HomeMy WebLinkAboutnorth_buffalo_tmdl_final_report Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for the Upper North Buffalo Creek Watershed City of Greensboro, Guilford County Final Report January 2004 (Approved April 2004) Cape Fear River Basin Prepared by: City of Greensboro NC Department of Environment Department of Water Resources and Natural Resources Stormwater Management Division Division of Water Quality 201 North Greene Street Water Quality Section – Planning Branch Greensboro, NC 27402-3136 1617 Mail Service Center (336) 373-2707 Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Summary Sheet i SUMMARY SHEET Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) North Buffalo Creek at and above Summit Avenue 1. 303(D) List Information State: North Carolina County: Guilford River Basin: Cape Fear River Basin Watershed: Upper North Buffalo Creek 303(d) Listed Waters: Name of Stream Description Class Index # 8 Digit CU Miles North Buffalo Creek From source to above WWTP C NSW 16-11-14-1a 03030002 8.7 NC DWQ Subbasin: 03-06-02 8 Digit Cataloging Unit: 03030002 Area of Impairment: 8.7 miles WQS Violated: Fecal Coliform Pollutant of Concern: Fecal Coliform Sources of Impairment: Point and nonpoint sources within the watershed 2. Public Notice Information Form of Public Notification: A TMDL stakeholder group was formed to provide guidance and comment throughout the TMDL development process. The stakeholder group was comprised of public and private sector resource professionals potentially affected by the TMDL and/or having a general interest in water quality protection. Five formal stakeholder meetings were held over the course of the TMDL development process. [Additional public notification efforts will include an advertisement in the local newspaper, etc.] Did notification contain specific mention of TMDL proposal? _____ Were comments received from the public? _____ Was a responsiveness summary prepared? _____ Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Summary Sheet ii 3. TMDL Information Critical condition: Highest predicted instream fecal coliform concentrations occur during wet weather periods preceded by a period of dry weather. The period of highest risk to public health is during dry weather periods in the summer when recreational use of the waters is greatest and human sources of bacterial contamination dominate watershed loads. Seasonality: A continuous simulation model during the period August 1998 through August 2001 (period of record for stream flow gage data and precipitation data in the watershed) includes seasonal fluctuations in fecal coliform loading. Development tools: WinHSPF version 2.0.6 4. TMDLs Loading allowed at critical conditions reflective of both wet and dry weather conditions: Wasteload Allocation (WLA): 2.73E+11 counts/day Load Allocation (LA): 1.25E+12 counts/day Margin of Safety (MOS): More stringent geometric mean target of 180 counts/100mL, as opposed to the 200 counts/100mL WQS; conservative modeling assumptions. TMDL (WLA+LA+MOS): 1.52E+12 counts/day TMDL Component (wet and dry weather conditions) TMDL Allocation Category Fecal Coliform Load Reductions Wasteload Allocation (WLA) MS4 (NCS000248) 1 96% Load Allocation (LA) Nonpoint Sources 2 93% Wasteload Allocation (WLA) Cone Mills WWTP (NC0000876 ) 3 N/A Notes: 1 MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. This allocation category covers individual sources contributing fecal coliform loads which are transported to the receiving stream via the City of Greensboro’s NPDES permitted stormwater conveyance system. 2 This allocation category covers individual sources whose loads are delivered to the receiving stream via modes not associated with the MS4. 3 The Cone Mills WWTP ceased discharging treated industrial/domestic wastewater into North Buffalo Creek during the latter portion of the TMDL simulation period, therefore a load reduction is not applicable. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Summary Sheet iii Loading allowed at critical conditions during dry weather conditions: Wasteload Allocation (WLA): 1.98E+10 counts/day Load Allocation (LA): 1.10E+11 counts/day Margin of Safety (MOS): More stringent geometric mean target of 180 counts/100mL, as opposed to the 200 counts/100mL WQS; conservative modeling assumptions. TMDL (WLA+LA+MOS): 1.30E+11 counts/day TMDL Component (dry weather conditions) TMDL Allocation Category Fecal Coliform Load Reductions Wasteload Allocation (WLA) MS4 (NCS000248) 1 72% Load Allocation (LA) Nonpoint Sources 2 70% Wasteload Allocation (WLA) Cone Mills WWTP (NC0000876 ) 3 N/A Notes: 1 MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. This allocation category covers individual sources contributing fecal coliform loads which are transported to the receiving stream via the City of Greensboro’s NPDES permitted stormwater conveyance system. 2 This allocation category covers individual sources whose loads are delivered to the receiving stream via modes not associated with the MS4. 3 The Cone Mills WWTP ceased discharging treated industrial/domestic wastewater into North Buffalo Creek during the latter portion of the TMDL simulation period, therefore a load reduction is not applicable. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Table of Contents iv TABLE OF CONTENTS List of Tables .....................................................................................................................vi List of Figures .................................................................................................................vii Acronyms and Abbreviations ............................................................................................ix Executive Summary............................................................................................................x 1.0 Introduction................................................................................................................1 1.1 BACKGROUND...........................................................................................................1 1.2 Watershed Description.............................................................................................3 1.3 Subwatersheds..........................................................................................................4 1.4 Population Estimates................................................................................................5 1.5 Existing Land Use / LandCover..............................................................................6 1.6 Age of ResidentialDevelopment.............................................................................9 1.7 Impervious Surfaces...............................................................................................10 1.8 Monitoring Stations ...............................................................................................11 1.9 ObservedInstream Fecal Coliform Data ...............................................................12 2.0 Source Assessment ...................................................................................................17 2.1 Point Source Assessment.......................................................................................17 2.1.1 Cone Mills WWTP .........................................................................................17 2.1.2 Illicit Discharges From Greensboro’s Stormwater Conveyance System........18 2.2 Nonpoint SourceAssessment ................................................................................21 2.2.1 Pets..................................................................................................................21 2.2.2 Sanitary Sewer LineExfiltration....................................................................23 2.2.3 Sewer System Overflows................................................................................24 2.2.4 Failing Septic Systems....................................................................................26 2.2.5 Waterfowl .......................................................................................................28 2.2.6 Other Sources..................................................................................................32 3.0 Modeling Approach.................................................................................................33 3.1 Model Selection .....................................................................................................33 3.2 Model Setup...........................................................................................................33 3.2.1 Subwatersheds andStreamReaches ..............................................................34 3.2.2 Meteorological Data........................................................................................34 3.2.3 Model Simulation Period................................................................................35 3.2.4 LandUse/LandCover and Impervious Surfaces............................................35 3.2.5 Water Withdrawals .........................................................................................35 3.3 FecalColiform Source Representation..................................................................35 3.3.1 Cone Mills WWTP NPDESDischarge ..........................................................36 3.3.2 IllicitDischarges From Stormwater Conveyance System..............................36 3.3.3 Pets..................................................................................................................36 3.3.4 Exfiltrating Sanitary SewerLines...................................................................37 3.3.5 Sanitary Sewer Overflows ..............................................................................37 3.3.6 Failing Septic Systems....................................................................................37 3.3.7 Waterfowl .......................................................................................................37 3.3.8 Other Sources..................................................................................................38 3.4 ModelCalibrationand Confirmation.....................................................................38 3.4.1 Hydrologic Calibration ...................................................................................39 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Table of Contents v 3.4.2 Water Quality Calibration...............................................................................43 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load....................................................................................46 4.1 Instream WaterQualityTarget ..............................................................................47 4.1.1 Dry Weather TMDL Target............................................................................48 4.1.2 All Weather ConditionsTMDL Target ..........................................................49 4.1.3 TMDL WatershedCompliance Point.............................................................49 4.2 Margin of Safety and Model Uncertainty..............................................................49 4.3 Seasonal Variation .................................................................................................50 4.4 PredictedExisting Water Quality Conditions........................................................50 4.4.1 Predicted Existing Water Quality Under All Weather Conditions.................50 4.4.2 Predicted Existing Water Quality Under Dry Weather Conditions................52 4.5 TMDL and Allocation For All Weather Conditions..............................................53 4.6 TMDL and Allocation For Dry Weather Conditions.............................................57 5.0 Summary and Future Considerations....................................................................62 6.0 References.................................................................................................................65 Appendix 1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data...................................................68 Appendix 2 Dry Weather Dates.......................................................................................75 Appendix 3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data................................................................77 Appendix 4 Mecklenburg County Dry Weather Flow Study Data..................................85 Appendix 5 Mecklenburg County Ground Water Study Data.........................................86 Appendix 6 Sewer System Overflows.............................................................................88 Appendix 7 Calibrated Water Quality Model Parameters.............................................102 Appendix 8 Calibrated Model Hydraulic Parameters....................................................104 Appendix 9 Greensboro’s Municipal NPDES Stormwater Permit................................105 Appendix 10 Public Notification of North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL........107 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Table of Contents vi LIST OF TABLES Table 1.3.1 Drainage area (DA) summary for the TMDL subwatersheds 5 Table 1.4.1 Summary of 2000 population in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed 5 Table 1.5.1 Land use/land cover categories used for TMDL modeling 6 Table 1.5.2 Summary of 2000 land use/land cover area 7 Table 1.5.3 Percent coverage of each land use/land cover type 7 Table 1.7.1 Average impervious surface coverage for each LULC type 10 Table 1.7.2 Average impervious surface coverage in each subwatershed 10 Table 1.8.1 Monitoring stations within the TMDL subwatersheds 11 Table 1.9.1 Summary of ambient (dry weather) fecal coliform data collected by Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division 13 Table 1.9.2 Summary of storm fecal coliform data collected by Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division at the Aycock Street station 13 Table 1.9.3 Summary of ambient (dry weather) fecal coliform data collected by the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments 14 Table 1.9.4 Summary of instream fecal coliform data collected at Summit Avenue by Cone Mills WWTP 14 Table Summary of selected stormwater infrastructure features within the TMDL subwatersheds 18 Table Summary of the number of stormwater structures, pipes, and outfalls possibly containing non-stormwater flows 19 Table Fecal coliform loading estimates from illicit discharges (non-stormwater flows) from the stormwater conveyance system 21 Table Estimated dog and cat population in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed based on AVMA statistics 22 Table Fecal coliform accumulation rates from pet waste 22 Table Summary of SSOs within the TMDL subwatersheds during the model simulation period August 1998 through August 2001 25 Table Septic systems within the TMDL subwatersheds 26 Table Estimated fecal coliform load from failing septic systems located within the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed 27 Table Locations investigated for evidence of waterfowl populations in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed 28 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Table of Contents vii Table Estimated waterfowl populations for three locations identified within the TMDL subwatersheds as likely supporting year-round populations 30 Table Estimated fecal coliform loads from waterfowl populations at Lake Hamilton 31 Table Estimated fecal coliform loads from waterfowl populations at the Bog Garden 31 Table Estimated fecal coliform loads from waterfowl populations at Buffalo Lake 31 Table 3.4.1 Model calibration and confirmation periods 39 Table Hydrologic calibration statistics for reach 4 at the Church Street USGS gage 40 Table Predicted geometric means over four flow regimes 45 Table 4.0.1 Partition of loads between the WLA and LA categories for each source 47 Table 4.5.1 Predicted load reductions necessary for each source to meet the all weather conditions water quality target during the critical period (11/9/98 – 12/8/98) 54 Table 4.5.2 Percent load reductions necessary to meet TMDL requirements associated with the all weather conditions water quality target 56 Table 4.5.3 TMDL components to meet the all weather conditions water quality target 57 Table 4.6.1 Predicted loads from each source during the dry weather conditions water quality target critical period (11/9/98 – 12/8/98) 60 Table 4.6.2 Percent load reductions necessary to meet TMDL requirements associated with the dry weather conditions water quality target 60 Table 4.6.3 TMDL components to meet the dry weather conditions water quality target 61 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.2.1 North Buffalo Creek watershed in the Cape Fear River Basin 3 Figure 1.3.1 Upper North Buffalo Creek watershed and modeled subwatersheds 4 Figure 1.5.1 Land use/land cover within the TMDL subwatersheds (2000) 8 Figure 1.6.1 Age of residential development in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed 9 Figure 1.8.1 Monitoring stations within the TMDL subwatersheds 12 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Table of Contents viii Figure 1.9.1 Observed fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue distributed by predicted stream flow 15 Figure Stormwater structures and pipes, along with corresponding stream outfalls, suspected of containing non-stormwater flows 20 Figure Distribution of SSOs within the TMDL subwatersheds during the period August 1998 through August 2001 25 Figure Distribution of septic systems within the TMDL subwatersheds 27 Figure Lakes and ponds in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed identified as likely supporting significant year-round waterfowl populations 29 Figure Observed versus predicted flows at Church Street (Reach 4) 41 Figure Frequency distribution of observed and predicted stream flows at Church Street during the calibration period (8/1/98 – 8/1/00) 41 Figure Observed versus predicted flows at Westover Terrace (Reach 3) 42 Figure Frequency distribution of observed and predicted flows at Westover Terrace (Reach 3) during the calibration period 42 Figure Observed and predicted fecal coliform loads at Summit Avenue during the calibration period (August 1998 – August 2000) 44 Figure Predicted fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue under existing conditions (arithmetic scale) 50 Figure Predicted fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue under existing conditions (log base 10 scale) 51 Figure Predicted rolling 30-day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue under existing conditions 51 Figure Predicted rolling 30-day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue under existing dry weather conditions 52 Figure 4.5.1 Percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each source category over the full simulation period 53 Figure 4.5.2 Predicted geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue before and after load reductions were applied to the calibrated model 54 Figure 4.6.1 Percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each source category during dry weather conditions occurring over the full model simulation period 57 Figure 4.6.2 Predicted dry weather geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue before and after load reductions were applied to the calibrated model 59 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Acronyms and Abbreviations ix ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS BIMS NC Basinwide Information Management System BMP Best Management Practices CFS Cubic Feet per Second CFU Colony Forming Units DA Drainage Area DEM Digital Elevation Model DMR Discharge Monitoring Report DENR NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWM Dynamic Watershed Management System – City of Greensboro DWQ NC Division of Water Quality EPA US Environmental Protection Agency FC Fecal Coliform GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System GSO City of Greensboro I&I Infiltration and Inflow IR Infrared LA Load Allocation LULC Land use/land cover MF Membrane Filter MGD Million Gallons per Day mL Milliliter MOS Margin of Safety MPN Most Probable Number MS4 Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System NPDES National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System NRCS Natural Resources Conservation Service PTCOG Piedmont Triad Council of Governments WRF Water Reclamation Facility SMD City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division TMDL Total Maximum Daily Load USGS United States Geological Survey WinHSPF Windows version of Hydrological Simulation Program - FORTRAN WLA Waste Load Allocation WQS Water Quality Standard WWTP Wastewater Treatment Plant Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary x EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Greensboro’s Department of Water Resources, in partnership with the NC Division of Water Quality (DWQ) and local stakeholders, have developed a fecal coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. A TMDL is an estimate of the maximum amount of pollutant load, e.g. fecal coliform, which a waterbody can receive and still maintain water quality standards. The TMDL is designed to provide an objective analysis of potential sources of bacteriological contamination within the watershed, as well as the predicted impact these sources have on water quality under a variety of weather and stream flow conditions. This information is intended to enhance the City’s ongoing efforts to improve instream water quality and provide a foundation for future management initiatives.        Approximately 8.7 stream miles of the upper North Buffalo Creek mainstem have been listed as impaired in NC’s 2002 303(d) List due to elevated fecal coliform concentrations (DWQ, 2003). The stream’s impaired status is a reflection that water quality standards for fecal coliform are not being met. This in turn is an indication that recreational users of the water resource may be at an elevated risk of contracting water borne diseases from human pathogens. The overall management goal is to reduce instream fecal coliform concentrations to a level such that recreational users can safely enjoy clean streams throughout the watershed. To achieve this goal the TMDL defines two water quality targets: one target for dry weather when recreational use is at its highest; and another target for all weather conditions reflective of both wet and dry periods. Defining two TMDL targets is advantageous for several reasons. First, the dry weather target provides a framework for local watershed managers to focus their limited resources towards reducing pollutant loadings during a period when user exposure to potential pathogens is likely at its highest. Thereby, managers can optimize the use of their resources while also pursuing a target recognized by the DWQ and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Second, the all weather conditions target supports a traditional TMDL framework for Children enjoying a cool stream on a warm day. This tributary to North Buffalo Creek runs through Fisher Park, and is frequently used for recreation, especially in the summer. The TMDL summarized herein is designed to support management efforts to reduce instream human pathogens such that recreational uses will be protected, and where necessary restored. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary xi achieving fecal coliform water quality standards under the most critical weather and stream flow conditions identified within the analysis period (August 1998 – August 2001). This target reflects a longer term goal for achieving standards when the number of potential contributing sources are at its highest. Thus, the TMDL summarized herein is actually two TMDLs reflecting different rainfall runoff conditions. For both TMDLs the target instream fecal coliform concentration is a geometric mean concentration of < 200 cfu/100mL. Beginning on p. 47 is additional information about the water quality targets. North Buffalo Creek at Summit Avenue is the point within the watershed at which these targets will be applied.     Upstream of Summit Avenue - the TMDL compliance point - the watershed has a drainage area of 21.8 mi2. This area subject to the TMDL includes a portion of Greensboro’s downtown and is generally “built-out” from a development perspective. Residential land uses dominate and cover approximately 38% of the TMDL area, with roads (right-of-ways) covering approximately 15%. Forests cover approximately 20% of the TMDL area. Based on an analysis of 2000 US Census data, approximately 59,000 people reside within the TMDL area, which translates into an average population density of 4.2 persons per acre. This compares to a city-wide population density of approximately 3.0 persons per acre. The average impervious coverage across the TMDL area is 26%, which is a level high enough to result in significant measurable impacts to water quality (Schueler, 1994).        Nine water quality monitoring stations, sampled by various organizations, are located within the TMDL area. Monitoring data indicate that fecal coliform concentrations in streams reaches throughout the watershed are high by most measures. Based on data collected at these monitoring stations the following generalizations can be made about the observed bacteriological conditions in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed: ···· With only a few exceptions, the geometric means of the various datasets are consistently above 200 cfu/100mL - suggesting bacteriological contamination of the creek is occurring under a variety of runoff and seasonal conditions (200 cfu/100mL is the threshold fecal coliform concentration referenced in NC’s water quality standard). ···· The geometric mean of the various ambient (dry weather) datasets are also consistently above 200 cfu/100mL – suggesting non-stormwater driven sources are important contributors. ···· Fecal coliform concentrations tend to be higher in the summer than at other times of the year, which is consistent with other general findings reported in the literature Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary xii (CWP, 1999). This is significant as recreational use of the waters tends to be highest during the warm summer months. ···· Fecal coliform concentrations during storm periods are consistently higher than during ambient conditions – suggesting nonpoint sources of bacteria are also important contributors.       A detailed assessment of potential sources of fecal coliform loads within the watershed was performed as part of the TMDL development process. With stakeholder input, an effort was made to explicitly identify as many source types as was practical. While this approach is more costly in terms of time and effort, in the long run a detailed assessment will better support future implementation decisions. The following is a list of sources included in the TMDL: ···· Cone Mills WWTP – permitted to discharge 1.25 MGD of treated industrial/domestic wastewater (facility no longer directly discharging to North Buffalo Creek). ···· Exfiltrating sanitary sewers – loads from this source were simulated as a constant fecal coliform concentration in groundwater based on limited studies conducted in Mecklenburg County for a TMDL approved by EPA in 2002. ···· Failing septic systems - 56 addresses within the TMDL area were identified as possibly using on-site wastewater treatment. Based on the collective experience of the TMDL stakeholders an estimated failure rate of 15% was applied for calculating loads from this source. ···· Illicit discharges from the stormwater conveyance system – 66 illicit discharges were simulated in the TMDL based on field mapping data. ···· Pets – 13,700 dogs and 15,300 cats are estimated to reside within the TMDL area. ···· Sewer System Overflows (SSOs) – 131 SSOs were accounted for in the TMDL based on data maintained by the City of Greensboro. ···· Waterfowl – loads from waterfowl populations in Lake Hamilton, the Bog Garden, and Buffalo Lake were included in the TMDL. ···· Other sources – source category designated to account for sources not explicitly identifiable/quantifiable within the watershed, e.g. urban wildlife populations. Loads from these sources were quantified using model calibration procedures, and were assumed to be delivered to the stream via stormwater runoff.   ! "   Water quality computer models are frequently used during TMDL development for establishing a relationship between instream water quality conditions and the contributing watershed. These models use mathematical equations to represent the important physical and chemical processes which affect the environment. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary xiii Hydrologic Simulation Program – Fortran (WinHSPF version 2.0.6) was chosen as the modeling platform for development of this TMDL. WinHSPF is a public domain watershed model maintained and distributed by the US EPA. WinHSPF is a continuous simulation, precipitation-driven model designed to calculate point and nonpoint source pollutant loadings, downstream transport, and instream pollutant decay. A model simulation period of 8/1/98 – 8/1/01 was chosen in order to take advantage of local precipitation and water quality data collected within the TMDL area for model calibration.    #   The calibrated WinHSPF model was used to assess the load contributions from the various sources delivered to the TMDL compliance point – Summit Avenue. The pie charts below illustrate the relative contributions under all weather conditions and dry weather conditions, respectively. Percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each source category over the full simulation period (all weather conditions): * When interpreting this pie chart it is important to keep in mind that Other Sources represent the load which could not reasonably be accounted for in the source assessment using the best available data. The Other Sources category could include, for instance, loads from unknown wildlife populations. However, contributions from Other Sources could also reflect an underestimation of the loads from one or more of the identified sources.               !"#$ % &$ '($ ( Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary xiv Percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each source category under dry weather conditions:  Note from the first pie chart that during the full simulation period (reflective of all weather conditions) stormwater related sources contribute the vast majority of the delivered load to Summit Avenue. During dry weather conditions, human sources of fecal coliform tend to comprise the majority of the delivered load.  !  $ #  A TMDL is the calculation of the maximum amount of pollutant loading that a receiving waterbody can assimilate while still achieving water quality targets. Per federal rules TMDLs must include a margin of safety which accounts for uncertainty in the analysis. As a means of meeting this requirement the water quality targets for both dry weather and all weather conditions were lowered from 200 cfu/100mL to 180 cfu/100mL. To calculate the TMDL, load reductions were taken from the calibrated model until all of the 30 day geometric means were below the target threshold of 180 cfu/100mL, which includes the explicit margin of safety. In addition, the model output was assessed to ensure that no more than 6 (20%) of the daily fecal coliform predictions were greater than 400 cfu/100mL, in accordance with the all conditions water quality target. The figure below illustrates the predicted rolling 30 day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue after load reductions were applied to the calibrated model.    )     !"# % &* $    $ '($ Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary xv Predicted 30 day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue under all weather conditions. Geometric means for both existing conditions and under TMDL load reductions are shown: The following figure illustrates predicted geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations under dry weather conditions. Predicted “30 day” geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue under dry weather conditions. Geometric means for both existing conditions and under dry weather TMDL load reductions are shown: 10 100 1000 10000 Aug-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Target 180/100mL Existing Conditions TMDL Allocation FC Conc. #/100mL – 30 day geometric mean Simulation Period 10 100 1000 Aug-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Aug-01 Target TMDL Allocation Existing Conditions FC Conc. #/100mL – 30 day geometric mean Simulation Period Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Executive Summary xvi The final stages of developing a TMDL involve making decisions about which sources should be reduced and by how much. In large measure these decisions are based on which sources are the major contributors, as well as which sources are controllable from a practical standpoint. To facilitate an adaptive management approach, as well as to logically partition the responsibility of implementation among management organizations, TMDLs typically group sources into allocation categories. These categories represent groups of sources which fall under common permitting or management frameworks. The following two tables outline the allocation categories and the percent load reductions necessary to meet the TMDL requirements associated with the all weather conditions and dry weather conditions water quality targets. The distribution of individual sources among the categories are described in the footnotes, with additional detail presented in Part 4 of this report. Percent load reductions necessary to meet TMDL requirements associated with the all weather conditions water quality target. TMDL Allocation Category TMDL % Reduction MS4 1 96% Nonpoint Sources 2 93% Cone Mills WWTP 3 N/A 1 MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. This allocation category includes that portion of the load from pets, Other Sources, and the full load from illicit discharges, which are transported to the receiving stream via the NPDES permitted municipal stormwater conveyance system. 2 The nonpoint source TMDL allocation category includes that portion of the load from pets, Other Sources, and the full loads from exfiltrating sanitary sewers, SSOs, failing septic systems, and waterfowl which are transported to the receiving stream by means other than the MS4. 3 Since the Cone Mills WWTP is no longer discharging, a load reduction is not applicable for the purposes of this TMDL. Percent load reductions necessary to meet TMDL requirements associated with the dry weather conditions water quality target. TMDL Allocation Category TMDL % Reduction MS4 72% Nonpoint Sources 70% Cone Mills WWTP N/A Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 1 %&'%&'%&'%&'         %&% ()*+,$ The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has identified an 8.7 mile segment of North Buffalo Creek as impaired due to elevated fecal coliform concentrations (DWQ, 2003). The impaired segment extends from the stream’s source to just above the North Buffalo wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) near Summit Avenue. Fecal coliform bacteria is a commonly used indicator test organism for detecting the possible presence of human pathogens in lakes, streams, and estuaries throughout NC. DWQ has classified North Buffalo Creek as Class C waters (DWQ, 1985). In NC, waters with a primary classification of Class C are to be managed for the protection of secondary recreational uses such as swimming, wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental basis (DENR, 2003). The elevated levels of fecal coliform found in North Buffalo Creek during both wet and dry weather conditions suggest there may be an increased health risk to recreational and other users of the water resource from bodily contact with the stream. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, contained within Categories 4 through 7 of the Integrated Report, is submitted biennially to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Category 5 of the Integrated Report. The objective of a TMDL is to estimate the maximum amount of a pollutant (e.g. fecal coliform) that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards, and to allocate that load among point and nonpoint sources (USEPA, 1991). The City of Greensboro’s Department of Water Resources has partnered with DWQ and interested local stakeholders to develop a TMDL for fecal coliform for the impaired segment of North Buffalo Creek. The TMDL is intended to serve as an important North Buffalo Creek South Buffalo Creek 1 0 1 2 Miles Reach impaired for fecal coliform highlighted in red North Buffalo Creek watershed. Approximately 8.7 miles of the upper North Buffalo Creek mainstream are listed in NC’s 303(d) List due to elevated fecal coliform concentrations. Summit Avenue has been chosen as the TMDL compliance point. Summit Ave. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 2 management tool for guiding local implementation strategies designed to reduce loadings of potential human pathogens to the stream. Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee are as follows: Target Identification or selection of pollutant(s) and endpoint(s) for consideration. An endpoint is an instream numeric target. The pollutant and endpoint are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known problem pollutants on the 303(d) List. Source assessment. Sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, to the extent that that is possible. Reduction target. Estimation of the level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve the water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target endpoint. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. Margin of safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity (portion of TMDL) or implicitly through conservative assumptions. The margin of safety should be included in the reduction target. Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating available pollutant load (TMDL), and hence pollutant control responsibility, to the sources of impairment. The wasteload allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. The load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future nonpoint sources. Any future nonpoint source loading should remain within the TMDL that is calculated in this assessment; in other words, this TMDL does not leave allocation for future sources. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and endpoint. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts and hurricanes). North Buffalo Creek at Summit Avenue. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 3 Critical conditions. Critical conditions occur when fecal coliform levels exceed the standard by the largest amount. If the modeled load reduction is able to meet the standard during critical conditions, then it should meet the standard at all, or nearly all, times. The North Buffalo Creek TMDL establishes two instream water quality targets and defines a watershed “compliance point” along the mainstem at Summit Avenue. The targets are designed to be consistent with the State’s water quality standard for fecal coliform and provide general guidance for a future implementation plan. Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves the TMDL, then North Buffalo Creek may be moved to Category 4a of the 2002 Integrated Report. North Buffalo Creek will remain on Category 4a until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Note that the entire length of North Buffalo Creek, from its source to the confluence with South Buffalo Creek, is also listed in the Integrated Report as being biologically impaired. This TMDL does not explicitly address this issue as the causal agents of the biological impairment have not yet been identified. %&-  ).$$) " *,  The North Buffalo Creek watershed is located in the headwaters of the Cape Fear River Basin in Guilford County (Figure 1.2.1). North Buffalo Creek, just above its confluence with South Buffalo Creek, has a drainage area of approximately 44 mi2. Drainage from the North Buffalo Creek watershed generally flows in an easterly direction and ultimately feeds the Haw River above Jordan Lake. N 20 0 20 40 Miles North Buffalo Creek Watershed Cape Fear River Basin Figure 1.2.1 North Buffalo Creek watershed in the Cape Fear River Basin. Haw River Jordan Lake Deep River Cape Fear River Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 4  %&/ + ).$ This TMDL addresses fecal coliform impairment in the upper half of the North Buffalo Creek watershed as outlined in NC’s 2002 303(d) List. For management and modeling purposes the upper watershed was delineated into nine subwatersheds (Figure 1.3.1). Delineation of these subwatersheds was based on hydrologic considerations, land use/land cover patterns, and the locations of stream flow and water quality monitoring stations for model calibration/confirmation. The upper watershed defined for this TMDL, which has a drainage area of 21.8 mi2, is wholly within the city limits of Greensboro. Table 1.3.1 summarizes total contributing and individual drainage areas for each subwatershed. 1 2 3 4 5 6.1 6.2 7 8 Summit Ave. Subwatershed ID number 1 Buffalo Lake Figure 1.3.1 Upper North Buffalo Creek watershed and modeled subwatersheds. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 5 Table 1.3.1 Drainage area (DA) summary for the TMDL subwatersheds. 1 Example: the cumulative drainage area to the outlet of subwatershed 3 equals the drainage areas of subwatersheds 1, 2, and 3 (5.1+4.0+0.5=9.6). 2 Subwatershed 6 drains to the largest open waterbody in the watershed – Buffalo Lake. The upper subwatershed (6.1) drains to the head of the lake and subwatershed 6.2 drains directly into the lake. %&0 "*"+#  *, !  Approximately 26% of Greensboro’s total population (223,891 as per 2000 US census) lives in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Population density in the upper watershed averages 4.2 persons/ac. Subwatersheds 3 and 4 have the densest populations as well as some of the oldest residential developments. Table 1.4.1 summarizes the 2000 population by subwatershed based on US census block data. Table 1.4.1 Summary of 2000 population in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Subwatershed 2000 Population Estimate 2000 Density (persons/ac) 1 13,123 4.0 2 8,886 3.5 3 1,532 4.6 4 16,117 5.3 5 3,058 3.4 6.1 3,515 4.2 6.2 6,439 4.1 7 6,353 4.3 8 0 0.0 Total = 59,023 Average density = 4.2 Subwatershed Subwatershed DA (sq. mi) Total Contributing DA to the Subwatershed Outlet (sq. mi) 1 1 5.1 5.1 2 4.0 4.0 3 0.5 9.6 4 4.7 14.3 5 1.4 15.7 6.1 2 1.3 1.3 6.2 2 2.5 3.8 7 2.3 6.1 8 0.05 21.8 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 6 %&1 2  ,# ,$+3# ,$*4) In 2002 the City of Greensboro completed a city-wide GIS land use/land cover (LULC) characterization project. A hybrid land use/land cover classification system comprised of 33 categories was devised to specifically support a variety of water resources management and planning initiatives. The LULC GIS database was built from 2000 orthophotography, parcel and zoning data, as well as numerous additional planimetric data sources. For modeling and reporting purposes the LULC categories were condensed into 9 broader categories. Table 1.5.1 summarizes the LULC categories used to support the TMDL. Table 1.5.1 Land use/land cover categories used for TMDL modeling. LUCL Category Description Dwntwn Downtown area - Includes a specific densely developed, multi-use area near the center of the city. HERB Managed herbaceous – Cemeteries, lawns (>1 ac), open parks, golf courses, and athletic fields. ICO Industrial/Commercial/Office – includes low, medium, and high density industrial, commercial, and office properties greater than 1 acre. INST Institutional – includes schools, university/colleges, churches, and government uses. MF Multi-family residential – includes apartments, condominiums, and townhomes. RES Single family residential – includes all single family detached homes. Also includes duplexes. ROW Right-of-way – includes all roadways and adjacent right-of-way on either side of the road. WATER Open waterbodies – includes lakes and ponds with a surface area greater than 1 acre. WOODS Wooded and natural areas – includes areas greater than 1 acre where tree cover predominates (>75%). Also includes 1 acre or greater areas with a mix of trees and grass/herbaceous vegetation/low-growing brush. Table 1.5.2 and 1.5.3 summarizes the area and percent coverage of each LULC type, respectively. On average the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed is dominated by single family residential land uses as illustrated in the Figure 1.5.1. Roadways and industrial/commercial/office properties are the second and third most prominent developed land uses, respectively. On average, wooded areas cover slightly less than 20% of the upper watershed. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 7 Table 1.5.2 Summary of 2000 land use/land cover area. Values rounded to the nearest acre. Area in square miles presented in parenthesis. Subwater-shed Dwntwn HERB ICO INST MF RES ROW WATER WOODS Totals 1 0 (0) 228 (0.36) 452 (0.71) 104 (0.16) 155 (0.24) 1,288 (2.01) 497 (0.78) 19 (0.03) 521 (0.81) 3,263 (5.10) 2 0 (0) 29 (0.05) 288 (0.45) 38 (0.06) 6 (0.01) 1,110 (1.73) 438 (0.68) 14 (0.02) 613 (0.96) 2,536 (3.96) 3 0 (0) 23 (0.04) 1 (0.00) 7 (0.01) 16 (0.03) 146 (0.23) 57 (0.09) 2 (0.00) 80 (0.13) 331 (0.52) 4 215 (0.34) 205 (0.32) 445 (0.70) 218 (0.34) 119 (0.19) 967 (1.51) 506 (0.79) 6 (0.01) 338 (0.53) 3,019 (4.72) 5 0 (0) 40 (0.06) 287 (0.45) 25 (0.04) 37 (0.06) 223 (0.35) 139 (0.22) 7 (0.01) 134 (0.21) 892 (1.39) 6.1 0 (0) 10 (0.02) 79 (0.12) 7 (0.01) 35 (0.05) 396 (0.62) 114 (0.18) 0 (0) 191 (0.30) 832 (1.30) 6.2 0 (0) 40 (0.06) 67 (0.10) 42 (0.07) 104 (0.16) 684 (1.07) 209 (0.33) 95 (0.15) 342 (0.53) 1,583 (2.47) 7 0 (0) 93 (0.15) 141 (0.22) 40 (0.06) 108 (0.17) 438 (0.68) 139 (0.22) 5 (0.01) 526 (0.82) 1,490 (2.33) 8 0 (0) 3 (0.00) 3 (0.00) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 3 (0.00) 2 (0.00) 26 (0.04) 37 (0.06) Totals 215 (0.34) 671 (1.05) 1,764 (2.76) 482 (0.75) 578 (0.90) 5,250 (8.20) 2,102 (3.28) 150 (0.23) 2,771 (4.33) 13,984 (21.85) Subwater- shed Dwntwn HERB ICO INST MF RES ROW WATER WOODS Totals 1 0.0% 7.0% 13.9% 3.2% 4.7% 39.5% 15.2% 0.6% 16.0% 100% 2 0.0% 1.1% 11.4% 1.5% 0.2% 43.8% 17.3% 0.5% 24.2% 100% 3 0.0% 6.8% 0.3% 2.2% 4.9% 44.0% 17.1% 0.6% 24.1% 100% 4 7.1% 6.8% 14.7% 7.2% 3.9% 32.0% 16.8% 0.2% 11.2% 100% 5 0.0% 4.5% 32.2% 2.8% 4.1% 25.0% 15.6% 0.7% 15.1% 100% 6.1 0.0% 1.2% 9.5% 0.9% 4.2% 47.5% 13.7% 0.0% 23.0% 100% 6.2 0.0% 2.5% 4.2% 2.6% 6.6% 43.2% 13.2% 6.0% 21.6% 100% 7 0.0% 6.2% 9.5% 2.7% 7.2% 29.4% 9.4% 0.4% 35.3% 100% 8 0.0% 8.6% 8.3% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 8.6% 4.3% 70.3% 100% Totals 1.5% 4.8% 12.6% 3.4% 4.1% 37.5% 15.0% 1.1% 19.8% 100% Table 1.5.3 Percent coverage of each land use/land cover type. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 8 TMDL subwatershed bdry Legend DWNTWN HERB ICOINSTMFRESROW WATER WOODS 0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Miles Figure 1.5.1 Land use/land cover within the TMDL subwatersheds (2000). Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 9 %&5 *) $, #$4#*"!, Given the predominance of residential land uses in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed (average >41% combined single and multi-family), it is useful to examine the age of these developments as a prelude to the fecal coliform source assessment. The age of residential development, as determined using parcel records, can provide some insight into the possible age (and condition) of the stormwater and sanitary sewer infrastructure systems. Older drainage and sanitary sewer systems, particularly those constructed using clay pipe, as was common in NC pre-1970s, may be more subject to varying degrees of deterioration. In particular, deteriorating sanitary sewer lines can be a significant source of fecal coliform loading to a watershed. It is important to note however that older residential subdivisions do not necessarily equate to areas of high fecal coliform loads, particularly where systems have been well maintained. However, these data do provide useful information for targeting follow-up investigations to the TMDL. Figure 1.6.1 illustrates the age of residential development in the upper watershed. Figure 1.6.1 Age of residential development in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Only residential areas within the Greensboro city limits are shown. 1920 − 1940 1960 − 1970 1950 1960 − 1970 1950 1920 − 1950 1960 − 1970 1950 − 1960 1910 − 1920 1920 − 1950 1930 − 1950 1960 − 1970 1950 − 1960 WHITE ST US 29 HY S MCKNIGHT MILL RD W WENDOVER AVE W MARKET ST BENJAMIN PKWY WENDOVER AVE North Buffalo Creek Watershed Age of Residential Areas Year Built 1850− 1929 1930 − 1959 1960 − 1979 1980 − 1999 Sources: City of Greensboro Parcel GIS Data and EarthData 2002 Landuse Coverages Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 10 %&6 !")4 *++)  Impervious surfaces, such as rooftops and parking lots, prevent rainfall from infiltrating into the ground. The result is an increase in runoff volumes, instream peak flows, and pollutant loads delivered to a receiving stream. Given the importance of impervious surfaces in the field of water resources management, the City of Greensboro has invested in the development of a comprehensive city-wide GIS database of impervious surfaces. This GIS database includes polygon representations of road surfaces, railroad beds, parking lots, driveways, rooftops (including residential out buildings), swimming pools, storage tanks, along with other impervious feature types. Table 1.7.1 summarizes the results of a GIS analysis undertaken to estimate the average impervious surface coverage for each LULC type used in this TMDL. Table 1.7.2 outlines the percentage of impervious cover in each subwatershed. Table 1.7.1 Average impervious surface coverage for each LULC type. LULC Average % Impervious Cover DWNTWN 66% HERB 0% ICO 57% INST 43% MF 36% RES 15% ROW 63% WATER 0% WOODS 0% Table 1.7.2 Average impervious surface coverage in each subwatershed. Subwatershed % Impervious Cover 1 26% 2 25% 3 20% 4 33% 5 35% 6.1 23% 6.2 21% 7 19% 8 10% TMDL area average 26% Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 11 %&7 !*, *) ,  *, Within the TMDL subwatersheds there are ten fecal coliform monitoring stations and two USGS stream flow and precipitation gaging stations. The City of Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division has four ambient (dry weather) stations at which fecal coliform samples are collected. Other physical/chemical water quality parameters are also monitored at these stations. The Aycock Street station also serves as a storm monitoring station for fecal coliform and other water quality parameters. In 2001 the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments initiated a special study which included five sampling stations within the TMDL subwatersheds, in addition to stations in other watersheds within the Triad region of NC (PTCOG, 2003). A central objective of the study is to examine instream fecal coliform concentrations during dry weather conditions. The USGS, with financial support from the Greensboro Department of Water Resources, operates two stream flow and precipitation gaging stations within the TMDL subwatersheds. The Westover Terrace station (02095181) on North Buffalo Creek began recording daily stream flow in June 1999. The Church Street station (02095271), also on North Buffalo Creek, began recording in August 1998. Table 1.8.1 and Figure 1.8.1 provide additional information on the monitoring stations located within the TMDL subwatersheds. Table 1.8.1 Monitoring stations within the TMDL subwatersheds. Map ID Subwater- shed Location Stream Agency 1 Ambient 2 Storm 3 Flow 4 PPT 5 A 1 Market St. N. Buffalo PTCOG  B 1 Arboretum/ Lindley Park N. Buffalo SMD  C Head of 3 Elam St. N. Buffalo PTCOG  D Outlet of 3 Aycock/Westover Terrace N. Buffalo USGS   E Outlet of 3 Aycock/Westover Terrace N. Buffalo SMD   F 4 Garland Ave. N. Buffalo PTCOG  G 4 Cridland Ave. N. Buffalo PTCOG  H Outlet of 4 Church St. N. Buffalo USGS   I Outlet of 4 Church St. N. Buffalo SMD  J Outlet of 4 Church St. N. Buffalo PTCOG  K 7 16th St. UT to N. Buffalo SMD  L Outlet of 8 Summit Ave. N. Buffalo Cone Mills WWTP   1 PTCOG = Piedmont Triad Council of Governments; SMD = City of Greensboro Stormwater Management Division; USGS = US Geological Survey; Cone Mills WWTP = instream sampling station downstream of discharge. 2 Ambient (dry weather) sampling refers to instream water quality data collected 72 or more hours after a rainfall event. 3 Storm sampling refers to instream water quality data collected within 72 hours of a rainfall event. 4 Flow = Stream flow 5 PPT = Precipitation (rainfall) Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 12 %&8 *)4$ ,) ! #*# *)!$   The nine different sampling locations within the TMDL subwatersheds provides a reasonably good picture of bacteriological water quality – particularly during dry weather conditions when recreational use of the resource is highest. Generally speaking fecal coliform concentrations at all of the stations are elevated with geometric means of the observed datasets tending to be over the 200 cfu/100mL threshold referenced in NC’s bacteriological water quality standard for Class C waters. Below is a summary of the instream fecal coliform data collected by the three agencies, SMD, PTCOG, and Cone Mills WWTP, which sample within the TMDL subwatersheds. Each agency has appropriate quality control procedures in place and uses a State certified laboratory to process the samples.                 SMD ambient and/or storm water quality station PTCOG ambient water quality station USGS flow and precipitation gaging station Cone Mills WWTP NPDES instream station Figure 1.8.1 Monitoring stations within the TMDL subwatersheds. A B C E D F G H J I L K A Map ID (See Table 1.8.1) Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 13 Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division Fecal Coliform Data SMD samples at 4 locations within the TMDL subwatersheds (see Figure 1.8.1). All stations are ambient monitoring locations with the exception of the Aycock Street station from which storm (runoff event) samples are also collected. Table 1.9.1 provides a summary of fecal coliform data collected at each of the SMD monitoring locations. Appendix 1 includes a listing of the complete dataset with sampling dates and individual results. Table 1.9.1 Summary of ambient (dry weather) fecal coliform data collected by Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division. 