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SW8990730_Historical File_19991118
Department of Environment and Natural Resources 14/1741FA Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor NCDENR Bill Holman, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Quality November 18, 1999 Mr. Dean A. Walters, CEO Sea Trail Corporation 211 Clubhouse Road Sunset Beach,NC 28468 Subject: Permit No. SW8 990730 Jones/Byrd Condominiums High Density Stormwater Project Brunswick County Dear Mr. Walters: The Wilmington Regional Office received a complete Stormwater Management Permit Application for Jones/Byrd Condominiums on October 7, 1999. Staff review of the plans and specifications has determined that the project, as proposed, will comply with the Stormwater Regulations set forth in Title 15A NCAC 2H.1000. We are forwarding Permit No.SW8 990730 dated November 18, 1999,for the construction of Jones/Byrd Condominiums. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 18, 2009, and shall be subject to the conditions and limitations as specified therein. Please pay special attention to the Operation and Maintenance requirements in this permit.Failure to establish an adequate system for operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system will result in future compliance problems. If any parts,requirements,or limitations contained in this permit are unacceptable,you have the right to request an adjudicatory hearing upon written request within thirty(30)days following receipt of this permit. This request must be in the form of a written petition,conforming to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes, and filed with the Office of Administrative Hearings,P.O.Drawer 27447,Raleigh,NC 276 1 1-7447. Unless such demands are made this permit shall be final and binding. If you have any questions, or need additional information concerning this matter,please contact Linda or me at(910) 395-3900. Lewis, Sincerely, 'ck Shiver Water Quality Regional Supe sor RSS/arl: S:1WQSISTORMWATIPERMIT1990730.NOv cc: Jay Houston, P.E. Delaney Aycock, Brunseick County Inspections Linda Lewis Wilmington Regional Office Central Files 127 Cardinal Dr.Ext.,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10%post-consumer paper • State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 990730 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT HIGH DENSITY DEVELOPMENT In accordance with the provisions of Article 21 of Chapter 143,General Statutes of North Carolina as amended,and other applicable Laws, Rules, and Regulations PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Sea Trail Corporation Jones/Byrd Condominiums Brunswick County FOR THE construction,operation and maintenance of a wet detention pond in compliance with the provisions of 15A NCAC 2H .1000 (hereafter referred to as the "stormwater rules") and the approved stormwater management plans and specifications and other supporting data as attached and on file with and approved by the Division of Water Quality and considered a part of this permit. This permit shall be effective from the date of issuance until November 18, 2009 and shall be subject to the following specified conditions and limitations: I.DESIGN STANDARDS 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the nature and volume of stormwater described in the application and other supporting data. 2. This stormwater system has been approved for the management of stormwater runoff as described on page 3 of this permit,the Project Data Sheet.The stormwater control has been designed to handle the runoff from 834,174 square feet of impervious area. 3. Approved plans and specifications for this project are incorporated by reference and are enforceable parts of the permit. 4. The drainage area will be limited to the amount of built-upon area indicated on page 3 of this permit,and per approved plans. 2 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 990730 DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY PROJECT DESIGN DATA SHEET Project Name: Jones/Byrd Condominiums Permit Number: SW8 990730 Location: Brunswick County Applicant: Mr. Dean A. Walters, CEO Mailing Address: Sea Trail Corporation 211 Clubhouse Road Sunset Beach,NC 28468 Application Date: October 7, 1999 Name of Receiving Stream/Index#: Calabash Creek/(LBR 15-25-5) Classification of Water Body: "SA" If Class SA, chloride sampling results: 66 mg/1 Pond Depth, feet: 6 Permanent Pool Elevation, FMSL: 25 Drainage Area, acres: 75 Total Impervious Surfaces, ft2: 834,174 Condo Complex 361,548 Offsite 385,506 Future Conference Center 87,120 Offsite Area entering Pond: 8.85 acres, per Engineer Existing Clubhouse&Parking 3.8 acres Lots 3.5 acres Roads 0.7 acres Cartpaths 0.85 acres Required Surface Area, ft2: 46,435 Provided Surface Area, ft2: 206,940 Required Storage Volume, ft3: 76,176 Provided Storage Volume,ft3: 104,543 Temporary Storage Elevation, FMSL: 25.5 Controlling Orifice: 6" pipe 3 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 990730 II. SCHEDULE OF COMPLIANCE 1. The stormwater management system shall be constructed in it's entirety, vegetated and operational for its intended use prior to the construction of any built-upon surface except roads. 2. During construction,erosion shall be kept to a minimum and any eroded areas of the system will be repaired immediately. 3. The permittee shall at all times provide the operation and maintenance necessary to assure the permitted stormwater system functions at optimum efficiency. The approved Operation and Maintenance Plan must be followed in its entirety and maintenance must occur at the scheduled intervals including,but not limited to: a. Semiannual scheduled inspections (every 6 months). b. Sediment removal. c. Mowing and revegetation of side slopes. d. Immediate repair of eroded areas. e. Maintenance of side slopes in accordance with approved plans and specifications. f. Debris removal and unclogging of outlet structure, orifice device and catch basins and piping. g. Access to the outlet structure must be available at all times. 4. Records of maintenance activities must be kept and made available upon request to authorized personnel of D WQ. The records will indicate the date,activity,name of person performing the work and what actions were taken. 5. Decorative spray fountains will not be allowed in the stormwater treatment system. 6. The facilities shall be constructed as shown on the approved plans.This permit shall become voidable unless the facilities are constructed in accordance with the conditions of this permit, the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting data. 7. Upon completion of construction,prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy,and prior to operation of this permitted facility,a certification must be received from an appropriate designer for the system installed certifying that the permitted facility has been installed in accordance with this permit,the approved plans and specifications, and other supporting documentation. Any deviations from the approved plans and specifications must be noted on the Certification. 8. If the stormwater system was used as an Erosion Control device,it must be restored to design condition prior to operation as a stormwater treatment device, and prior to occupancy of the facility. 9. The following items will require a modification to the permit: a. Any revision to the approved plans,regardless of size. b. Project name change. c. Transfer of ownership. d. Redesign or addition to the approved amount of built-upon area. e. Further subdivision,acquisition,or sale of the project area.The project area is defined as all property owned by the permittee, for which Sedimentation and Erosion Control Plan approval was sought. f. Filling in, altering, or piping of any vegetative conveyance shown on the approved plan. 10. The Director may determine that other revisions to the project should require a modification to the permit. 4 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 990730 11. A copy of the approved plans and specifications shall be maintained on file by the Permittee for a minimum of ten years from the date of the completion of construction. 12. Prior to the sale of any portion of the property,an access/maintenance easement to the stormwater facilities shall be granted in favor of the permittee if access to the stormwater facilities will be restricted by the sale of any portion of the property. 13. The permittee is responsible for verifying that the proposed built-upon area does not exceed the allowable built-upon area. 14. The runoff from all built-upon area on the project must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system, including future development as approved. 15. The Director may notify the permittee when the permitted site does not meet one or more of the minimum requirements ofthe permit.Within the time frame specified in the notice,the permittee shall submit a written time schedule to the Director for modifying the site to meet minimum requirements. The permittee shall provide copies of revised plans and certification in writing to the Director that the changes have been made. III. GENERAL CONDITIONS 1. This permit is not transferable. In the event there is a desire for the facilities to change ownership, or there is a name change of the Permittee, a formal permit request must be submitted to the Division of Water Quality accompanied by an application fee,documentation from the parties involved,and other supporting materials as may be appropriate. The approval of this request will be considered on its merits and may or may not be approved. 2. Failure to abide by the conditions and limitations contained in this permit may subject the Permittee to enforcement action by the Division of Water Quality, in accordance with North Carolina General Statute 143-215.6A to 143-215.6C. 3. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statutes,rules, regulations,or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies(local, state,and federal) which have jurisdiction. 4. In the event that the facilities fail to perform satisfactorily, including the creation of nuisance conditions, the Permittee shall take immediate corrective action, including those as may be required by this Division, such as the construction of additional or replacement stormwater management systems. 5. The permittee grants DENR Staff permission to enter the property for the purpose of inspecting all components of the permitted stormwater management facility. 6. The permit may be modified, revoked and reissue&or terminated for cause. The filing of a request for a permit modification,revocation and reissuance or termination does not stay any permit condition. Permit issued this the 18th day of November, 1999. NORTH CAROLINA EN JIRONIvffiNTAL MANAGEMENT COMMISSION • Kerr . tevens,Director Division of Water Quality By Authority of the Environmental Management Commission Permit Number SW8 990730 5 • State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 990730 Jones/Byrd Condominiums Stormwater Permit No. SW8 990730 Brunswick County Designer's Certification I, ,as a duly registered in the State of North Carolina,having been authorized to observe(periodically/weekly/full time)the construction of the project, (Project) for (Project Owner)hereby state that,to the best of my abilities,due care and diligence was used in the observation of the project construction such that the construction was observed to be built within substantial compliance and intent of the approved plans and specifications. The checklist of items on page 2 of this form is included in the Certification. Noted deviations from approved plans and specification: SEAL Signature Registration Number Date 6 State Stormwater Management Systems Permit No. SW8 990730 Certification Requirements: 1. The drainage area to the system contains approximately the permitted acreage. 