HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW8190508_Historical File_20231206 ROY COOPER. i , i ° Governor ELIZABETH S.BISER , , secretary _ WILLIAM E.TOBY VINSON,JR NORTH CAROLINA Interim Director EuvironmentUI Quality December 6,2023 B&M Developers,LLC Attn: Elijah T.Morton Sr.,Managing Member 503 New Bridge Street, Suite 100 Jacksonville,NC 28546 Subject: PROJECT RETURN Stormwater Management Project No.SW8 190508 Peletier Shores Carteret County Dear Mr.Morton: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a Post-Construction Stormwater Management Permit Modification Application for the subject project on.July 25,2023 and requested additional information on October 17,2023.A review of the file and delivery logs indicates that,as of this date,the information requested on October 17,2023 has not been received in this Office within the stipulated timeframe. Per the requirements of Title 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3Xa)(ii)of the Stormwater Management Rules,this Office is hereby returning the subject application as incomplete.The$505.00 application fee submitted with the subject application package has been forfeited and a new fee will need to be provided if you choose to resubmit this application in the future. If you wish to pursue permitting,you must reapply to the Division_Your application package must contain the applicable submittal requirements,which may include a completed and signed application form;supplement form;signed O&M agreement;application fee; signed,sealed and dated calculations;2 sets of signed,sealed and dated site layout and grading plans with details;and any supporting documentation necessary to address the items. identified in the latest request for additional information. Please note that this does not preclude you from obtaining and complying with any and all other permits or approvals that are required for this development to take place,as required by any statutes;rules,regulations,or ordinances,which are imposed by any other Local, State.or Federal government agency having jurisdiction. Please note that Permit Number SW8 190508, issued on May 21,2019,remains in full force and effect until modified,renewed or transferred.Please be aware that the construction of any changes to the originally approved and permitted plans prior to the receipt of a modified permit is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please contact Garrett Zorda at(910)796-7215 or via e-mail at garrett.zorda@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, 1-'12.- --... A A . , L.. William E.Toby Vinson, Jr.,PE,CPM,Interim Director Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources DES/gdz: 111Stormwater\Permits&Projec"ts120191190508 LD\2023 12 return_project 190508 cc: Jonathan L.McDaniel,PE,Tidewater Associates,Inc. Jennifer Morton,Construction Supervisor Carteret County Building Inspections Carteret County Engineering Wilmington Regional Office North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality I Division of Energy.Mineral and Land Resources E.�- pE s Wilmington Regional Office ! 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 910.796.7215 R.OY COOPER "_- t .. Governor � ; ,,� ELIZABETH S.BISER . a- '' SPt'#Rf141'Y )t �, --, WILLIAM E.TOBY VINSON.JR NORTH CAROLINA hirerimDeneetor EnbrfronmentatQocality October 17,2023 Via email only: elilahm(a)mortontruckinR.com B&M Developers,LLC Attn: Elijah T.Morton Sr.,Managing Member 503 New Bridge Street, Suite 100 Jacksonville,NC 28546 Subject: Request for Additional Information Stormwater Project No. SW8 190508 Peletier Shores Carteret County Dear Mr.Morton: The Wilmington Regional Office received and accepted a modified Post Construction Stormwater Management Permit Application for the subject project on July 25,2023.A preliminary in-depth review of that information has determined that the application is not complete and that additional information is needed. To continue the review, please provide the following additional information in a single,hard copy submittal package: Boat Ramp Permeable Pavement: 1. 15A NCAC 02H .1042(2)(g)(v)and.1003, .1042(2), .1050 and.1055: The plans show that a permeable pavement surface is proposed;however no supporting documentation has been provided to demonstrate that it meets the MDC of an infiltrating permeable pavement SCM. Please clarify if this surface has been considered as part of the built-upon area or if it is intended to meet the requirements of an infiltrating permeable pavement.If the latter,please provide all supporting calculations(including the minimum required volume,design volume,and the storage elevation of the design rainfall depth for the permeable pavement drainage areas), a soils report showing the soil characteristics within the footprint of the pavement area(a),a completed supplement-EZ,an operation and maintenance agreement,include it as separate drainage area(s)in Section IV.10 of the application,and provide two copies of a signed sealed and dated plan delineating the infiltrating permeable pavement drainage area(s). 2. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2), .1042(2)(g)(iv), .1042(3)(b),and.1050(1)to support.1042(2)(a)(iv): A drainage area map supporting the drainage area for the proposed infiltrating permeable pavement system was not provided.Please provide 2 copies of a signed,sealed, and dated drainage area map supporting the identified drainage areas and associated built-upon areas presented in the application documents. 3. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(h): The provided infiltrating permeable pavement cross-section does not include all of the sub-items of the cited rule.Please provide a cross-section view of the SCM that includes the sub- items of this section of the rule. 4. 15A NCAC 02H.1055(1), .1055(8)and Permeable Pavement Recommended Construction Steps 2-3,page 16 of Chapter C-5 of the Stormwater Design Manual: It is noted that the permeable pavement details on Sheet 16 of 17 calls for the subgrade to be compacted,which can alter the hydraulic properties and characteristics identified as part of the soil investigation.In order for infiltrating permeable pavement to function properly and as designed,the subgrade infiltration rates should be protected and maintained.As such,it is recommended to take steps to avoid compacting the subgrade during construction.For instance, contractors not familiar with permeable pavement are accustomed to compacting pavement soil subgrades to increase structural strength but this reduces the infiltration rate.Please either: a. reconsider the details on sheet 16 of 17 to remove any notes of compaction,or; b. provide further soil investigation results that considers the compaction of the subgrade or other technical justification per 15A NCAC 02H.1003(6)to support the hydraulic properties and characteristics of the subgrade after compaction to demonstrate that the MDC will be met after construction. This could include laboratory testing. Please note that revised calculations demonstrating that the system will still drawdown within 72 hours based on the altered soil profile and infiltration rate will also be needed. North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality i Dimon— of tmergy,htinerai and Land Resources ,. .. �L/E Cr* Wiktonoton Regional Mite i UT Cardinal t)riuc£xtenarac I Wilmington.North Carolina 25405 0.796.7215 State Stormwater Permit No.SW8 190508 Page 2 of 3 5. 15A NCAC 02H.1055(9):The plans do not show an observation well proposed in the infiltrating permeable pavement system.Please provide at least one observation well placed at the low point in the system. If the subgrade is terraces, one observation well shall be provided for each terrace. 6. Permeable Pavement Recommendation 2,page 14 of Chapter C-5 of the Stormwater Design Manual: Please note that it is not recommended to include geotextile fabric under the aggregate base in an infiltration design to avoid the accumulation offines which will prevent infiltration. Single Family Lot Permeable Pavement(Pervious Concrete): 7. 15A NCAC 02H.1003(3)(a), .1019(7)(b), .1042(2)(a)(vi), .1050,and .1055: The plans indicate that permeable concrete(a type of permeable pavement)has been constructed on several lots(Lots 19,20,24, 25, 30,35,48,50,69, 73,and 80). This surface type is not currently approved for built-upon area credit within this community.If the permeable pavement was constructed with the intent of being a permeable surface and not count against the BUA allocation,it must be demonstrated to meet the MDC for infiltrating permeable pavement.There are a couple of options for adding infiltrating permeable pavement for credit on single family residential lots. These options include: a. The permittee modifies the subdivision's permit to approve the infiltrating permeable pavement systems on individual lot(s)on behalf of the lot owner(s). In this case,complete submittal documents,including an updated application,calculations,supplement,plans,etc.for the respective infiltrating permeable pavement systems supporting that all MDC are met would need to be submitted,reviewed and approved.The permittee and the homeowner would also need to determine who is responsible for the requirements associated with that surface,such as maintenance and ensuring the required certifications are completed; OR b. The permittee modifies the subdivision's permit to allow the permittee,Architectural Review Committee(ARC)or other designee to review applications from lot owners for adding infiltrating permeable pavement systems on individual lots.In this case,the responsibility to review the applications and ensure that the infiltrating MDC have been met will fall on the permittee and/or their designee,such as the ARC or selected licensed professional.The requirements and process would be laid out in the permit with the modification and in the recorded deed restrictions.In order to include this option in the permit,the modification would need to include the following: i. A written request from the permittee requesting that the option to oversee the review of application for adding infiltrating permeable pavement systems to individual lots to their permit;and ii. Confirmation who will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the infiltrating permeable pavement systems(permittee or homeowner).If the permittee is responsible,they will need to include the O&M EZ form;and iii. A general soils report for the site indicating that it is suitable for infiltrating permeable pavement;and iv. A signed and notarized agreement form that the permittee will amend/record deed restrictions and protective covenants that include the additional infiltrating permeable pavement language(additional language attached to this letter). v. For the areas that have already been constructed,documentation that the constructed permeable concrete areas meet these requirements. Based on the provided information,it is not clear if these surfaces are intended to meet the infiltrating permeable pavement and if so,which option is being pursued.Please confirm the intended modification regarding the permeable pavement on individual lots,provide all relevant information,and ensure that it is presented consistently throughout the entire application package. 8. 15A NCAC 02.1042(2)(a)(iv),.1003,and 1050(1): The sum of the impervious areas listed in Section IV.10 of the application do not match the total impervious area listed. Please confirm the final site layout and associated impervious areas is presented consistently throughout the application documents. 9. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(b): The provided supplement, including the Drainage Areas and Permeable Pavement sections,was left blank and not completed.Please provide a completed supplement that includes all applicable information for the proposed modifications,including the addition of the permeable pavement SCM(s). rdoaxh Carolina Department or Env OM nertte! "lily.?biviston ni Energy.mineral and Land kesaurcrs � Wilmington Regional Office inC rteral Drive Extension s Wilmington.North Carolina 24405 bFpF oPF YiiMihl. 910./%.22tS State Stormwater Permit No.SW8 190508 Page 3 of 3 10. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(k): The provided proposed deed restrictions propose to decrease the recorded BUA allocation for several lots(Lots 20,24-30,48,69,73,75, 80,and 84),which were also recorded differently than the previously approved allocations. For example,Lot 20 has a previously approved BUA allocation of 2,900 square feet,with an allocation of 2,850 square feet recorded(file#1694078).This proposed modification,however,proposes to decrease the BUA allocation for Lot 20 to 2,200 square feet. These lots,however,have been sold to individual homeowners and are no longer owned by the permittee. Please demonstrate hew the permittee has the legal authority to decrease the BUA allocations for the lots that are no longer owned by the permittee.If these lots have been constructed as-built surveys of the constructed BUA on those lots must be provided to support that they do not exceed the proposed,reduced BUA allocation. 11. 15A NCAC 02H.1003(7), .1042(2),and.1042(2)(k):Please email the table summarizing the BUA allocated to the lots to the email address provided below so that it can be preserved electronically per the regulatory requirements. 12. 