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NC0023906_Lab analysis_20071231
Comments: MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Test Initiation Date/Time 7/24/2007 2:00 PM Avg Wt/Surv. Control 0.495 % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.482 Hatch Date: ABS7/23/07[' % Survival 92.5 Hatch Time: 12:30-15:30 Avg Wt (mg)0.527[ % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.493 % Survival 92.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.484 [ % Survival,92.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.485[ % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.568 2 10 10 0.461 10 10 0.499 9 10 0.579 I 2 7.6 / 7.7 7.7 / 5.7 3 7.9 / 7.6 9 10 0.504 Dilution H2O Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) Overall Result ChV |>10Q Cultured In-House Outside Supplier Laboratory: PACE Analytical 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville NC 28S04 Normal Hom. Var. NOEC LOEC ChV Method Test Organisms 10 10 0.572 10 10 0.515 0 7.7 / 7.4 7.3 / 5.4 25.3 / 24,8, 0 7.7 / 7.8 8.0 / 5.7 46.00 42,00 120 10 10 0.511 10 10 0.555 8 10 0.422 9 10 0.508 1 9 10 0.464 2 7/24/2007 10 10 0.560 9 10 0.444 4 7.6 / 7.5 ______________ 7,7 / 5.4 25.2 / 24.8|25.2 / 24.6|24.5 / 4 8.0 / 7,8 7.9 / 5.5 10 10 0.550 9 10 0.438 9 10 0.445 10 10 0.465 10 _10_ ■0.475 __3 10 10 0.515 10 10 0.484 10 10 0.599' 4 10 10 0.488 Stats Cone. 45 65 90 95 100 1 7/22/2007 24.25hr 64.00 80,00 679 <0.1 2.4 1 7,4 / 7.5 7.2 / 6.4 25,0 / 25.1 1 7.8 / 7,7 8.0 / 6.0 24,75hr 62,00 100.00 611 <0.1 3.1 2 7.6 / 7.8 8?2 / 5.9 8.7 / 6.2 25.25hr 63.00 128.00 573 <0.1 2.2 3 7/26/2007 5 7.6 / 7.1 7.7 / 4.9 % Eff- Repl. [Control | Surviving# Original # Wt/original (mg) 8 10 0.454 rand) , x Growth Calculated Critical 1 2.41 0 2.41 1 2.41 1-069 2.41 P t 2.41 Facility.City of Wilson NPDES#: NC0023906 Pipe#: 001 County: Wilson 45| Surviving # Original # Wt/onginal (mg) 651 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 901 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 951 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 1001 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Water Quality Data Control pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin [25.3 / 24.8|25.0 / 25.l|251~7~ Sample Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration) Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) Chlorine(mg/L) Temp, at Receipt (°C) 6 8.1 / 7.8 7.7 / 4.8 25.1 / 24.7 Growth Fl Fl 100% >100 >100 Dunnett's 9 10 0.651 Day 3 7.7 / 7,4 7.8 / 5.8 -Ar.bnvilla Co'-tifir-itjciri I Dr; NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL aT-5 ^9^18 Calculated -1.169 -0.29 -0.056 -0.083 - Cferlotf^Celfification IE s —NC-Wastewater-----12_ NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 race Analytical services, inc. — Asheville. NC 2880,4 Phone: 828.254.7126 Fax: 828.252.4618 Envh-onnient.nl Sciences Bi Division of Water Quality NC DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Jr Hunte^lle. M 280'78 \^PaceAnalyKar p,,0SkiS^ www.pacelabs.com Signature of Operator in Responsible Chgrgt Signature of Laboratory Supervisor (x 6 7.7 / 7,4 ______ _ 7.8 / 5.0 24.6|25.4 / 24.8|25.1 / 247 5 8.0 / 7.7 _______________7,9 / 5.4 25.2 / 24.6 24,5 / 24.6 25.4 / 24.8 Survival Fl Fl 100% >100 >100 Dunnett's Survival Critical 2.41 2,41 ’ ___241 2.41 _ _______ 2.41 REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 'H aCCOa- nelac Comments: MAIL ORIGIN AL TO: Test Initiation Date/Time 8/7/2007 2:00 PM Avg Wt/Surv. Control 0.526 % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.512 Hatch Date: ABS8/6/07 [% Survival 95.0 Hatch Time: 12:30-15:30 Avg Wt (mg)0.451 [% Survival 95.