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SW6231105_Stormwater Report_20240701
Stormwater Management Report Hilton Heights 72 Unit Relocation Housing Authority of the City of Lumberton, Robeson County North Carolina Prepared For: \\t1il l // � 1i LUMBERTON Housing Authority Working To Build a Brighter Future July 2024 �� fl►,•pFESS• i4011 '/i, IWAO+ v Ana M. Wadsworth, P.E. TWC # 3313-C Table of Contents I. PROJECT SUMMARY 2 II. SITE DESCRIPTION 2 III. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 2 IV. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES 3 APPENDIX 4 o Robeson County Soil Survey Map from 1978 Manuscript o USGS Map o NRCS Soil Information and HSG Designation o FEMA FIRM Panel o NOAA Rainfall Data o Rational Method ■ Drainage Area Maps • Pre-Development Areas • Post-Development Areas • Proposed Drainage Areas ■ Storm Sewers Drainage Analysis ■ Report(10-yr Storm) ■ Profiles (10-yr Storm) ■ Stormwater Management Sizing and Modeling • HydroCAD SCM Modeling • Pre. Vs Post. Discharge • Draw Down Calculation • Required WQV Calculation o Erosion Control Calculations ■ NA Green Slope Matting Calculations ■ Rip Rap Apron Calculations o Geotechnical Engineering Report— Prepared by ECS Southeast, LLP I. PROJECT SUMMARY Lumberton Housing Authority is proposing to construct a new housing complex consisting of seventy-two (72) apartment units with a community center and playground. The proposed project consists of five (5) residential buildings and one(1)community center. The proposed development has taken into account for future expansion and is also proposing right-of-way improvements as part of this project. II. SITE DESCRIPTION The parcel is 30.84 acres and is located in the City of Lumberton/Robeson County, off Caton Road, in proximity to its intersection with Glen Cowan Road. 9.97 acres of the total site will be disturbed during on- site construction activities.The site's topography is dominated by slopes generally less than two(2)percent. Hydrologic Soil Groups (HSG)vary between A, B, and D. The parcel is zoned R-3 for higher density multifamily developments. Land use in the vicinity is primarily zoned agricultural. Although a floodplain exists, this project will not impact any limits of the floodplain. Refer to the FIRM map provided in this report. Northeast of the site is a freshwater forested/shrub wetland, according to the National Wetlands Inventory, the off-site outlet for runoff discharge. Further north, on the other side of the CSX Transportation railroad corridor, is the Raft Swamp. The Raft Swamp is classified as: • Water Supply IV (WS-IV): Waters used as sources of water supply for drinking, culinary, or food processing purposes where a WS-I, II, or III classification is not feasible. WS-IV waters are generally in moderately to highly developed watersheds or Protected Areas. • Swamp Waters (Sw): Supplemental classification intended to recognize those waters that have natural characteristics due to topography, such as low velocity, dissolved oxygen, or pH, that are different from streams draining steeper topography. Due to the location's relation to the Lumber River, this site is part of the Non-Coastal County High Quality Waters (HQW) zone. This project meets NCDEQ requirements in 15A NCAC 02H .1021. The site is in a zone which falls under the jurisdiction of both Robeson County and State regulation. On the Southeast side of the site, there is a small, 0.50 acre, pond outside the area of disturbance for this project. A 100' vegetated setback has been drawn on the plan with no BUA inside of it. III. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT The total project site is 30.84 acres (includes 0.50 acres of surface water). The BUA proposed for this project totals 4.82 acres (16% of total project site) which includes a maximum of 1.89 acres of BUA projected for future development of Phase II. Considering this future development, the site would then exceed the 12%threshold for low density development,therefore, a stormwater wetland has been proposed to treat the runoff for the current and future buildout. Any impervious area that exceeds 1.89 acres of BUA or impervious area that is not able to be routed into the designed stormwater wetland will require an additional treatment facility to manage the increase. This would be permitted separately. This site has one major drainage pattern. The site slopes Northward where drainage is conveyed to the Raft Swamp. It is conveyed overland or through roadside ditches in the area where the BUA is proposed. Then reaches the wooded area past the disturbed area. From here it all drains to the Raft Swamp. Proposed conditions do not change this pattern. There are two drainage areas in the proposed conditions, Drainage Area A is the area which drains to the SCM. Drainage Area B is the residual area of the site. Both combine and flow to the same ultimate outfall. BUA Data Drainage Area Area (ac.) BUA (ac.) % BUA A(to SCM) 8.70 4.69 54% B (Residual) 21.64 (22.14-0.50 Surface Water) 0.13 1% Overall 30.34 (30.84-0.50 Surface Water) 4.82 16% For Lumberton requirements, Sec. 35-269.33, requires the calculated peak rate of runoff from a ten-year frequency storm having a duration of one hour shall be no greater than that which would result from a ten- year frequency storm having a duration of one hour on the same site prior to development. The stormwater wetland outlet structure controls rate to meet this requirement. While only DA A flows into this wetland, the rate control is designed such that the post-development discharge from both DA's does not exceed the pre- development discharge. The sizing of the stormwater wetland took into consideration the future additional development on site for both the runoff treatment and rate control. In the event of additional development, that development is planned to discharge the majority of its runoff into the stormwater wetland for treatment. Overall Discharge 10-yr Storm Pre-Development 8.31 cfs Post Development 7.80 cfs IV. EROSION CONTROL MEASURES During the construction phase, a skimmer sediment basin will be utilized to capture a large portion of the site's runoff. Around 4 acres of the 9.97 acres of the disturbed area is offsite, relating to roadway widening and ditch grading. For the rest of the area, 6.23 acres of the will drain into skimmer basins.Areas not routed to the sediment basins are stabilized with silt fence,wattles, rolled erosion control matting, and rip rap outlet protection. The boundaries of the pre- and post-development drainage areas and the matting and riprap design calculations are included in the APPENDIX of this report. APPENDIX Jo \I \ �oC --- NoA o i .2\ `L / a 72 r / : . B P - • 3 A o 0 a V U_ V- 0 Cn 111641111c\PI Jo PoB W a R Liu Pt ‘L S' ° y\;, = 8.P. ^ • "B P JT .,� F'a aGoA0Q a Ei "' JT a NoAaB '111111 ; : Jo ° • _ ,.. .0 • GoA "� Pa 11 ' I I wac PROJECT SITE JT) 4,4 :11ilA f f oA Jo %I i , -o 'itisis . Pa t oa - gip, WaB Lu • s� 4 (3 ; l' /10‘ ki' FaA. GoA `,i.. «� Wa Ir . N`` ,Jo JT _ Q — WaB JT WaB '� . -o JT U� J o JT tooter� ? A HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON W ROBESON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA NHILTON HEIGHTS UNIT RELOCATION 0 500 1000' 2000' 120 North Boylan Avenue Raleigh,NC 27603-1423 SOILS MAP (919)828-0531 th ewootencom pa ny.com SCALE: 1"=1 000' License Number:F-0115 .ii — — 7 L —1L tW • � �EH T ' ao O L Rp a — - E� s V6 .\ -6 _, , _ / 111%11 VUa VCm A. ‘ ,÷ �- 6 - vk-PNA----4_,- i . I __,.,. I ,i, ,,7, m ..._, : .......th .,,, 4 ._.,_,___,_ Ad. _.....,._ ) . It F,,,` :,,, ' _..„..,,_ _ ,.i. 0 )1\ .L.,_ -a1L " L �1L A Allhkelpfi- „ PROJECT SITE - - _.,.,...,_ sl VD 7,,-,..-) 1/4 i 11 Q� �oN\G/ ..,__u__ _ , - - .,c..11— ti ,, /I , _ XUR\AUB DR _ _ y_4.--5--, __ -.1.,_ —1.1./— —1.11— A A HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON W ROBESON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA HILTON HEIGHTS UNIT RELOCATION N 0 500' 1000' 2000' 120 North Boylan Avenue Il Raleigh,NC 27603-1423 USGS QUADRANGLE MAP (919)828-0531 th ewootencom pa ny.com SCALE: 1"=1 000' License Number:F-0115 a Hydrologic Soil Group—Robeson County,North Carolina M 677000 6771W 6772W 677300 677400 677500 677600 6777W 677800 I $� 34°38'10"N N. $ 34°38'10"N '`�\ `chi !, -,,..