HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0088099_Permit Issuance_20051230Michael F. Easley, Governor State of North Carolina William G. Ross, Jr., Secretary Department of Environment and Natural Resources Alan W. Klimek, P.E., Director Division of Water Quality December 30, 2005 Mayor Rick Owen 208 Grassy Gap Creek Road Beech Mountain, North Carolina 28604 Subject: Issuance of NPDES Permit NCO088099 Buckeye Lake WTP Watauga County Dear Mayor Owen: Division personnel have reviewed and approved your application for renewal of the subject permit. Accordingly, we are forwarding the attached NPDES discharge permit. This permit is issued pursuant to the requirements of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1 and the Memorandum of Agreement between North Carolina and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency dated May 9,1994 (or as subsequently amended). This final permit contains no significant changes from the draft you were sent on November 9, 2005. If any parts, measurement frequencies or sampling requirements contained in this permit are unacceptable to you, you have the right to an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty (30) days following receipt of this letter. This request must be in the form of a written petition, conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings (6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-6714). Unless such demand is made, this decision shall be final and binding. Please note that this permft is not transferable except after notice to the Division. The Division may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit. This permit does not affect the legal requirements to obtain other permits which may be required by the Division of Water Quality or permits required by the Division of Land Resources, the Coastal Area Management Act or any other Federal or Local governmental permit that may be required. If you have any questions concerning this permit, please contact Toya Fields at telephone number (919) 733-5083, extension 551. Sincerely ova r;11�l'anW.(•Klimek, P.E. cc: Central Files i Asheville Regional Office/Surface Water Protection WIPDES Unit Richard A. DeMott Watauga River Conservation 784 Alpine Drive., Seven Devils Banner Elk, NC 28604-7980 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-1617 Telephone (919) 733-7015 FAX (919) 733-0719 N,amp�`thCaroJina 512 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27604 On the Internet at http://h2o.enr.state.nc.us/ ,/Vlltl[CR(/f/ An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer Permit NCO088099 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PERMIT TO DISCHARGE WASTEWATER UNDER THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM In compliance with the provisions of North Carolina General Statute 143-215.1, other lawful standards and regulations promulgated and adopted by the North Carolina Water Quality Commission, and the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, The Town of Beech Mountain is hereby authorized to discharge wastewater from a facility located at Buckeye Lake WTP Grassy Gap Creek Road Beech Mountain Watauga County to receiving waters designated as Buckeye Creek in the Watauga River Basin in accordance with the discharge limitations, monitoring requirements, and other conditions set forth in Parts I, II, III, and IV hereof. This permit shall become effective February 1, 2006. This permit and the authorization to discharge shall expire at midnight on September 30, 2007. Signed this day December 30, 2005. al Wan W. Klimek, P.E., Director 'vision of Water Quality By the Authority of the Environmental Management Commission • � a Permit NCO088099 SUPPLEMENT TO PERMIT COVER SHEET All previous NPDES Permits issued to this facility, whether for operation or discharge are hereby revoked. As of this permit issuance, any previously issued permit bearing this number is no longer effective. Therefore, the exclusive authority to operate and discharge from this facility arises under the permit conditions, requirements, terms, and provisions included herein. The Town of Beech Mountain. is hereby authorized to: 1. Operate an existing water treatment plant consisting of the following components: ➢ Two 750 GPM raw water pumps ➢ Two sedimentation basins with tube settlers and 40 minute detention time ➢ Two high -rate multi -media filters ➢ 300,000 gallon finished water clearwell ➢ Two 750 GPM high service pumps ➢ Liquid chemical feed system ➢ Gas chlorination and ammonia feed systems This facility is located at 208 Gassy Gap Creek Road, Beech Mountain, Watauga County. 2. Upon receipt of an Authorization to Construct from the Construction Grants and Loans Section, discharge wastewater from said treatment works at the location specified on the attached map into Buckeye Creek which is classified C; Tr waters in the Watauga River Basin. Buckeye Lake WTP — NCO088099 USGS Quad Name: Elk Park Lat.: 36°13'15" Receiving Stream: Buckeye Creek Long.: 81°54'27" Stream Class: C; Tr Subbasin: Cape Fear — 04 02 01 Permit NCO088099 AM. EFFLUENT LIMITATIONS AND MONITORING REQUIREMENTS During the period beginning upon receipt of an Engineers Certification and lasting until permit expiration, the Permittee is authorized to discharge filter backwash water from outfall serial number 001. Such discharges shall be limited and monitored by the Permittee as specified below: EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS MONITORING REQUIREMENTS Monthly Average Daily Maximum Measurement FrequencV Sample Type Sample Location* Flow Weekly Estimate E Total Suspended Solids 30 mg/L 45 mg/L Weekly Grab E Settleable Solids 0.1 ml/L 0.2 ml/L Weekly Grab E Turbidity 10 NTU Weekly Grab U, D Iron Weekly Grab E Total Residual Chlorine 17.0 pg/L Weekly Grab E Aluminum Weekly Grab E Notes: * Sample locations: E - Effluent, I - Influent, U - Upstream of the discharge point, D — Downstream 300 feet from the discharge point. There shall be no discharge of floating solids or foam visible in other than trace amounts. NCDENR/DWQ FACT SHEET FOR NPDES PERMIT DEVELOPMENT Town of Beech Mountain NCO088099 Fitt^ ,:s &•,^".,-^,— `T ''Z`i1S w"�.ixr " a.t z�s =ice k f K t � b� .� � ., �.: � +.s xt'-:.sa,x+ *r^,^ r e k<a.,.:.,::.: s E i SttY"N :""';S -. ---'-,+sf�- �a , , t i k � , a, w •`�'•"""' t j � �0 3` yr,1 {E 4 Ci3 , 7...�....-_..7...,.. �St ,�k efFtile..... ..3....`�..1�'.�.x+.' .C#�'S. e icF �'F'E^o (1.) Facility Name: Bu_ckee Lake WTP _ (2.) Permitted Flow (MGD): None (6.) County: Watauga (3.) Facility Class: I (7.) Regional Office: Winston Salem (4.) Pretreatment Program: N/A (8.) USGS To o Quad: C11NW (5.) Permit Status: New (9.) USGS Quad Name: Elk Park 6L.v..1•i�... f .-iiL: "J_ Z .�:..5,..T'.:'_`�� xt Iw «.JF .ir•- � ��i tt s,..s. h•sv.�^"."' 77 �.. ,.i'-•,'i.�a (1.) Receiving Stream: Bucke a Creek (7.) Draina a Area (mi2): 3.4 (2.) Sub -basin: 04 02 01 (8.) Summer 7Q10 (cfs): 1.9 (3.) Stream Index Number: (9.) Winter 7Q10 (cfs): 1.1 (4.) Stream Classification: (5.) 