNTY STREET ZIP NCG550813 CANUTO, JUAN & MARGARITO DURHAM 3826 ANGIER AVENUE 27703 NCG140090 CHANDLER CONCRETE CO-PLT #608 DURHAM 1014 ELLIS ROAD 27703 NCG550574 DEAN, THOMAS - RESIDENCE DURHAM 1711 ED COOK ROAD 27703 NCG550665 DICK PATTON REALTY DURHAM 2023 EASTWOOD DRIVE 27713 NCG080595 FEDEX GROUND DURHAM 2530 S. TRI-CENTER BLVD 27713 NCG550148 FLETCHER, THOMAS A. - RESIDENCE DURHAM 1336 LYNLEY DRIVE 27703 NCG050116 FOAM DESIGN, INC. DURHAM 2425 S. ALSTON AVE. 27713 NCG551020 FOX, BILLY E. - RESIDENCE DURHAM 2802 GLOVER ROAD 27703 NCG080082 GIANT CEMENT COMPANY DURHAM 824 ELLIS ROAD PO BOX 11097 27703 NCG060107 GLAXO WELLCOME INC-DURHAM/CORN DURHAM FIVE MOORE DRIVE 27709 NCG550905 HIGHT, ROBERT/928 JONES CIR DURHAM 928 JONES CIRCLE 27705 NCG550893 HOWARD, LUCY/916 JONES CIR DURHAM 916 JONES CIRCLE 27705 NCG551022 INSCOE, WALLACE R. - RESIDENCE DURHAM 2810 GLOVER ROAD 27703 NCG030279 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINE DURHAM 3039 CORNWALLIS ROAD 27709 NCG550932 JONES, J.P./922 JONES CIR DURHAM 922 JONES CIRCLE 27703 NCG030311 MOTOROLA, INC-MOS 15/DURHAM SI DURHAM 3026 CORNWALLIS ROAD 27709 NCS000046 NATIONAL SPECIALTY GASES DURHAM 63 UNITED DR. 27713 NCG550739 OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE, INC DURHAM 1810 NEW RALEIGH ROAD 27703 NCG550601 PERDERGRASS, MARY - RESIDENCE DURHAM 1617 ED COOK ROAD 27703 NCG080580 ROADWAY EXPRESS, INC. (T672) DURHAM 920 ELLIS ROAD 27703 NCG550624 ROGERS, JIMMY L. & LISA - RESIDENCE DURHAM 1901 LEONARD DRIVE 27703 NCG130010 SONOCO PROD CO-DURHAM DURHAM 4619 INDUSTRY LANE 27713 NCG140129 SOUTHERN EQUIPMENT CO-DUR #17 DURHAM 3411 APEX HWY 27713 NCG100024 SOUTHSIDE AUTO PARTS, INC. DURHAM 1915 RIDDLE ROAD 27713 NCG020283 TRIANGLE BRICK CO-DURHAM DURHAM 6523 APEX RD 27713 NCG060087 TRIANGLE SERVICES CORPORATION DURHAM P. O. BOX 13448 27709 NCG050016 VALASSIS INSERTS INC DURHAM 4918 PROSPECTUS DRIVE 27713 NCG100026 WAGNER AUTO SALVAGE, INC. DURHAM 1818 ISENHOUR STREET 27713 Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 65 Appendix 7. Estimated high fecal coliform ( 400) occurrence. Fecal coliform occurrence in the ambient station, B3660000, during the study period, 1997 through 2001. Flow Fecal Coliform Weather Flow Fecal Coliform Weather Flow Fecal Coliform Weather Date at SR1100 (#/100 ml)Conditions Date at SR1100 (#/100 ml) Conditions Date at SR1100 (#/100 ml)Conditions (cfs) Geo. mean (cfs) Geo. mean (cfs) Geo. mean 01_30_1997 35 425.75wet 01_26_2000 53 502.55 wet 05_02_2000 15 417.94 dry 01_31_1997 39 426.35wet 01_27_2000 39 502.67 wet 05_03_2000 14 404.82 dry 02_01_1997 29 426.76wet 01_28_2000 33 485.29 dry 05_04_2000 14 405.25 wet 02_02_1997 22 427.08wet 01_29_2000 20 467.26 dry 05_05_2000 14 405.38 wet 02_03_1997 19 411.27dry 01_30_2000 108 467.16 wet 05_06_2000 14 406.50 wet 02_04_1997 18 410.95dry 01_31_2000 579 467.94 wet 05_07_2000 15 407.74 wet 02_04_1998 623 409.49wet 02_01_2000 224 468.64 wet 05_08_2000 15 407.01 wet 02_05_1998 449 431.39wet 02_02_2000 101 469.89 wet 05_09_2000 16 405.02 wet 02_06_1998 170 437.93wet 02_03_2000 67 454.29 dry 05_10_2000 16 406.40 wet 02_07_1998 41 422.29dry 02_04_2000 99 454.55 wet 05_11_2000 16 408.29 wet 02_08_1998 26 406.15dry 02_05_2000 101 455.74 wet 05_12_2000 16 425.05 wet 11_13_1999 8.9 401.27wet 02_06_2000 57 456.77 wet 05_13_2000 16 427.39 wet 11_14_1999 8.5 402.11wet 02_07_2000 44 474.07 wet 05_14_2000 16 427.51 wet 11_25_1999 9.6 401.99wet 02_08_2000 39 457.88 dry 05_15_2000 16 