1 Map ID 2 Station Geometric Mean Of Ambient Dataset Geometric Mean Of Summer Ambient Dataset 3 Geometric Mean Of Non-Summer Ambient Dataset 3 Total Number of Samples B Arboretum 1,161 2,626 788 28 E Aycock St. 433 1,124 211 14 I Church St. 306 630 178 14 K 16th St. 309 542 203 14 1 Ambient samples are collected 72 or more hours after the last measurable rainfall event. All stations were sampled during the period 7/22/99 – 9/18/01 with the exception of the Arboretum station which was sampled 7/9/96 – 4/14/99. Geometric means expressed in units of #/100mL. 2 See Figure 1.8.1 for a map of station locations. 3 Summer dataset is defined as those samples collected during the months of June through October. Non-summer is defined as November through May. Table 1.9.2 Summary of storm fecal coliform data collected by Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division at the Aycock Street station. 1 Station Geometric Mean Of Storm Dataset Geometric Mean Of Summer Storm Dataset 2 Geometric Mean Of Non- summer Storm Dataset 2 Geometric Mean Of Ambient & Storm Dataset Geometric Mean Of Summer Ambient & Storm Dataset Geometric Mean Of Non- summer Ambient & Storm Dataset Number of Samples Aycock St. 4,586 11,303 2,921 1,090 2,427 652 9 storm 14 ambient 1 Storm samples are typically collected during or shortly after (within 24 hours) rainfall events. Geometric means expressed in units of #/100mL. Samples collected during the period 7/22/99 – 9/18/01. 2 Summer dataset is defined as those samples collected during the months of June through October. Non-summer is defined as November through May Piedmont Triad Council of Governments Fecal Coliform Data PTCOG sampled 5 stations along the North Buffalo Creek mainstem within the TMDL subwatersheds as part of a special study conducted in Greensboro and High Point, NC (PTCOG, 2003). All samples summarized herein were collected at ambient conditions during the period 6/11/01 – 10/30/01, with the exception of the Elam Street station which was sampled during 6/5/01 – 10/30/01. Table 1.9.3 summarizes the PTCOG instream fecal coliform data. Appendix 1 includes a listing of the complete dataset with sampling dates and individual results. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 14 Table 1.9.3 Summary of ambient (dry weather) fecal coliform data collected by the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments. 1 Map ID 2 Station Geometric Mean Of Ambient Dataset Geometric Mean Of Ambient Summer Dataset 3 Geometric Mean Of Ambient Non-summer Dataset 3 Total Number of Samples A Market St. 683 822 454 16 C Elam St. 409 518 172 14 F Garland Ave. 852 1,006 462 14 G Cridland Ave. 470 610 197 13 J Church St. 309 348 206 13 1 Ambient samples are collected 72 or more hours after the last measurable rainfall event. Geometric means expressed in units of #/100mL. 2 See Figure 1.8.1 for a map of station locations. 3 Summer dataset is defined as those samples collected during the months of June through October. Non-summer is defined as November through May Cone Mills WWTP Instream Fecal Coliform Data As a condition of the Cone Mill NPDES wastewater discharge permit (NC0000876) the facility is required to conduct instream sampling for fecal coliform and other water quality parameters at Summit Avenue.† Table 1.9.4 summarizes 300 fecal coliform samples collected during the period 8/3/1998 – 11/24/2000 as reported in the facility’s discharge monitoring reports (DMRs). Appendix 1 includes a listing of the complete dataset with sampling dates and individual results. Table 1.9.4 Summary of instream fecal coliform data collected at Summit Avenue by Cone Mills WWTP. 1 Map ID 2 Station Geometric Mean Of Complete Dataset Geometric Mean Of Ambient Samples 3 Geometric Mean Of Storm Samples 3 Geometric Mean Of Summer Dataset 4 Geometric Mean Of Non-summer Dataset 4 Total Number Of Samples L Summit Ave. 429 206 680 619 300 300 1 Geometric means expressed in units of #/100mL. 2 See Figure 1.8.1 for a map of station locations. 3 Cone Mills was not required by permit to parse their sampling into ambient and storm sampling periods. However, for the purposes of this TMDL the complete dataset was segregated into samples collected during dry weather periods (ambient) and samples collected during or soon after a rainfall event. Precipitation data collected at the USGS gaging stations at Westover Terrace and Church Street were used to identify dates in which the cumulative daily rainfall total was 0.1” or more. Instream samples collected within 72 hours of these rain event days were classified as storm samples. All others were considered ambient samples. 4 Summer dataset is defined as those samples collected during the months of June through October. Non-summer is defined as November through May. † During the TMDL simulation period (August 1998 – August 2001) Cone Mills was permitted to discharge 1.25 MGD of treated industrial/domestic wastewater into North Buffalo Creek approximately 0.2 miles upstream of Summit Avenue. During the summer of 2001 Cone Mills began diverting its discharge to the City of Greensboro’s North Buffalo Creek WWTP for treatment and ultimate discharge below Summit Ave. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 15 Figure 1.9.1 illustrates the observed fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue over four stream flow regimes.† The x-axis is analogous to the percent chance of exceedance for a given flow. For example, data points in line with the 50% flow duration interval represent fecal coliform concentrations collected during predicted median flow. Figure 1.9.1 Observed fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue distributed by predicted stream flow.1 1 High flows: 559 (modeled peak) – 70 cfs; Transition flows: 69 – 22 cfs; Typical flows: 21 - 10 cfs; Low flows: 9 – 3.4 (modeled low) cfs The following is a summary of findings derived from Figure 1.9.1. The data summary is not a direct comparison to the NC fecal coliform standard. Rather, it is intended to be a general characterization of bacteriological water quality over a snap shot in time. The 200/100mL and 400/100mL values presented in the first six bullets are referenced against grab sample results and not geometric means. ···· 72% of all the samples are above 200/100mL ···· 55% of all the samples are above 400/100mL ···· 62% of samples collected during low flow conditions exceed 200/100mL ···· 72% of samples collected during typical flow conditions exceed 200/100mL ···· 85% of samples collected during transition flow conditions exceed 200/100mL ···· 96% of samples collected during high flow conditions exceed 200/100mL ···· Geometric mean of samples collected during high flows = 1,465/100mL ···· Geometric mean of samples collected during transition flows = 942/100mL ···· Geometric mean of samples collected during typical flows = 479/100mL ···· Geometric mean of samples collected during low flows = 209/100mL † There is no stream flow gaging station at Summit Avenue. Hence, predicted flows from the model were used in this analysis.     + + + + *+ + + ,+ )+ -+ ++                 + + + + *+ + + ,+ )+ -+ ++ Flow Duration Interval (%)              Fecal Coliform Conc. (#/100mL) Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1.0 Introduction 16 ···· Over all flow regimes, except high, the range of observed concentrations (highest and lowest values) is relatively consistent. Exceedances of the 200/100mL threshold value occur over the full range of flows, but generally occur at higher percentages as flows increase. Given that elevated fecal coliform concentrations occur over the full spectrum of flow conditions, both stormwater and non-stormwater driven sources need to be considered in the TMDL. General Findings Applicable To Each Sampling Station Based on a review of the data presented in Tables 1.9.1 through 1.9.4 the following generalizations can be made about the observed bacteriological conditions in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Note that these generalizations are not intended to be a formal evaluation of secondary recreational use support. ···· With only a few exceptions, the geometric means of the various datasets are consistently above 200 cfu/100mL - suggesting bacteriological contamination of the creek is occurring under a variety of runoff and seasonal conditions. ···· The geometric mean of the various ambient (dry weather) datasets are also consistently above 200 cfu/100mL – suggesting non-stormwater driven sources are important contributors. ···· Fecal coliform concentrations tend to be higher in the summer than at other times of the year which is consistent with other general findings reported in the literature (CWP, 1999). This is significant as recreational use of the waters tends to be highest during the warm summer months. ···· Fecal coliform concentrations during storm periods are consistently higher than during ambient conditions – suggesting nonpoint sources of bacteria are also important contributors. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 17 ----&'&'&'&'         One of the key elements of a TMDL analysis is the identification of sources of fecal coliform throughout a watershed, and the estimate of the amount of pollutant loading contributed by each sources. Potential sources of fecal coliform are numerous, widely distributed spatially, and often occur in combination. In addition, different sources translate into varying degrees of risk to recreational users of the water resource. However, it is generally recognized that human sources of fecal coliform pose the greatest health risks (CWP, 1999). Sources of fecal coliform loads can be assigned to two broad classes: point source loads and nonpoint source loads. Point sources of fecal coliform are characterized as those which enter a water body from discrete, often identifiable locations such as pipes. Nonpoint sources of fecal coliform are diffuse sources often not entering a water body at discrete, fixed locations. Nonpoint source loads tend to be variable in time and space, making them particularly challenging to quantify. Working with the project stakeholders eight fecal coliform source types were identified as being potentially significant contributors in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. This list includes: Cone Mills WWTP (NC0000876); illicit discharges from the City of Greensboro’s NPDES Phase I permitted stormwater conveyance system; pets (specifically dogs and cats); exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines; sewer system overflows (SSOs); failing septic systems; waterfowl (specifically ducks and geese); and other sources, presently unidentifiable, with delivery mechanisms assumed to be associated with rainfall runoff events. -&%"* ,*+) !, -&%&%-&%&%-&%&%-&%&%! "! "! "! " Cone Mills Corporation had a major industrial discharge approximately 0.2 stream miles above Summit Avenue during the TMDL model simulation period. The facility was permitted to discharge 1.25 MGD of treated effluent with a monthly geometric mean fecal coliform limit of 200 cfu/100mL. Cone Mills is a textile manufacture for the apparel and home furnishings market. The facility is still in operation, however it no longer directly discharges to the stream. Rather, its pretreated wastewater is now sent to the City of Greensboro’s North Buffalo Creek North Buffalo Creek Buffalo Lake Cone Mills WWTP The Cone Mills facility is the only NPDES permitted WWTP with a limit for fecal coliform within the TMDL watersheds. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 18 WWTP for final treatment and disposal. The North Buffalo Creek WWTP discharges downstream of the reach impaired for fecal coliform and is therefore not included in this TMDL. Daily effluent flow and daily fecal coliform monitoring data submitted to DWQ by Cone Mills were used to estimate loads from this facility (Kebede, 2003). -&%&-&%&-&%&-&%&----  $  9: ;    $  9: ;    $  9: ;    $  9: ;    Greensboro’s Stormwater Management Division (SMD) is the lead local government agency responsible for managing the city’s stormwater conveyance infrastructure. Greensboro is permitted under EPA’s Phase I stormwater program. In 2002 SMD completed a state-of-the-art GIS mapping project of its stormwater conveyance system. This project involved locating stormwater inlets, manholes, pipes, and culverts using a combination of GPS and traditional survey technologies. These data were incorporated into a GIS framework. Natural streams, man-made open channels, and lake/ponds were also included in the GIS database to provide complete hydrologic conductivity within a watershed. Table summarizes the number of stormwater inlets and length of drainage pipe (12” or greater) within the TMDL subwatersheds as identified through the stormwater infrastructure mapping project. Table Summary of selected stormwater infrastructure features within the TMDL subwatersheds. Subwatershed Number Of Stormwater Inlets (e.g. curb inlet, yard inlet, etc.) Total Length Of 12” Or Greater Diameter Pipe (miles) 1 2,070 40.1 2 1,781 35.2 3 210 3.0 4 2,693 47.7 5 647 11.9 6.1 457 10.2 6.2 1,012 21.3 7 557 12.7 8 13 0.4 Total 9,440 182.5 Nighttime aerial infrared thermographic image of a possible inappropriate discharge into North Buffalo Creek from an institutional facility in subwatershed 1. Data from the infrared flyover became available too late for use in the TMDL source assessment. However, these data will be used to support implementation strategies. N. Buffalo Ck. “Warm” discharge shows up brighter on IR image than creek at ambient temperature. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 19 In addition to the locational mapping, various attributes which describe the conveyance system were also collected such as inlet type, pipe size, and pipe invert elevation. Attribution of the conveyance system also included an inventory of any illegal tie-ins to the system. An illegal tie-in is defined as any unauthorized private piped connection to the public stormwater conveyance system. The mapping project was not designed to assess whether or not discharges from illegal tie-ins are comprised solely of stormwater. These determinations are being made through follow-up investigations over time. However, the mapping database does include a number of useful attributes which were used to identify the possible presence of illicit discharges to the stormwater system. These attributes included whether or not an unusual odor, such as from raw sewage, was emanating from the system; whether or not flows in the system were unnaturally colored or cloudy; as well as specific comments recorded in the database by the mapping field crews which would suggest the presence of an illicit discharge in the system. Using these attributes an analysis of the stormwater infrastructure database was conducted to identify the number of structures and pipes possibly containing non-stormwater flows (illicit discharges). The outfalls from which these non-stormwater flows ultimately discharge were identified using the system connectivity built within the GIS database. Table summarizes the results of this analysis. Figure illustrates the locations of stormwater structures and pipes suspected of containing non-stormwater flows. Table Summary of the number of stormwater structures, pipes, and outfalls possibly containing non-stormwater flows. Subwatershed Number of Structures (e.g. inlets, manholes) Number of Pipes Number of Outfalls to 1:24K Scale Streams 1 1 6 10 9 2 11 12 8 3 0 0 2 2 4 14 5 27 3 5 8 8 6 6.1 2 7 1 6.2 9 8 11 7 1 1 2 8 0 0 0 Total 51 51 66 1 This column represents the number of discreet locations the possible discharge enters a 1:24,000 scale stream. For example, in subwatershed 1 based on the connectivity of the stormwater conveyance system, the 6 structures and 10 pipes suspected of possibly containing non-stormwater flows ultimately discharge to a stream at 9 unique locations. 2 The stormwater infrastructure database indicated possible evidence that an illicit discharge had occurred at 2 instream locations. The database did not yield any evidence that the discharge was associated with a specific stormwater structure or pipe. 3 Based on the connectivity of the stormwater conveyance system, 14 structures and 5 pipes were identified as possibly containing non-stormwater flows discharging at 9 unique locations. However, this number of non-stormwater discharges is suspected of being an underestimate due to uncertainties associated with the mapping database. Approximately 215 acres of Greensboro’s downtown area is within subwatershed 4. The downtown area contains some of the City’s older stormwater infrastructure – much of which was inaccessible during the mapping project. Due in part to buried manholes, 183 stormwater pipes in the downtown area could not be inspected and their network connectivity verified. For the purposes of this TMDL, it was assumed that 10% of these older, inaccessible pipes may contain illicit tie-ins (i.e. 183 *10% = 18 pipes). It was also assumed that each of these pipes discharge to a discreet location. Therefore in subwatershed 4 a total of 27 (18+9) outfalls possibly containing non-stormwater flows were used to estimate fecal coliform loads from illicit discharges. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 20 Figure Stormwater structures and pipes, along with corresponding stream outfalls, suspected of containing non-stormwater flows. Flow and fecal coliform concentration measurements are not available at stream outfalls suspected of containing non-stormwater flows for use in calculating loads. To estimate loads from each outfall for the TMDL, data from various dry weather flow investigations were obtained from the Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection (Kroening, 2002). These data are described in the fecal coliform TMDL for Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar, and Sugar Creek Watersheds approved in February 2002 (MCDEP/DWQ, 2002), and presented in Appendix 4. A median dry weather flow rate of 0.00675 cfs from each outfall was calculated from the Mecklenburg County studies based on an analysis of outfalls in the county possessing dry weather flow. A geometric mean fecal coliform concentration in the dry weather flow of 676 cfu/100mL was also calculated from the Mecklenburg County data. These “typical” flow and fecal coliform concentration values were applied to each outfall suspected of containing non-stormwater flows in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed in order to calculate fecal coliform loads for each subwatershed. These loads are assumed to be constant. Table summarizes the loading estimates from illicit discharges (non- stormwater flows) used in this TMDL.                                                                                Outfall location to 1:24,000 scale stream from stormwater structure and/or pipe Stormwater structure (e.g. inlet, manhole) Pipe Some discharge outfalls for pipes in the downtown area are not verified/shown. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 21 Table Fecal coliform loading estimates from illicit discharges (non-stormwater flows) from the stormwater conveyance system. Subwatershed Number of Outfalls to 1:24K Scale Streams Total Flow (cfs) 1 Total Load (#/day) 2 1 9 0.06075 1.01E+09 2 8 0.05400 8.94E+08 3 2 0.01350 2.23E+08 4 27 0.18225 3.02E+09 5 6 0.04050 6.70E+08 6.1 1 0.00675 1.12E+08 6.2 11 0.07425 1.23E+09 7 2 0.01350 2.23E+08 8 0 0.00000 0.00E+00 1 Total flow = Number of outfalls * 0.00675 cfs 2 Total load (#/d) = Total flow (cfs) * 676/100mL * conversion factor (24470000) -&-,*,"* ,*+) !, -&-&-&-&----&%&%&%&%"""" Given the predominance of residential land uses in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed, pets, specifically dogs and cats, are believed to be potential significant contributing sources of fecal coliform loads in the watershed. The City of Greensboro does not have a pet licensing program, so dog and cat populations were estimated based on national average pet ownership statistics published by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA 1997). The City of Wilmington, NC conducted a comparison of pet population estimates made using AVMA statistics versus local county health department records of registered pet owners. Wilmington found that AVMA statistics yielded reasonably similar results for watershed source assessment purposes (Wilmington, 2002). According to AVMA statistics: # of dogs in a given area = 0.534 * total number of households in the area # of cats in a given area = 0.598 * total number of households in the area Greensboro’s city parks, such as Latham Park shown above along North Buffalo Creek, are popular places for walking dogs. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 22 2000 US Census block data, which includes household counts, were used to estimate the number of households in each subwatershed which was then used in turn to estimate the dog and cat population (Table Table Estimated dog and cat population in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed based on AVMA statistics. Subwatershed No. of Dogs No. of Cats No. of Households 1 3,047 3,412 5,706 2 2,063 2,310 3,863 3 356 398 667 4 3,742 4,190 7,007 5 710 795 1,330 6.1 816 914 1,528 6.2 1,495 1,674 2,800 7 1,475 1,652 2,762 8 0 0 0 Totals 13,704 15,345 25,663 Based on published animal feces production rates approximately 4,400 lb/day of feces is generated from the dog population and 2,300 lb/day of feces is produced from the cat population within the TMDL subwatersheds (CWP, 1999). Using input from the local stakeholders group it was assumed for the purposes of this TMDL that 100% of the dog waste generated is deposited outside, on residential land, and subject to rainfall runoff processes. Fifty percent (50%) of cat waste was assumed to be deposited outside, on residential land, and subject to runoff. Based on these data and assumptions, daily fecal coliform accumulation rates were calculated as outlined in Table Table Fecal coliform accumulation rates from pet waste. Subwatershed Accumulation Rate On Residential Land 1 (count/acre/day) (ACQOP) Total Residential Acreage 1 9.28 X 109 1,443 2 8.12 X 109 1,116 3 9.65 X 109 162 4 1.51 X 1010 1,086 5 1.20 X 1010 260 6.1 8.33 X 109 431 6.2 8.33 X 109 788 7 1.19 X 1010 546 8 0 0 1 Calculations based on a fecal coliform loading rate from dogs of 4.09E+09 cfu/dog/day (Roessler, 2002) and a rate from cats of 5.37E+08 cfu/cat/day (calculated from data provided in CWP, 1999). Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 23 -&-&-&-&----&-&-&-&-  ;#     ;#     ;#     ;#    The City of Greensboro operates over 1,382 miles of sanitary sewer lines ranging in size from 6 to 72 inches in diameter. The sanitary sewer collection system transports wastewater to either the North Buffalo Water Reclamation Facility (WRF) or the T.Z. Osborne WRF on South Buffalo Creek. Both plants have advanced tertiary limits for oxygen consuming wastes as permitted under NPDES. The infiltration and inflow (I&I) of groundwater and/or rainwater into the sanitary sewer collection system is an important management issue for municipalities. Excessive I&I can result in sewer system overflows and reduced treatment capacity at the WWTP. The City of Greensboro has an on-going inspection and maintenance program which includes the rehabilitation of aging sewer lines. Over $1.7 million is spent annually on the rehabilitation program with a particular focus on reducing I&I related problems. The rehabilitation program also addresses exfiltration problems, i.e. when sewage is leaking out of the collection system. Hydraulically this situation can occur when a sewer line is above the water table or stream water surface, or is under pressure as is the case with force mains. Unfortunately, exfiltration problems are much more difficult to detect because often there is little visual evidence that a problem is occurring. The majority of Greensboro’s sanitary collection system (~97%) are lines which generally follow the terrain to take advantage of gravity flow. Hence, by design collection arteries are often located in close proximity to streams and tributaries to transport wastewater downhill to the treatment plant. This situation presents an opportunity for untreated sewage to reach a stream through abnormalities in the line, such as through cracks at a joint. Most NC municipalities have very little data for quantifying the degree of exfiltration which is occurring from their sanitary sewer collection system. However, in 2000 Mecklenburg County published the results of a limited study designed to investigate fecal coliform concentrations in groundwater in the vicinity of underground sanitary sewer lines. The study is summarized in the Fecal Coliform TMDL for the Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar, and Sugar Creek Watersheds (MCDEP/DWQ, 2002), and the data presented in Appendix 5. Briefly, Mecklenburg County found that 3 out of 4 down gradient wells, positioned near sewer lines located above the water table, had an average groundwater fecal coliform concentration of 58 cfu/100mL. Measured concentrations In the North Buffalo Creek watershed data on exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines are very limited, as is generally the case throughout NC. The best professional judgment of the local TMDL stakeholders is that exfiltrating sanitary lines could be a potential significant source of fecal coliform loads. However, actual load contributions from this source are not well understood. A special study being conducted by the City of Greensboro on dry weather sources of fecal coliform within the TMDL subwatersheds was initiated in the Spring of 2003. One of the goals of this study is to gather additional information on this potential source to support implementation strategies. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 24 Sewer system overflow draining into North Buffalo Creek within subwatershed 4. The City of Greensboro maintains a database of SSOs as part of a program to minimize the occurrence of uncontrolled discharges from the sanitary sewer collection system. ranged from < 10 cfu/100mL to 1,700 cfu/100mL. None of the samples collected from the 4 up gradient wells had measurable fecal coliform concentrations. None of the samples collected from wells positioned near sewer lines located below the water table had measurable fecal coliform concentrations. For this TMDL exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines were simulated in the model as a constant fecal coliform concentration in groundwater. Per the Mecklenburg County study, groundwater concentrations for most of the subwatersheds were assumed to be 58 cfu/100mL. In subwatershed 4 which includes 215 acres of downtown area and some turn of the century (1900s) residential development (see Figure 1.6.1), and in subwatershed 7 which also has elevated instream fecal concentrations during dry weather, groundwater concentrations were assumed to be 700 cfu/100mL. An assumed groundwater concentration of 700 cfu/100mL is based primarily on model calibrations during dry weather periods when loadings from most other sources are reduced. It is important to note however that although the 700 cfu/100mL fecal coliform concentration assumed for groundwater in selected subwatersheds is well within the range observed within Mecklenburg County, there is no local data to substantiate this assumption. In general, fecal coliform loads from exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines represent a significant source of uncertainty in the TMDL. Exfiltrating sewer lines and other dry weather sources of fecal coliform loads will be investigated in more detail as part of a special study initiated in the spring of 2003 with funding from the Cape Fear River Assembly. -&-&-&-&-&/-&/-&/-&/;  * ;;  * ;;  * ;;  * ; Sewer system overflows can generally be characterized as unpermitted discharges from the sanitary sewer collection system. To varying degrees SSOs occur in virtually every municipal collection system. Often SSOs are caused by excessive volumes of rain water entering the collection system which exceeds the systems capacity to transport all the flow to the WWTP. SSOs can also be caused by blockages in the lines from grease, debris, tree roots, and other obstructions. The City of Greensboro’s Department of Water Resources maintains a database of spills and overflows from the sanitary sewer collection system. The database includes among other attributes the location, date and time the discharge started and stopped, estimated discharge volume, whether or not the discharge reached a surface water body, and an explanation of the possible cause of the discharge. Table and Figure summarize the SSOs which occurred within the TMDL subwatersheds during the model simulation period. Appendix 6 includes data for each individual SSO. