HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550179_Wasteload Allocation_19881013 _ O GA 54,„.4 .��• Data : OG/o6wv-/3j/ySY Nar Ctta.•seet To GccwAt.Ott-4...%.r oN N,orJ '. ---. .A,n aLt. 0,0 �vLS --la <Ae +c2_ 4/CGS'5"0/79 Eac i i i ty Name : kcna6 ' 't.p4ri-- : e . . . . Rece . . . .. S . . _ ?... . a.7- Gt�ol( 2---34„v( eYetk- C _ _ . c - a � I n : 030.2o3 :Cur ; v : Ac-4,.nqlr20,4 ^e c 1 :_ _a : C . ' . - 4/5 g 0 e ! erence C..ac . ,6a ONe./ z.. t ! nctV c.,C .,e ' : /3 - aS • 6)4.6+444 i5 ''s4,41"'Se., fL°/QCQ/iO.. O 4 0u �l! /00 /. 7Q /0zo dig' e v ,'6/ .,5 9- 'rye seal "1of rr>`'//�. ,',S1.',1 S S7Le.n r'5 Ga+pnb/e_ o I PLOTTE ;:. r'` te ^/ prtygz ± '; ;� ',574:ns l�'M r O, 1 , E :M M E i 1 E, . \. . _ ... I ''+rh. III i -% .r.g cf V Fe _ 3 .. Cr !: : /000 i�icX TSS ;:n, . 30 R=COMMENDPr' = , , c;:?. ,s. 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RatlitintAl ,-S. py ...,1Si-,7_, c), ) : __de, HE: 0 •‘,/.; mi .... \--, "---\ , #.A ic-.--/-:-\Th) ,,%----,---1 / ' •:', .‘..-,-.0 '..n :.-;-'rej. 1 _ t 1 - 2:1:116%.-3 -. A.../A Mt i& ‘ -' 1 &ov.C‘ V.E-Pkt3 b,),( Vvv-te, 1-116/ . 1 .. L/a� NPDES WASTE LOAD ALLOCATION �" a Facility Name. A 1-�%S �J 14E - 1�ESI DESJCE :Date: �`23-gam E v Existing n. Permit No. : 1SCAnSO4� 0(o Pipe No. : ��� County: OCaVtJCFfF1N 0 Proposed I' i Design Capacity (MGD) : *60Q46 Industrial (% of Flow) : Domestic (% of Flow) : % o �� O Receiving Stream: U, 1 • it, V 4. OI ISLA•+JD k• Class: C' Sub-Basin: d3 b2 - d3 S. -� S O L eteieucc- USGS Quad: �U�D � (Please attach) Requestor: J4~ WA��a Regional Office R Q'2 ---� (Guideline limitations, if applicable, are to be listed on the back of this form.) Design Temp. : ( Drainage Area: Avg. Streamflow: _ 7Q10: 0 C f Winter 7Q10: 30Q2: / `�i Location of D.O.minimum (miles below outfall) : Z� Slope: Cf� 7 �,� E Velocity (fps) : 0, 1 6'° K1 (base e, per day, aC) : //o�� K2 (base e, per day, 2.6 C) : / 3' F9 C, o . H Effluent Monthly _ j ' Effluent Monthly a) Characteristics Average, 1T Comments Characteristics Average Comments • eo1) 3l J 7Y �J ' as "' -_ —_ I__— f-- ▪= PI* r-8'`5 6 - 3-r5 t(( &/ / 6mt I1 -4 "fl-Lea.e Ifni it amply ,6 -e_ 45fbezzi ; 7,1 bui if Original Allocation Revised Allocation 1 1 Date(s) of Revision(s) (Please attach previous allocation) Q' 4,4 Date: 7-� -O'0.2- c\ Prepared By: r4;i)(.,/ Reviewed By: • For Appropriate Dischargers, List Complete Guideline limitations Below Effluent Monthly Maximum Daily Characteristics Average Average Comments Type of Product Produced Lbs/Day Produced Effluent Guideline Reference 03-o2-cZ3 ,¢/v1S fa 2rna� ees c_rn« -- -- - PUT 1� O, 0005i5 .ns_4() too if .2-5/L_4 --:Duo et 'ti?a4 5,61 rhe_ /oCct74 oil __ ik4 fi'PPr 2,‘s4c.12_ (i)Coo50ej (/) (A)" 124<2 - - •�eriaci h -60r? e_ d 4t.01974 -e `nodd 710 In not, . QW hvt MIA =O,000 V 5 'rN-&10 �. 