-,.\ ♦ • • G\c I \ a, , 8 \. � GJO 8 / , *FOP' -, .. ,\44.7i/ C 1 It. , . . 'mit, 4111. •,/ .... a._4111171 ' '-- " , # , I e ..:, . V, r G� p�a°z,�d-NI t ix Y%Ltd FA aG0Uo re4a11Q° 34°37'49"N +\' "�' ` .—. 34°37'49"N 677000 677100 6/(LW 677300 6774W 677500 677600 677700 677800 3 3 v Map Scale:1:4,460 if printed on A landscape(11"x 8.5")sheet. N Meters 0 50 100 200 300 Feet M200 400 800 1200 ap projection:Web Mercator Corner coordinates:WGS84 Edge tics:UTM Zone 17N WGS84 USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/27/2022 -101-1-111 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 1 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Robeson County,North Carolina MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest(AOI) p C The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at Area of Interest(AOI) 1:20,000. 0 C/D Soils • D Warning:Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Soil Rating Polygons l A p Not rated or not available Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil n A/D Water Features line placement.The maps do not show the small areas of Streams and Canals contrasting soils that could have been shown at a more detailed n B scale. Transportation Q B/D r4-1. Rails Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for map n C measurements. ti Interstate Highways C/D US Routes Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service Web Soil Survey URL: 0 D Major Roads Coordinate System: Web Mercator(EPSG:3857) n Not rated or not available Local Roads Maps from the Web Soil Survey are based on the Web Mercator Soil Rating Lines Background projection,which preserves direction and shape but distorts • • A distance and area.A projection that preserves area,such as the 1111 Aerial Photography Albers equal-area conic projection,should be used if more • • A/D accurate calculations of distance or area are required. ^r B This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as ,. B/D of the version date(s)listed below. • r C Soil Survey Area: Robeson County, North Carolina Survey Area Data: Version 21,Sep 12,2022 • • C/D Soil map units are labeled(as space allows)for map scales • • D 1:50,000 or larger. • w Not rated or not available Date(s)aerial images were photographed: Apr 17,2022—May Soil Rating Points 20,2022 p A The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background O A/D imagery displayed on these maps.As a result,some minor • B shifting of map unit boundaries may be evident. • B/D USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/27/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 4 Hydrologic Soil Group—Robeson County, North Carolina Hydrologic Soil Group Map unit symbol Map unit name Rating Acres in AOI Percent of AOI FaA Faceville fine sandy B 0.2 0.6% loam,0 to 2 percent slopes NoA Norfolk loamy sand,0 to A 12.0 34.3% 2 percent slopes Pt Portsmouth loam B/D 13.4 38.2% WaB Wagram loamy sand,0 A 4.5 12.8% to 6 percent slopes WaC Wagram loamy sand,6 A 5.0 14.2% to 10 percent slopes Totals for Area of Interest 35.1 100.0% USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 10/27/2022 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 4 National Flood Hazard Layer FIRMette - FEMA _Legend 79°4'20"W 34°38'10"N SEE FIS REPORT FOR DETAILED LEGEND AND INDEX MAP FOR FIRM PANEL LAYOUT •{- w� ,• t �� Without Base Flood Elevation(BFE) • + h�� llr Zone A,V,A99 R ►� SPECIAL FLOOD With BFE Or Depth Zone AE,AO,AH,ve,AR fit I' �• r HAZARD AREAS Regulatory Floodway r y M 1 0.2%Annual Chance Flood Hazard,Areas LS: ` of 1%annual chance flood with average �' depth less than one foot or with drainage • areas of less than one square mile zone x 4 Future Conditions 1%Annual �_ �� Chance Flood Hazard zone r L Zone AE �" Area with Reduced Flood Risk due to OTHER AREAS OF Levee.See Notes.zonex 4... •' FLOOD HAZARD Area with Flood Risk due to LeveezoneD •y • it a It • ` . t CITY OF LU v1BER'PON ETJ NO SCREEN Area of Minimal Flood Hazard zonex 370203 Effective LOMRs - j• 4rer. 1 • e - "r' OTHER AREAS Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard ZoneD • e Sr. •t '' • GENERAL ----- Channel,Culvert,or Storm Sewer i *. •� ��ON • `1 • STRUCTURES III 1 111 Levee,Dike,or Floodwall .� •1s ' •- ' �• � 1, w 20.2 0 • - Cross Sections with 1%Annual Chance lik<-4 • I t�s Water Surface Elevation 00%'. e- - - Coastal Transect r . I _ ^^^^•513^^^^- Base Flood Elevation Line(BFE) TT1" _ - Uff. 12/G/201�1 () Limit of Study I.OBESON,COlJ1V T i Jurisdiction Boundary 70202 ' AREA OF MINIMALFLOOD AZARD C, OTHER _ - EEare tal_ . i Ill or • FEATURES e / • P. # = � Digital Data Available N • ♦ 1 C tifIL No Digital Data Available • MAP PANELS Unmapped / OF ♦o v 1: a' -co vc \ I ♦ / 370203 OP PROJECT LOCATION �� 9 The pin displayed on the map is an approximate ♦ - point selected by the user and does not represent Ar -NI- an authoritative property location. t •i e. 1 �. •• = This map complies with FEMA's standards for the use of f • •• .,i♦ ,r '�� -• • digital flood maps if it is not void as described below. / ! / • ►. w. .~ter•• .... •• The basemap shown complies with FEMA's basemap . �� • accuracy standards •• , 1 - •N•.• �� r �� The flood hazard information is derived directly from the • ` v , , r authoritative NFHL web services provided by FEMA.This map ``\l r • • S ` was exported on 10/27/2022 at 3:18 PM and does not ' ! reflect changes or amendments subsequent to this date and • •• • .' time.The NFHL and effective information may change or iiii Ilimi A' become superseded by new data over time. k /, VIII:c- /i This map image is void if the one or more of the following map • • • elements do not appear:basemap imagery,flood zone labels, b\' j \ 3710937100K00 110 • .��'r �• 3710938100K legend,scale bar,map creation date,community identifiers, •-'--' . _•-•____ AIM. - tin FIRM panel number,and FIRM effective date.Map images for Feet 1: 79°3'42"W 34°37'40"N unmapped and unmodernized areas cannot be used for 0 250 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 6'��� regulatory purposes. Basemap:USGS National Map:Orthoimagery:Data refreshed October,2020 9/1/22, 10:48 AM Precipitation Frequency Data Server NOAA Atlas 14,Volume 2,Version 3 "`°'*q. Location name: Lumberton,North Carolina, USA* I noonerin Latitude:34.6325°,Longitude:-79.067° a 1 Elevation: 141.47 ft** . pi °4 e *source:ESRI Maps k,,,.. ^M y� **source:USGS POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M.Bonnin,D.Martin,B.Lin,T.Parzybok,M.Yekta,and D.Riley NOAA,National Weather Service,Silver Spring,Maryland PF tabular I PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)1 Average recurrence interval(years) Duration 1 2 5 10 25 50 100 200 500 1000 5-min 5.27 6.23 7.28 8.09 9.08 9.82 10.5 11.2 12.1 12.8 (4.84-5.77) (5.70-6.82) (6.66-7.98) (7.38-8.83) (8.26-9.90) (8.90-10.7) (9.50-11.5) (10.1-12.2) (10.8-13.2) (11.3-13.9) 10-min 4.21 4.97 5.83 6.47 7.24 7.82 8.38 8.90 9.58 10.1 (3.86-4.61) (4.56-5.45) (5.33-6.39) (5.90-7.07) (6.58-7.89) (7.09-8.51) (7.55-9.11) (7.98-9.68) (8.51-10.4) (8.90-11.0) 15-min 3.51 4.17 4.92 5.45 6.12 6.60 7.06 I 7.49 8.04 I 8.44 (3.22-3.84) (3.82-4.57) (4.50-5.39) (4.98-5.96) (5.56-6.67) (5.98-7.18) (6.36-7.68) (6.71-8.14) (7.14-8.74) (7.44-9.18) 30-min 2.40 2.88 3.49 3.95 4.53 4.97 5.41 5.83 6.39 6.83 (2.20-2.64) (2.64-3.15) (3.20-3.83) (3.61-4.32) (4.12-4.94) (4.50-5.41) (4.87-5.88) (5.22-6.34) (5.68-6.96) (6.03-7.44) 60-min 1.50 1.81 2.24 2.57 3.02 3.37 3.72 4.09 4.59 4.99 (1.37-1.64) 1 (1.66-1.98) (2.05-2.45) (2.35-2.81) I (2.74-3.29) I (3.05-3.67) I (3.35-4.05) I (3.66-4.44) (4.08-4.99) 1 (4.40-5.43) 2-hr 0.868 1.05 1.33 1.55 1.85 2.10 2.36 1 2.63 3.01 I 3.32 (0.790-0.963) (0.957-1.16) (1.21-1.47) (1.41-1.71) (1.67-2.05) (1.89-2.32) (2.11-2.60) (2.33-2.89) (2.64-3.31) (2.89-3.65) 3-hr 0.612 0.741 0.941 1.11 1.34 1.53 1.74 1.96 2.29 2.55 (0.557-0.684) (0.674-0.827) (0.854-1.05) (1.00-1.23) (1.20-1.49) (1.37-1.70) (1.54-1.93) (1.73-2.17) 1 (1.99-2.52) (2.19-2.82) 6-hr 0.365 0.442 0.561 0.661 0.803 0.921 1.05 1.19 1.39 1.56 (0.331-0.407) (0.401-0.492) (0.509-0.623) (0.597-0.732) (0.720-0.887) (0.820-1.02) (0.927-1.16) I (1.04-1.31) (1.20-1.53) (1.33-1.71) 12-hr 0.213 0.258 0.329 0.389 0.476 0.550 0.630 0.718 0.847 1 0.956 (0.192-0.239) (0.233-0.289) (0.297-0.368) (0.349-0.435) (0.424-0.530) (0.487-0.611) (0.552-0.698) (0.623-0.794) (0.724-0.937)1 (0.806-1.06) 24-hr 0.126 0.153 0.197 0.233 0.284 0.326 0.371 0.420 0.489 0.546 (0.117-0.136) (0.143-0.166) (0.183-0.213) (0.216-0.251) (0.261-0.306) (0.299-0.352) (0.338-0.401) (0.380-0.454) (0.438-0.530) (0.484-0.593) 2-day 0.073 0.089 0.113 0.133 0.162 0.185 0.210 0.237 0.274 0.305 (0.068-0.079) (0.083-0.096) (0.105-0.122) (0.124-0.144) (0.149-0.174) (0.170-0.200)1(0.191-0.227)1(0.214-0.256)1(0.246-0.298) (0.271-0.332) 3-day 0.052 0.063 0.080 0.094 0.113 0.129 0.145 0.163 I 0.188 0.209 (0.049-0.056) (0.059-0.068) (0.074-0.086) (0.087-0.100) (0.104-0.121) (0.118-0.138) (0.133-0.156) (0.148-0.176) (0.169-0.203) (0.186-0.226) 4-day 0.041 0.050 0.063 0.074 0.088 I 0.100 0.113 0.126 0.145 0.160 (0.039-0.044) (0.047-0.054) (0.059-0.068) (0.069-0.079) (0.082-0.094) (0.093-0.107) (0.104-0.121) (0.115-0.135) (0.131-0.156) (0.144-0.173) 7-day 0.028 0.033 0.041 0.048 0.057 1 0.064 0.072 0.080 0.091 0.100 (0.026-0.029) (0.031-0.035) (0.039-0.044) (0.045-0.051) (0.053-0.061) (0.059-0.069) (0.066-0.077) (0.073-0.085)j(0.083-0.098) (0.090-0.107) 10-day 0.022 0.027 0.033 0.037 0.044 0.049 0.054 0.060 0.067 0.073 (0.021-0.024) (0.025-0.028) (0.031-0.035) (0.035-0.040) (0.041-0.046) (0.045-0.052) (0.050-0.058) (0.055-0.063) (0.061-0.072) (0.066-0.078) 20-day 0.015 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.028 0.031 0.034 0.038 0.042 0.046 (0.014-0.016) (0.017-0.019) (0.020-0.023) (0.023-0.026) (0.027-0.030) (0.029-0.033) (0.032-0.037) (0.035-0.040) (0.039-0.045) (0.042-0.049), 30-day 0.012 0.015 0.017 0.019 0.022 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.032 0.034 (0.012-0.013) (0.014-0.015) (0.017-0.018) (0.018-0.020) (0.021-0.023) (0.023-0.026) (0.025-0.028) (0.027-0.030) (0.029-0.033) (0.031-0.036) 45-day 0.010 0.012 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.023 0.025 0.026 (0.010-0.011) (0.012-0.013) (0.014-0.015) (0.015-0.017) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.024) (0.023-0.026) (0.024-0.028) 60-day 0.009 0.011 0.013 0.014 0.016 0.017 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.022 (0.009-0.010) (0.010-0.012) (0.012-0.013) (0.013-0.015) (0.015-0.016) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.023) 1 Precipitation frequency(PF)estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series(PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90%confidence interval.The probability that precipitation frequency estimates(for a given duration and average recurrence interval)will be greater than the upper bound(or less than the lower bound)is 5%.Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation(PMP)estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Atlas 14 document for more information. Back to Top PF graphical https://hdsc.nws.noaa.gov/hdsc/pfds/pfds_printpage.htm l?lat=34.6325&Ion=-79.0670&data=intensity&units=english&series=pds 1/4 3 I .. . .-, PROPERTY 'LINE fit„ g ` V O Q V o t \ litt . 30.34 AC I \ PRE—DEVELOPMENT Mh of \\ . h DRAINAGE AREA ' ` (30.84— 0.50 SURFACE WATER) \ \ \ y . • � � (" eA • ‘11111111W4e: ' ; tk.....i.: 1 A 0.50 AC SURFACE WATER 4 # _ AREA • ., .- • HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON Designed By: Drawn By: XX ROBESON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AVW AUGUST,2023 N /V/ . :.---- HILTON HEIGHTS UNIT RELOCATION Scale: 0 150' 300' 600' JCB 120 North Boylan Avenue EXISTING DRAINAGE AREAS Checked By: AS NOTED Raleigh,NC 27603-1423 (919)828-0531 EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:0 SF/0.00 AC AMW Sheet No.: tcense Numberany.com TOTAL PRE-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA: 30.34 AC Project No.: SCALE: 1"=300' License Number:F-0115 TOTAL PROPERTY AREA: 30.84 AC 3313-C EXHIBIT 3 IMPERVIOUS AREA BREAKDOWN Drainage Area-TO SCM CONCRETE: 19,400 SF/0.45 AC PAVEMENT:65,537 SF/1.50 AC PROPERTY - 1 BUILDING:42,484 SF/0.98 AC LINE 'i. FUTURE:93,257 SF/2.14 AC o IMPERVIOUS AREA BREAKDOWN 14 r Drainage Area-RESIDUAL u 0 o CONCRETE:40 SF/0.00 AC `. PAVEMENT:4,298 SF/ 0.10 AC 8.70 AC BUILDING: 1,205 SF/0.03 AC POST DEVELOPMENT FUTURE:0 SF/0.0 AC • DRAINAGE AREA ITO SCM , i U • w+ - �'' BOTH FLOW NORTHEAST �� THROUGH FOREST WETLAND • 4�� WITH THE ASSUMED FINAL { tY . �� ��� `. DISCHARGE OF RAFT SWAMP II. . • /44 <•/ . / . R / 0.50AC �o, / SURFACE WATER N.'' • - .,, AREA Q -FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AREA 21 .64 AC NN4>Or POST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA RESIDUAL ±iiiiiiiiiiimN\ (22.14-0.50 AC SURFACE WATER) HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON Designed By: . ROBESON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AVW AUGUST,2023 HILTON HEIGHTS UNIT RELOCATION Drawn By: Scale: 0 150' 300' 600' JCB 120 North Boylan Avenue PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREAS Checked By: AS NOTED Raleigh,NC 27603-1423 (919)828-0531 PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA(ON SITE):209,923 SF/4.82 AC AMW Sheet No.: thewootencompany.com TOTAL POST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREA: 30.34 Project No.: SCALE: 1°=300' License Number:F-0115 TOTAL PROPERTY AREA: 30.84 AC 3313-C EXHIBIT _-w be ,i N -."... x - CI 7 ^ 9- / 1 V l O u Vi i l CI-8 \ 6� o 'ERM. CI-9 � #�. , BITCH TO 40141��� �� WETLAND ROE 41111V Ilk 44‘101% 'i"' 10 NOME ipriplir ..... • \ ir *,.. .. , Y • - . a-10- ., \%* -.4k, N''..440-'br , di i �� �, ii,,• �•, •-, ICI-21 1 \ � ' 15. N N N , 4w \*+4,49 / CI-6 -g Y. CONC.FLUME i CIEE \ Ni t,4•1 YS: 1k - / \ S. PERM. DITCH TO I. '' I WETLAND \ 141, HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF LUMBERTON Designed By: XX ROBESON COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AVW AUGUST,2023 HILT HEIGHTS UNIT RELOCATION Drawn By: Scale: 0 100' 200' 400' JCB 120 North Boylan Avenue PROPOSED DRAINAGE AREAS INLETS Checked By: No.:Sheet AS NOTED Raleigh,NC 27603-1423(919)828-0531- th ewootencom pany.com SCALE: 1"-200' License Number:F-0115 Project No.:AMW 3313-C EXHIBIT Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® Plan Outfall 1 CI-1 CI-5 6 CI-2 2 7 DI CI-6 4 CI-3 5 CI-4 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Date:9/18/2023 Storm Sewers v2023.00 Storm Sewer Inventory Report Pagel Line Alignment Flow Data Physical Data Line ID No. Dnstr Line Defl Junc Known Drng Runoff Inlet Invert Line Invert Line Line N J-Loss Inlet/ Line Length angle Type Q Area Coeff Time El Dn Slope El Up Size Shape Value Coeff Rim El No. (ft) (deg) (cfs) (ac) (C) (min) (ft) (%) (ft) (in) (n) (K) (ft) 1 End 176.773 110.603 Comb 0.00 0.28 0.75 5.0 134.00 1.61 136.85 18 Cir 0.013 0.59 143.65 CI-1 2 1 18.427 19.719 Comb 0.00 0.25 0.80 5.0 136.85 1.25 137.08 18 Cir 0.013 1.19 143.88 CI-2 3 2 17.000 -18.172 DrGrt 0.00 0.01 0.69 5.0 142.30 2.00 142.64 8 Cir 0.012 1.00 145.02 DI-1 4 2 206.250 0.000 Comb 0.00 0.24 0.82 5.0 137.08 1.27 139.70 18 Cir 0.013 0.50 143.96 CI-3 5 4 30.514 0.000 Comb 0.00 0.34 0.67 5.0 139.70 1.28 140.09 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 143.34 CI-4 6 2 106.344 49.198 Comb 0.00 0.10 0.77 5.0 137.32 1.73 139.16 15 Cir 0.013 1.19 144.50 CI-5 7 6 62.000 -49.198 Comb 0.00 0.09 0.77 5.0 139.16 1.00 139.78 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 144.49 CI-6 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm I Number of lines:7 Date: 9/18/2023 Storm Sewers v2023.00 Structure Report Page1 Struct Structure ID Junction Rim Structure Line Out Line In No. Type Elev Shape Length Width Size Shape Invert Size Shape Invert (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) (ft) (in) (ft) 1 CI-1 Combination 143.65 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 136.85 18 Cir 136.85 2 CI-2 Combination 143.88 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 137.08 8 Cir 142.30 18 Cir 137.08 15 Cir 137.32 3 DI-1 DropGrate 145.02 Rect 2.00 2.00 8 Cir 142.64 4 CI-3 Combination 143.96 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 139.70 15 Cir 139.70 5 CI-4 Combination 143.34 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 140.09 6 CI-5 Combination 144.50 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 139.16 15 Cir 139.16 7 CI-6 Combination 144.49 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 