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GW1--03979_Well Construction - GW1_20240705
i� it rC . ._. Prl �WELL COS� ®fit CO �ll j ®ra¢®ead�s�� — sy; — — Fir IL Weil Coasea•®ctap Eaddrdna¢fieao • David Beeehar �_, ___ _. ..� iNotl Canarlctor Nanast Il4.@All�'d`C)l3 NA.e - ! tORIPTION n,. ' it. 'H ( ecle�ttrp) NC Weil ContreatorCodification Number �_ s S ���■Q2Plii,inc. ll0.3UTENE CASING gar anuil�.eaee+Hwe1f3011l NEfl(w ,1 Wm-4� ilintts 1 R® 1 Dint rEat TtilettnEB9 Company Nama ---- 0 1 V 5C et, i G g5 "' I 3a?g..2i 9i/[ °�Y►e➢dCa�aatauCff gsrenit#: i t^ i INNER:/lING,Mk,i G•:cotherme!doted4cid LW all applleable well ramtruNfau permds(/.e.VIC aunty,State,Gda ante„etc) -m aRObs it + 6 Sr. 6® llIIA�t Eft _ pdtlCltiitEq# ASA7Bla8A[. lo'�ell Uee(deck mil vase)! ft. i I 1 ..a. ft. 5 Oak stet'Sup*.Fe t... - -- - . - . .. _..-- - - - - IICulEural Y3°t3CW�ElV ipaUFu6➢ie • vRcaai ao Offen a nit Q{:®�'SIZE axfCK NE i IWATEWAL 1 R�auue • -theaanal(IIeatinWCoolingSupply) �71:1:esidential Water Supply(si -- Ga. itl. .� N 1 . :,'aUCalemeraiaV °�) �� atr9w. �Reiidettsie➢WaCe!Supply(slaved) a na '. u. . _ — ^� Wells MOM--_-1 lYlA 9BI9IA¢_y Slid%,ACOyI NI MIOTRplD ata■■ppf'' • _`"—_ :�tf 1.,,i)) 1('uPiti ffto ! f • a.� and Recovery °�► a Da 91 !NAVEL IDA Of sidenos ■ ILL�IIIIP_TcILQDC� Qaa�a dimiose��hrafe6���me��ee��eYn *. ctum) • .� axcan MI � 1/2-- II lti�aeattnane' lainttuder42i T, • , ��w l aeai 1s„�MEIN ...- - - - Q 20 l� (iat, OTC F➢9) Plawltet> egal „Aaeility1A#Wagged:ft let. . lt, St'1 ^l- yt �k ' _�, ,� ..iiiltt[]LLL_ ° s?aresEFdanticka►IonNo.UM- e, Sit. �y� soft* ethimiseattealat:n aQsarr*duaal]dogma _��_..._ - 6�_ in t000i.'M ?•-., sere—, L a , _31, IU' �lu " fit],Cay+3GEau2mor DIACd`304 0 1v Rio ` iN •, l :-../..S. ........ _23:22._ 11•11411meentel6ersioent or irlresuporary signature°Me/Wien We Contractor O I. fhb a Sy slgaisg dlds y7rrut,Q hete� 'that fie voila is eanstrucred la madame s f hb �� vas III ita6a CT 'I @Y® with,99t1 ivc u ?D2C.O�OO ar 1,/JUCAc tat .pMP rtla,Standards and that& mule 9 a YaPa msttracflon kdbrmailan and plalu the tialaare alike v Y afthis MOW rl N;Men�rsiV le Me uzdl attmer. nod the hackq/'thleibm a She dm=or millialud will disk: lmulloodmi SATa ier ClaPdaarr is Mali TOTAL gie setts Muate► MSdellDa/Q pounds alal�tliiel wall it NM or well MYsit. 1Vt'AI*JA/l�' offvr>eGYs se■r0in9mttis>alla, llseura>agral�a4lea3aatdditioatalpl�/!■■■■tom � wengelicwn!m1r) n mr�'m tture altl Mltwlmaieldirm-- se&>� ttlilellW: �talit ��lo/�aa111tbat„� °oo and aabinia aids art within 30 days off s�afpietiosa of well lb�e aenla■lroatetlegbtloaring: CV 112ieriaimW alitinttew&4eBmone,gidorsatdoln 1Wa®ceellos FJeedP, III.