HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242173_Site Plan or Location Map_20240718 SMI FIE D 'o oqi? o DATE: PAGE: 'dx SODDING is MAINTENANCE OF EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES FOR LOT CONSTRUCTION GROUND STABILIZATION Gravel Construction Entrance-The gravel pad should remain in a condition to prevent mud or sediment from leaving the construction site.This may require periodic topdressing "'`O"' D / with 2-inch stone.After each rainfall,inspect an structure used to trap sediment and clean it out as necessary. Immediately II objectionable materials s lietl,washed,or p any p ry. yremovea j pi SITE AREA STABILIZATION - PATTERN BUTT THE STRIPS '''• TIGHTLY AGAINST EACH OTHER.gg tracked onto publicroadwa a. EXCEPTIONS DO NOT LEAVE SPACES AND DO ,� too,. "° S Silt Fence-Sedreiment fences should be ins acted dal least once aweak and offer each rainfall event An mould be made Immediatel Dama gee ordecom d DESCRIPTION TIME FRAME �� 4 �y44:::,;•741: p eceda d y. g pose �� TOOL FOR TUCKING DOWN THE EN. /FG �Opq, fabric shoultlh beck aced promptly.Any sediment toragets that buildup againstthe fence shouldberemoved and den.Tatl of properly to insure that the removed sediment PERIMETER DIKES, 7 DAYS NONE INCORRECT ENDS PNDTRIMMING PIECES all `g� Roq° 3rice not wash back against the fence.Adequate storage volume should be provided for behind the fence al fall times.Take care to not undermine the fence during cleanoutSWALES DITCHESm� se uATclteD connecnv00a --S' `RFsoperas ons au & SLOPES c°RRE°T 3� ySoy tlng The sotl shoultl be properly ma rite netl ton re that the grass take hOltls n the areas be rig secured The sod shouts be watered as necessary to ma rite n adequate \\G� / �M„w preven yD n pose gro HIGH QUALITY7 DAYSNONE - >o store n the root zone antl t dortnanc f the sotl The sotl shoultl not be mowetl to Gose s ce tlT s could rah bit aria [ cosh antl stab I zat on of the root betl.The J� '/sotl shoultl be&netl antl fertil zed as per Sol dot ons antl f ecommentlat ons when WATER ZONE$ Q I I type recommendations type o grass r and f possible. i _ '''',0,,,,,,,.,. (HOW) �1•I"I"I"I"I13S1`,� O Gassing and Mulching-The area to receive grassing and mulching should be properly f rl[zed and fined as necessary as an'initial step in soilpreparation. Once the grassing 1 �� S- o' are SLOPES STEEPER 7 DAYS IF SLOPES ARE its � � ,.c . p year perm permanent grass, temporary grassingSerly Any bare areas should be repaired,and reseeded as pemianenpossible. THAN 3:1 10' OR LESS N d � I ��y-�-d--•-•-• -��i ���5 S � has been laced the area should be maintained as needed to insure that all areasas If the time of does not T the establishment of a t then a tamshould be used until the k the use of a t NeusewvFx SITE gals LENGTH AND ARE fl (I„NMI -,;.- 3j: en� Geneal All measures wll be inspected and corrections made afw runoff producing rainfalls.or at least once per week minimum.The bolder will insure that the construction activities NOT STEEPER IMMEDIATELY s M�^. •-`� i i i gai YYY Ts.O R any particular lot do not adversely affect any of the Installed erosion control measures It lot construction detetesm will be relocated on the lotton re that the potential for THAN 2:1, 14 CONTACT WITH THE SOIL - •'•`.a'�r sa^- TO ACHIEVE FIRM 0E0.AS ?4 oqo sedimentationff' I' ated as much asp 'bl Sit! es and gravel construction entrances will be maintained as suggested in the erosion control manual Sodding,seeding DAYS ARE L coons scale We Mowers HIGH THE s / VICINITY MAP and mulching will maintained o insure ground stabilizing NEEDED �' �-g a , (NOT TO SCALE) 9Props g 9cover ALLOWED APPEARANCE