139.78 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of Structures:7 Run Date: 9/18/2023 Storm Sewers v2023.00 Storm Sewer Summary Report Pagel Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No. rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 CI-1 7.40 18 Cir 176.773 134.00 136.85 1.612 135.06 137.90 n/a 137.90 j End Combination 2 CI-2 5.85 18 Cir 18.427 136.85 137.08 1.248 137.90 138.01 n/a 138.01 j 1 Combination 3 DI-1 0.06 8 Cir 17.000 142.30 142.64 2.000 142.38 142.75 n/a 142.75 2 DropGrate 4 CI-3 3.40 18 Cir 206.250 137.08 139.70 1.270 138.01 140.40 n/a 140.40 j 2 Combination 5 CI-4 1.84 15 Cir 30.514 139.70 140.09 1.278 140.40 140.63 n/a 140.63 j 4 Combination 6 CI-5 1.15 15 Cir 106.344 137.32 139.16 1.730 138.01 139.58 n/a 139.58 j 2 Combination 7 CI-6 0.56 15 Cir 62.000 139.16 139.78 1.000 139.58 140.07 n/a 140.07 j 6 Combination Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Run Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: Return period= 10 Yrs. ;j-Line contains hyd.jump. Storm Sewers v2023.00 MyReport Page 1 Line Area Area Byp Coeff Coeff Coeff Capac Crit Cross Cross Curb Defl Depth Depth DnStm Drng Easting EGL EGL Energy No. Dn Up Ln No Cl C2 C3 Full Depth SI,Sw SI,Sx Len Ang Dn Up Ln No Area X Dn Up Loss (sqft) (sqft) (C) (C) (C) (cfs) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (Deg) (ft) (ft) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 1.33 1.33 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 13.33 1.05 0.050 0.020 3.00 110.603 1.06 1.05"" Outfall 0.28 1980236.64 135.54 138.39 0.000 2 1.15 1.15 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 11.73 0.93 0.050 0.020 3.00 19.719 1.05 0.93** 1 0.25 1980224.72 138.30 138.41 0.000 3 0.02 0.04 2 0.20 0.50 0.90 1.85 0.11 0.050 0.050 .... -18.172 0.08 0.11"" 2 0.01 1980218.31 142.42 142.78 0.000 4 0.81 0.81 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 11.84 0.70 0.050 0.020 3.00 0.000 0.93 0.70** 2 0.24 1980091.26 138.28 140.67 0.000 5 0.51 0.51 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 7.30 0.54 0.050 0.020 3.00 0.000 0.70 0.54"" 4 0.34 1980071.51 140.61 140.83 0.000 6 0.36 0.36 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 8.49 0.42 0.050 0.020 3.00 49.198 0.69 0.42"" 2 0.10 1980118.38 138.17 139.74 0.000 7 0.22 0.22 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 6.46 0.29 0.050 0.020 3.00 -49.198 0.42 0.29** 6 0.09 1980078.26 139.68 140.17 0.000 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page 2 Flow Sf Sf Grate Grate Grate Gnd/Rim Gnd/Rim Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter HGL HGL HGL HGL HGL Incr Incr Inlet Inlet Rate Ave Dn Area Len Width El Dn El Up Depth Slope Spread Width Dn Up Jnct Jmp Dn Jmp Up CxA Q Depth Eff (cfs) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (sqft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (%) 7.40 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 135.80 143.65 0.24 Sag 8.85 2.00 135.06 137.90 j 137.90 135.34 135.22 0.21 1.70 0.24 100 5.85 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 143.65 143.88 0.23 Sag 8.62 2.00 137.90 138.01 j 138.01 137.83 137.80 0.20 1.62 0.23 100 0.06 0.000 0.000 1.50 1.50 143.88 145.02 0.03 0.020 3.24 2.00 142.38 142.75 142.75 .... 0.01 0.06 0.03 68 3.40 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 143.88 143.96 0.23 Sag 8.45 2.00 138.01 140.40 j 140.40 138.04 137.94 0.20 1.59 0.23 100 1.84 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 143.96 143.34 0.25 Sag 9.37 2.00 140.40 140.63 j 140.63 140.36 140.30 0.23 1.84 0.25 100 1.15 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 143.88 144.50 0.15 Sag 4.29 2.00 138.01 139.58 j 139.58 138.11 138.04 0.08 0.62 0.15 100 0.56 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 144.50 144.49 0.14 Sag 3.97 2.00 139.58 140.07 j 140.07 139.58 139.55 0.07 0.56 0.14 100 Project File. WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page 3 Inlet Inlet Inlet i i Invert Invert Jump Jump Vel Hd Vel Hd J-Loss Junct Known Cost Cost Cost ID Loc Time Sys Inlet Dn Up Loc Len Jmp Dn Jmp Up Coeff Type Q RCP CMP PVC (ft) (min) (in/hr) (in/hr) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) CI-1 Sag 5.0 7.49 8.08 134.00 136.85 17.68 5.26 0.48 0.80 0.59 z Comb. 0.00 6,713 6,041 5,706 CI-2 Sag 5.0 7.52 8.08 136.85 137.08 3.69 4.68 0.39 0.50 1.19 z Comb. 0.00 940 846 799 DI-1 On Grade 5.0 8.08 8.08 142.30 142.64 .... .... 0.00 0.00 1.00 z Dp-Grate 0.00 100 90 85 CI-3 Sag 5.0 8.00 8.08 137.08 139.70 20.63 3.51 0.27 0.50 0.50 z Comb. 0.00 8,683 7,814 7,380 CI-4 Sag 5.0 8.08 8.08 139.70 140.09 9.15 2.71 0.20 0.33 1.00z Comb. 0.00 1,053 947 895 CI-5 Sag 5.0 7.84 8.08 137.32 139.16 21.27 2.11 0.15 0.35 1.19 z Comb. 0.00 4,073 3,665 3,462 CI-6 Sag 5.0 8.08 8.08 139.16 139.78 12.40 1.47 0.10 0.16 1.00z Comb. 0.00 2,290 2,061 1,947 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: Intensity=32.64/(Inlet time+4.90)^0.61 --Return period= 10 Yrs. ; **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page4 Line Line Line Line Line Local n-val n-val Minor Northing Pipe Q Q Q Line Runoff Line Area Area Area Tc ID Length Size Slope Type Depr Gutter Pipe Loss Y Travel Byp Capt Carry Rise Coeff Span Al A2 A3 (ft) (in) (%) (in) (ft) (ft) (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (C) (in) (ac) (ac) (ac) (min) CI-1 176.773 18 1.61 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321307.53 0.53 0.00 1.70 0.00 18 0.75 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.3 CI-2 18.427 18 1.25 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321293.48 0.06 0.00 1.63 0.02 18 0.80 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.2 01-1 17.000 8 2.00 Cir .... 0.013 0.012 n/a 321277.73 0.14 0.02 0.04 0.00 8 0.69 8 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 CI-3 206.250 18 1.27 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321136.23 0.97 0.00 1.59 0.00 18 0.82 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.2 CI-4 30.514 15 1.28 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321112.96 0.16 0.00 1.84 0.00 15 0.67 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 CI-5 106.344 15 1.73 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321292.59 0.74 0.00 0.62 0.00 15 0.77 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.5 CI-6 62.000 15 1.00 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321245.32 0.50 0.00 0.56 0.00 15 0.77 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page 5 Throat Total Total Total Vel Vel Vel Vel Vel Cover Cover Storage Ht Area CxA Runoff Ave Dn Hd Dn Hd Up Up Dn Up (in) (ac) (cfs) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (cft) 4.0 1.31 0.99 7.40 5.56 5.54 0.48 0.48 5.58 0.30 5.30 235.11 4.0 1.03 0.78 5.85 4.74 4.41 0.40 0.40 5.06 5.30 5.30 22.87 .... 0.01 0.01 0.06 1.96 2.37 0.04 0.04 1.54 0.91 1.71 0.50 4.0 0.58 0.42 3.40 3.56 2.94 0.27 0.27 4.18 5.30 2.76 202.99 4.0 0.34 0.23 1.84 3.11 2.59 0.21 0.21 3.64 3.01 2.00 18.55 4.0 0.19 0.15 1.15 2.40 1.64 0.15 0.15 3.15 5.31 4.09 56.31 4.0 0.09 0.07 0.56 2.06 1.54 0.10 0.10 2.57 4.09 3.46 17.93 Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines:7 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Pagel Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (%) (ft) (K) (ft) 1 18 7.40 134.00 135.06 1.06 1.33 5.54 0.48 135.54 0.000 176.773136.85 137.90 j 1.05** 1.33 5.58 0.48 138.39 0.000 0.000 n/a 0.59 0.29 2 18 5.85 136.85 137.90 1.05 1.15 4.41 0.40 138.30 0.000 18.427 137.08 138.01 j 0.93** 1.15 5.06 0.40 138.41 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.19 0.47 3 8 0.06 142.30 142.38 0.08* 0.02 2.37 0.04 142.42 0.000 17.000 142.64 142.75 0.11** 0.04 1.54 0.04 142.78 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 n/a 4 18 3.40 137.08 138.01 0.93 0.81 2.94 0.27 138.28 0.000 206.250139.70 140.40 j 0.70** 0.81 4.18 0.27 140.67 0.000 0.000 n/a 0.50 0.14 5 15 1.84 139.70 140.40 0.70 0.51 2.59 0.21 140.61 0.000 30.514 140.09 140.63 j 0.54** 0.51 3.64 0.21 140.83 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 0.21 6 15 1.15 137.32 138.01 0.69 0.36 1.64 0.15 138.17 0.000 106.344139.16 139.58 j 0.42** 0.36 3.15 0.15 139.74 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.19 0.18 7 15 0.56 139.16 139.58 0.42 0.22 1.54 0.10 139.68 0.000 62.000 139.78 140.07 j 0.29** 0.22 2.57 0.10 140.17 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 n/a Project File: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Number of lines: 7 Run Date: 9/18/2023 Notes:* depth assumed;**Critical depth.;j-Line contains hyd.jump ; c=cir e=ellip b=box Storm Sewers v2023.00 Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm Lo (NI �Y Op c J OE J 0 = Oc -J• 0 O M Oo in in McO°0 O co co co MOO 00�0� g MO o r w M �M co EMT ._ 'tMM V Elev. (ft) o n rn o M a -o w www www v W ww v W w cis c > co E >> co E» co E » g E > cn 0 c cn EE c c c E c c cn E c c u) F c 155.00 — - - —155.00 • • 150.00 — • —150.00 • 145.00 \I 145.00 ii _ — 7%206.