303(d) Status: _._._. W w (6.) 305(b) Status: C; Tr - Not listed w (10.) 30Q2 (cfs): (11.)_AveraI Flow (cfs): �(12.) IWC %: 2.5 Y µ7.0µ~ N/A (no flow limit) Summary The Town of Beach Mountain's Buckeye Lake water treatment plant is located in Watauga County along Grassy Gap Creek Road near Buckeye Creek, which is classified as Class C; Tr waters in the Watauga River Basin. This is an existing, high -rate water filtration plant. Previously the backwash water from the plant was decanted in two alum sludge storage basins and then subsequently pumped back to the head of the plant and mixed with raw water for treatment. However public water supply regulations prohibit 100% recycle systems in water treatment plants. Tony Chen of the Public Water Supply section has spoken with both the town and the NPDES unit about this requirement. The WTP treats water from Buckeye Lake, a manmade impoundment with a storage volume of approximately 50 million gallons. Process wastewater generated by the WTP includes the alum sludge collected in the sedimentation basins. Filter backwash water also flows to the sludge holding basins at a maximum rate of 1300 gpm. On average, each filter is backwashed once every 3 days. The total volume of wastewater from the sedimentation basins and filter backwash averages approximately 20,000 GPD. Alum sludge is allowed to settle in the sludge holding basins and the solids are periodically removed and disposed of offsite. Previously, decant from the holding basins flowed to the decant pump station where it was currently pumped back to the head of the treatment plant. Pumping back to the head of the plant occurred intermittently, as needed, at a design rate of 100 gpm. Currently, the town intends to use existing on -site piping to redirect the flow from the head of the plant to a discharge point alone buckeye Creek. The existing pumps would be used. This facility will receive new permit limits consistent with current requirements for conventional water treatment plants. Flow estimates were obtained from nearby USGS station #0347927165 approximately 500 feet upstream. The estimate was performed 5/5/87. 4 784 Atp.ine DA., Seven Dev.ita Banner Etk, NC 28604-7980 Novembers 25, 2005 NC D.iv.ib.ion ob Wateh. Zuat.ity 1617 Ma.it Service Centet Rate.igh, NC 27699-1617 RE: NPDES Permit Numbers N00088099, The Town o5 Beech Mountain, (208 GAaeby Gap CAeek Rokd; Beech Mountain) Dean NPDES Sta46; In ne&zAence to the appt.ica.t.noh :jo& aenewat ob the PeAm.it Numbers NCO088099 above I are.awate there have, been pro - ten* and Wotat.ionb oveA the yeaAb with th.ib and the other wastewate�xr,treatment ptant on the Town. Therefore, g?.ven the Aeeent huAA.icane ev.enth, I $eet .it prudent that the ghant.iny og att Aenewat penm.itb be eonsidened very earebutty and the current d.i.6chargeb and butune attoeat.iona have carejut a crut.iny. S.ineenety, Richard A. DeMott Chain Watauga River Conhervat.ion PaAtneAe ehapteA ob the Weatenn NoAth Carot.ina Att.ianee NOV 2 9 2005 J AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Acct. Name: NORTH CAROLINA-WATAUGA COUNTY NCDENR/DWQ/NPDES Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said Count, and State, duly commissioned, qualified and authorized by the Acct. # 112162 law to administer oaths, personally appeared: COST OF PUBLICATION 1 Z Total $59.50 PUBIJC NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CARAROUNA Who being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he (she) is ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION NPDES UNIT 1617 MAIL SERVICE CENTER REPRESENTATIVE RALEIGH, NC 27699-1617 TENT NonPITO ON OF ISSUE A, of a newspaper known as THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT, publishe NPDES WASTEWATER PERMIT issued and entered as second class mail in City of Boone, On the basis of thorough staff review in said County and State; that he (she) is authorized to make and 43.21, ub°"°f 92-500,al Statute 143.21, Public law 92-500 and other other this affidavit and sworn statement; that the notice of other legal g lawful standards and regulations, the advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was North Carolina Environmental Man- agement Commission proposes to published in THE WATAUGA DEMOCRAT the following dates: Issue a National, Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) waste- water discharge pemdttothe person(s) PERMIT NC0088099* listed below effective 45 days from the publish date of this notice. 11 /11 /2005 Written comments regarding the pro- posed permit will be accepted unfit 30 days after the. publish date of this notice. All comments received prior to that date are considered in he final determinations regarding the pro- posed permit The Director of the NC Division of Water Quality may decide to hold a public meeting for the pro- posed permit should the Division re- ceive a significant degree of public interest. Copies of the draft permit and other supporting information on file used to determine conditions present in the draft permit areal of and payment of the costsofP lhe costs and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper, P reproduction. Mail comments and/or document or legal advertisement was published was, at the time requests for Information to the NC Dk vision of water Quality at the above of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all of addressor call the Point Source Branch at 919-733-5083, extension the requirements and qualifications of Section 1-597 of the 520. Please Include the NPDES permit General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified number Interested persons also ca- Don. Interested persons may also visit may newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General the Division of Water Quality at 512 N. Statutes of North Carolina. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27604 1148 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to review information on file. - W-r,,;-; This 11th day of November, 2005 o , The Town of Beech Mountain (208 a Grassy Gap Creek Road, Beech Mountain, NC 28604) has applied for C) •--•� C.)renewal of NPDES permit NC0088099 for he Buckeye take WTP in Watao- ^ ' ' - S%koI n to and subscribef1defore me, this ga county. This permitted facility dls- charges treated wastewater to Buck- 1,tli day Of November, 2005 "" eye Creek inWatauga Basin. /1 no p Currently no parameters are water are _ � ,��//'r/ quality limited, however this discharge l/ may affect future allocations in this portion of the Watauga River Basin. Notary Public My Commission Expires: , (J Z-�- mac/ ZQ c% f DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING 6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIP (336) 886-4821 • Fax (336) 886-4458 • www.dmp-ine.com April 15, 2005 Re: Town of Beech Mountain WTP NPDES Permit Application DMP Proje6t-E-3695 ...... :_._....: Ms. Letoya D. Fields NPDES Western Unit North Carolina Division of Water Quality 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 Dear Ms. Fields: p [��1C APR 2 512 005 � DENR - WATER QUALITY POINT SOURCE BRANCH Davis -Martin -Powell & Associates is responding to your letter dated March,31; 2005 regarding the Town s of Beech Mountain's Buckeye Lake WTP NPDES permit application. We have addressed the information in the letter you provided as follows: "' " " ; " "— - 1. Please provide more detailed information on the difficulties associated with the current method of backwash disposal Why is recirculation no longer a feasible option? Include any available supporting documentation. As mentioned in the EAA, the practice of circulating backwash water back to the head of the plant is not longer looked favorably upon. The NCDENR Public Water Supply Section has indicated that the Town of Beech Mountain needs to eliminate the current practice of recirculating the decant water and find a new alternative for disposal. 