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 25 Table Summary of SSOs within the TMDL subwatersheds during the model simulation period August 1998 through August 2001. Subwatershed No. of SSOs Total Volume Spilled (gal) 1 25 5,575 2 18 3,875 3 1 200 4 42 72,115 5 7 2,780 6.1 14 1,615 6.2 13 6,950 7 11 7,325 8 0 0 Total 131 100,435 Figure Distribution of SSOs within the TMDL subwatersheds during the period August 1998 through August 2001. Loads from SSOs were estimated based on an assumed fecal coliform concentration in untreated sewage of 6.4X106 cfu/100mL (CWP, 1999), and flow rates calculated from the spill start and stop times and estimated spill volume reported in the SSO database. Within the model framework, fecal coliform loads from SSOs are simulated as direct discharges to a stream reach. Start and stop times for each individual SSO are maintained within the model.                                                                                                                                            Location of SSO Note: In some cases more than one overflow has occurred at a given location. 1 2 3 4 5 6.1 6.2 7 8 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 26 -&-&-&-&-&0-&0-&0-&0                    On-site wastewater treatment systems are a very common means of treating and deposing of wastewater in areas of NC not served by a centralized sanitary sewer system. Since all of the area within the TMDL subwatersheds is within the Greensboro city limits, septic systems were not believed to be in common use. However, even in urban areas it is possible for these systems to be in existence and thus were considered as part of the TMDL analysis. No direct accounting of the number of septic systems in use within the TMDL subwatersheds is available. Therefore, in order to quantify loads from improperly functioning (failing) septic systems, the total number of systems in use had to be estimated. This was accomplished through an analysis of water and sewer billing records maintained by the Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Based on a comparison of these records, it was assumed that city customers with developed properties receiving a water bill but not a sewer bill, were disposing wastewater via an on-site system. There are no NPDES permitted privately owned package plants within the TMDL subwatersheds. Based on the collective experience of the TMDL stakeholders an estimated failure rate of 10% – 20% was believed to be appropriate. This range was corroborated by the opinion of an experienced septic system inspector with the Guilford County Health Department (Edwards, 2002). Table and Figure summarize the septic system source assessment. Table Septic systems within the TMDL subwatersheds. Subwatershed Estimated Total Number of Septic Systems Estimated Number of Failing Septic Systems 1 1 9 1 2 9 1 3 2 0 4 22 4 5 3 0 6.1 1 0 6.2 7 1 7 3 0 8 0 0 Total 56 7 1 The number of failing septic systems was estimated by assuming a 15% failure rate from the total number of systems and rounding to the nearest integer. In the case of subwatershed 4 the number of failing systems was rounded up to the nearest integer, as this subwatershed had a disproportionately high number of systems. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 27 Figure Distribution of septic systems within the TMDL subwatersheds. Fecal coliform loads from failing septic systems were calculated by assuming 2.3 individuals are served by each septic system which is based on the average number of persons in a Greensboro household according to the 2000 US Census. A per capita flow rate of 70 gallons per person per day, and a fecal coliform concentration of 10,000 cfu/100mL was assumed for the loading calculations (Horsely and Whitten, 1996). Table summarizes the estimated fecal coliform load from failing septic systems within the TMDL subwatersheds. Table Estimated fecal coliform load from failing septic systems located within the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Subwatershed No. of Failing systems Flow (cfs) FC Concentration in Effluent (#/100mL) FC Load (#/day) 1 1 0.00025 10,000 6.09E+07 2 1 0.00025 10,000 6.09E+07 3 0 0.00000 10,000 0.00E+00 4 4 0.00100 10,000 2.44E+08 5 0 0.00000 10,000 0.00E+00 6.1 0 0.00000 10,000 0.00E+00 6.2 1 0.00025 10,000 6.09E+07 7 0 0.00000 10,000 0.00E+00 8 0 0.00000 10,000 0.00E+00 Totals 7 0.00174 4.27E+08                                     Unverified septic system location based on an analysis of water and sewer billing records Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 28  -&-&-&-&-&1-&1-&1-&1; ; ; ;  Within the City of Greensboro there are over 580 ponds and lakes.† Due in part to the large number of open waterbodies in the area, the City of Greensboro supports a sizable waterfowl population, particularly Canada geese and mallard ducks. According to data published by the National Audubon Society, over 10,400 sightings of Canada geese and 6,300 sightings of mallards have been recorded in the Greensboro area during the annual Christmas Bird Counts for the period 1991-2001 (Audubon, 2003). The 2001 one-day Greensboro Audubon count included 1,341 Canada geese. Many NC geese populations are no longer migratory due to the year round availability of food. Geese are primarily terrestrial feeders, often seen harvesting grass and seeds along maintained lawn areas surrounding ponds, lakes, and golf courses. In recent decades, non-migratory geese populations have been a growing problem in these maintained areas because of the quantity of feces deposited by the birds. In an effort to compile site specific data on geese and mallard populations within the TMDL subwatersheds, several locations mostly associated with lakes and ponds, were investigated for evidence of significant waterfowl populations. Table outlines the locations investigated. Table Locations investigated for evidence of waterfowl populations in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Survey conducted on 10/23/02. Subwatershed Location Comment 1 Lake Hamilton Evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 1 Lake Euphemia Access very limited due to surrounding private property. 1 Starmount CCGC No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 1 Starmount Park, Lindley Park, Arboretum No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 2 Bog Garden Large year round waterfowl population according to a volunteer park naturalist. Ducks and geese fed daily by park visitors. 2 Bicentennial Garden No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. † Data based on an inventory of open waterbodies conducted during the stormwater infrastructure mapping project. Ponds include both natural and engineered wet detention ponds designed as water quality BMPs. Canada geese feeding near the banks of North Buffalo Creek near Church St. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 29 4 Lake Daniel No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 4 Greensboro CCGC No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 4 UNC-G golf course practice holes No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 6.2 Buffalo Lake Evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 6.2 Private pond at Irving Park Village Evidence present of problematic waterfowl populations but few birds observed. 7 Pond near Mizell Rd. No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. 7 Pond at Craft Rec. Center near Leo Dr. No evidence of significant waterfowl populations. Of the sites described in Table Lake Hamilton, the Bog Garden, and Buffalo Lake were identified as the locations most likely to support year round populations of waterfowl. It is important to note that waterfowl populations are constantly changing over space and time, however these three locations appear most likely to support sizable populations for inclusion in the TMDL. Figure illustrates the locations of these three waterfowl sites. Figure Lakes and ponds in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed identified as likely supporting significant year-round waterfowl populations. The Bog Garden Park pond, shown in the above two pictures, supports a relatively large year-round waterfowl population for its size. Many of the ducks and geese have become “tame” from routine feedings from park visitors.  Buffalo Lake Bog Garden Lake Hamilton Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 30 To calculate fecal coliform loads for the TMDL, waterfowl populations from the three locations were estimated by averaging survey data collected on 10/23/02 (and 11/8/02 for Buffalo Lake) with 10 years of National Audubon Society Christmas Bird Count data (1991-2001). Based on data from the National Audubon Society available from their website, the average annual Audubon one-day count for geese in the Greensboro area is 949 and for mallards is 578 (Audubon, 2003). For the purposes of estimating how many waterfowl might be residing at the three locations of interest for this TMDL, it was assumed that the average Audubon populations are evenly distributed across open waterbodies within Greensboro (including the water supply reservoirs which border the city’s northern edge). Based on the city- wide stormwater infrastructure GIS mapping project discussed in Section 2.1.2, there are approximately 3,320 acres of open waterbodies (lakes, ponds, and reservoirs) in the Greensboro area. These data were used to calculate areal weighted average waterfowl populations for the three waterbodies of interest in the TMDL as described in Table Table Estimated waterfowl populations for three locations identified within the TMDL subwatersheds as likely supporting year-round populations. Subwatershed Location 10/23/02 Survey 1 11/8/02 Survey 1 Audubon Areal Weighted Average 2 Average Populations Assumed for TMDL 3 1 Lake Hamilton Geese: 0 Ducks: 22 n/a Geese: 5 Ducks: 3 Geese: 2.5 Ducks: 12 2 Bog Garden Geese: 10 Ducks: 42 n/a Geese: 4 Ducks: 2 Geese: 14 Ducks: 22 6.2 Buffalo Lake Geese: 20 Ducks: 4 Geese: 0 Ducks: 57 Geese: 26 Ducks: 15 Geese: 15 Ducks: 25 1 Observed waterfowl population in and adjacent to the waterbody based on a count conducted over roughly a one hour time period. 2 Areal weighted averages were calculated by assuming that the average annual Audubon bird count populations are evenly distributed over Greensboro’s 3,320 acres of open waterbodies. The resulting bird/acre ratio was multiplied by the area of the three waterbodies of interest within the TMDL subwatersheds to estimate geese and duck populations. 3 This column represents the populations used for calculating fecal coliform loads from waterfowl for the TMDL. These numbers represent an arithmetic average of the survey data and Audubon data. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 31 Tables through summarize fecal coliform loading rates from waterfowl populations at Lake Hamilton, the Bog Garden, and Buffalo Lake. Table Estimated fecal coliform loads from waterfowl populations at Lake Hamilton. Waterfowl Population Daily FC Loading Rate (#/bird/day) 1 % of Load Deposited Directly in Waterbody 2 FC Load Deposited Directly in Water (#/day) 3 FC Load Deposited on Land (#/day) Geese 2.5 4.90 X 1010 5% 3.06 X 108 1.16 X 1011 Ducks (mallards) 12 2.43 X 109 80% 1.17 X 109 5.83 X 109 1 Source: Roessler, 2002. 2 Percentages based on best professional judgment estimates of the percentage of time each species spends in the water. 3 Estimates of the load deposited directly in the water factors in a 95% removal efficiency for the waterbody. Table Estimated fecal coliform loads from waterfowl populations at the Bog Garden. Waterfowl Population Daily FC Loading Rate (#/bird/day) % of Load Deposited Directly in Waterbody FC Load Deposited Directly in Water (#/day) 1 FC Load Deposited on Land (#/day) Geese 14 4.90 X 1010 5% 3.43 X 109 6.52 X 1011 Ducks (mallards) 22 2.43 X 109 80% 4.28 X 109 1.07 X 1010 1 Estimates of the load deposited directly in the water factors in a 90% removal efficiency for the waterbody. Table Estimated fecal coliform loads from waterfowl populations at Buffalo Lake. Waterfowl Population Daily FC Loading Rate (#/bird/day) % of Load Deposited Directly in Waterbody FC Load Deposited Directly in Water (#/day) 1 FC Load Deposited on Land (#/day) Geese 15 4.90 X 1010 5% 1.84 X 109 6.98 X 1011 Ducks (mallards) 25 2.43 X 109 80% 2.43 X 109 1.22 X 1010 1 Estimates of the load deposited directly in the water factors in a 95% removal efficiency for the waterbody. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2.0 Source Assessment 32 -&-&-&-&-&-&-&-&5555**** During the development of this TMDL a significant amount of effort has been directed towards explicitly accounting for likely sources of fecal coliform loads in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed. Explicitly identifying sources is an important step towards the ultimate implementation of successful load reduction strategies. However, it should be recognized that it is not possible to explicitly account for every source of fecal coliform loading in the watershed - as the potential number of individual source types is huge and site specific data much too scarce. Therefore, these other sources, which are surely in the watershed but are not individually identifiable, have been lumped into a category known as Other (unidentified) sources. For the purposes of this TMDL loads from unidentified sources are assumed to be land deposited and nonpoint source in nature. The load delivery mechanism to the stream is simulated in the model by rainfall runoff-type processes. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 33 ////&'&'&'&'!  !  !  !   Water quality computer models are frequently used during TMDL development for establishing a relationship between instream water quality conditions and the contributing watershed. These models use mathematical equations to represent the important physical and chemical processes which are believed to affect the environment. By necessity models are simplified versions of reality, as the environment is much too complex to fully simulate with mathematics. However, models have proven over time to be very useful tools for gaining a better understanding of the cause-effect relationship between pollutant loadings and the water quality issues we are concerned about. The TMDL modeling process typically proceeds in two distinct phases. The objective of the first phase is to simulate existing water quality conditions. Once the model is deemed to be adequately simulating existing conditions (referred to as a calibrated model), then the second modeling phase can begin. In the second phase, the objective is to evaluate various pollutant load reduction strategies in order to achieve a water quality goal – which is typically the achievement of state numeric water quality standards. /&%!*$## *, EPA’s Hydrologic Simulation Program – Fortran (WinHSPF version 2.0.6) was chosen as the modeling platform for development of this TMDL. WinHSPF is a public domain watershed model maintained and distributed by the US EPA. WinHSPF is a continuous simulation, precipitation-drive model designed to calculate point and nonpoint source pollutant loadings, downstream transport, and instream pollutant decay. In the world of water quality models, WinHSPF is generally considered a relatively complex, highly parameterized model. These same characteristics also make WinHSPF a relatively flexible model for addressing a variety of pollutant and water quality issues. While this TMDL solely addresses fecal coliform, the Greensboro Stormwater Management Division desired a flexible modeling platform for addressing other water quality issues in the North Buffalo Creek watershed as the need arises, hence the selection of WinHSPF. /&-!*$#+" EPA’s BASINS 3.0 GIS interface was used to set up the initial WinHSPF user input file. Given the relatively large amount of detailed local data available, most of the GIS layers packaged with BASINS 3.0 were not used as part of the model setup. Below is a description of the basic model setup. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 34 /&/&/&/&-&%-&%-&%-&%9; )9; )9; )9; )  The upper North Buffalo Creek watershed was delineated into nine subwatersheds, corresponding to the various water quality & stream flow monitoring stations, and to selected hydrologic features such as Lake Buffalo (refer to Sections 1.3 and 1.8 for additional details). One stream reach is simulated within each subwatershed. Most of the information needed for estimating stream reach length, slope, and cross sectional dimension was adopted from the GIS stormwater conveyance system mapping project described in Section 2.1.2. As part of this project 169 surveyed cross sections were conducted on the mainstem and tributaries within the TMDL subwatersheds. The cross section database was reviewed and stream dimension data deemed representative of the reach as a whole was incorporated into the model. Stage-discharge relationships were estimated using Mannings equation. /&/&/&/&-&-! -&-! -&-! -&-!   $  $  $  $ Most of the meteorological data used by the model, except precipitation, was collected at the Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA), and obtained from the National Climatic Data Center in Asheville, NC. PTIA is located approximately 3.4 miles west of the headwaters of the North Buffalo Creek watershed. Precipitation data (15 minute interval) collected at the USGS Church Street rain gage (02095271) were used to supplement the PTIA meteorological data for the model. The Church Street rain gage is centrally located within the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed and has the longest period of record (beginning in August 1998) of the two rain gages in the watershed. Precipitation data from the USGS rain gage at Westover Terrace (02095181) was used to fill gaps in the Church Street precipitation record when that gage was down due to maintenance or malfunction. The Westover Terrace gage is located approximately 2.1 miles southwest of the Church Street gage. Having local precipitation data collected within the watershed is a big advantage during model calibration of stream flow. In the piedmont of NC, summertime thunderstorms can result in significantly different precipitation amounts over relatively short distances. For example, on 6/19/00 the following daily rainfall totals were recorded at the three gages: PTIA gage: 0.32 in Westover Terrace gage: 2.69 in Church Street gage: 3.22 in USGS stream flow and precipitation gaging station on North Buffalo Creek at Church Street. This and other gaging stations in the area are operated with support from Greensboro’s Department of Water Resources. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 35 /&/&/&/&-&/!    " -&/!    " -&/!    " -&/!    "   A continuous model simulation period from August 1, 1998 to August 1, 2001 was used for the TMDL analysis. The TMDL simulation period start time corresponds to the earliest available daily stream flow and precipitation data from the USGS gage at Church St. This time window also corresponds to the period when the majority of instream fecal coliform data within the TMDL subwatersheds were collected. /&/&/&/&-&0#+3#  -&0#+3#  -&0#+3#  -&0#+3#   Sections 1.5 and 1.7 describe in detail the land use/land cover data and impervious surface estimates used to set up the model. In summary, these data sets were based primarily on 2000 orthophotography and numerous updated GIS planimetric data layers. On balance, the TMDL subwatersheds are dominated by residential land uses (>41%) and have an average percent impervious surface coverage of approximately 26%. The vast majority of the residential development was constructed between 1920-1970, with some turn-of-the-century residential areas mostly concentrated adjacent to the downtown area. The total area of open waterbodies in most of the subwatersheds comprised <1% of the total subwatershed area. Hence, these small ponds were not explicitly simulated in the model, and were treated as another 100% pervious land cover type. However, in subwatershed 6.2 Buffalo Lake comprises 6% of the subwatershed area and was explicitly simulated in the model as a lake. /&-&1/&-&1/&-&1/&-&1  ;  ;  ;  ;  Buffalo Lake in subwatershed 6.2 is an industrial water supply reservoir for the Cone Mills textile manufacturing facility. Based on an analysis of water withdrawal registration records obtained from the NC Division of Water Resources for the calendar year 1999, the monthly average withdrawal rate from Buffalo Lake averages 115% of the monthly average wastewater discharge rate (DWR, 2002). For model simulation purposes, it was assumed that the daily average withdrawal rate was also 115% of the daily discharge rate. Appendix 3 outlines daily discharge rates for the Cone Mills WWTP. /&/ #*# *)!*+))"),  *, The fecal coliform source assessment described in Part 2 details the eight source categories and load quantification methods used for the TMDL. This section outlines how these data were incorporated within the WinHSPF modeling framework. Both point and nonpoint sources are represented in the model using various methods. Several nonpoint source categories are not associated with land loading processes and Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 36 thus are represented in the model as direct inputs into the stream. These sources include SSOs, failing septic tanks, and a portion of the waterfowl load contribution. Land loading nonpoint sources are represented as indirect contributions to the stream through build-up and wash-off processes. These sources include pets, a portion of the waterfowl load contribution, and the Other Sources category. /&/&/&/&/&%! ","$$ /&%! ","$$ /&%! ","$$ /&%! ","$$  Cone Mills is the sole NPDES permitted wastewater discharger within the TMDL subwatersheds which contributes fecal coliform loads. The discharge is represented as a point source with direct input to the mainstem in subwatershed 8. Daily measurements of flow and fecal coliform concentration as reported in the facilities NPDES Discharge Monitoring Reports were used to calculate daily variable loads. For those days (e.g. weekends) for which no fecal coliform concentration data were reported, a concentration equal to the average of the two most recent samples preceding, and the two most recent samples following, the missing data day were assumed. For example, if no fecal coliform data were reported for a Saturday and Sunday then those missing values were filled by calculating the average fecal coliform concentration from samples collected on Thursday, Friday, Monday, and Tuesday. Section 2.1.1 provides additional details on the Cone Mills WWTP, and Appendix 3 includes the complete effluent flow and fecal coliform dataset used to simulate the discharge. /&/&-/&/&-/&/&-/&/&-  $   ;    $   ;    $   ;    $   ;     Section 2.1.2 provides additional information on the 102 stormwater conveyance structures (e.g. manholes and pipes) suspected of having an elevated chance of transporting an illicit discharge. Flow passing through these structures ultimately drain to 66 stream outfalls. Since the locations of these outfalls are known, the number in each subwatershed is also known. Since WinHSPF simulates one stream reach per subwatershed, the loads from each outfall within a given subwatershed were added together and combined into a single direct discharge to the reach. /&/&//&/&//&/&//&/&/ """" Given the relatively high percentage of residential land uses in the upper North Buffalo Creek watershed pets, specifically dogs and cats, are suspected to be a potential significant contributor of fecal coliform loads. Section 2.2.1 describes the process used for estimating pet populations in the TMDL subwatersheds. Based on an estimate of dog and cat populations within each subwatershed, a daily fecal coliform accumulation rate was calculated (Table This accumulation rate was applied to all single and multifamily residential lands, but not to any other land cover classes. The accumulation rate on residential lands was not changed during the water quality calibration process. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 37 /&/&0/&/&0/&/&0/&/&0     ;#     ;#     ;#     ;#   In the model exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines are assumed to be leaking sewage into the ground and delivering pollutant loads to the stream via groundwater inflow. WinHSPF allows a constant fecal coliform concentration in groundwater to be assigned to each subwatershed. Loads from exfiltrating sewer lines vary over time based on the volume of groundwater entering a stream reach. Section 2.2.2 provides additional details on this source and groundwater concentrations of fecal coliform used in the model. /&/&1/&/&1/&/&1/&/&1   ;* ;  ;* ;  ;* ;  ;* ; For this TMDL SSOs were classified as time variable (hourly) nonpoint sources which directly discharge into the stream. For modeling purposes, all SSOs which occurred within a given subwatershed were grouped into a single time variable discharge for that subwatershed. No SSOs occurred within subwatershed 8 during the model simulation period. The discharge was assumed to start and stop according to the event start and stop times within the City’s SSO database. The total discharge duration time was rounded up to the nearest whole hour. For the few records in which a start or stop time was not indicated a 3 hour discharge duration was assumed. Section 2.2.3 provides additional details and loading information from this source. Appendix 6 includes the complete SSO dataset used in the model. /&/&5/&/&5/&/&5/&/&5                  Fecal coliform loads from failing septic systems were simulated in the model as a continuous direct discharge into a stream reach. Loads did not vary over time but were allowed to vary spatially depending on the estimated number of failing systems within a given subwatersheds. Similar to SSOs and illicit discharges, multiple discharges from failing septic systems within a given subwatershed were combined into a single discharge for that subwatershed. Section 2.2.4 provides additional details and loading information from this source. /&/&6/&/&6/&/&6/&/&6 ; ; ; ;  Unlike the sources described above, loads from ducks and geese were partitioned into both loads directly discharged into a stream reach, and into land applied loads subject to build-up and wash-off processes. This approach was taken because geese spend the majority of the day on land feeding (and defecating), whereas ducks tend to spend most of their time in the water. Based on a field survey of favorable waterfowl habitat described in Section 2.2.5, only subwatersheds 1, 2, and 6.2 received direct instream fecal coliform loads from waterfowl in the model. