HomeMy WebLinkAboutFourthCkTurbidityTMDL-FinalReport Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) For Turbidity Final Report May 2004 Fourth Creek (Subbasin 03-07-06) Yadkin River Basin North Carolina Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 ii Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 iii INDEX OF TMDL SUBMITTAL 303(d) List Information State: North Carolina Counties: Iredell and Rowan Basin: Yadkin River Basin 303(D) LISTED WATERS Name of Stream Description Class Index # Subbasin Miles Fourth Creek From SR 2308 Iredell Co 1.5 mile upstream. C 12-108-20-(1)b 30706 9.5 14 digit HUC or Cataloging Unit(s) 3040102030010 and 3040102030020 Area of Impairment 9.5 miles WQS Violated Turbidity Pollutant of Concern Turbidity Applicable Water Quality Standards for Class C Waters: Turbidity not to exceed 50 NTU Sources of Impairment Nonpoint sources throughout watershed Public Notice Information A draft of the TMDL was publicly noticed through various means, including notification in a local newspaper, the Statesville Record and Landmark on February 24, 2004. The TMDL was also available from the Division of Water Quality’s website during the comment period at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/TMDL_list.htm. The public comment period began February 24 and was held for 30 days. A public meeting was held on March 26 at the Old City Hall Building, Council Chambers, 301 South Center Street, in Statesville, North Carolina. Did notification contain specific mention of TMDL proposal? Yes Were comments received from the public? No Was a responsiveness summary prepared? No Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 iv TMDL Information Critical conditions: Hydrologically high flow conditions during all seasons but particularly during late winter and early spring. Seasonality: TMDL is based on meeting the target standard during all seasons and is applied on an annual basis. Development tools: Load duration curves based on cumulative frequency distribution of flow conditions in the watershed. Allowable loads are average loads over the recurrence interval between the 95th and 10th percent flow exceeded (excludes extreme drought (>95th percentile) and floods (<10th percentile). Percent reductions expressed as the average value between existing loads (calculated using an equation to fit a curve through actual water quality violations) and the allowable load at each percent flow exceeded. Supporting documents: Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) For Turbidity in Fourth Creek, NC Division of Water Quality (2004) TMDL Allocations TSS Load (lbs/day) Existing 19,703 WLA - NC0031836 (4 MGD, 30 mg TSS/L limit) 1,001 WLA - NC0082821 (0.114 MGD, 30 mg TSS/L limit) 29 Sum of WLAs 1,030 LA – Urban 1,044 LA – Rural (Non-Urban) 8,445 Sum of LAs 9,489 MOS Explicit 10% TMDL 10,519 TMDL – Percent Reduction Required 47% WLA = wasteload allocation, LA = load allocation, MOS = margin of safety Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 v TABLE OF CONTENTS INDEX OF FIGURES.............................................................................................................................. VII INDEX OF TABLES................................................................................................................................ VII 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 WATERSHED DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................. 2 1.1.1 Land use/ Land cover.............................................................................................................. 3 1.1.2 Geology................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1.3 Soils ........................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM...................................................................................... 7 1.2.1 Chemical Monitoring.............................................................................................................. 7 1.2.2 Biological Monitoring............................................................................................................. 8 1.3 WATER QUALITY TARGET............................................................................................................... 9 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................................... 10 2.1 ASSESSMENT OF POINT SOURCES .................................................................................................. 10 2.1.1 NPDES-Regulated Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities .................. 10 2.1.2 NPDES General Permits ...................................................................................................... 11 2.2 ASSESSMENT OF NONPOINT AND STORMWATER SOURCES ............................................................ 11 2.2.1 Stormwater Discharges in the Fourth Creek Basin.............................................................. 12 2.2.2 Load Duration Curve............................................................................................................13 2.3 DATA SOURCES ............................................................................................................................. 15 3.0 TECHNICAL APPROACH ................................................................................................................ 16 3.1 TMDL ENDPOINTS........................................................................................................................ 16 3.2 LOAD DURATION CURVE............................................................................................................... 16 3.3 ASSIMILATIVE CAPACITY .............................................................................................................. 17 4.0 TMDL CALCULATION ..................................................................................................................... 18 4.1 TMDL ENDPOINTS........................................................................................................................ 19 4.2 CRITICAL CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................. 19 4.3 SEASONAL VARIATION .................................................................................................................. 19 4.4 MARGIN OF SAFETY ...................................................................................................................... 19 4.5 RESERVE CAPACITY ...................................................................................................................... 19 4.6 TMDL CALCULATION................................................................................................................... 20 4.7 WASTELOAD AND LOAD ALLOCATIONS ........................................................................................ 21 5.0 FOLLOW – UP MONITORING......................................................................................................... 23 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION.......................................................................................................................... 23 7.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION................................................................................................................ 26 8.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION........................................................................................................ 26 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................... 27 APPENDIX A. DWQ AMBIENT MONITORING AND DISCHARGER COALITION DATA........ 30 APPENDIX B. MONTHLY AVERAGE EFFLUENT TSS CONCENTRATIONS (MG/L) AT THE STATESVILLE WWTP (NC0031836) AND SOUTHERN STATES COOPERATIVE FACILITY (NC0082821) DURING YEARS 1998-2003.............................................................................................. 36 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 vi APPENDIX C. GENERAL PERMITEES LOCATED WITHIN THE FOURTH CREEK WATERSHED. ........................................................................................................................................... 37 APPENDIX D. METHODOLOGY FOR DEVELOPING THE LOAD DURATION CURVE .......... 39 APPENDIX E. LOAD REDUCTION ESTIMATES FOR TURBIDITY IN FOURTH CREEK....... 40 APPENDIX F. RELATIVE POLLUTANT CONTRIBUTIONS FROM THE USGS REPORT “RELATION OF LAND USE TO STREAMFLOW AND WATER QUALITY AT SELECTED SITES IN THE CITY OF CHARLOTTE AND MECKLENBURG COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, 1993-98” (USGS, 1999)............................................................................................................................... 42 APPENDIX G. AGRICULTURE SEDIMENT SURVEY/ACTION PLAN FOR FOURTH CREEK – IREDELL COUNTY CONDUCTED BY THE SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION DISTRICT, IREDELL COUNTY IN 1999.................................................................................................................... 43 APPENDIX H. PUBLIC NOTIFICATION OF PUBLIC REVIEW DRAFT OF FOURTH CREEK TURBIDITY TMDL................................................................................................................................... 50 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 vii INDEX OF FIGURES FIGURE 1. FOURTH CREEK WATERSHED AND SURROUNDING AREA. IMPAIRED STREAM LENGTHS ARE BASED ON THE IMPAIRED WATERS LIST (2002 INTEGRATED 305(B) AND 303(D) REPORT) AND MONITORING CONDUCTED SUBSEQUENT TO THE 2002 LISTING.......................... 3 FIGURE 2. LAND USE/ LAND COVER DISTRIBUTION WITHIN THE FOURTH CREEK WATERSHED....... 4 FIGURE 3. DETAILED LAND USE/ LAND COVER DISTRIBUTION WITHIN FOURTH CK WATERSHED... 4 FIGURE 4. FOURTH CREEK WATERSHED INCLUDING AREAS OF BENTHIC MACROINVERTEBRATE AND FISH MONITORING, AMBIENT CHEMICAL MONITORING, AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISCHARGES......................................................................................................................................... 8 FIGURE 5. LINEAR REGRESSION FOR TSS-TURBIDITY AT FOURTH CREEK AT SR 2308 NEAR ELMWOOD, NC (USGS STATION #02120780) USING DATA COLLECTED DURING YEARS 1997- 2003..................................................................................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 6. EXAMPLE LOAD DURATION CURVE....................................................................................... 14 FIGURE 7. FOURTH CREEK AT USGS STATION 02120780 (FOURTH CREEK AT SR 2308 NEAR ELMWOOD); FLOW DURATION AND TSS CONCENTRATION DURING YEARS 1997-2003........ 17 FIGURE 8. FOURTH CREEK AT USGS STATION 02120780 (FOURTH CREEK AT SR 2308 NEAR ELMWOOD); LOAD DURATION CURVE USING WATER QUALITY DATA FROM YEARS 1997- 2003..................................................................................................................................................... 18 FIGURE 9. FOURTH CREEK AT USGS STATION 02120780 (FOURTH CREEK AT SR 2308 NEAR ELMWOOD); LOAD DURATION CURVE WITH REGRESSION LINE USING WATER QUALITY FROM YEARS 1997-2003.............................................................................................................................. 21 INDEX OF TABLES TABLE 1 SURFACE RUNOFF AND THE HAZARD OF WATER EROSION CHARACTERISTICS ARE PRESENTED FOR PREDOMINANT SOIL SERIES (BOLDED) AND LESS DOMINANT SOILS SERIES (NON-BOLDED) IN THE FOURTH CREEK WATERSHED. LESS DOMINANT SOIL SERIES INCLUDE ONLY SERIES THAT DISPLAYED A HIGH HAZARD OF WATER EROSION CLASSIFICATION (USDA 1995; USDA, 1964)............................................................................................................................. 