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SW6231102_Stormwater Report_20240711
STORMWATER MANAGEMENT REPORT for BUFFALO CREEK SUBDIVISION Submittal to: NCDEQ STORMWATER PROGRAM Prepared for: GRACELAND DEVELOPMENT, INC. P.O.BOX 531 PARKTON, NC 28371 CONTACT: JOEY PEINFIELD PHONE: (910) 709-8711 Resubmittal Date: March 2024 -�N CAR() ' Prepared by: :'��. ;, ;''Q : SEAL : HILL AR PLL_ _ _ . 035670 ENGINEERING, C = �. q v 3417 Winterwind Circle,Sanford,NC 27330 ---1/2.°K\4 (�I N�:.'. P�:` PO Box 249,Sanford,NC 27331 /f ......•.. . Phone:(919)352-2834 �� e-mail:jhilliard@hilliardengineering.com NC License#:P-0836 Jarrod E. Digitallysignedby Jarrod E. Hilliard, RAFTING AND DESIG`. Hilliard, PE, PE,CFM SERVICES,INC. CFM Date:2024.07.10 6728 Carbonton Road 09:50:41 -04'00' Sanford, NC 27330 (919) 499-8759 draftinganddesign@ymail.com DDS Project#2023-07 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE I. EXISTING CONDITIONS A. PROPERTY 1 B. WATERSHED 2 C. JURISDICTIONAL WATERS 2 D. FEMA FLOOPLAIN... 2 E. SOILS 2 II. AGENCY STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS A. HOKE COUNTY .2 B. NCDEQ 3 III. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION 3 B. LAND DISTURBANCE AND EROSION CONTROL 3 C. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE 3 D. DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT... 4 APPENDICES A. Computations Minor System Grass Conveyance Swales Erosion Control B. Maps Inlet Drainage Area Erosion Control Drainage Area C. Soil Survey Map D. FEMA FIRM Map E. USGS MAP F. STORMWATER FORMS SUPPLEMENT-EZ OPERATION & MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BMP SUPPLEMENT FORMS EXISTING CONDITIONS A. PROPERTY The proposed project site is on one 52.2 AC parcel (PIN# 5849-40-00- 1096) in Hoke County. The property is currently undeveloped farm land with no impervious surfaces. The following is a summary of the adjacent properties: To the north, undeveloped (zoning R-20) To the south, undeveloped (zoning R-20) To the west, undeveloped (zoning R-20) To the east, single family and undeveloped (zoning R-20) See Figure 1 below for an aerial view of the property for the proposed Buffalo Creek Subdivision project (Site). Figure 1:Aerial view of pre-developed site s �a 211 • 467 `, 4'. . u :7443 • »'* r tar. t et* 4/4, r' Storm water Impact Analysis Page 1 14 B. WATERSHED The site is located in the Gully Branch Watershed and Lumber River Basin. The NCDEQ Stream Index for Buffalo Creek is 14-2.5 and Stream Classification for Buffalo Creek is 'C'. C. JURISDICTIONAL WATERS There are no jurisdictional streams located on the site. There are no impacts proposed with this project to jurisdictional streams or wetlands. D. FEMA FLOODPLAIN There are FEMA mapped floodplains located on the site per FIRM Panel 37108488400L, effective date July 7, 2007. See Appendix D for FEMA FIRM maps. E. SOILS Refer to Appendix C for the NRCS map showing anticipated on-site soils. II. AGENCY STORMWATER REQUIREMENTS A. Hoke County Section 3.7 'Storm Drainage Not in Public Streets" of the Hoke County Subdivision Ordinance details the requirements for managing stormwater from new construction sites. Section 3.3 'Streets" of the Hoke County Subdivision Ordinance details the requirements for managing stormwater from new construction sites per NCDOT requirements. Storm water Impact Analysis Page 2 1 4 B. NCDEQ Hoke County is a `tipped' county and new projects located within the county must meet NCDEQ Post Construction Stormwater Phase 2 regulations. Site requirements for stormwater control are different if the proposed development is 'high density' (greater than 24% impervious) or `low density' (less than 24% impervious). III. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project will create fourty-Seven (47) single family lots (min 20,000 sf). The proposed project will add additional roads the Hoke County road system. The design follows the Preliminary Plat that was recently approved by Hoke County. As part of this project, public water will be extended to serve the new lots. B. LAND DISTURBANCE AND EROSION CONTROL The proposed disturbed area for the proposed project is 36.0 AC +/-. A NCDEQ Land Disturbance (Erosion Control) Permit will be obtained prior to beginning work. C. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE The proposed total amount of impervious surfaces for this project is 7.41 AC. This includes pavement and curb & gutters in the public R/W and driveways and rooftops on each lot. The resulting percent impervious (or built-upon) of 14.2% of the total property area. A maximum amount of 3,500 SF of impervious area is allocated to each lot. Thus, this development is classified as low density' under NCDEQ Phase II regulations. Storm water Impact Analysis Page 3 14 D. DRAINAGE AND STORMWATER MANAGEMENT i. Roadway Drainage -Major System The proposed roadway will have curb and gutter. Catch basins in the gutter line will provide the roadway drainage. Catch basins were spaced based on gutter spread not exceeding one-half lane width during a 4 in/hr storm (NCDOT guidelines). The minor pipe system is sized based on 10-year storm flow and cross-pipes are sized based on 25-year storm flow not exceeding the hydraulic capacity of each pipe segment (as open channel flow, that is, non- pressure flow). ii. Grass Conveyance Swales/Dispersed Flow As stated in Section III. C. above, proposed impervious is less than 24% and, therefore is classified as `Low Density' per NCDEQ regulations. Per NCDEQ guidance, Grass swales/dispersed flow are proposed to receive runoff collected by the catch basins in the road system to help treat the runoff before being discharged to the jurisdictional waters. These swales/dispersed flow areas have a longitudinal slope of 0.0% to 1.0% that discharge into an existing drainage swale to the south. There are Three (3) proposed grass outlets, each with a length greater than 100 LF. iii. Methodology and computations Refer to Appendix A for storm drainage and stormwater management computations. Hydrologic computations were based on the Rational Method for storm drainage and SCS method for stormwater management. Rainfall intensity was determined based on data of the closest rainfall gauge listed on the NOAA website. Drainage areas were delineated based on a combination of field and LIDAR topography. Stormwater Impact Analysis Page 4 14 APPENDIX A CcmpuOiciTcmg Qom ©© ©y ©© gwea0m rrcAm Coy o0 -o-orr Sfzili@rrn 3/5/24,8:44 AM PF Map:Contiguous US www.nws.noaa.gov NOAA's National Weather Service 41111I/4 • I Hydrometeorological Design Studies C Precipitation Frequency Data Server(PFDS `•.,.•° Home Site Map Search NWS 0 All NOAAI Go General Information NOAA ATLAS 14 POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES: NC Homepage Progress Reports Data description FAQ Glossary Data type: Precipitation intensity v I Units: English v Time series type: Partial duration vi Precipitation Select location Frequency Data Server 1)Manually: GIS Grids a)By location(decimal degrees,use"-"for S and W): Latitude: Longitude:( ) Submit Maps Time Series b)By station(list of NC stations):I Select station v Temporals Documents c)By address Hoke County,NC,USA X Q. J Probable Maximum Precipitation 2)Use map: Documents MOtt Lake Miscellaneous Map v a)Select location Publications tg Terrain Move crosshair or double click Storm Analysis Record Precipitation b)Click on station icon 0 Show stations on map Contact Us Inquiries Location information: Name:Hoke County,North Carolina, USA* UA•g Latitude:35.0174° Longitude:-79.2372° Elevation:260ft cu "_i— `` ry Aber dean F ay gnNina I a + m 2km *Source:ESRI Maps 1mi Raeford "Source:USGS Ceno-el Ave POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY(PF) ESTIMATES https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=nc 1/3 3/5/24,8:44 AM PF Map:Contiguous US WITH 90%CONFIDENCE INTERVALS AND SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 2,Version 3 8 Print page PF tabular PF graphical Supplementary information PDS-based precipitation frequency estimates with 