HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03913_Well Construction - GW1_20240705 WELL oI1�s'1(ItliY aanaea ��aub � • Print Form WELL an ��11 f FM'Arterial Use Only: 2. eli Contractor Infanta bat David Belcher _.�_... 1dlollamaraateridenut ,.._ zi�__, Il4.FAI�SE�6�iV i g® _ os 4594-A 4aino& V L ' 102(1'J-1( nIpki e) me wall Contraatareetiffloalton ittumbar L L Aqua Drill,inc. Ina 6alttyttllHLtNE113diP.ap➢1a461aD Tor�K nest Ittoc Company Namo .,,---- C) 1 L Cc...25 do. 'tig,jl .'V(.... 3•Weil Construction Permit ti, ,-wiN �)a . �t an INNER et!'�eolhosr e1 tad•BaoDB on List all oppllcabk well amtstructtat permits PA UIC,Cat i Slaw,Varla ue.ate.) �— BH— �d Emu. 1Weil Die(deck weituse)a ...a�- cc , _.� fat suer SUP*' alit. ._ ■ cultural �. 'cipaUPatbiia FRaDM Ira 3'A , se �t$e III � ftr, at, iwe (li<eatiog/CaolingSupply) '33113e;idential litraterSupplyy(single) MN ■ ., ommeraial cr' e� an.0Residelt ial Water Supply(slung Ill — .-1---_ �, — •' 4a�1� Walk _.._Rum— t�A lrt��� �o eeHury usa er' $teartuab An uatr ■ at II Groundwater lltemediatiaaII Ilerage . . and Recovery Salinity Ranier E _''" " ,IL 9P j1 _ >• E a® Il70. -n, ■- tormtdratbr l�eaitaege at. La: silence VoutYot et,, R. a ` 43e143Loop) DIIVecee " e20.1•01LILa r•-• " T 1ahalsifneratat)II . - ' ' el::Return) ®therQcu.iaintader#�1Rsrna �QR. b CQ td eeiee eraaaaao LTMIIIIW 4,aMt1 � Well Mit Luellen 5o 4►:f ,�,��` -i0 lh . u7 ata e. C� nib', ' T r.6''^S ur„rL'� _ Gt. Uito laollitylOt a� -aft y ` _ S tE'. (u`nn�if' laa t'—'Tff9Eatipllaatslali i. ' L �Gafac�. • o� PlIdellaMmes,01,1 al at. it. • _- _ �.� _ + 2artt t rdontttlaattanN®.(isdFt� �'r'�"t''1 '�'iwti;;,! ! Sit.g'N*rle�lelahatitgreerfech atesiamooategrdecimal!or,grraesr ��� ft[wiAtlr<rylbs/b�oknd �,.._ • 6 ; , . id N....2121.tly:.,9 4 _,_.,_,.... ._,wtt . / //:::„.....„,..........-- At War.al tir07111PNarrldgaa re a Cwarted Wan Comrade?de? Daft B'.��t e m� � 1dy aigrleg?his Ann, Hereby sert{/y OM dl�e well(s)was(were)a nsfrueled in accordance 1.II a Alt 134 aUCWC F12C.Ut'Wl or 1,7A MAC an moo Well Coasin ciloa 3totutlarde and theta Rer'Nire/jriL�Herne Ae 9endicter n2n�a*�fRenuhtnrlgphe copy vecarrl6na aeeN�nrould6a11a Oita n ell owner. 2S.Ele dome u'aelelffimd'MdldeValet a Meliawi85a►7ttg the seta Yon teo ehe rut WWI1r/ce lre®uide additional wee site detains or well etk �viNUIVIBE 8 walls consolidate dakile.Yams,almanac,is additional pages i>)'saecessaty, 0_010 4_13177 ACE. QTIC lLlitYtMriwW�!✓ .�"�� a) � OU � itri ��i/�rattt4yrample-3 00'und2Qllid� Yledt 1W form within 3D days of completion of well 1L/IrrewnlltYeelielew` crenaminta 1` I rinfiib�aan1er• a?c�sflttg= ( _� .Q�BD DI�ItYan[w1Y�l!■eneeHe1�lre� 1L1 i_Ca UST 1Y11mbek01124•d t71■=a' gm) 24Na.geritnNotottaig An addition to sends 1l.lgltk �4illtHi in 24a above.n sta submit one copy,of this o,raag wit*10®days of compleNni to the ioneof well. p'0� iuepib. —19..=.,.,. COKVAaeaiat3 ea the Eec9lowirlo Ab rgA'>rHQat1p>rLX iWIL'!h - __ _,- .._- ...1 ahlutkokaoffl�U'c,rg o�ot arms�'sasLr:crg�4®d ,7�p,a Il 6 ilydail Srsnice Cesa¢er,1iialelgPs,19C 9'2 0,6 �.�161.�'�61/11 ahead dam: � v � 3 ►_ imiL' dQ�iF P W4,, gut 1►ii...4 s_1[1k11nr pi ig,Qsg pi addition Ito sanding the.$brne ea 9�ta,i�S9saEet �u / a oaamtta i�,Cz Qte address(es) above, ciao submit one copy of this foam within 3)days of crysatpietlota of wz1 dtratstencaama to to county 63aAith department of the=way `PJhei.o;;6'avreicteOl.. GUILFORD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH Division of Environmental Health,Water Quality Unit 400 W. Market St., Suite 300, Greensboro,NC 27401 ' acord of Construetiorr4 . gpadrr or Abarrodonmeitt :.f a a 0-ciao Address of Well: 4110'Dork 'Th; Sk4'.Sr-)rrle 2,35L' �y�1'D'1 0CE 3 Well Permit Number: 9t! Cat_�;�yltee �-_... ', Well Contractor Company: ket I)r;il Tr . Completion Date: Co d S•.274., Total Well Depth:P _SR ft. Well Yield: 1,2 gpm Static Water Level:_lea_ ft. ®an;:•r(Casing Material: Casing Diameter: c:�.�5 in, Casing Depth: y7 ft. Depth IF®u'mra�ttn Log Description limnerCa >a From: C ft. To:.j0 ft. Material:Casing Diameter: in, CasingDepth: a From: Ic1 ft. To: p ft. From: yp ft. T'o:_/2 ft. From: t!7 ft. To: )3 ft. _ZudCYswn Grout From: ft. To:_ ft. Depth Material Method From: ft. To: ft. From:_Q_ft. To: � ft. Cen«r-!- PC -- From: ft. To: _. � ]From: ft. To;---ft. ft. From: ft. To: ft. From: ft. To: ft. —._. - a....N,. _- -.._ From: ft. To: _ft. Depth: ft. Water Production Zones ft. ft. ft.;'t.!� m —�.._ tt. ft. Yield: gp gpa __---gpm gpm gpm gpm _..._._ gpm Method of Repair: Method of Abandonment: I hereby certify that this well was constructed, repaired, or abandoned according to the Guilford County Well Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. Well Contractor: aQ,� _ - Certification#: y59� Date: ➢ . oftviiimmarimmilammima Recout off Pump Enotatidattion Pump Installation Company: --- Completion Date: i �u Pump Depth: riNd e ft. Static Water Level: ft. Pump Brand:— �Of�/ r.S,G Pump Size and Rating: Z` a hereby certify that this pump was installed and wellhead completed according to te Gum C ��m Rules in effect on this date and that a copy of this record has been provided to the well owner. County Well Well Contractor:. ✓.-Z-� A Certification #: 2-,*! 4 Date: 7 l L.f �Revised:January 1,2009 �-�'