HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG550673_2024 Field Checklist_20240705Date r_ / 2S / 2.0 7- If Arrival Time 11; 4�+0 . A/ -I EA.t 1-..7,r I2: 00 P/P7 NON — DISCHARGE SINGLE FAMILY WASTEWATER SYSTEMS Ps2.. Pernwtee Mauie R-jert pi�,ml t Nc G SS06 73 Andress 724— 1 Dc'n6M E-nail-_me�9� e.. 1, Prer�C� Ca jr-1q; . cd^-7 Prone (RIB 19y1 i$I a,. Cell Pnone ( _)_ _ - _ COUnty D(OrPM" _ T-! Per, rttce s respohsib): for tt,et oper,rt!on mnJ n,mritenance of me enure Nasiywit .e, cr-lirinent and &4posal system Doesn't Did Not Yes No Apply Investigate rt-Skl�'lt' ,1 th�� hoftfe the Perm.tta,�i kL -1 El n 2 if not does lrie redden, rent from the pe(mittee? 3. Change of O-.rnersh!p form needed? (mail the form v.dh the inspect on letter) rXr^1 ui I 4. Is there a inspection ;)o f rigreement with a contractor? 5. If yes to 44 who is the SEPTIC T/ Tha ,-�plic tan, a�-a I- tors sn.;,..i L-� .:re. kej a - gall, a.,,, ou--!pad ,ia3..d,j J X, El 1 0 6 Is all wastehater fron) the home connected to tne septa- tank? m 1:1 0 ❑ 7. Does the permlttee'residenl knorr where the septic tank is located? 8. His the septic lank been pumped in the last 5 years? 9. If yes to 98 dale, if known _ If proof describe 10. Does the septic tank h-a.e an EFFLUENT FILTER or SANITARY T" (circle one) 11. If Yes to filter when was the filler cleaned? By whom? _ SAND FILTER i TREATMENT YES t./—NL NO M If no proceed to the next section. Accessible sand titer surfaces sha be rai.e9 a -id le je'ed eve, s % n onlh; and azy vegetative gfo,vth sha r t'e removed manually � � ❑ ❑ 12. Is system something other than a sandfilter? 13. If yes, what kind? (eAamples - Peat, Textile, Other or brand name - Advantex, etc) 14. Does the permittee know where the sandfilter is located?EJ 15. Dues the sandfilter require maintenance? r maintinance is reziired e•.pla,n in the zzormvent sezwri DISINFECTION / UV YES NO If no proceed to the next section. rl:r u:f l rJl': ur15I•,ll n; Ghe; _.. .... t!r?Lj-•{1.•...�_..+5` !: .. 1+.1 1.. ..-!' a'n .- �S.nre�':Ci: 6. Is UV working? ❑ 17. 1las the UV Unit been serviced and hulbs cleaned? -� -� 18. Who completes the weekly check for the UV?( Non -Discharge) DISINFECTION 1 TABLETS YES P9 NO .T If no proceed to the next section. Tha table: ih1,inri3:J: t n1: sha] J? checkeo V. ?aj 1-3 ens -,re CJn, noon! ai : [X1 C-] ❑ ❑ 19. Does the permittee have the correct chlorine tablets?(If none mark No) (XJ C ❑ 13 20. Does the Permittee kno % the location of the chlorinator? 4XI � � ❑ ❑ 21. Were chlorine tablets observed in the chlorinator? LXI LI ❑ 22. Are tablets contacting water? If possible poke them to determine. DECHLOR (Discharge only) YES — NO rK If no proceed to the next section. Tne dacht(}riiia,Or um; Sha!I t;e Ciie-nec vj3e'• Ij 13 e-is'tre com!ritious a":1 pro t3 r j� 21. Does the permittee know where the dechlor is? i-] ❑ ❑ 24. Does the permittee have the correct dechlor tablets? [� E_I �� 2:i Were dechlor tablets observed in the dechlorinatcon chamber? —� -`I [ 1 [Ar ! D 2&. Are tablets contacting water? If possible poke thorn to determine