HomeMy WebLinkAbout4th Creek Coliform TMDLFinal Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for Fecal Coliform October 2001 Fourth Creek (Subbasin 03-07-06) Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin North Carolina Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 INDEX OF TMDL SUBMITTAL 303(d) List Information State North Carolina Basin Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin 303(d) Listed Waters Name of Stream Description Class Index #8 Digit CU Miles Fourth Creek SR2308 in Iredell County to 1.5 miles upstream of Rowan County SR1985 C 15-4b 03040102 9.5 8 Digit Cataloging Unit(s)03040102 Area of Impairment 9.5 miles WQS Violated Fecal Coliform Pollutant of Concern Fecal Coliform Sources of Impairment Point and nonpoint sources from entire watershed Public Notice Information Form of Public Notification: A draft of the Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL was publically noticed through various means, including mailings to interested parties in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. A public comment period was held for the 45 days prior to May 23, 2001. A public meeting was held in Statesville on April 30, 2001. Did notification contain specific mention of TMDL proposal? Yes Were comments received from the public? Yes Was a responsiveness summary prepared? A summary of the comments and DWQ’s responses are included in Appendix V of the TMDL document Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 TMDL Information Critical condition wet weather, late spring-early summer Seasonality Modeled from 1995-1999 to include fluctuations in seasonal fecal coliform loading. Development tools Coliform Routing and Allocation Program (CRAP) Supporting documents “Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform, Fourth Creek (Sub-basin 03-07-06)” TMDL(s) Loading allowed at critical condition: Wasteload Allocation (WLA):9.09 x 1011 cfu per 30 days Load Allocation (LA):4.59 x 1013 cfu per 30 days Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Sources Sub- Watershed Wet Weather Fecal Coliform Loading Reductions Dry Weather Fecal Coliform Loading Reductions Wasteload Allocation (WLA) WWTP 0%0% High Density Development WS04-WS05 97%60% Low Density Development WS04-WS05 97%60% Livestock Grazing/Manure Application (Pastureland) WS02 95%40% WS03 98%40% WS04 98%40% WS05 97%50% Manure Application (Cultivated)WS02 88%40% WS03 96%40% WS04-WS05 94%40% Wildlife WS01-WS05 0%0% Margin of Safety Explicit margin of safety of 25 cfu/100ml. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….1 1.1 Watershed Description… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..2 1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Program… … … … … … … … … … … … … …..5 1.3 Water Quality Target… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….5 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….6 2.1 Point Source Assessment… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..6 2.2 Non-point Source Assessment… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …7 3.0 MODELING APPROACH… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …10 3.1 Model Framework… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….10 3.2 Model Setup… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..10 3.3 Fecal Coliform Source Representation… … … … … … … … … … … … ….14 3.4 Instream Decay Rate… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….20 3.5 Critical Conditions… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …20 3.6 Model Results… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …...21 4.0 ALLOCATION… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..24 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)… … … … … … … … … … … … …...24 5.0 SUMMARY AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS… … … … … … … … … … …28 5.1 Monitoring… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….28 5.2 Implementation… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …..29 6.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …29 7.0 REFERENCES… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … ….30 APPENDIX I Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data APPENDIX II Statesville Wastewater Treatment Plant Monthly Discharge Data APPENDIX III Second and Fourth Creek Flow data APPENDIX IV Public Notice of Draft Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL APPENDIX V Public Comment on Fourth Creek TMDL and DWQ Response Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has identified a 9.5 mile segment (12- 108-20-(1)b) of Fourth Creek in the Yadkin River Basin as impaired by fecal coliform bacteria as reported in the 2000 North Carolina 303(d) list. The impaired segment is located between State Road 2308 in Iredell County and 1.5 miles upstream of Rowan County State Road 1985. This section of the stream, located in subbasin 03-07-06, is designated as a class C water.1 Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, referred to as the 303(d) list, is submitted biennially to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Part I of the 303(d) list. The objective of a TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and allocate to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end-point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Assimilative capacity estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. 1 Class C waters are freshwaters that are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, aquatic life including propagation and survival of wildlife. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 2 Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The wasteload allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non-point sources, stormwater, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the waterbody may be moved to Part III of the 303(d) list. Waterbodies remain on Part III of the list until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may still result in the restoration of water quality. The goal of the TMDL program is to restore uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of bacteria controls will be necessary to restore uses in Fourth Creek. Although an implemetation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies are needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. The DWQ will begin developing the implementation plan during public review of the TMDL. 1.1 Watershed Description Fourth Creek, located in the central piedmont region of North Carolina, drains to the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin. Figure 1 depicts the location of Fourth Creek in North Carolina. The Fourth Creek watershed in the TMDL includes the drainage area above the confluence of Fourth and Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 3 Third Creeks. The Fourth Creek watershed is divided between Rowan and Iredell counties. The majority of the impaired stream segment is located in Rowan County. The portion of the watershed that lies in Iredell County has an area of 58.9 mi2. The remaining portion of the watershed (24.1 mi2) falls in Rowan County. The Fourth Creek watershed includes two 14 digit hydrologic units and is approximately 83 square miles (53,071 acres) in area. The city of Statesville (1993 population of 20,876), is located upstream of the ambient monitoring station within the Fourth Creek watershed. The land use/ land cover characteristics of the watershed were determined using 1996 land cover data. The North Carolina Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, in cooperation with the NC Department of Transportation and United States Environmental Protection Agency Region IV Wetlands Division, contracted Earth Satellite Corporation (EarthSat) of Rockville, Maryland to generate comprehensive land cover data for the entire state of North Carolina. Land cover/land use coverage for the watershed above the confluence of Fourth and Third Creeks is shown in Table 1. Land Cover/Land Use Fourth Creek Watershed Acres (%) Cultivated High Intensity Developed Low Intensity Developed Shrubland Forest Herbaceous Cover Open Water Total Table 1. The land cover/land use coverage of the Fourth Creek watershed. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek 4 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 5 1.2 Water Quality Monitoring Program The segment of Fourth Creek was listed as impaired based on data from an ambient monitoring station located at SR 2308 near the town of Elmwood (Station Q3735000). Figure 2 shows the locations of the monitoring stations in the Fourth Creek watershed. The fecal coliform samples were collected on a monthly interval beginning in June 1995 to the present. A Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Association discharger coalition monitoring station is also sited at this location (Station Q3735000). An additional discharger coalition monitoring station is located in the headwaters of an unnamed tributary of Fourth Creek at SR 2316 (Q3720000). The discharger coalition has been monitoring fecal coliform concentrations at these locations since 1998. The data from these monitoring stations are shown in Appendix I. The Fourth Creek WWTP monitored instream fecal coliform concentrations at upstream and downstream locations in years prior to the discharger coalition monitoring. The upstream/downstream fecal coliform concentration data are shown in Appendix I. The fecal coliform concentrations of the samples collected at the DWQ ambient monitoring station ranged from 27cfu/100ml to 11,000cfu/100ml. The fecal coliform concentrations for the samples collected by the discharger coalition at station Q3735000 ranged between 10 and 4,500 cfu/100ml between July 1998 and June 2000. Samples are collected at the DWQ ambient monitoring station and at the discharger coalition station on a monthly basis. As a result, the 30- day geometric mean of the samples could not be calculated using the minimum required 5 samples in 30 days. 1.3 Water Quality Target The North Carolina fresh water quality standard for Class C waters for fecal coliform (T15A: 02B.0211) states: Organisms of the coliform group: fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable non-point source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 6 in case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique will be used as the reference method. The instream numeric target, or endpoint, is the restoration objective expected to be reached by implementing the specified load reductions in the TMDL. The target allows for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards for the impaired stream by comparing the instream data to the target. In the Fourth Creek watershed, the water quality target is the geometric mean concentration of 200cfu/100ml over a 30-day period. The water quality target is based on the 30 day geometric mean standard of 200cfu/100ml and does not address the portion of the standard that limits the percentage of instantaneous excursions over 400cfu/100ml to twenty percent. In order to evaluate the fecal coliform model, monitor water quality conditions and assess progress of the TMDL, an evaluation location was established for the Fourth Creek watershed. The evaluation location of this watershed is located in Fourth Creek at SR2308, the location of the ambient monitoring and discharger coalition stations. 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT A source assessment is used to identify and characterize the known and suspected sources of fecal coliform bacteria in the watershed. The source assessment of Fourth Creek will be used in the water quality model and in the development of the TMDL. 2.1 Point Source Assessment General sources of fecal coliform bacteria are divided between point and non-point sources. Facilities that treat domestic waste which are permitted through the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) are the primary point sources of fecal coliform bacteria. 2.1.1 Individually Permitted NPDES Dischargers There are two NPDES individually permitted dischargers in the Fourth Creek watershed. The Statesville WWTP (NC0031836) has a maximum permitted effluent fecal coliform concentration of a 30 day geometric mean of 200 cfu/100ml, and a weekly geometric mean of 400 cfu/100ml. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 7 The monthly geometric means of the discharge are listed in Appendix II. The Fourth Creek WWTP land applies a percentage of the residuals generated during the wastewater treatment process. The residuals are land applied outside the Fourth Creek watershed in Alexander County (Smith Communication, 2001). The treatment plant processes the remainder of the residuals into an alkaline product for distribution to local farmers (Statesville, 2000). Southern States Cooperative treatment plant (NC0082821) does not discharge fecal coliform bacteria. NDPES #Facility Name Facility Class Permitted Flow Receiving Water NC0031836 Statesville WWTP IV 4 MGD Fourth Creek NC0082821 Southern States Cooperative 0.114 MGD Fourth Creek Table 2. Individually permitted NPDES wastewater treatment facilities. 2.1.2 General Permitted NPDES Dischargers There are five general permitted facilities located in the Fourth Creek watershed. Four of the facilities are permitted to discharge non-contact cooling water, boiler blowdown, cooling tower blowdown, and other similar wastewaters. The effluents of these facilities are not limited or monitored for fecal coliform. One single-family residence is permitted to discharge wastewater in the Fourth Creek watershed. The permitted limits of the facility include a maximum daily flow of 1000 gallons per day, a monthly geometric mean of 200cfu/100ml and a daily maximum of 400cfu/100ml. 2.2 Non-point Source Assessment Non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria include those sources that can not be identified as entering the waterbody at a specific location (e.g., a pipe). Non-point source pollution can include both urban and agricultural sources, and human and non-human sources. Table 3 lists the potential human and animal non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria (Center for Watershed Protection, 1999). The non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria in Fourth Creek include wildlife, livestock (land application of agricultural manure and grazing), concentrated animal feed-lots, urban development (stormwater), failing septic systems, and sewer line systems (illicit connections, leaky sewer lines and sewer system overflows). Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 8 Source Type Source Human Sources Sewered watershed Combined sewer overflows Sanitary sewer overflows Illegal sanitary connections to storm drains Illegal disposal to storm drains Non-sewered watershed Failing septic systems Poorly operated package plant Landfills Marinas Non-human Sources Domestic animals and urban wildlife Dogs, cats Rats, raccoons Pigeons, gulls, ducks, geese Livestock and rural wildlife Cattle, horse, poultry Beaver, muskrats, deer, waterfowl Hobby farms Table 3. Potential sources of fecal coliform bacteria in urban and rural watersheds (Center for Watershed Protection, 1999). 2.2.1 Livestock Iredell County is the leading dairying county and producer of chickens in North Carolina. With a total area of approximately 367,600 acres, Iredell County has an estimated 1,200 farms (Agriculture Census, 2001). In the 1997 Agricultural Census of Iredell County there were 180 poultry farms, 705 beef cow farms and 227 horse and pony farms. Compared to the rest of Iredell County, there are fewer total animals in the Fourth Creek watershed (Stevenson communication, 2001). Rowan County, with a total area of 327,296 acres is a producer of cattle, beef and milk cows, chickens, hogs and pigs. According to the 1997 Agricultural Census, there were 48 poultry farms, 473 beef farms and 36 dairy farms in Rowan County. There are no registered animal operations in the Rowan County portion of Fourth Creek. In 1997 there were 154 horse and pony farms throughout Rowan County (Agriculture Census, 2001). Livestock Grazing/Horse and Pony Grazing Cattle, including both dairy and beef cows, and horses graze on pasture land and deposit feces onto the land. During a rainfall runoff event, a portion of the fecal material that contains coliform bacteria is transported to the streams. In addition, when cattle or horses have direct access to streams, feces may be deposited directly into a stream. There are small, scattered beef operations (+/- 500 total animals) which may have access to streams in the Fourth Creek Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 9 watershed. There are a few beef farms that have fenced the streams out to not allow cattle access to the streams (Stevenson communication, 2001). Agricultural Manure Application/Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations The three registered dairy cattle operations, located in Iredell County, have one onsite lagoon per operation. The average cattle population of the three operations range from 180-275 heads of cattle. There is an estimated total of 693 total dairy cattle on the 3 dairies. The dairy cattle may have limited access to streams. Dairy manure is mostly applied to cropland with some to pasutre/hayland. Manure is generally applied to cropland from March to June and from September to November. Manure is typically applied to pastureland during the same periods although application extends through December. Poultry litter produced by the chickens is routinely collected and applied as an alternative to fertilizer and applied predominately to pasture/hayland (Stevenson communication, 2001). 2.2.2 Failed Septic Systems Failing septic systems have been cited as a potential source of fecal coliform bacteria to water bodies (USEPA, 2000). The Iredell County Health Department has estimated that approximately 65-70% of the county population (1999 population of 117,800) is served by on-site septic tank systems (Sheeks communication, 2001). The Department of Environmental Health has estimated that Iredell and Rowan Counties have approximately 11,400 and 20,000 housing units on septic systems, respectively (DEH, 1999). In the Fourth Creek watershed, the number of septic systems per square mile is greatest in the area surrounding Statesville. Septic system failure rate data in North Carolina are very limited. A study conducted in 1981 by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management suggested that approximately 11% of systems that were surveyed experienced malfunctions or failures over a year (DEH, 2000). 2.2.3 Urban Development/Sanitary Sewer Overflows Fecal coliform bacteria can originate from various urban sources. These sources include pet waste, runoff through stormwater sewers, illicit discharges/connections of sanitary waste, leaky sewer systems and sewer systems overflows. The city of Statesville owns and operates the Fourth Creek WWTP and the sewage collection system. In 1999, Statesville reported three sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) of greater than 1000 gallons (Statesville, 2000). Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 10 2.4 Wildlife Wildlife can be a source of fecal coliform bacteria in forested, wetland, pasture and cropland areas. Wildlife deposit fecal material in these areas which can be transported to a stream in a rain event. Wildlife in the Rowan and Iredell county area include deer, raccoons, squirrels, and birds (including waterfowl). 3.0 MODELING APPROACH 3.1 Model Framework The Coliform Routing and Allocation Program (CRAP), a geographic information system (GIS) based tool (ArcView), was selected for the Fourth Creek fecal coliform bacteria TMDL evaluation in order to satisfy a variety of modeling objectives. CRAP is designed to be an easy to use GIS based model for fecal coliform TMDL development. In 1998 the Modeling Unit staff reviewed the available tools potentially suitable for use in fecal coliform TMDLs and determined that most of the models examined tended to be either overly complex for the modeling objectives or too simple and inflexible. With the notable exception of a few major urban areas, most fecal impaired streams are located in watersheds where relatively little information is available on sources and stream/watershed morphology. Monthly instream fecal concentration data, collected at DWQ ambient stations, tends to comprise the bulk of the available data on fecal coliform bacteria in these watersheds. Hence, in 1999 Modeling Unit staff began development of a simple, flexible, steady state modeling tool which could be applied in a variety of watersheds for which there is limited available data. CRAP is a customized ArcView project, written in Avenue, ArcView’s scripting language. Output from the model is intended to represent ‘typical’ instream fecal coliform concentrations within a given time step, for predefined design (critical) conditions. 3.2 Model Setup The Fourth Creek watershed was delineated into five subwatersheds. The land areas of each of the subwatersheds are shown in Table 4. The subwatersheds range in size from 3.5 mi2 to 26.5 mi2 and encompass pasture, cultivated lands, forest, and low and high density development lands. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 11 Subwatershed Area (square miles) WS01 3.5 WS02 24.6 WS03 9.6 WS04 18.7 WS05 26.5 Table 4. The areas of the subwatersheds of the Fourth Creek watershed. Figure 2 illustrates the subwatershed delineations for the Fourth Creek watershed. The subwatershed delineations were based, in part, on the 14 digit hydrologic unit watershed boundaries, the location of the ambient and discharger coalition monitoring sites, the location of Statesville’s WWTP, and the geographic extent of the impaired segment of Fourth Creek. Subwatershed WS05, located above Statesville, contains the upstream 14 digit hydrologic unit watershed. The downstream point of subwatershed WS04 is located at SR2316, the site of the Fourth Creek WWTP downstream monitoring prior to 1998. The outlet of subwatershed WS03 is the located at SR2308, the site of the ambient monitoring and discharger coalition stations. Subwatershed WS02 contains all of the impaired segment of Fourth Creek. Subwatershed WS01 is located downstream of the impaired segment and above the confluence of Fourth and Third Creeks. The land cover coverage for the subwatersheds is shown in Table 5. Land Cover Watershed 01 acres (%) Watershed 02 acres (%) Watershed 03 acres (%) Watershed 04 acres (%) Watershed 05 acres (%) Cultivated 124 (5.6%)1044 (6.6%)542 (9%)302 (2.5%)1408 (8.3%) High Intensity Development 1 (<1%)95 (<1%)23 (<1%)1058 (8.8%)531 (3.1%) Low Intensity Development 0 (0%)3 (<1%)5 (<1%)1166 (9.7%)353 (2.1%) Shrubland 11 (<1%)211 (1.3%)35 (<1%)18 (<1%)91 (<1%) Forest 1472 (66.4%)8017 (50.9%)3159 (51%)5575(46.5%)7153 (42.2%) Herbaceous Cover 605 (27.3%)6360 (40.4%)2382 (39%)3819 (31.9%)7386 (43.6%) Open Water 4 (<1%)25 (<1%)14 (<1 %)43 (<1%)36 (<1%) Total 2,217 15,755 6,160 11,981 16,958 Table 5. The land cover/land use coverage of the subwatersheds in the Fourth Creek watershed. 3.2.1 Hydrology Since Fourth Creek is not gaged, flow information for Fourth Creek was estimated using flow data from the Second Creek USGS gage station near Barber, North Carolina (Station Number 02120780). This method of calculating flows for Fourth Creek is based on the assumption of equal flow and runoff per square mile for Fourth and Second Creeks. Given the close proximity and similarities in land cover between the two watersheds, this is a reasonable assumption. Prior Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 12 to calculating the flow of Fourth Creek using areal weighting, the flows from the NPDES dischargers upstream of the gage on Second Creek were subtracted from the recorded flow at the USGS gage. The upstream permitted facilities include Rowan County/Second Creek WWTP (NC0078361), Arteva Specialties-KOSA (NC0004944) and Rowan-Salisbury Schools/West Rowan (NC0034959). The adjusted flows for Second Creek are shown in Appendix III. To estimate the daily flow of Fourth Creek, an adjustment coefficient was established by dividing the drainage area of Fourth Creek (82.95 square miles) by the drainage area of the Second Creek gage (118.00 square miles). This coefficient (0.703) was multiplied by the adjusted daily flow of Second Creek to arrive at the estimates for Fourth Creek. The flows from the effluent of the Fourth Creek WWTP (NC0031836) and the Southern States Cooperative (NC0082821) were added to the subwatersheds that are downstream of these facilities. 3.2.2 Hydraulics There are several methods to estimate stream velocity based on stream flow data. The water quality model utilized the power function to calculate the hydraulics of Fourth Creek. The power function: V = aQb V = velocity (feet per second) Q = stream flow (cubic feet per second) a = flow coefficient (unitless) b = exponent for flow (unitless) Since a time of travel (TOT) study was not available for Fourth Creek, a TOT study for North Second Creek (1978) was used to estimate the values of the coefficient and exponent for the Fourth Creek hydraulics. North Second Creek is located in the same subbasin (03-07-06) as Fourth Creek. The following values were used in the Fourth Creek model to calculate stream velocity: a = 0.157 and b = 0.478. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek 13 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 14 3.3 Fecal Coliform Source Representation Both point sources and non-point sources of fecal coliform are represented in the Coliform Routing and Allocation Program (CRAP) model. Figure 3 depicts the process the CRAP model utilizes to calculate the fecal coliform loading from the non-point sources. Each of the non-point sources of fecal coliform is linked to one or more land cover types (i.e., cattle grazing is linked to Source Average or Typical ie Fecal Coliform Concentration Cattle Grazing for the Modeled Condition Land Cover (LC) Type Pasture Fecal Coliform Loading = Fecal Coliform Conc. x Flow from Land Area of LC Type Figure 3. A schematic diagram of the non-point source fecal coliform loading calculations. herbaceous cover). Based on the assumption that flow yields from each of the land covers in the watershed are equal per square mile, CRAP calculates the portion of the Fourth Creek stream flow that originates from each land cover type. To calculate the fecal coliform load (in cfu) from a specific source, the calculated flow from the land cover type was multiplied by the assumed monthly average or typical fecal coliform concentration under the modeled condition (either dry or wet weather). The fecal coliform loading was calculated on a daily basis in the model runs. Table 6 outlines the assumed average fecal coliform concentrations for both dry weather and wet weather conditions. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 15 Source Category Source Sub-Category Subwatershed Land Cover/ Land Use Wet Weather Assumed FC Instream Concentration (cfu/100ml) Dry Weather Assumed FC Instream Concentration (cfu/100ml) Point Source WWTP WS03 23 (average concentration of effluent) 23 (average concentration of effluent) Non-Point Source Wildlife WS01 – WS05 Forest 100 30 Livestock Grazing WS03 Herbaceous/ Pasture 15,000 500 Livestock Grazing WS02 ,WS04 WS05 Herbaceous/ Pasture 10,000 500 Manure Application (Mar. – June; Sept. – Dec.) WS03 Herbaceous/ Pasture 10,000 500 Manure Application (Mar. – June; Sept. – Dec.) WS02, WS04, WS05 Herbaceous/ Pasture 5,000 500 Manure Application (Mar. – June; Sept. – Nov.) WS03 Cultivated 10,000 500 Manure Application (Mar. – June; Sept. – Nov.) WS02, WS04, WS05 Cultivated 5,000 500 High Intensity Development (SSOs, stormwater, sewer infiltration) WS04 – WS05 High Intensity Developed 8,700 1,500 Low Intensity Development (include septic system failure, stormwater) WS04 – WS05 Low Intensity Developed 8,700 1,500 Table 6. The Assumed Instream Fecal Coliform Concentrations by Source Category and Land Cover for the Mean Flow Condition in the Subwatersheds. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 16 3.3.1 Wet Weather Versus Dry Weather Fecal Coliform Loading The CRAP model can calculate fecal coliform loading on a daily time step during both dry and wet weather conditions. For the Fourth Creek TMDL application of the CRAP model, dry weather conditions were defined as three consecutive days without recorded rainfall in Statesville, North Carolina. Wet weather days account for all of the remaining days. To calculate the daily fecal coliform loadings, different in-stream concentrations for dry and wet weather conditions were used. 3.3.2 NPDES Discharge Fourth Creek WWTP, a 4 MGD NPDES individually permitted facility, is located in subwatershed WS03. To calculate the fecal coliform loading from the Fourth Creek WWTP, the average monthly flow calculated from the 1998-2000 discharge monitoring reports was multiplied by the concentration of 23cfu/100ml, the average of the monthly geometric means of the fecal coliform concentrations reported in the discharge monitoring reports. The monthly average flow and monthly geometric means of the fecal coliform concentrations did not substantially vary over the observed period (see Appendix II). Therefore it was reasonable to use the average flow and concentration values over the modeled period. 3.3.3 Livestock Livestock Grazing Fecal coliform loading from grazed areas was calculated using an instream fecal coliform concentration for the portion of the stream flow that originates from pasturelands (managed herbaceous and upland herbaceous land cover). Different fecal coliform concentrations were used to calculate the fecal coliform bacteria loading during wet weather and dry weather events. As previously described dry weather days were defined as at least three consecutive days without rain. The increased fecal coliform loading on wet weather takes into account the increased fecal coliform concentrations in stormwater runoff. Site specific information on annual grazing patterns was not available, therefore it was assumed that there is no monthly variation in animal grazing on pasture land throughout the year. Several Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 17 studies have indicated that grazing cattle increases instream fecal coliform concentrations. Stephenson and Street observed that the presence of cattle on rangelands increased fecal coliform concentrations in stream from 0 to 2500/100ml (Khaleel et al., 1980). Fecal coliform concentrations from grazed pasture runoff have been measured in the range of 120 – 1.3 x 106 cfu/100ml (Doran et al, 1981). A fecal coliform concentration of 10,000 cfu/100ml for wet weather days was input into the model to calculate the fecal coliform load from grazing livestock in subwatersheds WS02, WS04 and WS05. Due to the increased number of dairy cattle in subwatershed WS03, a fecal coliform concentration of 15,000cfu/100ml was used to calculate the loads for wet weather in WS03. The fecal coliform concentration used to calculate the load from grazing on dry weather days was 500cfu/100ml for all subwatersheds. The fecal coliform concentrations used in the CRAP model fall within the range of fecal coliform concentrations found in the literature. Land Application of Agricultural Manure/Concentrated Animal Feedlot Operations Fecal coliform loading values from the land application of manure, poultry litter and concentrated animal feedlot operations were calculated in the model using an instream fecal coliform concentration for the portion of the stream flow that originates from cultivated lands and pasturelands (herbaceous land cover). Based on the information from Iredell Soil & Water Conservation District, manure application is applied to cropland from March-June and September-November (Stevenson communications, 2001). Manure is applied to pastureland during the same period but extending through December. Due to a lack of site specific data on these sources, cattle and poultry manure application were grouped together as one source, the land application of agricultural manure. Under wet weather conditions, the manure application contribution to the instream fecal coliform concentration was represented by a concentration of 5,000 cfu/100ml for the portion of the stream flow that originates from pasturelands (managed herbaceous and upland herbaceous land cover). The application of manure on cultivated lands was represented in the model by an input of 5,000cfu/100ml fecal coliform concentration for the portion of the stream flow that originates from cultivated land. Under dry weather conditions, the application of manure on cultivated lands was represented in the model by an input of 500 cfu/100ml fecal coliform concentration for the portion of the stream flow that originates on cultivated land. The fecal coliform loading from manure application on pastureland in dry weather was calculated using an in-stream fecal coliform concentration of 500cfu/100ml for the portion of stream flow that originates on pastureland. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 18 3.3.4 Low Density Development/Septic Systems Fecal coliform loading from developed land includes septic systems failure, leaking sanitary sewers, illicit sanitary sewer connections and stormwater runoff (which can include waste from domesticated animals and urban wildlife). Due to a lack of site specific data on these sources, the fecal coliform loading from these sources were lumped together into one source category, low density development. Several studies have been conducted to evaluate the effects of development on stormwater runoff and instream fecal coliform concentrations. Farrell-Poe et al. (1997) evaluated the effects of small rural municipalities on instream fecal coliform concentrations in agricultural watersheds. Samples collected from perennial streams downstream of four small municipalities (populations ranged from 561 to 4,829) were statistically significantly higher than the upstream samples. Two of the four towns were serviced by sanitary sewers, but none of the towns had stormwater drains. The mean differences of the fecal coliform concentrations of upstream and downstream samples ranged from 21 to 294 cfu/100ml. Geldreich et al. studied fecal coliform concentration levels in urban runoff from a suburban area of Cincinnati, Ohio. The average fecal coliform concentrations of runoff water, collected throughout the year, from a wooded hillside, street gutters and a business district were 635cfu/100ml, 13,420cfu/100ml and 14,950cfu/100ml respectively (Khaleel et al., 1980). Fecal coliform concentration levels have been studied in Onondaga Lake and seven of its tributaries in metropolitan Syracuse, New York (Canale et al., 1993). The dry weather fecal coliform concentrations of the tributaries, which were monitored daily throughout the summer of 1987, ranged from 108cfu/100ml to 25,525cfu/100ml. Intensive sampling during two storm events was conducted from the onset of the storms until the hydrographs returned to base flow conditions. The mean wet weather fecal coliform concentrations of the tributaries ranged from >8,720 to 240,046cfu/100ml. In the supporting documentation of P-Load, a component of the USEPA BASINS model, the geometric mean of fecal coliform concentrations in stormwater runoff from residential land in the Atlanta area was cited as 8,700 cfu/100ml. This fecal coliform Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 19 concentration value was based on the Atlanta Regional Storm Water Characterization Study (ARSWCS) (BASINS, 2001). Fecal coliform loading values from septic system failure, leaking sanitary sewers and stormwater runoff from low intensity development were calculated in the model using an instream fecal coliform concentration for the portion of the stream flow that originates from the low intensity developed lands in subwatersheds WS04 and WS05. The wet weather fecal coliform loading from low intensity developed land was calculated in the model by multiplying a fecal coliform concentration of 8700cfu/100ml by the portion of the stream flow that originates from low intensity developed land. The dry weather fecal coliform loading was calculated by multiplying 1500cfu/100ml by the portion of the stream flow that originates from low intensity developed land. Loading from low intensity developed land was not included from subwatersheds WS01- WS03 because the percentages of developed land in these subwatersheds are less than 1% of the total subwatershed areas. 3.3.5 High Density Development/ Sanitary Sewer Overflows Fecal coliform bacteria from high intensity developed areas can originate from various sources including runoff through storm sewers, illicit discharges of sanitary waste, overflowing sanitary sewer systems, and leaking collection lines. Due to a lack of data on site specific fecal coliform loadings from these sources, they were grouped together into one source class. The wet weather, high density urban development loading was represented in the model by multiplying the instream fecal coliform concentration of 8700 cfu/100ml to the portion of the stream flow that originates from the high intensity developed lands in subwatersheds WS04 and WS05. The dry weather loading was calculated by multiplying the instream fecal coliform concentration of 1500cfu/100ml by the portion of the stream flow that originates from high intensity developed lands. This value falls within the range of the urban dry weather instream fecal coliform concentrations which have been measured in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina for the Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar and Sugar Creek Watersheds (Mecklenburg County, 2001) Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 20 3.3.6 Wildlife To represent the wildlife fecal coliform loading in dry weather conditions, a concentration of 30 col/100ml was multiplied by the portion of the Fourth Creek stream flow that originates in forested or shrubland areas. Under wet weather conditions, a concentration of 100 cfu/100ml was used to calculate the wildlife loading. The State of South Carolina has estimated that the geometric mean of fecal coliform concentrations in waterbodies that flow through forested areas in South Carolina during all flow conditions is 30 col/100ml (SCDHEC, 1999). The Center for Watershed Protection (1999) has cited a fecal coliform concentration range of 10-100 cfu/100ml for forest runoff. The South Carolina estimate falls in this range. 