6 TABLE 2 “HAZARD OF WATER EROSION” CLASSIFICATIONS AS DEFINED BY THE NRCS................. 6 TABLE 3 BIOLOGICAL AND HABITAT RATINGS AT THE SIX MONITORING STATIONS IN THE FOURTH CREEK WATERSHED............................................................................................................................. 9 TABLE 4 CORRELATION COEFFICIENTS FOR TURBIDITY AT DWQ AMBIENT STATION # Q3735000. .............................................................................................................................................................. 13 TABLE 5 FLOW STATISTICS FOR USGS GAGE STATION #02120780 DURING YEARS 1979-2003... 16 TABLE 6 NUMBER OF VIOLATIONS TO THE 50 NTU STANDARD FOR EACH MONTH DURING THE 1997-2003 PERIOD............................................................................................................................. 19 TABLE 7 UNALLOCATED TMDL LOAD AND ASSOCIATED PERCENT REDUCTION ............................ 21 TABLE 8 RELATIVE POLLUTANT CONCENTRATIONS USING USGS (1999) STUDY AND FOURTH CREEK LANDUSE................................................................................................................................22 TABLE 9 FOURTH CREEK TMDL WASTELOAD AND LOAD ALLOCATIONS FOR TURBIDITY EXPRESSED AS LBS/DAY TSS............................................................................................................ 23 1.0 Introduction The 2002 North Carolina Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (also known as the Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) identified Fourth Creek in the Yadkin River Basin as impaired by elevated turbidity. Based on this report, the impaired segment (assessment unit 12-108-20-(1)b) includes a 9.5-mile segment located in subbasin 03-07- 06 between State Route 2308 in Iredell County downstream to 1.5 miles upstream of Rowan County State Road 1985 in Rowan County. Subsequent to the 2002 listing, additional monitoring has been conducted and suggests that the area of impairment includes the Fourth Creek from its source to SR 1972 (Figure 1). This report will establish a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for turbidity for the entire Fourth Creek watershed. This report will serve as a management approach or restoration plan aimed toward reducing loadings of sediment from various sources in order to attain applicable surface water quality standards for turbidity. In accordance with Section 305(b) of the Federal Clean Water Act (CWA) (33 U.S.C. 1315(B)), the State of North Carolina is required to biennially prepare and submit to the USEPA a report addressing the overall water quality of the State’s waters. This report is commonly referred to as the 305(b) Report or the Water Quality Inventory Report. In accordance with Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA), the State is also required to biennially prepare and submit to USEPA a report that identifies waters that do not meet or are not expected to meet surface water quality standards (SWQS) after implementation of technology-based effluent limitations or other required controls. This report is commonly referred to as the 303(d) List. The 303(d) process requires that a TMDL be developed for each of the waters appearing on Category 5 of North Carolina’s Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (formerly Part 1 of North Carolina’s 303(d) list). The objective of a TMDL is to quantify the amount of a pollutant a water body can assimilate without violating a state’s water quality standards and allocate that load capacity to point and nonpoint sources in the form of wasteload allocations (WLAs), load allocations (LAs), and a margin of safety (MOS) (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000) and the Federal Advisory Committee (USEPA FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end-point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Reduction target. Estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 2 Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The wasteload allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non-point sources, stormwater, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). Critical Conditions. Critical conditions indicate the combination of environmental factors that result in just meeting the water quality criterion and have an acceptably low frequency of occurrence. Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the waterbody may be moved to Category 4a of the Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report. Waterbodies remain in Category 4a until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may still result in the restoration of water quality. The goal of the TMDL program is to restore designated uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of sediment controls throughout the watershed will be necessary to restore uses in the most downstream portion of Fourth Creek. Although a site specific implementation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies are needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. Implementation discussion will begin during public review of the TMDL. 1.1 Watershed Description Fourth Creek is located within the Inner Piedmont region of the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin and flows in a southeasterly direction from near the town of Stony Point in Iredell County through Statesville to its confluence with Third Creek in rural Rowan County (see Figure 1). The majority of the impaired stream segment is located in the downstream portion in Rowan County, however, this TMDL will address the entire watershed of Fourth Creek (approximately 83 square miles) which includes approximately 116 river miles (approximately 30 miles in the mainstem Fourth Creek and 86 miles of tributaries to Fourth Creek) upstream of its confluence with Third Creek. Two named tributaries, Morrison Creek and Gregory Creek, are located in the watershed and are located in the southwest portion of the watershed, west of the city of Statesville. Fourth Creek consists Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 3 of two USGS 14-digit hydrologic unit codes (HUCs); units 3040102030010 and 3040102030020. Figure 1. Fourth Creek watershed and surrounding area. Impaired stream lengths are based on the Impaired Waters List (2002 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report) and monitoring conducted subsequent to the 2002 listing. Rowan County Statesville Iredell County Davie County Fourth Creek Gregory Creek New reach identified as impaired based on monitoring subsequent to the 2002 Integrated 303(d) and 305(b) List. Morrison Creek Impaired portion of Fourth Creek based on Category 5 of the 2002 Integrated 303(d) and 305(b) List of Impaired Waterbodies Yadkin River Basin Catawba River Basin Statesville Boundary Fourth Ck HUC 14s County Boundaries Fourth Creek Morrison Creek Gregory Creek 2002 Impaired Length Newly Impaired Length NFourth Creek 3 0 3 6 Miles 1.1.1 Land use/ Land cover The land use/land cover characteristics of the watershed were determined using 1996 land cover data that were developed from 1993-94 LANDSAT satellite imagery. The North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, in cooperation with the NC Department of Transportation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency Region IV Wetlands Division, contracted Earth Satellite Corporation of Rockville, Maryland to generate comprehensive land cover data for the entire state of North Carolina. Land cover/land use data for the Fourth Creek watershed are identified in Figures 2 and 3. During the formation of this geographic dataset, the proportion of synthetic cover was used to identify developed land as either low density developed (50- 80% synthetic cover) or high density developed (80-100% synthetic cover) (Earth Satellite Corporation, 1997). Assuming that synthetic cover is impervious, and that all non-developed land cover classes have 1% impervious cover, the Lower Fourth Creek watershed is estimated to have 4.9-6.5% impervious surface. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 4 Figure 2. Land use/ land cover distribution within the Fourth Creek watershed. Statesville G en eral Landuse Cultivated C rop Forest/W etland P asture/M anag ed H erbaceous U rb an W ater 0 2 4 M iles N Figure 3. Detailed land use/ land cover distribution within Fourth Ck watershed. Cultivated Crop 6.44% Water 0.23% Urban 6.09% Forest/Wetland 48.52% Pasture/Managed Herbaceous 38.71% 0.44% Evergreen Shrubland 0.27% Deciduous Shrubland 44.02% Mixed Hardwoods 0.04% Hardwood Swamps 0.01% Other Broadleaf Deciduous Forests 0.06% Mountain Conifers 0.64% Southern Yellow Pine 0.04% Other Needleleaf Evergreen Forests 3.00% Mixed Hardwoods/Conifers 38.50% Managed Herbaceous Cover 0.21% Unmanaged Herbaceous Upland 2.88% Low Intensity Developed Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 5 1.1.2 Geology Iredell County is in the heart of the Piedmont physiographic province. Predominantly, three rock types occur in the Fourth Creek watershed; composite gneiss, hornblende gneiss, and gabbro-diorite (LeGrand, 1954). 1.1.3 Soils Soils types and characteristics vary throughout the Fourth Creek watershed. In the headwaters portion, west and north of Statesville, predominant soils include Lloyd-Cecil and Lloyd series. In the central portion the watershed, inclusive of the Statesville area downstream to the Iredell-Rowan Counties border, the primary soils include Cecil- Appling, Lloyd, and Iredell-Mecklenburg-Lloyd series. The predominant soils in the lower portion of the watershed, in Rowan County, include Enon, Mecklenburg, Hiwassee, Cecil, and Poindexter soil series. A number of these soil types exhibit above- normal erodeability. A description of the runoff and erosion potential for several soils in the Fourth Creek watershed are presented in Table 1. Soils highlighted bold are the predominant soils of the watershed; non-bold soils listed are present in the Fourth Creek watershed and exhibit highly erosive characteristics. Soils in Rowan County were identified as predominant based on GIS analysis (coverages using 1995 updated soil survey) and, in the case of Iredell County, analysis of soil survey maps (maps updated in 1964). GIS Soils (SSURGO) coverages are currently not available for Iredell County. Surface runoff and hazard of water erosion values were obtained from the NRCS and are defined below in Table 2 (USDA, 1995; USDA, 1964). “Slow” surface runoff defines soils where surface water flows away so slowly that free water stands on the surface for moderate periods or enters the soil rapidly. Most of the water passes through the soil, is used by plants, or evaporates. The soils are nearly level or very gently sloping, or they are steeper but absorb precipitation very rapidly. “Medium” surface runoff is used to define soils where surface water flows away so rapidly that free water stands on the surface for only short periods. These soils are nearly level or gently sloping and absorb precipitation at a moderate rate, or they are steeper but absorb water rapidly. “Rapid” surface runoff is used to define soils where surface water flows away so rapidly that the period of concentration is brief and free water does not stand on the surface. These soils are mainly moderately steep or steep and have moderate or slow rates of absorption. “Very rapid” is used to define soils where surface water flows away so rapidly that the period of concentration is very brief and free water does not stand on the surface. The soils are mainly steep or very steep and absorb precipitation slowly (USDA, 1995). The “erosion hazard” is a term developed by the NRCS (USDA, 1995) and is used to describe the potential for future erosion, inherent in the soil itself, in inadequately protected areas. The estimated erosion for each erosion classification is based on estimated annual soil loss in metric tons per hectare. Values were determined using the Universal Soil Loss Equation assuming bare soil conditions and using rainfall and climate factors for North Carolina. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 6 Table 1 Surface runoff and the hazard of water erosion characteristics are presented for predominant soil series (bolded) and less dominant soils series (non-bolded) in the Fourth Creek watershed. Less dominant soil series include only series that displayed a high hazard of water erosion classification (USDA 1995; USDA, 1964). Soil Map Unit Soil Series Surface runoff Hazard of water erosion* AsB Appling Sandy Loam, 2 to 6 Percent slopes, Eroded Medium to very Moderate CeB Cecil Sandy Clay Loam, 2 to 6 Percent slopes, Eroded Medium to rapid Severe CcC Cecil Sandy Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes Medium to rapid Severe CeC Cecil Sandy Clay Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes, Eroded Rapid Very severe CfB Cecil-Urban Land complex, 2 to 6 Percent slopes, Eroded Medium to very Severe CfC Cecil-Urban Land complex, 6 to 10 Percent slopes, Eroded Medium Severe EnB Enon Fine Sandy Loam, 2 To 6 Percent Slopes Medium Moderate EnC Enon Fine Sandy Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes Medium to rapid Severe HsD Hiwassee Loam, 15 To 25 Percent Slopes Rapid Very severe HwB Hiwassee Loam, 2 to 6 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium to rapid Severe HwC Hiwassee Clay Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes, Eroded Rapid Very severe IrB Iredell loam, 2 to 6 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium Moderate LaD Lloyd clay loam, 10 to 15 Percent Slopes, Severely Eroded Rapid Very severe LbB Lloyd loam, 2 to 6 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium Moderate LbC Lloyd loam, 6 to 10 Percent Slopes, Eroded Rapid Severe MeB Mecklenburg Clay Loam, 2 To 8 Percent Slopes, Eroded Slow or medium Severe MeC Mecklenburg Clay Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium Very severe PaC Pacolet Sandy Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes Medium to rapid Severe PaD Pacolet Sandy Loam, 15 To 25 Percent Slopes Rapid Very severe PaE Pacolet Sandy Loam, 25 To 45 Percent Slopes Rapid Very severe PcB Pacolet Sandy Clay Loam, 2 To 8 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium Severe PcC Pacolet Sandy Clay Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes, Eroded Rapid Very severe PxC Poindexter-Mocksville Complex, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes Rapid Severe PxD Poindexter-Mocksville Complex, 15 To 25 Percent Slopes Rapid Very severe PxE Poindexter-Mocksville Complex, 25 To 45 Percent Slopes Rapid Very severe RnC Rion-Wedowee Complex, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes Rapid Severe VnB Vance Sandy Clay Loam, 2 To 8 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium to rapid Severe VnC Vance Sandy Clay Loam, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes, Eroded Medium to rapid Very severe ZeC Zion-Enon Complex, 8 To 15 Percent Slopes Medium Severe * A description of each classification is presented in Table 2. Table 2 “Hazard of water erosion” classifications as defined by the NRCS. Hazard of Water Erosion Classification Estimated Annual Erosion None 0 tons per hectare Slight Less than 2.5 tons per hectare Moderate 2.5 to 10 tons per hectare Severe 10 to 25 tons per hectare Very Severe More than 25 tons per hectare Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 7 1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Program Water quality monitoring for turbidity, performed by the NCDENR and Yadkin discharger coalition, has shown occasional violations of the water quality standard (24 out of 135 samples or 18%). As part of this TMDL, chemical and biological assessments were conducted throughout the Fourth Creek watershed to characterize the impact of turbidity impairment. Both chemical and biological assessments suggest significant water quality and habitat impairment and support the inclusion of Fourth Creek on the Impaired Waters List (2002 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report). 1.2.1 Chemical Monitoring Fourth Creek was listed as impaired on North Carolina’s 2002 Integrated 303(d) and 305(b) based on monthly data collected between 1992 and 1996 at ambient monitoring station Q3735000 located at SR 2308 near the town of Elmwood. Two Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Association discharger coalition monitoring stations are located in the Fourth Creek watershed; one at station Q3735000 and one at an unnamed tributary of Fourth Creek at SR 2316 (Q3720000). The discharger coalition has been monitoring turbidity at these locations since 1998. Water quality monitoring performed by NCDENR for turbidity has shown occasional violations of the water quality standard. Similarly, monitoring by the Yadkin discharger coalition indicates occasional violations and supports the decision to list Fourth Creek based on turbidity impairment. Figure 4 shows the locations of the monitoring stations in the Fourth Creek watershed. Data from each of these monitoring stations during 1997-2003 are presented in Appendix A. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 8 Figure 4. Fourth Creek watershed including areas of benthic macroinvertebrate and fish monitoring, ambient chemical monitoring, and wastewater treatment discharges.               SR 2316 SR 1003 SR 1985 Q3735000 SR 2308 NC0031836 NC0082821 Q3720000 SR 2320 SR 2322 SR 1930 Morrison Ck at SR1907 Yadkin River Basin Catawba River Basin Statesville Davie County Iredell County Rowan County 4 0 4 MilesN Statesville Boundary Fourth Creek DWQ and Discharger Coalition Stations Fish Community Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrate Stations Fair Good Good-Fair Not Rated NPDES Discharges Fourth Ck HUC 14s Fourth Creek The turbidity concentrations of the samples collected at the DWQ ambient monitoring station ranged from 3.7 NTU to 500 NTU with an average of 48 NTU, a median value of 14 NTU, and mode value of 10 NTU. The turbidity concentrations for the samples collected by the Yadkin discharger coalition at station Q3735000 ranged between 4 and 600 NTU with an average of 51 NTU and a median value of 15 NTU. The turbidity concentrations for the samples collected by the discharger coalition at station Q3720000 ranged between 4.3 and 880 with an average value of 54 NTU and a median value of 15 NTU. 1.2.2 Biological Monitoring The DWQ maintains an extensive biological monitoring network of ambient stations. In the Fourth Creek watershed recent monitoring conducted by DWQs Environmental Sciences Branch has included assessment for basin wide monitoring plans (1996 and 2001), site specific biological studies below a WWTP point source discharge (1987, 1989, 2001, and 2003), and monitoring for biological stressors (2003). Most recently, in June and July 2003, an intensive monitoring effort was conducted that included benthic Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 9 macroinvertebrate populations, fish populations, physical and water chemistry characteristics, and site descriptions and instream and riparian habitats at six locations in the Fourth Creek watershed. These locations are shown in Figure 4. A summary of fish and benthic invertebrate results from this study are presented in Table 3. Table 3 Biological and habitat ratings at the six monitoring stations in the Fourth Creek watershed. Site/Assessment Location (see below descriptions) Benthic macroinvertebrate Fish Habitat (1-100 scale) Overall rating 1. At SR 1930 Good-Fair Poor 42/41 Fair 2. At SR 2320 Good-Fair Good-Fair 46/34 Good-Fair 3. At SR 2308 Fair Poor 50/46 Fair 4. At ST 1985 Good-Fair Poor 43/41 Fair 5. UT Fourth Creek Not rated --- 72 Not rated 6. Morrison Creek Good-Fair --- 37 Good-Fair 1. Fourth Creek Site No. 1 at SR 1930, north of Interstate 40 and above Statesville. 2. Fourth Creek Site No. 2 at SR 2320, east of Statesville. This site is upstream of the city’s WWTP, but still receives urban runoff. The SR 2320 site replaced the historically sampled site above the WWTP (SR 2316) The new site is about three miles upstream of the SR 2316 site. 3. Fourth Creek Site No. 3 at SR 2308, southeast of Statesville and approximately three miles below the city’s WWTP. 4. Fourth Creek Site No. 4 at SR 1985 in Rowan County, east of Statesville, approximately 15 miles below the city’s WWTP, and one mile above its confluence with Third Creek. This site is intended to measure any potential recovery from the WWTP discharges and urban runoff from Statesville. 5. UT Fourth Creek at SR 2322. Most small streams draining the urbanized area were too small to sample. The largest of the tributaries (UT Fourth Creek at SR 2322) drained a highly urbanized section of Statesville. 6. Morrison Creek at SR 1907, above Statesville. Most notable in this study was the widespread finding of stream bank erosion and habitat degradation. Instream and riparian habitats at all sites except the UT Fourth Creek were of low quality; the habitat scores were generally less than 50 (1 and 100 scale). Instream habitats were identified as severely degraded and were characterized as having bottom substrates of primarily sand, shallow and sand-filled pools, a general lack of gravel or cobble riffles, and very unstable, easily eroded banks. At all locations along Fourth Creek there remained repercussions of extremely high 2003 winter flows, including large woody debris and obstructions, sloughing and exposed banks with minimal stabilizing vegetation, recent bank erosion, and tires, plastics, lumber, and other domestic items in the stream and along the shoreline. Bank erosion was noted as a large contributor of sediment and habitat degradation. The study concludes by identifying a number of sources (including poor landuse practices, urbanization, and wastewater treatment discharges), all contributors to hydromodification that, in connection with highly erodable soils, has resulted in the current state of habitat degradation. While this biological information is not used directly in calculation the TMDL, it will be a primary information source when implementing the load and wasteload reductions set forward in this TMDL. 1.3 Water Quality Target Turbidity is a unit of measurement quantifying the degree to which light traveling through a water column is scattered by the suspended organic and inorganic particles. The scattering of light increases with a greater suspended load. Turbidity is commonly Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 10 measured in Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU), but may also be measured in Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU). The NC DWQ has classified Fourth Creek and its tributaries as Class C waters. Class C waters are defined as “Waters protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture and other uses suitable for Class C. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner.” The North Carolina fresh water quality standard for turbidity in Class C waters (T15A: NCAC 2B.0211 (3)k) states: The turbidity in the receiving water shall not exceed 50 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU) in streams not designated as trout waters and 10 NTU in streams, lakes or reservoirs designated as trout waters; for lakes and reservoirs not designated as trout waters, the turbidity shall not exceed 25 NTU; if turbidity exceeds these levels due to natural background conditions, the existing turbidity level cannot be increased. Compliance with this turbidity standard can be met when land management activities employ Best Management Practices (BMPs) [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section] recommended by the Designated Nonpoint Source Agency [as defined by Rule .0202 of this Section]. BMPs must be in full compliance with all specifications governing the proper design, installation, operation and maintenance of such BMPs; The in-stream numeric target is the restoration objective that is expected to be reached by implementing the specified load reductions in this TMDL. The target allows for evaluation of progress toward the goal of reaching water quality standards for the impaired stream by comparing the in-stream data to the target. In the Fourth Creek watershed, the applicable water quality target is the 50 NTU standard. 2.0 Source Assessment A source assessment is used to identify and characterize the known and suspected sources of turbidity in the Fourth Creek watershed. This section outlines the assessment completed for the purpose of developing this TMDL. 2.1 Assessment of Point Sources Two categories are included under this discussion; NPDES-regulated municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities and NPDES general permitted facilities. 2.1.1 NPDES-Regulated Municipal and Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facilities Discharges from wastewater treatment facilities may contribute sediment to receiving waters as total suspended solids (TSS) and/or turbidity. Municipal treatment plants and industrial treatment plants are required to meet surface water quality criteria for turbidity in their effluent. Since these facilities are routinely achieving surface water quality criteria, this TMDL will not impose additional limits to current practices or existing effluent limits for POTWs and industrial treatment plants. When effluent turbidity Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 11 concentrations exceed surface water quality criteria, and result in permit violations, action will be taken through the NPDES unit of North Carolina’s Division of Water Quality. Currently, there are two NPDES permitted wastewater treatment plant dischargers located in the Fourth Creek watershed. The Statesville WWTP (NC0031836) has a 4.0 MGD flow limit and a TSS effluent limit of 30 mg/l on a monthly average and 45 mg/L on a weekly average. Southern States Cooperative (NC0082821) has a 0.114 MGD flow limit and a TSS effluent limit of 30 mg/l on a monthly average and 45 mg/L as a daily maximum. Average monthly TSS values for both facilities are available in Appendix B. 2.1.2 NPDES General Permits Twenty-six general permitted facilities are located in the Fourth Creek watershed. A list of these facilities is presented in Appendix C. General permitted facilities are not subject to effluent TSS or turbidity limitations nor are they required to monitor for TSS or turbidity. Thus, this TMDL will not allocate a load reduction for general permitted facilities. A number of manufacturing facilities are located in the Fourth Creek watershed. Included are operations involving granite mining, metal processing, paper milling, textile, paperboard and rubber processing, food and tobacco processing, paint processing, auto junk yards, landfills, asphalt paving, furniture production, and homebuilding construction. Sediment loading from NPDES-regulated construction activities are considered point sources of sediments to surface waters. Discharges from regulated mining activities may also contribute sediment to surface waters as TSS. Discharges from active mines may result from dewatering operations and/or in response to storm events. Discharges from permitted inactive mines are only in response to storm events. Inactive sites with successful surface reclamation contribute relatively little solids loading. Sediment loading in the Fourth Creek watershed that is a result of mining activity is not specifically addressed as part of this TMDL. 2.2 Assessment of Nonpoint and Stormwater Sources Nonpoint and stormwater sources include various erosional processes, including sheetwash, gully and rill erosion, wind, landslides, dry ravel, and human excavation that contribute sediment during storm or runoff events. Sediments are also often produced as a result of stream channel and bank erosion and channel disturbance (EPA, 1999). Nonpoint sources account for the vast majority of sediment loading to surface waters. A few of these sources include: Natural erosion occurring form the weathering of soils, rocks, and uncultivated land; geological abrasion; and other natural phenomena. Erosion from agricultural activities. This erosion can be due to the large land area involved and the land-disturbing effects of cultivation. Grazing livestock can Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 12 leave areas of ground with little vegetative cover. Unconfined animals with direct access to streams can cause streambank damage and erosion. Urban sources include erosion from bare soil areas under construction and washoff of accumulated street dust and litter from impervious surfaces. Erosion from unpaved roadways can be a significant source of sediment to rivers and streams. Exposed soils, high runoff velocities and volumes and poor road compaction all increase the potential for erosion. Runoff from active or abandoned mines may be a significant source of solids loading. Mining activities typically involve removal of vegetation, displacement of soils and other significant land disturbing activities. Soil erosion from forested land that occurs during timber harvesting and reforestation activities. Timber harvesting includes the layout of access roads, log decks, and skid trails; the construction and stabilization of these areas; and the cutting of trees. Established forest areas produce very little erosion. Streambank and streambed erosion processes often contribute a significant portion of the overall sediment budget. The consequence of increased streambank erosion is both water quality degradation as well as increased stream channel instability and accelerated sediment yields. Streambank erosion can be traced to two major factors: stream bank characteristics (erodibility potential) and hydraulic/gravitational forces (Rosgen, online). The predominant processes of stream bank erosion include: surface erosion, mass failure (planar and rotational), fluvial entrainment (particle detachment by flowing water, generally at the bank toe), freeze-thaw, dry ravel, ice scour, liquifaction/collapse, positive pore water pressure, both saturated and unsaturated failures and soil piping. 2.2.1 Stormwater Discharges in the Fourth Creek Basin Urban runoff can contribute significant amounts of turbidity, however, much of this runoff is designed to be regulated under the Storm Water Phase II Final Rule (EPA, 2000). Amendments were made to the Clean Water Act in 1990 and most recently in 1999 pertaining to permit requirements for stormwater dischargers associated with industrial activities and municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). MS4s can discharge sediment to waterbodies in response to storm events through road drainage systems, curb and gutter systems, ditches, and storm drains. This rule applies to a cities or counties which own or operate a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4). As a result of the Phase II Rule, MS4 owners are required to obtain a National Point Source Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for their stormwater discharges to surface waters. Currently, the City of Statesville does not fall under the Phase II Rule, however, it is clear that Statesville causes and contributes to impairment in Fourth Creek and should initiate a storm water management program. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 13 2.2.2 Load Duration Curve When streamflow gage information is available, a load duration curve (LDC) is useful in identifying and differentiating between storm-driven and steady-input sources. Turbidity is measured in NTUs, not a concentration, so another parameter that is measured as a concentration must be used to represent turbidity loadings in the watershed. To accomplish this, correlation coefficients were determined for all parameters at the Fourth Creek ambient station # Q3735000. Highest correlations for turbidity are shown below in Table 4. Table 4 Correlation coefficients for turbidity at DWQ ambient station # Q3735000. Parameter and Units Correlation Coefficient Total Precipitation (inches per day) 0.85 Total Suspended Solids (mg/L) 0.92 Total Chromium (ug/L as Cr) 0.67 Total Copper (ug/L as Cu) 0.83 Total Iron (ug/L as Fe) 0.88 Total Nickel (ug/L as Ni) 0.61 Total Zinc (ug/L as Zn) 0.60 Total Aluminum (ug/L as Al) 0.84 Correlation coefficients were determined using the below formula: ( )( ) yx yi n i xi xy yxn σσ µµ ρ ⋅ −− = ∑ =1 1 where: 11≤≤−xyρ Of the available parameters, the strongest correlation is present between turbidity and TSS. High correlations between turbidity and precipitation, and turbidity and iron support the turbidity –TSS correlation and suggest a strong relationship between storm driven TSS inputs that correspond to elevated turbidity measurements. Given this information, a linear regression was developed between turbidity and TSS to allow for the use of TSS values in developing a LDC. This correlation is shown in Figure 5. An example LDC using the 50 NTU criterion is presented in Figure 6. Steps used to develop the LDC are presented in Appendix D. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 14 Figure 5. Linear regression for TSS-Turbidity at Fourth Creek at SR 2308 near Elmwood, NC (USGS station #02120780) using data collected during years 1997-2003. y = 1.3408x - 1.0079 R2 = 0.8435 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Turbidity (NTU) TS S ( m g / L ) Figure 6. Example load duration curve. 1.0E+02 1.0E+03 1.0E+04 1.0E+05 1.0E+06 1.0E+07 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent of Days Flow is Exceeded TS S ( l b s / d a Area outside technically or economically feasible management 0-10% NPS contributions from runoff 0-85% Contributions from steady input 85-100% Load Duration Curve using 66 mg TSS/L; the TSS equivelant to the Turbidity standard of 50 NTU. Values that plot below the LDC represent samples below the concentration threshold whereas values that plot above represent samples that exceed the concentration threshold. Loads that plot above the curve and in the region between 85 and 100 percent of days in Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 15 which flow is exceeded indicate a steady-input source contribution. Loads that plot in the region between 10 and 70 percent suggest the presence of storm-driven source contributions. A combination of both storm-driven and steady-input sources occurs in the transition zone between 70 and 85 percent. Loads that plot above 99 percent or below 10 percent represent values occurring during either extreme low or high flows conditions and are thus considered to be outside the region of technically and economically feasible management. 