90%confidence intervals(in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence interval(years) 1 Duration I 1 II 2 II 5 II 10 II 25 50 100 200 II II II II 500 II 1000 I 5-min 5.23 6.18 7.21 7.98 8.89 9.56 10.2 10.8 11.5 12.1 (4.76-5.78) (5.63-6.83) (6.55-7.97) (7.24-8.80) _ (8.04-9.78) (8.62-10.5) (9.13-11.2) (9.61-11.8) (10.2-12.6) (10.6-13.3) 10-min 4.18 4.94 5.77 6.38 7.09 7.61 8.10 8.54 9.10 9.50 (3.80-4.62) (4.50-5.47) (5.25-6.38) (5.79-7.03) (6.40-7.80) (6.86-8.36) _ (7.25-8.89) (7.62-9.38) (8.05-10.0) (8.35-10.4) 3.48 4.14 4.87 5.38 5.99 6.42 6.82 7.19 7.64 7.96 15-min (3.17-3.85) (3.77-4.58) (4.43-5.38) (4.88-5.93) (5.41-6.59) (5.79-7.06) (6.12-7.49) (6.41-7.89) (6.75-8.38) (6.99-8.74) - 2.39 2.86 3.46 3.90 4.44 4.84 5.23 5.59 6.08 6.44 30-min (2.17-2.64) (2.61-3.16) (3.14-3.82) (3.54-4.30) (4.01-4.88) (4.36-5.32) (4.68-5.74) (4.99-6.14) (5.37-6.67) (5.66-7.07) 60-min 1.49 1.80 2.22 2.54 2.95 3.28 3.60 3.92 4.36 4.70 (1.36-1.65) (1.64-1.98) (2.02-2.45) (2.30-2.80) (2.67-3.25) (2.96-3.60) (3.22-3.95) (3.50-4.31) (3.85-4.79) (4.13-5.16) 2-hr 0.870 1.05 1.32 1.53 1.81 2.03 2.25 2.48 2.79 3.03 (0.785-0.974) (0.952-1.18) (1.19-1.48) (1.38-1.71) (1.62-2.02) (1.81-2.26) (2.00-2.51) (2.18-2.76) (2.43-3.10) (2.62-3.38) 3-hr 0.613 0.742 0.937 1.09 1.31 1.48 1.66 1.85 2.12 2.34 (0.553-0.688) (0.670-0.833) (0.845-1.05) (0.982-1.22) (1.17-1.46) (1.31-1.65) (1.46-1.85) (1.62-2.06) (1.83-2.36) (2.00-2.60) 6-hr 0.366 0.443 0.560 0.654 0.785 0.892 1.00 1.12 1.29 1.43 (0.332-0.408) (0.402-0.493) (0.507-0.621) (0.590-0.725) (0.703-0.868) (0.793-0.985) (0.886-1.11) (0.982-1.24) (1.12-1.42) (1.22-1.57) 12-hr 0.214 0.260 0.329 0.387 0.467 0.535 0.606 0.682 0.792 0.882 (0.194-0.239) (0.235-0.289) (0.297-0.367) (0.348-0.430) (0.417-0.517) (0.473-0.590) (0.531-0.668) (0.592-0.751) (0.676-0.872) (0.743-0.970) 24-hr 0.126 0.153 0.194 0.226 0.271 0.307 0.343 0.382 0.434 0.476 (0.117-0.137) (0.142-0.166) (0.179-0.210) (0.209-0.244) (0.249-0.292) (0.281-0.331) (0.314-0.371) (0.348-0.412) (0.394-0.469) (0.430-0.514) 2-day 0.073 0.088 0.111 0.129 0.154 0.174 0.194 0.215 0.244 0.267 (0.068-0.079) (0.082-0.095) (0.103-0.120) (0.120-0.139) (0.142-0.165) (0.160-0.187) (0.178-0.209) (0.197-0.232) (0.222-0.263) (0.242-0.288) 3-day 0.052 0.062 0.078 0.090 0.107 0.121 0.135 0.149 0.169 0.185 (0.048-0.055) (0.058-0.067) (0.073-0.083) (0.084-0.097) (0.099-0.115) (0.112-0.129) (0.124-0.145) (0.137-0.160) (0.155-0.182) (0.168-0.199) 4-day 0.041 0.049 0.061 0.071 0.084 0.095 0.105 0.117 0.132 0.144 (0.038-0.044) (0.046-0.053) (0.057-0.065) (0.066-0.076) (0.078-0.090) (0.088-0.101) (0.097-0.112) (0.107-0.124) (0.121-0.141) (0.131-0.154) 7-day 0.027 0.032 0.040 0.046 0.054 0.060 0.067 0.074 0.083 0.090 (0.025-0.029) (0.030-0.035) (0.037-0.043) (0.043-0.049) (0.050-0.058) (0.056-0.064) (0.062-0.072) (0.068-0.079) (0.076-0.089) (0.083-0.097) 0.022 0.026 0.031 0.035 0.041 0.046 0.050 0.055 0.061 0.066 10-day (0.020-0.023) (0.024-0.027) (0.029-0.033) (0.033-0.038) (0.039-0.044) (0.043-0.049) (0.047-0.054) (0.051-0.059) (0.057-0.065) (0.061-0.071) 0.014 0.017 0.020 0.023 0.026 0.029 0.032 0.035 0.039 0.042 20-day (0.013-0.015) (0.016-0.018) (0.019-0.022) (0.022-0.024) (0.025-0.028) (0.027-0.031) (0.030-0.034) (0.032-0.037) (0.036-0.041) (0.038-0.044) 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.026 0.029 0.031 30-day (0.011-0.012) (0.013-0.015) (0.015-0.017) (0.017-0.019) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.024) (0.023-0.026) (0.025-0.028) (0.027-0.031) (0.029-0.033) 45-day 0.010 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.022 0.024 (0.009-0.010) (0.011-0.012) (0.013-0.014) (0.014-0.016) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.021) (0.019-0.022) (0.021-0.024) (0.022-0.025) 0.009 0.010 0.012 0.013 0.015 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.020 60-day (0.008-0.009) (0.010-0.011) (0.011-0.013) (0.012-0.014) (0.014-0.015) (0.015-0.016) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.020) (0.019-0.021) 1 Precipitation frequency(PF)estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series(PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval.The probability that precipitation frequency estimates(for a given duration and average recurrence interval)will be greater than the upper bound(or less than the lower bound)is 5%.Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation(PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Estimates from the table in CSV format:(Precipitation frequency estimates v Submit Main Link Categories: Home I OWP US Department of Commerce Map Disclaimer Privacy Policy National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Disclaimer About Us https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=nc 2/3 3/5/24,8:44 AM PF Map:Contiguous US National Weather Service Credits Career Opportunities Office of Water Prediction(OWP) Glossary 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring,MD 20910 Page Author:HDSC webmaster Page last modified:April 21,2017 https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/pfds/pfds_map_cont.html?bkmrk=nc 3/3 BUFFALO CREEK SUBDIVISION DRAINAGE/GUTTER SPEAD CALCULATIONS Upstream Inlet Pipe Capacity Gutter Gutter Gutter Drainage Area Inlet Rainfall Pipe Diameter Total Pipe Flow Total System Pipe Slope Pipe Invert Pipe Invert Elevation(Top) Inlet Elevation Flow(Total Flow(Total Gutter Spread Inlet ID Inlet ID Runoff (acres) Intensity"(in/h) (in) Pipe Material Pipe Length(ft) (Full Flow) (ft'/s)(1) Flow(fP/s) (ft/ft) (Upstream)(ft) (Downstream)(ft) Inlet ID (ft)(3) (Invert)(ft) Inlet Type 1=4 in/hr Intercepted) Bypassed) (ft)(4)(6) Notes Coefficient (ft'/s) (ft'/s)(2) (fN/s) (fN/s) CB 123 CB 122 0.35 0.40 7.90 15 PP 26.00 _ 5.85 1.11 1.11 0.0077 296.60 296.40 CB 123 299.91 296.60 NCDOT 840.03 0.56 0.42 0.14 4.00 CB 122 FES 121 0.80 0.09 7.90 15 PP 36.00 _ 8.85 _ 0.57 1.67 0.0167 296.40 295.80 CB 122 299.91 _ 296.40 NCDOT 840.03 0.29 0.24 0.05 _ 2.50 CB 120 CB 119 0.35 0.80 7.90 15 PP 26.00 _ 5.85 2.21 2.21 0.0077 296.27 296.07 CB 120 299.52 296.27 NCDOT 840.03 1.12 0.79 0.47 6.00 CB 119 FES 118 0.80 0.05 7.90 15 PP 36.00 5.85 0.32 2.53 0.0075 296.07 295.80 CB 119 299.52 296.07 NCDOT 840.03 0.16 0.18 0.03 2.50 CB 117 CB 116 0.35 1.00 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 2.79 2.79 0.0077 301.00 300.80 CB 117 304.54 301.00 NCDOT 840.03 1.40 0.82 0.58 5.50 CB 116 FES 115 0.35 0.80 7.98 15 PP 40.00 5.85 2.23 5.03 0.0075 300.80 300.50 CB 116 304.54 300.80 NCDOT 840.03 1.12 0.70 0.42 5.00 CB 114 CB 113 0.35 0.60 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 1.68 1.68 0.0077 298.93 298.73 CB 114 302.42 298.93 NCDOT 840.03 0.84 0.83 0.59 5.50 CB 113 FES 112 0.35 0.40 7.98 15 PP 40.00 4.94 1.12 2.79 0.0050 298.73 298.53 CB 113 302.42 298.73 NCDOT 840.03 0.56 0.63 0.35 5.00 FES 111 CB 110 0.35 3.57 8.89 24 PP 44.00 16.87 11.11 11.11 0.0225 297.64 296.65 FES 111 - 297.64 - - CB 110 CB 109 0.35 0.50 7.98 24 PP 26.00 21.50 1.40 12.50 0.0077 296.65 296.45 CB 110 300.62 296.65 NCDOT 840.03 0.70 0.68 0.37 5.50 CB 109 FES 108 0.35 0.80 7.98 24 PP 40.00 17.30 2.23 14.74 0.0050 296.45 296.25 CB 109 300.62 296.45 NCDOT 840.03(DOUBLE) 1.12 1.37 0.34 5.00 FES 107(5) CB 106 0.35 4.75 8.89 24 PP 40.00 18.90 14.78 14.78 0.0063 295.25 295.00 FES 107(5) - 295.25 - - CB 106 CB105 0.35 0.80 7.98 24 PP 26.00 20.50 2.23 17.01 0.0077 295.00 294.80 CB 106 299.30 295.00 NCDOT 840.03(DOUBLE) 1.12 1.93 - 4.50 CB 105 FES 104 0.35 0.30 7.98 24 PP 44.00 20.50 0.84 17.85 0.0068 294.80 294.50 CB 105 299.30 294.80 NCDOT 840.03 0.42 0.45 - 2.50 FES 103(5) CB 102 0.35 18.70 8.89 42 PP 28.00 91.10 58.19 58.19 0.0071 280.80 280.60 FES 103(5) - 280.80 - - CB 102 CB 101 0.35 0.20 7.98 42 PP 27.00 91.10 0.56 58.74 0.0074 280.60 280.40 CB 102 281.73 280.60 NCDOT 840.03 0.28 0.23 0.05 2.50 CB 101 FES 100 0.35 0.20 7.98 42 PP 96.00 111.10 0.56 59.30 0.0104 280.40 279.40 CB 101 281.73 280.40 NCDOT 840.03 0.28 0.23 0.05 2.50 CB 204 CB 203 0.35 0.73 7.98 15 PP 26.00 4.94 2.04 2.04 0.0054 278.32 278.18 CB 204 281.33 278.32 NCDOT 840.03(DOUBLE) 1.02 2.05 - 5.00 CB 203 CB 202 0.35 