2. The drainage area to the system contains no more than the permitted amount of built-upon area. 3. All the built-upon area associated with the project is graded such that the runoff drains to the system. 4. The outlet/bypass structure elevations are per the approved plan. 5. The outlet structure is located per the approved plans. 6. Trash rack is provided on the outlet/bypass structure. 7. All slopes are grassed with permanent vegetation. 8. Vegetated slopes are no steeper than 3:1. 9. The inlets are located per the approved plans and do not cause short-circuiting of the system. 10. The permitted amounts of surface area and/or volume have been provided. 11. Required drawdown devices arc correctly sized per the approved plans. 12. All required design depths are provided. 13. All required parts of the system are provided, such as a vegetated shelf, and a forebay. 14. The overall dimensions of the system, as shown on the approved plans, are provided. cc: NCDENR-DWQ Regional Office Delaney Aycock, Brunswick County Building Inspector 7 DETENTION POND ANALYSIS FILE NAME: S:1WQS\POND1990730.WK1 PROJECT#: SW8 990730 REVIEWER: arl PROJECT NAME: Jones/Byrd Condominiums DATE: 18-Nov-99 Receiving Stream: Calabash Creek Class: SA Chlorides: 66 MG/L Drainage Basin: Lumber index No. 15-25-5 Site Area acres Drainage Area 3267000.00 square feet needs to be verified Area in Acres 75.00 acres IMPERVIOUS AREA Rational C-list beside each item below in F15 to F20 Jones/ Byrd Condos 361548.00 square feet 1.00 Offsite Lots 152460.00 square feet 0.95 Offsite ex. clubhouse & parking 165528.00 square feet Offsite roads 30492.00 square feet Offsite Cartpaths 37026.00 square feet Future Conference Center 87120.00 square feet TOTAL 834174.00 Cc= 0.30 % IMPERVIOUS 25.53% Pond Depth: 6.0 TSS: 90 SURFACE AREA CALCULATION Rational ? If Rational is used put a SA/DA 1.42% "1" in box E26. If not, leave it blank. Req. SA 46435 square feet Prov. SA 206940 square feet [From plan Contours] VOLUME CALCULATION Perm. Pool Volume= 150783 Req. Forebay Volume= 30156.6 Bottom 19.00 MSL Provided Volume= Perm. Pool 25.00 MSL Percent= 0 Design Pool 25.50 MSL Design SA 211230 square feet Des. Storm 1.00 inches Req. Volume 76176 cubic feet Rv= 0.2798 Prov. Volume 104543 cubic feet SA @ = Elevation= _ ORIFICE CALCULATION Avg. Head = 0.13 ft Flow Q2, cfs 0.441 Area, in2 37.29 Fiow Q5, cfs 0.176 Area, in2 14.92 No. of Orifices ` . .. '1::. Diameter, in. :: :�a: Area = 28.274 in2 Q, cfs = 0.334 Drawdown `'` days COMMENTS Surface Area, Volume and Orifice are within Design Guidelines. HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES P.A. Consulting Engineers SHALLO rrE, NORTH CAROLINA 2:4 • I ,.Y,r- Telephone(910)754-6324 OCT 0 7 i 117 Pine Street Facsimile(910)754-2121 ; 1999 P st Office Box 627 Monday, October 4, 1999 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: Sea Trail Plantation - Jones/Byrd Condos Sunset Beach, North Carolina Resubmittal of Stormwater Plan for Approval Stormwater Project No. SW8 990730 Dear Ms. Lewis: In response to your letter dated September 13, 1999, requesting additional information we offer the following: 1. We have enclosed an additional overall drainage basin map illustrating the overall 75-acre drainage area. On this map there is a break down of the existing and proposed (future) impervious areas. The application data has been revised accordingly. 2. Sheet 5 has been revised dimensioning the plan in accordance with the sketch you provided. 3. Please disregard any additional Operation and Maintenance Plan we have forwarded in the past. 4. Project number has been referenced above and on all pertinent documents. 5. The pond outlet on Sheet 7 has been relabeled as Existing Pond 2 Outlet Structure for the existing pond shown on Sheet 1. The stormwater pond outlet structure is labeled as Stormwater Pond Outlet Structure on proposed stormwater pond on Sheet 5. 6. The sediment removal benchmark has been revised to 4.5' on the application. 7. The impervious area has been corrected on the application to 25.5%. We apologize for the typographical error. 8. The breakdown of the off site impervious areas is located on the overall drainage map attached. (Reference #1) October 4, 1999 Page Two Sea Trail Plantation Ms. Lewis SW8 990730 Response We appreciate your attention in this matter. Should you have any comments or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience. S cerely, i pi ,fg ouston, P.E. on and Associates, P.A. Enclosures pc: Mr. Dean Walters, Sea Trail File; 99-1013 (Sea Trail - Jones/Byrd Condos) • T. 1ECEIVE �, D Sea Trail OCT 0 71999 Drawdown Calculations D E M 4/12/99 Prepared By: • . I no. Checked By: I, TIME Drawdown Calculations For Pond Orfice ELEVATION FEET HEAD FLOWRATE VOLUME END ELEV. FEET CIS CF FEET 0 25.50 0.5000 0.66732 4,804.72 25.48 2.0 25.48 0.4768 0.65164 4,691 .83 25.45 4.0 25.45 0.4541 0.63596 4,578.92 25.43 6.0 25.43 0.4320 0.62027 4,465.97 25.41 8.0 25.41 0.4104 0.60458 4,352.99 25.39 10.0 25.39 0.3894 0.58888 4,239.96 25.37 12.0 25.37 0.3689 0.57318 4,126.90 25.35 14.0 25.35 0.3489 0.55747 4,013.80 25.33 16.0 25.33 0.3295 0.54176 3,900.65 25.31 18.0 25.31 0.3107 0.52603 3,787.45 25.29 20.0 25.29 0.2924 0.51031 3,674.20 25.27 22.0 25.27 0.2746 0.49457 3,560.90 25.26 24.0 25.26 0.2574 0.47882 3,447.54 25.24 26.0 25.24 0.2408 0.46307 3,334.12 25.22 28.0 25.22 0.2247 0.44731 3,220.63 25.21 30.0 25.21 0.2091 0.43154 3,107.07 25.19 32.0 25.19 0.1941 0.41576 2,993.44 25.18 34.0 25.18 0.1796 0.39996 2,879.72 25.17 36.0 25.17 0.1657 0.38416 4 2,765.92 25.15 38.0 25.15 0.1523 0.36834 2,652.02 25.14 40.0 25.14 0.1395 0.35250 2,538.01 25.13 42.0 25.13 0.1273 0.33665 2,423.89 25.12 44.0 25.12 0.1155 0.32078 2,309.64 25.10 46.0 25.10 0.1044 0.30490 2,195.25 25.09 48.0 25.09 0.0938 0.28899 2,080.71 25.08 50.0 25.08 0.0837 0.27305 1,965.99 25.07 52.0 25.07 0.0742 0.25709 1,851 .08 25.07 54.0 25.07 0.0653 0.24110 1,735.94 25.06 56.0 25.06 0.0569 0.22508 1,620.55 25.05 58.0 25.05 0.0490 0.20901 1,504.87 25.04 60.0 25.04 0.0418 0.19289 1,388.84 25.04 62.0 25.04 0.0351 0.17672 1,272.40 25.03 64.0 25.03 0.0289 0.16048 1,155.47 25.02 66.0 25.02 0.0233 0.14416 1,037.94 25.02 68.0 25.02 0.0183 0.12773 919.64 25.01 70.0 25.01 0.0139 0.11116 800.35 25.01 72.0 25.01 0.0100 0.09440 679.70 25.01 74.0 25.01 0.0067 0.07737 557.09 25.00 76.0 25.00 0.0040 0.05991 431 .34 25.00 78.0 25.00 0.0019 0.04162 299.69 25.00 80.0 25.00 0.0005 0.02104 #REF! #REF! Drawdown Time = 3.33 days LOrifice Size.= 6:inures. ..... ..... Sea Trail Drawdown Calculations 4/1 2/99 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By: Jones/Byrd Condos Stmniwater Pond Drawdown AREAS (FT^2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 6 0.196 0.393 0.589 0.785 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 4.751 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL= 1.00 INCHES BASIN AREA= 75.00 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA= 10.1 5-ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION= 25.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA= 0.196 FEET2 STORAGE POOL AREA= 4.849.2 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING= 2.0 HOURS ORIFICE COEF.= 0.6 INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF.(Rv)= 0.2798 ELEVATION OF POOL AT STORAGE= 25.50 FEET NORMAL POOL AREA= 206,940 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 76,176 FEET VOLUME OF STORAGE= 104,543 FEET3 z zi zi * 77ZZZZrpomm = U) 0 0 a - mfnrr < CZDDDOr rt 0 7° r gmx � -iQZ _iapZ � 00 o II xi m � � � mrn � mpm � ctOi� m U v. a.TI et 6 z mcm N gr0110 0071 < a �� m C3337Q < II 77 0 o O z D ?� > 00mnm O ii3c 0 -I I[ OCrEr � m D =. a m n „ II xi � mxiim II z0 w N 2m _i 11 II > �D C M r m u n ••* 0 O p H cm V O C1) ED II NO m3 c 1,0 Ug -► r in a` O C in a ca oa - .. 3 _ 0)s ar, coax I _ I I _ _ I a) m mm m * II * * II * * II m r r m r m m m m m rn I z ii a z z z yyii y NO ON 0 rn V N r O O CO 0 -1 CO (D � el CJ1 � Q Q n 03 7fa.a a O CO m r- n Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design 4/1 2/99 Prepared By: Q . Checked By.4 r I Jones Condos Routing Table -SW Treatment Pond AT USED IN STD E CG 2 (min) Time n In In + In+1 2S/DT - On 2S/DT + On+1 On+1 (min) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) 1 0 1 0 6 2 2 6 25 6 6 4 3 19 6.5 31 31 6 4 48 120 96 96 8 5 74 175 216 216 10 6 101 226 391 391 12 7 ; 125 255 617 617 14 8 130 260 872 872 16 9 130 256 1 132 1 132 18 10 126 238 1388 1388 20 11 112 207 1624 1626 1 22 12 95 173 18294 1831 T. 1 24 13 78 144 1998 2002 2 26 14 66 120 2138 2142 - 2 28 15 64 97 2254 2258 2 30 16 43 80. 2345 2351 ,,. 3 32 17 37 68 2419 2425 3 34 18 31 57 2479 2487 : . 4 36 19 26 47 2528 2536 1:. 4 38 20 21 40 2567 2575 4 40 21 19 36 2597 2607 5 42 22 17 31 2623 2633 5 44 23 14 26 2644 2654 5 46 24 12 22 2660 2670 5 48 25 10 18 2672 2682 5 50 26 8 14 2680 2690 5 52 27 : 6 #REF! 2682 2694 6 Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design 4/12/99 Prepared By: Wa . Checked By: i' Jones/Byrd Condos Pond Stage-Discharge,Storage Pond Storage Area = 206,940.00 Square Feet AT = 1 20 sec. ELEVATION DISCHARGE STORAGE 2S/DT + 0 ** 25.00 0.00 0.00 25.50 0.00 103470 1725 25.76 5.00 157274 2626 25.91 10.00 188315 3149 26.16 20.00 240050 4021 26.36 30.00 281438 4721 26.54 40.00 318688 5351 27.23 50.00 461476 7741 29.19 60.00 867079 14511 ** Discharge / Stage Relationship Based on 30" Barrel and 36" Riser Outflow vs 2S/AT + O� 15500 - - - 13500 - - - - 11500 o 9500 + - _ a co 7500 - 5500 3500 1500 - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Outflow (CFS) Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design Prepared By: p . 4/12/99 Checked By ' a . Time (Min) Flow (CFS) 0.0 0.0 2.0 6.6 4.6 19.8 6.5 46.2 8.5 74.0 10.4 101.7 11 .7 118.9 13.0 128.2 15.0 132.1 17.6 126.8 19.5 112.3 22.1 95.1 26.0 66.1 30.6 43.6 34.5 31.7 39.0 21.1 43.6 14.5 54.6 5.3 a 65.0 0.0 Inflow Hydrograph 140.0 - 120.0 - 100.0 - N u_ 2? 