HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--04064_Well Construction - GW1_20240712 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For trtcraalUsa:ONLY: The form can be used for single ar multiple wells 1.Well Contractor Information: la.WATER ZONES Brian Ewing PROM to D S('RIPIN)N Wc11(Mote of N.inw' n. n. 4240-B n. ft. NC Well Connector Certification Neuter IS,OUTER CASING(Tor meNi-card wells)OR UNtR(1f apaieabte) ono' TO DIAMETER TIOURNTSS MSTT*IN SAEDACCO n. n. i■. Compcul Name lb.INNER CASING OR WRING tjr+ttermal dneda.nr) )RO.1 a TO r DIAMETER IIIR k•ENS MATERIAL 2.Wall Construction Permit#: 0 It. 4 ft. 2 r- SCB-40 PVC Lu u11 app8i-abfe well promos ii_e.County.Saw,Variance.IitKbl er. , ft. n. ia. 3.Well Cie(check well use': 17.WRIER Water Supply Well: ►ROM TO /VIMITER SLOT SUP 1111001116 MATERIAL ❑Agncultural OMunmipal:l ublic 4 14 ft 2 .010 SCH-40 PVC OGeothenrlllHealingrcooling'supply) OResidcitial Water Stlpply(single) n R m ❑hdustriabComntetcial °Residential Water Supply.t Aired I la W SLO IrRO ' TO MATERIAL EMPLACEMENT ME`11100 a AMOUNT ❑Imgation 0 ft. 1 ft. PORTLAND POURED Non-Water Supph Welt: , n. ft. XMonitonne ❑Rocosers - _-. lajection Well: it n. Li Aquifer Recharge CDGmundwalcr Rcntcduui,'n iv.SgN0:(.FLAX La I'A('I fWapificsMe) °Aquifer Stontgc and Rttover, ❑S,�linrn Harrier rRniM to M"*aeon ISIPL t r�rNr MrTR(in 2 ft. 14 ft, FILTER SAND # 2 °Aquifer Test ❑Smnm':tcr Drainage ft. ft. ❑Equnmcntal Technolog °Subsidence Control 2d DRII.UNG LOG lattice additional dices d accesses i ❑Geothennal(Cloned Loop) ❑Tracer MOM TO Di.SCRI►TION rt.ir.hardneg.,was..►npr.gr..wt.,ra I OGeothennal(Heating./Cooling Retumi °Other(explain under#21 Remarks) 0 IL 5 ft. FILL SILT AND SAND 5 It 10 ft. WET SANDY SILT 4.Date%Ails)Completed: 6-3-24 Well ffteECIT-OA-1MW05 10 ft. 14 ft WET SILTY SAND Sa.Well Location: R. n. USCG PFAS Site Inspection R. II. • i Low LA I—• Faction&loner Name Factlm Ind tit-applicable) n. e I 1664 Weekiville Rd , Elizabeth City, NC, 27909 R. 11.1 - Pin steal Address Cin.and Zip r 21.REMARKS Pasquolank BENTONITE SEAL 1 TO 2' Count) 1`.ucei hk:atdcat in"No INN h ih.Latitude and longitude in degrces/mitmtesisceends or decimal degrees: ...(-mirk„ion: tit well field,one below is sufficient) N la Brian Ewing 6/21/2024 Signunec of C'cnificd Well LOunraaor pale 6.is tare)the walls): 2(IPennanent nr ❑Tempoiran UT signing Air form 1 hereby cerriir that the wrfNsr wars(*met anarrraered rn accordance %IA 154 NCAC O2C.0100 or 154 NCAC n.0.0200 Nell Conrrnrt'riaw Swmdards and Aar,, 7.Is this a repair to as existing A cR: DI CS or K No ,..'n nt du,nrnnf ha,fw•.n prai•4..4 to:he,,all owner. If this It a repair,fill ant known w tit,trn,NM rum tnfornwr„vi rood ripkan the narrate.'I OR rrp.rir leader,121 rrnv,rk.,.rn lion or ivr the hawk of Mi.,form. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You ma, use the buck of this page to prooide additional well sue details or well II.Number of wells cnmtructed: 1 construction details. You ma,also attack addih1otral pages if necessan. for malnple in/rerhv. •rust-s'au,suppl,wells ONLY.:h rho tease awu nwaon van uao robmir one harm. SUBMITTAL INSTUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below lard surfaces 14 (n,) 24a. For All Walls: Submit this form within In das's of completion of well For'nalrlplr wells list all ilrpr*I ifdtjferenr triumph,1M 201'and li11Y) construction to the folln sing 10.Static water kid below top of coal. (ft.) Division of Water Resources,Information Prticessing l nit. /f wear,kohl (dn.iv,&Shag Mu .' 1617 Mail Service Cuter.Raleigh.NC 27699-1617 II.Borehole diameter:8.25" (in.) 24b.for Inieetion W'el)ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in 24aabove. also.: submit a cop., of this fono within to dais of completion of hell 11.Well construction method:BORED construction to the follow trig h .iacr.ratan.cable.direct push.etc t Division of Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Sen ice Center.Raleigh.NC 1 7699-1 636 tie.For Water supply &Injection Vieth: I3a.Yield 11:)mi) Method of test: _ ., — Also submit one cope of this limn w ilhm In dais of completion of 136.Disinfection ripe: Amount: well constnictton to the count', heahh deportment of the carats where constructed Fenn GW-1 \,'n li I,n,to ou Dcpannrm of Em riorurta aid Natural Resources-Demon of Water Rootrom R.i isrd Atgtnt 261;