OF GOOD SOD or Wattles-Wattles shall be inspected after significant rainfall events.Rills or du ll s upslope of the wattle and any undercutting is to be repaired.Sediment deposits that impair the filtration SLOPES 3:1 OR 14 DAYS 7 DAYS FOR -\ capability of the wattle shall be removed when the sediment reaches one-third of the wattles functional freeboard height.Removed sediment shall be deposited within the protect in Socha FLATTER SLOPES GREATER I II 1 I'1 Construction: Maintenance: way that the sediment is not subject to erosion by wind or water. )' ', till SHOOTS-OR GRASS BIADES nv SS 1.Clear the entrance and exit area of all vegetation,roots,and other objectionable 1.Per NCG-01 inspect at least once a week and after each l inch or THAN 50' IN U illI material and properly grade it greater rainfall;make any required repays immediately. Reinforced Silt Fence Outlet-Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide adequate storage volume for the next rain to reduce pressure on the fence/outlet.Take care I II IIII I to avoid undermining the fence during cleanout Remove and replace stone as necessary as it becomes clogged with sediment Remove all fencing materials and unstable LENGTH I,�IGt di III V�Ji ' THATCH-GRASS CLIPPINGS ND DEAD 2.Place the gravel to the specific grade and dimensions shown on the plans and 2.Maintain the gravel pad in a condition to prevent mud or sediment sediment deposits and bring the area to grade and stabilize it after the contributing drainage area has been property stabilized. ALL OTHER AREAS 14 DAYS NONE(EXCEPT smoomc from leaving the construction site This may require periodic WITH SLOPES FOR PERIMETERS " 3.Provde dranage to carry water to a sediment or other suitable outlet topdressing with 2 inch stone _, �: WITH DENSE ROOT MAT FOR 4.Use geotextle fables In order to Improve stability of the foundation In locations 3.Immediately remove all objectionable materials spilled,washed or FLATTER THAN 4,1 AND HOW ZONES) - STRENGTH. subject to seepage or high water table. tacked onto public roadways. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT �` \r .,..,......\:::, \ I� — Ali — /� - ________ / .......\ - - _ • N ^ DATE: PAGE: • DATE: wire Fence Filter Fabric PAGE: \ �_ //// \ ^� ______ ___ ______ -\ - - - - -� - - - - - - t f eMax..eaaara strength tetras wmwire repro PI. oe I NA \\ // _ '•A•' "B" "C'• •'D•• •E" "F" ••G" "H• M CI areelP Wire Fence Wire v Backf ill trench �—- - - - - - - - - - - \ �'� -WI ad BMax.Sera a e^a welwinwire Teri ,% moorughlygct �\ _ -- . . . . . .. �_ �l2 ll ll 91 1 Steel Post I Uplape � / - - - - - - - - - - - - ¶ ai I7 P psis or 2' \� / '�%'�g-' REMMNDER OF - I 1f H0U5 R U�✓< .HWSE G HOU SEA � curates t - - . . WETLANDS" " " " " " II 1 / \ `-- �� �/ LUNDISTURBEDN LU. �Q .rr .ROA YJ� tt0• AY RO NAY.I� O� IJ IL.'cl a L- R •..J t,Jt• AY �HOA•..r 1 fin Sep BNe Vents .. in. / �� ` �� �� �/�. -. /. . . . 0 `CUR LEDGE of CURB �RnADWAY UA AY AY n ` / ♦/ N°s\\ Notes. ,. 'f. O CURB 1.If needed.Tree Protection fencing should be Installed along the buffer zone,wetlantl RA Construction 1 Filter Fabric 1 - -- �� gyp. LEGEND boundary anamramuna protected trees, radiusprow^ga or aneaatl zs teat for each Cons...the sediment barter of standard strength or extra Strength synthetic filter kbncs. CROSS SECTION VIEW OURE 'netallfSllF unk dame[,„ z Enure Mal the height of the setliment fence does rim exceed 26 riches above the ground.(H ghat Maces warn r ""'1S1M Fence on ea. Install Silt Fence outlets shown On may imp,.voumes of water surdent to Cause failure of the structure). yjET�q,: J�' J �• � ��, s m e N 2 schematcAd'agram antl field elevation dsif necessary lot placement at law pants If lots are 3.Conslmot Me finer fabric from a conti..r w.theong.of aw baser to joints are - REINFORCED.