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2)(a)(vii): The address listed for the permittee,B&M Developers,LLC,in Section III.l.b of the application is not consistent with the addresses on file with the NC Secretary of State(NC SOS)corporation database.Please confirm the addresses listed in Section III.l.b of the application are consistent with the corporate addresses on file with the NC SOS's corporation database. Section II1.3 of the application is intended for other related addresses and contact information. If additional addresses are desired,a separate page may be attached. Please remember to confirm that any revised information is presented consistently throughout the application documents including calculations,supplements,narrative, and plans. Please also remember to provide two hard copies of any updated documents per 15A NCAC 02H.1042(2). All of the requested information listed above should be received in this Office by November 16,2023 in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(a)(i).Please note that only two letters requesting additional information is allowed in the Post Construction Stormwater Program, this being the first. If the required information is not satisfactorily provided by this date,the project will be returned in accordance with 15A NCAC O2H.1042(3)(a)(ii). If the project is returned and you wish to re-submit later,you will need to resubmit all required items at that time,including the application fee. The construction of any proposed impervious surfaces,other than a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. Please reference the State assigned project number on all correspondence. If you have any questions concerning this matter,please feel free to call me at(910)796-7215 or email me at garrett.zorda@deq.nc.gov. Sincerely, Garrett Zorda Environmental Engineer DES/gdz: 111Stormwater\Permits&Projects120191190508 LD12023 10 addinfo 190508 cc: Jonathan L.McDaniel,PE,Tidewater Associates,Inc.;via email:jrnedaniel@tclewatrenc.com Jennifer Morton,Construction Supervisor;via email:jenniferm@mortontrucking.com Ashley Smith,Wilmington Regional Office Permitting Assistant;via email Wilmington Regional Office Stormwater File :� N i h Carr as Del:or n eent of£nvirontllf l ? QRvaswnw ui Enxrg y,M nequt i M Land ftesaur Wv�rningls�n ltegiEx►ai Off ce 127 Cardinal Drive Extenstor, Wifsnuiytaa,Nor4h Carla 2 4Q Zorda, Garrett D From: Zorda, Garrett D Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2023 2:02 PM To: elijahm@mortontrucking.com;Jonathan McDaniel;jenniferm@mortontrucking.com Cc: Smith, Ashley M Subject: Peletier Shores (SW8 190508) - Request for Additional Information Attachments: 2023 10 addinfo 190508.pdf; Permeable Pavement Deed Restrictions 2018 07 19.pdf All, Attached is a pdf of the first request for additional information for the subject project. Please pay special attention to the due date in the letter,which is November 16,2023 and in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(a)(i).As noted in the letter, if all of the requested information cannot be provided by this due date,the application will need to be returned in accordance with 15A NCAC 02H.1042(3)(a)(ii)to allow for any additional time needed. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks, Garrett Zorda Environmental Engineer Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources—Post-Construction Stormwater Program Department of Environmental Quality 910 796 7215 office 910 796 7343 direct Qarrett.zordaadea.nc.gov*"Effective May 23,2023** 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 NQRT►-i G.►fi�4A '' Email corresoonden•e to and from this address is subject to the North Ca;ch,ya Public Records Law a i7d may be disclosed to third pities. 1 Burd, Tina J From: Burd, Tina J Sent: Monday,July 31, 2023 10:19 AM To: . elijahM@mortontrucking.com;jenniferm@mortontrucking.com; jmcdaniel@tidewaterenc.com Cc: Zorda, Garrett O Subject: SW8 190508 - Peletier Shores t...office'is undergoing renovations please send an email to your reviewer,Garrett Zorda,for.any The Wilmington Regional Office of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources (Stormwater Section) accepted the Stormwater Permit Application and $505.00 fee for the subject project on July 25, 2023. The project has been assigned to Garrett Zorda and you will be notified if additional information is needed. Please be advised that the construction of built-upon area may not commence until the Stormwater Permit is issued. If you have any questions about the project or status of the review, please contact Garrett Zorda via email (cc'd). Best Regards, Tina Burd Administrative Associate II Wilmington Regional Office Division of Environmental Assistance &Customer Service Phone 910-796-7215 New email:tinaTburd,t decunc;goy NCDEQ Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington, NC 28405 17-72_221- • Website: httn.lideq.nc ;aviabout/divisionsiener,y,.mineral-land rc sources1stormwater Many employees arc working remotely or are on staggered shifts. Please check with the appropriate staff before visiting our offices, as they may be able to handle your requests by phone or email. 1 Burd, Tina J From: postmaster@mortontrucking.com To: jenniferm@mortontrucking.com Sent: Monday,July 31, 2023 10:20 AM Subject: Undeliverable: SW8 190508 - Peletier Shores X Your message to jenniferm@mortontrucking.com mortontrucking.com couldn't be delivered. jenniferm wasn't found at mortontrucking.com. tina.burd Office 365 jenniferm Action Required Recipient Unknown To address How to Fix It The address may be misspelled or may not exist. Try one or more of the following: • Send the message again following these steps: In Outlook, open this non-delivery report (NDR) and choose Send Again from the Report ribbon. In Outlook on the web, select this NDR, then select the link "To send this message again, click here." Then delete and retype the entire recipient address. If prompted with an Auto-Complete List suggestion don't select it. After typing the complete address, click Send. • Contact the recipient (by phone, for example) to check that the address exists and is correct. • The recipient may have set up email forwarding to an incorrect address. Ask them to check that any forwarding they've set up is working correctly. • Clear the recipient Auto-Complete List in Outlook or Outlook on the web by following the steps in this article: Fix email delivery issues for error code 5.1.10 in Office 365, and then send the message again. Retype the entire recipient address before selecting Send. If the problem continues, forward this message to your email admin. If you're an email admin, refer to the More Info for Email Admins section below. 1 ti on-Transfer -cation Completeness Review Checklist Project Name: Date Delivered to WIRO: Arg2WilfiA � Project County/Location: BIMS Received/Accepted Data — /� Ala /.4 Date Given to Admin: ri Permit Action: New New Permit#2: BIMS Acknowledged Date': ❑Not located in the ET1 of the following delegated and functioning programs: NHC:Carolina Beach/Kure Beach/Wilmington/Wrightsville Beach Bruns: Leland/Navassa(?)/Oak island -■: Emerald Isle Onsl: Jacksonville Pend: Su City FMajor Mod / inor Mod / Renewal r xisting Permit#: .plicant&Permittee are the same?3 f Expiration Date': Permit Type: H LD/ Overall/HD&LD Combo General Permit/Offs' - Exempt + Redevelopment DOffsite to SW8: Development Type: Co! ._ residenti. Other �Is Offsite Lot approved in Master Permit?5 Subdivided?: AILor Single Lot Rule(s): 71, 017 Coastal 02008 Coastal 01995 Coastal Phase II Ellniversal 01988 Coastal Permitter-ype&Documents Needed: +•erty Owner(s) Purchaser =Lessee 11HOA Developer Vi b!e? =Viable? Viable? Viable? QViable? QPurchase Aemt QLease DElection Minutes Paperwork plicatio 505(within 6mo) Check#(s). �No Fee plemen (1 new form or for older forms:1 original per SCM) 0&M2 Soils Report(lnfll or PP) I lations(signed/sealed) ed Restricliuris,if subdivided' Project Narrative 5G5 Map(or on file?) Subject to SA?: Y / N Subject to ORW?: Y / N ns(2 Sets) NOTES: 'Enter 131M5 Acknowledged Date on this Sheet 'For New Projects-Enter New Permit#on Supplements&Deed Restriction Templates. e If permittee is different,STOP. Needs to be transferred first. 4If w/in&months and they are requesting a mod,STOP. Needs a renewal first. sIf Lot not approved in master permit,STOP. Master permit needs mod. EMAILED ENGINEER DATE: Comments: REVIEWER NAME: CIA RILE T GA11Reference Library+\Procedures\Checklists\Completeness Review ClickEist 2021 09 08 I I TIDEWATER ASSOCIATES , INC . w� ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS �j►' EST.1961 CEDAR POINT, NORTH CAROLINA re ,2 - Br VIA MAIL & EMAIL Mrs. Christine Hall July 24th,2023 NCDEQ— Stormwater Section 127 Cardinal Drive Ext. Wilmington,NC 28405 RE: Peletier Shores Subdivision Carteret County,NC Stormwater Permit Modification Project No. SW8 190508 WE ARE SENDING YOU: 1. One (1) Check#42584 in the amount of$505.00 for the Application Fee. 2. One (1) original and One (1) copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form 3, One (1) original of Low-Density Supplement EZ Form with Permeable Pavement 4. One (1) original of Operations and Maintenance—Permeable Pavement 5. One (1) original of Operations and Maintenance—Low Density 6. One (1) Stormwater Permit Modification Narrative 7. One (1) original of the Low-Density Residential Subdivisions Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenances Form 8. One (1) Pelctier Shores BUA Chart 9. One (1) copy of the Property Deeds (Book 1670, Page 336) 10. Two (2) copies of the Plans (Sheets 4,5, itp, & 17 of 17) Sincerely, TIDEWATER ASSOCIATES, INC. Annalei Beaudet Enclosures ec: CP#18281 Z:\C&G Survey 6.0\AMKB\Peletier Shores\LOT.Peletier.7.20.23 Peletier Major Mod SW 604E Cedar Point Blvd. I Cedar Point, NC 28584 I (252) 393-6101 Firm License Number F-0108 I www.tidewaterenc.com PELETIER SHORES Stormwater Modification Permit #: SW8 190508 July 2023 Peletier Shores is an existing 88 lot residential subdivision located within the Town limits of Peletier in Carteret County. The 82.45 acre property is located near the intersection of Peletier Loop Road(SR 1109) and West Firetower Road(SR 1105)with road frontage on West Firetower Road. Since being permitted in 2019 there has been ongoing home construction infostructure that has not exceeded the allowable 12% impervious area allowance and the subdivision streets are strip pavement with roadside ditches. Dispersed flow is maximized as much as practical by having many of the streets in the areas with drastic topographic relief being constructed with roadside ditches (minimized channelization). This modification is to add another roadside ditch along Lots 49, 48, 47, & 46, while implementing permeable pavements that's been used for Boat Ramp Access, Boat Storage Lot, and pervious concrete driveways on subdivision lots. For further information,please refer to the enclosed plans, and express stormwater submittal documents. �CEIV JUL 2 5 2023 BY: C&G.AMKB\Peletier Shores\PeletierShores.Narrative7.20.23(Repaired) DEMLR USE ONLY Date R eive . Fee Paid Permit Number 7 (25 �3 `/a5sef 5)5 — S51B' /90,5oS' Applicable Rule Coastal SW-1995 ❑Coastal SW-2008 ❑Ph II-Post Construction (select all that apply) ❑Non-Coastal SW-HQW/ORW Waters ❑Universal Stormwater Management Plan ❑Other WQ Mgmt Plan: E State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources JUL 2 5 2023 Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources BY: STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name(subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans, specifications,letters,operation and maintenance agreements,etc.): Peletier Shores 2. Location of Project(street address): Town of Peletier on White Oak River off 58&Peletier Loop rd. City:Peletier County:Carteret Zip:28584 3. Directions to project(from nearest major intersection): From the intersection of NC Hwy 24 and NC Hwy 58 in Cape Carteret,head north on NC Hwy 58,towards Peletier.Take a left on Peletier Loop Rd. and another left at W Firetower Rd.The project site is on your left. 4. Latitude:34°43'34.9"N Longitude:77°05' 17.0"W of the main entrance to the project. II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1.a.Specify whether project is(check one): ['New ®Modification ❑ Renewal w/ Modificationt tRenewals with modifications also requires SWU-102-Renewal Application Form b.If this application is being submitted as the result of a modification to an existing permit,list the existing permit numberSW8 190508 ,its issue date(if known) ,and the status of construction: ❑Not Started ®Partially Completed* ❑Completed* *provide a designer's certification 2. Specify the type of project(check one): ®Low Density ❑High Density ['Drains to an Offsite Stormwater System ❑Other 3. If this application is being submitted as the result of a previously returned application or a letter from DEMLR requesting a state stormwater management permit application,list the stormwater project number, if assigned, and the previous name of the project,if different than currently proposed, 4.a.Additional Project Requirements(check applicable blanks;information on required state permits can be obtained by contacting the Customer Service Center at 1-877-623-6748): ❑CAMA Major ZSedimentation/Erosion Control:60.5 ac of Disturbed Area ❑NPDES Industrial Stormwater [1404/401 Permit:Proposed Impacts b.If any of these permits have already been acquired please provide the Project Name,Project/Permit Number, issue date and the type of each permit:Peletier Shores;CARTE-2019-034,November 19th,2021 5. Is the project located within 5 miles of a public airport? MNo LJYes If yes,see S.L.2012-200,Part VI:http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/rules-and-regulations Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 1 of 6 III. CONTACT INFORMATION 1.a.Print Applicant/ Signing Official's name and title(specifically the developer,property owner,lessee, designated government official,individual,etc.who owns the project): Applicant/Organization:B&M Developers,LLC Signing Official&Title:Elijah T.Morton Sr.,Registered Agent b.Contact information for person listed in item la above: Street Address:121 Garnet Lane City:Jacksonville State:NC Zip:28546 Mailing Address(if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: (910 ) 346-9068 Fax: ( ) Email:elijahm@mortontrucking.com c.Please check the appropriate box.The applicant listed above is: r The property owner(Skip to Contact Information,item 3a) ❑Lessee*(Attach a copy of the lease agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Purchaser*(Attach a copy of the pending sales agreement and complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below) ❑Developer*(Complete Contact Information,item 2a and 2b below.) 