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 38 Buffalo Lake is impounded by an earthen dam covered in grass which is routinely mowed and is prime geese habitat. The dam forms the divide between subwatersheds 6.2 and 7. Based on field observations the majority of the dam area covered in grass appears to drain into subwatershed 7 as opposed to the lake. Thus, the land applied fecal coliform load from waterfowl associated with Buffalo Lake was input into subwatershed 7. /&/&7/&/&7/&/&7/&/&7 **** As discussed in section 2.2.6 it is not possible to explicitly identify all sources of fecal coliform in the watershed. However, it is recognized that other potential sources do likely exist. Sources which were not individually identifiable were lumped into a category labeled unidentified sources. For the purposes of this TMDL, loads from unidentified sources are assumed to be land deposited and nonpoint source in nature. The load delivery mechanism to the stream was simulated in the model by build-up and wash- off type processes. An accumulation rate from these sources was assigned to each land cover type, except for residential types - MF & RES, and WATER. Since by definition it is not possible to estimate the population of unidentified sources, the accumulation rate was used as a water quality calibration parameter. /&0 !*$# # )  *, ,$*, )!  *, Model calibration is the process of tuning or adjusting the various model parameters in order to obtain an optimal agreement between the model calculations and the observed monitoring data. Calibration of a dynamic watershed model such as WinHSPF involves tuning both hydrologic and water quality components. Since WinHSPF is driven by precipitation and the subsequent treatment of the water budget, the process of calibration begins with adjusting the model’s hydrologic parameters to achieve a best fit between predicted and observed stream flows. After the model’s hydrologic calibration has been deemed satisfactory then the water quality calibration process begins. Once calibrated, the model was confirmed by comparing predictions against a new set of observed data not used during calibration. During the confirmation period the physical forcing parameters, such as the meteorological data, are changed to reflect the new conditions but the model’s hydrologic and water quality parameters remain fixed at the values set during the calibration process. A model that agrees with the observed data during the confirmation period can be used with greater confidence to make management decisions. Table 3.4.1 outlines the calibration and confirmation periods specified during model development. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 39 Table 3.4.1 Model calibration and confirmation periods. Model Development Phase Period Comment Calibration August 1, 1998 – August 1, 2000 Calibration start date corresponds to the earliest available USGS flow gaging data within the TMDL subwatersheds (Church St. gage – 02095271). Confirmation August 2, 2000 – August 1, 2001 One year confirmation period. /&0&%/&0&%/&0&%/&0&% .    9 .    9 .    9 .    9  In the hydrologic calibration simulated stream flows were compared to the observed stream flow at two USGS continuous recording stations on the North Buffalo Creek mainstem within the TMDL subwatersheds (see Figure 1.8.1 for a map of the station locations). Hydrologic parameters, including infiltration, upper and lower zone storage, groundwater storage and recession, interflow, and evapotranspiration, were adjusted within EPA recommended ranges (USEPA, 2000). Table summarizes the hydrologic calibration statistics for reach 4 at Church Street - the downstream most USGS gaging station within the TMDL subwatersheds. Figure and illustrate predicted and observed flows at Church St. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 40 Table Hydrologic calibration statistics for reach 4 at the Church Street USGS gage. Calibration period: 8/1/98 – 8/1/00 Contributing area to subwatershed 4 outlet (mi2): 14.3 Predicted Flow Volumes 1 Observed Flow Volumes 1 Total predicted instream flow: 35.6 Total observed instream flow: 32.9 Total of highest 10% flows: 19.5 Total of highest 10% flows: 17.3 Total of lowest 50% flows: 4.2 Total of lowest 50% flows: 4.2 Total of lowest 25% flows: 1.5 Total of lowest 25% flows: 1.3 Predicted Summer Flow Volume ( months 7-9): 9.4 Observed Summer Flow Volume ( months 7-9): 8.8 Predicted Fall Flow Volume (months 10-12): 6.3 Observed Fall Flow Volume (months 10-12): 5.7 Predicted Winter Flow Volume (months 1-3): 9.9 Observed Winter Flow Volume (months 1-3): 9.1 Predicted Spring Flow Volume (months 4-6): 10.0 Observed Spring Flow Volume (months 4-6): 9.3 Prediction Error (predicted – observed) Recommended Criteria 2 Error in total volume: 7.7% 10% Error in 50% lowest flows: 0.7% 10% Error in 10% highest flows: 11.4% 15% Seasonal volume error - Summer: 7.2% 30% Seasonal volume error - Fall: 8.9% 30% Seasonal volume error - Winter: 7.8% 30% Seasonal volume error - Spring: 7.3% 30% Standard error 3: 0.19 R2 3: 0.815 Observed mean 3: 0.95 Number of observations: 732 1 Flow volumes in inches normalized by watershed area. 2 Adopted from the USGS HSPEXP – Expert System for Calibration of HSPF (USGS, 1994). 3 Statistics using log base 10. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 41 Figure Observed versus predicted flows at Church Street (Reach 4). (Units: Precipitation in inches and flow in cfs) Figure Frequency distribution of observed and predicted stream flows at Church Street during the calibration period (8/1/98 – 8/1/00). Calibration Period Confirmation Period Calibration Period Confirmation Period Calibration Period Confirmation Period Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 42 Figures and illustrate observed and predicted flows at Westover Terrace – the upstream most USGS gaging station. Figure Observed versus predicted flows at Westover Terrace (Reach 3). Note: Westover Terrace gage began operation in June 1999. (Units: Precipitation in inches and flow in cfs) Figure Frequency distribution of observed and predicted flows at Westover Terrace (Reach 3) during the calibration period. Calibration Period Confirmation Period Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 43 /&0&-/&0&-/&0&-/&0&-   9    9    9    9  After the hydrologic calibration was completed the model was calibrated for water quality (fecal coliform) by adjusting model parameters within appropriate limits until an acceptable agreement between simulation output and instream observed data was achieved. The key model variables adjusted include: ···· Rate of accumulation of fecal coliform on land (ACQOP) ···· Maximum storage of fecal coliform (SQOLIM) ···· Rate of surface runoff which will remove 90% of stored fecal coliform (WSQOP) ···· Concentration of fecal coliform in interflow outflow (IOQC) ···· Concentration of fecal coliform in groundwater outflow (AOQC) Fecal coliform is one of the more challenging water quality parameters to accurately model. Observed instream fecal coliform concentrations, particularly in stormwater runoff, are notoriously variable. This is due in part to the fact that most concentrations represent a grab sample (discrete point in time) rather than a true flow composite sample.† In addition, there is often a significant amount of measurement variability when samples are counted. It is not unusual to find a one or more fold difference in reported fecal coliform concentrations between split samples. The transient nature of many of the sources, such as illicit discharges, also adds to the modeling challenge. For these reasons and others, the water quality calibration strategy was to achieve agreement with general patterns in the observed data, rather than to attempt to fit the model output to individual instream observations. As subject to the available data, calibration proceeded in an upstream to downstream fashion. Additional emphasis was placed on the water quality calibration during dry weather (ambient) conditions, as this is generally the period of highest risk of exposure to pathogens by recreational users, and thus the period when most of the observed data has been collected (refer to Section 1.9 for a summary of the observed data). Since TMDLs are designed to identify maximum loads a stream can assimilate and still meet water quality targets, it is helpful to compare predicted and observed loads. Daily fecal coliform loads (#/day) are calculated by taking the product of concentration (#/100mL), flow (cfs), and a conversion factor (24465755). Figure illustrates predicted and observed daily fecal coliform loads at Summit Avenue during the calibration period. Since there is not a flow gage at Summit Avenue, modeled flows combined with observed fecal coliform concentrations measured by the Cone Mills WWTP were used to calculated observed fecal coliform loads. Note from the figure that a trend line reflecting the least squares fit through the observed data points suggest that the observed loads tend to be over the predicted allowable load (based on 200 cfu/100mL) throughout the various flow regimes. The departure from the allowable load tends to be greatest during high and transition flows and least during low flows. † Holding time restrictions often make composite sampling for fecal coliform impractical. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 44 Figure Observed and predicted fecal coliform loads at Summit Avenue during the calibration period (August 1998 – August 2000). Note from Figure that the predicted loads generally follow the trend of the observed loads over the spectrum of flows - indicating that the model can be used within reasonable bounds for supporting management decisions. Note though that the model does not predict well the lowest daily loads (<4.0 X 1011). This is due in part to the fact that several of the modeled sources (such as illicit discharges, failing septic systems, and a portion of the waterfowl load) are represented as continuous, non-varying loads into a stream reach. This has the effect in the model of “establishing” a minimum load level during non-stormwater runoff periods. In reality, however, dry weather loads are not constant over time. For example, illicit discharges are often very transient in nature and vary tremendously in magnitude over time. The sporadic “low” observed loads over the various flow conditions could be a reflection of the transient nature of the actual loads throughout the watershed. Representing selected sources as continuous, non-varying loads is a conservative modeling assumption which is part of the implicit margin of safety built into the TMDL (refer to Part 4 for addition discussion on the margin of safety). It important to note that during the source assessment phase of the TMDL, the best available data were used to estimate loads from the various known sources. During model calibration these loads were not altered for the purposes of fitting the observed data.† † The one identified source which is an exception to this statement is exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines. Loads from this source in subwatersheds 4 and 7 were varied from initial estimates when it became apparent that predicted instream FC concentrations were being underestimated. The lack of local data on          !    "  # + + + + *+ + + ,+ )+ -+ ++ Flow Duration Interval (%) FC Load (#/day) $%& &  %&    %'%& $%&%& $% ( %'%&) #'& #  & . & /& Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3.0 Modeling Approach 45 Table is a comparison of geometric means between predicted and observed fecal coliform concentrations over four stream flow regimes during the calibration period. Table Predicted geometric means over four flow regimes.1 1 High flows: 559 (modeled peak) – 70 cfs; Transition flows: 69 – 22 cfs; Typical flows: 21 - 10 cfs; Low flows: 9 – 3.4 (modeled low) cfs exfiltrating sewer lines is a significant source of uncertainty in the model. Targeted field studies associated with this source are being planned to support implementation strategies. Predicted Geometric Mean FC Concentration (#/100mL) Observed Geometric Mean FC Concentration (#/100mL) High flows : 3,172 High flows : 1,790 Transition flows : 1,887 Transition flows : 736 Typical flows : 443 Typical flows : 423 Low flows : 390 Low flows : 209 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 46  0000&'&'&'&' !  $ # !  $ # !  $ # !  $ # A TMDL is the calculation of the maximum amount of pollutant loading that a receiving waterbody can assimilate while still achieving water quality standards. TMDLs include an allocation of that amount among point and nonpoint sources. In total a TMDL is comprised of the sum of wasteload allocations (WLA) for point sources, load allocations (LA) for nonpoint sources, and a margin of safety (MOS). This definition can be expressed as: TMDL =  WLA +  LA + MOS where:  WLA is the sum of the allowable loads from point sources and;  LA is the sum of the allowable loads from nonpoint sources and; MOS is the Margin of Safety The margin of safety is intended to be an accounting of uncertainty about the relationship between pollutant loads and receiving water quality. The MOS in a TMDL can be provided implicitly through conservative analytical/modeling assumptions, or explicitly by reserving a portion of the assimilative capacity, or a combination of both methods (USEPA, 2000a). Traditionally, geographically diffuse stormwater driven sources of fecal coliform have been classified as nonpoint sources of pollution. Compared to WWTP discharges, which in many respects have been the comparative basis for the definition of a point source, sources such as pets have generally been considered nonpoint sources. In November 2002 EPA headquarters published guidance which clarifies the regulatory requirements for establishing wasteload allocations for stormwater discharges (USEPA, 2002). In summary, this guidance states that sources which are transported to a stream via a NPDES regulated stormwater system must be considered point sources, and thus be addressed in the wasteload allocation component of a TMDL. Since Greensboro is an NPDES Phase I community, pollutant loads from pets for instance, which are discharged to a stream reach via the stormwater conveyance system, must be considered as point sources. Pollutant loads from pets not discharged through the stormwater conveyance system can be considered nonpoint sources, and thus addressed by the load allocation component of a TMDL. Since some runoff delivered sources, such as pets, are mobile and therefore impractical to determine the load delivered through the stormwater conveyance system using field data, a generic yet defensible method was needed to partition the WLA and the LA. In an effort to meet the EPA guidance, and after considering several alternatives, the stakeholders group decided to use the average impervious surface coverage within the TMDL subwatersheds, which is 26%, as the method for partitioning loads from runoff Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 47 driven sources between the WLA and LA categories. Since most of the impervious surfaces within the TMDL subwatersheds are connected to the NPDES permitted stormwater conveyance system, the consensus opinion of the stakeholders was that this method is reasonable and defensible. Table 4.0.1 summarizes the load percentage allocated to the WLA and LA categories for each source. Table 4.0.1 Partition of loads between the WLA and LA categories for each source. Source WLA category LA category Pets 26% 74% Other Sources 26% 74% Sanitary Sewers 0% 100% SSOs 0% 100% Septic Systems 0% 100% Waterfowl 0% 100% Cone Mills WWTP 100% 0% Illicit Discharges 100% 0% 0&% ,) ! )+ # < ) The underlying basis of a TMDL calculation is achieving a defined water quality target which represents a desired future condition of the waterbody. The desired condition for North Buffalo Creek is to have a stream which can be safely used for secondary recreation (as defined by DENR for Class C waters), specifically with respect to risks posed by human pathogens. In other words, users of the resource should expect a relatively low risk of contracting water borne diseases from bodily contact with the stream. In most cases this target is expressed in a TMDL as an interpretation of the water quality standard for the pollutant of interest. NC’s fecal coliform standard for Class C waters, which applies to North Buffalo Creek, is as follows (DENR, 2003): Fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable nonpoint source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; in case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique shall be used as the reference method. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 48 NC’s fecal coliform standard includes both numeric and narrative components. The numeric component defines threshold concentrations which should not be exceeded during a 30 day period. The narrative component suggests that these thresholds may not be achievable during rainfall events due to uncontrollable nonpoint sources. The application of NC’s fecal coliform standard within a TMDL framework is subject to a variety of interpretations in large measure because of this narrative component. For this TMDL two water quality targets are defined:  one target for dry weather conditions;  and another for all weather conditions, i.e. reflective of both wet and dry weather periods. From a management and implementation perspective, having two targets makes sense for several reasons. First, the period of highest recreational use in North Buffalo Creek is during warm dry weather conditions. Naturally, this period should be a focus for implementation with the aid of a TMDL analysis. Second, dry weather sources of fecal coliform are often associated with human sources, such as illicit discharges and exfiltrating sanitary sewers. Human sources of fecal coliform tend to represent a higher disease risk than other sources (CWP, 1999). In addition, dry weather sources tend to be more technically feasible to control (although not necessarily less expensive to control). Thus, from an implementation perspective, achieving the dry weather target should be pursued first. The dry weather water quality target is a logical management stepping stone towards the second objective of controlling stormwater driven sources. A second target, reflective of both wet and dry weather conditions, has been defined as the ultimate goal to pursue. This target may be very difficult to achieve within an urban environment due to the multitude and diversity of nonpoint sources - as the narrative portion of the standard suggests. However, the type of active ongoing stormwater management necessary to make progress towards meeting this target has widespread advantages for restoring and protecting the water resource. 0&%&%0&%&%0&%&%0&%&% $ !$#$ !$#$ !$#$ !$# The dry weather TMDL target is defined as a geometric mean not to exceed 200/100mL based on samples collected at least 72 hours after the last measurable rainfall event over the course of any 30 day period. In addition, no more than 20% of these samples over the 30 day period are to exceed 400/100mL. Note that a minimum sample number is not specified as this can not always be guaranteed in the event of an unusually rainy period. For the TMDL calculation model predictions for days following a 72 hour dry period will be used. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 49 0&%&-0&%&-0&%&-0&%&-   !$#   !$#   !$#   !$# The all conditions TMDL target is defined as a geometric mean not to exceed 200/100mL based on 5 or more samples collected over the course of any 30 day period. No more than 20% of these samples over the 30 day period are to exceed 400/100mL. For the TMDL calculation all 30 daily model predictions are used. For compliance monitoring purposes, the 5 or more samples within a 30 day period should not intentionally be disproportionately reflective of wet or dry conditions. 0&%&/0&%&/0&%&/0&%&/ !$#  " !$#  " !$#  " !$#  "  The TMDL compliance point is the location along North Buffalo Creek at which the TMDL calculation will be made. The compliance point also represents the location were long-term monitoring will be conducted to gage progress towards achieving the two water quality targets defined above. North Buffalo Creek at Summit Avenue has been designated as the TMDL compliance point. Summit Avenue represents the safest, readily accessible, public access point at the downstream end of the impaired reach as designated in NC’s 2002 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) List. 0&-! ) ,* < ,$!*$#+,) ,< According to federal rules a margin of safety must be included in all TMDLs to provide a measure of assurance that the impaired waterbody will meet water quality targets once load reductions are realized. The MOS is intended to offset model uncertainty about the relationship between pollutant loads and receiving water quality. There is uncertainty associated with all modeling endeavors since computer models do not perfectly simulate the complexities of natural systems. Factors such as field and laboratory measurement error, lack of source assessment information - particularly associated with estimating time variable loads from unmonitored sources, model error, and gaps in our scientific knowledge, all contribute to model uncertainty. Unfortunately, most mechanistic models, including WinHSPF, do not include formal statistical procedures for estimating model uncertainty. Hence, the choice of a MOS is somewhat arbitrary, but made in good faith using best professional judgment. In TMDLs the MOS can be implicit through the use of conservative modeling assumptions and analytical techniques; or explicit by reserving a portion of the loading capacity; or a combination of both methods. For this TMDL both an explicit and implicit MOS was incorporated. An explicit MOS is achieved through the use of water quality targets based on 180 counts/100mL instead of 200/100mL. In addition, an implicit MOS is included through the use of conservative modeling techniques, such as assuming that selected sources contribute loads on a continuous basis, when in reality they probably do Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 50 Note that the spike in predicted fecal coliform concentration which occurred in February 2000 was associated with an SSO. not (see Section 4.1.3 for additional discussion). Therefore, model results should be carefully interpreted in light of the model limitations and prediction uncertainty.  0&/ *, #4 )  *, Federal rules require consideration of season variation in watershed conditions and pollutant loads during development of the TMDL. Through the use of a dynamic continuous simulation model over a 3 year period (August 1998 – August 2001) seasonal variations have been incorporated into the TMDL calculation. 0&0 ")$ $2  , )+ # <*,$  *, Using the calibrated model continuous daily average water quality conditions can be analyzed. The model predictions are used to develop insights into the relative contributions of the various sources under different weather conditions. In addition, existing loads can be estimated and the deviation from the allowable load can be quantified. With this information at hand, management decisions can be made as to how the allowable load should be allocated to meet the two water quality targets. 0&0&%0&0&%0&0&%0&0&% "     +   "     +   "     +   "     +    Figures and illustrate predicted existing fecal coliform concentrations in North Buffalo Creek at Summit Avenue displayed using arithmetic and log scales, respectively. Figure illustrates the rolling 30-day geometric mean of predicted fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue under existing conditions. Note from Figure that the predicted 30-day geometric mean is consistently above 200/100mL throughout the simulation period. Figure Predicted fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue under existing conditions (arithmetic scale). Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 51 10 100 1,000 10,000 Aug-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 200/100mL 400/100mL Predicted Existing Conditions FC Conc. #/100mL – 30 day geomean Model Simulation Period Figure Predicted fecal coliform concentrations at Summit Avenue under existing conditions (log base 10 scale). Figure Predicted rolling 30-day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue under existing conditions. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 52 0&0&-0&0&-0&0&-0&0&- "     +$   "     +$   "     +$   "     +$    The objective of the dry weather assessment was to evaluate instream conditions during a period when the effects of fecal coliform loads from surface runoff are minimized. To assess instream water quality under dry weather conditions a list of dates was complied which represent days in which 72 or more hours had elapsed without any measurable rainfall (refer to Appendix 2 for the list of dry weather days). Precipitation data collected at the USGS Church Street rain gage, centrally located within the TMDL subwatersheds, was used as the source for rainfall measurements. In this report these dates are referred to as dry weather days. This definition approximates the actual criteria used by many NC local governments for identifying when conditions are appropriate for dry weather instream sampling. Within the model simulation period predicted daily fecal coliform concentrations for dry weather days were compiled. A rolling geometric mean of all predicted dry weather day fecal coliform concentrations within a 30 consecutive day period was calculated (Figure Note from Figure that the 30 day geometric means are significantly lower when the effect of stormwater driven loads are minimized. However, geometric means are still consistently above the 200/100mL water quality target. Figure Predicted rolling 30-day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue under existing dry weather conditions. 10 100 1,000 Aug-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Model Simulation Period FC Conc. (#/100mL) - 30 day geomean Predicted Existing Condition 200/100mL 400/100mL Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 53 0&1 !$# ,$ ##*  *,*) ## .)