2. Please provide a further analvsis of the non -discharge_ options specifically spray and dri irrigation Alternative B of our EAA Guidance discusses items that should be specifically considered when evaluating these options Please pay particular attention to items #1 and #2 under this sub -heading. Also, please provide rough cost estimates for these options as well as for the surface water disposal option. We have included calculations with regards to the amount of acreage potentially needed for a non -discharge subsurface system assuming a loading rate based on discussions with County Health Departments in that area. In addition, we have included potential costs for a subsurface and spray irrigation system, based upon previous projects our office has completed. 3. The analysis mentions that the Grassy Gap WWTP is nearby. What is the permitted flow for this facility? What are their current average flows? Please provide a preliminary indication of flow acceptance from the WWTP If the plant cannot accept the wastewater, include a letter documenting such and consider this alternative technologically infeasible. The Grassy Gap WWTP has a permitted flow of 0.08 MGD and with average flows of approximately 0.05 MGD. As mentioned in the EAA, if the decant water was disposed at the WWTP the Town would lose this amount of flow designated for growth and development. We have included a letter from the Town in the EAA. A Ms. LeToya Fields NPDES Westem Unit April 15, 2005 Page 2 On behalf of the Town of Beech Mountain, Davis -Martin -Powell & Associates is re -submitting the NPDES permit application for your approval. We trust the above changes to the EAA will satisfy the information deficient in the original submittal and will allow you to make a thorough and timely review of this project. Enclosed, you will find the following items for your review of the referenced project: • One (1) original and four (4) copies of the NPDES Permit Application — Short Form C-WTP; • One (1) original and four (4) copies of the Engineering Alternatives Analysis; • One (1) check (check no. 024938) in the amount of $715.00 for the NPDES Permit fee. If you have any questions or require additional information, please give me call. We appreciate your assistance with this matter and look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. Michael Goliber, PE MPG/mpg C: Mr. Seth Lawless (enc) File (enc) TOWN OF BEECH MOUNTAIN BUCKEYE LAKE WATER TREATMENT PLANT DECANT WATER DISPOSAL ENGINEERING ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS DMP Project E-3695 Prepared by: DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING • LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING 6415 Old Plank Road High Point, North Carolina 27265 Phone (336) 886-4821 - Fax (336) 886-4458 April 2005 ='1 = SEAL c t 0249660�{ �� �+•,•�NGIINE II�Q�rff�v� P;���`` ��� Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Engineering Alternatives Analysis Report (EAA) is to evaluate disposal options for the Town of Beech Mountain Buckeye Lake Water Treat Plant decant backwash water, ultimately arriving at a recommended disposal alternative for the Town of Beech Mountain. The EAA will include the following information: • General application information • Reasonable flow projections • Evaluation of technologically feasible alternatives • Evaluation of the economic feasibility of reasonable alternatives This report summarizes site -specific options including connecting to an existing municipal wastewater system, constructing an on -site surface or subsurface system, developing a water reuse system, and having a direct discharge to surface waters. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION • The proposed project will divert the existing water treatment plant alum sludge lagoon decant pump station from recycling decant water to the head of the water treatment plant to a new proposed surface water discharge along Buckeye Creek. • ADnlicant Information o Town of Beech Mountain 0 403 Beech Mountain Parkway, Beech Mountain, NC 28604 o (828) 387-4236 o Mr. Seth Lawless • Facility Information o Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant 0 208 Grassy Gap Creek Road, Beech Mountain, NC 28604 o Watauga County o (828) 387-9368 o Gary McKinney • EAA Preparer's Name o Davis -Martin -Powell & Associates 0 6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 o (336) 886-4821 o Mr. Ed Powell, PE PAPR0JECT16eechMtn\E3695 - WTP NPDES\Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 1 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Town of Beech Mountain's Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant is located in Watauga County along Grassy Gap Creek Road near Buckeye Creek, which is classified as Class C Trout waters in the Watauga River Basin. The existing water treatment plant, which serves the residents of the Town of Beech Mountain and surrounding area, is a high rate water filtration treatment plant. Currently the backwash water from the plant is decanted in two alum sludge storage basins, which is subsequently pumped back to the head of the plant and mixed with raw water for treatment. With changes in regulations becoming increasingly more stringent, the practice of circulating backwash water to the head of the plant is no longer looked favorably upon as a viable option and the NCDENR Public Water Supply Section has requested the Town pursue another option for disposal. The Town of Beech Mountain's Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant does not currently operate under an NPDES permit. However, since pumping the backwash water back to the head of the plant is no longer a technically feasible option, an NPDES permit may be necessary in order to discharge the filter backwash into Buckeye Creek. 