2.a.Print Property Owner's name and title below,if you are the lessee,purchaser or developer. (This is the person who owns the property that the project is located on): Property Owner/Organization: Signing Official&Title: flE C E I V E b.Contact information for person listed in item 2a above: JUL 2 5 2023 Street Address: City: State: Zip: BY. Mailing Address(if applicable): City: State: Zip: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) Email: 3.a. (Optional)Print the name and title of another contact such as the project's construction supervisor or other person who can answer questions about the project: Other Contact Person/Organization:Jennifer Morton Signing Official&Title:Construction Supervisor b.Contact information for person listed in item 3a above: Mailing Address:121 Garnet Lane City:Jacksonville State:NC Zip:28546 Phone: (910 ) 346-9068 Fax: ( ) Email:jenniferm@mortontrucking.com 4. Local jurisdiction for building permits:Peletier(Carteret County) Point of Contact: Phone#: ( Form SWU-101 Version Oct. 31,2013 Page 2 of 7 IV. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below,briefly summarize how the stormwater runoff will be treated. Stormwater treatment provided under low density requirements for"SA Water that is SA-HQW"with less than 12% impervious area.Most of the streets are located along the ridges with roadside ditches to promote dispersed flow. 2.a.If claiming vested rights,identify the supporting documents provided and the date they were approved: ❑Approval of a Site Specific Development Plan or PUD Approval Date: n Valid Building Permit Issued Date: ❑Other: Date: b.If claiming vested rights,identify the regulation(s)the project has been designed in accordance with: ❑Coastal SW-1995 ❑Ph II-Post Construction 3. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the White Oak River basin. 4. Total Property Area:82.45 acres 5. Total Coastal Wetlands Area:3.26 acres 6. Total Surface Water Area: acres 7. Total Property Area(4)-Total Coastal Wetlands Area(5)-Total Surface Water Area(6)=Total Project Area+:79.19 acres + Total project area shall be calculated to exclude the following: the normal pool of impounded structures, the area between the banks of streams and rivers, the area below the Normal High Water(NHW)line or Mean High Water (MHW)line,and coastal wetlands landward from the NHW(or MHVV)line. The resultant project area is used to calculate overall percent built upon area(BLIA). Non-coastal wetlands landward of the NHW(or MHW)line may be included in the total project area. 8. Project percent of impervious area: (Total Impervious Area/ Total Project Area)X 100 =12 % 9. How many drainage areas does the project have? (For high density,count 1 for each proposed engineered stormwater BMP. For low density and other projects,use 1 for the whole property area) 10. Complete the following information for each drainage area identified in Project Information item 9. If there are more than four drainage areas in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each area provided in the same format as below. rCEIVE JUL 25 2023 BY: Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 3 of 7 Basin Information Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area_ Dramage Area_ Drainage Area_ Receiving Stream Name Starkey Creek& Mullet Gut Stream Class * SA;HQW Stream Index Number* 20-32 Total Drainage Area(sf) 3,449,516 On-site Drainage Area(sf) 3,449,457 Off-site Drainage Area(sf) 0 IProposed Impervious Area**(sf) 413,492 % Impervious Area**(total) 12% Impervious**Surface Area Drainage Area 1 Drainage Area_ Drainage Area_ Di amage Area_ On-site Buildings/Lots(sf) 269,145 On-site Streets (sf) 122,138 On-site Parking (sf) 17,751 BECEIVE[i On-site Sidewalks (sf) Other on-site (sf) 900 J U L 2 5 2023 Future(sf) 3683 Off-site (sf) BY: Existing BUA***(sf) Total (sf): 413,492 * Stream Class and Index Number can be determined at: http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ps/csu/classifications ** Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings,roads,parking areas, sidewalks,gravel areas,etc. ***Report only that amount of existing BUA that will remain after development.Do not report any existing BUA that is to be removed and which will be replaced by new BUA. 11. How was the off-site impervious area listed above determined?Provide documentation. Projects in Union County: Contact DEMLR Central Office staff to check if the project is located within a Threatened& Endangered Species watershed that may be subject to more stringent stormwater requirements as per 15,4 NCAC 02B.0600. V. SUPPLEMENT AND O&M FORMS The applicable state stormwater management permit supplement and operation and maintenance(O&M)forms must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project. The latest versions of the forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/bmp-manual. VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Only complete application packages will be accepted and reviewed by the Division of Energy,Mineral and Land Resources (DEMLR). A complete package includes all of the items listed below. A detailed application instruction sheet and BMP checklists are available from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. The complete application package should be submitted to the appropriate DEMLR Office. (The appropriate office may be found by locating project on the interactive online map at http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/maps.) Please indicate that the following required information have been provided by initialing in the space provided for each item.All original documents MUST be signed and initialed in blue ink. Download the latest versions for each submitted application package from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/wq/ws/su/statesw/forms docs. als 1. Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form. 2. Original and one copy of the signed and notarized Deed Restrictions&Protective Covenants CMG Form. (if required as per Part VII below) 3. Original of the applicable Supplement Form(s)(sealed,signed and dated)and O&M . ----- agreeranent(s)for each BM?. /%� —"4. Permit application processing fee of,$505 payable to NCDENR. (For an Express review,refer to http://www.envhelp.org/pages/onestopexpress.html for information on the Express program Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 4 of 7 and the associated fees. Contact the appropriate regional office Express Permit Coordinator for additional information and to schedule the required application meeting.) 5. A detailed narrative(one to two pages)describing the stormwater treatment/management for 6. A USGS map identifying the site location. If the receiving stream is reported as class SA or the receiving stream drains to class SA waters within 1h mile of the site boundary,include the 1/2 mile radius on the map. 7. Sealed,signed and dated calculations (one copy). (L1/Pc 8_ Two sets of plans folded.to 8.5"x 14" (sealed,signed, &dated),including: a. Development/Project name. b. Engineer and firm. DECEIVE c. Location map with named streets and NCSR numbers. d. Legend. JUL 2 5 2023 e. North arrow. f. Scale. BY,_ g. Revision number and dates. h. Identify all surface waters on the plans by delineating the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of steams and rivers,the MHW or NHW line of tidal waters,and any coastal wetlands landward of the MHW or NHW lines. • Delineate the vegetated buffer landward from the normal pool elevation of impounded structures,the banks of streams or rivers,and the MHW(or NHW) of tidal waters. i. Dimensioned property/project boundary with bearings&distances. j. Site Layout with all BUA identified and dimensioned. k. Existing contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations. 1. Details of roads,drainage features,collection systems,and stormwater control measures. m.Wetlands delineated,or a note on the plans that none exist. (Must be delineated by a qualified person. Provide documentation of qualifications and identify the person who made the determination on the plans. n. Existing drainage(including off-site),drainage easements,pipe sizes,runoff calculations. o. Drainage areas delineated(included in the main set of plans,not as a separate document). p. Vegetated buffers(where required). 9. Copy of any applicable soils report with the associated SHWT elevations(Please identify OJ7j� elevations in addition to depths)as well as a map of the boring locations with the existing elevations and boring logs.Include an 8.5"x11"copy of the NRCS County Soils map with the project area clearly delineated. For projects with infiltration BMPs,the report should also include the soil type,expected infiltration rate,and the method of determining the infiltration rate. (Infiltration Devices submitted to WiRO:Schedule a site visit for DEMLR to verify the SHWT prior to submittal, (910) 796-7378.) 10. A copy of the most current property deed.Deed book:1670 Page No:336 11. For corporations and limited liability corporations(LLC):Provide documentation from the NC __ Secretary of State or other official documentation,which supports the titles and positions held by the persons listed in Contact Information,item la,2a,and/or 3a per 15A NCAC 2H.1003(e). The corporation or LLC must be listed as an active corporation in good standing with the NC Secretary of State,otherwise the application will be returned. http://www.secretary.state.nc.us/Corporations/CSearch.aspx VII. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS For all subdivisions,outparcels,and future development,the appropriate property restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. If lot sizes vary significantly or the proposed BUA allocations vary,a table listing each lot number,lot size,and the allowable built-upon area must be provided as an attachment to the completed and notarized deed restriction form. The appropriate deed restrictions and protective covenants forms can be downloaded from http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/lr/state- stormwater-forms docs.Download the latest versions for each submittal. In the instances where the applicant is different than the property owner,it is the responsibility of the property owner to sign the deed restrictions and protective covenants form while the applicant is responsible for ensuring that the deed restrictions are recorded. By the notarized signature(s)below,the permit holder(s)certify that the recorded property restrictions and protective covenants for this project,if required,shall include all the items required in the permit and listed on the forms available on the website,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land,that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the NC DEMLR,and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. Form SWU-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 5 of 7 VIII. CONSULTANT INFORMATION AND AUTHORIZATION Applicant: Complete this section if you wish to designate authority to another individual and/or firm(such as a consulting engineer and/or firm)so that they may provide information on your behalf for this project(such as addressing requests for additional information). Consulting Engineer:Tonathan L.McDaniel Consulting Firm:Tidewater Associates,Inc Mailing Address:604E Cedar Point Blvd. City:Cedar Point State:NC Zip:28584 Phone: (252 ) 393-6101 Fax: ( ) Email:jmcdaniel@tidewaterenc.com IX. PROPERTY OWNER AUTHORIZATION(if Contact Information,item 2 has been filled out,complete this section) I, (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item 2a) ,certify that I own the property identified in this permit application,and thus give permission to (print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la) with(print or type name of organization listed in Contact Information, item 1a) to develop the project as currently proposed. A copy of the lease agreement or pending property sales contract has been provided with the submittal,which indicates the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater system. As the legal property owner I acknowledge,understand,and agree by my signature below,that if my designated agent(entity listed in Contact Information,item 1) dissolves their company and/or cancels or defaults on their lease agreement,or pending sale,responsibility for compliance with the DEMLR Stormwater permit reverts back to me,the property owner.As the property owner,it is my responsibility to notify DEMLR immediately and submit a completed Name/Ownership Change Form within 30 days;otherwise I will be operating a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit. I understand that the operation of a stormwater treatment facility without a valid permit is a violation of NC General Statue 143-215.1 and may result in appropriate enforcement action including the assessment of civil penalties of up to$25,000 per day,pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6. Signature: Date: I, ,a Notary Public for the State of ,County of ,do hereby certify that personally appeared before me this day of ,and acknowledge the due execution of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, SEAL My commission expires BECEIVE JUL 25 2023 8Y; Form SWU-10l Version Oct.31,2013 Page 6 of 7 X. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION I,(print or type name of person listed in Contact Information,item la)Elijah T.Morton Sr. certify that the information included on this permit application form is,to the best of my knowledge,correct and that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the required deed restrictions and protective covenants will be recorded,and that the proposed project complies with the requirements of the applicable stormwater rules under 15A NCAC 2H.1000 and any other applicable state stormwater requirements. Signature Date: /I l 7(2 3 I, J.0 c.S5 l COL- Lek)reilCe,,a Notary Public for the State of N ,County of ®Yl.)(nu.) ,do herebylJ certify that 11�c)Y, `T. a\O t 4e5 n�personally appeared before me this t 7 J day of (L1.9 ,01-0a4 ands knowledge the dui executi of the application for a stormwater permit. Witness my hand and official seal, at 0 'JESSICA LAWRENCE r4SEAL ff0� Notary Public North Carolina Onslow County !My commission expires l0-r�ti0 ECEIVE )ii JUL 25 2023 Form SWi1-101 Version Oct.31,2013 Page 7 of 7 i Low Density Residential Subdivisions Deed Restrictions & Protective Covenances In accordance with Title 15 NCAC 2H.1000 and S.L. 2006-246, the Stormwater Management Regulations, deed restrictions and protective covenants are required for Low Density Residential Subdivisions where lots will be subdivided and sold. Deed restrictions and protective covenants are necessary to ensure that the deveiopment maintains a"built-upon" area consistent with the applicable regulation governing the density level. I, B & M Developers acknowledge and affirm by my signature below, that I will cause the following deed restrictions and protective covenants to be recorded for Peletier Shores prior to the sale of any lot_ 1. The following covenants are intended to ensure ongoing compliance with State Stormwater Management Permit Number SW8 190508 , as issued by the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources under the Stormwater Management Regulations. 2. The State of North Carolina is made a beneficiary of these covenants to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with the stormwater management permit. 3. These covenants are to run with the land and be binding on all persons and parties claiming under them. 4. The covenants pertaining to stormwater may not be altered or rescinded without the express written consent of the State of North Carolina, Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. 5. Alteration of the drainage as shown on the approved plan may not take place without the concurrence of the Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources. 6. The maximum allowable built-upon area per lot is_See BUA Chart square feet. This allotted amount includes any built-upon area constructed within the lot property boundaries, and that portion of the right-of-way between the front lot line and the edge of the pavement. Built upon area includes, but is not limited to; structures, asphalt, concrete, gravel, brio, stone, slate, and coquina, but does not include raised, open wood decking, or the water surface of swimming pools. 7. In the case of a lot within CAMA's regulated AEC, where the Division of Coastal Management calculates a different maximum allowable built-upon area for that lot than is shown herein, the governing maximum built-upon area for that lot shall be the most restrictive of the two. 8. Filling in or piping of any vegetative conveyances (ditches, swales, etc.) associated with the development except for average driveway crossings is strictly prohibited by any persons. 9. Each lot will maintain a 30*foot wide vegetated buffer between all impervious areas and surface waters. 10. All roof drains shall terminate at least 30*foot from the mean high water mark of surface waters. L23 *50 foot for proje '1 is located in t 20 coastal counties. .. r Signature: . i'��J 7 Date: 1"1 rC` �' ^' -e65%CO-- Laurence-- , a Notary Public in the c 04 State of N C , County of • L •taJ , • • do hereby certify that 1-7I 1 \air) at p(+o Cl personally appeared before me this the .4-t 1/ day of J L J. , 20 eD3, and acknowledge the due execution of the foregoing instrument. Witness my hand and official seal, I Sign tur .., 4t.tAiir•r_A__, .IESSI�A EAWRENCE Notary Public My Commission expires to— ,0 6 North Carolina Onslow County ` Form DRPC-5 Rev.2 05Nov2009 Page 1 of 1 BUA Lot Allocations Permit No. SW8 190508 Peletier Shores Lot# MAX BUA Lot# MAX BUA 1 3000 45 2800 -- 2 3000 46 2800 3 3000 47 2800 4 3000 48 2400 5 3900 49 2900 - 6 3600 50 2800 7 2800 51 3200 8 3600 52 3400 9 3000 53 2800 10 3000 54 3070 31/4 11 3000 55 3000 S1,69° 12 3500 56 2850 13 3300 57 2850 14 4100 58 2850 15 3000 59 2850 _ Total Lot BUA=269,145 16 4600 60 2800 Total Net BUA remains unchanged=413,492 17 2800 61 2850 18 3200 62 2900 19 3400 63 3200 `�,/Po -- 20 2200 64 3100 21 2850 65 2800 22 2850 66 2800 23 2850 67 3400 - 24 2200 68 2800 - 25 2400 69 3100 - 1-I( ,16-1? T 26 2700 70 3000 - 27 2800 71 3000 - 28 2800 72 3000 — 29 2800 73 3100 - 30 2000 74 3000 31 3400 75 2600 — 32 2900 76 3000 _ - 33 2900 77 3500 34 3400 78 3000 lil We) ' 35 2800 79 3525 .� 36 2800 80 2800 - E C E I®� - 37 2750 81 3500 �9 - 38 2750 82 3500 JUL 2 5 2023 "39 2750 83 4800 40 2800 84 3500 f- BY; 41 2800 �85 I 3400 42 2800 86 3400 43 2850 87 4400 ry C 15D 44 1 2850 88 1 4200 l (p�,a Total Lot BUA=269,145 ti 3-1-,IM6 131180b Operation & Maintenance Agreement _ __ _._ 6- g (9050 = Project Name: Peletier Shores Project Location: West Firetower Road (N.C.S.R. 1106), Carteret County Cover Pa e Maintenance records shall be kept on the following SCM(s). This maintenance record shall be kept in a log in a known set location. Any deficient SCM elements noted in the inspection will be corrected, repaired, or replaced immediately. These deficiencies can affect the integrity of structures, safety of the public, and the pollutant removal efficiency of the SCM(s). The SCM(s)on this project include(check all that apply&corresponding O&M sheets will be added automatically): Infiltration Basin Quantity: Location(s): Infiltration Trench Quantity: Location(s): Bioretention Cell Quantity: Location(s): Wet Pond Quantity: Location(s): Stormwater Wetland Quantity: Location(s): Permeable Pavement Quantity: 1 Location(s): See Plans Sand Filter Quantity: Location(s): Rainwater Harvesting Quantity: Location(s): Green Roof Quantity: Location(s): Level Spreader-Filter Strip Quantity: Location(s): Proprietary System Quantity: Location(s): Treatment Swale Quantity: Location(s): Dry Pond Quantity: Location(s): Disconnected Impervious Surface Present: No Location(s): User Defined SCM Present No Location(s): Low Density Present Yes Type: I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the maintenance procedures listed for each SCM above, and attached O&M tables. I agree to notify NCDEQ of any problems with the system or prior to any changes to the system or responsible party. Responsible Party: B&NI Developers, LLC Title&Organization: Elijah T. Morton,Member Street address: 121 Garnet Lane City, state,zip: Jacksonville, NC 28546 Phone number(s): 910-548-7575 Email: /ElijahM@MortonTrucking.com ....***: Signature: 2/�'/�� Date: 11 17 23 Lawrence_ n ' � l I, k)f 651 r tom, LQ Q.)r ..e ,a Notary Public for the State of rr I . County of Q Y 5(Dui , do hereby certify that C.� 11, t T. (}i p�-�- personally appeared before me this 17 day of (i IJ_\ 3 ` ao c3J and acknowledge the due execution o rations and Maintenanc greement. J Witness my hand and official sea, Q Q GC—. flECEVE JESSICA LAW.'ENCE I JUL 25 2023 Notary Pu•lic North Caro ina BY: Onslow Co my ` Seal My commission expires (— ab--a 6 STORM-EZ 7/13/2023 Version 1.5 O&M Agreement Page 1 of 1 ,.. Low Density Maintenance Requirements . • Important maintenance procedures: - The drainage area to the vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area. After the initial fertilization to establish the grass in the vegetated conveyance or the vegetated receiving area, fertilizer will not be applied to the vegetated receiving areas. 'The vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area will be inspected quarterly. Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. SCM element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem: Vegetation Vegetation is too short or Maintain grassed vegetation such that the swale or vegetated too long. area does not erode during the peak flow from the 10-year storm Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then re-sod erosive gullies have (or plant with other appropriate species) and water until Vegetated receiving areas formed. established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Trees and/or other woody Remove the trees and woody vegetation from the swale, regrade vegetation are present in the swale if necessary and re-establish grass as shown on the the swale. approved plans. Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then re-sod erosive gullies have (or plant with other appropriate species) and water until formed. established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment covers the grass Remove sediment and dispose in an area that will not impact Vegetated conveyances/ at the bottom of the swale. streams or SGMs. Re-sod if necessary. swales/ roadside ditches Regrade the slopes to the permitted configuration per the (other than curb outlet The side slope is steeper approved plan and reestablish vegetation. If as-built or existing swales) than the approved conditions do not allow the slopes to be regraded, contact the configuration. applicable permitting agency. Grass is dead, diseased or Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, dying. etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if necessary. Trees and/or other woody Remove the trees and woody vegetation from the vegetated vegetation are present in conveyance, regrade the vegetated conveyance if necessary and the vegetated conveyance. re-establish grass as shown on the approved plans. flECEIVEj j JUL 2 5 2023 BY: The longitudinal slope Regrade to meet the permitted longitudinal slope as shown on th& exceeds 5%. approved plans. Curb outlet swales or The swale profile does not Regrade the swale to the approved profile as shown on the vegetated areas match the approved detail. approved plans. The length of the swale or Extend the swale to achieve the 100-foot minimum length. If as- vegetated area is less than built or existing conditions do not allow the slopes to be regraded, 100 feet. contact the applicable permitting agency. Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The outlet device (if applicable) The outlet device is Repair or replace the outlet device. damaged Erosion or other signs of damage have occurred at Repair the damage and improve the fiow dissipation structure. the outlet. The receiving water Discharges from the site are causing erosion or Contact the local NCDEQ Regional Office. sedimentation in the receiving water. flECEIV1E JUL252023 BY: vUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE ..U16' 190505 FORMS LOADED I'PROJ---,ECT - . L 1 Project Name i Peletier Shores 1 2 Project Area(ac) _..— __I_ _.79'19 ! 3 Coastal Wetland Area(ac) _ l__-_...._.. __.. _._____—__3.26 .__--__---__..._ _ _ 4 Surface Water Area(ac) I _ _ 0 j 5 I Is this project High or Low Density? ILow J Does this project use an offsite SCM? Na i COMPLIANCE WITH 02H,1003(4) 47 _Width of vegetated setbacks provided(feet) __ I 50' I8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? _Ye 9 If BUA isproposed in the setback,does it meet NCAC 02H.1003(4)(c-d)? - Yes, I 10 Is streambank stabilization proposed on this project? l No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: -�- 11 I Infiltration System_ 112 IBioretention i. ... Cell - -- — _._.- ...__. _�.._. __.____>___....�__..�-_.- 13 Wet Pond 14 Stormwater Wetland I 15 'Permeable Pavement 1 I 16 Sand Filter --� »_.. . -•---------_-._-_.._._._.__-. I 17 _ r 18 (Rainwater Harvesting(RWH) - GreenRoof - --y ---_-__.--._..- ____.____-_-._._.___-._.__._.__-_.__._._ G - — rl._ -... __ _ ,..._..�-...,..____ _ -_s 19 Level S•reader-Filter Strip(LS-FS) - ____.__.._..__.-,..-......__..-.__.-.._-.....__.._.._...._.___ _._._. 20 Disconnected Im.ervious Surface(DIS) 21 Treatment Swale 22 D • Pond _23 StormFidter '''4 Silva Cell - 25 IBayfilter -- -_ 26 Fiftarra .__,__. �... .. .