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.467 % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.495 L % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.494 [% Survival 95.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.484 iBHli] / / I 10 10 0.515 100[ Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Water Quality Data Control pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin Sample Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration) Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) Chlorine(mg/L) Temp, at Receipt (°C) Dilution H2O Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) 901 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 951 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 651 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 45[ Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Cultured In-House Outside Supplier Normal Hom. Var. NOEC LOEC ChV Method Laboratory: PACE Analytical 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville N’C 28804 Facility:City of Wilson NPDES#: NC0023906 Pipe#: 001 County: Wilson Test Organisms r r Overall Result ChV |>100 10 10 0.526 Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge, Signature of Laboratory Supervisor x 8 10 0.413 45.00 44.00 135 9 10 0.518 10 10 0.459 10 10 0.457 10 10 0.431 9 10 0.452 10 10 0.505 10 10 0.488 10 10 0.475 10 10 0.439 2 10 10 0.561 24.75hr 63.00 126.00 638 <0.1 3.0 10 10 0.494 10 10 0.486 10 10 0.496 8 10 0.448 10 _10_ 0.506 3 9 10 0.509 10 10 0.539 10 10 0.445 4 10 10 0.550 Stats Cone. 45 65 90 95 100 2.41 2.41 2.41 2,41 2.41 0 7.5 / 7,2 8.0 / 6.4 25.3 / 25.0 0 7.6 / 7,8 8.6 / 6.4 25.3 / 25.0 1 8/5/2007 25hr 64.00 112.00 662 <0.1 3.2 1 10 10 0.430 1 8.0 / 7,5 8.1 / 6.3 25.2 / 25.0 1 7.8 / 7.7 8.8 / 5.8 25.2 / 25.0 2 8/7/2007 23.75hr 61.00 104,00 669 <0.1 2.9 2 7.5 / 7,2 8.0 / 6.6 25.4 / 24.8 2 7.6 / 7.8 6.8 / 6.4 25.4 / 24.8 3 8/9/2007 % Eff. Repl. [Control j Surviving # ■ Original # Wt/original (mg) Asheville, NC 288V4 Phone: 828.254.71V6 Fax: 828.252.4618 Growth Calculated Critical 17,5 15.5 20 20 16 X 7- — v Environmental Sciences Branch Division of Wa/er Quality NC DEN R 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 6 7.4 / 7.5 8.0 / 6.2, 25.4 / 24.8 6 8.0 / 7,6 8.5 / 6.2 25.4 / 24.8 4 7,7 / 7.0 j 7.6 / 5.0 25.3 / 24.7 4 7.7 / 7.6 7.4 / 4,6 25.3 / 24.7 Survival |F | Fl 100% >100 >100 Steel’s 5 7.8 / 7.4 6.8 / 5.1 25.1 / 25.2 5 7.7 / 7.8 7.2 / 5.7 25.1 / 25.2 Growth Fl Fl 100% >100 >100 Dunnett’s Calculated 2.216 1.627 0.629 0.659 ■ehartottc Ccftation IDs 4MC Wastewater-----45— NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Asheville Certification IDs NC Waste water 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NEEAPQ Form AT&'/'&ffill) Survival Critical ______10 ______10 ______10 ____10 ______ 10 REPORT QF I QRnnflTnRY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services. Inc. 10 10 0.472 Day 3 7.2 / 7.1 8.0 / 6.0 25.1 / 25.1 3 7.5 / 7.8 7.8 / 6.5 25.1 / 25.1 — y.cty Report Form-Chronic Fathead Hunter^e, NC 28078 ^Pace Analy^al fS^04.875.9091 www.pacelabs.com Comments: MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Test Initiation Date/Time 9/11/2007 2:35 PM Avg Wt/Surv. Control 0.781 Test Organisms ’ % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.760 Hatch Date: ABS9/10/07 [% Survival 100.0 Hatch Time: 12:30-15:30 Avg Wt (mg)0.782 % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.931 % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.918 % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.984 % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.814 ] iKfiwlHwnw 1001 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Water Quality Data Control pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin Sample Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration) Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) Chlorine(mg/L) Temp, at Receipt (°C) Dilution H2O Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) 901 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 951 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 45| Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Cultured In-House Outside Supplier 651 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Normal Hom. Var. NOEC LOEC ChV Method Laboratory: PACE Analytical 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville NC 28804 Facility:City of Wilson NPDES#: NC0023906 Pipe#: 001 County: Wilson E F Overall Result ChV |>100 Pace Inc. __ 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville. NC 28^04 Phone: 828.254.7i76 Fax: 828.252.4618 44.00 45.00 124 10 10 0.762 10 10 0.886 10 10 0.919 10 •10 0.841 10 10 1.059 10 10 0.865 10 10 0.902 10 10 0.742 10 10 1.043 10 10 1.110 2 10 10 0.718 10 10 0.762 10 10 0.780 10 10 1.016 10 10 0.841 3 10 10 0.808 10 10 0.746 9 10 0.892 10 10 0.963 10 10 0.921 10 10 0.799 4 10 10 0.773 Stats Cone. 45 65 90 95 100 Survival Critical ______10. 10 ______10 ______10. 10 1 9 10 0.742 1 7.8 / 7.1 8.2 / 5.2 24.9 / 25.3 1 7,6 / 7.7 9.0 / 6.2 24.9 / 25.3 2 9/11/2007 7.6 / 7.7 8.6 / 5.0 25.2 / 24.6 % Eff. Repl. [Control | Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 24.5hr 64.00 112.00 670 <0.1 2.2 24.25hr 61.00 104.00 607 <0.1 3.3 24.25hr 63.00 126.00 707 <0.1 2.6 REPORT OF LABORftTOF This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. ndac Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge Signature of Laboratory Supervisor'' x Growth Calculated Critical 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.4 20 20 20 18 20 LYSISAsheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater TO NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NEL/3^/q f0rm 6 7.6 / 7.8 7.9 / 4,8 25.3 / 24.6 6 7.7 / 7.8 9.0 / 5.3 25.1 / 24.7 4 7.2 / 7.2 8.5 / 5.1 25.0 / 25.0 4 7.7 / 7.7 9.0 / 5.5 24.5 / 24,6 Survival Fl F| 100% >100 >100 Steel’s 0 7.5 / 7.6 8.2 / 5.6 25.0 / 24,8 0 7.5 / 7.6 9.0 / 6.0 25.0 / 24.8, 1 9/9/2007 5 7.6 / 0.2 8.0 / 4.9 25.1 / 24.8 5 7.6 / 7.7 9.3 / 4.8 25.4 / 24.8 Growth Fl Fl 100% >100 >100 Dunnett's 2 7.7 / 7.4 8.0 / 6.3 25.1 / 24,9[ 25.3 / 25.2 2 3 7.8 / 7.9 8.0 / 6.7 25.1 / 24.9 3 9/13/2007 X Environmental Sciences Bhtnch Division of Water Quality NC DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 10 10 0.866 Day 3 7.6 / 7.6 8.0 / 5.8 ffMcicity Report Form-Chronic Fathead Huntej^le. NC 28078 ticeAnalymr www.pacelabs.com Calculated -0.378 -3.016 -2.791 -3.963 ■Charlotte Cert^ication IDs t4€-Wastewater-----T9----- NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Effl Comments: MAIL ORIGINAL TO: Test Initiation Date/Time 10/9/2007 1:35 PM Avg Wt/Surv. Control 0.589 Test Organisms % Survival 97.5 Avg Wt (mg)0.572 Hatch Date: ABS10/8/07 [% Survival 100.0 Hatch Time: 12:30-15:30 Avg Wt (mg)0.615 [% Survival 95.