HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrowdersCreekFecalFinalTMDL2004 Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform for Crowders Creek North Carolina and South Carolina Final Report June 2004 Approved July 1, 2004 Prepared by: NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Water Quality Section 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 (919) 733-5083 Catawba River Basin Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report i Summary Sheet Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 1. 303(d) List Information State: North Carolina, South Carolina County: Gaston (NC), York (SC) Major River Basin: Catawba River Basin Watershed: Crowders Creek, HUC 3050101180010 303(d) Listed Waters (North Carolina) Name of Stream Description Class Index # Subbasin Miles Crowders Creek SR 1108 to NC 321 C 11-135e 30837 1.4 Crowders Creek US 321 to SR 2424 C 11-135f 30837 1.4 Crowders Creek SR 2424 to NC/SC line C 11-135g 30837 0.8 Constituent of Concern: Fecal Coliform Designated NC Uses: Biological integrity, propagation of aquatic life, secondary recreation Applicable Water Quality Standards for Class C Waters in NC: Fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (membrane filter count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period. 303(d) Listed Waters (South Carolina) Name of Stream Station Description Class Station Impaired Use Cause Crowders Creek At S-46 564 NE Clover Freshwater CW-023 REC FC Crowders Creek S-46-1104 Freshwater CW-024 REC FC South Fork Crowders Creek At S-46-79 4.5 mi NW Clover Freshwater CW-192 REC FC REC=recreation; FC=fecal coliform Constituent of Concern: Fecal Coliform Designated SC Uses: Primary and secondary contact recreation, a source for drinking water supply after conventional treatment in accordance with the requirements of SC, fishing and the survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of fauna and flora, and industrial and agricultural uses. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report ii Applicable Water Quality Standards for Freshwater in SC: Not to exceed a geometric mean of 200/100 ml, based on five consecutive samples during any 30 day period; nor shall more than 10% of the total samples during any 30 day period exceed 400/100ml. 2. TMDL Development Development tools: WARMF model Critical condition: Exceedances of the fecal coliform occur during both wet and dry conditions, and all seasons. The TMDL has been determined using a 5-year simulation (1998-2002) covering a wide range of hydrologic conditions. Seasonality: Seasonal variation in hydrology, climatic conditions, and watershed activities are represented through the use of a continuous flow gage and the use of all readily available water quality data collected in the watershed. 3. Allocation Watershed/Stream Reach Crowders Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Units per day % Reduction TMDL 2.21E+11 NC Continuous WLA1 8.27E+09 0% NC MS4 WLA 7.45E+10 79% NC LA 1.15E+11 79% SC LA 2.36E+10 79% Station CW-023 -- 79% Station CW-024 -- 79% Station CW-192 -- 79% 1 Continuous point sources must meet monthly geometric mean of 200 cfu/100ml and cannot exceed 400 cfu/100ml maximum. Total maximum daily load (TMDL): 2.21E+11 units per day Waste load allocation (WLA): 8.287E+10 units per day Load allocation (LA): 1.384E+11 units per day Margin of Safety (applied to the water quality criteria): This TMDL utilizes an explicit margin of safety (MOS): the geometric mean target is set at 175 cfu/100ml (MOS = 25 cfu/100ml) and the instantaneous limit is set to 360 cfu/100ml (MOS = 40 cfu/100ml). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report iii This TMDL is set at the confluence of Crowders Creek and Beaverdam Creek in SC. The TMDL applies to all impaired segments identified in (1). 4. Public Notice Date: 5/23/2004 5. Submittal Date: 6/10/2004 6. Establishment Date: 7/1/2004 7. Endangered Species (yes or blank): 8. EPA Lead on TMDL (EPA or blank): 9. TMDL Considers Point Source, Nonpoint Source, or both: both Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report iv TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................1 1.1 Watershed Description....................................................................................................2 1.2 Water Quality Target......................................................................................................3 1.3 Water Quality Assessment..............................................................................................5 2 Source Assessment................................................................................................................11 2.1 Point Source Assessment..............................................................................................11 2.2 Non-Point Source Assessment......................................................................................12 2.2.1 Urban Development and Sewer Systems .................................................................12 2.2.2 Septic Systems..........................................................................................................13 2.2.3 Livestock..................................................................................................................14 2.2.4 Waste Application....................................................................................................15 2.2.5 Wildlife.....................................................................................................................15 3 Modeling Approach...............................................................................................................16 3.1.1 Model Framework....................................................................................................16 3.1.2 Model Setup .............................................................................................................16 Observed Data Input........................................................................................17 Fecal Loading Initial Inputs.............................................................................18 Fecal Coliform Decay......................................................................................19 3.1.3 Calibration................................................................................................................20 Flow and Temperature.....................................................................................20 Fecal Coliform.................................................................................................24 3.1.4 Model Output ...........................................................................................................27 4 Allocation..............................................................................................................................28 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)..........................................................................28 4.2 Critical Conditions........................................................................................................29 4.3 Seasonal Variation........................................................................................................30 4.4 Model Uncertainty and Margin of Safety.....................................................................30 4.5 Allocation .....................................................................................................................31 5 Implementation Plan..............................................................................................................33 6 Stream Monitoring ................................................................................................................33 7 Future Efforts ........................................................................................................................33 8 Public Participation ...............................................................................................................34 9 Further Information...............................................................................................................34 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report v 10 References.............................................................................................................................35 11 Appendix...............................................................................................................................37 Appendix I. Water quality data collected in the Crowders Creek watershed (1997-2002)...........38 Appendix II. Land use by WARMF subwatershed based on 1993-1996 landcover in the Crowders Creek watershed....................................................................................................43 Appendix III. Calibrated soil layer parameters..............................................................................47 Appendix IV. Load allocation calculation for Kings Mountain....................................................49 Appendix V. Modeled fecal coliform loading scenarios...............................................................51 Appendix VI. Load allocation calculations for South Carolina portion of Crowders Creek........52 Appendix VII. Crowders Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Allocation Worksheet...........................54 Appendix VIII. Septic system loading estimates for the Crowders Creek watershed. .................55 Appendix IX. Affidavits of Publication for Public Notices..........................................................56 Appendix X. Comments on the Crowders Creek TMDL 58 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report vi TABLES Table 1. Monitoring locations in the Crowders Creek watershed....................................................6 Table 2. Summary of fecal coliform monitoring in the Crowders Creek watershed (1997-2002)...6 Table 3. Potential sources of fecal coliform bacteria in watersheds. ............................................11 Table 4. Summary of septic usage in Crowder’s Creek watershed (NC portion) based on data taken from Gordon (2003).....................................................................................................14 Table 5. Septic data used in the WARMF model for Crowders Creek..........................................19 Table 6. Livestock data used in the WARMF model for Crowders Creek. ...................................19 Table 7. Precipitation weighting factors and temperature lapse for the Crowders Creek watershed. ...............................................................................................................................................21 Table 8. Calibration statistics for temperature and flow in subwatershed 11. ..............................21 Table 9. Calibration statistics for fecal coliform (#/100ml) in subwatershed 11 (downstream station)...................................................................................................................................24 Table 10. Existing fecal coliform loading (1998-2002) by source in the Crowders Creek watershed...............................................................................................................................27 Table 11. Total maximum daily load allocation for the Crowders Creek watershed (detailed in Appendix)..............................................................................................................................31 Table 12. Relative fecal coliform loading rates in the Crowders Creek watershed.......................32 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report vii FIGURES Figure 1. Location map for the Crowders Creek watershed.............................................................4 Figure 2. North Carolina monitoring stations within the Crowders Creek watershed. Numbered stations correspond to sites in Table 1.....................................................................................7 Figure 3. Fecal coliform concentrations at the NCDWQ ambient station for the period 1997 – 2002. A value >2000 from 1/8/98 is not shown.....................................................................8 Figure 4. Geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations in the Crowders Creek watershed, 2001. .................................................................................................................................................9 Figure 5. Load duration curve at the Crowders Creek NCDWQ ambient station for the period, 1998-2002..............................................................................................................................10 Figure 6. Load duration curve at the Crowders Creek station SR 2424 for the period, 2001-2002. ...............................................................................................................................................10 Figure 7. Crowders Creek watershed with subwatersheds (WS) as depicted in the WARMF model. Primary stations used for calibration have been labeled. .........................................17 Figure 8. Observed vs. simulated temperature at the downstream calibration station in subwatershed 11 (R2=0.86)....................................................................................................22 Figure 9. Observed versus simulated temperature at the upstream calibration station in subwatershed 5 (R2=0.98)......................................................................................................22 Figure 10. Observed versus simulated flow at the downstream calibration station in subwatershed 11 (R2=0.50)..........................................................................................................................23 Figure 11. Observed versus simulated flow at the upstream calibration station in subwatershed 5 (R2=0.43)...............................................................................................................................23 Figure 12. Observed versus simulated fecal coliform at subwatershed 11. ..................................25 Figure 13. Observed versus simulated fecal coliform at SR 1131 in subwatershed 5. .................26 Figure 14. Rolling 30-day geometric means of observed fecal coliform at SR 2424 and simulated fecal coliform at the subwatershed 11 outlet.........................................................................26 Figure 15. Results of TMDL simulation for a rolling 30-day geometric mean for fecal coliform in the Crowders Creek watershed..............................................................................................29 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 1 1 Introduction Crowders Creek is currently on 303(d) lists of impaired waters in North Carolina (NC) and South Carolina (SC). The NC Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) has identified a 3.6-mile segment of Crowders Creek in the Catawba River Basin as impaired by fecal coliform bacteria, stretching from state road (SR) 1108 to the state line. The SC Department of Environmental Health and Control (SCDHEC) considers the South Fork Crowders Creek and Crowders Creek impaired due to elevated levels of fecal coliform bacteria in South Carolina. Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or which have impaired uses. This list, referred to as the 303(d) list, is submitted biennially to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for review. The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Part I of the 303(d) list. The objective of a TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and allocate the loads to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by EPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end- point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Reduction target. Estimation of the level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the waterbody, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The wasteload allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 2 sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non-point sources, stormwater, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). Critical Conditions. Critical conditions indicate the combination of environmental factors that result in just meeting the water quality criterion and have an acceptably low frequency of occurrence. Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the waterbody may be moved to Category 4a of the Integrated Report. Waterbodies remain in Category 4a until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may still result in the restoration of water quality. The goal of the TMDL program is to restore designated uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of source controls throughout the watershed will be necessary to restore uses in Crowders Creek. Although an implementation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies for point and nonpoint sources will be needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. 1.1 Watershed Description Crowders Creek, a tributary to Lake Wylie (NCDWQ subbasin 030837) in the Catawba River Basin, drains 92.9 mi2 at its confluence with Beaverdam Creek in South Carolina (Figure 1). Most of the NC portion of Crowders Creek is located within Gaston County in the piedmont physiographic region. A small portion is located in Cleveland County. Approximately 16% of the watershed area (excluding Beaverdam Creek) is located within South Carolina (York County). The watershed includes the municipalities of Gastonia, Kings Mountain and Bessemer City in NC, and Bowling Green in SC. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 3 The land use and land cover characteristics of the watershed were determined using 1996 land cover data that were developed from 1993-94 LANDSAT satellite imagery (included within the WARMF model). Land use was 57% forest, 9% pasture, 11% cultivated, and 13% developed (low and high intensity residential, commercial/industrial). As reported by the USGS, the average flow of the creek below SR 2424 is approximately 91 cubic feet per second (cfs), with a summer 7Q10 of 6.7 cfs. The drainage area at this point is 79.4 mi2. The predominant soils are Cecil-Appling-Pacolet and Nason-Tatum associations, underlain by gneiss/schist/slate and schistose rocks, respectively. Surface water classifications are designations applied to surface water bodies that define the best uses to be protected within these waters (e.g., swimming, fishing, and drinking water supply) and carry with them an associated set of water quality standards to protect those uses. Crowders Creek (and its tributaries) is classified as a class C waterbody in NC. The waters are protected for secondary recreation, fishing, wildlife, fish and aquatic life propagation and survival, agriculture and other uses suitable for Class C. Secondary recreation includes wading, boating, and other uses involving human body contact with water where such activities take place in an infrequent, unorganized, or incidental manner. South Carolina classifies Crowders Creek and its tributaries as Freshwaters. Freshwaters are suitable for primary and secondary contact recreation and as a source for drinking water supply after conventional treatment in accordance with the requirements of SC. In addition, the waters are suitable for fishing, the survival and propagation of a balanced indigenous aquatic community of fauna and flora, and industrial and agricultural uses. 1.2 Water Quality Target The North Carolina fresh water quality standard for fecal coliform in Class C waters (T15A: 02B.0211) states: Organisms of the coliform group: fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100ml (membrane filter count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30 day period, nor exceed 400/100 ml in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable nonpoint source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 4 other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; in case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique will be used as the reference method. South Carolina’s standard for fecal coliform in Freshwater is: Not to exceed a geometric mean of 200/100 ml, based on five consecutive samples during any 30-day period; nor shall more than 10% of the total samples during any 30-day period exceed 400/100ml. Figure 1. Location map for the Crowders Creek watershed.  GastoniaKings Mtn Bessemer City CLEVELAND Co. GASTON Co. South Fork Crowders Creek BEAVERDAM CR CROWDERS CR CROWDERS CR South Crowders Creek McGill Branch Abernethy Creek NC SC NC-274 US-321 US-74 C8660000 2 0 2 4 Miles N EW S Bowling Green Lake Wylie YORK Co. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 5 The instream numeric target, or endpoint, is the restoration objective associated with implementing the specified load reductions in the TMDL. The target allows for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards for the impaired stream by comparing the instream data to the target. For this TMDL the water quality target is South Carolina’s standard: it is more stringent based on the portion relating to 10% of samples during 30 days versus a 20% allowance in NC. Both portions of the SC standard will be evaluated for TMDL purposes. Note that the unit for fecal coliform bacteria is colony-forming units (cfu), but may also be referred to as “counts” or “#” throughout this assessment. 1.3 Water Quality Assessment NCDWQ collects samples monthly at a fixed ambient monitoring station (C8660000) on Crowders Creek at Ridge Rd near Bowling Green, SC (Figure 2).1 In 2001, NCDWQ, the Gaston County Cooperative Extension Service, and the City of Gastonia agreed to conduct intensive surveys of water quality in the Crowders Creek watershed. Six locations were selected for intensive monitoring (Table 1). Samples were collected weekly for six weeks in the spring and 10 weeks in the summer. As such, eight running geometric means could be calculated using the data from this study. During 2002, NCDWQ conducted additional sampling of Crowders Creek to supplement 2001 sampling. Samples were collected at Blackwood Creek, Crowders Creek at SR 1108, and Crowders Creek at SR 2424. A summary of all recent data is presented in Table 2. Sampling at the ambient station near the base of the watershed indicates that fecal coliform concentrations have been elevated for several years (Figure 3). Further sampling to evaluate the geometric mean fecal coliform standard suggests elevated concentrations at a number of locations throughout the watershed including the upper portion at SR 1131 and the southwest portion at SR 1109 (Figure 4). The geometric means of 9/4/2001 include a significant storm event that appears to have contributed to high concentrations. Blackwood Creek fecal coliform levels are consistently higher than other locations throughout the study. This subwatershed contains primarily suburban development and many older south Gastonia neighborhoods. 1 SCDHEC also monitors fecal coliform bacteria in Crowders Creek at US 321 0.5 miles north of the NC/SC border (CW- 152) and at S-91-79 4.5 miles northwest of Clover (CW-192). SC’s CW-024 is co-located with NC’s ambient station. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 6 Table 1. Monitoring locations in the Crowders Creek watershed. 1 Crowders Creek at Linwood Road (SR1131) 2 Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 3 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 4 South Crowders Creek at Crowders Creek Rd (SR1103) 5 South Fork Crowders Creek at Ferguson Ridge Rd (SR1109) 6 Crowders Creek at SR 2424 7 DWQ Ambient Station Table 2. Summary of fecal coliform monitoring in the Crowders Creek watershed (1997-2002). Site Period Number of Samples Number greater than 400 cfu/100ml a Number greater than 200cfu/100ml geometric mean b Crowders Creek at Linwood Road (SR1131) 2001 16 3 5 Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 2001-2002 25 14 13 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 2001-2002 25 8 6 South Crowders Creek at Crowders Creek Rd (SR1103) 2001 16 3 3 South Fork Crowders Creek at Ferguson Ridge Rd (SR1109) 2001 16 4 5 Crowders Creek at SR 2424 2001-2002 25 6 6 Crowders Creek NCDWQ Ambient 1997-2002 67 10 -- c a Instantaneous fecal coliform measurements greater than 400cfu/100ml b 30-day geometric mean of fecal coliform measurements greater than 200cfu/100ml based on at least 5 samples in 30 days. C Data collected monthly; insufficient frequency to calculate a 30-day geometric mean. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 7 Figure 2. North Carolina monitoring stations within the Crowders Creek watershed. Numbered stations correspond to sites in Table 1. 1 2 34 5 6 7 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 8 Figure 3. Fecal coliform concentrations at the NCDWQ ambient station for the period 1997 – 2002. A value >2000 from 1/8/98 is not shown. A load duration curve analysis (Stiles 2002, Cleland 2002) was used to evaluate flow conditions under which the standard is violated and also help identify the sources contributing to impairment. Exceedances that occur only during low-flow events are likely caused by continuous or point source discharges, which are generally diluted during storm events. Livestock deposits directly to the stream may also be noticeable during low flow events. Exceedances that occur during higher flow events are generally driven by storm- event runoff. A mixture of point and nonpoint sources may cause exceedances during normal flows. The load duration method plots observed data with flow. Data is available for only 2000 to present for a gage on Crowders Creek (USGS 02145642). Since a long historical flow series is recommended for use in flow and load duration analyses, data from nearby gage was used: USGS 02144000 on Long Creek near Bessemer City. The Long Creek gage is in the neighboring watershed to the north of Crowders Creek and has a drainage area of 31.8 mi2. Daily flow data for the period from 1/1953 through 9/2002 was used to establish the historic flow regimes. Drainage area (DA) ratios were used to create flow series for the DWQ ambient station on Crowders Creek (DA = 88.9 mi2) and the station at SR 2424 (DA = 79.4 mi2). Crowders Creek NCDWQ Ambient Station 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 Ja n u a r y - 9 7 Ju l y - 9 7 Ja n u a r y - 9 8 Ju l y - 9 8 Ja n u a r y - 9 9 Ju l y - 9 9 Ja n u a r y - 0 0 Ju l y - 0 0 Ja n u a r y - 0 1 Ju l y - 0 1 Ja n u a r y - 0 2 Ju l y - 0 2 cf u / 1 0 0 m l Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 9 Figure 4. Geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations in the Crowders Creek watershed, 2001. Observed flow is plotted based on the percent of time that historic flows exceed the value on the date collected. Once the relative rankings were calculated for flow, monitoring data were matched by date to compare observed water quality to the flow ranking. The curves approximate the allowable load that meets the water quality standard for fecal coliform (flow * standard; see Figure 5). In the Crowders Creek watershed, water quality violations of fecal coliform occur during both wet and dry periods, and during most times of the year (Figures 5-6). All data points in Figures 5 and 6 are based on instantaneous samples.2 A greater number of exceedances occurred during April – October and in mid-range to drier flows. 