*,$  *, The data presented in Section 4.4 above, shows that geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations are consistently higher when rainfall runoff is factored into the analysis, as compared to dry weather only conditions. Stormwater driven nonpoint sources are widely recognized in most fecal coliform TMDLs as being significant contributors of watershed bacterial loads. The findings from this analysis appear to be consistent with a situation where stormwater-driven nonpoint sources are one of the major causes of water quality impairment. Using the calibrated model an analysis was conducted to estimate the relative percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each of the source categories over the full simulation period. The delivered load is that portion of the total load generated in the watershed and transported downstream to Summit Avenue. Hence, the delivered load reflects the various bacterial die-off processes simulated in the model. Figure 4.5.1 illustrates the relative load contributions from each source. Figure 4.5.1 Percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each source category over the full simulation period. * When interpreting this pie chart it is important to keep in mind that Other Sources represent the load which could not reasonably be accounted for in the source assessment using the best available data. The Other Sources category could include for instance loads from unknown wildlife populations. However, contributions from Other Sources could also reflect an underestimation of the loads from one or more of the identified sources. Note that pets (dogs and cats) are estimated to account for the largest percentage of delivered load over the full simulation period - which includes both wet and dry weather conditions. Other Sources are estimated to account for approximately one third of the delivered load. It is important to keep in mind that Other Sources represent a category which might include unknown wildlife populations or other unidentified source types. However, it is also reasonable to assume that loads from Other Sources could potentially include contributions which were underestimated from one or more of the identified               !"#$ % &$ '($  Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 54 source types. In other words, it is possible that the load from pets, for instance, could be greater than what is reflected in Figure 4.5.1. From Figure 4.5.1 it is clear that stormwater-driven sources have to be a focus during allocation. However from Figure, which illustrates that geometric mean concentrations are also elevated during dry weather conditions, it is evident that reducing stormwater-driven loads alone will not result in achieving the water quality target. Hence, a balanced allocation incorporating both stormwater and non-stormwater driven sources is needed to meet the all conditions water quality target. To calculate the TMDL, load reductions were taken from the calibrated model until all of the 30 day geometric means were below the target threshold of 180/100mL (which includes the explicit margin of safety). In addition, the model output was assessed to ensure that no more than 6 (20%) of the daily fecal coliform predictions were greater than 400/100mL, in accordance with the all conditions water quality target. Figure 4.5.2 illustrates the predicted rolling 30 day geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue after load reductions were applied to the calibrated model. Table 4.5.1 summarizes predicted gross loads from each source before and after modeled reductions are employed. Figure 4.5.2 Predicted geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue before and after load reductions were applied to the calibrated model. 10 100 1000 10000 Aug-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Target 180/100mL Existing Conditions TMDL Allocation FC Conc. #/100mL – 30 day geometric mean Simulation Period Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 55 Table 4.5.1 Predicted loads from each source during the all weather conditions water quality target critical period (11/9/98 – 12/8/98). 1 Failing septic systems are estimated to be a minor contributor of fecal coliform loads to the watershed and technically a large reduction is not needed to achieve the target. However, since failing septic systems are a controllable source, and since human sources of fecal coliforms are generally recognized as representing a greater disease risk, a large reduction was applied. 2 Due to the practical difficulties of controlling waterfowl populations, no reduction from this source was applied. 3 Cone Mills WWTP no longer discharges directly to North Buffalo Creek as of the summer of 2001. For the TMDL calculation the critical 30 day period was identified as 11/9/98 – 12/8/98. This period corresponds to the 30 day period with the highest geometric mean fecal coliform concentration after load reductions were taken. It is interesting to note from Figure 4.5.2 that the critical period is not the same as the period of highest geometric mean concentrations under existing conditions. This is due in part to the fact that the summer and fall of 1998 was an exceptionally dry period. In the three months (August, September, and October 1998) leading up the critical period, the cumulative rainfall total was 6.07 inches as measured at the Church Street rain gage. This compares to the long term (68 year) average rainfall total of 10.93 inches for those same three months as measured at the airport (PTIA). Hence, for the three months leading up to the critical period rainfall was approximately 4.9 inches below normal. Rainfall during the critical period totaled 2.01 inches. This compares to a long term average rainfall for the month of November of 2.82 inches. The notable dry spell preceding the critical period allowed land-based fecal coliform loads to buildup across the watershed. Although rainfall during the critical period was somewhat below average also, there was sufficient rain to transport these loads into the stream. To compound the problem, low stream flows during the critical period minimized the beneficial effects of dilution, so direct loads to the stream from waterfowl, exfiltrating sanitary sewers, etc, also contributed significantly to the elevated bacterial concentrations. Source Category Source FC Load Under Existing Conditions (#/30 days) FC Load After Reduction (#/30 days) WLA & LA Pets 1.42E+13 4.23E+11 WLA & LA Other Sources 8.48E+12 2.53E+11 LA Sanitary Sewers 1.01E+12 1.61E+11 LA SSOs 1.50E+10 7.70E+09 LA Septic Systems 1 9.57E+09 5.55E+08 LA Waterfowl 2 5.78E+11 No reduction WLA Cone Mills WWTP 3 3.90E+11 No longer discharging WLA Illicit Discharges 2.42E+11 9.67E+10 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 56 The same load reductions applied during wetter conditions, e.g. July 1999, have a larger affect on reducing geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations, as shown in Figure 4.5.2. During July 1999, for example, rainfall totaled 7.12 inches as compared to a long term average for the month of July of 4.5 inches. The significant amount of runoff which occurred during July 1999 contributed to one of the highest predicted geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations within the simulation period. However, mean stream flow for July 1999 was approximately double the mean flow during the TMDL critical period (5.6 cfs vs. 2.8 cfs, respectively as measured at the Church St USGS gage). The additional instream dilution available during July 1999, as compared to that in November 1998, is part of the reason why load reductions have a larger predicted effect during wetter conditions. Table 4.5.2 specifies the percent reductions needed from the major allocation categories to meet the TMDL requirements associated with the all weather conditions water quality target. Individual sources (i.e. pets, waterfowl, etc.) have been grouped into categories to facilitate the distribution of responsibility for implementation. For example, the MS4 allocation category represents that portion of the fecal coliform load which is to be addressed through implementation strategies managed as part of the City of Greensboro’s NPDES stormwater permit. Implementation of load reduction measures associated with the Nonpoint Source (NPS) allocation category will be addressed through other local government programs. For the sake of completeness, the Cone Mills WWTP is presented as an individual allocation category, since implementation is specifically associated with a NPDES wastewater discharge permit. However, since this facility was no longer discharging by the end of the TMDL simulation period, a TMDL load reduction is not applicable (N/A). Table 4.5.2 Percent load reductions necessary to meet TMDL requirements associated with the all weather conditions water quality target. TMDL Allocation Category TMDL % Reduction MS4 1 96% Nonpoint Sources 2 93% Cone Mills WWTP 3 N/A 1 MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. This allocation category includes that portion of the load from pets, Other Sources, and the full load from illicit discharges, which are transported to the receiving stream via the NPDES permitted municipal stormwater conveyance system. 2 The nonpoint source TMDL allocation category includes that portion of the load from pets, Other Sources, and the full loads from exfiltrating sanitary sewers, SSOs, failing septic systems, and waterfowl which are transported to the receiving stream by means other than the MS4. 3 Since the Cone Mills WWTP is no longer discharging, a load reduction is not applicable for the purposes of this TMDL. Table 4.5.3 outlines the sum of the WLAs and LAs for the all weather conditions TMDL. To calculate the sum of the WLAs and LAs, loads for each source (after reductions were taken as presented in Tables 4.5.1 and 4.5.2) were partitioned between the two TMDL components as summarized in Table 4.0.1. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 57 Table 4.5.3 TMDL components to meet the all weather conditions water quality target.  WLA (#/30 days)  LA (#/30 days) MOS TMDL (#/30 days) 2.73E+11 1.25E+12 Explicit 1 and Implicit 1.52E+12 1 Explicit Margin of Safety (MOS) is equivalent to 10% of the 30 day geometric mean fecal coliform water quality standard. 0&5 !$# ,$ ##*  *,*)$)< .)*,$  *,  Managing fecal coliform loads is a complex and difficult task, especially in urban watersheds containing a wide variety of potential sources. From a management perspective in an urban watershed, focusing resources on the control of dry weather loads should be the first step. Dry weather fecal coliform loads are often associated with human sources which are generally recognized as representing a greater risk of disease. In addition, the recreational use of North Buffalo Creek is generally higher during dry weather periods. These combination of factors warrant development of a dry weather TMDL to serve as a guide for targeting implementation strategies. Using the calibrated model, an analysis was conducted to estimate the relative percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each of the source categories during dry weather conditions (72 or more hours after a measurable rainfall event). Figure 4.6.1 illustrates the relative delivered load contributions to Summit Avenue from each source. Figure 4.6.1 Percentage of delivered load to Summit Avenue from each source category during dry weather conditions occurring over the full model simulation period. Note from Figure 4.6.1 that over three quarters of the total delivered dry weather load to Summit Avenue is from human sources (exfiltrating sanitary sewers and SSOs). The    )     !"# % &* $    $ '($ Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 58 residual precipitation induced load from sources such as pets and Other Sources is negligible, which verifies that 72 hours or more hours after a rainfall event is adequate for defining dry weather conditions. From Figure 4.6.1 it is clear that reducing the loads from exfiltrating sanitary sewers and SSOs have to be a focus in order to meet the dry weather water quality target. To calculate the dry weather TMDL, load reductions were taken from the calibrated model until the geometric mean of fecal coliform concentrations for dry weather days during any 30 day period were below the target threshold of 180/100mL. In addition, the model output was assessed to ensure that no more than 20% of the daily dry weather fecal coliform concentrations were greater than 400/100mL, in accordance with the dry weather water quality target. Figure 4.6.2 illustrates the predicted rolling geometric mean of dry weather fecal coliform concentrations over any 30 day period at Summit Avenue. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 59 Figure 4.6.2 Predicted dry weather geometric mean fecal coliform concentration at Summit Avenue before and after load reductions were applied to the calibrated model. Note from Figure 4.6.2 above that the critical period, i.e. the 30 day period preceding the highest predicted geometric mean concentration, is very similar to the critical period reflective of all weather conditions. For the dry weather TMDL the critical period was identified as 11/9/98 – 12/8/98. Recall from the discussion in Section 4.5, the summer and fall of 1998 was an especially dry period with very low stream flows to provide dilution of pollutant loads. Table 4.6.1 summarizes predicted gross loads from each source before and after modeled reductions are employed during dry weather conditions. 10 100 1000 Aug-98 Nov-98 Feb-99 May-99 Aug-99 Nov-99 Feb-00 May-00 Aug-00 Nov-00 Feb-01 May-01 Aug-01 Target TMDL Allocation Existing Conditions FC Conc. #/100mL – 30 day geometric mean Simulation Period Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 60 Table 4.6.1 Predicted loads from each source during the dry weather conditions water quality target critical period (11/9/98 – 12/8/98). Source Category Source Dry Weather FC Load Under Existing Conditions (#/30 days) Dry Weather FC Load After Reduction (#/30 days) WLA & LA Pets 3.76E+09 No reduction 1 WLA & LA Other Sources 1.13E+09 No reduction 1 LA Sanitary Sewers 2.63E+11 9.81E+09 LA SSOs No SSOs occurred during the critical period LA Septic Systems 5.07E+09 2.40E+08 2 LA Waterfowl 9.67E+10 No reduction WLA Cone Mills WWTP 6.57E+10 No longer discharging 3 WLA Illicit Discharges 6.82E+10 1.85E+10 1 No reductions in precipitation driven sources, such as pets and Other Sources, is warranted during dry weather conditions as these sources are negligible contributors. 2 Failing septic systems are estimated to be a minor contributor of fecal coliform loads to the watershed and technically a large reduction is not needed to achieve the target. However, since failing septic systems are a controllable source, and since human sources of fecal coliforms are generally recognized as representing a greater disease risk, a large reduction was applied. 3 Cone Mills WWTP no longer discharges directly to North Buffalo Creek as of the summer of 2001. Table 4.6.2 specifies the percent reductions needed from the major allocation categories to meet the TMDL requirements associated with the dry weather conditions water quality target. During dry weather conditions, illicit discharges to the stormwater conveyance system are the only individual source type which contributes significant fecal coliform loads via the MS4. Table 4.6.2 Percent load reductions necessary to meet TMDL requirements associated with the dry weather conditions water quality target. TMDL Allocation Category TMDL % Reduction MS4 1 72% Nonpoint Sources 2 70% Cone Mills WWTP 3 N/A 1 MS4 = Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System. This allocation category includes that portion of the load from pets, Other Sources, and the full load from illicit discharges, which are transported to the receiving stream via the NPDES permitted municipal stormwater conveyance system. During dry weather conditions, illicit discharges are the only individual source type which contributes significant fecal coliform loads from the MS4. 2 The nonpoint source TMDL allocation category includes that portion of the load from pets, Other Sources, and the full loads from exfiltrating sanitary sewers, SSOs, failing septic systems, and waterfowl which are transported to the receiving stream by means other than the MS4. 3 Since the Cone Mills WWTP is no longer discharging, a load reduction is not applicable for the purposes of this TMDL. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4.0 Total Maximum Daily Load 61 Table 4.6.3 outlines the sum of the WLAs and LAs for the dry weather conditions TMDL. To calculate the sum of the WLAs and LAs, the loads for each source after reductions were taken (as presented in Table 4.6.1), and partitioned between the two categories as summarized in Table 4.0.1. Table 4.6.3 TMDL components to meet the dry weather conditions water quality target.  WLA (#/30 days)  LA (#/30 days) MOS TMDL (#/30 days) 1.98E+10 1.10E+11 Explicit 1 and Implicit 1.30E+11 1 Explicit Margin of Safety (MOS) is equivalent to 10% of the 30 day geometric mean fecal coliform water quality standard. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 5.0 Summary and Future Considerations 62  1111&'&'&'&'                 Observed instream monitoring data in North Buffalo Creek and its tributaries indicate that fecal coliform concentrations are above acceptable levels during both dry and wet weather conditions. The sources of fecal coliform in this urban watershed are many and diverse. In order to make effective, measurable progress at reducing loads, it will be important to target implementation efforts in a systematic fashion. A key to success will be to divide implementation strategies into two categories: one which focuses on addressing dry weather sources, and another which focuses on stormwater driven sources. To support the development of these strategies, this document includes a TMDL for dry weather conditions and another TMDL reflective of all weather (both wet and dry) conditions. The dry weather source assessment and TMDL suggests that human sources of fecal coliform, such as exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines and SSOs, are primary contributors. Achieving measurable reductions in instream fecal coliform concentrations during dry weather depends in large measure on controlling these sources. Mapping the major components of the sanitary sewer collection system is an important component of the implementation strategy. The control of other sources, such as illicit discharges to the stormwater conveyance system, may also be a key to a successful implementation strategy. One of the primary benefits of a TMDL comes from compiling and analyzing data about sources in the watershed. Although exfiltrating sanitary sewers are estimated to be an significant source within the watershed, an important consideration to keep in mind is that very little local data exists to quantify loads from this source. In this TMDL studies from another NC local government and best professional judgment were relied upon to estimate loads from exfiltrating sewers. Therefore, successful implementation must first be proceeded by local studies to further our understanding of this source. During stormwater runoff conditions, dogs and cats are estimated to be significant sources. Reducing fecal coliform loads from pets is especially difficult because the most effective strategies involve changing the behavior of pet owners. Pet waste ordinances requiring owners to clean up after their pets are often not very effective as a primary Aging sanitary sewer lines, especially those constructed with short sections (2’) of clay pipe as shown above, have the potential to be significant sources of bacterial contamination due to leaks at the joints. Mapping the major components of the sanitary sewer collection system will be an important foundation to future implementation strategies. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 5.0 Summary and Future Considerations 63 management strategy. Few local governments have the resources to enforce such an ordinance. Rather, a community culture must be developed where citizens expect and demand that pet owners clean up after their animals. This will require a targeted long- term public education campaign. $$  *, #!*, *) , In the spring of 2003 Greensboro’s Department of Water Resources initiated a follow up study of dry weather fecal coliform sources in the watershed. This study is supported by aerial infrared imagery taken in March 2003 to aid in the detection of illicit discharges from the stormwater conveyance system and other sources. A primary goal of this study is to target specific catchments within the TMDL area and identify actions to be taken as part of a comprehensive implementation strategy. Greensboro is one of a number of municipalities providing support for a Microbial Source Tracking (MST) study managed by the NC Division of Water Quality. North Buffalo Creek is one of several streams statewide being investigated using MST technologies. While considerable effort went into the source assessment for this TMDL, the MST study may provide additional insight as to the importance of sources such as wildlife, for which very little is known. Public education initiatives aimed at encouraging citizens to use tight fitting trash can lids, and other proper solid waste disposal practices, can be effective at discouraging nuisance urban wildlife. However, a balanced wildlife population is an important component of a healthy ecosystem. Future implementation strategies targeted towards wildlife populations will need to be carefully considered.  ).$= $"# ,, ,  Greensboro’s Department of Water Resources is currently engaged in a multi-year effort to develop stormwater masterplans for each of the major watersheds within its jurisdictions. The objective of each plan is to identify the major water quantity and quality issues within the watershed and outline structural and nonstructural BMPs to correct/minimize the identified problems. The South Buffalo Creek watershed masterplan was completed in 2002, and the draft Horsepen Creek watershed masterplan was completed in the spring of 2003. The City’s Horsepen Creek planning process Wildlife, such as the raccoon who left this track, were grouped and accounted for in this TMDL with other unknown sources for which no field data was available. The MST study currently underway may provide some insight as to the importance of wildlife as a source of fecal coliform contamination in North Buffalo Creek. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 5.0 Summary and Future Considerations 64 included significant support for, and coordination with DWQ’s Watershed Assessment and Restoration Project (WARP), to add value to both water quality improvement initiatives. Such multi-agency cooperative efforts are essential for solving complex urban water quality challenges. The City of Greensboro will continue its tradition of supporting the Division of Water Quality and other organizations dedicated to improving water quality and restoring impaired uses. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 6.0 References 65  5555&'&'&'&')))) Kebede, 2003. Adugna Kebede. Environmental Modeler – NC Division of Water Quality. Personal communication. Provided effluent data for the Cone Mills WWTP. March 2003. Audubon, 2003. National Audubon Society. Data for the period 1991 – 2001 accessible from: http://www.audubon.org/bird/cbc/. AVMA, 1997. U.S. Pet Ownership & Demographics Sourcebook. Published by the American Veterinary Medical Association. DENR, 2003. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources. North Carolina Administrative Code - 15A NCAC 02B .0202 (57) Definition of secondary recreation; 15A NCAC 02B .0211 Fresh surface water quality standards for Class C waters. April 1, 2003. Accessible from: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/admin/rules/ DWQ, 1985. NC Division of Water Quality. North Carolina Schedule of Classifications. North Buffalo Creek classification data listed as 8/1/85. Accessible from: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/bims/Reports/reports.html DWQ, 2003. NC Division of Water Quality. North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2002 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report). Final February 2003. Accessible from: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/ DWR, 2002. NC Division of Water Resources. 1999 water withdrawal registration records accessible from: http://dwr32.ehnr.state.nc.us:81/cgi- bin/foxweb.exe/c:/foxweb/reg99reg^0048-0003 CWP, 1999. Center for Watershed Protection. April 1999. Microbes and Urban Watersheds. Watershed Protection Techniques. 3(1): 551-595. Edwards, 2002. Jay Edwards. Inspector, Guilford County Health Department. Personal communication. April 2002. Horsely and Whitten, 1996. Identification and evaluation of nutrient and bacterial loadings to Maquiot Bay, New Brunswick and Freeport, Maine. Final Report. Casco Bay Estuary Project, Portland, ME. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 6.0 References 66 Kroening, 2002. David Kroening. Water Quality Surface Water Systems Analyst – Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection. Personal communication. Provided data from Mecklenburg County studies on dry weather flow from stormwater outfalls and ground water fecal coliform concentrations near sanitary sewer lines. January 2002. MCDEP/DWQ, 2002. Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for the Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar and Sugar Creek Watersheds, Mecklenburg County. Final February 2002. Prepared by the Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection and the NC Division of Water Quality. Accessible from: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/TMDL_list.htm#Final_TMDLs PTCOG, 2003. Identification and Reduction of Fecal Coliform Bacteria Sources for North Carolina 303(d) Listed Waters in Greensboro and High Point. Report produced by Carol Patrick with the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments. August 2003. Accessible from: http://www.ptcog.org/d_water.htm Roessler, 2002. Chris Roessler. Environmental Modeler. NC Division of Water Quality. Personal communication. March 2002. Provided electronic spreadsheet of USEPA’s Fecal Tool and MS Word document of: Fecal Tool User’s Guide. Draft report submitted to USEPA by Tetra Tech, Inc. 2001 Fairfax, Virginia. Schueler, T. 1994. The importance of imperviousness. Watershed Protection Techniques. 1(3): 100-111. USEPA, 1991. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Guidance for Water Quality- Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. USEPA, 2000. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. BASINS Technical Note 6. Estimating Hydrology and Hydraulic Parameters for HSPF. Office of Water, Washington DC. EPA 823-R-00-012. July 2000. Accessible from: http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/basins/tecnote6.pdf USEPA, 2000a. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). USEPA, 2002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. EPA National TMDL Guidance. Establishing Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Wasteload Allocations (WLAs) for Storm Water Sources and NPDES Permit Requirements Based on Those WLAs. Robert H. Wayland, III and James A. Hanlon -- November 22, 2002. Accessible from: http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/final-wwtmdl.pdf Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 6.0 References 67 USGS, 1994. U.S. Geological Survey. Users Manual for an Expert System (HSPEXP) for Calibration of the Hydrological Simulation Program—Fortran. By Alan M. Lumb, Richard B. McCammon, and John L. Kittle, Jr. Water-Resources Investigations Report 94-4168. Accessible from: ftp://water.usgs.gov/pub/software/surface_water/hspexp/doc/hspexp.pdf Wilmington, 2002. City of Wilmington Stormwater Services. Hewletts Creek Restoration Plan for Recreational and Shellfish Waters. November 2002. Accessible from: http://www.ci.wilmington.nc.us/pubservices/stormwater/PDF%20files/hewletts_shellfish _plan_finalprint.pdf Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 68   %  %  %  %           !  $   !  $   !  $   !  $ Piedmont Triad Council of Governments Sampling Data All Stations in North Buffalo Creek Fecal coliform concentrations - #/100mL (Hours since previous rainfall) Source: PTCOG, 2003 Date Market St. (Subwatershed 1) Elam St. (Head of subwatershed 3) Garland Ave. (subwatershed 4) Cridland Ave. (subwatershed 4) Church St. (outlet of subwatershed 4) 6/5/2001 515 (72) 6/11/2001 1,081 (96) 1,182 (96) 800 (96) 786 (96) 891 (96) 6/18/2001 540 (48) 740 (48) 600 (48) 6,000 (48) 365 (48) 6/20/2001 2,400 (96) 840 (96) 7/23/2001 890 (96) 520 (96) 1,140 (96) 211 (96) 1,100 (96) 8/6/2001 493 (72) 510 (72) 1,040 (72) 460 (72) 280 (72) 8/8/2001 1,000 (120) 300 (120) 1,140 (120) 370 (120) 150 (120) 8/17/2001 880 (72) 595 (72) 2,300 (72) 620 (72) 460 (72) 8/23/2001 820 (72) 1,060 (72) 1,220 (72) 840 (72) 500 (72) 9/10/2001 1,230 (120) 550 (120) 585 (120) 483 (120) 200 (120) 9/17/2001 853 (144) 300 (144) 780 (144) 430 (144) 181 (144) 9/18/2001 250 (168) 194 (168) 1,530 (168) 390 (168) 210 (168) 10/2/2001 507 (72) 131 (72) 540 (72) 373 (72) 200 (72) 10/4/2001 690 (72) 445 (72) 730 (72) 195 (72) 220 (72) 10/17/2001 790 (48) 10/30/2001 200 (72) 88 (72) 250 (72) 105 (72) 200 (72) 11/1/2001 350 (48) 12/5/2001 600 (48) 12/20/2001 330 (48) 5/8/2002 947 (72) 800 (72) 7/18/2002 800 (48) 800 (48) 10/22/2002 3,300 (72) 2,200 (72) 3,400 (72) 3,400 (72) 3,700 (24) 10/24/2002 760 (96) 460 (96) 3,900 (96) 700 (96) 720 (72) 10/30/2002 2,500 (96) 5,000 (96) 3,600 (96) 5,656 (96) 5,500 (96) 11/7/2002 1,267 (48) 860 (48) 2,467 (48) 4,900 (48) 460 (48) 11/13/2002 960 (24) 2,300 (24) 2,600 (24) 3,550 (24) 3,867 (24) 11/18/2002 600 (36) 2,350 (36) 2,600 (36) 2,350 (36) 2,950 (36) 11/19/2002 580 (48) 600 (48) 2,150 (48) 1,530 (48) 2,300 (na) 12/16/2002 968 (48) 968 (48) Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 69 PTCOG Sampling Data - continued Date Market St. (Subwatershed 1) Elam St. (Head of subwatershed 3) Garland Ave. (subwatershed 4) Cridland Ave. (subwatershed 4) Church St. (outlet of subwatershed 4) 12/18/2002 1,180 (na) 12/19/2002 400 (na) 1/30/2003 1,060 (na) 2/24/2003 440 (24) Shading indicates data collected outside the model simulation period. These data are presented for information purposes, but were not used for model calibration. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 70 Greensboro Stormwater Management Division Sampling Data All Stations Except 16th St. in North Buffalo Creek Fecal coliform concentrations - #/100mL Source: Greensboro Stormwater Management Division Date Arboretum (subwatershed 1) Aycock St. (outlet of subwatershed 3) Church St. (outlet of subwatershed 4) 16th St. (subwatershed 7) 7/9/1996 4,200 8/13/1996 8,900 9/10/1996 4,500 10/9/1996 2,200 11/12/1996 520 12/10/1996 560 1/13/1997 210 2/11/1997 140 3/11/1997 220 4/8/1997 460 5/13/1997 1,200 6/10/1997 790 7/8/1997 10,000 8/12/1997 1,400 9/9/1997 1,900 10/14/1997 750 11/14/1997 240 12/10/1997 19,000 1/13/1998 2,000 2/10/1998 260 3/10/1998 500 4/14/1998 5,800 5/12/1998 1,200 6/9/1998 1,400 7/14/1998 1,200 10/12/1998 3,700 1/13/1999 270 4/14/1999 770 7/22/1999 17,000 9,100 4,500 8/25/1999 29,000 9/20/1999 760 1,200 1,000 11/10/1999 450 790 580 12/10/1999 6,400 2/17/2000 74 2 98 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 71 Greensboro Sampling Data - continued Date Arboretum (subwatershed 1) Aycock St. (outlet of subwatershed 3) Church St. (outlet of subwatershed 4) 16th St. (subwatershed 7) 2/18/2000 2,600 3/15/2000 400 480 54 4/13/2000 5,700 5/10/2000 760 810 570 7/11/2000 4,800 7/12/2000 6,000 2,300 8/18/2000 8,300 9/12/2000 970 580 2,100 11/9/2000 8,400 11/13/2000 380 1,100 590 1/16/2001 37 72 40 1/30/2001 150 3/27/2001 72 58 150 4/24/2001 5,200 5/1/2001 390 360 460 7/17/2001 4,200 330 580 7/25/2001 6,000 9/18/2001 8 5 2 Shading indicates data collected outside the model simulation period. These data are presented for information purposes, but were not used for model calibration. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 72 Cone Mills WWTP – Instream fecal coliform sampling data from North Buffalo Creek at Summit Avenue. Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 8/3/1998 870 8/4/1998 10 8/5/1998 5 8/6/1998 5 8/7/1998 17 8/10/1998 653 8/11/1998 1,210 8/12/1998 1,900 8/13/1998 720 8/14/1998 328 8/17/1998 290 8/18/1998 570 8/19/1998 210 8/20/1998 2,000 8/21/1998 270 8/24/1998 810 8/25/1998 280 8/26/1998 750 8/27/1998 790 8/28/1998 270 9/1/1998 252 9/2/1998 650 9/3/1998 613 9/4/1998 143 9/8/1998 430 9/9/1998 77 9/10/1998 770 9/11/1998 2,000 9/14/1998 860 9/15/1998 810 9/16/1998 1,210 9/17/1998 350 9/18/1998 2,300 9/21/1998 152 9/22/1998 860 9/23/1998 3,700 9/24/1998 330 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 9/25/1998 10 9/28/1998 5 9/29/1998 5 9/30/1998 213 10/1/1998 64 10/2/1998 82 10/5/1998 415 10/6/1998 370 10/7/1998 290 10/8/1998 4,700 10/9/1998 870 10/12/1998 460 10/13/1998 623 10/14/1998 407 10/15/1998 113 10/16/1998 5 10/19/1998 10 10/20/1998 5 10/21/1998 5 10/22/1998 5 10/23/1998 109 10/26/1998 260 10/27/1998 5 10/28/1998 2 10/29/1998 28 10/30/1998 363 11/2/1998 214 11/3/1998 2,750 11/4/1998 114 11/5/1998 135 11/6/1998 84 11/9/1998 10 11/10/1998 141 11/11/1998 2,800 11/12/1998 3,400 11/13/1998 730 11/16/1998 4,600 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 11/17/1998 740 11/18/1998 840 11/19/1998 2,100 11/20/1998 3,000 11/23/1998 120 11/24/1998 570 11/25/1998 90 11/27/1998 423 11/30/1998 10 12/1/1998 53 12/2/1998 145 12/3/1998 82 12/4/1998 212 12/7/1998 76 12/8/1998 537 12/9/1998 4,900 12/10/1998 1,280 12/11/1998 1,170 12/14/1998 1,090 12/15/1998 930 12/16/1998 447 12/17/1998 195 12/18/1998 165 12/21/1998 119 12/22/1998 1,000 12/23/1998 3,000 12/29/1998 667 12/30/1998 1,010 12/31/1998 5,600 1/4/1999 970 1/5/1999 400 1/6/1999 1,070 1/7/1999 5,000 1/8/1999 950 1/11/1999 790 1/12/1999 5,100 1/13/1999 2,200 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 73 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 1/14/1999 1,200 1/15/1999 1,800 1/18/1999 4,200 1/19/1999 420 1/20/1999 20 1/21/1999 1,180 1/22/1999 1,100 1/25/1999 640 1/26/1999 370 1/27/1999 660 1/28/1999 377 1/29/1999 1,000 2/1/1999 5,500 2/2/1999 1,300 2/3/1999 280 2/4/1999 10 2/5/1999 42 2/8/1999 114 2/9/1999 10 2/10/1999 4 2/11/1999 2 2/12/1999 5 2/15/1999 240 2/16/1999 19 2/17/1999 54 2/18/1999 3,800 2/22/1999 3,000 3/3/1999 76 3/10/1999 2,900 3/17/1999 110 3/24/1999 820 4/1/1999 5,630 4/7/1999 97 4/14/1999 175 4/21/1999 198 4/28/1999 9,200 5/5/1999 475 5/12/1999 333 5/19/1999 980 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 5/26/1999 6,300 6/1/1999 213 6/2/1999 690 6/3/1999 3,300 6/7/1999 373 6/9/1999 362 6/11/1999 6,000 6/14/1999 6,100 6/16/1999 2,200 6/17/1999 5,900 6/21/1999 780 6/23/1999 470 6/25/1999 720 6/28/1999 1,160 6/29/1999 2,200 6/30/1999 665 7/6/1999 293 7/7/1999 620 7/8/1999 2,300 7/12/1999 1,440 7/13/1999 6,030 7/14/1999 1,340 7/19/1999 2,200 7/20/1999 6,500 7/21/1999 4,000 7/27/1999 740 7/28/1999 135 7/29/1999 6,600 8/3/1999 89 8/4/1999 6 8/5/1999 235 8/9/1999 645 8/10/1999 22 8/12/1999 83 8/17/1999 220 8/18/1999 69 8/19/1999 176 8/24/1999 430 8/25/1999 1,250 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 8/26/1999 185 8/31/1999 81 9/1/1999 105 9/3/1999 145 9/8/1999 114 9/9/1999 330 9/13/1999 348 9/14/1999 213 9/16/1999 10,000 9/20/1999 555 9/21/1999 378 9/22/1999 1,180 9/28/1999 7,900 9/29/1999 286 9/30/1999 280 10/8/1999 50 10/14/1999 470 10/22/1999 255 10/27/1999 570 11/3/1999 1,220 11/10/1999 22 11/17/1999 33 11/23/1999 83 12/1/1999 195 12/8/1999 1,100 12/15/1999 1,140 12/21/1999 278 12/29/1999 3,400 1/4/2000 81 1/12/2000 88 1/19/2000 455 1/28/2000 18 2/2/2000 198 2/10/2000 135 2/16/2000 323 2/24/2000 278 3/2/2000 640 3/9/2000 78 3/16/2000 1,120 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-1 Instream Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data 74 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 3/23/2000 330 3/29/2000 285 4/6/2000 205 4/12/2000 120 4/20/2000 67 4/27/2000 155 5/3/2000 320 5/10/2000 170 5/17/2000 5,700 5/24/2000 495 6/1/2000 535 6/2/2000 860 6/6/2000 3,100 6/7/2000 800 6/8/2000 1,100 6/13/2000 395 6/14/2000 575 6/15/2000 5,600 6/20/2000 1,660 6/21/2000 5,350 6/22/2000 1,020 6/27/2000 685 6/28/2000 210 6/29/2000 9,200 7/5/2000 3,950 7/6/2000 5,500 7/7/2000 11,800 7/11/2000 12,000 7/12/2000 8,200 7/13/2000 10,000 7/17/2000 1,630 7/18/2000 310 7/19/2000 250 7/20/2000 280 7/25/2000 2,900 7/26/2000 700 7/27/2000 3,400 8/1/2000 4,650 8/2/2000 11,600 Date Summit Ave. Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 8/3/2000 5,030 8/9/2000 780 8/10/2000 1,780 8/11/2000 12,400 8/14/2000 920 8/15/2000 210 8/16/2000 210 8/22/2000 198 8/23/2000 188 8/24/2000 710 8/29/2000 2,800 8/30/2000 3,700 8/31/2000 2,300 9/6/2000 860 9/7/2000 460 9/8/2000 880 9/12/2000 6,000 9/13/2000 400 9/14/2000 940 9/19/2000 4,200 9/20/2000 1,060 9/21/2000 230 9/25/2000 952 9/26/2000 20 9/27/2000 31 10/5/2000 430 10/13/2000 230 10/18/2000 6,600 10/25/2000 880 11/1/2000 545 11/9/2000 535 11/15/2000 4,600 11/24/2000 1,320 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-2 Dry Weather Dates 75         ----$ $$ $$ $$ $ Dry weather dates used for calculations associated with the dry weather TMDL )00 --)-00 --) 0 0 --)0)0 ---0 0 ---,00 --- +00 --- 00+++ )0*0 --)-0,0 --) 00 --)0-0 ---0 0 ---,00 --- +00 --- 00+++ )00 --)-0)0 --) 00 --)0 +0 ---0 0 ---,0 ,0 --- +0,0 --- 0,0+++ )00 --)-0-0 --) 0*0 --)0 0 ---0 ,0 ---,0 )0 --- +0)0 --- 0)0+++ )0 0 --) +00 --) 0-0 --)0 0 ---0 )0 ---,0 -0 --- 0 0 --- 0 0+++ )0 *0 --) +0 0 --) 0+0 --)00 ---0 -0 ---)0 0 --- 00 --- 0 ,0+++ )0 0 --) +0 0 --) 0 0 --)00 ---0+0 ---)00 --- 00 --- 0 )0+++ )0+0 --) +0 0 --) 00 --)0*0 ---0 0 ---)00 --- 0,0 ---00+++ )0 0 --) +0 *0 --) 00 --)00 ---00 ---)0*0 --- 0)0 ---0,0+++ )00 --) +0 0 --) 0*0 --)0 0 ---00 ---)00 --- 0-0 ---0)0+++ )00 --) +0 0 --) 00 --)0 -0 ---0*0 ---)00 --- 0 +0 ---0-0+++ )0*0 --) +0 ,0 --) 00 --)0+0 ---00 ---)0,0 --- 0 0 ---0 +0+++ )00 --) +0 )0 --) 0,0 --)0)0 ---0-0 ---)0 0 --- 0 0 ---0 0+++ )00 --) +0 -0 --) 00 --)0-0 ---0+0 ---)0 0 --- 0 0 ---00+++ )0,0 --) +0+0 --) 0 0 ---0+0 ---0 0 ---)0 ,0 --- 0 *0 ---00+++ )0)0 --) +0 0 --) 00 ---0 0 ---0 0 ---)0 )0 --- 0 0 ---0*0+++ )0-0 --) +00 --) 0,0 ---*0*0 ---00 ---)0 -0 --- 0 -0 ---00+++ -00 --) +00 --) 0 0 ---*0)0 ---00 ---)00 --- 0+0 ---00+++ -0,0 --) +0*0 --) 0 0 ---*0 -0 ---0*0 ---)0+0 --- 00 ---0 0+++ -0 0 --) +00 --) 0 *0 ---*0+0 ---00 ---)0 0 --- 0*0 ---00+++ -0 0 --) +00 --) 0 0 ---*0 0 ---00 ----0 0 --- 0-0 ---00+++ -0 0 --) +0,0 --) 00 ---*00 ---0,0 ----00 --- 0 ,0 ---0*0+++ -0 *0 --) +0)0 --) 0,0 ---*00 ---0)0 ----00 --- 0 )0 ---00+++ -0 0 --) +0-0 --) 0)0 ---*0*0 ---0-0 ----0 0 --- 00 ---00+++ -0 0 --) 00 --) 0-0 ---*00 ---0 +0 ----0 *0 --- 0,0 ---0,0+++ -0 ,0 --) 0,0 --) 0+0 ---00 ---0 0 ----0 -0 --- 0)0 ---0)0+++ -0 )0 --) 0)0 --) 0 0 ---0*0 ---0 0 ----0+0 --- 0-0 ---0-0+++ -0 -0 --) 0-0 --)00 ---0)0 ---0 -0 ----00 --- 0+0 ---0 +0+++ -0+0 --) 0 -0 --)00 ---0-0 ---0-0 ----00 --- 0 0 ---0 *0+++ -00 --) 0+0 --)0,0 ---0 +0 ---,0*0 --- +00 --- 0 0+++0 0+++ Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-2 Dry Weather Dates 76 Dry weather dates - continued 0*0+++0 0+++-0+0+++ +0+0+++ 00+++0,0++ 0 0++  *0,0+++0 0+++ +0 0+++ +0 0+++ 0*0+++0)0++ 00++  *0 0+++00+++ +00+++ 0 0+++ 00+++0-0++ 00++  *0 0+++0*0+++ +00+++ 00+++ 00+++0)0++ 0*0++  *0+0+++,00+++ +0*0+++ 00+++ 0,0+++0 0++ 00++  *0 0+++,00+++ +00+++ 0*0+++ 0)0+++00++ 0-0++  *00+++,0 +0+++ +00+++ 00+++ 0-0+++0)0++ 0 +0++  *00+++,0 0+++ +0,0+++ 00+++ 0+0+++0-0++ 0 0++  *0*0+++,0 ,0+++ +0)0+++ 0 0+++ 0 0+++0 +0++ 0 0++  0 0+++,0 )0+++ +0-0+++ 0 0+++ 0 0++ 0 0++ 0 ,0++  00+++,0 -0+++ +0 +0+++ 00+++ 00++ 0 -0++ 0 )0++  00+++,0+0+++ +0 0+++ 00+++ 00++ 0*0++ 0 -0++  0*0+++,0 0+++ +0 0+++ 0*0+++ 0*0++ 00++ 0+0++  00+++,00+++ +0 0+++ 0+0+++ 00++ 00++ 0+0++  00+++,0-0+++ +0 *0+++ 0 0+++ 00++ 0,0++ ,0,0++  0,0+++,0+0+++ +0 0+++ 00+++ 0,0++ 0)0++ ,0 0++  0)0+++)0 0+++ +0 0+++ 00+++ 0 0++ *00++ ,0 0++  0-0+++)0 ,0+++ +0 ,0+++ 0*0+++ 0 0++ *0,0++ ,0 ,0++  0 +0+++)0 0+++ +0 )0+++ 00+++ 00++ *0)0++ ,0 0++  0 0+++)00+++ +0 -0+++ 00+++ 0*0++ *0-0++ ,00++  0 0+++)00+++ +0+0+++ 0,0+++ 00++ *0 +0++ ,00++  0 0+++-0,0+++ +0 0+++ 0)0+++ 00++ *0 0++  0 *0+++-0)0+++ +00+++ 0-0+++ 0,0++ *0 0++  0 0+++-0-0+++ +00+++ 0 +0+++ 0)0++ *0+0++  0 0+++-0 +0+++ +0*0+++ 0 0+++ 0-0++ *0 0++  0 0+++-0 0+++ +00+++ 0 0+++00++ *00++  00+++-0 0+++ +00+++ 0 0+++00++ *00++  0-0+++-0 0+++ +0,0+++ 0 *0+++0*0++ *0)0++  0 +0+++-0)0+++ +0)0+++ 0 0+++00++ *0-0++  0 0+++-0-0+++ +0-0+++ 00+++00++ *0+0++  Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 77   /! " $  /! " $  /! " $  /! " $ Cone Mills WWTP effluent data. Flow and fecal coliform concentrations (August 1998 – June 2001) (Kebede, 2003). Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 8/1/1998 0.76 1 8/2/1998 0.70 1 8/3/1998 0.75 1 8/4/1998 1.09 1 8/5/1998 1.58 1 8/6/1998 1.33 1 8/7/1998 1.46 9 8/8/1998 1.45 3 8/9/1998 1.27 3 8/10/1998 1.16 1 8/11/1998 1.27 1 8/12/1998 1.63 4 8/13/1998 1.62 1 8/14/1998 1.58 8 8/15/1998 1.11 7 8/16/1998 0.82 6 8/17/1998 1.00 1 8/18/1998 1.08 16 8/19/1998 1.09 1 8/20/1998 1.12 4 8/21/1998 1.00 85 8/22/1998 0.85 27 8/23/1998 0.04 27 8/24/1998 0.76 13 8/25/1998 1.17 8 8/26/1998 1.05 1 8/27/1998 0.84 1 8/28/1998 0.84 27 8/29/1998 0.84 29 8/30/1998 0.54 29 8/31/1998 0.97 78 9/1/1998 0.97 7 9/2/1998 0.90 1 9/3/1998 0.97 1 9/4/1998 0.88 1 9/5/1998 0.80 1 9/6/1998 0.73 1 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 9/7/1998 0.73 1 9/8/1998 0.89 1 9/9/1998 1.18 1 9/10/1998 1.17 1 9/11/1998 1.14 88 9/12/1998 1.19 37 9/13/1998 1.08 37 9/14/1998 1.13 11 9/15/1998 1.22 48 9/16/1998 1.29 62 9/17/1998 1.33 113 9/18/1998 1.38 98 9/19/1998 1.01 54 9/20/1998 1.01 54 9/21/1998 1.25 4 9/22/1998 1.95 1 9/23/1998 1.20 15 9/24/1998 1.20 1 9/25/1998 1.20 1 9/26/1998 1.20 1 9/27/1998 1.20 1 9/28/1998 0.97 1 9/29/1998 0.97 1 9/30/1998 1.17 1 10/1/1998 0.97 12 10/2/1998 0.91 1 10/3/1998 0.70 24 10/4/1998 0.55 24 10/5/1998 0.91 9 10/6/1998 0.89 76 10/7/1998 1.46 9 10/8/1998 1.45 23 10/9/1998 1.27 22 10/10/1998 1.16 1 10/11/1998 1.27 4 10/12/1998 1.13 4 10/13/1998 0.71 4 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 10/14/1998 0.73 2 10/15/1998 0.77 2 10/16/1998 0.98 2 10/17/1998 1.06 2 10/18/1998 0.77 2 10/19/1998 0.83 1 10/20/1998 0.97 2 10/21/1998 1.13 1 10/22/1998 1.12 1 10/23/1998 1.10 7 10/24/1998 0.98 3 10/25/1998 0.62 3 10/26/1998 0.71 2 10/27/1998 0.82 1 10/28/1998 0.87 20 10/29/1998 1.47 17 10/30/1998 1.25 58 10/31/1998 0.89 61 11/1/1998 0.54 61 11/2/1998 0.54 12 11/3/1998 0.58 156 11/4/1998 0.67 8 11/5/1998 0.69 1 11/6/1998 0.70 1 11/7/1998 0.46 1 11/8/1998 0.33 1 11/9/1998 0.36 1 11/10/1998 0.69 1 11/11/1998 0.90 10 11/12/1998 0.95 100 11/13/1998 1.02 197 11/14/1998 0.98 152 11/15/1998 0.41 152 11/16/1998 0.84 2 11/17/1998 0.94 311 11/18/1998 1.00 124 11/19/1998 1.12 183 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 78 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 11/20/1998 1.11 101 11/21/1998 0.89 430 11/22/1998 0.44 429 11/23/1998 0.57 1198 11/24/1998 0.94 233 11/25/1998 0.94 96 11/26/1998 0.26 90 11/27/1998 0.33 5 11/28/1998 0.94 40 11/29/1998 0.38 40 11/30/1998 0.70 27 12/1/1998 1.01 87 12/2/1998 1.49 24 12/3/1998 1.49 1 12/4/1998 1.49 125 12/5/1998 1.49 180 12/6/1998 1.49 180 12/7/1998 1.49 359 12/8/1998 1.49 235 12/9/1998 1.33 329 12/10/1998 1.33 214 12/11/1998 1.25 325 12/12/1998 1.12 177 12/13/1998 0.78 176 12/14/1998 0.56 83 12/15/1998 0.88 83 12/16/1998 0.78 54 12/17/1998 0.79 25 12/18/1998 0.67 43 12/19/1998 0.87 78 12/20/1998 0.87 78 12/21/1998 0.60 117 12/22/1998 0.60 125 12/23/1998 0.67 150 12/24/1998 0.72 153 12/25/1998 0.64 153 12/26/1998 0.58 153 12/27/1998 0.65 153 12/28/1998 0.67 153 12/29/1998 0.61 236 12/30/1998 0.62 102 12/31/1998 0.61 116 1/1/1999 0.67 81 1/2/1999 0.76 81 1/3/1999 0.74 81 1/4/1999 0.77 81 1/5/1999 0.96 65 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 1/6/1999 1.67 42 1/7/1999 1.55 62 1/8/1999 1.61 260 1/9/1999 1.28 278 1/10/1999 1.06 719 1/11/1999 1.06 1139 1/12/1999 1.75 1199 1/13/1999 1.44 4303 1/14/1999 1.82 24 1/15/1999 1.76 2 1/16/1999 1.39 30 1/17/1999 1.25 30 1/18/1999 1.34 2 1/19/1999 1.15 93 1/20/1999 1.34 10 1/21/1999 1.18 66 1/22/1999 0.85 222 1/23/1999 0.78 163 1/24/1999 0.95 162 1/25/1999 0.80 172 1/26/1999 0.79 190 1/27/1999 0.81 274 1/28/1999 1.23 384 1/29/1999 1.10 218 1/30/1999 0.72 151 1/31/1999 0.57 151 2/1/1999 0.55 2 2/2/1999 0.54 2 2/3/1999 0.50 2 2/4/1999 0.45 2 2/5/1999 0.40 1 2/6/1999 0.38 1 2/7/1999 0.45 1 2/8/1999 0.94 2 2/9/1999 1.11 1 2/10/1999 1.15 1 2/11/1999 1.30 1 2/12/1999 1.46 1 2/13/1999 1.00 2 2/14/1999 0.85 2 2/15/1999 0.92 2 2/16/1999 1.05 2 2/17/1999 1.14 2 2/18/1999 1.26 2 2/19/1999 1.41 9 2/20/1999 1.41 4 2/21/1999 1.19 4 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 2/22/1999 1.12 2 2/23/1999 1.27 2 2/24/1999 1.36 1 2/25/1999 1.43 21 2/26/1999 1.38 121 2/27/1999 1.14 55 2/28/1999 0.83 55 3/1/1999 0.92 35 3/2/1999 0.62 42 3/3/1999 0.75 49 3/4/1999 0.72 22 3/5/1999 0.60 42 3/6/1999 0.46 19 3/7/1999 0.62 19 3/8/1999 0.36 7 3/9/1999 0.73 4 3/10/1999 1.07 2 3/11/1999 1.14 1 3/12/1999 1.15 1 3/13/1999 0.91 1 3/14/1999 0.70 1 3/15/1999 0.72 1 3/16/1999 0.82 1 3/17/1999 0.94 1 3/18/1999 1.00 4 3/19/1999 1.07 19 3/20/1999 0.83 152 3/21/1999 0.61 152 3/22/1999 0.69 204 3/23/1999 0.82 379 3/24/1999 0.94 471 3/25/1999 0.97 280 3/26/1999 1.00 380 3/27/1999 0.93 439 3/28/1999 0.79 441 3/29/1999 0.79 280 3/30/1999 1.03 819 3/31/1999 1.24 1140 4/1/1999 1.41 363 4/2/1999 1.40 627 4/3/1999 1.28 317 4/4/1999 1.01 316 4/5/1999 0.78 381 4/6/1999 0.95 206 4/7/1999 0.74 62 4/8/1999 1.24 20 4/9/1999 1.34 105 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 79 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 4/10/1999 1.09 123 4/11/1999 0.83 124 4/12/1999 0.79 105 4/13/1999 0.92 264 4/14/1999 0.99 127 4/15/1999 1.09 69 4/16/1999 1.09 281 4/17/1999 0.88 170 4/18/1999 0.74 170 4/19/1999 0.80 206 4/20/1999 1.01 122 4/21/1999 1.16 85 4/22/1999 1.31 92 4/23/1999 1.48 108 4/24/1999 1.31 163 4/25/1999 1.04 163 4/26/1999 1.04 254 4/27/1999 1.28 197 4/28/1999 1.32 234 4/29/1999 1.54 131 4/30/1999 1.41 106 5/1/1999 1.25 118 5/2/1999 1.21 118 5/3/1999 1.22 115 5/4/1999 1.32 119 5/5/1999 1.32 5 5/6/1999 1.34 26 5/7/1999 1.33 128 5/8/1999 1.29 134 5/9/1999 1.01 134 5/10/1999 1.04 197 5/11/1999 1.59 186 5/12/1999 1.55 197 5/13/1999 1.50 140 5/14/1999 1.44 287 5/15/1999 1.37 246 5/16/1999 1.23 247 5/17/1999 1.32 252 5/18/1999 1.47 305 5/19/1999 1.24 225 5/20/1999 1.32 328 5/21/1999 1.33 195 5/22/1999 1.30 157 5/23/1999 0.98 157 5/24/1999 0.84 69 5/25/1999 1.12 38 5/26/1999 1.39 239 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 5/27/1999 1.40 88 5/28/1999 1.08 136 5/29/1999 0.70 392 5/30/1999 0.69 390 5/31/1999 0.70 392 6/1/1999 1.09 136 6/2/1999 1.27 1200 6/3/1999 1.48 647 6/4/1999 1.66 260 6/5/1999 1.35 232 6/6/1999 1.23 234 6/7/1999 1.14 18 6/8/1999 1.29 8 6/9/1999 1.36 14 6/10/1999 1.78 46 6/11/1999 1.87 136 6/12/1999 1.75 82 6/13/1999 1.10 82 6/14/1999 1.00 80 6/15/1999 1.19 66 6/16/1999 1.25 591 6/17/1999 1.88 143 6/18/1999 1.30 781 6/19/1999 1.42 277 6/20/1999 1.32 276 6/21/1999 1.24 85 6/22/1999 1.32 97 6/23/1999 1.38 331 6/24/1999 1.30 331 6/25/1999 0.99 226 6/26/1999 0.70 486 6/27/1999 0.62 485 6/28/1999 0.59 305 6/29/1999 0.60 1081 6/30/1999 0.59 1332 7/1/1999 1.47 2 7/2/1999 1.30 669 7/3/1999 0.79 169 7/4/1999 0.84 169 7/5/1999 0.91 169 7/6/1999 1.22 2 7/7/1999 1.08 2 7/8/1999 0.96 2 7/9/1999 1.07 14 7/10/1999 1.12 58 7/11/1999 1.09 58 7/12/1999 1.25 82 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 7/13/1999 1.65 135 7/14/1999 1.82 1179 7/15/1999 1.57 135 7/16/1999 1.68 2 7/17/1999 1.39 975 7/18/1999 1.15 977 7/19/1999 1.24 468 7/20/1999 1.48 3296 7/21/1999 1.78 1010 7/22/1999 1.38 2 7/23/1999 1.41 2 7/24/1999 1.41 13 7/25/1999 1.12 13 7/26/1999 0.17 13 7/27/1999 0.27 2 7/28/1999 0.40 46 7/29/1999 1.00 2 7/30/1999 0.88 27 7/31/1999 0.65 21 8/1/1999 0.46 21 8/2/1999 0.43 39 8/3/1999 0.43 15 8/4/1999 0.67 7 8/5/1999 1.23 16 8/6/1999 1.16 82 8/7/1999 1.20 37 8/8/1999 1.12 37 8/9/1999 0.86 50 8/10/1999 1.10 1 8/11/1999 0.95 8 8/12/1999 0.86 17 8/13/1999 0.84 212 8/14/1999 1.04 86 8/15/1999 0.61 86 8/16/1999 0.74 86 8/17/1999 0.93 25 8/18/1999 1.15 88 8/19/1999 0.58 25 8/20/1999 1.12 4 8/21/1999 1.01 42 8/22/1999 0.94 26 8/23/1999 1.13 26 8/24/1999 1.14 27 8/25/1999 1.14 31 8/26/1999 1.14 4 8/27/1999 1.10 27 8/28/1999 1.00 49 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 80 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 8/29/1999 0.96 20 8/30/1999 0.97 20 8/31/1999 1.00 20 9/1/1999 1.00 1 9/2/1999 1.01 3 9/3/1999 1.00 1 9/4/1999 1.00 8 9/5/1999 0.98 8 9/6/1999 1.04 8 9/7/1999 1.01 13 9/8/1999 1.01 16 9/9/1999 0.99 55 9/10/1999 0.97 28 9/11/1999 1.01 23 9/12/1999 1.01 23 9/13/1999 1.00 4 9/14/1999 1.03 3 9/15/1999 1.48 4 9/16/1999 1.95 39 9/17/1999 1.25 58 9/18/1999 1.11 43 9/19/1999 0.97 43 9/20/1999 0.95 22 9/21/1999 0.92 54 9/22/1999 0.85 72 9/23/1999 0.99 38 9/24/1999 0.79 32 9/25/1999 0.73 62 9/26/1999 0.52 62 9/27/1999 0.65 38 9/28/1999 0.74 141 9/29/1999 0.90 8 9/30/1999 0.91 55 10/1/1999 1.93 7 10/2/1999 1.95 17 10/3/1999 0.58 17 10/4/1999 0.46 3 10/5/1999 1.00 2 10/6/1999 1.02 2 10/7/1999 1.02 3 10/8/1999 1.02 9 10/9/1999 1.02 6 10/10/1999 0.98 6 10/11/1999 0.97 7 10/12/1999 1.11 4 10/13/1999 10.10 28 10/14/1999 1.06 17 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 10/15/1999 1.06 25 10/16/1999 0.80 26 10/17/1999 0.69 25 10/18/1999 0.83 5 10/19/1999 0.75 55 10/20/1999 0.98 86 10/21/1999 1.01 24 10/22/1999 0.94 8 10/23/1999 0.89 115 10/24/1999 0.72 115 10/25/1999 0.83 285 10/26/1999 0.52 142 10/27/1999 0.63 196 10/28/1999 0.87 19 10/29/1999 0.87 27 10/30/1999 0.79 21 10/31/1999 0.82 22 11/1/1999 0.63 18 11/2/1999 0.66 22 11/3/1999 0.85 391 11/4/1999 0.54 119 11/5/1999 0.75 12 11/6/1999 0.73 81 11/7/1999 0.51 81 11/8/1999 0.42 12 11/9/1999 0.67 182 11/10/1999 0.63 106 11/11/1999 0.35 87 11/12/1999 0.77 6 11/13/1999 1.26 27 11/14/1999 0.97 27 11/15/1999 0.84 13 11/16/1999 1.02 2 11/17/1999 1.01 10 11/18/1999 1.03 4 11/19/1999 1.01 51 11/20/1999 0.99 139 11/21/1999 0.81 139 11/22/1999 0.20 200 11/23/1999 0.35 301 11/24/1999 0.81 38 11/25/1999 0.67 114 11/26/1999 0.44 112 11/27/1999 0.39 39 11/28/1999 0.39 39 11/29/1999 0.41 4 11/30/1999 0.99 2 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 12/1/1999 1.06 2 12/2/1999 1.00 58 12/3/1999 1.15 65 12/4/1999 1.05 123 12/5/1999 0.86 123 12/6/1999 0.91 270 12/7/1999 1.07 100 12/8/1999 1.11 188 12/9/1999 0.96 234 12/10/1999 0.88 96 12/11/1999 0.94 125 12/12/1999 0.93 125 12/13/1999 0.77 130 12/14/1999 0.67 40 12/15/1999 0.81 84 12/16/1999 1.18 67 12/17/1999 0.57 5 12/18/1999 0.77 174 12/19/1999 0.60 174 12/20/1999 0.60 355 12/21/1999 0.66 268 12/22/1999 0.68 337 12/23/1999 0.52 155 12/24/1999 0.72 155 12/25/1999 0.65 155 12/26/1999 0.41 155 12/27/1999 0.36 155 12/28/1999 0.29 12 12/29/1999 0.55 3 12/30/1999 0.45 5 12/31/1999 0.44 5 1/1/2000 0.44 5 1/2/2000 0.54 5 1/3/2000 0.94 10 1/4/2000 1.08 1 1/5/2000 1.03 1 1/6/2000 0.32 1 1/7/2000 0.49 54 1/8/2000 0.67 75 1/9/2000 0.98 75 1/10/2000 1.09 165 1/11/2000 0.99 80 1/12/2000 0.95 80 1/13/2000 0.59 117 1/14/2000 0.50 299 1/15/2000 0.49 252 1/16/2000 0.51 252 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 81 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 1/17/2000 0.50 360 1/18/2000 0.38 232 1/19/2000 0.40 620 1/20/2000 0.68 243 1/21/2000 0.78 165 1/22/2000 0.99 138 1/23/2000 0.97 138 1/24/2000 0.90 5 1/25/2000 0.60 73 1/26/2000 0.56 35 1/27/2000 0.54 86 1/28/2000 0.55 56 1/29/2000 0.07 159 1/30/2000 0.70 184 1/31/2000 0.80 184 2/1/2000 0.99 257 2/2/2000 0.97 238 2/3/2000 0.99 346 2/4/2000 1.00 311 2/5/2000 0.92 270 2/6/2000 0.84 270 2/7/2000 0.84 208 2/8/2000 1.02 216 2/9/2000 1.06 231 2/10/2000 1.06 95 2/11/2000 1.09 100 2/12/2000 1.13 72 2/13/2000 1.09 72 2/14/2000 1.11 83 2/15/2000 1.22 9 2/16/2000 1.27 24 2/17/2000 1.32 194 2/18/2000 1.37 105 2/19/2000 1.39 80 2/20/2000 1.07 81 2/21/2000 1.08 19 2/22/2000 0.93 4 2/23/2000 1.15 101 2/24/2000 1.23 262 2/25/2000 1.21 246 2/26/2000 0.91 245 2/27/2000 0.85 245 2/28/2000 0.85 365 2/29/2000 0.94 110 3/1/2000 0.94 130 3/2/2000 0.92 310 3/3/2000 0.89 92 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 3/4/2000 0.94 119 3/5/2000 0.91 119 3/6/2000 0.90 54 3/7/2000 0.91 21 3/8/2000 1.21 32 3/9/2000 1.19 31 3/10/2000 1.07 46 3/11/2000 1.06 51 3/12/2000 0.99 51 3/13/2000 0.99 74 3/14/2000 1.03 53 3/15/2000 1.05 39 3/16/2000 1.32 59 3/17/2000 1.18 88 3/18/2000 1.04 80 3/19/2000 1.04 80 3/20/2000 0.92 98 3/21/2000 0.86 75 3/22/2000 1.12 37 3/23/2000 1.01 16 3/24/2000 1.05 1 3/25/2000 0.99 5 3/26/2000 0.80 5 3/27/2000 0.77 1 3/28/2000 0.96 1 3/29/2000 1.20 5 3/30/2000 1.15 28 3/31/2000 1.20 68 4/1/2000 1.24 66 4/2/2000 1.12 66 4/3/2000 1.26 117 4/4/2000 1.18 51 4/5/2000 1.10 35 4/6/2000 0.93 66 4/7/2000 0.67 50 4/8/2000 0.72 54 4/9/2000 0.65 54 4/10/2000 0.73 67 4/11/2000 0.93 32 4/12/2000 0.97 98 4/13/2000 1.12 72 4/14/2000 1.00 99 4/15/2000 1.08 46 4/16/2000 0.96 46 4/17/2000 1.07 46 4/18/2000 0.99 10 4/19/2000 1.00 2 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 4/20/2000 1.17 66 4/21/2000 1.41 20 4/22/2000 1.30 20 4/23/2000 0.78 20 4/24/2000 1.01 1 4/25/2000 1.01 11 4/26/2000 0.65 13 4/27/2000 0.87 3 4/28/2000 0.91 4 4/29/2000 0.77 3 4/30/2000 0.69 3 5/1/2000 0.97 1 5/2/2000 0.91 3 5/3/2000 0.96 6 5/4/2000 1.07 31 5/5/2000 1.04 8 5/6/2000 0.99 11 5/7/2000 0.87 11 5/8/2000 0.96 4 5/9/2000 0.74 1 5/10/2000 0.78 3 5/11/2000 0.88 2 5/12/2000 0.91 1 5/13/2000 0.89 1 5/14/2000 0.79 1 5/15/2000 0.82 1 5/16/2000 0.80 1 5/17/2000 0.87 29 5/18/2000 0.95 2 5/19/2000 1.06 3 5/20/2000 1.06 14 5/21/2000 0.95 13 5/22/2000 0.92 27 5/23/2000 0.93 22 5/24/2000 0.79 9 5/25/2000 0.59 6 5/26/2000 0.84 59 5/27/2000 0.84 17 5/28/2000 0.84 17 5/29/2000 0.84 17 5/30/2000 0.85 2 5/31/2000 0.85 2 6/1/2000 0.85 27 6/2/2000 0.84 121 6/3/2000 0.84 53 6/4/2000 0.84 53 6/5/2000 0.85 18 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 82 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 6/6/2000 0.84 47 6/7/2000 0.84 27 6/8/2000 0.72 89 6/9/2000 0.70 108 6/10/2000 0.07 69 6/11/2000 0.70 69 6/12/2000 0.96 50 6/13/2000 0.95 31 6/14/2000 0.95 121 6/15/2000 0.96 33 6/16/2000 0.91 89 6/17/2000 0.81 148 6/18/2000 0.81 148 6/19/2000 0.81 188 6/20/2000 0.96 280 6/21/2000 1.28 229 6/22/2000 0.96 89 6/23/2000 1.01 116 6/24/2000 0.91 99 6/25/2000 0.91 99 6/26/2000 0.91 131 6/27/2000 1.30 58 6/28/2000 0.91 64 6/29/2000 0.81 241 6/30/2000 0.81 247 7/1/2000 0.81 217 7/2/2000 0.81 217 7/3/2000 0.81 164 7/4/2000 0.81 136 7/5/2000 0.91 58 7/6/2000 1.01 75 7/7/2000 1.01 129 7/8/2000 1.12 197 7/9/2000 1.12 197 7/10/2000 1.12 360 7/11/2000 0.81 224 7/12/2000 0.81 193 7/13/2000 0.81 106 7/14/2000 0.81 142 7/15/2000 0.81 63 7/16/2000 0.81 63 7/17/2000 0.81 1 7/18/2000 1.01 2 7/19/2000 1.34 16 7/20/2000 1.12 1 7/21/2000 1.01 14 7/22/2000 1.01 97 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 7/23/2000 1.01 97 7/24/2000 1.01 127 7/25/2000 1.01 248 7/26/2000 1.01 137 7/27/2000 1.34 184 7/28/2000 1.34 268 7/29/2000 1.34 187 7/30/2000 1.01 187 7/31/2000 0.81 51 8/1/2000 1.01 247 8/2/2000 1.01 212 8/3/2000 1.01 170 8/4/2000 1.01 229 8/5/2000 1.01 122 8/6/2000 0.91 122 8/7/2000 0.30 51 8/8/2000 1.01 37 8/9/2000 0.82 48 8/10/2000 1.11 268 8/11/2000 1.16 135 8/12/2000 1.14 102 8/13/2000 1.10 102 8/14/2000 1.55 2 8/15/2000 1.43 2 8/16/2000 0.89 13 8/17/2000 1.24 7 8/18/2000 1.28 20 8/19/2000 0.98 33 8/20/2000 0.51 33 8/21/2000 0.87 59 8/22/2000 0.96 44 8/23/2000 1.01 25 8/24/2000 0.91 212 8/25/2000 1.01 217 8/26/2000 1.01 211 8/27/2000 1.01 211 8/28/2000 1.01 124 8/29/2000 1.06 291 8/30/2000 1.06 87 8/31/2000 1.06 189 9/1/2000 1.06 189 9/2/2000 1.06 218 9/3/2000 1.06 218 9/4/2000 1.06 218 9/5/2000 1.06 68 9/6/2000 0.95 427 9/7/2000 0.88 1 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 9/8/2000 1.17 1 9/9/2000 1.09 57 9/10/2000 1.04 57 9/11/2000 0.93 102 9/12/2000 0.70 123 9/13/2000 0.73 101 9/14/2000 1.02 158 9/15/2000 1.32 529 9/16/2000 1.10 427 9/17/2000 0.77 425 9/18/2000 0.96 621 9/19/2000 1.29 394 9/20/2000 1.06 210 9/21/2000 1.06 