0.15 7.98 15 PP 51.00 4.94 0.42 2.46 0.0118 278.18 277.58 CB 203 281.33 278.18 NCDOT 840.03 0.21 1.20 - 6.00 CB 202 CB 201 0.90 0.01 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 0.07 2.53 0.0077 277.58 277.38 CB 202 281.03 277.58 NCDOT 840.03 0.04 0.04 0.50 CB 201 FES 200 0.80 0.13 7.98 15 PP 118.00 4.94 0.83 3.36 0.0159 277.38 275.50 CB 201 281.03 277.38 NCDOT 840.03 0.42 0.36 0.11 3.00 CB 303 CB 302 0.35 0.92 7.98 15 PP 27.00 4.94 2.57 2.57 0.0074 282.00 281.80 CB 303 285.25 282.00 NCDOT 840.03(DOUBLE) 1.29 1.84 - 4.50 CB 302 CB 301 0.35 0.80 7.98 15 PP 56.00 5.42 2.23 4.80 0.0050 281.80 281.52 CB 302 285.25 281.80 NCDOT 840.03(DOUBLE) 1.12 1.68 - 4.50 CB 301 FES 300 0.35 0.03 7.98 15 PP 118.00 10.60 0.08 4.89 0.0129 281.52 280.00 CB 301 287.68 281.52 NCDOT 840.03 0.04 0.04 0.00 0.50 DI 404 _ FES 403 - _ - - 15 PP 26.00 5.85 4.47 4.47 0.0077 287.20 287.00 DI 404 290.00 287.20 NCDOT 840.17 - - - _ - CB 402 CB 401 0.35 0.80 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 2.23 2.23 0.0077 292.00 291.80 CB 402 295.00 292.00 NCDOT 840.03 1.12 0.84 0.55 _ 4.50 CB 401 FES 400 0.35 0.80 7.98 15 PP 88.00 4.94 2.23 4.47 0.0068 291.50 290.90 CB 401 295.00 291.50 NCDOT 840.03 1.12 0.86 0.56 4.50 CB 502 CB 501 0.35 0.40 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 1.12 1.12 0.0077 294.68 294.48 CB 502 297.93 294.68 NCDOT 840.03 0.56 0.56 0.27 4.50 CB 501 FES 500 0.35 0.40 7.98 15 PP 88.00 4.94 1.12 2.23 0.0050 294.48 294.04 CB 501 297.93 294.48 NCDOT 840.03 0.56 0.60 0.30 5.00 CB 602 CB 601 0.35 0.60 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 1.68 1.68 0.0077 295.58 295.38 CB 602 298.83 295.58 NCDOT 840.03 0.84 0.57 0.27 4.50 CB 601 FES 600 0.35 0.70 7.98 15 PP 88.00 4.94 1.96 3.63 0.0050 295.38 294.94 CB 601 298.83 295.38 NCDOT 840.03 0.98 0.64 0.34 5.00 CB 702 CB 701 0.35 1.20 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 3.35 3.35 0.0077 287.47 287.27 CB 702 290.72 287.47 NCDOT 840.03 1.68 1.16 0.99 5.00 CB 701 FES 700 0.35 1.30 7.98 15 PP 88.00 6.99 3.63 6.98 0.0050 287.27 286.83 CB 701 290.72 287.27 NCDOT 840.03 1.82 1.20 1.03 5.50 CB 802 CB 801 0.35 0.50 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 1.40 1.40 0.0077 293.64 293.44 CB 802 296.88 293.64 NCDOT 840.03 0.70 0.76 0.47 5.50 CB 801 FES 800 0.35 0.60 7.98 15 PP 88.00 4.94 1.68 3.07 0.0056 293.44 292.95 CB 801 296.88 293.44 NCDOT 840.03 0.84 0.70 0.41 5.50 CB 902 CB 901 0.35 0.70 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 1.96 1.96 0.0077 295.01 294.81 CB 902 298.27 295.01 NCDOT 840.03 0.98 0.82 0.53 6.00 CB 901 FES 900 0.35 0.60 7.98 15 PP 42.00 4.94 1.68 3.63 0.0050 294.81 294.60 CB 901 298.27 294.81 NCDOT 840.03 0.84 0.57 0.27 4.50 CB 1002 CB 1001 0.35 0.10 7.98 15 PP 26.00 5.85 0.28 0.28 0.0077 268.95 268.75 CB 1002 272.20 268.95 NCDOT 840.03 0.14 0.14 0.00 1.00 CB 1001 FES 1000 0.35 0.30 7.98 15 PP 108.00 4.94 0.84 1.12 0.0048 268.75 268.23 CB 1001 272.20 268.75 NCDOT 840.03 0.42 0.35 0.07 2.00 Notes 1 Storm System Sizing based on 10-yr Storm 2 Gutter Spread Calculations based on Storm Intensity of 4 in/hr 3 CB(Catch Basin)Top Elevation is Grate at EOP 4 Gutter Spread Width is measured from Edge of Pavement 5 Storm System Sizing based on 25-yr Storm-For cross-pipe 6 Allowable Gutter Spread is 6.0 ft based on 12.0 Travel Lane Culvert Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD®Civil 3D®2009 byAutodesk, Inc. Wednesday,Aug 23 2023 CULVERT #1 Invert Elev Dn (ft) = 307.10 Calculations Pipe Length (ft) = 64.00 Qmin (cfs) = 5.49 Slope (%) = 0.50 Qmax (cfs) = 5.49 Invert Elev Up (ft) = 307.42 Tailwater Elev (ft) = Normal Rise (in) = 18.0 Shape = Cir Highlighted Span (in) = 18.0 Qtotal (cfs) = 5.49 No. Barrels = 1 Qpipe (cfs) = 5.49 n-Value = 0.012 Qovertop (cfs) = 0.00 Inlet Edge = Projecting Veloc Dn (ft/s) = 4.90 Coeff. K,M,c,Y,k = 0.0045, 2, 0.0317, 0.69, 0.5 Veloc Up (ft/s) = 4.90 HGL Dn (ft) = 308.01 Embankment HGL Up (ft) = 308.33 Top Elevation (ft) = 310.00 Hw Elev (ft) = 308.75 Top Width (ft) = 30.00 Hw/D (ft) = 0.88 Crest Width (ft) = 10.00 Flow Regime = Inlet Control Flow C=0.6 1=8.89 Q=CIA A=1.03 Q=5.49 Elev(It) CULVERT 11 Hw Depth(It) 311.00 ass 310.00 2.58 309.00 1.58 -Irlet conhol 308.00 0.58 307.00 .0.42 306.00 -1.42 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 Ci Culvert HGL Embark Reach 811 Culvert Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD®Civil 3D®2009 byAutodesk, Inc. Wednesday, Feb 28 2024 FES 103 Invert Elev Dn (ft) = 281.26 Calculations Pipe Length (ft) = 28.00 Qmin (cfs) = 58.19 Slope (%) = 0.71 Qmax (cfs) = 58.19 Invert Elev Up (ft) = 281.46 Tailwater Elev (ft) = Normal Rise (in) = 42.0 Shape = Cir Highlighted Span (in) = 42.0 Qtotal (cfs) = 58.19 No. Barrels = 1 Qpipe (cfs) = 58.19 n-Value = 0.012 Qovertop (cfs) = 0.00 Inlet Edge = Projecting Veloc Dn (ft/s) = 8.28 Coeff. K,M,c,Y,k = 0.0045, 2, 0.0317, 0.69, 0.5 Veloc Up (ft/s) = 8.28 HGL Dn (ft) = 283.66 Embankment HGL Up (ft) = 283.86 Top Elevation (ft) = 286.00 Hw Elev (ft) = 285.09 Top Width (ft) = 24.00 Hw/D (ft) = 1.04 Crest Width (ft) = 12.00 Flow Regime = Inlet Control Elev(ft) FES 103 Hw Depth(ft] 287.00 5.54 286.00 4.54 285.00 Inlet r wbol 3.54 284.00 2.54 283.00 -1.54 282.00- 0.54 281.00 • -0.46 280.00 -1.46 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Cir Culvert HGL Embark Reach(ft) Culvert Report Hydraflow Express Extension for AutoCAD®Civil 3D®2009 by Autodesk, Inc. Saturday, Mar 2 2024 FES 107 Invert Elev Dn (ft) = 295.00 Calculations Pipe Length (ft) = 44.00 Qmin (cfs) = 11.11 Slope (%) = 0.57 Qmax (cfs) = 11.11 Invert Elev Up (ft) = 295.25 Tailwater Elev (ft) = Normal Rise (in) = 24.0 Shape = Cir Highlighted Span (in) = 24.0 Qtotal (cfs) = 11.11 No. Barrels = 1 Qpipe (cfs) = 11.11 n-Value = 0.012 Qovertop (cfs) = 0.00 Inlet Edge = Beveled Veloc Dn (ft/s) = 6.11 Coeff. K,M,c,Y,k = 0.0018, 2.5, 0.03, 0.74, 0.2 Veloc Up (ft/s) = 5.63 HGL Dn (ft) = 296.12 Embankment HGL Up (ft) = 296.45 Top Elevation (ft) = 300.60 Hw Elev (ft) = 296.98 Top Width (ft) = 30.00 Hw/D (ft) = 0.87 Crest Width (ft) = 12.00 Flow Regime = Inlet Control Elev(kl FES 107 Hw Depth(k( 301.00 5.75 300.00 - - 4.75 299.00 - 3.75 298.001:11111 2.75 297.00 ,i- L del.,u.Wel 1.75 296.00 0.75 295.00 -0.25 294.00 - .1.25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 55 55 60 65 Cr Culvek HGL Embank Reach 88 afagg aoayaa S wdeg Permanent Diversion# 1A =>DA# 1A Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Ow=CIA C= 0.30 1= 7.28 in/hr TC CALC 1= 6.48 in/hr TC CALC Q25= 29.92 A= 13.70 ac Clio= 26.63 A= 13.70 ac Channel Slope= % Channel Slope=MM. Channel Depth= .50 ft Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes=1 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Veloci = 4.16 ft/s Velocity= 4.07 ft/s Soil Type @ andy loarr Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dWd1ef= 1.25 ft dwdLef 1 ft T= 0.468 lbs/ft2 s= 0.006 ft/ft T= 0.441792 lbs/ft2 s= 0.006 ft/ft Temporary=NAG S150BN Temporary= AG S150BN Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent= rmudagrass Permanent Diversion# 1B =>DA# 1B&1A Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 QZo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 7.28 in/hr TC CALC 1= 6.48 in/hr TC CALC Q25= 76.00 A= 34.80 ac Clio= 67.65 A= 34.80 ac Channel Slope= 1.00% Channel Slope=Ill 1.00 Channel Depth= 2.00 ft Channel Depth= 2.