4. EXISTING SYSTEM The Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant is a 1.0 MGD high rate water filtration plant, utilizing Neptune MicroFloc package treatment components and consisting of the following treatment processes: ❑ Two 750 GPM Raw Water Pumps ❑ Two sedimentation basins with tube settlers and 40 minute detention time ❑ Two high rate multi -media filters ❑ 300,000 gallon finished water clearwell ❑ Two 750 GPM high service pumps ❑ Liquid chemical feed systems for alum, caustic, and corrosion inhibitor ❑ Gas chlorination and ammonia feed systems The WTP treats water from Buckeye Lake, a manmade impoundment with a storage volume of approximately 50 million gallons. Process wastewater generated by the WTP includes the alum sludge collected in the sedimentation basin, which is periodically sent to the sludge holding basins, by emptying the sedimentation basins. Filter backwash water PAPROJECT\BeechMtn\E3695 - WTP NPDESIBeech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 2 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis also flows to the sludge holding basins, at a maximum rate of 1300 gpm. On average, each filter is backwashed once every three days. Total volume of wastewater from the sedimentation basins and filter backwash averages approximately 20,000 GPD. Alum sludge is allowed to settle in the sludge holding basins, and the solids are periodically removed and disposed of offsite. Decant from the holding basins flows to the decant pump station where it is currently pumped back to the head of the treatment plant. Pumping back to the head of the plant occurs intermittently, as needed, at a design rate of 100 gpm. As mentioned previously, the current method of pumping the decant water back to the head of the plant is no longer a viable option. Therefore a new method of discharge and disposal for the decant water needs to be established. 5. ALTERNATIVE IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS Non -Discharge Sub -surface System Conventional or low-pressure sub -surface disposal would eliminate the circulating of decant water to the head of the plant and provide a disposal option other than discharging decant water to surface waters. However, several factors must be satisfied to make these options feasible. Suitable soil must be available with a minimum depth of 30 inches and an acceptable texture and permeability. Based on the suitability of the on -site soil, a hydraulic loading rate of between 0.2 and 1.2 gallons per day per square foot would need to be determined by a soil scientist. Using the established soil loading rate and the average daily flow, the size of the distribution field can be determined. A reserve area equal to 100% of the design area is also required. Both areas must have suitable topographic features. Slopes should be no greater than 10 percent and all drainage must be diverted away from the disposal area. There are many restrictions such as setback distances from property lines and structures that limit the location of the disposal field as well. Extensive on -site soil surveys must be conducted with this option to determine if suitable soils and land is available. Based on soil loading rates and topographic features, a selection to use either a conventional septic tank nitrification system or low-pressure pipe system would be made. Land used for and reserved for low-pressure or conventional nitrification disposal systems must be protected from heavy equipment and/or extensive activity that would threaten the survival of established vegetation or compact the soils in any way. Sub- P:\PR0JECT\13eechMtn\E3695 - WTP NPDES\Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 3 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis surface systems of this size also have requirements for ongoing groundwater monitoring. In addition operational and maintenance considerations must be made with the septic tanks and distribution system pumps associated with an on -site disposal system. Assuming an LTAR of 0.40 gpd/sq ft and an average flow of 20,000 gpd calculations show that a pressure manifold subsurface system would require over 7 acres of land for the active drainfield area along with an additional 7 acres for repair area. Assuming this amount of land was available, experience has shown that a system of this size could potentially exceed $1,000,000. A brief calculation of acreage required has been included with this EAA. Due to the above factors as well as the costs associated with an on -site system, this alternative is not a technically or economically feasible option and will not be considered further. Non -Discharge Spray Irrigation Spray irrigation systems also would eliminate the circulating of decant water to the head of the plant and provide a disposal option other than discharging decant water to surface waters. As required by sub -surface disposal, spray irrigation systems are dependent upon existing soil conditions. Soil conditions must be analyzed for texture and permeability to a depth of seven feet. Based upon the slopes of the existing ground (not to exceed 10%) and the suitability of the existing soils, a maximum weekly and yearly application, rate can be determined. After determining the weekly and yearly application rates, the area required for spray irrigation can be determined. A fence to protect it from heavy traffic and to insure that adequate groundcover is maintained must surround the entire application area. A spray irrigation system will also require a 5-day storage volume, because effluent cannot be applied during wet weather. In addition, there are many restrictions such as setback distances from property lines and structures that limit the location of a spray disposal field. No activity is permitted in the areas designated for application of wastewater and these areas are deemed off limits for general use. In addition to an on -site soil survey to determine the suitability of the soil for a spray irrigation disposal system, ground water monitoring wells may be required. As with the subsurface option, assuming adequate land is available for a spray irrigation system, experience has shown that a system this size could exceed $1,000,000. Due to P:IPROJECT1BeechMtn1E3695 - WTP NPDESIBeech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 4 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis the above restrictions and potential costs a spray irrigation disposal system is not feasible for this site and will not be considered further. Wastewater Reuse System As with the spray irrigation system and the subsurface disposal system, the water reuse system has several technological and economical disadvantages. Additional site piping along with a reuse pump station and would need to be constructed for a water reuse system. Also, sufficient storage would be required, to allow for times when effluent cannot be applied during inclement weather. Related costs such as engineering, land purchasing and contingencies would further increase the capital cost. Due to these factors as well as the costs associated with an on -site system reuse system, this alternative is not a