HomeMy WebLinkAboutClark_finalFecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load for the Clark Creek Watershed, Catawba County and Lincoln County Final Report                            ! "  # $ %&%'( !      $)'&**+%&%' ,*%*-'..+/0. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL i INDEX OF TMDL SUBMITTAL 303(d) List Information State North Carolina Basin Catawba River Basin 303(d) Listed Waters Name of Stream Description Class Index #8 Digit CU Miles Clark Creek From a point 0.9 mile upstream of Walker Creek to South Fork Catawba River. WS1V 11-129-5- (9.5) 03050102 1.7 8 Digit Cataloging Unit(s) 03050102 Area of Impairment 1.7 miles WQS Violated Fecal Coliform Pollutant of Concern Fecal Coliform Sources of Impairment Nonpoint sources from entire watershed Public Notice Information Form of Public Notification: A draft of the Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL was publicly noticed though local newspapers, Hickory Daily Record and Lincoln Time-News, in the Catawba River Basin. The notice was also posted in the DQW web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl) for the interested parties. A public meeting was held in the Government Center, 100A-Southwest Blvd., Newton, on July1, 2002. A public comment period was held for 40 days prior to July 10, 2002. Did notification contain specific mention of TMDL proposal? Yes Were comments received from the public? Yes Was a responsiveness summary prepared? A summary of the comments and DQW’s responses are included in Appendix VI of the TMDL document. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL ii TMDL Information Critical condition Late Summer. Seasonality Modeled from 1996-2000 to include fluctuations in seasonal fecal coliform loading. Development tools Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF). Supporting documents Final Total Maximum Daily Load for Fecal Coliform, Clark Creek (Sub-basin 03-08-35) TMDL(s) Loading allowed at critical condition: Waste Load Allocation (WLA) 4.5 x 1010 Colonies per day. Load Allocation (LA): 6.5 x 1010 Colonies per day. Margin of Safety (MOS): 7.0 x 109 Colonies per day. TMDL (WLA+LA+MOS): 11.7 x 1010 Colonies per day. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Sources Fecal Coliform Loading Reductions Wasteload Allocation (WLA) WWTP 0% Load Allocation (LA) Low Intensity Development High Intensity Development Commercial/Industry Failure of septic Animal Grazing 80% 86% 82% 89% 69% Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Index of TMDL Submital i Table of Contents ii 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Watershed Description………………………………………………….. 2 1.2 Water Quality Target……………………………………………………5 1.3 Water Quality Assessment………………………………………………6 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT 2.1 Point Source Assessment……………………………………………….. 8 2.2 Non-point Source Assessment……………………………………………8 3.0 MODELING APPROACH 3.1 Model Framework………………………………………………………. 14 3.2 Model Setup…………………………………………………………….. 15 3.3 Model Calibration………………………………………………………. 16 3.4 Model Uncertainty………………………………………………………18 3.5 Model Output……………………………………………………………18 4.0 ALLOCATION 4.1 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)…………………………………... 25 4.2 Seasonal Variation………………………………………………………. 26 4.3 Margin of Safety…………………………………………………………. 26 4.4 Waste Load Allocation……………………………………………………27 4.5 Load Allocation………………………………………………………….. 28 5.0 SUMMARY AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Monitoring………………………………………………………………. 29 5.2 Implementation………………………………………………………….. 31 6.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION……………………………………………………31 7.0 REFERENCES…………………………………………………………………. 32 APPENDIX I Figures from Water Quality Assessments………………………………….. 34 APPENDIX II Clark Creek Fecal Coliform Monitoring Data…………………………….. 41 APPENDIX III NPDES Effluent Monthly Discharge Data………………………………… 52 APPENDIX IV Indian Creek and Clark Creek Flow data………………………………….. 95 APPENDIX V Public Notice of Draft Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL. ……………… 123 APPENDIX VI Public Comments on Clark Creek TMDL and DWQ Response …………… 125 APPENDIX VII. Pictures of Clark Creek Watershed ……………………………………….. 134 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) has identified a 10.1mile segment of Clark Creek in the Catawba River Basin as impaired by fecal coliform bacteria, turbidity, and copper (NCDWQ and WPCOG, 2001). The impaired segment due to fecal coliform bacteria is located from 0.9 miles upstream of Walker Creek to the confluence with the South Fork Catawba River. This section of the stream, located in sub-basin 030835, is designated as a class WS-IV water.1 The 303(d) process requires that a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) be developed for each of the waters appearing on Part I of the 303(d) list. The objective of a TMDL is to allocate allowable pollutant loads to known sources so that actions may be taken to restore the water to its intended uses (USEPA, 1991). Generally, the primary components of a TMDL, as identified by USEPA (1991, 2000a) and the Federal Advisory Committee (FACA, 1998) are as follows: Target identification or selection of pollutant(s) and end-point(s) for consideration. The pollutant and end-point are generally associated with measurable water quality related characteristics that indicate compliance with water quality standards. North Carolina indicates known pollutants on the 303(d) list. Source assessment. All sources that contribute to the impairment should be identified and loads quantified, where sufficient data exist. Assimilative capacity estimation or level of pollutant reduction needed to achieve water quality goal. The level of pollution should be characterized for the water body, highlighting how current conditions deviate from the target end-point. Generally, this component is identified through water quality modeling. Allocation of pollutant loads. Allocating pollutant control responsibility to the sources of impairment. The waste load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future point sources. Similarly, the load allocation portion of the TMDL accounts for the loads associated with existing and future non- point sources, storm water, and natural background. Margin of Safety. The margin of safety addresses uncertainties associated with pollutant loads, modeling techniques, and data collection. Per EPA (2000a), the margin of safety may be expressed explicitly as unallocated assimilative capacity or implicitly due to conservative assumptions. Seasonal variation. The TMDL should consider seasonal variation in the pollutant loads and end-point. Variability can arise due to stream flows, temperatures, and exceptional events (e.g., droughts, hurricanes). 1 Class WS-IV waters are freshwaters that are protected for water supply, secondary recreation, fishing, and aquatic life, including propagation and survival of wildlife. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 2 Section 303(d) of the CWA and the Water Quality Planning and Management regulation (USEPA, 2000a) require EPA to review all TMDLs for approval or disapproval. Once EPA approves a TMDL, then the water body may be moved to Part III of the 303(d) list. Water bodies remain on Part III of the list until compliance with water quality standards is achieved. Where conditions are not appropriate for the development of a TMDL, management strategies may be implemented in an effort to restoration of water quality. The goal of the TMDL program is to restore designated uses to water bodies. Thus, the implementation of bacteria controls will be necessary to restore uses in Clark Creek. Although an implementation plan is not included as part of this TMDL, reduction strategies are needed. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be critical in order to develop implementation plans and reduction strategies. DWQ will begin contacting local governments and agencies about implementation strategies during public review of this TMDL. 1.1 Watershed Description. Clark Creek flows from Catawba and Lincoln counties in the piedmont region of North Carolina (Figure1A). It is a tributary to the South Fork Catawba River (Sub-basin 030835) in the Catawba River Basin. Clark Creek joins the South Fork Catawba River near Lincolnton, NC. The hydraulic length of Clark Creek is approximately 22 miles and the creek has a drainage area of approximately 91 square miles. Land use in the watershed is primarily forest (45%), pasture and recreational grass (19%), cultivated (17%), urban development (17%), and other land uses such as wetland, pond, and barren (2%) (Figure 2). The average flow of the creek near Lincolnton is approximately 109 cubic feet per second (cfs), with a summer 7Q10 of 15 cfs (Giese and Mason, 1993). The Creek is less prone to become dry during drought conditions (NCDWQ, 2002). The watershed includes drainage from the municipalities of Hickory, Conover, Newton, Maiden, and Lincolnton. From the source of Clark Creek to a point 0.9 miles upstream of Walker Creek, Clark Creek is Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 3       030000 C2600000 Hickory Newton lwood Conover Lincolnton Maiden Long View Fallston Catawba Granite Falls ClaremontHildebran Connelly Springs rford College Rhodhiss Brookford 10 0 10 20 Miles N EW S SR1008 SR1165 SR2014 SR2007 SR1279 SR1282 Maiden Cr. HWY NC 16 HWY NC 150 HWY I-40 HWY NC 10 HWY US-321 Vicinity Map Catawba Co. Lincoln Co. HWY way DMR Monitors Ambient Monitoring County line Municipality Legends Figure 1A. Clark Creek Watershed showing Ambient and DMR monitoring Stations. USGS Indian Creek Clark Creek Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 4 Cline Cr. Hildebran Cr. Town Cr Pinch Cr. Maiden Cr. Allen Cr. Shady Larkard Cr. Carpenter Cr. Walker Br. Figure 1B. Clark Creek Watershed showing major streams Smyre Cr Bills Br. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 5 Figure 2. Distribution of land in the Clark Creek watershed. classified C2. From the point 0.9 miles upstream of Walker Creek to the confluence with the South Fork Catawba River, the stream is classified WS-IV. 1.2 Water Quality Target: North Carolina Water Quality Standard. The North Carolina fresh water quality standard for Class WS-IV and C waters for fecal coliform (T15A: 02B.0211) states: Organisms of the coliform group: Fecal coliforms shall not exceed a geometric mean of 200/100mL (MF count) based upon at least five consecutive samples examined during any 30-day period, nor exceed 400/100mL in more than 20 percent of the samples examined during such period; violations of the fecal coliform standard are expected during rainfall events and, in some cases, this violation is expected to be caused by uncontrollable nonpoint source pollution; all coliform concentrations are to be analyzed using the membrane filter technique unless high turbidity or other adverse conditions necessitate the tube dilution method; in case of controversy over results, the MPN 5-tube dilution technique will be used as the reference method. The in-stream numeric target, or endpoint, is the restoration objective that is expected to be reached by implementing the specified load reductions in the TMDL. The target allows for 2 Class C waters are protected for aquatic life propagation / protection and secondary recreation. 45.12% 19.35% 17.02% 0.50% 0.36% 0.72% 16.93% Forests Pasture/Grass Cultivation Barren Water Wetland Development Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 6 the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards for the impaired stream by comparing the in-stream data to the target. In the Clark Creek watershed, the water quality target is the 30-day geometric mean concentration of 200 colonies /100ml. 1.3 Water Quality Assessment. The DWQ monitors a suite of water quality parameters, including fecal coliform bacteria, at ambient stations throughout the state on a monthly basis. There is one DWQ ambient station in this watershed located near the outlet of Clark Creek at Grove Street (SR 1008) near Lincolnton (Figure 1A). Fecal coliform levels at SR1008 are responsible for the 303(d) listing of a portion of Clark Creek. Two of the three major NPDES permit holders in the Clark Creek watershed monitor instream levels of fecal coliform bacteria, the Newton and Maiden WWTPs. Both permit holders monitor instream fecal coliform weekly from October through May, and three times per week from June through September. Instream monitoring occurs at the following three locations: SR2014 (McKay Rd), SR2007 (West Maiden Rd), and SR1282 (Clarks Creek Dr). The instream Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data were available from 1996 though 2001. The DMR data offers the unique opportunity to calculate a 30-day geometric mean using 5 or more samples during that period. The 30-day geometric mean can be calculated for most of the June through September period, and at irregular intervals during the October through May period. In most of the periods, the 30-day geometric mean of the fecal coliform concentration at the DMR locations remained considerably higher than 200 colonies / 100 ml. The 30-day geometric mean fecal coliform concentrations for 1996 through 2000 are shown in Appendix IA for each location. While DMR data can be used to evaluate potential compliance with the standard and to aid modeling studies, these data are not considered Level 1 data for use support and 303(d) listing purposes. Level 1 data requirements are described in the 2000 North Carolina 303(d) list. Generally, the bacterial levels at SR 1008 are typical of fecal coliform levels in many Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 7 urban areas, with frequent concentration spikes. Out of 57 samples collected during the study period (1996 through 2000), 33 were exceeding 400 colonies / 100 ml (57%). In February 2001 DWQ staff met with representatives from Catawba County, the City of Newton and the Town of Maiden. As a result of this meeting, a special study was conducted to further the spatial extent of fecal coliform data in the watershed. The City of Newton and the Town of Maiden each collected fecal coliform at two additional stations. Newton collected additional data at Settlemyre Bridge (SR 1165) over Clark Creek and near the mouth of Hildebran Creek. Maiden collected additional data downstream of SR 1279 over Larkard Creek and near the mouth of Maiden Creek (Pinch Gut Creek). These data were collected weekly for eight weeks beginning March 2001. A summary of these data is presented in Appendix IB. During the sampling period (April 2001), there was little rainfall. As a result, the concentration of the fecal coliform remained considerably lower than 200 colonies / 100 ml. In April of 2001, DWQ staff conducted an additional study to determine compliance with the fecal coliform standard. Weekly samples were collected for eight weeks at SR 1008, Clark Creek at Grove Street in Lincolnton. A summary of these data is presented in Appendix IB. These additional samples verified impairment, generating geometric means greater than 200 cfu/100mL in all cases. 2.0 SOURCE ASSESSMENT The source assessment characterizes the known and suspected sources of a pollutant to the impaired water body. These sources will be represented within the water quality model for the water body, whether explicitly or implicitly. Generally, sources of fecal coliform bacteria may be point or non-point in nature. Point sources are typically those regulated under the NPDES system, permitted discharges for which the DWQ has significant information. NPDES facilities measure fecal coliform levels in the effluent at a frequency based on facility class and waste type. Non-point sources are diffuse sources that typically cannot be identified as entering a water body at a single location. These sources may involve land activities that contribute fecal coliform bacteria to surface waters as a result of Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 8 runoff producing storm events. The following sections describe point and non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria in the Clark Creek watershed. 2.1 Point Source Assessment. There are currently nine NPDES permits within the Clark Creek watershed (Table 1). However, two of these permitees, Fairgrove WWTP and Conover WWTP, did not discharge effluent during the study period, 1996 through 2000. Of the seven remaining permitees, the three facilities (Newton WWTP, Maiden WWTP, and Precedent, Inc.) that discharged domestic wastes monitored fecal coliform in the Clark Creek watershed. The monthly fecal coliform load from these facilities is presented in Appendix III. Table 1. NPDES Permits in the Clark Creek Watershed Facility Permit number Permitted flow (MGD) Actual flow (a) (MGD)Waste type Fairgrove WWTP NC0023264 N/A N/A Domestic GE Hickory NC0076643 0.12 0.074 Industrial Conover WWTP NC0024261 N/A N/A Domestic Newton WWTP NC0036196 5 3.429 Domestic + Industrial Precedent, Inc. NC0036871 0.008 0.002 Domestic Maiden WWTP NC0039594 1 0.365 Domestic Maiden WTP NC0080837 _ 0.06 Industrial Delta Mills, Inc. NC0006190 1 0.809 Industrial National Friut NC0023761 - 0.144 Industrial (a) Average annual flow for calendar year 2000. 2.2 Non-point Source Assessment Fecal coliform bacteria non-point sources include those sources that cannot be identified as entering the water body at a specific location. Non-point source pollution can include both urban and agricultural sources, and human and non-human sources (Table 2). The non-point sources of fecal coliform bacteria in Clark Creek include wildlife, livestock (land application of agricultural manure and grazing), urban development (stormwater runoff, including sources from domestic animals), failing septic systems, and sewer line systems (illicit connections, leaky sewer lines and sewer system overflows). Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 9 Table 2. Potential Source of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Urban and Rural Watersheds. Source Origin Type Source Human Sources Sewered watershed Combined sewer overflows Sanitary sewer overflows Illegal sanitary connections to storm drains Illegal disposal to storm drains Non-sewered watershed Failing septic systems Poorly operated package plant Landfills Marinas Non-human Sources Domestic animals and urban wildlife Dogs, cats Rats, raccoons Pigeons, gulls, ducks, geese Livestock and rural wildlife Cattle, horse, poultry Beaver, muskrats, deer, waterfowl Hobby farms 2.2.1 Livestock. Catawba and Lincoln counties are accounted as the major producers of livestock in North Carolina. According to the 1999 livestock population census, there were about 17,000 and 15,000 livestock in the counties respectively (NCDA, 2001). In order to incorporate the actual amount of fecal coliform deposit from these livestock, a survey was conducted with the help of Catawba County Agent, Mr. Jeff Carpenter and Catawba Valley Cattleman’s Association Member, Dr. Clarence Hood, to innumerate the actual head count of livestock in the Clark Creek watershed. The estimated head count result is presented in Table 3. About 50% of these cattle were managed under the NC Agriculture Cost Share Program since 1990 for about ten years (personal communication with the Catawba County District Conservationist, Mr. Larry Williams). The program prohibits the grazing of the cattle near the streams in the watersheds. (Picture of the cattle under the NC Agriculture Cost Share Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 10 program is presented in ApprndixVII). One of the objectives of the program is to control the fecal coliform bacteria contamination due to direct contact between cattle and water. Table 3. Estimated Livestock in the Clark Creek Watershed. Livestock Catawba Co.Lincoln Co. Mature Beef Cows 600 100 Milk Cows 10 90 Horses* 246 61 * The number of horses in the watershed was estimated based on the statistics presented in 1996 North Carolina Equine Survey. However, during a field survey, DWQ staff noted one large herd of beef cattle in the Cline Creek sub-watershed. Additionally, DWQ staff and local officials observed a dairy farm in the Larkard Creek sub-watershed, where cows were seen in the creek. Many smaller herds of cattle (i.e., 10-20 cows) were observed throughout the basin. One path utilized by animals was noted during a stream walk by the Watershed Assessment and Restoration Program; this path is located upstream of the SR2007 road crossing and provides direct access to Clark Creek. DWQ staff and local staff also noted considerable number of horse farms. (Picture is presented in Appendix VII). Because of the limited time factor, a survey could not be conducted to estimate the number of horses in the watershed. However, a best estimation was performed using the statistics presented by North Carolina Equine Survey (1996). The estimated head count of the horses is presented in Table 3. There were no hog, pig, and chicken farms in the Clark Creek Watershed. Livestock Grazing. Cattle (dairy and beef cows) and horse graze on pastureland deposit feces onto the land. During a rainfall runoff event, a portion of the fecal material that contains coliform bacteria is transported to the streams. Open lots used heavily by animals have the greatest potential for bacteria in runoff to surface water. In addition, when cattle have direct access to streams, feces may be deposited directly into a stream. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 11 Once the bacteria reach a water body, environmental factors influence the extent of their growth and decay. Physical factors such as photo-oxidation, adsorption, flocculation, coagulation, sedimentation, and temperature will have a great influence on the bacteria populations (USEPA, 1985). Some studies have suggested a significant positive correlation among the bacteria, stream flow, and stream temperature along with a negative correlation with pH, specific conductance, and disolved oxygen (Wilhelm and Maluk, 1998; and Clark and Norris, 1999). Agricultural Manure Application. Processed agricultural manure from confined dairy cattle operation is generally collected in lagoons and applied on land surfaces (USEPA, 2000b). Approximately 75 percent of dairy cattle manure was applied to cropland, and 25 percent was applied to pasture land in the Clark Creek watershed located in Catawba County (Best estimation from a Catawba County Agent, Mr. Jeff Carpenter). Similarly, about 50 percent of dairy cattle manure was applied to cropland and pastureland in the watershed located in Lincoln County. The cattle manure was applied during March and April. The application was also continued during September and October in the croplands. Fecal coliform loading rates for livestock in the Clark Creek watershed were estimated to be 1.06 x 1011 colonies/day/beef cow, 1.04 x 1011 colonies/day/dairy cow, and 4.18 x 108 colonies/day/horse (NCSU, 1994). The total fecal coliform load due to manure application is therefore estimated to be 2.2 x 109 colonies/ ha/ month and 6.6 x 109 colonies/ ha/ month for the cropland and pastureland respectively in Catawba County. Similarly, the load is estimated to be 2.0 x 1011 colonies/ ha/ month and 6.8 x 1010 colonies/ ha/ month for cropland and pastureland respectively in Lincoln County. Beef cows and horses are assumed to be grazed in the pastureland throughout the year in the both counties. Because of the pasture management practices under the NC Agricultural Cost Share program, it is assumed that the total fecal coliform load was reduced by one third in the watershed. This assumption was however validated while calibrating the water quality Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 12 model with the observed fecal coliform bacteria concentration in the watershed. With this assumption, the total fecal coliform load due to grazing beef cows were estimated to be 1.6 x 1011 colonies/ ha/ month and 9.3 x 1010 colonies/ ha/ month in Catawba County and Lincoln County respectively. The respective loads due to grazing horses are estimated to be 9.0 x 108 colonies/ ha/ month and 2.3 x 108 colonies/ ha/ month. 2.2.2. Failed Septic Systems. Failing septic systems have been cited as a potential source of fecal coliform bacteria to water bodies (DEH, 2000). More than half of the residents in Catawba County and Lincoln County utilized septic systems (Table 4). Table 4. Summary of Septic Usage in Catawba and Lincoln Counties (DEH 1999) Percent of Housing Units Utilizing: County 1999 Population Sewer Septic Other Catawba 118,412 44.13 54.90 1 Lincoln 50,319 17.75 80.60 2 In the Clark Creek watershed, the number of septic systems per square mile is greatest in the area surrounding Hickory and Newton. About 2,800 septic systems were estimated in the watershed region. A GIS map developed by Catawba County, NC, showing the spatial distribution of the houses with septic systems was utilized to estimate the number of septic systems. It was also estimated that there were about 3 people per household per septic systems. Septic system failure rate data in the counties are very limited. A study conducted in 1981 by the North Carolina Office of State Budget and Management suggested that approximately 11% of systems that were surveyed experienced malfunctions or failures over a year in North Carolina State (DEH, 2000). The water quality model, WARMF, uses three types of septic to estimate fecal coliform discharge rates. These types represent varying performances and effluent quality such as standard systems, advance treatment systems, and or failing systems. Due to lack of site specific data Standard septic systems were used for this study. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 13 2.2.3 Urban Development/Sanitary Sewer Overflows/WWTP Residual Land Application. Fecal coliform bacteria can originate from various urban sources. These sources include pet waste, runoff through stormwater, sewers, illicit discharges/connections of sanitary waste, leaky sewer systems, and sewer systems overflows (Table 2). The City of Newton owns and operates the Newton Clark Creek WWTP and the sewage collection system. The pipelines connecting between the WWTPs and the sewages in the Clark Creek watershed run along the main Clark Creek. (Picture is presented in Appendix VII). Therefore, failure of connection between the sewer pipelines or any leak from the pipe could result in profound fecal coliform contamination in the creek. Due to lack of data on the site specific fecal coliform loading from the urban development in the Clark Creek watershed, the estimation of fecal coliform loading from the nearby county, Mecklenburg County, was utilized for this study. As per the estimation (NCDWQ, 2002), the respective fecal coliform load from light residential land use, Heavy residential land use, and heavy industrial/commercial are 5.08 x 1011 colonies/ha/month, 6.7 x 1011 colonies/ha/month, and 2.0 x 1011 colonies/ha/month. These estimated values were respectively input in the model to estimate total fecal coliform load from low intensity development, commercial/industrial development and high intensity development. These values were, however, adjusted during the model calibration to imitate the estimated fecal coliform load with the observed load. 2.2.4 Wildlife (Background Source). Wildlife deposit fecal material in forested, wetland, pasture and cropland areas which can be transported to a stream in a storm event. Deposition of fecal coliform due to wildlife population is natural and uncontrollable. Therefore, wildlife is considered as a background source of fecal coliform bacteria for this study. Wildlife in the Clark Creek watershed includes deer, raccoons, squirrels, birds, and waterfowl. As population estimates of raccoons, squirrels, birds, waterfowl and other animals are not readily available, the wildlife fecal coliform contribution was accounted for in the deer population. The deer population was estimated to be 20 to 30 animals per square Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 14 mile in the watershed (Best professional judgement from a wildlife expert for the region, Mr. Evin Stanford). The upper limit of 30 deer per square mile was chosen to account for deer and other wildlife in the watershed. The fecal coliform loading rate assigned to deer was estimated using 5.0 x 10 8 colonies/animal/day (USEPA, 2002). The total fecal coliform load due to the wild animals was then estimated to be 1.8 x 109 colonies/ ha/ month in the both counties. 3.0. MODELING APPROACH 3.1 Modeling Framework. The watershed model named Watershed Analysis Risk Management Framework (WARMF) was selected for fecal coliform TMDL evaluation for the Clark Creek watershed. The watershed model is designed to support the USEPA’s protocol for estimating TMDL calculation, allocation, and implementation. The model integrates all water quality equations and database in a window based graphical user interface (GUI). The model runs basically under four different modules, they are: 1. The Engineering module. The module simulates the hydrology and water quality for the landscape of a river basin. The simulated parameters include flow, water depth, and constituent concentrations. 2. The TMDL module. The module estimates TMDLs for non-point source loads (LA) under different control levels of point source loads (WLA) and vise versa. During TMDL estimation, the model considers conditions of all seasons as required by USEPA guidelines for TMDL calculation. In the case of fecal coliform bacteria TMDL, the model simulates the deposition and transportation of the bacteria from land surface discharge and point source discharge. The model then compute the resulting water quality response using the first order kinetic equation 1 as follows: dC/dt = θ (T- 20) KC ---------------------------------------------(1) Where C is concentration of fecal coliform bacteria in count per100 ml (# / 100 ml); K is decay rate per day; θ is temperature adjustment coefficient; and T is temperature of water in centigrade. The model then generates the percent reduction of the fecal coliform as required by the EPA guideline for TMDL calculation. The model calculates the TMDL from the most upstream water quality limit sections to the most downstream water quality limit sections of the Clark Creek watershed. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 15 3. The Consensus module. The module follows the guidelines of the watershed approach issued by the USEPA. 4. The Data module. The module facilitates the model to simulate dynamics of river basin using meteorology, air quality, precipitation quality, point source discharge, and reservoir flow release data. Hydrology and water quality data are used to check against the module results. The data module stores data sets in ASCII text files, one file per monitoring station. The WARMF model works on watersheds that include catchments, river segments, and stratified lakes. The model has been applied to different watershed regions in the USA and Taiwan (Systech Engineering, 2001). 3.2 Model Setup. The Clark Creek watershed was delineated using the Reach file 3 (Rf3) stream coverage and Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data. The total drainage area of the watershed was estimated to be 91 square miles with drainage density of 0.55 per mile. The headwaters of the watershed were within the City of Hickory at an elevation of about 1100 feet above the mean sea level and were dominated by industrial and commercial development areas. The elevation dropped down to 340 feet at the outlet of the watershed. The lower drainage was dominated by cropland, pasture land, and forested land. The land coverage types were presented in Figure 2. WARMF represents the watersheds as a series of smaller catchements. A total of 20 catchements were simulated for the Clark Creek watershed. The water quality data collected at the ambient monitoring stations, SR1008, and the Newton WWTP instream monitoring at SR2007 were utilized to calibrate the model. The SR2007 was located at the middle portion of the watershed near upstream of west Maiden Road (Figure 1A). The SR1008 was located near the outlet of the watershed at Grove Street in Lincolnton. The meteorological data collected by the nearby weather stations located at Hickory and Lincolnton were also utilized to calibrate the model. The weather station in Hickory was Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 16 assigned for the upper portion of the Clark Creek watershed, above SR2007. The weather station in Lincolnton was assigned to the lower portion of the watershed. 3.3 Model Calibration. The variables were classified into two categories – controllable and uncontrollable variables. The controllable variables include: the estimates of non-point source loads (e.g. urbanization, fertilizer application, etc), point source load (e.g. flow and pollutant concentrations), and rate coefficients (e.g. infiltration rate, precipitation weighting factor, average temperature lapse, fecal coliform decay rate, etc). The in situ values for these variables were not available and hence the risk associated with the estimated values of these variables could be high. In order to minimize the risk, statistical testing was performed. The variation between the measured and estimated fecal coliform concentrations was evaluated by estimating the coefficient of determination (R-Squared). A high value of R-Squared value suggests less variation between the measured and estimated fecal coliform concentrations. The uncontrollable variables include watershed characteristics (e.g. land classes, stream morphology etc) and meteorology (rainfall, temperature etc). These variables, on the other hand, are inherent with the environmental system. Hence, these variables were kept constant in the model simulation. 3.3.1 Hydrology. Two hydrologic parameters - water flow and water temperature were chosen to calibrate the watershed model. Calibration of the model with regards to flow is essential, because the flow is the main carrier of fecal coliform bacteria from field to stream. Similarly the calibration with regards to water temperature is important, because the temperature determines the die-off rate of fecal coliform bacteria (Equation 1). As the temperature increases, the fecal coliform concentration also increases (Clark and Norris, 1999). However, the calibration of the model with regards to flow during the study period could not be performed for the Clark Creek watershed. Only a few flow measurements were Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 17 monitored during 1996 in the ambient gage station, SR1008. Flow monitoring did not occur at SR2007 during the study period. Therefore, the hydrologic calibration of the model was performed using flow data collected at the nearby USGS gage station, Indian Creek watershed near Laboratory. This station is 3.72 miles away from SR1008 (Figure 1B). In the calibration process, the precipitation weighting factors for the Hickory and Lincoln weather stations were set to 1.0 and 1.05 respectively to obtain the close relationship between the simulated and observed flow values. The time series of the simulated flow values and the observed values were presented in Figure 3A. The correlation between the two flows was slightly weak (R-Square = 0.59) due to spatial variability in precipitation. However, the result suggests that the model considerably predicted the observed flow for the Indian Creek Watershed. Using the precipitation weighing factors determined for the Indian Creek watershed, the hydrologic model was ground-truthed for the Clark Creek watershed using the 1996 flow data measured at the SR1008. The model simulated the flow values closely with the observed values (Figure 3B). However, due to the few data points, the model resulted in a relatively low R-Square value. The calibration of the model with water temperature was performed using the measured water temperature data at the both stations - SR2007 and SR1008. The parameter coefficients for the average temperature lapse and altitude temperature lapse were set to 2.5 and 0.005 respectively for both weather stations. The model calibration scored a high R- Square values (0.71 to 0.77), suggesting a good correlation between the observed and predicted water temperature in the Clark Creek watershed (Figure 4). 3.2.2 Water quality. The watershed model was calibrated with the fecal coliform observed in SR2007 and SR1008. In the calibration process, the reaction coefficients to adjust the decay rates of the fecal coliform bacteria in the field and in the stream were set to 0.01and 0.1 respectively. The input parameters estimated in the § 2.2.3 for the urban development were also further Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 18 adjusted to correlate the estimated fecal coliform concentration with the observed concentration. An acceptable relationship between the simulated fecal coliform bacterial concentration and observed bacterial concentration was observed when the estimated parameters were multiplied by 0.17 and 0.33 for the winter and summer periods respectively (Figure 5). The relationship was further examined by estimating 30-day geometric mean (Figure 6). The relationship was somewhat weak for the first two years, 1996 and 1997. However the relationship was significantly improved in the following years, 1998 through 2000. The respective r (Pearson correlation) values estimated for the years were 0.04, -0.38, 0.60, 0.51, and 0.12. 3.4 Model Uncertainty Above week agreement between modeled and observed fecal coliform concentrations could be due in part to the high degree of uncertainty associated with predicting fecal coliform bacteria. The inability to accurately predict specific observed fecal coliform concentrations can be attributed to model error, lack of sufficient information in source assessment, gaps in our scientific knowledge, natural variability in instream fecal coliform concentrations, field and laboratory measurement error, and lack of current site specific model input parameters including decay rate, flow, rainfall data, and landuse information. The watershed model, WARMF, selected to guide initial decision making, is not adept at characterizing prediction uncertainty. The model estimates daily average fecal coliform concentrations based on landuse information. Because of lack of site specific information, professional guess and literature values were used to calculate the fecal coliform loading from the various land uses. Therefore, the model results should be interpreted in light of the model limitations and prediction uncertainty. 3.5 Model Output 3.5.1 Existing Condition The model outputs indicate that the primary source of fecal coliform bacteria contamination in the Clark Creek watershed is the direct input from the non-point sources (Table 5). The Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 19 Figure 3. Simulated versus observed flow rates at the outlets of (A) the Indian Creek watershed and (B) the Clark Creek watershed. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 1/ 1 / 9 6 2/ 1 / 9 6 3/ 1 / 9 6 4/ 1 / 9 6 5/ 1 / 9 6 6/ 1 / 9 6 7/ 1 / 9 6 8/ 1 / 9 6 9/ 1 / 9 6 10 / 1 / 9 6 11 / 1 / 9 6 12 / 1 / 9 6 1/ 1 / 9 7 2/ 1 / 9 7 3/ 1 / 9 7 4/ 1 / 9 7 5/ 1 / 9 7 6/ 1 / 9 7 7/ 1 / 9 7 8/ 1 / 9 7 9/ 1 / 9 7 10 / 1 / 9 7 11 / 1 / 9 7 12 / 1 / 9 7 Date Di s c h a r g e R a t e ( c m s ) Simulated Observed R-Square = 0.36B 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 1/1/96 3/1/96 5/1/96 7/1/96 9/1/96 11/1/96 1/1/ 9 7 3/1/97 5/1/97 7/1/ 9 7 9/1/97 11/1/97 1/1/98 3/1/98 5/1/98 7/1/98 9/1/98 3/1/99 5/1/99 7/1/99 9/1/99 11/1/99 1/1/ 0 0 3/1/00 5/1/00 7/1/00 9/1/00 11/1/00 Date Di s c h a r g e R a t e ( c m s ) Simulated Observed R-Square = 0.59 A Cl a r k C r e e k F e c a l C o l i f o r m T M D L 20 Fi g u r e 4 . S i m u l a t e d v e r s u s o b s e r v e d w a t e r t e m p e r a t u r e a t ( A ) S R 2 0 0 7 a n d ( B ) S R 1 0 0 8 . 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1/1/96 4/1/96 7/1/96 10/1/96 1/1/97 4/1/97 7/1/97 10/1/97 1/1/98 4/1/98 7/1/98 10/1/98 1/1/99 4/1/99 7/1/99 10/1/99 1/1/00 4/1/00 7/1/00 10/1/00 Water Temperature (C) R- S q u a r e = 0 . 7 7 A 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 1/1/96 4/1/96 7/1/96 10/1/96 1/1/97 4/1/97 7/1/97 10/1/97 1/1/98 4/1/98 7/1/98 10/1/98 1/1/99 4/1/99 7/1/99 10/1/99 1/1/00 4/1/00 7/1/00 10/1/00 Da t e Water Temperature (C) Si m u l a t e d Ob s e r v e d R- S q u a r e = 0 . 7 1 B Cl a r k C r e e k F e c a l C o l i f o r m T M D L 21 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1996 4/1/1996 7/1/1996 10/1/1996 1/1/1997 4/1/1997 7/1/1997 10/1/1997 1/1/1998 4/1/1998 7/1/1998 10/1/1998 1/1/1999 4/1/1999 7/1/1999 10/1/1999 1/1/2000 4/1/2000 7/1/2000 10/1/2000 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentrations (#/100 ml) Sim u l a t e d Ob s e r v e d A 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 1/1/1996 4/1/1996 7/1/1996 10/1/1996 1/1/1997 4/1/1997 7/1/1997 10/1/1997 1/1/1998 4/1/1998 7/1/1998 10/1/1998 1/1/1999 4/1/1999 7/1/1999 10/1/1999 1/1/2000 4/1/2000 7/1/2000 10/1/2000 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentrations (#/100 ml) Si m u l a t e d Ob s e r v e d B Fi g u r e 5 . S i m u l a t e d v s o b s e r v e d f e c a l c o l i f o r m c o n c e n t r a t i o n a t ( A ) t h e S R 2 0 0 7 a n d (B ) S R 1 0 0 8 . Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 22 1 10 100 1000 10000 2/ 2 / 1 9 9 6 4/ 2 / 1 9 9 6 6/ 2 / 1 9 9 6 8/ 2 / 1 9 9 6 10 / 2 / 1 9 9 6 12 / 2 / 1 9 9 6 2/ 2 / 1 9 9 7 4/ 2 / 1 9 9 7 6/ 2 / 1 9 9 7 8/ 2 / 1 9 9 7 10 / 2 / 1 9 9 7 12 / 2 / 1 9 9 7 2/ 2 / 1 9 9 8 4/ 2 / 1 9 9 8 6/ 2 / 1 9 9 8 8/ 2 / 1 9 9 8 10 / 2 / 1 9 9 8 12 / 2 / 1 9 9 8 2/ 2 / 1 9 9 9 4/ 2 / 1 9 9 9 6/ 2 / 1 9 9 9 8/ 2 / 1 9 9 9 10 / 2 / 1 9 9 9 12 / 2 / 1 9 9 9 2/ 2 / 2 0 0 0 4/ 2 / 2 0 0 0 6/ 2 / 2 0 0 0 8/ 2 / 2 0 0 0 10 / 2 / 2 0 0 0 12 / 2 / 2 0 0 0 Dates Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e n t r a t i o n ( # / 1 0 0 m l ) Observed Simulated Figure 6. Rolling 30-day geometric mean of observed and predicted fecal coliform concentrations at SR2007. contamination due to the point sources was only 5% (14,600 x 106 colonies /day) as compared to the non-point sources (278,645 x 106 colonies /day). Urban development, animal grazing, and septic system were seen to be more responsible for the fecal coliform contamination in the Clark Creek watershed. In urban areas, fecal coliform can be contributed to the creek by dog, cat, raccoon, stormwater runoff, and human waste during storm events. In a study conducted by Hyer et. al, 2001, the contamination due to the dog waste accounted for nearly 10 percent in the creeks of Virginia. Similarly, human waste accounted nearly 20 percent. The human waste included failing septic systems, leaking sewer lines, cross-connected pipes, straight pipes, and sewer line overflow. In this study, the bacterial contamination due to the failure of septic system alone accounted for about 15 % (45,400 x 106 colonies /day). The contamination due to urban activities accounted for about 53% (157,030 x 106 colonies /day). The contamination due to animal grazing accounted for about 22% (65,800 x 106 colonies /day). The similar accountability due to wildlife in forest, Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 23 and other sources (e.g., wetland, water pond, and barren land) were found to be relatively low (≤1%). Table 5. Total load of fecal coliform (1 x 106 colonies per day) in the Clark Creek watershed at SR1008 during the study period, 1996 through 2000. Source Category Simulated total Load Percent of fecal coliform load A. Non-point Sources (LA): Wildlife Pasture Land Cultivated Land Recreational Grass (golf courses, park land, cemetery, etc) Urban Development Septic System Others (Wetland, ponds, barren etc) B. Point Source (WLA) C. Total for non-point sources D. Grand Total 2828.000 65,800.000 7,500.000 43.000 157,030.000 45,400.000 4.300 14600.000 278,645.000 293,245.000 1.000 22.000 3.000 0.010 53.000 15.000 0.002 5.000 95.000 100.000 3.5.2 Critical Period Critical period is the period when the geometric mean of fecal coliform concentration reaches peak exceeding the water quality standard, 200 colonies / 100 ml. The DMR data and the ambient data both indicated that elevated fecal coliform concentration levels occurred during summer - May through October in the Clark Creek watershed (Appendices 1A). Usually, the concentration level was elevated after each rainfall event (Appendixes 1C) during summer. Interestingly, just opposite was the result during winter. The concentration level was reduced even after each rainfall event. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 24 The result suggests that the elevated concentration of the bacteria during summer could be due to low flow in the Clark Creek. During the dry weather, the flow in the Clark Creek remained low as compared to winter (November through April). As per the flow from the nearest watershed, Indian Creek, the average flow during the summer ranged from 0.64 cubic meter per second in September to 2.1 cubic meter per second in May. In a contrast, the flow raised comparatively high during the winter. The flow ranged from 1.1 cubic meter per second in November to 4.28 cubic meter per second in January (Figure 7). Figure 7. Monthly average flow from Indian Creek. The average flow was estimated using the flow data from 1996 through 2000. The watershed model, WARMF, was run for a five-year simulation period, 1996 through 2000, using estimated daily flows to examine the critical period. The predicted maximum concentration level ranged from 635 colonies / 100 ml to 2,084 colonies / 100 ml during winter weather conditions (Table 6). The range of the concentration level was relatively high during summer weather conditions. The concentration level ranged from 2,062 colonies / 100 ml to 5,871 colonies / 100 ml. During the study period, the most critical period was 0 1 2 3 4 5 January Febru ary March April May Jun July August October November Dec ember Months Av e r a g e F l o w ( c u m / s ) Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 25 observed to be in September 2000. Overall, both observed and estimated fecal coliform concentration (DMR, ambient, and model estimation data) jointly suggests summer as the critical period for the fecal coliform contamination in the Clark Creek watershed. Table 6. Maximum exceedance of fecal coliform in the Clark Creek watershed Season Date of Predicted Maximum Exceedance Value of Predicted Maximum Exceedance (30- day geomean fecal concentration) (Colonies / 100ml) Summer (May through October) Winter (November through April) 08/6/96 09/18/97 08/14/98 07/09/99 09/08/00 10/01/96 11/12/97 01/20/98 10/21/99 12/04/00 5666 2062 2928 4338 5871 1344 1675 635 2002 2084 4.0. ALLOCATION 4.1. Total Maximum Daily Load. Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) can be defined as the total amount of pollutant that can be assimilated by the receiving water body while achieving water quality standards. A TMDL can be expressed as the sum of all point source loads (WLAs), non-point source loads (LAs), and an appropriate margin of safety (MOS), which takes into account any uncertainty concerning the relationship between effluence limitations and water quality. This definition can be expressed by equation 2: TMDL = ∑WLAs + ∑LAs + MOS ---------------(2) Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 26 The objective of the TMDL is to estimate allowable pollutant loads and to allocate to the known pollutant source in the watershed so the appropriate control measures can be implemented and the water quality standard can be achieved. The Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR § 130.2 (1)) states that TMDLs can be expressed in terms of mass per time, toxicity, or other appropriate measures. For fecal coliform bacteria, TMDLs are expressed as colonies per 30 days. Therefore, the TMDL represents the maximum fecal coliform load that can be assimilated by the stream during the critical 30-day period while maintaining the fecal coliform water quality standard of the geometric mean of 200 colonies /100 ml over 30 days. The TMDL module of the WARMF model, as describe in § 3.1 above, is utilized to estimate the TMDL for fecal coliform based on stream flow and instream fecal coliform concentrations that originated from different sources in the Clark Creek watershed. The TMDL was determined by systematically reducing the watershed loads until all 30-day geometrical mean concentration were below the TMDL target of 175 colonies / 100 ml. The resulting reduction is presented in Figure 9 for the period from 1996 through 2000. The existing average daily load of fecal coliform bacteria to SR1008 is 296,852 x 106 colonies / day (Table 5). The TMDL load at the same location is 21,254 x 106 colonies / day. The estimation of the TMDL is described in the following paragraphs. 4.2 . Seasonal Variation. Seasonal variation was incorporated in the continuous simulation of the watershed model by using varying monthly loading rates and daily meteorological data for 5 years, 1996 through 2000. The variation of the predicted and observed fecal coliform bacteria was comparatively high during summer and low during winter, but the concentration level remained greater than the water quality standard (200 colonies / 100 ml) during most of the simulation periods (Figure 9). 4.3. Margin of Safety (MOS). The MOS was explicitly included in the TMDL analysis by setting the TMDL target at 175 colonies / 100 ml, which is 25 colonies / 100 ml lower than the water quality target of 200 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 27 colonies / 100 ml. Conceptually, the MOS was included in the TMDL estimation to account for the uncertainty in the simulated relationship between the fecal coliform load and the water quality standard. The explicit MOS for this study is, therefore, set to 25 colonies / 100 ml. The daily MOS load is estimated to be 7.0 x 109 colonies. The estimation was performed by calculating the differences between TMDL with MOS and TMDL without MOS using the equation 2. 1 10 100 1000 10000 01 / 3 0 / 9 6 04 / 3 0 / 9 6 07 / 3 0 / 9 6 10 / 3 0 / 9 6 01 / 3 0 / 9 7 04 / 3 0 / 9 7 07 / 3 0 / 9 7 10 / 3 0 / 9 7 01 / 3 0 / 9 8 04 / 3 0 / 9 8 07 / 3 0 / 9 8 10 / 3 0 / 9 8 01 / 3 0 / 9 9 04 / 3 0 / 9 9 07 / 3 0 / 9 9 10 / 3 0 / 9 9 01 / 3 0 / 0 0 04 / 3 0 / 0 0 07 / 3 0 / 0 0 10 / 3 0 / 0 0 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m C o n c e n t r a t i o n s (# / 1 0 0 m l ) SR1008 Allocation Standard Margin of Safety Figure 8. 30-day rolling geometric mean of the simulated fecal coliform concentration before and after TMDL allocation at SR1008. 4.4. Waste Load Allocation. The fecal coliform contamination in the Clark Creek watershed due to point sources was only 5% of the total load (Table 5). The percentage of fecal coliform bacteria was attributed to the three main NPDES sources, Newton WWTP, Maiden WWTP, and Precedent, Inc Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 28 (Table 1 and Appendix 4). The remaining four sources, GE Hickory, Maiden WTP, Delta Mills Inc, and National Fruit, did not discharge fecal coliform to the creek. Newton WWTP, Maiden WWTP, and Precedent, Inc, are permitted to discharge a monthly geometric mean fecal coliform concentration of 200 colonies / 100 ml with a maximum permitted discharges of 5 MGD, 0.008 MGD, and 1 MGD respectively. The total permitted load of fecal coliform bacteria is thus estimated to be 4.5 X 1010 colonies per day, which is indeed substantially higher than the actual discharge load, 1.5 X 1010 colonies per day (Table 5). Therefore, a waste load allocation (WLA) reduction was not recommended for the watershed. 4.5. Load Allocation (Non-point Source). Based on the existing condition of the watershed ( 3.3.1), the focus of reductions should be non-point sources. The load allocation (LA) for the non-point sources (NPS) was estimated by multiplying the 30-day geometric mean simulated by the model after reduction (Figure 8) by the respective flow values. The estimation was done for the period when the maximum 30-day geometric mean was simulated. The estimation suggests that the total maximum LA for the non- point sources be 6.5 x 1010 colonies per day. In average, the total reduction required to meeting the water quality standard, 175 colonies per 100 ml is thus estimated to be 77%. The total LA was then proportionally distributed to each of the non-point sources. The LA distribution was mainly targeted to urban developed area, septic system, animal grazing, because these sources contributed substantial fecal coliform bacteria to the Clark Creek ( 3.3.1). Fecal coliform bacteria from urban developed area can originate from various sources including leaking sanitary sewers, illicit sanitary sewer connection, and storm water runoff. The storm water runoff can include waste from domestic animals and urban wildlife. The model results suggest that a substantial amount of fecal coliform bacteria were transported to the Clark Creek from Newton and Maiden cities. The estimated proportional reductions required in the various sources to meeting the water quality standard, 175 colonies per 100ml, in the Clark Creek watershed are presented in Table 7. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 29 5.0 SUMMARY AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS The sources of fecal coliform bacteria in the Clark Creek watershed include primarily urban development, animal grazing, and septic system. These sources accounted about 53%, 22%, and 15% respectively. In order for the water quality target to be met, the final allocation of the fecal coliform bacteria requires a non-point source load reduction 6.5 X 1010 colonies per day for the various non-point sources of the fecal coliform bacteria. The pipelines connecting between the Newton Clark Creek WWTP and the sewage collection system in the watershed run along the main Clark Creek. The city of Newton is therefore suggested to check any leak from the connecting pipe. Failure of connection between the sewer pipelines or any leak from the pipe could result in profound fecal coliform contamination in the creek. The model estimated that the point sources contributed about 5% of the total loading in the watershed. The waste load allocation, as of DWQ permission, was estimated to be 4.5 x 1010 colonies per day. The permitted load was appeared to be considerably lower than the actual discharged load, 1.5 x 1010 colonies per day. Therefore, reduction is not recommended for fecal coliform loading from point sources. 5.1 Monitoring Fecal coliform monitoring will continue on a monthly interval at the existing ambient monitoring site. The continued monitoring of fecal coliform concentrations will allow for the evaluation of progress towards the goal of reaching water quality standards by comparing the instream data to the TMDL target. In addition, flow monitoring will be considered at SR1008. This additional flow monitoring will help to refine the TMDL in the future. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 30 Table 7. The proposed in-stream fecal coliform load reductions for the Clark Creek watershed at SR1008. Source Category Simulated total Load (1 X 106 per day) TMDL (1 X 106 per day) Reduction (%) A. Non-point Sources (LA): Wildlife Pasture Land Cultivated Land Recreational Grass Urban Development: Low Intensity Development High Intensity Development Commercial/ Industrial Septic System Others (Wetland, ponds, barren etc) B. Total for Non-point Sources C. Point Source (WWTP) D. Margin of safety (MOS) 2,828 65,800 7,540 43 62,900 5,530 88,600 45,400 4 278,645 14600 _ 2,828 20,369 7,540 43 12,473 783 16,054 4,787 4 64,880 45,000 6980 0 69 0 0 80 86 82 89 0 77 0 _ To comply with EPA guidance, North Carolina may adopt new bacteria standards utilizing Escherichia coli (E. coli) and enterococci in the near future. Thus, in future, monitoring efforts to measure compliance with this TMDL should include using the E. coli and enterococci. Per EPA recommendations (EPA, 2000b), if future monitoring for E. coli/enterococci indicates the standard has not been exceeded, these monitoring data may be used to support delisting the water body from the 303(d) list. If a continuing problem is identified using E. coli/enterococci, the TMDL may be revised. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 31 5.2 Implementation Implementation plans are not included in this TMDL. The involvement of local governments and agencies will be needed in order to develop implementation plans. The DWQ will begin developing the implementation plan during public review of the TMDL. 6.0 PUBLIC PARTICIPATION Many local government officials have been notified of DWQ’s intention to develop the Clark Creek fecal coliform TMDL. The extension services in Catawba and Lincoln Counties and local associations have supplied septic data, sewer data, and agricultural information to aid in the source assessment portion of the TMDL. The Clark Creek Fecal Colifom TMDL was public noticed in both counties through local newspapers (Hickory Daily Record and Lincoln Time-News) on June 10, 2002 (Appendix V). The TMDL was also public noticed through DWQ web site at http://h20.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl/. A public meeting was held in Newton, NC, on July 1, 2002 as a part of the comment period. A group of seventeen (17) individuals participated the meeting from the following organizations: 1. Carolina Land and Lakes RC&D – 1 representative 2. Catawba County – 3 representatives 3. Catawba SWCD – 1 representative 4. Catawba Valley Cattleman’s Association – 2 representatives 5. City of Newton – 2 representatives 6. Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, MRO – 1 representative 7. Natural Fruit Production CO. – 1 representative 8. NC Division of Water Quality – 4 representatives 9. Sherrill Furniture – 1 representative 10. Western Piedmont COG – 1 representative A public comment period was through July 10, 2002. Four written comments were received through email and are included in Appendix V1. Each comment was carefully considered and the TMDL was revised accordingly. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 32 7.0 REFERENCES Clark, Melanie L. Clark and Jodi R. Norris. 2000. Occurance of Fecal Coliform Bacteria in Selected Streams in Wyoming, 1990-99. Water Resources Investigations Report 00-4198. USGS, Science for a Changing World. Cheyenne, Wyoming. Canale, R. P., M.T. Auer, E.M. Owens, T.M. Heidtke, S.W. Effler. 1993. Modeling Fecal Coliform Bacteria –II. Model Development and Application. Water Research, 27(4):703- 714. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 1999. North Carolina On-Site Wastewater Non-Point Source (NPS) Pollution Program. www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/non- pointsource/NPS.htm June 24, 1999. Division of Environmental Health (DEH). NCDENR. 2000. Report on the Proper Maintenance of Septic Tank Systems in Accordance with Section 13.5 of HB 1160 (Clean Water Act of 1999). http://www.deh.enr.state.nc.us/oww/Maintenance.PDF. March 15, 2000. Giese G. L. and R. R. Mason. Jr. 1993. Low-Flow Characteristics of Streams in North Carolina. United States Geological Survey Water-Supply Paper 2403. Hyer, Kenneth, Doughlas Moyer, and Trisha Baldwin. 2001. Bacteria Source Tracking to Improve TMDL Development in Bacteria. U.S. Geological Survey, WRD, 1730 East Parham Rd., Richmond, VA 23228. In va.water.usgs.gov/GLOBAL/posters/BST.pdf. Khaleel, R., K.R. Reddy, and M.R. Overcash. 1980. Transport of Potential Pollutants in Runoff Water from Land Areas Receiving Animal Wastes: A Review. Water Research 14:421-436. North Carolina Department of Agriculture. 2001. Agricultural Statistics Division-County Statistics. www.ncagr.com/stats/cntysumm/ and http://govinfo.library.orst.edu/cgi-bin/ag- state?North+Carolina. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. January 2002. Assessment Report: Biological Impairment in the Upper Clark Creek Watershed (Internal Review Draft). Prepared for the Clean Water Management Trust Fund. NCDENR, DWQ, Planning Branch. North Carolina Division of Water Quality. February 2002. Fecal Coliform Toatl Maximum Daily Laod for the Irwin, McAlpine, Little Sugar and Sugar Creek Watersheds, Mecklenburg County. Catawba River Basin. Final report submitted to EPA. North Carolina Division of Water quality (DWQ) and the Western Piedmont Council of Governments (WPCOG). April 2001. North Carolina’s Catawba River Basinwide Water Quality Plan: A Summary. NCDWQ, NC. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 33 North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, North Carolina State University (NCSU), College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Raleigh, Livestock Manure Production and Characterization in North Carolina. January 1994. North Carolina Equine Survey. 1996. North Carolina Agricultural Statistics. NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Raleigh, NC – 27611. http://www.agr.state.nc.us/stats. Systech Engineering. October 2001. Watershed Analysis Risk Management Frame Work (WARMF): Update One: A Decision Support System for Watershed Analysis and Total Maximum Daily Load Calculation, Allocation and Implementation. EPRI, Palo Alto, CA: 1005181. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1991. Guidance for Water Quality-Based Decisions: The TMDL Process. Assessment and Watershed Protection Division, Washington, DC. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Federal Advisory Committee (FACA). Draft final TMDL Federal Advisory Committee Report. 4/28/98. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000a. Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and Management Regulation and Revisions to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program in Support of Revisions to the Water Quality Planning and management Regulation; Final Rule. Fed. Reg. 65:43586-43670 (July 13, 2000). U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2000b. Implementation Guidance for Ambient Water Quality Criteria for Bacteria – 1986. DRAFT. Office of Water. EPA-823- D-00-001. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). February 2002. TMDLs for Fecal Coliform in 303(d) Listed Streams in Altamaha River Basin. http://epa.gov/region4/water/tmdl/georgia. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). January 2001. Protocal for Developing Pathogen TMDLs: First Edition. http://www.epa.gov/owow/tmdl/techsupp.html. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 1985. Rates, constants, and kinetics formulations in surface water quality modeling (II ed.). Athens, GA: EPA-600-3-85-040. Wilhelm, Lance J. and Terry L. Maluk. October 1998. Fecal-Indicator Bacteria in Surface Waters of the Santee River Basin and Coastal Drainages, North and South Carolina, 1995- 98. Fact Sheet FS-085-98. U.S. Geological Survey, Columbia, SC 29210-7651. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 34 APPENDIX I. Figures for Water Quality Assessments. Appendix 1A. Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) data for the fecal coliform concentration in the Clark Creek watershed from 1996 through 2000. Figure 1. Clark Creek 30-day GM Fec. Coliform Bacteria (1996) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/96 2/20/96 4/10/96 5/30/96 7/19/96 9/7/96 10/27/96 12/16/96 Le v e l s , c o l o n i e s / 1 0 0 m L SR2014 SR2007 SR1282 Standard Figure 2. Clark Creek 30-day GM Fec. Coliform Bacteria (1997) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/97 2/20/97 4/11/97 5/31/97 7/20/97 9/8/97 10/28/97 12/17/97 Le v e l s , c o l o n i e s / 1 0 0 m L SR2014 SR2007 SR1282 Standard Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 35 Appendix I Continued: Figure 3. Clark Creek 30-day GM Fec. Coliform Bacteria (1998) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/98 2/20/98 4/11/98 5/31/98 7/20/98 9/8/98 10/28/98 12/17/98 Le v e l s , c o l o n i e s / 1 0 0 m L SR2014 SR2007 SR1282 Standard Figure 4. Clark Creek 30-day GM Fec. Coliform Bacteria (1999) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/99 2/20/99 4/11/99 5/31/99 7/20/99 9/8/99 10/28/99 12/17/99 Le v e l s , c o l o n i e s / 1 0 0 m L SR2014 SR2007 SR1282 Standard Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 36 Appendix I continued: Figure 5. Clark Creek 30-day GM Fec. Coliform Bacteria (2000) 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/1/00 2/20/00 4/10/00 5/30/00 7/19/00 9/7/00 10/27/00 12/16/00 Le v e l s , c o l o n i e s 1 0 0 m L SR2014 SR2007 SR1282 Standard Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 37 Appendix IB. Summary of spatial extent of fecal coliform measurements in Clark Creek watershed in 2001. A. Responses of Fecal Coliform at Newton WWTP Stations in 2001 0 50 100 150 200 250 4/6/01 4/8/01 4/10/01 4/12 / 0 1 4/14/01 4/16/01 4/18 / 0 1 4/20/01 4/22/01 4/26/01 Date Ge o m e t r i c M e a n Co n c e n t r a t i o n (c o l o n i e s / 1 0 0 m l ) Standard SR2014 SR2007 SR1165 Hildebran Cr. B. Responses of Fecal Coliform at the Maiden WWTP and DWQ Ambient Stations in 2001 1.0 10.0 100.0 1000.0 10000.0 4/4/01 4/9/01 4/14/01 4/19/01 4/24/01 4/29/01 Date Ge o m e t r i c M e a n co n c e n t r a t i o n (c o l o n i e s / 1 0 0 m L ) SR1282 SR1279 Town Cr Standard SR1008 Cl a r k C r e e k F e c a l C o l i f o r m T M D L 38 Ap p e n d i x 1 C . R a i n f a l l v s o b s e r v e d f e c a l c o l i f o r m b a c t e r i a c o n c e n t r a t i o n . Re s p o n s e s o f F e c a l C o l i f o r m W i t h R a i n f a l l i n ! 9 9 6 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 2/2/1996 3/2/1996 4/2/1996 5/2/1996 6/2/1996 7/2/1996 8/2/1996 9/2/1996 10/2/1996 11/2/1996 12/2/1996 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentration (#/100ml) 012 34 56 789 Rainfall (cm) Ra i n f a l l Ob s e r v e d Re s p o n s e s o f F e c a l C o l i f o r m W i t h R a i n f a l l i n ! 9 9 7 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1/1/1997 2/1/1997 3/1/1997 4/1/1997 5/1/1997 6/1/1997 7/1/1997 8/1/1997 9/1/1997 10/1/1997 11/1/1997 12/1/1997 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentration (#/100ml) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Rainfall (cm) Ra i n f a l l Ob s e r v e d Re s p o n s e s o f F e c a l C o l i f o r m W i t h R a i n f a l l i n ! 9 9 8 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1/1/1998 2/1/1998 3/1/1998 4/1/1998 5/1/1998 6/1/1998 7/1/1998 8/1/1998 9/1/1998 10/1/1998 11/1/1998 12/1/1998 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentration (#/100ml) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rainfall (cm) Ra i n f a l l Ob s e r v e d Cl a r k C r e e k F e c a l C o l i f o r m T M D L 39 Ap p e n d i x 1 C c o n t i n u e d . Re s p o n s e s o f F e c a l C o l i f o r m W i t h R a i n f a l l i n ! 9 9 8 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1/1/1998 2/1/1998 3/1/1998 4/1/1998 5/1/1998 6/1/1998 7/1/1998 8/1/1998 9/1/1998 10/1/1998 11/1/1998 12/1/1998 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentration (#/100ml) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Rainfall (cm) Ra i n f a l l Ob s e r v e d Re s p o n s e s o f F e c a l C o l i f o r m W i t h R a i n f a l l i n ! 