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes=Ili 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Veloci = 6.43 ft/s Velocity= 6.22 ft/s Soil Type @ andyloarr Slopes=0-5 ,% Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater-ft dweter 1.6 ft T= 1.04832 lbs/ft2 s= 0.01 ft/ft T= 0.9984 lbs/ft2 s= 0.01 ft/ft Temporary=NAG SC150BN 1 Temporary=NAG SC150BN Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent=iermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 2A =>DA# 2A Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 40.81 A= 15.30 ac Qic= 36.63 A= 15.30 ac Channel Slope= 0.50% Channel Slope= .50 Channel Depth= 6.00 ft Channel Depth= .00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 4.23 ft/s Velocity= 4.12 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type a sandy loan Slopes=_ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater=MI=ft dwater= 1.42 ft T= 0.46488 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft T= 0.44304 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary='NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion U. 2B =>DA# 2A&2B Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr QZ5= 42.14 A= 15.80 ac Qlo= 37.83 A= 15.80 ac Channel Slope= 3.00% Channel Slope= .00 Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 8.29 ft/s Velocity= 8.08 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes=0-cr% Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes=0-5_ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= ft dwater= ft T= 1.89072 lbs/ft2 s= 0.03 ft/ft T= 1.79712 lbs/ft2 s= 0.03 ft/ft Temporary= NAG P300 Temporary=NAG P300 Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent=NAG P300 VEG Permanent Diversion# 2C =>DA# 2A&2B&2C Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qio=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 49.87 A= 18.70 ac Qio= 44.77 A= 18.70 ac Channel Slope= 2.00% Channel Slope= 2.00 Channel Depth= 6.00 ft Channel Depth= 6.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 7.42 ft/s Velocity= 7.23 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type a sandy loan Slopes==._ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater=MIMft dwate 1.14 ft T= 1.4976 lbs/ft2 s= 0.02 ft/ft T= 1.42272 lbs/ft2 s= 0.02 ft/ft Temporary= NAG P300 Temporary=NAG P300 Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent Diversion# 3A =>DA# 3A Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 5.84 A= 2.19 ac Ow= 5.24 A= 2.19 ac Channel Slope= 0.50% Channel Slope= 0.50 Channel Depth= 4.00 ft Channel Depth= 4.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 2.56 ft/s Velocity= 2.48 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan' Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type a sandy loan Slopes=_ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= ft dwater= 0.57 ft T= 0.1872 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft T= 0.17784 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary='NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 3B =>DA# 3A&3B Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 16.22 A= 6.08 ac Qlo= 14.56 A= 6.08 ac Channel Slope= 0.50% Channel Slope= .50 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 3.35 ft/s Velocity= 3.21 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy Ioarr Slopes=0-§..1% Soil Type e sandy Ioarr Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= ft dwater= ft T= 0.30576 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft T= 0.29328 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary=NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 4 =>DA# 4 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 4.96 A= 1.86 ac Ow= 4.45 A= 1.86 ac Channel Slope= 1.00% Channel Slope= 1.00 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 3.09 ft/s Velocity= 3.09 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type a sandy loan Slopes==._ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= ft dwater= 0.44 ft T= 0.29328 lbs/ft2 5= 0.01 ft/ft T= 0.27456 lbs/ft2 5= 0.01 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary='NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 5 =>DA# 5 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 3.01 A= 1.13 ac Rio= 2.71 A= 1.13 ac Channel Slope= 0.50% Channel Slope= .50 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 2.13 ft/s Velocity= 2.05 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes=0-cr% Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes=0-5_ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= ft dwater= ft T= 0.13416 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft T= 0.12792 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary=NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 6 =>DA# 6 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 5.47 A= 2.05 ac Ow= 4.91 A= 2.05 ac Channel Slope= 0.50% Channel Slope= 0.50 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 2.46 ft/s Velocity= 2.38 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan' Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type a sandy loan Slopes=_ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater ft dwater 0.56 ft T= 0.18408 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft T= 0.17472 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary='NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 7 =>DA# 7 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 4.00 A= 1.50 ac Rio= 3.59 A= 1.50 ac Channel Slope= 2.00% Channel Slope= 2.00 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 3.75 ft/s Velocity= 3.64 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy Ioarr Slopes=0-§. % Soil Type e sandy Ioarr Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 0.35 ft dwater ft T= 0.4368 lbs/ft2 s= 0.02 ft/ft T= 0.41184 lbs/ft2 s= 0.02 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary=NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# ' =>DA# 8 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qic=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 2.13 A= 0.80 ac Ow= 1.92 A= 0.80 ac Channel Slope= 2.00% Channel Slope= 2.00 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 3.10 ft/s Velocity= 2.94 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan' Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes==._ Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater.1 0.25 ft dwater 0.24 ft T= 0.312 lbs/ft2 s= 0.02 ft/ft T= 0.29952 lbs/ft2 s= 0.02 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary=NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 9 =>DA# 9 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qic=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr QZ5= 4.27 A= 1.60 ac Ow= 3.83 A= 1.60 ac Channel Slope= 5.00% Channel Slope= .00 Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Depth= 5.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Side Slopes= 3.00 :1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 5.13 ft/s Velocity= 5.00 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan' Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type @ sandy loam Slopes =-- Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 0.29 ft dwater ft T= 0.9048 lbs/ft2 s= 0.05 ft/ft T= 0.8424 lbs/ft2 s= 0.05 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary=NAG S150BN I Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent=Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 10 =>DA# 10 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 12.19 A= 4.57 ac Qlo= 10.94 A= 4.57 ac Channel Slope= 0.80% Channel Slope= 0.80 Channel Depth= 4.00 ft Channel Depth= 4.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 3.67 ft/s Velocity= 3.58 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type @ sandy loam Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dWd1ef 0.77 ft dwdLef 0.73 ft T= 0.384384 lbs/ft2 s= 0.008 ft/ft T= 0.364416 lbs/ft2 s= 0.008 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 100 =>DA# 100 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Clio=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 51.55 A= 19.33 ac Qlo= 46.28 A= 19.33 ac Channel Slope= 4.00% Channel Slope= 4.00 Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 9.68 ft/s Velocity= 9.41 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type @ sandy loam Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 1.04 ft dWdLer 0.99 ft T= 2.59584 lbs/ft2 s= 0.04 ft/ft T= 2.47104 lbs/ft2 s= 0.04 ft/ft Temporary= NAG P300 VEG Temporary= NAG P300 VEG Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent Diversion# 200 =>DA# 200 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Qlo=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 4.00 A= 1.50 ac Qlo= 3.59 A= 1.50 ac Channel Slope= 2.70% Channel Slope= 2.70 Channel Depth= 1.00 ft Channel Depth= 4.