286 9/22/2000 1.06 900 9/23/2000 1.06 358 9/24/2000 1.06 358 9/25/2000 1.02 244 9/26/2000 1.02 2 9/27/2000 1.02 1 9/28/2000 1.01 77 9/29/2000 0.48 138 9/30/2000 1.20 76 10/1/2000 1.36 76 10/2/2000 0.69 56 10/3/2000 0.57 33 10/4/2000 0.54 32 10/5/2000 0.76 60 10/6/2000 1.83 164 10/7/2000 1.31 140 10/8/2000 0.54 141 10/9/2000 0.76 113 10/10/2000 1.01 225 10/11/2000 1.06 242 10/12/2000 1.08 225 10/13/2000 1.08 354 10/14/2000 0.71 208 10/15/2000 0.60 208 10/16/2000 0.60 118 10/17/2000 1.18 138 10/18/2000 1.27 332 10/19/2000 1.17 225 10/20/2000 1.18 200 10/21/2000 0.92 218 10/22/2000 0.70 218 10/23/2000 0.54 174 10/24/2000 0.37 272 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 83 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 10/25/2000 0.84 227 10/26/2000 1.25 238 10/27/2000 1.14 217 10/28/2000 0.51 230 10/29/2000 0.46 230 10/30/2000 0.51 140 10/31/2000 0.63 325 11/1/2000 0.89 108 11/2/2000 1.18 179 11/3/2000 0.88 181 11/4/2000 0.88 4674 11/5/2000 0.88 4674 11/6/2000 0.53 310 11/7/2000 0.59 18054 11/8/2000 0.59 42 11/9/2000 1.20 70 11/10/2000 1.10 104 11/11/2000 0.96 104 11/12/2000 0.72 104 11/13/2000 0.52 89 11/14/2000 0.61 213 11/15/2000 0.72 104 11/16/2000 1.04 170 11/17/2000 1.44 258 11/18/2000 1.13 193 11/19/2000 0.63 193 11/20/2000 0.57 105 11/21/2000 0.58 237 11/22/2000 0.91 105 11/23/2000 1.55 167 11/24/2000 1.39 108 11/25/2000 1.37 180 11/26/2000 0.60 180 11/27/2000 0.99 219 11/28/2000 1.22 213 11/29/2000 1.24 105 11/30/2000 1.30 219 12/1/2000 1.23 195 12/2/2000 0.77 216 12/3/2000 0.42 216 12/4/2000 0.21 239 12/5/2000 0.52 214 12/6/2000 0.85 160 12/7/2000 0.84 243 12/8/2000 1.02 173 12/9/2000 0.97 150 12/10/2000 0.83 150 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 12/11/2000 1.12 75 12/12/2000 1.12 108 12/13/2000 1.03 235 12/14/2000 1.10 304 12/15/2000 1.16 400 12/16/2000 1.22 322 12/17/2000 0.99 322 12/18/2000 0.94 272 12/19/2000 1.10 307 12/20/2000 1.06 160 12/21/2000 1.13 308 12/22/2000 0.88 244 12/23/2000 0.26 193 12/24/2000 0.58 192 12/25/2000 0.75 192 12/26/2000 0.94 192 12/27/2000 0.91 192 12/28/2000 0.91 115 12/29/2000 0.88 102 12/30/2000 0.94 122 12/31/2000 1.11 122 1/1/2001 0.54 122 1/2/2001 0.68 74 1/3/2001 1.25 198 1/4/2001 1.30 268 1/5/2001 1.44 110 1/6/2001 1.25 186 1/7/2001 1.10 186 1/8/2001 1.06 177 1/9/2001 0.83 189 1/10/2001 0.77 222 1/11/2001 0.86 238 1/12/2001 0.98 138 1/13/2001 0.90 182 1/14/2001 0.47 182 1/15/2001 0.33 182 1/16/2001 0.83 168 1/17/2001 0.79 354 1/18/2001 1.10 355 1/19/2001 1.20 279 1/20/2001 1.03 292 1/21/2001 0.78 292 1/22/2001 0.75 263 1/23/2001 0.95 272 1/24/2001 1.03 205 1/25/2001 0.91 123 1/26/2001 0.97 123 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 1/27/2001 0.95 123 1/28/2001 0.89 123 1/29/2001 0.91 123 1/30/2001 0.96 123 1/31/2001 1.14 123 2/1/2001 1.55 5 2/2/2001 1.44 11 2/3/2001 1.02 29 2/4/2001 0.86 29 2/5/2001 0.85 51 2/6/2001 0.87 48 2/7/2001 0.88 26 2/8/2001 0.89 69 2/9/2001 0.93 106 2/10/2001 0.67 56 2/11/2001 0.54 56 2/12/2001 0.61 27 2/13/2001 0.71 22 2/14/2001 0.77 35 2/15/2001 0.87 18 2/16/2001 1.30 42 2/17/2001 1.34 29 2/18/2001 1.12 29 2/19/2001 0.95 54 2/20/2001 1.10 2 2/21/2001 1.16 4 2/22/2001 1.21 4 2/23/2001 1.16 3 2/24/2001 1.18 3 2/25/2001 1.13 3 2/26/2001 0.86 2 2/27/2001 1.23 2 2/28/2001 0.56 10 3/1/2001 1.06 8 3/2/2001 1.13 292 3/3/2001 1.49 121 3/4/2001 0.87 121 3/5/2001 0.47 70 3/6/2001 0.95 114 3/7/2001 0.47 175 3/8/2001 1.13 70 3/9/2001 1.14 70 3/10/2001 1.07 169 3/11/2001 0.72 168 3/12/2001 0.68 168 3/13/2001 1.14 169 3/14/2001 1.09 169 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-3 Cone Mills WWTP Effluent Data 84 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 3/15/2001 1.16 168 3/16/2001 1.10 268 3/17/2001 0.89 233 3/18/2001 0.54 233 3/19/2001 0.70 266 3/20/2001 1.46 330 3/21/2001 1.19 268 3/22/2001 1.08 200 3/23/2001 0.99 230 3/24/2001 0.61 204 3/25/2001 0.45 204 3/26/2001 0.98 210 3/27/2001 1.09 175 3/28/2001 1.12 70 3/29/2001 1.30 70 3/30/2001 1.15 241 3/31/2001 0.98 238 4/1/2001 0.90 238 4/2/2001 0.90 270 4/3/2001 1.73 370 4/4/2001 1.60 110 4/5/2001 1.48 80 4/6/2001 1.00 89 4/7/2001 0.71 78 4/8/2001 0.47 78 4/9/2001 0.90 96 4/10/2001 1.01 48 4/11/2001 1.16 50 4/12/2001 1.26 24 4/13/2001 1.26 35 4/14/2001 0.91 35 4/15/2001 0.66 35 4/16/2001 1.08 27 4/17/2001 1.03 40 4/18/2001 0.98 44 4/19/2001 0.94 37 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 4/20/2001 1.04 25 4/21/2001 0.93 35 4/22/2001 0.76 35 4/23/2001 0.89 48 4/24/2001 0.84 30 4/25/2001 1.21 34 4/26/2001 1.03 10 4/27/2001 1.30 14 4/28/2001 0.89 8 4/29/2001 0.81 8 4/30/2001 0.73 4 5/1/2001 0.80 13 5/2/2001 0.86 3 5/3/2001 0.92 16 5/4/2001 0.93 19 5/5/2001 0.90 12 5/6/2001 0.66 12 5/7/2001 0.63 8 5/8/2001 0.99 5 5/9/2001 1.19 28 5/10/2001 1.10 228 5/11/2001 0.98 21 5/12/2001 0.87 69 5/13/2001 0.44 70 5/14/2001 0.51 70 5/15/2001 1.14 3 5/16/2001 1.23 13 5/17/2001 1.12 26 5/18/2001 1.08 16 5/19/2001 0.87 9 5/20/2001 0.51 8 5/21/2001 0.75 13 5/22/2001 1.01 2 5/23/2001 0.99 21 5/24/2001 0.97 6 5/25/2001 1.16 65 Date Flow (mgd) FC (#/100mL) 5/26/2001 0.97 56 5/27/2001 0.63 56 5/28/2001 0.72 56 5/29/2001 0.85 66 5/30/2001 0.80 86 5/31/2001 1.07 90 6/1/2001 1.09 41 6/2/2001 0.45 38 6/3/2001 0.50 38 6/4/2001 0.78 7 6/5/2001 0.88 13 6/6/2001 1.01 16 6/7/2001 0.94 22 6/8/2001 0.78 33 6/9/2001 0.59 24 6/10/2001 0.50 25 6/11/2001 0.76 12 6/12/2001 0.95 31 6/13/2001 0.98 24 6/14/2001 0.96 31 6/15/2001 0.92 57 6/16/2001 0.85 39 6/17/2001 0.53 39 6/18/2001 0.68 30 6/19/2001 0.83 38 6/20/2001 0.83 22 6/21/2001 0.85 25 6/22/2001 0.96 35 6/23/2001 0.79 33 6/24/2001 0.54 33 6/25/2001 0.48 28 6/26/2001 0.71 45 6/27/2001 0.78 91 6/28/2001 0.76 103 6/29/2001 0.73 76 6/30/2001 0.70 76 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-4 Mecklenburg Co. Dry Weather Flow Study Data 85     0!> 9 $  ; $0!> 9 $  ; $0!> 9 $  ; $0!> 9 $  ; $ Data from Mecklenburg County dry weather flow study (Kroening, 2002). Flow and fecal coliform concentrations from outfalls found to possess dry weather flow. These data were used to support calculations associated with dry weather flow/illicit discharges from stormwater outfalls in the North Buffalo Creek TMDL subwatersheds. Outfall Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform (#/100mL) 1 0.02000 6,000 2 0.13000 100 3 0.02000 100 4 0.00200 15,000 5 0.01800 100 6 0.00020 2,700 7 0.00100 600 8 0.01400 4,600 9 0.00800 100 10 0.01100 100 11 0.00550 6,000 12 0.04170 100 13 0.00900 200 14 0.00070 6,000 15 0.00010 8,000 16 0.00050 6,000 17 0.03500 6,600 18 0.00800 100 19 0.00060 100 20 0.00020 1,200 21 0.00350 100 22 0.00520 100 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-5 Mecklenburg Co. Ground Water Study Data 86        1111!> 9 !> 9 !> 9 !> 9  $ $ $ $ Data from Mecklenburg County ground water study (Kroening, 2002). Fecal coliform concentrations in ground water sampled from wells up and down gradient from sanitary sewer lines. These data were used to support calculations associated with exfiltrating sanitary sewer lines in the North Buffalo Creek TMDL subwatersheds. Site Date MW-2 (Upgradient) Fecal coliform (#/100 ml) MW-1 (Downgradient) Fecal coliform (#/100 ml) Beatties Ford Road 11/13/2000 <200 <200 Beatties Ford Road 11/20/2000 <10 <200 Beatties Ford Road 11/28/2000 <10 <10 Beatties Ford Road 12/5/2000 <10 <10 Latta Park 11/16/2000 - <200 Latta Park 11/20/2000 - <10 Latta Park 11/28/2000 - <10 Latta Park 12/5/2000 - <10 Latta Park 12/13/2000 - <10 Latta Park 12/20/2000 - <10 Latta Park 12/27/2000 - <10 Latta Park 7/11/2001 - <10 Masonic 11/16/2000 <200 <200 Masonic 11/20/2000 <200 <200 Masonic 11/28/2000 <10 1,700 Masonic 12/5/2000 <10 80 Masonic 12/14/2000 <10 <10 Masonic 12/20/2000 <10 <10 Masonic 12/27/2000 <10 <10 Masonic 7/11/2001 <10 <10 McDonald 11/13/2000 <200 330 McDonald 11/20/2000 <10 <200 McDonald 11/28/2000 <20 30 McDonald 12/5/2000 <10 <10 McDonald 12/13/2000 <10 <10 McDonald 12/20/2000 <10 20 McDonald 12/27/2000 <10 <10 McDonald 7/11/2001 <10 <10 Meadowbrook 11/13/2000 2000 <200 Meadowbrook 11/20/2000 30 <200 Meadowbrook 11/28/2000 <10 <10 Meadowbrook 12/6/2000 <10 <10 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-5 Mecklenburg Co. Ground Water Study Data 87 Site Date MW-2 (Upgradient) Fecal coliform (#/100 ml) MW-1 (Downgradient) Fecal coliform (#/100 ml) Meadowbrook 12/20/2000 <10 <10 Meadowbrook 12/27/2000 <10 <10 Mint Museum 11/13/2000 <200 <200 Mint Museum 11/20/2000 <200 <200 Mint Museum 11/28/2000 <10 <10 Mint Museum 12/6/2000 <10 <10 Sharon View 11/16/2000 <200 <200 Sharon View 11/20/2000 <10 <10 Sharon View 11/28/2000 <10 <10 Sharon View 12/5/2000 <10 <10 Sharon View 12/21/2000 <10 <10 Sharon View 12/27/2000 <10 <10 Southwest Blvd. 11/13/2000 <200 <200 Southwest Blvd. 11/20/2000 <200 <200 Southwest Blvd. 11/28/2000 <10 <10 Southwest Blvd. 12/5/2000 <10 <10 Thermal Road 11/16/2000 <200 <200 Thermal Road 11/21/2000 <200 <200 Thermal Road 11/29/2000 <10 140 Thermal Road 12/5/2000 <10 30 Thermal Road 12/21/2000 <10 <10 Thermal Road 12/27/2000 <10 <10 Thermal Road 7/11/2001 40 100 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 88   5;  * ;  5;  * ;  5;  * ;  5;  * ; SSOs in subwatershed 1 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 1998/10/29 15:00 (start) 0.00186 1.21E+10 1998/10/29 16:00 (stop) 1998/12/05 09:00 0.00062 4.04E+09 1998/12/05 12:00 1998/12/20 14:00 0.00037 2.42E+09 1998/12/20 17:00 1998/12/28 10:00 0.00186 1.21E+10 1998/12/28 11:00 1999/01/29 15:00 0.00093 6.06E+09 1999/01/29 17:00 1999/03/10 07:00 0.00743 4.85E+10 1999/03/10 08:00 1999/03/17 10:00 0.00031 2.02E+09 1999/03/17 13:00 1999/06/26 09:00 0.00124 8.08E+09 1999/06/26 12:00 1999/11/14 12:00 0.00031 2.02E+09 1999/11/15 12:00 1999/11/26 12:00 0.00464 3.03E+10 1999/11/26 16:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 89 SSOs in subwatershed 1 - continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 1999/12/04 16:00 0.00093 6.06E+09 1999/12/04 18:00 1999/12/29 15:00 0.00371 2.42E+10 1999/12/29 17:00 1999/12/31 16:00 0.00149 9.69E+09 1999/12/31 21:00 2000/01/07 08:00 0.00743 4.85E+10 2000/01/07 09:00 2000/01/11 09:00 0.00186 1.21E+10 2000/01/11 11:00 2000/03/11 13:00 0.01485 9.69E+10 2000/03/11 18:00 2000/03/13 12:00 0.00093 6.06E+09 2000/03/13 13:00 2000/03/23 12:00 0.00046 3.03E+09 2000/03/23 14:00 2000/03/24 09:00 0.00046 3.03E+09 2000/03/24 13:00 2000/09/19 16:00 0.00371 2.42E+10 2000/09/19 17:00 2000/09/27 19:00 0.00464 3.03E+10 2000/09/27 23:00 2000/10/11 11:00 0.00012 8.08E+08 2000/10/11 14:00 2001/01/06 18:00 0.00111 7.27E+09 2001/01/06 23:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 90 SSOs in subwatershed 1 - continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 2001/04/10 10:00 0.00012 8.08E+08 2001/04/10 13:00 2001/04/22 17:00 0.01300 8.48E+10 2001/04/22 19:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 91 SSOs in subwatershed 2 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 3/1/1999 20:00 (start) 0.00173 1.13E+10 3/1/1999 24:00 (stop) 6/18/1999 12:00 0.00086 5.59E+09 6/18/1999 14:00 9/8/1999 12:00 0.00743 4.85E+10 9/8/1999 13:00 9/19/1999 8:00 0.00301 1.96E+10 9/19/1999 11:00 10/7/1999 13:00 0.00053 3.46E+09 10/7/1999 15:00 10/13/1999 17:00 0.00134 8.72E+09 10/13/1999 18:00 5/19/2000 13:00 0.00093 6.06E+09 5/19/2000 14:00 6/20/2000 8:00 0.00474 3.09E+10 6/20/2000 9:00 7/2/2000 16:00 0.00906 5.91E+10 7/2/2000 19:00 7/4/2000 19:00 0.00127 8.26E+09 7/4/2000 21:00 7/7/2000 18:00 0.01921 1.25E+11 7/7/2000 19:00 7/7/2000 18:00 0.00113 7.34E+09 7/7/2000 20:00 8/19/2000 11:00 0.00025 1.65E+09 8/19/2000 13:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 92 SSOs in subwatershed 2 - continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 12/6/2000 8:00 0.01160 7.57E+10 12/6/2000 10:00 12/7/2000 14:00 0.04285 2.80E+11 12/7/2000 15:00 1/1/2001 17:00 0.00142 9.28E+09 1/1/2001 21:00 1/16/2001 13:00 0.00028 1.82E+09 1/16/2001 15:00 1/16/2001 8:00 0.05570 3.63E+11 1/16/2001 9:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 93 SSOs in subwatershed 3 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 2/21/2000 17:00 (start) 0.00356 6.52E+12 2/21/2000 20:00 (stop) Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 94 SSOs in subwatershed 4 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 9/14/1998 9:00 (start) 0.00074 4.85E+09 9/14/1998 11:00 (stop) 12/13/1998 13:00 0.02153 1.40E+11 12/13/1998 17:00 12/24/1998 11:00 0.14417 9.41E+11 12/24/1998 14:00 1/2/1999 10:00 0.00147 9.56E+09 1/2/1999 12:00 1/7/1999 8:00 0.00088 5.77E+09 1/7/1999 10:00 1/7/1999 8:00 0.00177 1.15E+10 1/7/1999 11:00 1/21/1999 11:00 0.00056 3.63E+09 1/21/1999 13:00 2/24/1999 14:00 0.00014 8.94E+08 2/25/1999 11:00 4/13/1999 11:00 0.00117 7.65E+09 4/13/1999 15:00 4/13/1999 12:00 0.00619 4.04E+10 4/13/1999 15:00 4/21/1999 10:00 0.00099 6.46E+09 4/21/1999 11:00 4/23/1999 9:00 0.00768 5.01E+10 4/23/1999 10:00 4/30/1999 7:00 0.24866 1.62E+12 4/30/1999 15:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 95 SSOs in subwatershed 4 – continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 7/1/1999 12:00 0.01238 8.08E+10 7/1/1999 15:00 9/1/1999 12:00 0.00025 1.62E+09 9/1/1999 13:00 9/29/1999 14:00 0.01114 7.27E+10 9/29/1999 15:00 10/1/1999 14:00 0.00023 1.50E+09 10/1/1999 16:00 1/8/2000 9:00 0.00099 6.43E+09 1/8/2000 11:00 1/14/2000 10:00 0.00107 6.99E+09 1/14/2000 12:00 1/19/2000 12:00 0.00092 5.97E+09 1/19/2000 14:00 1/26/2000 8:00 0.00098 6.38E+09 1/26/2000 10:00 3/9/2000 13:00 0.00111 7.27E+09 3/9/2000 15:00 5/22/2000 14:00 0.00025 1.62E+09 5/22/2000 15:00 6/11/2000 17:00 0.00166 1.08E+10 6/11/2000 19:00 6/28/2000 22:00 0.00174 1.14E+10 6/29/2000 1:00 6/29/2000 10:00 0.00594 3.88E+10 6/29/2000 12:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 96 SSOs in subwatershed 4 – continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 8/22/2000 16:00 0.03229 2.11E+11 8/22/2000 19:00 9/7/2000 8:00 0.01447 9.44E+10 9/7/2000 10:00 9/15/2000 12:00 0.00248 1.62E+10 9/15/2000 15:00 9/27/2000 17:00 0.00265 1.73E+10 9/27/2000 18:00 10/27/2000 8:00 0.00039 2.55E+09 10/27/2000 13:00 11/10/2000 11:00 0.00446 2.91E+10 11/10/2000 12:00 12/8/2000 15:00 0.00315 2.06E+10 12/8/2000 16:00 1/31/2001 11:00 0.01485 9.69E+10 1/31/2001 12:00 3/8/2001 10:00 0.00037 2.42E+09 3/8/2001 11:00 6/20/2001 12:00 0.00248 1.62E+10 6/20/2001 15:00 6/27/2001 10:00 0.00186 1.21E+10 6/27/2001 11:00 7/4/2001 11:00 0.01238 8.08E+10 7/4/2001 13:00 7/30/2001 13:00 0.00019 1.21E+09 7/30/2001 14:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 97 SSOs in subwatershed 5 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 2/22/1999 15:00 (start) 0.00637 4.15E+10 2/22/1999 17:00 (stop) 4/20/1999 11:00 0.01547 1.01E+11 4/20/1999 13:00 6/1/2000 12:00 0.00036 2.34E+09 6/1/2000 13:00 7/27/2000 13:00 0.00477 3.11E+10 7/27/2000 14:00 7/28/2000 13:00 0.02958 1.93E+11 7/28/2000 15:00 7/28/2000 11:00 0.00175 1.14E+10 7/28/2000 16:00 6/8/2001 9:00 0.02228 1.45E+11 6/8/2001 10:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 98 SSOs in subwatersheds 6.1 & 6.2 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 1/30/1999 14:00 (start) 0.00159 1.04E+10 1/30/1999 17:00 (stop) 2/11/1999 16:00 0.00696 4.54E+10 2/11/1999 18:00 3/4/1999 9:00 0.01375 8.97E+10 3/4/1999 11:00 3/19/1999 8:00 0.00679 4.43E+10 3/19/1999 10:00 4/1/1999 20:00 0.00201 1.31E+10 4/1/1999 22:00 4/14/1999 13:00 0.01342 8.76E+10 4/14/1999 15:00 10/15/1999 10:00 0.00093 6.06E+09 10/15/1999 11:00 10/29/1999 9:00 0.03713 2.42E+11 10/29/1999 11:00 11/2/1999 10:00 0.00637 4.15E+10 11/2/1999 12:00 12/23/1999 10:00 0.00371 2.42E+10 12/23/1999 11:00 1/11/2000 21:00 0.00061 3.96E+09 1/12/2000 4:00 2/7/2000 13:00 0.00124 8.08E+09 2/7/2000 15:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 99 SSOs in subwatersheds 6.1 & 6.2 - continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 2/21/2000 15:00 0.00365 2.38E+10 2/21/2000 18:00 3/15/2000 11:00 0.00248 1.62E+10 3/15/2000 13:00 4/25/2000 16:00 0.00191 1.25E+10 4/25/2000 19:00 5/4/2000 14:00 0.00149 9.69E+09 5/4/2000 17:00 5/23/2000 8:00 0.00371 2.42E+10 5/23/2000 10:00 6/10/2000 23:00 0.00321 2.10E+10 6/11/2000 1:00 8/7/2000 12:00 0.00052 3.38E+09 8/7/2000 14:00 9/3/2000 22:00 0.00259 1.69E+10 9/3/2000 24:00 11/30/2000 8:00 0.00535 3.49E+10 11/30/2000 11:00 2/7/2001 9:00 0.04165 2.72E+11 2/7/2001 11:00 2/22/2001 7:00 0.01663 1.08E+11 2/22/2001 9:00 3/27/2001 10:00 0.01013 6.61E+10 3/27/2001 12:00 4/4/2001 14:00 0.00011 7.13E+08 4/5/2001 10:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 100 SSOs in subwatersheds 6.1 & 6.2 - continued Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 5/7/2001 19:00 0.00413 2.69E+10 5/7/2001 21:00 7/20/2001 12:00 0.00016 1.04E+09 7/20/2001 15:00 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-6 Sewer System Overflows 101 SSOs in Subwatershed 7 during the model simulation period. Source: City of Greensboro Department of Water Resources. SSOs in Subwatershed 7 Date Start/Stop hour used in model Flow (cfs) Fecal coliform load (#/hr) 5/7/1999 14:00 (start) 0.00262 1.71E+10 5/7/1999 16:00 (stop) 5/15/1999 10:00 0.00036 2.38E+09 5/15/1999 16:00 10/26/1999 10:00 0.01505 9.82E+10 10/26/1999 14:00 3/24/2000 12:00 0.00518 3.38E+10 3/24/2000 13:00 9/10/2000 17:00 0.00190 1.24E+10 9/10/2000 21:00 12/21/2000 11:00 0.00836 5.45E+10 12/21/2000 12:00 2/26/2001 11:00 0.00316 2.06E+10 2/26/2001 17:00 6/5/2001 14:00 0.11140 7.27E+11 6/5/2001 15:00 6/18/2001 19:00 0.00285 1.86E+10 6/19/2001 11:00 6/23/2001 14:00 0.08569 5.59E+11 6/23/2001 15:00 7/20/2001 13:00 0.00637 4.15E+10 7/20/2001 14:00 Note: no SSOs occurred in subwatershed 8 during the model simulation period. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-7 Calibrated Water Quality Model Parameters 102         6 9  ! " 6 9  ! " 6 9  ! " 6 9  ! "  Subwatershed Land use/land cover ACQOP1 SQOLIM2 IOQC/AOQC3 1 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 1 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 1 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 1 Residential 9.28E+09 1.67E+10 16400 1 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 1 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 2 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 2 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 2 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 2 Residential 8.12E+09 1.46E+10 16400 2 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 2 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 3 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 82100 3 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 82100 3 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 82100 3 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 82100 3 Residential 9.65E+09 1.74E+10 82100 4 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 200000 4 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 200000 4 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 200000 4 Residential 1.51E+10 2.72E+10 200000 4 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 200000 4 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 200000 4 Downtown 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 200000 5 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 5 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 5 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 5 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 5 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 5 Residential 1.20E+10 2.16E+10 16400 6.1 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 6.1 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 6.1 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 6.1 Residential 8.33E+09 1.50E+10 16400 6.1 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 6.1 MF 8.33E+09 1.50E+10 16400 6.1 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 6.1 Residential 8.33E+09 1.50E+10 16400 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-7 Calibrated Water Quality Model Parameters 103 Subwatershed Land use/land cover ACQOP1 SQOLIM2 IOQC/AOQC3 6.2 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 6.2 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 6.2 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 6.2 Residential 8.33E+09 1.50E+10 16400 6.2 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 6.2 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 7 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 200000 7 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 200000 7 Institutional 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 200000 7 Residential 1.19E+10 2.14E+10 200000 7 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 200000 7 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 200000 8 Roads (ROW) 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 8 Woods 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 8 Industrial/Commercial 1.60E+10 2.88E+10 16400 8 Herbaceous 1.37E+09 2.47E+09 16400 1 ACQOP is the rate of accumulation of fecal coliform (#/ac-day). Rate given used for both the pervious and impervious portions of the land cover. See Part 2 – Source Assessment for additional details. 2 SQOLIM is the maximum storage of fecal coliform (#/ac). Rate given used for both the pervious and impervious portions of the land cover. 3 IOQC and AOQC is the concentration of fecal coliform in interflow outflow and groundwater outflow, respectively (#/ft3). See Part 2 – Source Assessment for additional details. Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-8 Calibrated Model Hydraulic Parameters 104   7  7  7  7 9 9 9 9! ! ! ! .  " .  " .  " .  "  Subwatershed LZSN1 INFILT2 AGWRC3 DEEPFR4 INTFW5 IRC6 LZETP7 1 10 0.06 0.99 0.1 1 0.3 0.1-0.5 2 10 0.06 0.99 0.1 1 0.3 0.1-0.5 3 10 0.06 0.99 0.1 1 0.3 0.2-0.5 4 7 0.25 0.98 0.1 1 0.3 0.1-0.7 5 6 0.16 0.98 0.1 0.75 0.5 0.1-0.7 6.1 10 0.16 0.98 0.1 1 0.3 0.3 6.2 6 0.16 0.98 0.1 0.75 0.5 0.1-0.7 7 6 0.16 0.98 0.1 0.75 0.5 0.1-0.7 8 6 0.16 0.98 0.1 0.75 0.5 0.1-0.7 1 Lower zone nominal storage (inches) 2 Soil infiltration rate (in/hr) 3 Groundwater recession rate (/day) 4 Fraction of infiltrating water which is lost to deep aquifers (no units) 5 Interflow inflow (no units) 6 Interflow recession coefficient (no units) 7 Lower zone evapotranspiration (no units) Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-9 Greensboro’s Municipal NPDES Stormwater Permit 105  89:!   ,"$ ;"   89:!   ,"$ ;"   89:!   ,"$ ;"   89:!   ,"$ ;"    The City of Greensboro is authorized to discharge stormwater from its Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) under EPA’s NPDES Phase I stormwater permit program. The NC Division of Water Quality is the delegated permitting authority for the NPDES program. Greensboro’s NPDES permit (NCS000248) became effective on December 30, 1994 with the first five year term expiring on June 30, 1999. The second NPDES permit term began on July 1, 1999 and is set to expire on June 30, 2004. The City’s NPDES stormwater permit, and associated Stormwater Quality Management Program (SWQMP), is designed to control the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 to the maximum extent practicable. To meet this objective and comply with NPDES stormwater regulations, the City has developed four major program areas as follows:  Commercial and Residential Program  Illicit Discharge and Improper Disposal Detection and Elimination Program  Industrial and Related Facilities Program, and;  Construction Site Runoff Program Commercial and Residential Program The focus of the Commercial and Residential Program is to develop structural and source control measures to reduce pollutants from runoff from commercial and residential areas that are discharged from the MS4. The program also includes development of pollutant load reduction estimates resulting from these activities and a proposed schedule for implementing such controls. The program is divided into six main components as follows: ¨¨¨¨ BMP maintenance and inspections ¨¨¨¨ New development and regional master planning ¨¨¨¨ Street maintenance and operations ¨¨¨¨ Flood control structures and retrofitting ¨¨¨¨ Municipal waste management ¨¨¨¨ Pesticide, fertilizer, and herbicide management Illicit Discharge and Improper Disposal Detection and Elimination Program The focus of this program is to detect and remove illicit discharges into the stormwater conveyance system. The City has developed its illicit discharge detection and elimination program into seven categories as follows: Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-9 Greensboro’s Municipal NPDES Stormwater Permit 106 ¨¨¨¨ Establishment of legal authority ¨¨¨¨ Field screening program ¨¨¨¨ Follow-up investigation program ¨¨¨¨ Spill response program ¨¨¨¨ Public reporting program ¨¨¨¨ Used oil and household hazardous waste program ¨¨¨¨ Sanitary waste management program Industrial and Related Facilities Program The focus of this program is to monitor and control pollutants in stormwater discharges from municipal landfills, hazardous waste treatment, disposal, and recovery facilities, industrial facilities that are subject to section 313 of title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA), and industrial facilities that are contributing a substantial pollutant loading to the MS4. The industrial and related facilities program is divided into two main components as follows: ¨¨¨¨ Inspections, control, and training ¨¨¨¨ Monitoring Construction Site Runoff Program The focus of this program is to implement and maintain structural and non-structural BMPs to reduce pollutants in stormwater runoff from construction sites to the MS4. The construction site runoff program is divided into four main components as follows: ¨¨¨¨ Site planning ¨¨¨¨ BMP requirements ¨¨¨¨ Site inspections and enforcement ¨¨¨¨ Site operator education Implementation of Greensboro’s NPDES Phase I permit is supported by a Stormwater Utility funding mechanism which ensures a dedicated source of revenue for the aforementioned programs and activities. More information about the City’s Stormwater Management Program can be found at the following web address: http://www.ci.greensboro.nc.us/stormwater/ Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-10 Public Notification of North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 107  %'  %'  %'  %'"9 ,   , > "9 ,   , > "9 ,   , > "9 ,   , >    !$#  !$#  !$#  !$#  Now Available Upon Request Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load North Buffalo Creek Public Review Draft – January 2004 Is now available upon request from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. This TMDL study was prepared as a requirement of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Section 303(d). The study identifies the sources of the pollutants, determines allowable loads to surface waters, and suggests pollutant allocations. TO OBTAIN A FREE COPY OF THE TMDL REPORTS: Please contact Ms. Robin Markham (919) 733-5083, extension 558 or write to: Adugna Kebede Water Quality Planning Branch NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 The draft TMDL is also located on the following website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl. Interested parties are invited to comment on the draft TMDL study by February 13, 2004. Comments concerning the report should be directed to the Division of Water Quality at the above address. Public Meeting Notice A public meeting to discuss the TMDL will be held on January 29 at 9 AM at the following address: CITY OF GREENSBORO WATER RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 201 North Green Street (2nd floor), NC 27402 Phone: 336-373-2707 Final Report North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A-10 Public Notification of North Buffalo Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 108