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.528 [% Survival 95.0 Avg Wt (mg)[0.610| % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.641 % Survival 100.0 Avg Wt (mg)0.621 [iTHlffi 1001 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Water Quality Data Control pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin High Concentration pH (SU) Init/Fin DO (mg/L) Init/Fin Temp (C) Init/Fin Sample Collection Start Date Grab Composite (Duration) Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) Chlorine(mg/L) Temp, at Receipt (°C) Dilution H2O Hardness (mg/L) Alkalinity (mg/L) Conductivity (umhos/cm) 45| Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 901 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 95l Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Pace Anafy^a1'SSrlr‘i£'ffs, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville. NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7i76 ________Fax- 828.252.4618 651 Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) Normal Hom. Var. NOEC LOEC ChV Method Laboratory: PACE Analytical 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville NC 28804 Facility:City of Wilson NPDES#: NC0023906 Pipe#: 001 County: Wilson Overall Result ChV | >100 0 6.9 / 7.4 7.0 / 6.1 24.8 / 25.1 0 7.6 / 7.8 9.0 / 6.8 24.8 / 25.1 1 10/7/2007 10 10 0.582 9 10 0.579 10 10 0.694 10 10 0.726 10 10 0.585 38.00 41.00 122 1 7.5 / 7.3 7.9 / 6.0 25.2 / 25.0 1 7.6 / 7.5 8.8 / 5.0 25.2 / 25.0 2 10/9/2007 10 10 0.610 2 9 10 0.585 10 'l_0_ 0.622 10 10 0.565 9 10 0.585 10 10 0.678 3 10 10 0.578 10 10 0.571' 10 10 0.496 10 10 0.648 10 10 0.600 10 10 0.552 9 10 0.471 9 10 0.515 10 10 0.628 4 10 10 0.585 10 10 0.683 Stats Cone. 45 65 90 95 100 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 2.41 24.25hr 50.00 80.00 644 <0.1 2.2 1 10 10 0.541 25.25hr 55.00 83.00 600 <0.1 3.4 % Eff. Repl. [Control | Surviving # Original # Wt/original (mg) 24,75hr 54.00 84.00 617 <0.1 3.5 Growth Calculated Critical __20 16 ___16 ___20 20 2 7.5 / 7.2 8.3 / 7.0 24.9 / 24.8 2 ' 7.6 / 7.4 8.1 / 6.3 24.9 / 24.8 3 10/11/2007 Survival Critical 10 10 ____10 ______10 ______________ 10 REPORT OF I ARnRATllRY ANfllYSlS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. nelac Asheville Certification IDs MU Wastewater TO NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 ^^WQFormA¥-^4) 4 7.3 / 7.2 8.4 / 8.0 25.3 / 25.0 4 7.5 / 7.4 7.9 / 7.6 25.3 / 25.0 5 7.2 / 7.2 8.1 / 4.8 25.1 / 24.9 5 7,6 / 7,6 7.8 / 4.2 25.1 / 24.9 Survival Fl Fl 100% >100 >100 Steel's 6 7.4 / 7.3 8.1 / 5.8 25.3 / 24.8 6 7.6 / 7.3 8.8 / 6.2 25.3 / 24.8 Growth Fl Fl 100% >100 >100 Dunnett's Calculated -1.067 1.114 -0.957 -1.728 -1.229 CTTarldtte CgniflcatloiTTDs NC Wastewater T2 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge^ Signature of Laboratory Supervisor x ) Environmental Sciences-Branch Division of Water Quality NC DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1621 Htj^xicity Report Form-Chronic Fathead y A Huntersvj^lC 28078 A ^.^1, ^4-:JW/® Phone:9092face AnalytiCdl 704.875^91 www.pacelabs.com 10 '10 0.670 Day 3 7.3 / 7.1 8.4 / 7.5 24.8 / 24.8 3 7.5 / 7.3 8.2 / 6.4 24.8 / 24.8 r Cultured In-House P , Outside Supplier x E-nl mi Date:August 24, 2007 NPDES #: NC- 0023906 Pipe #: 001 County: Wilson Comments: . North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/l-ail Reproduction Toxicity Test Percent L L L 90% Pass Fail X Test Start Date: 08-08-07 Sample 2 08-09-07 a Duxntion 23-h 24 75-h .W. 3 3 g Control High Cone. DO (ing/L)7-days pH (S.U.)Ceriodaphnia dubia Duration:Organism Tested: Concentration (%) Mortality (7c) D.O. (mg/L) Control Treatment 2 Sample 1 Sample 2 Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/L) Hardness (mg CaCO3/Li Conductivity (pnihos/cin) Total Residual Chlorine (ing/Lj Sample Temp, al Receipt CC) Chronic Test Results Calculated t: Tabular t: % Reduction: PO Box 7565 Asheville, NC 28802 Mail Original To: North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources DWQ/ Environmental Sciences Branch 