9 9 9 1 10 10 0 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 1/1/1999 2/1/1999 3/1/1999 4/1/1999 5/1/1999 6/1/1999 7/1/1999 8/1/1999 9/1/1999 10/1/1999 11/1/1999 12/1/1999 Da t e Fecal Coliform Concentration (#/100ml) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Rainfall (cm) Ra n f a l l Ob s e r v e d Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 40 Appendix 1C continued. Responses of Fecal Coliform With Rainfall in 2000 1 10 100 1000 10000 1/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 2/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 3/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 4/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 5/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 6/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 7/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 8/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 9/ 1 / 2 0 0 0 10 / 1 / 2 0 0 0 11 / 1 / 2 0 0 0 12 / 1 / 2 0 0 0 Date Fe c a l C o l i f o r m Co n c e n t r a t i o n (# / 1 0 0 m l ) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ra i n f a l l ( c m ) Rainfall Observed Simulated Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 41 APPENDIX II. Clark Creek Monitoring Data. DWQ Ambient Monitoring Station - SR2007 Date Temperature Fecal Coli. DO (Degree C) (# / 100 ml) mg/L 1/4/96 4 510 10.2 1/11/96 3 3700 11.2 1/19/96 11 8181.8 7.9 1/25/96 6 454.5 10 1/31/96 8 2600 9.5 2/8/96 5 300 10.4 2/14/96 7 280 10.6 2/22/96 10 360 9.3 2/29/96 9 1800 8.2 3/6/96 12 5200 9.3 3/13/96 6 210 9.2 3/21/96 7 480 9.2 3/27/96 11 360 8.5 4/4/96 13 154.5 7.6 4/11/96 10 100 9.5 4/17/96 10 590 7.8 4/24/96 13 470 7.6 5/2/96 15 900 7.8 5/9/96 18 900 6.2 5/16/96 15 500 6.9 5/23/96 19 800 8.4 5/30/96 17 1900 7 6/3/96 16 100 7.6 6/5/96 16 1909.1 7.3 6/7/96 18 1000 7.9 6/10/96 19 3900 7.6 6/12/96 20 2818.2 8 6/14/96 20 3800 7.6 6/17/96 20 1454.5 7.7 9/19/96 21 727.3 8 6/21/96 21 10000 7.2 6/24/96 22 1818.2 7.4 6/27/96 19 1600 7.8 6/28/96 20 1800 8.6 7/1/96 22 1800 7.6 7/3/96 22 3100 6.8 7/5/96 18 1300 8.4 7/8/96 22 1454.5 7.9 7/11/96 20 1300 8.3 7/12/96 20 1400 8.1 7/15/96 22 25000 7.1 7/17/96 23 2400 7.5 7/19/96 23 5800 7.3 7/22/96 23 2000 7.5 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 42 SR2007 Data Continued 7/24/96 23 1454.5 7.2 7/26/96 21 14000 7.3 7/29/96 21 2900 7.8 7/31/96 21 2800 7.9 8/2/96 21 2700 7.5 8/5/96 22 3300 7.6 8/8/96 22 6000 7.4 8/9/96 22 2300 7 8/12/96 22 34000 6.9 8/14/96 22 2700 7.7 8/16/96 21 909.1 7.6 8/20/96 21 1636.4 7.7 8/21/96 22 3200 7.8 8/23/96 21 2300 7.8 8/27/96 21 8000 8.1 8/28/96 21 3300 8 8/30/96 21 1909.1 7.6 9/3/96 20 26000 7.7 9/4/96 20 10909.1 7.9 9/5/96 21 5454.5 7.9 9/9/96 21 2200 7.7 9/11/96 21 11000 7.8 9/13/96 19 2400 7.6 9/16/96 17 636.4 8.4 9/18/96 17 1090.9 8.6 9/20/96 15 1181.8 8.8 9/24/96 16 909.1 8.8 9/25/96 18 1818.2 8.1 9/27/96 19 909.1 8 9/30/96 16 1545.4 8.2 10/3/96 18 636.4 8.6 10/10/96 12 2400 8.8 10/17/96 14 1363.6 8.6 10/24/96 11 636.4 8.5 10/30/96 18 181.8 7.6 11/7/96 14 470 8.6 11/14/96 8 3100 10.2 11/21/96 11 310 9.6 11/27/96 7 490 10.6 12/4/96 8 900 10.2 12/12/96 11 727.3 9.7 12/18/96 8 470 10.6 12/26/96 4 11.6 12/27/96 7 360 11 1/2/97 10 450 9.5 1/8/97 6 520 14.2 1/16/97 6 4500 10.8 1/23/97 9 420 10 1/30/97 7 380 9.9 2/5/97 8 480 10.1 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 43 SR2007 Data Continued 2/13/97 8 240 11.6 2/20/97 9 700 10.1 2/28/97 13 5700 8.9 3/5/97 11 1300 9.5 3/10/97 9 1200 10 3/17/97 7 3200 8.5 3/24/97 10 480 10 4/1/97 10 530 10.2 4/11/97 9 800 9.6 4/17/97 11 560 9.2 4/21/97 11 1900 9.5 4/29/97 13 5400 8 5/6/97 14 550 8.8 5/12/97 14 610 9 5/22/97 14 330 8.6 5/28/97 15 580 8.2 6/2/97 17 2600 6.8 6/4/97 14 1900 8.4 6/6/97 14 3400 8.5 6/9/97 15 1600 8.9 6/11/97 16 2100 8.3 6/13/97 19 9700 7.4 6/16/97 18 1636.4 7.2 6/18/97 20 1500 7.7 6/20/97 20 900 7.4 6/23/97 20 2500 7.8 6/25/97 21 2000 7.7 6/27/97 21 2000 7.2 6/30/97 20 520 7.4 7/2/97 21 5400 7.1 7/3/97 21 2100 7.2 7/7/97 20 836 7.9 7/9/97 20 1000 7.5 7/11/97 21 1181 7.2 7/14/97 22 945 8.5 7/17/97 21 2800 7.3 7/18/97 21 4400 7.3 7/21/97 23 9000 6.6 7/13/97 23 29000 6.5 7/25/97 22 4400 7 7/28/97 23 1272 7.3 7/30/97 21 28000 6.9 8/1/97 19 1545 8.7 8/4/97 20 1272 7.5 8/6/97 19 545 8.8 8/8/97 19 1363 7.5 8/11/97 20 909 7.9 8/13/97 21 1454 7.8 8/15/97 23 2100 7.6 8/18/97 23 1454 7.7 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 44 SR2007 Data Continued 8/20/97 23 1000 7.6 8/22/97 19 1454 8 8/25/97 18 1454 8.6 8/27/97 20 13000 7.9 8/29/97 21 1000 7.7 9/2/97 22 2400 8 9/3/97 22 454.5 8 9/5/97 16 636.4 8.7 9/8/97 19 727.3 8.4 9/10/97 20 9090.9 7.4 9/12/97 19 1545.4 8.1 9/15/97 20 2600 8.1 9/18/97 21 1000 7.7 9/19/97 21 909 7.3 9/22/97 18 454.4 8.4 9/24/97 18 5900 8.8 9/26/97 15 909.1 8.7 10/1/97 16 220 8.8 10/7/97 15 1818.2 8.4 10/15/97 16 2200 8.3 10/22/97 14 210 9.2 10/29/97 9 510 9 11/6/97 6 270 10.9 11/12/97 12 240 9.2 11/20/97 20 580 10.4 11/26/97 26 330 11 12/3/97 8 230 9.1 12/10/97 7 272.7 10.1 12/17/97 4 580 11.6 12/23/97 8 545.4 10.2 12/31/97 3 430 11.4 1/7/98 13 520 8 1/14/98 8 81.8 10.4 1/20/98 5 250 11.2 1/30/98 7 136.4 10.4 2/2/98 5 136.4 10.8 2/10/98 7 300 8.8 2/19/98 7 370 10.8 2/26/98 8 627.3 10.6 3/6/98 8 420 11.2 3/12/98 5 300 9.2 3/16/98 8 718.2 9.1 3/24/98 10 127.3 8.8 4/2/98 13 220 8.4 4/7/98 11 136.4 8.9 4/15/98 14 118.2 7.7 4/22/98 13 480 7.9 4/28/98 13 540 7.7 5/5/98 14 1000 7.5 5/13/98 16 460 7.6 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 45 SR2007 Data Continued 5/22/98 19 450 7.5 5/28/98 20 8700 7.8 6/1/98 21 1000 7.8 6/3/98 20 818.2 6.8 6/5/98 19 3700 7 6/8/98 16 1636 8.2 6/10/98 17 3500 7.1 6/12/98 20 7181 6.6 6/15/98 20 1181 7.2 6/17/98 20 1363 7.1 6/18/98 19 1727 7.1 6/22/98 22 1000 8.2 6/24/98 22 1636 7 6/26/98 22 100 6.4 6/29/98 23 1636 7.8 7/1/98 22 7818 7 7/3/98 21 1363 7.2 7/7/98 21 909 7.3 7/8/98 23 636 6.6 7/10/98 23 1181 7 7/13/98 22 1363 7 7/15/98 21 1454 7.3 7/17/98 23 8000 6.1 7/20/98 23 1000 7 7/22/98 23 818 6.7 7/24/98 23 4900 6.6 7/27/98 22 21000 6.7 7/29/98 22 1727 6.3 7/31/98 22 2100 6.2 8/3/98 20 2000 7 8/5/98 19 3000 7 8/7/98 21 1000 6.7 8/10/98 22 6000 6.2 8/12/98 22 3700 6.6 8/14/98 22 1636 6.8 8/17/98 22 2700 6 8/19/98 22 2400 6.3 8/21/98 21 1090.9 7.2 8/24/98 22 636 6.3 8/26/98 22 1363 6 8/28/98 23 545 6.3 8/31/98 23 1090 6.2 9/2/98 22 545.4 6.4 9/4/98 21 20000 6.1 9/8/98 21 727.3 6.3 9/10/98 16 272.7 7.8 9/11/98 17 1272.7 7.1 9/14/98 19 545.4 6.9 9/17/98 20 272.7 7.1 9/18/98 21 636.4 6.6 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 46 SR2007 Data Continued 9/22/98 22 2100 6.3 9/24/98 19 636.4 7.2 9/25/98 18 363.6 7.2 9/29/98 21 7000 6.3 9/30/98 21 2600 6.6 10/2/98 17 272.7 7.6 10/8/98 20 24000 6.7 10/15/98 14 90.9 8.2 10/21/98 14 454.5 8.2 10/27/98 13 272.7 8.5 11/3/98 13 270 7.9 11/12/98 10 90.9 8.9 11/18/98 10 454.5 8.8 11/25/98 10 181.8 8.9 12/1/98 11 927.3 8.8 12/8/98 15 181.8 7.1 12/14/98 9 818.2 9.3 12/22/98 12 818.2 7.9 12/30/98 6 560 9.9 1/8/99 7 272.7 9.9 1/12/99 6 270 10.1 1/21/99 7 818.2 9.9 1/28/99 9 100 8.8 2/4/99 10 90.9 8.8 2/9/99 8 550 9.8 2/16/99 6 480 9.8 2/25/99 4 618.2 10.8 3/2/99 7 540 10.6 3/12/99 7 90.9 10.8 3/16/99 6 27.3 9.8 3/23/99 9 81.8 10 3/30/99 10 18.2 9.9 4/6/99 14 210 7.8 4/13/99 12 18.2 9 4/20/99 14 172.7 7.8 4/27/99 17 210 7.4 5/7/99 16 100 6.9 5/11/99 17 72.7 7.3 5/18/99 17 27.3 6.6 5/25/99 17 310 7.1 6/1/99 18 360 7 6/2/99 19 81.8 8.3 6/4/99 19 260 6.5 6/7/99 19 63.6 7 6/8/99 20 9.1 7.1 6/11/99 21 18.2 5.8 6/15/99 20 90.9 7 6/16/99 19 800 6.7 6/18/99 18 430 6.9 6/21/99 17 1636.4 7.2 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 47 SR2007 Data Continued 6/22/99 19 545.4 7.2 6/24/99 19 1190.9 6.8 6/28/99 22 6636.4 6.5 6/29/99 22 3600 6.1 6/30/99 23 1909.1 6.1 7/6/99 24 1454.5 6 7/8/99 23 6000 6.1 7/9/99 23 1272.7 6.2 7/12/99 19 3100 6.7 7/13/99 17 1818.2 7.3 7/16/99 22 454.5 7.6 7/19/99 22 363.6 7.5 7/20/99 22 454.5 6.7 7/23/99 23 181.8 6.2 7/27/99 23 363.6 5.4 7/28/99 23 90.9 6.8 7/30/99 23 100 6.9 8/2/99 24 1545.4 6.7 8/3/99 22 363.6 7 8/6/99 22 100 7.8 8/10/99 23 2000 7.5 8/12/99 23 909.1 6.8 8/13/99 23 1700 7.2 8/16/99 23 1181.8 7 8/17/99 24 21000 6.5 8/20/99 22 2100 7 8/24/99 21 6000 7 8/25/99 21 8818.2 7.2 8/27/99 22 2500 7.1 8/30/99 21 1272.7 7.5 8/31/99 18 1363.6 8.2 9/3/99 19 536.4 7.1 9/7/99 21 1454.5 6.7 9/8/99 22 1454.5 7 9/10/99 20 9818.2 7 9/14/99 18 1272.7 7.3 9/15/99 20 7 9/16/99 18 1454.3 7.2 9/20/99 17 909.1 7.6 9/21/99 18 454.5 7.1 9/23/99 14 1000 8.2 9/28/99 20 16000 6.4 9/29/99 21 100 6.6 9/30/99 18 8000 7.2 10/5/99 17 4200 7.3 10/14/99 17 3400 7.4 10/19/99 14 1454.5 8.1 10/26/99 9 636.4 9.1 11/5/99 8 480 9.6 11/11/99 13 90.9 8.8 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 48 SR2007 Data Continued 11/16/99 10 363.6 8.7 11/23/99 14 1000 8 12/3/99 6 272.7 8.2 12/8/99 6 172.7 10.6 12/15/99 10 120 9.5 12/21/99 9 363.6 9.3 12/28/99 4 81.8 11 1/4/00 12 636.4 8.1 1/11/00 7 636.4 9.4 1/19/00 4 545.4 10.4 1/27/00 4 54.5 12.3 2/3/00 1 270 11.4 2/9/00 6 545.4 10.8 2/17/00 8 320 10.3 2/24/00 10 590.9 9.8 3/2/00 10 300 10.1 3/8/00 10 118.2 10.3 3/16/00 11 320 8.7 3/22/00 11 520 8.8 3/30/00 12 370 9.4 4/6/00 11 470 8.8 4/13/00 12 550 9.4 4/18/00 14 2800 7.7 4/27/00 12 510 10.8 5/3/00 16 681.8 7.3 5/10/00 18 545.4 6.6 5/18/00 17 827.3 9.6 5/26/00 18 1000 7.4 5/31/00 17 900 7.6 6/5/00 20 360 6.7 6/6/00 20 3900 7.4 6/7/00 18 909.1 7.6 6/12/00 21 520 6.7 6/14/00 23 454.5 6.6 6/15/00 25 310 6.6 6/20/00 21 163.6 7.9 6/21/00 22 420 7.4 6/22/00 22 2300 6.7 6/26/00 22 570 6.3 6/27/00 22 600 6.1 6/28/00 22 210 5.9 7/3/00 21 360 6.5 7/5/00 22 340 6.4 7/6/00 23 390 5.8 7/11/00 23 290 6.5 7/12/00 23 2600 6.4 7/14/00 22 1181.8 6.9 7/18/00 21 1363.6 6.2 7/19/00 23 454.5 6.4 7/20/00 22 5400 5.8 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 49 SR2007 Data Continued 7/25/00 19 363.6 7.4 7/26/00 20 818.2 6.6 7/28/00 21 363.6 6.9 7/31/00 22 4900 7 8/1/00 22 454.5 5 8/4/00 22 2500 7.6 8/7/00 23 363.6 6.4 8/8/00 23 360 6.5 8/11/00 22 727.3 6.7 8/14/00 20 818.2 7 8/15/00 21 400 7.4 8/18/00 22 581.8 7.1 8/23/00 20 370 7 8/24/00 21 800 7.1 8/25/00 22 260 7.3 8/28/00 22 163.6 6.8 8/29/00 21 410 6.9 8/31/00 22 590 6.7 9/5/00 22 1000 6.9 9/6/00 18 410 8.3 9/8/00 19 400 7.8 9/11/00 20 390 7.1 9/12/00 20 645.4 7.4 9/13/00 21 1600 6.6 9/18/00 15 145.4 8.4 9/19/00 17 7000 8.3 9/21/00 21 700 8.8 9/26/00 17 530 9.4 9/27/00 15 360 9.3 9/29/00 15 380 7.7 10/5/00 18 310 6.6 10/11/00 10 370 8.2 10/20/00 13 200 7.3 10/26/00 17 240 6.8 11/1/00 10 450 7.6 11/10/00 15 4200 7.2 11/16/00 8 154.5 9.8 11/22/00 3 230 10.8 11/30/00 7 127.3 10.2 12/8/00 4 681.8 10.8 12/15/00 6 300 10.5 12/21/00 2 81.8 14.2 12/27/00 4 118.2 12.1 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 50 DWQ Ambient Monitoring Satation - SR1008 SR1008 SR1008 SR1008 SR1008 SR1008 Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. DO Date (cms) (Degree C) (# / 100 ml) mg/L 1/7/92 _ 6 390 10.6 2/11/92 _ 3 240 11 3/10/92 _ 15 410 8.8 4/7/92 _ 11 450 9.8 5/7/92 _ 20 10 9.8 6/9/92 _ 22 1700 7.4 7/7/92 _ 23 500 7 8/11/92 _ 22 470 7.2 9/10/92 _ 18 470 6.9 10/14/92 _ 11 280 8.2 11/4/92 _ 16 8.6 12/9/92 _ 6 200 10.6 1/7/93 _ 11 640 9.2 2/16/93 _ 7 1400 10.4 2/24/93 _ 3/4/93 _ 8.7 6600 10 4/6/93 _ 9 860 10.3 5/6/93 _ 17.8 3800 8 6/3/93 _ 18 720 7.7 7/8/93 _ 24 30 6.8 8/3/93 _ 22.8 1500 7.1 9/23/93 _ 18.7 10 6.9 10/25/93 _ 13.3 160 9.3 11/22/93 _ 7.8 300 11.3 2/14/94 _ 5.9 400 11.3 3/9/94 _ 11.3 400 8.8 4/6/94 _ 14 970 9.1 5/4/94 _ 13.3 8200 8.4 6/13/94 _ 20.5 770 7.4 7/7/94 _ 22.9 1400 6.8 8/4/94 _ 21.8 1700 6.8 9/6/94 _ 18.7 670 7.3 10/3/94 _ 18.1 880 6.5 11/14/94 _ 9.9 450 10 12/15/94 _ 9.1 500 9.8 1/12/95 3.1152 8.8 950 9.8 2/2/95 2.94528 7.2 280 10.9 3/13/95 3.45504 11.2 120 9 4/24/95 3.05856 11.9 500 8 5/18/95 1.92576 19.9 1900 6.9 6/8/95 2.23728 20.8 2600 7.7 7/13/95 1.21776 22.9 520 6.5 8/7/95 0.73632 23.4 360 6.6 9/18/95 2.6904 20 1400 7 11/7/95 1.8408 11 8300 9 12/12/95 36.816 4 150 12 1/11/96 2.20896 3.1 9 12 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 51 SR1008 data Continued 2/8/96 2.23728 6.1 630 10.7 3/6/96 5.15424 12 130000 8.7 4/8/96 6.372 10 290 10.2 5/2/96 2.5488 16 690 8.5 6/6/96 2.52048 19 960 7.7 7/11/96 1.6992 20.5 410 7.1 8/1/96 0.79296 22.3 3400 7.2 9/3/96 2.5488 20.6 14000 7.1 10/17/96 3.9648 15.8 2700 7.7 11/5/96 1.47264 10.6 10 8.8 12/5/96 3.34176 6.8 760 10 1/8/97 7.1 370 10.4 2/17/97 5.664 6.8 120 10.8 3/13/97 12 320 9.4 4/7/97 16.2 1200 8.4 5/13/97 16 390 8.7 6/4/97 15.7 1500 8 7/16/97 23.2 680 7.1 8/6/97 20.3 630 7.7 9/4/97 19.7 550 7.6 10/1/97 530 11/6/97 3000 12/9/97 2.4096 140 1/7/98 12 430 10 2/2/98 6 220 11 3/4/98 8 200 11 4/1/98 18 290 8 5/4/98 16 500 8 6/3/98 22 580 8 7/27/98 22 720 6 8/24/98 23 710 6 9/28/98 460 12/8/98 230 11/16/98 200 12/21/98 240 1/16/99 2.1 890 12.5 2/8/99 12.3 120 9.3 3/24/99 11.4 95 8.6 4/12/99 17.9 490 8.1 5/12/99 18.2 290 7.8 6/17/99 19.5 4900 8 7/13/99 18.4 1400 7.2 8/10/99 23.6 380 5.8 9/1/99 18.6 140 7.1 10/6/99 16.8 10 7.4 11/8/99 13.3 940 9 12/12/99 230 1/20/00 6 2300 10.5 2/2/00 3 410 11.8 3/9/00 15 280 8.5 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 52 SR1008 data Continued 4/5/00 11 680 8.9 5/9/00 20 290 6.8 7/6/00 22 540 6.4 6/14/00 23 300 7 8/3/00 22 44 6 9/6/00 18 840 7 10/9/00 11 260 10 11/8/00 16 200 7 12/13/00 6 2200 11 APPENDIX III. NPDES Effluent discharge data in the Clark Creek Watershed. GE Hickory Plant Daily Effluent Data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/2/96 0.0035 10 NA 1/10/96 0.0037 10 NA 1/15/96 0.0037 10 NA 1/22/96 0.0036 10 NA 1/29/96 0.0033 10 NA 2/5/96 0.0038 22 NA 2/12/96 0.0039 22 NA 2/19/96 0.0028 22 NA 2/29/96 0.004 22 NA 3/4/96 0.004 24 NA 3/11/96 0.004 24 NA 3/18/96 0.0037 24 NA 3/25/96 0.0038 24 NA 4/1/96 0.0038 18 NA 4/9/96 0.0037 18 NA 4/15/96 0.0032 18 NA 4/22/96 0.0039 18 NA 4/27/96 0.0038 18 NA 5/6/96 0.0042 32 NA 5/13/96 0.0046 32 NA 5/20/96 0.0038 32 NA 5/28/96 0.0039 32 NA 6/3/96 0.0044 34 NA 6/10/96 0.0044 34 NA 6/17/96 0.0045 34 NA 6/25/96 0.0043 34 NA 7/1/96 0.0041 33 NA 7/3/96 0.0041 33 NA 7/15/96 0.0041 33 NA 7/22/96 0.0043 33 NA 7/29/96 0.004 33 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 53 GE Hickory Continued 8/5/96 0.0038 30 NA 8/12/96 0.0035 30 NA 8/19/96 0.002 30 NA 8/27/96 0.0044 30 NA 9/3/96 0.0038 29 NA 9/9/96 0.0036 29 NA 9/16/96 0.0038 29 NA 9/23/96 0.0036 29 NA 9/30/96 0.0044 29 NA 10/7/96 0.0049 29 NA 10/16/96 0.0047 29 NA 10/22/96 0.0046 29 NA 10/28/96 0.0045 29 NA 11/4/96 0.0047 29 NA 11/11/96 0.0048 29 NA 11/18/96 0.0044 29 NA 11/25/96 0.0041 29 NA 12/2/96 0.0037 29 NA 12/9/96 0.0047 29 NA 12/16/96 0.0044 29 NA 12/23/96 0.0044 29 NA 12/30/96 0.0036 29 NA 1/6/97 0.0038 20 NA 1/13/97 0.004 20 NA 1/20/97 0.0042 20 NA 1/27/97 0.0034 20 NA 2/3/97 0.0034 19 NA 2/10/97 0.0033 19 NA 2/17/97 0.0042 19 NA 2/24/97 0.0042 19 NA 3/3/97 0.004 19 NA 3/10/97 0.0042 19 NA 3/17/97 0.0052 19 NA 3/26/97 0.0015 19 NA 4/1/97 0.0041 22 NA 4/7/97 0.0044 22 NA 4/14/97 0.0041 22 NA 4/21/97 0.0042 22 NA 4/28/97 0.0042 22 NA 5/5/97 0.0045 31 NA 5/12/97 0.0049 31 NA 5/19/97 0.0053 31 NA 5/26/97 0.0054 31 NA 6/2/97 0.0052 27 NA 6/10/97 0.0049 27 NA 6/16/97 0.005 27 NA 6/23/97 0.0051 27 NA 7/7/97 0.0049 27 NA 7/14/97 0.0049 27 NA 7/21/97 0.0047 27 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 54 GE Hickory Continued 7/28/97 0.0049 27 NA 8/30/97 0.0049 23 NA 9/1/97 0.0033 23 NA 9/8/97 0.0052 23 NA 9/15/97 0.0045 23 NA 9/22/97 0.0049 23 NA 9/29/97 0.0048 23 NA 10/6/97 0.0052 23 NA 10/13/97 0.0051 23 NA 10/20/97 0.0052 23 NA 10/27/97 0.0052 23 NA 11/3/97 0.0048 23 NA 11/10/97 0.0045 23 NA 11/17/97 0.0043 23 NA 11/24/97 0.0046 23 NA 12/1/97 0.005 19 NA 12/8/97 0.0037 19 NA 12/15/97 0.004 19 NA 12/22/97 0.0033 19 NA 12/29/97 0.0041 19 NA 1/5/98 0.0041 11 NA 1/12/98 0.0042 11 NA 1/19/98 0.0041 11 NA 1/26/98 0.0039 11 NA 1/2/98 0.0042 11 NA 2/9/98 0.004 14 NA 2/16/98 0.0042 14 NA 2/23/98 0.0048 14 NA 3/1/98 0.0045 9 NA 3/9/98 0.004 9 NA 3/16/98 0.004 9 NA 3/23/98 0.0034 9 NA 3/30/98 0.0044 9 NA 4/6/98 0.0035 21 NA 4/13/98 0.0045 21 NA 4/20/98 0.0039 21 NA 4/27/98 0.0043 21 NA 5/4/98 0.0048 21 NA 5/11/98 0.0049 21 NA 5/18/98 0.0049 21 NA 5/25/98 0.005 21 NA 6/1/98 0.0048 31 NA 6/8/98 0.0051 31 NA 6/15/98 0.0049 31 NA 6/22/98 0.0047 31 NA 6/29/98 0.0037 31 NA 7/6/98 0.0042 31 NA 7/13/98 0.0039 31 NA 7/20/98 0.0039 31 NA 7/27/98 0.0039 31 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 55 GE Hickory Continued 8/3/98 0.0041 29 NA 8/10/98 0.0043 29 NA 8/17/98 0.0046 29 NA 8/24/98 0.0045 29 NA 8/28/98 0.004 29 NA 9/7/98 0.0044 26 NA 9/14/98 0.0038 26 NA 9/22/98 0.0035 26 NA 9/28/98 0.0037 26 NA 10/5/98 0.004 26 NA 10/12/98 0.0045 26 NA 10/19/98 0.0042 26 NA 10/26/98 0.0042 26 NA 11/2/98 0.0042 26 NA 11/9/98 0.0039 26 NA 11/16/98 0.0038 26 NA 11/23/98 0.0039 26 NA 11/30/98 0.0038 26 NA 12/7/98 0.0039 16 NA 12/14/99 0.0039 16 NA 12/21/98 0.0041 16 NA 12/28/98 0.0041 16 NA 1/4/99 0.0042 12 NA 1/11/99 0.004 12 NA 1/18/99 0.0043 12 NA 1/25/99 0.0044 12 NA 2/2/99 0.0036 15 NA 2/8/99 0.0041 15 NA 2/15/99 0.0032 15 NA 2/22/99 0.0042 15 NA 3/1/99 0.0036 18 NA 3/8/99 0.0041 18 NA 3/15/99 0.0039 18 NA 3/22/99 0.004 18 NA 3/29/99 0.0041 18 NA 4/5/99 0.0039 23 NA 4/12/99 0.0041 23 NA 4/20/99 0.0042 23 NA 4/27/99 0.0039 23 NA 5/3/99 0.0038 26 NA 5/10/99 0.0041 26 NA 5/17/99 0.0039 26 NA 5/24/99 0.0038 26 NA 6/1/99 0.0038 27 NA 6/7/99 0.0038 27 NA 6/14/99 0.0038 27 NA 6/21/99 0.0037 27 NA 6/29/99 0.0039 27 NA 7/5/99 0.0035 27 NA 7/13/99 0.0036 27 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 56 GE Hickory Continued 7/19/99 0.0032 27 NA 7/27/99 0.003 27 NA 8/2/99 0.0033 31 NA 8/9/99 0.0032 31 NA 8/16/99 0.0036 31 NA 8/23/99 0.0031 31 NA 8/30/99 0.0033 31 NA 9/7/99 0.0035 25 NA 9/13/99 0.0038 25 NA 9/20/99 0.0038 25 NA 9/27/99 0.0039 25 NA 10/4/99 0.0032 16 NA 10/11/99 0.0036 16 NA 10/18/99 0.0039 16 NA 10/25/99 0.0039 16 NA 11/1/99 0.0035 12 NA 11/8/99 0.0022 12 NA 11/15/99 0.0025 12 NA 11/22/99 0.0021 12 NA 11/29/99 0.0037 12 NA 12/7/99 0.0032 12 NA 12/14/99 0.0028 12 NA 12/20/99 0.0032 12 NA 12/29/99 0.0034 12 NA 1/3/00 0.0032 12 NA 1/11/00 0.0028 12 NA 1/17/00 0.0033 12 NA 1/25/00 0.0032 12 NA 2/7/00 0.0032 12 NA 2/14/00 0.0032 12 NA 2/21/00 0.0031 12 NA 2/23/00 0.0032 12 NA 3/6/00 0.0031 19 NA 3/13/00 0.0027 19 NA 3/20/00 0.0034 19 NA 3/27/00 0.0033 19 NA 4/3/00 0.0031 20 NA 4/10/00 0.0032 20 NA 4/17/00 0.0035 20 NA 4/24/00 0.003 20 NA 5/1/00 0.0025 26 NA 5/8/00 0.0033 26 NA 5/15/00 0.0028 26 NA 5/22/00 0.0032 26 NA 5/30/00 0.0038 26 NA 6/5/00 0.0035 32 NA 6/12/00 0.0031 32 NA 6/19/00 0.0033 32 NA 6/26/00 0.0037 32 NA 7/30/00 0.0037 32 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 57 GE Hickory Continued 8/2/00 0.0035 25 NA 8/7/00 0.0034 25 NA 8/14/00 0.0032 25 NA 8/21/00 0.0032 25 NA 9/5/00 0.0032 19 NA 9/11/00 0.0035 19 NA 9/18/00 0.0034 19 NA 9/25/00 0.0034 19 NA 10/2/00 0.0037 14 NA 10/10/00 0.0035 14 NA 10/16/00 0.0036 14 NA 10/23/00 0.0035 14 NA 10/30/00 0.0033 14 NA 11/5/00 0.0033 11 NA 11/13/00 0.0035 11 NA 11/20/00 0.003 11 NA 11/27/00 0.0032 11 NA 12/4/00 0.0029 11 NA 12/11/00 0.0031 11 NA 12/18/00 0.0031 11 NA 12/26/00 0.0031 11 NA Newton Wastewater Treatment Plant Monthly Effluent Data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/1/96 0.1302 10 1.462 2/1/96 0.1193 10.52 0.2269 2/29/96 0.1193 10.52 0.2269 3/1/96 0.11 12.23 1.1685 4/1/96 0.0964 14.9 1.524 5/1/96 0.1012 19.59 0.7344 6/1/96 0.1151 23.35 1.8593 7/1/96 0.1129 24.77 0.9854 8/1/96 0.1265 25.22 1.3879 9/1/96 0.1215 23 6.3618 10/1/96 0.1466 19.73 2.3046 11/1/96 0.12268 20 5.6175 11/2/96 0.12268 20 1.0878 11/3/96 0.10953 20 45.7414 11/4/96 0.13144 16 5.451 11/5/96 0.1402 17 10.9625 11/6/96 0.13144 18 8.1083 11/7/96 0.1402 19 1.7322 11/8/96 0.18839 20 16.2772 11/9/96 0.10953 20 1.2521 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 58 Newton Continued 11/10/96 0.10515 20 7.2918 11/11/96 0.13144 13 1.0334 11/12/96 0.1402 14 84.7931 11/13/96 0.1402 14 84.7931 11/14/96 0.1402 15 84.7931 11/15/96 0.1402 15 6.9167 11/16/96 0.12268 15 7.7715 11/17/96 0.12268 15 4.4542 11/18/96 0.1402 14 3.8763 11/19/96 0.1402 16 10.3811 11/20/96 0.13582 16 4.2245 11/21/96 0.1402 15 4.7242 11/22/96 0.1402 16 5.451 11/23/96 0.13144 16 3.5813 11/24/96 0.11829 16 0.1154 11/25/96 0.1402 15 0.1938 11/26/96 0.14458 17 0.1999 11/27/96 0.12268 14 5.1936 11/28/96 0.08763 14 67.5061 11/29/96 0.08763 13 13.2619 11/30/96 0.09201 13 4.413 12/1/96 0.30669 13 527.747 12/2/96 0.13582 13 2.5993 12/3/96 0.10953 13 0.7003 12/4/96 0.10953 14 58.2006 12/5/96 0.11391 13 15.9343 12/6/96 0.10515 14 28.6177 12/7/96 0.08324 14 9.8375 12/8/96 0.07886 14 109.997 12/9/96 0.10515 10 4.0652 12/10/96 0.10953 12 1.0978 12/11/96 0.14896 13 4.8907 12/12/96 0.11829 15 8.7591 12/13/96 0.14458 16 1.1867 12/14/96 0.07448 16 4.4811 12/15/96 0.04819 16 76.4323 12/16/96 0.16211 12 8.1235 12/17/96 0.09639 13 1.2843 12/18/96 0.10515 13 8.2219 12/19/96 0.12268 13 63.5948 12/20/96 0.12268 12 180.185 12/21/96 0.12268 12 3.8449 12/22/96 0.10953 12 10.2939 12/23/96 0.10953 11 2.7954 12/24/96 0.10077 11 3.565 12/25/96 0.09639 11 4.6582 12/26/96 0.10953 11 15.8122 12/27/96 0.10077 10 8.0137 12/28/96 0.04819 10 7.6014 12/29/96 0.06134 10 1.2721 12/30/96 0.07886 14 10.6892 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 59 Newton Continued 12/31/96 0.05696 15 0.0787 1/1/97 0.04381 15 88.415 1/2/97 0.06572 15 1.3627 1/3/97 0.0701 14 2.4054 1/4/97 0.04819 14 4.6324 1/5/97 0.06134 14 0.2405 1/6/97 0.07886 14 406.217 1/7/97 0.09201 14 0.9733 1/8/97 0.10515 13 13.0179 1/9/97 0.17087 12 203.878 1/10/97 0.12268 12 4.1489 1/11/97 0.10077 12 1.1376 1/12/97 0.08324 12 3.6373 1/13/97 0.14458 9 3.2479 1/14/97 0.1402 10 1.1603 1/15/97 0.13144 10 0.2839 1/16/97 0.15334 12 11.3543 1/17/97 0.13144 11 1.3173 1/18/97 0.11829 11 2.8094 1/19/97 0.10953 11 19.6398 1/20/97 0.13144 11 0.9424 1/21/97 0.12268 10 1.0011 1/22/97 0.11391 11 2.0668 1/23/97 0.11391 13 0.8956 1/24/97 0.12706 13 0.9282 1/25/97 0.11829 13 10.0768 1/26/97 0.07448 13 1.5864 1/27/97 0.10953 12 0.9369 1/28/97 0.12268 12 0.6995 1/29/97 0.10953 12 14.8672 1/30/97 0.10953 11 52.0493 2/1/97 0.10953 12 236.588 2/1/97 0.07448 12 0.8118 2/2/97 0.05258 12 8.0282 2/3/97 0.08763 13 7.2074 2/4/97 0.11391 14 78.7364 2/5/97 0.10515 13 48.6046 2/6/97 0.10515 13 4.6333 2/7/97 0.09639 13 53.6197 2/8/97 0.09201 13 61.0827 2/9/97 0.07448 13 3.2373 2/10/97 0.10953 12 1.4858 2/11/97 0.10953 13 96.2399 2/12/97 0.10515 12 4.4516 2/13/97 0.10077 11 15.3407 2/14/97 0.16211 12 33.6144 2/15/97 0.28916 12 4.8577 2/16/97 0.10077 12 1.9905 2/17/97 0.11391 10 0.8169 2/18/97 0.10515 10 63.5948 2/19/97 0.09639 12 83.2789 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 60 Newton Continued 2/20/97 0.09639 15 5.155 2/21/97 0.09639 14 2.082 2/22/97 0.0701 14 23.1523 2/23/97 0.08324 14 11.9673 2/24/97 0.11391 12 8.1875 2/25/97 0.10077 13 49.4152 2/26/97 0.09201 13 3.4023 2/27/97 0.10515 14 3.3614 2/28/97 0.2103 16 6.0324 3/1/97 0.14458 16 0.9182 3/2/97 0.08763 16 0.5513 3/3/97 