— FORMS LOADED iiiiii a 1ER CERT1ACATiON y - p i27 (Name and Title: —_— Jonathan L.McDaniel,PE,Vice President P Tidewater 128 Organization: —- - -Y-- _t 604a i 29 Street address: 1 e Cedar Point Associates B Blvd.Inc.Idc- r-- 0 30 City,State,Zip: Cedar Point NC 28584 NJ31 Phone number(s): 252-393-6101 _+W 132 IEmail. I r«> lmcdaniel@tidewaterenc.com Certification Statement I certify,under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision:that the information provided in the form is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete;and that the engineering plans, specifications,operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Designer %%%%% %%%% '9 - c?2tL1 (... .124.69-7---, - �• SEAL- = Signature of Designer 37928 •+'''BAN.L�,OGr -7 lei, 2-3l Seal Date 'DRAINAGE AREAS 1 Is this a high density project? No 2 If so, number of drainage areas/SCMs 0 3 Does this project have low density areas? Yes 4 If so, number of low density drainage areas Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule 5 versions? ..__r__� No CLICK TO LOAD FORM DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION Entire Site LD I 4 Type of SCM 5 Total drainage area (sq ft) 6 Onsite drainage area (sq ft) 7 Offsite drainage area (sq ft)_ �! 8 Total BUA in project (sq ft) New BUA on subdivided lots (subject to permitting) 9 (sq ft) New BUA not on subdivided lots (subject to 10 permitting) (sf) -_ 11 Offsite BUA (sq ft) 12 Breakdown of new BUA not on subdivided lots: - Parking (sq ft)- Sidewalk (sq ft) - Roof(sq ft) - Roadway (sq ft) - Future (sq ft) -' - Other, please specify in the comment box below (sq ft) �,__ �._ �.___�_--•New infiltrating permeable pavement on subdivided 13 lots (sq ft) New infiltrating permeable pavement not on 14 subdivided lots (sq ft) Existing BUA that will remain (not subject to 15 ermitting) (soft) 16 Existing BUA that is already permitted_SE ft) 17 Existing BUA that will be removed (sq.ft),_ 18 Percent BUA _ 19 Design storm_Qnches) 20 Design volume of SCM (cu ft) 21 Calculation method for design volume !� ADDITIONAL INFORMATION lPlease use this space to provide any additional information about the drainage22 area(s): 1... area -• fl JUL 2 5 2023 BY, PERMEABLE PAVEMENT 1 1 Drainage area number i M 2 Minimum required treatment volume(cu ft) i i 3 Area of permeable pavement to be installed(square feet) j 1 4 Area of screened roof runoff that is directed to pavement(square I feet) 5 Area of additional built-upon area runoff that is directed to pavement i (square feet) 6 Area of incidental,unavoidable runoff from adjacent stable pervious areas(square feet _ 'GENERAL MDC FROM 02H Imo _ 7 Is the SCM sized to treat the SW from all surfaces at build-out? 8 Is the SCM located away from contaminated soils? 9 What are the side slopes of the SCM(H:V)? E— N/A 10 Are the inlets,outlets,and receiving stream protected from erosion I (10-year storm)? 11 Is there an overflow or bypass for inflow volume in excess of the design volume? ! r 12 What is the method for dewatering the SCM for maintenance? _^ - _-_-- 13 If applicable,will the SCM be cleaned out after construction? _ ,_ 14 Does the maintenance access comply with General MDC(8)? i e 15 Does the drainage easement comply with General MDC(9)? _- - 16 If the SCM is on a single family lot,does(will?)the plat comply with --`---�-- General MDC(10)? i _ 9 N t 1 17 Is there an O&M Agreement that complies with General MDC(11)? j ` -- M 18 Is there an O&M Plan that complies with General MDC(12)? — I; 19 Does the SCM follow the device specific MDC? - 20 Was the SCM_designed by an NC licensed,professional? PERMEABLE PAVEMENT MDC FROM 02H.1055 __ _� ��21 Is this a detention or infiltration permeable pavement system? i _ _ __ 22 Design volume of SCM(cu ft) 23 Proposed slope of the subgrade surface(%) 24 Are terraces or baffles provided? 25 SHWT elevation(fmsl) I. 26 Storage elevation of the design rainfall depth(fmsl) t 27 Will toxic pollutants be stored or handled on or near the permeable 4• --!"'_.___.. ==_ pavernG,ii? 28 Does the proposed pavement surface comply with.1055(6)? 29 Will runoff from pervious surfaces be directed away from the pavement? 30 Maximum adjacent area directed to a single point onto the permeable ---- pavement(sq ft) E C E'V 31 Has at least one observation well per terrace been provided at the low point(s)? 32 Have edge restraints been provided? JUL 25 2023 33 Will the subgrade be graded when dry? Will the permeable pavement be protected from sediment during -1 R 34 construction? BY: 35 Will an in-situ permeability test be conducted after site stabilization? a For Infiltrating Pavement Systems 36 Was the soil investigated in the footprint and at the elevation of the subgrade? 37 Soil infiltration rate(in/hr) ' N 38 Is a detailed hydrogeologic study attached if the separation is between 1 and 2 feet? 391Is additional media being added to the soil profile? r —__�__ • 40I Proposed slope of the subgrade surface(%) •• 4 41 Top of the subgrade(bottom of the aggregate)(fmsl) . ______- 42 Drawdown time hours -_ For Detention Pavement Systems — 43 Drewdown time hours Aggregate 44 Aggregate depth(in) 45 Aggregate porosity(%) 46 Size of aggregate to be used in the subbase L 47 Wit the aggregate be washed? (ADDITIONAL INFORMATION _ 48 Please use this space to provide any additional information•abo ut the . _ permeable pavement systemis): - pCsrr ck ccncrc..tc ' Clo.VECkt.c0, i lots r %dolt bk c c , F4Tc-e- Li 9--droop cRc c c . 5 cc_ ?\car c cS o . Permeable Pavement 1 9:53 AM 7/24/2023 ie C E W JUL 2 5 2023 BY:. _ . ! i l l i i s 1 - e 1 r it i i i , i i i i ¢ i ; i ' E i Al o OiU)' Nr { _ Oi , U). OZNi • i� >-'•} • 1 i 4 F s i S `• 1 i i i e EI 1 1 1 I U' i U) .O Q Co C i U) C•-• - a) v=--. o C`. O O M 0. CO CO 0 enO O to CN O 'a 0 N O U) Cam• ) Q. CO CO d_ c U) CU - C IN N 2 O co CO C N N 7 U) > U) al13 O LL i E. E M EN in V 3 _ = O U) c C O } C O V N in' U) Q) .O P .0 0 co U) N Q O EP O ` (al A 5 co CO U O ;+= ` O C E. U > o `) O C o - li CI. N V U) c-. co iO!) O N >, U U) O CO O i3 >, _ v- N N Uc7J -' Q) U) c CO) - V E c aa) N O O .— , rn N OCU LU 0 al-' m � N � � '� � � Q 33I U) o. -6 Li I p 'O O C O 5 C3 u) a) E -0 0) O 2 0 N2 21 • N C > O Cn O O e p ..... .Q M C- 0 '`J a U) 43 U) Q N .0 U) 0 N CO CI) CI ,� p I C c •N c > () 95 U 0 o 3 N a) i p 8 E f- m Q. 8 N o _c I rn D. a`) o ZZ o E o "— o m C 7 rn a CC) L ca 0 �, uj 2 -0 aD; En a > o = E _ , m Ca E p O a) ® E Qa) S g � 'Ev '( E 3 o4z c x 'c U. cn n o co •X 0 2 ca 2, Q ° U) > Z U(°) CC▪ u� a 2 i Ch. 2 Q I LN 2 Q 0 a. In C7 HHLODHCO Ui— ,01 rN coI rI r I r' 0 c- 0 4 . ; BECEIVE JUL 25 2023 BY: 0. r 'Ci OM) SNr? Ne S 1 i CS tTr I co "I ti } » '+ T S Tsvi e • _i_ r - - - "1- 1 O o s II - I I Ell . j N c➢ c‘i, r ,1 G. ^ I co v O 1. : , co , .cr. col 0 O O 61 i CO 00 U in to Lo d d. I 1 o...} .,,. !. f 1 .s _ . 1 T . i is i i 1 f .y :1 r, i 1 % wY� 3 i g ® is Oico1T, I t _ i i ! { 3 F 0 0 L n l N i 0 0 t 1 � i i l tl i V d 1 ( N or; T F ; s, j 1 j 1 R Q i i � � � s � 3 � i � P ' � r 1-3 ; - d 1 f Iy ; a R � CO 00 ; T I m — O F O O ' ii +! t I.. L_ __ _-- ._.._._.._._(...............................1 ..,.... 1 col/ .-. O 23 it i y oo ? 1 C h no N O . ° • 1. i 1Es Q M "� 1T I f I • # NiMi m OA07 O Or N i ) t O fl 1� OQ M I O r N M vt � Li L . r rir - r r r r r • N N , N N N ) . Johnson, Kelly From: Johnson, Kelly Sent: Monday, December 7, 2020 3:38 PM To: Steven Brandt Cc: Gabriele Brandt Subject: RE: [External] 107 Baymeade Ct. Pelletier, NC (SW8 190508) Attachments: 2019 05 permit 190508.pdf Mr. Brandt, This is the overall plan for permit number SW8 190508. I think you had said that some of the lots were not yet platted. That could be the case. But, it appears that this is the eventual plan. Baymeade Court is inside this project. I have attached the permit with the impervious area per lot. Thanks, Kelly �r 1 :1 • I f z . • I tif• r .-s 4 �•� 1 i 9� • J KeLZIJDitwSOVti• Kelly Johnson Environmentai Engineer NC Division uT Energy, Mineral and Land Resources 3 o rmwater P'?''mitting 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.796.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From:Steven Brandt<sbrandt5464@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, December 4,2020 2:10 PM To:Johnson, Kelly<kelly.p.johnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc:Gabriele Brandt<BrandttheBroker@gmail.com> Subject: Re: [External] 107 Baymeade Ct. Pelletier, NC(SW8 190508) CAUTION..External email Do not click l nks or open:attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Thank you for your reply.Yes the porch will be covered. Planning 3 season room. Thanks for getting back with me. Steven On Fri, Dec 4,2020, 1:48 PM Johnson, Kelly<kelly.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov>wrote: Mr. Brandt, I have attached what I think is the permit for your development. I am not at the office and I do not have the plans electronically to compare the address. But,do you think there are 88 lots in the subdivision and that B&M Developers (Elijah Morton)would be involved? Assuming that this is the correct permit,the list of lot numbers and the impervious allocation for each lot is on the last page. If you think that you will need to go "over"your allocation to build your porch,then you can get credit for permeable pavement. (Just to clarify, I am assuming this is a covered porch? If it is just a wooden deck then that does not count as impervious.) There is a process to get credit. Permeable pavement does not automatically get omitted from the total impervious area for a lot. If your HOA wants to modify their permit such that they can review the design through their ARC,then that is one route forward. They would have to review the design to ensure that it complies with the regulatory requirements. Some ARC do not have that expertise or do not want that responsibility. The other route forward is to get your own individual permit for the permeable pavement for your specific lot through my office at DEMLR. (This is usually the easier route.) You would need to contact an engineer, surveyor, or landscape architect and have it designed. The design manual summarizes how that is done. There is an application process that your consultant will be familiar with. The permit is$505 Also,just so you are aware,there are contractors who will sell you "permeable pavement", but unless you get it approved it does not count. Many are uninformed on this topic and will advise you differently. Thanks, 2 Kelly ICeLLsJJ0k1 fr SOfr1 Ke!ly Johnson Environmental Engineer NC Division of Energy; Mineral and Land Resources Stormwater Permitting 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405-3845 Phone: 910.795.7335 Note Change in Phone Number From:Steven Brandt<sbrandt5464@'gmail.com> Sent:Thursday, December 3,2020 1:03 PM To:Johnson, Kelly<kellv.p.iohnson@ncdenr.gov> Cc:Gabriele Brandt<BrandttheBroker@gmail.com> Subject: [External] 107 Baymeade Ct. Pelletier, NC CAUTION:External email.Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Submit AI suspicious email using the Phish Alarm button or as an attachment to Report Spann_ Good day to you, I had left you a voicemail but I would write also. I am purchasing a new house in Peletier Shores. Lot#8. I talked to Jamie, at planning& Development,Carteret County. She said to talk to you about my options for adding a 22 x 14ft porch to the back of the house. She said to ask you for options to make this happen. Permiable pavers for drive and sidewalk? Thank you, 3 4 Steve Brandt sbrandt5464(agmail.com 252-670-5345 4 Tract Data Site Benchmark (SBM) �A_.,,--"�, ROADS & DRAINAGE NOTES: Total Area 82.45 Ac. N.C,G.S.Monument"CAR 37" Legend: 1.The streets to be constructed for this project are subject to acceptance by the Town Acreage in Coastal Wetlands 3.26 Ac. o gN: 362,365.28814 of Peletier,similar to the NC Department of Transportation Certification Program Acreage in Open Space 8.05 Ac. E: 2,575,323.11392 Croatin Ac.-Acreage and Quality Management System Maintenance Version Requirements,The Contractor, Acreage in Right-of-way 6.79 Ae. Elev.30.43 (Datum NAVD '88) AG-Above Ground at his expense,shall provide test results on 1)Subgrade,2) Base and 3)Pavement.The Jurisdiction Town of Peletier (R-20 Zone) lzea O BBEIP-Base Bent Existing Iron Pipe 1106 '�09 ��� Contractor shall insure that all construction and testing is performed in accordance Number of Lots 88 + 3 Open Space BG-Below Ground Minimum Lot Width 80' l CSD Compost Sock Dam with the N.C. Department of Transportation"Standard Specifications for Roads and �� Minimum Lot Size 20, 000 S.F. . '` (SITE Structures",latest edition,2006 Hot Mix Asphalt Specifications and Manual,and . ••K- D.B.-Deed Book Average Lot Size 33,467 .0 S.F. ' EIP Existing Iron Pie "Quality Management System Maintenance Version",and shall report the testing and g ‘,„ ~ O E g p Smallest Lot Size 20,029.0 S.F. (Lot 45) /or core locations,test method,results and D.O.T.allowable range or tolerance,as O EIR Existing Iron Rod . , _ of Pavement applicable.Subgrade shall be tested for density and shall be proofrolled by the Linear Feet of Streets 5,322 L.F. /~'' a eop Edge Proposed Use Single111 testing Engineer or the Engineer or Surveyor who will issue the Final Certification. Detached • l as° Telephone Box FamilyDwellings s""$ �Yo �F" obi Zr� ® epb Existing p � " , o epp Existing Power Pole Base and pavement shall both be tested for density and thickness. If Parker e. Associates is administering the construction they must also proofroll the stone. Existing Land Use Vacant/Wooded/Agriculture 40 1 119 ex.-ExistingWest Carteret Water Corp. • Water Service Book Twenty-four(24)hour advance scheduling before proofroll. Testing for pavement r m .: , M.B. Map '.'