--__- 1.61% — 30.514Lf-1 '.0 2 1.28% 176.7 — 18 427Lf-18"©1 25% 130.00 130.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 HGL EGL Reach (ft) Storm Sewers Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: WETLAND TO CI-6-3313-C.stm C 5 p c J p c J 0 Or Elev. (ft) �� co• 'tMM co �M c, o cfl oWww r III ww , ww m E > > ;o E » m E cniE c c co cc E E. 154.00 154.00 150.00 150.00 146.00 146.00 / 142.00 142.00 — n 1-00% --____-- z9996f 15„ -. 1.73% 138.00 —138.00 _ 10F:44Lf 134.00 134.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 HGL EGL Reach (ft) Storm Sewers Hydraflow Storm Sewers Extension for Autodesk® Civil 3D® Plan Outfi CI-8 1 CI-9 4 3 2 CI-7 SDMH-1 7 5 CI-12 8 CI-10 6 CI-13 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Date:9/18/2023 Storm Sewers v2023.00 Storm Sewer Inventory Report Pagel Line Alignment Flow Data Physical Data Line ID No. Dnstr Line Defl Junc Known Drng Runoff Inlet Invert Line Invert Line Line N J-Loss Inlet/ Line Length angle Type Q Area Coeff Time El Dn Slope El Up Size Shape Value Coeff Rim El No. (ft) (deg) (cfs) (ac) (C) (min) (ft) (%) (ft) (in) (n) (K) (ft) 1 End 74.000 159.257 Comb 0.00 0.18 0.83 5.0 134.00 1.53 135.13 18 Cir 0.013 0.53 144.08 CI-7 2 1 84.000 17.593 MH 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 135.13 1.45 136.35 18 Cir 0.013 0.42 145.96 SDMH-1 3 2 65.582 21.670 Comb 0.00 0.22 0.78 5.0 136.35 1.52 137.35 18 Cir 0.013 1.35 144.11 CI-8 4 3 19.000 -61.710 Comb 0.00 0.27 0.77 5.0 137.35 1.53 137.64 18 Cir 0.013 1.16 144.18 CI-9 5 4 200.333 0.142 Comb 0.00 0.24 0.76 5.0 138.00 1.22 140.45 18 Cir 0.013 0.50 144.75 CI-10 6 5 38.000 0.000 Comb 0.00 0.26 0.73 5.0 140.45 1.21 140.91 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 144.16 CI-11 7 4 104.718 -47.232 Comb 0.00 0.09 0.74 5.0 138.83 1.00 139.88 15 Cir 0.013 1.13 144.92 CI-12 8 7 62.039 45.341 Comb 0.00 0.09 0.77 5.0 139.88 1.00 140.50 15 Cir 0.013 1.00 144.93 CI-13 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm I Number of lines:8 Date: 9/18/2023 Storm Sewers v2023.00 Structure Report Page1 Struct Structure ID Junction Rim Structure Line Out Line In No. Type Elev Shape Length Width Size Shape Invert Size Shape Invert (ft) (ft) (ft) (in) (ft) (in) (ft) 1 CI-7 Combination 144.08 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 135.13 18 Cir 135.13 2 SDMH-1 Manhole 145.96 Cir 4.00 4.00 18 Cir 136.35 18 Cir 136.35 3 CI-8 Combination 144.11 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 137.35 18 Cir 137.35 4 CI-9 Combination 144.18 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 137.64 18 Cir 138.00 15 Cir 138.83 5 CI-10 Combination 144.75 Rect 3.00 3.00 18 Cir 140.45 15 Cir 140.45 6 CI-11 Combination 144.16 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 140.91 7 CI-12 Combination 144.92 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 139.88 15 Cir 139.88 8 CI-13 Combination 144.93 Rect 3.00 3.00 15 Cir 140.50 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of Structures:8 Run Date: 9/18/2023 Storm Sewers v2023.00 Storm Sewer Summary Report Pagel Line Line ID Flow Line Line Line Invert Invert Line HGL HGL Minor HGL Dns Junction No. rate Size shape length EL Dn EL Up Slope Down Up loss Junct Line Type (cfs) (in) (ft) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) No. 1 CI-7 7.67 18 Cir 74.000 134.00 135.13 1.527 135.06 136.20 n/a 136.20 End Combination 2 SDMH-1 6.66 18 Cir 84.000 135.13 136.35 1.452 136.20 137.35 n/a 137.35 j 1 Manhole 3 CI-8 6.74 18 Cir 65.582 136.35 137.35 1.525 137.35 138.35 n/a 138.35 2 Combination 4 CI-9 5.46 18 Cir 19.000 137.35 137.64 1.526 138.35 138.54 n/a 138.54 j 3 Combination 5 CI-10 2.97 18 Cir 200.333 138.00 140.45 1.223 138.54 141.10 0.12 141.10 4 Combination 6 CI-11 1.53 15 Cir 38.000 140.45 140.91 1.211 141.10 141.40 n/a 141.40 j 5 Combination 7 CI-12 1.07 15 Cir 104.718 138.83 139.88 1.003 139.17 140.29 n/a 140.29 4 Combination 8 CI-13 0.56 15 Cir 62.039 139.88 140.50 0.999 140.29 140.79 n/a 140.79 j 7 Combination Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Run Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: Return period= 10 Yrs. ;j-Line contains hyd.jump. Storm Sewers v2023.00 MyReport Page 1 1 Line Area Area Byp Coeff Coeff Coeff Capac Crit Cross Cross Curb Defl Depth Depth DnStm Drng Easting EGL EGL Energy No. Dn Up Ln No Cl C2 C3 Full Depth SI,Sw SI,Sx Len Ang Dn Up Ln No Area X Dn Up Loss (sqft) (sqft) (C) (C) (C) (cfs) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (Deg) (ft) (ft) (ac) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) 1 1.33 1.35 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 12.98 1.07 0.050 0.020 3.00 159.257 1.06 1.07"" Outfall 0.18 1980239.30 135.56 136.70 0.000 2 1.25 1.25 n/a 0.20 0.50 0.90 12.66 1.00 .... .... 17.593 1.07 1.00** 1 0.00 1980155.42 136.65 137.79 0.000 3 1.25 1.26 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 12.97 1.00 0.050 0.020 3.00 21.670 1.00 1.00"" 2 0.22 1980093.24 137.79 138.80 0.000 4 1.11 1.11 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 12.97 0.90 0.050 0.020 3.00 -61.710 1.00 0.90** 3 0.27 1980079.39 138.73 138.92 0.000 5 0.57 0.74 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 11.61 0.65 0.050 0.020 3.00 0.142 0.54 0.65"" 4 0.24 1979932.99 138.79 141.35 0.000 6 0.45 0.45 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 7.10 0.49 0.050 0.020 3.00 0.000 0.65 0.49"" 5 0.26 1979905.22 141.29 141.58 0.000 7 0.27 0.35 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 6.47 0.41 0.050 0.020 3.00 -47.232 0.34 0.41** 4 0.09 1980080.16 139.32 140.43 0.000 8 0.22 0.22 Sag 0.20 0.50 0.90 6.46 0.29 0.050 0.020 3.00 45.341 0.41 0.29"" 7 0.09 1980036.35 140.39 140.89 0.000 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page 2 Flow Sf Sf Grate Grate Grate Gnd/Rim Gnd/Rim Gutter Gutter Gutter Gutter HGL HGL HGL HGL HGL Incr Incr Inlet Inlet Rate Ave Dn Area Len Width El Dn El Up Depth Slope Spread Width Dn Up Jnct Jmp Dn Jmp Up CxA Q Depth Eff (cfs) (ft/ft) (ft/ft) (sqft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft/ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) (ft) (%) 7.67 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 135.80 144.08 0.20 Sag 6.95 2.00 135.06 136.20 136.20 .... 0.15 1.21 0.20 100 6.66 0.000 0.000 .... .... 144.08 145.96 .... .... .... 136.20 137.35 j 137.35 136.25 136.18 0.00 0.00 6.74 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 145.96 144.11 0.21 Sag 7.67 2.00 137.35 138.35 138.35 .... 0.17 1.39 0.21 100 5.46 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 144.11 144.18 0.24 Sag 8.79 2.00 138.35 138.54 j 138.54 138.28 138.27 0.21 1.68 0.24 100 2.97 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 144.18 144.75 0.22 Sag 8.01 2.00 138.54 141.10 141.10 .... 0.18 1.47 0.22 100 1.53 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 144.75 144.16 0.22 Sag 8.24 2.00 141.10 141.40 j 141.40 141.04 140.99 0.19 1.53 0.22 100 1.07 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 144.18 144.92 0.14 Sag 3.85 2.00 139.17 140.29 140.29 .... 0.07 0.54 0.14 100 0.56 0.000 0.000 6.00 3.00 2.00 144.92 144.93 0.14 Sag 3.97 2.00 140.29 140.79 j 140.79 140.30 140.27 0.07 0.56 0.14 100 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page 3 Inlet Inlet Inlet i i Invert Invert Jump Jump Vel Hd Vel Hd J-Loss Junct Known Cost Cost Cost ID Loc Time Sys Inlet Dn Up Loc Len Jmp Dn Jmp Up Coeff Type Q RCP CMP PVC (ft) (min) (in/hr) (in/hr) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (cfs) CI-7 Sag 5.0 7.40 8.08 134.00 135.13 .... 