3.4 Instream Decay Rate Once fecal coliform bacteria reach a waterbody, environmental factors influence the extent of their growth and decay. Physical factors that influence the bacteria populations include photo- oxidation, adsorption, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation and temperature (USEPA, 1985). Chemical toxicity, pH, nutrient levels, algae and the presence of fecal matter may also influence the fecal coliform populations. The water quality model utilizes a first order decay rate to calculate instream decay of fecal coliform bacteria. Ct = Coe-kt C= coliform concentration (cfu/100ml) Co= initial coliform concentration (cfu/100ml) Ct= coliform concentration at time t (cfu/100ml) k= decay rate constant (day-1) t = exposure time (days) Bacterial die-off has been modeled as a first-order decay equation, using a k value between 0.7/day and 1.5/day (Center for Watershed Protection, 1999). In the Fourth Creek model, a k value of 0.8/day was used for the existing condition and allocation runs. 3.5 Critical Conditions Fecal coliform pollution in the Fourth Creek watershed originates from both point and non-point sources. The critical conditions for waterbodies impaired by point sources typically occur during periods of dry weather, while those impaired by non-point sources generally occur in periods of Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 21 wet weather. The Fourth Creek fecal coliform monitoring data indicate that elevated fecal coliform levels occur throughout the year, during both dry and wet weather conditions. The model was run for a five year simulation period using estimated daily stream flows. The highest 30-day geometric mean of the predicted daily fecal coliform concentrations occurred between April 13, 1998 and May 13, 1998. Rain was recorded in Statesville on 22 days during that 30 day period. 3.6 Model Results The predicted daily fecal coliform concentrations over the five year simulation period at the model evaluation location are shown in Figure 4. The model evaluation location is located at the DWQ ambient monitoring station at SR2308. The modeling results indicate that non-point source fecal coliform loading has a significant impact on instream fecal coliform concentrations in the Fourth Creek watershed. The Fourth Creek WWTP is permitted to discharge a monthly geometric mean fecal coliform concentration of 200 cfu/100ml with a maximum permitted discharge of 4 MGD. While the WWTP is permitted at the 200cfu/100ml level, the plant has discharged on average monthly geometric mean of 23cfu/100ml from Of the total fecal coliform loading, the portion of the loading from the Fourth Creek WWTP was less than one percent. The predicted 30-day rolling geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations are shown in Figure 5. Throughout the five-year modeled period, the rolling 30-day geometric means of the predicted values are greater than 200cfu/100ml throughout the entire modeled period. The 30- day geometric means range in value from 359 cfu/100ml to 5009 cfu/100ml. Since the DWQ ambient monitoring station and the discharger coalition station only collect fecal coliform samples on a monthly basis, an observed 30-day geometric mean, with a minimum of 5 samples a month, can not be calculated for much of the 5 year modeled period. However, from the period of January 8, 1998 to June 5, 1998, enough samples were collected at SR2308 by the Fourth Creek WWTP to calculate rolling 30 day geometric means of the observed fecal coliform concentrations. The predicted versus the observed geometric means of the fecal coliform concentrations are shown in Figure 6. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek 22 Figure 4. Modeling Results of the Simulated Daily Fecal Coliform Concentrations (cfu/100ml) at SR2308 compared to the observed fecal coliform concentrations. Predicted vs. Observed Fecal Coliform Concentrations (cfu/100ml) at SR2308 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 09/23/94 04/11/95 10/28/95 05/15/96 12/01/96 06/19/97 01/05/98 07/24/98 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( c f u / 1 0 0 m l ) Predicted Observed Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek 23 Figure 5. Rolling 30-Day Geometric Mean of Predicted Fecal Coliform Concentrations at SR2308. 30-Day Rolling Geometric Mean of Predicted Daily Fecal Coliform Concentrations (cfu/100ml) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1/1/95 1/1/96 1/1/97 1/1/98 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m Co n c e n t r a t i o n ( c f u / 1 0 0 m l ) Predicted Standard Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 24 Figure 6. Predicted and Observed 30 Day Rolling Geometric Mean of Fecal Coliform Concentrations at the evaluation location (SR2308). 4.0 ALLOCATION 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load A total maximum daily load is the total amount of pollutant that can be assimilated by the receiving water body while achieving water quality standards. A TMDL is comprised of the sum of wasteload allocations (WLA) for point sources, load allocations (LA) for non-point sources and a margin of safety (MOS). This definition is expressed by the equation: TMDL = S WLAs + S LAs + MOS The objective of the TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and to allocate to the known pollutant sources in the watershed so the appropriate control measures can be implemented and the water quality standard can be achieved. The Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR §130.2(1)) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time, toxicity, or other appropriate measures. In the Fourth Creek fecal coliform TMDL, loads are calculated based on Rolling 30 Day Ge om etric M ean of Pre dicte d and Obs erve d Fecal Coliform Conce ntrations (cfu/100ml) 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 1/5/98 1/25/98 2/14/98 3/6/98 3/26/98 4/15/98 5/5/98 5/25/98 6/14/98 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( c f u / 1 0 0 m l ) Observed Geometric Mean Predicted Geometric Mean Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 25 stream flow and instream fecal coliform concentrations that originate from a specific source/land cover. 4.2 Seasonal Variation The model was run over a five-year simulation period under varying daily flow conditions in order to capture seasonal flow fluctuations. The contribution of fecal coliform bacteria from the various sources also varied throughout the year to reflect changes in fecal coliform loading due to monthly changes in agricultural management practices. 4.3 Margin of Safety The margin of safety (MOS) may be incorporated into a TMDL either implicitly, through the use of conservative assumptions to develop the allocations, or explicitly through a reduction in the TMDL target. For the Fourth Creek watershed, an explicit margin of safety was incorporated in the modeling analysis by setting the TMDL target at 175cfu/100ml, which is 25cfu/100ml lower than the water quality target of 200cfu/100ml. Figure 7. Fecal Coliform Concentrations for the Simulated and the Reduction Scenarios. 30 Day Geometric Mean Fecal Coliform Concentrations for the Simulated and the Allocation Scenarios 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/95 7/1/95 1/1/96 7/1/96 1/1/97 7/1/97 1/1/98 7/1/98 1/1/99 7/1/99 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( c f u / 1 0 0 m l ) Predictions Allocation Standard Margin of Safety Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 26 Source Category Source Sub- Category Subwatershed Simulation FC Concentration (cfu/100ml) Allocation FC Concentration (cfu/100ml) % Reduction Point- Source (WLA) WWTP WS03 23 200 0% Non-Point Source (LA) Wildlife WS01-WS05 100 100 0% High Density Development (stormwater, SSOs, sewer exfiltration) WS04-WS05 8,700 250 97% Low Density Development (septic systems) WS04-WS05 8,700 250 97% Livestock Grazing/Manure Application (Pastureland) WS02 10,000 grazing 5,000 manure application 800 (600 grazing/ 200 man. app.) 95% Livestock Grazing/Manure Application (Pastureland) WS03 15,000 grazing 10,000 manure application 450 (200 grazing/ 250 man. app.) 98% Livestock Grazing/ Manure Application (Pastureland) WS04 10,000 grazing 5,000 manure application 450 (200 grazing/ 250 man. app.) 97% Livestock Grazing/Manure Application (Pastureland) WS05 10,000 grazing 5,000 manure application 300 (200 grazing/ man. app. 100) 98% Manure Application (Cultivated) WS02 5,000 600 88% Manure Application (Cultivated) WS03 10,000 400 96% Manure Application (Cultivated) WS04-WS05 5,000 300 94% Table 9. Wet Weather In-Stream Fecal Coliform Load Reductions for Subwatersheds in the Fourth Creek Watershed. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 27 Source Category Source Sub- Category Subwatershed Simulation FC Concentration (cfu/100ml) Allocation FC Concentration (cfu/100ml) % Reduction Point-Source (WLA) WWTP WS03 23 200 0% Non-Point Source (LA) Wildlife WS01-WS05 30 30 0% High Density Development (stormwater, SSOs, sewer exfiltration) WS04-WS05 1500 600 60% Low Density Development (septic systems) WS04-WS05 1500 600 60% Livestock Grazing/ Manure Application (Pastureland) WS02 1000 500 grazing/ 500 manure application 600 (300 grazing/ 300 man. app.) 40% Livestock Grazing/ Manure Application (Pastureland) WS03-WS04 1000 500 grazing/ 500 manure application 600 (300 grazing/ 300 man. app.) 40% Livestock Grazing/ Manure Application (Pastureland) WS05 1000 500 grazing/ 500 manure application 500 (400 grazing/ man. app. 100) 50% Manure Application (Cultivated) WS02 500 300 40% Manure Application (Cultivated) WS03-WS05 500 300 40% Table 10. Dry Weather In-Stream Fecal Coliform Load Reductions for Subwatersheds in the Fourth Creek Watershed. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 28 The final allocation of fecal coliform loads are shown in Table 9 (wet weather) and Table 10 (dry weather). The 30-day running geometric mean of the predicted fecal coliform concentrations at SR2308 with the final fecal coliform allocations are shown in Figure 7. In order to reach the water quality target of 200 cfu/100ml, with a 25 cfu/100ml explicit margin of safety, the non-point source fecal coliform loading needs to be reduced by 40%-60% for the various sources in dry weather conditions and 84%-98% reductions in wet weather conditions. During the critical conditions, the total wasteload alloction (WLA) is 9.09 x 1011 cfu/100ml per 30 days. The wasteload allocation was calculated by multiplying the permitted 30 day geometric mean of 200cfu/100ml by the permitted flow of 4MGD. The total load allocation (LA) equals 4.59 x 1013 cfu per 30 days. The NPDES individually permitted Fourth Creek WWTP discharges less than 1% of the modeled fecal coliform loading into the Fourth Creek watershed and has consistently met their monthly discharge limit (Appendix III). Therefore, the TMDL allocation focuses the fecal coliform loading reductions on the non-point sources. 5.0 SUMMARY AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS The sources of fecal coliform in the Fourth Creek watershed include urban sources in the Statesville area, livestock grazing and manure application on agricultural lands, the Fourth Creek WWTP, and wildlife in the forested areas of the watershed. The Coliform Routing and Allocation Program was utilized to simulate instream fecal concentrations and to allocate the fecal coliform loads to the various sources. In order for the water quality target to be met, the final allocation of the fecal coliform loads requires a non-point source load reduction between 40%-60% under dry weather conditions and 84%-98% under wet weather conditions for the various non-point sources of fecal coliform. The model estimated that the Fourth Creek WWTP contributes less than one percent of the total fecal coliform loading in the watershed. Therefore, the reduction allocation focuses on the fecal coliform loading from non-point sources. 