�- ID�� 2 SILT contiguous andhave different land owners or builders,each lot should have individual Silt necessary,securely fasten me finer solo only atasupport poctwm4fenniM1mumweaaprome nee post. �� _sLTFENc .: '% ° �" 8�.. I Fences 4 support standard strength finer fabac by wire mesh fastened securely to the upsopesde of Me posts Extend Mentenence: OUT[ .o / C An mE _ F,T '"' ^APE _s • ,, sLT me: ? LEI Iw' �,:.1 SILT FENCE OUTLET ® 3.Install required Silt Fence within l0 feet of property line to ensure there is no conflict with the wire Inspect sediment fenoes at least once a week a.after each 1 • • • • • • • r • • side of the lance poet wreorpactcap tees ahouaheveamnmum so pound tens estrengtn p p 1 rkhor greater rainfall Make an required repairs immediately. / - - - - - - - 4:'WATTI-rUr SITFENt`E '- W.'''. I :��� SLTLET ``� • \ ENTRANCE septic system.It sihe respond blryof the builder to ensure the installation of sediment 5.When awree mesh support fence is uses space posts a maximum a 3 feet apes.SupportsShoort to Me bottom of the.nch.Fasten the wire reinforcement,then fabric on uE be advert tears w —/ "' '/ /=" nrnE�i IS, x '3 CURB INLET � control measures does not impact the septic system and repair stea(s) securely 24 inch. or become Ineffective, ittprompgy. n` °ci ,• �� -�- s�� 4.At least one Construction Entrance/Exit i s to be installed per lot a Extra strength filter fano with 6 foot does. Securely /,, 77 /A- LAANc I(., 5.Waste bins and other areas dedicated for managing building material waste shall be at filterdirectly to posce the ground a minimum lwreor piactcaptles shwa have amnmum off50 pound tense e . . . . . . �wAs T SILT q.--„/- tt11'�a J -:\ T 1 least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets or drainage ditches unless i can beshown that fasten the ofence are to avow underm fie fences e - '4' N �P'I % +'�•.` 11Y (rcPICE y� no alternative exists.If this se station cannot be achieved,these areas must be 7 Excava.the trench eteanaaN I ,TD MAIN E E'G (I��� I �� p upsiope from me ba,napproximately riches wise and inches p g proposed line posts Remove all fencingmateaesand unstable sediment ae dts I u-BED ° LMTs " O. n� kY. C " contend behind Silt Fence of fabnc the bo.m and side of A ace am me m sea the cet end bang the area to grade and slob"zeaenerthe ceMneueng l / GAUGE CONSL CCC ASH I ❑ LMrs 6.Inlels downstream ofd disturbances should be protected streets should be swept when ma pared over the finer fabac the compact.Thorough compaction of me balm,s drainage area has properly bmzee. 1 \N .N / Its �t sediment from the construction activity is present. Backn8 Place lmetrench cosh '' ^ �•-' 6 ouT�l TRucTo .,\NC-Environmental.jpeg T.Details for Silt Fence,Sik Fence Outlets,Construction Entrances end other measures are t0.50nOre technter hens to east'^g trees. \ \\ ••yi ceonelrur °Nrv� 1\ provided on additional sheets.Erosion and sediment control details are not drawn to scale. l 120 TYPICAL LOT LAYOUT WITH CURB AND GUTTER \NC Envr mental)peg 2 ENTRANCE co ,I rN ENTRANCE 11\ F� F main. SILT FENCE 1 ��,� ,' E 5"Mra CCow,AUG 1l •J DONaTRD r N ry'- IT BOX 8 / wpsqg R NCF Trescott Street G NRNCE ,A 'k° 1 \_O2- RS l^ • CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULEIF _ iefrage(COC)must be "RE3133/ �9T�� / E cupnaGE: bb thIts tartd �/ E .. Hour O' CA 32 Finish a gm mg any necessary areas on e o as they are started. r A r4 ; � E o 43(FENCE o a Begin lot grading and excavation activities