technically or economically feasible option and will not be considered further. Transfer to Public Sewer System Connecting to a municipal sewer system would provide the opportunity to eliminate recycling the decant water to the head of the plant and would also eliminate the need for a surface water discharge. While the proximity of the Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant to the Grassy Gap Wastewater Treatment Plant provides an excellent opportunity to discharge directly to the wastewater treatment facility, there are also several disadvantages to this option. The biggest disadvantage to transferring the decant wastewater to the Grassy Gap WWTP would be that the Town would lose this amount of flow from the current flow allocation currently designated for future growth and development in the Town of Beech Mountain. In addition, the chemical treatment process used at the Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant may have an impact on the treatment capabilities at the Grassy Gap WWTP. This could lead to changes in the treatment process at the Grassy Gap WIMP or additional monitoring requirements for the Grassy Gap NPDES permit. Due to these factors as well as the costs associated with transferring to the Grassy Gap WWTP, this alternative is not a technically or economically feasible option and will not be considered further. A letter from the Town of Beech Mountain, stating the above burden with respect to flow allocation has been included with this EAA. PAPROJECT113eechMtn1E3695 - WTP NPDESIBeech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 5 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis Surface Water Discharge A surface water discharge would provide the opportunity to eliminate recycling the decant water to the head of the plant and would also provide the most technologically and economically feasible option. The proximity of the Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant to Buckeye Creek, classified Class C, Trout Water in the Watauga River Basin, allows for a short distance from the existing decant pump station to the creek. In addition, this option would allow the Town of Beech Mountain to utilize existing on -site piping to redirect the flow from the head of the plant to a discharge point along Buckeye Creek. Also, due to the topography at the location of the water treatment plant the existing pumps would be able to be utilized with the new discharge option, eliminating the capital cost of purchasing new pumps or building a new pump station. In addition, since the maintenance staff at the Buckeye Lake WTP currently operates and maintains the existing decant pump station there would also be no additional operational cost with this option. With the exception of purchasing and implementing a de -chlorination system to the new discharge there would be very minimal capital costs associated with this option. Compared with the extreme costs associated with the subsurface option or spray irrigation option, the surface water discharge option is by far the most economically feasible option. 6. RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE Based on the information presented above, it is recommended that the Surface Water Discharge option is implemented to provide an alternative to recycling the decant water to the head of the water treatment plant. This option provides the most technologically feasible option and with the exception of the de -chlorination system for the new discharge there would be very minimal capital costs or operation and maintenance costs associated with this option. PAPROJEC IABeechNn1E3695 - WTP NPDES\Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 6 1. 'A t f, I r%'Iti: iz` M" ym A .47 ( rN, V. _N' Tp -94, N �W I % )inl Pills 0 H � LIOLGITIRI C 50IN\ LIN. tol) v m - je� ;=Z8 5 � — a kill y6 n N OF 0 0/1 trow�1\ ' ~1\__��Ii n i\�' ~�1�1� �\ �' / )� NM' \6 % % "1006' M % 8'Q1 -7 er., 5::Z;--'� Z_— �E. Ju I - I N_ff k R try, ran (nAacl; 01- ti "It N, j . z Iv;1 19 -1 1 7� agley 1INF1910, !x ...... v A.� Elk: In . ..... .... 7;0 . I W". DAV I S-MARTI N -POWELL 8t ASSOCIATES, INC. TOWN OF BEECH MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING - SURVEYING BUCKEYE LAKE WATER TREATMENT PLANT 61-15 01.0 PLANK ROAD PROPOSED NPDES DISCHARGE LOCATION HIGH POIINT, NORTH CAROLINA 27265 SCALE: 1 " = 3000 FT (336) 886-LB21 FAX (336) 836-L&53 USGS QUADS: ELK PARK & VALLE CRUCIS Town of Beech Mountain BUCKEYE LAKE WTP WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DECANT WATER DISPOSAL POTENTIAL NON -DISCHARGE WASTEWATER SYSTEM SIZING SUBSURFACE CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM WITH PRESSURE MANIFOLD Assume: Gallons/Day 20,000 Assume: LTAR gpd/ft ^ 2 Disposal Area, sq. feet Trench width, feet Trench length, feet Assume: Avg Trench Spacing Minimum Area Needed, sq ft Minimum Drainfleld Area Needed, acres Land Area Safety Factor Potential Active Drainfield Area Needed, acres Repair Area Needed (100% of Active Area), acres Total Area Needed, acres 0.40 50,000 (required trench area) 3 16,667 (Would require approx. 85 laterals @ 200 LF/each, or variation) 15 (minimum spacing is 9 ft) 250,000 5.74 1.25 7.17 7.17 14.35 DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL ASSOCIATES Non -Discharge Estimate.As - SUBSURFACE WWTF E-3623 4/15/2005 AA TOWN OF BEECF7 MOUNTAIN Seth Lawless, Manager David R. Paletia, Attorney April 15, 2005 Town o4: Beecb Mountain 403 Beech Mountain Parkway Beech Mountain, North Carolina 28604-8012 Phone: 828/387-4236 Fax: 828/387-4862 E-mail: beechmtntown®skybest.com Re: Town of Beech Mountain Buckeye Lake WTP NPDES Permit Application, DMP Project E-3695 Mr. Michael Goliber, PE Project Engineer Davis -Martin -Powell & Associates 6415 Old Plank Road High Point, NC 27265 Dear Michael: Mayor Rick Owen Vice Mayor Gil Adorns Council Members Paul Piquet Peter K. Chamberlin Edward J. Wallgroskl APR I R 2005 The Town of Beech Mountain understands that one alternative identified for a proposed discharged option for the Town's Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant decant water is to discharge to the Grassy Gap WWTP. The Grassy Gap WWTP has a permitted capacity of 0.08 MGD and the average flow at this plant is approximately 0.05 MGD, based on monthly discharge monitoring reports. Due to the size of our WWTP and the current average flows, the Town feels that permitting discharge of the Buckeye Lake WTP decant water at the Grassy Gap WWTP would put a hindrance on the Town by taking away flow allocation designated for future growth and development in the Town of Beech Mountain. Due to the burden accepting this additional flow would cause the Town, we feel this is not a feasible option for disposal of the Buckeye Lake WTP decant water. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely. Seth Lawless Town Manager Eastern America's Highest Town NPDES PERMIT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C-WTP For discharges associated with conventional water treatment plants JAN 10 2005 N. C. Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality / NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-3,617 NPDES Permit Number NC00 Please print or type 1. Contact Information: Facility Name Owner Name Street Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number e-mail Address Operator Name Street Address City State / Zip Code Telephone Number Buckeye Lake WTP Town of Beech Mountain Beech Mountain NC, 28604 ( 828) 387-4236 ( 828) 387-4862 beechmtntown@skybest.com Gary :McKinney_ 208 ...Grassy": Gap Ckeek:_.R6ad RPQcI� Mount in NC 28604 (828 ) 387-9368 2. Location of facility producing discharge: Facility Name (If different from above) Street Address or State Road City / Zip Code County 3. 4. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Codes:. Principal process(es): 4941 High Rate Water Filtration Water Treatment Plant 5, Ownership Status: Federal 0 State F-1 Private 0 Public 6. Check here if discharge is continuous If not continuous, Frequency of discharge during the day: Frequency of discharge during the month (week): Backwash volume ^ 20, 000 gpd Discharged Intermittently at 100 gpm 1 7. Number of separate discharge points: 8. Description of source water(s) (i.e. groundwater or surface water) Surface water, Buckeye Lake Page 1 of 2 Version -08103 NPDES PERNaT APPLICATION - SHORT FORM C WTP For discharges associated with conventional water treatment plants 9. Name of receiving stream(s) (Provide of map of exact location of each ou fall, including latitude and lorigitudes Buckeye Creek N 36.20 W 81.90 10. List all permits, construction approvals and/or applications (check aIi that apply and provide permit numbers or check none if not applicable): !me Permit Number ® None CI UIC 0 NPDES 0 PSD 0 NESHAPS 2yp—e Permit Number Non -Attainment Ocean Dumping =Dredge/Fill Permits 0 RCRA Other 11. Is this facility located on Native American lands? (check one) YES 0 NO RO 12. Please list all water treatment additives, including cleaning chemicals, that have the potential to be discharged. Chlorine gas Ammonia during summer months Polymer Soda ash for pH - Polyphosphate for corrosion control 13. For NEW water treatment plants, please submit all analyses of source water collected. N/A I certify that I am familiar with the information contained in the application and that to the best of my knowledge and belief such information is true, complete, and accurate. Rt G K 0 W M A ya r- Printed name of Person Signing Title M1 Date North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6 (b)(2) provides that: Any person who knowingly makes any false statement representation, or certification in any application, record, report, plan, or other document files or required to be maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, or who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any recording or monitoring device or method required to be operated or maintained under Article 21 or regulations of the Environmental Management Commission implementing that Article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a fine not to exceed $10,000. or by imprisonment not to exceed six months, or by both. (18 U.S.C. Section 1001 provides a punishment by a fine of not more than $10,000 or imprisonment not more than 5 years, or both, for a similar offense.) Page 2 of 2 Version -08103 Prepared by: DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERING s LAND PLANNING • SURVEYING 6415 Old Plank Road High Point, North Carolina 27265 Phone (336) 886-4821 - Fax (336) 886-4458 Apr# 2005 G •� rr •° o SEAL s "' 02496 ` Git E lil Town of Beech Mountain WTP — Engineering Alternatives Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Engineering Alternatives Analysis Report (EAA) is to evaluate disposal options for the Town of Beech Mountain Buckeye Lake Water Treat Plant decant backwash water, ultimately arriving at a recommended disposal alternative for the Town of Beech Mountain. The EAA will include the following information: • General application information • Reasonable flow projections • Evaluation of technologically feasible alternatives • Evaluation of the economic feasibility of reasonable alternatives This report summarizes site -specific options including connecting to an existing municipal wastewater system, constructing an on -site surface or subsurface system, developing a water reuse system, and having a direct discharge to surface waters. 2. GENERAL INFORMATION • The proposed project will divert the existing water treatment plant alum sludge lagoon decant pump station from recycling decant water to the head of the water treatment plant to a new proposed surface water discharge along Buckeye Creek. • Aoolicant Information o Town of Beech Mountain 0 403 Beech Mountain Parkway, Beech Mountain, NC 28604 o (828) 387-4236 o Mr. Seth Lawless • Facility Information o Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant 0 208 Grassy Gap Creek Road, Beech Mountain, NC 28604 o Watauga County o (828) 387-9368 o Gary McKinney • EAA Preparer's Name o Davis -Martin -Powell & Associates 0 6415 Old Plank Road, High Point, NC 27265 o (336) 886-4821 o Mr. Ed Powell, PE PAPR0JECT\BeechMtn1E3695 - WTP NPDES1Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 1 Town of Beech Mountain WTP — Engineering Alternatives Analysis 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION The Town of Beech Mountain's Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant is located in Watauga County along Grassy Gap Creek Road near Buckeye Creek, which is classified as Class C Trout waters in the Watauga River Basin. The existing water treatment plant, which serves the residents of the Town of Beech Mountain and surrounding area, is a high rate water filtration treatment plant. Currently the backwash water from the plant is decanted in two alum sludge storage basins, which is subsequently pumped back to the head of the plant and mixed with raw water for treatment. With changes in regulations becoming increasingly more stringent, the practice of circulating backwash water to the head of the plant is no longer looked favorably upon as a viable option and the NCDENR Public Water Supply Section has requested the Town pursue another option for disposal. The Town of Beech Mountain's Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant does not currently operate under an NPDES permit. However, since pumping the backwash water back to the head of the plant is no longer a technically feasible option, an NPDES permit may be necessary in order to discharge the filter backwash into Buckeye Creek. 