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh. NC 27699-1621 5 pH (S.U.) Control Treatment 2 Treatment 2 34.9 ci f 5 ■A I •o s 1 II 5 Average Reproduction Control 25.7 Control Organisms__________ Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive. (D)ead Effluent Percentage Treatment 2 Organisms Number of Young Produced Adult Survival: (L)ive, (D)ead 7.7 7.9 7.24 7.81 1 35 L 2 36 L 7.29 7.84 4 34 L 7.7 7.5 5 34 L 7.23 7.79 6 38 L 6 26 L 8 27 L 9 24 L 9 37 L 10 26 L 10 34 L 11 27 L Project: Samples: Mortality Control 0.0 3371 070808.13.070811.05 8.0 7.7 3 33 L 7 27 T 7 32 L 8 34 L 11 37 L 12 23 L s, Inc. Phone: (828) 350-9364 1st Sample 7.17 773 1st Sample 7.32 7.80 12 35 T" 1 st Sample 7.8 7.7 1st Sample 7.6 7.8 2nd Sample 7.36 7.80 2nd Sample 7.6 8.4 605 <0.10 0.6 702 <0.10 1.1 Treatment 2 0.0 Control CV 40.45 165. IW. 161 5 25 L -13.328 2.508 -36.0 6.3 *• control proihr mg 3rd brood 100 E^dronmental Testing Soluti^i iolutions, Inc. ---------—------ Sample Type/Duration Grab Comp. X- Method of Determination Trimmed Spearman Karber Pi-obit Other: LCjo/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %. combining replicates.) LC50 = 95% Confidence Limits to 12 3 4 26 | 28 | 26 23 L Collection (Start) Date: Sample 1 08-06-07 il This data package contains the toxicity test results summarized on this form and includes a Cove}- Page. AT-1 Form. Laboratory Benchsheets. Statistical Analyses. Chain-of-Custody Forms and Quality Control Charts. DWQfonn AT-1 (3/87) rev. 11/95 Facility: Tritest, Inc. Wilson WWTP Laboratory Performing Test: Environmental Testin; Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge: Signature of Laboratory Supervisor: Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Faii and Acute LC50 Date NPDES#NCCC23906|>e # Comments X MAIL ORIGINAL TO 1 2 3 4 .5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 # Young Produced 29 27 25 29 2830 29 29 29 30 35 31 % Mortality Avg. Reprod. L L L L L L L L L L L LAdult (L)ive (D)ead 90.0%Effluent %0%27.2 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 Control CV 8.1%TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 21# Young Produced 30 28 30 24 29 27 27 26 30 27 27 % 3rd Brood PASS FAIL XLLLLL L LL L L L L 100%Adult (L)ive (D)ead Complete This for Either Test Test Start Date Collection fStart) Date 8-8-07 pH 1st sample 1st sample 2nd sample Sample 1 8-6-2007 Sample 2 8-9-2007 Control 7.9 8.0 7.8 8.0 7.9 7.6 Sample Type (Duration) 8.2 7.9Treatment 2 8.4 8.3 8.2 8.2 Grab Duration 1st 2nd Sample 1 24hrs.Tox Tox XendendSample 2startendstartstart 24hrs.Dilution Sample Sample D.O.•W46.22nd sample1st sample 1st sample Hardness (mg/L) 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.8 8.5Control 176 611 685Spec. Cond. (pmhos) 8.9 8.7 8.8 8.7 8.7 8.5Treatment 2 0.09 <0.05Chlorine (mg/L) 2.4 1.7Sample Temp, at receipt (°C) LCSO/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %. combining replicates) Concentration Mortality starUend start/end Method of DeterminationLC50 =Control Probit95% Confidence Limits Moving Average High Cone. %Other PH D.O.Spearman Karber ICeriodaphnia dubiaOrganism Tested DEM Form AT-1 ETT Environmental, Inc. 16-Aug-07 County: WILSON 2.024 2.508 7% 0% Control 29.3 Conti. I Comp T" Environmental Sciences Branch wiv. vi moici wuaiiiy IX.U'L.IVIX lux. i man jci *iuc x^ciilci t^aiciyiij ixviiti \>aivinia Aiuoa-iuAi Chronic Test Results Calculated t= Critical Value= % Reduction= Effluent Toxicity Report Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Facility; WILSON EFFLUENT^ Laboratory Performing Test: Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge _____________________ Signature of Laboratory Supervisor North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS Date 17-May-C7 County: WILSONNPDES#Pipe # Comments MAIL ORIGINAL TO North Carolina Ceriodaphnia Chronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTROL ORGANISMS 4 '3 5 6 7 812 9 10 11 12 32 30 30 2326293031 28 29# Young Produced 31 33 % Mortality Avg. Reprod. L L LLILL L LL L LAdult A live (P}oad 90.0%Effluent %0%29.8 Treatment 2 Treatment 2 Control CV 9.2%TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 4 5 6 7 8 912 3 10 11 12 30 29 31 31 32 31 28 28 30# Young Produced 30 28 30 % 3rd Brood PASS FAIL XLLLLLLLLLLLL100%Adult (L)ive (D)ead Complete This for Either Test Test Start Date Collection (Start) Date 09-May-07 PH 2nd sample Sample 11st sample 5-7-20071st sample Sample 2 5-10-2007 8.57.6 7.57.8 8.0 7.8Control Sample Type (Duration) 7.87.7 7.7 7.47.7 7.9Treatment 2 Grab Duration 1st 2nd Sample 1 24hrs.Tox Tox XendSample 2endstart Dilution Sample Sampleendstart24hrs.start D.O.44.12nd sample Hardness (mg/L)1st sample1st sample 8.7 8.48.5 8.9 630 5669.1 8.6 201ControlSpec. Cond. (pmhos) 9.2 8.49.0 0.08 0.079.3 8.5 8.5Treatment 2 Chlorine (mg/L) 0.11.9Sample Temp, at receipt (°C) LC50/Acute Toxicity Test (Mortality expressed as %, combining replicates) Concentration Mortality start/endstart/end Method of DeterminationLC50 =Control Probit High Cone.Moving Average95% Confidence Limits D.OOtherpH% Organism Tested DEM Form AT-1 I -0.57 2.508 -2% • .J Control 0% Control Comp X Environmental Sciences Branch miv. vi naici \xi«ciiiiy It. '-*• IU4I iViail UCIVILC VrCtllCI naiciyii, iiuiui vaiuima 1.1 uja-ivt Chronic Test Results Calculated t= Critical Value= % Reduction= ETT Environmental, Inc. Spearman Karber Ceriodaphnia dubia Effluent ToxiciM^port Form - Chronic Pass/Fail and Acu|^_C50 Facility: WILSON HOMII^^OREEK WWTF npdes# NCo^Soe Laboratory Performing Test: x /f -~ Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge X ________________________ Signature 'of Laboratory Supervisor NPDES#NC 0023906 County Wilson Comments OviAIL ORIGINAL TO: 0.158 North CarolinaCor/oc/ap/in/a Chronic Pass/Fail CONTROL ORGANISMS 1 2 7 8 ;9 10 11 12 tf- Young Produced 23 23 28 24 19 21 26 24 23 27 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L Effluent%90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 PASS FAIL # Young Produced 21 18 25 26 22 25 22 28 23 26 X Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L L Check OneLLL ^Complete This For Either Test |1st 1st 2nd ControlPH 7.7 7.6 8.0 7.9 8.0 Collection Start Date8.1 Treatment 8.0 8.0 Sample 18.0 Sample 25\7\07 5\10\07 Samoel Tvoe/Duration Grab Comp. Deration Sample 1 X 23.75hr Sample 21st1st2nd X 23.75hr D O Control 8.0 7.8 8.0 7.8 8.4 8.1 Hardness (mg/|) 43 Treatment 8.2 8.0 8.3 7.9 Spec Cond. (umhos)8.5 8.3 503 49S Chlorine (mg/l) <0.1 <0.1 Sample temp at receipt fC) 1.6 2.4 %%%%%%%% Concentration%%%%%%%% Mortality LC50= %Method of Determination start/end start/end 95% Confidence Moving Avg.Probit Control % -%Spearman Other PH LWOrganism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia E n d E n d Test Start Date 5\9\07 Tabular t % Reduction 0.00 Treatment 2 0.0 Cnntrnl CV 11.3 I Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, l\IC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 High Cone %control organisms producing 3rd brood f 83.3 I E n d wee Analytic^ WWW. I __¥ Mole Please Complete This Section also 2,552 0.84 LCSO/Acute Toxicity Tesl (Mortality expressed as % combinino replicates) % I % Mortality Control | Avg. Reprod. Control 23.80 Treatment 2 23.60 7.9 s t I a 8,1 s t t a 78 s