V D\ PILE r-'RITAPaE -_� Ar�g 1 5 Begin Or continue with house conslrctron activities. \ Z rJ 'G / 6 Finish all rough grading and house construction All areas not disturbed for 7 days needs to have temporary or permanent groundcover + IIIIIIII IIIIIIII 1111111111 �aiLr / / // N ` 15 k WATTLE ' " �\A T E GPDG `� NgAeq 30 E All)rSt I LM B \ nulled. .,y / T W J ` ]Install driveways walks and patios. • / poy/N-e,^p Tir co\ucT ON \ coNMl}irgTo ill\\\ &Begin fine gmdmg of lo[areas //"`"/ LE \ 76 �\ �r-� wArrLF \ 9 Final glossing,mulching and stabilizing of lot In most cases this will involve the mstallahon of sod on the lot The silt fence will remain in / / a. SPv j� As .1 I place until the lot is sodded or grassing is stabilized and takes hold THE wgsHED sr . f / / \ �\ 11 ]0 The contmemr shall conduct self mspeMions ofdie erosion and sedimentation control measures and complete the follovnng ...5I O'l�/ vcohtsvc°N� �f A E• WATTLE 29 I combined self-inspection forth£ d ih DEMLR website sv p.ICE SG (rva.jCE hops/rwww.deg.nc gov/aboutA ivis / gy I and land resourcesrstorriwatcr/smrtwater programinpdes construction program MUST BE (/ // STEEL FENCE P I I / s r 'S.C. er .a"FEp g R Twelve months of complete inspection forms shall be kept on site aid available for inspection at all times It is recommended a WIRE FENCE / \ 1 •utLE HOU / / copy be kept m a permits box.R f G.O 113A 541 through G S 113A 57 Sections 15A NCAC 04A OIOI through ISA HARDWARE CLOTHFRONT VIEW / I I,� ,'" sTRu 4� NCAC 04E0504 General Permit NCG 010000 NPDES far Constrocaon Activraes \\ ` AseouT 19 \ Co"sraucr o"...4.411 `C .N 23 2-� T �' A vv, r �O„ 11 Self inspections for erosion and sedimentation control measures are to be performed at least once every seven calendar days and AND IN TRENCH �� RAIN gAuci omits �- ENTRANCE within 24 hours of every loin even[of greater than 1 inch.Any needed repairs shall be made immediately to maintain measures as • FILTER FABRIC, W ALTER OF cost STEEL FENCE AND HARDWARE TRENE R \ \ E „ pea •,� e N /\ N u /� designed.All ESC measures shall be mmntamed as specified in the construction details on this plan Aram gauge shall be installed Nsraucro ENTRANCE WASHED STONE v POST SET MAX ,,,.- RM u g / 1 at theproject site for monitoring.A NTo soL D caoulgo� —_ I \ L M - \ / No \ / \ Otto P� / 12 Inspecdon and final acceptance letters.When the protect is completq the cpocto[ccs shall contact DEMLR to close out[he E&SC \ zAPARTMNi ION ° i �y"a' 3 F LTER FnaR c I.NOTES: J .a^ i REINFORCED �' E 22 / / RETE ^qi, on°Roo"D 1 Hardware cloth end gavel should overlay the silt fence at least 12 Soulii ` RA N GAUGE / \ H L7 Plan After DEMLR informs the permittee of the protect close vol.viainspection report,the pemtinee shall visit 88 nches. \ o"� •p'PERM •x s \ WATTLe •C WASHp UT \ / 27 I, "deg.nc.gov/NCGOI"to submit an electronic Notice of termination(e-NOT)A$100 annual general permit fee will be charged �'�° Y 2 Stone outlets should be placed en low elevation areas of silt fence �� \ ENTRANc RA N°A'° V" .t \ C br OgT°" •/ ceAl the a NOT has been filled out.• \ oxs stir FENCE/ / D �RY and bases on rem conditions. / \ \ \ 21 Otto s I / 3; Rr MAINTENANCE: I L 0> eURrw RE FENCE AN 6•oF UPPER EDGE I F 1 Per NCG-01,Inspect outlet at lest once a week and after each 1 Inch or P/ yQ HARDWARE CLOTH FILTER rAsnm N TRENCH greater rainfall evert Complete any required repairs immediately. / -- — / coNilmrs �N SILT FENCE ; iqk .