2 The geometric mean line is provided only as an additional reference; geometric mean values have not been plotted. Geometric Mean Fecal Coliform Levels, 2001 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Crowders Creek at SR1131 Blackwood Creek at SR1136 Crowders Creek - SR1108 South Crowders Creek at SR1103 South Fork Crowders Creek at SR1109 Crowders Creek at SR2424 Fecal coliform level, cfu/100mL 3/26/2001 4/4/2001 7/31/2001 8/7/2001 8/14/2001 8/21/2001 8/28/2001 9/4/2001 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 5. Load duration curve at the Crowders Creek NCDWQ ambient station for the period, 1998-2002. Figure 6. Load duration curve at the Crowders Creek station SR 2424 for the period, 2001-2002.                                                                                                            Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 2 Source Assessment Both point and nonpoint sources may contribute fecal coliform to waterbodies. In rural areas, stormwater runoff can transport fecal coliform from livestock operations, septic systems, and wildlife deposits. Sewer systems, pets, and wildlife are potential sources in urbanized areas (septic systems to a lesser extent). Wastewater treatment plants (WWTP), both municipal and package plants, are another source of fecal coliform. Potential sources of fecal coliform loading in the watershed were identified based on an evaluation of land use data, septic and sewer service areas, discharge monitoring data, and agricultural information. The source assessment was used as the basis for development of the watershed model and ultimate analysis of the TMDL allocations. Table 3 lists the potential human and animal sources of fecal coliform bacteria. Table 3. Potential sources of fecal coliform bacteria in watersheds. Source Origin Type Source Human Sources Sewered watershed Combined sewer overflows; Sanitary sewer overflows; leaking sanitary sewers Wastewater treatment plants (POTWs) Illegal sanitary connections to storm drains Illegal disposal to storm drains Non-sewered watershed Septic systems Package WWTP plants Non-human Sources Domestic animals and urban wildlife Dogs, cat, rats, raccoons, opossum, squirrels, pigeons, waterfowl Livestock and rural wildlife Beef and dairy cows, horses, poultry, swine, beaver, deer, waterfowl 2.1 Point Source Assessment Point sources are regulated under the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and include continuous municipal and industrial sources and regulated stormwater (NPDES Phase I and II). The major point source of fecal coliform in the Crowders Creek watershed is Gastonia’s Crowders Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (NC0074268), which is currently permitted to discharge 6 MGD (see Figure 2 for location). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report There are no point sources, neither continuous or MS4 stormwater, within the South Carolina portion of the watershed (Giffin, 2003). Additional minor point sources discharging domestic waste include Berkley Oaks (NC0062278), CWS Saddlewood WWTP (NC0060755), Ridge Community WWTP (NC0069175) and Pines Mobile Home Park (NC007499), totaling approximately 0.07 MGD in permitted capacity. Facilities not listed are either inactive or contain waste streams lacking significant fecal coliform (e.g., some industrial process water). CBP Resources, a chicken processing plant, ceased its discharge to Crowders Creek in December 1998 by connecting to the Gastonia Crowders Creek WWTP. The Bessemer City WWTP (1.5 MGD; NC0020826) connected to the Crowders Creek WWTP in March 2002. Prior to this, the Bessemer City WWTP discharged into Abernathy Creek, a tributary to Crowders Creek.  EPA requires that loads allocated to NPDES permitted stormwater be placed in the wasteload allocation (WLA), which had previously been reserved for continuous point source loads (Wayland, 2002). The three MS4 entities that are permitted through Phase II of the NPDES stormwater program in the Crowders Creek watershed are Gastonia (NCS000429), Bessemer City (NCS000412), and Gaston County (NCS000411). Their entire jurisdiction is covered under the permits. The NC Department of Transportation also has a NPDES stormwater permit in this watershed (statewide_. Kings Mountain, with approximately 5.4 mi2 of area in northwest corner of the watershed, is not currently regulated under the Phase II program. 2.2 Non-Point Source Assessment Nonpoint sources of fecal coliform bacteria include those sources that cannot be identified as entering the waterbody at a specific location such as a NPDES permitted pipe or stormwater outfall. Diffuse sources of fecal coliform bacteria may originate from human and non-human sources (livestock, pets, wildlife). 2.2.1 Urban Development and Sewer Systems Developed land typically generates greater areal pollutant loads relative to rural land uses. Mallin et al. (2000) found a strong relationship between the percentage of watershed imperviousness and fecal coliform density. Higher amounts of impervious surface result in less opportunity for infiltration, increasing high flow Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report volumes, peak flows and velocities. The resultant stormwater runoff carries with it waste from pets, wildlife, and other sources. Sewer systems for Gastonia (WQCS00017) and Bessemer City (WQCS00107) may also contribute fecal coliform to waterways during overflows and as a result of other defects. Kings Mountain also has a collection system (WQCS 00036) and sends a portion of its waste to the Crowders Creek WWTP. Sewer pipes may become blocked, damaged, or flooded by stormwater. Sanitary sewer overflows (SSO) may occur due to pump station failures caused by stormwater infiltration into the pipes through leaks. Sewer pipe leaks may also contribute to elevated levels of fecal coliform during low flow periods via exfiltration. Between 1997 and 2002, there were six SSOs reported by Gastonia (collection system associated with the Crowders Creek WWTP), twenty by Bessemer City and three by Kings Mountain. Not all the SSOs in Bessemer City and Kings Mountain occurred within the Crowders Creek watershed. Site-specific information for fecal coliform loading from urban runoff in the Crowders Creek watershed was not available. However, studies from nearby Mecklenburg County can be used to provide initial estimates of fecal loads. The USGS calculated build-up and wash-off rates for developed land uses based on stormwater samples collected from 1993-1997 (Bales et al., 1999). Fecal coliform rates of accumulation for light residential, heavy residential/industrial, and heavy commercial/industrial were 5.3 x 10^11 counts/ha/mo, 6.9 x10^11 counts/ha/mo, and 2.1 x 10^11 counts/ha/mo, respectively. 2.2.2 Septic Systems Failing septic systems are a potential source of fecal coliform to water bodies. Lack of maintenance and improper use can cause systems to fail, creating the potential for discharge to water bodies. A study by the NC Office of Budget and Management suggested that 11% of systems surveyed had malfunctions or failures (NC DEH, 2000). In Gaston County, the septic failure rate is thought to be near 4% (Gordon, 2003). Septic usage in the Catawba River Basin portion of Gaston County was approximately 45% based on 1990 census (NC DEH, 1999). The 2000 census did not collect information on sewage and septic. Since that time, the percentage may have decreased as more areas are developed and sewer service expands. Gordon (2003) analyzed septic usage in the Crowders Creek watershed using GIS layers of residential parcel data, census data, and utility customers to determine the number of septic tanks by subwatershed. It was assumed that all residential households that were not municipal utility customers relied on septic. Results of Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report the analysis indicated that nearly 5,000 septic systems were in use within the NC portion of the watershed (Table 4). Resulting septic densities were extrapolated to SC by NCDWQ resulting in an estimated 18,710 people served by septic in the watershed. Table 4. Summary of septic usage in Crowder’s Creek watershed (NC portion) based on data taken from Gordon (2003) Subwatershed Description Septic Systems Avg. # persons/system Acres Population served Persons per mi^2 North Crowders 857 2.78 13737 2363 110 Central Crowders 1115 2.95 9175 3290 229 Blackwood Creek 422 3.03 2202 1382 402 South Crowders 1119 2.79 10686 3023 181 Lower Crowders 1457 2.48 8792 3334 243 2.2.3 Livestock According to the NC Department of Agriculture’s (2001) livestock population census, Gaston County has approximately 9,100 head of cattle. However, only a small portion is located within the Crowders Creek watershed. There were relatively small amounts of other animal agriculture. Within the Crowders Creek watershed, there are no large concentrated animal operations. At NCDWQ’s request, a livestock survey of the watershed was conducted by the Gaston County Cooperative Extension Service (Hudson, 2003). Estimates from the survey were approximately 160 beef cattle and 280 dairy cattle, located mostly in the southwest portion of the watershed. In addition, there are an estimated 150 horses. Waste produced by cattle that is deposited on pasture or directly into streams can be a significant source of fecal coliform. Beef cows, dairy cows and horses produce on average 1.06 x 10^11 counts/day, 1.04 x10^11 counts/day, and 4.2 x 10^8 counts/day, respectively (NCSU, 1994). A watershed survey in July 2003 by NCDWQ indicated that some of the cattle had access to streams. The Gaston County Natural Resources Department estimates 30 to 50% of livestock within the watershed are permanently fenced out of streams based on its implementation of cost share program funding for livestock exclusion and alternate water sources (Gordon, 2003). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 2.2.4 Waste Application Cattle and horses that graze on pasture land deposit waste directly onto the land. Runoff during storm events can transport fecal coliform in the waste to water bodies, particularly when there is a lack of stream buffer or cattle have access to the buffer and stream. Confined dairy operations must properly apply manure collected in feedlots onto cropland or pastureland. Manure is applied to cropland in the Crowders Creek watershed, primarily during March, April, September and October. Biosolids application is permitted in the watershed for Gastonia (WQ0001793) and Bessemer City (WQ0002264). Sludge byproducts of the wastewater treatment process, which may contain fecal coliform, is applied to agricultural land at approved rates. Anaerobic digestion is used to reduce pathogens. NCDWQ records for 2002 indicated that 1,300 acres were permitted for Gastonia. Only a portion of this acreage is located within the watershed. The Crowders Creek WWTP plant produced approximately 804 dry tons of biosolids during 2002, accounting for approximately 22% of the total tonnage applied by Gastonia. There were no recent records of residuals application under the Bessemer City permit since it connected to Gastonia. 2.2.5 Wildlife Wildlife deposit fecal-containing waste throughout the landscape, but likely deposit more heavily in rural and forested areas where populations are larger. Loadings from wildlife are a background source. Population estimates for many types of wildlife are not available. The deer population is estimated to be 20 to 30 animals per square mile (NC DWQ, 2002). An upper limit of 30 was chosen to account for other wildlife. Fecal loading rates for deer have been estimated at 5.0 x 10^8 #/animal/day (US EPA, 2000c). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 3 Modeling Approach 3.1.1 Model Framework Due to the watershed size and variable sources of fecal coliform, the watershed model Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) was selected to evaluate fecal coliform in the Crowders Creek watershed. WARMF is a decision support system designed to support the watershed approach and TMDL calculations. The model has been applied to watershed regions in the USA and Taiwan (Systech Engineering, 2001). WARMF contains several embedded models adapted from the ILWAS model, ANSWERS, SWMM, and WASP. The model simulates hydrology and water quality for the landscape of a river basin. WARMF divides a watershed into land catchments, river segments, and reservoirs and uses the continuously stirred tank reactor (CSTR) model for flow routing and mass balance within a given soil layer or river segment. Simulated parameters include flow, temperature, water depth and velocity, and constituent concentrations. In the case of fecal coliform bacteria, the model simulates the deposition and transportation of the bacteria from land surface loading and point source discharge. The model then computes the resulting water quality response instream using first order kinetics. The model also includes a facility for calculating TMDLs for non-point source loads under different control levels of point source loads and vice versa. 3.1.2 Model Setup The Crowders Creek watershed is represented as eleven catchments within the model (Figure 7). The Beaverdam Creek tributary to Crowders Creek located in South Carolina is not modeled in this project. The confluence of these two creeks is located downstream of DWQ’s ambient station. A TMDL for fecal coliform in the Beaverdam Creek watershed has been prepared and approved for South Carolina. Both point and nonpoint sources are represented in the water quality model. The model was run for a continuous simulation period of January 1, 1998 through December 31, 2002. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 7. Crowders Creek watershed with subwatersheds (WS) as depicted in the WARMF model. Primary stations used for calibration have been labeled. Observed Data Input Water quality data collected at the NCDWQ ambient station located in subwatershed (WS) 11 and the station at SR 1131 in WS 5 were used as primary calibration points (Figure 7). Other data stations supplemented the calibration process. Since there are no meteorological data stations located within the watershed, meteorological data collected at nearby Long Creek, located immediately north of the Crowders Creek watershed, were associated with WS 1-4. The other subwatersheds were associated with data collected at Gastonia to the east (NCDC station 313356). Precipitation and temperature lapse factors were applied during the calibration process. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Flow data from Long Creek, adjusted for drainage area and the Bessemer City WWTP, was associated with the upper portion of the watershed. Data from a station on Crowders Creek (USGS 02145642) that is co- located with the ambient station was used for the lower part of the watershed. Flow data at the Crowders Creek USGS station was only available for October 2000 to present. Since flow data for a 5-year period (1998 – 2002) was needed, a regression between Crowders Creek and Long Creek was used to fill in the missing values (Crowders Flow = 2.4513*Long Creek Flow + 12.889; R2 = 0.88). Finally, a DA ratio was used to adjust upward the Crowders Creek flow to represent the remaining portion of the watershed (to the confluence with Beaverdam Creek). Fecal Loading Initial Inputs Initial values for fecal loading (kg/ha/mo) by land use and by subwatershed were input into the model. In addition, fecal loading based on discharge monitoring data from the two primary point sources, the Crowders Creek WWTP and Bessemer City WWTP, were input into the model. The initial fecal coliform rates of accumulation for light residential, heavy residential/industrial, and heavy commercial/industrial are from Bales et al. (1999). An initial background loading of 1.8x10^9 #/ha/mo was applied to forested land uses to account for wildlife. The population served by septic was input to the model according to Table 5. These figures were obtained from some of the previous analysis discussed in Section 2.2.2. A failure rate of 4% based on Gaston County data is used. Septic loading assumes 265 L/cap/day and a fecal coliform concentration of 10,000 cfu/100ml for the load associated with failure (Horsley and Whitten, 1996). Livestock loading of fecal coliform was input into the model using estimated livestock numbers (Table 6) and fecal production based on NCSU (1994). Loading was generally associated with pasture. Additional loading associated with dairy manure application to cultivated land was incorporated during March/April and September/October in subwatersheds 4 and 6. Loading is also associated with direct deposit when livestock have access to streams. Initially, the model assumed that 40% of livestock were excluded from streams (increased to 70% during calibration). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Table 5. Septic data used in the WARMF model for Crowders Creek. Subwatershed Septic population/mi^2 Area (mi^2) Septic population 1 110 9.6 1056 2 110 6.3 693 3 181 11.5 2082 4 181 12.5 2263 5 247 * 21.3 5261 6 229 3.2 733 7 181 4.4 796 8 229 1.2 275 9 243 7.3 1774 10 229 0.9 206 11 243 14.7 3572 * Average of North and Central Crowders, and Blackwood Creek subwatersheds in Gordon (2003). Table 6. Livestock data used in the WARMF model for Crowders Creek. Subwatershed Pasture Area (ha) Estimated Number of Animals dairy beef horses 1 168.35 0 0 0 2 88.06 0 0 0 3 155.4 0 50 50 4 577.57 200 50 50 5 235.69 0 0 0 6 41.44 80 0 0 7 238.28 0 40 50 8 25.9 0 0 0 9 248.64 0 20 0 10 69.93 0 0 0 11 367.78 0 0 0 Fecal Coliform Decay Fecal coliform bacteria produced in a watershed are subject to die-off in the soil and water environment. Factors that influence their survival include sunlight, temperature, moisture conditions, salinity, soil conditions, waterbody conditions, settling, and association with particles (USEPA, 2001). For example, bacteria survival decreases as temperature increases. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Decomposition of fecal coliform in the soil was initially set at 0.27 day-1 based on the median value for the soil environment in Crane and Moore (1986). The initial value of coliform decay in stream was set at 1.0 day-1 based on the median value of the data in Bowie et al. (1985). 3.1.3 Calibration Calibration of a dynamic loading model involves both hydrologic and water quality components. First, the model must be calibrated to represent flow and temperature in the watershed. Next, water quality simulations and calibration can be performed. The hydrologic calibration involves comparison of simulated streamflows to observed streamflow data. Simulated streamflows are generated from input and adjustment of model parameters, including meteorological, physical and hydrologic response. Parameters are adjusted within defensible ranges until an acceptable agreement is achieved between simulated and observed results. The ambient station, located in WS 11, and the station at SR 1131 in WS 5 were used as primary calibration points. Qualitative (seasonal trends, magnitude and timing of peaks) and quantitative (calibration statistics) measures were used to evaluate calibration. Flow and Temperature Precipitation weighting factors and temperature lapse were applied by subwatershed during the calibration process to improve the relationship between observed and simulated values (Table 7). Precipitation weighting factors are multipliers applied to the precipitation in the meteorological file to account for local variations in precipitation amount from orographic effects (varies from 1, unitless). Average temperature lapse is the average amount subtracted from the temperature in the meteorological file to account for regional variations in temperature from orographic effects. A positive value indicates that the catchment is cooler than its meteorological station (varies from 0, degrees C). The parameters associated with soil layers were also adjusted to represent hydrologic response. Four soil layers are simulated in WARMF with saturated lower layers generally providing baseflow and the upper layers providing stormflow. Thicker soil layers with lower horizontal conductivity tended to provide greater baseflow, while thinner layers with higher conductivity often resulted in sharper peaks. The final calibrated parameters are presented in Appendix III. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Table 7. Precipitation weighting factors and temperature lapse for the Crowders Creek watershed. Subwatershed Meteorological Station Average Temperature Lapse Precipitation Weighting Factor 1 Long Creek 1.4 1.05 2 Long Creek 1.4 1.05 3 Long Creek 1.4 1.15 4 Long Creek 1.4 1.20 5 Gastonia 1.25 1.10 6 Gastonia 1.25 1.10 7 Gastonia 1.25 1.15 8 Gastonia 1.25 1.10 9 Gastonia 1.25 1.10 10 Gastonia 1.25 1.10 11 Gastonia 1.25 1.10 The time series of simulated versus observed temperature and flow are presented in Figures 8 through 11. There were only 16 observed temperature values for the upstream station (Figure 9). Calibration statistics for the downstream station, which is located upstream of the outlet, are presented in Table 8. R2 is the square of the correlation coefficient between simulated results and observed data over all time steps for which both exist. A perfect correlation has a value of 1. Relative Error is the average of all errors (difference between simulated and observed values) over all time steps for which it can be calculated. It is a measure of model accuracy. Absolute Error, a measure of model precision, is the average of the absolute value of all errors over all time steps for which it can be calculated. Unlike relative error, overpredictions and underpredictions do not cancel each other out with absolute error. RMS Error is the root-mean-square error, which is the square root of the average of the squares of all errors over all time steps for which it can be calculated. This magnifies the effect of larger than average errors. Table 8. Calibration statistics for temperature and flow in subwatershed 11. Flow (cms) Temperature (°C) Simulated Mean 1.78 15.92 Observed Mean 1.76 15.71 Simulated Range 0.38 to 26.87 2.06 to 27.72 Observed Range 0.12 to 43.30 4.00 to 25.00 Relative Error 0.02 0.49 Absolute Error 0.76 2.15 RMS Error 2.07 2.65 R2 0.50 0.86 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 8. Observed vs. simulated temperature at the downstream calibration station in subwatershed 11 (R2=0.86). Figure 9. Observed versus simulated temperature at the upstream calibration station in subwatershed 5 (R2=0.98). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Jan- 98 Apr- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Mar- 00 Jun- 00 Sep- 00 Dec- 00 Mar- 01 Jun- 01 Sep- 01 Dec- 01 Mar- 02 Jun- 02 Sep- 02 Dec- 02 Te m p e r a t u r e ( d e g r e e s C ) Observed Temperature Simulated Temperature (Downstream) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Jan- 98 Apr- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Mar- 00 Jun- 00 Sep- 00 Dec- 00 Mar- 01 Jun- 01 Sep- 01 Dec- 01 Mar- 02 Jun- 02 Sep- 02 Dec- 02 Te m p e r a t u r e ( d e g r e e s C ) Observed Temperature Simulated Temperature (Upstream) Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 10. Observed versus simulated flow at the downstream calibration station in subwatershed 11 (R2=0.50). Figure 11. Observed versus simulated flow at the upstream calibration station in subwatershed 5 (R2=0.43). 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Jan- 98 Apr- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Mar- 00 Jun- 00 Sep- 00 Dec- 00 Mar- 01 Jun- 01 Sep- 01 Dec- 01 Mar- 02 Jun- 02 Sep- 02 Dec- 02 Fl o w ( c m s ) Observed Flow Flow Calibration (Downstream) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Jan- 98 Apr- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Mar- 00 Jun- 00 Sep- 00 Dec- 00 Mar- 01 Jun- 01 Sep- 01 Dec- 01 Mar- 02 Jun- 02 Sep- 02 Dec- 02 Fl o w ( c m s ) Observed Flow Flow Calibration (Upstream) Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Fecal Coliform Fecal coliform loading rates by land use adjusted during calibration are associated with “land application” in the WARMF model. Forested land uses were reduced to 500 E6 #/ha. Pasture rates ranged from 10,000 to 30,000 E6 #/ha for the populated subwatersheds (WS) in Table 6. In WS 4 and 6, cultivated land received 1800 and 2000 E6 #/ha, respectively during March, April, October, and September due to dairy manure application. Finally, low intensity, high intensity, and commercial/industrial development received 25,000, 30,000, and 15,000 E6 #/ha, respectively. The fraction of impervious surface associated with each of these land uses was 0.3, 0.65, and 0.75, respectively. Final calibrated decay rates for fecal coliform were 0.35 day- 1 in the soil environment and 0.9 day-1 in the stream. Calibration statistics for instream fecal coliform are presented in Table 9. While R2 is a measure of the model's ability to predict trends in the data, is often not very useful when there is a large amount of scatter in observed data. For example, the overall R2 for the complete fecal coliform time series is 0.02. However, individual statistics by year may be more insightful with values of 0.16, 0.86, 0.08, 0.56, and 0.55 for 1998 through 2002, indicating improvement in prediction in the last two years. The time series of observed versus simulated fecal coliform at subwatershed 11 is presented in Figure 12. The capture of patterns is reasonable, although not all values are predicted well. At SR 1131 in subwatershed 5, fecal coliform data was only available for 2001, which limits the comparison (Figure 13). Table 9. Calibration statistics for fecal coliform (#/100ml) in subwatershed 11 (downstream station). Simulated Observed Mean 376.1 515.9 Minimum 45.44 18 Maximum 3695 4200 # of pts to compare 67 Relative Error -156.8 Absolute Error 459.9 RMS Error 967.8 A rolling 30-day geometric mean of observed fecal coliform at SR 2424 and simulated fecal coliform at the subwatershed 11 outlet also suggests that the pattern is tracked, but with a few discrepancies (Figure 14). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report This observed station is near the state line, upstream from the point where simulated results are provided (Figure 7). A 30-day geometric mean is determined by calculating the geometric mean of an individual day’s fecal concentration and the daily predictions for the 29 days that precede it. The rolling aspect is achieved by moving to the next day and performing the same calculation. It is important to note that in addition to the inherent difficulty in predicting fecal coliform, both sets of observed data are from points upstream of the WS outlet where the simulated results are given. This may account for some of the differences in modeled and observed values. Land based inputs as well as instream decay are expected between the station and the watershed outlet. Figure 12. Observed versus simulated fecal coliform at subwatershed 11. 10 100 1000 10000 Jan- 98 Apr- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Mar- 00 Jun- 00 Sep- 00 Dec- 00 Mar- 01 Jun- 01 Sep- 01 Dec- 01 Mar- 02 Jun- 02 Sep- 02 Dec- 02 Fe c a l C o l i f o r m ( c f u / 1 0 0 m L ) Observed at Ambient Station Simulated at Watershed Outlet Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Figure 13. Observed versus simulated fecal coliform at SR 1131 in subwatershed 5. Figure 14. Rolling 30-day geometric means of observed fecal coliform at SR 2424 and simulated fecal coliform at the subwatershed 11 outlet. 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 Jan-01 Apr-01 Jun-01 Sep-01 Dec-01 Fe c a l C o l i f o r m ( # / 1 0 0 m L ) Observed at SR 1131 Simulated at WS 5 Outlet Crowder’s Creek Watershed Rolling 30-day Geometric Mean 10 100 1000 10000 Jan-01 Apr-01 Jun-01 Sep-01 Dec-01 Mar-02 Jun-02 Sep-02 Dec-02 Fe c a l C o l i f o r m ( c f u / 1 0 0 m l ) Simulated @ Watershed Outlet Observed at SR 2424 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 3.1.4 Model Output Existing fecal coliform loading (1998-2002) predicted by the calibrated model is given in Table 10. Urban land uses contributed 62% of the fecal loading and had the highest loading per unit area. Livestock agriculture generated the second most fecal loading. Background loading associated with wildlife in forested land uses was greater than both septic and point sources. Table 10. Existing fecal coliform loading (1998-2002) by source in the Crowders Creek watershed. Simulated Land- based Load (1E6/d) Percent Loading per unit area 1E6/ha/yr Deciduous Forest 29,100 3 1,260 Evergreen Forest 18,100 2 1,720 Mixed Forest 12,400 1 1,890 Pasture 284,000 28 46,700 Cultivated 14,300 1 1,760 Recr. Grasses 817 0 1,000 Water 270 0 1,400 Barren 300 0 678 Low Int. Develop. 304,000 30 54,700 High Int. Develop. 155,000 15 121,000 Comm / Industrial 179,000 17 66,600 Wetlands 0 0 0 Type 1 Septic System 1 6,670 1 -- Type 2 Septic System 0 0 -- Type 3 Septic System 2,780 0 -- General Point Sources 25,300 2 -- TOTAL 1,030,000 100 -- 1 WARMF accepts inputs for 3 types of septic systems: standard, advanced, and failing. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 4 Allocation 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) A Total Maximum Daily Load is the maximum amount of a pollutant that a water body can receive and still meet water quality standards, partitioned among point and nonpoint sources. A TMDL is comprised of the sum of wasteload allocations (WLA) for point sources, load allocations (LA) for nonpoint sources, and a margin of safety (MOS), expressed by the equation:     The objectives of the TMDL are to estimate allowable pollutant loads, and to allocate them among the general pollutant sources in the watershed. 40 CFR §130.2 (i) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time (e.g. pounds per day), toxicity, or other appropriate measures. This TMDL will be expressed in terms of % load reduction and allowable load of fecal coliform. It will be set at the outlet of the modeled watershed, the confluence of Crowders Creek and Beaverdam Creek in South Carolina. Two separate model runs were performed to evaluate the fecal coliform standards: a geometric mean standard (200 cfu/100ml) and South Carolina’s instantaneous standard discussed in Section 1.2. The WARMF model provides a facility in the TMDL module to evaluate each of these directly with a margin of safety. Initially, since total existing loading for the point sources was below their allowable load would indicate, the model was run with existing point source loading and reductions were applied to nonpoint sources only. However, these initial runs indicated that a TMDL could not be calculated because the fecal standard could not be met even at zero nonpoint loading. This was due to several observed values in the point source data file above 400 cfu/100ml. Therefore, the file was adjusted so that all values fell below 400. Simulations were then run for the two standard evaluations. In order to meet SC’s instantaneous standard, a 61% reduction would be needed in total loading versus a 79% reduction needed to meet the geometric mean standard (Figure 15). The higher percentage was chosen since both standards must be met. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report The fecal coliform geometric mean reductions were used to develop the TMDL loading. Further analysis was required to determine the breakdown between point source (WLA) and nonpoint source (LA) loadings that meet the TMDL objectives. Figure 15. Results of TMDL simulation for a rolling 30-day geometric mean for fecal coliform in the Crowders Creek watershed. 4.2 Critical Conditions Critical conditions can be considered a subset of seasonality: the most stringent of the seasons. In the Crowders Creek watershed, water quality violations of fecal coliform appear to occur during both wet and dry periods (Figure 5 and 6). Recent ambient data collected in the Crowders Creek watershed indicate observed exceedances may occur during all times of the year, with the four highest values in August/September and December/January (Figure 3). The three highest simulated geometric means occurred in January (Figure 15). However, a greater number of observed exceedances occurred during April – October and in mid-range to drier flows (Figures 5 and 6). The TMDL has been set such that the standard is met during all times of the modeled period (1998-2002). Crowder’s Creek Watershed Rolling 30-Day Geometric Mean Fecal Coliform Concentration (1998-2002) 10 100 1000 10000 Jan- 98 Apr- 98 Jun- 98 Sep- 98 Dec- 98 Mar- 99 Jun- 99 Sep- 99 Dec- 99 Mar- 00 Jun- 00 Sep- 00 Dec- 00 Mar- 01 Jun- 01 Sep- 01 Dec- 01 Mar- 02 Jun- 02 Sep- 02 Dec- 02 Fe c a l C o l i f o r m ( c f u / 1 0 0 m L ) Simulated Fecal Coliform Standard w/ MOS (175 cfu/100ml) TMDL Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 4.3 Seasonal Variation Seasonal variation is considered in the development of the TMDL because the allocation applies to all seasons. Seasonal variation in hydrology, climatic conditions, and watershed activities are represented through the use of a continuous flow gage and the use of all readily available water quality data collected in the watershed. A wide range of flow conditions is modeled for this TMDL, demonstrated by the interannual variation in hydrology seen in Figure 5. 4.4 Model Uncertainty and Margin of Safety The lack of agreement between modeled and observed fecal coliform concentrations is due in part to the high degree of uncertainty associated with predicting fecal coliform bacteria. The inability to accurately predict specific observed fecal coliform concentrations can be attributed to many sources: model error, lack of sufficient information in source assessment, gaps in our scientific knowledge, natural variability in instream fecal coliform concentrations, field and laboratory measurement error, and lack of current site specific model input parameters including decay rate, flow, rainfall data, and land use information. The watershed model used in this project estimates daily average fecal coliform concentrations based on land use information. Because of certain lack of site-specific information, professional judgment and literature values were sometimes used to calculate the fecal coliform loading from the various land uses. In sum, the model results should be interpreted in light of the model limitations and prediction uncertainty. The margin of safety is an additional factor of the TMDL that accounts for some of the uncertainty in the relationship between pollutant loads and receiving water quality. This margin of safety can be provided implicitly through conservative analytical assumptions and/or explicitly by reserving a portion of the load capacity. This TMDL utilizes an explicit margin of safety (MOS): the geometric mean target is set at 175 cfu/100ml (MOS = 25 cfu/100ml) and the instantaneous limit is set to 360 cfu/100ml (MOS = 40 cfu/100ml). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 4.5 Allocation The continuous waste load allocation (Table 11) is based on the maximum permitted loading, calculated as permitted flow for the Crowders Creek WWTP plus the minor point sources (6.07 MGD times the 200 cfu/100mL fecal coliform standard). The Crowders Creek WWTP must also must meet monthly geometric mean of 200 cfu/100ml and cannot exceed 400 cfu/100ml maximum. Table 11. Total maximum daily load allocation for the Crowders Creek watershed (detailed in Appendix). Units per day % Reduction % of TMDL TMDL 1 2.21E+11 NC Continuous WLA 8.27E+09 0% 3.7% NC MS4 WLA plus LA 2 2.13E+11 79% NC MS4 WLA 7.45E+10 79% 33.7% NC LA 1.15E+11 79% 51.8% SC LA 2.36E+10 79% 10.7% Station CW-023 -- 79% Station CW-024 -- 79% Station CW-192 -- 79% 1 Equivalent to a 79% reduction in existing loading (1998-2002). 2 TMDL minus continuous WLA NPDES permitted stormwater including that associated with MS4s (small municipal separate storm sewer systems) must also be included in the wasteload allocation.3 Kings Mountain is not an MS4 town, therefore, their jurisdiction within Crowders Creek must be broken out to calculate this portion of the WLA. Kings Mountain covers 34.1% of the area in WS 1 and 2. The nonpoint source load from these two subwatersheds is 19.5% of the total watershed nonpoint loading. Accordingly, a ratio of 6.65% (34.1%*19.5%) is used to separate the Kings Mountain LA (1.4E+10 units/d) from the nonpoint source loading in the remainder of the watershed (Appendix IV). 3 According to the Phase II rules, MS4 permittees are responsible for reducing the loads associated with stormwater outfalls for which it owns or otherwise has responsible control. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Except for Kings Mountain, the entire NC portion of the Crowders Creek watershed falls within Phase II boundaries. Therefore, all fecal loadings from urban land uses within this area were assigned to the WLA component. Loadings from land uses such as agricultural and forested areas are considered nonpoint sources and are reported as LAs. A loading ratio based on relative land use and loading rate is used to apportion the load between WLA and LA (Table 12). The distribution of the urban (developed land uses) and non-urban land uses, 14.5 % and 86.5%, respectively, was determined from the landuse coverage within WARMF. In addition, the relative loading rates between the urban and rural landuse types were determined based modeled unit-loading rates (Table 10). A load is allocated to SC based on land use and unit loading rates in the border subwatersheds. Subwatersheds 4, 7, and 11 are split between SC and NC. The land uses are relatively homogenous within each subwatershed. These watersheds are predominately rural in character. WS 4 and 11 are approximately one half in SC and WS 7 is approximately one quarter in SC. The TMDL loading per unit area was multiply by the land use area to generate fecal loading in each of these subwatersheds. As a result, SC is approximately 16% of the watershed and will receive a load allocation that is 10.7% of the total nonpoint source load (see Appendix VI for detail). Table 12. Relative fecal coliform loading rates in the Crowders Creek watershed. Relative Land Use Relative Loading Rate Loading Ratio Urban Land 14.5% 81.3% 42.6% Non-Urban Land 85.5% 18.6% 57.4% Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 5 Implementation Plan The TMDL analysis was performed using the best data available to specify the fecal coliform reductions necessary to achieve water quality criteria. The intent of meeting the criteria is to support the designated use classifications in the watershed. A detailed implementation plan is not included in this TMDL. The involvement of local governments and agencies in both NC and SC will be needed in order to develop the implementation plan. An implementation plan will be developed under a NC 319 grant to Dr. Jy Wu with the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (refer to section 7). 