HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242184_ESC Approval Submitted_20240718 Town of Boone Planning&inspections Department
North Carolina
Zoning & Floodplain Development Permit#: Z24-0193
A copy of this Zoning Permit and the official "job site" csopies of the
approved plans and specifications are required to be kept onsite at ail.times.
Issued to: Mansa Hospitality Boone, LL'C/Raken Shah
Date Issued: 07/16/2024
Zoning: B3 General Business
Use: 3,10 Hotel, Large
Location: TBD US 421 and Bub Teems
Total Land Disturbance: 3.01 Acres
Approval is Based Upon:
1 Zoning Permit Application and Financial Ownership Responsibility Form dated received on 5/7/2024.
2. Stormwater Report prepared by Patrick Murphy,PE with KK2 Engineering NC dated received on
3. Engineering Calculations Report prepared by Patrick Murphy,PE with K2 Engineering NC dated
received on 6/21/2024.
4: Engineering Calculations Report prepared by Patrick Murphy,PE with K2 Engineering NC dated
received on 6/21/2024.
5. Revised Landscape Plan prepared by Patrick Murphy,PE with K2 Engineering NC dated received on
6. Retaining Wall Landscape Letter prepared by David M LeGrand,Jr, PE with Catawba Valley
Engineering and Testing, PC dated received on 7/15/2024.
7. Architectural Drawings prepared by Ricardo J Muniz-Guillet with Base4 dated received on
8. Commitments and representations in the response letter prepared by Ricardo J Muniz-Guillet with
Base4 dated received on 6/23/2024.
9. Updated elevations prepared by Ricardo J Muniz-Guillet with Base4 dated received on 6/23/2024.
10. Commitments and representations in the response letter prepared by applicant dated received on
11. Site plans prepared by Patrick Murphy, PE with K2 Engineering NC dated received on 6/21/2024.
12. Fire protection revised sheet(s) prepared by Patrick Murphy, PE with K2 Engineering NC dated
received on 6/21/2024.
13. Site plans prepared by Patrick Murphy, PE with K2 Engineering.NC dated received on 6/21/2024.
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680 W.King St.,Suite C planning@townofboone.net
Boone,North Carolina 28607 www.townofboone.net/pi
Town of Boone Planning&Inspections Department
14. Revised solid waste enclosure at 11 feet wide confirmed by phone call between applicant and Justin
Stines on 7/12/2024
Conditions of Approval:
1. As of April 1, 2019,all new construction activities of one acre air greater are required to complete
and submit an electronic Notice of Intent (NOI) form requesting a Certificate of Coverage (COC)
under the NC0010000 Construction Stormwater General Permit(NC Department of Environmental
Quality). This form must be submitted prior to commencement of any land-disturbing activity. The
NOI Form may be accessed at deq nc.eov/NCG01. After you submit a complete and correct NOI
Form,a COC will be ernailed to you within 3 business days. Once you have received the COC you
may call the Town of Boone Planning and inspections Department to schedule a preconstruction
meeting. At this meeting Town Staff will review your copy of the COC and review the plans and
permit associated with the approved development. The contractor responsible for the land
disturbing activity is required to be at this meeting.
2. Please call the Town of Boone Planning and inspections Department to schedule a
preconstruction meeting prior to comrriencement of any land-disturbing activities. At this
meeting, Town Staff will review the pram and; permit associated with the approved
development. The contractor responsible for the land-disturbing activity is required to be
at this meeting,
3. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Special Use Permit issued by the Town of Boone
Board of Adjustment on 21/2024
By order of the Town of Boone Board ofAdjustment following a public hearing on March
19;2024, a Special Use Permit has been approved for the construction of a 104-room
hotel (Use 3.10—Hotel,Large),subject to specific conditions as set forth below which
apply in perpetuity unless otherwise stated:
a. Where there is a conflict between the application information and the plans
(dated June 28, 2022, plus page C-007 updated as received January 18,2024),
the plans shall control. Insignificant deviations may be permitted to comply with
the requirements of the LUDO.
b. Any commitments and representations concerning the proposed project made
by the applicant or its(his or her)representatives at the public hearing shall also
become a condition of the permit, and a basis for a stop work order and/or
permit revocation if violated.
c. The applicant shall submit the necessary applications, plans, details, and
specifications which meet the requirements of the Town Cis ode, UDO, Building
Code,and any other applicable codes for review ifild approval necessary to issue
Zoning and Building permits.
d. The applicant shall design the Stormwater detention system to capture a 25 to
50-year rain event.
e. The applicant shall install,at a minimum,a 60"underground pipe to carry water
through the property.
