HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCC242076_Site Plan or Location Map_20240710 c<\:_sp.‘ 9/'<< PRELIMINARY S UBDI VISION PLAN - BARTLEY POINT „pp . HARRIS �F ---CONVENTIONAL, - LAKE �O k„ r ,,,\\\)-- \- �0� <e.' w SITE C 1, wo �/I ���M C Co�NTY 9/�tl°ll�l dW �����j���ll� �— °UN N �l�i,,lyj/Il/���r,� tim;�i,Nyi� /�!!�°�� Vrn THIS PLAN PROPOSES TO SUBDIVIDE —4,_" I 67.55 ACRES INTO 23 SINGLE FAMILY I HOME PARCELS WITH ASSOCIATED L - - - - • , I 1111 ,41 PRIVATE ROADS AND STORM DRAINAGE. WATER AND SEWER WILL BE HANDLED HARRIS ON EACH INDIVIDUAL HOME LOT. LAKE ' I I VC \ TY VAP 1 " = 3000' , . _ . i - Jill° 4 This statement is to advise that the roads serving this subdivision are designated as private roads,not A - MIPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIITZ public roads.All owners of property within the subdivision have easements with one another to travel „,4 over and across such roads. The responsibility for maintenance of such private roads falls solely upon , the property owners within the subdivision.No representation is made that the private roads within this 11:144 subdivision meet the minimum requirements necessary to allow such roads to be included in the state ' J I secondary road system or that the North Carolina Department of Transportation will eventually assume maintenance such roads.Moreover,if such private roads are not adequately constructed and maintained, I emergency service providers and public service vehicles may be unable to provide adequate service to I ./—1 the residents of the subdivision. I I V' I Ir I Subdivider Date r r , \ 1. All construction shall be in accordance with applicable municipality standards,specifications,and details. Work \ \ on this project shall also conform to these plans,the latest editions of the North Carolina Department of 0 Transportation(NCDOT)Road and Bridge Specifications,the Road and Bridge Standards,the NCDEQ-Erosion and Sediment Control Planning and Design Manual,the final geotechnical report,and General Design Standard. In /\ /1 � —I oj the event of conflict between any of these standards,specifications,or plans,the most stringent shall apply. 2. The contractor shall be solely responsible for trench safety during all phases of construction. / 3. The location and size of existing utilities as shown is approximate only. The contractor is responsible for / \ horizontally and vertically locating and protecting all public or private utilities that lie in or adjacent to the , / construction site. At least 48 hours prior to any demolitions,grading,or construction activity,the contractor \ `\ isipprzrzl ��`" shall notify the North Carolina One-Call Utilities Location Service(ULOCO)at 1.800.632.4949 for proper \ \ 0 identification of existing utilities within the site. -——— I / 4. The contractor shall salvage and protect all existing power poles,signs,manholes,telephone risers, water valves, / I \�__ / etc.during all construction phases. The contractor shall repair,at his own expense,any existing utilities / ——— 1 // O\ �O damaged during construction. // 0 � / \\ // I\ 5. Traffic control on public streets shall be in conformance with the traffic control plan,the'Manual of Uniform i ( 1 / \ / • / Traffic Control Devices',and as further directed by City and State inspectors. \ 1 / \ V� cL 6.Any discrepancies found between the drawings and specifications and site conditions or any inconsistencies or 1,�/ I / ,C\ ambiguities in drawings or specifications shall be immediately reported to the engineer,in writing,who shall \ I / 2 promptly address such inconsistencies or ambiguities. Work done by the Contractor after his discovery of such 01114 P _ discrepancies,inconsistencies,or ambiguities shall be done at the contractor's risk. \\ / I I / �` 7.A pre-Construction Conference shall be held prior to the start of construction. The contractor shall arrange the \ / meeting with the Town Engineering Divisions. / ► — // I // 8. Contractor is responsible for verifying all required permits and approvals prior to commencing construction. 0 9.All areas shall be graded for positive drainage,and as shown on these plans. The contractor shall maintain / i z adequate site drainage during all phases of construction. The contractor shall use silt fences(or other methods / approved by the engineer and applicable municipality)as required to prevent silt and construction debris from ( 4401) 4f flowing onto adjacent properties. Contractor shall comply with all applicable federal,state,or local erosion, f , —— 4/ conservation,and siltation ordinances. ! / / 1 / 10. The Contractor shall clear and grub the site and place,compact,and moisture condition all fill per the project / geotechnical engineer's specifications. The fill material to be used shall be approved by the Geotechnical / Engineer prior to placement. l 11. Materials used to construct embankments for any purpose,backfill around drainage structures,or in utility 1r \ trenches or any other depression requiring fill or backfill shall be compacted to 95%of maximum density as r� determined by the modified proctor test as set out in ADTM Stands D-698. The contractor shall,prior to any / _ operations involving filling or backfilling,submit the results of the proctor test together with a certification that 4: A / the soil tested is representative of the materials. To be used on the project. Tests shall be conducted by a / certified materials testing laboratory and the certifications made by a licensed professional engineer representing , . / the laboratory. \ // 12. Proposed contours and gutter gradients are approximate. Proposed spot elevations and roadway profiles/super \\ \ / / elevations are to be used in case of discrepancy. \ / 0 / 13. The contractor shall verify and coordinate all dimensions shown,including the horizontal and vertical location y of curb inlets and grate inlets and all utilities crossing the storm sewer. / 14. All curb joints shall extend through the curb. Minimum length of offset joints at radius points is 1.5 feet. All / joints shall be sealed with joint sealant. / 15. All handicap ramping,striping,and pavement markings shall conform to ADSA requirements and the'Northc_cy // Carolina State Building Code, Vol.1-CAccessibility Code: / 16. Water and sewer main/services sizes to the property are to be verified by the contractor prior to the start of ''--../ construction. The project engineer has attempted to verify sizes from relevant plans,however exact size/dimensions can only be determined from field exposure of the relevant line. 17. Contractor shall verify all building dimensions with architectural plans prior to staking building. 18. Contractor shall coordinate the sequence of construction with owner. \/\ 19. Any blasting that may occur during construction shall conform to all local,state,and federal regulations. 20. Contractor shall apply 6"minimum topsoil to entire area disturbed. BMW TEL(PLANNING)919 856 6310 TEL(INSPECTIONS)919 856 6222 WAKE Planning, Development A Division of Community Services COUNTY pmen P.O.Box 550•Raleigh,NC 27602 & Inspections www.wake.gov ,l Preliminary Subdivision Approval 03/07/2024 /j/