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 4.22 ft/s Velocity= 3.95 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type(M sandy loam Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dWd1ef 0.32 ft dwdLef 0.31 ft T= 0.539136 lbs/ft2 s= 0.027 ft/ft T= 0.522288 lbs/ft2 s= 0.027 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent Diversion# 300 =>DA# 300 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Clio=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 5.44 A= 2.04 ac Qlo= 4.88 A= 2.04 ac Channel Slope= 4.00% Channel Slope= 4.00 Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Depth= 1.50 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 5.30 ft/s Velocity= 4.95 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type(M sandy loam Slopes=0-5 Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 0.34 ft dWdLer 0.33 ft T= 0.84864 lbs/ft2 s= 0.04 ft/ft T= 0.82368 lbs/ft2 s= 0.04 ft/ft Temporary= NAG P300 Temporary= NAG P300 Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent= NAG P300 VEG Permanent Diversion# 1000 =>DA# 1000 Calculate Flow-Rational Method Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm 10-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 Clio=CIA C= 0.30 1= 8.89 in/hr 1= 7.98 in/hr Q25= 1.60 A= 0.60 ac Clio= 1.44 A= 0.60 ac Channel Slope= 4.00% Channel Slope=P 4.00% Channel Depth= 1.00 ft Channel Depth= 1.00 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Channel Bottom W= 2 ft Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Side Slopes= 3.00:1 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Manning Coef.= 0.022 Velocity= 3.50 ft/s Velocity= 3.37 ft/s Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes=0-5 % Soil Type @ sandy loam Slopes=0-5 % Channel Lining Channel Lining Shear Calculation Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater=-ft dwater=-ft T= 0.44928 lbs/ft2 s= 0.04 ft/ft T= 0.42432 lbs/ft2 s= 0.04 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN 11 Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Permanent= Bermudagrass U.S. Department of Agriculture FL-ENG-21 B Natural Resources Conservation Service 06/04 TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt) Project: Buffalo Creek Subdivison Designed By: MTB Date: Location: Hoke County, NC Checked By: JH Date: Check one: Present Developed Check one: ,/ Tc Tt through subarea TD 1A- 1 B NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments. Sheet Flow (Applicable to T, only) Segment ID 1 1. Surface description (Table 3-1) GRASS 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1) 0.04 3. Flow length, L (total L < 100 ft) ft 100 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P2 in 3.9 5. Land slope, s ft/ft 0.050 6. Tt = 0.007 (nL)0.8 Compute Tt hr 0.04 + = 0.04 P2(15 S0.4 Shallow Concetrated Flow Segment ID 2 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) UNPAVED 8. Flow length, L ft 900 9. Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.013 10. Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) ft/s 1.9 11. Tt = L Compute Tt hr 0.14 + = 0.14 3600 V Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ft2 0.0 13. Wetted perimeter, Pw ft 0.0 14. Hydraulic radius, r= a Compute r ft Pw 15. Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0.000 16. Manning's Roughness Coeff., n 0.00 17. V = 1.49 r2/3 s112 Compute V ft/s 2.7 n 18. Flow length, L ft 0 19. Tt = L Compute Tt hr + _ 3600 V 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt(add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19 hr 0.17 0.17= 10.2 mins Chapter 3 Time of Concentration and Travel Time Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Figure 3-1 Average velocities for estimating travel time for shallow concentrated flow .50 .20 .10 a 0 7 .06 .04 Q� -: .1) Qm .02 .01 .005 1 2 4 6 10 20 1.85 Average velocity (ft/sec) �'= (210-VI-TR-55,Second Ed.,June 1986) a'©g ©H C©fi'qll7© Outlet Protection#100 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 59.3 cfs La= 28 FT Pipe Diameter 42 in W= 7 FT Velocity= 11.3 ft/s d= 24 IN Zone= 3 Stone Diameter= Class I Outlet Protection#104 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 17.85 cfs La= 12 FT Pipe Diameter 24 ft W= 6 FT Velocity= 6.5 ft/s d= 18 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class B Outlet Protection#108 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 14.74 cfs La= 12 FT Pipe Diameter 24 ft W= 6 FT Velocity= 5.5 ft/s d= 18 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class B Outlet Protection#112 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 2.79 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 ft W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#115 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 5.03 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 ft W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#118 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 2.53 cfs La= 12 FT Pipe Diameter 24 ft W= 6 FT Velocity= 6.5 ft/s d= 18 IN Zone= 2 Stone Diameter= Class B Outlet Protection#121 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 1.67 cfs La= 12 FT Pipe Diameter 24 ft W= 6 FT Velocity= 6.5 ft/s d= 18 IN Zone= 2 Stone Diameter= Class B Outlet Protection#200 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 3.36 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 ft W= 4 FT Velocity= 6.98 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#300 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 4.89 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 7.2 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#400 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 4.47 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#500 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 2.23 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#600 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 3.63 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#700 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 6.98 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#800 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 3.07 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#900 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 3.63 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Outlet Protection#1000 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 1.12 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.03 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter= Class A Skimmer Basin# 1 Calculate Flow- Rational Method 10-Yr Storm 25-Yr Storm 010= CIA C= 0.4 Q25=CIA C= 0.4 1= 7.72 1= 8.47 Clio= 20.9984 A= 6.8 Q25 = 23.0384 A= 6.8 Calculate Required Surface Area SA=Q10 x 325 sf/cfs Q10= 20.9984 cfs SA= 6824.48 Side Slopes= 3 :1 Pond Depth= 2 ft Basin Dims Top= 71 x 142 = 10082 sf Weir= 59 x 118 = 6962 sf Bottom = 47 x 94 = 4418 sf Volume Required VR=Ax1800 cf/ac A= 6.8 VR= 12240 Volume Proposed Vp=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 10082 Bottom= 4418 VP= 14500 D= 2 OK Weir Sizing Per AutoCad Hydraflow Software L= 10 ft D= 2 ft dwater= 0.92 ft Q25= 23.0384 cfs Velocity= 2.5 ft/s Weir Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 0.92 ft T= 0.57408 lbs/ft2 s= 0.01 ft/ft Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing RE Calculate Dewater Time Qd=V/Td V= 12240 Td= 3 2-5 days typ Qd= 4080 Calculate Orifice Diameter D=sgrt((Qd/(2310sgrt(h))) Qd= 4080 h= 0.33 D= 1.007285 Use 4 " Skimmers 1.0 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 " La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Velocity= 2.36 ft/s W= 1 Use 3.0 ft Zone= 1 d= 12" Stone Diameter= Class A Skimmer Basin# 2 Calculate Flow- Rational Method 10-Yr Storm 25-Yr Storm Q10= CIA C= 0.4 Q25=CIA C= 0.4 1= 7.72 1= 8.47 Q10= 32.424 A= 10.5 Q25 = 35.574 A= 10.5 Calculate Required Surface Area SA=Q10 x 325 sf/cfs Q10= 32.424 cfs SA= 10537.8 Side Slopes= 3 :1 Pond Depth= 2 ft Basin Dims Top= 86 x 172 = 14792 sf Weir= 74 x 148 = 10952 sf Bottom = 62 x 124 = 7688 sf Volume Required VR=Ax1800 cf/ac A= 10.5 