5.1 Monitoring Fecal coliform monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the ambient monitoring site (SR2308) and at the two discharger coalition monitoring sites (SR2308 and unnamed tributary at SR2316). The continued monitoring of fecal coliform concentrations will allow for the Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 29 evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards by comparing the instream data to the TMDL target. In addition to this data collection, further fecal coliform monitoring may be considered. Additional monitoring beyond the ambient and discharger stations’ monitoring could aid in a fecal coliform source assessment in the watershed and further aid in the evaluation of the progress towards meeting the water quality target and the water quality standard. A bacteria source tracking study of the Fourth Creek watershed, to help determine the portion of fecal coliform loads derived from humans versus animals throughout the watershed, may be considered as a part of the future monitoring of Fourth Creek. To comply with EPA guidance, North Carolina may adopt new bacteria standards utilizing Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci in the near future. Thus, future monitoring efforts to measure compliance with this TMDL should include using the E. coli and enterococci. Per EPA recommendations (EPA, 2000b), if future monitoring for E. coli/enterococci indicates the standard has not been exceeded, these monitoring data may be used to support delisting the water body from the 303(d) list. If a continuing problem is identified using E. coli/enterococci, the TMDL may be revised. 5.2 Implementation Implementation plans are not included in this TMDL. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be needed in order to develop implementation plans. The DWQ will begin developing the implementation plan during public review of the TMDL. 6.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION The City of Statesville, Rowan and Iredell Counties have been notified throughout the TMDL process of the progress of the Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL. The counties, extension service and soil and water conservation district have supplied septic data and agricultural information to aid in the source assessment portion of the TMDL. The Fourth Creek TMDL was public noticed (Appendix IV) in the Statesville Record & Landmark on April 13, 2001. A public comment period was held after the TMDL has been publicly noticed through May 23, 2001. A public meeting was held in Statesville on April 30, 2001 as a part of the public Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 30 comment period. Written comments on the TMDL were received from the City of Statesville (Appendix V). Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 31 8.0 REFERENCES BASINS 3.0 Beta 2001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. P-Load Reference Guide Canale, R.P., Auer, M.T., Owens, E.M., Heidtke, T.M., and S.W. Effler. 1993. Modeling Fecal Coliform Bacteria-II. Model Development and Application. Wat. Res. 27(4):703-714. City of Statesville. 2001. Personal communication with Andy Smith. March 30, 2001. Center for Watershed Protection. 1999. Microbes and Urban Watersheds: Concentrations, Sources and Pathways. Watershed Protection Techniques 3(1): 554:565. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 1999. North Carolina On-Site Wastewater Non-Point Source (NPS) Pollution Program. www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/non- pointsource/NPS.htm June 24, 1999. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 2000. Report on the Proper Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems in Accordance with Section 13.5 of HB 1160 (Clean Water Act of 1999). March 15, 2000. Doran, J.W., J.S. Schepers, and N.P. Swanson. 1981. Chemical and bacteriological quality of pasture runoff. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation May-June: 166-171. Farrell-Poe, K.L., Ranjha, A.Y. and S. Ramalingam. 1997. Bacterial Contributions by Rural Municipalities in Agricultural Watersheds. Trans of the ASAE, 40(1) 97-101. Iredell County Health Department. 2001. Personal communication with Kelly Sheeks. February 27, 2001. Iredell County Extension Service. 2001. Personal communication with Kathy Bunton. March 2001. Khaleel, R. Reddy, K.R. and M.R. Overcash. 1980. Transport of Potential Pollutants in Runoff Water from Land Areas Receiving Animal Wastes: A Review. Water Research 14: 421-436. Mecklenburg County Department of Environmental Protection. 2001. Public Review Draft Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar and Sugar Creek Watersheds. North Carolina Department of Agriculture. 2001. Agricultural Statistics Division-County Statistics. www.ncagr.com/stats/cntysumm/ and http://govinfo.library.orst.edu/cgi-bin/ag- state?North+Carolina. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control. Total maximum Daily Load Development for Camp Creek CW-235 Fecal Coliform. August 17, 1999. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 32 Stevenson, J. 2001. Iredell Soil & Water Conservation District. Personal communication with John Stevenson. August 2001. The City of Statesville Water Resource Department. 2000. 1999 Wastewater System Performance Report. March 1, 2000. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1991. Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Advisory Committee (FACA). Draft final TMDL Federal Advisory Committee Report. 4/28/98. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000a. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000b. Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. DRAFT. Office of Water. EPA-823-D-00-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetics formulations in surface water quality modeling (II ed.). Athens, GA: EPA-600-3-85-040. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 33 Appendix I. Ambient Monitoring Station Q3735000 Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 6/20/1995 3800 5/28/1998 2900 7/25/1995 4000 6/11/1998 3800 8/29/1995 5800 7/20/1998 200 9/19/1995 1300 8/31/1998 310 10/16/1995 4100 9/10/1998 710 11/28/1995 180 10/6/1998 390 12/19/1995 6400 11/17/1998 100 1/29/1996 500 12/10/1998 150 2/26/1996 280 1/13/1999 290 3/20/1996 2100 2/17/1999 91 4/29/1996 550 3/16/1999 370 5/28/1996 5900 4/26/1999 570 6/20/1996 5400 5/18/1999 280 7/17/1996 820 6/14/1999 340 8/5/1996 1200 7/12/1999 5600 9/25/1996 380 8/9/1999 11000L* 10/21/1996 200 9/9/1999 840L 11/13/1996 480 10/12/1999 600L 12/9/1996 350 11/8/1999 150J* 1/29/1997 290 12/15/1999 660L 2/24/1997 4100 1/4/2000 2000 3/20/1997 2800 2/14/2000 6900L 4/22/1997 890 3/14/2000 360 5/12/1997 260 4/19/2000 890 7/15/1997 490 5/16/2000 370 8/12/1997 700 6/15/2000 1100 9/10/1997 6000L 7/17/2000 1600 10/20/1997 520A*8/9/2000 550 11/5/1997 280 9/7/2000 530 12/19/1997 420 10/16/2000 170 1/15/1998 5100 11/16/2000 27 2/23/1998 4500 12/6/2000 54 3/30/1998 81 1/8/2001 340 4/21/1998 770 *L= Actual value is known to be greater than value given. J= Estimated value. A= Value reported is the mean of two or more determination. 34 Appendix I. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharge Coalition Monitoring Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 7/14/98 1500 8/3/98 370 9/2/98 345 10/15/98 100 11/11/98 2600 12/11/98 710 1/8/99 1100 2/5/99 560 3/10/99 140 4/6/99 320 5/11/99 530 6/2/99 480 7/6/99 450 9/7/99 4500 10/13/99 1200 11/8/99 220 12/10/99 420 1/12/00 1000 2/03/00 10 3/23/00 240 4/21/00 590 5/9/00 320 6/13/00 600 Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharge Coalition Monitoring Station Q3735000 Fourth Creek (SR2308) Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 35 Appendix I. Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharge Coalition Monitoring Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Date Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration (cfu/100ml) 07/14/98 1000 08/03/98 690 09/02/98 302 10/15/98 872 11/11/98 3000 12/11/98 660 01/08/99 1300 02/05/99 300 03/10/99 120 04/06/99 390 05/11/99 650 06/02/99 3400 07/06/99 1900 09/07/99 940 10/13/99 670 11/08/99 210 12/10/99 2000 1/12/00 1800 2/03/00 61 3/23/00 350 4/21/00 770 5/9/00 2700 6/13/00 370 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 36 Appendix I: Yadkin Pee-Dee River Basin Association Discharge Coalition Monitoring Station Q3720000 (Headwaters of Untitled Tributary to Fourth Creek) Fecal Coliform Concentration Monitoring Data Date Fourth Creek Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration at SR2316 Fourth Creek Instream Fecal Coliform Concentration at SR2308 1/8/1998 39000 4500 1/15/1998 6400 16900 1/22/1998 288 363 1/29/1998 1500 2100 2/5/1998 1000 1138 2/12/1998 1950 2350 2/19/1998 300 400 2/26/1998 288 857 3/5/1998 340 330 3/12/1998 550 350 3/19/1998 4500 4500 3/26/1998 350 433 4/2/1998 357 400 4/9/1998 5380 7130 4/16/1998 513 1019 4/23/1998 1206 640 4/30/1998 729 662 5/7/1998 3404 2648 5/14/1998 900 475 5/21/1998 560 420 5/28/1998 1900 1887 6/3/1998 1600 675 6/4/1998 1450 650 6/5/1998 1750 1550 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 37 Appendix II. Statesville Wastewater Treatment Plant Monthly Effluent Data Month/Year Monthly Average Flow (MGD) Geometric Mean of Daily Fecal Coliform Effluent Concentrations for the Month (cfu/100ml) 1/1998 3.7 62 2/1998 3.3 50 3/1998 3.1 16 4/1998 3.0 41 5/1998 2.7 36 6/1998 2.7 28 7/1998 2.6 48 8/1998 2.6 48 9/1998 2.6 46 10/1998 2.1 20 11/1998 2.5 27 12/1998 2.9 12 1/1999 3.2 4 2/1999 3.2 8 3/1999 3.1 8 4/1999 3.2 21 5/1999 3.0 13 6/1999 2.9 13 7/1999 3.0 10 8/1999 2.9 10 9/1999 2.8 18 10/1999 2.8 29 11/1999 2.8 53 12/1999 1/2000 2.9 27 2/2000 3.0 6 3/2000 3.1 4 4/2000 3.1 20 5/2000 2.7 10 6/2000 2.5 75 7/2000 2.5 12 8/2000 9/2000 10/2000 2.5 6 11/2000 2.5 6 12/2000 2.5 7 1/2001 2.4 9 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 38 Appendix III. Adjusted Flow Data for Second Creek and Fourth Creek. Second Creek Flow Fourth Creek after removal of without addition of Date Permitted Flows (cfs)Permitted Flows (cfs) 01_01_1995 53 37.55 01_02_1995 49 34.74 01_03_1995 48 34.03 01_04_1995 48 34.03 01_05_1995 49 34.74 01_06_1995 57 40.36 01_07_1995 460 323.67 01_08_1995 103 72.70 01_09_1995 78 55.12 01_10_1995 70 49.50 01_11_1995 64 45.28 01_12_1995 61 43.17 01_13_1995 58 41.06 01_14_1995 105 74.10 01_15_1995 873 614.01 01_16_1995 220 154.95 01_17_1995 104 73.40 01_18_1995 85 60.04 01_19_1995 78 55.12 01_20_1995 115 81.13 01_21_1995 82 57.94 01_22_1995 74 52.31 01_23_1995 69 48.80 01_24_1995 66 46.69 01_25_1995 63 44.58 01_26_1995 62 43.88 01_27_1995 60 42.47 01_28_1995 70 49.50 01_29_1995 72 50.91 01_30_1995 67 47.39 01_31_1995 65 45.98 02_01_1995 63 44.49 02_02_1995 64 45.19 02_03_1995 64 45.19 02_04_1995 66 46.60 02_05_1995 65 45.90 02_06_1995 63 44.49 02_07_1995 69 48.71 02_08_1995 70 49.41 02_09_1995 73 51.52 02_10_1995 72 50.82 02_11_1995 74 52.22 02_12_1995 71 50.12 02_13_1995 69 48.71 02_14_1995 70 49.41 02_15_1995 83 58.55 02_16_1995 1188 835.37 02_17_1995 2938 2065.62 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 39 02_18_1995 806 566.82 02_19_1995 287 201.96 02_20_1995 164 115.49 02_21_1995 123 86.67 02_22_1995 105 74.02 02_23_1995 98 69.10 02_24_1995 93 65.58 02_25_1995 88 62.07 02_26_1995 85 59.96 02_27_1995 85 59.96 02_28_1995 228 160.49 03_01_1995 357 250.68 03_02_1995 157 110.08 03_03_1995 112 78.45 03_04_1995 106 74.23 03_05_1995 97 67.90 03_06_1995 103 72.12 03_07_1995 98 68.60 03_08_1995 482 338.56 03_09_1995 285 200.07 03_10_1995 122 85.48 03_11_1995 104 72.82 03_12_1995 96 67.20 03_13_1995 91 63.68 03_14_1995 88 61.57 03_15_1995 86 60.17 03_16_1995 84 58.76 03_17_1995 82 57.36 03_18_1995 81 56.65 03_19_1995 80 55.95 03_20_1995 79 55.25 03_21_1995 83 58.06 03_22_1995 79 55.25 03_23_1995 76 53.14 03_24_1995 74 51.73 03_25_1995 72 50.33 03_26_1995 70 48.92 03_27_1995 72 50.33 03_28_1995 70 48.92 03_29_1995 68 47.51 03_30_1995 70 48.92 03_31_1995 68 47.51 04_01_1995 66 46.21 04_02_1995 63 44.10 04_03_1995 68 47.62 04_04_1995 64 44.80 04_05_1995 62 43.40 04_06_1995 60 41.99 04_07_1995 64 44.80 04_08_1995 62 43.40 04_09_1995 60 41.99 04_10_1995 58 40.59 04_11_1995 58 40.59 