80.0 - 60.0 - 0 U- 40.0 - 20.0 - 0.0 I I I 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Time (MIN) Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design 4/12/9 9 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By: Runoff Hydrograph into S Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA 98 19.15 impervious B 1876.7 61 55.85 Grassed B 3406.85 Total: 75 Total: 5283.55 Weighted Curve Number: 70.45 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) Storm Duration: 10- Yr - 1 Hr Storm Rainfall: 2.8 Inches S: 4.20 Direct Surface Runoff: 0.62 Inches Total Runoff: 170.069 CF 3.90 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: 4.5 Inches/Hour Weighted "C": 0.39 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 132.13 CPS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.001183 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 1.3213125 CFS/Unit k: 0.650 Min/Unit 1 Sea Trail Stormwatar Pond Design 4/1 2/9 9 Prepared By: SWQ Checked By: /, Stormwater Pond Design Total Drainage Area: '75.0 Acres Impervious Area: Jones/Byrd Condos: 8.300 Acres Lots: 3.500 Acres Clubhouse/Conference: 5.800 Acres Cartpath: 0.850 Acres Road: 0.700 Acres Total: 1 9.1 50 Acres % Imperivous: 25.5 % Permanent Pool Depth: 6 %TSS Removal: 90% SA/DA: 1 .4 Required SA: 45,738 SF Runoff: 1 lInches "Simple Method" R, 0.28 Volume: 76,176 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: 206,940 SF (@ 25' MSL) Depth of Storage: 0.4 Feet USE: 0.5 Feet SA © Storage Pool: 211 ,230 SF (@ 25.5' MSL) Provided Storage: 104,543 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 19.0 MSL Permanent Pool: 25.0 MSL Storage Pool: 25.5 MSL Flood Pool: 25.8 ' MSL 1 "Freeboard" Elev: 26.3 MSL Hydrologic and Hydraulic Calculations for 'UlCa e o magi o y r d C OtdOo SEA TRAIL CORPORATION BRUNSWICK COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA t 10,4 �► ..-'r p'�, j� : 0 :-'AL :.- \lei Prepared By teallOaCDEO, aad &@@atallacgaQr, T.L. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Shallotte, North Carolina .STORMWATER Alpzz 1999 E C E I V E D OCT 0 71999 g . 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CO M * N M M U) et et M M N N N N N N r r c`i ^ M to lf) Lf) Lf) LO LO L[) Lf) LO LO LC) L() LO lf) LO LC) LO L0 LO LO v- O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O yam„ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 v f � ^ O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 co 0 0 0 O N O CO CO O Lf) O Tr N CD d' CO N CO CO CO et O J M Tr T O N N O et CO CO N N N CO N r CO 10 N N C O ,0 Lo d i+ Lo LO CD 1� CD O N N CON N LA d' O N N CO 1- CD CO V 0) () Tr CO CO CO Tr LA Ln LO LO LO CO Ln LO CO CO CD M CO CO CO co 'p) _ ° O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a) 63 *. O • ow 3 (a LL r' C W ^ N N et CO CD N CO Lf) LO N N N M CO r CO Lf) O Lp Lq a) a) '� i 4.; r N I- r CO N 1- LC) Th M N O . N N 1- N O t\ N y c Q Q a O O O N r r r O 0 O O 0 0 O 0 0 r r 0 0 L' . G E d W 0 • LO CO a) CD O N CO et CO N O LO N N Tr N O N Cl) c i 2 M O co M CO O CO N O - Th O O LO CO N M N LO et R S Q v O r 0 0 Lf) M N r r o o o 0 0 0 o N. CO M r L a 4 N et .: Tt M N 4 et co a) N N Crj N N et O N co _ C6 C6 CM Tr 1- Q N N r N N CO N of Cp" '_ O N N N O N a) CCS CO O r O N r r N M N d' r Cn " O N N O N N N L L N co- O N r O N N r N 0.s N CD r' CO r N O N (q ,"., > .12 a O M r O N r N •- CQ r O N CA O Q Co 0 r r M r r • N u-j r N CA O ?� O r r M .a r r Cl) 0 0 ✓ r Q r r 0 L O r O r LL] ! Qsa C a) •i = CO 0 0 r N CO et LO co CO co r N M in co co coC1 N N CO M CO CO M CO CO CO CO M et et et et Nt V nt Tt et C _ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 7 CD C D COC O C D COC n f i) C l) CA CO C O (i) C 0 COC D CD C Y) C Y 9 C D C D C D E N � i 1 L Sea Trail Storm Drainage Inverts 4/1 9/99 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By: JRH . I Storm Drain Length Inv. In Inv. Out Grate Elev. Culvert Diam. I.D. (Feet) (msl) (msl) at Inv. In (Inches) SD1 100 24.50 21 .00 30.00 24 SD2 100 27.00 26.00 30.50 18 SD3 40 27.30 27.00 30.60 15 SD4 70 27.90 27.30 31.60 15 SD5 60 28.30 27.90 31 .40 1 2 • SD6 85 28.20 27.50 31 .80 15 SD7 60 28.70 28.20 31 .80 15 SD8 60 29.20 28.70 33.40 15 SD9 25 29.40 29.20 33.40 15 SD10 40 30.00 29.40 33.80 12 SD11 40 30.40 30.00 33.60 12 SD12 240 26.50 24.50 31.50 24 SD13 160 28.30 27.00 jb 18 SD14 100 29.00 28.30 33.40 18 SD15 85 29.60 30.00 35.00 1 8 SD16 100 32.70 31 .50 36.10 15 SD17 25 33.00 32.70 4 36.10 1 2 SD18 60 30.00 29.60 34.80 15 SD19 120 30.60 30.00 33.80 15 SD20 25 30.80 30.60 33.90 1 2 SD21 60 30.30 29.50 33.50 12 SD24 76 24.80 24.50 pos 30 SD25 60 26.20 25.60 29.70 15 SD26 60 26.60 26.20 29.70 1 2 SD27 50 27.50 26.00 31 .30 15 Sea Trail Storm Drainage Inverts Prepared By: SWQ . 4/19/99 Checked By: JRH . Storm Drain Length Inv. In Inv. Out Grate Elev. Culvert Diam. I.D. (Feet) (msl) (msl) at Inv. In (Inches) SD28 25 27.70 27.50 31.30 12 SD29 110 28.30 26.00 31.80 15 SD30 25 28.50 28.30 31.80 12 SD31 110 23.50 23.50 eq 36 SD32 140 28.80 26.00 33.30 24 SD33 60 29.20 28.80 33.50 24 SD34 145 31 .40 29.20 35.90 18 SD35 60 31 .80 31 .40 36.20 18 SD36 60 32.20 31.80 36.80 15 SD37 25 32.40 32.20 36.80 15 SD38 65 32.80 32.40 36.30 12 SD39 25 33.00 32.80 36.30 12 SD40 230 34.30 31 .40 39.80 15 SD41 55 34.80 34.30 39.80 15 SD42 85 35.50 34.80 39.10 12 SD43 SO 36.00 35.50 39.10 12 a SD44 420 30.00 25.00 jb 36 SD45 180 31 .30 30.00 36.50 36 SD46 340 33.70 31 .30 39.00 30 SD47 340 36.40 33.70 43.00 30 SD48 170 37.50 36.40 jb 24 SD49 90 38.60 37.50 41.68 24 JB = Junction Box Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: SWQ Checked By: ! - SD1 (��� HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 25.3,CPS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL D A FOR CULVERT PIPE= 24 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 2.80 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 100 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.30 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 24.50 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 21.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= `. 0.00i FEET HEAD= 2.58 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.08 TAILWATER ELEVATION= ,.. `25.50.FEET VELOCITY= 8.05 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD2 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 9.49 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 18 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= INCHES HEAD= 1.24 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 100 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.99 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= FEET HEAD= 1.37 WEIR FLOW COEF.= HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.67 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.30 FEET VELOCITY= 5.37 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/1 9/99 Prepared By: • Checked By1 / . 11 SD3 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.76 CPS MANNINGS n= 0.012. HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 5 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.22 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 40 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.14 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.30 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5s HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0..01 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00'FEET HEAD= 0.18 WEIR FLOW COEF.= '' HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.85 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 29.67 FEET VELOCITY= 2.25 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #D I V/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION= #D I V/0! SD4 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS a FLOWRATE= 1.68•CFS MANNINGS n= 0.01 2 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 5'INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0.INCHES • HEAD= 0.08 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 70 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.61 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.90 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.30 INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.08 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0- HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.93 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 29.85 FEET VELOCITY= 1.37 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #D I V/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #D I V/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/1 9/9 9 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By: 4/ I 4 SD5 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.09 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 12 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.08 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.88 INV.IN ELEV.OFCULVERT= 28.30 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.90 rtti INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 Ftti HEAD= 0.09 WEIR FLOW COEF._ „�., :;. HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.02 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 29.93 FEET VELOCITY= 1.39 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 SD6 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS • FLOWRATE= 4.8 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.66 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 85 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.48 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.20 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FttI HEAD= 0.76 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.42 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 29.67 FEET VELOCITY= 3.91 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By: .. SD7 l/f� . HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= -3.58 CFS MANNINGS n= :,-t 4.i HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL, DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE= .;L. INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.37 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEE HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.69 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= . 28.70 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= i' 28.20 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= ' 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEE HEAD= 0.36 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0' HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.78 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 30.42 t-t±I VELOCITY= 2.92 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA, HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD8 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS a FLOWRATE= 2.94 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 5 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.25 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.07 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 2 a 7 n FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.70 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 ItEl HEAD= 0.24 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.02 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 30.78 FEET VELOCITY= 2.40 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: WO Checked By: SD9 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.5:CFS MANNINGS n= 0012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= - - 1.5,INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= ;0 INCHES HEAD= 0.18 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 25 FEE! HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.2 0 INV.INELEV.OFCULVERT= 29.40 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 2 9.2 0 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.13 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.15 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 