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680 W.King St.,Suite C planning@townofboone.net
Boone,North Carolina 28607 www.townofboone.net/pi
Town of Boone Planning&Inspections Department
f. The applicant shall install additional landscaping in the right-of-way at the
corner of Bub Teems R.ad and Hwy 421 subject to DOT approval for sight lines.
g. The applicant shall repeat the traffic count in the fall of 2024 and share the
results with Town of Boone Planning staff.
4. The applicant is responsible for ensuring all design professionals and contractors follow the
approved plans and specifications.
5. All improvements must be made in accordance with the communication, plans, permits, reports,
details and specifications listed in the first itemized list above. Any condition(s) attached to these
plans, permits, reports, details and specifications must be followed. Prior to commencement on any
modification of the approved plan, please submit a request for review and approval.
6. Any signage as shown on the plan is not approved. Note: all signage is required to be permitted
separately. Please submit a separate permit application for each sign.
7. Due to land disturbance of this project being greater than 1 acre, all NPDES requirements must be
followed. This includes performing self-inspections and maintaining all reports.
8. Please note that this approval is based in part On the accuracy of the information provided in the
provided Financial Responsibility Form 'You-are requested to file an amended form if there is any
change in the information included on the form
9. North Carolina's Sedimentation Pollution Control Act is performance-oriented, requiring protection
of exiting natural resources and adjoining properties. Following the commencement of this project,
if the erosion and sedimentation.control plan is inadequate to meet the requirements of the
Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973,this office may require revision and implementation of
the revision to insure compliance with the Act..
10. Any excess soil must be taken to an approved;dump site:This documentation must be provided to
this office.
11. Public Works-Services(828-268-6230):
A. Please call for sidewalk inspections prior to pour and after finished product is complete.
B. An encroachment agreement for any and all items extending into/over the public sidewalk
must obtain an encroachment agreement before installation. Please contact Public Works at
828-268-6230 for more information.
C. A traffic control plan must be submitted to the Public Works Department for any projects
which contain work within a public street or sidewalk. This plan is required to be submitted
at least three days prior to any lane or sidewalk closure.
D. In accordance with Town Code Section 96,005,all persons engaged in doing work that creates
any dangerous condition or obstruction in the public right-of-way of any street or sidewalk
shall take whatever action is necessary, including the placement of barricades and warning
signs or devices,to warn the traveling public of the condition or obstruction. Therefore,all
work within or abutting any public right-of-way or public easement for streets or sidewalks
must be conducted in conformance with the US Department of Transportation Federal
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680 W. King St.,Suite C planning@townofboone.net
Boone,North Carolina 28607 www.townofboone.net/pi
Town of Boone Planning&Inspections Department
Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices-MUTCD
(http://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/). This includes, but is not limited to:
1. Providing complete and proper signage and traffic control devices to warn the traveling public of
2. All lanes of traffic, including sidewalks, shall be maintained at all times in compliance with the
standards set forth in the MUTCD.
E. In accordance with Town Code Section 96.031 any infrastructure disturbed or damaged
during the course of construction shall be restored to its original condition.
1. Ensure that any excavation, construction or other work done in the relevant public way
is performed consistent with the town's specifications and other requirements for
construction activities, including those relating to restoration.
2. Restore land, utility lines, other improvements,ground cover,and landscaping disturbed
by excavation and construction in the public way to the standards specified by the town.
a. Where permanent restoration is temporarily impractical because of weather
or other circumstances,temporary restoration may required.
b. Restoration shall be accomplished within the time approved by the
c. If restoration work proves to be inadequate over time,as determined in the
sole, reasonable discretion of the Administrator, the encroacher shall
perform such additional restoration work as the Administrator may direct.
d. Inspection and approval by the Administrator immediately after installation
does not constitute a waiver of the town's rights to determine that the
restoration work is not adequate over time and must be remedied.