6 Stream Monitoring Fecal coliform monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the ambient monitoring sites on Crowders Creek. Monitoring of fecal coliform concentrations will allow evaluation of progress towards the goal of achieving water quality standards and intended best uses. 7 Future Efforts This TMDL represents an early phase of a long-term restoration project to reduce fecal coliform loading to acceptable levels in the Crowders Creek watershed. NCDWQ in cooperation with SC and local governments should evaluate the progress of implementation strategies and refine the TMDL as necessary, in the next phase based on NC’s five-year basin management cycle. This will include recommending specific implementation plans for reduction of fecal coliform loading. The NC 319 Grant program has recently funded a project entitled, Restoring and Assessing Fecal Coliform Impairment of Crowders Creek. The principal investigator is Dr. Jy S. Wu with the Department of Civil Engineering, University of North Carolina at Charlotte. The project, an extension of work associated with the TMDL, aims to begin restoring the impaired section of the Crowder Creek due to fecal coliform. Components of the project include installation of new and/or retrofit of existing structural best management practices (BMPs) and/or low impact design (LIDs) at strategic locations of the Crowders Creek watershed or at its Blackwood Creek sub-watershed. In addition, a watershed restoration plan for long-term fecal coliform Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report mitigation for the Crowders Creek watershed will be developed. The plan will integrate the efforts of TMDL modeling, a bacterial source tracking (BST) study by NCDWQ (scheduled for summer 2004), and additional monitoring and analyses to be performed by the investigators. 8 Public Participation A draft of the Crowders Creek TMDL was publicly noticed through various means, including notification in the local newspapers of NC and SC. Copies of the affidavits of publication are provided in Appendix IX. The draft TMDL and public comment information was distributed electronically to known interested parties. The TMDL was also available from the Division of Water Quality’s website at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/ during the comment period. The comment period occurred from March 23, 2004 through May 6, 2004. A public meeting was held on April 28 at the Gaston Citizen’s Resource Center in Dallas, NC to present the TMDL and answer questions. Nine citizens attended the public meeting. One comment was received from Mr. Alton C. Boozer, Chief of the South Carolina Bureau of Water. A copy of the letter is located in Appendix X. The comments were positive and no response is needed. 9 Further Information Further information concerning North Carolina’s TMDL program can be found on the Internet at the Division of Water Quality website: http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/. Technical questions regarding this TMDL should be directed to the following members of the DWQ Modeling/TMDL Unit: J. Todd Kennedy, Modeler (todd.kennedy@ncmail.net), Michelle Woolfolk, Supervisor (michelle.woolfolk@ncmail.net). Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 10 References Bowie, G.L, W.B. Mills, D.B. Porcella, C.L. Campbell, J.R. Pagenkopf, G.L. Rupp, K.M. Johnson, P.W.H. Chan, and S.A. Gherini. 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetic formulations in surface water quality modeling. 2nd edition. EPA/600/3-85/040. Environmental Research Laboratory, Athens, GA. Canale, R. P., M.T. Auer, E.M. Owens, T.M. Heidtke, S.W. Effler. 1993. Modeling Fecal Coliform Bacteria –II. Model Development and Application. Water Research, 27(4):703-714. Crane, S.R. and J. A. Moore. 1986. Modeling enteric bacterial die-off: A review. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 27:411-439. Cleland, B.R. 2002. TMDL Development from the “Bottom Up” – Part II: Using load duration curves to connect the pieces. Proceedings from the WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Conference. Giese, G.L. and R.R. Mason, Jr. 1993. Low-flow characteristics of streams in North Carolina. U.S. Geological Survey water-supply paper 2403. Giffin, Mark. 2003. South Carolina DEHC. Personal Communication. Gordon, R.D. 2003. A fecal coliform source assessment for the Crowders Creek watershed. Gaston County, North Carolina. Civil Engineering Independent Study. Final Project. UNC Charlotte. Hudson, Craven. 2002. Gaston County Cooperative Extension. Personal communication. Mallin, M.A., K.E. Williams, E.C. Esham, and R.P. Lowe. 2000. Effect of human development on bacteriological water quality in coastal watersheds. Ecological Applications, 10(4):1047-1056. North Carolina Department of Agriculture. 2001. Agricultural Statistics Division-County Statistics. www.ncagr.com/stats/cntysumm/ and http://govinfo.library.orst.edu/cgi-bin/agstate?North+Carolina. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University (NCSU), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Raleigh, Livestock Manure Production and Characterization in North Carolina. January 1994. North Carolina Division of Environmental Health (NCDEH). NCDENR. 1999. North Carolina On-Site Wastewater Non-Point Source (NPS) Pollution Program. www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/nonpointsource/ NPS.htm June 24, 1999. North Carolina Division of Environmental Health (NCDEH). NCDENR. 2000. Report on the Proper Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems in Accordance with Section 13.5 of HB 1160 (Clean Water Act of 1999). http://www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/Maintenance.PDF. March 15, 2000. North Carolina Equine Survey. 1996. North Carolina Agricultural Statistics. NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Raleigh, NC – 27611. http://www.agr.state.nc.us/stats. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. February 2002. Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for the Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar and Sugar Creek Watersheds, Mecklenburg County. Catawba River Basin. Final report submitted to EPA. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report North Carolina Division of Water Quality. August 2002. Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for the Clark Creek Watershed, Catawba and Lincoln County. Catawba River Basin. Final Report. Office of Water. 1997. Guidelines for preparation of the comprehensive state water quality assessments. EPA-841-B-97-00. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington D.C. Stiles, T.C. 2002. Incorporating hydrology in determining TMDL endpoints and allocations. Proceedings from the WEF National TMDL Science and Policy 2002 Conference. Systech Engineering. October 2001. Watershed Analysis Risk Management Frame Work (WARMF): Update One: A Decision Support System for Watershed Analysis and Total Maximum Daily Load Calculation, Allocation and Implementation. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA:1005181. Thomann, R.V. and Mueller, J.A. 1987. Principles of Surface Water Quality Modeling and Control. Harper and Row, New York, NY. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetics formulations in surface water quality modeling (II ed.). Athens, GA: EPA-600-3-85-040. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1991. Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Advisory Committee (FACA). Draft final TMDL Federal Advisory Committee Report. 4/28/98. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000a. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000b. Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. DRAFT. Office of Water. EPA-823- D-00-001. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000c. Bacterial Indicator Tool. User’s Guide. Office of Water. EPA-823-B-01-003. March 2000. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). January 2001. Protocol for Developing Pathogen TMDLs: First Edition. http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/techsupp.html. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 11 Appendix Appendix I. Water quality data collected in the Crowders Creek watershed (1997-2002). Station # Station Description Date Fecal Coliform Temp BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 2/28/2001 280 11.7 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 3/5/2001 320 10.8 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 3/12/2001 270 10.7 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 3/19/2001 400 10.1 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 3/26/2001 1285 10.0 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 4/5/2001 400 13.8 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 7/5/2001 4700 22.5 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 7/10/2001 265 22.4 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 7/17/2001 395 23.0 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 7/24/2001 2900 23.0 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 7/31/2001 2000 22.1 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 8/7/2001 132 23.2 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 8/14/2001 5600 23.7 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 8/21/2001 245 22.5 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 8/28/2001 375 21.9 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 9/4/2001 97000 20.7 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 9/10/2002 410 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 9/12/2002 240 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 9/17/2002 2800 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 9/19/2002 1200 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 9/24/2002 900 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 10/1/2002 520 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 10/8/2002 3000 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 10/15/2002 2400 BWC Blackwood Creek at SR 1136 10/22/2002 5900 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 2/28/2001 41 11.2 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 3/5/2001 210 10.8 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 3/12/2001 76 10.6 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 3/19/2001 66 8.6 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 3/26/2001 315 10.1 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 4/5/2001 115 13.5 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 7/5/2001 265 21.9 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 7/10/2001 84 22.7 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 7/17/2001 50 22.1 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 7/24/2001 330 22.7 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 7/31/2001 50 22.4 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 8/7/2001 41 23.6 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 8/14/2001 3600 24.1 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 8/21/2001 60 23.3 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 8/28/2001 83 23.0 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 9/4/2001 36000 20.7 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 9/10/2002 2600 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 9/12/2002 130 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 9/17/2002 1000 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 9/19/2002 2200 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 9/24/2002 370 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 10/1/2002 520 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 10/8/2002 670 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 10/15/2002 400 CC2 Crowders Creek at SR 1108 (Upstream WWTP) 10/22/2002 5800 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 2/28/2001 120 11.2 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 3/5/2001 550 11.3 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 3/12/2001 250 11.2 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 3/19/2001 74 10.3 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 3/26/2001 174 11.1 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 4/5/2001 114 13.8 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 7/5/2001 3000 22.1 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 7/10/2001 120 24.2 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 7/17/2001 29 23.5 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 7/24/2001 305 24.4 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 7/31/2001 78 23.5 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 8/7/2001 55 25.0 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 8/14/2001 122 24.6 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 8/21/2001 120 24.2 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 8/28/2001 375 24.4 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 9/4/2001 107000 20.4 