31.02 F-tti VELOCITY= 2.04 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0I HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD10 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.5 7. CFS MANNINGS n- 0.0 12 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.17 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 4 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.67 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 29.40 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0..00 Ftti HEAD= 0.16 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.30 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 31.15 FEET VELOCITY= 2.00 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/1 9/99 Prepared By: SWQ Checked By:FA SD11 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.12 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.09 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 40 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.99 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30,40 FEE! INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0,5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00.FEET HEAD= 0.08 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.39 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 31.30 FEET VELOCITY= 1.43 FFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION: #DIV/0! SD12 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 16.87,CPS { MANNINGS n= [}.012; HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 2'.INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0!INCHES HEAD= 1.24 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 240 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.74 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 26.50 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 24.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 1.81 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.11 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.30 FEET VELOCITY= 5.37 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By:14.. SD13 1{ HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 9.33 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 18 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 1.20 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 160 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.25 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.30 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 1.73 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.83 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 30.11 FEET VELOCITY= 5.28 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD14 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 9.33 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 18 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 1.20 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE 100 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.95 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 29.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= .28.30 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0 6a RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.0:0;FEET HEAD= 1.32 WEIR FLOW COEF.= fX' HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.16 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 31.83 FEET VELOCITY= 5.28 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/Ol HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: SWQ Checked By: 1,1 ,4 SD15 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= -:7.4.3 CP5 MANNINGS n= 6:0.1 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL D!A.FOR CULVERT PIPE- 1'8 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0•INCHES HEAD= 0.76 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 85 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.11 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 29.60 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 29.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL=. 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.77 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.93 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.16 FEET VELOCITY= 4.20 FF5 TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD1 6 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.86 CPS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.10 ' LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 1 0 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.42 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 7 ID FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= . S n FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0,6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.12 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.05 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.93 FEET VELOCITY= 1.52 ITS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: WQ Checked By: SD17 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 0.7 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.03 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 2 5 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.53 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 33.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32,70 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.5 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.03 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.08 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 34.05 FEET VELOCITY= 0.89 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 SD18 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 5.06 CFS MANNINGS n= 0..012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 5 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.73 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.36 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= . 29.60 INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.71 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.64 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.93 FEET VELOCITY= 4.12 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0l Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By:m . SD19 `(J�'N HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 4.06i CIS I LANN!NGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15.INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.47 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 12 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.70 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.60 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6. RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.66 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 35.30 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 34.64 H±i VELOCITY= 3.31 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD20 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.07 CF5 MANN INGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.08 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.38 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.80 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= . 30.60 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00.FEET HEAD= 0.06 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 35.36 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 35.30 FEET VELOCITY= 1.36 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0I Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: SWQ - Checked By: QQf S D21 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE_ ;c 1.2 7:CPS MANNINGS n= • a,.✓' HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= yx INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= •' INCHES HEAD= 0.11 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.91 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.30 FEET r:;: INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 2 9.5 0 RAT INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= ``T 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= ilLi0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.13 WEIR FLOW COEF._ HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.28 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.16 FEET VELOCITY= 1.62 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD24 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 14 CPS IV1ANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 30:INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 36.INCHES HEAD= 0.35 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 45 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION- 26.40 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 24.80.FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 24.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= • 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 28.00 FEET HEAD= 0.23 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 4 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.73 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.50 FEET VELOCITY= 2.85 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= 0.52 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.52 Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: ti a . Checked By:,1► 4 SD25 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.23 CFS MANNINGS n= 0,012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15.INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.14 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 26.97 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 26.2❑ FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 25.60 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.14 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.87 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.73 FEET VELOCITY= 1.82 FFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION #DIV/0! SD26 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.37 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 12.INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.13 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60,FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 27.23 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.60 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 26.20 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.15 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.02 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.87 FEET VELOCITY= 1.74 FFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: S Q . Checked By: SD27 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1..97.CFS MANNINGS n= 0.0.12 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1'5.INCHES DIA FOR RISER= ;= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.11 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 50 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.24 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 2'7.50 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 26.