4. EXISTING SYSTEM The Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant is a 1.0 MGD high rate water filtration plant, utilizing Neptune MicroFloc package treatment components and consisting of the following treatment processes: ❑ Two 750 GPM Raw Water Pumps ❑ Two sedimentation basins with tube settlers and 40 minute detention time ❑ Two high rate multi -media filters ❑ 300,000 gallon finished water clearwell ❑ Two 750 GPM high service pumps ❑ Liquid chemical feed systems for alum, caustic, and corrosion inhibitor ❑ Gas chlorination and ammonia feed systems The WTP treats water from Buckeye Lake, a manmade impoundment with a storage volume of approximately 50 million gallons. Process wastewater generated by the WTP includes the alum sludge collected in the sedimentation basin, which is periodically sent to the sludge holding basins, by emptying the sedimentation basins. Filter backwash water PAPROJECT1BeechMtn\E3695 - WTP NPDES1Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 2 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis also flows to the sludge holding basins, at a maximum rate of 1300 gpm. On average, each filter is backwashed once every three days. Total volume of wastewater from the sedimentation basins and filter backwash averages approximately 20,000 GPD. Alum sludge is allowed to settle in the sludge holding basins, and the solids are periodically removed and disposed of offsite. Decant from the holding basins flows to the decant pump station where it is currently pumped back to the head of the treatment plant. Pumping back to the head of the plant occurs intermittently, as needed, at a design rate of 100 gpm. As mentioned previously, the current method of pumping the decant water back to the head of the plant is no longer a viable option. Therefore a new method of discharge and disposal for the decant water needs to be established. 5. ALTERNATIVE IMPROVEMENT ANALYSIS Non -Discharge Sub -surface System Conventional or low-pressure sub -surface disposal would eliminate the circulating of decant water to the head of the plant and provide a disposal option other than discharging decant water to surface waters. However, several factors must be satisfied to make these options feasible. Suitable soil must be available with a minimum depth of 30 inches and an acceptable texture and permeability. Based on the suitability of the on -site soil, a hydraulic loading rate of between 0.2 and 1.2 gallons per day per square foot would need to be determined by a soil scientist. Using the established soil loading rate and the average daily flow, the size of the distribution field can be determined. A reserve area equal to 100% of the design area is also required. Both areas must have suitable topographic features. Slopes should be no greater than 10 percent and all drainage must be diverted away from the disposal area. There are many restrictions such as setback distances from property lines and structures that limit the location of the disposal field as well. Extensive on -site soil surveys must be conducted with this option to determine if suitable soils and land is available. Based on soil loading rates and topographic features, a selection to use either a conventional septic tank nitrification system or low-pressure pipe system would be made. Land used for and reserved for low-pressure or conventional nitrification disposal systems must be protected from heavy equipment and/or extensive activity that would threaten the survival of established vegetation or compact the soils in any way. Sub- PAPR0JECT113eechMtn\E3695 - WTP NPDES\Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 3 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis surface systems of this size also have requirements for ongoing groundwater monitoring. In addition operational and maintenance considerations must be made with the septic tanks and distribution system pumps associated with an on -site disposal system. Assuming an LTAR of 0.40 gpd/sq ft and an average flow of 20,000 gpd calculations show that a pressure manifold subsurface system would require over 7 acres of land for the active drainfield area along with an additional 7 acres for repair area. Assuming this amount of land was available, experience has shown that a system of this size could potentially exceed $1,000,000. A brief calculation of acreage required has been included with this EAA. Due to the above factors as well as the costs associated with an on -site system, this alternative is not a technically or economically feasible option and will not be considered further. Non -Discharge Spray Irrigation Spray irrigation systems also would eliminate the circulating of decant water to the head of the plant and provide a disposal option other than discharging decant water to surface waters. As required by sub -surface disposal, spray irrigation systems are dependent upon existing soil conditions. Soil conditions must be analyzed for texture and permeability to a depth of seven feet. Based upon the slopes of the existing ground (not to exceed 10%) and the suitability of the existing soils, a maximum weekly and yearly application, rate can be determined. After determining the weekly and yearly application rates, the area required for spray irrigation can be determined. A fence to protect it from heavy traffic and to insure that adequate groundcover is maintained must surround the entire application area. A spray irrigation system will also require a 5-day storage volume, because effluent cannot be applied during wet weather. In addition, there are many restrictions such as setback distances from property lines and structures that limit the location of a spray disposal field. No activity is permitted in the areas designated for application of wastewater and these areas are deemed off limits for general use. In addition to an on -site soil survey to determine the suitability of the soil for a spray irrigation disposal system, ground water monitoring wells may be required. As with the subsurface option, assuming adequate land is available for a spray irrigation system, experience has shown that a system this size could exceed $1,000,000. Due to P:\PROJECT\BeechMtn\E3685 - WTP NPDES1Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 4 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis the above restrictions and potential costs a spray irrigation disposal system is not feasible for this site and will not be considered further. Wastewater Reuse System As with the spray irrigation system and the subsurface disposal system, the water reuse system has several technological and economical disadvantages. Additional site piping along with a reuse pump station and would need to be constructed for a water reuse system. Also, sufficient storage would be required, to allow for times when effluent cannot be applied during inclement weather. Related costs such as engineering, land purchasing and contingencies would further increase the capital cost. Due to these factors as well as the costs associated with an on -site system reuse system, this alternative is not a technically or economically feasible option and will not be considered further. Transfer to Public Sewer System Connecting to a municipal sewer system would provide the