�\ 2 Freshen stone when sediment accumulation exceeds 6 inches. w"// 3.KeepmeehtreeartlebrsroprDYaeadequatenOw 20 \ ,/ •° m„v / - � THIS PROJECT IS IN A PUBLIC SUPPLY SECTION VIEW 4.Remove sediment when halt of stone outlet s covered. O ,,,,,,,,\ Nc-E^virtu^ lo.meg ° 5 Replaceatane as needed ofacilitatede-watering. , / y? \ _-- WATERSHED(WS-V)AND ALL REQUIREMENTS SILT FENCE OUTLET REGARDING SENSITIVE AREA _ —_ — - // / i WATERSHEDS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED % DATE: PAGE: / / / PAGE 1 of 2 silt s /Wattle / / NO / �- 0 presto he Mn 3. i D -I Area to he 1. Other materials prowding equivaleN ea for TOTAL DISTURBED ACREAGE: 9.55 ACRES ell,r31L- aTi ""I..-� FLOW n_�11. w / LOTS EROSION CONTROL FOR 15 LOTS 'I 2- 2 tg Mn.II stokes to the d.red length such Mat logs do not 3. li deform tp 'A,---______ \ .// / LOTS 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, 18, 19, 21, 22, 25, & 28-30 Stokes SECTION SECTION ovam of. call beyondthe ieed os below / w N flat land areas should 9htly� / ; ; "� / / LUCAS BARK acco.on. �o sMe* off from going around the dot the PHASE 1 ,i iil 4. Oak or other durable hardwood Makes with a 2 W W inch x 2 inch or.s section should.dnven ee.eeev Plume through I...molt.silt Trench in • esinsowwameisplacaa°1nalmob A SELF-INSPECTION REPORT FOR LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY B E NJA M I N STOUT REAL Wood Mulch or coin st ground 4'Mlm e when AS REQUIRED BY NCGS 113A-54.1"IS AVAILABLE FOR USE.IT unrRENCHED ITo 1 NSTALLATION ION ht of ENTRENCHED INSTALLATION` sockshvattl.are used on log 5 imable°M^cew CAN BE COMPLETED BY HAND OR COMPLETED AS AN EXCEL re.,.�.,„,°„re a...Naar... SPREADSHEET THIS PROJECT IS IN A PUBLIC SUPPLY General Erosion Control Notes ESTATE SERVICES, INC. ISOMETRIC VIEW so▪ck/wattle to Ole place d g cnavents. AN ALTERNATIVE IS TO MAKE NOTATIONS ON THE COPY OF THE MAINTENANCE APPROVED EROSION AND WATERSHED(WS-V)AND ALL REQUIREMENTS 1. Only the areas shown shall be disturbed. x wino sow aArzs tea.1 inch or grea.r rainfall.Remove as a� SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN THAT IS KEPT ON THE PROJECTBOONE HILL TOWNSHIP JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.C. Compost SITE.RULE 15A NCAC O4B.0131 STATES THAT 2. All disturbed areas shall be grassed and Mulch or M ...DOCUMENTATION SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY INITIALING REGARDING SENSITIVE AREA mulched as Soon as possible and maintained SCALE: 1"= 120' REVISED 19 JUNE 2024 for uraencnea I.,I mcdea Design Diameter c°(2Mrs(isao ern)(ae0am)means) s(^nm s amaoac0 p aaa Ogg or AND DATING EACH MEASURE OR PRACTICE SHOWN ON A COPY until anent cover is established. �r°� "m^ ecomesexcess e."`° OF THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION CONTROL WATERSHEDS SHOULD BE FOLLOWED pe" GRAPHIC SCALE ii sbaetF worys P ilt Sock/"Le.ytx"'(ace (0e3Fmj(usrml i•c� iea0 if„ 5 �eato.re'acea siltve.Me txima PLAN OR BY COMPLETING,DATING AND SIGNING AN INSPECTION 120 0 60 120 240 480 Wattle loom el (saz al (soo m) maa REPORT THAT LISTS EACH MEASURE,PRACTICE OR DEVICE11 �p.avlir nc, °esucu of ab1o°ge°sura SHOWN ON THE APPROVED EROSION AND SEDIMENTATION ENGINEERS m II .vvana yT/n acc/ its/n ezm/n a/ �' disturbance'0klceste and the saabo.Me CONTROL PLAN." 'VI • "0 v,cc a its) „its) Iiarc me /wet.as,A,c,teysraelli d. PLANNERS11. ( rn FEET) SILT SOCK/WATTLE FOR PERIMETER AND INLET PROTECTION SURVEYORS MOORMAN, KI ZER & REITZEL, INC120 ft 115 BROADFOOT AVE. ------ E (910) 484-51 91 FAX (910) 484-0388 FA YETTEVILLE, N.C. PHONE MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. LICENSE #: F-olds LAST SAVED:6/19/2024 12:00 PM UST PLOTTED:6/19/2024 COB PM PLOTTED BC Dennis Gilbert FILENAME.G\CURRENT JOBS\BENJAMIN STOUT REAL ESTATE SERVICES INC\24-2510-OS LUCAS PARK-EC\PLANS\LUCASPARKEC-LOTS3,4.].