.'.'.. MBL-Minimum Building Line shall be certified by either a professional Engineer or properly certified QMS Sewer Service Individual Septic Systems N.C.S.R. North Carolina Secondary Road technician and shall be in accordance with QMS criteria.Required thickness for this Fire District Western Carteret North ' ; : ;:;;::;;; Rescue District Western Carteret Medic 1 r Pg.-Page project is as shown on the plans. Note that thickness for widening or turn lanes is y . P.I.N.-Parcel Identification Number greater than that for internal streets. ".. N'>v � o 4. R-Radius 2.Minimum Densities: Land Disturbance 60.5 Ac. ` 9( ceknul rn N R/W Right-of-way Subgrade 100% .. . . .. . ..... . RCD Rock Check Dam Stone Base 100% w�s�e 1444+ SB-Sediment Basin �.. .. . ... ... . .. .. .. .. . . .. 144142.414 I 19.0C 92% \ \ SBM Site Benchmark B 25.0C 92 . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 6 3. Notify the Engineer or Surveyor,who will issue the overall Final Certification,of all West F1reto ,er Road ATI.AN7IC�C AN ••• • SHFS Scour Hole Flow Spreader \ \ phases of Roadway Construction. Compost Sock At Clearing Limits N.C,S,R. 1106 Match Vicinity Sketch �•:•;•;,•; 4.All metal used for any type of catch basin or inlet shall be produced in the USA. _ _ At R/W '�-�:�:�=�:�� ST Sediment Trap _ 60' Stabilized 5. A minimum sight distance of 10'X70' shall be maintained along the right-of-way of �- ex.ditch Not to Scale Public R/W Construction �Elev.29.00 Ojf� RI`N ex.ea. Typ. Typical all internal intersections. - - '' `T eX z2 --------__ Entrance _ _ Genera Notes: I�YI-Yard Inlet 6.20 foot radii at right-of-way intersections,30 foot radii at edge of pavement ex.eop as bait - - -- SBM \ \ jc�f, 1 (E Centerline intersections. ep® " r - px,?z'-`-" ' r ex,eo. �0�"s -o 1. Topographic information created from a ground topographic survey by Bell And Phillips on 7.All culverts under streets shall be reinforced concreteper North Carolina -� EIPliEhliAll!!WIW:i -' •' ==-.•-- 4,. eair - -__ asphalt • Q� i �.� - -•.®► vF��erir�. =--_..._ ex.eo \� /08/19,NAVD '88 Datum. Department of Transportation Specifications,(Town of Peletier)unless 'J" 1'I -C. -- 741 API y' -"�. IR • information 02/08/19. RP epb p ahpt 7�j . �f/ "' f 1 2.Boundaryinf rmati n taken from survey by Bell And Phillips dated t•: i�••011117►Q••4 a 'e b - ohpl a �6 3.Wetlands line delineated byPittman Soil Consulting;Surveyed byBell And Phillips in Feb.2019. 36 Proposed Lot Number otherwise specified and/or approved by the Engineer and/or Town of Peletier , . r, adzide ditch- Inv.Out ►4 t.. ►0 PP P - ohpl _ \�j/T 9 9- Y p 8.All roads shall be public and built to NCDOT(Town of Peletier)Standards. ( 4 28.30 .“i•� ���,?; w,. 4.Stormwater from this project drains to Mullet Gut and Starkey Creek which are classified as Proposed Pipe Label ►1��.�r ►•�o� Inv.In ex.roadside ditch CSD \ Q B p p 9.There shall be no encumbrances within the Right-of-way. �li` �'I ST#1 ►A ►'�!► 28.40 SA;H W. O 10.All materials and practices shall meet North Carolina Department of Transportation ,J © I ST#2 5.Development area is partially wooded and agriculture land. 28.00 -Proposed Spot Elevation (Town of Peletier)Standards. t� Oil N 6.There are Areas of Environmental Concern(AEC)as defined by the Coastal Area Management r n Act(CAMA)on this site along"Mullet Gut"and"Starkey Creek". 11.For other detailed construction notes,see plan and profiles. i• Linda Winesett \ \ y 7.This site is not affected by any special flood hazard per FEMA CPN#370658 5366 K and ,{ II +" D.B.1255,Pg.179 370658 5375 K(Town of Peletier)effective 07/16/03. W -Wetlands Compost Sock At Clearing Limits J �- - M.B.31,Pg,399 At Property Line ' 1 8.For additional information,see plan and profile and detail sheets. p Y ,! P.LN.#537604524170000 87 / 9.Pipe,Swale,and Sediment Trap Chart is located on Sheet 5 of 17. _..-..-.. -..-..-•.-•-- - 404 Wetlands Line i 116 lV j�JJ Ditch Ditch ©� I AEC AEC -75' AEC LAMA Setback Line ! 28.85 28.85 -= -- =-- Erosion and Sedimentation Control Notes: CS CL -Clearing Limits&Compost Sock / _••-•• CL••-••_• -• sf -••--Clearing etlts&Silt Fence DRIVEWAY NOTE JJ� f .. -- N i 1. Clearing or grading operations shall begin at low points of outfall release or other locations where • li�lllP; -,,- ,_ sediment control measures are shown on the plan and the sediment control devices(sediment traps, Coastal Wetlands Line '\ ex,Single story silt fences,diversions,stormwater treatment areas,etc.shall be installed before or simultaneously _ _- - - - - -- -- ---Existing Contour Lots 4, 69, 70, 71 & 85 Do Not Have Roadside brick dwelling Ditches And Do Not Need Drivewa Culverts. These • ,7 with the disturbance of any area draining to the device. -Overhead Existing Ditch y © \ I 2.Sediment control devices and structures shall be installed,maintained and amended as needed to ahpl ahp3 ohpl Power Line Lots shall be,graded for positive drainage along the �` provide effective control of accelerated erosion and sedimentation until the contributing property lines to the back of the lot- CD -Proposed Contour /liicio 4 �/ watersheds are stabilized. Lots 70 & 72 Have Roadside Ditches AlongPortion Begin Ditch o ` / Compost Sock At Clearing Limits 3.Construction Sequence: Lt ... ... Proposed Ditch (Elev.29.00 "' At Property Line w LandQualitybeginning construction. A Notify Engineer,owner and Section prior to Of R/W Lines And May Need Driveway Culverts85 Begin Ditch Begin Ditch I /`` +) Begin Ditch B.Install stabilized construction entrance at West Firetower Road. • Woodsline Depending Gn Driveway Locations. Elev.29.30 rL C�Elev.29.30 © / 1 gElev.30.50 C.Limits of clearing will be as shown.Owner may lessen the amount to clear.Confirm prior to start • / of work.Silt fence shall be installed at the down slope edge of clearing immediately after a lot • /°1621,Pgg..301 LLC is cleared.Silt fence shall be maintained until the lot is stabilized completely.Silt fences are PERVIOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: D.B. Occasions .,0 shown based on topographic information in the locations expected to be needed to trap sediment prior to entering down slope areas.Actual locations of installation shall be adjusted to Lots 19, 20, 24, 25, 30, 35,48, 50, 69, 73, and 80 have pervious Tract Two 446(G) ( the actual physical on site topography.That is,where silt fence is not shown on the plan but the concrete driveways. Other permeable surfaces include the Boat M.B.7632,Pg. actual topography reflects a downward slope,silt fence shall be installed.Where the actual P.I.N.#537603319840000 `� -e9 topography reflects an upward slope silt fence is not required. i Storage Site and Boat Ramp Area. (See Sheet 16 & 17) (pitch `~ 83 1 i D.Clear&grub 100' area following the road R/W.Select clear wooded area within the clearing limits 27.60 i as necessary after rood stabilization. BBEIP BBEIP- 1 © 4 E.Strip topsoil&stockpile for later use. / F.Construct sediment traps and rock check dams where shown.Construct drainage swales.Install is \ 82 I , storm drainage piping. /• N 28A0 if G.Immediately seed,mulch and instal temporary liners to outlet swales. �� } �,e _ \ .r H.Rough grade streets. `., \ I. Installwatermains./ \ l \ \\ 4, 1.7..] ex.QIock J.Maintain erosion control measures as nleeded to assure full funetionability. K.Fine grade street.Place CABC over compacted Subgrade.Install asphalt surface course. n d �` s M.Reseled and mulch shoulders and swales.Install)peas on all outlet swales. 0/ \ \ \ 79 (ST#4 �.� '"' ` N.Provide ground stabilization(Temporary or Permanent)on perimeter areas and slopes greater • / Begin Silt Fence At Clearing Limits Begin Shallow • �����, Inv.In than 3:1 within 7 days following the completion of any phase of grading or construction;and At Property Line Rear Lot Ditche J.UP 4.FITY p Compost Sock At Clearing Limits I �1� ��.,� „ ST#3 28.00 Ditch At Property Line 12" Max.Depth EIP '•`` ..-• ''' . ' 0,: I''' �_ 29.70 J 14 days for all other areas internal to the project.cation ,1 O� OW Disturbed 4. Seeding Specifications: `� e��j 1C� / ��� ��C s� ^/''�-� CDitch BBEIR EIR Apply lime and fertilizer and work into 4-6 inches of soil.Seed mixture shall be distributed ` , 9. \ ; 0 . �O 29.10 w1.0'AG uniformly and covered with a clean straw mulch.All mulch shall be crimped or asphalt tacked to Daylight Ditch a• •� �� To Ex,Grade '- .y Ls. CDitch �e�' *` jj hold in place.Material and application rates as follows,and are generally considered minimums- 404 Wetlands Elev.25.0 - ` \ \ `'\ y'` 27.00 . `-,___ -S • '/ �, l' C' *Mulch rate to be doubled is crimped*: ' I � � /. Tine �� '` \ ` \ - , Inv.Out • y{��� 0 Material Application Rate • ((Typ.) s j m e / 1t ISB#71 ` .gyp, . •�/ , , 27.9 4,,Q�44r SB#1 Lime 3000 lbs./ac. N / I I �w�,r ,c .,��/ '4�4� bitch Fertilizer (10-10-10) 750 lbs./ac. �� 28.70 2 tons/ac. `~ \\ •6\ .''\ , `OD\ \ \ " ch . ,/�• N`. , /, Asphalt Tack 435 gal./ac. (Max) �: r \ '� \ / ¢Ditch e60 3 Flood EIP y �I� \\\ �` .- \ \ \ \ Inv.Out Viti. ti, I 126.25 \ �` l Linda Winesett PermanCommon eBermuda nt ing ZoneX � ' �` \ /% "`� \ \` � '� 16.00 ® ` ¢•Ditch 1 •� D.B,1118,Pg. 258 (Unhulled Se t. 1 - A April 1 100 lbs./ac. s, thx \ \ Velocity Control YI ¢pitch 00 -, p p ) "\ \ ,,� \ '� SHFS RCD (30 27.00 + } M.B. 32,Pg.446 (Hulled April 1 - Sept. 1) 75 lbs./ac. 4' \{ \ ya f J1' ,,,L \ Top 22.50 23.15 l �.,s I \ \ `,� `ti / P.I.N.#537604516304000 "Rebel" Fescue 50 lbs./ac. \a\�• ^'f f ~� \a \ 23.50 Inv.Out 16.0 PA. y ,\ --- -' ',/f J 56#6 }1�lf- �� \\\© _ Bottom Inv. 14,0 CSD l 4 `y C / Compost Sock At Clearing Limits Rye Grain (Sept. 1 - April 1 only) 50 lbs./ae. r. 1 1 \..-�- ''' 1 �'}�}}I ti I� f� Ditch �` `� ( 12 a At Pro er Line German Millet (April 1 - Sept. 1 only) 50 lbs./ac. \ - / ( /i �, ��� 4 C'� _ J P 126.25 e� 1 \ \ ¢Ditch P Temporary Seeding 29.00 Dec. 1 - April 15 Flood W 4. A N .`• __ ✓ • !• ' } i y �� �rillik‘111111111°.-051-z2..07 � v c 6 50 RCD -, '� ` \ Oilli ° CO O Zone AE s� /_,.- .n„• 2 \ ! \ (El.7') W I t, I / • - •-� �-: J I 8._ -- \- -y// J J • -{CSD ---, \ \ \ ' J 4 RyeKobeGraipedeza 120 lbs./ac. _ �v / 16illp s� Sze April 15 - Aug. 5 y 4,/ �� W W �f �I EOP l� �` ' .�+�."� \ r / J 0 J loft 10 , ►� �,•"� ®^°--% 0 4 t,,, P g 40 lbs./ac. "� CSD O \ Inv.In ///20.67 , 23.30 � �$ ! German Millet�.. ti ,: a, F. Aug. 15 Dec. 30 7N� EIP < + � `. � ,ate �-a a.e.� �';'-'- ‘1.,y y. e 4 4 4 4 1 // II ' / / i 0.1'BGInv.Out Rye Grain 120 lbs./ac. 1 1� �. �. Inv.Out /,1`.!'��. \ / 23.00 ` O' - r��r T v: • . , 16.00 v C r a '` �• O C / lumh 5.Once all areas have been stabilized,contractor is to remove temporary erosion control measures, y y W ,v, •v .. F� \ t J 70 f (iiI ! � . _._ ,\ \ / - '���� p rY y y y SHFS ( 1` •.1 ), \ Si� _CL , , \ 4 - _ ,� \ / ; `,:: cs • r grad ,&mulch to restabilize these areas. ` ® l , -'" . ".-- j ��� /21 J/3 €� "` 6.For additional requirements,see the approved erosion and sedimentation permit. 11/ / N �` / �, AINW '.•s ,l. E_.• ,-. 7.Scour hole flow spreaders are to be constructed after the entire drainage area tributary to the 1- So le sk • , ( r ?� t -ifs, \\ \\ ,\ • ,� .....- / Zg., \ \ Compost Sock At Cleating Limits HEIR in EIP FFF ^B .ah.• � t E� system has been permanently stabilized. II 3•Y a y p Y rs y - At Property Lne f �° �P�,°�T�on�y ��. � ' �' / L" •W 1 \r° f/ q \.• Ai �DitCh P Y 0.3'AG r��g€$sa$,s€a ��` /10 Pn69 \ \ �'°r '� . y v •�� 69/) ////28.004 liii.7 ' 28.50 / i _allik r• {ij F ........;4,,, / f r/ / / r � �� �sq. f�� W \�\�, - ' °`/// // ,� / Grading, Drainage, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan C. y / f , r tlon, High Tide Drive \ �� Continua Note: y W W\y W W °r beet 5 of 17 50' Public R/W Sees PELETIER SHORES Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers(contractors, Grass Sod subcontractors and other site personnel)do not damage construction 404 Wetlands Silt Fence On Fill Slope stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by Line At Clearing Limits 4:1 Or Flatter Town of Peletier,Carteret County,North Carolina the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the (Typ-) Developer: contractor-Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify B & M Developers LLC �� E to the fullest extent practicable that stakes,other measures and grades are,or appear to be,accurate and correct,and immediately,but prior JU� 2 5 2023 to an associated work,notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, 121 Garnet Lane � Jacksonville,North Carolina 28546 � Y error or question regarding the work.The Engineer shall not be responsible if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to.The Engineer shall BY: not be responsible where due to damage,his staking can not be verified. For critical or costly components of the work,where the contractor believes DATE: 05/14/19 0 50 100 200 300 that stakingmaynot be reserved,the contractor shall request the staking IIMMientity to place staking in an area where its preservation can be insured. SCALE: �.r=�0®r llig��.A�„,oM FEET TIDEWATER ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners COGO: 18281GR.crdX. Cedar Point,North Carolina Rev. 07/20/23 AMKB-Revise land disturband area&Add permeable note Drawn B PeletierShores-Gen.dwg Rev. 06/27/19 JJS-Revised roadside ditch along Peletier Shores Drive;adjusted Pipes"B"&"C" Job No.: 115 604E Ceda1 Point Boulevard Job S180427-6777 Sheet 4 of 17 Phone(252)393-6101 -www.TidewaterENG.com Rev. 06/17/19 JMP-Adjusted Disturbed Limits to be displayed around SB 6; Firm Rev. 06/13/19 JJ5-Revised"Driveway Note"; removed sediment trap#5 License Number:F-0108 a Originally permitted disturbed area: 53.5 acres EXTRA CLEARING FOR SECTION II, The extra clearing notations shown are in response to Notices of Violation for Construction in Section II. Additional Clearing Surveyed on 2/8/21= 4.97 Acres Clearing Remaining for Septic = 0.81 Acres Total = 5.78 Acres Sediment Traps #5, 6, 7 & 8, and multiple layers of additional silt fence have been (are to be) installed in the additional cleared areas. 