HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04187_Well Construction - GW1_20240717 ' For Internal Use Only, WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW-1) 1,Well Contractor Informatio1. s acy'//e 11-40- el— ITR•M Q� j:CRJPTIQN WellComreotorName ft, rL `7 --4-5 A ft, ft, R` ' o�q�i�6�L�ItlA'Y1fi�C11�l NC ell Contreotor Certification Number a4 •t° 'l (e�..' `7_i'3`_h° Er y ')•S"'t)Iti '' IIIIIIIIIMI FRO Q' DI/ ETE• THICKNESS MATERIAL AL �{✓L l� fI/ �II �� • 0 �{��' H. C fLila�J In, jOR�j I CompenyNe /_ / -�� ))ft ) uFROM To (� i .:).{{:{., n KN8K8 !ATERI L 2,Well Construction Permit#s 4f� --9, !& ft. It, In, List all applicable well construction permlis Q.e.WC, aunty,State,Variance,etc.) It, ft In. 3.Well Use(check well use); :.. ,'(l11at,'1Lf i l�tL'::t6• I MATERIAL Water Supply Well: •1 s u o D L,,)h' I, a 0 s is Iris �MuniolpaVPubllo rt. ft, in, Agriouhurai In, oolin Supply) Residential Water Supply(single) ft, ft, MI Ocothermel(Heating/C B PP Y) � ,t n'r;,',;;p>i.:'`'! �-. '. lndustrial/Commerclai DResidential Water Supply(shared) c o'I'f ,•'•''.iv:,., `s�'"'r(,I�0#''"�`'. "'- "''' :,,,," FROM TO be EMP ACEMENTM'TMOD Si AMOUNT Irrigation D it' ;LO It' be egg )2. I. .S .D cif e Non-Water Supply Well: ft, tt, MonitoringQReoovory — Injection Went It, It. IINIIIIIINIIINII Aquifer Reoharge DOroundwater Romediatlon 9. L�aT r e7r 11LJ EMPLACEMENT ETItOP MMINISMOMMIll Salim Barrier ••0 o M T'Rf L Aquifer Storage and R000vory � ty fL ft, ��`; v-�IStormwater Drainage Aquifer Test fL ft, — !.• • OSubsidenoe Control ININIINIIIII Geothermal (Closedl o Loop)ogy w•,ti' ,aT i a_,o s `IliY7; It12111 fPdl'�"rf.6[o�16;�1f � Geothermal �Traoor � 3 � � � , PROM TO DESCRIPTION color hardnsn toll/rock •s •rslnflu elt: Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Retuurn) Other(explain under#21 Remarks) , tL �q fL Ct Y Saj , Z.— o 4,Date Well(s)Corhpleted: 5 J [ rc 7 • Well ID# • g p ft. d ft. Iffiffillalligfaffallill 5a,Well Location; r ft. ft, I 140Il'1%'�Id ��, Pr cries - 0A ft. ft.��b,J ft. L c024 Facility/OwnerNeme. I/ I / /l 11 • Fealty IDN(if eppl ebls) ft,• / Physical Address,City,end Zip y T,e It, t4Da 11 ,:.,,, d', .,..G,; `:'`�+ County Parcel IdontifloetionNo,(PIN) _-.c 5b,Latitude and longitude In degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 2Z,Corti cation: (If well held,ono let/long IIsufliolont) • 35.6zq5o N 81.9 96'YI W 4r______i__ .� �� 3lgneturaof.GartitledWollConl oar Bat, 6,Is(are)the well(s)�Permaneot dr Temporary By n t urng this form,I hereby aer!(ly that the well(s)was(were)constructed In accordance with/i,i NC,1C O:'C.OIOO a;':SA NC.9C 0:C.0200 Well Canstl'UCilOn Standards and that a 7.Is this ep repair outto a n existing well; r,,I: r lOo �N lain the nature of the copy of Orls record has been provided to the well owner. Ulhfs Is a re air,Jill known well co strueiion ht/brmatfan and explain 23,Site diagram or addttlanal well details: ' repair under till relnarkgseciton or on the back gfUds form. use the back o;'ttrle page to provide additional well alto details or wet l NUMBER of wellsa oo You maylon rho b, You may pag attach additional pages If neces construction,For Geo onl l O or is n ed�d. Il dloa a TO A Welts hBEng the eema drIlie only I OW l is Hooded, I}tdlaate TOTAL NUMcrIBMI�TTAL INSTRU�IQI�$ drilled: 9,Total well depth below land tint Iacot 1 0 (tt•) 24a, For All Wellet Submit this form within 30 days of completion of well For multiple wells list all depths(dl terent(example.3i 200'and 2®100) construction Mowing: (� (It,) Divldlon of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, ([wa ter level is above caJingo er tic water level b top of casing: 1617 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699.1617 ,uss e"+" (In.) 24b. let on Wel(it In addition to sending the form to the address in 24e ]1,Borehole diametort / For Inabove,also submit ono copy of this form wIthln 30 days of completion of well 12.Well construction method: Q r. . construction to the following: (Lc,auger,rotary,oeblo,direct push,(Ito.) Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, 1636 Mall Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: t XInl °ntglig I In addltlon to eending the form I:Method of toed Q/ 24c,ForFor Water 4ur> 'the addresses) above, also submit ono copy of this form within 30 days o 13a.Yield(gam) completion of wall oor,stnlodon to the county health department of the count C p r/ Amounts � whore constructed: 13b,Disinfection typal Rovlsod 2.22.20I North Carolina Department of Bnvironmentet Quality•Division of Water Resources Forst OWI