0.10953 16 1.0126 3/4/97 0.09639 14 3.9974 3/5/97 0.10077 15 4.005 3/6/97 0.10077 15 6.6343 3/7/97 0.10077 14 2.699 3/8/97 0.06572 14 0.7285 3/9/97 0.06134 14 1.1266 3/10/97 0.09201 14 0.9857 3/11/97 0.07886 15 10.6467 3/12/97 0.08324 16 0.4172 3/13/97 0.07886 15 0.1631 3/14/97 0.12706 17 26.0967 3/15/97 0.07448 17 0.8198 3/16/97 0.06134 17 10.518 3/17/97 0.09639 12 0.8245 3/18/97 0.09639 15 1.5811 3/19/97 0.22783 14 373.998 3/20/97 0.13144 14 0.2068 3/21/97 0.10953 15 31.2296 3/22/97 0.06572 15 0.0161 3/23/97 0.06572 15 0.6375 3/24/97 0.10953 14 8.1489 3/25/97 0.08763 14 4.0009 3/26/97 0.10515 15 0.6723 3/27/97 0.08324 16 0.2949 3/28/97 0.07448 16 0.6445 3/29/97 0.07886 16 8.8075 3/30/97 0.05696 16 0.2064 3/31/97 0.0701 15 0.0969 4/1/97 0.08763 14 0.1067 4/2/97 0.10515 14 0.1164 4/3/97 0.09201 15 0.1262 4/4/97 0.09201 15 0.136 4/5/97 0.06134 15 0.1458 4/6/97 0.09201 15 0.1555 4/7/97 0.11391 17 0.1653 4/8/97 0.09201 16 0.1751 4/9/97 0.08763 16 0.1848 4/10/97 0.09201 16 0.1946 4/11/97 0.08324 15 0.2044 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 61 Newton Continued 4/12/97 0.09639 15 0.2141 4/13/97 0.08763 15 0.2239 4/14/97 0.12268 15 0.2337 4/15/97 0.12706 15 0.2434 4/16/97 0.13144 15 0.2532 4/17/97 0.12706 16 0.263 4/18/97 0.11391 16 0.2727 4/19/97 0.10515 16 0.2825 4/20/97 0.10515 16 0.2923 4/21/97 0.12706 15 0.3021 4/22/97 0.15773 16 0.3118 4/23/97 0.27164 16 0.3216 4/24/97 0.15773 16 0.3314 4/25/97 0.13582 16 0.3411 4/26/97 0.11829 16 0.3509 4/27/97 0.12706 16 0.3607 4/28/97 0.24535 15 0.3704 4/29/97 0.24973 16 0.3802 4/30/97 0.16649 16 0.39 5/1/97 0.1402 18 0.3997 5/2/97 0.11829 18 3.3733 5/3/97 0.14458 18 0.1513 5/4/97 0.11391 18 1.0555 5/5/97 0.1402 16 0.7963 5/6/97 0.13144 17 0.8404 5/7/97 0.12706 17 0.8123 5/8/97 0.13144 18 1.2151 5/9/97 0.12268 19 0.1696 5/10/97 0.12706 19 0.1745 5/11/97 0.11829 19 0.8563 5/12/97 0.12706 17 0.5489 5/13/97 0.09639 18 0.1332 5/14/97 0.09201 18 0.2022 5/15/97 0.10953 19 0.3123 5/16/97 0.08324 18 0.1151 5/17/97 0.07886 18 0.4262 5/18/97 0.09201 18 0.1978 5/19/97 0.13144 19 2.0153 5/20/97 0.13582 20 3.2857 5/21/97 0.13582 20 13.4128 5/22/97 0.13144 20 4.7696 5/23/97 0.11829 19 0.511 5/24/97 0.11391 19 0.7305 5/25/97 0.10515 19 6.594 5/26/97 0.11391 19 0.4548 5/27/97 0.12706 20 5.3927 5/28/97 0.13582 19 0.5867 5/29/97 0.13144 20 1.8738 5/30/97 0.13582 20 0.575 5/31/97 0.10077 20 0.1777 6/1/97 0.11391 20 5.2653 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 62 Newton Continued 6/2/97 0.17525 20 88.5785 6/3/97 0.13582 19 234.695 6/4/97 0.12706 19 7.3221 6/5/97 0.12706 19 5.7523 6/6/97 0.11391 19 68.8944 6/7/97 0.11829 19 12.4912 6/8/97 0.09639 19 1.6486 6/9/97 0.12706 19 23.0531 6/10/97 0.13144 20 21.6336 6/11/97 0.13144 21 38.6111 6/12/97 0.12706 22 4.0617 6/13/97 0.10515 22 6.4867 6/14/97 0.12706 22 22.9291 6/15/97 0.12706 22 0.5929 6/16/97 0.14458 22 45.5108 6/17/97 0.14458 22 0.4122 6/18/97 0.18839 23 68.7568 6/19/97 0.18401 24 1.1765 6/20/97 0.17525 25 2.6346 6/21/97 0.16649 25 23.8639 6/22/97 0.1402 25 19.8164 6/23/97 0.17087 24 0.4872 6/24/97 0.17963 24 1.9827 6/25/97 0.16211 25 42.018 6/26/97 0.13144 25 18.4879 6/27/97 0.12268 24 33.9172 6/28/97 0.10515 24 3.0136 6/29/97 0.10077 24 21.7983 6/30/97 0.14458 23 5.7462 7/1/97 0.14896 22 4.762 7/2/97 0.11391 24 30.5838 7/3/97 0.11391 25 128.226 7/4/97 0.09639 25 0.6268 7/5/97 0.09639 25 0.8769 7/6/97 0.10515 25 33.4691 7/7/97 0.12268 23 137.774 7/8/97 0.13144 23 9.7323 7/9/97 0.13144 25 8.256 7/10/97 0.13144 25 116.265 7/11/97 0.12706 25 59.2795 7/12/97 0.10515 25 0.6835 7/13/97 0.10077 25 1.4531 7/14/97 0.13144 24 3.5204 7/15/97 0.12706 24 0.9111 7/16/97 0.12268 25 0.7843 7/17/97 0.13144 25 0.9426 7/18/97 0.12706 26 2.3053 7/19/97 0.10077 26 4.3516 7/20/97 0.09639 26 26.8451 7/21/97 0.1402 25 3.7551 7/22/97 0.12706 26 1.0868 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 63 Newton Continued 7/23/97 0.17525 25 378.541 7/24/97 0.14458 26 27.482 7/25/97 0.13582 26 0.2934 7/26/97 0.11391 26 44.9357 7/27/97 0.10077 26 2.3369 7/28/97 0.13582 27 6.0053 7/29/97 0.13582 25 73.335 7/30/97 0.26726 24 1085.28 7/31/97 0.14896 25 10.6309 8/1/97 0.13144 24 9.6641 8/2/97 0.10953 24 0.5249 8/3/97 0.10953 24 5.5971 8/4/97 0.12706 25 0.7245 8/5/97 0.1402 24 14.221 8/6/97 0.15773 24 71.5442 8/7/97 0.13582 24 29.3369 8/8/97 0.1402 24 30.2832 8/9/97 0.10953 24 270.996 8/10/97 0.10515 24 1.3007 8/11/97 0.13582 24 3.6378 8/12/97 0.13582 24 3.1684 8/13/97 0.1402 26 3.634 8/14/97 0.1402 26 1.8049 8/15/97 0.13582 27 1.3612 8/16/97 0.10953 27 0.2399 8/17/97 0.10515 27 1.9779 8/18/97 0.13144 26 0.4656 8/19/97 0.13582 25 1.2556 8/20/97 0.1402 26 2.9072 8/21/97 0.1402 26 1.599 8/22/97 0.13144 25 6.5866 8/23/97 0.10953 25 0.5889 8/24/97 0.10515 25 0.0123 8/25/97 0.13144 23 158.987 8/26/97 0.13582 24 12086.8 8/27/97 0.13582 25 161.283 8/28/97 0.13144 26 0.9694 8/29/97 0.13582 26 0.2934 8/30/97 0.10515 26 3.9439 8/31/97 0.10077 26 150.794 9/1/97 0.10077 26 7.259 9/2/97 0.13144 25 1.499 9/3/97 0.13582 25 1.6429 9/4/97 0.13582 24 4.6939 9/5/97 0.11829 24 10.3024 9/6/97 0.10515 24 14.8577 9/7/97 0.10077 24 4.5878 9/8/97 0.13144 24 11.3562 9/9/97 0.13144 23 15.8646 9/10/97 0.12706 24 32.3841 9/11/97 0.12268 24 5.2996 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 64 Newton Continued 9/12/97 0.10953 24 3.3122 9/13/97 0.08763 24 5.7888 9/14/97 0.08763 24 0.4405 9/15/97 0.10953 24 6.8043 9/16/97 0.11391 23 0.7283 9/17/97 0.10953 24 5.3942 9/18/97 0.12268 25 3.0737 9/19/97 0.11391 25 1.2106 9/20/97 0.09639 25 2.7341 9/21/97 0.07886 25 6.3198 9/22/97 0.11391 22 15.206 9/23/97 0.10953 23 21.7661 9/24/97 0.17087 22 101.23 9/25/97 0.11391 21 43.305 9/26/97 0.10515 21 29.0719 9/27/97 0.09201 21 1.0488 9/28/97 0.08324 21 0.3068 9/29/97 0.11391 22 0.1575 9/30/97 0.11391 22 2.2637 10/1/97 0.11391 22 2.8542 10/2/97 0.12268 21 10.3342 10/3/97 0.10515 20 9.085 10/4/97 0.08763 20 3.4617 10/5/97 0.07886 20 9.7229 10/6/97 0.11391 21 1.6239 10/7/97 0.10953 22 7.9777 10/8/97 0.11391 22 4.7242 10/9/97 0.11391 22 1.5452 10/10/97 0.10953 22 5.1292 10/11/97 0.09201 22 9.1734 10/12/97 0.0701 22 7.0223 10/13/97 0.11391 21 0.2461 10/14/97 0.11391 22 49.2103 10/15/97 0.11391 21 22.6367 10/16/97 0.11391 20 5.2163 10/17/97 0.11391 20 16.8693 10/18/97 0.09201 20 2.1754 10/19/97 0.13144 20 22.1963 10/20/97 0.11391 18 1.7913 10/21/97 0.10077 19 2.0025 10/22/97 0.10515 19 10.2115 10/23/97 0.08763 18 12.6204 10/24/97 0.0701 18 0.3997 10/25/97 0.07448 18 0.7771 10/26/97 0.16649 18 3.6784 10/27/97 0.11829 19 0.511 10/28/97 0.10953 18 3.6908 10/29/97 0.11829 18 9.9651 10/30/97 0.11391 18 4.1337 10/31/97 0.11391 18 1.2204 11/1/97 0.12706 18 0.4671 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 65 Newton Continued 11/2/97 0.09639 18 0.99 11/3/97 0.11391 17 1.4074 11/4/97 0.11829 17 5.7235 11/5/97 0.12268 17 0.6147 11/6/97 0.1402 17 10.3748 11/7/97 0.13144 17 6.0188 11/8/97 0.07886 17 3.1133 11/9/97 0.06134 17 3.1419 11/10/97 0.13582 16 6.6888 11/11/97 0.10515 16 4.1791 11/12/97 0.10077 17 3.4826 11/13/97 0.11391 16 4.7242 11/14/97 0.11829 16 2.3507 11/15/97 0.07448 16 0.8557 11/16/97 0.06572 16 0.4322 11/17/97 0.09639 13 0.2082 11/18/97 0.10077 14 1.9154 11/19/97 0.10077 14 7.0522 11/20/97 0.10077 15 4.005 11/21/97 0.11391 15 8.4346 11/22/97 0.11391 15 2.3882 11/23/97 0.07448 15 1.7243 11/24/97 0.10077 14 25.2487 11/25/97 0.09639 14 0.7578 11/26/97 0.09639 14 18.7378 11/27/97 0.0701 14 2.0445 11/28/97 0.06134 14 0.3074 11/29/97 0.0701 14 0.5255 11/30/97 0.06572 14 4.6088 12/1/97 0.10953 15 8.5645 12/2/97 0.10953 15 145.104 12/3/97 0.10077 15 67.5793 12/4/97 0.11829 16 2.7596 12/5/97 0.11391 16 3.051 12/6/97 0.07886 16 7.1637 12/7/97 0.06134 16 5.8788 12/8/97 0.09201 11 5.4571 12/9/97 0.10515 12 22.7124 12/10/97 0.11391 13 78.7364 12/11/97 0.10515 14 70.0815 12/12/97 0.10953 15 37.8541 12/13/97 0.08763 15 1.1701 12/14/97 0.08324 15 7.9831 12/15/97 0.10953 11 2.082 12/16/97 0.11391 12 0.8956 12/17/97 0.11391 13 4.0352 12/18/97 0.10515 13 5.1784 12/19/97 0.10953 13 0.2366 12/20/97 0.08763 13 41.0563 12/21/97 0.07886 13 40.7302 12/22/97 0.12268 12 0.7843 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 66 Newton Continued 12/23/97 0.09639 12 0.6174 12/24/97 0.12706 12 0.8469 12/25/97 0.10515 12 85.7246 12/26/97 0.08324 12 0.7618 12/27/97 0.13582 12 11.7853 12/28/97 0.09639 12 7.4713 12/29/97 0.09201 10 1.1368 12/30/97 0.09639 10 0.8245 12/31/97 0.10515 10 0.1454 1/1/98 0.123 10 0.4143 2/1/98 0.12 12.2 0.4459 3/1/98 0.0924 13.36 1.3576 4/1/98 0.0926 17.33 0.16 5/1/98 0.0766 21.1 0.3706 6/1/98 0.0806 24.36 1.1005 7/1/98 0.1153 26.77 1.6839 8/1/98 0.1396 26.14 1.5563 9/1/98 0.1411 24.85 2.706 10/1/98 0.1324 21.54 2.5858 11/1/98 0.1281 18.05 0.6861 12/1/98 0.128 15.57 1.1616 1/1/99 0.1399 12.94 1.632 2/1/99 0.1454 13.5 1.0801 3/1/99 0.1395 13.69 0.7352 4/1/99 0.1509 17.76 1.0167 5/1/99 0.1508 20.1 0.469 6/1/99 0.1456 23.5 1.0945 7/1/99 0.1345 25.28 1.0113 8/1/99 0.1095 25.77 3.2838 9/1/99 0.1309 23.52 11.1924 10/1/99 0.1369 20.61 4.8513 11/1/99 0.1231 18.05 1.6168 12/1/99 0.1249 14.47 2.4935 1/1/00 0.1426 12.31 1.7742 2/1/00 0.1471 12.33 2.0342 3/1/00 0.1532 15.6 1.2972 4/1/00 0.1573 17.31 0.7338 5/1/00 0.1606 20.81 7.6987 6/1/00 0.1647 23.95 3.6152 7/1/00 0.1608 24.85 1.5841 8/1/00 0.148 25.26 2.736 9/1/00 0.1309 23.52 11.1924 10/1/00 0.1369 20.61 4.8513 11/1/00 0.1231 18.05 1.6168 12/1/00 0.1249 14.47 2.4935 7/1/00 0.1608 24.85 1.5841 8/1/00 0.148 25.26 2.736 9/1/00 0.1309 23.52 11.1924 10/1/00 0.1369 20.61 4.8513 11/1/00 0.1231 18.05 1.6168 12/1/00 0.1249 14.47 2.4935 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 67 Precedent Inc. Monthly Effluent Data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/31/96 0.000033 16 0.00003 2/29/96 0.000033 14.7 0.00003 3/31/96 0.000033 13 0.00003 4/30/96 0.000033 14.25 0.00002 5/31/96 0.000033 23.9 0.00003 6/30/96 0.000033 30.8 0.00003 7/31/96 0.000033 28 0.00004 8/30/96 0.000033 32 0.00006 9/30/96 0.000033 32 0.00004 10/30/96 0.000033 32 0.00004 11/30/96 0.000033 27 0.00003 12/31/96 0.000033 17.4 0.00003 1/31/97 0.000033 12 0.00003 2/28/97 0.000033 8.25 0.00009 3/31/97 0.000058 11.25 0.00016 4/30/97 0.000055 12 0.00007 5/31/97 0.000075 15.4 0.00012 6/30/97 0.000083 19 0.00035 7/31/97 0.00008 24.3 0.00015 8/30/97 0.000078 24 0.00022 9/30/97 0.000081 22.7 0.00023 10/31/97 0.00008 18 0.00019 11/30/97 0.000082 12.3 0.0004 12/31/97 0.000081 8.5 0.00023 1/31/98 0.000125 8.6 0.00036 2/28/98 0.000136 8 0.00039 3/31/98 0.000088 8.75 0.00025 4/30/98 0.000081 14 0.00015 5/31/98 0.000073 18.4 0.00021 6/30/98 0.000083 22 0.00024 7/31/98 0.00008 25 0.00022 8/30/98 0.000871 25 0.00241 9/30/98 0.000073 23.25 0.0004 10/31/98 0.00007 20.4 0.00242 11/30/98 0.000074 15.25 0.0022 12/31/98 0.000084 13.3 0.00053 1/31/99 0.000052 11 0.00009 2/28/99 0.00008 9 0.00223 3/31/99 0.000083 8.75 0.00679 4/30/99 0.000085 14 0.00181 5/31/99 0.000079 17 0.0001 6/30/99 0.000082 19.5 0.00014 7/31/99 0.000079 22.5 0.00014 8/30/99 0.000084 24.5 0.00014 9/30/99 0.000084 23 0.00014 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 68 Precedent Inc continued 10/31/99 0.000083 19.2 0.00014 11/30/99 0.000083 14.4 0.00035 12/31/99 0.000095 11.5 0.00023 1/31/00 0.000082 8.75 0.0001 2/28/00 0.000088 9.5 0.00008 3/31/00 0.000083 12.2 0.00024 4/30/00 0.000197 14.5 0.00017 5/31/00 0.000091 17.5 0.00008 6/30/00 0.000091 24.4 0.00126 7/31/00 0.000092 25 0.00008 8/30/00 0.000074 25 0.00014 9/30/00 0.000074 25 0.00006 10/31/00 0.000083 21.25 0.00007 11/30/00 0.000079 13.8 0.00041 12/31/00 0.00007 8.6 0.01007 Maiden Waste Water Treatment Plant Monthly Effluent Data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/1/96 0.0213 13.5 0.8145 2/1/96 0.0217 12.8 0.7234 2/29/96 0.0217 12.8 0.7234 3/1/96 0.0216 13.47 3.5463 4/1/96 0.0139 15.18 1.3839 5/1/96 0.0118 18.17 0.6125 6/1/96 0.0148 20.22 0.2719 7/1/96 0.0104 22.35 0.0957 8/1/96 0.0139 22.74 0.1745 9/1/96 0.0133 22.26 0.4056 10/1/96 0.0132 20.01 0.316 11/1/96 0.019 18.5 0.0985 11/2/96 0.0114 17 2.34962 11/3/96 0.0142 17 0.07702 11/4/96 0.01591 16.6 8.24689 11/5/96 0.01342 17.3 0.7887 11/6/96 0.01354 19.3 0.08188 11/7/96 0.01685 19.2 0.08735 11/8/96 0.02938 19.7 15.231 11/9/96 0.01431 19 0.02365 11/10/96 0.01013 18 0.07323 11/11/96 0.01227 17.6 0.06359 11/12/96 0.01191 17.3 0.05146 11/13/96 0.01246 17.3 1.72251 11/14/96 0.01175 18.1 3.04574 11/15/96 0.01315 18.5 0.14773 11/16/96 0.01038 18 0.03179 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 69 Maiden WWTP Continued 11/17/96 0.00987 18 0.00218 11/18/96 0.01337 17.5 0.09242 11/19/96 0.0129 18.2 0.59064 11/20/96 0.0127 17.8 0.08776 11/21/96 0.01342 17.6 0.09276 11/22/96 0.01136 16.6 0.09812 11/23/96 0.00947 16.9 0.03602 11/24/96 0.00818 16.9 0.09502 11/25/96 0.01994 17.4 0.08616 11/26/96 0.01741 17.4 0.0752 11/27/96 0.0143 15.9 0.04941 11/28/96 0.00776 16 1.13302 11/29/96 0.01082 17.6 0.04675 11/30/96 0.02981 17 0.72252 12/1/96 0.060684 16 2.40193 12/2/96 0.029525 15.3 0.20408 12/3/96 0.020031 15.6 0.08653 12/4/96 0.017029 16.5 0.11771 12/5/96 0.018813 16.2 0.13004 12/6/96 0.01802 15.1 0.18683 12/7/96 0.016377 15 0.21139 12/8/96 0.011505 15 0.21463 12/9/96 0.014261 15.4 0.07393 12/10/96 0.017717 15.3 0.09185 12/11/96 0.012867 15.7 0.06671 12/12/96 0.028246 16.6 0.24405 12/13/96 0.025222 15.9 26.1511 12/14/96 0.015132 15 0.02208 12/15/96 0.014834 15 0.1199 12/16/96 0.016434 14.9 0.38337 12/17/96 0.016236 15.7 0.14029 12/18/96 0.021538 16.2 0.13026 12/19/96 0.018602 15.1 0.09644 12/20/96 0.016434 14.1 2.27185 12/21/96 0.013021 14 0.29406 12/22/96 0.013695 14 0.04492 12/23/96 0.015032 14.6 2.33779 12/24/96 0.015579 14.6 0.01672 12/25/96 0.012066 14.6 0.19949 12/26/96 0.011912 14.6 0.05146 12/27/96 0.020329 14.6 1.25026 12/28/96 0.016017 14.8 0.77098 12/29/96 0.016066 15 0.77753 12/30/96 0.019387 15.7 0.28476 12/31/96 0.020315 15.6 0.70212 1/1/97 0.010449 15.3 5.39915 1/2/97 0.016395 15 0.07082 1/3/97 0.019426 15.2 0.28534 1/4/97 0.015146 15 0.41823 1/5/97 0.01448 15 0.83849 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 70 Maiden WWTP Continued 1/6/97 0.015733 14.9 8.15604 1/7/97 0.015869 15.6 0.20566 1/8/97 0.019987 15.4 0.55261 1/9/97 0.039147 14.6 1.42055 1/10/97 0.023208 14.1 1.12287 1/11/97 0.019076 14.2 0.11075 1/12/97 0.013972 14.4 14.1601 1/13/97 0.017437 14.5 0.27119 1/14/97 0.015545 14 0.16117 1/15/97 0.022634 14.1 0.11733 1/16/97 0.026134 13.2 3.61279 1/17/97 0.024206 14.3 0.18823 1/18/97 0.022726 14 0.2693 1/19/97 0.022046 13 1.53142 1/20/97 0.020763 12.8 0.30496 1/21/97 0.019523 13.4 0.06747 1/22/97 0.020158 13.8 2.31641 1/23/97 0.018673 14.2 0.20973 1/24/97 0.028044 13.9 2.59265 1/25/97 0.021416 14 0.58523 1/26/97 0.016154 14 0.20058 1/27/97 0.01767 14.4 0.0916 1/28/97 0.027567 14.1 14.2907 1/29/97 0.014839 12.7 2.38474 1/30/97 0.01469 13.9 0.8504 1/31/97 0.018393 13.5 5.08516 2/1/97 0.013293 13.5 0.37447 2/2/97 0.009884 13.4 0.05853 2/3/97 0.018782 13.4 0.25965 2/4/97 0.030818 13.9 15.9759 2/5/97 0.02227 14.3 0.15393 2/6/97 0.017827 14.4 0.18483 2/7/97 0.020255 15.6 1.57499 2/8/97 0.020224 14.6 0.32171 2/9/97 0.015624 13.8 1.65334 2/10/97 0.019146 13.4 9.92533 2/11/97 0.016254 13.4 4.69065 2/12/97 0.016636 13.4 0.3737 2/13/97 0.017801 14.4 0.09228 2/14/97 0.030726 13.4 0.21238 2/15/97 0.058218 13.1 0.30136 2/16/97 0.023549 12.8 0.13763 2/17/97 0.022371 12.5 0.19328 2/18/97 0.023102 13.2 2.53498 2/19/97 0.026261 12.7 0.2269 2/20/97 0.021407 13.8 0.29593 2/21/97 0.025547 15.1 0.13244 2/22/97 0.016653 14.8 0.08773 2/23/97 0.013735 13.8 0.72347 2/24/97 0.017617 13.9 0.10655 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 71 Maiden WWTP Continued 2/25/97 0.018195 13.9 0.15721 2/26/97 0.018274 13.9 0.12631 2/27/97 0.018839 14.8 0.08139 2/28/97 0.052575 14.6 324.788 3/1/97 0.032859 14.7 0.23009 3/2/97 0.02103 14.8 0.0314 3/3/97 0.016649 14.9 0.69046 3/4/97 0.017963 13.9 0.0776 3/5/97 0.017087 14.4 0.47242 3/6/97 0.016855 14.5 0.05825 3/7/97 0.016474 13.8 0.15656 3/8/97 0.014835 14.2 0.30583 3/9/97 0.010476 14.8 0.78119 3/10/97 0.01586 15.1 0.09592 3/11/97 0.01763 14.9 0.06093 3/12/97 0.018445 14.9 0.06375 3/13/97 0.022594 15.1 2.9282 3/14/97 0.02443 17.8 10.5537 3/15/97 0.017586 16 1.56361 3/16/97 0.014243 15 0.08416 3/17/97 0.017586 14.2 0.06078 3/18/97 0.020092 14.8 0.06944 3/19/97 0.060277 14.6 0.83327 3/20/97 0.025254 14.9 0.15273 3/21/97 0.026905 14.1 0.34869 3/22/97 0.02174 14.1 2.55419 3/23/97 0.016106 15.4 0.03697 3/24/97 0.019694 15.4 0.06806 3/25/97 0.01986 14.8 0.10296 3/26/97 0.019965 15.4 3.27752 3/27/97 0.019786 15.1 0.10257 3/28/97 0.021827 15.2 0.05887 3/29/97 0.019212 15.2 0.85303 3/30/97 0.014717 15.2 0.28573 3/31/97 0.017017 15.3 0.07351 4/1/97 0.017218 15.2 0.10414 4/2/97 0.017328 15.1 0.07486 4/3/97 0.016478 15.5 0.82574 4/4/97 0.01873 15.6 4.45022 4/5/97 0.014975 15.6 0.46441 4/6/97 0.020636 15.9 6.69244 4/7/97 0.019146 15.9 2.9776 4/8/97 0.018441 15.9 0.25492 4/9/97 0.018721 17.4 1.89248 4/10/97 0.016079 16.4 7.50192 4/11/97 0.019199 15.9 0.16588 4/12/97 0.025902 15.9 0.29429 4/13/97 0.01455 15.6 0.16385 4/14/97 0.019273 15.6 0.96582 4/15/97 0.01866 15.6 0.35468 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 72 Maiden WWTP Continued 4/16/97 0.019273 16.3 0.24978 4/17/97 0.017026 17.7 0.41188 4/18/97 0.016425 16.3 14.7591 4/19/97 0.017078 16 0.3285 4/20/97 0.015286 16.3 0.47394 4/21/97 0.018677 16.3 9.35957 4/22/97 0.036286 16.9 1.15998 4/23/97 0.039116 15.9 2.6023 4/24/97 0.022371 16.7 0.09664 4/25/97 0.020123 18.5 0.06955 4/26/97 0.017223 17 3.51913 4/27/97 0.012408 17 0.04881 4/28/97 0.087156 16.1 45.1819 4/29/97 0.070635 15.5 0.36617 4/30/97 0.028395 16.5 0.12267 5/1/97 0.026266 16.4 0.59003 5/2/97 0.032434 17.6 0.25221 5/3/97 0.03342 17 1.48403 5/4/97 0.016947 17 0.12821 5/5/97 0.019922 16.3 0.06885 5/6/97 0.018353 16.8 3.64713 5/7/97 0.019072 16.4 1.61483 5/8/97 0.016693 16.8 0.20191 5/9/97 0.017727 17.8 1.22526 5/10/97 0.014112 17.8 0.56185 5/11/97 0.011768 17.3 0.11333 5/12/97 0.015891 17.3 0.68648 5/13/97 0.014208 16.8 0.07366 5/14/97 0.015974 16.3 0.09661 5/15/97 0.015409 17.8 0.07988 5/16/97 0.017959 18.1 0.07758 5/17/97 0.012947 18.8 0.0302 5/18/97 0.012964 18.6 0.00981 5/19/97 0.013538 19 0.07018 5/20/97 0.013415 18.2 0.08114 5/21/97 0.016202 18.4 0.13998 5/22/97 0.015378 17.8 0.21259 5/23/97 0.016 17.6 0.35943 5/24/97 0.013394 17.8 0.09387 5/25/97 0.015786 17.8 0.3793 5/26/97 0.013902 18.8 0.24864 5/27/97 0.014007 19.2 0.04841 5/28/97 0.015067 19.3 0.09113 5/29/97 0.015159 19 0.11788 5/30/97 0.017245 19.2 0.0596 5/31/97 0.014598 19.2 0.09549 6/1/97 0.01427 18.8 0.63654 6/2/97 0.022603 18.8 0.23435 6/3/97 0.016246 19.5 0.08422 6/4/97 0.017359 18.5 0.07499 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 73 Maiden WWTP Continued 6/5/97 0.014962 18.5 0.16805 6/6/97 0.014603 19.7 0.06308 6/7/97 0.01402 19.7 0.07284 6/8/97 0.012754 19.1 0.93224 6/9/97 0.014559 19.1 0.06289 6/10/97 0.014971 18.8 0.84076 6/11/97 0.01377 19 0.08328 6/12/97 0.018546 19.5 0.16024 6/13/97 0.025275 19 0.13103 6/14/97 0.024767 19 0.06817 6/15/97 0.015098 19.2 0.36175 6/16/97 0.019054 19.2 0.95484 6/17/97 0.01508 19.3 0.15635 6/18/97 0.017573 19.4 0.10628 6/19/97 0.016272 19.2 3.51475 6/20/97 0.019142 19.2 0.46308 6/21/97 0.015409 19.2 0.22718 6/22/97 0.014151 19.9 0.05101 6/23/97 0.015374 19.9 2.78943 6/24/97 0.013696 19.5 0.355 6/25/97 0.014213 19.7 0.15964 6/26/97 0.017227 19.7 0.25303 6/27/97 0.015225 20 0.3157 6/28/97 0.008062 20 0.1512 6/29/97 0.006879 19.6 0.03954 6/30/97 0.010603 19.6 0.76034 7/1/97 0.010533 19.9 0.1183 7/2/97 0.009941 20.4 0.06871 7/3/97 0.010914 20.7 0.09429 7/4/97 0.007019 20.7 0.2424 7/5/97 0.015558 20.4 0.13059 7/6/97 0.012605 19.6 2.15643 7/7/97 0.014055 19.6 7.28615 7/8/97 0.014813 20 1.85578 7/9/97 0.0154 20.1 3.59254 7/10/97 0.014739 20.2 0.06367 7/11/97 0.012364 20 0.16024 7/12/97 0.013429 20 0.60297 7/13/97 0.009556 20.7 14.1968 7/14/97 0.012636 20.7 0.04367 7/15/97 0.014292 20.8 1.71637 7/16/97 0.017902 20.8 3.09343 7/17/97 0.01271 21 5.87508 7/18/97 0.015229 21.2 5.19744 7/19/97 0.013078 21.2 0.28376 7/20/97 0.011567 21.2 9.43999 7/21/97 0.012837 21.2 4.88015 7/22/97 0.013205 21.8 0.39932 7/23/97 0.025749 21.7 0.11123 7/24/97 0.018204 21.9 0.07864 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 74 Maiden WWTP Continued 7/25/97 0.017363 22.5 2.02521 7/26/97 0.014703 22.5 0.09103 7/27/97 0.014611 22 0.36227 7/28/97 0.023882 22 1.23805 7/29/97 0.031804 21.9 0.60452 7/30/97 0.045692 21.9 23.6868 7/31/97 0.024171 22.1 0.10442 8/1/97 0.022415 21.9 0.87148 8/2/97 0.019939 21.9 0.61966 8/3/97 0.018524 22.1 0.11562 8/4/97 0.020833 22.1 9.35979 8/5/97 0.019676 21.9 0.119 8/6/97 0.016447 21.4 0.07105 8/7/97 0.012403 21.8 0.1286 8/8/97 0.01289 21.9 0.16705 8/9/97 0.013025 21.9 0.64938 8/10/97 0.011475 21.7 0.02278 8/11/97 0.012473 21.7 0.29098 8/12/97 0.011987 21.9 4.14275 8/13/97 0.014839 22.2 3.46172 8/14/97 0.01257 21.8 0.38011 8/15/97 0.01363 22.4 0.11776 8/16/97 0.010344 22.4 0.84232 8/17/97 0.011461 21.9 1.06335 8/18/97 0.011343 21.9 0.049 8/19/97 0.012324 22.2 0.10648 8/20/97 0.012311 22.6 0.05318 8/21/97 0.012749 22.2 0.3525 8/22/97 0.015168 21.8 0.19658 8/23/97 0.009972 21.8 0.40575 8/24/97 0.014265 21.5 0.57334 8/25/97 0.013148 21.5 0.48848 8/26/97 0.01197 21.1 0.82734 8/27/97 0.013113 21.7 6.79783 8/28/97 0.011667 21.7 0.0504 8/29/97 0.012158 21.6 0.06303 8/30/97 0.011089 21.6 0.04703 8/31/97 0.008649 22.2 0.0851 9/1/97 0.010051 22.8 0.26122 9/2/97 0.011965 22.8 1.00278 9/3/97 0.011777 22.4 0.0814 9/4/97 0.01151 20.7 0.04972 9/5/97 0.011238 22.1 0.04855 9/6/97 0.008706 22.1 0.26973 9/7/97 0.007921 22.4 0.54434 9/8/97 0.012693 22.4 0.05483 9/9/97 0.01512 21.4 0.26127 9/10/97 0.016438 21.2 0.07101 9/11/97 0.013113 20.4 0.19261 9/12/97 0.013744 21.6 0.29687 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 75 Maiden WWTP Continued 9/13/97 0.013954 21.6 0.05469 9/14/97 0.010335 21.9 0.04881 9/15/97 0.013433 21.9 0.90527 9/16/97 0.015514 21.6 0.21447 9/17/97 0.015111 20.9 0.09139 9/18/97 0.014668 21.5 7.60412 9/19/97 0.015957 21.7 0.12408 9/20/97 0.009906 21.7 0.33738 9/21/97 0.010252 20.5 0.70362 9/22/97 0.014826 20.5 0.15372 9/23/97 0.013648 20.8 0.08254 9/24/97 0.033214 20.5 0.57394 9/25/97 0.013814 20.8 0.05968 9/26/97 0.012408 21.1 0.1072 9/27/97 0.011461 21.1 0.04491 9/28/97 0.009875 22.2 0.06025 9/29/97 0.012027 22.2 0.10391 9/30/97 0.011426 21.7 0.32579 10/1/97 0.01076 21.9 0.51133 10/2/97 0.009569 21.3 0.08267 10/3/97 0.011067 21.6 0.14343 10/4/97 0.008267 21.6 0.14879 10/5/97 0.008342 21.5 0.66917 10/6/97 0.016942 21.5 0.07319 10/7/97 0.014962 19.3 7.23921 10/8/97 0.014279 20.1 1.4804 10/9/97 0.012969 20.3 0.13446 10/10/97 0.014138 20.5 0.06108 10/11/97 0.010944 20.5 1.16057 10/12/97 0.010817 19.5 0.11826 10/13/97 0.013415 19.5 0.78818 10/14/97 0.014866 20.3 5.77975 10/15/97 0.012999 20.5 6.17721 10/16/97 0.012447 