2.3 Data Sources The NCDENR’s Geographic Information System (GIS) was used extensively to describe the Fourth Creek watershed characteristics. The following is general information regarding the data used to describe the watershed: • Ambient chemical monitoring locations: NC DENR Div of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, 9/30/2000, Ambient Water Quality Monitoring Sites: NC DENR Div of Water Quality, Water Quality Section, Raleigh, North Carolina. • Biological monitoring locations: NC DENR Clean Water Management Trust Fund, NC DENR - Div. of Water Quality, Biological Assessment Unit, 11/15/2000, Benthic monitoring results: NC DENR - Div. of Water Quality, Biological Assessment Unit, Raleigh, North Carolina. • City of Statesville Boundary: NC Department of Transportation-GIS Unit, 7/17/2000, Municipal Boundaries - Powell Bill 1999: NC Department of Transportation, Raleigh, North Carolina. • County boundaries: information NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis, 12/01/1998, Boundaries - County (1:100,000): NC Center for Geographic Information & Analysis, Raleigh, North Carolina. • Detailed stream coverage: North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, 4/19/2001, Hydrography (1:24,000): North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, Raleigh, NC. • Hydrologic Units: USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, 12/01/1998, Hydrologic Units - North Carolina River Basins: USDA, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Raleigh, North Carolina.. • Land use/Land cover information: Earth Satellite Corporation (EarthSat), 6/12/1998, Statewide Land Cover - 1996: EarthSat, Raleigh, North Carolina. • NPDES Permitted Facilities: NC DENR Division of Water Quality, Planning Branch, 10/11/2000, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Sites: NC DENR Division of Water Quality, Planning Branch, Raleigh, North Carolina. • Roads: NC Department of Transportation - GIS Unit, 9/21/1999, Transportation - NCDOT Roads (1:24,000): NC Department of Transportation, Raleigh, NC. • Stream Gaging Stations: NC DENR-Division of Water Resources, 12/01/1998, Stream Gaging Stations: NC DENR-Division of Water Resources, Raleigh, North Carolina. • Streamflow gage data was obtained online from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) at: http://nc.water.usgs.gov/ . Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 16 3.0 Technical Approach A LDC and mass-balance approach was chosen to calculate this TMDL for turbidity in Fourth Creek (ASIWPCA, 2002; Kansas, 2002; Sheely, 2002). The load duration curve approach is advantageous because it is applicable in the initial phases of source identification, in water quality assessment to quantifying the magnitude of exceedence during critical conditions, and in implementation planning. Given this, the LDC/mass balance approach was used to identify source types, specify the assimilative capacity of the stream, and quantify the necessary load reduction needed to meet water quality standards 3.1 TMDL Endpoints Given that the turbidity standard is expressed as NTU, a correlation between TSS and turbidity was necessary in applying the LDC method. A discussion surrounding the selection of TSS as a surrogate for turbidity is presented in Section 2.2.2. As discussed, a correlation of 0.92 exists between the TSS – turbidity data, and in using a linear regression, the following relationship is observed: TSS = (1.3408 * Turbidity) –1.0079 R2 = 0.84 Thus, the Surface Water Quality Standard turbidity target of 50 NTU in Class C waters correlates to a TSS value of 66.0 mg/L. The results from this regression are presented in Figure 5. 3.2 Load Duration Curve A load duration curve is based on comparison of the frequency of a given flow even with its associated water quality load. As previously discussed, flow gage information is not available in the Fourth Creek watershed, thus, daily flow data (during April 1979 through August 2003) from a nearby USGS Station #02120780, Second Creek near Barber, was used to establish the historic flow regimes and define ranges for the high, typical, and low flow conditions. Flows at the Fourth Creek ambient station at SR 2308 were estimated based on a drainage area ratio between USGS station #02120780 and the watershed area upstream of SR 2308. Flows were also adjusted to account for point sources in each watershed by subtracting the average point source flow in Second Ck and adding the flows from the effluent of the Fourth Ck WWTP (NC0031836) and the Southern States Cooperative (NC0082821). Table 5 presents flow statistics for station #02120780 obtained from the USGS and LDC analysis. Table 5 Flow statistics for USGS gage station #02120780 during years 1979-2003. Parameter Value Drainage Area 118 mi2 Average flow 104 cfs Minimum flow 0.5 cfs Maximum flow 5,280 cfs High Flow Range (> 10% exceed) > 1,050 cfs Nonpoint Source Contributions from runoff (10-85%) 11- 1,050 cfs Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 17 Parameter Value Low Flow Range (95-100%) < 4.6 cfs Using the drainage-area and point source adjusted flow values, flow duration graphs were developed for the Fourth Creek ambient station. Monitoring data was then matched up with the flow duration ranking based on the collection date. Figure 7 shows TSS data as a function of estimated flow duration at the Fourth Creek ambient station. As shown in Figure 7, the majority of Surface Water Quality violations occur under low percent exceedence flows and are likely the result of storm events. Infrequently, exceedences also occur under mid-range and low flow conditions. Figure 7. Fourth Creek at USGS station 02120780 (Fourth Creek at SR 2308 near Elmwood); Flow Duration and TSS Concentration during years 1997-2003. 0 200 400 600 800 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent of Days Flow is Exceeded Discharger Coalition Data - TSS estimated DWQ Data - TSS measured DWQ Data - TSS data estimated Instantaneous Standard TSS equivelant (66 mg/L) High flows outside feasible mgmt Nonpoint Source contributions from runoff Contributions under steady input 3.3 Assimilative Capacity The assimilative capacity is the maximum level of pollutant allowable while achieving the water quality goal. As discussed in section 2.2.2, TSS was selected as a surrogate for turbidity in this TMDL. To determine the TSS assimilative capacity, the TSS concentration equivalent to the turbidity standard of 50 NTU (66 mg TSS/L) was multiplied by the full range of measured flow values. The assimilative capacity is shown graphically in the form of a blue line in Figure 8. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 18 Figure 8. Fourth Creek at USGS station 02120780 (Fourth Creek at SR 2308 near Elmwood); Load Duration Curve using water quality data from years 1997-2003. 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Percent of Days Flow is Exceeded SWQS with MOS = 45 NTU or 59.3 mg/L TSS Discharger Coalition Data - TSS estimated DWQ Data - TSS measured DWQ Data - TSS data estimated 4.0 TMDL Calculation A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) represents the assimilative or carrying capacity of a waterbody, taking into consideration point and nonpoint sources of pollutants of concern, natural background and surface water withdrawals. A TMDL quantifies the amount of a pollutant a water body can assimilate without violating a state’s water quality standards (in our case, Class C freshwaters) and allocates that load capacity to known point and nonpoint sources in the form of wasteload allocations (WLAs), load allocations (LAs). In addition, the TMDL must include a margin of safety (MOS), either implicitly or explicitly, that accounts for the uncertainty in the relationship between pollutant loads and the quality of the receiving waterbody. This definition is expressed by the following equation: TMDL = WLAs + LAs + MOS A TMDL is developed as a mechanism for identifying all the contributors to surface water quality impacts and setting goals for load reductions for pollutants of concern as necessary to meet the SWQS. The Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR §130.2(1)) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time, toxicity, or other appropriate measures. This TMDL will be expressed in terms of mass per time and a percent reduction that is calculated based on estimated stream flow and both estimated Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 19 and measured instream TSS concentrations. At total of 135 TSS values were used in this TMDL analysis; 74 collected during 1997-2003 by the DWQ and 61 collected by the Yadkin River Discharger Coalition. Of the 74 DWQ TSS values, 53 are actual measurements and 21 are estimated based on the turbidity-TSS linear regression. All of the 61 TSS values in the Discharger Coalition dataset are estimated based on the turbidity-TSS linear regression. 4.1 TMDL Endpoints TMDL endpoints represent the instream water quality targets used in quantifying TMDLs and their individual components. As discussed in Section 3, turbidity as a measure is not applicable to the estimation of loading to a stream. TSS was selected as a surrogate measure for turbidity. Based on the regression analysis, a TSS limit of 66 mg/L was determined to be equivalent to a turbidity measure of 50 NTU. As will be discussed in Section 4.4, a 10% explicit margin of safety was applied to the endpoint and resulted in a reduction of the target value from 50 NTU to 45 NTU (66 mg TSS/L to 59.3 mg TSS/L). 4.2 Critical Conditions Elevated turbidity concentrations occur predominantly during high flow conditions. However, five of the measurements over the 50 NTU standard were taken under flows that occur no less than 50 % of the time. 4.3 Seasonal Variation Exceedences to the 50 NTU turbidity standard during 1997-2003 have occurred during all months of the year with the exception of December. During 1997-2003, the majority of violations occurred during the late winter and spring months. Table 6 shows the number of violations in each month during the 1997-2003 period. Seasonal variation is considered in this TMDL by applying the load reduction to all seasons. Table 6 Number of violations to the 50 NTU standard for each month during the 1997-2003 period. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Violations (#) 3 4 4 5 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 0 4.4 Margin of Safety A Margin of Safety (MOS) is provided to account for “lack of knowledge concerning the relationship between effluent limitations and water quality” (40 CFR 130.7(c)). The MOS may be incorporated into a TMDL either implicitly, through the use of conservative assumptions to develop the allocations, or explicitly through a reduction in the TMDL target. For this TMDL, an explicit margin of safety was incorporated in the analysis by setting the TMDL target at 45 NTU, or equivalent 59.3 mg TSS/L, which is 10% lower than the water quality target of 50 NTU or equivalent 66 mg TSS/L. 4.5 Reserve Capacity Reserve capacity is an optional means of reserving a portion of the loading capacity to allow for future growth. Reserve capacities are not included at this time. The loading capacity of each stream is expressed as a function of the current load (Section 4.0), and Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 20 both WLAs and LAs are expressed as reductions for the entire Fourth Creek watershed. Therefore, the reductions from current levels, outlined in this TMDL, must be attained in consideration of any new sources that may accompany future development. Strategies for source reduction will apply equally to new development as to existing development. 