HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550635_2024 Field Checklist_20240705I )ate 6-125-/2o Z Li Arr:va! Time 9: to Alv1 EK:i Twie 4 ; S -0 •4M NON DISCHARGE SINGLE FAMILY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS — Ii.�2 ' Pe-1111ee SCI' � If Robtna Fr;�.r�c/ _ - NCG5S oG�S AddresS C011 _ 13alrd Stl _ -- Durho n E-mail- Fr;,-rk,?p—e1-A Fr;, e,9C, Phone { } _ _ µ Cell Phone County 0,1r�Qm Ibo Pat n,itWe is raspoosrbla for the opari6or, and m aintenance 01 1he enrira wastewater tress neat .341u uosposal system Doesn't Did Not r es Nil Apply Investigate 1 I, rc'si+l—it in the home the Permittee? 11 C-1 [-)-d El 2 If not does the residan!. rent from the permittee? hl�I ❑ ❑ ❑ 3. Change of Osan6rship farm needed? (,mail the foray v ith the insfaaction letter) C 1 nx� Ll El 4. Is there a inspe: tion ri-i I pi. 0iten:in-,u agreemv;nt v,il'r, a contra .tor? 5. If yes to 44 vlho,is.the contractor? _ _ ...... S'EPTIC Tl Trra si-pnc to 1, a-:: Viers sho.:,-i be ci;eckeJ a•i,uall, arid purnp�d :ie3r'er1 "i; nee:•?d ❑ 6. Is all vraslerrater from the home connected to th4, septic tank? [K(I 1] El EJ 7. Does the perrnittee.'resrlent knov., where the septi:_ tank is located? U 191 0 S. Has the septic; tank been pumped in the last 5 years? 9. If yes to #8 date. if known__ _ , -__._ If proof, describe 10. Does the septic tank hire an EFFLUEN-1 FILTER or SANITARY T'? (circle one) 11. If Yes to filter when was the filter cleaned? By whom? SAND FILTER I TREATMENT YES NO UK If no proceed to the next section. Accessible sand fitter surfa.-es shal be raked and le.,eied every s„ months a•,d any vegeiat:.e gro.vlh s2-a be removed manua'ly ❑ 12 Is system something other than a sandrtlter? 13. If yes what kind? (examples - Peat Textile, Other or brand name - A-1 iantt�x, � � ❑ El 14. Does the permittee knovi where the sandflter is located? ID � ❑ 15. Does the sandfilter require maintenance? I'n'awtenance sraq i'iLse•-,',a', c tqe y.i,n"e-.t se:i:r' DISINFECTION I UV YES NO K If no proceed to the next section. 16. Is UV working? 17. Has the UV Unit been servieetl and bulbs cleaned'? 18. Who completes the ~< eekly check for the UV?( Non -Discharge) DISINFECTION I TABLETS YES NO If no proceed to the next section- Thetab'e'= '��na'�' �^:'s�s'i bec�c_b.3r;r.:r;!y t. e,rs:n, ca',t.nto..=..a:,,f rr_perope-3•.; [ 1 fJ ❑ El 19. Does the permittee have the correct chlorine tablets?(If none. mark No) ElEl21. 20. Does the f ermittee knot, the lacalion of the chlorinator? � lil/err,: :hiorine tablets obser-ved in the chlorinatoe? l L-� ❑ ❑ 22. Are tablets contacting water? If possible poke them to determine. DECHLOR (Discharge only) YES NO If no proceed to the next section. Tnz d}'nic,wa,er uw shai! be cne_.eC wee, r to e^su•e roni nue.;s a --,I pior?r F-1 n 23. Does the permittee kno:v +.There the rlechlor is? LJ I —_J [ —1 ❑ 24, Does the permittee have the correct rlechlor tablets? 171 n U n 2b Were rlechlor tabiels observed in the dechiorination chanlbur? L � r� �� 20. Are tablets contacting water? If possible poke them to determine. -