0.00 0.00 0.53 z Comb. 0.00 3,125 2,813 2,656 SDMH-1 Sag 0.0 7.51 0.00 135.13 136.35 8.40 4.99 0.44 0.63 0.42 z MH 0.00 4,340 3,906 3,689 CI-8 Sag 5.0 7.59 8.08 136.35 137.35 .... 0.00 0.00 1.35 z Comb. 0.00 3,263 2,936 2,773 CI-9 Sag 5.0 7.62 8.08 137.35 137.64 1.90 4.52 0.37 0.47 1.16 z Comb. 0.00 985 887 837 CI-10 Sag 5.0 7.97 8.08 138.00 140.45 .... 0.00 0.00 0.50 z Comb. 0.00 8,215 7,394 6,983 CI-11 Sag 5.0 8.08 8.08 140.45 140.91 7.60 2.46 0.18 0.29 1.00z Comb. 0.00 1,293 1,163 1,099 CI-12 Sag 5.0 7.84 8.08 138.83 139.88 .... 0.00 0.00 1.13 z Comb. 0.00 3,778 3,400 3,211 CI-13 Sag 5.0 8.08 8.08 139.88 140.50 12.41 1.47 0.10 0.16 1.00z Comb. 0.00 2,290 2,061 1,947 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: Intensity=32.64/(Inlet time+4.90)^0.61 --Return period= 10 Yrs. ; **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page4 Line Line Line Line Line Local n-val n-val Minor Northing Pipe Q Q Q Line Runoff Line Area Area Area Tc ID Length Size Slope Type Depr Gutter Pipe Loss Y Travel Byp Capt Carry Rise Coeff Span Al A2 A3 (ft) (in) (%) (in) (ft) (ft) (min) (cfs) (cfs) (cfs) (in) (C) (in) (ac) (ac) (ac) (min) CI-7 74.000 18 1.53 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321444.67 0.22 0.00 1.21 0.00 18 0.83 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.5 SDMH-1 84.000 18 1.45 Cir .... .... 0.013 n/a 321440.05 0.27 .... .... .... 18 0.00 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.3 CI-8 65.582 18 1.52 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321460.88 0.20 0.00 1.39 0.00 18 0.78 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.1 CI-9 19.000 18 1.53 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321447.88 0.07 0.00 1.68 0.00 18 0.77 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.0 CI-10 200.333 18 1.22 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 0.12 321311.13 0.73 0.00 1.47 0.00 18 0.76 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.2 CI-11 38.000 15 1.21 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321285.19 0.22 0.00 1.53 0.00 15 0.73 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 CI-12 104.718 15 1.00 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321343.16 0.50 0.00 0.54 0.00 15 0.74 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.5 CI-13 62.039 15 1.00 Cir 0.0 .... 0.013 n/a 321299.23 0.49 0.00 0.56 0.00 15 0.77 15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.0 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers MyReport Page 5 Throat Total Total Total Vel Vel Vel Vel Vel Cover Cover Storage Ht Area CxA Runoff Ave Dn Hd Dn Hd Up Up Dn Up (in) (ac) (cfs) (ft/s) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (cft) 4.0 1.35 1.04 7.67 5.71 5.75 0.50 0.50 5.68 0.30 7.45 99.40 .... 1.17 0.89 6.66 5.13 4.93 0.44 0.44 5.34 7.45 8.11 109.23 4.0 1.17 0.89 6.74 5.38 5.40 0.45 0.45 5.36 8.11 5.26 82.14 4.0 0.95 0.72 5.46 4.64 4.34 0.38 0.38 4.93 5.26 5.04 22.46 4.0 0.50 0.37 2.97 4.60 5.18 0.25 0.25 4.01 4.68 2.80 131.38 4.0 0.26 0.19 1.53 2.90 2.36 0.18 0.18 3.44 3.05 2.00 20.81 4.0 0.18 0.14 1.07 3.49 3.89 0.15 0.15 3.09 4.10 3.79 32.39 4.0 0.09 0.07 0.56 2.10 1.62 0.10 0.10 2.57 3.79 3.18 17.39 Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Date: 9/18/2023 NOTES: **Critical depth Storm Sewers Hydraulic Grade Line Computations Page 1 Line Size Q Downstream Len Upstream Check JL Minor coeff loss Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Invert HGL Depth Area Vel Vel EGL Sf Ave Enrgy elev elev head elev elev elev head elev Sf loss (in) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (ft) (ft) (ft) (ft) (sgft) (ft/s) (ft) (ft) (%) (%) (ft) (K) (ft) 1 18 7.67 134.00 135.06 1.06 1.33 5.75 0.50 135.56 0.000 74.000 135.13 136.20 1.07** 1.35 5.68 0.50 136.70 0.000 0.000 n/a 0.53 n/a 2 18 6.66 135.13 136.20 1.07 1.25 4.93 0.44 136.65 0.000 84.000 136.35 137.35 j 1.00** 1.25 5.34 0.44 137.79 0.000 0.000 n/a 0.42 0.19 3 18 6.74 136.35 137.35 1.00 1.25 5.40 0.45 137.79 0.000 65.582 137.35 138.35 1.00** 1.26 5.36 0.45 138.80 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.35 n/a 4 18 5.46 137.35 138.35 1.00 1.11 4.34 0.38 138.73 0.000 19.000 137.64 138.54 j 0.90** 1.11 4.93 0.38 138.92 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.16 n/a 5 18 2.97 138.00 138.54 0.54 0.57 5.18 0.25 138.79 0.000 200.333140.45 141.10 0.65** 0.74 4.01 0.25 141.35 0.000 0.000 n/a 0.50 0.12 6 15 1.53 140.45 141.10 0.65 0.45 2.36 0.18 141.29 0.000 38.000 140.91 141.40 j 0.49** 0.45 3.44 0.18 141.58 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 n/a 7 15 1.07 138.83 139.17 0.34* 0.27 3.89 0.15 139.32 0.000 104.718139.88 140.29 0.41** 0.35 3.09 0.15 140.43 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.13 n/a 8 15 0.56 139.88 140.29 0.41 0.22 1.62 0.10 140.39 0.000 62.039 140.50 140.79 j 0.29** 0.22 2.57 0.10 140.89 0.000 0.000 n/a 1.00 n/a Project File: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm Number of lines:8 Run Date: 9/18/2023 Notes:* depth assumed;**Critical depth.;j-Line contains hyd.jump ; c=cir e=ellip b=box Storm Sewers v2023.00 Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm = co Tr LU co N 7 .. C 7 C 7 C ' C 5 O O C J O C J O C J O E J 0 C J 0 C J 0 O ' C CO ' C) N 7MM N W(000 ' N to.Vim' L CDO Elev. (ft) O • M N.. . cc; �Mco co. �MM •CV �MM N V�� O 'I'.1- 0 W . ,� �, N r o -oW O WWW WWW N WWW N WWW 4. WWW WW m E > co E> > to E » as E » (o E » co E » }o E > !o0 E co acc cr) E55 co Occ 0 Ecc cn ±5c co E.E 155.00 155.00 150.00 — 150.00 145.00 — ( —145.00 MI 140.00 --_ 140.00 — — jo.333L - — 38.060Lf-15"@ 1.21% 135.00 - — 135.00 — 190001f-1R"43151% 65.582Lf 18"@ 1.52% — 84.000L1-10"@i 1.40% — 1/4.000Lt-1 ii"@ 1.bi% 130.00 I 130.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 HGL EGL Reach (ft) Storm Sewers Storm Sewer Profile Proj. file: WETLAND TO CI 13-3313-C.stm co 0 E J OE J 0 °0 CO CO °0 CV r �to Elev. (ft) D . o 0Www Www ww m E > > co E >> co E> co c co E c c co RE 151.00 151.00 148.00 - 148.00 145.00 / 145.00 142.00 142.00 6'2.U390- 15"Q 1.00° -_ 104.718E �+" 1.00% 139.00iin 139.00 136.00 136.00 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 HGL EGL Reach (ft) Storm Sewers <30S> <34S> <36S> PRE-DEV LOPMENT SCIVDA RE DUAL DA U � 33P 35P PRE OUTFALL WETI1AND ` 71110.- 36P POST OUTFALL Subcat Reach 'on. Ilt Routing Diagram for LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX.AREA FOR PH1 AND PH2 Prepared by The Wooten Company, Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD®10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. AREA FOR PHI AND PH2 Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 2 Rainfall Events Listing (selected events) Event# Event Storm Type Curve Mode Duration B/B Depth AMC Name (hours) (inches) 1 10-yr NOAA 24-hr B Default 24.00 1 5.61 2 LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. AREA FOR PHI AND PH2 Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 3 Area Listing (all nodes) Area CN Description (acres) (subcatchment-numbers) 4.010 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A (34S) 5.960 49 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A (36S) 2.930 98 BUA (34S, 36S) 1.890 98 Future BUA (34S) 14.780 49 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG A (30S) 30.620 36 Woods, Fair, HSG A (30S, 36S) 60.190 46 TOTAL AREA LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 4 Time span=5.00-120.00 hrs, dt=0.25 hrs, 461 points Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN Reach routing by Stor-Ind+Trans method - Pond routing by Stor-Ind method Subcatchment 30S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Runoff Area=30.090 ac 0.00% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.49" Tc=5.0 min CN=42 Runoff=8.31 cfs 1.221 af Subcatchment 34S: SCM DA Runoff Area=8.700 ac 53.91% Impervious Runoff Depth=2.59" Tc=5.0 min CN=71 Runoff=19.62 cfs 1.876 af Subcatchment 36S: RESIDUAL DA Runoff Area=21.400 ac 0.61% Impervious Runoff Depth=0.39" Tc=5.0 min CN=40 Runoff=3.74 cfs 0.690 af Pond 33P: PRE OUTFALL Inflow=8.31 cfs 1.221 af Primary=8.31 cfs 1.221 af Pond 35P: WETLAND Peak Elev=134.94' Storage=38,896 cf Inflow=19.62 cfs 1.876 af Primary=4.91 cfs 1.872 af Secondary=0.00 cfs 0.000 af Outflow=4.91 cfs 1.872 af Pond 36P: POST OUTFALL Inflow=7.80 cfs 2.561 af Primary=7.80 cfs 2.561 af Total Runoff Area = 60.190 ac Runoff Volume = 3.787 af Average Runoff Depth = 0.76" 91.99% Pervious = 55.370 ac 8.01% Impervious =4.820 ac LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 5 Summary for Subcatchment 30S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT [49] Hint: Tc<2dt may require smaller dt Runoff = 8.31 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.221 af, Depth= 0.49" Routed to Pond 33P : PRE OUTFALL Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.25 hrs NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Area (ac) CN Description 14.780 49 Pasture/grassland/range, Fair, HSG A 15.310 36 Woods, Fair, HSG A 30.090 42 Weighted Average 30.090 100.00% Pervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 30S: PRE-DEVELOPMENT Hydrograph ...........................i............