4.6 TMDL Calculation As presented in Section 3.0, loading curves were used to identify the target and reduction necessary for turbidity in Fourth Creek. The load duration curve presents a maximum allowable concentration of 59.3 mg TSS/L (value includes a 10% MOS and is equivalent to 45 NTU) and identifies a maximum allowable load under any given flow experienced in Fourth Creek. The TMDL calculation focuses on measurements observed under a range of normal or expected flow conditions and excludes data collected under extremely high flows (occurring less than 10% of the time) and low flows (occurring more than 95% of the time). While data obtained under extreme flow conditions are not used to develop the TMDL, they may be appropriate for decision making during TMDL implementation. Data collected under flows that occur between 10% and 95% of the time that exceeded either the 50 NTU or 66 mg TSS/L were used to calculate the TMDL. An exponential regression line was fit to these values and was used to estimate the corresponding TSS load at each percent between 10% and 95%. Allowable loading was also calculated at each percentage between 10% and 95% based on the MOS-adjusted target concentration. An overall load reduction of 47% was determined by calculating the average load reduction and comparing it to the average target load at all flows between 10% and 95%. The target and regression curves are shown in Figure 9. The average existing and target loadings estimated at each flow interval are presented in Appendix E and summarized in Table 7. The average existing TSS load of 19,703 lbs TSS/day, identified in Table 7, is equivalent to an average turbidity value of 75.7 NTU. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 21 Figure 9. Fourth Creek at USGS station 02120780 (Fourth Creek at SR 2308 near Elmwood); Load Duration Curve with Regression line using water quality from years 1997- 2003. y = 75087e-3.0737x 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+07 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% Percent of Days Flow is Exceeded SWQS with MOS = 45 NTU or 59.3 mg/L TSS Discharger Coalition Data - TSS estimated DWQ Data - TSS measured DWQ Data - TSS data estimated Exponential regression line to values between 10 and 95% and above the TSS equivelant (59.3 mg TSS/L) instantaneous turbidity SWQS with MOS (45 NTU). Table 7 Unallocated TMDL load and associated percent reduction Target Concentration with MOS (mg/L TSS) Existing Load (Average, lbs/day) Target Load (Average, lbs/day) Reduction Required (Percent) 59.3 19,703 10,519 47% 4.7 Wasteload and Load Allocations Additional analysis is required to address the TMDL reduction by identifying point and nonpoint contributors of turbidity and calculating wasteload and load allocations. WLAs are hereby established for all NPDES-regulated point sources, while LAs are established for all stormwater sources that are not subject to NPDES regulation, and for all nonpoint sources. As previously discussed, two NPDES-permitted facilities are located in the Fourth Creek watershed. Both facilities are subject to monthly TSS effluent limitations of 30 mg TSS/L. As such, this TMDL will not result in changes to these limits. For the purposes of this TMDL, a wasteload allocation will be apportioned based on the maximum permitted load allowable at each NPDES facility. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 22 To apportion the TMDL to WLAs and LAs, additional analysis beyond the LDC method is necessary. As earlier noted, Fourth Creek is primarily composed of agricultural and forested land uses. Given this, urban stormwater flows from the city of Statesville are known to have a significant impact on instream turbidity concentrations. Percent land use in association with relative loading rates associated with that land use have been applied previously in identifying wasteload and load allocations (NCDWQ, 2003) and a similar method will be used to determine appropriate WLAs and LAs for this TMDL. A number of studies have attempted to quantify pollutant loading relative to land use. One such study, conducted by the USGS, estimated pollutant loads from nine subwatersheds in the Charlotte area (USGS, 1999). Streamflow and water-quality data were collected at nine sites in the city of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, during 1993-97. Six of the basins drained areas having relatively homogeneous land use and were less than 0.3 square mile in size; the other three basins had mixed land use. Sediment yields at the nine sites ranged from 77 tons per square mile per year in a residential basin to 4,700 tons per square mile per year at the developing basin. The application of the USGS results of this report is appropriate given the close proximity of the two study sites and the common landuses involved in each. Relative pollutant contributions from different landuses in the USGS report are presented in Appendix F. For this TMDL, landuse-specific sediment loading estimates from the USGS (1999) study were categorized as either urban or rural, and the relative percent TSS contribution was determined for both land use types. The resulting relative percent TSS contributions were combined with the Fourth Creek landuse distribution to estimate the overall relative loading ratios for urban and rural areas. These results are presented in Table 8. The city of Statesville constitutes nearly all of the urban land use in the Fourth Creek watershed. While the boundary of the city of Statesville constitutes over 16.4% of the Fourth Creek watershed, the 1993-94 land use/land cover classification identifies 6.9% of the total area as “urban” because of the presence of parks, vegetation, and other mixed land uses in the boundary of Statesville. For the purposes of this TMDL, the Statesville boundary (16.4%) was used to calculate the urban area and the remainder of the watershed is characterized as rural. Table 8 Relative Pollutant concentrations using USGS (1999) study and Fourth Creek landuse. Landuse TSS load (tons/mi2/yr) USGS (1999) study Landuse Percent from Fourth Creek TSS Loading Ratio for Fourth Creek Urban 1071 16.4% 11% Rural 1688 83.6% 89% Wasteload allocations for NC0031836 and NC0082821 are based on permitted flow and effluent TSS limits and do not result in additional reductions for these facilities. Load allocations for urban and rural landuses were determined by first subtracting the WWTP Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 23 point source loads (combined 1030 lbs/day) from the overall TMDL load (10,519 lbs/day) and multiplying the resulting TMDL load (9,489 lbs/day) by the associated TSS loading ratio (11% for urban, 89% for rural). The resulting load and wasteload allocations are presented in Table 9. Table 9 Fourth Creek TMDL Wasteload and Load Allocations for Turbidity expressed as lbs/day TSS. TMDL Allocations TSS Load (lbs/day) Existing 19,703 WLA - NC0031836 (4 MGD, 30 mg TSS/L limit) 1,001 WLA - NC0082821 (0.114 MGD, 30 mg TSS/L limit) 29 Sum of WLAs 1,030 LA – Urban 1,044 LA – Rural (Non-Urban) 8,445 Sum of LAs 9,489 MOS Explicit 10% TMDL 10,519 TMDL – Percent Reduction Required 47% 5.0 Follow – up Monitoring Turbidity monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the ambient monitoring station at SR2308 near Elmwood and will allow for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards. Short-term flow monitoring at the Fourth Creek at SR2308 near Elmwood is currently underway for the purpose of increasing the accuracy of estimating flows in Fourth Creek to assist in verifying an appropriate near-by station for future flow estimation. Additional monitoring could focus on identifying critical areas of streambank erosion and turbidity source assessment in the watershed. This would further aid in the evaluation of the progress towards meeting the water quality standard. 6.0 Implementation Turbidity impairments in the Fourth Creek watershed are primarily due to excessive stream channel and bank erosion. This erosion is, in part, a result of higher flows and volumes associated with increased urbanization and impervious surface in the Fourth Creek watershed. Enforcement of stormwater BMP requirements for construction sites, education on farm practices, and consideration of urban stormwater controls for sediment are potential management options for improving turbidity levels. Other TSS sources include runoff from disturbed landuses, such as agriculture and construction areas where conversion from rural to urban uses is occurring. While stormwater controls are required on construction sites, significant loadings can occur due to initial periods of land Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 24 disturbance before controls are in place or during high rainfall periods during which the controls are inadequate. North Carolina Phase II rules require development, implementation, and enforcement of an erosion and sediment control program for construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land. In addition, Phase II rules require the development, implementation, and enforcement of a program to address discharges of post-construction storm water runoff from new development and redevelopment areas. Implementation of conservation management plans and best management practices are the best means of controlling agricultural sources of suspended solids. Several programs are available to assist farmers in the development and implementation of conservation management plans and best management practices. The Natural Resource Conservation Service is the primary source of assistance for landowners in the development of resource management pertaining to soil conservation, water quality improvement, wildlife habitat enhancement, and irrigation water management. The USDA Farm Services Agency performs most of the funding assistance. All agricultural technical assistance is coordinated through the locally led Naturally Resource Conservation Service offices (Soil Conservation Districts). The funding programs include: • The Environmental Quality Incentive Program (EQIP) is designed to provide technical, financial, and educational assistance to farmers/producers for conservation practices that address natural resource concerns, such as water quality. Practices under this program include integrated crop management, grazing land management, well sealing, erosion control systems, agri-chemical handling facilities, vegetative filter strips/riparian buffers, animal waste management facilities and irrigation systems. • The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is designed to provide technical and financial assistance to farmers/producers to address the agricultural impacts on water quality and to maintain and improve wildlife habitat. CRP practices include the establishment of filter strips, riparian buffers and permanent wildlife habitats. This program provides the basis for the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP). In 1999 The North Carolina DENR Departments of Environmental Protection and Agriculture, in partnership with Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC), submitted a proposal to the USDA to offer financial incentives for agricultural landowners to voluntarily implement conservation practices on agricultural lands through CREP. The goals for this program are to significantly reduce the amount of nutrients entering estuaries from agricultural sources through a voluntary, incentive-based program; to assist North Carolina in achieving the nutrient reduction goals for agriculture in the area; to significantly reduce the amount of sediment entering water courses; to enhance habitat for a range of threatened and endangered species dependent on riparian areas; and to decrease excess pulses of freshwater in primary nursery areas. NC CREP will be part of the USDA’s Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). The enrollment of farmland into CREP in