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 9/10/2002 250 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 9/12/2002 400 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 9/17/2002 1100 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 9/19/2002 770 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 9/24/2002 380 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 10/1/2002 270 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 10/8/2002 220 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 10/15/2002 400 CC3 Crowders Crk at SR 2424 at NC/SC state line 10/22/2002 4300 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 2/28/2001 18 11.7 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 3/5/2001 220 10.1 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 3/12/2001 80 9.9 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 3/19/2001 37 9.9 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 3/26/2001 200 9.5 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 4/5/2001 230 10.7 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 7/5/2001 3300 23.1 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 7/10/2001 83 24.0 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 7/17/2001 260 23.9 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 7/24/2001 140 24.1 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 7/31/2001 380 23.5 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 8/7/2001 235 25.1 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 8/14/2001 5000 25.0 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 8/21/2001 60 25.4 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 8/28/2001 365 22.8 CC1 Crowders Creek at SR 1131 9/4/2001 6000 20.9 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 2/28/2001 106 11.3 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 3/5/2001 370 11.2 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 3/12/2001 90 11.5 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 3/19/2001 72 10.4 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 3/26/2001 145 10.7 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 4/5/2001 92 13.9 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 7/5/2001 1603 21.4 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 7/10/2001 33 26.3 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 7/17/2001 9 27.0 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 7/24/2001 36 27.5 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 7/31/2001 6 27.2 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 8/7/2001 12 28.2 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 8/14/2001 152 26.9 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 8/21/2001 23 27.8 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 8/28/2001 20 27.9 CCE Crowders Creek WWTP effluent 9/4/2001 21500 21.3 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 2/28/2001 270 11.2 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 3/5/2001 300 10.8 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 3/12/2001 220 10.6 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 3/19/2001 76 8.6 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 3/26/2001 1125 10.1 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 4/5/2001 630 13.5 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 7/5/2001 44 21.9 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 7/10/2001 48 22.7 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 7/17/2001 35 22.1 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 7/24/2001 86 22.7 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 7/31/2001 58 22.4 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 8/7/2001 20 23.6 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 8/14/2001 385 24.1 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 8/21/2001 530 23.3 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 8/28/2001 108 23.0 SCC South Crowders Creek at SR 1103 9/4/2001 28000 20.7 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 2/28/2001 94 11.3 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 3/5/2001 330 11.1 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 3/12/2001 240 10.7 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 3/19/2001 60 10.0 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 3/26/2001 106 10.6 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 4/5/2001 215 13.6 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 7/5/2001 4000 22.7 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 7/10/2001 465 23.0 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 7/17/2001 35 22.4 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 7/24/2001 365 22.6 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 7/31/2001 320 22.5 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 8/7/2001 335 23.7 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 8/14/2001 555 24.0 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 8/21/2001 50 23.2 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 8/28/2001 27 22.7 SFCC South Fork Crowders Creek at SR 1109 9/4/2001 46000 20.6 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 1/8/1998 42000 15 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 2/16/1998 230 8 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 3/11/1998 220 8 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 4/28/1998 400 15 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 5/20/1998 420 21 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 6/23/1998 350 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 7/22/1998 610 26 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 8/10/1998 1100 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 9/21/1998 1600 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 10/29/1998 82 16 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 11/23/1998 64 10 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 12/30/1998 400 7 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 1/27/1999 220 9 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 2/23/1999 73 5 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 3/18/1999 180 12 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 4/27/1999 120 17 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 5/24/1999 100 22 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 6/22/1999 230 19 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 8/3/1999 110 25 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 8/23/1999 210 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 9/13/1999 170 21 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 10/19/1999 240 16 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 11/4/1999 420 11 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 12/6/1999 800 13 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 1/5/2000 710 9 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 2/21/2000 100 8 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 3/22/2000 440 12 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 4/18/2000 210 16 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 5/17/2000 130 17 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 6/20/2000 260 22 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 7/27/2000 220 22 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 9/13/2000 230 22 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 10/19/2000 82 16 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 11/29/2000 190 8 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 12/28/2000 54 4 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 1/29/2001 18 6 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 2/13/2001 230 8 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 4/23/2001 240 18 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 5/29/2001 580 19 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 6/14/2001 190 24 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 7/23/2001 66 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 8/22/2001 110 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 9/18/2001 81 18 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 10/22/2001 200 17 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 11/29/2001 260 15 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 12/17/2001 360 12 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 1/16/2002 200 6 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 2/14/2002 100 8 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 3/18/2002 700 12 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 4/25/2002 320 18 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 5/22/2002 280 14 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 6/13/2002 210 23 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 7/1/2002 260 25 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 8/13/2002 87 24 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 9/9/2002 190 22 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 10/24/2002 320 15.3 CC4 CROWDERS CRK AT SC 564 (NC Ambient) 11/20/2002 160 9.6 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix II. Land use by WARMF subwatershed based on 1993-1996 landcover in the Crowders Creek watershed. WARMF LU % m^2 mi^2 1 1119 Deciduous Forest 27.59 6.85E+06 2.64 Evergreen Forest 12.9 3.20E+06 1.24 Mixed Forest 7.19 1.79E+06 0.69 Pasture 6.77 1.68E+06 0.65 Cultivated 14.55 3.61E+06 1.39 Recr. Grasses 2.46 6.11E+05 0.24 Water 0.24 5.96E+04 0.02 Barren 1.21 3.00E+05 0.12 Low Int. Develop. 12.63 3.14E+06 1.21 High Int. Develop. 3.49 8.67E+05 0.33 Comm / Industrial 10.24 2.54E+06 0.98 Wetlands 0.74 1.84E+05 0.07 TOTAL 100 9.59 2.48E+07 2 1118 % Deciduous Forest 56.8 9.27E+06 3.58 Evergreen Forest 11.41 1.86E+06 0.72 Mixed Forest 5.8 9.47E+05 0.37 Pasture 5.4 8.81E+05 0.34 Cultivated 7.72 1.26E+06 0.49 Recr. Grasses 2.35 3.84E+05 0.15 Water 0.13 2.12E+04 0.01 Barren 0.32 5.22E+04 0.02 Low Int. Develop. 4.74 7.74E+05 0.30 High Int. Develop. 1.6 2.61E+05 0.10 Comm / Industrial 2.78 4.54E+05 0.18 Wetlands 0.92 1.50E+05 0.06 TOTAL 100 6.30 1.63E+07 3 1102 % Deciduous Forest 65.61 1.95E+07 7.53 Evergreen Forest 11.01 3.27E+06 1.26 Mixed Forest 7.8 2.32E+06 0.89 Pasture 5.22 1.55E+06 0.60 Cultivated 7 2.08E+06 0.80 Recr. Grasses 0.08 2.38E+04 0.01 Water 0.37 1.10E+05 0.04 Barren 0.16 4.75E+04 0.02 Low Int. Develop. 1.71 5.08E+05 0.20 High Int. Develop. 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Comm / Industrial 0.48 1.43E+05 0.06 Wetlands 0.54 1.60E+05 0.06 TOTAL 100 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 2.97E+07 4 1106 % Deciduous Forest 15.05 4.89E+06 1.89 Evergreen Forest 23.78 7.73E+06 2.98 Mixed Forest 14.75 4.79E+06 1.85 Pasture 17.74 5.77E+06 2.23 Cultivated 22.79 7.41E+06 2.86 Recr. Grasses 0.23 7.48E+04 0.03 Water 0.28 9.10E+04 0.04 Barren 2.17 7.05E+05 0.27 Low Int. Develop. 1.65 5.36E+05 0.21 High Int. Develop. 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Comm / Industrial 0.36 1.17E+05 0.05 Wetlands 1.21 3.93E+05 0.15 TOTAL 100 3.25E+07 5 1111 % Deciduous Forest 34.16 1.89E+07 7.28 Evergreen Forest 13.76 7.60E+06 2.93 Mixed Forest 8.18 4.52E+06 1.74 Pasture 4.29 2.37E+06 0.91 Cultivated 5.94 3.28E+06 1.27 Recr. Grasses 1.85 1.02E+06 0.39 Water 0.3 1.66E+05 0.06 Barren 0.38 2.10E+05 0.08 Low Int. Develop. 16.86 9.31E+06 3.59 High Int. Develop. 5.45 3.01E+06 1.16 Comm / Industrial 8.35 4.61E+06 1.78 Wetlands 0.47 2.59E+05 0.10 TOTAL 100 5.52E+07 6 1110 % Deciduous Forest 43.52 3.64E+06 1.40 Evergreen Forest 15.63 1.31E+06 0.50 Mixed Forest 8.34 6.97E+05 0.27 Pasture 4.85 4.05E+05 0.16 Cultivated 8.1 6.77E+05 0.26 Recr. Grasses 0.85 7.10E+04 0.03 Water 0.1 8.35E+03 0.00 Barren 0.17 1.42E+04 0.01 Low Int. Develop. 14.58 1.22E+06 0.47 High Int. Develop. 1.61 1.35E+05 0.05 Comm / Industrial 1.69 1.41E+05 0.05 Wetlands 0.56 4.68E+04 0.02 TOTAL 100 8.35E+06 7 1101 % Deciduous Forest 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Evergreen Forest 24.13 2.78E+06 1.07 Mixed Forest 20.68 2.38E+06 0.92 Pasture 20.74 2.39E+06 0.92 Cultivated 27.08 3.12E+06 1.20 Recr. Grasses 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Water 0.29 3.34E+04 0.01 Barren 0.18 2.07E+04 0.01 Low Int. Develop. 4 4.60E+05 0.18 High Int. Develop. 0.02 2.30E+03 0.00 Comm / Industrial 0.51 5.87E+04 0.02 Wetlands 2.36 2.72E+05 0.10 TOTAL 100 1.15E+07 8 1108 % Deciduous Forest 53.53 1.64E+06 0.63 Evergreen Forest 11.97 3.66E+05 0.14 Mixed Forest 12.69 3.88E+05 0.15 Pasture 8.6 2.63E+05 0.10 Cultivated 7.75 2.37E+05 0.09 Recr. Grasses 0.21 6.42E+03 0.00 Water 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Barren 0.21 6.42E+03 0.00 Low Int. Develop. 1.92 5.87E+04 0.02 High Int. Develop. 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Comm / Industrial 1.58 4.83E+04 0.02 Wetlands 1.53 4.68E+04 0.02 TOTAL 100 3.06E+06 9 1099 % Deciduous Forest 19.96 3.75E+06 1.45 Evergreen Forest 18.82 3.53E+06 1.36 Mixed Forest 9.15 1.72E+06 0.66 Pasture 13.28 2.49E+06 0.96 Cultivated 16.27 3.06E+06 1.18 Recr. Grasses 2.12 3.98E+05 0.15 Water 0.27 5.07E+04 0.02 Barren 0.75 1.41E+05 0.05 Low Int. Develop. 11.28 2.12E+06 0.82 High Int. Develop. 