VR= 18900 Volume Proposed Vp=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 14792 Bottom= 7688 VP= 22480 D= 2 OK Weir Sizing Per AutoCad Hydraflow Software L= 15 ft D= 2 ft dwater= 0.94 ft Q25= 35.574 cfs Velocity= 2.52 ft/s Weir Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 0.94 ft T= 0.58656 lbs/ft2 s= 0.01 ft/ft Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing RE Calculate Dewater Time Qd=V/Td V= 18900 Td= 3 2-5 days typ Qd= 6300 Calculate Orifice Diameter D=sgrt((Qd/(2310sgrt(h))) Qd= 6300 h= 0.33 D= 1.251678 Use 4 " Skimmers 1.3 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 " La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Velocity= 2.36 ft/s W= 1 Use 3.0 ft Zone= 1 d= 12" Stone Diameter= Class A Skimmer Basin# 3 Calculate Flow- Rational Method 10-Yr Storm 25-Yr Storm 010= CIA C= 0.4 Q25=CIA C= 0.4 1= 7.78 1= 8.59 Q10= 27.0744 A= 8.7 Q25 = 29.8932 A= 8.7 Calculate Required Surface Area SA=Q10 x 325 sf/cfs 010= 27.0744 cfs SA= 8799.18 Side Slopes= 3 :1 Pond Depth= 2 ft Basin Dims Top= 79 x 158 = 12482 sf Weir= 67 x 134 = 8978 sf Bottom = 55 x 110 = 6050 sf Volume Required VR=Ax1800 cf/ac A= 8.7 VR= 15660 Volume Proposed Vp=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 12482 Bottom= 6050 VP= 18532 D= 2 OK Weir Sizing Per AutoCad Hydraflow Software L= 15 ft D= 2 ft dwater= 0.84 ft Q25= 29.8932 cfs Velocity= 2.38 ft/s Weir Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 0.84 ft T= 0.52416 lbs/ft2 s= 0.01 ft/ft Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing RE Calculate Dewater Time Qd=V/Td V= 15660 Td= 3 2-5 days typ Qd= 5220 Calculate Orifice Diameter D=sgrt((Qd/(2310sgrt(h))) Qd= 5220 h= 0.33 D= 1.139352 Use 4 " Skimmers 1.1 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 " La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Velocity= 2.36 ft/s W= 1 Use 3.0 ft Zone= 1 d= 12" Stone Diameter= Class A Skimmer Basin# 4 Calculate Flow- Rational Method 10-Yr Storm 25-Yr Storm 010= CIA C= 0.5 Q25=CIA C= 0.5 1= 7.72 1= 8.47 Q10= 28.1008 A= 7.28 Q25 = 30.8308 A= 7.28 Calculate Required Surface Area SA=Q10 x 325 sf/cfs 010= 28.1008 cfs SA= 9132.76 Side Slopes= 3 :1 Pond Depth= 2 ft Basin Dims Top= 80 x 160 = 12800 sf Weir= 68 x 136 = 9248 sf Bottom = 56 x 112 = 6272 sf Volume Required VR=Ax1800 cf/ac A= 7.28 VR= 13104 Volume Proposed Vp=((Top Area + Bottom Area)/2)xD Top= 12800 Bottom= 6272 VP= 19072 D= 2 OK Weir Sizing Per AutoCad Hydraflow Software L= 15 ft D= 2 ft dwater= 0.85 ft Q25= 30.8308 cfs Velocity= 2.4 ft/s Weir Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 0.85 ft T= 0.5304 Ibs/ft2 s= 0.01 ft/ft Use Class A Rip Rap Skimmer Sizing RE Calculate Dewater Time Qd=V/Td V= 13104 Td= 3 2-5 days typ Qd= 4368 Calculate Orifice Diameter D=sgrt((Qd/(2310sgrt(h))) Qd= 4368 h= 0.33 D= 1.042231 Use 4 " Skimmers 1.0 Orifice Skimmer Outlet Protection New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Diameter of Barrel = 4.00 " La= 1.32 Use 7.5 ft Velocity= 2.36 ft/s W= 1 Use 3.0 ft Zone= 1 d= 12" Stone Diameter= Class A Temporary Diversion# 100 =>DA# 100 Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 8.89 in/hr Q25= 20.62 A= 5.80 ac Channel Slope= 0.50 Channel Depth= 2.00 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 3.55 Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 1.39 ft T= 0.43368 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S75BN Permanent= Bermudagrass 6 Temporary Diversion# 200 =>DA# 200 Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 8.89 in/hr Q25= 30.94 A= 8.70 ac Channel Slope= 5.00 WORSE CASE Channel Depth= 2.00 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 9.30 Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 1.05 ft T= 3.276 lbs/ft2 s= 0.05 ft/ft Temporary= NAG P300 Permanent= Bermudagrass Temporary Diversion# 300 =>DA# 300 Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 8.89 in/hr Q25= 1.78 A= 0.50 ac Channel Slope= 0.50 Channel Depth= 1.00 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 1.89 Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 0.56 ft T= 0.17472 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S75BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Temporary Diversion# 400 =>DA# 400 Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 8.89 in/hr Q25= 27.03 A= 7.60 ac Channel Slope= 0.50 Channel Depth= 2.00 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 3.84 Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 1.5 ft T= 0.468 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Temporary Diversion# 500 =>DA# 500 Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 8.89 in/hr Q25= 18.49 A= 5.20 ac Channel Slope= 0.50 Channel Depth= 2.00 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 3.48 Soil Type @ sandy loan Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 1.3 ft T= 0.4056 lbs/ft2 s= 0.005 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Temporary Diversion# 600 =>DA# 600 Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 8.89 in/hr Q25= 5.33 A= 1.50 ac Channel Slope= 5.00 WORSE CASE Channel Depth= 1.00 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 6.00 Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater 0.5 ft T= 1.56 lbs/ft2 s= 0.05 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Temporary Diversion# 700A =>DA# 600A Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.30 1= 7.28 in/hr TC CALC Q25= 21.14 A= 9.68 ac Channel Slope= 0.60 Channel Depth= 1.50 Channel Bottom W= 0 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 3.79 Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 1.07 ft T= 0.400608 lbs/ft2 s= 0.006 ft/ft Temporary= NAG S150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass Temporary Diversion# 700B =>DA# 600B Calculate Flow-Rational Method 25-Yr Storm Q25=CIA C= 0.40 1= 7.28 in/hr TC CALC Q25= 61.15 A= 21.00 ac Channel Slope= 1.00 Channel Depth= 1.50 Channel Bottom W= 2 Side Slopes= 3.00 Velocity= 6.06 Soil Type @ sandy loarr Slopes= 0-5 Channel Lining Shear Calculation T=yds y= 62.4 lbs dwater= 1.53 ft T= 0.95472 lbs/ft2 5= 0.01 ft/ft Temporary= NAG SC150BN Permanent= Bermudagrass U.S. Department of Agriculture FL-ENG-21 B Natural Resources Conservation Service 06/04 TR 55 Worksheet 3: Time of Concentration (Ta) or Travel Time (Tt) Project: Buffalo Creek Subdivison Designed By: MTB Date: Location: Hoke County, NC Checked By: JH Date: Check one: Present Developed Check one: 1 Tc Tt through subarea TD 700A-B NOTES: Space for as many as two segments per flow type can be used for each worksheet. Include a map, schematic, or description of flow segments. Sheet Flow (Applicable to T, only) Segment ID 1 1. Surface description (Table 3-1) GRASS 2. Manning's roughness coeff., n (Table 3-1) 0.04 3. Flow length, L (total L < 100 ft) ft 100 4. Two-year 24-hour rainfall, P2 in 3.9 5. Land slope, s ft/ft 0.050 6. Tt = 0.007 (nL)0.8 Compute Tt hr 0.04 + = 0.04 P2(15 S0.4 Shallow Concetrated Flow Segment ID 2 7. Surface description (paved or unpaved) UNPAVED 8. Flow length, L ft 900 9. Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.013 10. Average velocity, V (Figure 3-1) ft/s 1.9 11. Tt = L Compute Tt hr 0.14 + = 0.14 3600 V Channel Flow Segment ID 12. Cross sectional flow area, a ft2 0.0 13. Wetted perimeter, Pw ft 0.0 14. Hydraulic radius, r= a Compute r ft Pw 15. Channel Slope, s ft/ft 0.000 16. Manning's Roughness Coeff., n 0.00 17. V = 1.49 r2i3 s112 Compute V ft/s 2.7 n 18. Flow length, L ft 0 19. Tt = L Compute Tt hr + _ 3600 V 20. Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt(add Tt in steps 6, 11, and 19 hr 0.17 0.17= 10.2 mins Chapter 3 Time of Concentration and Travel Time Technical Release 55 Urban Hydrology for Small Watersheds Figure 3-1 Average velocities for estimating travel time for shallow concentrated flow .50 .20 .10 a 0 7 .06 .04 Q� -: .1) Qm .02 .01 .005 1 2 4 6 10 20 1.85 Average velocity (ft/sec) �'= (210-VI-TR-55,Second Ed.,June 1986) Outlet Protection#100 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 57.32 cfs La= 24 FT Pipe Diameter 36 in W= 9 FT Velocity= 10.2 ft/s d= 24 IN Zone= 3 Stone Diameter=Class 1 Outlet Protection#104 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 17.09 cfs La= 16 FT Pipe Diameter 24 ft W= 6 FT Velocity= 5.57 ft/s d= 18 IN Zone= 2 Stone Diameter=Class B Outlet Protection#200 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 6.14 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 ft W= 4 FT Velocity= 7.23 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter=Class A Outlet Protection#300 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 4.89 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 7.2 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter=Class A Outlet Protection#400 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 4.3 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 6.6 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter=Class A Outlet Protection#500 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 6.14 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 7.23 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter=Class A Outlet Protection#600 New York Method 8.06.5 Manual Q= 7.43 cfs La= 5 FT Pipe Diameter 15 in W= 4 FT Velocity= 4.94 ft/s d= 12 IN Zone= 1 Stone Diameter=Class A APPENDIX B Aopg rO©'fi' DR2g Raa© z ©© rr© © C©rdtrd DR2g Raa© Z ©© J THOMAS ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING 8, PLANNING 143 Charlotte Avenue,Suite 104 Sanford,North Carolina 27330 (919)777-6010 phone www.jthomasengineering.com license no.C-3389 \ I \\\\\ \ \I \\\ \�\---�\\\\\\\\\\\� ! / // //// I \ '= — ////////// // PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL \ \\\\\\\ I / / I \ \\\\\ \\111 / / / / / / I -- / / / ///� // � I\ \\\\\�\\ \��\ \\�_=_�i \ Ijll �lllllll\\ 1\I 1 / // / /// /_ %// 7/ / // 1 \\\\\�\\ '1 - / 7/////l /III I(I\\ \\I\I \\ \ ) / /l l 1 1,1 I- �- // / \\ \ \ \ --� / I I \\\\ \ III / / / l 1 \ ' I / /� // / /I�j\\\\ \\\ / -��\ - -/ / 1\ \\\\\\\ IIII I I \\ \ �� i 1 / / / 1\\\ III ---� II .\ \\\\ \ 1 \ 1 I 1 1 \ \ \ ! Q Q I \ 1 / // I \ l - _- I \\ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ ( ! 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Scale: Drawn by: D Z 1"=150' MTB Sheet: Designed by: i JRT Reviewed by: 150 0 75 150 300 DA 1 of 2 JRT Project Number: Date: Pti SCALE:1"=150' DD S. 2019-23 JULY 24,2020 d" J THOMAS ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING 8, PLANNING 143 Charlotte Avenue,Suite 104 Sanford,North Carolina 27330 (919)777-6010 phone www.jthomasengineering.com license no.C-3389 /i /� jg_ / /// / \ �/ J J '/ ; / — \\( \ tit/\\\\11 �\ \\\-• \\\\ / / —/ / / / /— / — / // \ \\\\\ \ \I \11\\�\�\\�\\\\\\\/ , , // //// I '= /�� /�/// // PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER'S SEAL \\\\\\ \� I / / 1 \= \\\\\Y\\\I I / / / / / ! 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O N (.., 649800 649900 650000 650100 650200 650300 650400 6505W 650600 6507W 650800 65095) 651000 34°59'24"N I 34°59'24"N 8 r 8 /1 ,a DhA DhA 0 i u r o 1.. ti VaD DhA Pg 4 - FuB A w � .r s / �= cb A ii, f • • - 'j) J T uyo P- o f g es tel g ;. aD BaD e ♦1%J A ' 33 - ► 1 _ A t i1F� A000 GGap Gir cj7 GIN©. bQ W5 Uoca7 01 aboct cc05iOQo X 34°58'55"N 34°58'55"N 649800 649900 650000 650100 650200 650300 650400 650500 650600 650750 650800 650900 651000 651100 3 3 Map Scale:1:6,200 if printed on A landscape(11"x 8.5")sheet. Meters N N 0 50 100 200 300 °k' Feet 0 300 600 1200 1800 Map projection:Web Mercator Comer coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 8/24/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 3 Soil Map—Hoke County,North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) Spoil Area The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) 1:24,000. Q Stony Spot Soils 44 Very Stony Spot Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. 0 Soil Map Unit Polygons Wet Spot Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause .�� Soil Map Unit Lines misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil Other line placement.The maps do not show the small areas of p Soil Map Unit Points contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed Special Line Features Special Point Features scale. w Blowout Water Features Streams and Canals Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map cs Borrow Pit measurements. Transportation X Clay Spot Rails Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service 0 Closed Depression Web Soil Survey URL: ti Interstate Highways Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) X Gravel Pit US Routes Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator ,. Gravelly Spot Major Roads projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the 0 Landfill Local Roads Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more Lava Flow accurate calculations of distance or area are required. Background 46 Marsh or swamp Aerial Photography This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of the version date(s)listed below. iRk Mine or Quarry Soil Survey Area: Hoke County,North Carolina O Miscellaneous Water Survey Area Data: Version 20,Sep 8,2022 Q Perennial Water Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales v Rock Outcrop 1:50,000 or larger. ▪ Saline Spot Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Apr 17,2022—May 20,2022 Sandy Spot The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were Severely Eroded Spot compiled and digitized probably differs from the background imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor • Sinkhole shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. 3) Slide or Slip oa Sodic Spot Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 8/24/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map—Hoke County, North Carolina Map Unit Legend Map Unit Symbol Map Unit Name Acres in AOI Percent of AOI BaB Blaney loamy sand,2 to 8 14.0 9.5% percent slopes BaD Blaney loamy sand,8 to 15 2.8 1.9% percent slopes DhA Dothan loamy sand,0 to 2 33.5 22.7% percent slopes FuB Fuquay sand,0 to 4 percent 52.3 35.5% slopes GdB Gilead loamy sand,2 to 8 0.1 0.0% percent slopes JT Johnston loam 24.4 16.5% Pg I Pantego loam 4.6 3.1% VaD Vaucluse loamy sand,8 to 15 15.7 10.6% percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 147.5 100.0% usm Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 8/24/2023 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 APPENDIX E PlNIA Piim Map r --_--i APP LREA S . „fillip . (4, 4:14‘ IA' P_ ,, 2_ _ 6. Ili .. i4i:ZA 4 - am• .,. 4- I I. I I. ..1 1I1 I 6 I-1-41 ...., 5, ...-..'..7_ E : _ ,. :t K4 . 1 fir ' I1 v ito MO r ` 260.8 1ek -1 . ' 1 \. S 41, .% "•0 , i ' . S + l` v ` ` �1 1'0� , • R , APPENDIX E / 1/4. ' \ - __ )/ i'l \ Ihil 4"a• L°3400 -j / --___,_ Itc L \ rya � \ , ' __ _,Id- 13 es?, S ____ _)\)\ , 43 ; ill -Lit- I ' -.1. row - - ammOlpf _ _ ,, 0300 041„„„. a - _Li - \ 4,4 _ 411 r- may r:3007 I Y - APPENDIX E SVO 3MM/Q' 3 PO_ ZIMQUEMHV MP SUPP MM lr OEM SUPPLEMENT-EZ COVER PAGE FORMS LOADED PROJECT INFORMATION.. o l 1 'Project Name C Buffalo Creek Subdivision 2 Project Area(ac) 52.2 3 (Coastal Wetland Area(ac) 4 Jurface Water Area(ac) 0 5 [Is this project High or Low Density? Low • 6 Does this project use an off-site SCM? • No • COMPLIANCE WITH 02H-1003(4) • 7 Width of vegetated setbacks provided(feet) 30 8 Will the vegetated setback remain vegetated? Yes 9 If BUA is proposed in the setback,does it meet NCAC 02H.1003(4)(c-d)? Yes 10 Its streambank stabilization proposed on this project? No NUMBER AND TYPE OF SCMs: 11 Infiltration System 0 12 Bioretention Cell 0 13 Wet Pond 0 14 Stormwater Wetland 0 15 Permeable Pavement 0 16 Sand Filter 0 17 Rainwater Harvesting(RWH) 0 • 18 Green Roof 0 • 19 Level Spreader-Filter Strip(LS-FS) • 0 20 Disconnected Impervious Surface(DIS) 0 21 Treatment Swale 0 22 Dry Pond 0 23 StormFilter 0 24 Silva Cell 0 25 Bayfilter 0 26 Filterra 1 0 • FORMS LOADED DESIGNER CERTIFICATION 27 Name and Title: Jarrod E.Hilliard, PE 28 Organization: Hilliard Engineering,PLLC. 29 Street address: P.O.Box 249 30 City,State,Zip: Sanford,NC 27331 31 Phone number(s): (919)352-2834 32 Email: Certification Statement: • I certify,under penalty of law that this Supplement-EZ form and all supporting information were prepared under my direction or supervision;that the information provided in the form is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and complete;and that the engineering plans, specifications,operation and maintenance agreements and other supporting information are consistent with the information provided here. Designer ,tttts.ttet burl,, .