19.6 1.50561 10/17/97 0.016254 20.7 0.14044 10/18/97 0.016872 20.7 0.30946 10/19/97 0.014506 19.2 1.97854 10/20/97 0.012294 19.2 0.07435 10/21/97 0.013376 19.5 0.0809 10/22/97 0.013398 19.6 0.19679 10/23/97 0.011461 19.3 0.04951 10/24/97 0.014984 20.4 0.06473 10/25/97 0.01087 20.4 0.04254 10/26/97 0.039725 20.3 0.80763 10/27/97 0.018914 20.3 0.21244 10/28/97 0.01239 18.3 0.05353 10/29/97 0.012268 20.9 0.053 10/30/97 0.014896 19.3 7.72223 10/31/97 0.014774 17.8 0.22976 11/1/97 0.018616 17.8 2.60957 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 76 Maiden WWTP Continued 11/2/97 0.014029 18.5 0.0632 11/3/97 0.0131 18.5 4.75371 11/4/97 0.013074 18.7 0.05648 11/5/97 0.013582 18.1 0.05867 11/6/97 0.013104 18 4.81191 11/7/97 0.014427 18.3 1.78254 11/8/97 0.01133 18.3 0.0166 11/9/97 0.009902 18 0.05855 11/10/97 0.012276 18 0.05303 11/11/97 0.012399 17.8 0.05356 11/12/97 0.014905 18 1.93169 11/13/97 0.021354 17.5 0.27675 11/14/97 0.017529 16.3 0.07573 11/15/97 0.012907 16.3 0.03387 11/16/97 0.010392 17.1 0.00227 11/17/97 0.012723 17.1 0.05496 11/18/97 0.013148 17.2 0.1704 11/19/97 0.01264 18.1 0.08737 11/20/97 0.012324 16.8 0.04259 11/21/97 0.022419 16.9 0.60047 11/22/97 0.020447 16.8 0.06586 11/23/97 0.014432 16.2 0.13354 11/24/97 0.014007 16.1 0.06051 11/25/97 0.014436 16 0.06236 11/26/97 0.016474 16 0.07117 11/27/97 0.01073 16.5 1.0854 11/28/97 0.011965 17.2 0.05169 11/29/97 0.013047 17.2 0.24196 11/30/97 0.015312 16.9 0.58584 12/1/97 0.021806 16.9 0.15072 12/2/97 0.015996 15.4 0.0691 12/3/97 0.021924 16.5 0.09471 12/4/97 0.02036 17.4 4.30974 12/5/97 0.019562 16.8 1.97752 12/6/97 0.014292 16.8 0.35604 12/7/97 0.014436 15.7 0.63184 12/8/97 0.019111 15.7 0.08256 12/9/97 0.015816 15.7 6.01274 12/10/97 0.018866 16.6 19.5599 12/11/97 0.015895 16 8.24007 12/12/97 0.014655 16.1 0.03799 12/13/97 0.016333 16.1 0.01448 12/14/97 0.010235 15.6 0.12457 12/15/97 0.017319 15.6 0.05985 12/16/97 0.017832 16.7 0.07703 12/17/97 0.01459 14.4 6.55481 12/18/97 0.011891 15.8 2.67113 12/19/97 0.015326 14.6 0.06621 12/20/97 0.010883 14.7 0.63807 12/21/97 0.009582 14.6 0.02934 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 77 Maiden WWTP Continued 12/22/97 0.019177 14.6 19.8825 12/23/97 0.013836 15 0.35863 12/24/97 0.031606 15 0.01752 12/25/97 0.020583 15 0.74888 12/26/97 0.021017 14.8 5.70678 12/27/97 0.032018 14.8 5.97532 12/28/97 0.016728 14.5 3.14788 12/29/97 0.019453 14.3 0.08404 12/30/97 0.018607 13.2 0.08038 12/31/97 0.020066 13.9 0.08669 1/1/98 0.0328 14.13 1.2837 2/1/98 0.0308 14.67 0.6168 3/1/98 0.0244 14.6 0.3688 4/1/98 0.0258 16.26 0.6811 5/1/98 0.0239 17.81 2.1122 6/1/98 0.0151 20.23 0.203 7/1/98 0.0145 22.1 0.395 8/1/98 0.0148 23.08 0.2797 9/1/98 0.0149 22.37 0.5866 10/1/98 0.014 21.25 0.3933 11/1/98 0.0131 18.8 0.293 12/1/98 0.0136 17.06 0.6163 1/1/99 0.0178 14.52 1.5112 2/1/99 0.0154 14.55 0.4913 3/1/99 0.0152 14.91 0.8982 4/1/99 0.021 16.31 1.2817 5/1/99 0.0164 17.9 0.7915 6/1/99 0.0147 19.94 0.9732 7/1/99 0.0137 21.55 0.4754 8/1/99 0.0134 22.35 0.7284 9/1/99 0.0129 22.41 0.8994 10/1/99 0.0189 20.5 0.9438 11/1/99 0.0172 18.7 0.4785 12/1/99 0.0165 16.64 0.9572 1/1/00 0.0171 14.34 0.6511 2/1/00 0.018 13.49 0.945 3/1/00 0.0231 14.76 2.9159 4/1/00 0.0256 16.14 1.4143 5/1/00 0.0218 18.63 0.8747 6/1/00 0.0204 21.05 0.4985 7/1/00 0.0128 22 0.206 8/1/00 0.0098 22.46 0.5136 9/1/00 0.0129 22.41 0.8994 10/1/00 0.0189 20.5 0.9438 11/1/00 0.0172 18.7 0.4785 12/1/00 0.0165 16.64 0.9572 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 78 Maiden WTP Weekly Effluent Data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/4/96 0.0077 7.5 NA 1/11/96 0.0077 10.3 NA 1/18/96 0.0077 10.6 NA 1/26/96 0.0077 11.2 NA 2/3/96 0.0077 5.9 NA 2/8/96 0.0077 10.9 NA 2/15/96 0.0077 8.5 NA 2/22/96 0.0077 9.9 NA 2/28/96 0.0077 15.9 NA 3/7/96 0.0077 18.7 NA 3/14/96 0.0077 13.4 NA 3/21/96 0.0077 11.9 NA 3/26/96 0.0077 10.5 NA 4/4/96 0.0077 17.8 NA 4/11/96 0.0077 16.1 NA 4/18/96 0.0077 15.8 NA 4/25/96 0.0077 18.5 NA 5/2/96 0.0077 17.8 NA 5/9/96 0.0077 19.8 NA 5/16/96 0.0077 23.6 NA 5/23/96 0.0077 22.6 NA 5/30/96 0.0077 21.4 NA 6/6/96 0.0077 21.4 NA 6/13/96 0.0077 24.6 NA 6/20/96 0.0077 22.5 NA 6/24/96 0.0077 23.6 NA 7/1/96 0.0127 25.5 NA 7/11/96 0.0113 23.3 NA 7/17/96 0.0128 25.2 NA 7/25/96 0.0148 25.6 NA 8/1/96 0.0113 14.3 NA 8/8/96 0.0216 14.3 NA 8/15/96 0.017 24.3 NA 8/22/96 0.0114 25.1 NA 8/29/96 0.0077 24.1 NA 9/5/96 0.0212 22.7 NA 9/12/96 0.0223 22.7 NA 9/19/96 0.0172 19.2 NA 9/26/96 0.0212 21.2 NA 10/4/96 0.0256 19.4 NA 10/10/96 0.0256 16.8 NA 10/17/96 0.0175 16.8 NA 10/24/96 0.0298 18 NA 10/31/96 0.0151 6.1 NA 11/8/96 0.0246 17.6 NA 11/14/96 0.0325 12.4 NA 11/21/96 0.02 14.1 NA 11/26/96 0.0193 18.5 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 79 Maiden WTP Continued 12/5/96 0.0216 15 NA 12/12/96 0.0317 13.1 NA 12/19/96 0.0127 15.5 NA 12/27/96 0.0234 13.7 NA 1/2/97 0.0159 14 NA 1/9/97 0.0196 22 NA 1/16/97 0.0178 11.6 NA 1/23/97 0.0264 10.8 NA 1/31/97 0.0159 10.3 NA 2/6/97 0.0214 12.1 NA 2/13/97 0.0155 16.4 NA 2/20/97 0.0184 14.4 NA 2/27/97 0.0158 15.6 NA 3/6/97 0.0022 19.5 NA 3/15/97 0.0021 12.1 NA 3/20/97 0.0012 13.4 NA 3/27/97 0.0046 15.3 NA 4/3/97 0.0045 18 NA 4/9/97 0.006 20.4 NA 4/17/97 0.0018 17.8 NA 4/23/97 0.0029 15.4 NA 5/2/97 0.0049 20.1 NA 5/8/97 0.0041 18.1 NA 5/15/97 0.0035 20.7 NA 5/22/97 0.0051 20.5 NA 5/30/97 0.0033 19.4 NA 6/5/97 0.0041 20.3 NA 6/12/97 0.0049 20.5 NA 6/18/97 0.0039 24.1 NA 6/23/97 0.0032 24.4 NA 7/3/97 0.0035 26.2 NA 7/10/97 0.0039 21.9 NA 7/17/97 0.0049 25.1 NA 7/24/97 0.0052 23.9 NA 7/31/97 0.0057 22.6 NA 8/6/97 0.0053 23.4 NA 8/14/97 0.0046 25.9 NA 8/21/97 0.0054 26 NA 8/28/97 0.005 25.5 NA 9/4/97 0.0057 22.7 NA 9/11/97 0.0073 21.3 NA 9/18/97 0.0014 23.4 NA 9/25/97 0.0075 20.2 NA 10/2/97 0.0066 19 NA 10/9/97 0.0044 20.1 NA 10/16/97 0.0036 17.8 NA 10/23/97 0.0073 15.9 NA 10/30/97 0.0049 16 NA 11/7/97 0.0046 13 NA 11/13/97 0.0034 14.6 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 80 Maiden WTP Continued 11/20/97 0.0056 8.7 NA 11/28/97 0.0053 11.3 NA 12/4/97 0.0049 13.7 NA 12/11/97 0.0056 8.6 NA 12/19/97 0.0036 10.3 NA 12/23/97 0.0033 10.1 NA 1/2/98 0.007 11.4 NA 1/9/98 0.0057 14.2 NA 1/15/98 0.0031 14.4 NA 1/22/98 0.0047 12.3 NA 1/29/98 0.0064 10.3 NA 2/7/98 0.0108 9.5 NA 2/12/98 0.0146 10.9 NA 2/21/98 0.0079 13 NA 2/26/98 0.005 12.6 NA 3/5/98 0.019 17.6 NA 3/12/98 0.0054 9 NA 3/20/98 0.0086 14.1 NA 3/27/98 0.0028 16.3 NA 4/2/98 0.0063 20.5 NA 4/9/98 0.0032 19 NA 4/17/98 0.0059 20.9 NA 4/24/98 0.0044 23.4 NA 4/30/98 0.0005 17.8 NA 5/7/98 0.0058 19.3 NA 5/12/98 0.0094 19.1 NA 5/22/98 0.0077 18.4 NA 5/27/98 0.0033 22.7 NA 6/4/98 0.007 24 NA 6/11/98 0.0073 21 NA 6/18/98 0.0053 22 NA 6/25/98 0.0012 24 NA 7/2/98 0.0066 23 NA 7/9/98 0.0067 24.8 NA 7/16/98 0.0026 23.8 NA 7/23/98 0.0068 26.1 NA 7/30/98 0.0058 27.5 NA 8/6/98 0.007 26 NA 8/13/98 0.0082 26.8 NA 8/20/98 0.0093 23.6 NA 8/27/98 0.003 27 NA 9/3/98 0.0039 24.5 NA 9/10/98 0.0075 25 NA 9/17/98 0.0097 24 NA 9/24/98 0.004 22.9 NA 10/1/98 0.0069 24.1 NA 10/8/98 0.0149 22.9 NA 10/15/98 0.0018 21.2 NA 10/22/98 0.0041 18.4 NA 10/29/98 0.0039 17.8 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 81 Maiden WTP Continued 11/5/98 0.007 15.1 NA 11/12/98 0.007 14 NA 11/19/98 0.0038 16.5 NA 11/27/98 0.0115 15.3 NA 12/3/98 0.0019 14.6 NA 12/11/98 0.0061 15.5 NA 12/17/98 0.0101 10.2 NA 12/23/98 0.0074 11.3 NA 12/31/98 0.0044 8.8 NA 1/18/99 0.0026 7 NA 1/14/99 0.0021 8.8 NA 1/21/99 0.0036 10.4 NA 1/29/99 0.0071 15.2 NA 2/4/99 0.0042 12 NA 2/10/99 0.0081 16.4 NA 2/18/99 0.0075 12.5 NA 2/27/99 0.0005 9.1 NA 3/4/99 0.0069 14.3 NA 3/11/99 0.0026 12 NA 3/18/99 0.0079 13.6 NA 3/25/99 0.0029 14.8 NA 4/1/99 0.002 14 NA 4/8/99 0.0038 18.2 NA 4/15/99 0.0027 16.2 NA 4/22/99 0.0032 19 NA 4/29/99 0.0042 16 NA 5/6/99 0.0001 17.4 NA 5/13/99 0.0036 19 NA 5/19/99 0.0076 21 NA 5/27/99 0.003 18.9 NA 7/8/99 0.004 22 NA 7/15/99 0.0009 20 NA 7/22/99 0.002 23 NA 7/30/99 0.0033 29 NA 8/5/99 0.0019 26 NA 8/12/99 0.0023 26.8 NA 8/19/99 0.0026 27.2 NA 8/26/99 0.0028 25.6 NA 9/2/99 0.003 25.7 NA 9/10/99 0.0018 24.1 NA 9/14/99 0.0026 23.2 NA 9/23/99 0.0015 20.2 NA 9/30/99 0.0033 22.7 NA 10/7/99 0.0008 19.1 NA 10/14/99 0.0031 18.8 NA 10/21/99 0.0027 16.8 NA 10/28/99 0.0023 13 NA 11/4/99 0.0026 12.5 NA 11/12/99 0.0032 13 NA 11/19/99 0.0015 13.1 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 82 11/23/99 0.0023 13.9 NA 12/3/99 0.0033 9 NA 12/10/99 0.0025 13.1 NA 12/15/99 0.0076 10 NA 12/24/99 0.0022 8 NA 12/31/99 0.0027 7 NA 1/7/00 0.0021 7.5 NA 1/12/00 0.0037 13 NA 1/20/00 0.0028 4 NA 1/28/00 0.0047 6.5 NA 2/3/00 0.0039 6.5 NA 2/10/00 0.0053 4 NA 2/17/00 0.0049 7 NA 2/24/00 0.002 11 NA 3/2/00 0.0006 13.2 NA 3/9/00 0.0024 13.5 NA 3/16/00 0.0019 10.5 NA 3/23/00 0.002 13 NA 3/28/00 0.0155 14 NA 4/6/00 0.0035 15 NA 4/14/00 0.0061 15 NA 4/20/00 0.0053 16 NA 4/27/00 0.0038 16 NA 5/4/00 0.007 20.5 NA 5/11/00 0.0037 22 NA 5/18/00 0.0071 20.5 NA 5/26/00 0.0078 23.7 NA 6/1/00 0.0029 24 NA 6/8/00 0.0053 20 NA 6/16/00 0.0032 25 NA 6/22/00 0.0048 26 NA 6/30/00 0.003 22.1 NA 7/5/00 0.0012 27 NA 7/13/00 0.0011 21.5 NA 7/20/00 0.0059 26.8 NA 7/28/00 0.0026 24.4 NA 8/4/00 0.0036 27 NA 8/11/00 0.0032 26 NA 8/17/00 0.0037 25 NA 8/25/00 0.0011 24 NA 9/1/00 0.0011 21 NA 9/7/00 0.0031 22 NA 9/15/00 0.0036 24 NA 9/23/00 0.0018 20 NA 9/29/00 0.0021 20 NA 10/6/00 0.0056 21 NA 10/13/00 0.0028 15 NA 10/20/00 0.0033 16.5 NA 10/27/00 0.0043 13.8 NA 11/2/00 0.0036 11.4 NA 11/9/00 0.0027 9 NA 11/16/00 0.0025 10 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 83 Maiden WTP Continued 11/24/00 0.0054 11.1 NA 12/1/00 0.0032 3.6 NA 12/8/00 0.0016 3 NA 12/15/00 0.0026 5 NA 12/21/00 0.0032 5.1 NA 12/28/00 0.0047 6.7 NA Delta Mills Inc. Monthly Effluent Data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/1/96 0.026099 15.27 NA 2/1/96 0.026857 18.14 NA 2/29/96 0.026857 18.14 NA 3/1/96 0.031904 20.52 NA 4/1/96 0.032679 23.04 NA 5/1/96 0.030375 25 NA 6/1/96 0.029249 26.45 NA 7/1/96 0.028741 28.1 NA 8/1/96 0.033674 28.54 NA 9/1/96 0.032846 26.57 NA 10/1/96 0.031273 24.52 NA 11/1/96 0.029617 25 NA 11/2/96 0.029354 23 NA 11/3/96 0.030362 21 NA 11/4/96 0.032465 20 NA 11/5/96 0.026988 22 NA 11/6/96 0.033034 22 NA 11/7/96 0.030405 23 NA 11/8/96 0.030756 23 NA 11/9/96 0.030493 22 NA 11/10/96 0.029836 22 NA 11/11/96 0.037109 21 NA 11/12/96 0.035575 20 NA 11/13/96 0.033209 21 NA 11/14/96 0.03299 22 NA 11/15/96 0.033823 21 NA 11/16/96 0.037503 22 NA 11/17/96 0.038379 22 NA 11/18/96 0.03724 23 NA 11/19/96 0.041052 22 NA 11/20/96 0.038598 23 NA 11/21/96 0.040044 23 NA 11/22/96 0.041052 22 NA 11/23/96 0.039694 22 NA 11/24/96 0.039694 23 NA 11/25/96 0.035882 23 NA 11/26/96 0.040789 23 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 84 Delta Mill Continued 11/27/96 0.039475 21 NA 11/28/96 0.042235 21 NA 11/29/96 0.038379 21 NA 11/30/96 0.040964 22 NA 12/1/96 0.04517 22 NA 12/2/96 0.039124 23 NA 12/3/96 0.038423 22 NA 12/4/96 0.036276 22 NA 12/5/96 0.038905 22 NA 12/6/96 0.03908 22 NA 12/7/96 0.037591 22 NA 12/8/96 0.035488 21 NA 12/9/96 0.030537 21 NA 12/10/96 0.037678 21 NA 12/11/96 0.038116 20 NA 12/12/96 0.039168 21 NA 12/13/96 0.042848 23 NA 12/14/96 0.040307 22 NA 12/15/96 0.041008 22 NA 12/16/96 0.039825 21 NA 12/17/96 0.043374 22 NA 12/18/96 0.040964 21 NA 12/19/96 0.045258 21 NA 12/20/96 0.045871 20 NA 12/21/96 0.046485 20 NA 12/22/96 0.040263 19 NA 12/23/96 0.033823 19 NA 12/24/96 0.009857 19 NA 12/25/96 0.000789 15 NA 12/26/96 0.021774 9 NA 12/27/96 0.041578 17 NA 12/28/96 0.044206 19 NA 12/29/96 0.042892 22 NA 12/30/96 0.0439 25 NA 12/31/96 0.036714 27 NA 1/1/97 0.037196 27 NA 1/2/97 0.03816 28 NA 1/3/97 0.044995 27 NA 1/4/97 0.046003 26 NA 1/5/97 0.041972 25 NA 1/6/97 0.03413 25 NA 1/7/97 0.034261 24 NA 1/8/97 0.035575 23 NA 1/9/97 0.036934 23 NA 1/10/97 0.039475 22 NA 1/11/97 0.043374 20 NA 1/12/97 0.039168 19 NA 1/13/97 0.034436 18 NA 1/14/97 0.035181 19 NA 1/15/97 0.036583 19 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 85 Delta Mill Continued 1/16/97 0.034962 22 NA 1/17/97 0.031895 19 NA 1/18/97 0.033998 20 NA 1/19/97 0.034524 21 NA 1/20/97 0.036627 21 NA 1/21/97 0.034874 22 NA 1/22/97 0.035751 23 NA 1/23/97 0.033034 22 NA 1/24/97 0.032596 22 NA 1/25/97 0.031326 21 NA 1/26/97 0.029573 20 NA 1/27/97 0.029967 18 NA 1/28/97 0.038029 20 NA 1/29/97 0.03299 21 NA 1/30/97 0.035137 22 NA 1/31/97 0.034787 22 NA 2/1/97 0.037766 22 NA 2/2/97 0.037459 21 NA 2/3/97 0.03413 21 NA 2/4/97 0.034831 22 NA 2/5/97 0.038905 22 NA 2/6/97 0.037722 21 NA 2/7/97 0.03816 21 NA 2/8/97 0.040132 21 NA 2/9/97 0.03816 21 NA 2/10/97 0.037678 21 NA 2/11/97 0.040263 19 NA 2/12/97 0.041315 21 NA 2/13/97 0.038204 20 NA 2/14/97 0.038248 19 NA 2/15/97 0.041052 19 NA 2/16/97 0.042103 20 NA 2/17/97 0.040658 20 NA 2/18/97 0.042717 20 NA 2/19/97 0.046134 22 NA 2/20/97 0.039619 23 NA 2/21/97 0.042783 23 NA 2/22/97 0.043852 23 NA 2/23/97 0.04457 22 NA 2/24/97 0.038493 22 NA 2/25/97 0.042217 23 NA 2/26/97 0.038191 22 NA 2/27/97 0.038761 23 NA 2/28/97 0.042191 23 NA 3/1/97 0.040101 23 NA 3/2/97 0.040789 24 NA 3/3/97 0.041153 25 NA 3/4/97 0.036342 24 NA 3/5/97 0.037078 24 NA 3/6/97 0.038988 24 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 86 Delta Mill Continued 3/7/97 0.037648 23 NA 3/8/97 0.03802 23 NA 3/9/97 0.036504 23 NA 3/10/97 0.041678 23 NA 3/11/97 0.043593 22 NA 3/12/97 0.037748 23 NA 3/13/97 0.041043 24 NA 3/14/97 0.047028 24 NA 3/15/97 0.047913 24 NA 3/16/97 0.045771 23 NA 3/17/97 0.044522 23 NA 3/18/97 0.04213 23 NA 3/19/97 0.04082 24 NA 3/20/97 0.039729 24 NA 3/21/97 0.040496 23 NA 3/22/97 0.046047 23 NA 3/23/97 0.042064 23 NA 3/24/97 0.040912 23 NA 3/25/97 0.042572 23 NA 3/26/97 0.045433 24 NA 3/27/97 0.044623 25 NA 3/28/97 0.043352 24 NA 3/29/97 0.041446 30 NA 3/30/97 0.04135 27 NA 3/31/97 0.042585 23 NA 4/1/97 0.042082 22 NA 4/2/97 0.039479 23 NA 4/3/97 0.036898 22 NA 4/4/97 0.039505 23 NA 4/5/97 0.044211 23 NA 4/6/97 0.046077 23 NA 4/7/97 0.03788 23 NA 4/8/97 0.039383 23 NA 4/9/97 0.041919 24 NA 4/10/97 0.046375 24 NA 4/11/97 0.044093 24 NA 4/12/97 0.044272 24 NA 4/13/97 0.042818 23 NA 4/14/97 0.041687 23 NA 4/15/97 0.041332 23 NA 4/16/97 0.04461 24 NA 4/17/97 0.042717 25 NA 4/18/97 0.042734 23 NA 4/19/97 0.044903 23 NA 4/20/97 0.046787 24 NA 4/21/97 0.046638 24 NA 4/22/97 0.046169 24 NA 4/23/97 0.048408 24 NA 4/24/97 0.037104 24 NA 4/25/97 0.036491 24 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 87 Delta Mill Continued 4/26/97 0.040951 24 NA 4/27/97 0.043238 24 NA 4/28/97 0.041521 24 NA 4/29/97 0.038953 24 NA 4/30/97 0.032951 24 NA 5/1/97 0.03097 24 NA 5/2/97 0.03201 23 NA 5/3/97 0.03783 23 NA 5/4/97 0.03352 23 NA 5/5/97 0.03379 23 NA 5/6/97 0.03099 23 NA 5/7/97 0.03271 23 NA 5/8/97 0.03147 23 NA 5/9/97 0.03491 23 NA 5/10/97 0.03555 23 NA 5/11/97 0.03548 23 NA 5/12/97 0.032 23 NA 5/13/97 0.03306 24 NA 5/14/97 0.03348 24 NA 5/15/97 0.03145 24 NA 5/16/97 0.03239 24 NA 5/17/97 0.03409 24 NA 5/18/97 0.03231 25 NA 5/19/97 0.03401 25 NA 5/20/97 0.0325 26 NA 5/21/97 0.02946 25 NA 5/22/97 0.03367 25 NA 5/23/97 0.03443 25 NA 5/24/97 0.03527 25 NA 5/25/97 0.00998 25 NA 5/26/97 0.00593 24 NA 5/27/97 0.00025 24 NA 5/28/97 0.00013 23 NA 5/29/97 0.00014 23 NA 5/30/97 0.00021 22 NA 5/31/97 0.00031 22 NA 6/1/97 0.00271 21 NA 6/2/97 0.03223 20 NA 6/3/97 0.03276 23 NA 6/4/97 0.0313 24 NA 6/5/97 0.03225 23 NA 6/6/97 0.03327 23 NA 6/7/97 0.03307 23 NA 6/8/97 0.03026 24 NA 6/9/97 0.03158 24 NA 6/10/97 0.03513 27 NA 6/11/97 0.03313 24 NA 6/12/97 0.03475 25 NA 6/13/97 0.03318 25 NA 6/14/97 0.03869 26 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 88 Delta Mill Continued 6/15/97 0.039 26 NA 6/16/97 0.03573 27 NA 6/17/97 0.03472 27 NA 6/18/97 0.03411 27 NA 6/19/97 0.02953 27 NA 6/20/97 0.02796 28 NA 6/21/97 0.0072 28 NA 6/22/97 0.00044 27 NA 6/23/97 0.00026 27 NA 6/24/97 0.00021 27 NA 6/25/97 0.0002 26 NA 6/26/97 0.00018 26 NA 6/27/97 0.00016 26 NA 6/28/97 0.00028 25 NA 6/29/97 0.00016 25 NA 6/30/97 0.00017 25 NA 7/1/97 0.00022 24 NA 7/2/97 0.00013 24 NA 7/3/97 0.00443 24 NA 7/4/97 0.00074 23 NA 7/5/97 0.00066 23 NA 7/6/97 0.00333 22 NA 7/7/97 0.02962 22 NA 7/8/97 0.0294 25 NA 7/9/97 0.02865 26 NA 7/10/97 0.03286 26 NA 7/11/97 0.03286 26 NA 7/12/97 0.03098 26 NA 7/13/97 0.02624 27 NA 7/14/97 0.02651 28 NA 7/15/97 0.02826 28 NA 7/16/97 0.03426 28 NA 7/17/97 0.03115 29 NA 7/18/97 0.03251 27 NA 7/19/97 0.03242 28 NA 7/20/97 0.03496 28 NA 7/21/97 0.02865 29 NA 7/22/97 0.0276 28 NA 7/23/97 0.03045 27 NA 7/24/97 0.03255 28 NA 7/25/97 0.03163 28 NA 7/26/97 0.03308 28 NA 7/27/97 0.03286 28 NA 7/28/97 0.03636 28 NA 7/29/97 0.03531 29 NA 7/30/97 0.03864 28 NA 7/31/97 0.03264 29 NA 8/1/97 0.04018 28 NA 8/2/97 0.03886 28 NA 8/3/97 0.03693 28 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 89 Delta Mill Continued 8/4/97 0.0333 28 NA 8/5/97 0.03457 29 NA 8/6/97 0.03873 27 NA 8/7/97 0.03479 29 NA 8/8/97 0.03667 28 NA 8/9/97 0.03641 28 NA 8/10/97 0.04451 29 NA 8/11/97 0.03943 29 NA 8/12/97 0.03864 29 NA 8/13/97 0.04239 29 NA 8/14/97 0.04031 30 NA 8/15/97 0.0393 29 NA 8/16/97 0.03996 29 NA 8/17/97 0.04066 29 NA 8/18/97 0.04302 29 NA 8/19/97 0.04495 29 NA 8/20/97 0.04004 29 NA 8/21/97 0.0365 28 NA 8/22/97 0.03689 29 NA 8/23/97 0.03891 28 NA 8/24/97 0.03882 28 NA 8/25/97 0.04285 27 NA 8/26/97 0.03685 28 NA 8/27/97 0.03882 29 NA 8/28/97 0.03685 29 NA 8/29/97 0.03987 29 NA 8/30/97 0.03912 29 NA 8/31/97 0.03579 29 NA 9/1/97 0.03794 29 NA 9/2/97 0.03623 29 NA 9/3/97 0.03571 29 NA 9/4/97 0.04018 28 NA 9/5/97 0.03829 26 NA 9/6/97 0.03812 27 NA 9/7/97 0.04202 28 NA 9/8/97 0.04127 29 NA 9/9/97 0.0421 28 NA 9/10/97 0.03518 28 NA 9/11/97 0.0368 29 NA 9/12/97 0.04171 29 NA 9/13/97 0.04254 29 NA 9/14/97 0.0404 29 NA 9/15/97 0.04171 29 NA 9/16/97 0.03698 29 NA 9/17/97 0.03601 29 NA 9/18/97 0.03623 28 NA 9/19/97 0.04635 29 NA 9/20/97 0.04359 29 NA 9/21/97 0.04232 28 NA 9/22/97 0.03588 29 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 90 Delta Mill Continued 9/23/97 0.03842 29 NA 9/24/97 0.04259 28 NA 9/25/97 0.02042 27 NA 9/26/97 0.00478 23 NA 9/27/97 0.00351 23 NA 9/28/97 0.02589 23 NA 9/29/97 0.03623 23 NA 9/30/97 0.04513 24 NA 10/1/97 0.04267 26 NA 10/2/97 0.03707 26 NA 10/3/97 0.03812 26 NA 10/4/97 0.0439 26 NA 10/5/97 0.04031 25 NA 10/6/97 0.03632 25 NA 10/7/97 0.03829 26 NA 10/8/97 0.03965 27 NA 10/9/97 0.03698 28 NA 10/10/97 0.0425 28 NA 10/11/97 0.04237 27 NA 10/12/97 0.03693 27 NA 10/13/97 0.03076 26 NA 10/14/97 0.03413 26 NA 10/15/97 0.03658 26 NA 10/16/97 0.03785 26 NA 10/17/97 0.03794 26 NA 10/18/97 0.03715 25 NA 10/19/97 0.0407 25 NA 10/20/97 0.034 24 NA 10/21/97 0.03014 25 NA 10/22/97 0.03496 24 NA 10/23/97 0.04026 25 NA 10/24/97 0.04342 23 NA 10/25/97 0.04316 23 NA 10/26/97 0.04465 24 NA 10/27/97 0.03093 25 NA 10/28/97 0.03711 24 NA 10/29/97 0.04013 24 NA 10/30/97 0.02988 21 NA 10/31/97 0.03601 20 NA 11/1/97 0.03763 21 NA 11/2/97 0.03785 22 NA 11/3/97 0.02624 23 NA 11/4/97 0.0294 22 NA 11/5/97 0.03207 22 NA 11/6/97 0.03128 23 NA 11/7/97 0.03479 23 NA 11/8/97 0.03536 22 NA 11/9/97 0.03457 22 NA 11/10/97 0.0333 21 NA 11/11/97 0.02664 22 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 91 Delta Mill Continued 11/12/97 0.03431 22 NA 11/13/97 0.03492 21 NA 11/14/97 0.03501 21 NA 11/15/97 0.03439 20 NA 11/16/97 0.03422 20 NA 11/17/97 0.0319 19 NA 11/18/97 0.03562 20 NA 11/19/97 0.03273 19 NA 11/20/97 0.03242 18 NA 11/21/97 0.03956 20 NA 11/22/97 0.03457 21 NA 11/23/97 0.03273 21 NA 11/24/97 0.00819 22 NA 11/25/97 0.00057 22 NA 11/26/97 0.00053 21 NA 11/27/97 0.00031 21 NA 11/28/97 0.00022 20 NA 11/29/97 0.00127 20 NA 11/30/97 0.02962 19 NA 12/1/97 0.03562 19 NA 12/2/97 0.03308 19 NA 12/3/97 0.03803 21 NA 12/4/97 0.03575 22 NA 12/5/97 0.03654 22 NA 12/6/97 0.04302 21 NA 12/7/97 0.03851 21 NA 12/8/97 0.03098 21 NA 12/9/97 0.03487 22 NA 12/10/97 0.03544 21 NA 12/11/97 0.03882 22 NA 12/12/97 0.04153 22 NA 12/13/97 0.03746 22 NA 12/14/97 0.03588 22 NA 12/15/97 0.03544 22 NA 12/16/97 0.0375 21 NA 12/17/97 0.03404 21 NA 12/18/97 0.03457 22 NA 12/19/97 0.03159 22 NA 12/20/97 0.00832 21 NA 12/21/97 0.00031 20 NA 12/22/97 0.00504 19 NA 12/23/97 0.0011 18 NA 12/24/97 0.0011 17 NA 12/25/97 0.00114 16 NA 12/26/97 0.00153 15 NA 12/27/97 0.0018 14 NA 12/28/97 0.01249 12 NA 12/29/97 0.02423 10 NA 12/30/97 0.02007 12 NA 12/31/97 0.02861 14 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 92 Delta Mill Continued 1/1/98 0.036658 21.77 NA 2/1/98 0.037153 20.5 NA 3/1/98 0.036789 20.86 NA 4/1/98 0.035996 23.9 NA 5/1/98 0.038401 26.38 NA 6/1/98 0.035689 29.1 NA 7/1/98 0.033082 29.4 NA 8/1/98 0.038997 29.85 NA 9/1/98 0.041043 29.09 NA 10/1/98 0.039518 26.4 NA 11/1/98 0.03862 23.9 NA 12/1/98 0.032846 21.23 NA 1/1/99 0.040101 21.14 NA 2/1/99 0.042537 22.75 NA 3/1/99 0.039304 22.26 NA 4/1/99 0.031036 24.72 NA 5/1/99 0.028478 25.84 NA 6/1/99 0.030997 27.15 NA 7/1/99 0.029674 28.1 NA 8/1/99 0.037486 27.59 NA 9/1/99 0.036272 25.77 NA 10/1/99 0.038616 23.52 NA 11/1/99 0.039742 21.17 NA 12/1/99 0.034695 20.09 NA 1/1/00 0.037959 18.96 NA 2/1/00 0.037919 19.2 NA 3/1/00 0.035128 21.57 NA 4/1/00 0.033722 23.02 NA 5/1/00 0.033744 25.89 NA 6/1/00 0.034059 26.14 NA 7/1/00 0.031492 28.72 NA 8/1/00 0.034476 29.03 NA 9/1/00 0.036272 25.77 NA 10/1/00 0.038616 23.52 NA 11/1/00 0.039742 21.17 NA 12/1/00 0.034695 20.09 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 93 National Fruit Monthly Effluent Data data data Date Flow Temperature Fecal Coli. (cms) (Degree C) (10^9 # / day) 1/31/96 0.00092 16 NA 2/28/96 0.003767 22 NA 3/31/96 0.037668 24 NA 4/30/96 0.001883 18 NA 5/31/96 0.003767 32 NA 6/30/96 0.000044 34 NA 7/31/96 0.003767 33 NA 8/30/96 0.000613 30 NA 9/30/96 0.000613 29 NA 10/30/96 0.000613 29 NA 11/30/96 0.000613 29 NA 12/30/96 0.000613 29 NA 1/31/97 0.000613 20 NA 2/28/97 0.018922 18.9 NA 3/31/97 0.012614 19.4 NA 4/30/97 0.011344 20.3 NA 5/31/97 0.001883 22.5 NA 6/30/97 0.002278 31 NA 7/31/97 0.018922 27.3 NA 8/30/97 0.018922 27.3 NA 9/30/97 0.000188 23 NA 10/30/97 0.000188 23 NA 11/30/97 0.000188 23 NA 12/31/97 0.000315 19.1 NA 1/31/98 0.011353 10.6 NA 2/28/98 0.018922 14.1 NA 3/31/98 0.000315 9.3 NA 4/30/98 0.000063 20.6 NA 5/30/98 0.000063 20.6 NA 6/30/98 0.011353 30.6 NA 7/31/98 0.012614 30.7 NA 8/30/98 0.000315 29.1 NA 9/30/98 0.000063 26.6 NA 10/30/98 0.000063 26.6 NA 11/30/98 0.000063 26.6 NA 12/31/98 0.001135 16.3 NA 1/31/99 0.006307 21.1 NA 2/28/99 0.000315 15.2 NA 3/31/99 0.003784 17.6 NA 4/30/99 0.000631 23.4 NA 5/31/99 0.022706 26 NA 6/30/99 0.05694 27.2 NA 7/31/99 0.017082 27.5 NA 8/30/99 0.031536 31.4 NA 9/30/99 0.003154 27.2 NA 10/31/99 0.000127 25.7 NA 11/30/99 0.000254 16.2 NA 12/31/99 0.000946 12.5 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 94 National Continued 1/31/00 0.000377 12.3 NA 2/29/00 0.000377 12.3 NA 3/31/00 0.018922 19.1 NA 4/30/00 0.000946 20 NA 5/31/00 0.037843 25.7 NA 6/30/00 0.003154 32 NA 7/31/00 0.001577 31.8 NA 8/30/00 0.001577 31.8 NA 9/30/00 