_........................._........................................_...................................... 9- •Runoff 8.31 cfs 8— ......_NOAA.2.4_h1. 13_. ,.... ......... ........ . 14-yIr-Rain#al 1-5:61:" iRunoff':Area,=30.090 ..arc....... / Runoff Volume=1 .221 a# _ 13 5_ Runoff Die th=0.49" .....:.. ....... ....:.. : 3= 2-" r 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 6 Summary for Subcatchment 34S: SCM DA [49] Hint: Tc<2dt may require smaller dt Runoff = 19.62 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 1.876 af, Depth= 2.59" Routed to Pond 35P : WETLAND Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.25 hrs NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Area (ac) CN Description 2.800 98 BUA 1.890 98 Future BUA 4.010 39 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 8.700 71 Weighted Average 4.010 46.09% Pervious Area 4.690 53.91% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 34S: SCM DA Hydrograph ■Runoff 20 19.62 cfs 1 _�.... ty.OAA 24-h.r11871 , !IT 11111111 . 10-* Rai.nfal l=5.51;1671 15_ Runoff Area=8 700 ac Runoff14=' ,_ _....._............_..............�.............,..............,............_,..............,_............,._..........._._..........,....... _YolUr11e=1_ 876_af........ 13 3 11 LL - - - - HHH- : 17c=57. i -. 9 ? EH' 0.7 6 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 7 Summary for Subcatchment 36S: RESIDUAL DA [49] Hint: Tc<2dt may require smaller dt Runoff = 3.74 cfs @ 12.34 hrs, Volume= 0.690 af, Depth= 0.39" Routed to Pond 36P : POST OUTFALL Runoff by SCS TR-20 method, UH=SCS, Weighted-CN, Time Span= 5.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.25 hrs NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Area (ac) CN Description * 5.960 49 >75% Grass cover, Good, HSG A 15.310 36 Woods, Fair, HSG A * 0.130 98 BUA 21.400 40 Weighted Average 21.270 99.39% Pervious Area 0.130 0.61% Impervious Area Tc Length Slope Velocity Capacity Description (min) (feet) (ft/ft) (ft/sec) (cfs) 5.0 Direct Entry, Subcatchment 36S: RESIDUAL DA Hydrograph 4 D . Runoff 3.74 cfsI, i NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall 5.61'" 3 Runoff Area'=21 .400 ac Runoff Volume=0.690 of --.--- Runoff Depth:4.1397 2- 2 Tc=5.0 min CN=40 1 ` 0T 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 8 Summary for Pond 33P: PRE OUTFALL [40] Hint: Not Described (Outflow=Inflow) Inflow Area = 30.090 ac, 0.00% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 0.49" for 10-yr event Inflow = 8.31 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.221 af Primary = 8.31 cfs @ 12.31 hrs, Volume= 1.221 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.25 hrs Pond 33P: PRE OUTFALL Hydrogr a ph / 9_ 8 31 cfs I Primary ❑Inflow 18.31 cfs r .....................y----......_,.----.......,------......,.------.......----- --- �--.. ..... ..... ' Inflow _ ...... ........- -..-,.-- --_;..... .__ Area 30.090 ac 8 7 6 Vl V 5 0 LL 4 0 1 1 is. 1 li i 1... I I' 1 is. 1... li i 1... 1... I' i... 1... i 1 3 2 : 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 9 Summary for Pond 35P: WETLAND Inflow Area = 8.700 ac, 53.91% Impervious, Inflow Depth = 2.59" for 10-yr event Inflow = 19.62 cfs @ 12.11 hrs, Volume= 1.876 af Outflow = 4.91 cfs @ 12.74 hrs, Volume= 1.872 af, Atten= 75%, Lag= 38.1 min Primary = 4.91 cfs @ 12.74 hrs, Volume= 1.872 af Routed to Pond 36P : POST OUTFALL Secondary= 0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs, Volume= 0.000 af Routed to Pond 36P : POST OUTFALL Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.25 hrs Peak Elev= 134.94' @ 12.74 hrs Surf.Area= 26,342 sf Storage= 38,896 cf Plug-Flow detention time= 514.6 min calculated for 1.868 of(100% of inflow) Center-of-Mass det. time= 523.3 min ( 1,350.9 - 827.6 ) Volume Invert Avail.Storage Storage Description #1 133.00' 124,208 cf Custom Stage Data (Prismatic) Listed below (Recalc) Elevation Surf.Area Inc.Store Cum.Store (feet) (sq-ft) (cubic-feet) (cubic-feet) 133.00 13,602 0 0 134.00 20,331 16,967 16,967 135.00 26,727 23,529 40,496 136.00 26,138 26,433 66,928 137.00 28,598 27,368 94,296 138.00 31,226 29,912 124,208 Device Routing Invert Outlet Devices #1 Primary 130.00' 18.0" Round RCP_Round 18" L= 150.0' RCP, groove end projecting, Ke= 0.200 Inlet/Outlet Invert= 130.00' / 128.00' S= 0.0133 '/' Cc= 0.900 n= 0.011 Concrete pipe, straight& clean, Flow Area= 1.77 sf #2 Device 1 133.00' 1.7"Vert. DEWATERING-AT PERM POOL X 2.00 C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #3 Device 1 134.00' 22.0"W x 8.5" H Vert. RATE CONTROL WEIR C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #4 Device 1 135.25' 36.0"x 36.0" Horiz. TRASH RACK C= 0.600 Limited to weir flow at low heads #5 Secondary 137.00' 20.0' long + 3.0 '/' SideZ x 10.0' breadth Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir Head (feet) 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 Coef. (English) 2.49 2.56 2.70 2.69 2.68 2.69 2.67 2.64 Primary OutFlow Max=4.91 cfs @ 12.74 hrs HW=134.94' (Free Discharge) L1=RCP_Round 18" (Passes 4.91 cfs of 18.59 cfs potential flow) 2=DEWATERING-AT PERM POOL (Orifice Controls 0.21 cfs @ 6.58 fps) 3=RATE CONTROL WEIR (Orifice Controls 4.70 cfs @ 3.62 fps) 4=TRASH RACK ( Controls 0.00 cfs) Secondary OutFlow Max=0.00 cfs @ 5.00 hrs HW=133.00' (Free Discharge) L5=Broad-Crested Rectangular Weir ( Controls 0.00 cfs) LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 10 Pond 35P: WETLAND Hydrograph i ......+ ......... ......... i....... 119s2 ors i Inflow ea=840 -a ■Primary - Secondary 21- f i QW ■ a 94'.. : Peak;-Elew-'1�4. ; ill: ......StO .... 38.�896.....ct.... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 111111111111111111111 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11= 0 10= i :........_ ..... cfs 7_ ;' :l 4s1 cfs 2- ����������� i 0.00 cfs o 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) LHA-72 UNITS WETLAND MODEL-DRAINAGE APPROX. NOAA 24-hr B 10-yr Rainfall=5.61" Prepared by The Wooten Company Printed 6/28/2024 HydroCAD® 10.20-3c s/n 11283 ©2023 HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC Page 11 Summary for Pond 36P: POST OUTFALL [40] Hint: Not Described (Outflow=Inflow) Inflow Area = 30.100 ac, 16.01% Impervious, Inflow Depth > 1.02" for 10-yr event Inflow = 7.80 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 2.561 af Primary = 7.80 cfs @ 12.54 hrs, Volume= 2.561 af, Atten= 0%, Lag= 0.0 min Routing by Stor-Ind method, Time Span= 5.00-120.00 hrs, dt= 0.25 hrs Pond 36P: POST OUTFALL llllllll Hydrograph zao cfs Primary ❑Inflow I780ofs . . 