�a�`� �1bII9 Mfoll Cards Cuter,:1mdoisat,IZ C 29 116Il9 na Wall moierilltttirsi f 846► l- ffr addition to sanding she than the adureae an 24a y �,r above, E tit espy of this fonts within 30 days of aosupl©ti®n of wolf• CANON ��u s) —� -- eansetreotion eo Ma 111ptllsn+iatga FoliM 'JPI� ,..`a!►E.—...li,'l,'a __ --- Baufsitalra t�ec e Elfin;sucks iale.aga'oaaai eeQsdra abet Titegreem D�Cn�i�44�o➢9�7�v@ee�arraQae,lWaHsliq@:,���9.r9�II�1S Ile,ItEd 1 hut) I _ &qe,Lo UuQ -- - .�_ AIda:Q6®d-�,�tteell - �; ea ,f;v,6Z�r�(;gs a}rr�'�IQ�S; in addition f®sending ds®•>E'oaan to Illb' Visa �(� �,� r Its ads tessa°ess) An o, afar, saltnit Cam copy of this form within 30 bye of �omauat,---. _ 1 Q.4 eottapletinta any ae eutaststacvlon 5o site county Eteshdt department of the arconty where lamstmeied. GUILFORD COUNTY DEPARTMENT ENT OF PUBLIC:HEALTH Division of Environmental Healthy Water Quality Unit 400 W. Market St., Suite 300, Greensboro, NC 2 401 Record of Constlructoono G°apaor>'o or Abandonment ent of a Weil jai 1 4) Address of Well: cK Skie IV) 5 >h,, Well Permit Number: al•n5 w,U1iR• 0L1746, LOMOrTUDl; AO i 311 e 3 Well Contractor Company: Air 'Drill 'Inf. Completion Date: L •ary 2'I Total Well Depth:- .ft. Well Yield: IC _gptn Static Water Level: Outer Casing � ft. ffi Material: PtiG Fornaati,i,n Log Casing Diameter: (a,.,2S in. Casing Depth: 5o ft, Depth Description itn�nerr CasingFrom: 0 ft. To: 40 ft. Oa Material: From: (26 ft. To:yift. Casing Diameter: ____ __in. Casing Depth: ft. From: 95 ft. To: ft. From: 50 ft. To; 6_ft, b cn„Ftc Grout From: ft. To:____ft. Depth Material Method From: ft. To; _ft. From:From: r ft. To:__�(__ft, -Crzeni P Li:4h i; , From: ft. To: ____ft. ft. To: it. From: ft. To: ft. From: ft. To: ft. - .,. �.. ---_ From: ft. To: ft. War Production Zones Depth: 490 ft. ft. Yield: l p m ft. _� ft. .-.._�.ft. ft. ft. — gp gpm gpm _._.gprn — - gpm -,.gpm gPm Method of Repair: Method of Abandonment: I hereby certify that this well was constructed, repaired, or abandoned according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Well Contractor: _� iii0 .. �`il ii,o.„_ _ ... Certification #: 145911_ Date: EL au l/ c C©U of Pump Enot ag8a{ oo /`14 a� Pump Installation Company: uG . %� Completion Date: 7 3/2. Pump Depth: _ Z ___ft. Static Water Level: I _ ft.Pump]Brand:—r�r h• �t r z---- Pump Size and Rating: . y hp /0 gpm I hereby certify that this pump was installed and wellhead completed according to the Guilford Counts Well Rules in effect on '• date an that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. • y Well Contractor: 1-7 �� .,,,74Certification#: . 9a Date: {f Revised:January 1,2009