F. All lanes of travel, including sidewalks, shall be open during non-working hours.
G. The applicant is required to coordinate the closing of any driveway with affected property
owners. Ingress and egress shall be maintained to all property owners affected by the
H. In accordance with Town Code Chapter 96 no parking or material storage shall be allowed to
encroach in a public way.
I. Any violations of these conditions may subject the applicant to the enforcement action and
penalties set forth in UDO Article 12 and the penalties set forth in Town Code Section
12. Public Works-Utilities(828-268-6250)
13. The Project Manager, Patrick Murphy is responsible for coordination of all design and construction
monitoring activities related to the project. This shall include but is not limited to:
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680 W. King St.,Suite C planning@townofboone.net
Boone,North Carolina 28607 www.townofboone.net/pi
Town of Boone Planning&Inspections Department
a. Coordination of design, including ensuring that adequate consideration is given in the design of
recommendations made by professionals who performed preliminary exploration of site
conditions, and
b. Monitoring of construction; and
c. Ensuring all final certifications indicating that the project was constructed in compliance with the
approved design documents are completed.
14. Upon project/phase completion and prior to the issuance of a Certification of Occupancy,the Project
Manager shall ensure that the following final certifications and verifications are submitted to the
Planning and Inspections Department:
a. The project engineer/architect shall submit a written certification that the project was
constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications.
b. The project engineer shall submit a written certification that the land disturbing activity was
completed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications.
c. The project engineer shall submit a written certification that all stormwater drainage
structures were constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications, and
that all requirements of the Town's stormwater regulations have been met.
d. A North Carolina licensed engineer will submit a separate summary report stating that the
constructed retaining structures were constructed in compliance with the intent of the
design, prior to Certificate of Occupancy.
e. Verification that all plant material was installed and inspected by a N.C.Landscape Contractor.
15. All work must be completed prior to final inspections or the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
16. All system development fees and any other fees associated with this project must be paid prior to
finals inspections or the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.
17. It is a condition of approval that there is a right to physical inspection of the development. Staff may
perform random independent inspections of the development to ensure compliance with the
approved plan.
18. Contact the Planning and Inspections Department (828-268-6960) for final inspections when the
project is complete.
19. A zoning permit shall automatically expire within one year after issuance if the use has not
commenced or less than ten percent of the total cost of all construction authorized has been
Is/ Michael James 07/16/2024
Town of Boone Official Date
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680 W. King St.,Suite C planning@townofboone.net
Boone, North Carolina 28607 www.townofboone.net/pi
Please return to:Town of Boone
680 West King Street,Suite C Boone,NC 28607
PROPERTY OWNER: Raken Shah, Inc.
PROPERTY: Corner of US Hwy 421 and Bub Teems Road,Watauga County PINs 2920-09-6331-000, 2920-09-7251-000,
2920-09-6177-000, and 2920-09-7187-000
DEED REFERENCE: Deed Book 2372, Deed Page 199
APPLICANT: Massa Hospitality Boone, LLC
By order of the Town of Boone Board of Adjustment following a public hearing on March 19,2024,a Special Use Permit has
been approved for the construction of a 104-room hotel(Use 110-Hotel,Large),subject to specific conditions as set forth
below which apply in perpetuity unless otherwise stated:
1. Where there is a conflict between the application information and the plans (dated June 28, 2022, plus page C-007
updated as received January 18, 2024), the plans shall control. Insignificant deviations may be permitted to comply
with the requirements of the UDO.
2. Any commitments and representations concerning the proposed project made by the applicant or its (his or her)
representatives at the public hearing shall also become a condition of the permit, and a basis for a stop work order
and/or permit revocation if violated.
3. The applicant shall submit the necessary applications, plans, details, and specifications which meet the requirements
of the Town Code, UDO, Building Code, and any other applicable codes for review and approval necessary to issue
Zoning and Building permits.
4. The applicant shall design the Stormwater detention system to capture a 25 to 50-year rain event.
5. The applicant shall install,at a minimum, a 60" underground pipe to carry water through the property.
6. The applicant shall install additional landscaping in the right-of-way at the corner of Bub Teems Road and Hwy 421
subject to DOT approval for sight lines.
7. The applicant shall repeat the traffic count in the fall of 2024 and share the results with Town of Boone Planning staff.