0 Inflow Area=30.100 ac 7- 6' 4j111111111111111111111 II I- 5— Vl i Or El El El El El El El El El El El 0 4 3 2- di- 11111111 : 111 : 111 : 11 0:f4 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 Time (hours) Project: Lumberton Housing Authority Stormwater Wetland Date Created: 7/1/2024 Data Assumptions: Draw Down Calculation Detemine Water Quality Volume Elevation Cd= 0.60 A= 0.0167 sf HO= 0.33 Number of Orifices= 2 Q= 0.09 cfs SCM Design Volume= 16,967 cf Drawdown 2.12 days 1 Project: Lumberton Housing Authority Stormwater Wetland Date Created: 7/1/2024 Data Assumptions: Treatment of first inch Required Water Quality Volume Calculation Detemine Water Quality Volume Elevation Drainage Area = 8.70 ac ►Area being routed to SCM Impervious Fraction = 0.54 Rv=0.05+0.9(I) 0.535 in/in P= 1.0 in Calculated WQV= 16,908 ft3 WQV Rv x Ad (ac) x 43,560 (ft^2) x P (in) x 1 (ft) 1 1 1 (ac) 1 12 (in) Min. Temporary Ponding Surface Area 13,526.40 SF Design Volume Provided: 16,967.00 Temporary Ponding Surface Area Provided: 20,331.00 1 ECMDS 7.0 https://ecmds.com/project/156414/channel-analysis/250885/show ElNORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>Permanent Ditch to Wetland Name Permanent Ditch to Wetland Discharge 4.18 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 4 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class C 6-12 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Very Good 80-95% Soil Type Sandy Loam(GM) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 4.18 cfs 1.15 ft/s 0.62 ft 0.077 4 Ibs/ft2 0.39 lbs/ft2 10.32 STABLE -- Vegetation Underlying Straight 4.18 cfs 1.15 ft/s 0.62 ft 0.077 4 Ibs/ft2 0.29 lbs/ft2 13.95 STABLE -- Substrate S75BN Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern S75BN Straight 4.18 cfs 1.92 ft/s 0.42 ft 0.037 1.6 lbs/ft2 0.26 lbs/ft2 6.17 STABLE D U nveg etated Underlying Straight 4.18 cfs 1.92 ft/s 0.42 ft 0.037 1.51 Ibs/ft2 0.21 lbs/ft2 7.38 STABLE D Substrate 1 of 1 8/29/2023, 5:40 PM ECMDS 7.0 https://ecmds.com/project/156414/channel-analysis/250886/show ElNORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>N.Diversion Ditch Name N.Diversion Ditch Discharge 5.36 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 4 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class C 6-12 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Very Good 80-95% Soil Type Sandy Loam(GM) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 5.36 cfs 1.26 ft/s 0.7 ft 0.074 4 Ibs/ft2 0.43 lbs/ft2 9.22 STABLE -- Vegetation Underlying Straight 5.36 cfs 1.26 ft/s 0.7 ft 0.074 4 Ibs/ft2 0.31 lbs/ft2 12.72 STABLE -- Substrate S75BN Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern S75BN Straight 5.36 cfs 2.09 ft/s 0.47 ft 0.036 1.6 lbs/ft2 0.3 lbs/ft2 5.42 STABLE D U nveg etated Underlying Straight 5.36 cfs 2.09 ft/s 0.47 ft 0.036 1.51 Ibs/ft2 0.23 lbs/ft2 6.62 STABLE D Substrate 1 of 1 8/29/2023, 5:40 PM ECMDS 7.0 https://ecmds.com/project/156414/channel-analysis/250887/show ElNORTH North American Green AMERICAN 5401 St. Wendel-Cynthiana Rd. Poseyville, Indiana 47633 GREEN Tel. 800.772.2040 >Fax 812.867.0247 www.nagreen.com ECMDS v7.0 CHANNEL ANALYSIS >>>S.Diversion Ditch Name S.Diversion Ditch Discharge 8.37 Channel Slope 0.01 Channel Bottom Width 4 Left Side Slope 3 Right Side Slope 3 Low Flow Liner Retardence Class C 6-12 in Vegetation Type Mix(Sod and Bunch) Vegetation Density Very Good 80-95% Soil Type Sandy Loam(GM) Unreinforced Vegetation Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern Unreinforced Straight 8.37 cfs 1.5 ft/s 0.85 ft 0.07 4 Ibs/ft2 0.53 lbs/ft2 7.55 STABLE -- Vegetation Underlying Straight 8.37 cfs 1.5 ft/s 0.85 ft 0.07 4 Ibs/ft2 0.37 lbs/ft2 10.8 STABLE -- Substrate S75BN Normal Permissible Calculated Safety Staple Phase Reach Discharge Velocity Mannings N Remarks Depth Shear Stress Shear Stress Factor Pattern S75BN Straight 8.37 cfs 2.43 ft/s 0.6 ft 0.036 1.6 lbs/ft2 0.37 lbs/ft2 4.31 STABLE D U nveg etated Underlying Straight 8.37 cfs 2.43 ft/s 0.6 ft 0.036 1.51 Ibs/ft2 0.28 lbs/ft2 5.47 STABLE D Substrate 1 of 1 8/29/2023, 5:40 PM » ooten 120 N. Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 (919)828-0531 Shear Stress Calculations using FHWA Hydraulic Toolbox North Ditch, 25' radius curve Parameter Value Units Notes Side Slope 1 3.000 ft/ft • Side Slope 2 3.000 ft/ft Area 3.822 ft^2 • Top Width 6.937 ft • Wetted Perimeter 7.231 ft Hydradic Radius 0.529 ft Average Velocity 0.986 ft/s Input Parameters D50 101.00 mm Riprap Spedfic Weight 165.000 Ibjft^3 Water Specific Weight 62.400 Ibjft`3 Riprap Shape angular This is used rift DSO to compute the angle of repose(See HEC-15,Figure 6.1) Safety Factor 1.000 Calculated Safety Factor 1.000 Resdts Riprap Properties Angle of Repose 41.150 Degrees Manning's n Relative Flow Depth 1.663 n(Blodgett) 0.0697 Bottom Shear 0.382 Reynolds Number 10399.779 Shields Parameter 0.047 Maximum Shear Stress on the Channel Bottom 0.283 Ib/ft^2 Permissible Shear 1.598 Ib/ft^2 The charnel bottom is stable Stable D50 17.872 mm Side Shear K1 0.868 K2 0.877 Kb 1.732 Side Shear 0.245 Ib/ft^2 Permissible Side Shear 1.401 Ib/ft'2 The channel side is stable Stable Side D50 17.690 mm Bend Shear Curvature Radius 25.000 ft No further correction will occur once RI! >10 Shear in Bend Bottom 0.490 Ib/ft'2 The bottom of the bend is stable Length of Protection beyond PT 4.094 ft Additional Freeboard Required because of Superelevation 0.008 ft Shear on Bend Side 0.425 Ib/ft^2 The side of the bend is stable Channel Stability The dared is stable TheWootenCompany.com -1�r�+,"/"--_ DESIGNING THE FUTURE » ooten 120 N. Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 (919)828-0531 South Ditch, 25' radius curve Parameter Value Units Notes Area 5.242 ft^2 Top Width 8.072 ft Wetted Perimeter 8.427 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.622 ft Average Velocity 1.187 ft/s „Input Parameters D50 101.00 mm Rprap Spedfic Weight 165.000 Ib/ft^3 Water Specific Weight 62.400 Ib/ft^3 Rprap Shape angular J This is used with D50 to compute the angle of repose(See HEC-15,Figure 6.1) Safety Factor 1.000 Calculated Safety Factor 1.000 Results Riprap Properties Angle of Repose 41.150 Degrees Manning's n Relative Flow Depth 1.960 n(Blodgett) 0.0645 Bottom Shear V` 0.420 Reynolds Number 11433.980 Shield's Parameter 0.047 Maximum Shear Stress on the Channel Bottom 0.342 Ib/ft^2 Permissible Shear 1.598 Ib/ft^2 The channel bottom is stable Stable D50 21.604 mm Side Shear K1 0.868 K2 0.877 Kb 1.812 Side Shear 0.297 lb/ft^2 Permissible Side Shear 1.401 lb/ft^2 The channel side is stable Stable Side D50 21.383 mm Bend Shear Cu-valure Radus 25.000 ft No further correction will occur once R/T>10 Shear in Bend Bottom 0.619 lb/ft^2 The bottom of the bend is stable Length of Protection beyond PT 5.344 ft Additional Freeboard Required because of Superelevation 0.014 ft Shear on Bend Side 0.537 Ib/ft^2 The side of the bend is stable Channel Stabi'ity The channel is stable TheWootenCompany.com DESIGNING THE FUTURE » ooten 120 N. Boylan Avenue Raleigh, NC 27603 (919)828-0531 South Ditch, 40' radius curve Parameter Value Units Notes Side Slope 1 3.000 ft/ft Side Slope 2 3.000 ft/ft Area 5.242 ft^2 Top Width 8.072 ft Wetted Perimeter 8.427 ft Hydraulic Radius 0.622 ft Average Velocity 1.187 ft/s Input Parameters D50 101.00 mm Riprap Specific Weight 165.000 Ib/ft^3 Water Specific Weight 62.400 Ibjft-`3 Riprap Shape angular This is used with D50 to compute the angle of repose(See NEC-15,Figure 6.1) Safety Factor 1.000 Calculated Safety Factor 1.000 Results Riprap Properties Angle of Repose 41.150 Degrees Planning's n Relative Flow Depth 1.960 n(Blodgett) 0.0645 Bottom Shear y' 0.420 Reynolds Number 11433.980 Shields Parameter 0.047 Malunun Shear Stress on the Charnel Bottom 0.342 lb/ft-`2 Permissible Shear 1.598 Ib/ft^2 The channel bottom is stable Stable D50 21.604 mm Side Shear K1 0.868 K2 0.877 Kb 1.538 Side Shear 0.297 Ib/ft^2 Permissible Side Shear 1.401 Ib/ft^2 The channel side Is stable Stable Side DSO 21.383 mm Bend Shear Curvature Radius 40.000 ft No further correction will occur once R/T>10 Shear in Bend Bottom 0.526 Ib/ft^2 The bottom of the bend is stable Length of Protection beyond FT 5.344 ft Additional Freeboard Required because of Superelevation 0.009 ft Shear on Bend Side 0.456 Ib/ft^2 The side of the bend is stable Channel Stability The channel is stable TheWootenCompany.com DESIGNING THE FUTURE Rip Rap Apron Calcs: *Using NY DOT Rip Rap sizing from NCDEQ E&SC Downloads page Outlet Vel (FPS) Dia (ft) Zone Width Apron L d50 (in) dmax (in) Thickness (in) Weight (lb) Size CONCRETE FLUME 3.2 0.45 1 1.4 1.8 MIN MIN MIN MIN Class A FLUME TO ROW DITCH 2.9 0.5 1 1.5 2.0 MIN MIN MIN MIN Class A CI-1 to WETLAND 4.8 1.5 1 4.5 6.0 3 4.5 6.75 8 Class A CI-7 to WETLAND 4.9 1.5 1 4.5 6.0 3 4.5 6.75 9 Class A WETLAND OUTFALL 2.2 1.5 1 4.5 6.0 1 1.5 2.25 2 Class A N. DIVERSION SLOPE DRAIN 3.6 1.5 1 4.5 6.0 2 3 4.50 4 Class A S. DIVERSION SLOPE DRAIN 3.6 1.5 1 4.5 6.0 2 3 4.50 4 Class A *"min" = sizes below typical which use minimum sizing* ** =Assuming maximum capacity and discharge from existing pipes. FILL DESIGN DATA DATA FROM SIZING