opportunity to eliminate recycling the decant water to the head of the plant and would also eliminate the need for a surface water discharge. While the proximity of the Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant to the Grassy Gap Wastewater Treatment Plant provides an excellent opportunity to discharge directly to the wastewater treatment facility, there are also several disadvantages to this option. The biggest disadvantage to transferring the decant wastewater to the Grassy Gap WWTP would be that the Town would lose this amount of flow from the current flow allocation currently designated for future growth and development in the Town of Beech Mountain. In addition, the chemical treatment process used at the Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant may have an impact on the treatment capabilities at the Grassy Gap WWTP. This could lead to changes in the treatment process at the Grassy Gap WWTP or additional monitoring requirements for the Grassy Gap NPDES permit. Due to these factors as well as the costs associated with transferring to the Grassy Gap WWTP, this alternative is not a technically or economically feasible option and will not be considered further. A letter from the Town of Beech Mountain, stating the above burden with respect to flow allocation has been included with this EAA. PAPROJECT\BeechMtn\E3695 - WTP NPDESIBeech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 5 Town of Beech Mountain WTP - Engineering Alternatives Analysis Surface Water Discharge A surface water discharge would provide the opportunity to eliminate recycling the decant water to the head of the plant and would also provide the most technologically and economically feasible option. The proximity of the Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant to Buckeye Creek, classified Class C, Trout Water in the Watauga River Basin, allows for a short distance from the existing decant pump station to the creek. In addition, this option would allow the Town of Beech Mountain to utilize existing on -site piping to redirect the flow from the head of the plant to a discharge point along Buckeye Creek. Also, due to the topography at the location of the water treatment plant the existing pumps would be able to be utilized with the new discharge option, eliminating the capital cost of purchasing new pumps or building a new pump station. In addition, since the maintenance staff at the Buckeye Lake WTP currently operates and maintains the existing decant pump station there would also be no additional operational cost with this option. With the exception of purchasing and implementing a de -chlorination system to the new discharge there would be very minimal capital costs associated with this option. Compared with the extreme costs associated with the subsurface option or spray irrigation option, the surface water discharge option is by far the most economically feasible option. 6. RECOMMENDED ALTERNATIVE Based on the information presented above, it is recommended that the Surface Water Discharge option is implemented to provide an alternative to recycling the decant water to the head of the water treatment plant. This option provides the most technologically feasible option and with the exception of the de -chlorination system for the new discharge there would be very minimal capital costs or operation and maintenance costs associated with this option. P:\PROJECT\BeechMtn1E3695 - WTP NPDES\Beech WTP EAA REVISED 041505.doc 6 V� • ! � 0 .3% / r Est � .. _� �,+ ... ti 4 t• •t' '.:�1'�'.'• rr ... ^y ^ � �+,�` '• \,1 -..1 o ! )r../ )) � 1\ r1:�4;••,Jr��-�,..+� ,• ��•-� t ���! 1 i :•NBC, rr^ ,f% I ���Q..%�'• l ' � •�-�-✓ !"` J ' " i : ^ �.,� � .f-�• ^'••�� ..3 � ,i11 t f .t t' .-•':`~�, . •"` ',a`RI�' ^'�``^•'/ :• 1 r 1 � k 2� / � � _.. %� I' !• V tES1 6r 'Zi\��• w/ � ty `,..` _ � t\ , I: .`. \` � l x _ 1 ( • `- rim+ .1�. ` 1.1 JYI. 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'� •.,• ;, • ram- 1 i� %i / :•t. . 1.;: _ �,r _ - ''• _:{.' ! �J .� J•,'t�: ,�•nl tl r ! �tl• '�: 1' 1 `1: :t •1 !� Sri . ''�• ..l .r(: __ al � . a C%• _ 1 :l `ti f i r r � - -r 1 .... — 4• Yl - - =;�- ���• •r.....;.:-: is 4 ;.-�' - - _ �.:�_. .r �' . It "::-.�-' t- op .:a - t '1 �., .- ;-r-.,.�=r1 t r I:,a.• .1. .•• wit DAVIS—MARTIN—POWELL & ASSOCIATES, INC. TOWN OF BEECH MOUNTAIN, NORTH CAROLINA ENGINEERING - L4ND PLANNING - SURVEYING BUCKEYE LAKE WATER TREATMENT PLANT ' 61.15 COLD FILA14.1. ROAD PROPOSED NPDES DISCHARGE LOCATION HIGH POINT. NORTH AROLINA 27263 SCALE: 1" = 3000 FT + (336) 836-L32I FAY. (336) B36-LI-53 USGS QUADS: ELK PARK & VALLE CRUCIS Town of Beech Mountain BUCKEYE LAKE WTP WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA DECANT WATER DISPOSAL POTENTIAL NON -DISCHARGE WASTEWATER SYSTEM SIZING SUBSURFACE CONVENTIONAL SYSTEM WITH PRESSURE MANIFOLD Assume: Gallons/Day 20,000 Assume: LTAR gpd/ft ^ 2 Disposal Area, sq. feet Trench width, feet Trench length, feet Assume: Avg Trench Spacing Minimum Area Needed, sq ft Minimum Drainfield Area Needed, acres Land Area Safety Factor Potential Active Drainfield Area Needed, acres Repair Area Needed (100% of Active Area), acres Total Area Needed, acres 0.40 50,000 (required trench area) 3 16,667 (Would require approx. 85 laterals @ 200 LF/each, or variation) 15 (minimum spacing is 9 ft) 250,000 5.74 1.25 7.17 7.17 14.35 DAVIS-MARTIN-POWELL ASSOCIATES Non -Discharge Estimate.xls - SUBSURFACE WWTF E-3623 4/15/2005 A& TOWN OF BCCC12 MOUNTAIN Seth Lawless, Manager David R. Paletta, Attorney April 15, 2005 Town or 13B02 Mouritafri 403 Beech Mountain Parkway Beech Mountain, North Carolina 28604-8012 Phone: 828/387-4236 Fax: 828/387-4862 E-mail: beechmtntown@skybest,com Re: Town of Beech Mountain Buckeye Lake WTP NPDES Permit Application, DMP Project E-3695 Mr. Michael Goliber, PE Project Engineer Davis -Martin -Powell & Associates 6415 Old Plank Road High Point, NC 27265 Mayor Rick Owen Vice Mayor GII Adams Council Members Paul Planet Peter K. Chamberlin Edward J. Waligroskl AP R 1 8 2005 Dear Michael: The Town of Beech Mountain understands that one alternative identified for a proposed discharged option for the Town's Buckeye Lake Water Treatment Plant decant water is to discharge to the Grassy Gap WWTP. The Grassy Gap WWTP has a permitted capacity of 0.08 MGD and the average flow at this plant is approximately 0.05 MGD, based on monthly discharge monitoring reports. Due to the size of our WWTP and the current average flows, the Town feels that permitting discharge of the Buckeye Lake WTP decant water at the Grassy Gap WWTP would put a hindrance on the Town by taking away .flow allocation designated for future growth and development in the Town of Beech Mountain. Due to the burden accepting this additional flow would cause the Town, we feel this is not a feasible option for disposal of the Buckeye Lake WTP decant water. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Seth Lawless Town Manager Eastem America's Highest Town