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0,00 FEET HEAD= 0.10 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.83 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.73 FEET VELOCITY= 1.61 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD28 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.1 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.08 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.28 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.70 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 27.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5' HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.07 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.90 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.83 FEET VELOCITY= 1.40 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(01 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: WQ . Checked B ,F . SD29 I HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.62 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DLA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.20 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 1 1 0>FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.12 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.30 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 26.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.26 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 28.99 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.73 Ftti VELOCITY= 2.13 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 SD30 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS 1 a FLOWRATE= 1.72 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE- 12 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.21 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.21 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28 5.0 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.30 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.16 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.28 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 29.12 FEET VELOCITY= 2.19 R'S TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA, HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: - Checked By: ( SD31 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 22.61 SFS MANNINGS n= 0.012. HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 36.INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.44 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 1 1 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 25.44 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 23.50 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 23.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6: RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.35 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 29.08 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 28.73 FEET VELOCITY= 3.20 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #D I V/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #D I V/0! SD32 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 17.25 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 2 4 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 1.30 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 140 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.10 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.80 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.00 INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 1.40 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.48 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 29.08 FEET VELOCITY= 5.49 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER_=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #D I V/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #D I V/01 Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: 10 . Checked B ��J/r . I SD33 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 10.69 CPS MANNINGS rr= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 24 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0-INCHES HEAD= 0.49 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 30.69 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 29.20 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 28.80 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.63 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.001 FEET HEAD= 0.38 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0• HEADWATER ELEVATION= 31.48 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 31.10 FEET VELOCITY= 3.37 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0I SD34 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 9.58 CP3 MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 18 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= n INCHES HEAD= 1.27 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 145 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.42 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.4a FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 29.20 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 1.71 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.19 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 31.48 FEET VELOCITY= 5.42 RFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: • Checked By e.y . I SD35 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 4.6 8'CFS MANNINGS n= 0 0.12. HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 18 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= :0.;INCHES HEAD= 0.30 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 32.85 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.80 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.4 0 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.26 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.68 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.42 FEET VELOCITY= 2.65 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 SD36 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 3.81 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 5 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.42 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.24 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32.2a FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.8°0 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= . .0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 9.00 FEET HEAD= 0.40 WEIR FLOW COEF.= . . 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.09 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.68 FEET VELOCITY= 3.10 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(Q)RISER DIA, HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: WO Checked By:t y . 11) S D37 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 3,0 3,CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.26 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 25 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.29 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32.40 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32.20.FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0,5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.19 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.27 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 34.09 FEET VELOCITY= 2.47 IPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD38 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.0E.CPS MANNINGS ii= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.30 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 65 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.60 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32 80 hbE i INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32.40 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0,5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 HEAD= 0.35 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.62 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 3'4.27 FEET VELOCITY= 2.62 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: • . Checked By . SD39 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= `x. 0.18 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0. INCHES HEAD= 0.00 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 26 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.50 INV.INELEV.OFCULVERT= 33.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 32.80 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6: RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.0 c FEET HEAD= 0.00 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.62 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 34.62 FEET VELOCITY= 0.23 FFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(Q) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/01 HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD40 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS • FLOWRATE= 3.59 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 15 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.37 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 230 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 35.29 INV.IN ELEV.OFCULVERT= :%4..:In FFFT INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.4 0 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEE HEAD= 0.81 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.22 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.42 FEET VELOCITY= 2.93 FFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/1 9/99 Prepared By: WQ Checked By A'A SD41 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 2.18,CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATERl ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1:5 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0, INCHES HEAD= 0.14 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 55 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 35.56 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 341.80 htti INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 34.30 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 0.13 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 35.42 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 35.29 FEET VELOCITY= 1.78 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD42 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 1.59 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 1 2 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 0.18 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 85 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 36.18 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 35.50 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 34.80 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FLEA HEAD= 0.24 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 35.80 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 35.56 FEET VELOCITY= 2.02 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/O! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics Prepared By: WQ 411 9/9 9 Checked By: SD43 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= "1.0 4 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE= 12 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= ?