1.2 2.25E+05 0.09 Comm / Industrial 6.54 1.23E+06 0.47 Wetlands 0.36 6.76E+04 0.03 TOTAL 100 1.88E+07 10 1100 % Deciduous Forest 6.32 1.46E+05 0.06 Evergreen Forest 12.28 2.84E+05 0.11 Mixed Forest 18.38 4.26E+05 0.16 Pasture 30.22 7.00E+05 0.27 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Cultivated 20.81 4.82E+05 0.19 Recr. Grasses 0.74 1.71E+04 0.01 Water 0.59 1.37E+04 0.01 Barren 1.69 3.91E+04 0.02 Low Int. Develop. 4.63 1.07E+05 0.04 High Int. Develop. 0 0.00E+00 0.00 Comm / Industrial 1.25 2.89E+04 0.01 Wetlands 3.09 7.16E+04 0.03 TOTAL 100 2.32E+06 11 1095 % Deciduous Forest 41.83 1.59E+07 6.15 Evergreen Forest 17.08 6.50E+06 2.51 Mixed Forest 10.39 3.96E+06 1.53 Pasture 9.68 3.68E+06 1.42 Cultivated 11.88 4.52E+06 1.75 Recr. Grasses 0.97 3.69E+05 0.14 Water 0.4 1.52E+05 0.06 Barren 0.2 7.61E+04 0.03 Low Int. Develop. 5.45 2.07E+06 0.80 High Int. Develop. 0.5 1.90E+05 0.07 Comm / Industrial 1.11 4.23E+05 0.16 Wetlands 0.5 1.90E+05 0.07 TOTAL 100 3.81E+07 2.41E+08 108.79 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix III. Calibrated soil layer parameters. Subwatershed Soil Layer Area Thickness Initial Field Sat. Horizontal Vertical Root Density Soil m2 cm Moisture Capacity Moisture Cond. cm/d Cond. cm/d Distr. g/cm3 Tortuosity 1 1 24829000 25 0.20 0.15 0.20 9800 3 0.75 0.2 10 2 24829000 60 0.28 0.20 0.30 3000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 24829000 50 0.30 0.25 0.30 2500 80 0.1 1.3 10 4 23180000 100 0.37 0.28 0.37 1500 60 0.05 1.5 10 2 1 16321000 25 0.20 0.15 0.20 9800 3 0.75 0.2 10 2 16321000 60 0.30 0.20 0.30 3000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 16321000 50 0.35 0.25 0.30 2500 80 0.1 1.3 10 4 15239000 100 0.37 0.28 0.37 1500 60 0.05 1.5 10 15239000 100 0.37 0.28 0.37 1500 60 0.05 1.5 10 3 1 29711000 25 0.22 0.15 0.20 9800 3 0.75 0.2 10 2 29711000 60 0.30 0.20 0.30 3000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 29711000 75 0.35 0.25 0.30 1000 80 0.1 1.3 10 4 27737000 150 0.37 0.28 0.37 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 4 1 32506000 25 0.22 0.15 0.20 9800 3 0.75 0.2 10 2 32506000 60 0.30 0.20 0.30 3000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 32506000 75 0.35 0.25 0.30 1000 80 0.1 1.3 10 4 30343000 150 0.37 0.28 0.37 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 5 1 55196000 40 0.24 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 2 55196000 80 0.32 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 55196000 50 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 51529000 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 6 1 8354000 40 0.22 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 2 8354000 80 0.30 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 8354000 75 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 7798700 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 7 1 11509000 40 0.22 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report 2 11509000 80 0.30 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 11509000 75 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 10743000 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 8 1 3056600 40 0.22 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 2 3056600 80 0.30 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 3056600 75 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 2853600 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 9 1 18777000 40 0.22 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 2 18777000 80 0.30 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 18777000 75 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 17530000 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 10 1 2315900 40 0.20 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 2 2315900 80 0.30 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 2315900 75 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 2161800 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 11 1 38067000 40 0.22 0.15 0.20 9700 25 0.75 0.2 10 2 38067000 80 0.30 0.20 0.35 2000 40 0.1 1.3 10 3 38067000 75 0.38 0.28 0.35 2000 60 0.1 1.3 10 4 35537000 150 0.38 0.22 0.36 300 60 0.05 1.5 10 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix IV. Load allocation calculation for Kings Mountain. TMDL Loading Loading per unit area Fecal Loading WARMF LU % m^2 mi^2 ha 1E6/ha/yr 1E6/yr 1 1119 Deciduous Forest 27.59 6850404 2.644941 685.0397 Deciduous Forest 282 193181.196 Evergreen Forest 12.9 3202980 1.23667 320.2976 Evergreen Forest 380 121713.1069 Mixed Forest 7.19 1785227 0.689276 178.5225 Mixed Forest 415 74086.83272 Pasture 6.77 1680944 0.649012 168.0942 Pasture 9910 1665813.452 Cultivated 14.55 3612663 1.394849 361.266 Cultivated 388 140171.19 Recr. Grasses 2.46 610800.8 0.23583 61.08002 Recr. Grasses 217 13254.36367 Water 0.24 59590.32 0.023008 5.959026 Water 312 1859.216125 Barren 1.21 300434.5 0.115998 30.04342 Barren 166 4987.208211 Low Int. Develop. 12.63 3135941 1.210787 313.5937 Low Int. Develop. 11600 3637687.447 High Int. Develop.3.49 866542.6 0.334572 86.65417 High Int. Develop. 25600 2218346.761 Comm / Industrial 10.24 2542520 0.981667 254.2518 Comm / Industrial 14100 3584950.066 Wetlands 0.74 183736.8 0.070941 18.37366 Wetlands 0 0 Sum 11656050.84 2 1118 % Deciduous Forest 56.8 9270442 3.579318 927.0432 Deciduous Forest 282 261426.1917 Evergreen Forest 11.41 1862249 0.719014 186.2247 Evergreen Forest 380 70765.38819 Mixed Forest 5.8 946629.6 0.365494 94.66287 Mixed Forest 415 39285.08911 Pasture 5.4 881344.8 0.340287 88.13439 Pasture 9910 873411.8234 Cultivated 7.72 1259997 0.486485 125.9995 Cultivated 388 48887.82074 Recr. Grasses 2.35 383548.2 0.148088 38.35478 Recr. Grasses 217 8322.987617 Water 0.13 21217.56 0.008192 2.121754 Water 312 661.98721 Barren 0.32 52227.84 0.020165 5.222779 Barren 166 866.981277 Low Int. Develop. 4.74 773624.9 0.298697 77.36241 Low Int. Develop. 11600 897403.9634 High Int. Develop.1.6 261139.2 0.100826 26.11389 High Int. Develop. 25600 668515.6835 Comm / Industrial 2.78 453729.4 0.175185 45.37289 Comm / Industrial 14100 639757.7578 Wetlands 0.92 150155 0.057975 15.01549 Wetlands 0 0 Sum 3509305.674 in units/d Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Grand Sum for entire Crowders= 2.13E+11 Grand Sum 15165357 4.15E+10 Grand Sum for WS 1 and 2 4.15E+10 19.51% 34.10% Kings Mtn LA 5171387 212980.7 19.51% 34.10% 6.65% 5.17E+12 1.42E+10 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix V. Modeled fecal coliform loading scenarios. Simulated Fecal Coliform Loading Current Conditions Geometric Mean SC Instantaneous SC Instantaneous 1E6/d w/ modified point source w/ modified point source crowd_calibfin crowd_tmdl crowd_tmdl_2 crowd_tmdl_3 Managed Flow 0 0 0 0 Groundwater Pumping 0 0 0 0 Deciduous Forest 29100 6510 10900 11900 Evergreen Forest 18100 3990 6680 7290 Mixed Forest 12400 2720 4550 4970 Pasture 284000 60200 101000 110000 Cultivated 14300 3160 5280 5770 Recr. Grasses 817 177 296 323 Water 270 60 101 110 Barren 300 74 122 133 Low Int. Develop. 304000 64400 108000 118000 High Int. Develop. 155000 32800 54900 59900 Comm / Industrial 179000 37900 63400 69200 Wetlands 0 0 0 0 General Nonpoint Sources 0 0 0 0 Direct Precipitation 0 0 0 0 Direct Dry Deposition 0 0 0 0 Type 1 Septic System 6670 699 1200 1310 Type 2 Septic System 0 0 0 0 Type 3 Septic System 2780 291 498 547 Unpermitted Surface Mines 0 0 0 0 Unpermitted Deep Mines 0 0 0 0 Permitted Surface Mines 0 0 0 0 Permitted Deep Mines 0 0 0 0 General Point Sources 25300 8220 25300 8220 Nonpoint Total 1006737 212981 356927 389453 TOTAL 1030000 221000 382000 397000 Reduction Required 79% 63% 61% Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix VI. Load allocation calculations for South Carolina portion of Crowders Creek. Subwatersheds 4,7, and 11 are split between SC and NC. The landuses are relatively homogenous within each subwatershed. These watersheds are predominately rural in character. 4 and 11 are 1/2 in SC and 7 is 1/4 in SC. TMDL Loading WARMF LU % m^2 mi^2 ha Loading per unit area Fecal Loading NC SC Subwatershed 4 1E6/ha/yr 1E6/yr 1106 Deciduous Forest 15.05 4892273.40 1.89 489.23 Deciduous Forest 282 137961.97 Evergreen Forest 23.78 7730117.04 2.98 773.01 Evergreen Forest 380 293744.15 Mixed Forest 14.75 4794753.00 1.85 479.47 Mixed Forest 415 198982.05 Pasture 17.74 5766706.32 2.23 576.67 Pasture 9910 5714800.2 Cultivated 22.79 7408299.72 2.86 740.83 Cultivated 388 287441.74 Recr. Grasses 0.23 74765.64 0.03 7.48 Recr. Grasses 217 1622.4128 Water 0.28 91019.04 0.04 9.10 Water 312 2839.7912 Barren 2.17 705397.56 0.27 70.54 Barren 166 11709.588 Low Int. Develop. 1.65 536362.20 0.21 53.64 Low Int. Develop. 11600 622179.53 High Int. Develop. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 High Int. Develop. 25600 0 Comm / Industrial 0.36 117024.48 0.05 11.70 Comm / Industrial 14100 165004.35 Wetlands 1.21 393332.28 0.15 39.33 Wetlands 0 0 12.55 Sum 7436285.8 3718143 3718143 Subwatershed 7 1101 Deciduous Forest 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Deciduous Forest 282 0 Evergreen Forest 24.13 2777218.22 1.07 277.72 Evergreen Forest 380 105534.19 Mixed Forest 20.68 2380143.92 0.92 238.01 Mixed Forest 415 98775.874 Pasture 20.74 2387049.56 0.92 238.70 Pasture 9910 2365563.7 Cultivated 27.08 3116745.52 1.20 311.67 Cultivated 388 120929.61 Recr. Grasses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Recr. Grasses 217 0 Water 0.29 33377.26 0.01 3.34 Water 312 1041.3695 Barren 0.18 20716.92 0.01 2.07 Barren 166 343.90053 Low Int. Develop. 4.00 460376.00 0.18 46.04 Low Int. Develop. 11600 534035.63 High Int. Develop. 0.02 2301.88 0.00 0.23 High Int. Develop. 25600 5892.8069 Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Comm / Industrial 0.51 58697.94 0.02 5.87 Comm / Industrial 14100 82764.013 Wetlands 2.36 271621.84 0.10 27.16 Wetlands 0 0 4.44 Sum 3314881.1 2486161 828720 Subwatershed 11 1095 Deciduous Forest 41.83 15923802.57 6.15 1592.38 Deciduous Forest 282 449050.78 Evergreen Forest 17.08 6501997.32 2.51 650.20 Evergreen Forest 380 247075.65 Mixed Forest 10.39 3955254.81 1.53 395.53 Mixed Forest 415 164142.91 Pasture 9.68 3684972.72 1.42 368.50 Pasture 9910 3651804.3 Cultivated 11.88 4522466.52 1.75 452.25 Cultivated 388 175471.53 Recr. Grasses 0.97 369258.63 0.14 36.93 Recr. Grasses 217 8012.9043 Water 0.40 152271.60 0.06 15.23 Water 312 4750.8692 Barren 0.20 76135.80 0.03 7.61 Barren 166 1263.853 Low Int. Develop. 5.45 2074700.55 0.80 207.47 Low Int. Develop. 11600 2406650.2 High Int. Develop. 0.50 190339.50 0.07 19.03 High Int. Develop. 25600 487268.63 Comm / Industrial 1.11 422553.69 0.16 42.26 Comm / Industrial 14100 595800.11 Wetlands 0.50 190339.50 0.07 19.03 Wetlands 0 0 14.70 Sum 8191291.8 4095646 4095646 Units are 1E6/yr Grand Total 31.69 Grand Sum 18942459 10299950 8642509 SC 14.7352 15.9% 54.37% 45.63% Total Crowder 92.9 Total Nonpoint Crowder Loading 77737956 4,7,11 percent of total 24.37% 13.25% 11.12% Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix VII. Crowders Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL Allocation Worksheet Crowder’s Creek Watershed Fecal Coliform Allocation Worksheet units/d % of TMDL TMDL 2.21E+11 Continuos WLA * 8.27E+09 3.7% Background LA ** 1.30E+10 MS4 WLA plus LA *** 2.13E+11 SC LA **** 2.36E+10 10.7% Kings Mtn LA 1.41E+10 MS4 WLA plus NC LA 1.89E+11 MS4 WLA 7.45E+10 33.7% NC LA 1.15E+11 51.8% 100% * Based on maximum permitted loading, calculated as permitted flow (wwtp plus small pt. Sources = 6.07 mgd) times 200 cfu/mL standard. Crowders Creek WWTP will need to reduce loading to also meet the 400 cfu/100ml instantaneous standard. ** Background is based on 5.9% loading derived from this landuse(forested/wetland/greenspace. ***TMDL minus continous WLA minus Background LA. **** Based on landuse and unit load rates in border watersheds. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix VIII. Septic system loading estimates for the Crowders Creek watershed. acres population served pop/acre pop/sqmi North Crowders Subwatershed Census Tract Septic Systems Density 13737 (number) (people/system) 316* 259 2.78 720 318 88 2.89 254 331 107 2.78 296 317.02 167 2.77 463 317.01* 237 2.66 629 2363 0.17 110 Central Crowders Subwatershed Census Tract Septic Systems Density 9175 (number) (people/system) 332.01 181 3.41 616 317.02 229 2.77 633 317.01 127 2.66 339 334 579 2.94 1702 3290 0.36 229 Blackwood Creek Subwatershed Census Tract Septic Systems Density 2202 (number) (people/system) 318 20 2.89 58 331 73 2.78 204 332.01 328 3.41 1119 1382 0.63 402 South Crowders Subwatershed Census Tract Septic Systems Density 10686 (number) (people/system) 317.02 13 2.77 36 334 163 2.94 480 317.01 942 2.66 2507 3023 0.28 181 Lower Crowders Subwatershed Census Tract Septic Systems Density 8792 (number) (people/system) 332.02 409 2.71 1108 333.02 744 1.79 1331 334 304 2.94 894 3334 0.38 243 Grand Total 13391 0.36 233 Notes: Data from Gordon (2003). Per Gordon (2003), because tract boundaries do not exactly follow watershed boundaries, tract % and acreages may not add correctly. For tracts that lie significantly outside of watershed boundaries, population estimates were adjusted accordingly. Calculations in italics are by NC DWQ. Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix IX. Affidavits of Publication for Public Notices Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Crowders Creek TMDL Final Report Appendix X. Comments on the Crowders Creek TMDL