North Carolina is expected to improve stream health Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 25 through the installation of water quality conservation practices on North Carolina farmland. • The Soil & Water Conservation Cost-Sharing Program is available to participants in a Farmland Preservation Program pursuant to the Agriculture Retention and Development Act. A Farmland Preservation Program (FPP) means any voluntary FPP or municipally approved FPP, the duration of which is at least 8 years, which has as its principal purpose as long-term preservation of significant masses of reasonably contiguous agricultural land within agricultural development areas. The maintenance and support of increased agricultural production must be the first priority use of the land. Eligible practices include erosion control, animal waste control facilities, and water management practices. Cost sharing is provided for up to 50% of the cost to establish eligible practices. Management Strategies Management measures are “economically achievable measures for the control of the addition of pollutants from existing and new categories and classes of nonpoint and stormwater sources of pollution, which reflect the greatest degree of pollutant reduction achievable through the application of the best available nonpoint and stormwater source pollution control practices, technologies, processes, siting criteria, operating methods, or other alternatives” (USEPA, 1993). Development of effective management measures depends on accurate source assessment. A few projects recently completed, underway and planned are identified below. The Iredell Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD), located in Statesville, Iredell County, has been active in assessing issues related to sediment loading in Fourth Creek. In 1999 the SWCD conducted a sediment survey to identify sediment sources and provide a description of the landuses and sediment BMPs adjacent to Fourth Ck and in the watershed (Soil and Water Conservation District, 1999). An action plan was also developed and includes recommendations, goals, and estimates of associated financial expenditures needed for remediation to problems in-stream, in adjacent land areas, and in the watershed as a whole. Lastly, barriers and limiting factors toward achieving the recommended goals are identified in the action plan. This report is provided in Appendix G. The Division of Water Quality, in cooperation with the Iredell SWCD, and USDA, NRCS in Statesville, NC, is supporting a Fourth Creek fecal coliform TMDL implementation project aimed at meeting the objectives for fecal coliform reduction as outlined in the 2001 TMDL report on fecal coliform in Fourth Creek (DWQ, 2001). The main goal of this project is to reduce fecal coliform loading to Fourth Creek from agricultural sources by providing alternative water sources and excluding grazing cattle from the stream. While not specifically addressing turbidity or TSS, management measures taken to reduce bacterial loads will likely have the direct effect of reducing sediment erosion and resuspension. A few of such actions in the implementation plan include: construction of fencing along 30,000 feet of stream bank, reestablishing 2,000 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 26 feet of riparian vegetation in the buffer zone to reduce erosion, 2 acres of tree planting, 3 acres of critical area seeding/treatment, and construction of 12 stream crossings. Fourth Creek and the lower South Yadkin River watersheds (HUCs 3040102030010 and 3040102030020) are two of 55 watersheds in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River basin that have been identified by the NC Wetlands Restoration Program (NCWRP) as areas with the greatest need and opportunity for stream and wetland restoration efforts. This watershed will be given higher priority than a non-targeted watershed for the implementation of NCWRP restoration projects. 7.0 Public Participation The City of Statesville in Iredell County and Rowan County has been notified of the Fourth Creek turbidity TMDL. The county extension service and soil and water conservation districts will be involved in the implementation portion of the TMDL. A public meeting will be held in the watershed on March 26, 2004 to discuss the TMDL. The TMDL has been publicly noticed and comments on the TMDL will be accepted over a period of at least thirty days. 8.0 Additional Information Further information concerning North Carolina’s TMDL program can be found on the Internet at the Division of Water Quality website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/index.htm Technical questions regarding this TMDL should be directed to the following members of the DWQ Modeling/TMDL Unit: Brian Jacobson, Modeler e-mail: Brian.Jacobson@ncmail.net Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 27 References ASIWPCA TMDL, “Brown Bag,” Conference Call on Load Duration Curve Methodology, June 12, 2002. Cleland, B.R. 2002. TMDL Development from the “Bottom Up” – Part II: Using load duration curves to connect the pieces. Proceedings from the WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Conference. Earth Satellite Corporation (EarthSat), 19980612, Statewide Land Cover - 1996: EarthSat, Raleigh, North Carolina Kansas Department of Health and Environment, 2002. Data Analysis: Methodology Used in Kansas Lake TMDLs: Explanation of Bacteria TMDL Curves (PDF): Kansas TMDL Curve Methodology. Online: http://www.kdhe.state.ks.us/tmdl/Data.htm. LeGrand, H.E. 1954. Geology and Ground Water in the Statesville Area, North Carolina. North Carolina Department of Conservation and Development. Prepared Cooperatively by the Geological Survey, US Department of the Interior. Bulletin Number 68. North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, 2001, Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform, Fourth Creek (Sub-basin 03-07-06). Online at: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/TMDL_list.htm North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, 2002, Water Quality Assessment and Impaired Waters List (2002 Integrated 305(b) and 303(d) Report (Final), North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality, Raleigh, North Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. 2003. Total Maximum Daily Loads for Turbidity and Fecal Coliform for East Fork Deep River, North Carolina. Draft 11/05/03. Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Division of Water Quality with support from TetraTech, Inc., Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Rosgen. D.L., A Practical Method of Computing Streambank Erosion Rate. Wildland Hydrology, Inc. Pagosa Springs, Colorado. Online at: http://www.wildlandhydrology.com/assets/Streambank_erosion_paper.pdf Sheely, L. H. July 2002. Load Duration Curves: Development and Application to Data Analysis for Streams in the Yazoo River Basin, MS. Special Project – Summer 2002. Jackson Engineering Graduate Program. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 28 Soil and Water Conservation District, Iredell County. 1999. District Ag Sediment Survey/Action Plan. Fourth Creek – Iredell County. Statesville, NC Stiles, T.C. 2002. Incorporating hydrology in determining TMDL endpoints and allocations. Proceedings from the WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Conference. United States Department of Agriculture. 1964. Soil survey of Iredell County, North Carolina. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. 1995. Soil survey of Rowan County. Online at: http://www.mo14.nc.nrcs.usda.gov/technical/soilsurveys.html United States Department of Agriculture. Agreement between The State of North Carolina and The U.S. Department of Agriculture Commodity Credit Corporation concerning the implementation of the North Carolina Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program Online at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/dafp/cepd/crep/NCok.htm United States. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1991. Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. United States. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1993. Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters. EPA-840-B-92-002. Washington, DC. United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2000. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). United States. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Federal Advisory Committee (FACA). 1998. Draft Final TMDL Federal Advisory Committee Report. April. United States. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). October 1999. Protocols for Developing Sediment TMDLs – First Edition. EPA 841-B-99-004. Washington, DC. USGS. 1999. Relation of Land Use to Streamflow and Water Quality at Selected Sites in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1993-98. Water Resources Investigations Report 99-4180. Raleigh, NC. Wayland, R. 2002. November 22, 2002 Memo from Robert Wayland of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to Water Division Directors. Subject: Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 29 Establishing TMDL Waste Load Allocations for stormwater sources and NDPES permit requirements based on those allocations. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 30 Appendix A. DWQ Ambient Monitoring and Discharger Coalition Data Ambient Monitoring Results for TSS and Turbidity at Station Q3735000 DATE RESIDUE TOTAL NONFILTRABLE (MG/L) (method 00530) TURBIDITY LAB NEPHELOME UNITS NTU (method 82079) 01/29/97 31 32 02/24/97 24 17 03/20/97 98 80 04/22/97 87 05/12/97 20 14 07/15/97 32 18 08/12/97 20 14 09/10/97 38 36 10/20/97 10 23 11/05/97 5 6.4 12/19/97 9 3.7 01/15/98 400 240 02/23/98 200 22 03/30/98 21 9.2 04/21/98 70 37 05/28/98 46 28 06/11/98 73 50 07/20/98 20 17 08/31/98 1 6.2 09/10/98 9 11 10/06/98 11 10 11/17/98 13 13 12/10/98 8 10 01/13/99 9 8.5 02/17/99 11 7.6 03/16/99 16 15 04/26/99 13 05/18/99 15 13 06/14/99 7 12 07/12/99 140 70 08/09/99 60 48 09/09/99 12 10 10/12/99 38 36 11/08/99 4 3.9 12/15/99 12 20 01/04/00 17 13 02/14/00 360 290 03/14/00 9 7.9 04/19/00 54 37 05/16/00 13 4.3 06/15/00 18 9.4 07/17/00 19 24 08/09/00 10 9.6 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 31 DATE RESIDUE TOTAL NONFILTRABLE (MG/L) (method 00530) TURBIDITY LAB NEPHELOME UNITS NTU (method 82079) 09/07/00 12 10/16/00 4.2 11/16/00 6 6.2 12/06/00 4.8 01/08/01 38 02/05/01 8 8 04/19/01 8.2 05/10/01 8 8.1 06/11/01 14 08/14/01 56 70 09/10/01 5.7 10/03/01 4.4 11/08/01 2.5 5.3 12/04/01 6.5 01/10/02 12 02/13/02 10 14 03/20/02 29 04/24/02 10 05/14/02 39 60 06/10/02 10 07/08/02 19 08/27/02 12 38 09/18/02 220 10/16/02 390 11/13/02 94 100 12/18/02 19 01/29/03 8.7 02/20/03 150 140 03/20/03 500 04/07/03 260 05/07/03 34 45 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 32 Discharger Coalition Monitoring Results at Station Q3735000 DATE TURBIDITY (NTU) 06/04/1998 39 07/14/1998 53.6 08/03/1998 14.1 09/02/1998 6.4 10/15/1998 11.8 11/11/1998 15.8 12/11/1998 11.9 01/08/1999 18.8 02/05/1999 20.5 03/10/1999 17.5 04/06/1999 27.8 05/11/1999 25 06/02/1999 27.8 07/06/1999 34.3 08/10/1999 15.3 09/07/1999 33 10/13/1999 33.6 11/08/1999 8.1 12/10/1999 15 01/12/2000 58 02/03/2000 24 03/23/2000 62.6 04/21/2000 69.4 05/09/2000 58.9 06/13/2000 35.2 07/11/2000 22.8 08/31/2000 34.7 09/07/2000 26.2 10/26/2000 6.2 11/30/2000 5.8 12/21/2000 5.6 01/17/2001 5.5 02/15/2001 6.4 03/05/2001 21 04/12/2001 12 05/15/2001 6.7 06/12/2001 10 07/16/2001 11 08/06/2001 5.2 09/10/2001 9.6 10/08/2001 6.6 11/12/2001 4 12/03/2001 5.8 01/14/2002 9 02/11/2002 15 03/04/2002 12 04/08/2002 8.2 05/06/2002 14 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 33 DATE