000g5 rr 6rotag) -&} 0004 2' 3 ZPsl /ro=0 - - DR 121 - - — - -- a,� z . 3 9?o if awe _ 334)z. = 0►5 5(,epo - Coq• �- `�'i"- , /,o s °• 3- -- I 10 e o 0 I `4"°hm C.p - - at Ko= a'S -'312 z 2-1 =- 1. - - RE,-WIE CT. NO ~ + 451y��� WASTELOAD ALLOC N ATIO APPROVAL FOR Still, - FACILITY NAME A L V I S FARMER RESI [ |/\ JUL A Li [YPE OF WASTE + DOMESTIC WATER ���A8�� � COUNTY � ROCKINGHAM �~^^�^" , � OPERATIONS BRA REGIONAL OFFICE � WINSTON-SALEM REQUESTOR ��- JIM WAT�T��m� � ` � RECEIVING STREAM � UT WOLF ISLAND CREEKSUBBASIN 043-02-03 � � 7Q10 � O CF CFS 30Q2 + CFS DRAINAGE AREA STREAM CLk* SS + C ` � | °���8� RECOMMENDED EFFLUENT LIMITS ********�* ' ~�," ~�~� WATER QUALITY � WAST EFL OW ( S ) ( MGD) + 0 ^ 00O45 O ^ OOO95* * THIS IS THE-A,""P-�-iT3Olw�#,I � BOD-5 ( MG/L ) � 3O 23 THE HOPPER RESIDENCE IS NH3---N ( MG/L ) - 17 INCLUDED IN THE MODEL . IF BOTH � D ^ O ~ ( MG/L) + 5 6 FACILITIES ARE BUILT , THESE � PH ( SU > � 6-8 , 5 6-8 ~5 LIMITS WILi APPLY FOR BOTH. � FECAL COLIFORM ( /1OOML ) � 1OOO 1OOO ���� ^m����^�� memo) | T S S ( MG/L 30 30 �� FACILITY IS | PROPOSED ( +'/ EXISTING ( ) NEW ( ) LIMITS ARE REVISION ( ) CONFIRMATION ( > OF THOSE PREVIOUSLY ISSUED REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY � MODELER I"i ATE + SUPERVISOR , MODELING GROUP D ATE �n�^�_��_ REGIONAL SUPERVISOR �� /ATE -�--.--��--- L PERMITS MANAGER - � DATE � _ !���/'�-�� - __-� �������� � � ��� ��� �� APPROVED BY � '61 DlVISION DIRECTOR �\���-i!�������-������-����'T E . '�� / Division of Environmental Management June 9, 1982 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Watson, NPRO Dave Adkins, Operations Branch FROM: Meg Kerr Technical Services Unit Vlrl� SUBJECT: Wasteload Allocations - Alvis Farmer Residence Hopper Residence, Rockingham County In April, 1982 effluent limitations were developed for the Hopper Residence discharge to UT Wolf Island Creek. The limits were 30 mg/1 BOD5, 5 mg/1 DO, 1000/100 ml fecal coliform, 30 mg/1 TSS and 6-8.5 SU pH. We recently received a request for the Alvis Farmer Residence which appears to discharge at the same site. When the interaction between the two facilities is considered in the model, the allocation becomes somewhat more restrictive, requiring 23 mg/1 BOD5, 17 mg/1 NH3 and 6 mg/1 DO. If both facilities are built, the permits should require the more restrictive it secondary If one or the other is built, treatment with 5 mg/1 limitations. DO will protect the receiving water. If you have any questions, please call. cc: Jennifer Buzun