• Vk CA .42 SEAL r,S q 1 035670 i ;; Sign- re of Designe tik- silt"t1 1 /Z, t� Seal Date DRAINAGE AREAS Is this a high density project? 1No 2 If so,number of drainage areas/SCMs _ 0 3 Does this project have low density areas? _ Yes 4 If so,number of low density drainage areas _ 1 Is all/part of this project subject to previous rule 5 versions? No FORMS LOADED DRAINAGE AREA INFORMATION i Entire Site LD 1 4 Type of SCM 5 Total drainage area(sq ft) 2273832 _ 2273832 6 Onsite drainage area(sq ft) 2273832 2273832 7 Offsite drainage area(sq ft) 8 Total BUA in project(sq ft) 323151 sf 323151 sf New BUA on subdivided lots(subject to 9 permitting)(sq ft) 164500 sf _ 164500 sf New BUA not on subdivided lots(subject to 10 permitting)(sf) 158651 sf 158651 sf 11 Offsite BUA(sq ft) 12 Breakdown of new BUA not on subdivided lots: -Parking(sq ft) -Sidewalk(sq ft) 22177 sf 22177 sf -Roof(sq ft) -Roadway(sq ft) 136474 sf 136474 sf -Future(sq ft) -Other,please specify in the comment box below(sq ft) New infiltrating permeable pavement on 13 subdivided lots(sq ft) New infiltrating permeable pavement not on 14 subdivided lots(sq ft) Existing BUA that will remain(not subject to 15 permitting)(sq ft) 16 Existing BUA that is already permitted(sq ft) 17 Existing BUA that will be removed(sq ft) 18 Percent BUA 14% 14% 19 Design storm(inches) 20 Design volume of SCM(cu ft) 21 Calculation method for design volume ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Please use this space to provide any additional information about the 22 drainage area(s): Percent BUA is based on total Property area. LOW DENSITY DESIGN REQUIREMENTS FOR LOW DENSITY PROJECTS FROM 02H.1003 1 Is project below density thresholds set forth in the applicable stormwater rule? Yes 2 Does project maximize dispersed flow and minimize channelization of flow? Yes 3 Has the use of piping been minimized per.1003(2)(c)? Yes 4 Side slopes of the vegetated conveyances(H:V) I 3 sf 5 Maximum velocity in the vegetated conveyances during the 10-year storm? 3.04 6 Are curb outlet swales proposed? Yes 7 Maximum longitudinal slope of curb outlet swale(s)(%) 4% 8 Bottom width of curb outlet swale(s)(feet) 2 ft 9 Maximum side slope of curb outlet swale(s)(H:V) 3:1 10 Minimum length of curb outlet swale(s)(feet) 100 ft 11 Are treatment swales used instead of curb outlet swales? No 12 Is stormwater released at the edge of the setback as dispersed flow? Yes 13 Have stormwater outlets been designed to prevent downslope erosion? Yes 14 Are variations to rule.1003 proposed? No ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 15 Please use this space to provide any additional information about this low density project: *BUA&Pervious areas are for the swale drainage areas only 1A=PD1;2=PD1B;3=PD2A;4=PD2B;5=PD2C;6=PD3A;7=PD3B;8=PD4;9=PD5;10=PD6;11=PD7;12=PD8;13=PD9; 14=PD10;15=PD100;16=PD200;17=PD300;18=PD1000 Drainage Pervious Swale Area BUA area C Q Slope V,i„w V,a.i Flow depth # (ac) (ac) (ac) (cfs) (%) (fps) (fps) (ft) 1 13.70 0.00 13.70 0.30 19.65 0.60 5.00 3.75 1.03 2 34.80 0.14 34.65 0.30 49.90 0.60 5.00 4.79 1.56 3 15.30 3.44 11.86 0.30 36.63 0.50 5.00 4.12 1.42 4 15.80 3.55 12.25 0.30 37.83 3.00 9.00 8.08 0.96 5 18.70 4.20 14.50 0.30 44.77 2.00 9.00 7.23 1.14 6 2.19 0.49 1.70 0.30 5.24 0.50 5.00 2.48 0.57 7 6.08 1.36 4.72 0.30 14.56 0.50 5.00 3.21 0.94 8 1.86 0.41 1.45 0.30 4.45 1.00 5.00 3.09 0.44 9 1.13 0.25 0.88 0.30 2.71 0.50 5.00 2.05 0.41 10 2.05 0.46 1.59 0.30 4.91 0.50 5.00 2.38 0.56 11 1.50 0.33 1.17 0.30 3.59 0.50 5.00 3.64 0.33 12 0.80 0.18 0.62 0.30 1.92 0.50 5.00 2.94 0.24 13 1.60 0.36 1.24 0.30 3.83 5.00 5.00 5.00 0.33 14 4.57 1.02 3.55 0.30 10.94 0.80 5.00 3.58 0.73 15 19.33 4.34 14.99 0.30 46.28 4.00 18.00 9.41 0.99 16 1.12 0.25 0.87 0.30 2.68 2.70 5.00 3.71 0.26 17 2.04 0.45 1.59 0.30 4.88 4.00 9.00 4.95 0.33 18 0.60 0.14 0.46 0.30 1.44 4.00 5.00 3.37 0.17 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Low Density Maintenance Requirements Important maintenance procedures: The drainage area to the vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area will be carefully managed to reduce the sediment load to the vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area. After the initial fertilization to establish the grass in the vegetated conveyance or the vegetated receiving area, fertilizer will not be applied to the vegetated receiving areas. The vegetated conveyance or vegetated receiving area will be inspected quarterly . Records of operation and maintenance will be kept in a known set location and will be available upon request. Inspection activities shall be performed as follows. Any problems that are found shall be repaired immediately. SCM element: Potential problem: How to remediate the problem: Vegetation Vegetation is too short or Maintain grassed vegetation such that the swale or vegetated too long. area does not erode during the peak flow from the 10-year storm Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then re- erosive gullies have sod (or plant with other appropriate species) and water until Vegetated receiving formed. established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. areas Trees and/or other woody Remove the trees and woody vegetation from the swale, regrade vegetation are present in the swale if necessary and re-establish grass as shown on the the swale. approved plans. Trash/debris is present. Remove the trash/debris. Areas of bare soil and/or Regrade the soil if necessary to remove the gully, and then re- erosive gullies have sod (or plant with other appropriate species) and water until formed. established. Provide lime and a one-time fertilizer application. Sediment covers the grass Remove sediment and dispose in an area that will not impact at the bottom of the swale. streams or SCMs. Re-sod if necessary. Vegetated conveyances /swales / roadside Regrade the slopes to the permitted configuration per the ditches (other than curb The side slope is steeper than the approved approved plan and reestablish vegetation. If as-built or existing outlet swales) conditions do not allow the slopes to be regraded, contact the configuration. applicable permitting agency. Determine the source of the problem: soils, hydrology, disease, Grass is dead, diseased or etc. Remedy the problem and replace plants. Provide a one-time dying. fertilizer application to establish the ground cover if necessary. Trees and/or other woody Remove the trees and woody vegetation from the vegetated vegetation are present in conveyance, regrade the vegetated conveyance if necessary the vegetated conveyance. and re-establish grass as shown on the approved plans. The longitudinal slope Regrade to meet the permitted longitudinal slope as shown on the exceeds 5%. approved plans. Curb outlet swales or The swale profile does not Regrade the swale to the approved profile as shown on the vegetated areas match the approved detail. approved plans. The length of the swale or Extend the swale to achieve the 100-foot minimum length. If as- vegetated area is less built or existing conditions do not allow the slopes to be regraded, than 100 feet. contact the applicable permitting agency. Clogging has occurred. Clean out the outlet device. Dispose of the sediment off-site. The outlet device (if applicable) The outlet device is Repair or replace the outlet device. damaged Erosion or other signs of damage have occurred at Repair the damage and improve the flow dissipation structure. the outlet. The receiving water Discharges from the site are causing erosion or sedimentation in the Contact the local NCDEQ Regional Office. receiving water.