` :0 INCHES HEAD= 0.08 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 60 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 36.58 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= a6.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 36.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0-6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0-00 FEET HEAD= 0.08 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 36.26 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 36.18 FEET VELOCITY= 1.32 FFS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/O! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD44 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 41 .7 7 CF5 MANNINGS n= 0-012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 36 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 1.51 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 420 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 33.01 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.00 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 25,00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 2.22 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 27.72 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 25.50 FEET VELOCITY= 5.91 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: ii A Q Checked By: . SD45 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 40.89,CPS MANNINGS n= 0.012' HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 3 6 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0;INCHES HEAD= 1.44 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 18❑ I-E 1 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.24 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.30 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 30.00 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 F-LLI HEAD= 1.36 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 34.36 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 33.01 FEEL VELOCITY= 5.78 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD46 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS a FLOWRATE= 37.7 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA FOR CULVERT PIPE= 30 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 2.54 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 340 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 37.49 INV.IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 33.70 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 31.30 INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 3.82 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 38.19 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 34.36 FEET VELOCITY= 7.68 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0I HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/19/99 Prepared By: • . ���Checked By.&. . • SD47 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= 33.29 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.01 c". HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 30 INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 1.98 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 340 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 39.63 INV.IN ELEV.OFCULVERT= 36.40 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 33.70 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00.FEET HEAD= 2.98 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 41.17 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 38.19 FEET VELOCITY= 6.78 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0! HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! SD48 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS a FLOWRATE= 30 CFS MANNINGS n= 0.012 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= 24 INCHES DIA.FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 3.93 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 170 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 42.43 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 37.50 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 36.40 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.6 RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 4.67 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 45.84 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 41.17 FEET VELOCITY= 9.55 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA. HEAD= #DIV/0l HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/0! Sea Trail Culvert Hydraulics 4/1 9/99 Prepared By: • . t Pi Checked By: SD49 HEADWATER ELEVATION CALCULATIONS FLOWRATE= CF5 MANNINGS n= HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING INLET CONTROL DIA.FOR CULVERT PIPE= INCHES DIA FOR RISER= 0 INCHES HEAD= 3.93 LENGTH OF CULVERT PIPE= 9 0 FEET HEADWATER ELEVATION= 43.53 INV. IN ELEV.OF CULVERT= 438.60 FEET INV.OUT ELEV.OF CULVERT= 437.50 FEET INLET COEF.FOR CULV.PIPE FLOW= 0.5 HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING PIPE FLOW INLET COEF.FOR CULVERT INLET CONTROL= 0.fi RISER WEIR ELEVATION= 0.00 FEET HEAD= 3.47 WEIR FLOW COEF.= 0 HEADWATER ELEVATION= 49.32 TAILWATER ELEVATION= 45.84 FEET VELOCITY= 9.55 FPS TAILWATER UNKNOWN=ZERO(0) HEADWATER ELEVATION ASSUMING WEIR FLOW NO RISER=ZERO(0)RISER DIA, HEAD= #DIV/0I HEADWATER ELEVATION= #DIV/01 St ate of North Carolina Department of Environment 177Aand Natural Resources � Wilmington Regional Office James B. Hunt,Jr., Governor N C D EN R Bill Holman, Secretary NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES Division of Water Quality September 13, 1999 Mr. Dean A. Walters, CEO Sea Trail Corporation 211 Clubhouse Road Sunset Beach,NC 28468 Subject: ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT AND REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Stormwater Project No. SW8 990730 Jones/Byrd Condos @Sea Trail Plantation Brunswick County Dear Mr. Walters: The Wilmington Regional Office received a Stormwater Management Permit Application for Jones/Byrd Condos @Sea Trail Plantation on July 26, 1999. A preliminary review of that information has determined that the application is not complete. The following information is needed to continue the stormwater review: 1. Neither the drainage area map provided nor the calculations appears to include the existing pavilion and parking area, even though these areas clearly drain into the pond. All existing, offsite and known future development draining to the pond must be accounted for in the BUA summary and in the drainage area. A BUA limit for the proposed conference center can be assigned now so that an offsite permit for it can be issued in the future without need to modify this permit. Please show the entire drainage area to the pond, and revise the calculations to include all BUA, existing, offsite and proposed. 2. Please dimension the pond in accordance with the enclosed sketch, as discussed at the workshops. 3. A separate signed Operation and Maintenance Plan is not required, since these items are included on the signed supplement. 4. Please reference the project number above on all correspondence. 5. There are two outlet structure details shown in the plans.One is located on the pond detail sheet 5 of 10, and the other is on sheet 7 of 10. it appears that the one on sheet 5 of 10 is the correct one. Please delete the one on sheet 7 of 10. 6. The sediment removal benchmark depth is indicated as 25', but the design depth is only 6'. Please revise to indicate a benchmark DEPTH (not elevation) as 75%of the design depth. 127 Cardinal Dr.Ext.,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50%recycled/10% post-consumer paper Mr. Walters September 13, 1999 Stormwater Project No. SW8 990730 7. The application indicates that the percent impervious of the site is 125.5%.Please correct and revise. 8. It is only necessary to fill in Item#7 in Section III, if a built-upon area has been provided in the offsite runoff block above it. This area is filled in suggesting that some offsite runoff is included,but neither the drainage area map, not the calculations nor the application show any offsite areas. Please clarify (See comment#1 above.) Please note that this request for additional information is in response to a preliminary review. The requested information'should be received by this Office prior to October 13, 1999, or the application will be returned as incomplete. The return of a project will necessitate resubmittal of all required items,including the application fee.The Division is allowed 90 days from the receipt of a completed application to issue the permit. The construction of any impervious surfaces, other than.a construction entrance under an approved Sedimentation Erosion Control Plan, is a violation of NCGS 143-215.1 and is subject to enforcement action pursuant to NCGS 143-215.6A. If you have any questions concerning this matter please feel free to call me at(910) 395-3900. Sincerely, 6//.1dA.) Linda Lewis Environmental Engineer RSS/arl: S:\WQS\STORMWAT\ADDINFO\990730.SEP cc: Linda Lewis Jay Houston, P.E. 127 Cardinal Dr.Ext.,Wilmington,North Carolina 28405 Telephone 910-395-3900 FAX 910-350-2004 An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer 50% recycled/10% post-consumer paper 3. Specify the type of project(check one): Low Density X High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): LAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404-.Permit III. PROJECT INFORMATION • 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages)describing stormwater management for the project. Run off from project will enter small ponds then discharge to an existing pond to be converted to stormwater pond 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 75.0 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 25.5 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? 1 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project, attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. as ru Information Drainage$asin.l` �R.; • Dramagg,.B�s ,��.w'. ... Receiving Stream Name Calabash River Receiving Stream Class C Sw Drainage Basin Area 75 Ac. Existing Impervious'Area 10.85 Ac. Proposed Impervious"Area 8.3 Ac. 1 % Impervious*Area (total) • 125.5% Axea : '.. :'= "M , : Drainage 1; gg•Basua 2 _ � t��is L�rfdL'8, s• :� • xr s On-site Buildings 3.5 Ac. On-site Streets 0.7 Ac. On-site Parking 5.8 Ac. On-site Sidewalks/Cart Paths 0.85 Ac. Other on-site Off-site Total: 10.85 Ac E_ * Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, gravel areas, etc. 