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 40 04_12_1995 58 40.59 04_13_1995 60 41.99 04_14_1995 67 46.91 04_15_1995 66 46.21 04_16_1995 65 45.51 04_17_1995 65 45.51 04_18_1995 64 44.80 04_19_1995 63 44.10 04_20_1995 62 43.40 04_21_1995 61 42.70 04_22_1995 61 42.70 04_23_1995 61 42.70 04_24_1995 67 46.91 04_25_1995 62 43.40 04_26_1995 60 41.99 04_27_1995 60 41.99 04_28_1995 59 41.29 04_29_1995 59 41.29 04_30_1995 58 40.59 05_01_1995 58 40.58 05_02_1995 80 56.05 05_03_1995 62 43.40 05_04_1995 60 41.99 05_05_1995 59 41.29 05_06_1995 57 39.88 05_07_1995 56 39.18 05_08_1995 56 39.18 05_09_1995 56 39.18 05_10_1995 72 50.43 05_11_1995 61 42.69 05_12_1995 63 44.10 05_13_1995 62 43.40 05_14_1995 95 66.59 05_15_1995 64 44.80 05_16_1995 59 41.29 05_17_1995 57 39.88 05_18_1995 56 39.18 05_19_1995 66 46.21 05_20_1995 58 40.58 05_21_1995 54 37.77 05_22_1995 53 37.07 05_23_1995 52 36.37 05_24_1995 51 35.66 05_25_1995 50 34.96 05_26_1995 50 34.96 05_27_1995 49 34.26 05_28_1995 54 37.77 05_29_1995 52 36.37 05_30_1995 50 34.96 05_31_1995 49 34.26 06_01_1995 64 44.98 06_02_1995 417 293.14 06_03_1995 333 234.09 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 41 06_04_1995 87 61.15 06_05_1995 73 51.31 06_06_1995 357 250.96 06_07_1995 175 123.02 06_08_1995 94 66.07 06_09_1995 85 59.75 06_10_1995 83 58.34 06_11_1995 82 57.64 06_12_1995 86 60.45 06_13_1995 77 54.12 06_14_1995 72 50.61 06_15_1995 70 49.20 06_16_1995 81 56.94 06_17_1995 80 56.23 06_18_1995 75 52.72 06_19_1995 76 53.42 06_20_1995 75 52.72 06_21_1995 71 49.91 06_22_1995 123 86.46 06_23_1995 296 208.08 06_24_1995 60 42.17 06_25_1995 74 52.01 06_26_1995 56 39.36 06_27_1995 52 36.55 06_28_1995 113 79.43 06_29_1995 276 194.02 06_30_1995 81 56.94 07_01_1995 61 42.63 07_02_1995 57 39.82 07_03_1995 56 39.12 07_04_1995 53 37.01 07_05_1995 51 35.60 07_06_1995 53 37.01 07_07_1995 674 473.57 07_08_1995 97 67.94 07_09_1995 75 52.47 07_10_1995 68 47.55 07_11_1995 63 44.04 07_12_1995 58 40.52 07_13_1995 53 37.01 07_14_1995 48 33.49 07_15_1995 48 33.49 07_16_1995 48 33.49 07_17_1995 58 40.52 07_18_1995 53 37.01 07_19_1995 48 33.49 07_20_1995 43 29.98 07_21_1995 68 47.55 07_22_1995 128 89.73 07_23_1995 78 54.58 07_24_1995 53 37.01 07_25_1995 48 33.49 07_26_1995 250 175.50 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 42 07_27_1995 96 67.24 07_28_1995 83 58.10 07_29_1995 78 54.58 07_30_1995 73 51.07 07_31_1995 63 44.04 08_01_1995 63 44.03 08_02_1995 63 44.03 08_03_1995 58 40.51 08_04_1995 53 37.00 08_05_1995 53 37.00 08_06_1995 48 33.48 08_07_1995 48 33.48 08_08_1995 48 33.48 08_09_1995 43 29.97 08_10_1995 43 29.97 08_11_1995 43 29.97 08_12_1995 38 26.45 08_13_1995 38 26.45 08_14_1995 38 26.45 08_15_1995 38 26.45 08_16_1995 38 26.45 08_17_1995 33 22.94 08_18_1995 33 22.94 08_19_1995 89 62.30 08_20_1995 38 26.45 08_21_1995 38 26.45 08_22_1995 38 26.45 08_23_1995 33 22.94 08_24_1995 33 22.94 08_25_1995 38 26.45 08_26_1995 51 35.59 08_27_1995 2258 1587.11 08_28_1995 5278 3710.17 08_29_1995 390 273.91 08_30_1995 146 102.37 08_31_1995 113 79.18 09_01_1995 98 68.57 09_02_1995 93 65.05 09_03_1995 88 61.54 09_04_1995 83 58.02 09_05_1995 78 54.51 09_06_1995 73 50.99 09_07_1995 73 50.99 09_08_1995 68 47.48 09_09_1995 68 47.48 09_10_1995 63 43.96 09_11_1995 277 194.41 09_12_1995 78 54.51 09_13_1995 66 46.07 09_14_1995 63 43.96 09_15_1995 59 41.15 09_16_1995 1108 778.60 09_17_1995 1348 947.32 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 43 09_18_1995 181 126.92 09_19_1995 105 73.49 09_20_1995 88 61.54 09_21_1995 82 57.32 09_22_1995 100 69.97 09_23_1995 132 92.47 09_24_1995 91 63.65 09_25_1995 83 58.02 09_26_1995 79 55.21 09_27_1995 77 53.81 09_28_1995 75 52.40 09_29_1995 74 51.70 09_30_1995 72 50.29 10_01_1995 80 55.93 10_02_1995 79 55.23 10_03_1995 79 55.23 10_04_1995 636 446.80 10_05_1995 770 541.00 10_06_1995 194 136.08 10_07_1995 114 79.84 10_08_1995 101 70.70 10_09_1995 93 65.07 10_10_1995 88 61.56 10_11_1995 87 60.85 10_12_1995 85 59.45 10_13_1995 83 58.04 10_14_1995 193 135.37 10_15_1995 201 141.00 10_16_1995 97 67.88 10_17_1995 88 61.56 10_18_1995 84 58.75 10_19_1995 82 57.34 10_20_1995 81 56.64 10_21_1995 200 140.29 10_22_1995 97 67.88 10_23_1995 89 62.26 10_24_1995 85 59.45 10_25_1995 82 57.34 10_26_1995 80 55.93 10_27_1995 280 196.53 10_28_1995 1248 877.04 10_29_1995 180 126.23 10_30_1995 149 104.44 10_31_1995 146 102.33 11_01_1995 145 101.62 11_02_1995 159 111.46 11_03_1995 144 100.92 11_04_1995 147 103.03 11_05_1995 142 99.51 11_06_1995 142 99.51 11_07_1995 1178 827.82 11_08_1995 2268 1594.09 11_09_1995 269 188.79 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 44 11_10_1995 199 139.58 11_11_1995 510 358.22 11_12_1995 638 448.20 11_13_1995 161 112.87 11_14_1995 136 95.29 11_15_1995 121 84.75 11_16_1995 113 79.12 11_17_1995 106 74.20 11_18_1995 100 69.99 11_19_1995 97 67.88 11_20_1995 95 66.47 11_21_1995 95 66.47 11_22_1995 89 62.25 11_23_1995 86 60.14 11_24_1995 95 66.47 11_25_1995 98 68.58 11_26_1995 89 62.25 11_27_1995 86 60.14 11_28_1995 85 59.44 11_29_1995 101 70.69 11_30_1995 91 63.66 12_01_1995 87 60.93 12_02_1995 85 59.52 12_03_1995 84 58.82 12_04_1995 83 58.11 12_05_1995 82 57.41 12_06_1995 82 57.41 12_07_1995 88 61.63 12_08_1995 86 60.22 12_09_1995 172 120.68 12_10_1995 98 68.66 12_11_1995 90 63.03 12_12_1995 88 61.63 12_13_1995 87 60.93 12_14_1995 86 60.22 12_15_1995 85 59.52 12_16_1995 84 58.82 12_17_1995 84 58.82 12_18_1995 96 67.25 12_19_1995 106 74.28 12_20_1995 90 63.03 12_21_1995 86 60.22 12_22_1995 84 58.82 12_23_1995 83 58.11 12_24_1995 83 58.11 12_25_1995 83 58.11 12_26_1995 82 57.41 12_27_1995 83 58.11 12_28_1995 82 57.41 12_29_1995 83 58.11 12_30_1995 83 58.11 12_31_1995 84 58.82 01_01_1996 85 59.49 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 45 01_02_1996 86 60.19 01_03_1996 89 62.31 01_04_1996 82 57.42 01_05_1996 80 56.03 01_06_1996 82 57.47 01_07_1996 83 58.06 01_08_1996 85 59.42 01_09_1996 83 58.70 01_10_1996 80 56.56 01_11_1996 79 55.88 01_12_1996 83 58.04 01_13_1996 81 56.63 01_14_1996 85 59.49 01_15_1996 102 71.41 01_16_1996 131 91.79 01_17_1996 146 102.36 01_18_1996 231 162.10 01_19_1996 1058 743.45 01_20_1996 264 185.27 01_21_1996 160 112.24 01_22_1996 153 107.41 01_23_1996 150 105.34 01_24_1996 189 132.76 01_25_1996 156 109.52 01_26_1996 152 106.60 01_27_1996 1637 1151.05 01_28_1996 513 360.84 01_29_1996 212 149.32 01_30_1996 188 131.82 01_31_1996 173 121.38 02_01_1996 208 146.10 02_02_1996 799 561.49 02_03_1996 1247 876.86 02_04_1996 288 202.54 02_05_1996 217 152.57 02_06_1996 197 138.60 02_07_1996 187 131.66 02_08_1996 177 124.68 02_09_1996 173 121.37 02_10_1996 168 117.95 02_11_1996 163 114.48 02_12_1996 158 111.14 02_13_1996 158 111.04 02_14_1996 153 107.53 02_15_1996 153 107.55 02_16_1996 148 103.94 02_17_1996 148 103.92 02_18_1996 143 100.40 02_19_1996 143 100.36 02_20_1996 173 121.35 02_21_1996 137 96.01 02_22_1996 131 91.78 02_23_1996 129 90.37 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 46 02_24_1996 128 89.70 02_25_1996 124 86.91 02_26_1996 124 86.94 02_27_1996 123 86.25 02_28_1996 124 87.02 02_29_1996 120 84.28 03_01_1996 119 83.55 03_02_1996 119 83.50 03_03_1996 118 82.78 03_04_1996 116 81.34 03_05_1996 117 82.03 03_06_1996 142 99.53 03_07_1996 319 224.57 03_08_1996 257 180.33 03_09_1996 121 84.82 03_10_1996 108 75.66 03_11_1996 103 72.25 03_12_1996 100 70.25 03_13_1996 97 68.08 03_14_1996 95 66.53 03_15_1996 94 66.29 03_16_1996 110 77.48 03_17_1996 202 142.18 03_18_1996 119 83.96 03_19_1996 523 367.37 03_20_1996 230 161.57 03_21_1996 133 93.35 03_22_1996 116 81.35 03_23_1996 107 74.98 03_24_1996 103 72.13 03_25_1996 102 71.43 03_26_1996 101 70.69 03_27_1996 97 67.94 03_28_1996 231 162.09 03_29_1996 165 116.28 03_30_1996 123 86.43 03_31_1996 111 78.32 04_01_1996 220 154.55 04_02_1996 164 115.13 04_03_1996 120 84.18 04_04_1996 113 79.23 04_05_1996 107 75.00 04_06_1996 104 72.81 04_07_1996 101 71.31 04_08_1996 100 69.95 04_09_1996 112 78.49 04_10_1996 102 71.44 04_11_1996 100 70.14 04_12_1996 100 70.25 04_13_1996 99 69.49 04_14_1996 100 70.04 04_15_1996 101 71.21 04_16_1996 106 74.67 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 47 04_17_1996 98 69.07 04_18_1996 97 68.49 04_19_1996 98 68.59 04_20_1996 100 70.18 04_21_1996 104 72.96 04_22_1996 99 69.40 04_23_1996 97 67.95 04_24_1996 96 67.21 04_25_1996 94 65.80 04_26_1996 105 73.50 04_27_1996 102 71.46 04_28_1996 96 67.18 04_29_1996 97 68.48 04_30_1996 222 156.02 05_01_1996 114 80.47 05_02_1996 89 62.89 05_03_1996 83 58.03 05_04_1996 80 55.98 05_05_1996 78 54.71 05_06_1996 76 53.39 05_07_1996 75 52.81 05_08_1996 76 53.42 05_09_1996 74 51.89 05_10_1996 72 50.48 05_11_1996 72 50.61 05_12_1996 73 51.22 05_13_1996 69 48.71 05_14_1996 70 49.24 05_15_1996 71 49.84 05_16_1996 71 49.86 05_17_1996 69 48.60 05_18_1996 67 47.33 05_19_1996 66 46.62 05_20_1996 64 45.22 05_21_1996 63 44.52 05_22_1996 62 43.93 05_23_1996 62 43.29 05_24_1996 68 47.50 05_25_1996 67 47.39 05_26_1996 63 44.57 05_27_1996 65 46.01 05_28_1996 76 53.77 05_29_1996 68 48.05 05_30_1996 73 51.42 05_31_1996 63 44.56 06_01_1996 62 43.90 06_02_1996 61 43.23 06_03_1996 62 43.38 06_04_1996 64 44.66 06_05_1996 63 44.00 06_06_1996 61 42.78 06_07_1996 60 42.03 06_08_1996 68 47.54 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 48 06_09_1996 141 98.82 06_10_1996 544 382.71 06_11_1996 99 69.67 06_12_1996 76 53.49 06_13_1996 72 50.76 06_14_1996 67 47.35 06_15_1996 65 45.37 06_16_1996 64 44.71 06_17_1996 63 44.02 06_18_1996 61 42.64 06_19_1996 88 61.66 06_20_1996 168 117.80 06_21_1996 69 48.86 06_22_1996 64 45.32 06_23_1996 62 43.94 06_24_1996 61 43.21 06_25_1996 60 42.51 06_26_1996 60 41.86 06_27_1996 59 41.35 06_28_1996 58 40.85 06_29_1996 58 40.83 06_30_1996 58 40.83 07_01_1996 58 40.69 07_02_1996 58 40.55 07_03_1996 58 40.56 07_04_1996 57 39.92 07_05_1996 56 39.16 07_06_1996 57 39.82 07_07_1996 57 39.87 07_08_1996 56 39.20 07_09_1996 55 38.50 07_10_1996 54 37.87 07_11_1996 53 37.06 07_12_1996 55 38.35 07_13_1996 55 38.35 07_14_1996 54 37.73 07_15_1996 54 37.78 07_16_1996 56 39.15 07_17_1996 53 37.03 07_18_1996 52 36.32 07_19_1996 61 42.68 07_20_1996 52 36.26 07_21_1996 51 35.58 07_22_1996 51 35.58 07_23_1996 51 35.57 07_24_1996 52 36.22 07_25_1996 51 35.51 07_26_1996 72 50.64 07_27_1996 54 38.21 07_28_1996 56 39.69 07_29_1996 59 41.83 07_30_1996 54 38.31 07_31_1996 54 38.27 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 49 08_01_1996 59 41.73 08_02_1996 98 69.07 08_03_1996 61 42.93 08_04_1996 114 80.20 08_05_1996 62 43.69 08_06_1996 59 41.76 08_07_1996 58 40.42 08_08_1996 64 44.69 08_09_1996 60 41.93 08_10_1996 62 43.51 08_11_1996 58 40.68 08_12_1996 90 63.17 08_13_1996 87 60.93 08_14_1996 65 46.04 08_15_1996 62 43.26 08_16_1996 60 41.84 08_17_1996 59 41.18 08_18_1996 60 41.91 08_19_1996 58 40.49 08_20_1996 56 39.69 08_21_1996 56 39.63 08_22_1996 56 39.66 08_23_1996 55 39.00 08_24_1996 59 41.17 08_25_1996 64 44.73 08_26_1996 64 44.73 08_27_1996 62 43.29 08_28_1996 62 43.29 08_29_1996 78 54.58 08_30_1996 61 42.63 08_31_1996 60 41.92 09_01_1996 58 40.53 09_02_1996 58 40.53 09_03_1996 90 63.55 09_04_1996 605 425.46 09_05_1996 139 97.73 09_06_1996 286 201.17 09_07_1996 89 62.64 09_08_1996 68 47.49 09_09_1996 62 43.63 09_10_1996 59 41.80 09_11_1996 61 43.18 09_12_1996 60 42.45 09_13_1996 57 40.36 09_14_1996 56 39.69 09_15_1996 56 39.04 09_16_1996 56 39.04 09_17_1996 57 40.42 09_18_1996 55 38.32 09_19_1996 54 37.65 09_20_1996 53 36.99 09_21_1996 53 37.03 09_22_1996 53 37.02 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 50 09_23_1996 52 36.37 09_24_1996 51 35.66 09_25_1996 51 35.68 09_26_1996 61 42.67 09_27_1996 57 39.75 09_28_1996 55 38.37 09_29_1996 58 41.06 09_30_1996 53 37.59 10_01_1996 210 147.88 10_02_1996 93 65.55 10_03_1996 79 55.67 10_04_1996 74 52.19 10_05_1996 67 47.29 10_06_1996 62 43.82 10_07_1996 58 40.43 10_08_1996 117 82.59 10_09_1996 84 59.34 10_10_1996 68 48.09 10_11_1996 64 44.99 10_12_1996 54 37.62 10_13_1996 53 36.93 10_14_1996 52 36.25 10_15_1996 53 36.96 10_16_1996 50 34.88 10_17_1996 55 38.60 10_18_1996 58 40.52 10_19_1996 68 47.62 10_20_1996 60 41.98 10_21_1996 59 41.32 10_22_1996 59 41.32 10_23_1996 59 41.34 10_24_1996 59 41.22 10_25_1996 59 41.79 10_26_1996 61 43.23 10_27_1996 61 43.14 10_28_1996 59 41.80 10_29_1996 56 39.68 10_30_1996 58 41.10 10_31_1996 58 40.42 11_01_1996 59 41.14 11_02_1996 93 65.71 11_03_1996 73 51.63 11_04_1996 66 46.73 11_05_1996 65 45.97 11_06_1996 66 46.64 11_07_1996 68 48.08 11_08_1996 130 91.63 11_09_1996 118 83.20 11_10_1996 80 56.51 11_11_1996 75 53.02 11_12_1996 68 48.13 11_13_1996 69 48.85 11_14_1996 63 44.59 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 51 11_15_1996 60 41.86 11_16_1996 