426.78 wet 11_26_1999 37 418.60wet 02_09_2000 35 441.00 dry 05_16_2000 17 425.59 wet 11_27_1999 146 423.50wet 02_10_2000 32 424.61 dry 05_17_2000 17 430.08 wet 11_28_1999 13 425.80wet 02_11_2000 31 409.40 dry 05_18_2000 17 428.41 wet 11_29_1999 5.2 423.90wet 02_12_2000 68 410.33 wet 05_19_2000 16 426.51 wet 11_30_1999 4.1 406.81dry 02_13_2000 181 425.63 wet 05_20_2000 16 426.42 wet 01_09_2000 32 418.08wet 02_14_2000 110 442.51 wet 05_21_2000 16 441.78 wet 01_10_2000 207 438.68wet 02_15_2000 100 460.08 wet 05_22_2000 30 458.75 wet 01_11_2000 278 460.34wet 02_16_2000 37 444.31 dry 05_23_2000 17 474.93 wet 01_12_2000 48 485.23wet 02_17_2000 31 428.54 dry 05_24_2000 12 491.23 wet 01_13_2000 32 484.87wet 02_18_2000 86 429.31 wet 05_25_2000 10 471.47 dry 01_14_2000 28 467.57dry 02_19_2000 79 430.01 wet 05_26_2000 9.6 469.17 wet 01_15_2000 25 450.63dry 02_20_2000 38 429.58 wet 05_27_2000 8.3 464.73 wet 01_16_2000 24 434.56dry 02_21_2000 30 413.82 dry 05_28_2000 8 460.98 wet 01_17_2000 25 450.12wet 04_15_2000 36 412.76 wet 05_29_2000 11 458.20 wet 01_18_2000 25 449.88wet 04_16_2000 31 415.06 wet 05_30_2000 12 455.16 wet 01_19_2000 28 449.73wet 04_17_2000 14 411.95 wet 05_31_2000 10 452.37 wet 01_20_2000 43 450.05wet 04_18_2000 154 415.75 wet 06_01_2000 9.2 449.94 dry 01_21_2000 57 450.53wet 04_19_2000 70 419.68 wet 06_02_2000 9 447.59 dry 01_22_2000 32 450.46wet 04_20_2000 22 418.65 wet 06_03_2000 7.9 429.72 dry 01_23_2000 36 450.14wet 04_21_2000 19 405.08 dry 06_04_2000 9.4 428.65 wet 01_24_2000 53 466.72wet 04_30_2000 31 414.92 wet 06_05_2000 9.6 425.61 wet 01_25_2000 65 484.35wet 05_01_2000 18 432.30 wet 06_06_2000 9.6 422.90 wet Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 66 Appendix 7 continued Flow Fecal Coliform Weather Flow Fecal Coliform Weather Date at SR1100 (#/100 ml) Conditions Date at SR1100 (#/100 ml) Conditions (cfs) (cfs) 06_07_2000 8.6 420.58 wet 01_26_2001 17 440.88 dry 06_08_2000 8.3 417.94 wet 01_27_2001 16 440.52 wet 06_09_2000 8 400.16 dry 01_28_2001 16 440.20 wet 08_01_2000 21 411.49 wet 01_29_2001 18 439.21 wet 08_02_2000 107 431.74 wet 01_30_2001 21 438.46 wet 08_03_2000 28 449.76 wet 01_31_2001 22 438.36 wet 08_04_2000 20 466.98 wet 02_01_2001 20 454.49 wet 08_05_2000 198 471.61 wet 02_02_2001 19 470.89 wet 08_06_2000 71 475.44 wet 02_03_2001 17 454.20 dry 08_07_2000 13 474.09 wet 02_04_2001 17 453.85 wet 08_08_2000 10 454.45 dry 02_05_2001 21 453.47 wet 08_09_2000 9.5 435.43 dry 02_06_2001 21 453.49 wet 08_10_2000 14 434.61 wet 02_07_2001 19 453.23 wet 08_11_2000 11 433.85 wet 02_08_2001 18 452.58 wet 08_12_2000 8.8 432.40 wet 02_09_2001 17 435.99 dry 08_13_2000 7.7 416.51 dry 02_10_2001 16 419.63 dry 09_14_2000 9.3 404.84 wet 02_11_2001 16 404.22 dry 09_15_2000 12 407.11 wet 09_16_2000 7.8 407.32 wet 09_17_2000 7.8 408.27 wet 09_18_2000 8.9 406.61 wet 09_19_2000 11 406.32 wet 09_20_2000 10 406.53 wet 09_21_2000 9.6 404.99 wet 01_14_2001 22 410.15 wet 01_15_2001 23 431.40 wet 01_16_2001 23 430.13 wet 01_17_2001 22 428.70 wet 01_18_2001 23 428.52 wet 01_19_2001 23 428.05 wet 01_20_2001 50 428.88 wet 01_21_2001 34 429.81 wet 01_22_2001 23 445.13 wet 01_23_2001 20 444.17 dry 01_24_2001 19 442.73 dry 01_25_2001 18 441.86 dry Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 67 Appendix 8. Public notice of draft Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Appendix 8.1. The Herald-Sun Northeast Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 68 Appendix 8.2 The Chatham News.