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? Existing Lots, Clubhouse Area, Roads & Cart Path TV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SWTJ-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 W Permit No. ...1)16.73A (to oe provzaea ay DW-O) State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form may be photocopied for use as an original DWQ Stormwater Management Plan Review: A complete stormwater management plan submittal includes a wet detention basin supplement for each basin, desiga calculations, plans and specifications showing all basin and outlet structure details, and a signed and notarized operation and maintenance agreement. I. PROJECT INFORMATION (please complete the following information): Project Name : Jones/Byrd Condos @ Sea Trail Plantation Contact Person: Dean A. Walters, CEO Phone Number: ( 910 ) 287-1106 For projects with multiple basins, specify which basin this worksheet applies to: 1 Basin Bottom Elevation 19 ft. (average elevation of the floor of the basin) Permanent Pool Elevation 25 ft. (elevation of the orifice) Temporary Pool Elevation 25.5 ft. (elevation of the discharge structure overflow) Permanent Pool Surface Area 206;940 sq. ft. (water surface area at the orifice elevation) Drainage Area 75.0 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) Impervious Area 19.15 ac. (on-site and off-site drainage to the basin) • Permanent Pool Volume 150,783 cu. ft. (combined volume of main basin and forebay) Temporary Pool Volume 104,543 cu. ft. (volume detained above the permanent pool) Forebay Volume N/A cu. ft. SA/DA1 used 1.4 (surface area to drainage area ratio) Diameter of Orifice 6 in r Design TSS Removal 90'• % (85% TSS removal required, see item k below) II. REQUIRE]) ITEMS CHECKLIST The following checklist outlines design requirements per the Stormwater Best Management Practices manual (N.C. Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, November 1995) and Administrative Code Section: 15 A NCAC 2H .1008. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met and supporting documentation is attached. If the applicant has designated an agent in the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met,attach justification. Form SWU-102 Rev 1/August 1998 Page 1 of; D a. Inspect the wet detention basin system for sediment accumulation. erosion. wash accumulation. grass cover, and general condition. b. 2 Check and clear the orifice of any obstructions such that drawdow-n of the temporary pool occurs within to 5 days. 2. Repair eroded areas immediately, re-seed as necessary to maintain good vegetative cover, mow vegetative cover to maintain a maximum height of six inches, and remove trash as needed. 3. Inspect and repair the collection system (i.e. catch basins,piping, swales, riprap, etc.) quarterly to maintain proper functioning. 4. Remove accumulated sediment from the wet detention basin system semi-annually or when depth is reduced to 75% of the original design depth. Removed sediment shall be disposed of in an appropriate manner and shall not be handled in a manner that will adversely impact water quality (i.e. stockpiling near a wet detention basin or stream, etc.). The original design depth is: 6' The sediment removal benchmark depth is: 25.0 5. Remove cattails and other indigenous wetland plants when they cover 75% of the basin surface. These plants shall be encouraged to grow along the basin perimeter. 6. If the basin must be drained for an emergency or to perform maintenance, the flushing the emergency drain shall be minimized to the maximum extent practical. of sediment through 7. All components of the wet detention basin system shall be maintained in good working order. I acknowledge and agree by my signature below that I am responsible for the performance of the above maintenance procedures. I agree to notify DWQ of any problems with the system or changes in the name of the project, responsible party, or address. _ Print name: Dean A. Walters, CEO Sea Trail Corporation Address: 211 Clubhouse Road, Sunset Beach, NC 28468 Phone: (910) 287-1106 Title: CEO Siature: Date: L4 I, ���'' L '�- , a No Public Countyof to for the State of k,0, P14/2/)); �-- , '� do hereby certify that d erin 4. 0014},s personally appeared before me this day of , h- IQq and acknowledge the due execution of the forgoing infiltration systemrequirements. Witness aintenance my hand and official seal, i l�ARM ' SE, am NO yo\� My commission expires I cf. 1:1 \ iff 00, Form SWU-102 Rev 1/August 1998ittY. ! Cr•ie Page 3 of 3 ��, 11 • II 0' I• .. /y �� .b. F y •5 Z • m - 45° • y 22.72.•.., 51.58' 1 59.58' t'4 3 —L� Area within shaded line ' ' •-''' = 10,970.58 S.F. m _ l • u :ice.... .. .-. A APPROVED NORTH CAfGLI"A ENVIRONMENTAL `� L1ANACZL.ENT COMMISSION DIVISION OF WATER QUALITY Date Ii IGgQ Stormwater Permit NOP(/J U--1 3 ec S TORM i , WA TER TYPICAL BUILDING DIMENSIONS SCALE: 1"=30' E C E I V E l JUL J 26 ?,.Q 99 PROJ# ° o73v moo. Giv 1 r.) 45° :&, • 22.72' A' ' 51.58' '--riT, L tr- - 59.58' 0. Area within shaded line = 10,970.58 S.F. " 34 r N m - .111.3 52.08' r APPROVED 43 �r� !:::1 E:.VI .O,.I.,ENTAL NORTH C.^.• _.S �,�,•�c MANP.:":..�:;!T COl..::..ISSION DIVIcIo; OF 1..,TLR QUALITY Date t i . Stormwater Permit No. TYPICAL BUILDING DIMENSIONS SCALE: 1"=30' STORM WATER E C E f V E 1999 . - JUL 2 6 D PRU,i # 5G0 v-2p HOUSTON and ASSOCIATES, P.A. Consulting Engineers _ SHALLOT1'r;, NORTH CAROLINA 28459 Telephone(910)754-6324 117 Pine Street Facsimile(910)754-2121 JUL 2 b 1999 ost Office Box 627 a._ urs ay, July 8, I999 Ms. Linda Lewis, Environmental Engineer Division of Environmental Management North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources 127 Cardinal Drive Extension 1�) Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 Subject: Sea Trail Plantation - Jones/Byrd Condos Sunset Beach, North Carolina Submittal of Stormwater Plan for Approval Dear Ms. Lewis: On behalf of Sea Trail Corporation, we are pleased to submit for your review and approval two copies each of the Stormwater Plans, the hydrologic and hydraulic calculations and the executed Permit Application forms. The proposed subject project falls within the high density guidelines. Enclosed is a check in the amount of $420.00 to cover the required high density application fee. We appreciate your attention in this matter. Should you have any comments or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office at your convenience. S'A.erely, • �6 ' or. Houston, P.E. on and Associates, P.A. Enclosures pc: Mr. Dean Walters, Sea Trail File; 99-1013 (Sea Trail - Jones/Byrd Condos) Date Received Fee Paid Permit Number 7 Zl 4,9 +•92 7. 2J �- State of North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM This form may be photocopied for use as an original I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Applicants name (specify the name of the corporation,individual,etc.who owns the project): Sea Trail Corporation 2. Print Owner/Signing Official's name and title (the person who is legally responsible for the facility and its compliance): • Dean A. Walters, CEO 3. Mailing Address for person listed in item 2 above: 211 Clubhouse Road ay: Sunset Beach State: NC A 28468 Telephone Number: f 910 287-1106 4. Project Name(subdivision,facility,or establishment name-should be consistent with project name on plans,specifications, letters, operation and maintenance agreements, etc.): Jones/Byrd Condos C Sea Trail Plantation 5. Location of Facility (street address): NO 179 & SR 1163 Sunset Beach ounty: Brunswick 6. Directions to facility (from nearest major intersection): NC Hwy 904 & SR 1163 take SR 1163 west toward Calabash, turn left @ Sea Trail entrance approximately 3/4 mile on right. 7. Tati„de. 33° 54' 12.3" thagitude 78° 30' 58.5" of facility 8. Contact person who can answer questions about the facility: Name, Dean A. Walters Telephone Number i 910 287-1106 II. PERMIT INFORMATION: 1. Specify whether project is (check one): X New Renewal Modification 2. If this application is being submitted as the result of a renewal or modification to an existing permit,list the existing permit number N/A and its issue date(if known) NVA Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 1 of 4 3. Specify the type of project(check one): O Low Density X High Density Redevelop General Permit Other 4. Additional Project Requirements (check applicable blanks): LAMA Major X Sedimentation/Erosion Control 404--Permit IIL PROJECT INFORMATION 1. In the space provided below, summarize how stormwater will be treated. Also attach a detailed narrative (one to two pages)describing stormwater management for the project. Run off from project will enter small ponds then discharge to an existing pond to be converted to stormwater pond 2. Stormwater runoff from this project drains to the Lumber River basin. 3. Total Project Area: 75.0 acres 4. Project Built Upon Area: 25.5 5. How many drainage basins does the project have? 1 6. Complete the following information for each drainage basin. If there are more than two drainage basins in the project,attach an additional sheet with the information for each basin provided in the same format as below. Ion 'Drams s ..gH Dasrn.l Receiving Stream Name Calabash River Receiving Stream Class C Sw Drainage Basin Area 75 Ac. Existing Impervious"Area 10.8S Ac. Proposed Impervious"Area ruS 8.3 Ac. % Impervious"Area (total) 25.59 IMpertloW S�Area: Dr page gases 1.: prgiinage BaSin 2 . On-site Buildings 3.5 Ac. On-site Streets 0. Ac. On-site Parking 4,rzAc. On-site Sidewallcs/Cart Paths 0.43 Ac. Other on-site 0.25 Ac. Off-site 10.85 Ac. Total: E= 19.15 Ac Impervious area is defined as the built upon area including, but not limited to, buildings, roads, parking areas, sidewalks, ravel areas, etc. 7. How was the off-site impervious area listed above derived? Existing Lots, Clubhouse Area, Pavi ion Ccnfererre Certter,Roads & Cart Path IV. DEED RESTRICTIONS AND PROTECTIVE COVENANTS Deed restrictions and protective covenants are required to be recorded for all low density projects and all subdivisions prior to the sale of any lot. Please see Attachment A for the specific items that must be recorded. Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 2 of 4 By your signature below,you certify that the recorded deed restrictions and protective covenants for this project shall include all the items required by the permit,that the covenants will be binding on all parties and persons claiming under them,that they will run with the land, that the required covenants cannot be changed or deleted without concurrence from the State,and that they will be recorded prior to the sale of any lot. V. AGENT AUTHORIZATION If you wish to designate submittal authority to another individual or firm so that they may provide information on your behalf,please complete this section �+ Designatedagent(irdividualorfirnn): Houston and Associates, P.A. NbliagIscldrims Post Office Box 627 ar Shallotte State NC Tp. 28459 per ( 910 ) 754-6324 pax ( 910 ) 754-2121 VI. SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS This application package will not be accepted by the Division of Water Quality unless all of the applicable items are included with the submittaL 1. Please indicate that you have provided the following required information by signing your initials in the space provided next to each item. Applic joy ' Initials • Original and one copy of the Stormwater Management Permit Application Form 4..'k • One copy of the applicable Supplement Form(s)for each BMP(see Attachment A) 'l'& • Permit application processing fee(see Attachment A) 1'1 ` • Two copies of plans and specifications including: • Detailed narrative description of stormwater treatment/management %�il • Two copies of plans and specifications,including: -Development/Project name r -Engineer and firm -Legend - North arrow - Scale -Revision number&date -Mean high water line -Dimensioned property/project boundary -Location map with named streets or NCSR numbers -Original contours,proposed contours,spot elevations,finished floor elevations -Details of roads,parking,cul-de-sacs,sidewalks,and curb and gutter -Wetlands delineated,or a note on plans that none exist -Existing drainage (induding off-site), drainage easements,pipe sizes, runoff calculations - Drainage basins delineated -Vegetated buffers (where required) VIL APPLICANTS CERTIFICATION • I,(print or type name of person listed in General Information,item 2) Dean A. Walters, CEO certify that the information included on this permit application form is correct, that the project will be constructed in conformance with the approved plans,that the deed restrictions in accordance with Attachment A of this form will be recorded with all required permit conditions,and that to the best of my knowledge the proped'project co lies with is of 15A NCAC 2H.1000. Dam 1 ?