2,922 LF of silt fence @ 5-10% slopes = 3.35 ac 950 LF of silt fence @ 10-20% slopes = 0.55 ac Additional Drainage Area from added silt fence = 3.90 ac Additional Drainage Area from STs 5, 6, 7 & 8 = 1.89 ac Total Additional Drainage Area from STs 5, 6, 7 & 8 and additional silt fence = 5.79 ac Total Disturbed Area approved 4/20/21: 59.3 ac Additional Clearing from NOV dated 10/5/21: 1.20 ac Total Disturbed Area: 60.5 ac Legend: Ac. - Acreage AG - Above Ground O BBEIP - Base Bent Existing Iron Pipe BG - Below Ground j1 C5D - Compost Sock Dam D.B. - Deed Book O EIP - Existing Iron Pipe O EIR - Existing Iron Rod eop - Edge of Pavement ® epb - Existing Telephone Box p epp - Existing Power Pole ex. - Existing M.B. - Map Book MBL - Minimum Building Line N.C.S.R. - North Carolina Secondary Road Pg. - Page P.I.N. - Parcel Identification Number R - Radius R/W - Right-of-way RCD - Rock Check Dam ® SB - Sediment Basin SBM - Site Benchmark SHF5 - Scour Hole Flow Spreader ST - Sediment Trap Typ. - Typical YI - Yard Inlet (L- Centerline Begin Rear ��,.• Lot Ditch �Compost Sock At Clearing Limits 29.00 At Property Line C°ntinuat� Ong Ditch Velocity Control YI F o-r et 4 of 17 f . j 28.50 Top 25.50 See She �- \ ti °°, Inv. Out 16.0 Bottom Inv. 14.0 / 22 `', 5B#2 23 Begin Silt Fence At Clearing Limits 7, f f , / 0 J ✓ \ 1 ✓r _ f Ditch At Property Line 'o q Etch t f j 26,00 - f 68 27.00 ( z u l I/ I 1 v } \ % 20 Grass Sod p ,w� } 50' Stormwater ` �s Ditch I \ 28.00 F\ �' 1 On Fill Slope v� i �� \ y� AAA i 27.00 Vegetated Setback / ` 1 4,1 Or Flatter \ ,''�.. {�! Disturbed N f,� \ �t 24 y '� EIP in CIL Branch Flood O o `-----�4--- � T70��t, ��''�T z�';,,� _ _ _. ��..� ��.. -- /;�" ,• fr Zone AE o o ° 1/' ' / Xr ® \ ` S \� ✓' vj?bll� R �� / o ie - a� - _ j/. (El. 7) Grass Sod s On Fill Slope N �. 66 \ ' \�` y�as� �' I ' {Off f f / 25 f y w T o�� Linda Winesett 4:1 Or Flatter o yr�\fir �?� \ "3 / 2� /` f Flood v v y �� \, , t , D.B. 1118, Pg. 258 Zone X �, / ! �2 - X -- M.B. 32, Pg. 446 �rrg \ \ \ Mass Grade //J r / d ��! f / w�' _ , y ,y \ y, ,i, ,� �, ,� \ I; \ \„ � � \ t \ � 1 /` `" �' ,,,- f � ,, .. s P.I.N. #537604516304000 \ w w j„ST#6 �.;:. i 1 ) \ 1 Lots 26 & 27 ff 26 ( f 1 t i..W Inv. Out14, ( t� \ 16.00 50' Stormwater I A b k Line 36 - Proposed Lot Number O- Proposed Pipe Label 28.00 - Proposed Spot Elevation �O - Swale Section - Wetlands _..-..-..-••-••-••-••- --404 Wetlands Line AEC AEC - 75' AEC CAMA Setback Line CS CL - Clearing Limits & Compost Sock CL sf - Clearing Limits & Silt Fence _.._.._.._..._..-..--•-••--Coastal Wetlands Line -- - - - - - --- -- - - - - -- ExistingContour - Existing Ditch onpi ----- ohpi ohpi - Overhead Power Line 25.0 - Proposed Contour 50' Stormwater Vegetated Setback ... ... - Proposed Ditch . - Woodsline Note: Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers (contractors, subcontractors and other site personnel) do not damage construction stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify to the fullest extent practicable that stakes, other measures and grades are, or appear to be, accurate and correct, and immediately, but prior to any associated work, notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, error or question regarding the work. The Engineer shall not be responsible if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to. The Engineer shall not be responsible where due to damage, his staking can not be verified. For critical or costly components of the work, where the contractor believes that staking may not be preserved, the contractor shall request the staking entity to place staking in an area where its preservation can be insured. 65 F s f j / SB#3 Daylight To �� / M i ( Vegetate et ac Elev. 24.50 1 (\\ ,Ditc-v" �^ r< ,� � r � I { .,,..-- � / � h � �) �1 Extra Clearing For u: ,i. .:, �• ,i, u• ,i,•. / f � .,. �_ 25.00 5- � }� Septic Systems: Ditch 'y �~ ' - i ` �� t 0.15 Acres v v v v / 7 _ I 30 404 Wetlands Line Extra Clearin Silt Fence w j' / 64 / j /r f 28 29 t 9 ` 1� (Typ.) y w y y At Clearing Limits y h , j 0.13 Acres S ,Y W lJ { �` ! ' / (LDitch i 1 w v u '(� t !. I } 1 ' r ; 1 \ 25.75 .i. ��y .r- .� .i. �. �t •� ! � r` i � , .'`� t rl Tf ni+r 1 __- l � -- _ _._ .r- .-- _ �' ``' ~� � " � \ �� �,.� ..: ��� y W � � Site Benchmark (SBM) N.C.G.5. Monument "CAR 37" N: 362,365.28814 E: 2,575,323.11392 Elev. 30.43 (Datum NAVD '88) (See Sheet 4 of 17 For Actual Location) PERVIOUS PAVEMENT NOTE: Lots 19, 20, 24, 25, 30, 35, 48, 50, 69, 73, and 80 have pervious concrete driveways. Other permeable surfaces include the Boat Storage Site and Boat Ramp Area. (See Sheet 16 & 17) DRIVEWAY NOTE: Lots 20, 24-27, 33-48 & 52-68 Do Not Have Roadside Ditches And Do Not Need Driveway Culverts. These Lots shall be graded for positive drainage along the property lines to the back of the lot. Lots 28, 32, 49, & 51 Have Roadside Ditches Along Portion Of R/W Lines And May Need Driveway Culverts Depending On Driveway Locations. Flood Zone X Coastal Wetlands -�, Flood Line (Typ.) Zone AE 56 C. J e9ey K swarm xoro 24 �U9 ...'.'.'.:. s'.................. .........'.'.'.'.".'. 58 li ....`.....' Vicinity Sketch Not to Scale Sediment Trap Chart Sediment Disturbed Volume Size Trap Area (Acres) (Cubic Yards) (Length x Width x Depth) 1 0.89 117 70'L x 151W x 31D 2 0.89 117 70'L x 151W x 3'D 3 0.92 123 74'L x 151W x 3'D 4 0.96 130 781L x 151W x 31D 5 0.35 47 351L x 151W x 2.51D 6 0.50 67 4011, x 181W x 2.51D 7 0.54 74 401L x 201W x 2.51D 8 0.50 67 401L x 181W x 2.51D 9 0.72 100 451L x 201W x 31D Design Standard - 133.3 CY Sediment Trap Volume per Disturbed Acre. Area Section (acres) 1 - 1 3.20 2 - 2 4.08 3 - 3 1.98 Q=ciA C=0.5 i10=8.9 in/hr. Swale Calculations Chart Q10 Side- Channel (cfs) Slope Slope(%) 14.2 3:1 0.83 18.2 3:1 0.44 8.8 3:1 0.60 Velocity Depth (grassed) (fps) Grassed (ft) 1.96 0.93 1.74 1.22 1.68 1.32 Friction Factors n=0.05 Grass v=1.49 R 2/3 s 1/2 n Note: 1. See site plan for typical section locations. 2. Sections selected are worse case sections. 3. Line bottom of all ditches and swales with American Excelisor Curlex Blanket. 4. Swale sections 1 & 2 are trapezoidal with 5' min. bottom width. 5. Swale section 3-3 is triangular with 2' min. bottom width. Skimmer Sediment Basin Chart Sediment Disturbed Q10 Volume Surface General Top Dimension (ft) Qd Basin Area (Acres) (CFS) (Cubic Yards) Area(sf) (Length x Width x Depth (Cf/day) 1 4. �9 07 - 05'L x W x 'D �- 2 2.2 4.6 145 1725 75'L x 23'W x 3.0'D 1276 3 2.8 6.0 192 2210 85'L x 26'W x 3.0'D 1838 *4 4.1 9.8 292 3200 100'L x 32'W x 3.01D 2501 *5 6.6 15.8 502 5250 125'L x 42'W x 3.01D 4135 *6 3.2 7.7 223 2520 90'L x 28'W x 3.0'D 1838 7 4.4 9.4 296 3255 105'L x 31'W x 3.01D 2501 Q10-CiA C=0.3 Qd=dewatering rate=V/td (Cf/Day) tc=10 min, i10=7.15 in/hr. V=Volume (Cf) *i25=8.00 in\hr, td=Draw Down Time (Days) Design Notes: 1. Side s opes from top of bank down to inside bottom of basin are to be 2:1 2. Side slopes from top of bank to ex ground are to be no steeper than 3:1 3. Skimmers shall be Faircloth Skimmers or approved equal 4. Volume and Surface Area calculated with 1' freeboard to the top of the basin and 0.5' to spillway. 5. 325 sf minimum surface area per cfs of Q10 peak inflow 6. 66.7 cy minimum volume per acre of disturbed area 7. Upon complete restabilization of all disturbed areas, and approval by Engineer and NCDEQ-LQS, remove sediment basin and regrade swale, fertilize, seed and mulch, apply swale liner and/or SOD & Stake for permanent stabilization. �\�\\ - - , / ���• y-\\\\\ ��� a�� ` `s i \�t `� �� r,�" (''� ' rT Drama e Pipe Chart AREA Q10 DIAMETER GRADE LENGTH V PIPE (acres) (cfs) (inches) (ft / ft) (if) AEC ��17.00 I j I/V/ ' afi�'{ A 1.93 7.7 18" RCP 0.001 84 *B 6.30 17.0 18" RCP 0.002 54 * \ :3, C 11.42 30.8 30 RCP 0.006 60 1 \! ✓ A Ilea--l8 "� d �' �r �r f `i '� Access Site Pavement to be *D 11 . 69 31.6 30" RCP 0.000 185 ;� A (P'ub �� �" ear i' „ v` # .'�� ' ' 4' Graded for Sheet Flow \ ,v \ Water ` \\i r 1 E 7.60 20.5 24" RCP 0.000 1$1 y y Drama e Conditions cc F 2.16 8 .7 18" RCP 0.000 152 404 Wetlands Line (Typ.) Nab Q=CiA Tv \� 75'AEC CAMA . c=045 RCP = Reinforced Concrete Pi e gull c1i Setback k p tc=5 min. CFS = Cubic Feet per Second . {$ Gut W • ` �....�„\y, \ � _,, i,,.- f � �: �z Y. urkeyre2#el4 brrY�, � � . � z(.}ta,e,-'_ �y'..' r 4_l;.rE.f 7,• s a... �y '•*,' \ -b -' /.`.'^ �� ."i's ,S -�a.$ if."i, 9� 'Gn'�2a s`••{I i10=8. 9 In/hr. LF = Linear Feet "c ✓{��'• nP,b.y ?"" ,y, \ .'A /. W .._'€a ,3•,S" ,Fs `3 �:�J t..:, a i10-6.0 in/hr. (15 min. Tc) FPS Feet per Second NOTE:- F 1. Contractor shall use invert elevations shown on plans Cont Coastal Wetlands Line (Typ.) Rev. 07/20/23 AMKB - Drainage ditch along Lot 47-49, added permeable note, z " s O Rev. 11/16/21 JMP - Revised clearing limit line type and additional clearing hatch. Rev. 11/10/21 JJS - Revised clearing and silt fence at common area next to lot 44. Rev. 10/20/21 JLM - Add clearing and silt fence at common area next to lot 44. Rev. 04/19/21 JMP - Added Sediment Trap #8 and Silt Fence Calculations. u01, Rev. Rev. 04/09/21 JMP - Added additional Clearing Limits, Silt Fence, and Sediment Traps. 03/18/21 JJ5 - Revised lots 34-41; removed common areas (dock access), Add Sec.II NOV Clearing _� i Rev. 06/27/19 JJS -Revised length of Pipe "C" ' N, Rev. 06/17/19 JMP - Adjusted Disturbed Limits to be displayed around SB 3 and 4;'k""� x Rev. 06/14/19 JMP - Revised calculations in the "Sediment Basin" chart; Rev. 06/13/19 JJS - Revised "Driveway Note" & calculations in the "Sediment Basin" chart; removed "Sediment Trap #5" from Chart for construction. Grades shown above are rounded. 2. Pipes D, E, and F are velocity control outlet pipes. 3. Lots 79-81 to have 18" driveway culverts Lots 11-14 and 72-78 to have 24" driveway culverts Lots 15-19 to have 30" driveway culverts COGO: 18281GR.crd Filename: PeletierShores-Gen.dwg Drawn By: JJS Job No.: S180427-6777 Sheet 5 of 17 Gradi Developer: Skimmer Orifice Td Size (in) 1 7- Dia. (in) _T77 (Days) 3.3 . 1.5 1.25 3.1 1.5 1.50 2.8 1.5 1.75 3.2 1.5 2.25 3.3 1.5 1.50 3.3 1.5 1.75 3.2 V1 CA 4 E 01 .. mob°„•. �' � e e 4�'+ M°' ���`�'/,,.✓' Odra& Y� � tlZ2 a�"•s �SWbd&9CP?9g'-3 Drainage, Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan DATE: 05/14/19 PELETIER SHORES Town of Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina B & M Developers, LLC 121 Garnet Lane Jacksonville, North Carolina 28546 (910) 346-9068 M. JUL 2 5 2023 0 50 100 200 300 SCALE:1"=100' FEET TIDEWATER ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners Cedar Point, North Carolina 604E Cedar Point Boulevard Phone (252) 393-6101 - www.TidewaterENC.com Firm License Number: F-0108 w w w w w w\� v w w w w w t w 4 IV )p w �� � w ,✓ \ \ /,/f � � mac, w w w w w '.w w •� w w w w w w w \ �� t 2.13 1 w w w w w w .41 w ! i \ w w w w w 4' •. -\ �� w w w IVw w w w w w •\w \�.�\ �\ .� w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w� \• y w w w w w w w w� w �w \� Wetlands x 9 w w w w 404 w w w Line (Typ.) \ w w w w w w w w w �• 1 w w i w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 4, w w w w �:\ w w w w .v w w w w w w w y w w w 1 wCoastal Line Weti irids (Typ.) w w w w I✓ / w w w w w w w. t • �w w �• r,,. / w •w �. w w w w w w w,.,,' f ,f i w w w w w w y w w/ w +� 6 w w w w w w w w w w I w y t I f ! 1 , w w w w w w w \w w w o w w w w y`��c` w w w \\\ ' d'° f d.9 of 4jarsh o O ,1 F 9 Note: Structural Design By Others 2" PVC Water 5' Off EOP \16 \ o lt1,Y La Rae T, Wiggins D.B. 653, Pg. 77 P.I.N. #537501385418000 Open Space #4 - Water Access Site D.B. 1743, Pg. 153 Lot 41 Peletier Shores, Section II x 24.55 / i M.B. 34, Pg. 293 ` (P.I.N. #537501492690000 X 23.46 s / ,LK / + r 4j / r 404 Wetlands / . AEC w w w Line (Typ.) tb' �! Flood w _4' _4' w Zone X �/ P1 ok kP h (� P .�7 C, w w Flood f% Zone AE w w w .• w w �p��+y w w � w w w �� ay > f % ,✓ w w w + r f- /o If 0 Y (/ / -C+ TOC J / J / y 6 O' 8.50 - a- 1 f — j. w w p om t 1�- 1`Jjb'- w w IO +, / f / w w w /tea 10,_41t . 8 .� f/ w. b End Concrete Ramp b% .'i, w w x-o.ii Begin Elevated Slatso + Q, j0 / O % + 3P �1 + 'O w p cn x A 6 + +l +t 9 & k _I08 15' 1 _ I ( 1 Aluminum Gratina _ 5' 8" _1 Coastal Wetland Substrate Twin Concrete Slat Boat Ramp Detail Not to scale b + B� 9 A 2- 6"x6" S.T. Ground Contact Each Side For Ramp Wheel Bumper 4'x8'x4" 6000 PSI Conc. Slats, Marine Grade W/ Rebar Coastal Wetlands 15 Line (Typ.) 10 5 NLW 0 -5 3/8"x8".Galy. Lag Bolt 5/8"x18" Galv. Timber Bolt C C a C v Lo Rae T. Wiggins D.B. 653, Pg. 77 P.I.N. #537501385418000 p Legend: B05 - Bottom of Stone EOP - Edge of Pavement NHW - Normal High Water \60'j� 0.�@1 NLW - Normal Low Wc ter \jc l�O �O�? STA -Station Q' TOC - Top of Concret -Flow Arrow AEC - Area of Environmental �\ Concern \\ CL — 5F — - Clearing Limits & silt fence Occasions of NC,LLc_........,..._...:..8...._.__..__ - Existing Contou D.B. 1621, Pg. 301 Tract Two (G) \\ x 12.35 - Existing Spot Elevation M.B. 36, Pg. 446 \ P.I.N. #5376033331989840000 Open Space \ \ #1 \ �. 