t t a r Test Duration (Hours): . REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services. Inc. nehc ■=6^ tn —< —• cn Reproduction Toxicity Test 3 4 5 6 a —i S ! Chronic Test Results Calculated t 120 EPA blocking method used. No organisms in replicates 4&5 had offspring. Not male but looked unhealthy Not included mstalistical analysis Sample not aerated Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh. North Carolina 27699-1621 Facility: Wilson___________ Hominy Creek WTF Laboratory Jferforming Test PACE Analytical Services, Inc Signature of Operator in Responsible Charge i l Sinnaiiirp of I ahoratnrvSmi^rVi'snr ~ 7~' Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 9800 Kincey Avenue, Suite 100 Huntersvill^C 28078 ’ Phone: 71^^5.9092 Fax: 704.875.9091 Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail and Acute LC50 Date 5\22\07 Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627 Facility: Wilson NPDESSNC 0023906 Pipe #001 County WilsonJnc. 2.562 7 8o 9 10 11 12 ff Young Produced 26 28 28 16 30 33 33 17 29 27 26 32 Adult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L L L L L L L Effluent%90 TREATMENT 2 ORGANISMS 1 2 3 4 10 11 12 PASS FAILtr Young Produced 22 23 22 22 20 28 28 XAdult (L)ive (D)ead L L L L L L Check OneL [Complete This For Either Test ~|1st 2nd pH Control Collection Start Dale Treatment Sample 1 Sample 2 8\9\07 Comp. Duration Sample 1 X 23hr 1st 1st Sample 2 X 24 75hrD.O Control 8.0 7.8 8.1 7.8 Hardness (mg/1)45 Treatment 7.6 7.4 8.1 7.8 Soec. Cond. fumhos) 133 557 595 Chlorine (mg/1) <0.1 <0.1 Samole temo at receiot (C) 3.0%%%%%%%% Concentration%%%%%%%% Mortality LC50= 0/ /o Method of Determination start/end start/end95% Confidence Moving Avg.Probit Control % -%Spearman Other PH DTP s t I a S t t a % %control organisms producing 3rd brood r 91.7 High Cone. E n d Tabular t % Reduction 0.00 Treatment 2 00 Cnntrnl CV 20.4 I Pace Analytical Services, Inc. 2225 Riverside Drive Asheville, NC 28804 Phone: 828.254.7176 Fax: 828.252.4618 E n d E n d I 7; S' X (/) CD CD 2.508 173 LC50/Acu!e Toxicity Test hMortalitv expressed as % comhinino replicates) % % Mortality Control 27.10 Treatment 2 22.40 8\6\07 Samoel Tvoe/Duration Grab 3,8 Note: Please Complete This Section also Samples Not Aerated Unless Otherwise Noted Environmental Sciences Branch Div. of Water Quality N.C. DENR 1621 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1621 {Test Start Dale- T 8\8\07 h-li Test Duration (Hours)- REPORT OF LABORATORY ANALYSIS This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written consent of Pace Analytical Services, Inc. »• *C-O»„ ,-r nzM'-ir** Chronic Test Results Calculated t | Avg Reprod. Control 5 6 7 8 9 03333 North Carolina CeriodaphniaChronic Pass/Fail Reproduction Toxicity Test CONTOHt. ORGANISMS 12 3 4 Labora^ry Performing Test , PACE Analytical Service I signature of Operator in Responsible Charge ' ~ “ I----‘ V-:/ a-X Xzz i •> SinnafijrR nf I ahrtralnry £< mpn/jsnr ; ' / “ cT" :— MAIL ORIGINAL TO: organism Tested: Ceriodaphnia dubia Asheville Certification IDs NC Wastewater 40 NC Drinking Water 37712 SC 99030 FL NELAP E87648 ■1st 1st 2nd LLL-LeJ _Z-4 I 7,5 I P7.4 I 7,4 J I-8-1 81 I 8.1 | 8,0 | | 7.9 I 8.0 | s t -------------—■—1 1 a 2nd J 8.0 7,7 J I 8.5 8,2 I Pace Analytical Services. Inc. 9800 KinceyAvenue. Suite W0 A Hunters, NC 28078 /I HQ l\ Phon^n)4.875.9092 uUu laiyilUdl Fax: 704.875.9091 mpfitoaWoxicity Report AT-1 Form Chronic Pass/Fail Comments Stats calc.sig difference but %reduction was <20% so test was a PASS Charlotte Certification IDs NC Wastewater 12 NC Drinking Water 37706 SC 99006 FL NELAP E87627