/ Ti e , Sea. ail Corporation Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 3 of 4 ATTACHMENT A 1. Deed Restriction Language The following statements must be recorded for all low density projects and for all projects that involve the subdivision and selling of lots or outparcels: 1. No more than square feet of any lot, including that portion of the right-of-way between the edge of pavem and the front Iot line, shall be covered_by impervious structures including asphalt, gravel, concrete, brick, stone, slate or similar material but not including wood decking or the surface of swimming pools. This covenant is intended to insure continued compliance with the stormwater permit issued by the State of North Carolina. The covenant may not be changed or deleted without the consent of the State. 2. No one may fill in, pipe, or alter any roadside swale except as necessary to provide a minimum driveway crossing. NOTE: If lot sizes vary significantly,the owner/developer must provide an attachment listing each lot number,size and the allowable built-upon area for each lot. For commercial projects that have outparcels or future development the following statements must also be recorded: 3. The connection from the outparcel or future area into the stormwater system must be made into the forebay such that short-circuiting of the system does not occur. 4. All built-upon area from the outparcel or future development must be directed into the permitted stormwater control system. 5. Built-upon area in excess of the permitted amount will require a permit modification prior to construction. For curb outlet systems,the following statement in addition to items 1 and 2 above must be recorded: 6. No one may pipe,fill in or alter any designated 100 foot long grassed swale used to meet the requirements of NCAC 2H .1008(g). 2. Supplement Forms The applicable supplement form(s) listed below must be submitted for each BMP specified for this project Form SWU-102 Wet Detention Basin Supplement Form SWU-103 Infiltration Basin Supplement Form SWU-104 Low Density Supplement Form SWU-105 Curb Outlet System Supplement Form SWU-106 Off-Site System Supplement Form SWU-107 Underground Infiltration Trench Supplement Form SWU-108 Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy Supplement 3. Permit Application Fees (check made payable to NCDENR and submitted to the appropriate Regional Office) Type of Permit New, Modification, or Timely Renewal Without Late Renewal Modification Low Density $225 p n/a High Density $385 $225 Other $ 0 n/a Director's Certification 0 n/a General Permit $50 n/a Form SWU-101 April 1998 Page 4 of 4 * 53 * O z -< 5 > o 2Na mcnnr- r < 0 O.- 5Mmi • 7_ om -nZ *o 11mmrn Zdo033 744 03 oNamOmmmO � nO � �II 2 * 2 ?I ?1rC ' (nC � mm En rt o. m C I— 1- 0 ICQCIiC �IIII it Im " o Z D 'I� D n C ism 'I 0 C CD Cl) Z ° II xo -0mIIm m z C C XI N - m _1 li II y C m Z r :+ m g rTI II n cn F. 0 M0 Cy � * -1c II z n O 0) CCD r- * II * CD 0 0 CaODQ 6 0 4. b ) 01 a o o cm 0 Pao - Z � CD CD 2 No - 0CD 2 2 2 2 2 X 2 2 2 N. (Q 0 Iv D 0 I0 C v 0 C a > a n a " a -I 33 31 53 23 XI r m r 1- 1- 1 m m r a aa n > zzzz z 0 II a II a II E c c 0 0 0 CT1 O M N O 13 N O r CO (O 71V1 (71 cm0 m 1 b ® (D v.,g z xm M 0. 0 03 4/3 Sea Trail Drawdown Calculations 4/12/99 Prepared By: WQ . Checked By: Jones/Byrd Condos Stormwater Pond Drawdown AREAS (FTA2) ORIFICE DIA. NUMBER OF ORIFICES INCHES 1 2 3 4 6 0.196 0.393 0.589 0.785 DATA INPUT NORMAL POOL AREA= 4.751 ACRES INCHES OF RAINFALL= 1 .00 INCHES BASIN AREA= 75.00 ACRES IMPERVIOUS AREA= 19.15 ACRES NORMAL POOL ELEVATION= 25.00 FEET ORIFICE AREA= 0.196 FEET` STORAGE POOL AREA= 4.8492 ACRES TIME INCREMENT OF ROUTING= 2.0 HOURS ORIFICE COEF.= 0.6 INPUT RESULTS RUNOFF COEF. (Rv)= 0.2798 ELEVATION OF POOL AT STORAGE= 25,.60- FEET NORMAL POOL AREA= 206,940 FEET2 VOLUME OF RUNOFF FROM RAINFALL= 76,176 FEET3 VOLUME OF STORAGE= 104,543 FEET3 Sea Trail Drawdown Calculations 4/12/99 Prepared By: Q . Checked By:k j Drawdown Calculations For Pond Orfice `, TIME ELEVATION HEAD FLOWRATE VOLUME END ELEV. FEET FEET CFS CF FEET 0 25.50 0.5000 0.66732 4,804.72 25.48 2.0 25.48 0.4768 0.65164 4,691 .83 25.45 4.0 25.45 0.4541 0.63596 4,578.92 25.43 6.0 25.43 0.4320 0.62027 4,465.97 25.41 8.0 25.41 0.4104 0.60458 4,352.99 25.39 10.0 25.39 0.3894 0.58888 4,239.96 25.37 12.0 25.37 0.3689 0.57318 4,126.90 25.35 14.0 25.35 0.3489 0.55747 4,013.80 25.33 16.0 25.33 0.3295 0.54176 3,900.65 25.31 18.0 25.31 0.3107 0.52603 •3,787.45 25.29 20.0 25.29 0.2924 0.51031 3,674.20 25.27 22.0 25.27 0.2746 0.49457 3,560.90 25.26 24.0 25.26 0.2574 0.47882 3,447.54 25.24 26.0 25.24 0.2408 0.46307 3,334.12 25.22 28.0 25.22 0.2247 0.44731 3,220.63 25.21 30.0 25.21 0.2091 0.43154 3,107.07 25.19 32.0 25.19 0.1941 0.41576 2,993.44 25.18 34.0 25.18 0.1796 0.39996 2,879.72 25.17 36.0 25.17 0.1657 0.38416 2,765.92 25.15 38.0 25.15 0.1523 0.36834 2,652.02 25.14 40.0 25.14 0.1395 0.35250 2,538.01 25.13 42.0 25.13 0.1273 0.33665 2,423.89 25.12 44.0 25.12 0.1155 0.32078 2,309.64 25.10 46.0 25.10 0.1044 0.30490 2,195.25 25.09 48.0 25.09 0.0938 0.28899 2,080.71 25.08 50.0 25.08 0.0837 0.27305 1,965.99 25.07 52.0 25.07 0.0742 0.25709 1,851 .08 25.07 54.0 25.07 0.0653 0.24110 1,735.94 25.06 56.0 25.06 0.0569 0.22508 1 ,620.55 25.05 58.0 25.05 0.0490 0.20901 1 ,504.87 25.04 60.0 25.04 0.0418 0.19289 1,388.84 25.04 62.0 25.04 0.0351 0.17672 1,272.40 25.03 64.0 25.03 0.0289 0.16048 1,155.47 25.02 66.0 25.02 0.0233 0.14416 1,037.94 25.02 68.0 25.02 0.0183 0.12773 919.64 25.01 70.0 25.01 0.0139 0.11116 800.35 25.01 72.0 25.01 0.0100 0.09440 679.70 25.01 i '74.0 25.01 0.0067 0.07737 557.09 25.00 76.0 25.00 0.0040 0.05991 431 .34 25.00 78.0 25.00 0.0019 0.04162 299.69 25.00 80.0 25.00 0.0005 0.02104 #REF! #REF! i Drawdown Time = 3.33 day on#ice Size = 6 inches • --641 v \ 4f7rfi � JV'/ � '. 4 , , MNI-161m col,Jj� LA\- --\ s AO i 5 ` - w I L • ;1* ,„------ iir Z 1 1 y\Nrk0 L ��` 'o o I' ? y v, ® '0 .-♦ 4r o o - 10Ld -,". \ t 1 4 h7 03 m as = 3a .4011 --g •4414.6t b 1 03 0 4771411i \' m m 1. 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O c13 xn mac- A t ./. rrt CI- Int 8/0 '' ,, i's() 1#/(1)61oe _ 7 • :7 la 1,v 01 \. # 0 A ..,....0 ..c 0 .@ii, . . .. ._._.,:_. 0 ... _0> \ rTli ini No 0 _ .0 , :rick CA O. ,c9 . c3 "-14 '%'\ \ In \ ) -0 t i i\. •X i 66 ,f: , 00 CD - ��:, fircn F o--- lox) 0 0118 c : . --I fe oC O0 I Ta . \so / _1 --i-*I vt_i i )4' 2 K 101 CA 1111111r. 1 tt I.145 E F t r- alw © rr,o O pc \ 411011.04 c 4. 4rtf, ____ us z xi 1 ();i=5 _r1 c.) .143... � fir- 0�7 r' iEC� 1 O MI yz N r- x...----NNN__i ��' s c•o--i At I coir-vr 7 10 0 ... , m �rmTi Dot =+�� -�� [Dj� nix ›0 �, ,0�`A �� �'� mom _'�� / ( o �, �' - ----� _ c.�a Rom, _ CO cp .-------- ----J J S -S O . j, J _ i 1.3 m P �•,11 1•�, r j 89 U' ---------_)fi p �`d 8.£ Ill [Jl- -' --- --- .. 4 D, _ ------ _--------J"-_,- 4 • • F'i%� w o, /;: OZf I I- Ky z 4 " Ern; m . As, 6 w 1 c 11.4 ._ ... ._.. . , '''''"... ,-•<'- 1\ 77,1- A I ....... --.... . . Sea Trail Stormwatar Pond Design Prepared By: SWQ 4/1 2/9 9 Checked By: Mt . Stormwater Pond Design Total Drainage Area: 75.0 i.Acres Impervious Area: Jones/Byrd Condos: 8.300 MAcres psi+e Lots: 3.500 . Acres Clubhouse/Conference: 5.800 l Acres Cartpath: 0.850 Acres Road: . .0.700 - Acres Total: 1 9.1 50 Acres % Imperivous: 25.5 % Permanent Pool Depth: 6 %TSS Removal: 90% SA/DA: • 1.4: Required SA: 45,738 SF Runoff: 1 Inches "Simple Method" ft 0.28 Volume: 76,176 CF Actual Normal Pool SA: 206,940 :SF (4 25' MSL) Depth of Storage: 0.4 Feet USE 0.5 Feet SA 42 Storage Pool: 211 ,230 SF 02 25.5' MSL) Provided Storage: 104,543 CF Pond Elevations: Bottom Elev.: 19.0 MSL Permanent Pool: 25.0 MSL Storage Pool: 25.5 MSL Flood Pool: ' ' ..8 MSL "Freeboard" Elev: 26.3 MSL Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design 4/12/9 9 Prepared By: SWQ . Checked By I Jones/Byrd Condos Runoff Hydrograph into SW Pond (See Flowrate Calc. and Drainage Basin Data for Breakdown of Areas) Curve Number Drainage Area Land Use Soil Group NA 9 8 19.1 5 impervious B 1876.7 61 55.85 Grassed B 3406.85 Total: 75 Total: 5283.55 Weighted Curve Number: 70.45 Runoff Volume: (Soil Conservation Service Method) Storm Duration: 10 Yr - 1 Hr Storm Rainfall: 2.8 Inches S: 4.20 Direct Surface Runoff: 0.62 Inches Total Runoff: 170,069 OF 3.90 Ac-Ft Peak Flowrate: 10 Yr Intensity: 4.5,Inches/Hour Weighted "C": 0.39 10 Yr Peak Flowrate: 132.13 CFS Basic Hydrograph: Conversion Factors: u: 0.001183 Ac-Ft/Unit w: 1 .3213125 CFS/Unit k: 0.650 Min/Unit 1 Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design Prepared By: Q . 4/12/9 9 Checked By: . Time (Min) Flow(CFS) 0.0 0.0 2.0 6.6 4.6 19.8 6.5 46.2 8.5 74.0 10.4 101.7 11.7 118.9 13.0 128.2 15.0 132.1 17.6 126.8 19.5 112.3 22.1 95.1 26.0 66.1 30.6 43.6 34.5 31.7 39.0 21 .1 43.6 14.5 54.6 5.3 65.0 0.0 Inflow Hydrograph 140.0 120.0 - 100.0 - N u. 80.0 - N r+ co 3 60.0 - 0 U- 40.0 - 20.0 - 0.0 I I I I I 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 70.0 Time (MIN) Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design 4/12/99 Prepared By: Checked By: Jones/Byrd condos Pond Stage-Discharge-Storage Pond Storage Area = 206,940.00 Square Feet AT = Y ' 1.20 sec. ELEVATION DISCHARGE STORAGE 2S/DT + 0- ** 25.00 0.00 0.00 25.50 0.00 103470 1725 25.76 5.00 157274 2626 25.91 10.00 188315 3149 26.16 20.00 240050 4021 26.36 30.00 281438 4721 26.54 40.00 318688 5351 27.23 50.00 461476 7741 29.19 60.00 867079 14511 ** Discharge / Stage Relationship Based on 30" Barrel and 36" Riser Outflow vs 2S/AT + 0 15500 - 13500 . 11500 O 9500 .- N 7500 - 5500 - 3500 1500 - - 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Outflow (CFS) Sea Trail Stormwater Pond Design 4/12/99 Prepared By: 'Q . Checked By. . Jones/Byrd Condos - Routing Table . SWTreatment Pond AT USED IN STAGE -STORA . _ 2 (min) Time n In In + In+1 2S/DT - On 2S/DT + On+1 On+1 (min) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) (CFS) 0 1 0 6 2 2 6 25 6 6 4 3 ; $9 6.5 31 31 6 4 i .. 48 120- -`• 96 96 8 5 74 175 216 216 10 6 101 226 391 391 12 7 125. . '.; : 255 617 617 14 8 130 260 872 872 16 9 1=3D 256 1132 1132 18 10 126 238 1388 1388 20 11 112 207 1624 1626 1 22 12 95 173 1829 1831 1 24 13 78 144 1998 2002 2 26 14 66 120 2138 2142 2 28 15 54 97 2254 2258 2 30 16 43 80 2345 2351 3 32 17 .37 68 2419 2425 3 34 18 31 .:• 57 2479 2487 4 36 19 26 47 2528 2536 4 38 20 21 : 40 2567 2575 4 40 21 19 36 2597 2607 5 42 22 17 31 2623 2633 5 44 23 14 26 2644 2654 5 46 24 12 , i 22 2660 2670 5 48 25 10 ; 18 2672 2682 5 50 26 . 8 '' 14 2680 2690 5 52 27 . 8 ' .. #REF! 2682 2694 6