60 41.88 11_17_1996 61 42.57 11_18_1996 63 44.01 11_19_1996 73 51.61 11_20_1996 64 45.29 11_21_1996 65 45.35 11_22_1996 79 55.84 11_23_1996 66 46.75 11_24_1996 63 44.64 11_25_1996 65 46.03 11_26_1996 78 54.53 11_27_1996 69 48.20 11_28_1996 64 44.67 11_29_1996 64 44.72 11_30_1996 69 48.28 12_01_1996 547 384.31 12_02_1996 301 211.83 12_03_1996 129 90.91 12_04_1996 106 74.79 12_05_1996 127 89.59 12_06_1996 244 171.49 12_07_1996 186 131.03 12_08_1996 195 137.35 12_09_1996 122 86.03 12_10_1996 106 74.18 12_11_1996 104 72.77 12_12_1996 105 73.47 12_13_1996 436 306.16 12_14_1996 154 107.93 12_15_1996 132 92.47 12_16_1996 118 82.68 12_17_1996 113 79.14 12_18_1996 108 75.66 12_19_1996 128 89.71 12_20_1996 113 79.18 12_21_1996 103 72.09 12_22_1996 98 68.58 12_23_1996 92 65.02 12_24_1996 89 62.90 12_25_1996 88 61.52 12_26_1996 96 67.18 12_27_1996 82 57.32 12_28_1996 80 55.93 12_29_1996 78 54.52 12_30_1996 76 53.12 12_31_1996 74 51.70 01_01_1997 74 51.76 01_02_1997 74 51.73 01_03_1997 72 50.35 01_04_1997 72 50.33 01_05_1997 98 68.56 01_06_1997 93 65.03 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 52 01_07_1997 88 61.56 01_08_1997 83 58.13 01_09_1997 547 384.74 01_10_1997 262 184.36 01_11_1997 147 103.53 01_12_1997 127 89.47 01_13_1997 112 79.04 01_14_1997 107 75.41 01_15_1997 122 86.03 01_16_1997 297 209.06 01_17_1997 147 103.65 01_18_1997 127 89.49 01_19_1997 117 82.53 01_20_1997 112 79.04 01_21_1997 113 79.10 01_22_1997 107 75.56 01_23_1997 118 82.62 01_24_1997 152 106.55 01_25_1997 216 151.55 01_26_1997 177 124.13 01_27_1997 166 116.41 01_28_1997 226 158.58 01_29_1997 197 138.19 01_30_1997 176 123.44 01_31_1997 169 118.53 02_01_1997 164 115.00 02_02_1997 157 110.11 02_03_1997 148 103.79 02_04_1997 160 112.27 02_05_1997 137 96.60 02_06_1997 132 93.08 02_07_1997 127 89.57 02_08_1997 217 152.88 02_09_1997 177 124.70 02_10_1997 167 117.73 02_11_1997 147 103.68 02_12_1997 128 89.67 02_13_1997 118 82.71 02_14_1997 107 75.55 02_15_1997 697 490.04 02_16_1997 197 138.52 02_17_1997 147 103.28 02_18_1997 117 82.22 02_19_1997 107 75.26 02_20_1997 102 71.84 02_21_1997 97 68.40 02_22_1997 92 64.87 02_23_1997 87 61.41 02_24_1997 82 57.95 02_25_1997 78 54.50 02_26_1997 76 53.11 02_27_1997 75 53.07 02_28_1997 853 599.78 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 53 03_01_1997 954 670.57 03_02_1997 281 197.39 03_03_1997 190 133.39 03_04_1997 150 105.36 03_05_1997 117 82.22 03_06_1997 120 84.42 03_07_1997 98 69.09 03_08_1997 90 63.58 03_09_1997 84 58.70 03_10_1997 81 56.66 03_11_1997 77 53.87 03_12_1997 70 49.01 03_13_1997 68 47.67 03_14_1997 118 82.66 03_15_1997 101 70.75 03_16_1997 79 55.27 03_17_1997 75 52.45 03_18_1997 73 51.00 03_19_1997 839 590.00 03_20_1997 486 341.72 03_21_1997 180 126.54 03_22_1997 133 93.59 03_23_1997 106 74.72 03_24_1997 93 65.68 03_25_1997 89 62.85 03_26_1997 117 82.44 03_27_1997 92 64.87 03_28_1997 90 63.50 03_29_1997 117 82.43 03_30_1997 90 63.51 03_31_1997 79 55.84 04_01_1997 74 51.75 04_02_1997 71 50.21 04_03_1997 102 71.52 04_04_1997 100 70.01 04_05_1997 95 66.52 04_06_1997 151 105.91 04_07_1997 179 126.15 04_08_1997 112 79.06 04_09_1997 107 74.90 04_10_1997 102 71.44 04_11_1997 102 71.44 04_12_1997 174 122.66 04_13_1997 155 109.21 04_14_1997 116 81.82 04_15_1997 107 75.52 04_16_1997 103 72.73 04_17_1997 101 71.34 04_18_1997 99 69.30 04_19_1997 98 68.62 04_20_1997 94 65.78 04_21_1997 88 61.57 04_22_1997 107 74.90 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 54 04_23_1997 1027 722.10 04_24_1997 334 234.79 04_25_1997 172 120.92 04_26_1997 137 96.39 04_27_1997 161 113.35 04_28_1997 724 509.04 04_29_1997 2217 1558.32 04_30_1997 979 688.12 05_01_1997 327 229.66 05_02_1997 240 168.85 05_03_1997 536 377.08 05_04_1997 594 417.85 05_05_1997 236 166.22 05_06_1997 185 130.33 05_07_1997 157 110.05 05_08_1997 140 98.18 05_09_1997 133 93.83 05_10_1997 121 84.83 05_11_1997 114 79.85 05_12_1997 110 77.12 05_13_1997 106 74.31 05_14_1997 101 70.83 05_15_1997 99 69.39 05_16_1997 94 65.94 05_17_1997 93 65.18 05_18_1997 92 64.42 05_19_1997 89 62.28 05_20_1997 87 60.84 05_21_1997 83 58.09 05_22_1997 81 56.69 05_23_1997 80 55.99 05_24_1997 81 56.70 05_25_1997 86 60.19 05_26_1997 98 68.58 05_27_1997 93 65.11 05_28_1997 86 60.14 05_29_1997 83 58.65 05_30_1997 84 58.74 05_31_1997 85 59.47 06_01_1997 94 65.75 06_02_1997 89 62.29 06_03_1997 102 72.05 06_04_1997 92 64.33 06_05_1997 85 59.43 06_06_1997 82 57.31 06_07_1997 85 59.46 06_08_1997 81 56.67 06_09_1997 79 55.26 06_10_1997 78 54.55 06_11_1997 74 51.78 06_12_1997 108 75.67 06_13_1997 1607 1129.94 06_14_1997 433 304.56 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 55 06_15_1997 906 637.10 06_16_1997 214 150.71 06_17_1997 -2412 -1695.68 06_18_1997 121 84.71 06_19_1997 110 76.98 06_20_1997 98 68.57 06_21_1997 126 88.29 06_22_1997 90 63.00 06_23_1997 88 61.57 06_24_1997 80 55.94 06_25_1997 77 53.79 06_26_1997 74 51.88 06_27_1997 77 54.41 06_28_1997 76 53.75 06_29_1997 73 51.64 06_30_1997 70 48.90 07_01_1997 93 65.08 07_02_1997 93 65.70 07_03_1997 73 51.60 07_04_1997 65 45.44 07_05_1997 68 47.55 07_06_1997 66 46.72 07_07_1997 63 44.64 07_08_1997 60 41.86 07_09_1997 58 40.49 07_10_1997 60 41.92 07_11_1997 56 39.16 07_12_1997 54 37.77 07_13_1997 52 36.40 07_14_1997 51 35.72 07_15_1997 54 37.70 07_16_1997 97 67.85 07_17_1997 68 48.15 07_18_1997 43 30.54 07_19_1997 38 27.03 07_20_1997 36 25.64 07_21_1997 38 27.03 07_22_1997 37 25.67 07_23_1997 146 102.93 07_24_1997 125 87.96 07_25_1997 113 79.49 07_26_1997 66 46.36 07_27_1997 59 41.42 07_28_1997 54 38.10 07_29_1997 50 35.30 07_30_1997 129 90.89 07_31_1997 79 55.74 08_01_1997 57 40.33 08_02_1997 52 36.75 08_03_1997 49 34.76 08_04_1997 47 33.39 08_05_1997 50 35.50 08_06_1997 46 32.02 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 56 08_07_1997 45 31.36 08_08_1997 43 29.95 08_09_1997 43 29.97 08_10_1997 43 30.04 08_11_1997 45 31.44 08_12_1997 41 28.63 08_13_1997 40 27.92 08_14_1997 40 27.90 08_15_1997 39 27.20 08_16_1997 37 25.80 08_17_1997 35 24.39 08_18_1997 32 22.32 08_19_1997 32 22.37 08_20_1997 31 21.75 08_21_1997 27 18.78 08_22_1997 21 14.63 08_23_1997 18 12.59 08_24_1997 19 13.21 08_25_1997 19 13.28 08_26_1997 31 21.54 08_27_1997 22 15.33 08_28_1997 20 14.02 08_29_1997 18 12.57 08_30_1997 19 13.22 08_31_1997 26 18.19 09_01_1997 26 18.18 09_02_1997 26 18.15 09_03_1997 23 15.99 09_04_1997 21 14.61 09_05_1997 19 13.24 09_06_1997 13 9.02 09_07_1997 12 8.33 09_08_1997 11 7.62 09_09_1997 11 7.62 09_10_1997 34 23.82 09_11_1997 53 37.10 09_12_1997 31 21.61 09_13_1997 19 13.12 09_14_1997 20 13.83 09_15_1997 19 13.14 09_16_1997 19 13.16 09_17_1997 17 11.78 09_18_1997 20 13.82 09_19_1997 21 14.56 09_20_1997 20 13.78 09_21_1997 16 11.17 09_22_1997 21 14.63 09_23_1997 25 17.45 09_24_1997 55 38.51 09_25_1997 86 60.77 09_26_1997 41 29.10 09_27_1997 35 24.85 09_28_1997 38 27.04 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 57 09_29_1997 43 30.51 09_30_1997 32 22.79 10_01_1997 25 17.92 10_02_1997 26 18.00 10_03_1997 27 18.74 10_04_1997 27 18.63 10_05_1997 26 18.09 10_06_1997 24 16.68 10_07_1997 19 13.13 10_08_1997 19 13.11 10_09_1997 19 13.10 10_10_1997 20 13.78 10_11_1997 20 13.80 10_12_1997 20 13.81 10_13_1997 20 13.74 10_14_1997 21 14.58 10_15_1997 26 18.07 10_16_1997 25 17.33 10_17_1997 24 17.12 10_18_1997 26 18.37 10_19_1997 104 73.16 10_20_1997 62 43.75 10_21_1997 31 22.10 10_22_1997 31 22.11 10_23_1997 31 22.14 10_24_1997 35 24.81 10_25_1997 37 26.01 10_26_1997 131 92.05 10_27_1997 256 180.01 10_28_1997 66 46.36 10_29_1997 52 36.60 10_30_1997 46 32.50 10_31_1997 39 27.71 11_01_1997 58 41.03 11_02_1997 65 45.90 11_03_1997 53 37.49 11_04_1997 48 34.04 11_05_1997 45 31.35 11_06_1997 41 28.58 11_07_1997 43 30.00 11_08_1997 41 28.61 11_09_1997 40 27.91 11_10_1997 40 27.91 11_11_1997 39 27.19 11_12_1997 40 27.97 11_13_1997 53 36.98 11_14_1997 111 78.38 11_15_1997 72 50.27 11_16_1997 52 36.85 11_17_1997 47 33.33 11_18_1997 47 32.77 11_19_1997 46 32.15 11_20_1997 45 31.53 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 58 11_21_1997 52 36.42 11_22_1997 314 220.40 11_23_1997 108 76.23 11_24_1997 76 53.10 11_25_1997 62 43.35 11_26_1997 60 41.97 11_27_1997 55 38.50 11_28_1997 53 37.12 11_29_1997 52 36.38 11_30_1997 74 51.78 12_01_1997 131 92.40 12_02_1997 94 66.43 12_03_1997 72 50.31 12_04_1997 74 51.73 12_05_1997 64 44.78 12_06_1997 58 40.63 12_07_1997 59 41.40 12_08_1997 58 40.71 12_09_1997 58 40.67 12_10_1997 66 46.30 12_11_1997 65 45.44 12_12_1997 59 41.27 12_13_1997 57 39.92 12_14_1997 56 39.13 12_15_1997 54 37.74 12_16_1997 54 37.72 12_17_1997 54 37.76 12_18_1997 53 37.07 12_19_1997 53 37.02 12_20_1997 53 37.03 12_21_1997 52 36.39 12_22_1997 96 67.25 12_23_1997 95 67.11 12_24_1997 163 114.74 12_25_1997 432 303.66 12_26_1997 151 106.22 12_27_1997 196 137.93 12_28_1997 221 155.48 12_29_1997 133 93.65 12_30_1997 115 81.03 12_31_1997 104 73.35 01_01_1998 91 64.30 01_02_1998 88 62.19 01_03_1998 92 65.00 01_04_1998 94 66.41 01_05_1998 90 63.60 01_06_1998 89 62.89 01_07_1998 166 117.02 01_08_1998 420 295.59 01_09_1998 204 143.74 01_10_1998 126 88.90 01_11_1998 110 77.66 01_12_1998 99 69.92 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 59 01_13_1998 95 67.11 01_14_1998 88 62.19 01_15_1998 322 226.69 01_16_1998 643 452.35 01_17_1998 433 304.72 01_18_1998 204 143.74 01_19_1998 276 194.35 01_20_1998 220 154.99 01_21_1998 150 105.78 01_22_1998 131 92.42 01_23_1998 452 318.08 01_24_1998 268 188.73 01_25_1998 182 128.27 01_26_1998 142 100.15 01_27_1998 842 592.25 01_28_1998 2647 1861.17 01_29_1998 484 340.58 01_30_1998 274 192.95 01_31_1998 208 146.55 02_01_1998 177 124.14 02_02_1998 155 108.67 02_03_1998 346 242.94 02_04_1998 998 701.30 02_05_1998 441 309.73 02_06_1998 277 194.44 02_07_1998 205 143.82 02_08_1998 174 122.03 02_09_1998 149 104.45 02_10_1998 138 96.72 02_11_1998 134 93.91 02_12_1998 308 216.23 02_13_1998 218 152.96 02_14_1998 158 110.78 02_15_1998 138 96.72 02_16_1998 158 110.78 02_17_1998 698 490.40 02_18_1998 448 314.65 02_19_1998 238 167.02 02_20_1998 178 124.84 02_21_1998 152 106.56 02_22_1998 135 94.61 02_23_1998 251 176.16 02_24_1998 192 134.68 02_25_1998 149 104.45 02_26_1998 134 93.91 02_27_1998 162 113.59 02_28_1998 154 107.97 03_01_1998 133 93.27 03_02_1998 122 85.54 03_03_1998 114 79.91 03_04_1998 108 75.70 03_05_1998 105 73.59 03_06_1998 103 72.18 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 60 03_07_1998 103 72.18 03_08_1998 723 508.04 03_09_1998 825 579.75 03_10_1998 306 214.89 03_11_1998 204 143.18 03_12_1998 168 117.88 03_13_1998 145 101.71 03_14_1998 137 96.08 03_15_1998 126 88.35 03_16_1998 121 84.83 03_17_1998 117 82.02 03_18_1998 130 91.16 03_19_1998 347 243.71 03_20_1998 221 155.13 03_21_1998 213 149.51 03_22_1998 165 115.77 03_23_1998 139 97.49 03_24_1998 128 89.76 03_25_1998 119 83.43 03_26_1998 115 80.62 03_27_1998 114 79.91 03_28_1998 111 77.80 03_29_1998 108 75.70 03_30_1998 105 73.59 03_31_1998 104 72.88 04_01_1998 104 72.82 04_02_1998 100 70.01 04_03_1998 97 67.90 04_04_1998 121 84.78 04_05_1998 99 69.31 04_06_1998 95 66.50 04_07_1998 93 65.09 04_08_1998 92 64.39 04_09_1998 241 169.14 04_10_1998 134 93.91 04_11_1998 109 76.34 04_12_1998 100 70.01 04_13_1998 95 66.50 04_14_1998 96 67.20 04_15_1998 95 66.50 04_16_1998 95 66.50 04_17_1998 1298 912.21 04_18_1998 496 348.40 04_19_1998 619 434.87 04_20_1998 911 640.15 04_21_1998 293 205.69 04_22_1998 220 154.37 04_23_1998 187 131.17 04_24_1998 163 114.30 04_25_1998 144 100.94 04_26_1998 130 91.10 04_27_1998 117 81.96 04_28_1998 123 86.18 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 61 04_29_1998 112 78.45 04_30_1998 113 79.15 05_01_1998 145 101.79 05_02_1998 120 84.21 05_03_1998 111 77.88 05_04_1998 168 117.95 05_05_1998 202 141.86 05_06_1998 120 84.21 05_07_1998 209 146.78 05_08_1998 175 122.88 05_09_1998 131 91.94 05_10_1998 112 78.59 05_11_1998 126 88.43 05_12_1998 105 73.67 05_13_1998 96 67.34 05_14_1998 93 65.23 05_15_1998 89 62.42 05_16_1998 84 58.90 05_17_1998 81 56.79 05_18_1998 77 53.98 05_19_1998 72 50.47 05_20_1998 70 49.06 05_21_1998 69 48.36 05_22_1998 66 46.25 05_23_1998 64 44.84 05_24_1998 64 44.84 05_25_1998 64 44.84 05_26_1998 66 46.25 05_27_1998 307 215.67 05_28_1998 104 72.96 05_29_1998 83 58.20 05_30_1998 79 55.39 05_31_1998 81 56.79 06_01_1998 68 47.56 06_02_1998 63 44.05 06_03_1998 61 42.64 06_04_1998 60 41.94 06_05_1998 66 46.16 06_06_1998 109 76.39 06_07_1998 85 59.51 06_08_1998 64 44.75 06_09_1998 62 43.34 06_10_1998 261 183.24 06_11_1998 141 98.88 06_12_1998 91 63.73 06_13_1998 84 58.81 06_14_1998 69 48.27 06_15_1998 66 46.16 06_16_1998 60 41.94 06_17_1998 57 39.83 06_18_1998 54 37.72 06_19_1998 53 37.02 06_20_1998 52 36.31 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 