77 ea \ e7 �O 78 86 \ 79 85 -YO as Ba 81 82 83 lz O 11 O O a G D.B. 1668, Pg, 267� - M.B. 31, Pg. 399 P.I.N. #537604516304000 I'��al�llll�_ General Notes: 1. Topographic data and water depth information created from survey by Bell And Phillips on 02/08/19, NAVE) '88 batum. 2. Boundary information taken from survey by Bell And Phillips dated 02/08/19. 3. Wetlands line delineated by Pittman Soil Consulting: Surveyed by Bell And Phillips in Feb. 2019. 4. Stormwater from this project drains to Mullet Gut and Starkey Creek which are classified as SA:HQW and are part of the White Oak River Basin. 5. Development area is partially wooded and agriculture land. 6. There are Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) as defined by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) on this site along "Mullet Gut" and "Starkey Creek". 7. This site is affected by special flood hazard areas per FEMA CPN # 370658 5366 K and 370658 5375 K (Town of Peletier) effective 07/16/03. vl _.._.__...___._....__.._.___.._ ...... _...m._ __...._._._._..._.__.........._..__._ Ol � = o J } O u -� N vl C1 .. . _......._.�.__. _ .... V U + O S� co + O Y O + o a W O O N z m '"-' Q' o 'D o U7 7 }O V) W f in Concrete Slats --- • End Concrete & Begin Elevated Slats 3' Above Marsh Substrate Top Elev. 5.00 At Coastal Wetlands _ Concrete Ramp Grade 7.0% — NHW 1.2' Ex. Gradez� 0+00 ' Not To Scale I 4'x8'x4" 6000 PSI Conc. Slats, Marine Grade W/ Rebar (2) 5/8"x18" Galv. Timber Head Thru i Marine Grade Pile5-8' O.C. "x10" Girders 4'x8'x4" 6000 PSI 5' Conc. Slats, Marine 5/8"x18" Galv. Timber Bolt i Grade W/Rebar 3/8"x8" Galv. Lag Bolt a. 6"x6" 5.T. Ground Contact 2"x6" S.T. Sill —i (2) 5/8".x18"` I Galv. Timber ; Head Thru 3' Min. I I 2.5 Marine Grade I I 8" Pile5-8' O.C. I • (8' to 10' Pile Penetration) I Coastal Wetland 5ubsh•ate Section View Not To Scale Access Dock Detail Not to scale 0+50 3,000 psi Concrete - a with Steel 8" Reinforcement , < a. 3 a G c, at `1 y 6 Min, ABC Stone Concrete Ramp Detail Not to scale 13" 13" ECORASTER E40 - -meable Paving System, Or Approved Equal #78 Stone -I >ide 1.6" Grid 8" Min. #57 Stone :s i Non -woven --/ Geotextile Fabric 1+00 Water Access Ramp Profile View Scale: 1" =10' 0 10 20 30 RWKI FEET 12" Compacted 5ubgrade 2 % Slope Max. 3,000 psi Concrete Ribbon Curb Permeable Surface Detail Not to scale COGO: 18181GR.crd Filename: PeletierSkores-Gen.dwg Drawn By: JJS Job No.: S180427-6777 q>� `. t st z a>> °j1t° n l�rttia�i CAMA Permitting Plan PELETIER SHORES Town of Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina 15 10 5 0 -5 1+50 Owner: " Peletier Shores HOA, Inc. 1 p p, 121 Garnet Lane ' JUL L � 3 Jacksonville, North Carolina 28546 (910) 346-9068 By __ DATE: 12/09/2021 SCALE: As Noted TIDEWATER ASSOCIATES, INC. Engineers - Surveyors - Planners Cedar Point, North Carolina 604E Cedar Point Blvd. Phone (252) 393-6101 - wvvw.TidewaterENC.com Est.1961 N.G. Firm License Number: F-0108 Sheet 16 of 17 wev woad Nest �°� ��p6 ij -- r r Occasions of NC, u.G bi, Pg. 301 Tract I I Tract Two (G) M.B. 32, Pg. 446 PIN. #537603319840000 /... iI Lo Roe T. Wiggins 13A 653, Pg. 77 P.M. 453750138541M 110 La Rae T. Wiggins U.B. 653, Pg. 77 P.I.N. #53750138541M Overall Plan Scale: l" = 400' EXISTING ROAD - Qpej Space #1 �S Boat Storage Site 1 ar Q O \\ R/W \ l l � )- R/W CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE PROFILE I IT MIN. ' (SEE NOTE) PLAN VIEW 50' MIN, LENGTH Construction Specificaflons 1. Aggregate size - Use 2-3 inch washed stone 2. Length -- As effective, but not less than 50 feet. 3. Thickness - Not less than six (6) inches, 4. Width - Not less than full width of all points of ingress or egress. Minimum of 12'. 5. Install filter fabric under entire footprint of the construction entrance. 6. Washing - When necessary, wheels shall be cleaned to remove sediment prior to entrance onto public right-of- way. When washing is required, it shall be done on an area stabilized with crushed stone which drains into an approved sediment trap or sediment basin. All sediment shall 'be prevented from entering any storm drain, ditch, or watercourse through use of sandbags, gravel, boards or other approved methods. 7. Maintenance - The entrance shall be maintained in a condition which will prevent tracking or flowing of sediment onto public rights -of -way. This may require periodic top dressing with additional stone as conditions demand and repair and/or cleanout of any measures used to trap sediment. All sediment, spilled, dropped. washed or tracked onto public rights -of -way must be removed Temporary Stabilized Construction Entrance Not to scale Contractor shall insure that he and all his workers (contractors, subcontractors and other site personnel) do not damage construction stakes or other measures used in laying out the project whether by the Engineer or another entity including those under the employ of the contractor. Contractor shall cause his workers to observe and verify to the fullest extent practicable that stakes, other measures and grades are, or appear to be, accurate and correct, and immediately, but prior to any associated work, notify the staking entity of any potential conflict, error or question regarding the work, The Engineer shall not be responsible if all of the above measures are not strictly adhered to. The Engineer shall not be responsible where due to damage, his staking can not be verified. For critical or costly components of the work, where the contractor believes that staking may not be preserved, the contractor shall request the staking entity to place staking in an area where its preservation can be insured. Legend: CIL - Centerline D.B. - Deed Book eop - Edge of Asphalt Pavement eor - Edge of Rock Pavement 0 epb - Existing Telephone Pedestal O epp - Existing Power Pole ex. - Existing L.F. - Linear Feet M.B. - Map Book MEG - Match Existing Grade Pg. - Page R/W - Right-of-woy RCP - Reinforced Concrete Pipe X 30,48 -Existing Spot Elevation cs cs - Existing Compost Sock - - - --- -03- -- -- - - - Existing Contour • • • • - Existing Swale ohpl -Overhead Powerline X X - Security Fence Geotex Existing Subgr•ade _/ Boat Store Area Detail Not to scale Tract Data: Total Acreage ............ 1.02 Acres Limits of Disturbance .... 1.02 Acres Number of Lots Existing .. 1 Zone ..................... R-20 Existing Use (s) ......... Vacant Proposed Use ............. Residential Amenity (Boat Storage) Wager Service ............ West Carteret Water Corp. Sewer Service ............ n/A PIN 537603426264000 Deed Ref.: B.B. 1634, Pg. 368 M.B. 33, Pg. 964 40 L.F. 18" RCPP t' Grade Inv, 28.25 Optional Stabilized Maintain existing Limits of #57 Stone Sign N a Construction Remove existing n compost sack At Fence Location Entrance rock entrance Security Fence y � est F1retower 1tOaC� At Boundary °~p ex, eo MEG (Typ•) 2' Off of C S R 3p3$ MEG �A Property Line �6 60, Public R/W 30.48 epb ® o •' " 20 - - - . _ - � - 2 �5 29,74 r -- .. �9- w � Clean Out ex. ditch For - __29- - - - ex, rock Connectivity Between Culverts cs , - entrance ;w X X X-- •ex. ftat�rade ditch ~, IN 30.75 X X---::�-' i -- -.----29- -- 4SaPecOvertinv,out28.30) ... �__ v x 1 1 + O 29.z! : X.. X --- X - ,-.._.- - _. .. X _ ' •.. Pro osed Fence X X -- ohpi - -. oh i rn X . a • ' <'p ' ' h 129.18 1 P oh' f anPl . _ ohpi X .. {q .�q� ohpl ohpi I 30.75 1 ' hPi ah I I 1 1 P -�� oho( "' , o� ' •' • Key Pad pi . , ' ahpl ohpi oh f epb i ! x : 42'from r lo, ��4 p epP"- ohpi -__ __ ohpi ohpi an i L, •I � P ohpi I ( J x• y 3� x" Securi Fence - 1 Ex. EOP j I 1 y At Property Line 2 Parkin !! T g .• 12' 1 x 29.48 k I X29:52' • Spaces : • 2 Parking I 1 End Entrance Paving •' Proposed Spaces I' End Security Fence X x 6" ABC Stone Security Gate I , } I At Mid -Point Of I I I ! 1.5" 59.5C Asphalt : ' Zg23... I I I Berm Slo e 31 5 P Limits of #57 Stone I ! I Limits of #57 Stone X29.4s . At Fence (.x2963 1 i { At Easement I ! #57 Stone rygh� �3.3i1 rg29.57 1 Boat torage Area ,...: � •. I.x•29 I I 32,670 Sq. Ft. 1 ! J I I v ! I I ex. rack-: CL 35' (TYP) area ic2s.3o I: 1 �1 I j I I Y V. ; 35' T- YP') : �' - ---- -- f Security Fence ! ! `-;_ N v iz9,39 ' x29,54 T I I 1' Off Ex. Ditch _ • I' . ) I Top of Bank i �ti •.' Q tea. IXz9.33 tj 3I751 I Repair Break J yq 93.5' i J ! ) ! aaI In Berm N i f N / 35J3�\;a `t X X 31.58 a x Maintain existing I I Limits of #57 Stone I. - xz9.7a compost sock i I At Fence I• 29.5829.02x 3406 Flat Grade Entire 29.74 At Boundary I i #57 Stone Surface 3a.z6>�x .5z v I r f 1 At Elev. 30.75 I : • f � X 29.40 j I ! J r I I ( 1 9.63 I ! f 2 u I CL Occasions of NC, LLC 0.8.1621, Pg. 301 I ! �, Q,� tiq� I Tract Two (G) I 1 Qc % 29.4 M.B. 32, Pg. 446 I I in v m I •.. '. �(�� - .• ,''-'L �Q .. -• I I 1 I ! m.30cnu`1i 6 Parking Spaces'.rx 94' 7.97b. 201 115'Ibi I • r X ! (TYP Y. ' • . ' M I I { i x 3p,691 f x 29.51 II ... T 1 I 30.75 Limits of #57 Stone ` -l-- j- - _.. _.. . - - _ _ . . At Easement :.. I. ! j T '� I End Security Fence I ( �� ; .. - 30.75 I 1 i 1 1 I 129.67 At Toe Of :I x �o:':' -- +�o-----1----- ---- - ---_ ----- - J �.za / X317 t Berm Slope 1 1 -- - - _ - _ - f I Repair Break -- - _JM I 1 al In Berm ^x' = 33.87x - x3?„79 ?gj0 %294 I -33 - .7 X�� 29.87 327 X 30.24 / r 32.6 x33 / / / / f i -^ 3I ._ •� '32- ,5% 29.83 40' Drainage, Landscape, & � / // �,�3�f..,- .- „•_, •.�o.5z x - - - - -- - x 30,37 - Off -Site Septic Supply i I ! ! i X 30.31 _ - - - - - - _ _ 30,19 x ! Line Easement 1 i !! J 1 J j j x 3o.Iz 35' Drainage, Landscape, d, I I Off -Site Septic supply 1 tX1aa.2� 1 I J Line Easement cvi �ofOl �,r I i ix30.71 86 General Notes: 1, Topographic data information created from survey by Tidewater Associaters, Inc, on July 2021, NAVD '88 Datum. 2. Boundary information taken from survey by Bell And Phillips dated 02/08/19. 3, Stormwater from this project drains to Mullet Gut and Starkey Creek which are classified as 5A;HQW and are part of the White Oak River Basin. 4. Development area is vacant and partially developed. 6. There are no Areas of Environmental Concern (AEC) as defined by the Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) on this site. 7. This site is not affected by special flood hazard areas per FEMA CPN # 370658 5366 K and 370658 5375 K (Town of Peletier) effective 07/16/03. 8. This site is Open Space #1 and part of the Peletier Shores Subdivision. See recorded plats and construction plans for additional information. Erosion and Sedimentation Control Notes: 1. Clearing or grading operations shall begin at low points of outfall release or other locations where sediment control measures are shown on the plan and the sediment control devices (sediment traps, silt fences, diversions, stormwater treatment areas, etc, shall be installed before or -simultaneously with the disturbance of any area draining to the device, 2. Sediment control devices and structures shall be installed, maintained and amended as needed to provide effective control of accelerated erosion and sedimentation until the contributing watersheds are stabilized. 3. Construction Sequence: A. Notify Engineer, owner and Land Quality Section prior to beginning construction. B. Install stabilized construction entrance at point of access. C. Clear A grub entire area within the clearing limits as shown. Maintain existing compost sock as neccessary. D. Rough grade boat storage area to Elev. 30.75. E. Immediately seed, mulch and Install temporary liners to ditches as needed.. F, Maintain erosion control measures as needed to assure full functionability. G. Fine grade drive. Install f ilter fabric and #57 stone for boat storage area, H. Provide ground stabilization (Temporary or Permanent) on perimeter areas and slopes greater than 3:1 within 7 days following the completion of any phase of grading or construction: and 14 days for all other areas internal to the project. 4. Seeding Specifications: Apply lime and fertilizer and work into 4 - 6 Inches of sail. Seed mixture shall be distributed uniformly and covered with a clean straw mulch. All mulch shall be crimped or asphalt tacked to hold in place. Material and application rates as follows, and are generally considered minimums. *Mulch rate to be doubled is crimped*: Material Application Rate Lime 3000 lbs./ac. Fertilizer (10-10-10) 750 lbs./ac. Mulch 2 tons/ac. Asphalt Tack 435 gal./ac.(Max) Permanent Seeding Common Bermuda (Unhulled Sept. 1 - April 1) 100 lbs./ac. (Hulled April 1 - Sept. 1) 75 lbs./ac. "Rebel" Fescue 50 lbs./ac. Rye Grain (Sept. 1 - April 1 only) 50 lbs./ac. German Millet (April 1 - Sept. 1 only) 50 lbs./ac. Temporary Seeding Dec. 1 - April 15 Robe Lespedeza 50 lbs./ac. Rye Grain 120 lbs./ac. April 15 - Aug. 15 German Millet 40 lbs./ac. Aug. 15 -- Dec. 30 Rye Grain 120 lbs./ac. 5.Once all areas have been stabilized, contractor is to remove temporary erosion control measures, regrade, & mulch to restabilize these areas. 6. For additional requirements, see the approved erosion control permit. `%jJ%1$J3tJ,,,I •Q r SEAL ze •� 37928 I�� •� ��'•,'9j NGLN��¢ •Q�,`� q o Boat Storage Site Plan PELETiER SHORES Open Space #1 Town of Peletier, Carteret County, North Carolina Developer: F �..- B & M Developers, LLC JUL 2 121 Garnet Lane 5 2023 Jacksonvillet North Carolina 28546 (910) 346.9068 flY: r 11 . BELL AND PHILLIPS Consulting Engineers - Land Surveyors - Land Planners Cedar Point, North Carolina 604E Cedar Point Boulevard ALI Phone (252) 393-6101- www.BellandPhillips.com Firm License Number: F-0108 Rev. 09/28/21 JMP - Moved Fence to 50' and key pad to 42' from edge of white line on SPI106 LOGO: 18281GR.erd Filanama: PolotiarShoras-Gon.dwg Drawn By: JJS Job No.: S180427-6777 Sheet 17 of 17