TURBIDITY (NTU) 06/10/2002 8.3 07/08/2002 18 08/05/2002 8.4 09/23/2002 36 10/07/2002 6.6 11/04/2002 8.6 12/02/2002 7.3 01/06/2003 167 02/10/2003 125 03/17/2003 600 04/07/2003 600 05/12/2003 290 06/09/2003 230 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 34 Discharger Coalition Monitoring Results at Station Q3720000 (this information was not used in calculating the TMDL). DATE Turbidity (NTU) 06/04/1998 37 07/14/1998 49.2 08/03/1998 14.7 09/02/1998 7.9 10/15/1998 12.9 11/11/1998 18.4 12/11/1998 10.8 01/08/1999 18.1 02/05/1999 18.3 03/10/1999 15.1 04/06/1999 21.5 05/11/1999 26 06/02/1999 51.2 07/06/1999 37 08/10/1999 15 09/07/1999 28 10/13/1999 54.3 11/08/1999 8.4 12/10/1999 13.8 01/12/2000 47 02/03/2000 15.3 03/23/2000 46.6 04/21/2000 65.6 05/09/2000 46.5 06/13/2000 34.5 07/11/2000 23.7 08/31/2000 136 09/07/2000 26.7 10/26/2000 4.85 11/30/2000 5.8 12/21/2000 5.6 01/17/2001 6.2 02/15/2001 12 03/05/2001 24 04/12/2001 7.1 05/15/2001 7 06/12/2001 12 07/16/2001 11 08/06/2001 5.4 09/10/2001 8.7 10/08/2001 6.4 11/12/2001 4.3 12/03/2001 5.3 01/14/2002 14 02/11/2002 17 03/04/2002 14 04/08/2002 5.1 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 35 DATE Turbidity (NTU) 05/06/2002 8.1 06/10/2002 7.5 07/08/2002 10 08/05/2002 17 09/23/2002 29 10/07/2002 7.2 11/04/2002 4.3 12/02/2002 5.8 01/06/2003 230 02/10/2003 84 03/17/2003 880 04/07/2003 420 05/12/2003 350 06/09/2003 165 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 36 Appendix B. Monthly average effluent TSS concentrations (mg/L) at the Statesville WWTP (NC0031836) and Southern States Cooperative Facility (NC0082821) during years 1998-2003. Statesville WWTP (NC0031836) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 January 13.1 10.7 15.2 9.1 8.2 7.1 February 18.4 10.3 12.7 9.3 10.7 8.2 March 15.1 12.0 11.0 13.8 10.5 12.8 April 7.4 15.1 15.3 12.9 10.7 8.6 May 8.1 14.2 8.4 15.3 15.7 6.4 June 4.8 8.8 7.5 12.4 8.8 18.1 July 7.7 11.8 7.1 13.8 < 5.0 4.3 August 8.3 10.4 7.2 19.4 2.3 3.8 September 7.5 7.7 7.3 8.1 3.6 4.9 October 6.4 9.7 7.4 9.0 4.9 November 7.7 11.0 5.7 9.7 6.4 December 8.8 14.0 7.5 6.6 5.4 Southern States Cooperative facility (NC0082821) 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 January 26.0 23.7 15.2 February 23.6 23.9 21.7 18.5 March 24.2 17.8 17.5 0.03 April 20.7 14.1 May 18.0 June 18.1 July 26.2 August 20.9 September 18.5 October 18.8 November 22.5 23.5 December 22.3 27.1 7.0 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 37 Appendix C. General Permitees located within the Fourth Creek watershed. Permit Number Coc Number Facility Name Receiving Waterbody DWQ Description NCS000018 N/A J. C. Steele & Sons; Inc. UT Fourth Ck No description available NCG020000 NCG020109 Martin Marietta - Statesville SW-Mining NCG030000 NCG030052 Hunt Manufacturing Company Gregory Ck SW-Metal processing NCG030000 NCG030255 JC Steele & Sons Inc. UT To Fourth Ck SW-Metal processing NCG030000 NCG030256 Wheeling Corrugating Company UT To Fourth Ck SW-Metal processing NCG030000 NCG030379 MMI Products; Inc.-Merchants Metals UT Fourth Ck SW-Metal processing NCG030000 NCG030442 Commscope, Inc. Gregory Ck SW-Metal processing NCG030000 NCG030445 Dana Spicer Clark - Hurth UT fourth Ck SW-Metal processing NCG040000 NCG040120 Bruce Hardwood Flooring LP Third Ck & Fourth Ck SW-Chip mill NCG040000 NCG040237 Shaver Wood Products; Inc. UT To Fourth Ck SW-Chip mill NCG050000 NCG050029 UNIWOOD Morrison Ck SW-Textile, paperboard, rubber (not tires) processing NCG050000 NCG050098 International Paper; Container Div. Gregory Ck SW-Textile, paperboard, rubber (not tires) processing NCG050000 NCG050108 Rubbermaid-Statesville; Inc. Gregory Ck SW-Textile, paperboard, rubber (not tires) processing NCG050000 NCG050265 Jet Corr Statesville MS4 to UT Gregory Ck SW-Textile, paperboard, rubber (not tires) processing NCG050000 NCG050272 Iredell Fiber; Inc. UT Fourth Ck SW-Textile, paperboard, rubber (not tires) processing NCG060000 NCG060156 Bartlett & Co. D/B/A Bartlett Milling Co. Fourth Ck SW-Food, tobacco, cosmetics processing NCG080000 NCG080016 Ruan Leasing Company UT To Fourth Ck SW-Vehicle maintenance areas, fuel storage sites NCG080000 NCG080360 Ruan Leasing Company- Statesville UT Fourth Ck SW-Vehicle maintenance areas, fuel storage sites NCG080000 NCG080568 NC Army National Guard-Statesville NG Armory UT Gregory Ck SW-Vehicle maintenance areas, fuel storage sites NCG090000 NCG090023 Engineered Polymer Solutions; Inc. D/b/a Valspar Corporation UT Fourth Ck SW-Paint processing NCG100000 NCG100030 Matlocks Used Cars UT Fourth Ck SW-Auto junk yards NCG120000 NCG120042 Iredell County Sanitary Landfill Fourth Ck SW-Landfills NCG140000 NCG140172 Union Concrete UT of Fourth Ck SW-Ready-Mix concrete NCG160000 NCG160067 APAC-Carolina Inc.-North Side Drive Plant Morrison Ck SW-Asphalt paving and block processing NCG170000 NCG170017 John Boyle & Co.; Inc. UT of Fourth Ck SW-Textile Mill NCG170000 NCG170127 Carolina Mills; Inc.-Plant 12 Fourth Ck SW-Textile Mill NCG210000 NCG210003 Intercraft Industries; L. P. Fourth Ck SW-Wood processing Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 39 Appendix D. Methodology for developing the Load Duration Curve The load duration curve method is based on comparison of the frequency of a given flow event with its associated water quality load. In the case of applying the NTU criteria, a correlation is necessary between NTU and TSS to allow for calculation of a load in mass per time units. Data from the Fourth Creek ambient station (Station Q3735000) was used in this this TMDL resulted in the below equation: TSS concentration (mg/L) = (1.341* Turbidity (NTU)) – 1.008 R2 = 0.8435 A LDC can be developed using the following steps: 1. Plot the Flow Duration Curve, Flow vs. % of days flow exceeded. 2. Develop TSS-turbidity correlation. 3. Translate turbidity values to equivalent TSS values using the linear regression equation from the correlation. 4. Translate the flow-duration curve into a LDC by multiplying the water quality standard (as equivalent TSS concentration), the flow and a units conversion factor; the result of this multiplication is the maximum allowable load associated with each flow. 5. Graph the LDC, maximum allowable load vs. percent of time flow is equaled or exceeded. 6. Water quality samples, expressed as estimated TSS values, are converted to loads (sample water quality data multiplied by daily flow on the date of sample). 7. Plot the measured loads on the LDC Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 40 Appendix E. Load Reduction Estimates for Turbidity in Fourth Creek. Percent of Days flow is exceeded TSS Load based on Regression Line (mg TSS/L) TSS Load based on SWQS with MOS (mg TSS/L) Load Reduction Required at each flow (mg TSS/L) 10% 55,217 25,492 29,725 11% 53,546 24,006 29,540 12% 51,925 22,817 29,108 13% 50,353 22,371 27,983 14% 48,829 21,033 27,796 15% 47,351 20,439 26,913 16% 45,918 19,993 25,925 17% 44,528 19,547 24,981 18% 43,180 18,506 24,674 19% 41,873 18,209 23,664 20% 40,606 17,615 22,991 21% 39,377 17,466 21,911 22% 38,185 16,723 21,462 23% 37,029 16,574 20,455 24% 35,908 16,277 19,631 25% 34,821 15,831 18,990 26% 33,767 15,385 18,382 27% 32,745 15,088 17,657 28% 31,754 14,790 16,963 29% 30,793 14,345 16,448 30% 29,861 14,196 15,665 31% 28,957 13,899 15,058 32% 28,080 13,750 14,330 33% 27,230 13,453 13,777 34% 26,406 13,155 13,250 35% 25,607 13,007 12,600 36% 24,832 12,710 12,122 37% 24,080 12,561 11,519 38% 23,351 12,412 10,939 39% 22,644 12,115 10,529 40% 21,959 11,818 10,141 41% 21,294 11,669 9,625 42% 20,650 11,520 9,129 43% 20,024 11,223 8,801 44% 19,418 11,075 8,344 45% 18,831 10,777 8,053 46% 18,261 10,629 7,632 47% 17,708 10,331 7,376 48% 17,172 10,183 6,989 49% 16,652 10,034 6,618 50% 16,148 9,886 6,263 51% 15,659 9,737 5,922 52% 15,185 9,588 5,597 53% 14,726 9,440 5,286 54% 14,280 9,291 4,989 55% 13,848 9,142 4,705 56% 13,428 8,994 4,435 57% 13,022 8,845 4,177 58% 12,628 8,696 3,931 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 41 Percent of Days flow is exceeded TSS Load based on Regression Line (mg TSS/L) TSS Load based on SWQS with MOS (mg TSS/L) Load Reduction Required at each flow (mg TSS/L) 59% 12,246 8,548 3,698 60% 11,875 8,399 3,476 61% 11,515 8,251 3,265 62% 11,167 8,102 3,065 63% 10,829 7,953 2,876 64% 10,501 7,805 2,696 65% 10,183 7,656 2,527 66% 9,875 7,507 2,368 67% 9,576 7,359 2,217 68% 9,286 7,210 2,076 69% 9,005 7,061 1,944 70% 8,733 6,913 1,820 71% 8,468 6,764 1,704 72% 8,212 6,467 1,745 73% 7,963 6,318 1,645 74% 7,722 6,170 1,553 75% 7,489 6,021 1,468 76% 7,262 5,872 1,389 77% 7,042 5,724 1,318 78% 6,829 5,575 1,254 79% 6,622 5,426 1,196 80% 6,422 5,129 1,293 81% 6,227 4,981 1,247 82% 6,039 4,832 1,207 83% 5,856 4,683 1,173 84% 5,679 4,535 1,144 85% 5,507 4,386 1,121 86% 5,340 4,089 1,251 87% 5,179 3,940 1,238 88% 5,022 3,792 1,230 89% 4,870 3,643 1,227 90% 4,722 3,346 1,377 91% 4,579 3,048 1,531 92% 4,441 2,900 1,541 93% 4,306 2,751 1,555 94% 4,176 2,602 1,574 95% 4,050 2,261 1,789 Averages: 19,703 10,519 9,184 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 42 Appendix F. Relative Pollutant Contributions from the USGS report “Relation of Land Use to Streamflow and Water Quality at Selected Sites in the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, 1993-98” (USGS, 1999). Landuse Type TSS Concentration (ton/mi2/yr) Mixed forest/pasture/ low density residential 2,400 Mixed forest, pasture, medium-and low-density residential 2,100 Mixed forest, pasture, medium-and low-density residential 564 Average Rural 1,688 Industrial 122 Industrial 300 Medium-density residential 225 Medium-density residential 77 High-density residential 1,000 Developing 4,700 Average Urban 1,071 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 43 Appendix G. Agriculture Sediment Survey/Action Plan for Fourth Creek – Iredell County conducted by the Soil and Water Conservation District, Iredell County in 1999. Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 44 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 45 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 46 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 47 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 48 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 49 Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 50 Appendix H. Public Notification of Public Review Draft of Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL. Fourth Creek, Yadkin River Basin Now Available Upon Request Fourth Creek Turbidity Total Maximum Daily Load Is now available upon request from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. This TMDL study was prepared as a requirement of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Section 303(d). The study identifies the sources of pollution, determines allowable loads to the surface waters, and suggests allocations for turbidity. TO OBTAIN A FREE COPY OF THE TMDL REPORT: Please contact Mr. Brian Jacobson (919) 733-5083, extension 552 or write to: Mr. Brian Jacobson Water Quality Planning Branch NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Interested parties are invited to comment on the draft TMDL study by April 12, 2004. Comments concerning the reports should be directed to Mr. Brian Jacobson at the above address. The draft TMDL is also located on the following website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl Public Meetings Notice A public meeting to discuss the Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL will be held on Friday, March 26th at 10:00am at the following address: The Old City Hall Building Council Chambers 301 South Center Street Statesville, North Carolina Fourth Creek Turbidity TMDL November 2003 51