HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1--03929_Well Construction - GW1_20240705 WILL cortErkucnor4 RLCORD " P.,--town.a.UM OaIL Y ..._- - The two iis to rod Iwo**of anitio is woi1t 1 WteCtroits.Gr Val•1-,•tit. . . _ . ... .._ ._ . . _ ——... —.- --- ——-., 3-7D r r 1 13 c_. L L 7 (72 `74 7 6 L L L Ne.we*caosivre-CA01.1.41....huayikot ' In! refgfr.. . ..- .":4 Tit • . .:11,01•-• --_, t " 41 • ,--, ......r.o....2., _ Ti? ( r:/ ..(.3 a Le- j„,)e LC 4 ..!.., e... • ,, i '' . . "" • 1.3/4 i • 4.,,, / . .7,......A.-. "r irim2,1.1‘11,1.:i-...-44-r---.--r . 1..wgi C.••••••••••Torn*• 74 0 t oZ+A -5_4 I a 1. ."1":1 ii 11111111111 ..•:.• ji. • •Jur _____17"..- tot to•••••••ttac areurewern'mewl.it e l'..'weerr Sam e•444444.4 4.fer) En '''-'-' ) Wall tied WWI*.n KA, [Li t • •• —-- 4. -- - -,. t. Y. ----- tWoordwypti VialJ. —— . - -- '- •- '• • - •i-7,-,-PW--T—..-- -4,_ IA I r.ii•snotilowai '44 .-.•- 7 4.. V.I. 1. ' ft I is. , I U. ' i CIONINI•NIONOILMOCOolvie Stapoty,1 %ewe,?<••alioNtlail 4'.14, . i A -•••• ..........A....fi,AAAAA.AA •1 0 bolo.n)/Coinrwit al --_,i,siquentiti Svociti(tionali I - Ses.W.I...11111,-;17 well, 0 hiaotowirii_ 0 a 4.....,,,n I o* I it. 1 -. _____ .. IUwe lloo War: ... ..... .__. .. it. I I 0Atioft Ilarkarr 0,.)4tatna..•cs,••••tlhacce I X fl r:''':"3.2.11/254.... lf . - ---- - i!;!1101O : :ri. .71 Act i 0144111611 Miura.diteL 1 it e.nver) LA440,Dart wi, I1. I!..,.*wafer Two '..4 4.4.1111.1ai 0 Of 00410‘ — -• -'! I C age,le or 4 Tesor..-.op 03 tiar.a•rrc•COW VI 1 OtkOrtirotol(CW*10 Liall C.J.'ramtollakIX4-1titoiNatigaitifiNiows, A. { ,91)todwrinill(TiostiroiCtokow 11.otiowl 0(./ins?ic16.:.' ./21 Itssoilin) I it. ' r -.Pt*Wa k '- 4. if ilj(4444,1•44.14 ‘.-..fiZ.it 01"1? UNI1 0 t la ..i.„5- C i C- ‘144-5-1` '..' L. ,-k., )6.Wan V.W144. • 6.......4............___.,.Ca.... .a....aajj en —•, XV)-(_57:7(is ite)fiatet..7 ej la lastal../Oararr*eau Pooliq MI 1i Erp-0,40411)-—-- at. 0 R i--Lo LIVED: _ . t . i 14.01.0,AlgUlle.CU,.ihad tw — t ow) Parr .4.444444•11.4.4 (PIN. , ,. '—4104. 1 Uotit 'int vousotiwo Th lAiilo -- . ila sal 1.4.1ififils s ill 44 ot•will or.14.4101,agrreas: • treit./MS. 11.Corolla/1os ci.110 tilt re.lonowt ia lair wit) •W°--CS- /gC;2/Pl 7 ' ° / g V‘7 G.I'Crulf•=e i ear*two---- Dow I..La tam.)Or gralhia)• p(Perimaur oil is Clasps.II NW &wow:Al.pre 4. i ire‘kp sago*4Ire NW / -'16•10 Or%Ca^or cola,... nog 4 At'IJr.'OW 1,40 CMAJVINCie•asorleedi...4••.4 4 1 la Mir a leave.to ow e wail well r;Ye. .r /N. .••••.,of 111.+IWO Oaf&P.*p•04-14,11 ir Pal pet&mg, /AU q•NW II 00 h..0,1...../,oo.........e.....AA.1 NI.III,I.II.VA14tir i AI,I•I.,lic•§•• "wpm,web,I?)minivi4,4.4.amp dmi os.44 1.44.4 4.,,a..".... I).Stu taker sae or 3 iiiinossi wilt aglow: / You rosy a.Ss ins look of tiWs pp to prowls witittio *NW si nal % ) Na mbar of walla tes......14.4i•. c.inotime GA dellria Y .way elao ago"oitilicorol now If entwIntri .1.•raw*on5...ar arre-nowel*414 pi*OM?.igher...arnora.a. MINIOW MO fro 'WWI CI AL.U1S11.4TIONS 1.Twaii wand/pit lido.hod tortitio• / °.o _ AT 1411. rir All *at Itiaiwill Irv, 4,.., *Tom 'ft day. ....!tAnnolc...‘, •-• $...mrspor 440410 ref ell 4,0e**If 4114-4,11(•••••04.• .'4)00 ,^%)41.4° 4 44tel A..1.94i Ii;No fail•whog 1 Y State wavier itrat fisi W.lap of caa:as. ,d,5*--- ,rz Onnows of Wear flooiirl,714,0101/1411 PfUscetssis. if woo,hr..,la ale....ad Fa. -.- - 1611 Mad lisrvit•C•WM.Italoitgb,NC 1700440 i i Uvalde illsoesiso. i '' .1ii.i '41.• I LAW; Ajrcap in wiiiittnan so mendind*.rw.*in a IN/102414)6s r :4) e 4.,. ..).... . . iV 10. . t9 et ... U. • . .r..) . tart of cawirir..on 11 Wolil iosatrtarttoo tw..—.. ' A QJ 4,i e c too 41. t 1% 6113•VANY I'.Sept,Pain elail.lir%p 1 - - eak• j ...- --- I mg‘o ••W ft .sAi Pr .•vt ..•_osti••Cosirio rrthgro.... -, i 1.011WAT101111UPPL.113Vt1,1.111 ON1 V. 14J4 Mod Swett,Cosi W.Itaktik.NC 37.111-1," 13* Yield twpra* *it...o4*I%am.6..4 c‘I? e.4)i,v,1 241 LL,11*.s.,U)111/11.11.1104Agi/ASAIN-r od Oitton to tooOR Ilw tuna:u Vw itIaiwo(os, Mom olio tAotti OM *era of 1%4 Ism *NW 3C too ot i in Nash...,',pc(:_.iet L.6 r‘ ^P A.....,: A-0 0 z te.mpt•ttoet or...it.4.4.0,,on to tro,...ay Mil* ilepwonont :' hi , wore coraWo.timi ..., (1n•'.,Or.6...•.• (:&walla- • • IV•.vol Leseere... , • - . '