62 06_21_1998 50 34.91 06_22_1998 49 34.21 06_23_1998 48 33.50 06_24_1998 46 32.10 06_25_1998 59 41.24 06_26_1998 48 33.50 06_27_1998 44 30.69 06_28_1998 43 29.99 06_29_1998 41 28.58 06_30_1998 45 31.39 07_01_1998 45 31.65 07_02_1998 40 28.13 07_03_1998 38 26.73 07_04_1998 36 25.32 07_05_1998 36 25.32 07_06_1998 34 23.91 07_07_1998 34 23.91 07_08_1998 33 23.21 07_09_1998 34 23.91 07_10_1998 33 23.21 07_11_1998 31 21.81 07_12_1998 31 21.81 07_13_1998 31 21.81 07_14_1998 30 21.10 07_15_1998 29 20.40 07_16_1998 30 21.10 07_17_1998 34 23.91 07_18_1998 30 21.10 07_19_1998 27 18.99 07_20_1998 27 18.99 07_21_1998 31 21.81 07_22_1998 26 18.29 07_23_1998 26 18.29 07_24_1998 26 18.29 07_25_1998 32 22.51 07_26_1998 39 27.43 07_27_1998 30 21.10 07_28_1998 33 23.21 07_29_1998 29 20.40 07_30_1998 26 18.29 07_31_1998 25 17.59 08_01_1998 31 21.85 08_02_1998 25 17.63 08_03_1998 24 16.93 08_04_1998 22 15.52 08_05_1998 21 14.82 08_06_1998 21 14.82 08_07_1998 20 14.11 08_08_1998 23 16.22 08_09_1998 23 16.22 08_10_1998 56 39.42 08_11_1998 56 39.42 08_12_1998 28 19.74 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 63 08_13_1998 27 19.03 08_14_1998 28 19.74 08_15_1998 30 21.14 08_16_1998 71 49.97 08_17_1998 46 32.39 08_18_1998 33 23.25 08_19_1998 29 20.44 08_20_1998 27 19.03 08_21_1998 26 18.33 08_22_1998 25 17.63 08_23_1998 24 16.93 08_24_1998 23 16.22 08_25_1998 22 15.52 08_26_1998 20 14.11 08_27_1998 19 13.41 08_28_1998 18 12.71 08_29_1998 19 13.41 08_30_1998 22 15.52 08_31_1998 20 14.11 09_01_1998 18 12.62 09_02_1998 17 11.91 09_03_1998 20 14.02 09_04_1998 68 47.77 09_05_1998 30 21.05 09_06_1998 26 18.24 09_07_1998 25 17.54 09_08_1998 28 19.65 09_09_1998 31 21.76 09_10_1998 26 18.24 09_11_1998 25 17.54 09_12_1998 22 15.43 09_13_1998 21 14.73 09_14_1998 20 14.02 09_15_1998 19 13.32 09_16_1998 19 13.32 09_17_1998 19 13.32 09_18_1998 19 13.32 09_19_1998 18 12.62 09_20_1998 18 12.62 09_21_1998 19 13.32 09_22_1998 28 19.65 09_23_1998 22 15.43 09_24_1998 19 13.32 09_25_1998 19 13.32 09_26_1998 18 12.62 09_27_1998 17 11.91 09_28_1998 16 11.21 09_29_1998 16 11.21 09_30_1998 20 14.02 10_01_1998 19 13.46 10_02_1998 16 11.35 10_03_1998 16 11.35 10_04_1998 18 12.75 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 64 10_05_1998 20 14.16 10_06_1998 23 16.27 10_07_1998 23 16.27 10_08_1998 30 21.19 10_09_1998 38 26.81 10_10_1998 24 16.97 10_11_1998 19 13.46 10_12_1998 14 9.94 10_13_1998 13 9.24 10_14_1998 13 9.24 10_15_1998 12 8.53 10_16_1998 12 8.53 10_17_1998 13 9.24 10_18_1998 12 8.53 10_19_1998 12 8.53 10_20_1998 14 9.94 10_21_1998 12 8.53 10_22_1998 12 8.53 10_23_1998 12 8.53 10_24_1998 15 10.64 10_25_1998 15 10.64 10_26_1998 14 9.94 10_27_1998 14 9.94 10_28_1998 14 9.94 10_29_1998 14 9.94 10_30_1998 14 9.94 10_31_1998 16 11.35 11_01_1998 19 13.44 11_02_1998 19 13.44 11_03_1998 25 17.65 11_04_1998 25 17.65 11_05_1998 21 14.84 11_06_1998 21 14.84 11_07_1998 20 14.14 11_08_1998 22 15.55 11_09_1998 23 16.25 11_10_1998 23 16.25 11_11_1998 27 19.06 11_12_1998 22 15.55 11_13_1998 21 14.84 11_14_1998 23 16.25 11_15_1998 36 25.39 11_16_1998 26 18.36 11_17_1998 32 22.58 11_18_1998 24 16.95 11_19_1998 22 15.55 11_20_1998 23 16.25 11_21_1998 21 14.84 11_22_1998 21 14.84 11_23_1998 22 15.55 11_24_1998 23 16.25 11_25_1998 22 15.55 11_26_1998 25 17.65 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 65 11_27_1998 24 16.95 11_28_1998 23 16.25 11_29_1998 23 16.25 11_30_1998 23 16.25 12_01_1998 24 16.92 12_02_1998 23 16.22 12_03_1998 24 16.92 12_04_1998 25 17.62 12_05_1998 25 17.62 12_06_1998 25 17.62 12_07_1998 25 17.62 12_08_1998 25 17.62 12_09_1998 30 21.14 12_10_1998 26 18.33 12_11_1998 26 18.33 12_12_1998 26 18.33 12_13_1998 67 47.15 12_14_1998 46 32.39 12_15_1998 28 19.73 12_16_1998 49 34.50 12_17_1998 33 23.25 12_18_1998 27 19.03 12_19_1998 26 18.33 12_20_1998 27 19.03 12_21_1998 26 18.33 12_22_1998 26 18.33 12_23_1998 25 17.62 12_24_1998 82 57.69 12_25_1998 97 68.24 12_26_1998 48 33.79 12_27_1998 38 26.76 12_28_1998 34 23.95 12_29_1998 33 23.25 12_30_1998 30 21.14 12_31_1998 29 20.44 01_01_1999 29 20.55 01_02_1999 30 21.28 01_03_1999 278 195.39 01_04_1999 120 84.25 01_05_1999 60 42.12 01_06_1999 50 35.17 01_07_1999 50 35.10 01_08_1999 46 32.39 01_09_1999 44 31.05 01_10_1999 38 26.84 01_11_1999 37 26.23 01_12_1999 37 26.17 01_13_1999 41 29.02 01_14_1999 41 28.99 01_15_1999 52 36.68 01_16_1999 43 30.36 01_17_1999 40 28.25 01_18_1999 78 54.91 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 66 01_19_1999 75 52.79 01_20_1999 55 38.70 01_21_1999 50 35.25 01_22_1999 47 33.12 01_23_1999 175 123.05 01_24_1999 729 512.28 01_25_1999 281 197.23 01_26_1999 133 93.22 01_27_1999 94 65.91 01_28_1999 80 56.17 01_29_1999 69 48.56 01_30_1999 63 44.43 01_31_1999 57 40.32 02_01_1999 67 47.36 02_02_1999 149 104.90 02_03_1999 97 68.24 02_04_1999 78 54.84 02_05_1999 67 47.22 02_06_1999 62 43.76 02_07_1999 60 42.33 02_08_1999 57 40.29 02_09_1999 54 38.19 02_10_1999 54 38.22 02_11_1999 51 36.14 02_12_1999 51 36.00 02_13_1999 50 35.46 02_14_1999 46 32.62 02_15_1999 46 32.63 02_16_1999 46 32.63 02_17_1999 47 33.32 02_18_1999 68 48.00 02_19_1999 77 54.29 02_20_1999 151 106.10 02_21_1999 115 80.77 02_22_1999 88 61.88 02_23_1999 76 53.52 02_24_1999 72 50.79 02_25_1999 68 48.00 02_26_1999 65 45.91 02_27_1999 63 44.49 02_28_1999 63 44.48 03_01_1999 59 41.71 03_02_1999 55 38.90 03_03_1999 55 38.91 03_04_1999 63 44.48 03_05_1999 52 36.74 03_06_1999 52 36.70 03_07_1999 50 35.36 03_08_1999 48 33.99 03_09_1999 52 36.78 03_10_1999 55 38.85 03_11_1999 35 24.59 03_12_1999 48 33.94 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 67 03_13_1999 47 33.25 03_14_1999 55 38.88 03_15_1999 66 46.54 03_16_1999 60 42.30 03_17_1999 57 40.20 03_18_1999 53 37.38 03_19_1999 50 35.29 03_20_1999 50 35.31 03_21_1999 110 77.40 03_22_1999 90 63.18 03_23_1999 71 49.78 03_24_1999 66 46.27 03_25_1999 73 51.29 03_26_1999 59 41.55 03_27_1999 55 38.77 03_28_1999 53 37.40 03_29_1999 52 36.71 03_30_1999 50 35.32 03_31_1999 50 35.35 04_01_1999 64 45.11 04_02_1999 59 41.57 04_03_1999 52 36.64 04_04_1999 50 35.25 04_05_1999 48 33.79 04_06_1999 46 32.36 04_07_1999 46 32.33 04_08_1999 45 31.66 04_09_1999 45 31.64 04_10_1999 42 29.51 04_11_1999 41 28.73 04_12_1999 41 29.03 04_13_1999 38 26.86 04_14_1999 38 26.88 04_15_1999 48 33.91 04_16_1999 50 35.22 04_17_1999 39 27.52 04_18_1999 36 25.48 04_19_1999 36 25.46 04_20_1999 35 24.72 04_21_1999 32 22.67 04_22_1999 31 21.93 04_23_1999 29 20.51 04_24_1999 30 21.28 04_25_1999 31 21.99 04_26_1999 29 20.59 04_27_1999 30 21.24 04_28_1999 79 55.61 04_29_1999 67 47.00 04_30_1999 761 535.22 05_01_1999 232 163.17 05_02_1999 126 88.78 05_03_1999 94 65.75 05_04_1999 77 53.87 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 68 05_05_1999 67 46.93 05_06_1999 65 45.59 05_07_1999 60 42.08 05_08_1999 56 39.28 05_09_1999 51 35.81 05_10_1999 44 31.00 05_11_1999 37 26.16 05_12_1999 35 24.77 05_13_1999 35 24.76 05_14_1999 33 23.47 05_15_1999 33 23.46 05_16_1999 31 21.98 05_17_1999 29 20.53 05_18_1999 28 19.77 05_19_1999 51 35.88 05_20_1999 32 22.49 05_21_1999 28 19.69 05_22_1999 27 19.01 05_23_1999 26 18.29 05_24_1999 25 17.65 05_25_1999 23 16.30 05_26_1999 24 17.02 05_27_1999 26 18.41 05_28_1999 23 16.34 05_29_1999 22 15.60 05_30_1999 21 14.87 05_31_1999 20 14.17 06_01_1999 18 12.89 06_02_1999 18 12.93 06_03_1999 18 12.89 06_04_1999 17 12.23 06_05_1999 16 10.96 06_06_1999 16 11.08 06_07_1999 15 10.22 06_08_1999 14 9.85 06_09_1999 12 8.54 06_10_1999 15 10.78 06_11_1999 19 13.42 06_12_1999 16 11.35 06_13_1999 14 9.98 06_14_1999 13 9.24 06_15_1999 14 9.93 06_16_1999 26 18.41 06_17_1999 42 29.49 06_18_1999 19 13.33 06_19_1999 15 10.56 06_20_1999 16 11.29 06_21_1999 23 16.17 06_22_1999 20 14.09 06_23_1999 17 11.95 06_24_1999 16 11.24 06_25_1999 20 14.05 06_26_1999 42 29.51 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 69 06_27_1999 19 13.37 06_28_1999 17 11.96 06_29_1999 49 34.44 06_30_1999 19 13.27 07_01_1999 19 13.24 07_02_1999 646 453.84 07_03_1999 116 81.27 07_04_1999 48 33.51 07_05_1999 33 22.99 07_06_1999 28 19.51 07_07_1999 25 17.47 07_08_1999 28 19.63 07_09_1999 22 15.42 07_10_1999 19 13.38 07_11_1999 19 13.51 07_12_1999 27 19.16 07_13_1999 32 22.58 07_14_1999 26 18.34 07_15_1999 25 17.63 07_16_1999 21 14.85 07_17_1999 18 12.78 07_18_1999 17 12.05 07_19_1999 15 10.66 07_20_1999 13 9.24 07_21_1999 13 9.23 07_22_1999 13 9.24 07_23_1999 12 8.54 07_24_1999 13 9.24 07_25_1999 48 33.76 07_26_1999 14 9.85 07_27_1999 11 7.77 07_28_1999 11 7.78 07_29_1999 10 7.11 07_30_1999 9 6.39 07_31_1999 10 7.03 08_01_1999 9 6.34 08_02_1999 8 5.43 08_03_1999 10 7.18 08_04_1999 12 8.57 08_05_1999 11 7.90 08_06_1999 11 7.91 08_07_1999 9 6.52 08_08_1999 9 6.48 08_09_1999 12 8.55 08_10_1999 11 7.82 08_11_1999 12 8.53 08_12_1999 11 7.81 08_13_1999 9 6.41 08_14_1999 12 8.51 08_15_1999 14 9.74 08_16_1999 11 7.60 08_17_1999 10 6.93 08_18_1999 8 5.58 Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 70 08_19_1999 8 5.33 08_20_1999 10 7.02 08_21_1999 28 19.60 08_22_1999 12 8.38 08_23_1999 11 7.70 08_24_1999 13 9.11 08_25_1999 137 96.02 08_26_1999 32 22.77 08_27_1999 39 27.69 08_28_1999 17 12.21 08_29_1999 19 13.06 08_30_1999 16 11.10 08_31_1999 14 9.81 09_01_1999 14 9.89 09_02_1999 14 9.96 09_03_1999 12 8.57 09_04_1999 11 7.86 09_05_1999 35 24.63 09_06_1999 82 57.40 09_07_1999 21 14.45 09_08_1999 13 8.94 09_09_1999 64 44.85 09_10_1999 48 33.41 09_11_1999 13 9.47 09_12_1999 10 6.75 09_13_1999 8 5.51 09_14_1999 8 5.67 09_15_1999 14 9.99 09_16_1999 28 19.69 09_17_1999 10 6.97 09_18_1999 8 5.61 09_19_1999 8 5.54 09_20_1999 7 5.25 09_21_1999 8 5.29 09_22_1999 8 5.34 09_23_1999 6 4.50 09_24_1999 8 5.85 09_25_1999 12 8.66 09_26_1999 12 8.63 09_27_1999 14 10.07 09_28_1999 51 36.10 09_29_1999 58 41.12 09_30_1999 55 38.79 71 Michael F. Easley Governor Sherri Evans-Stanton, Acting Secretary North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Kerr T. Stevens, Director Division of Water Quality N. C. Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-7015 Customer Service 1 800 623-7748 Fourth Creek, Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Now Available Upon Request Copies of the draft TMDL study: Fourth Creek (in Subbasin 03-07-06) Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load Are now available upon request from the North Carolina Division of Water Quality. This TMDL study was prepared as a requirement of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, Section 303(d). The study identifies the sources of pollution, determines allowable loads to the surface waters, and suggests allocations for pollutants of concern. TO OBTAIN A FREE COPY OF THE TMDL REPORT: Please contact Ms. Jamie Smith (919) 733-5083, extension 558 or write to: Ms. Betsy Albright TMDL Coordinator-Yadkin-Pee Dee River Basin Water Quality Planning Branch NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Interested parties are invited to comment on the draft TMDL study by May 23, 2001. Comments and questions concerning the report should be directed to Ms. Betsy Albright at the above number (extension 514) and address. The draft TMDL is also located on the following website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl Public Hearing Notice A public hearing to discuss the Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL will be held on Monday, April 30th at 2:00pm at the following address: The Old City Hall Building Council Chambers (2nd Floor) 301 South Center Street Statesville, North Carolina Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 73 Appendix V. Public Comments on the Draft Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL and DWQ Response to Comments Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 74 Appendix V. Public Comments on the Draft Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL and DWQ Response to Comments. Final Fecal Coliform TMDL for Fourth Creek October 31, 2001 75 Appendix V. Public Comments on the Draft Fourth Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL and DWQ Response to Comments DWQ Response to Comments from the City of Statesville: DWQ greatly appreciates the comments on the Draft Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform Bacteria for Fourth Creek. We look forward to working with Statesville and other interested parties to develop an implementation plan to reduce the fecal coliform concentrations in Fourth Creek, with the overall goal of obtaining the designated uses of Fourth Creek. If future expansion of the Fourth Creek WWTP is requested, we will review the fecal coliform loading allocation to the Fourth Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.