0.005046 25.5 NA 10/31/00 0.002271 19.6 NA 11/30/00 0.001577 13.9 NA 12/31/00 0.018834 10.8 NA Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 95 APPENDIX IV. Indian Creek and Clark Creek Flow Data A. Indian Creek Flow Data at the DWQ Ambient Monitoring Station near NC Laboratory. Date Flow (cms) 1/1/96 2.12384 1/2/96 2.32207 1/3/96 2.40702 1/4/96 1.95393 1/5/96 1.86898 1/6/96 1.98225 1/7/96 2.49197 1/8/96 2.71852 1/9/96 2.12384 1/10/96 2.03889 1/11/96 2.03889 1/12/96 2.15216 1/13/96 2.09552 1/14/96 2.35038 1/15/96 3.0017 1/16/96 4.07777 1/17/96 4.67245 1/18/96 5.94675 1/19/96 35.3974 1/20/96 18.5482 1/21/96 5.5503 1/22/96 4.24768 1/23/96 3.73796 1/24/96 4.53086 1/25/96 3.93619 1/26/96 3.1716 1/27/96 32.2824 1/28/96 12.3749 1/29/96 5.52199 1/30/96 4.44591 1/31/96 4.10609 2/1/96 3.51142 2/2/96 17.4721 2/3/96 31.1497 2/4/96 7.4476 2/5/96 5.04058 2/6/96 4.30432 2/7/96 4.07777 2/8/96 4.53086 2/9/96 4.36095 2/10/96 3.85123 2/11/96 3.59637 2/12/96 3.31319 2/13/96 3.1716 2/14/96 3.1716 2/15/96 3.0017 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 96 Indian Creek Continued 2/16/96 2.88842 2/17/96 2.71852 2/18/96 2.63356 2/19/96 2.63356 2/20/96 4.38927 2/21/96 3.90787 2/22/96 3.28487 2/23/96 3.11497 2/24/96 3.0017 2/25/96 2.6902 2/26/96 2.74683 2/27/96 2.66188 2/28/96 2.6902 2/29/96 2.52029 3/1/96 2.46366 3/2/96 2.54861 3/3/96 2.40702 3/4/96 2.35038 3/5/96 2.32207 3/6/96 4.78572 3/7/96 9.37322 3/8/96 6.11666 3/9/96 4.04946 3/10/96 3.42646 3/11/96 3.1716 3/12/96 3.05833 3/13/96 2.83179 3/14/96 2.80347 3/15/96 2.88842 3/16/96 2.94506 3/17/96 4.21936 3/18/96 8.2405 3/19/96 16.4244 3/20/96 7.70246 3/21/96 4.67245 3/22/96 3.90787 3/23/96 3.4831 3/24/96 3.14328 3/25/96 3.11497 3/26/96 3.11497 3/27/96 2.94506 3/28/96 5.66358 3/29/96 4.84236 3/30/96 3.85123 3/31/96 3.62469 4/1/96 4.53086 4/2/96 3.70964 4/3/96 3.36983 4/4/96 3.22824 4/5/96 3.05833 4/6/96 2.97338 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 97 Indian Creek Continued 4/7/96 2.94506 4/8/96 2.77515 4/9/96 2.86011 4/10/96 2.66188 4/11/96 2.57693 4/12/96 2.54861 4/13/96 2.52029 4/14/96 2.54861 4/15/96 2.54861 4/16/96 2.60524 4/17/96 2.32207 4/18/96 2.29375 4/19/96 2.40702 4/20/96 2.86011 4/21/96 3.22824 4/22/96 2.54861 4/23/96 2.35038 4/24/96 2.29375 4/25/96 2.12384 4/26/96 3.03001 4/27/96 2.80347 4/28/96 2.20879 4/29/96 2.20879 4/30/96 3.39815 5/1/96 2.57693 5/2/96 2.20879 5/3/96 2.06721 5/4/96 2.01057 5/5/96 1.8973 5/6/96 1.92562 5/7/96 1.95393 5/8/96 1.98225 5/9/96 1.95393 5/10/96 1.72739 5/11/96 1.78403 5/12/96 1.81234 5/13/96 1.61412 5/14/96 1.81234 5/15/96 1.69907 5/16/96 1.67075 5/17/96 1.55748 5/18/96 1.50085 5/19/96 1.52917 5/20/96 1.41589 5/21/96 1.2743 5/22/96 1.18935 5/23/96 1.16103 5/24/96 1.16103 5/25/96 2.57693 5/26/96 1.72739 5/27/96 1.69907 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 98 Indian Flow Continued 5/28/96 2.46366 5/29/96 5.0689 5/30/96 4.38927 5/31/96 1.86898 6/1/96 1.55748 6/2/96 1.44421 6/3/96 1.44421 6/4/96 1.86898 6/5/96 1.81234 6/6/96 1.44421 6/7/96 1.33094 6/8/96 1.72739 6/9/96 11.4121 6/10/96 5.15385 6/11/96 2.88842 6/12/96 2.15216 6/13/96 2.09552 6/14/96 1.81234 6/15/96 1.75571 6/16/96 1.61412 6/17/96 1.52917 6/18/96 1.44421 6/19/96 1.38758 6/20/96 1.41589 6/21/96 1.35926 6/22/96 1.24599 6/23/96 1.13272 6/24/96 1.18935 6/25/96 1.13272 6/26/96 1.1044 6/27/96 1.01944 6/28/96 0.991126 6/29/96 0.962808 6/30/96 0.962808 7/1/96 0.991126 7/2/96 0.991126 7/3/96 0.906172 7/4/96 0.792901 7/5/96 0.764583 7/6/96 0.849536 7/7/96 0.792901 7/8/96 0.792901 7/9/96 0.821218 7/10/96 0.821218 7/11/96 0.764583 7/12/96 0.707947 7/13/96 0.736265 7/14/96 0.93449 7/15/96 1.01944 7/16/96 1.47253 7/17/96 0.962808 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 99 Indian Flow Continued 7/18/96 0.849536 7/19/96 0.991126 7/20/96 0.849536 7/21/96 0.622993 7/22/96 0.622993 7/23/96 0.679629 7/24/96 0.764583 7/25/96 0.707947 7/26/96 1.38758 7/27/96 1.01944 7/28/96 1.07608 7/29/96 1.38758 7/30/96 0.93449 7/31/96 0.93449 8/1/96 1.24599 8/2/96 1.75571 8/3/96 1.04776 8/4/96 0.849536 8/5/96 0.877854 8/6/96 1.1044 8/7/96 0.877854 8/8/96 0.93449 8/9/96 0.906172 8/10/96 1.38758 8/11/96 1.07608 8/12/96 2.20879 8/13/96 4.70077 8/14/96 1.78403 8/15/96 1.21767 8/16/96 1.04776 8/17/96 0.962808 8/18/96 1.30262 8/19/96 1.18935 8/20/96 0.962808 8/21/96 0.93449 8/22/96 0.93449 8/23/96 0.877854 8/24/96 0.821218 8/25/96 1.24599 8/26/96 2.32207 8/27/96 2.01057 8/28/96 1.21767 8/29/96 1.1044 8/30/96 1.04776 8/31/96 1.01944 9/1/96 0.93449 9/2/96 0.906172 9/3/96 1.24599 9/4/96 2.35038 9/5/96 2.15216 9/6/96 1.50085 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 100 Indian Flow Continued 9/7/96 1.13272 9/8/96 0.991126 9/9/96 1.01944 9/10/96 0.962808 9/11/96 1.18935 9/12/96 1.16103 9/13/96 1.04776 9/14/96 0.93449 9/15/96 0.849536 9/16/96 0.962808 9/17/96 1.8973 9/18/96 1.13272 9/19/96 0.877854 9/20/96 0.877854 9/21/96 0.877854 9/22/96 0.962808 9/23/96 0.877854 9/24/96 0.821218 9/25/96 0.821218 9/26/96 0.877854 9/27/96 0.849536 9/28/96 0.93449 9/29/96 1.52917 9/30/96 0.962808 10/1/96 1.84066 10/2/96 1.30262 10/3/96 1.04776 10/4/96 0.849536 10/5/96 0.821218 10/6/96 0.877854 10/7/96 0.849536 10/8/96 1.30262 10/9/96 1.07608 10/10/96 1.1044 10/11/96 0.93449 10/12/96 0.849536 10/13/96 0.821218 10/14/96 0.877854 10/15/96 0.821218 10/16/96 0.849536 10/17/96 0.849536 10/18/96 0.792901 10/19/96 0.877854 10/20/96 0.821218 10/21/96 0.849536 10/22/96 0.821218 10/23/96 0.821218 10/24/96 0.849536 10/25/96 0.849536 10/26/96 0.821218 10/27/96 0.792901 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 101 Indian Flow Continued 10/28/96 0.849536 10/29/96 0.877854 10/30/96 0.877854 10/31/96 0.849536 11/1/96 0.877854 11/2/96 1.35926 11/3/96 1.04776 11/4/96 0.906172 11/5/96 0.906172 11/6/96 0.906172 11/7/96 0.93449 11/8/96 3.99282 11/9/96 2.71852 11/10/96 1.52917 11/11/96 1.18935 11/12/96 1.1044 11/13/96 1.04776 11/14/96 1.04776 11/15/96 1.01944 11/16/96 1.04776 11/17/96 0.991126 11/18/96 1.1044 11/19/96 1.33094 11/20/96 1.1044 11/21/96 1.16103 11/22/96 1.50085 11/23/96 1.16103 11/24/96 1.04776 11/25/96 1.1044 11/26/96 2.71852 11/27/96 1.64244 11/28/96 1.33094 11/29/96 1.16103 11/30/96 1.24599 12/1/96 18.0102 12/2/96 15.943 12/3/96 4.5875 12/4/96 3.08665 12/5/96 2.49197 12/6/96 2.80347 12/7/96 3.03001 12/8/96 3.03001 12/9/96 2.3787 12/10/96 2.06721 12/11/96 1.95393 12/12/96 1.95393 12/13/96 5.69189 12/14/96 3.31319 12/15/96 2.63356 12/16/96 2.26543 12/17/96 2.32207 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 102 Indian Flow Continued 12/18/96 2.20879 12/19/96 3.4831 12/20/96 2.74683 12/21/96 2.29375 12/22/96 2.09552 12/23/96 1.98225 12/24/96 2.01057 12/25/96 2.06721 12/26/96 1.86898 12/27/96 1.84066 12/28/96 1.81234 12/29/96 1.86898 12/30/96 1.84066 12/31/96 1.78403 1/1/97 1.72739 1/2/97 1.72739 1/3/97 1.72739 1/4/97 1.67075 1/5/97 2.12384 1/6/97 2.01057 1/7/97 1.78403 1/8/97 1.69907 1/9/97 7.90069 1/10/97 5.83348 1/11/97 3.82291 1/12/97 2.97338 1/13/97 2.52029 1/14/97 2.32207 1/15/97 2.18048 1/16/97 4.19105 1/17/97 3.19992 1/18/97 2.60524 1/19/97 2.29375 1/20/97 2.23711 1/21/97 2.15216 1/22/97 2.15216 1/23/97 2.23711 1/24/97 2.54861 1/25/97 4.61581 1/26/97 3.19992 1/27/97 2.6902 1/28/97 3.70964 1/29/97 3.51142 1/30/97 3.0017 1/31/97 2.60524 2/1/97 2.43534 2/2/97 2.32207 2/3/97 2.23711 2/4/97 5.32376 2/5/97 5.26713 2/6/97 3.82291 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 103 Indian Flow Continued 2/7/97 3.08665 2/8/97 3.53973 2/9/97 3.28487 2/10/97 2.97338 2/11/97 2.88842 2/12/97 2.63356 2/13/97 2.6902 2/14/97 4.95563 2/15/97 28.0347 2/16/97 11.8086 2/17/97 5.60694 2/18/97 4.33264 2/19/97 3.70964 2/20/97 3.34151 2/21/97 3.34151 2/22/97 3.93619 2/23/97 3.14328 2/24/97 2.80347 2/25/97 2.80347 2/26/97 2.66188 2/27/97 2.83179 2/28/97 15.5465 3/1/97 19.6526 3/2/97 7.07947 3/3/97 6.37152 3/4/97 5.18217 3/5/97 4.13441 3/6/97 4.72909 3/7/97 3.7946 3/8/97 3.42646 3/9/97 3.31319 3/10/97 3.1716 3/11/97 3.03001 3/12/97 2.80347 3/13/97 2.71852 3/14/97 4.50254 3/15/97 3.59637 3/16/97 2.94506 3/17/97 2.80347 3/18/97 2.83179 3/19/97 9.59976 3/20/97 7.50424 3/21/97 4.7574 3/22/97 3.93619 3/23/97 3.31319 3/24/97 3.08665 3/25/97 3.03001 3/26/97 3.59637 3/27/97 3.0017 3/28/97 3.11497 3/29/97 3.82291 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 104 3/30/97 3.05833 3/31/97 2.86011 4/1/97 2.60524 4/2/97 2.54861 4/3/97 2.52029 4/4/97 2.46366 4/5/97 2.43534 4/6/97 3.51142 4/7/97 5.15385 4/8/97 3.25656 4/9/97 2.83179 4/10/97 2.60524 4/11/97 2.54861 4/12/97 4.44591 4/13/97 4.19105 4/14/97 3.14328 4/15/97 3.0017 4/16/97 2.80347 4/17/97 2.6902 4/18/97 2.49197 4/19/97 2.46366 4/20/97 2.3787 4/21/97 2.32207 4/22/97 3.0017 4/23/97 13.2528 4/24/97 5.89012 4/25/97 4.16273 4/26/97 3.34151 4/27/97 3.9645 4/28/97 14.1873 4/29/97 33.9815 4/30/97 9.06172 5/1/97 5.43703 5/2/97 4.276 5/3/97 10.4776 5/4/97 6.11666 5/5/97 4.24768 5/6/97 3.68132 5/7/97 3.25656 5/8/97 3.08665 5/9/97 3.03001 5/10/97 2.77515 5/11/97 2.63356 5/12/97 2.54861 5/13/97 2.49197 5/14/97 2.35038 5/15/97 2.29375 5/16/97 2.12384 5/17/97 2.12384 5/18/97 2.06721 5/19/97 2.01057 5/20/97 1.8973 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 105 Indian Flow Continued 5/21/97 1.81234 5/22/97 1.75571 5/23/97 1.78403 5/24/97 1.72739 5/25/97 1.84066 5/26/97 2.12384 5/27/97 1.86898 5/28/97 1.81234 5/29/97 1.75571 5/30/97 2.01057 5/31/97 1.92562 6/1/97 2.52029 6/2/97 3.51142 6/3/97 3.53973 6/4/97 2.77515 6/5/97 2.12384 6/6/97 1.86898 6/7/97 1.86898 6/8/97 1.78403 6/9/97 1.81234 6/10/97 1.75571 6/11/97 1.61412 6/12/97 1.61412 6/13/97 4.53086 6/14/97 3.82291 6/15/97 2.54861 6/16/97 1.92562 6/17/97 1.69907 6/18/97 1.5858 6/19/97 1.52917 6/20/97 1.41589 6/21/97 1.38758 6/22/97 1.41589 6/23/97 1.41589 6/24/97 1.24599 6/25/97 1.21767 6/26/97 1.16103 6/27/97 1.67075 6/28/97 1.55748 6/29/97 1.44421 6/30/97 1.21767 7/1/97 1.2743 7/2/97 1.44421 7/3/97 1.13272 7/4/97 1.04776 7/5/97 1.07608 7/6/97 1.30262 7/7/97 0.93449 7/8/97 0.93449 7/9/97 0.906172 7/10/97 0.962808 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 106 Indian Flow Continued 7/11/97 0.849536 7/12/97 0.877854 7/13/97 0.792901 7/14/97 0.764583 7/15/97 0.736265 7/16/97 0.764583 7/17/97 1.18935 7/18/97 0.877854 7/19/97 0.707947 7/20/97 0.679629 7/21/97 0.707947 7/22/97 0.679629 7/23/97 0.991126 7/24/97 1.47253 7/25/97 0.906172 7/26/97 0.792901 7/27/97 0.764583 7/28/97 0.764583 7/29/97 0.707947 7/30/97 1.16103 7/31/97 1.24599 8/1/97 0.849536 8/2/97 0.679629 8/3/97 0.622993 8/4/97 0.651311 8/5/97 0.736265 8/6/97 0.651311 8/7/97 0.622993 8/8/97 0.622993 8/9/97 0.622993 8/10/97 0.651311 8/11/97 0.679629 8/12/97 0.594675 8/13/97 0.566358 8/14/97 0.53804 8/15/97 0.53804 8/16/97 0.481404 8/17/97 0.481404 8/18/97 0.453086 8/19/97 0.424768 8/20/97 0.39645 8/21/97 0.424768 8/22/97 0.39645 8/23/97 0.39645 8/24/97 0.368132 8/25/97 0.39645 8/26/97 0.481404 8/27/97 0.481404 8/28/97 0.39645 8/29/97 0.39645 8/30/97 0.368132 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 107 Indian Flow Continued 8/31/97 0.368132 9/1/97 0.39645 9/2/97 0.339815 9/3/97 0.339815 9/4/97 0.311497 9/5/97 0.311497 9/6/97 0.339815 9/7/97 0.368132 9/8/97 0.311497 9/9/97 0.26902 9/10/97 0.424768 9/11/97 0.707947 9/12/97 0.481404 9/13/97 0.453086 9/14/97 0.453086 9/15/97 0.39645 9/16/97 0.339815 9/17/97 0.368132 9/18/97 0.424768 9/19/97 0.368132 9/20/97 0.39645 9/21/97 0.339815 9/22/97 0.311497 9/23/97 0.311497 9/24/97 1.47253 9/25/97 1.98225 9/26/97 0.877854 9/27/97 0.622993 9/28/97 0.594675 9/29/97 0.707947 9/30/97 0.53804 10/1/97 0.481404 10/2/97 0.481404 10/3/97 0.53804 10/4/97 0.53804 10/5/97 0.481404 10/6/97 0.53804 10/7/97 0.481404 10/8/97 0.481404 10/9/97 0.481404 10/10/97 0.481404 10/11/97 0.792901 10/12/97 0.53804 10/13/97 0.509722 10/14/97 0.53804 10/15/97 0.566358 10/16/97 0.594675 10/17/97 0.566358 10/18/97 0.594675 10/19/97 0.877854 10/20/97 0.849536 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 108 Indian Flow Continued 10/21/97 0.849536 10/22/97 0.707947 10/23/97 0.622993 10/24/97 0.594675 10/25/97 0.792901 10/26/97 8.09891 10/27/97 12.6581 10/28/97 2.40702 10/29/97 1.47253 10/30/97 1.1044 10/31/97 1.01944 11/1/97 1.1044 11/2/97 1.69907 11/3/97 1.30262 11/4/97 1.1044 11/5/97 0.962808 11/6/97 0.906172 11/7/97 1.01944 11/8/97 0.991126 11/9/97 0.93449 11/10/97 0.93449 11/11/97 0.906172 11/12/97 0.906172 11/13/97 1.2743 11/14/97 1.95393 11/15/97 1.44421 11/16/97 1.21767 11/17/97 1.13272 11/18/97 1.04776 11/19/97 1.04776 11/20/97 1.01944 11/21/97 1.13272 11/22/97 3.53973 11/23/97 2.01057 11/24/97 1.5858 11/25/97 1.33094 11/26/97 1.21767 11/27/97 1.21767 11/28/97 1.18935 11/29/97 1.16103 11/30/97 1.2743 12/1/97 1.47253 12/2/97 1.24599 12/3/97 1.18935 12/4/97 2.09552 12/5/97 1.64244 12/6/97 1.44421 12/7/97 1.33094 12/8/97 1.2743 12/9/97 1.30262 12/10/97 1.41589 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 109 Indian Flow Continued 12/11/97 1.44421 12/12/97 1.2743 12/13/97 1.24599 12/14/97 1.18935 12/15/97 1.16103 12/16/97 1.18935 12/17/97 1.21767 12/18/97 1.18935 12/19/97 1.18935 12/20/97 1.16103 12/21/97 1.16103 12/22/97 2.40702 12/23/97 2.18048 12/24/97 6.14498 12/25/97 9.88294 12/26/97 3.73796 12/27/97 4.55918 12/28/97 4.19105 12/29/97 3.14328 12/30/97 2.6902 12/31/97 2.32207 1/1/98 2.06721 1/2/98 2.03889 1/3/98 1.8973 1/4/98 1.8973 1/5/98 1.84066 1/6/98 2.01057 1/7/98 2.09552 1/8/98 25.6277 1/9/98 9.25995 1/10/98 4.41759 1/11/98 3.39815 1/12/98 2.80347 1/13/98 2.43534 1/14/98 2.29375 1/15/98 8.09891 1/16/98 23.2773 1/17/98 15.9146 1/18/98 6.22993 1/19/98 6.79629 1/20/98 4.5875 1/21/98 3.34151 1/22/98 3.1716 1/23/98 11.4687 1/24/98 7.39097 1/25/98 3.9645 1/26/98 3.1716 1/27/98 21.2101 1/28/98 41.6273 1/29/98 9.99621 1/30/98 5.52199 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 110 Indian Flow Continued 1/31/98 4.07777 2/1/98 3.56805 2/2/98 3.28487 2/3/98 12.1484 2/4/98 41.3441 2/5/98 19.4544 2/6/98 7.84405 2/7/98 4.72909 2/8/98 3.76628 2/9/98 3.36983 2/10/98 3.03001 2/11/98 2.94506 2/12/98 3.68132 2/13/98 2.83179 2/14/98 2.57693 2/15/98 2.3787 2/16/98 4.276 2/17/98 16.5943 2/18/98 8.69359 2/19/98 4.21936 2/20/98 3.42646 2/21/98 3.05833 2/22/98 2.80347 2/23/98 7.87237 2/24/98 4.92731 2/25/98 3.34151 2/26/98 3.03001 2/27/98 6.14498 2/28/98 5.12554 3/1/98 3.34151 3/2/98 2.97338 3/3/98 2.71852 3/4/98 2.49197 3/5/98 2.43534 3/6/98 2.35038 3/7/98 2.40702 3/8/98 30.8665 3/9/98 43.8927 3/10/98 15.3766 3/11/98 8.58032 3/12/98 5.89012 3/13/98 4.41759 3/14/98 3.93619 3/15/98 3.62469 3/16/98 3.34151 3/17/98 3.25656 3/18/98 3.39815 3/19/98 15.6598 3/20/98 7.10779 3/21/98 5.04058 3/22/98 3.82291 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 111 Indian Flow Continued 3/23/98 3.42646 3/24/98 3.31319 3/25/98 3.11497 3/26/98 3.08665 3/27/98 3.0017 3/28/98 2.94506 3/29/98 2.88842 3/30/98 2.77515 3/31/98 2.66188 4/1/98 2.88842 4/2/98 2.6902 4/3/98 2.60524 4/4/98 3.53973 4/5/98 2.6902 4/6/98 2.57693 4/7/98 2.49197 4/8/98 2.49197 4/9/98 6.22993 4/10/98 3.31319 4/11/98 2.74683 4/12/98 2.60524 4/13/98 2.49197 4/14/98 2.49197 4/15/98 2.49197 4/16/98 2.40702 4/17/98 16.6792 4/18/98 7.30601 4/19/98 11.5537 4/20/98 17.8969 4/21/98 6.90956 4/22/98 4.41759 4/23/98 3.76628 4/24/98 3.31319 4/25/98 3.14328 4/26/98 2.88842 4/27/98 2.94506 4/28/98 3.76628 4/29/98 2.83179 4/30/98 3.53973 5/1/98 7.4476 5/2/98 4.64413 5/3/98 3.4831 5/4/98 3.28487 5/5/98 3.34151 5/6/98 2.80347 5/7/98 3.62469 5/8/98 3.93619 5/9/98 3.03001 5/10/98 2.60524 5/11/98 2.77515 5/12/98 2.26543 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 112 Indian Flow Continued 5/13/98 2.12384 5/14/98 2.12384 5/15/98 2.15216 5/16/98 2.06721 5/17/98 2.01057 5/18/98 1.81234 5/19/98 1.78403 5/20/98 1.72739 5/21/98 1.67075 5/22/98 1.61412 5/23/98 1.61412 5/24/98 1.61412 5/25/98 1.64244 5/26/98 1.52917 5/27/98 1.64244 5/28/98 2.52029 5/29/98 1.81234 5/30/98 1.75571 5/31/98 1.95393 6/1/98 1.5858 6/2/98 1.47253 6/3/98 1.47253 6/4/98 1.35926 6/5/98 2.09552 6/6/98 2.09552 6/7/98 1.69907 6/8/98 1.47253 6/9/98 1.44421 6/10/98 2.94506 6/11/98 2.60524 6/12/98 1.98225 6/13/98 1.61412 6/14/98 1.38758 6/15/98 1.38758 6/16/98 1.24599 6/17/98 1.18935 6/18/98 1.13272 6/19/98 1.1044 6/20/98 1.13272 6/21/98 1.07608 6/22/98 1.13272 6/23/98 1.38758 6/24/98 1.04776 6/25/98 1.04776 6/26/98 0.962808 6/27/98 0.962808 6/28/98 0.906172 6/29/98 0.962808 6/30/98 1.72739 7/1/98 1.01944 7/2/98 0.821218 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 113 Indian Flow Continued 7/3/98 0.906172 7/4/98 0.792901 7/5/98 0.821218 7/6/98 0.736265 7/7/98 0.707947 7/8/98 0.736265 7/9/98 0.764583 7/10/98 0.764583 7/11/98 0.707947 7/12/98 0.651311 7/13/98 0.622993 7/14/98 0.594675 7/15/98 0.566358 7/16/98 0.53804 7/17/98 1.55748 7/18/98 0.849536 7/19/98 0.736265 7/20/98 0.821218 7/21/98 1.01944 7/22/98 0.651311 7/23/98 0.849536 7/24/98 1.86898 7/25/98 0.93449 7/26/98 2.06721 7/27/98 5.94675 7/28/98 2.15216 7/29/98 1.18935 7/30/98 0.906172 7/31/98 0.821218 8/1/98 0.877854 8/2/98 0.821218 8/3/98 0.792901 8/4/98 0.736265 8/5/98 0.679629 8/6/98 0.679629 8/7/98 0.679629 8/8/98 0.736265 8/9/98 0.821218 8/10/98 1.47253 8/11/98 1.55748 8/12/98 0.849536 8/13/98 0.651311 8/14/98 0.679629 8/15/98 2.26543 8/16/98 8.49536 8/17/98 2.26543 8/18/98 1.41589 8/19/98 1.13272 8/20/98 1.01944 8/21/98 0.962808 8/22/98 0.93449 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 114 Indian Flow Continued 8/23/98 0.877854 8/24/98 0.821218 8/25/98 0.764583 8/26/98 0.736265 8/27/98 0.707947 8/28/98 0.679629 8/29/98 0.651311 8/30/98 0.991126 8/31/98 0.792901 9/1/98 0.651311 9/2/98 0.594675 9/3/98 0.707947 9/4/98 2.06721 9/5/98 0.991126 9/6/98 0.764583 9/7/98 0.736265 9/8/98 0.707947 9/9/98 0.679629 9/10/98 0.651311 9/11/98 0.651311 9/12/98 0.651311 9/13/98 0.622993 9/14/98 0.594675 9/15/98 0.566358 9/16/98 0.53804 9/17/98 0.566358 9/18/98 0.566358 9/19/98 0.594675 9/20/98 0.566358 9/21/98 0.707947 9/22/98 0.792901 9/23/98 0.622993 9/24/98 0.594675 9/25/98 0.566358 9/26/98 0.53804 9/27/98 0.566358 9/28/98 0.53804 9/29/98 0.622993 9/30/98 0.707947 10/1/98 0.651311 10/2/98 0.509722 10/3/98 0.509722 10/4/98 0.566358 10/5/98 0.736265 10/6/98 0.679629 10/7/98 0.736265 10/8/98 1.50085 10/9/98 0.849536 10/10/98 0.594675 10/11/98 0.481404 10/12/98 0.566358 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 115 Indian Flow Continued 10/13/98 0.509722 10/14/98 0.53804 10/15/98 0.509722 10/16/98 0.509722 10/17/98 0.509722 10/18/98 0.509722 10/19/98 0.53804 10/20/98 0.509722 10/21/98 0.481404 10/22/98 0.481404 10/23/98 0.481404 10/24/98 0.509722 10/25/98 0.53804 10/26/98 0.53804 10/27/98 0.481404 10/28/98 0.481404 10/29/98 0.53804 10/30/98 0.481404 10/31/98 0.509722 11/1/98 0.509722 11/2/98 0.53804 11/3/98 0.821218 11/4/98 0.651311 11/5/98 0.622993 11/6/98 0.622993 11/7/98 0.622993 11/8/98 0.622993 11/9/98 0.622993 11/10/98 0.651311 11/11/98 0.764583 11/12/98 0.707947 11/13/98 0.651311 11/14/98 0.707947 11/15/98 1.04776 11/16/98 0.849536 11/17/98 1.24599 11/18/98 0.764583 11/19/98 0.736265 11/20/98 0.707947 11/21/98 0.679629 11/22/98 0.679629 11/23/98 0.651311 11/24/98 0.651311 11/25/98 0.651311 11/26/98 0.707947 11/27/98 0.707947 11/28/98 0.651311 11/29/98 0.651311 11/30/98 0.679629 12/1/98 0.679629 12/2/98 0.651311 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 116 Indian Flow Continued 12/3/98 0.679629 12/4/98 0.679629 12/5/98 0.679629 12/6/98 0.679629 12/7/98 0.679629 12/8/98 0.707947 12/9/98 0.736265 12/10/98 0.736265 12/11/98 0.679629 12/12/98 0.679629 12/13/98 1.5858 12/14/98 1.41589 12/15/98 0.849536 12/16/98 1.41589 12/17/98 0.906172 12/18/98 0.792901 12/19/98 0.764583 12/20/98 0.821218 12/21/98 0.764583 12/22/98 0.764583 12/23/98 0.764583 12/24/98 1.8973 12/25/98 2.49197 12/26/98 1.44421 12/27/98 1.07608 12/28/98 0.991126 12/29/98 1.01944 12/30/98 0.93449 12/31/98 0.877854 1/1/99 0.821218 1/2/99 0.849536 1/3/99 7.92901 1/4/99 6.54143 1/5/99 2.23711 1/6/99 1.50085 1/7/99 1.38758 1/8/99 1.35926 1/9/99 1.5858 1/10/99 1.44421 1/11/99 1.21767 1/12/99 1.21767 1/13/99 1.13272 1/14/99 1.1044 1/15/99 1.30262 1/16/99 1.1044 1/17/99 1.07608 1/18/99 1.50085 1/19/99 1.52917 1/20/99 1.35926 1/21/99 1.16103 1/22/99 1.16103 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 117 Indian Flow Continued 1/23/99 5.12554 1/24/99 19.511 1/25/99 8.21218 1/26/99 3.19992 1/27/99 2.15216 1/28/99 1.81234 1/29/99 1.64244 1/30/99 1.67075 1/31/99 1.50085 2/1/99 2.63356 2/2/99 7.02283 2/3/99 3.31319 2/4/99 2.66188 2/5/99 2.18048 2/6/99 2.03889 2/7/99 1.95393 2/8/99 1.78403 2/9/99 1.64244 2/10/99 1.64244 2/11/99 1.55748 2/12/99 1.55748 2/13/99 1.50085 2/14/99 1.41589 2/15/99 1.41589 2/16/99 1.38758 2/17/99 1.35926 2/18/99 2.43534 2/19/99 2.49197 2/20/99 4.53086 2/21/99 3.34151 2/22/99 2.46366 2/23/99 1.98225 2/24/99 1.84066 2/25/99 1.81234 2/26/99 1.72739 2/27/99 1.61412 2/28/99 1.61412 3/1/99 1.52917 3/2/99 1.44421 3/3/99 1.92562 3/4/99 2.57693 3/5/99 1.84066 3/6/99 1.61412 3/7/99 1.55748 3/8/99 1.44421 3/9/99 1.5858 3/10/99 1.72739 3/11/99 1.67075 3/12/99 1.52917 3/13/99 1.38758 3/14/99 1.75571 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 118 Indian Flow Continued 3/15/99 2.57693 3/16/99 1.92562 3/17/99 1.67075 3/18/99 1.52917 3/19/99 1.47253 3/20/99 1.41589 3/21/99 2.77515 3/22/99 2.71852 3/23/99 1.92562 3/24/99 1.75571 3/25/99 1.69907 3/26/99 1.61412 3/27/99 1.44421 3/28/99 1.35926 3/29/99 1.33094 3/30/99 1.30262 3/31/99 1.24599 4/1/99 5.52199 4/2/99 3.53973 4/3/99 2.35038 4/4/99 1.84066 4/5/99 2.12384 4/6/99 1.67075 4/7/99 1.50085 4/8/99 1.41589 4/9/99 1.44421 4/10/99 1.30262 4/11/99 1.21767 4/12/99 1.18935 4/13/99 1.04776 4/14/99 1.04776 4/15/99 1.16103 4/16/99 1.2743 4/17/99 1.01944 4/18/99 0.962808 4/19/99 0.962808 4/20/99 0.962808 4/21/99 0.877854 4/22/99 0.877854 4/23/99 0.849536 4/24/99 0.792901 4/25/99 0.792901 4/26/99 0.764583 4/27/99 0.821218 4/28/99 2.60524 4/29/99 1.75571 4/30/99 20.0491 5/1/99 9.8263 5/2/99 3.53973 5/3/99 2.49197 5/4/99 2.12384 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 119 Indian Flow Continued 5/5/99 1.8973 5/6/99 1.98225 5/7/99 2.12384 5/8/99 1.92562 5/9/99 1.67075 5/10/99 1.52917 5/11/99 1.44421 5/12/99 1.38758 5/13/99 1.38758 5/14/99 1.55748 5/15/99 1.47253 5/16/99 1.21767 5/17/99 1.24599 5/18/99 1.18935 5/19/99 3.45478 5/20/99 1.78403 5/21/99 1.30262 5/22/99 1.16103 5/23/99 1.24599 5/24/99 1.16103 5/25/99 1.04776 5/26/99 1.07608 5/27/99 1.16103 5/28/99 1.01944 5/29/99 0.991126 5/30/99 0.962808 5/31/99 0.906172 6/1/99 0.849536 6/2/99 0.849536 6/3/99 1.07608 6/4/99 0.877854 6/5/99 0.792901 6/6/99 0.792901 6/7/99 0.764583 6/8/99 0.736265 6/9/99 0.651311 6/10/99 0.736265 6/11/99 2.20879 6/12/99 1.16103 6/13/99 0.821218 6/14/99 0.792901 6/15/99 0.962808 6/16/99 1.21767 6/17/99 1.98225 6/18/99 1.21767 6/19/99 1.1044 6/20/99 1.01944 6/21/99 0.93449 6/22/99 0.877854 6/23/99 0.849536 6/24/99 0.792901 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 120 Indian Flow Continued 6/25/99 1.1044 6/26/99 3.34151 6/27/99 3.11497 6/28/99 1.52917 6/29/99 1.72739 6/30/99 1.01944 7/1/99 0.906172 7/2/99 0.849536 7/3/99 1.21767 7/4/99 0.93449 7/5/99 0.764583 7/6/99 0.707947 7/7/99 1.55748 7/8/99 1.64244 7/9/99 0.849536 7/10/99 0.764583 7/11/99 0.849536 7/12/99 1.04776 7/13/99 1.30262 7/14/99 0.991126 7/15/99 0.906172 7/16/99 0.821218 7/17/99 0.764583 7/18/99 0.764583 7/19/99 0.679629 7/20/99 0.651311 7/21/99 0.651311 7/22/99 0.622993 7/23/99 0.566358 7/24/99 0.53804 7/25/99 0.566358 7/26/99 0.509722 7/27/99 0.453086 7/28/99 0.453086 7/29/99 0.509722 7/30/99 0.39645 7/31/99 0.368132 8/1/99 0.39645 8/2/99 0.368132 8/3/99 0.283179 8/4/99 0.283179 8/5/99 0.311497 8/6/99 0.280347 8/7/99 0.277515 8/8/99 0.274683 8/9/99 0.283179 8/10/99 0.283179 8/11/99 0.271852 8/12/99 0.263356 8/13/99 0.243534 8/14/99 0.184066 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 121 Indian Flow Continued 8/15/99 0.226543 8/16/99 0.184066 8/17/99 0.220879 8/18/99 0.186898 8/19/99 0.169907 8/20/99 0.257693 8/21/99 0.368132 8/22/99 0.311497 8/23/99 0.311497 8/24/99 2.35038 8/25/99 0.707947 8/26/99 0.453086 8/27/99 0.736265 8/28/99 0.453086 8/29/99 0.39645 8/30/99 0.368132 8/31/99 0.283179 9/1/99 0.339815 9/2/99 0.311497 9/3/99 0.283179 9/4/99 0.235038 9/5/99 0.311497 9/6/99 0.509722 9/7/99 0.39645 9/8/99 0.368132 9/9/99 0.311497 9/10/99 0.622993 9/11/99 0.424768 9/12/99 0.271852 9/13/99 0.254861 9/14/99 0.254861 9/15/99 0.274683 9/16/99 0.274683 9/17/99 0.240702 9/18/99 0.226543 9/19/99 0.229375 9/20/99 0.252029 9/21/99 0.249197 9/22/99 0.53804 9/23/99 0.280347 9/24/99 0.260524 9/25/99 0.235038 9/26/99 0.206721 9/27/99 0.509722 9/28/99 1.04776 9/29/99 0.93449 9/30/99 0.849536 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 122 B. Clark Creek Flow Data at SR1008 Date Flow (cms) 1/11/96 2.20896 2/8/96 2.23728 3/6/96 5.15424 4/8/96 6.372 5/2/96 2.5488 6/6/96 2.52048 7/11/96 1.6992 8/1/96 0.79296 9/3/96 2.5488 10/17/96 3.9648 11/5/96 1.47264 12/5/96 3.34176 2/17/97 5.664 12/9/97 2.4096 Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 123 APPENDIX V. Public Notice of Draft Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL A. Public Notice in The Hickory Daily Record. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 124 B. Public Notice in Lincoln Times-News Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 125 APPENDIX VI. Public comments on Clark Creek TMDL and DWQ responses. A. Comments from Ms. Anne Coan, NC Farm Bureau Federation: July 10, 2002 Mr. Narayan Rajbhandari Water Quality Planning Branch NC Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Mr. Rajbhandari: The North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation is the state’s largest general farm organization representing the interests of farm and rural people in our state. This letter is to comment on the Clark Creek (in Subbasin 03-08-35) Fecal Coliform Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL.) We feel that the methodology used to estimate the sources and to allocate the reductions is highly flawed. Therefore, we oppose this TMDL document. On Page 10 of the TMDL it is stated that there is one dairy and some beef cattle in the watershed. However the paragraph goes on to discuss land application of poultry waste. It is our understanding that there is no poultry waste applied to land in this watershed. Also, there is a reference to the colonies per day of hog waste, but it is our understanding that there are no hog operations and there is no hog waste applied in this watershed. Because the only reference given is to confirm the presence of dairy and beef cattle in this watershed, we assume that DWQ could not confirm the presence of poultry and hogs in this watershed either, or a reference would have been cited. Therefore, the presence of poultry waste and/or hog waste in the watershed must be confirmed if they are used to calculate sources and source reductions. If these sources are not in the watershed, any references to these should be removed, and any source calculations and reduction allocations using them must be eliminated from the TMDL. Also on page 10 there are fecal coliform loading rates given for livestock in the watershed. It is obvious to us that the author is misusing the terminology for “loading” here. The NCSU reference gives the data for fecal coliform totally excreted from the animal into an animal waste treatment system or confinement area, prior to any treatment, exposure to sunlight, etc. Using these numbers as “loadings” is comparable to figuring all of the fecal coliform that arrives at all of the waste treatment plants in the watershed, prior to any treatment, as the “loading” for these plants. It would be comparable to figuring the septic Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 126 tank loadings by using all of the fecal coliform delivered from the buildings into every septic tank in the watershed as the “loading” for septic tanks. Using the numbers on page 10 for livestock as “loadings” absolutely cannot be justified. Mr. Narayan Rajbhandari July 10, 2002 Page 2 On page 11 of the document, there is a reference to 11 percent of the septic systems failing. Therefore, it is assumed that 89 percent are working properly. Again, if animal waste loadings are to be determined based on what is delivered to all of the treatment systems or to all of the pastures, then septic waste fecal coliform levels should be figured based on what is delivered from the homes or businesses to all of the septic tanks in the watershed, prior to any treatment by the septic system. Also, using the methodology used to estimate livestock fecals, all septic fecals should be considered as “loadings,” without any adjustment for 89 percent of septic systems functioning properly. Regarding wildlife estimates, it is nonsensical to use the deer population to represent all of the fecal coliform producing wildlife in this watershed. Further, this section states that “Wildlife deposit fecal material in these areas which can be transported to a stream in a storm event.” Then the document assigns a “loading rate” to deer. Because there is no reference given, we cannot determine if this is what is delivered to the landscape or to the stream. If the estimated loads of livestock waste on page 10 are used, then fecal estimates delivered to the landscape by deer and all other wildlife must be used as well. As written, this document substantially underestimates the wildlife fecal contribution. The same comment regarding equitable estimates of loading applies to all of the sources, both point and nonpoint, discussed in this document. On page 20, the statement is made that the model indicates nonpoint sources as the primary sources of fecal coliform. While the waste from sewer overflows, leaking sewer lines, and cross-connected pipes is counted in the nonpoint source load, the point sources should be held responsible for these sources, because they are attached to their systems. Therefore, the nine point sources in the watershed should be assigned load reductions specifically for these, because they are causing these nonpoint source problems. Assigning these types of load reductions to “urban development” dilutes the responsibility for these problems by adding them to runoff fecals generated by pet waste, urban wildlife, and other urban sources. Clear responsibility should be assigned to these point sources for the nonpoint source loads they are generating through reduction targets being specifically established for sewer overflows, leaking sewer lines, cross-connected pipes and any other contamination caused by failure of delivery systems to point sources. Further, we feel it is important to point out that the point source loads are based on what is reported by the point sources themselves, and they select the time the sample is taken. Such timing can be adjusted to the most favorable conditions of weather and plant operation and, therefore, may or may not be skewed towards the lowest measured fecal concentrations. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 127 DWQ should substantiate these numbers over all weather conditions and during times of optimum and less-than-optimum plant operation conditions. Mr. Narayan Rajbhandari July 10, 2002 Page 3 We oppose the reductions assigned to agriculture on page 28 of this document, based on the comments above. We do not see how these 93 and 94 percent reductions from agriculture can possibly be rationalized. The statement is made that the implementation plan development will begin during the public review of the TMDL. We were informed by a local citizen of this draft TMDL after the public meeting, and few people were aware of the meeting or of this draft TMDL. Farm Bureau should be informed of all TMDL development in North Carolina, and we hereby request that we be informed. As the state’s largest farm organization, we represent substantial numbers of stakeholders in all of these watersheds and should be kept informed of the development of TMDLs. Further, we could have contacted affected farmers in the watershed and let them know about the TMDL and the meeting, thereby increasing the public participation. We are disappointed that we were not informed of this meeting, or of the draft TMDL until very late in the process, and not by DWQ. In summary, we feel this draft TMDL lacks the necessary scientific basis to go forward, and request its withdrawal and reworking. Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this draft TMDL. If you have any questions, please contact me at (919) 788-1005. Sincerely, Anne Coan Natural Resources Director North Carolina Farm Bureau Federation Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 128 Responses to the comments from Ms. Anne Coan, NC Farm Bureau Federation: 1. DWQ greatly appreciates your comments on the Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL for Clark Creek. The following clarifications are made in regards to your comment: 2. The final TMDL report does not consider the poultry or hog waste loads 3. The terminology “Load” used to address total fecal coliform from the cattle seems appropriate. The water quality model is required to input monthly loading rate of the fecal coliform from the livestock without considering its decay rate. The model estimates the actual amount of fecal coliform that could be delivered overland to the stream considering the overland decay rates. The model uses a first order kinetic rate equation to account for the strong temperature influence on the fecal coliform bacteria die-off rate as stated in the report. 4. Eleven percent of the septic system failing addresses the State of North Carolina. 5. Except for deer, a wildlife inventory in the Clark Creek watershed is not readily available. So, the upper limit of the deer population is used to estimate the fecal coliform load from the wild animals in the watershed. This is an acceptable way of estimation. 6. DWQ periodically monitors the waste loads from the nine WWTP and has not noticed exceeded flow of fecal coliform from the WWTP during the study period. Also, because the model requires inputs regarding sewer system and WWTP separately, the model allocates load reduction to the point sources and non-point sources separately. The model does not care whether the two sources are attached to one pipeline in the watershed. 7. Public notice for the Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL development was processed through a standard procedure. The notice was posted in the DWQ web site (http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/tmdl) a month prior to the public meeting date, July 1, 2002. The notice was also announced through local newspapers, Hickory Daily Record and Lincoln Time-News on June 10, 2002. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 129 B. Comments from Dr. Clarence Hood, Catawba Cattlemen’s Association: Dear Raj: Thanks for your E-mail and for discussing your report with me yesterday afternoon. I will make a few comments on the report as we discussed yesterday: 1) I believe that your Fecal Coliform study should be integrated with the report of Tom Yocum and others on the Biological Impairment in the Upper Clark Creek Watershed. There seems to me to be some conflicting issues; and by combining these to present to local governments would be a better approach and reduce confusion about what local agencies need to do to address the problems in Clark Creek. 2) I believe that the impact of cattle on Clark Creek could be better presented by giving an accurate inventory of cattle and pastureland in the watershed; I believe there are 1000 to 1200 head of cattle in the watershed and no swine or chickens or chicken litter applied to pasturelands. 3) The number of horses in the area is considerable and they strip most all vegetation and thus considerable manure etc reach streams. 4) On page 10 of the report the 1.06 x e11 colonies/day/beef cow; is the amount produced but only a very small portion reaches the streams; Sunlight and other factors such as rainfall should be considered; Does the model account for this? 5) Almost 60 % of flow in Clark Creek below Newton Waste Water Treatment Plant; is contributed by the plant; Also considerable irrigation water is removed below this point for turf applications; Is this accounted for in your; model? 6) On page 13 the 1100 ft elevation for Hickory dropping down to 800 ft at Lincolnton seem to be error; That would be a 300 ft drop. 7) On page 20 the sentence ...manure application in pastureland... may be misleading and using the words...livestock grazing...should be sufficient since it is understood that no poultry litter or manure from confined cattle is being applied in the watershed. I hope these comments will be helpful; Please contact me if I can clarify. Clarence Hood. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 130 Response to comments from Dr. Clarence Hood, Cattleman Association: DWQ greatly appreciates your comments on the Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL for Clark Creek. The following clarifications are made in regards to your comment: 1. We look forward to integrating the TMDL with the Biological Impairment in the Upper Clark Creek Watershed to develop an implementation plan to reduce the fecal coliform concentration in the entire Clark Creek watershed. 2. The NCDA report (2000) was used to best estimate the cattle population for the Clark Creek watershed. However, DWQ appreciates your help together with Mr. Jeff Carpentor, Area Livestock Agent and Mr. Carl Rector for providing the actual cattle inventory in the watershed. The final TMDL report has included the inventory results. 3. The water quality model has considered the horse population. The 1996 Equine Survey Statistics reported by NC Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services was utilized to best estimate the population in the watershed. 4. The water quality model considers the fecal coliform decay factors. It utilizes a first order kinetic rate equation to account for the strong temperature influence on the fecal coliform bacteria die-off rate. 5. The water quality model considers the flow from the WWTP. The precipitation weighting factor is well adjusted while calibrating the model to account the localized water uses. 6. We appreciate your correction on the estimation of the elevation and the manure application. The corrections have been considered in the final report. The actual change in elevation is 340 ft at the outlet of the watershed. The model has not considered any manure applications other than dairy cattle manure in the watershed. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 131 C. Comments from Mr. Jeff Carpenter, Area Livestock Agent, Newton, NC. Raj: I enjoyed speaking with you on the phone on Wednesday concerning the report that has been prepared for the Clark Creek watershed in Catawba and Lincoln Counties. It seems as there has been quite a bit of monitoring and data gathering to support the need for work in this basin. However, I have several questions/concerns about the model that I hope you can answer. Page 8 - one of the non-point sources you mention is concentrated animal feedlots. There are no concentrated feedlots in this basin. In the 3 counties I serve there is only one operation that fits this description and it is not in the Clarks Creek basin. On page 9 you mention that open lots used by animals have the greatest potential for bacterial runoff to surface water. I am not aware of any such heavy use areas in this watershed as our beef operations are predominantly pasture based with grazing activities accounting for about 9-10 months worth of feed for these animals. I suppose the one dairy you mention in your report has such an area for the milking herd, but that particular operation is small enough to not be impacted by .0200 regulations. On page 10 your data appears to come straight from the Census of Agriculture, which is the most reliable source for livestock numbers. I am not sure how you interpreted the number of cattle, which is 17,000 for Catawba and 15,000 for Lincoln County. This number reflects the number of all cattle of all sizes and uses for both counties. The next number gives the total number of mature beef cows, which is a more useful in calculating total fecal coliform production/loading. A safe estimate for all cattle numbers would be to assume 85% of these cows produce a calf each year and it is usually marketed at an average of 525 lbs. I believe an accurate estimation of the amount of fecal coliform produced by these animals should take into account their smaller size and body weight, and the limited time these calves are present on the farm each year. I am not sure if your model assigns the same FC production to all 32,000 head or not. Also on page 10, you report a fecal coliform loading rate of 1.06 x 10 (11) colonies/day/beef cow. The American Society of Agricultural Engineers and the reference you cite for this figure (NCSU, 1994) both report that this is TOTAL fecal coliform production per cow per day. I believe to assume that all of this material reaches surface waters is very inaccurate and I encourage you to give some credit for bacterial death due to drying, exposure to sunlight, application on land by grazing animals, ... I am also aware of several operations within this watershed that are Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 132 participating in the NC Ag Cost Share Program and have excluded their livestock from all streams on their property, thereby limiting the amount of FC loading in these waters. For accuracy I would encourage you to include this in your model. As I mentioned in our phone conversation, there are no poultry operations that I am aware of within the Clarks Creek watershed and I do not know of farmers within this area that are applying poultry litter to lands. I would encourage you to revisit your model and make these revisions also for accuracy. On page 17 there is a discussion of the accuracy of the model in estimating fecal coliform in the stream, but no accuracy values are presented in figure 5. Is this information available? I cannot determine from the report how many head of livestock are estimated within the watershed, but I would be very happy to assist your department in obtaining a very accurate count. The number of livestock farms north of West Maiden Road are very limited and I think that within a few days a very accurate estimate of these animals can be obtained. The same could be done for the Lincoln County portion of the watershed. If I can be of any assistance please do not hesitate to call on me. If reductions in fecal coliform loading are needed by the livestock industry I would be happy to assist your agency in working with landowners in this effort. Sincerely, Jeff Carpenter Area Livestock Agent Responses to Mr. Jeff Carpenter, Area Livestock Agent, Newton, NC. DWQ greatly appreciates your comments on the Fecal Coliform Bacteria TMDL for Clark Creek. The following clarifications are made in regards to your comment: 1. The final TMDL does not include the concentrated feedlots and poultry operations in the Clark Creek Watershed. 2. The fecal coliform load from the livestock operation is included in the model as per the estimated census data provided by you. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 133 3. The water quality model has considered the decay rate of the fecal coliform bacteria in land and in streams. The reaction rates for the decomposition of the fecal coliform in land and in streams are set at 0.01 per day and 0.1 per day respectively. A better prediction of fecal coliform is obtained by using the reaction rates in this study. E. Comments from Ms. Mary Geoge: Thank you for your presentation on the results of DWQ’s fecal coliform study on Clark Creek. In addition to the comments/questions at the July 1, meeting I would like to reiterate that additional monitoring stations should be put in place to better identify the sources of non-point source pollution. Based on our discussions, it appears that there could be a large contributor on the lower end of the watershed who may be influencing the fecal coliform bacteria count. Before we work on implementation strategies, I think it would be in everyone’s best interest to be certain of the contribution each source makes to more effectively prepare an implementation plan. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact me. Mary K. George, AICP Catawba County Planning & Community Development P.O. Box 389 Newton, NC 28658 (828) 465-8264 fax: (828) 465-8484 mary@mail.co.catawba.nc.us Response to comments from Ms. Mary Geoge: DWQ greatly appreciates your comments on the Fecal Cloriform Bacteria TMDL for Clark Creek. We look forward to working with Catawba County Planning & Community Development to develop implementation plan to reduce the fecal coliform concentration in the Clark Creek watershed. We agree with regards to your comment on addition of monitoring stations to measure flow rates in the watershed to better identify the sources of non-point source pollution. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 134 APPENDIX VII. Pictures of Clark Creek Watershed. Picture 1. Clark Creek with low flow (July 22, 2002). Picture 2. Sewer Line running along the Clark Creek River near SR2014. Clark Creek Fecal Coliform TMDL 135 Picture 3. Cattle under the NC Cost Sharing Program. Picture 4. Horse grazing in the recreation pastureland.